The colors of life or a state of complete apathy have faded. What is apathy: symptoms and diagnosis of apathy Severe apathy

Apathy is a mental disorder in which a person does not show interest in work, any activities, does not want to do anything and, in general, is indifferent to life. Such a state very often comes into a person's life imperceptibly, since it does not manifest itself as painful symptoms - a person may simply not notice deviations in mood, since absolutely any life process, and most often their combination, can become the causes of apathy.

At one point or another in life, each person experiences such a dulling of emotions. In rare cases, such a state can even be useful - a person analyzes life and his place in it, gains energy for future actions. But if you do not start to treat apathy in time, it can lead to sad consequences, since a person cannot or does not want to fight it. In medicine, a temporary state of apathy is considered even normal, the main thing is to ensure that indifference and depression do not develop into a chronic nature.

The main symptoms of apathy are considered not only depression and detachment from life, but also constant drowsiness, laziness, weakness. Often, apathy is mistaken for another disease - but the difference is that in this case, the main reason is physical overstrain, and not the influence of external factors.

Apathy can arise not only independently, but also become a consequence of severe mental illness.


The causes of apathy are very diverse, but it is believed that such a state can only be caused by the long-term influence of several factors simultaneously on the psyche. Apathy is caused by:

  • emotional and psychological exhaustion;
  • prolonged stress;
  • irrational rest;
  • life changes, such as death of relatives, dismissal from work, unwanted pregnancy, divorce of parents, etc .;
  • the period before the onset of menstruation;
  • problems of a sexual nature (for men);
  • constant pressure from society;
  • long separation from family and friends;
  • striving to be correct always and in everything;
  • feeling that a person is not worthy of anything or has not achieved the desired results in life;
  • excitement before any event that is important;
  • addiction - alcoholic, drug, gambling, etc .;
  • chronic or incurable diseases that cannot be eliminated;
  • money dependence on a person;
  • taking drugs that suppress emotions, for example, hormonal, steroid and hypnotic substances;
  • , in this case, is not only the cause of the mental disorder, but also the consequence after it;
  • brain damage from infections or injuries;
  • pregnancy - due to hormonal disruptions, apathy is often diagnosed in women in this position.

In general, any negative emotional outburst can cause apathy towards life and others.


Symptoms of this emotional disorder directly related to the causes of its occurrence. Signs of apathy need to be recognized and treated for initial stages, because without timely elimination, the disease can transform into prolonged depression, which will be very difficult to cope with. Signs of apathy can include:

  • drowsiness as a reaction to stress or anxiety;
  • weakness of the body;
  • unwillingness to do anything;
  • seizures or persistent laziness;
  • depression;
  • lack of interest in previously enjoyable things;
  • unwillingness to communicate with anyone and do something;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia at night, and during the day you want to sleep;
  • decreased mental and labor activity;
  • memory losses;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite.

But in fact, the above processes do not affect the personality so much as the lack of desire to do anything in order to cope with them.

The symptoms of apathy can manifest in several ways. The first is in which depression and weakness are noticeable by the people around them, but they cannot in any way affect the fact that a person begins to fight it, but, on the contrary, only worsen the situation - the patient resists even more and is lazy to fight it. The second is when the disease does not leave an imprint on daily life and the performance of any actions. The second option is very dangerous, since in the event of its occurrence, a person often takes his own life on his own.


A complication of apathy towards life is a person's depressive state, which can still be suppressed with a mild course. But if a person does not communicate with anyone, or, on the contrary, pretends that everything is fine, he may completely unexpectedly commit suicide. Therefore, if loved ones notice the first symptoms of apathy, such as weakness, drowsiness and laziness, action should be taken immediately to combat it.


It is difficult to diagnose apathy for everything, as the disorder has many symptoms. The complexity of diagnosis lies in the fact that such manifestations of the disease as weakness, drowsiness and lack of interest are not reasons for the cessation of human activity. Patients can cope with apathy on their own, but they do not do it because of their laziness and the fact that everything suits them - they see no reason to worry.

During the diagnosis, doctors should try to find out the causes of apathy and pay attention to:

  • weakness of the body;
  • drowsiness and fatigue;
  • oppression and deprivation of interests or hobbies;
  • laziness and lack of desire to do anything in order to cope with the problem.

In the case when a person has lingering apathy, bordering on depression, his appetite disappears, and thoughts of suicide come to him, but nevertheless he realizes the value of his life and understands what dire consequences it threatens.


If a condition such as apathy lasts for one month, then this becomes the reason for starting treatment. Despite the wide range of causes and symptoms of the disease, there are many ways to get rid of apathy. But the methods of treatment for each person are purely individual. For some good remedy will cry, yell, and tell someone about his problems, be it a relative, friend, or therapist. For others, it will be useful to limit communication, cut off communication and go on vacation, during which you can put your thoughts in order, get enough sleep and gain strength. As a treatment option, you can consider meeting with relatives or friends, changing your place of work or residence.

