Phytotherapy for oncology Scientific articles. Alfit specialized phytotherapy for oncology

Fitotherapy is an auxiliary means in the treatment of any cancer and can be applied to chemotherapy, as well as during it after it.

This is certainly not a panacea, but the use of medicinal herbs together with chemotherapy sometimes shows good results. In this article, I will give examples of such auxiliary phytosborns, and to use them or not, to solve you.

When preparing for chemotherapy (3 - 4 weeks before it)

  1. shepherd bag
  2. nettle
  3. hunther
  4. motherwort
  5. root Natherila
  6. truck
  7. horsetail
  1. lamberry
  2. plantain
  3. yarrow
  4. calendula flowers
  5. walnut sheet
  6. dandelion root
  7. burdock root

So you need to do. We choose one of these fees on the basis of the ability to get offered herbs and mix in equal shares all components.

1 tablespoon of collection should be boiled (500 ml.) And tomorrow on a weak heat for 5 minutes, then 1 hour insist and strain.

In the resulting decoction you need to add 1 teaspoon of the tincture of Celebre and 2 tablespoons of one of the juice (berries of elderberry, sea buckthorn or yarrow). Cellular has long been considered a means that kills cancer cells. If there is no possibility to get the tincture of cleanliness, then it is possible to replace it with a tincture of Levzei or birch kidney.

Take 100 - 120 grams 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. At the same time, sorbents polyfep or lithuite are recommended with grain bravery.

When chemotherapy (5 - 7 days)

I offer you several fees to choose from.

  1. celandine
  2. flowers Romashki.
  3. barberry root
  4. peppermint
  5. hunther
  6. donnik
  1. dandelion root
  2. yarrow
  3. birch buds
  4. dill (fruits)
  5. immorter yellow
  6. dog-rose fruit
  1. list lineberry
  2. speat
  3. plantain
  4. burdock root
  5. dog-rose fruit

We choose one of the proposed options and mix the crushed raw materials of one of the fees in equal weight proportions.

After that, you need to brew 1 - 1.5 tbsp. Spoons of collecting 500 ml. Boiling water, boil 3 - 5 minutes and insist 1 hour.

After the filping, you need to add 1 teaspoon of one of the tinctures:

  • golden root
  • natherila
  • immortals

and 3 tbsp. Spoons of one of the juice:

  • kalins
  • rowan.
  • birch
  • plantain

Reception scheme:

100 - 120 ml. 4 - 5 times a day before meals

Between chemotherapy courses

  1. dandelion root
  2. konsky sorrel root
  3. birch leaf
  4. nettle
  5. burdock root
  6. clover
  7. dog-rose fruit
  1. flowers Romashki.
  2. liquorice root
  3. eleutherococcus root
  4. pion root

Mix the crushed raw materials of one of these fees in equal proportions and brew 1 - 1.5 tbsp. Spoons of collecting 500 ml. boiling water. After 6 - 7 minutes of boiling, insist the decoction for another 1 hour, then strain and add honey.

Take 100 - 120 ml. 4 times a day before meals.

After completion of chemotherapy

  • ginseng
  • eleutherococcus
  • golden root
  • lemongnik

All these drugs are accepted in the usual doses of the indicated in annotations. In addition to them, plants help the restoration of tissues that prevent the spread of metastases and recuridation of tumors. These plants include:

  • hunther
  • lobadic
  • lopeh.
  • yarrow
  • horsetail
  • celandine

Many benefits will bring such vegetable crops as:

  • red beetroot
  • parsley
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn
  • kalina
  • garlic
  • celery
  • carrot
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State educational institution

Higher professional education

"Siberian State Medical University

Federal Health and Social Development Agency "


Department of Pharmacognosy with courses Botany and Ecology

Course work

Medicinal plants used in oncology

Performed: Student

groups 3803 Achitaeva Anna Aleksandrovna

Checked: Assistant

Polookova Tatyana Viktorovna


3.1 Plants - Cyticostatics



People while they are healthy, rarely think about diseases. It `s naturally. A person builds plans, makes a career, tries to create the most comfortable "habitat" for himself and his loved ones and does not think that all this can, at one point, lose all seeming importance and turn into a trifle, to spend time. A person is pursued by the disease all his life. Little absolutely healthy people, especially today, in our time. In childhood is normal set Child disease. As adults, "adults" appear. Often these diseases acquire chronic character, but concern usually only during exacerbation. Could and more or less worn can live on. But there are diseases, only references to which causes a sense of fear. These include malignant tumors. Amazing! From cardiovascular diseases in Russia, mortality in 3 is more than more than from oncological, but the diagnosis of infarction does not cause such emotions as a diagnosis of cancer. Even the most reasonant man is confused when he learns about his oncological disease. Suddenly, any of the immutable human values \u200b\u200bbecomes not so obvious. There is a sense of own impotence, helplessness, a sense of complete collapse regarding the future and inevitable anxiety due to what can follow the next visit to the oncological dispensary. Ignorance does not mean that it does not exist. While the disease did not touch the disease, many try to live according to the saying: "You know less, you're better sleep." Is this good or bad? It is difficult to answer unequivocally. Of course, the indifferent attitude of a person to his health, neglecting the elementary rules for the prevention of the most common diseases, including oncological, seems stupid and frivolous.

medicinal Plant Togula Tumor

In recent years, certain progress has been made in Oncology related to the introduction of new schemes. medical therapy, allowing to significantly increase the duration and improve the quality of life of patients. Chemotherapy is the most sought-after and often the only effective way to expose the common tumor process. In order to achieve the most complete destruction of tumor cells, the treatment regimen is offered by the introduction of the maximum portable doses of cytostatic drugs. Such aggressive therapy, as a rule, leads to the development of cytostatic disease, damage to rapidly updated cellular systems (the epithelium of the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract, hair follicles, reproductive organs, hematopoietic fabric, etc.).

1. general characteristics Pathology

Malignant neoplasm - a disease characterized by the emergence of uncontrollable cells capable of invasion into adjacent tissues and metastasis in remote organs. The disease is associated with impaired proliferation and cell differentiation due to genetic disorders.

Malignant tumors arise as a result of a malignant transformation (malignancy) of normal cells, which begin to multiply multiply, losing the ability to apoptosis. The malignant transformation is caused by one or more mutations forcing the cells to unlimitedly share and violate the mechanisms of apoptosis. If the body's immune system does not recognize this transformation on time, the tumor begins to grow, and with time metastasis. Metastases can be formed in all organs and tissues without exception. Most often metastases are formed in bones, liver, brain and lungs.

Uncontrolled cell division may also lead to benign tumor. Benign tumors are distinguished by the fact that they do not form metastases, they do not invade other fabrics and therefore rarely life-threatening. However, benign tumors often turn into malignant ( rebirth tumors).

Final diagnosis malignant tumor It is put after histological examination of the sample of the tissue with a pathologist. After the diagnosis, operational treatment, chemotherapy or radiation therapy is prescribed. As medical science improves, the treatment is becoming increasingly specific for each type of tumor.

Without treatment, malignant tumors are usually progressing up to death. Most tumors are treatable, although the results of treatment depends on the type of tumor, its location and stage. The spontaneous cure of malignant tumors in the scientific literature is not described.

