Morphological standards Abstract. Morphological norms of the modern Russian language

    The concept of morphological norms.

    Morphological norms of nouns.

    Morphological norms of adjectives.

    Morphological norms of nigal names.

    Morphological norms of pronouns.

    Morphological values \u200b\u200bof verbs.

1. The concept of morphological norms

In previous lectures, we met three types of norms: stress standards, pronunciation standards and lexical standards. The following type of Russian rules literary language - grammatical norms. Grammatical norms are usually divided into two types: morphological norms and syntactic norms. At today's lecture, we will talk about morphological norms.

Morphological norms - These are the rules for using grammatical forms of different parts of speech. Morphological norms regulate morphology - The section of linguistics, which includes the doctrine of the word forms and how to express grammatical values, as well as the doctrine of the parts of speech and their signs.

2. Morphological norms of nouns names

The main difficulty of studying the morphological norms is available options that appear due to the constant interaction of old and new ways to form grammatical forms.

In the morphological norms of nouns, we turn to the categories of the genus and case.

Despite the fact that we are quite easy to determine the genus in many nouns, guided by the end ("zero" / b, a / me, o / e), there is a group of words in which the definition of the genus may cause difficulty. Most often, the oscillations are observed in attributing nouns to the male or female family. As in the case of emphasis, these oscillations are distributed by different typesthat is, form various forms of generic word :

    Equal Options: cNT - UNTA, shutter - shutter, Skird Skird.

    Stylistic options (characterized by different stylistic affiliation): shoe (generality.) - showers (Spacious.), key (generality.) - keys (prof.).

    Literary and obsolete options: hall - Hall, Boot - Boot, Rail - Rail.

    Semantic options (words in which labor ending helps to distinguish the lexical meaning): district (division of the state territory) - district (surrounding area), career (1) Open mineral outflow space or 2) accelerated horse running) - career (prominent position in society).

Differ forms of words denoting men of male and female by profession, posts, rank . Not always such nouns have a full-fledged analog to the designation of a female face. Distinguish options:

    Curry Nouns - Nouns malebut can also be applied to designate female people: doctor, Lawyer, Deputy, Professor, Captain.

    Parallel, stylistically neutral nouns: teacher - Teacher, Artist - Artist, Student - Student.

    Stylistic nouns in which the form female It is stylistically reduced, has a conversational or spacious character: doctor - Doctors, Conductor - Conductors, Director - Director.

Special attention requires assignment of the inclice names noun Since in many of them we cannot be guided by the end, and the translation of these words into Russian is different. For example: what kind of word bra? If we try to translate it, will be different variants: Light / night light - Male genus, lamp - female genus. To use the translation, in order to determine the generation of the borrowed noun - it is impossible! There are rules:

    Inanimate foreign language nouns belong to the middle family: cafe, Metro, Taxi, Interview, Aloe. There is in this group and their exceptions: Male genus: coffee, sirocco (Sukhov), beverage titles (brandy) and languages \u200b\u200b( hindi, Dari.). To the female family: salami, Kohlrabi, Avenue. But gradually begin to develop parallel forms: whiskey, coffee, auto, penalty (and M.R and S.R.), tsunami, Madrasa (M.R. and Zh.R.).

    An animated foreign language nouns can belong to male and feminine: my / My Visa, this / this attache. In the names of animals ( cockada, Kangaroo, Chimpanzee, Pony) Male genus acts as the main, and female as an additional and depends on the context.

    In words - geographical names, the genus is determined by the nature of the realities designated them: full-breed Mississippi (river J.R.), multimillion / Festive Tokyo (city M.R., Capital J.R.).

    In abbreviations and comprehensive words, the rate of unstable. But in general, the genus is determined by the main word: IGHTU (University m.R.), UN (organization j.R.). But here there are exceptions: university (S.R. m.R.), NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (J.R. S.R.), Foreign Ministry (S.R. m.R.), etc. They began to be perceived as independent words and "changed" the genus.

Various options we can meet in the rigine system of the Russian language.


Could observe variant S / I. and AND I In the forms of the plural number of nouns of men : Contracts - Treatybut , Slicerand - Sliceri . The main is the end of the end S / I. , whereas the option AND I most often acts as a conversational.


one). For example, some nouns for male genus in the parental case of the only number vary the main end of the end AND I (tea, sugar) with additional options U / y (tea, sugar). Usually ending U / y Can be used in the following cases:

    in nouns with a real meaning, when specifying on their number - that is, to designate a part of the whole ( glass chayu , kilogram sugarw. , slice of cheesew. ). However, if the noun is accompanied by the definition, you need to choose a form with the end AND I (cup of hot chai , bundle of dried tobaccobut );

    at collective and disturbed nouns with the value of quantity ( few peoplew. Many noisew. );

    in phraseologiza ( no yearw. Week, with eyesw. on the eye, with the worldw. by thread);

    in negative proposals (painyu No, refusalw. did not have).

2) In the parental case, the multiple number of nouns has four options paddy endings: OV/EV (lot tableoV , museumeV ), TO HER (lot pencilto her ) I. zero ending (lot boot). Rare zero endings have the following groups of nouns:

    names of paired objects ( boot, boot, stocking /but NOK.oV /, pursuit);

    names of some nationalities, mainly in nouns with the basis for letters - n. and - r (british, Armenians, Bulgarian);

    names of units of measurement ( ampere, Watt, Volt, but pendants, grams, kilograms).


