Gardens of spices. Spice garden in Sri Lanka - Another divorce for money

Somewhere along the path from Colombo in Candy, in a small town of Mavellala, there is a spice garden, under the mysterious number 66. In Sri Lanka, each garden of the spices has its own serial number in the state registry, and this sign must be placed in a prominent place. Such strange laws. The garden was opened in 2004 and for all the time of work was able to earn a good reputation both among foreigners attending the garden and among the locals who also enjoy drugs made on a natural basis.

There are 12 people in the garden, mostly, these are guides that show and tell visitors about various plants, and how they are used in traditional medicine.
Garden area - 4 acres. Garden grows: Cocoa, Magos, Muscat, Vanilla, Aloe, Almonds, Coconut, Kurkuma, Saffron, Pineapple, Red Pineapple, Carnation, Cinnamon, Cardamon, Ginger, Mimosa, Lemon Grass, Red and White Sandalwood, Citronella, Coriander, Anis, jasmine, garlic, royal coconut. More than 50 types of spices grow in the garden, for which he actually received such a name - "garden of spices."

A pineapple Avocado
Banana Carnation
Coconut Cinnamon
Muscat Sandal Vanilla besides plants, there is a shop where preparations made on a natural basis are sold.

Preparations here a lot, practically, for all occasions.

Of course, there are also spices. And even a poster by anatomy.
Means helped against: 1) high pressure, 2) sweating and 3) pain in the stomach.
Therapeutic wine, remedy against cholesterol and means for removing stress.
Citronella oil, ginger syrup, means against diabetes, sandalwood powder.
Red coconut oil, agent against pain in the stomach and against diabetes.
Oil from migraine, agent of hemorrhoids, sleeping pill syrup.
Tools from high and low pressure.
Means for raising potency.
Weightloss remedy.
Sandalwood oil.

Assortment and Store Prices

1. Cocoa powder + natural vanilla in a bottle ($ 9). 2. Therapeutic tea with spices ($ 9). Application: Tea enhances immunity, effective in the prevention of stomach disorders, and also cleans the body from mucus. 3. Sandal powder ($ 30). Application: Strengthens gums, stops bleeding, refreshes the breath, prevention of caries and the formation of stones (course - 3 weeks, take 2 times a day). 4. Meat and fish curry ($ 1-2). It is used as an additive when preparing various dishes. 5. Cream Citronell Grass ($ 15). Application: Means from mosquitoes for outdoor use. 6. Potency ($ 23). Application: Means for raising potency, and good well-being. 7. Snow pill syrup ($ 26). Application: Means from insomnia. 8. Remedy for hemorrhoids ($ 23). Application: Cooling the body and cleans blood. 9. Sandalwood oil (depending on the volume starting from $ 19 per 25 ml). Application: Cosmetic. Oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, smoothes wrinkles, and treats cellulite, is also used as effective tool from acne. 10. Therapeutic balsam ($ 23). Application: Drug balsam for outdoor use, prepared from natural herbs, and is used for headaches, dizziness, cough, cold, and other in -itas, is also used as an inhaler. 11. Jasmine oil ($ 12). Application: Natural air freshener. 12. Rose oil ($ 12). Application: Natural Cosmetics. 13. Ginger Syrup ($ 29). Application: Cleans respiratory paths, treats chronical bronchitis, tonsillitis. 14. Cream for hair removal ($ 19). 15. Green oil ($ 45 for the full course, reception - every other day within a month and a half). Application: Excellent remedy for varicose and legs. 16. Low pressure remedy ($ 23). 17. High pressure remedy ($ 23). 18. Cream "Aloe Vera" ($ 19). Application: Used when sun burns, solar allergies and skin redness. 19. Sandal of cream ($ 19). Application: with cellulite and eczema. 20. Cream from almandine for face ($ 19). 21. Red oil with balsam ($ 50). Application: helps with rheumatism, lumbago, arthritis, pains in the joints. 22. Syrup against smoking ($ 46). 23. For weight loss ($ 75). Application: Removes excess weight, burning fats and calories. 24. Red coconut oil ($ 29). Application: Used with acne, uneven skin, gives shine hair. 25. Royal Coconut Oil ($ 46). Application: Hair tonic prevents hair falling, nourishes hair, stimulates growth, helps save bright natural color. 26. Remedy for gastritis ($ 30). 27. Cinnamine oil ($ 15). Application: during dental and ear pain, and also warms the body when cold. 28. Tonic for kidneys ($ 42). 29. The cream "brought" ($ 19). Application: Applied with skin allergies. 30. Cholesterol ($ 46). Application: dissolves cholesterol deposits (cholesterol) in blood vessels And corrects the density of cholesterol in the blood. Also lowers high pressure. 31. Means for removing stress ($ 23). 32. "laxative" ($ 15). Application: With constipation. 33. Diabetic pills ($ 44). Application: Stimulates the natural production of insulin, activating the splitting of sugar and starch. 34. Therapeutic wine on herbs ($ 23 - small bottle, $ 46 - big). Application: consists of 52 medicinal herbal and is essentially unique folk remedy - improves appetite, soothes nervous systemand improves sexual potency. 35. Means against sweating ($ 29). 36. Remedy for pain in the stomach ($ 28). Application: Heals the stomach, improves digestion and contributes to the rapid absorption of food. 37. Cream of jasmine ($ 19). Application: Removes spots with skin skin. 38. Shafran cream ($ 29). Application: against wrinkles. 39. Lax oil ($ 15). Application: Natural Cosmetics. 40. Cream "Sole" ($ 25). Application: For elasticity of female breasts. 41. Oil from migraine ($ 29). Garden Postal Address: Spice Garden "66, Utuwankanda, Mawanella, Sri Lanka