Malignant tumors affect people of all ages, but much more often arise in old age. This is one of the main causes of death in developed countries. The emergence of many tumors is associated with the action of environmental factors, such as alcohol, tobacco smoke, ionizing radiation, some viruses.


v. The inclination to the rapid uncontrolled growth, which is a destructive nature and leading to compression and damage to the surrounding normal tissues.

v. The inclination to penetration ("invasion", "infiltration", "penetration") into the surrounding tissues, with the formation of local metastases.

v. The tendency to metastasis into other, often highly distinguished from the original tumor tissue and organs by moving along lympho and blood vessels, as well as implantation. Moreover, certain types of tumors exhibit certain kinship ("tropiness") to certain tissues and organs - metastasis in certain places (but can be metastasted in other).

v. The presence of a pronounced general effect on the body due to the production of a tumor of toxins, overwhelming antitumor and general immunity, promoting the development in patients with general poisoning ("intoxication"), physical exhaustion ("asthenia"), depression, alliance up to the so-called cachexia.

v. The ability to escape from immunological control of the body using special mechanisms of deception of T-killer cells.

v. The presence of a significant number of mutations in tumor cells, the number of which increases with age and weight of the tumor; Some of these breakdowns are necessary for actually carcinogenesis, some are needed to escape from immunity or to acquire the ability to metastasis, others are random and arise due to the reduced stability of tumor cells to damaging effects.

v. Immaturity ("non-differation") or low compared to benign tumors. The degree of maturity of the cells of the cell tumor. Moreover, the lower the degree of maturity of the cells is the malignant, the tumor, the faster it grows and earlier metastasizes, but, as a rule, the more sensitive to radiation and chemotherapy.

v. The presence of pronounced tissue and / or cellular abnormality ("Atypism").

v. The predominance of cells of the cells over fabric.

v. Intensive growth stimulation blood system ("angiogenesis") in the tumor, leading to its filling blood vessels ("vascularization") and often to hemorrhages in tumor tissue.


Symptoms vary depending on the location of the tumor. Pain usually arises only in the later stages. In the early stages, the tumor often does not cause any unpleasant sensations. Some common symptoms include:

· Local symptoms: unusual swelling or sealing (often the earliest symptom); bleeding; inflammation; jaundice.

· Symptoms of metastases: increase lymphatic gloys; cough, possibly with blood; increase liver; Bone pain, bone fractures; Neurological symptoms.

· General Symptoms: Cachexia (weight loss, loss of appetite, exhaustion), immunopathological conditions, hyperhydrosis, anemia.

2. Existing methods and approaches to the treatment of malignant neoplasms

Some malignant tumors are poorly curable and often lead to the death of the patient. However, in many cases, the cure is possible. A serious factor determining the success of treatment is the early diagnosis. The outcome of treatment is largely determined by the degree of development of the tumor process, its stage. In the early stages, the chances are very high, so you should constantly follow the condition of your health, using the services of professional doctors. Currently, the following types of treatment are applied:

· Removal of the tumor. Since tumor cells can occur and outside the tumor, it is removed with a margin. For example, when breast cancer usually remove all milk glands, as well as axillary and subclavian lymph nodes. If all the tumor cells are outside the remote organ or part of it, the operation does not prevent them from forming metastases. Moreover, after removal of the primary tumor, the growth of metastases is accelerated. However, this method often cures malignant tumors (for example, breast cancer), if you make an operation at a fairly early stage. Surgical removal Tumors can be carried out both with the help of traditional cold tools and using new tools (laser, radio frequency knife, ultrasonic scalpel, etc.). For example, the removal of larynx cancer (1-2 stages) with a laser with direct laryngoscopy allows you to save the patient an acceptable voice and avoid tracheostas, which is not always obtained when performing traditional open operations (non-endoscopic). Laser beam, compared to a conventional scalpel, reduces bleeding during the operation, destroys tumor cells in the wound, provides better wound healing in the postoperative period.

· Chemotherapy. Medications are used against rapidly dividing cells. Drugs can suppress DNA duplication, interfere with the separation of the cell shell into two, etc. However, in addition to tumor cells, many healthy, such as the cells of the epithelium of the stomach are intensively and quickly divided in the body. They also damage chemotherapy. Therefore, chemotherapy leads to severe side effects. After the cessation of chemotherapy, healthy cells are restored. In the late 1990s, new drugs were sold, which attack the proteins of tumor cells, almost without damaging normal dividing cells. Currently, these drugs are used only for certain types of malignant tumors.

· Radiotherapy. Irradiation kills malignant cells, damaging their genetic material, while healthy cells suffer less harm. For irradiation, gamma radiation is used (short-wave photons, they penetrate any depth), neutrons (penetrate only limited depths) and electrons (penetrate a very small depth; used for the treatment of malignant tumors of the skin and subcutaneous cells).

· Cryotherapy.

· Photodynamic therapy drugs that can destroy the cells of a malignant tumor under the influence of the light flux of a certain wavelength (phototherap, "photos", "photoditazine", radakhlorin, photosens, alasens, photolone, etc.).

· Hormonal therapy. Cells of malignant tumors of some organs react to hormones, which is used. Thus, the prostate cancer uses a female hormone estrogen, with breast cancer - medicines, overwhelming estrogen, glucocorticoids - during lymphomas. Hormonal therapy is a palliative treatment: in itself it cannot destroy the tumor, but can extend the life or improve the chances of cure in combination with other methods. As palliative treatment, it is effective: in some types of malignant tumors, it extends life for 3-5 years.

· Immunotherapy. The immune system seeks to destroy the tumor. However, it is often not able to do this for a number of reasons. Immunotherapy helps the immune system to fight a tumor, forcing it to attack the tumor more efficiently or making a tumor more sensitive. Interferon and medicinal plants can be applied for this - immunomodulators.

· To facilitate the suffering of terminal patients, drugs are used (to combat pain) and psychiatric medicines (to combat depression and death fear).

3. Characteristics of plants with antitumor properties

3.1 Plants - Cyticostatics

So, with antitumor targets are used both poisonous plants and their innocuous unbelievable fellow. Each of these two groups of plants has its strengths and weaknesses. For example, poisonous plants have the strongest effect in relation to the tumor. In folk medicine, poisonous plants are used in most cases as alcoholic tinctures that are dosed by drops or in powder form - on the knife tip. In official medicine with therapeutic purposes, individual substances are used, isolated from plants, while the plants themselves do not apply. Currently in medical practice Only a few vegetable preparations included, which posted the beginning of many means of modern chemotherapy. For example, Barwin small, used in the people so far in the form of a decoction, has become the basis for the preparation of vinblastine and vincristine preparations and modern Mavelin. It is also known that the effect of poisonous plants is less non-specific than chemotherapy, which, along with high toxicity, limits their use. Poisonous plant preparations are very difficult to dose at home. Neyovy plants can be completely safe to use in the form of teas and simple decoctions for a long time.

Poisonous plants containing biologically active substances in the overwhelming majority belong to the group of so-called cariolastic poisons.

The term "cariclastic" means "capable of destroying the cell core." From the school courtyard of biology, everyone knows that the live cell consists of a cytoplasm concluded in the membrane. Inside the cytoplasm floats the cell core, which is the regulatory center of the cell. In addition, the core of the cell contains a chromosomal set characteristic of this tissue type. When dividing the cell, the chromosomal set of the kernel of one cell is partially moving into subsidia.

Under the action of the cariclastic poison, the cell perishes. This is exactly what we need in the fight against cancer. However, most cariclastic poisons are characterized by high toxicity and their use requires exceptional caution.

1) Plants containing alkaloids.

Thus, from the clubnelukovitz, 2 active alkaloids - collum and colchicine, overwhelming mitosis at a concentration of about 0.01% were isolated from the magnificent lack of magnificent. The first of them in the form of 0.05% by Cololchamina ointment was used in the treatment of skin cancer (exofic and endophytic forms 1 and 2 degrees), warts of the skin of viral etiology and esophagus cancer. The inside is used for the synthesis of no less active dispensing - and depostenetylcolicins.