In the proposed case, the main option is the end E. In some cases, completion is added W.: in shope. - in the shopw. (In this case, the option W. - Spoken): grow into the forestw. - know about the foreste. (The end distinguishes the shade in the meaning: circumstance and object), n and a settlement accounte. - be on a good billw. (in phraseological expressions).

Usually, when choosing a version of the end, a context should be taken into account, that is, to pay attention to what the importance is implemented in the word.

3. Morphological norms of adjectives.

In the regulatory aspect of the namorphology names of adjectives with two complex issues are: the formation of forms of degrees of comparisons and the difference between the full and brief forms of adjectives.

Education degrees comparing adjectives. Distinguish the simple and composite degree of comparison of adjectives. A simple comparative form is formed using suffixes - her and - to her (talk): faster - faster, some adjectives form a comparative degree with a suffix - e.: sobly, Call, Cull, Swealth. A simple form of adjectives in an excellent degree is formed using suffixes -Yesh (s) (supreme), -Yesh (s) (beautiful).

The composite comparative form is formed with the word more, and excellent with the word most ( This house is high, but the neighbor is higher. This house is the highest in the city).

Traditional speech errors in the formation of forms of degrees comparing adjectives related: 1) mixing of simple and composite forms of comparison degrees ( more higher, the most beautiful) and 2) the absence of an object of comparison ( This room is lighter. Need +. than that).

Full and brief form of adjective

There are differences between the full and brief forms of the adjective, so these forms do not always replace each other.

1) Stylistic difference: Brief forms are peculiar to book speech, complete - neutral in their stylistic color.

2) Semantic difference: brief forms indicate a temporary feature of the subject, full - permanent.

3) Syntactic difference: Brief forms may have dependent words, they cannot complete.

4. Morphological norms of nigal names.

There are norms in the use of nigal names:

1) In complex and composite quantitative numerals, all parts are inclined (book with artbut fiveyu tenyu sixyu Page).

2) when declining complex and composite sequence numbers, only the last word is changed in numerical (born in thousand nine hundred ninety second year).

3) quantitative numerals (except for numeral alone) Do not connect with words denoting pair items as: sani, scissors, day, pants, glasses etc. (It is impossible: twenty-two days, thirty three scissors) - Expression Edit should be used: Passed twenty-second days / twenty-two days. Bought scissors in the amount of thirty-three pieces.

4) Collective numerals are combined only with animated noun male genus (two young men, three men) and do not combine with nouns of the female genus (it is impossible to say: three girls, only: three girls).

5) With a combination of nouns with a numerical, denoting fraction, the noun should be in the parental case single number (It is impossible: 12.6 kilometeroV , only: 12.6 kilometerbut ).

6) Numbers one and a half and one and a half There are only two casements: in nominative and vinegenous cases: one and a halfone and a half and one and a half, in all other cases four and half-organ. These numerals are connected to nouns in the parental case of the singular (im. And wines. Padel): a half spoors, and in the plural (all other cases): about one and a half pages.

5. Morphological norms of pronouns.

Its morphological norms are used when used by pronoun:

1) Pronomation they are Do not correlate with collective nouns (people, youth, merchants). It is impossible: The people went to the elections together, because they understood how important it was. Follow they areis he or peoplepeople.

2) Personal pronouns cannot be used as a second subject or supplement. It is impossible: Plushkin, he is a negative hero of the novel.

3) If there are two subjects of action, personal and assistant pronouns require additional explanation or rephrase of the proposal as a whole so that ambiguousness does not arise. It is impossible: Professor suggested a graduate student to read his report (Whose professor or graduate student?).

4) in uncertain pronsections with suffixes - then -libe suffix -To forms the meaning of "unknown" suffix -or Forms the meaning of "any", and the suffix is \u200b\u200ba "unimportant" value (it is impossible: Anyoneor Someone knocks on the door. Only: Someone knocks).

5) Determined pronouns any, any and everyone can not replace each other (it is impossible: Anyone himself is responsible for his life.. Only: Everyone…).

6. Morphological norms of verbs.

Briefly refer to the main morphological standards governing the use of verbs:

1) verb pairs are stylistically distinguished: see - see, hear - lay, raise - raise, climb - climb etc. The first version of the book is literary, the second is spoken.

2) verbs with alternation O // A. At the heart: obusabout pour - oblivionbut pump, focusabout - Societybut chis etc. Also differ as a book (form on O) and conversational (form at a).

3) in so-called insufficient verbs ( defeat, convince, find yourself, keep, feel) The shape of the 1st person of the singular number of future time is integrated ( i can / mind / must defeat).

4) In so-called abundant verbs there are two forms of present with stylistic or semantic difference. For example: maste-Mahet (book and colloquial version), moves (moves) - moves (Manages, encourages).

5) in the verbs in the past time the primary acts shape without suffix -Well (moku - IOC, get used to - used).

6) The unity of species-time forms of verbs is a rule according to which all verbs within one sentence should be used in the same grammatical form. It is impossible: On vacation he rested and againengaged Favorite business. Only: take up!

7) In a special form of verb - Tempecistry - suffix -in - Regulatory, suffix - Having - Spacious. It is impossible: Readwrench Book. Only: Readin Book.

In this wayAt this lecture, we met with the concept of "morphological norm" and found out how to form the forms of words belonging to different parts of speech. In case of difficulties, it is recommended to turn to grammatical dictionaries.