New acquaintances are well brought out of the state of laziness and weakness, then, for the sake of a new person, the patient will want to change, play sports together, attend circles, especially since such events will help get rid of constant sleepiness... You need to force yourself to do at least something, through force to communicate with people.

Everyone chooses for himself how to deal with apathy, the main thing is to understand and realize the problem, because this is much better than doing nothing at all to deal with it and laying hands on yourself.


Prevention of apathy towards life is best done at the initial stages, for this you need:

  • normalize the daily routine, leave enough time for rest and good sleep;
  • get rid of communication with unpleasant people;
  • when the first signs of a disorder appear, you need to know in advance what apathy is and what to do to get out of this state;
  • change the place of work or residence, in general, try to exclude, if not all, then most of the reasons that can serve as an impetus for the appearance of an emotional disorder;
  • not be shy about your emotions - both good and bad;
  • through force to fight drowsiness and bouts of laziness;
  • timely treatment mental illness;
  • do not doubt yourself and fight the constraint of expressing your desires and needs.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Overwork is a condition that today is often encountered not only by adults, but also by children. It is characterized by decreased activity, drowsiness, impaired attention and irritability. Moreover, many people believe that overwork is not a serious problem, and that enough sleep is enough for it to go away. In fact, it is impossible to get rid of such a violation by prolonged sleep. Quite the opposite - the constant desire to sleep and the inability to regain strength after sleep are the main symptoms of overwork.

Apathy - how to deal with it - if you ask yourself this question, then you understand that your mental state does not suit you.

Modern residents of a metropolis often face a similar problem, but not everyone knows how to effectively deal with it.

What is it: definition

What does apathy or lethargy mean?

Apathy is a symptom. It is expressed in indifference, indifference to what is happening.

A person behaves detachedly, does not strive for vigorous activity. Emotions can be inhibited, you don't want anything.

It's not just tiredness, as some think, but a complex emotional state that interferes with normal existence.

Apathy can become a defense mechanism of the psyche when the body ceases to withstand enormous stress and needs rest.

Overstrain of the nervous system once leads to the development of apathy, which in the future can develop into full-fledged depression, if you do not pay attention to the symptom in time.

A variety of physical and mental illnesses can be accompanied by apathy, so it is important to find the root cause.

Apathetic person - who is this?

Apathetic - a person who is in a state of apathy or has a tendency towards it. A person has lethargy, he has difficulty in taking action.

Emotions are missing, there is indifference to what is happening around.

It is difficult to stir up an apathetic person, make him do something.

is he not inclined to change he is satisfied with what is happening to him at the moment, or rather, he does not even think about his life and the need to be more active.

He is not interested in events around him, reacts poorly to stimuli.

The result is problems in personal life, work, difficulties in maintaining friendly ties, since other people find an apathetic person uninteresting, boring, lethargic.

Causes of occurrence in men and women

Apathy can be a sign various diseases, accompany physical ailments or manifest on its own.

Main reasons:

Apathy does not necessarily develop immediately, it can take months or even years. Therefore, psychologists study not only the current life, but also pay attention to events that have occurred in the past.

Symptoms and Signs

To define apathy, you need to know it. signs:

  1. Indifference, including that which previously caused disgust.
  2. Monotony of speech, it is quiet, emotionless.
  3. Previously outlined plans cease to interest, new ones do not appear.
  4. There are phrases in the speech: I don't care, leave me alone, I don't care.
  5. A secluded lifestyle, social contacts and social contacts are no longer of interest, there is no desire to go to various events, meet friends.
  6. The answers to the questions are short, to the point of being ignored.
  7. Loss of the ability to enjoy life, rejoice, enjoy the moment.
  8. Old hobbies cease to please, a person can abandon his hobby, it becomes uninteresting, does not carry any meaning.

The patient can behave inhibited, activity is reduced.

With a pronounced symptom, there may be memory lapses, problems with thinking.

Apathy can manifest itself clearlywhen others notice the patient's condition.

but there is also a hidden optionwhen a person feels depressed, but does not show it. It is in the second case that sudden deaths occur more often.

What are its consequences?

Why is apathy dangerous? If apathy is protective mechanism of the psyche after a strong overload, it allows you to recover.

In this case, this state does not last long - up to two weeks. A person independently overcomes what happens to him, and there are no consequences left.

It's harder if this feeling becomes chronic... In this case, various violations are observed:

  • the quality of life decreases;
  • there is a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • the appearance of insomnia. Even if a person is tired, it is difficult for him to fall asleep, sleep may be interrupted;
  • decreased appetite, the taste of food ceases to please;
  • a constant feeling of weakness and fatigue.

From the side of psychology, there is loss of faith in yourself, decreased motivation to achieve.

This can lead to problems at work and in your personal life.

Important events are forgotten the work of memory, thinking and attention is disrupted.

The longer the patient is in this state, the stronger.

Relatives, colleagues cannot understand the state of isolation, stop communicatingwith a person, which ultimately leads to a stronger development of apathy.

When severe forms depression can develop, there is a likelihood of affects, suicide attempts.