The garden of spices is considered exclusively by the Lankan invention, which other countries of Southeast Asia have borrowed over time. By its structure, this territory divided into beds and sectors, where, as in the botanical garden, various spicy plants and spices are grown. For us with you, this is a great way to find out how spices grow, as they look before they become fragrant powders in packages.

To all, the entrance to the garden is free, as it does not take advantage of this opportunity to plunge into the world of original sources of healing drugs, rejuvenating cosmetics, spices that give the unique taste of any dish!

Spicy Story Sri Lanka

Cinnamon, Vanilla, Carnation and Peppers have always been the subject of Zeylon's pride. Their since the time of the Silk Road used for long-term storage of products. Most of all in spices were dealt with (and therefore controlled the market) Arab merchants, but at the time of colonization by Europeans different countries Southeast Asia This monopoly was destroyed. Arab merchants migrated to the area of \u200b\u200bJaffna, where they founded a new port, known all over the world and in our time. Modern Mauritanian Muslims are descendants of those very spice merchants.

According to historians, not coffee, not tea, namely the spices were the main cause of the colonization by the Portuguese Sri Lanka at the beginning of the 16th century, and then the Dutch in the 17th century. After the famous opening of the sea route from India to Europe, the Vasco da Gama researcher, the Portuguese settled in the southern and south-western part of the island, actively using the ports of Colombo and to transport spices, and the territories surrounding the ports for their cultivation. Initially, it happened in the natural environment - used forest arrays. Then the plantations have become more organized, structured. Vanilla Liana and Cinnamon Trees were grown on the coast, and their aromas came to the wind to each ship, which was included in the port. Gradually, Plantation Square went deep into the island, where the climate turned out to be more favorable. Joke Lee - Ceylon as a date every year had to send only cinnamon about 50 tons to Europe, not to mention other, cheaper spices.

The British came to Ceylon at the end of the 18th century began to cultivate the culture of cultivation of coffee, then tea, gradually reducing the value of spices and spices in the export structure of Sri Lanka. This Great Britain's Economic Intervention is in the life of the island and to this day, and the Government of Sri Lanka applies great efforts to restore this area of \u200b\u200bagriculture, mainly by promoting small and medium businesses.

What is the garden of spices

As a rule, the garden of spices is divided into zones on the principle of utility for the human body and the need for everyday life. Attempts by the owners of these institutions to issue a territory using landscape design laws, although, maybe not the most advanced. Everything is very modest, but naturally - as if the garden was created by nature itself, almost without human intervention.