Morphological norms kilogram eggplant instead kilogram eggplazhanov, white Tulle instead white Tulle, in front of six hundred spectators instead before six schools, in their house instead in their house, eating instead go.

Features of the use and formation of forms of impression names

May cause difficulties to form some forms of comparative and excellent degree of high-quality adjectives, as well as the use of these forms in speech.
Forms of comparative degree are most often formed by suffixes - Eyes / ": Smart - smarter / clever. If the basis of the adjective ends on g, k, x, as well as d, t, st, sk, zK, It uses suffix -E. And there is an alternation of consonants: soft - softer, strict - stricter, quiet - quieter, rich - richer, young - younger, thick - thick, low - below. Only sometimes underfix is \u200b\u200bused "Over: Early - before, old - older, thin - thinner, bitter - it is near, far away - further, long - longer. Several adjectives form a comparative degree from another root: good - better, bad - worse, small, small - less.
The value of the comparison can be expressed by words more / less (comparative degree) and words the most / most (excellent degree): more suitable, the most difficult, most difficult.

Attention! It is absolutely unacceptable to use both ways to express comparison simultaneously. It is impossible: this task more difficult herthan the previous one; is he most great ayshii poet. Right: this task is difficult herthan previous or this task more difficult than the previous one; he is great ayshthey poet or he most great poet. This applies to the use of adverbs: you can not talk beste more fast her , right run fast her or beste more fast.
But: the best, worst.

It must be borne in mind that the degrees of comparison are not formed from all high-quality adjectives (for example, words immortal, blind By virtue of their significance, it is impossible to be used in a comparative degree) and with the help of suffixes in particular. In this case, words can be used to express a comparison more or less, the most urgent, less gloomy, the most young one.

Adjective in a comparative degree used with nouns in the parental case (oranges sweeter of lemons) or with the union than (Today the weather is warmer than yesterday).

Features of the use and formation of forms of numeral names

Difficulties arise in the formation of petal forms of numerical and combined with nouns. Most numerical inclined by the third decline, whilein composite and complex quantitative numerical Each part should change: i spoke before ninestiles a sixty-seven viewers. Numeral one thousand Changes as a noun first decline. NUMBER forty and one hundred In indirect cases have only one form - forty, hundred; But in the composition of complex numeral one hundred varies otherwise: three hundred, three, threestairs, about threesties.
When declining compound ordinal numbers Only the last part is changed (as adjectives): two thousand and fourteenth year - to two thousand and fourteenth year - up to two thousand and fourteenth years.
Collective numerals (from two to ten) Used only with the following nouns:
a) calling men of male (Five friends, four sons);
b) having only the shape of the plural (Three jeans, two shorts);
in) children, People, Guys, Face (in the meaning of "man") and words denoting cubs of animals ( three guys, five young people, several strangers, seven goats, six kittens);
d) with personal pronouns (We are two, five of them);
e) and also when they themselves act as a noun (Two, three in gray chinels).

Attention! Combinations of composite numerals with noun, unnecessary types of single type 22 days - twenty two days invalid. Right: twenty-two days, twenty-three pieces of scissors, twenty-four pairs of trousers, nursery in the amount of twenty-four.

The words both, and a halfhave two generic forms: both friends (with both friends), a year and a half, both tasks, a half of the apple and both tasks (both tasks, both tasks, and a half thousand.Worth paying attention to the fact that words one and a half, a half, a half In indirect cases (except vinitive) have a form one and a half, one and a half (not one and a half hours ago, I have a one and a half thousand rubles, sent the receipts of the one and a half days to subscribers).

In phrases with noumental in the nominal case manager Parental case of a noun (Sixty houses built); In indirect cases, the numeral is consistent with the main word, a pronounced noun (about sixty homes). NUMBER thousand, Million, Billion All cases retain control: million inhabitants, for a million inhabitants, about a million inhabitants.

After numeral one two three four The shape of the singular number of nouns is used (two apples, three episodes), and after numeral from five and more - multiple (five apples, twelve episodes). NUMBER a half, one and a half In the nominative and vinegenic case, they control nouns in the singular, and in the rest of the case, the noun is in the form of a plural: invited one and a half dozen pupils - talked from one and a half dozens of students.

Features of the use and formation of pronoun forms

Violations in the formation of individual forms of pronoun are primarily associated with attractive pronouns his, her, of them, which in the literary do not change (with his friends, about her plans, in their house).
When a personal pronoun is used in indirect cases with pretexts, the initial n-: I am proud of them - I will see with n.them.
The pronouns play an important role in organizing text when other words are replaced. For this purpose, index pronouns are used. (This one, that, etc.), Playless adverbs (there, there, then dr.), Personal pronoun (she, it, they), relative pronoun which the. If the offer contains several nouns, it is unacceptable to use personal pronouns he, she, his, her T. To. This can lead to ambiguity: This deception handed me the saleswoman of Lyuba, in view of the hot weather, she had already shipped. Carefully apply to the construction of complex proposals with the word which theotherwise it may be incomprehensible, as we are talking about:Parents gathered in the hall, who today had to fight for the title of "smart". Who will fight for this title - parents or guys - it is impossible to determine this offer.