Other alkaloid-containing plants also possess antitumor activity. Among them, the following are big attention:

Celest Large (Helidonin)

barbaris Ordinary (Berberin)

ruta Cultural (acronycin) and acronyhia Bauer (acronycin)

vasilnister Yellow (Talicacpin)

tabernemontan Johnson (Tubannin)

kamptotek lumpy (Capmtotein)

fleecery grape (ellipticin)

thyroid Cycle (Tetrandine)

Plants containing lactones

As anti-cancer means, plants containing lactones are of great interest. The roots of the subphilant of the thyroid and the subophile of the Himalayan contain a resinous substance underofillin. It includes lactones of the Lignan Row - Podofilotoxin, α - I. β - Peltatins and others who are mitous poisons that are braking cell division in metaphase. As a result of the modification of Lakton Lactones, less toxic drugs "SPG - 827" (in capsules) were obtained for use inside and "SPJ - 77" (in ampoules) for intravenous administration used abroad. Podophiline in the form of 30% of the oil solution, according to clinicians, contributes to the resorption of benign tumors and prevents recurrences for 16 months, and when breast cancer and myeloid leukemia, even leads to the full cure of patients, but with the bladder adenocarcinoma is ineffective, that is, Only to the specified types of tumors.

The antitumor effect of these lactones is determined by the presence in their molecule of the tetrahydronaftalin ring. Lights that do not have this ring, cytostatic action do not give, but give an immunostimulating effect.

Significant interest as the reserve of antitumor agents are also plants containing sesquiterpen lactones. In animal experiments, Evommia, Gailaria, Gelenium, Almond and others showed high activity.

2) Plants containing cardiac glycosides

A special group of antitumor agents is the plants of the Pumpkin Family (Cucurbitaceae). Many of them contain very poisonous steroid compounds in the form of aglikonov and water-soluble glycosides. They have a very bitter taste, in insignificantly low concentrations (1: 1000000) block mitosis. Among them, it is especially highlighted than white, bosening two-walled, stupid of the black-sided, mad cucumber, colocidant, the rustle is ordinary and others. In small quantities, they are found in plants of other families: Norichnikovy - Abranian dosage, datic - datisk hemp, rose-colored - urban gravel.

The antitumor activity of the above plants is determined by the fact that cytostatic cytostatics contained in them - lactones, α - I. β- unsaturated ketones, epoxides are carried out according to the mechanism of electrophyl interaction alkylation or acylation of nucleophilic centers of tumor cell components. In this case, the inhibition of cysteine \u200b\u200bsulfhydrylic complexes, which is included in the active centers of the enzymes of these cells. In Sevwiterpen, lactones, this is expressed in the presence of an exocyclic methylene group in Lakton, and in polyfunctional diterpenes - presence α - I. β - unsaturated carbonyl, the presence of ester functions of unsaturated acids. Believe that dual connection α - I. β - unsaturated ketone reacts with tumor nucleophiles, and hydroxyl groups activate it.

Thanks to the identification of these patterns, it was possible to search for antitumor plants, taking into account substances contained in them, as well as the synthesis of active natural compounds. By chemical modification, it was possible to obtain highly active antitumor compounds based on furanoeremoofilane buczular of a large, osaina from orange muscle, naked licorice.

But not all of these substances are used in medicine. The main reason for this is their high toxicity: these substances do not show selectivity when choosing a target and violate mitosis both tumor and healthy cells. Their antitumor activity is manifested in use in the maximum transferred doses, which are difficult to achieve in clinical practice in mind toxicity.

4.2 Plants - Immunomodulators

Most of these plants are non-toxic, they are used in the form of infusions and decoctions of 1 tbsp. L.: 200 at 25-50 ml 3-4 times a day.

The most common plants - modulators: ginseng (root), nettle leaves. Downomous echinacea flowers, white peony roots, medicinal chamomile flowers, Arnica Mountain, Calendula Medicinal, Grass Three-part, Cora Osin, Greater Plant, Drawberry Root Saflorette , Konya Eleutherococcus barrel.

The group of immunostimulants includes a large number of plants of various families containing polysaccharides, saponins, lectins, phenols. Polysaccharides located in plants are non-toxic, well soluble in water, they do not cumulate in the body, increase solubility and suction of other substances. They are widely represented in plants of plants of astera, casnotkovy, ilok, Tolstanka, plantains. Mannans, glucans and frutnes are the most active polysaccharides. When administered inside, they enhance the resistant properties of the body to tumor growth, increase immune properties, stimulate the formation of cytolytic T-platelets.

From among the saponin-containing plants, it should be noted ginseng (ginzencedes), eleutherococcus spiny (eleutherosyda), Aralia Manzhur (aralosides), Aznevoid Maple (acetonin), dioscope deltonid (Deltonin), sea cucumber (organinine).

A large place in the phytotherapy of oncological diseases occupy plants containing phenolic compounds - flavonoids, tanning substances, anthra - and naphtoons, xanthon, phenol gallcosides and others. The general property of these substances is their antioxidant activity, the ability to inhibit free radicals, reduce their concentration in the membranes. Thanks to the antioxidant and membranecture function, they affect the immunological properties of the organism, protect the DNA molecules from the damaging effect of intermediates and reproduction. In addition, flavonoids and oxicumarines in oxidation are transmitted in a quinoid form, due to which they interact with DNA, reduce the antioxidant activity of lipids of tumor cells, that is, reduce their viability. Plants containing glycosides and flavonoids have a diuretic and hepatoprotective effect that when cancer contributes to neutralization and removal of toxins and slags from the body. From the volume of flavonoid-containing plants, it should be noted the echinacea pale, the sofor yellowing, the golden chiver, the ephedron of the horsetail, alder gray, begonia is smooth, the PIRM is ordinary, containing leicoantocyanidines and anthocyanidines, catechins.

The increase in the efficiency of cytostatic treatment with vegetable means can occur by influence on the immune system of such BAV, as polysaccharides increase the nonspecific resistance to the body. It is known that one of the main mechanisms of the immunostimulating and antitumor action of polysaccharides of medicinal plants is their effect on macrophages and a complement system. As a result of activation, macrophages secrete active oxygen forms, nitrogen and cytokine oxide (tumor necrosis factor - α, Interleukins - 1,6,8,12, interferon γ ). It is known that the active forms of oxygen and AZOA oxide have a direct antitumor effect. The interaction of superoxide anion and nitrogen oxide leads to the formation of a cytotoxic product - peroxyntrite. The tumor necrosis factor initiates the process of apoptosis in tumor cells, and interleukin-12 increases the antitumor activity of natural cells - killers.

Until now, it remains an open question about the relationship of pharmacological activity, the importance of the structure of the highest order or the structure of the micelles, the composition of which or the rate of formation is associated with the amount of plant waxes, unequal in various parts of the plant. The polysaccharide complex of the studied plants stimulates the immune reactions of the organism-tumor carrier, as a result of which their antitumor and anti-estate effect is enhanced. So, under the influence of the juice of the plantain of the large, extracts of the Baikal skull, the rhodium rose, alder adhesive the functional activity of lymph nodes and neutrophil cells. The plantain juice has largely stimulates the functional activity of natural killer cells and macrophages, which are able to modulate the functions of other cellular and humoral systems, as well as directly participate as effectors in the reactions of natural cytotoxicity. The reception of plant polysaccharide macrophages is one of the ways to activate these cells.

Reducing the hematotoxicity of cytostatics by vegetable preparations can be associated with the presence of in the composition of D-glucuronic (or galacturonic) acid, stimulating granulo and erythrocytopoese in conditions of cytostaic hemodepresses. Thus, lictsams of licorice naked, containing two residue D - glucuronic acid in the structure of the molecule, prevents the development of leukopenia, exhibits an activating effect on the function of the adhesive elements of the hematopoousiducing microenvironment. The flavonoid of the Baikalsky's chamem - Baikalin, containing the residue of glucuronic acid, stimulates eryto - and granulocyte drug on FRN of cytostatic therapy.

4. Medicinal plants and fees recommended for malignant tumors as symptomatic means

1. 15 g of dry leaves Cyprus a narrow-walled (Ivan tea) is poured into thermos 200 ml of boiling water. Insist. Take 1 tbsp. L.3 times a day before meals. Used in malignant neoplasms.