It should be understood that the garden of spices is not a plantation. That volume of plants is not enough to produce the entire range of products, which is sold at the Garden of Spice Garden. For the production of Ayurvedic cosmetics and drugs, a huge number of spices and spices are required, as well as specialized processing facilities. Nowadays, their main task has been to receive income from excursions for tourists and other related services. In many garden gardens, in addition to a spices and aurevidic cosmetics, there is a restaurant with a buffet, offering Srilaskian dishes, where local spices are actively used, as well as a spa, which uses the proposed cosmetic products.

If you are not a "batch" tourist, you always have a choice - visit the garden of spices or not. If you are traveling within a tour with a guide, most likely the garden will be one of the required route items. In any case, looking here, you get a rare opportunity to see how Ayurvedic plants grow and spices are collected.

Where are there

First of all, you should know that the gardens of spices are in all Sri Lanka, so it is not necessary to go through the whole island, say, in Matala to look at the plants from which everyone's famous spices receive. Of course, for growing real and high-quality spices and spices, a rather wet and cool climate is needed - such that is characteristic of the districts, Kegualle and Matala. It is in these regions of the island that the cultivation and production of cinnamon, pepper, cardamom and other spices on an industrial scale are established. Received raw materials, as you guess, mainly goes to export. Here are the main and oldest gardens of spices, which essentially turned from a small part of the plantation in the excursion and entertainment object.

It is noteworthy that the Sri Lanka Tourism Department tracks this activity - if the garden of the spices passed certification, it automatically receives a number in a special register "approved by the Government of the country." If the garden of the spices does not have the numbers, then it is 100% self-identity and fraud. The quality of drugs and spices in such institutions is not guaranteed.

The number of official gardens of spices about 30. Most of Of them are located within a radius of 50 km around the city, including Matale - the most densely populated by these institutions. - This is a bright sample garden organization organization, a classic selection of all the main types of spicy plants, aggregates and mechanisms for the manufacture of spices and much more.

And on the south or south-west coast, the only official garden is open in the area - Kosgoda Spice & Herble Garden, so the rest does not need to go through the whole island to the center of the country.

The table contains a list of spices gardens that are approved by the tourism department for 2016.

All other gardens of spices, which in large quantities can be found in different parts of Sri Lanka are suitable only for inspection. Acquire anything in them is not recommended.

Do you know what

  • All gardens of spices located in Matala are the remnants of plantations that were broken here in the XVIII century.
  • The McDonalds network is the largest cinnamon buyer among all restaurants and coffee shops in the world. Several billion apple pies are sold annually around the world, and therefore everyone can feel the fragrant taste of Sri Lanka.
  • At the site of the plants of cinnamon of the 16th century, which have long been cut down, there is a famous fashionable area of \u200b\u200bColombo and a five-star hotel, which is called - Cinnamon Grand ("Synanom" translated from English - cinnamon). The design of the interiors of the hotel is actively intersecting with the theme of spices.

There are many opinions on the spice gardens on Sri Lanka. In particular, that this business is associated with luring money from tourists. This is partly so, however, among all the minuses, it is possible to find pluses - this is an excellent educational source for children and adults, interesting ideas of exotic photos, high-quality Ayurvedic products and spices in the official gardens of spices.

Very often, I meet the opinion that the gardens of spices are only "destroyed" factories for tourists, and visiting such institutions is included in standard tourist packages. One day, committing another warrant to the area, I wanted to figure out what the tourists who travel along Sri Lanka find here themselves.

By the example of one of the most famous garden spice gardens, I want to tell you about the pros and cons of this attraction. The final decision is to visit or not - it remains for you, but believe me: you can successfully spend time in the garden of spice with benefit for yourself and without damage to the wallet.

Classic Spicy Gardening

Matale's city, thanks to the spice cultivation industry developed in his district, became the center of classical Ayurveda. A lot of healing preparations, balms, creams and ointments that can be purchased in stores, shops, pharmacies can be purchased here. The garden of spices is no exception: here you will also offer to buy drugs from almost all diseases.

Ranweli Spice Garden is considered one of the oldest gardens in Matala. There are other small gardens that are located along the A9 highway. However, the ranks are the most famous because Sigria - Dambula - Matale - is included in the traditional excursion route. It has all the necessary infrastructure for the tourist in one place to see everything at once: how spices grow, how they are assembled and treated, which goods are based on them. And, of course, to buy for yourself or as a souvenir for loved ones - from the pepper packet to Ayurvedic cosmetics.

