How to equip an aviary for a dog. How to build aviary for dogs: photo of structures and recommendations of dog breeders

In order for the PSU to live comfortably in the conditions of a private house, you must properly equip the aviary. This is a kind of pen, which is necessary for an animal for sleep and recreation, active pastime and eating. It turns out that the aviary is a universal fenced around the perimeter with high deaf and open walls of the territory (with a roof or without), on which the dog can be 24 hours a day for 7 days a week. The main principle, complied with the construction of enclosures, is directly dependent on the size of the pet. But this is not the only condition.

General device of a dog aviary

Wolter is a place where the dog should feel protected. If such a condition is not respected, then the dog becomes embittered and anxious, may even pounce on his master.

As you know, the pen must advise the size of the dog. Namely:

  1. For small breeds, a corner is up to 6 square meters.
  2. For medium - up to 10 square meters.
  3. For large - over 10 squares.

Any largest aviary can be:

  • one open wall;
  • two open walls;
  • three open walls.

At least one wall of the chapter should be deaf to protect the dogs from the wind, precipitation and give an animal of a kind of "protection".

Any aviary for a dog should have at least one "deaf" wall so that the PSU is comfortable and safe inside

Under the open walls understand the designs made from:

  • rabit grids;
  • welded grid;
  • wrought elements;
  • metal pipes;
  • from iron rods.

Also, all enclosures can be divided into:

  • indoor (having a roof - in such a pen can be around the clock at any time of the year);
  • open (without a roof - here the animal should not spend all the time. For example, in the winter, the territory inside will constantly fall asleep with snow, and it is not very convenient to clean the snow dilutes to the owner);
  • partially indoor (one half is covered with the roof, the other is left open so that the dog can soak in the sun).

Any aviary is divided into zones:

  1. The zone of sleep and recreation - it is installed in it or a launcher for a dog.
  2. Food zone - there are a bowl for feed and a container with clean water for drinking.
  3. The active zone is the remaining place where the dog will be able to get into his pleasure.

If it is schematically to present an aviary in the form of a rectangle with the aspect ratio of 2: 3, then the booth or the laying must be in the right or left upper corners, near the food zone.

Any aviary for a dog conventionally has three zones: sleep, food and activity

Everything else is the space for the active pastrance of the dog.

Another question that the loving owner necessarily decides - where to position the aviary. In obligatory order, it is installed in the front of the courtyard at a distance of 2-3 meters from the fence. This is primarily necessary for the dog itself. She will not be constantly nervous because of those passing by people and passing cars. It is advisable to open the pet full Overview on the courtyard and house. So the four-legged guard will be able to fully realize its "professional duties".

The floor in the aviary can be:

  • sandy (the owner specifically falls asleep the territory inside with fine-cell sand);
  • earth (Paul inside the chapter is nothing different from the rest of the courtyard);
  • booted (the PSA owner maters the foundation under the tilt (so that the moisture is not "stood", and flowed), floods the floor with concrete, it puts the wooden boards on top of the way, in order to prevent the development of rheumatism at the pet).

Professional kinologists recommend a loving and caring owner when building an enclosure to choose exactly the third option (even if the pens will be used only in the summer). The sand will be stuck in the animal wool, get into the food, eyes, nose. Earth is too cold and does not always absorb urine and precipitation. Booted and treated with wood floor is easier to clean. If under the boards put the insulation (polystyolster, foamed plates, foam), the design will safely be used in the cold season without risk for the health of the dog.

The advantages of using enclosures are obvious:

  1. The dog does not sit on the chain, which means he feels free, trusts the owner.
  2. The dog does not hide at home, the owner gets rid of wool lumps on furniture, clothes.
  3. An animal knows where his place, he feels safe, which affects his behavior.

Remember another rule: when you build or buy a booth to locate it inside the enclosure, make the PSA measurement: from the nose to the tailbone; From the withers to the front paws. Add up 15 centimeters to the obtained values. It is equal to the parameters length and height should be a dog house. Use this data for the construction or acquisition of a conera.

Woller for dog shallow breed (Yorkshire terrier, Pug, Yagdteriere, Chihuahua, dachshund, etc.): Drawings and sizes

Dogs of small breeds (Yorkshire terrier, Pug, Yagdterère, Chihuahua, dachshund and the like) can not be on the street around the clock. This is pets that live directly in the house. On the street, such a dog is sick, a fatal outcome is possible.

In the aviary for a small dog, you do not need a booth: an animal will not live on the street constantly, the aviary is needed for the outdoor walks

Wolter for dogs of small breeds build exclusively for dog entertainment. Inside do not put a booth. It simply does not need. There can be only two zones - food and activity. In the active zone, you can lay a laying to the Pinsik can relax. What is important to know about the arrangement of enclosures for dogs of small breeds:

  1. The size of the punch should not exceed 6 square meters. In the larger aviary, the animal will be scary and uncomfortable.
  2. The roof can be partially indoor or not needed at all. Dogs of small breeds in bad weather can not stay outside, too bright sun are also contraindicated.
  3. The height of the wall is no more than one and a half meters. Yorkshire terrier, Pug, Yagdterère, Chihuahua, Dachshunds do not differ "increased jumping". The owner is inappropriate to spend money on higher walls.
  4. Two or three walls should be closed, respectively, two or three walls are open. Only so the dog will feel safe.
  5. Floor - only concreted with wooden coating. Small dogs quickly catchy.
  6. As a sun bed, you can use a 10-15 centimeters with a thickness of 10-15 centimeters.

Optimal aviary size for a small dog calculated by professional focus - 2 × 3 meters.

During construction, focus on the drawing presented below.

The drawing shows the aviary for a little dog. Pattern side 2 by 3 meters

Selection of material and calculation

For the construction of a whether a dog small breedYou will need the following materials:

  • OSB-slabs (the size of each is 1.5 × 1 meter);
  • rabitz;
  • metal pipes;
  • copper wire;
  • cement mortar;
  • wooden boards;
  • self-tapping screws; nails;
  • lacquer for processing wooden surfaces;
  • slate or metal tile;
  • loops for doors;
  • small pebbles, sand.

As for the calculations, it is important to decide which aviary intends to build the owner of the PSA. The perfect option is a pen with two open and two closed walls with an area of \u200b\u200b6 square meters (2 × 3 meters). What amount of material is necessary for the construction of such an enclosure:

  • 5 OSB-plates;
  • 5 meters of grid-racial (grid height - 1.5 meters);
  • 2 twenty-five-litogram packages with dry cement (to obtain a liquid solution, it is necessary to dilute the water powder in the proportion indicated on the packaging of the product);
  • 2 meters of copper wire;
  • 4 Metal pipes (height of each - 1.7-2 meters, diameter - 10-20 centimeters);
  • 1 bank varnish;
  • 3 square meters of slate or metal tile;
  • 3 square meters of waterproofing material (runnero);
  • 9 square meters of wooden board;
  • 5 meters of wooden rail.