2. 1 tbsp. l. Rhizomes with the roots of the source of the ordinary pour 1 cup of boiling water. Prepar decoction, cooled, filter. Take 1 / 4-1/3 glakana before meals with benign and malignant tumors.

3. 3-5 g of dry currant leaves black poured 1 glass of boiling water, insist 10-20 minutes. Take 1 / 2 - 1 cup 2-3 times a day like tea. It is used for complex treatment of malignant neoplasms (as additional therapy).

4. Celery odorless - 2 tbsp. l. Burning big (roots) - 2 tbsp. l. AIR marsh (roots) - 2 tbsp. l. Altea medicinal (roots) - 3 tbsp. l.

Walnut nut (sheet or immature fruits) - 1 tbsp. l.

Onions ordinary (husk) - 2 tbsp. l.

On 1 liter of boiling water to take 3 tbsp. l. Collection. Prepare infusion. Take 100 ml 7 times a day. Used with malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract in I and II stages.

5. Cycologies Ordinary (roots) - 3 tbsp. l. Cotton shaggy (roots) - 2 tbsp. l. Celest large (grass) - 2 tbsp. l.

Horsetail (grass) - 2 tbsp. l.

Sunflower annual (petals) - 3 tbsp. l.

900 ml of boiling water take 3 tbsp. l. Collection. Take 50 ml 6 times a day. Better to make a decoction. Apply with liver tumors.

6. Toughness Ordinary - 3 tbsp. l. Celebration of medicinal - 2 tbsp. l. Calendula medicinal - 2 tbsp. l.

Plushevoid butter (poisonous plant!) - 1 tbsp. l. Swamp drying - 2 tbsp. l. Dimony medicinal - 2 tbsp. l. On 1 liter of boiling water to take 3 tbsp. l. Collection. Take 30 g b once a day. Apply with liver tumors.

7. Calendula medicinal - 4 tbsp. l. Aloe tree (juice) - 3 tbsp. l. Calanechoe Pirish (juice) - 1 tbsp. l. Highlander pepper (juice) - 1 tbsp. l. Sea buckthorn oil - 4 tbsp. l.

8. Juice of all plants mix with sea buckthorn oil (for microsparization). Procedure to do lying. Applied with a malignant disease of the cervix, especially after or to X-ray irradiation,

9. 8. Pharmacy rebel - 2 tbsp. l. Sour carrots (seed) - 2 tbsp. l. Clover meadow - 3 tbsp. l.

Celest large - 5 tbsp. l.

Wrushoid butter (plant is poisonous!) - 2 tbsp. l.

Joster laxative - 3 tbsp. l.

Dynamon medicinal - 3 tbsp. l.

On 1 / 2 l boiling water take 2 tbsp. l. Collection. Use only for outdoor use (for a row). Used with skin tumors.

Official preparations

Vinblastinum - Rubber

Produced in the idea of \u200b\u200bsulfate. Antitumor agent. Blocks mitosis of cells at the metaphase stage.

Enter intravenously 1 time per week. The course is gradually raised by following the amount of leukocytes and blood platelets. Course dose of 120 mg. Apply Ruisine with lymphogranulomatosis, hepatosarcomas, myeloma, choriorephal.

Vincristinum (VinCristinum)

Produced in the form of sulfate. Antitumor agent. Blocks Mitz Metafases.

Enter intravenously 1 time per week, gradually increasing the dose. When remission is reached, supporting doses are prescribed. Used in acute leukemia, neuroblastom, Wilms tumors, also use complex therapy Lymphogranulation, melanoma, breast cancer. In the process of treatment, vincristine needs to be monitored.


Composition (1 ml): Vinorelina dartiterate 13.85 mg (which corresponds to the content of Vinorelina of 10 mg).

Viorelina darthette is a semi-synthetic Visor of Vinblastine. The cytostatic action is associated with inhibiting the polymerization of tubulin in the process of cell mitosis. Matvubin blocks mitosis in the stage G2 and M of the cell cycle and causes the destruction of cells in the interfax or under the subsequent mitosis. The drug acts mainly on mitotic microtubules, when using large doses, affects the axonal microtubules. The effect of spiralization of tubulin caused by vinorelbin is weaker than that of vincristine.

Introduced intravenously 1 time per week, applied when easy cancer (except small-cell), breast cancer. In the process of treatment, it is necessary to monitor the blood pattern.

ELSIDINE (Elsidine)

Composition (1 bottle): Vinjean sulfate 1 mg or 5 mg and mannitol 5 or 25 mg, complete with solvent.

Vinzen is a semi-synthetic derivative of vinblastine. Blocks mitosis in the metaphase stage.

Used in acute lympholoicosis in children (with vincristine resistance), lymphoma (except for Hodgkin's disease), chronic granulocytic leukemia (prosthet crisis), lung cancer (small-cell feed), breast cancer (with ineffectiveness hormone therapy), malignant melanoma.

Currently in official medicine is widely used colchine.The drug prevents the reproduction of cancer cells and causes them lysis (dissolution).

Collective ointment is used for skin cancer I and II stage. To do this, on the surface of the tumor and the surrounding fabric within 1/ 2 -1 cm applies 1 - 1 "/ 2 masi, covered with a marlevary napkin and stick to the leukoplasty. Bandage change daily. The course of treatment is usually 18-25 days, sometimes 30-35 days.

In the form of tablets, columine is used with the esophagus and stomach cancer. Often it is combined with another medicine - sarlotzin.


Thus, the main question facing the phytotherapist is the choice of an appropriate plant or a collection that has an antitumor effect when lesion organs, but none of them is a panacea. Experience in using phytopreparations confirms the feasibility of the appointment of individual plants or fees in patients with oncological pathology. Currently, phytotherapy: a) is used as an auxiliary method and often only in the later stages of the disease ("Despair therapy"); b) not individualized enough, c) often does not combine with other means and methods of treatment; d) not adjusted depending on the clinical situation.

Fitotherapy is an important addition to the basic strategy of postal treatment of a patient with oncological pathology and in no case replaces it. The very concept of "tumor", often used in folk medicine, is clearly not enough to conduct rational phytotherapy and requires further detail in accordance with the classification of the disease and modern diagnostic capabilities. At the same time, the advantage of combined use of means and phytotherapy schemes with official means of both to reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease (DROTAVERIN, Metokhoklopramid, etc.), and for long-term prevention. The psychological installation of a patient to oppose the funds of folk and focal medicine is vicious.

Fitotherapy should be as individualized as possible. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the floor, the age of the patient, the constitutional type. Teaching R.E. Covenetsky on the fetheological resistance of the body allows us to assess the role and importance of individual systems affecting the development of tumor progress - endocrine, immune, as well as metabolism. The impact on these systems is the basis of long-term prevention, which necessitates the purpose of drugs for a long time aboutactions not possess pronounced side effects. Phytotherapy with its "soft" effect in a complex with diet-therapy, application food additivesdefinitely has a perspective.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the potential capabilities of the impact of phytosredias on the body are not fully disclosed. The problem remains unresolved, despite the presence of positive results in the practice of traditional medicine and homeopathy, as well as the accumulation of knowledge about the mechanisms of sensitivity or stability of tumors to the action of individual compounds, including phytopreparations.

List of used literature

1.Vikipedia - free encyclopedia \\\\: http:

G. To Nikonov, B.M. Manuilles. Basics of modern phytotherapy. Tutorial for listeners of the postgraduate education system for doctors. - M.: Medicine, 2005 - 520 p.

E.D. Goldberg. Problems of oncofarmakology. Conference materials. / Research Institute of Pharmacology TNTS SU RAMS (Tomsk) - Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk State University, 2008 - 60C.

E.D. Goldberg. Plants in complex tumor therapy. Monograph / E.D. Goldberg, E.P. Zueva, E.N. Amosova, T.G. Razin, s.g. Krylova. - M.: RAM Publisher, 2008 - 232 p.