But for us, the garden of spices is, let's remind, the opportunity to see exotic plants live and get acquainted with the technology of receiving spices.

What to see

Acquaintance with the garden is walking on the thicket and narrow path among different species Trees, shrubs and herbs. Near each of them there is a name plate, as well as samples of fruits and products that are made of this plant. It looks a little treasurely, but cognitive. A visit to this attraction is possible only with the accompanying, which conducts a tour of the main objects of the garden.

Among the brightest and striking imagination of instances can be noted as:

  • Vanilla. Vanilla is an orchid. As it turned out, a wonderful taste of her is not at all associated with the aroma of beautiful flowers that we see on packaging with vanilla. Her secret in pods, which are obtained after the completion of flowering. They are dried in the shade and crushed into powder. The plant itself is a juicy liano with light yellow or light green flowers. The preparation of vanilla is a rather complicated process, so it is often replaced in industry on artificial. Use this spice most often in the production of confectionery and ice cream. Of course, oils that are isolated from Vanilla are a vivid addition of the most famous flavors in the world. For example, the perfume "Chanel number 5" contains vanilla in its aromatic palette.

  • Cocoa. Everyone is a favorite chocolate and a wonderful drink, which is very loved by children, is made of yellow or red fetus of the tree. After collecting the fruits, the fruits are dried, fry and peat into powder. Cocoa contains in large quantities of magnesium and calcium. By the way, there is an opinion that chocolate is harmful to teeth. In fact, sugar is harmful, which is contained in candy or tile of chocolate, and cocoa, on the contrary, if you believe the latest research, protects teeth from caries more efficiently than even fluoride, which is contained in the toothpaste. And also black chocolate, which is made from cocoa oil, is an excellent prophylactic agent from many, including serious diseases. During the excursion, you will definitely offer to taste a real cocoa. The Lankans themselves add it to warm milk, claiming that such a drink helps from snoring!

  • Nutmeg. Collect the harvest of nuts to three times a year. because of complex process processing obtaining final spice or raw materials for use in medical and perfumery industry takes up to four months. Red Flowers Muscat can be eating raw. As a rule, they are added to the soup. As seasonings around the world, nutmegs are put in meat, fish, vegetable dishes, and it gives them a well recognizable fragrance. A nutmeg is also used in medicine as a strong immunomodulatory agent, which means it is part of many drugs. However, it is necessary to use a nutmeg to be used in moderation - it gives an easy drug effect, and therefore it is not recommended to pregnant women.

  • Cardamom Very popular in the Middle East, he is considered the king of spices. It is collected by hand, so the price of the cardamom is quite high. Sprice is a powder that is obtained from dried grains of a small triangular fruit (nut) of a green shrub. Very often on Sri Lanka, and not only, cardamom is used in the cooking rice.

  • Black pepper.This is a curly liana family of peppers. Its height is about 8 meters. In the wild "Support" for her, trees are served for her, and in the garden Spice Liana wures the six hundreds of specially set for her. To get black pepper, the fruits of Liana 2-3 days are dried under the sun. To get white peppers, come in the same way, but after removing the peel. To get green peppers, fetal nucleolies are dried without sun exposure. All the power of pepper in the peel, so black pepper is more acute.

  • Red pepper. Grows chili in the form of a bush to a half-meter height. This, as everyone knows, the pod, which is crushed to the powder state. In Sri Lanka, this spice is known as an excellent means for cancer prevention. And indeed, this disease is not particularly common on the island. 100% integrated into the kitchen Sri Lanka. Exist different types This spice, which differ in sharpness and burning - Curry Chile, acute chili, chili koches.
  • Carnation. For us, grew up in the USSR, is, first of all, a red flower that symbolizes revolutionary struggle. Carnation as a spice, has small fruits in the form of shoal carnations, which are obtained as a result of drying the flower buds of the clove. The manufacture of cloves is a fairly simple process, so the cost is small. As it turned out, the carnation in the powder is a practically useless product, only fruits containing oil are truly valuable. As part of the "attraction", which shows the guide, you can see the main difference in high-quality carnation - it should be sinking! This is what suggests that the spice is full of healing essential oilwithout which the carnation loses its favor. It is mainly used by cloves in cooking, in particular in preservation, as well as in medicine - for the manufacture of anti-informal ointments and balms (using cloves), as well as as a component of seals in dentistry.