The shortcomings may be associated with the use of return pronoun yourself which does not have forms of kind and number and can relate to all persons and both numbers (The commandant said to the janitor to attribute the belonging things to themselves.Who will get things?) . Usually the actual pronoun value himself Coincidentwith the actual value of the subject (Nalu Schau), but may not coincide (remember about people not able to take care of themselves). Return pronoun can be used in impersonal proposals (I managed to make myself stop it). Ambiguity is usually created when infinitive is associated with another acting person: The teacher asked the student to attribute a notebook to his home. For accuracy, a wider context is necessary, for example: The teacher was hard to carry home a notebook, and he asked the student to help him.

May cause difficulties and use in the text of the assistant pronoun his: The teacher asked the student to put a notebook on his desk - It remains unclear on whose table must be put a notebook. To avoid inaccuracies, you need to remember the following: a) if the proposal is subject to pronounced pronoun, and the complement is nouns, then belonging to the addition is expressed by pronoun his, her, they: I found my brother in my room - I found my brother in his room;
b) If the supplement is expressed by the existing number and kind, it is necessary to change the offer so that one person is called: The teacher asked to put a notebook on his (teacher) table; At the request of the teacher, the student put a notebook on his (student) table.

Morphological norms of modern Russian language (name noun)

Russian language. Preparation of students for final certification: OGE, EGE. All classes.

Morphological norms - These are the norms of the proper formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech. Their violation leads to errors that make it difficult to understand the statements and testify to the low speech culture of the speaker: kilogram eggplant instead kilogram eggplazhanov, white Tulle instead white Tulle, in front of six stores instead in front of six second spectators, in their house instead in their house, eating instead go.

Morphological norms of consumption and education of nouns

Difficult cases of determining the kind of nouns

Inanimate nouns sometimes change the genus, which can lead
to the emergence of equal options: banknotes and banknote, Georgine and Georgin, burr and sowing, pancakes and pancakes, spasm and spasm. Pay attention to the genus the following paired nouns: women's sandstod, football boots, sports gaitra, comfortable sneakers, leather moccasin, steel rail, children's sandal, domestic sneaker (slipper), elegant shoe, lacquered by the shtiblet. It should also be remembered to what kind of data is the words: significant adjustment, tasty Oladia, railway placentar, long tentacle, comfortable mezzanine, light parcel, dark veil, heavy dumbbell, old corn, roofing only, chocolate truffle, transparent tulle, white queen, new shampoo.
Most inanimate unknown nominal nouns are related to the average (strict jury, crystal sconce), But in some cases correlates with a generic concept or an old form: seventh Avenue(Street), fresh colrab (cabbage), flavored coffee (old forms "Coffee", "Cofiy"), delicious salami (sausage), good penalty (free kick), sultry Sirocco (African wind).
The genus of nouns, calling persons depends on the floor: charming Miss, London Dandy.
Nouns, calling persons by profession, belong to the male race, although they can be called female individuals (as well as existing nouns): military attache, experienced impresario, famous sculptor V. Mukhin.
The unclear names of animals and birds usually belong to the male family, but it is necessary to take into account the context: funny emu, funny cabada, but chimpanzees fed a cub. In some cases, the generic concept is taken into account: delicious Ivasi. (herring), african tset (fly).
The genus of unclear names is determined by the generic concept: full-breed Limpopo (river), picturesque San Bartolomeo (island).
The genus of comprehensive words (abbreviations) is determined in two ways. If the word does not change, then by the genus of the main word in full name: The UN adopted a resolution(United Nations) , RIA reported(Russian news agency). If the word is inclined, then the gene is determined on the general reasons - at the end and end sound of the base: enroll in technical university (Higher Educational Institution), Foreign Ministry made a statement (Ministry of Foreign Affairs); but: TASS is authorized to declare (Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union).
The genus of comprehensive words is usually determined by the word that expresses more general concept (beautiful butterfly admiral) or on the first part (Comfortable chair-bed).

Multicap Multiple Case

Among the noun male genus of the second decline is the most common ending-Sh /-and -A / ": Computers, policies, trains, professors.

When choosing the end, the following factors should be taken into account:
a) ending -and Ithese have nouns denoting pair concepts: eyes, sides, horns;
b) the words consisting of one syllable, as a rule, have ending -Y / -Ay (cakes, noises)but there are exceptions (houses, varieties);
c) words consisting of two syllables with an emphasis on the first, as a rule, have ending -and I: boat - boats, watchman - guard; If the emphasis falls on the second syllable, then in a plural usually ending -Sh: watermelon - watermelons;
d) in words of three or more syllables -Y / -Y. With the stress in the middle of the word: pharmacists, contracts (permissible contract);
e) foreign language words ending on the drums -Ener / -er, Usually have the end -Sh: Officer - officers, engineer - engineers, driver - chaffers;
e) words on -Tor /-------sissue Usually have the end -Y / -I (Investors - Investors)Although animated nouns, often used in speech, the shock ending becomes common -A / - I: editors, commentators, but doctors, professors;
g) nouns on -L / l and -r / -th with an emphasis on the first syllable usually have ending -and I:
cyiver - Ciiver, Poplar - Poplar.

It should be borne in mind that sometimes the choice of ending depends on the value and the combination of the word:
pass (documentation) - pass (absences, absenteeism);
tonya (Color Overflows) - tones (sound);
torkemose (devices) - Brakes(obstacles);
teacher (teachers) - teachers (mentors);
of bread (for the root) - harby (baked);
fur (skins) - mehi. (blacksmith);
camp (military, tourist) - lagheri. (political groupings);
corps (buildings, military connections) - corps (torso);
sons (parents) - sons (Motherland);
image (icons) - images (in art), etc.