Required tools

For the construction of the aviary, in which the dog will spend the dog of shallow breed, you need the following tools:

  • shovel;
  • a hammer;
  • the welding machine (if any, and the owner knows how to contact him);
  • capacity for mixing cement mortar;
  • saw;
  • perforator.

We proceed to the manufacture of aviary for a dog shallow breed. If you act strictly according to the instructions, it turns out the perfect home for your pet:

  1. Choose a plot where the pen will be located, mark it.
  2. In the perimeter, take the trench in a depth of 20-30 centimeters. To do this, you will need a shovel. The width of the trench should not exceed 20 centimeters.
  3. Insert metal pipes in the trench in the corner. Immerse them in the ground by 20-50 centimeters depending on the length of the pipe itself. Over the surface, it should rise at least by one and a half meters.

    In the corners of the future avoire, you need to place metal pipes with a diameter of 20 centimeters, the grid is attached to them.

  4. Inside the trench, place pebbles so that they cover exactly half the height.
  5. Now create on the perimeter of the trench formwork from wooden boards. By the way, the boards after hardening the foundation can be deleted and used to create a pen.

    The depth of the trench for the wins foundation should not exceed 30 centimeters

  6. Pour the trench with cement mortar and leave for 24 hours. During this time, cement will be built, it will be possible to work further.
  7. As soon as the foundation freeze, remove the boards used for formwork, and pour the floor in the future with a cement mortar. Remember that the floor must be completed (approximately 5 degrees).

    After filling the floor in the enclosure of cement mortar, leave the design at rest for a day for complete drying

  8. After the frozen, which will occur after 24 hours, the floor is covered with boards. Self-tapping screws are used to secure. The recesses in the cement floor are made using a perforator.
  9. In one of the OSB-boards, the door should appear so that the host could go inside the chapter, to bring order there, and the dog could enter and go out. It makes no sense to create two different doors - one will be quite enough. Drink the door you need the height and widths (not more than 15 meters in height and no more than 70 centimeters wide) saw. Attach the loops to it and attach to the OSB plate. On the other side of the door, pride the hook to avoid spontaneous door opening.
  10. Two nearby Waiter Walls (arranged in the letter d) - deaf. For their creation, OSB-plates are used - on one side of such plates will be 3, on the other - 2. On the corner of the slab fasten with nails, and between themselves on one side - wooden slats, located on top and bottom.
  11. Two other perpendicular Waller walls are open. For their production use the chain grid. The grid with a copper wire is attached to metal pipes.

    Rabita grid during the construction of the avoller fasten to the pipe wire to give the design aesthetic appearance, it is closed with plastic lining

  12. The roof makes the indoor only half, so that the dog can soak in the sun. First to OSB plates from above nourish boards. The beginning of the board is on top of the OSB-stove, the end is on the chain grid. There is a lawsager question: how to "arrive" the boards to the grid. Of course, no way. For such a purpose on top of the mesh from one post to another and the third, a wooden rail is fixed. Rake pipes are attached by self-drawing.
  13. On top of wooden boards on the roof are put ruberoid, which is fixed with nails;
  14. Next lay slate or metal tile. Fasten them with self-draws.

    Waire roof for a shallow dog (as for any other) fasten with self-draws so that it does not break down a strong busting of the wind

Wolter for dog shallow breed is ready. This is the easiest way to create a pen.

Video: How to build aviary for dog shallow breed

Wolter for the dog of the middle breed (Akita Inu, husky, husky, etc.): Drawings and sizes

Middle breed dogs can be on the street all day and all night. If it is not possible to contain a pet at home, nothing terrible. For the convenience of the dog, it is enough to equip a spacious and comfortable aviary. In it, there must be a booth corresponding to all the requirements and ideas about comfortable accommodation for dogs.

It is important in the aviary to provide three zones: sleep, food and active pastime. In this case, the size of the booth should not exceed 65 centimeters in height and 80 cm in width. Only in this case the four-side friend inside will be the most comfortable as possible.

What should be an aviary for medium dogs:

  • the chamber of the chamber is from 6 to 10 square meters (less can not, the PSU will be closely inside, more can not be - the dog will feel unsafe);
  • the floor should be made of concrete and insulated with wooden boards. Only in this case, the aviary can be used in winter;
  • three walls must be open, one is closed. The last part of the structure is to protect the four friend from the weather and wind;
  • the height of the walls is from 2 to 2.5 meters so that the dog can not jump them.

Adequate chart size - 3 × 3 or 2 × 4 meters. The sample of the drawing of the Woller is presented below.

So the drawing of the aviary for medium dog looks. The length of the parties of the structure: 2 and 4 meters

The booth can be purchased in a specialized store or make yourself.

Selection of material and calculation

If you intend to create an aviary with parties 4 × 2 meters and the height of the walls of 2.5 meters, you will need the following amount of material:

  1. 8 meters of welded grid (grid height - 2.5 meters);
  2. 4 Metal pipes (height of each - 3 meters, diameter -20 centimeters);
  3. 1 bank varnish;
  4. 8 square meters slate;
  5. 8 square meters of waterproofing material (runneroid);
  6. 16 square meters of wooden board.

Required tools

Some special tools in the manufacture of aviary for the middle dog will not need. However, to attach the grid to metal pipes, a welding machine is required. To perform these works, it is likely to be assisted by professional.

In general, for the manufacture of aviary, use the same tools that are necessary for the construction of a pen for a small PSA.

Step-by-step Instructions for the manufacture of aviary

So, we proceed to the construction of directly avoire:

  1. Follow the area on which the aviary will be located and drop the trench around the perimeter. It fill it with stones and sand. This is the basis for the foundation.

    The foundation in the aviary for the middle dog should be necessarily. It will provide additional design strength, will give heat

  2. In the corners, spread metal pipes. Each of them should rise above the ground by 2, 5 meters.
  3. Make a formwork for the foundation and pour the trench with cement mortar.
  4. After 24 hours, cement dries, it will be possible to fill the floor. After the procedure, give him a day to dry. Paul be sure to perform with a slight inclination.
  5. Shipping floor insulation, and from above - wooden boards. Treat half lacquer for beauty and strength.