  • Cinnamon. The main spice of Sri Lanka. A tree that specially formed in such a way that it does not grow high, and more like a bush. Branches of shrub branches and remove the bark. Cinnamon itself as a spice is a dried tree skin, which is cut into strips, or crushed into powder. Cinnamon sticks are considered more useful. Also from the bark make cinnamon oil. For this, raw materials are distilled. The oil obtained is used in cosmetics.

Of course, there are spices and other plants in the garden: Aloe, Pineapple, Laurel, Asparagus, Kurkuma, Ginger and many others. For example, a niantium from which the epilation cream is manufactured. Of course, the guide will not miss the case to demonstrate on some of you the action of this cream.

In the garden, you not only look at growing spices, but also you can participate in the ritual of the preparation of spices. There are absolutely ancient adaptations for cooking and making ayurvedic medicines.

What to buy

All the activities of the garden of spices are aimed at you spend the maximum amount of money here. Since this is a tourist destination, then prices for cosmetics and spices in 2-3, and sometimes or more times higher than in stores, supermarkets, pharmacies. But you remember that we come here to expand the horizons, and not for shopping. We should not have anything to anyone, so it is quite possible to get away from here with empty hands.

However, something can be bought here. For example, creams and masks that are not always easy to find in supermarkets or pharmacies. Puting, you can get them here at an affordable price. In any case, come to your choice carefully, and before use, try the cream on a hidden area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

But spices - pepper, cinnamon, coriander, cardamon - buying in the garden is not worth it, this good is a lot in supermarkets, and at very low prices. I do not even advise you to acquire the cream for epilation, the means from mosquitoes, detergents, and so on. These are all rather strange mixtures that are either not better than industrial designs, or are three times more expensive. Do not take in the store garden spices and whitening toothpaste, dental powder for 1,500 rupees. In the supermarket they cost only 100-200 rupees. The same concerns aromatic oilsExtending youth: Sandalova, the quality of which is difficult to check in the garden, and therefore it is preferable to purchase it in specialized stores (it is not cheap), as well as coconut oil, which can be bought everywhere and much cheaper than here.

The store has instructions on broken Russian, which describes the main products and methods of their application. Approximate prices for spice garden products:

  • face creams - from 1,500 to 3,000 rupees
  • chile - 250 rupees
  • curry - 300 rupees
  • vanilla sticks - 900 rupees

How to get

Whatever way you chose to get to the Spice Garden in Matala, it will take place between cities and Candy.

  • Personal car.To come here, choose the A9 Kandy route - Jaffna. In the garden there is free parking, Including for minibuses and buses. Focus on the plates with the names of the gardens that you meet on the way.
  • Bus. Any busing bus, the next from the car station Kanda or Dambulla, will deliver you to the Spice Garden. On the day there are hundreds of buses here, so you can easily get to the garden, and then return to the city where you are waiting hotel room. From Candy is such bus directions as: Dambulla, Anuradhapura, Jaffna. From Dambulla - Matale, Kandy, Nuwara Eliaya. Look for the appropriate inscriptions on buses, or ask the conductor if his bus is going to the Spice Garden Matale. To get out around the garden, tell it the name of the conductor or the driver, or tell me: "Spice Garden." Approximate travel time: from Candy - 1 hour 15 minutes, from Dambulla - 40 minutes. Ticket price - 15-25 rupees. Buses go around the clock, focus on the daytime day and garden work hours.
  • Knock Knock. You can come to the garden of spices on Tuk Tuka, but this is a fairly long trip (35 kilometers from, 25 from Dambulla), so no less than 2,000 rupees will cost you.

Opening hours

The garden of spices in Matala is open to a visit from 9.00 to 21.00. There is lighting on the territory, but it is preferable to come to the garden in a daytime day - until 17.00. The entrance is free! To visit this spicy paradise, one hour is quite enough.

The garden has a limit: to inspect it is possible only accompanied by a local guide.

In short, if you are an exotic amateur and want to expand your horizons, if you want to shine knowledge about how spices and spices are growing and processed, if you want to do beautiful pictures Exotic plants, and most importantly - if you are on the way, be sure to drive to the garden of spices Matale. But do not forget about the vigilance - buy exactly what you really need, or what will be an interesting souvenir for your family and friends.