Nouns medium genus usually in the plural of completion - a / - (saucer - saucer, window - windows), much less often - s /-and (shoulder shoulder).

Some nouns are characterized by non-standard formation of the form of a nominative case of a plural:
a) noun male clauses on -Onok. Multiple number have a suffix - And unstressed ending -And: calf - calves, kitten - kittens;
b) nouns on -anin / - Yanin Multiple number ends on -Yang / -Yan: citizen - citizens, a peasant - peasants.

Attention! The owner is the owners, a child - children, a person - people, chicken - chickens, ship - ships, bottom - Dona, Shilo - Shil.

Collective, abstract nouns have only the form of the singular: good, faith, bastard, old.
Some specific nouns do not have the unique form: scissors, jeans.
Name of substances usually have one form: either multiple number ( ink, sawdust), or the only one ( milk, sugar, coal), but with a variety designation, a variety of substances are often used in a plural ( beautiful Cheese - Altai Cheese).

Multiple Path

In most cases, there is such a pattern: if the word has a zero ending in the initial form (nominative case of the only number), then in the parental case of the plural, the ending is usually nonzero: apricot - many apricots, bone - many bones, drug - no drugs (-y. In such forms, it is based on not the ending); and vice versa: newspaper - no newspapers, it's a lot of things. But there are violations of this pattern: one soldier - a lot of soldiers, one partisan - a partisan detachment, share - a few shares, a dress - a lot of dresses.
In nouns on - anin /-Yanin (except word family man, which does not change in numbers), as well as words barin, Boyarin, Mr., Tatar In the parental case of a multiple number of zero ending with a clipping - in: Many Slavs, Bar, Citizens, Tatars.
Most of the names of fruits and vegetables of a male race with the basis for solid consonant has the ending -One: kilogram of tomatoes, mandarins, eggplants.
The names of paired items usually have a multiple number in the parental case of the zero ending: a pair of boots, a couple of stockings, but a couple of boots and bots.

Attention! A pair of shoes, five pin, a few candles, five sheets and sheets, no pasta, a pair of jeans, from a nursery, a lot of Buryat and Buryats, no comment, no adjustments, several Turks, from the ears.

Features of the decline of some nouns and phrases

Among nouns are pretty large group Unclear words:
a) foreign language words on vowels -o, -Y, -Y, -Y, -Y, shock -And: coat, stew, menu, coffee, bourgeois;
b) the foreign language names of female: pani, Madame, Miss;
c) Russian surnames on -On, -Ago, s) and Ukrainian on - Well: gray, zivago, Shevchenko;
d) many foreign language names and surnames: Jacqueline, Duma.

In difficult words with the first part floor- In indirect cases, replacement is replaced half-: half a year - about six months.
In the parental case of the only number of nouns of men's kind two endings:
-A / - I -U -U / I: a lot of people - a lot of people, a cup of tea - a cup of tea. Forms on -Y / -Yu. Usually persist if the noun depends on the verb: drink a kvass, add sugar.
In the proposed case of the sole number of inaniseive nouns for mensecond declination may have ending or or -Y / -The: think about the garden (addition) - work in the garden (circumstance). In some cases, the selection of the end depends on the value and the combination of the noun: in the first row - in some cases, all in the sweat - work in the sweat of the person, the only one in the world - the world and death of Krasnos, not in the spirit - as in spirit.

Morphological norms of the modern Russian language (verb)

Russian language. Preparation of students for final certification: OGE, EGE. All classes.

The formation of some verb forms can cause certain difficulties.
1. When the verbs of the imperfect species in some cases, there is an alternation of vowels about -but At the heart: arrange - to arrange, be late - late.But in the formation of such forms from verbs condition to focus need to remember that options to determine, focus are permissible, and literary norm - conditioning, focus.

Attention! Put - put (it is unacceptable to lie down, put it!).

2. It is necessary to remember the alternation of solas mr., Kh, V-Vl, F-FL, P-Pl, Bl, M-ML, St-Shi, T-h, d / s, sch At the base in the formation of a number of forms: oven - bake - bake; Frame - a lyg - lying - Lagge, Kutcher - ENGE - WORK - ENEGUT; Catch - catch, glitter - shrore, weigh - weigh - weigh. But: tKU - Tket - Tkut.

Attention! burn - ZhGU - burns - Zhzhok - Zhzhёта - harness; Want - I want - you want - wants - want - want - want; Run - run - run - runs - run - run - run.

3. Sometimes the existence of form options is possible: hOW - IMAGE AND IMLYUT(equal); waving, sculpt - mahut, low(basic), waist, rasaw(permissible); drip - kapel (from the roofs, from the crane) , (for) dripping(medicine).

4. Pay attention to the forms of future time from verbs recover, exhaust, weaken (The verbs are indicated that the action is directed to the subject): i recover, exhaust, you will recover, weiss, he will recover, existently, etc.

5. A number of verbs do not have some forms of present and future time:
not used shape of the 1st face of the only number in the verbs: eclipse, find yourself, defeat, be born, moan, convince to make sure;
do not have the forms of the 1st and 2nd face of the only and multiple number of verbs: boil, boil up (about water) retain, step (about the time), overacted, to come true, happen, to be able to create, take place, flow, succeed;
if necessary, you need to use descriptive structures: I will be able to win (convince); I won a victory.