How to get out of the state?

I don't want to do anything: how to overcome apathy? Apathy requires treatment and is usually easy to deal with with the right approach. If it is a symptom of mental illness, then carry out treatment in accordance with the diagnosis.

A psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist is figuring out what led to the onset of symptoms... The transferred traumatic situations, the presence of physical ailments, mental illnesses, including hereditary ones, are studied.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

How to get rid of apathy during early pregnancy?

During pregnancy occurs restructuring of the whole organism... The woman is preparing for a new function for herself.

If pregnancy unwantedthen the risk of apathy is high.

How to be:

  1. Try to accept your child and your current position.
  2. Establish proper nutrition.
  3. Be in the fresh air more often, move more.
  4. Receive support from loved ones, do not reject contacts.
  5. Be sure to visit a doctor, follow his recommendations, and do all the necessary examinations on time.
  6. If you cannot cope on your own, contact a psychologist at the antenatal clinic.

After giving birth, many women experience a feeling of apathy, indifference to your child.

In this case, she definitely needs help so that the state does not develop into a deep one.

How to cure apathy after childbirth:

  1. A young mother needs rest and time to be alone with herself. It is advisable that relatives can help with this.
  2. In addition to caring for a child, there should be other activities so that everyday life does not become monotonous.
  3. We must try to accept the baby and the changes that have taken place in life.
  4. Medicines are not recommended during the feeding period, they are taken only in consultation with the doctor.
  5. Meditations work well, they help to relax, rest, turn off.

In autumn

How to deal with autumn apathy? Autumn apathy - the problem is common.

The weather is boring, the day is getting shorter and the body lacks sun.

Dullness around provokes. Apathy in people prone to depression can develop every fall. If you know that a dangerous period is approaching, it can be prevented.

  1. Create small pleasures for yourself - life should not be monotonous, organize various events.
  2. Do not deny yourself social contacts, but at the same time, find time for relaxation and the opportunity to be completely alone.
  3. Be outside more often, especially during daylight hours.
  4. Provide good lighting at home and at work, as there is not enough sun during this period.
  5. Add colors to the surrounding interior - make the world around you brighter.

    Use green, yellow, orange colors. Do not add too much red - it excites and overstrains the nervous system. Less gray, purple, brown.

    Place flowering plants at home, spread beautiful linens on the bed.

  6. Listen to positive music.
  7. Go to bed at the same time. You need to get enough sleep. However, sleeping too much is also harmful, the normal regime is 7-8 hours.
  8. After waking up, do light gymnastics, help the body wake up. Drink a glass of clean water at room temperature. Take a contrast shower.
  9. Helps to cope with apathy sports, swimming. However, take into account the amount of load - you should not get tired, but receive a charge of vivacity.

With fatigue and unwillingness to do anything

Complete apathy for life: how to remove this condition?

A difficult condition from which it is impossible to get out, requires contacting a specialist.

Psychologists and psychotherapists, as a rule, help to cope with this problem.

Don't let yourself go deeper in its state. Stop negative thoughts. Try to pay attention to the world, notice interesting moments around you.

How to overcome apathy and fatigue:

  1. Organize yourself a good rest.
  2. If the reason bad mood becomes, change it to another.
  3. Communicate as little as possible with negative people that lower your self-esteem.
  4. Do not refuse to communicate with close friends, try to enjoy contacts.
  5. Do a little exercise during the day - go to the mirror, smile, fix this state.

    Smiling sends a signal to the brain that triggers positive emotions, at least for a short time.

    Do the exercise as often as possible and a positive attitude will become a habit.

How to get out of apathy for everything and start acting if you don't want anything? The first step is to force yourself, no matter how difficult it is. If you prefer to spend time lying on the couch, try to change your lifestyle.

Make a daily routine, include mandatory walks in the fresh air. The first time is enough 15-20 minutes. Then we take longer walks. Take different routes, notice interesting things around you.

Stop telling yourself out loud and mentally that you don't want anything.... Stop such thoughts, replace them with others, more joyful ones.

Useful autogenous training and self-tuning. Repeat more often: I am strong, I do, I can, I am active, cheerful, determined to win, I can win. Come up with code words for yourself that increase your mood and activity.


How to treat and which pills can be used? Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor.

If the product is not chosen correctly, it can worsen the condition.

In some cases, tranquilizers or drugs may be prescribed.

Drug treatment shown only in serious condition. Vitamins are used as support drugs.

Prevention: how to prevent seizures?

If you know that there is a possibility of worsening mental state, try to take action in time... People with weak nervous system and those with a tendency to depression, good rest, a change of activity is important.

Can't be allowed monotony in life. Organize a comfortable space around you, try to engage in conflicts less often. If you feel very tired, take a day off, be alone.

Information overload also affects the psyche, therefore, during moments of rest, protect yourself from watching negative TV programs, social networks, give your brain a rest.

Apathy is treatable, but it is important to pay attention to the person's condition in time and find the root cause. If you cannot cope on your own, visit a psychologist.