V.V. Marshak. Oncological diseases: Prevention and treatment methods. - M.: New Publishing House, 2004 - 352 p.

Pirogov I. Treatment of oncological diseases. - M.: Ripol Classic, 2005 - 64c.

A.S. Vasilyev, G.I. Kalinkina, V.N. Tikhonov. Medicinal products vegetable origin. Reference manual. / Edited by Professor S.E. Dmitroka. - Novosibirsk: OGUP "Pharmaceutical Information Center", 2004 - 124 p.

Cracunov K. A, Komarov B.A. Method of treating oncoabolicins. Patent of the Russian Federation № 2172634 of 01/20/1998.


Similar works on - medicinal plants used in oncology

Herbalism of oncological patients, especially in the performance of folk herbalists and healers, is characterized by one brightest feature: the use of poisonous plants.
The lack of special knowledge among folk healers, on the one hand, and the lack of interest in the people's methods in scientists, on the other hand, generate a situation where the phenomenon of poisonous plants in oncology is quite well studied, remains a "dark horse". This fact provokes inadequate euphoria in the first and same inadequate pessimism among the second.
Without going into the subtleties of the definitions, I remind the words of Paracelles that the poison can be almost any substance depending on which dose is applied.
In other words, the toxic properties of poisonous plants appear in cases where the corresponding dose is achieved. She can be so great that death comes. It is this phase that pays attention to itself and characterizes the plant as poison.
What happens in the body under the action of a poisonous plant before the toxic dose is achieved?

Three stages of the beneficial effects of plant poisons

The patterns of action of the substance on the living system clearly demonstrates the rule of Arndt-Schulz (see Fig.). It states that in low doses, the substance stimulates the function, and as it is increasing, its oppression occurs. Further dose extension leads to death.
Three main phases of actions of poisonous plants can be distinguished on the oncological process:
I have phases in this order (that is, as the dose is reduced) on the basis of their study and, as a result, on the basis of their preference in classical oncology.

Arndt-Shulza rule

Cytotoxic phase

On the use of substances that are effective mainly in the cytotoxicity phase, almost all of the currently existing chemotherapy of tumors are founded. This principle was laid basically by Paul Erlich at the beginning of the 20th century and remains leading until now.
Medicines acting on this principle are chemicals that can damage the chromosomal cell unit or block some mitosis phases (division), resulting in cells that are sensitive to such medicines are dying. Ideally, I would like them to be only cancer cells, and in practice all cells of the body are found, for which the frequent division is characteristic.
Hence all the features of treatment with similar drugs: and selective sensitivity (mainly low-differentiated cancer cells), and almost complete absence of effect on high-organized cellular types, as well as a high frequency adverse Reactionsarising from the damage to healthy stem cells.
All listed features are also inherent, although to a lesser extent, and the treatment of poisonous herbs, when they are used in doses close to cytotoxic. In this case, the herbalism is essentially the usual chemotherapy with a positive and negative minds arising from here.
On the side of the side effects of grass have a softer action. This can be explained, firstly, low doses of poisonous substances entering the body with preparations from herbs (braids, tincture), secondly, the diversity of the composition of the same plant, which often, along with poison, contains antidote, as well as Substances, in previous years, very rashly called ballast. They improve the work of various organs and systems, due to which the patient feels better.
But here lies and negative moment. Cytotoxicity is dose-dependent effect: the more dose, the faster and more religious malignant cells will die. If we, using a plant on the principle of cytotoxicity, we use an insufficient dose, then, on the one hand, the risk of not getting a tumor response at all, on the other - we carry out "upbringing" and the negative selection of cancer cells, thus growing such a tumor that is no longer will react to these plants.
Another minus is a small therapeutic latitude of the most frequently used poisonous plants, that is, a dose that begins to give therapeutic effect, not much different from LD50 (LD50 is such a dose of matter, in this case the plant, from which half of the experimental animals dies). In such circumstances, it is very easy to overdose and get serious side effects. This is especially true for galenic preparations that are often difficult to standardize. A clean pharmaceutical preparation looks like a clean pharmaceutical preparation, the doses of which are clearly known and the pharmacological features have been studied well known and pharmacological features.
It should also be noted that not all poisonous plants traditionally applied in the people in high doses have a direct damaging effect on the tumor. For example, the acronite in high doses is primarily the strongest heart analeptic and an anesthetic that in itself is good for the cancer in the relevant situation. However, the cytostatic effect of the plant is not very strong.
Herbal treatment using poisonous plants in cytotoxic doses, of course, takes place in modern folk phytotherapy (for example, the treatment of pink Barwinka pink). Nevertheless, in its essence it looks like an anachronism. In this case, the priority of chemically pure cytostatic drugs are indisputable: they are easier to dose with high accuracy; There are quality standards; Located side effects and ways to overcome them; No need to prepare the means of exempturally (directly in place and by time), etc.
But there are situations where the use of poisonous plants on the principle of cytotoxicity is still possible.
First, in weakened patients, and especially in patients with IV clinical group, which the main treatments are not shown. The use of plants on the principle of cytotoxicity in such a situation will definitely not give a bright tumor response, but will allow for some time to stabilize the situation, which will affect the improvement of the quality of life of the patient.
Secondly, in the overall structure of chemotherapy, poisonous plants as an additional means often enhance the effect of fixed assets. This fact was proven with respect to the richnik of the Russian and allocated from it to PEUSEDANIN. A similar situation can be traced on the example of aconite. Korean scientists have proven the effect of aconite alkaloids, consisting in the electoral suppression of the gene responsible for protecting cells from drug intoxication.
Thirdly, the use of poisonous plants is justified in situations where the expected effect of traditional chemotherapy leaves much to be desired. For example, with tumors of the thyroid gland, renal cellular cancer, etc. Of course, it is necessary to be aware that the herbs may be ineffective. Nevertheless, the plants have an incomparably lower potential of side effects.