    The floor in the aviary for the middle dog should be reinforced with wooden boards so that the dog does not ill rheumatism due to cold floor

  6. Next, start laying out the deaf brick wall. Its length is 4 meters. In one row - 16 bricks. The height of the structure is 2.5 meters. Bricks are connected to each other with a cement mortar.

    In the horizontal row of the Waller Wall for Middle Dog - 16 bricks. Then the length of the wall itself will be 4 meters

  7. Next to the columns weld the grid. On one of the little walls, install the iron frame for the door with human growth. The door itself is a metal frame with a welded grid.
  8. Do the door on the loop and provide for it a barn castle outside so that the dog can not leave the battle limits without the knowledge of the owner.

    In the door of the Woller for the middle dog, a person must enter unhindered. The castle is better to hang outside so that the dog does not break it

  9. Start creating a roof. First, lay it out with wooden boards, top storoid, then metal tile. Such a roof will not flow and withstand the load in the form of snow masses.

Video: How to independently build aviary for medium dog

Wolter for a dog of a large breed (Shepherd, Mastiff, Labrador, Bernese Zennenhund et al.): Drawings and sizes

Large breed dogs cannot be contained in the house. They need a scope and freedom, otherwise they begin to behave aggressively, which is unsafe for the owner and his relatives.

For big PSA Need a big pen. Its area exceeds 10 square meters, the height of the wall is a minimum of 2.5 meters (perhaps even 3). The remaining requirements do not differ from the basics of creating pens for medium dogs: 3 Open walls and one closed so that the PSA was warm. Floor - cement with insulation and wooden boards from above. Wolter should be covered so that the dog can winter inside.

For a big dog, a spacious aviary is needed. The minimum area is 10 square meters

Best Valler Size - 3 × 4 or 4 × 4 meters. The drawing is presented below.

On the drawing of the aviary for a large dog presented different zones for the PSA time

Selection of material and calculation

For the manufacture of aviary for the middle dog you will need the following materials:

  • bricks;
  • forged fence or super-durable welded grid;
  • metal pipes;
  • cement;
  • wooden boards;
  • nails and selflessness;
  • wood varnish;
  • slate, metal tile;
  • metal door with a box;
  • heater (Polyopolster, Mineral Wat)
  • pebbles, fine sand.

To create an enclosure of 3 × 4 meters and the height of the walls of 2.5 meters, you will need the following amount of material:

  • 400 bricks (250 x 120 x 65 mm);
  • 10 meters of welded grid (grid height - 2.5 meters);
  • 3 twenty-five-cell patterns with dry cement;
  • 4 Metal pipes (the height of each - 3 meters, diameter - 30 centimeters);
  • 1 bank varnish;
  • 12 square meters slate;
  • 12 square meters of waterproofing material (runnero);
  • 24 square meters of wooden board.

Required tools

In the manufacture of aviary for a large dog, you will need standard tools, ranging from the hammer, ending with the perforator. The list does not differ from the tools that are used to create an enclosure for a small or medium dog. The welding machine in this case is necessary. Without it, it will be impossible to weld the grid to the pipes.

Step-by-step manual instructions

During construction, focus on the instructions for the manufacture of an enclosure for the middle dog. In general, the animals for animals do not differ from each other, except, of course, sizes. Also in the corner for a large dog, it is better to place a full-fledged metal door for the convenience of the owner. It can be bought in a construction store.

Video: How to build an aviary for large dogs

Creating booths do it yourself

So that the medium and large dog in the aviary is cozy, it is important to build a simple, but warm and comfortable coneer. For small dogs booth is not required. Wolter for Yorkshire or Chihuahua is used exclusively as a platform for active pastime, and not the territory of permanent stay.

To make a medium or large dog in the booth comfortable, it must match the size of the dog.

Based on this rule, the material for construction is also calculated:

  • measure the dog from the withers to the tips of the paw;
  • also perform measurements from the nose to the tailbone;
  • the data obtained add 10-15 centimeters.

The perfect coneura parameters are obtained for four-legged friend.

The booth must correspond to the sizes of the PSA, otherwise inside the animal will be uncomfortable, it means that bad

For the construction of a house, the following tools and materials are needed:

  • wooden boards;
  • insulation;
  • self-tapping screws; nails;
  • saw;
  • a hammer;
  • drill;
  • varnish for wood.

Instructions for the manufacture of simple dog coneers:

Such a booth will become an excellent sleeping place for a fluffy pet. Kura - Mobile, you can arrange it anywhere in the aviary. So that the house does not "roam" in the entire territory of the pen, attach it with long nails or a wooden frame, for example.

This is the easiest drawing of the dog booths. Inside the beast will be cozy and spacious

Video: How to build a simple booth for a dog

If the aviary is built with love and conscience - the dog will like it in it. Inside will be cozy and safely, which will reflect on the general health of the PSA. It will be calm and focused. Do not forget about elementary pimentic care measures. Clean the cleaning at least once a day, regularly remove the products of the vital activity of your four-legged pet.

The dog is a friend of man. Familiar phrase, which is filled with deep meaning. Many of the hosts of country houses or country sites are primarily thinking about the healthy and comfortable content of their four-legged pets. In nature, it is envisaged that the dog has its own personal territory or its own place to stay. Alas, in modern apartments such conditions are very difficult to create. Therefore, the aviary content of domestic animals has become very popular lately. After all, the aviary for the dog is the place where she feels the owner and does not worry that someone can harm her.

Features in aviary

For active life, the dog requires its space with a sufficient amount of light and warm, cozy room, where a pet can relax or hide from rainy weather. It is the construction of a aviary in the territory of the country site and is an excellent solution to create comfortable living conditions.

Woller for the dog is needed if:

But always need to remember that any pet needs to communicate, so you need to highlight time for walking. If this is not paying attention to this, the puppy may grow rapidly or on the contrary, aggressive. Dog walking is necessary for its physical development.

Views of Celliers

Before you ask how to make an aviary for a dog with your own hands, you need to accurately decide what kind of design wants to see the owner in his yard.

Wolters can be:

Depending on how much space can be allocated for the construction of the aviary, its size is calculated. The structure of the structure must correspond to the breed of your pet.

By size, Woller may be:

  • small;
  • middle;
  • large.

By area, the aviary must provide free movement of the four-legged friend. Therefore, for a dog with a size in the withers, less than 50 cm will be enough Waire with an area of \u200b\u200b6 m 2. A larger animal with an increase of 50-65 cm will need 8 m 2 free space, but large dogs (more than 65 cm) should live in a volition of 10 m 2.