What can help fight apathy? Find out about it from the video:

Why apathy occurs, what symptoms does it manifest. Is it possible to overcome the disease on your own. When to apply for medical help and what treatments are available.

The content of the article:

Apathy is a state in which a person loses interest in everything that happens around him, becomes passive, indifferent and indifferent. Doctors also believe that this is a manifestation of the protective properties of the body, which is unable to cope with the number of events, emotions and obligations that rush into it. In this case, the brain seems to be turned off and ceases to perceive signals sent to it from outside.

The reasons for the development of apathy in humans

Before you understand how to deal with apathy, you need to understand the reasons that provoke such a condition. There are many factors that affect the psycho-emotional state of a person, including the manifestation of his interest in what is happening and the environment.

Often, all the reasons boil down to the fact that an individual at this stage of his development cannot cope with the difficulties that regularly appear on his way. As a result, he gets nervous, panics, loses faith in himself, thereby bringing his apathetic state closer.

The main causes of apathy that need to be highlighted:

  • Dramatic changes in life... For a person whose lifestyle has always been clear and measured, sudden changes can be serious stress. These changes include the birth of a child, the death of loved ones, parting with a loved one, dismissal, retirement, and others. In this case, apathy can come from a misunderstanding of how to behave in this situation.
  • Perfectionism and exaggerated demands from others... A person who always strives for an ideal result and at the same time believes that there is no limit to perfection, drives himself into a corner. As a result, this leads to a decrease in self-esteem and constant dissatisfaction with the results achieved, which can, over time, become the first step on the path to apathetic state. The same happens when exaggerated demands come from other people: parents demanding high grades; leaders requiring a certain result; spouses who are trying to fit the other half to their own ideal.
  • Prolonged stress - both physical and emotional... This is a condition in which fatigue and apathy border on each other. Man, long time exhausting himself with physical or mental work, not having proper rest, ceases to receive satisfaction from the results of his activity. The same thing happens with a long stay in a certain emotional state - experience, tension, expectation and the like.
  • Addiction... According to statistics, apathy often overtakes people whose consciousness is guided by a certain addiction (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling). This is likely due to frequent and dramatic mood swings. In addition, individuals with addiction, more often than others, are faced with a lack of understanding of others, constant moralizing and the realization that they cannot justify either their own or others' expectations.
  • Hormonal background... Many have probably noticed how a woman's mood changes during the so-called premenstrual syndrome. Sharp changes in the psychoemotional state are associated precisely with a change in hormonal levels. In addition, people with apathy occur during the admission period. hormonal drugs.
  • ... Their influence on the psychoemotional state of a person is associated with two factors. First, the disease itself makes adjustments to the work of all organs and systems. Secondly, the layman who knows about chronic disease, provokes an apathetic state with his thoughts about the illness.
  • Professional "burnout"... Most often, the question of how to deal with apathy arises in people whose activities are directly related to communication and helping people. Doctors, psychologists, social workers, teachers - this is a far from complete list of professions that are at risk.

The main symptoms of apathy in humans

Apathy is a disease that is included in the international classification of diseases under the code R45.3. Therefore, like any other, it has its own characteristics and symptoms. Long-term observation of signs of this ailment in oneself is the basis for seeking medical help. Symptoms are directly related to the causes of the disease, but for the most part on early stages appear almost the same.

The first bell for defining apathy is complete indifference to everything that happens. A person cannot fully rejoice in those moments that previously aroused positive emotions in him. There is a desire to be alone. Lack of communication, in turn, only exacerbates the situation, as the individual continues to wind himself up with negative thoughts. Emotions such as sadness, disappointment, emptiness arise. A person gives up, and he stops making plans for the future, taking initiative.

Such a state may simply be a defensive reaction to an excess of external stimuli. If it is not regular for the layman, he manages to cope with it in two or three days, then there is no particular reason for concern. However, it is very important to pay attention to the first signs of apathy and, if they only get worse every day, seek medical help. Otherwise, the disease will progress, manifest with new symptoms and ultimately take the form of depression.

In later stages, signs of apathy appear with new signs. A bad mood is accompanied by lethargy, lack of any emotions, loss of appetite, constant stay in sleepy state... A person ceases to be interested in what was previously of great value to him, was important.

This indicator can be considered as a type of mental disorder. Although people tend to associate this with chronic fatigue, lack of adequate rest and other routine problems. However, such a signal cannot be ignored. Do not close your eyes to the fact that a person from sociable and sociable suddenly turns into a closed and unsociable. Weakness, drowsiness and refusal to communicate are the main symptoms of the second, more serious stage of the disease.