Inductive phase

Since the time of Mithridate VI Evpator is known for the "hardening" of the organism from various diseases by taking poisonous substances in constantly increasing doses. Tsar Mithridat In this way, I wanted to protect yourself from the poison, which, as it seemed to him, could be added enemies.
Without the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bthe MDR-gene (drug sustainability gene), already at that time people knew how to "explode" tachofilaxia (insensitivity acquired to substance during its frequent use). Passing, obtained by mitridate, turned out to be very effective with a variety of diseases, including infectious and cancer. The medicine was so called - the Terriak Mithridate, about which Avicenna writes in very commendable expressions.
Over time, the Teryaak, which includes at least a tens of components, the main of which was the serpentine poison, has undergone all sorts of changes. But the principle of gradual increase in doses of poison has been preserved to this day.
Most often, this principle is used to create protection (immunity) against infectious diseases. The excitation of protection factors in the body is called induction (in this case by the induction of immunity), and the methods itself with gradual increase in doses - inductive.
Mass can be caused by widespread inductive techniques: autohemotherapy, specific immunotherapy in allergology, immunotherapy with thymus preparations (thimaline, thymogen) and drugs containing polysaccharides of cell membrane bacteria, treatment of chronic bacterial infections Through the exacerbation with the use of pyrogen (substances, artificially raising body temperature), etc.
Already a simple listed of these methods allows you to see their common denominator, namely - immunity. Indeed, almost all of them work through the reactivation of the immune system, which in the overwhelming majority of cases is nonspecific and is directed to the cellular immunity. The exception is specific immunotherapy of allergic diseases.
In the oncology according to the method of inductive therapy, the BCG vaccine is used, Timus preparations, less often interleukins (alpha and beta interferon).
Inductively use white wasem juice juice. This method is well studied and is actively practiced in Germany and other countries in Western Europe, where he received the name of Mistel-therapy. Of course, the fermented juice of Cellular, known as the "Ukrainian", or anablastine, or ChFG) is used in the same way.
You can recall the boligs. The earliest serious data devoted to the use of Boligol in Oncology belongs to the XVIII century and belong to the representative of the old Vienna clinical school Anton Shuttka (1731 - 1803).
At first glance, the curtain method also resembled an inductive scheme with gradual increase in doses. But with a deeper consideration it turns out that the curtain, starting with the minimum dose, has always brought it to the most effective (or in the most portable on the verge of adverse reactions). According to him, this was done because of the impossibility from the very beginning of treatment to determine the required dose for each individual. Thus, the curtain technique is another vivid example of the use of a poisonous plant on the principle of cytotoxicity.
As the curtain wrote, and later, and many homeopaths, the treatment of the Boligol often resulted in a good result. However, in contrast to the Boligol, the homeopaths were used in the form of a alcohol tincture, gradually increasing the dose from one drop. This would not be anything new if not a pronounced antitumor effect, which arose only a few drops of the drug long before reaching an explicit cytotoxic dose. It was this technique that served as a prototype of the use of Boligol in the form of an inductive scheme, popularized by V. V. Tishchenko and so fashionable today.
The use of poisonous plants by inductive principle is the most common way in folk medicine. Usually apply alcohol extraction from Boligol, aconite, milestone, cleanliness, mistletoes and other poisonous plants. The tincture is dosed by drops by an increasingly descending principle that received the name "Gorka" or "cycling".
According to our observations, the inductive scheme with a tincture of aconite against melanoma is especially effective. Already on the 7th - 8th day of treatment, when the total daily dose of tincture is 20 - 25 drops and talking about the meaningful cytotoxic effect of aconite alcoholoids on melanoma cells does not have to, in the patient there are signs of an acute inflammatory process in the body: an increase in temperature to 38 s , fever, headache, nausea and so on. Melanomic nodes become sharply painful even out of palpation, edema, flush. Over time, their surface acquires smoothness, and black color changes on brown. Nodes are significantly reduced in size. The causes of such a melanoma reaction are likely to lie in its high immunogenicity (this property of tissue, cells, or entire microorganisms to cause immunity reaction to itself - recognition, inactivation, excretion, etc.).
It particularly note that when using poisonous plants in inductive mode, it is never necessary to exceed the doses limits, since otherwise, as the dose is set, as well as as a result of the ability of alkaloids to cumulation (accumulation in the body and the summation of certain medicinal substances and poisons), the concentration of existing The substances in the blood will be consistently high, which will lead to a stable immunosuppression.
To us, when studying the immune status of patients who took the tincture of aconite in doses exceeding inductive, it was possible to observe the decrease in absolute indicators of the entire T-lymphocyte population without changing their interest ratios.
At the same time, when compliance with inductive doses, the absolute and percentage of lymphocytes does not change. But the so-called right shift of blood formula is happening: the percentage of segmented decreases in favor of mononuclear. This fact once again indicates that in the treatment of poisonous plants in inductive mode, nonspecific immune mechanisms are stimulated, and is primarily a macrophageal link. And macrophages play a major role in antitumor protection.
It is impossible to overestimate the role of immunity in such treatment, however. The results of serious studies of recent years in the field of immunotherapy of tumors convincingly proved the low efficiency of work only through immunity. The exception is only some tumors, such as melanoma, to a lesser extent renal cellular cancer, as well as chronic leukemia.
When we discuss inductive schemes for the use of poisons of plants and state the fact of effectiveness, most likely, you need to talk about the induction of an antitumor response, rather than on the induction of only antitumor immunity in its pure form, at least this interpretation suggested first.
What other mechanisms except immune are involved in the formation of an antitumor response, now it is difficult to say. Perhaps there is the effect of poisons for tissue growth factors, on non-jogenesis processes (new education blood vessels) In tumor nodes. Maybe something else has now studied little or unknown at all.

Homeopathic phase

Finally, if we talk about unknown and poorly studied, you need to go to the third phase of the actions of poisonous plants - homeopathic.
This principle was opened by the German scientist of Hanemann two hundred years ago and since then wears his name. However, many of the provisions of Ganemanian theory are often found in the ancient Indian and Tibetan treatises. For example, Dunzin Punchog in the treatise "Kunsal Nanzod", referring to even more ancient authors, writes about changes in the properties of water during the embarrassment process (by hanemann - dynamization).
In order for a poisonous plant to earn in oncology on a homeopathic principle, it should be answered by three basic conditions:
1) be tested on a healthy person;
2) cause a healthy human symptoms of tumor disease;
3) To be dynzy, that is, strongly divorced with concomitant shaking in water or alcohol.
For example, the test of the strength of acronite in Tibet was carried out on healthy peopleAnd already mentioned Anton Shuttik did the same with the Boligol before Haneman. The purpose of such tests was determined by the force of the drug. The curtain was closer to the Ganemann test, since he recorded side effects on healthy people, although it was stipulated that they would be different in healthy and in patients.
Ganeman went even further and noticed that the poisons in the suboxy doses cause medicinal disease not all participants in the test and not in the same time. A group of people having common external and mental features were clearly distinguished. This group reacted to the poison is the most acute and in the shortest possible time. So the concept of "homeopathic constitution" was born.
Dynamization, or potentiation (strengthening), is the process of constant breeding of the original poison in water or alcohol with a mandatory long-term shaking of each dilution. Ganeman believed that the stronger the remedy (and it can be divorced in millions and trillions times), the stronger and deeper it acts on the body. Studying the recommendations of old homeopaths, it can be seen that low-precision drugs obtained on the basis of vegetable poisons were used most often for the treatment of cancer. We are usually about the first - fourth decimal breeding.
For example, this applies to the favorite by many of the Boligol (Konium), Condurango, etc. Such means received several drops in a small amount of clean water 3 - 4 times a day. In my opinion, it is not about the homeopathic principle in this case, but rather inductive. Especially since the homeopathic similarity in the context is not mentioned. At best, the specificity of the drug is due to the destruction region. For example, the mortgage - dairy glands, stomach and lips.

Dear friends and blogs blog Hello. You went to the page and I am very glad. I always enjoy when the article turns out to be productive, I am glad that I could convey in it what people need. In today's article, I want to tell you about plants that can be treated for cancer.

Very severe and difficult topic that worries many. Now more and more people face cancer. In today's article I will try to talk about some plants that are able to treat cancer.

I will talk about the treatment of some organs that touched upon the cancer tumor. And with what plants can be treated with a cancer tumor. I really hope that I can be right and accessible to tell how to treat one or another disease with herbs.

Folk remedies for the treatment of oncology to which relate. There are such strong therapeutic herbs that are stronger than some traditional drugs. Of course, the treatment of herbs differs from other methods of treatment and significantly.

To fully cure, you must adhere to all the rules of treatment. Harvesting should be necessarily correctly selected in the treatment of a malignant tumor of a certain disease.

Here are some directions that need to be followed: the first is what you must choose herbs that have a direct action on the tumor.

Which herbs directly act on the tumor: Pink Barwin, Plotchpnik Picture, Craftshal, Channel Channel, Goricon, Sabelnik Swamp, Maryan Root, etc.

Folk remedies for oncology are such as restoration in the body of protective forces. To restore immunity, you need to use a lot of herbs. The most efficient and strong herbs are such as cleanliness, Mokha, nine, aloe tree, etc.

Folk remedies in the treatment of oncology, like a malignant and benign tumor, especially in female and men's genital organs, such medicinal herbs like: Sparrow and a sprinkler medicinal, wormwood, ragged meadow, Amanita, Dyagil medicinal.

In the oncology, the hormones of the Blackheads, a series of black heads, a series of blackheads, List, Dornishnik, normalizes. These herbs remove toxins from the liver, kidney, leather and lungs.

Folk remedies for oncology such as a manner, licorice, grass of the dononnik, the sage medicinal and dyagil is also well removed toxins from the body. The liver restores aconite as poisonous and red.

However, Boligols have recently become becoming increasingly popular. Found that Boligols contain a huge potential of strengthening, protective, immunostimulating forces in the body.