As I said, besides Ranweli Spice Garden on the way between Dambulla and Kandy there are other spice gardens. You can call in the one that will be closer to you.

  • Tropical Spice Garden (No. 127) Address: UDUDENIYA, NALANDA, MATALE.
  • NEW RANWELI SPICE GARDEN (No. 7). Address: Gannoruwa-Muruthalawa Road, Kandy. The garden of the spices will be convenient for those who do not want to leave Candy far away. It is located 2 kilometers from the Royal Botanical Garden. You can get there on Tuk Tuk or on a passing bus.
  • Highland Spice Garden (No. 25). Address: Koholanwela Madawala Ulpatha, Matale. The garden is more focused on organized groups of tourists. There is your restaurant.

On a note

  • Tip guides, masseuse and personnel demonstrating spice treatment are welcome. But not mandatory! If you want to modestly thank employees, then tips at 30-50-100 rupees are quite enough.
  • Remember that spices in ordinary supermarkets are no worse than in the garden. As for Ayurvedic cosmetics, it can be safely requested in a pharmacy. In resort cities, the pharmacists have already learned to speak Russian a bit, but even if the seller does not know, who does not know Russian, then in the language of gestures you can try to explain what you want to buy.
  • Trade! Like everywhere on Sri Lanka, you can also bargain. Boldly share the price in half, and if you take several samples of spices, spices or ayurvedic products, then three.

Which will help you not be deceived in this tropical country. When we went with friends in a fascinating tour of B, we drove on the advice of a guide to the garden of the spices. We thought that we would see, smell, listen about how spices were grown and we leave. But so easy to leave will not work. Finding on the "spice plantations", you carefully listen to a quickly speaking in the Russian language of intellectual species of unhealthy.

They don't even know that I mixed in tea

He gives all kinds of drugs on a sample, and after 15 minutes of exciting stories, completely twisted you are trying to exit. But you will not be allowed at the exit. Because the most important and intriguing part of the excursion in Spice Garden is to feel all the charms of "healing" tinctures on yourself. We were led to a gazebo, where the same uncle put a huge amount of creams, lotions, ointments and medicines from all diseases.

Where to book transfer from the airport?

We use the service - Kiwitaxi.
Ordered a taxi online, paid for the card. At the airport, they met with a sign with our last name. Brought the hotel on a comfortable car. About your experience already told in this article

And so, I went to go ... The young guys were tightened immediately and began to rub the balsamas, make a massage and knead the bones

Glory crowded massage

Agreed to apply a face cream

And yet, my girls persuaded the glory to trial a miracle to himself to get rid of hair on her legs

Only none of them and the word have changed that such procedures are not completely free. When finally ends it all ends, we declare that at least a massage and was free, but the masseurs need to give tips. Since usually such a massage is very expensive. You are anger and relaxed, give money to your massession. It is good that there is no fixed amount, which pays how much. When we gave two 500 rupees for us (120 rubles), then the boots of Kosovo and not hiding disappointment looked at us with disgruntled eyes. I did not even say thank you. Our friends were more generous and gave 1000 rupees for each person. The faces of masseuses have become a little more fun, but it became clear that on the usual day, when the endless flow of tourists is brought, they have much more.

After such an uncomplicated divorce for money, we were told in the store. It featured all means, with the addition of natural components that are grown on this spice plantation. Choir sellers chased the fantastic properties of each drug, convinced that these were the lowest prices in the whole Sri Lanka. If one or another will not help you, they will be ready to translate the amount you spent on your bank account. All you can lure tourist was used with a bang.

Our girlfriends were purchased by their "unique" products for 10 thousand rupees. They still did not know that this is a divorce, but we assumed that all the same can be bought in the usual store for much smaller money, but did not resist. Well, we have already been by the moment experienced travelers in Sri Lanka, which was so divided into a paid massage session, so they did not give in to the stories of local stories.

So, dear tourists, do not always believe in all the unprecedented and 10 times think about suspicious ointment and do you need "exciting" excursion to the garden of spices in Sri Lanka. Remember that all you are offered to buy on excursions are always much more expensive than in ordinary stores in the city.

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