How to deal with apathy

There are various methods of dealing with apathy, most of them depend on the reasons that provoked it. However, there are universal ways to overcome the state of indifference and detachment:
  1. Pity yourself... No wonder they say that they knock out a wedge with a wedge. In this case, it's about succumbing to your mood instead of fighting it. You need to start feeling sorry for yourself, using the most pitiful and at the same time absurd phrases like: “Oh, what a poor, unhappy I am. Nobody will pity me. Nobody needs me. How bad I am. I'm the biggest loser in the world, ”etc. You can cry a little, thereby releasing everything that has been accumulating for more than one day. Such auto-training should launch a mechanism in your mind aimed at directly combating the painful condition.
  2. Pamper yourself... When the victim of apathy cried a lot and realized that no one but himself needed it, you need to proceed to the next step - to pamper your person. Once in your life, you can afford to eat a whole cake, buy an expensive dress or go to a concert of your favorite artist. Such actions, even if they cost a pretty penny, can return interest in life and cheer up. And already with an elated mood, you can properly engage in the fight against the disease.
  3. Understand the reason... In order to eradicate the root cause of apathy, you need to find it. It is recommended to understand the current situation, to understand what is really gnawing and does not allow to live normally. Often it all comes down to the fact that a person does not have an elementary goal in life, so he does not strive for anything. Hence the next step.
  4. Make a plan for the near future... Without a purpose in life, people feel confused. Therefore, it is very important to prescribe your plans for a year or two ahead. The main goal must be broken down into small components, to achieve which and work over the designated time. In this case, there will be no time to be bored and depressed.
  5. Change environment... By surrounding himself with people prone to pessimism and whining, a person condemns himself to a state of constant apathy. This feeling is passed along a chain from one to another, turning into a general depression. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to let purposeful people full of vital energy and optimism into your social circle.
  6. Workout... The human brain is designed in such a way that it cannot concentrate well on various processes at the same time. Therefore, if you go in for sports, then you have neither the time nor the opportunity to regret and wind yourself up. Physical exercise allow you to concentrate, cheer up and force yourself to act, no matter how hard it may be.
  7. Take a break... Apathy and fatigue are two bordering states, so good rest will often bring much more usethan antidepressants and other therapies.
  8. Change your lifestyle... Improper nutrition and bad habits can also be the reason mental disorders, including apathy. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your body, not to exhaust it by smoking and alcohol, not to exhaust it with constant diets, but to strengthen it with vitamins.
  9. Evoke emotions... Indifference and lack of any emotion are the main symptoms of apathy. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to provoke these feelings on your own. Naturally, these should be positive experiences. It is enough to watch your favorite comedy, go to a concert, ride the rides, and the question of how to get rid of apathy will disappear by itself.
  10. Eliminate sources of negative emotions... Most often, such sources are the media. During periods of psycho-emotional decline, it is better to protect yourself from watching television news and programs that describe negative events. It is also recommended that you avoid socializing with pessimistic friends or people who oppress you.

Features of the treatment of apathy in humans

As mentioned above, apathy is recognized as a separate disease, and therefore, it must respond to some form of treatment. Depending on the stage of the disease and the person's ability to resist it, the treatment of apathy comes down to traditional medicine or using folk remedies.

Treating apathy with traditional methods

There are a number of components that make it clear that an independent fight against apathy has reached a dead end and there is a need to seek help from a specialist:
  • Time... If the signs of apathy last no more than two or three days, during which a person finds the strength and the ability to cope with them on his own, then there is no particular reason for concern. The main thing is that such a state does not take on a regular character. But if the apathy lasts for more than two weeks, then this is the first call to seek medical help.
  • The severity of apathy... If the usual rhythm of a person's life does not change much, then we can argue that he retains control over his well-being. In this case, you will most likely be able to overcome the blank state using the methods above. But if an individual has withdrawn into himself, has ceased to take care of himself, cannot bring himself to eat or go to work, then it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist who will tell you how to get rid of apathy.
Those who believe that only psychiatrists work with apathy are mistaken. Depending on the reasons that provoked such a disease, a person will be advised to seek advice from a therapist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, neuropathologist, cardiologist and other doctors.

Depending on the clinical picture diseases can be assigned:

  • Tranquilizers... Preparations of this group are impregnated if apathy is manifested by overexcitation and is accompanied by destructive disorders. For its treatment, benzodiazepine tranquilizers are used, which quickly cope with sleep disorders and anxiety conditions. Despite all the effectiveness, therapy with these drugs should not exceed 2-4 weeks, since they have quite serious side effects - addiction, return and even intensification of symptoms after drug withdrawal, impaired coordination, memory, attention and concentration. The most popular drugs in this group are phenazepam, diazepam, alprazolam and others.
  • Antipsychotics... Effective in the fight against psychosis. Their principle of action is based on the inhibition of dopamine, a substance responsible for the speed of transmission of nerve impulses in brain cells. Such drugs are taken in small doses under the close supervision of a physician, since they also have a number side effects... New generation antipsychotics - clozapine, rispolept, quetiapine, olanzapine.
  • Antidepressants... If the problem cannot be solved at an early stage and it has acquired signs of depression, the doctor may prescribe such drugs. With the help of antidepressants, it is possible to improve the patient's mood, normalize appetite and sleep, and relieve emotional stress.
  • Stimulants... Treatment with stimulants is indicated when the patient is sluggish. It can be both nootropics and natural herbal preparations... Their action is aimed at improving the activity of the brain, memory and mental performance. Nootropic action possess lemongrass, ginseng, eleutherococcus, ginkgo. Among the stimulant medications, one can note piracetam, diazepam, diapirim, fezam and others.
  • Diuretic drugs... They can be prescribed to relieve cerebral edema in traumatic disorders.
  • Vitamins... Lack of vitamins and minerals is one of the causes of apathy. Therefore, it is necessary to charge the body with useful substances regularly.
Antidepressants of various groups are used to combat apathy:
  1. Tetracyclic antidepressants... They are powerful enough drugs that can eliminate any anxiety-depressive symptoms. In the absence of contraindications, it can be used for a long time. The disadvantage of this group is a large list of side effects... Among the popular remedies are amitriptyline, maprotiline and others.
  2. Selective serotonin inhibitors... This group of antidepressants is safer, therefore it can be used to treat and prevent apathy for a long time. The effect of taking medications does not come immediately, but only after 2-4 weeks. Among these drugs are Paxil, Prozac, Tsipramil.
  3. Double-acting drugs... The combination of the properties of both groups allows the new generation of drugs to achieve the maximum effect with minimal manifestations of side effects, therefore, today they occupy a leading position in the practice of treating depressive conditions, including apathetic ones.

Do not self-medicate! Only a competent specialist can explain what apathy is and what to do to overcome it.

Folk remedies to combat apathy

In the early stages, when a person is able to independently assess his problem, along with the above methods of dealing with apathy, you can also resort to some advice from traditional medicine:
  • St. John's wort... This plant is believed to help the brain produce substances for have a good mooddue to its composition. St. John's wort is contraindicated in pregnancy, and in other cases, this herbal tea will be the best drink for breakfast. One tablespoon of dry collection is enough for a glass of boiling water to regain vitality, interest in the world around you, get rid of anxious thoughts, fatigue and weakness.
  • Hop... This herb is brewed for medicinal purposes like regular tea. In doing so, it improves sleep and relieves stress.
  • Bath... It has long been believed that the bath can cleanse not only the body, but also the soul. Together with sweat, hormones are released, causing a state of stress. Using herbs in a steam room enhances this effect and helps to better cope with apathy. Typically used herbal preparations such as wormwood, lemon balm and conifers.

Apathy prevention rules

In order for apathy not to become a constant companion in life, it is necessary to perform a number of preventive measures... They include those components that contradict the actual causes of this disease.

First of all, you need to protect yourself as much as possible from stress and anxiety. For those whose life and field of activity does not allow you to completely relax, experts recommend doing yoga.

Don't forget about rest. The time spent on recuperation is nothing compared to how much it will take to restore health.

It is also necessary to take care of the correct lifestyle. This, first of all, includes proper nutrition, walking in the fresh air, playing sports. Not the least role in this case is played by the rejection of bad habits.

How to deal with apathy - watch the video:

Every person can face apathy in their life. The main thing is not to succumb to the disease, but to be able to adequately resist it. There are many methods that allow you to regain your joy in life and the desire to develop. If you cannot get yourself out of this state on your own, you do not need to be ashamed of going to a specialist. Timely qualified assistance will allow you to avoid more serious problems, and a competent specialist will tell you not only how to get rid of apathy, but also how not to bring yourself to a similar state in the future.

Emotions, whether positive or negative, are the main driving force that gives meaning to human life. If they disappear, it loses its taste and color. Apathy - an enemy that destroys a person's familiar world around him, and often leads to the most sad consequences.

This ailment often goes unnoticed, since it does not cause pain... Meanwhile, without proper treatment, the disease tends to progress. Therefore, if you feel that something has changed in your mood and perception of the surrounding reality, then take a closer look at yourself, study what signs of apathy stand out in medical practiceand how you can deal with this condition. At some stages of life, any person can experience apathy to one degree or another. But not everyone can get rid of it quickly and correctly.

Periodically complete apathy might even be useful. A person rests, conducts a certain analysis of life and himself, gains strength, he has a reassessment of views and values, and then a new upsurge begins. The main thing is that the state of depression does not last long. If a temporary state of apathy is normal, then a chronic one requires medical attention.

Signs of apathy

Signs of apathy: drowsiness, lethargy, weakness, tiredness

How does it manifest itself apathy? Symptomsthat you should pay attention to are the following: bad mood, lethargy, lethargy, drowsiness, indifference to events happening around, lack of emotions, appetite, aspirations, etc. If you suddenly ceased to be interested in everything that was previously important, then this is the first bell that can signal the onset of a major mental health problem.

Unfortunately, we often attribute such conditions to chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, an abundance of troubles, a lot of problems and the hustle and bustle of everyday life, although these weakness, drowsiness are apathy in its purest form. It is human nature to struggle with difficulties and overcome obstacles in life. If he abstracts from them, constantly arriving in a depressed state, then this is an unhealthy state.