6. From verbs with suffix -Well- The following forms of past time are formed:
with a loss of suffix: around - originated, penetrated - penetrated, get used to - used, getting wet - zoom, dry - dry, die - died, disappear - disappeared;
equal Options: bluff - Gloh and stumbled, sliced \u200b\u200b- kis and sculpted, smell - groin and smell, wrapped - sluggish and walked, exposed - subjected to and subjected;
main options Gush - Gas, to blame - Mörz, dry - Cow, shine - Tuh, but it fell apart, I shoved, I kept drunk.

7. Some verbs are not formed by the form of imperative ignition: weigh, see, hear, can, hate, happen, want, etc.

Attention! Frame - Lag (!), Sit - Sit down, sit, run - run, look - look, put - put, go, go, go, go (!).

Morphological norms of the modern Russian language (Communion and Templocoming)

When using communion in speech, sometimes there are difficulties associated with the formation of forms of communion and verbalism, as well as using them in sentences.

1. When forming forms of communities, you need to keep in mind the following:
a) the actual communities of the past time are formed from the basis of the past time ending on the vowel letter using the suffix -, and from the basis for the consonant - with the help of sh-: buy-h - bought, inertia - used;

Attention! Wash out - wipe, embellished - hurt.

B) no need to confuse suffering communion -Nh - (- n-), -enn- (-en-) and -T-: collected, missed, dop. All things are removed (not removed!);
c) in the formation of communion from return verbs Postfix -We It remains: Oscillating shadows fell on the walls;
d) the forms of the suffering communities of the present time are not used (with suffixes -Ith, ---, -th-) From verbs: take care, beat, knit, iron, cook, keep, sorry, know, have, treat, stove, write, spoil, cut, put, pull, teach, clean, whisper, etc.; Last time: return, get, get, eclipse, pass, remind you flying, wait, wish, love, welcome, run, see, push, etc.
2. When using communities in speech, you must pay attention to the following:
a) no need to be confused valid (a sign of who produces an action) and the suffering (a sign of one who (what) is subject to action) Communion: scientist, exploring the object - an object studying by scientists;
b) Supporting importance can be expressed not only by the suffering pieces, but also valid for the return verbs with a suffix (postfix) -wi: We study the subject we studied by us. But unacceptable forms dressing mother of a child who prepared a cook dinner; The use of returned communities is justified if there is no appropriate suffering communion, or it is fixed: cf. the text that me written by me was not preserved - the text that I was not preserved.
3. When the forms are formed, a series of moments must be taken into account:
a) The verbalia of the imperfect species is formed from the basis of the current verbs of the imperfect type with the help of suffix -A / - I: build - build - building, jumping - downloaded - coming; Some verbs of verbalia are formed using a suffix (not widespread and perceived as outdated) - Had / -Yuchi: Being, walking, regret, playing, walking, shuffle;

Attention! To climb - Lazay, swim - floating, pinch - plug, wave, sculpt - Mahaya, Syzlov (permissible Masha, raw), suffer - suffering (in artistic speech - suffering), to heed - attentive.

b) not all verbs are formed by verbalia:
As a rule, from the verbs of an imperfect species that do not have the present time of vowels (lie - lgut): beat, vite, lie, eat, harm, wait, pour, mive, drink, tear, sleep, rub, sew, etc.;
From verbs with alternating in the basics of infinitive and present z, S-sh (cut - Cut, dance - dance): Weigh, knit, seem, mow, lick, scratch;
from the verbs of the imperfect - inhabit, -the: take care, burn, be able, stove, wrap, stroll, flow, wither, glek, stumble, fix, blame, mock, smell, sink, pull;
doepercisses are not used from the verbs of the imperfect arrest, run, prick, climb, plow, sing, be born, shake, want;
c) the perfect species of perfect species are formed from the basis of the past time (infinitive) of the verbs of the perfect species with the help of suffix -B (write - writing), Sometimes with the help of suffix -A / -A (come - come, subtract - deduction) or suffixes, -the, -shi (usually from return verbs) (laughing, ascended);
d) an error is to use one suffix instead of the other: in the sentence Responding, he put the phone You need to use verbality responding;such outdated forms are stored only in phraseologiza: put your hand on the heart, sowing head, fastening the heart.

Morphological error Morphological norm
1. Contract, accountant, corrector(Error in forming a form named MN. Nouns) 1. Contractors, Accountants, Proofreaders
2. One kilogram orange (Error in forming the form Nouns) 2. One kilogram oranges
3. Doctor of Novikova, Doctor of Lukyanova (Error in forming forms of feminine. Irior of nouns used in R.L.Yyyaz. Only in the form of a husband.R.). Suff. -Ih, -h (a) are considered to be spatrical. 3. Cook Novikova, doctorLukyanova
4. The most difficult (Error in the formation of an excellent degree of adjective) 4. Most complicated or hard
5. To fifty thirty seven add three hundred (Error in the formation of the dates form. P. complex numeral). 5. To the five hundred and thirty-seven add three hundred.
6. Wallpaper of youths, Obeyuyovushki (Error in forming a form named MN. Numeral Both) 6. Both young men, dinner

Question 5. Lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language

Vocabulary (from Greek. Lexikos - "Sloves, vocabulary") - The whole totality of words of any language.