So that the dog can move freely, one side of the structure should not be shorter than two meters. Of course, this is not enough for full-fledged lifeTherefore, it is impossible to exclude regular day and nightlings from the pet regime.

Choosing a place for construction

The location of the housing on the courtyard area is of great importance. Before building an aviary for a dog, you need to choose a place, comfortable to accommodate a pet, as well as a comfortable owner for its service.

The accommodation of the aviary will be undesirable in the following cases:

The optimal solution will be the building of the aviary in the front of the courtyard. Here the dog will have an excellent opportunity to freely observe all what is happening on the territory. It is very important that the part of the enclosure is in the shade, and Lena and the walking place - in the sun.

Planning the building

Before starting the construction of the Woller for the dog, the drawing with dimensions must be drawn on paper to make sure and determine the location of all housing areas. Let it be a small project, but according to such a drawing, it is calculated for the construction of materials.

Be sure to provide in the aviary:

Materials for construction

Basically, with the construction of the construction, the materials and metal are already proven by time. No need to decorate the grille, because additional inserts can lead to the wounds of the animal's paw.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of wooden parts. It is better to use tie boards, as they have a smooth surface and grooves that significantly reduce the amount of fasteners. For fastening wooden parts, it is more efficient to use secret screws. From the nails it is better to refuse completely, because they are loosened and pose a threat to the health of your pet.

Wolter do it yourself can be built from the following materials:

Whatever option you choose, remember that at least one wall need to make a lattice, for good review territory.

Building aviary with your own hands

Building Waller, like any other construction, can be divided into several basic stages. After performing all the preparatory work and determined with the design of the future dwelling of the dog, you can begin the construction of the avoire.

Foundation of the structure

For aviary, designed for long-term animal accommodation, the optimal option will be the base of the base of the tape type. Production technology is as follows:

Floor floor

A qualitatively made winster flooring will help preserve the health of the pet and increase the service life of the entire design. Therefore, it is better to make floor in several layers:

Waller walls

Healthy dog \u200b\u200bcontent implies mandatory protection against drafts. Therefore, if the pet will constantly live in the courtyard, the back and adjacent wall with it need to do solid.

To install the walls, you must first make the framework of the structure. Use wooden rar to use for these purposes is undesirable. From a large load of the roof and walls, the tree can be fed. It is much more reliable to apply metal profile pipes for a frame, similar to vertical racks. For collapsible design, the frame must be fixed using a bolted connection. Making a durable stationary design is better to produce with welding.

So that the dog does not feel locked up, one wall is made with a lattice, with the south, south-east or south-west. Made a grid of reinforcement with a cross section of 10 mm. To do this, breed in the middle of the frame horizontal reinforcement, and the rest will fasten up vertically in a step of 5-10 mm, depending on the size of the dog. On the lattice wall you need to leave a place to install the input wicket.

Solid walls are made insulated. The outer layer can be made of boards, plywood or stoves. Then lay the layer of insulation. After that, the inner lining of the aviary, which needs to be paid to protecting the pet from injuries.

Roof mounting

The roof of the enclosure is made single, with a slight bias to the rear wall of the structure. A bag of wooden bars is installed on the frame. The roofing material is strengthened over the root. You can use any coating, but not to harm the hearing of the dog, it is better to use sound-absorbing material.

So that the pet felt well on hot days, you need to make a roof with a gap for ventilation.

Booth for dogs

Don't do a big boothSo that in the cold season do not lose in vain heat. Booth width should allow your pet to lie comfortably, without touching the walls. But the length and height is made a little more than the size of the dog.

The frame of the house is made from a wooden bar, and the walls from the board. The insulation is laid between the outer and the inner wall. The floor in the booth is not done, as it is located on the main coating. But the roof is desirable to make a removable to ease the owner cleaning the structure.

The building of the aviary for his beloved dog is the care of the health of the pet. After all, the creation of comfortable living conditions is the main indicator of love and devotion to its four-legged friend.

The content of large dogs in the house is not the best idea, because they need space and fresh air. They are not for life in the premises, so live and uncomfortable with them. But it is also not always possible to produce a dog into the courtyard "on an ongoing basis". It is necessary to place where it can be closed for some time. Therefore, building fenced sites - enclosures.

What is the aviary

Wolter is a fenced platform for birds, pets and dogs. It can be covered, or maybe not.

An aviary for dogs is called building in which the animal can be kept. For large dogs, the aviary is made on the street, and with such a calculation so that it can withstand the animal pressure for a long time.

For small domestic dogs under the aviary usually understand the portable fence that allows you to limit their movement. The same enclosures, usually, are needed for both graceful puppies so that they do not differ in the house.

Valler sizes

To make an aviary with your own hands, you will need to first decide on the size. It all depends on the breed, or rather, from the dimensions of the dog. What she is more, the more spacious pon it is required for normal well-being. For shepherders, husky and other not too large dogs, there is enough chain of 6 meters per person. For Alabaev, Caucasian shepherd, mastiffs and other large breeds need significantly more. If the pen is considered only for "locked while someone came," you can burn all the same 6 squares. Otherwise - at least 8

We proceed from the fact that the depth of the pen is desirable not less than 2 meters. The width "emerges" from the necessary area and available free space.

Typically, the aviary is made indoor. You can leave a part of the site without a roof, so that, if you wish, the pet could warm up in the sun. Only here to leave the site without protection is not worth: either your dog will run away, or some visit. Instead of the "normal" roof, there may be a lattice of rod - light enough and surprises do not have to wait.

If the dog is carried out in the aviary and winter, it is possible to provide a winter skate or put a warmed booth. Most likely, your watchman will like the second option. They often prefer to sit on the roof of the booth, since from there an overview is better, and not all agree to the closed part - nothing can be seen. From the booth you can quickly launch your head, and from the winterman you have to run out. In general, you better know the character of your pet. The aviary is not always built, because it is so cheaper, and to be firmly, reliably and convenient for the animal.

What should be the height of the enclosure for the dog? So how to remove anyway, the height take such so that you can move inside without problems. Usually height from 180-185 cm, but depends on the growth of the owner.

Choosing a Woller Place in the yard

You want to make an aviary so that your pet felt well, therefore it is necessary to take into account the character and habit. Being in the aviary, the dog will continue to watch its territory, so it is best to extinguish the plot on the hill, if so is there. It is very good if the entrance to the house is visible, entry into the site or at least you can track one of these important points. When choosing a place, keep in mind that your pet should see you at least from time to time. You or family members. Otherwise, it is boring and intake to you, especially if the dog is not used to restrictions.