The grass of Boligol is used to prepare drugs from cancer. In folk medicine use boligols for treatment cancer tumors Absolutely all flowers, leaves, stems.

Grows Boligols everywhere as weed, throughout the European territory. It grows this plant in Russia, Central Asia, Siberia, and how much it is in the Caucasus! Crop the Boligol goiter, bladder, epilepsy, polyps in the stomach.

Folk Medicine uses Boligols for the treatment of atherosclerosis, paralysis, neuralgia, headache that can be treated like this: "", decline forces and many other diseases. I will not describe the entire chemical composition of Boligol.

I will only say one thing, the Boligols a unique plant, which is capable of how to poison, and cure the most difficult disease. Boligols treats all gynecological diseases: Erosion of the cervix, inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and all other diseases associated with gynecology, even infertility.

The direction of the tincture of Boligol on cancer cells is such that this plant itself is a powerful immunobostimulator, and the tincture prepared for the destruction of cancer cells actively does it.

Recently, articles began to appear in which they call for once a year to take the tincture of Boligol in prophylactic purposes against cancer. But official medicine warns of excessive treatment by the Boligol.

A warning!

In all, you need control. Grass Boligols from cancer Active drug, so if they are treated uncontrollably, there may be the most unpredictable consequences. Even if the Boligol is treated for a long time, some of the malignant cells acquire stability and do not perceive other antitumor medicines.

The grass of the Boligols from cancer is a serious leakage in the treatment of which it is necessary to pay attention to food. With such treatment, a full protein must be present in nutrition.

It must be not fat, just as definitely eat fish, different cereals, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, especially those in which Pectin contains and of course a variety of bakery products.

In no case do not eat alcohol, fried and smoked food, as well as fatty food, try to avoid. Boligols are considered an effective means that can get rid of cancer.

For such treatment, you need alcohol hood. Boligols are completely all, flowers, buds and immature seeds, they all possess the same medical properties. Therefore, in medicinal purposes it can be used completely.

Collect the Boligars must necessarily need correctly if you want to prepare an effective medicine that will necessarily help. This technique: Take two glass jars, floor liter and three-liter.

You collected Boligols, grind it and put it first in the floor liter bank. When you jar filled to half, repay the collection to a large jar and immediately pour into a jar with grass floor of a vodka. Then shook the jar with the raw material well.

Take such a procedure until the large bank is filled. Shake a periodically large jar in order for the grass of the Boligols is well soaked with vodka.

Why do you need to cross the raw materials from a small can in big? This is done to ensure that the reaction does not start before, otherwise it will destroy the medicine. When you return home, a Boligol filled with a Boligol to the top of the can be vodka.

Then close the soft polyethylene lid and put in the cool dark place. The place should be not only dark and cool, but also inaccessible to children. Such a tincture should be forced two weeks.

Two weeks later, when your tincture is ready for the treatment of oncology, take the amount of tincture in glass dishes you need, close the lid and put in the refrigerator. If you do not tolerate alcohol, you can prepare aquatic infusion.

For this infusion you will need flowers and leaves of Boligol. Grind them and merge them well. For the treatment of oncology, the aqueous tincture is done like this: warm the thermos and pumped into it one teaspoon of cooked raw materials.

After you sat down the raw material in the thermos, pour hot water in two hundred milliliters. Close the thermos and leave it so far. In the morning you will need this infusion to strain and put in the refrigerator. Such a deadline for storage of Did five days.

Grass of Boligols from Cancer Unique folk remedy. Cooked with medicine from Boligolov is treated as follows: Drink three times a day before eating in one hour by such a scheme: one teaspoon fifteen days.

The next fifteen days of the dessert spoon and fifteen days on one tablespoon. Drink until the infusion is over. Be sure to write with water by spring, or boiled. One hundred grams of water in one reception.

In order for the treatment of oncology to be effective, the patient should be prepared. The first thing you should do to clean the liver passing to vegetarian food.

For the first three days, extend the enemas. What solution to do the enemas? Take one tablespoon of apple vinegar and one tablespoon of salt. You can replace lemon juice. On one tablespoon of raw materials and a half two liters of water and necessarily evening baths.

On the fourth day in the morning, make an enema and easily bunch. For the fourth day, drink freshly squeezed juice from apples. Apples should be sour variety. Well, in the evening of the fourth day at seven hours, start cleaning the liver.

And so cleaning the liver: Take one hundred fifty two hundred olive oil grams, in another cup as much fresh juice . Drink two three chips of oil and drink lemon juice also two three sips.

In fifteen minutes, repeat the procedure. Do so until the glasses become empty. If you can, smell immediately after taking juice. Well, the interval between oil intake and juice will increase to twenty-five minutes.

If you still be sick, reduce juice and oil up to one hundred grams. After you offer and oil, put hot heating on the liver. In order not to burn much, wrap the height of the towel.

With the heating floor, it is necessary to lie on the right side and bend the legs in the knees by pressing the stomach. It is necessary to lie so much until eleven hours of the night, and then remove the heating. If you are all done correctly, among the night, the intestine will begin to be cleaned.

We all know that our liver consists of four parts. One such cleaning, cleans one part of the liver, and since their four, it means to clean the liver you need four times. Most best time Cleaning liver full moon and new moon.

After complete liver cleaning, you will need to eat pumpkin daily, or pumpkin juice in unlimited quantities. There is also a fruit and vegetable salad.

What vegetables and fruits are best suited to such a salad: a large carrot, the beets of the average size necessarily dark burglar and apples are sour two pieces. All these products twist on the meat grinder, or spend on the grater.

Add anyway that whether it is cream, sour cream, kefir or vegetable oil. The main thing that you like to taste. Sometimes there are stones in the bile that can block the duct. Before you begin to clean the liver, it will crush the stones with the help of brazing cornflowers.

If you have already accepted chemotherapy and accepted a large amount of medicines, then you need to first clean your body within two weeks. For this purpose, the decoction of flax seeds is well.

Raissarian proportions: one glass of flax seeds, pour and put on a water bath for three liters of boiling water. After that, cool down to forty degrees and drink throughout the day. Only not in the morning, but from twelve hours and to ten o'clock in the evening.

When you start treating the Boligol, for the additional effect, drink brazers from pine and fir-firing needles, decoction of the oregano, decoction of richness and can add antitumor fees.

Oilice is an excellent blood formula reducing agent. The vascular system normalizes rosehip and needle. Also these plants remove radicals and poisons from the body.

There are several methods for treating cancer by Boligol, if you are interested, you want to know these techniques, write me and I willingly write to you these techniques. I really hope that you could help you and you will be pleased with the Cancer Treatment Tips Data in this article.

Anticancer herbs

I found them in the book V. Ya. Fedorova "Medicinal Plants of the Middle Urals". Gorgeous book!

Boligols, Borshevik, Veronica, Wolf Lyko, Voroniye Eye, Bindweed, Highlander Persice, Highlander Bird, Beagle, Dynnnik, Dyagil, Zholednik, Sweetheart, Hare Cabbage, Strawberry, St. John's wort, Golden root, calendula, Kalina, Kaluga, Potatoes, Kalina , oily, clover, cranberries, hoofer, nettle, swan, buttercup, Mac, Maryin Root, Mordend, carrots, forget-me-not, sea buckthorn, dandelion, alder, aspen, squeezing, bubble white, Timarnik Chain, Strawberry, Gorky , Walnings of ordinary, drink, Rosyanka, Row, Rowan, Sabelnik, Beets, Celery, Toloknyanka, Toll, Topol, Hop, Kholnik, Blueberry, Chernykorn, Garlic, Celebre, Supan Konsky, Eleutherococcus.

Herbs from liver cancer

Host, strawberries, St. John's wort, calendula, Kalgan, Kalina, Kislitsa, clover, nettle, poppy, Maryan Root.