Another symptom through which apathy manifests itself is a sharp restriction of communication. If from a sociable and cheerful person you have sharply turned into a hermit, you have no desire to meet friends, attend your favorite events, meet new people, you prefer to spend time at home, then this is also a characteristic manifestation of apathy.

State of apathy

State of apathy often characterized by a decrease or complete lack of appetite or, on the contrary, increased "zoros", as well as a feeling of constant fatigue, despondency, drowsiness. Sometimes apathy is felt physically: bones ache, aches and dizzy. In this state, a person may stop taking care of himself, gaining weight or, on the contrary, losing weight a lot, he is absolutely indifferent to the opinion of others. Often the patient does not even want to move, tries to spend as much time as possible in bed. And if you have to do any work, fulfill your duties, then he performs all movements automatically, like a robot. The result does not interest him at all. As well as the methods by which you can get rid of this condition. Speech retardation may also occur.

FROMdullness, apathy, fatigue lead to the fact that a person's performance is sharply reduced. He cannot and does not want to work, fulfill his duties not only at home, but also at work, which can lead to negative consequences, up to and including dismissal or divorce. This, of course, is an extreme case, but an indifferent person, who is completely indifferent to how he performs his direct duties, is usually not particularly needed by the employer. Households also often suffer from an eternally bad mood and unsociability of the one with whom they live under the same roof.

Tired of apathy? Ltreatment will help to overcome it

First of all, treatment of a patient with a similar disease begins only if he is fully aware of the problem and wants to get rid of it. To return the colors to your life, you must first of all carry out an introspection and identify the reasons. It is advisable to seek help from a psychologist. In severe and advanced cases, correction with medications may be necessary. But only a doctor should prescribe them.

And also lethargy, apathy are very afraid of "heavy artillery", connect to fight:

  • physical exercise;
  • walks and travel;
  • balanced diet;
  • relaxing massage;
  • a course of vitamins and minerals.

The most important thing is to recognize the enemy in time and start a war with him in all available ways. Then sleepiness, apathy and despondency will not prevent you from living interesting and healthy.

Some treatments for apathy

Generally, when treating apathy caused by psychological factors, it is not necessary to use medications... You just have to accept this state as a temporary respite for the body. Give yourself complete rest, limit contact with others as much as possible, postpone all business.

Light physical activity, travel, healthy eating, the use of vitamins, special massage, water treatments.

In no case should you force events, forcing yourself to be active, which can cause the opposite effect, causing severe depression or a state of passion. And also to use alcohol or drugs not prescribed by a doctor. Green tea, chocolate, warm milk with sugar are excellent natural "antidepressants".

Treatment of apathy caused by physiological problems requires drug therapy antidepressants. However, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate or alleviate the condition of the underlying disease.

List of doctors

If you have symptoms complete apathy (lethargy, drowsiness, etc.) and this condition does not go away spontaneously for more than three weeks, it is necessary to consult a physician.

Most likely, he will appoint you a consultation with a neurologist, psychiatrist, psychiatrist-psychotherapist or psychotherapist. However, you need to be prepared that you will be offered to meet with an endocrinologist, gynecologist, narcologist, oncologist, cardiologist. And if necessary, they will recommend passing biochemical analysis blood.

A mental state without emotions and feelings is apathy, the symptoms of which are as follows: indifference, indifference to everything around, indifference. Emotions, whatever they may be, fill a person's life with meaning. In an apathetic person, they are driven into the depths of the subconscious, so they are not felt. Psychoanalysis considers apathy as a form of protection of a person from unbearable experiences. As a result, internal conflict disappears. But at the same time, the desires of a person lose any value for him, even his own life sometimes loses importance.

Sometimes a person can determine the causes of apathy for himself. You just need to carefully analyze your attitude to life. And then it may turn out that a person seems to live well, has a lot that others cannot afford, but for a long time he has lost interest in all this, does not receive any pleasure and most life forces himself to do what he does not like. This inner conflict leads to apathy.

Signs and symptoms

The symptoms of apathy can be very different:

  1. An apathetic person is easy to notice among other people, he differs from them in appearance and behavior. The essence of apathy is complete indifference to what is happening around. A person is not interested in his once favorite activities, hobbies, he seeks to end relations with friends. Interest is lost not only in positive events. What once would have caused anger, rage, anger is now perceived as completely emotionless.
  2. A person strives for loneliness, alienates himself from other people. His speech does not contain any emotion, his behavior is absolutely indifferent. He answers the questions of other people in monosyllables or does not answer at all. The apathetic person does not care about the problems of close people, he does not sympathize with their difficulties, does not enjoy success. This is reflected in family relationships. Relatives try to give him maximum attention, but an apathetic person is hostile to this and tries to distance himself.
  3. An apathetic person prefers to do nothing, differs in lethargy, lack of initiative. A person goes to work, but only on duty. He performs the affairs entrusted to him without interest, without focus on good result, if only to do, but how - it does not matter. He himself never takes the initiative.
  4. An apathetic person is especially distinguished by his posture - static, without unnecessary movements. A lowered head, a look that does not express any emotions - the same is a sign of apathy. He has no facial expressions. Whatever events take place around, neither joy nor sadness is reflected on the person's face. Speech becomes monotonous, not colored by emotions.
  5. Vegetative reactions also disappear. If the situation around the subject becomes alarming, threatening, his face does not turn red or pale. Gestures and spontaneous movements are almost completely absent.
  6. Sometimes a person with apathy becomes sloppy and may not even practice good personal hygiene.