Lexicology (from Greek. Lexikos - "verbal, vocabulary"and gr.logos. - " Word, concept, teaching " ) - section Linguistic language examining language vocabulary examining in various aspects of the main unit of the language - word.

Lexical norms Russian literary language - these are the rules for using words in speech in accordance with their lexical meaning and taking into account their lexical combativity and stylistic color.

Do you talk correctly: imagine vacation, television in our time playing great importance , memorial souvenir? These and similar questions, the answer gives the lexical norms of the Russian literary language.

The main requirement lexical norms is the use of words with the meaning that they are inherent. This rule of usual consumption is often broken. Consider examples of violation of the lexical norms of the Russian literary language.

Mix paronov

Violation of lexical standards is often due to the fact that speaking or writing confuse words close on sound, but various meanings. Such words are called paronims.

Paronyms(from Greek. para.- "about" and onyma.- "Name") - these are words, in most cases, single, close-in sound, but having different meanings: addresses nT. (sender) - addresses t. (recipient); amy grant (leaving the country) - imma grant(entering).

Paronims are words diploma chesqueiY and diploma cN. Diplomatic It may be what refers to diplomacy ( diplomatic mail); diplomatic - something correct, corresponding to etiquette ( diplomatic behavior of the Party).

A typical speech error is the confusion of word-paronyms per d.put and pre beforeset. reference About child's disease remitted to school, new the teacher is represented class, oh here opportunity Make a learning excursion provided. In this way, imagine -1) give, hand, report anything to familiarize yourself, informations; 2) show, demonstrate something; fore aboutset 1) give the opportunity to have, dispose of using something; 2) Give the opportunity to do anything, instruct anything to fulfill any case (see the list of paronyms, data in the application of this methodological manual).

Mixing paronims often leads to a distortion of meaning: Thick thickets of shrubs alternated with eternaloak groves and birch tops (instead of centuries).

Mixing paronyms also indicates an insufficient speech culture of the speaker: It dressed Sweater (instead of put on).


Another common lexical error is useful pleonmasov(from Greek. Pleonasmos is an excessiveness) - phrases, in which one word from two is superfluous, because its value coincides with the value of another, for example: memorable souvenir (souvenir - a gift for memory), a native Aboriginal (Aboriginal - a native resident of the country), an unusual phenomenon (phenomenon is an unusual phenomenon). Remember the following praeonistic phrases and avoid their use in speech:

· Monumental monument

· period of time

· Strict taboo

· Dead corpse

· Leading leaders

· Chief Leitmotif

· my autobiography

· Folk folklore

· Facial facial and others.

Morphological norms are the rules for using grammatical forms of different parts of speech. Morphological norms regulate morphology - section of linguistics, which includes the doctrine of the word forms and how to express grammatical values, as well as the doctrine of the parts of speech and their signs.

Grammatical meaning is the characteristic of the word in terms of belonging to a certain part of speech, most general valueinherent in a number of words that does not depend on their real-distinct content.

The words cheese and litter have different lexical meanings: cheese is a food supply; Sorrow - trash. And the grammatical meanings of these words are the same: the name of the noun, nominal, inanimate, male genus, II decline, each of these words is able to be determined by adjectives, change on cases and numbers to act as a member of the sentence.

The material expression of the grammatical value is the grammatical agent. Most often, grammatical significance is expressed in affixes (consoles, suffixes and endings). It can also be expressed using official words, alternating sounds, changes in the place of emphasis and order of words, intonation.

Separate grammatical values \u200b\u200bare combined into the system. For example, the values \u200b\u200bof the only and plural number are combined into the number of values \u200b\u200bof the number. In such cases, they speak about the grammatical category of the number. There are grammatical categories of time, genus, inclination, species, etc.

Morphological norms of nouns

The main difficulty of studying the morphological norms is available options that appear due to the constant interaction of old and new ways to form grammatical forms.

Among the morphological norms of the use of nouns, the greatest difficulties cause norms associated with categories of genus and case.







































































Morphological norms{!LANG-78a79547f024de525d0e834b92e409a6!}


{!LANG-9a88f8bd9a8059231fc42397506e736b!} {!LANG-7d5032310bbcf49b9522fd56a95c8e93!}{!LANG-748537348c1a5ae9d5b7f3c3c9ae5b7d!} {!LANG-fddb59a60dbfbe53ca1fb089bebd6848!}{!LANG-a037daea4ac02bacb5689cb28e26bda7!}{!LANG-8a7cb2b53b7a00b011323ca7d3a66a1e!} {!LANG-264faadc391a407067419ed1533a5239!}{!LANG-236f16460013eccc1af1073560134f11!} {!LANG-4017252206fab0ec3c41be27d4cd59df!}{!LANG-c501901d4e0fdfbb6a046dfdd719cb59!}

{!LANG-629076333f7f8d662125d8bfa2ea4146!} {!LANG-caccf2aff90d81fb35e6ac4f8b57b561!}{!LANG-42dade114fd93c363d875ff334aac9ec!}{!LANG-8e631386ca6a6ca1b46f210919a68874!} {!LANG-78b3fe76493976e8a9d371f5adcbfd40!}{!LANG-01625d5f806ef77855dc246b665cc8d8!}{!LANG-de85b141aafaa02943c6c2a0b7c81cb6!}