When choosing materials, keep in mind - everything that can be shredded will be gnawing

When choosing a place, pay attention to the following points:

  • From the nearest structure or fence, it is better to retreat at least half a meter, otherwise Sorrow from there is not cleaned.
  • Wolter should not be threatened by the somewhat snow. If the roof suddenly falls a huge mass with the appropriate sound, the dog will get shock. Drive it to the aviary will be very problematic.
  • It is necessary to deploy the design so that the open part is facing southeast or southwest. In the northern regions, it is preferable to south. Do not do only to the north.
  • It is not bad if there is a massive bush or a sprawling tree nearby - they will cover the wind and heat.

It is not easy to consider all these wishes, but it depends on how well the pet will feel.

Design requirements and materials

Dogs of large breeds with good wools are small cold. If they are all the time on the street, they grows thick undercoat, which perfectly protects from the cold. It is much worse for them if they are warm, then in the cold. That for them is still bad - this is a draft. Then the thick undercoat does not save. Therefore, one of the long walls of the enclosure is necessarily sewn - one or two of the short can be closed. With such a device, at any direction of the wind, you can find the slips and the dog should not be closed in the booth.

What makes a frame and how to sheathe

Woller frame made from a pipe or corner. The pipe is better / easier to use a profiled - square or rectangular cross section. Wall thickness from 1.5 mm, cross-section of pipes for racks 40 * 40, for jumpers - 20 * 40. And there are looking through the mass of the dog, the size of the construction and planned materials. Corner now find a normal quality, and even even - a problem, and it will not work out to straighten it without special equipment. Therefore, it is better, after all, the pipe. Corner, if you take, then with a shelf of 4-5 cm and a thickness of 2 mm.

Wailer walls can be made from the simulation of the bar. But the part, addressed inside, too, must be processed (sfig)

As already said, at least the rear wall should be sewed, and better - two adjacent. In the regions where the wood is inexpensive, usually use a board or a t-shirt - imitation of a bar, a gender board, etc. The front side turn inside the enclosure - the offices of the dogs are very unpleasant. You can replace the boards plywood, only the moisture-resistant, polished, with a low emission class (not construction).


Often the frame is tightened with a grid chain or a welded grid that is used in road or construction work. The chapter is very unreliable, because if the dog is striving to the will, she is not a hindrance. They very quickly understand that if you push well, it bends and saves, and if you make enough effort, it can be broken. So usually happens.

"Little" dog escapes through a chain grid

Those who are not able to break it with their mass, use cells in the grid as the steps. Very convenient, by the way. When trained, they elude very quickly. And medium and large dogs, usually, smart, so that escape in this case is only a matter of time. And if the dogs did not learn how to climb on the grid, they can be born about the welding place, sticking the edges of the grid, etc. The grille is often attacked, so that the appearance of dangerous elements is a matter of time.

If you decide to make an aviary for a dog yourself and a little more friendly with a welding machine, use a bar. Round or square - your choice. You can put the pipe of a small cross section, but it is usually more expensive. Partitions weld to the frame vertically. The installation step depends on the size of the dog so that even the thinning it does not climb, the distance should be less than the width of the chest.

Forged aviary looks solid

If you don't like the pipes, you can just do not do for the dog "Steps" and tapering decorations - they can be dangerous.

And yet: Leave the gap under the roof is not worth it. Yes, it's easier to do and less the material goes, but again the dogs are smart and with great desire they will shoot this gap. And in size it is sufficient even to large dog crawled.


When it is planned to make an aviary, a question often arises, from which the floor is to do. The optimal option - flooring from the boards, and without cracks. Slots can stuck claws, which will lead to injury. So as a flooring is best suited.

To solve the problem of runoff, you can make it with a small slope - 1-2 cm per meter. Boards are better not to paint, but to handle with antiseptics and dry - you can and you need. If you want wood to be darker (dirt is less noticeable), take the oil for wood with a pigment. It absorbs into the pores, pigment and oil penetrate deeply. On the surface, the film is not formed, but the liquid and dirt are not absorbed. The then Wood is easily. Yes, the composition is not cheap, but the wood becomes much more convenient to use. Update the coating is necessary once a year, and the old removal is not necessary: \u200b\u200ba fresh layer (brush or roller) is applied to a clean dry base).

Yes, in order for the floorboards in the aviary to rot and so that it was warm, the floor is best to raise over the soil level by 20 cm. In this case, the mouse and other living creatures will not settle there and the dog will be better visible even lying on the floor. In order to do not blow through the floor, you can make it insulated. From the bottom to throw the boards, you can unstored, top with a layer of foam or foamed polyurethane, and already a sex board on it.

Sometimes make a decision to make concrete floor in the aviary, but it will be very cold and winter will be cold. The problem is solved by a knocking fragments of wooden flooring. But they slide and move, which is not suitable for everyone. You can make a double floor - pour a concrete screed with a bias toward the drain, and above 10-15 cm arrange the floor. Then the problem of seepiving "fluid" will also be solved, which will be absorbed into the ground. So you can wash the floor in the aviary and the pad, getting rid of smell and dirt.


Waire roof can be done any, from any material. You can single-pass, with a slight tilt back, you can - two or four-tie. To rain and snow caught as far as possible, it is advisable to make sinks, that is, the roof should be more frame sizes. The minimum departure is 20 cm. If you make an aviary with your own hands with minimal cost, consider the option from a single-bedroom roof. She, by the way, may have a SCOS not only back, but also one of the parties.

Willbert drawing with a single roof. It is the most inexpensive and simple in the device.

Roofing material for dog aviary can be used any. But if you care appearance Plot, better if at least in color and texture it will be similar to the roofing material of the house and / or buildings.

Doors and constipation

The framework of the door and the racks to which they are fixed, make from the same pipe that went to the carcass of the aviary. Filling is usually similar. The loops and constipation should be reliable. The door opens inside - it is easier to control the dog, and there will be less trouble. If the doors open out, the dog can lose you inadvertently. Some are so happy to see the owner that can open the doors with a person, there is only constipation to open.

Popps are well fixed. Our Alabai coped perfectly with the latch, if you do not omit the lock down. Jumping and pounded the paw on it until he opened the wicket. This is despite the fact that the constipation stood at an altitude of about one and a half meters and to close it / open it is necessary to press the sash well. It seems that everything you need to know to make an aviary for a dog with your own hands described. It remains only to discuss the coneer, but this is a separate topic - many nuances.