Lopeh Used in folk medicine.

With the stomach cancer, the roots of the Major Lopukh are clutch on a grater and eating fresh.

In addition, they drink the branch of the inflorescence of the burdock. Brew them like tea - 8-10 flowers on a glass. For storage, the blasting juice (from the entire plant) is poured with alcohol: usually two parts of the alcohol are required into two parts of the juice. But even with a smaller number of alcohol, the juice in the refrigerator is well stored.

Here are two folk recipe Against cancer, which recommends a large connoisseur of herbs Rome Ahmedov.

AIR, rhizome, - 10 g, buffet web: inflorescences - 25 g, roots - 35 g, bodian field, inflorescences, - 50 g, black, kidney, - 5 g.

All components are well mixed (pre-grinding) and pour boiling water liter. After cooling, infusion is ready. They drink it with a stomach cancer on a glass 3-4 times a day.

When cancer internal organs, fresh ground root boil with a sufficient amount of butter (natural), a crude chicken yolk is added (from the village chicken) and eaten with tablespoons. Exactly the same mixture lubricate the skin affected by cancer.

Known cases of curing with pancreatic cancer burdens.

More often from the roots of decoction or infusion. Hot decoction (from 1 tea to 1 tablespoon of dry roots on a glass of water) drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Infusion is prepared as: dry roots (from 1 tea to 1 tablespoon) pour two glasses of boiling water and tomorrow for a couple of 10-20 minutes. Then hide and leave until the morning. Drink all this in 3-4 reception, well heated. Better on an empty stomach.

The leaf leaves should be collected from June to September, the roots - the fall of the first year of life of the plant, and better - in the spring (April - May) of the second year.

Beet Activates cellular breathing, which leads to the reverse development of cancer cells. This ability has a beet coloring substance, which increases the cell's respiratory ability by 1000-1250%. In beeturopal juice there are vitamins of the complex in, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sicilia, iron, manganese, copper, and saponin, betane, glutamine, asparagan, purine bodies, horse metering and mineral connections - phosphorus, lime, fluorine.

In red beets, as well as in blueberries, black currant, elderberries, red wine and the beasts there is an ideal combination of natural healing agents to combat violation of cellular functions. Them active substances serve as the best substitution mechanism for intracellular respiration.

Most cancer patients need daily reception of 1 kg of beets. Stems and leaves beets also have an antitumor effect. It is better to take beets in the form of fresh juice, drinking it slow sips before eating, dividing into several techniques. Patients with sensitive stomach raw juice can be mixed with oat flakes. And the best way to drink beet juice in half with apple. It is even tasty.

Carrot It is better to take in the form of juice, which contains a large number of vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur and silicon. It is quickly absorbed and protects the nervous system from overwork. Carrot juice perfectly cleanses the liver, sometimes dissolving as many slags that the rectum and the urinary channels are not able to quickly derive them from the body, and they pass to the lymph to output through the pores of the skin, which is painted in orange or yellow. This indicates the purification of the liver. Carrot juice is indispensable in the treatment of cancer, since the phagocyte cells destroy cancer cells many times more efficiently if the body receives a sufficient amount of carrot juice daily. The greatest effect brings a mixture of carrots and spinach juices, especially contributing cell regeneration.

Broccoli Low-caloriene contains many vitamins, minerals and folic acid. It has the ability to increase the level of enzymes that prevent the development of tumors. It is only necessary to limit the heat treatment of cabbage.

The connection of cancer with incorrect power exists.

"Scientists have already established that people who emit exceptionally fresh vegetable foods with the addition of large quantities and a variety of fresh juices of vegetables and fruits, cancer diseases do not develop at all. Numerous observations showed that cancer patients switched to the power of fresh vegetable foods, when using carrot juice, they felt significantly better and lived for a long time. "

I could not understand for a long time, what's the difference, I drink carrot juice or I eat a carrot, until I didn't read from Walker that "the juice is the most economical for a weakened organism, because energy is not spent on its processing." In addition, in fresh raw juices they contain enzymes - elements that are the basis of life. Where life, there and enzymes. At a temperature of 54 degrees, enzymes are destroyed, but are preserved when freezing without loss. That is why food should be "alive."

We live in the atomic age, and the use of boiled food weakens us, creating a physical and mental conflict. You can well eat four or even five times a day, and yet the body will be starved due to the lack of essentially necessary enzymes and violations of their equilibrium.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

Herbs parsley. 0.5 teaspoon seeds pour 2 glasses of cold boiled water, insist for 8-10 hours, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze. Take 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day. Petrushka can not be used during pregnancy. Parsley. Grind leaves I.

Grass dill. Seeds of dill insist in water in a ratio of 1:20. Take 1-2 glasses 3 times a day. Used in inflammatory processes in urinary tract, with ureny ditea, urine delay. He also reduces arterial pressure and expands coronary

Grass grass

Anti-aging herbs The organism of an elderly person is weakened and has less vitality. He can help, applying herbs that stimulate digestion, nourish and rejuvenate the body, increase sex potency. Fixulating the digestion of grass is on the body

Herbs for bath mint - a kind of flavory champion among many spicy herbs. In Russia, sincecravel respected mint. The skin acquired a matte hue, wrinkles smoothed. It is worth falling into the legs in warm water, filled on the mint, how fatigue passes, edema disappear.

Anti-aging herbs The organism of an elderly person is weakened and has less vitality. He can help, applying herbs that stimulate and contribute to digestion, feed and rejuvenate the body, increase sexual potency.1. Stimulating the digestion of grass

Anticancer tea drinks prepared with the addition of medicinal plants are an excellent tool for preventing tumor diseases. These teas can be advised to consume those who undergo a course of treatment of diseases caused by

Herbs parsley. 0.5 h. Spoons of seeds pour 2 cups of cold boiled water, insist for 8-10 hours, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze. Take 2-3 tbsp. Spoons 3 times a day. Petrushkos cannot be used during pregnancy. *** Parsley. Grind leaves and roots parsley, 1 h.

Grass dill. Seeds of dill insist in water in a ratio of 1:20. Take 1-2 glasses 3 times a day. Use with inflammatory processes in urinary tract, with urinemid diathesis, urine delay. Dill also reduces blood pressure and expands coronary

Herbs from obesity to marriage I was thin and slender girl, but after the birth of the first child I was very recovered, it began to bother the pressure. After 5 years - the second child and with a dozen kilograms. There were pains in the joints, bothered legs and hearts, shortness of breath and

Calendula's medicinal herbs perhaps this is the most common and widely used plant among people who prefer to use folk treatment methods. It seems there is no illness at which the calendula would not be applied. This plant grows on

Birch hungry grass - Betfita Pendula (bark, leaves, kidneys, roots) The degree of heat. Cool Yin-Yan. Gorky. Tsvet. The bark is white, the leaves are dark green, the kidneys are yellow-brown. Tubil, bitter substances, sugar, yellow dye, saponides, essential oils,

Soup of wild grasses Victoria Recipe Bentco2 cups Marie; 1 cup of mustard leaves; 1 cup of portulaka; 1 avocado, clean and remove the bone; 3 lemons juice; 1 apple, chop; 4 cups of water; 1 tbsp. Spoon of red algae flakes. Mix all the ingredients, for

Spicy herbs 379. How to take parsley juice? Parsley is rich essential oils, vitamin C, carotine, it also contains vitamins of B. Parsley improves appetite and digestion. Juice parsley neutralizes poisons, is a strong diuretic, he

Herbs Medicarian rarely enters our menu, and completely in vain! Salads from the leaves of this plant are very useful for the restoration of the quantitative and qualitative composition of blood. You can spend the leaves of meduse, they retain their useful properties. Shepherd

Anticancer plants Peru the cult of erotica among Nathodius Kechua - always in the first place. Inics - too. This is no accident. As soon as the rulers understand that for successful statehood it is necessary to increase the population, then the erotic begins

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