Apathy can be a symptom of many medical conditions. The reasons for apathy can be as follows:

  • schizophrenia;
  • depressive disorders;
  • pathology of the central nervous system;
  • dementia;
  • AIDS;
  • oncological diseases of the brain;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • disorders of the endocrine system.

Sometimes the causes of the disease lie in the intake of certain medications: tranquilizers, sleeping pills, tricyclic antidepressants, oral contraceptives. Even antibiotics can have a similar effect on the psyche. Therefore, if as a result of taking any medicines drowsiness, lethargy, indifference appeared, they need to be replaced with others, having previously received the advice of a doctor.

The reasons for apathy can be psychological. In the first place in popularity is the theory of psychoanalysis, which says that apathy protects the human psyche from unbearable experiences. In a person in a state of apathy, desires and needs are significantly reduced, the attitude towards life changes, due to which internal conflicts are resolved.

According to other scientists, apathy arises from an overabundance of emotions. Emotional experiences consume a huge amount of psychic energy; with an excess of them, each person sooner or later comes to a period when the internal resources of the body run out. Apathy, as it were, switches the body to work in the energy-saving mode, the intensity of experiences decreases.

It is believed that apathy inhibits overwork, preventing a nervous breakdown.

Some overly self-motivated and ambitious people are willing to work around the clock to achieve success. Their apathy arises suddenly, thus the body protects itself from overload and gets the opportunity to rest.

Sometimes the cause of the disease is difficult to establish. These reasons are hidden so deeply in the subconscious that it is sometimes possible to determine them only as a result of a person's immersion in hypnosis. As a result, it is possible to find out that the reasons for the loss of interest in life lie in the psychological trauma of the distant past. Once upon a time a person suffered greatly, and now the subconscious is trying to save him from new experiences.

Apathy is often caused by the syndrome burnout... This happens when a person worked long and hard, and did not receive the appropriate reward for his work.

Ways to fight

What should a person do if they show signs of apathy? First of all, seek medical attention. The doctor must find out the causes of the disease, analyze them and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

It should be borne in mind that there are situations when it is not necessary to treat apathy. Sometimes a short-term absence of feelings and emotions is even useful for a person, as it normalizes the work of the psyche. If the patient has been in a traumatic situation for a long time, he should not be scared and swallow a bunch of pills, feeling indifference to the events taking place around. It is advisable to just relax, unload your body. To retire from a large number of people, from everyday problems, give the brain a rest without loading it with information. You can go fishing, walk in the woods, or take a small hike.

The main thing is to remember that apathy is treated gradually and consistently. A storm of feelings and energy will not appear from taking one pill. Treatment takes time, and it should be carried out by a competent psychologist or psychotherapist. Very few people experiencing apathy are able to independently identify its causes and deal with it. Therefore, the help of a specialist is needed. It will help you figure out where the problem came from and tell you what steps a person should take to get rid of it.

Basic principles of apathy treatment:

  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • elimination of traumatic situations.

Treatment will not be successful if the person is constantly under stress, sleeps little, and eats poorly. Therefore, it is very important to reconsider the daily routine, to ensure normal sleep at night and rest during the day, not to work on weekends.

The menu must be designed so that the foods consumed contain necessary for a person substances in sufficient quantity. Diets are not recommended during this period, as they deprive the body of energy.

Medication includes the use of the following drugs:

  • b vitamins;
  • nootropic drugs that improve brain function;
  • means that improve the processes of tissue metabolism;
  • drugs that stimulate mental activity;
  • natural adaptogens.

If the case is severe, antipsychotics are used.

In complex with medicines the following conditions must be met:

  • walks in the fresh air as often as possible;
  • reasonable physical activity;
  • use of contrasting water treatments;
  • massage.


If apathy has fallen on a person, its symptoms may disappear on their own if certain conditions are met. Similarly, you can act when the first signs of the disease appear in order to prevent its development.

It is worth considering why indifference, fatigue, and drowsiness suddenly appear. These are only external manifestations of apathy, and the reason for it is hidden somewhere deep. The reason may be an unloved job - you need to change it if possible. Or the environment of unpleasant people - it is worth minimizing communication with them. Changing your life will give you new energy.

Whether there is apathy or not, the lifestyle should be healthy. Proper nutrition, healthy sleep, playing sports will reduce the load on the psyche.

You can pay attention to the life of other people, to what difficult circumstances they live in, to help those who find themselves in a difficult situation.

Apathy is not a sentence at all, but a completely treatable disorder. Some people can handle it on their own. And if they can't, qualified specialist will help a person get out of this state and regain the joy of life.

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