The content of guard dogs on the chain lost its meaning with an increase in the size of private households: if some kind of corner of the territory controlled for the PSA is undervalued, the house is not protected from invasion. Moreover, the dog on the chain, at least moving on the wire, is a light target for a thief, armed with arbelt, and the woven watchdog is expensive. Modern kinologists interpret the guard dogs to patrol the territory and the aviary content, but, unfortunately, not all of the available ready-made heliers are made taking into account the characteristics and requirements of the animal, and the wrong dog content can spoil the PSA. This is a very good argument in favor of making an aviary for a dog with your own hands. The second is the content of domestic dogs and the upbringing of puppies require, on the one hand, not particularly constrained by the animal; On the other hand, to teach him not to deliver the owners of unnecessary trouble. This article discusses what type of aviary for the dog in what cases is suitable and how to do it.

Views of Celliers

The main condition for choosing the type of aviary is not to pour PSA. This and he will go to harm, not to mention that the dog can spoil as a watchman. The best guard dogs originate from the shepherds, and for those all sorts of adversity - the usual work environment. For the dog, it is much more harmful to overheat, overeat and wake up than to surfate, get drunk and tired.

In the open enolers, they keep particularly enduring densely dogs: shepherds, Russian watchdog and similar rocks with them. Gustopsova means with long wool and thick letters; Psina Psarisky Wool. There are generally specific terminology: a mouth - a tongue, the tail is a rule (emphasis on "and") and others. In the regions with a mild climate or for temporary content, the open aviary may be a simple fence (pos. 1 in Fig. With a photo), and in Moderate climate in the aviary for gustops need a shelter booth, pos. 2. Domestic dogs, leaving for the country, are placed in the folding aviary with an awning, pos. 3: Urban dog, hitting nature, it can easily condemn, get lost and abyss.

In places with high insolation, not necessarily a warm (chernozem strip and south, south of Siberia and the Far East), the awning or roof should cover approx. 2/3 Woller for any dog, pos. 4. Purpose of 2 adjacent closed Waire Walls with windproof (pos. 5) In fact, close the dog's view of what prevents it from performing his duties: Street vanity, playground, the corner of the owners, etc.

The dog is a predator, and for any predator, the main condition of comfort is a wide overview of the surrounding area. Therefore, the dog will be better feeling and watching if you make an aviary with a dumplings. They may have just a flat roof of asylum booths, pos. 6. If the dog does not jump, you need to make a ladder on the platform. The simplest, inclined under 20-45 degrees with packed across a step of 100-200 mm rails 20x20.

In places with a sharply volatile climate of dogs hold in aviaries with semizymen (pos. 7): The booth is installed in an additional closed section of the section 3 sides, which is closed with tarpaulos. Woliers for dogs with insulated winter modules (pos. 8 and 9) are built in places with severe long winter; Lases in the winterman walked with strips of rubber so that the dog could go to the service.

If the location conditions (see below) enclosure with a winterman allow, deaf do 2 of its adjacent walls, pos. 9. If it does not work so, it is better to leave open everything, except for the winter, pos. 8. Woliers-tunnels are suitable for the content of the samples (see below), but the PSA is a single Wolter type of what is pos. 8, but with deaf long walls, will surely spoil.

It is believed that the door of the Woller Wallet or Service Dog should be opened inward, otherwise a strong dog can knock it out. It is true, but often space to open the door inside the aviary does not turn out to be at least because there is no place for superfluous in the yard. In this case, take a closer once again. 6, opening the outside of the Woller door.

  • To be a grid (see below) on the inside.
  • Have at least 2 crossbars.
  • Each of the crossing should be a reliable latch.
  • The door canvas should be hung on barn loops.
  • Inside the door there should be a safety latch: entering the aviary to care for animals and feeding, the door behind it immediately and lock.

More about the diligence

Load booth, as on pos. 6, a dog is suitable without any problems, a separate platform is needed if it is pledged and leaving broods in its constant aviary. How the aviary is arranged with a dumplings for the pitch, shown in Fig. on right. The winter is installed optionally, if the female with the range remains in the aviary in the cold season. When the puppies are taken away from the mother, the plot over the refuge - the log is to remove and arrange general cleaning in the aviary, so that the odor of the offspring does not bother the parent.

Waller dimensions

The minimum required Valler Square, as is known, depends on the height of the dog in the withers: up to 50 cm - 6 square meters. m; up to 60 cm - 8 square meters. m; Over 60 cm - from 10 square meters. m. The remaining sizes of the enclosure are also tied to the sizing of the body of the animal:

  • Width - at least 1.5 body lengths without a tail, but not less than 1.5 m.
  • Length - calculated in width and square.
  • Height: Raise the dog for the front paws until it stretches into the string, and someone else let me measure the distance from the ground to the ends of the front paw. Add 0.5 m, this will be the minimum possible elevator height, except for particularly jumped dogs, see below.


The main thing in choosing a Woller Place is to provide a PSU possible best Overview controlled territory. Imagine a taxi driver-pro who fusing in a broken windwood along a busty cape. About the same way to feel guard dogwithout having opportunities to review their zone of responsibility. Only the owner will not be able to express, can not.

The second factor - the aviary must stand away from sources of strong smells. A dog is still entrepreced to the amber of a bird or crossroads, the same is her ancestors in nature, but from the vapor of ammonia Nyuh PSA weakens. There are smells, for dogs are unbearable and harmful, see at the end.

Orientation on the sides of light and winds, contrary to common conviction, does not play a special role. The facade of the Woller with a dog of northern origin (deerbonic husky, husky) in the southern regions is better oriented to the north, but with a dog-Yuzhanka (Caucasian or Central Asian Shepherd, for example.) North of Moscow - south. In other cases, the ideal is the orientation of the facade to the East, and the deaf walls against the directions of the prevailing winds.


It is also not necessary to consider relevant recommendations to lay a capital foundation under the aviary: you are excess expenses and work, and the cop will only better if the subfield is blown away. The dimensions and design of the voller for dogs are such that they are insensitive to the primations of the soil; Finished enclosures put just on Earth, bricks or concrete base blocks 400x400x200 at corners and vertical supports. The support pillars of the avoller for a large and strong dog is better to concrete, see below.

Materials and construction

The best material for dog aviary is structural steel. Wolter for shepherd can be partially wooden (see below), and enclosure for such intended dogs like a husky, husky, the fox terrier is very desirable to do completely metallic - the tree is though.