{!LANG-3f0dfac8631272cd4d4b35814de3422a!} {!LANG-2530f4038d90509ec442dee8da3f6437!}- {!LANG-9dcfb903e3b511b0fab211762e9b2ea7!}- {!LANG-1f7340b2a177849057fa8053ace5a9b1!}{!LANG-e036b88e4c4d7b7c6b109bbac51f2730!}- {!LANG-9193f21d28b91226bc32d3fb81eedf95!}

{!LANG-27128bb5cb5714d0550777a052360de5!} {!LANG-b8d08673a22ba6551258ff3045c885fd!}but {!LANG-96711bee4f7b4f257ab83a4f3dda7322!}{!LANG-957142984759e94c78716c654e732897!} {!LANG-ecdec69f6b291c61630dc98714c236d9!}but showersand shoe{!LANG-33950847aa099d65302fa3ba0f305804!}


{!LANG-b7409bd46cf1a2d26f715b65ad01fb5c!}{!LANG-7d3cfb02f27307862e601e16cb5d006c!} {!LANG-3ae58d516213f1b8b3eb647350e6acbe!}{!LANG-2c79600d013df5cf5a615521623b80d7!}{!LANG-e297e8f5ef00c6f73f156c5b087e6f4d!}

{!LANG-92195c05772558a9e811216c4229c332!} {!LANG-84cccf4fcc5341b10fd6388d20d485da!}- {!LANG-8593fb856d462903517fd96686a41ff2!}- {!LANG-82c5010cb9db87f02c929e790e7280cc!}

{!LANG-35cd8dbbc8d8ba603e7812a192d56231!} {!LANG-9ee8b35b62deb94063cbedf7bb2b825c!}{!LANG-cd1d620293c06cc16f9aec5b0e76a632!} {!LANG-320b8f4db465bf273a174b0e9275b547!}{!LANG-f60b69e6955a34ae1206dc8ed9c8cd18!}{!LANG-4e839ea1f3f67d2e9005f53f3a973a08!}{!LANG-fc1eecf87b101f46cebb04e8b80d6e05!} {!LANG-33333c6391f828ebedcaadf6a96da16c!}{!LANG-7cc5887eadd4a9b8e6b3a2570985d150!}

{!LANG-57f97ed2ff26d1c28fe504f664d19aa4!} {!LANG-f24b09935fe8d3f639e5ec774394ed10!}{!LANG-bfd640612f3c372ac8a91367a8c6dd20!}{!LANG-cba310acbcdb7eab7e046aae03ca9c14!}

{!LANG-36aa238b37003006fb97385e560fa203!} {!LANG-6efcea02bddd3920e201d9dae85db63a!}{!LANG-dbf47303f1305bb1b9a44742eafd38f8!} {!LANG-900615349ec05e43f008853f41f88226!}{!LANG-152321517ffb28c9a165963fbfd7d6f1!}

{!LANG-cbec9009884f49a4f9928bc709ddcf94!} {!LANG-0d166f6b4c87a09d20baf42fa0e003a9!} {!LANG-2992923b05592406e5fa0bb519c5814d!}

{!LANG-fa419d0059944eb28cdfabff2da51cdb!} {!LANG-3c5d6d2376b9f32111545ddb850b13c4!}{!LANG-9851864c3cb790a74ba198838e322eac!}

{!LANG-69b18fa7d9d697f6dad8249d50385b24!} {!LANG-e53009e66baff76c728859dce20ed6b8!}{!LANG-1aa5cd102416ee2d82d1bffb96251bd0!}{!LANG-5951f8bd14244c459459166ee33bebdd!} {!LANG-8544c4f55ec0b6ffe7d52431ed934fe0!} {!LANG-a7d98b5303b7f1714b9c5f08de648e85!}{!LANG-02473be372550705e338af9764c07327!} {!LANG-4a6e9aadbc812d3dcd51a1da434641bd!}{!LANG-5ba5198fb5c5a458a982756f61e35d91!} {!LANG-21ccc5758c34fe4add3997cf6f07c9b0!}{!LANG-8ebb69f80e3e26b64d0f77898dc1e5ea!}

{!LANG-29baf62fc50efee7a49466ee6ed43d33!} {!LANG-65c79af760fc244c7cc49c6b7944460a!}and {!LANG-7011f34826c5da2b496572db0338a72c!}{!LANG-bb0b42f71aa0a21d58b3ebc61f68b428!} {!LANG-1b52f5e563d8b6745e31532df98d33f4!}{!LANG-eb29b9c18b216a07f79752e7e7d6cdf8!} {!LANG-0f030779ce1a9946b478c8008b34b3e7!}{!LANG-26418d0acfb54cf0267327875496a68c!} {!LANG-c4bed2414ae379726352e29325a94c87!}{!LANG-57a8fada54d6b11082083c3bfb422a41!} {!LANG-340883250598bbd205f4a746bcf33e95!}{!LANG-bbe2ea3b70c062abb938c013b130ac70!} {!LANG-43dfa481e7041a89d18e2fe942a99003!}{!LANG-c314ecd929c108429c5df1805a733076!} {!LANG-0842b1b97945740f6dceca90faf53ac5!} {!LANG-395780f2d866bcdcafd5ef917fec2fe4!} {!LANG-2713db7f10245a23ccbb65075bddcd9e!}

{!LANG-37b57dfe8bbc660cd96a7794967291c5!} {!LANG-382b90ec224ad541f3160bea457a7405!}{!LANG-b64fceed9f2bd85875ddf0c5c69b0d43!}