Stages of the construction of a wooden enclosure for a dog

However, wood is more affordable metal and work easier with it. This affects if there is no possibility at any time connect welding or power tools. How to build a Woller from a tree is simple, inexpensive and suitable for almost any dog, shown in Fig. above:

  • Wood materials twice impregnate water-polymer emulsion or once with silicone anti-inflict impregnation.
  • The ends of the support pillars from the bar 150x150 are additionally impregnated with bitumen mastic.
  • Support poles concrete, pos. 1 In fig., Putting vertically on a plunder. Poles need to be prepared with a reserve of 10-15 cm in height or with great, if the site is noticeably uneven. Installation step up to 1.5 m.
  • To frozen concrete, the upper ends of the columns cut into the horizon on the desired height, using the cord and level. Trimming do not hurry to flush into the stove, will be useful.
  • Patches pairs are connected by pairs of boards from 100x25, pos. 2.
  • According to the received boxed beams, the floor is laid, pos. 3 (tipped boards from 150x30); See also Next.
  • To floor flooring along the perimeter of the lattice walls, the lower strapping of the bar 100x100 is fastened, pos. 4 and 5. Fasten the lower strapping is better from under the bottom.
  • In the bar of the lower strapping, the deaf holes are drilled under the lattice bar. For the German shepherd, the rods must be at least 10x10 or a diameter of 12 mm from the usual steel either from 8 mm if reinforcement bars.
  • Put the lattice bar, leaving the opening for the door, pos. 6. Installation step 10 cm for large dogs and 5-7 cm for small.
  • The lattice bar is temporarily so as not to be bluled, tied up in a soft wire osopill.
  • Prepare the bars of the upper strapping, choking nests in them under the lattice rod.
  • Mount the upper strapping. Its bars are attached to the supporting steel corners or plywood jams.
  • Clean the deaf walls.
  • They put inside the septum and arrange the winter, if necessary.
  • Make the roof (pos. 7) and produce the remaining work, see more detail.

Note: Oil impregnations for wood, incl. Working on motor oil, you can use if the aviary will be settled in a year. Then build it in the spring - over the summer, light factions of the impregnation will be destroyed, and in winter bituminous and lose the smell (exhausted) heavy.

Steel aviary is built in a similar way:

Floor or soil?

Purchased enclosures are often put simply to the ground; On her, the dog copes physiological needs. Floor enclosure from traces of its livelihoods need to be cleaned, but in the ground the dog is able to proceed the LAZ and get out of the aviary. How to be here?

Firstly, the northewing dogs are root in exceptional cases. Reflex digging them are very weak, because They have an eternal Merzlot's Motherland. If husky, husky or labrador is regularly walking or produced to patrol, the subpoint can not be afraid of them. Secondly, at one time J. Darrell came up with a way to work out toilet skills practically from any mammal, even at the wild African pig:

  • Cooking a small enameled sized sized dog for the exhaust place: a basin, a foot bath with an extinguished drain, a big bowl.
  • When building an enclosure, away from the booth and feeders (see Next) in the floor make cutout to the installation of the toilet sudine.
  • Cutout under the toilet temporarily sewn plywood.
  • At the time of participation to Valler, the dog makes it possible to protect the need where wants.
  • When accustomed, a bunch of litter a fresher takes temporary storage.
  • In the aviary make general cleaning.
  • Remove Phaneur, put the toilet and fall asleep to the sand.
  • Put in the toilet preserved lump of the litter and start in the Wolter PSA.

This method works correctly: after all, urine and excrement animals march their territory. Now the dog will walk in a large toilet only. Sand in it is needed to satisfy the instinct of injection of garbage; Its from time to time you need to change.

Note: Wolter for Norny Dogs, for example. Focster, must be with the floor.


Do in the enclosure for a dog swivel at the floor level (left in Fig.) To demonstrate its mechanic skill - a serious mistake. Funny pupendence provokes an animal on the game with her, for dogs is traumatic. The feeder needs to be made curd with the lower edge of approximately at the height of the lower edge of the PSA chest, as to the right in Fig.

Feeders in choirs for dogs

The roof of the dog aviary must be with a gap for venting. Go on a hot summer day with a light breeze from the yard on the veranda. Filk there? And now imagine that you from the top of the top covered wool. We repeat again: the heat and stuffing for the dog is much more harmful to the bite of the cold.

As for - from which to fit the roof of the aviary, here the main rule: the roof material should not resonate in the rain and from the wind. Rumor dog is as sensitive as Nuh; Often repeated sharp sounds are capable of damaging. Best Materials For the roof of the envelope sound-absorbing: rubberoid, soft tiles. They are also easier to sharpen them.

Note: So the trimming of a bar from the construction of a wooden aviary was useful - they went to the device of the ventilation gap under the roof. Dooming her usual type, but it does not hurt it. Not for the winter, for the summer, so that the roof is heated with the sun, the warm down did not give up.

To the lattice of the enclosure from the rods need to be accessed from the same rod with a vertical step of 1-1.3 m. Typically put one cross in half the height of the rods. In the aviary for shepherd, it is better to put two, acc. By reducing the installation step. The German Shepherd is not the record holder among its relatives, Caucasian and Central Asian is stronger. But the adult male dog shepherd spreads the rods 10x10 with a length of 1.5 m.

Special cases

This intelligent, faithful and disciplined dog is becoming more popular. If you don't get out of the deergon lacks, they do not leave, and the hunting dogs are occasionally (though, everything is like one outstanding), then the husks can be called a dog on all the hands as a master. However, aviary for husky should have a number of features.

First - Woller for Husky is needed height from 2.2 m. Husky dog \u200b\u200bis very jumping; In their homeland, they need so much to inspect over endless snow. Jumps the husks almost like a poodle, and that, to your note, with the floor without running, jumps on the closet.

The second, the lattices of the aviary for husky should be done not from the rods, but from the grid. Jumping, Husks for it clinging. If the lattice is with a husher from the rods, then the PSU will not be able to do the necessary physical exercises. Finally, in medium latitudes and south of Wolter for Husk, it is better to have a facade to the north, northeast and north-west.

About grid

Woliers for dogs with grilles from the grid

The grid from the grid instead of the rods is suitable in the aviary for dogs of other breeds. It is better to put in the Wolter grid of a wicker grid, pos. 1 in fig. on right. For Huska, it is all the more good that the wire wicker mesh is curved with a zigzag and cling to them easier. But the welded grid will go, pos. 2. In the other case, the diameter of the wire from 4 mm, and the 10x10 cm wcheck for large dogs and from 5x5 to 7x7 for small.

The chain grid is undesirable to use the chain: dogs are even very calm often injured his paws about her, and the wool is pulled by a challenge in such enclosures. For Husky, by the way, the slave is safe, so this dog is smart. Too smart to aviary from Rabitsa: Shakes breaks, takes away from the frame and comes out of the aviary for an hour and a half. The only one when excused an avoire for a dog from the chain grid - when its area is more than 20 square meters. m, and dog watchtop. Very disciplined, and processed by a good cynologist.

For small and small

Puppy and small, but the adult dog is far from the same thing, and the enclosures need different. The first, do not make an aviary to puppies from a tree (pos. 1 in fig. Below): Weakly, they are still weak, but they will be gnawing. The chips are brazed and stuck in a torn hole. The second, the aviary for puppies should be done, given that they have an irrepressive curiosity, but Umishko has not yet cut through. In a scientific - a complete set of dog instincts has not yet turned on.

Woliers for puppies and a small dog

Sun puppies and inconsistencies need to be kept instead of the enclosure in a playpen with soft walls to make it no me; The baby's puppy feels abandoned, if he cannot take care of something warm and soft. Puppies are often friends with domestic cats that is why. Manege for a puppy is done at least from cardboard box; More about a pair of options, see the video at the end of the section.

When the puppy in the manneva starts to get up, leaning on the front paws about the side (pos. 2 in Fig.), Soft upholstery should be removed and start tearing a puppy to the apartment aviary from the grid, pos. 3; It is better to simply bend from the segment of the grid with the cells from 3x3 to 5x5 cm, running the junction. Knitted butt puppy is essential.

Wolters in the apartment for small dogs are already arranged in general, as for large, taking into account the lowest strength and insignificant freedom and inhabitants. Wolter for a decorative dog is the same set of arrows from vertical rods. Ready sections of mini-voller for dogs are sold in pet stores; Of these, the habitat of the desired size and configuration is assembled. But remember: For the room dog, Wolter is something like a walker with a bench or bar. For permanent housing, the dog in the apartment needs a house.

Note: For Bologna and others. Long-haired dogs of the apartment enclosure section you need to take only welded. Wicker all wool will be deducted, especially since the decorative breeds of dogs mind, as a rule, do not differ.

Video: Puppy

Video: Manege for puppies do it yourself

For sample

Wolter for several dogs

If the site protects several dogs, the total aviary for them needs to be made from sections with semi-dismenters, canopies in 3/4 of the length of the section, deaf partitions between them and individual feeders. Otherwise, gnawing in the free time is provided. In this case large dog Enough 3-4 square meters. m Square and section wide in the length of its body without a tail, see Fig. on right.

What is not necessary!

We will examine in conclusion typical errors in the construction of enclosures for dogs. Strengthen Wolter by bidding, screeds, etc. ways for wind and snow loads (pos. 1 on next. Fig.), It is impossible. The dog is a compact body, instantly gaining a speed of 10 m / s or more. How many kinetic energy in it will be in the formula from school physics, with weight 20-40, and then 70 kg? Did you get her blow all these strains specks?

Error execution of voller for dogs

Then, if you are not a kinologist with special education and experience, then building an aviary for a dog, to get involved in designer research even in a minimum size, as on the pos. 2, should not. That the human eye is nice, the cops will most likely simply interfere with the normal dog life. This, by the way, also applies to cold forging, only in it can also be tangled.

Next, do not block the dog overview and slightly as on the pos. 3. Dogs 100% extrovert; Their and our concepts about comfort and comfort are fundamentally different. And finally, do not place the aviary in the flower bed, in the garden and do not decorate it with flowers as on the pos. 4. The dog's nose is much more sensitive, and too strong a pleasant fragrance turns into an unbearable stench. In addition, ethylene and aldehydes, exhibited by flowers and fruits, simply spoil sniffs. The nose of the dog is almost the same as our eyes, and for dog health background odors, he needs a moderate and natural.

Most dog breeders need a construction of specialized enclosures for the content of large dogs.

Specialized stores offer a huge selection of finished structures that will like your pet.

Many owners prefer independent design for their animal.

How to make an aviary with your own hands? Answer to this question, you will find in our material. Here is a phased instruction for the correct assembly.

Principle of Woller's facilities

Before proceeding with independent construction of the construction, it is recommended to first get acquainted with common principlesthat provide every detail of the design.

The main requirement of the aviary is safety and comfort of the animal. The height and width of the construction should exceed the size of the dog several times.

The minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe middle enclosure for the dog is about 7 m2. This area is sufficient for the free movement of the PSA on the territory of its possession.

Do not build too much construction. The fact is that in the winter period of time the animal can constantly freeze, as the room does not have additional heating.

Waire drawing helps to familiarize themselves with the project of the future building. All wall parameters and ceiling are displayed here. Optionally, you can add additional sections and doors for unhindered access to the animal. The size of the aviary is selected based on the size of the adult PSA.

How to choose the floor for aviary

Make aviary simple enough. Many dog \u200b\u200bbreeders think about how to choose the floor covering to build. Here preferences of breeders do not have a single opinion.

Someone prefers to leave the soil under the feet of the animal, others on the contrary choose the purity and aesthetic type of specialized coating.

When choosing one or another option, it is necessary to take into account the preference of the dog. As a rule, many animals love to dig ground, hide the bones and lie in the earthenware. In the presence of artificial coating, the pet will feel uncomfortable.

Registration of walls

When building an enclosure with your own hands, you need to think about what walls will be in this construction. It is worth noting that any dog \u200b\u200bis a fairly curious creature that loves to control everything around. The walls indoors should not be completely deaf.

One wall of the construction should have a lattice base that allows you to observe the surrounding space. To do this, you will need a special lattice.

The surface of the coating should not have any defects. At the time of the dog's movement, these little things are capable of causing significant harm to the animal.

Location of Waller


If it is too close to the fence too close, the animal will react to each movement of machines and pedestrians.

It is best if your pet will be located opposite the front door. So the dog will learn to recognize its master.

Stages of construction

If the aviary for the dog will be located on the same place, then the first thing you need to dig a place for the foundation. The depth of the pit can be from 1 to 1.5 m.

The bottom is placed a layer of large stones. After that, they are fixed using a concrete solution. For complete drying, the mixture is necessary from 1 to 3 days from the moment of filling the concrete.

At the end of the foundation laying, go to the installation of fences. For this, the framework of metal elements is prepared in advance. All parts of each other must have a durable mount, which guarantees the reliability of the construction.


You can fix each item with electrical welding or special fasteners.

The next step will install the roof. To do this, we will need strong materials that are able to withstand any climatic cataclysms.

This is mainly: slate, polycarbonate, plywood, rubberoid. The photo of the Woller presents the best options for animal buildings.

Picture of the aviary do it yourself


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