Do I need to change implants after mammoplasty? Breast implants: Slow action bombs After how many years you need to change breast implants.

Most women who fall to the reception to the plastic surgeon and express a desire to increase the chest, do not even suspect that implants are not put on life, and over time they will need reendoprosthetics. Indeed, in breast prosthesis has its own service life, after which they wear out.

How much can you walk with breast implantsand when you cannot refuse from their replacement? We will try to answer these and other questions, having a professional opinion of the majority of authoritative professionals in the field of breast plastic.

Prostheses of mammary glands

Do I need to change the implants of the mammary glands

How many years are breasting endoprostheses? The concerns that after mammoplasty will have to regularly change implants, scare many women. They are connected mainly with information about the likely wear of prostheses. Indeed, doctors always warn the representatives of the fine sex about possible complications operations and the need to repeat surgical intervention. Implants can wear out for various reasons:

  • the inner effect of the saline, silicone or hydrogel, which thinning the shell of the prosthesis;
  • influence on the material of its surrounding alive tissues and immune cells;
  • formation on the surface of the folds, which increases the likelihood of reducing the thickness of the implant capsule;
  • production marriage and low quality material.

So, do you need to change breast implants with time after mammoplasty? The latest technologies allow you to create mammary endoprostheses, which differ in durability and strength of manufacturing materials. Such implants have a long service life and do not need a frequent replacement. Sometimes women wear prostheses all their life without thinking about the need to replace them with new ones.

Wearing factors

Among the reasons determining the service life of the implant of the mammary glands, in the first place in importance are:

  • age features;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • changes in the size of the glands due to reduction or increase weight;
  • the reaction of the body of a woman on the introduction of an alien body into it;
  • endoprostheses location.

The use of implants largely depends on their quality. Cheap milk gland prostheses Very often, in the course of their wear, they begin to flow, change the shape or break. Similar changes occur, as a rule, after breast injury, as well as as a result of surgeon errors.

Studying the question, how many years you can wear breast implants, the specialists found out that most women after mammoplasty were satisfied with the result and understand the importance of changing endoprostheses. Despite this, there is also a large percentage of fair sex representatives, for which the operation to increase the mammary glands has not been completely successful. In such patients, the clinics of plastic surgery disconnects the following postoperative complications:

  • breaking and flowing endoprosthesis;
  • the inconsistency of the obtained shape of the breast of the one that was declared a woman in front of surgery;
  • the reaction of the organism on foreign material;
  • the emergence of other unwanted consequences of the operation.

Don't forget that after installation breast implants It is necessary to check the mammary glands annually. This will help prevent the development of pathological conditions and preserve the health of women.

Of which the prostheses consist:

  1. Silicone.
  2. Salt.
  3. Having a round shape;
  4. Anatomical.

a brief description of

Endoprosthesis that have been produced, about 10-20 years ago had 7-8% of the weariness, and the manufacturers could not give 100% guarantees that the implant would not break or disrupt its integrity.

At the moment, modern prostheses have a significantly lower wear process, which allows leading firms to producers to give a lifetime warranty on released products.

The chest prosthesis is a medical product that is produced from a high-quality biocompatible material for installation under the skin or milk gland, in order to simulate the female bust and increase its size.

The first breast prostheses were filled with fats, liquid paraffin and other various fillers. They were injected into the thickness of the breast.

The first operations to increase the breast at the end of the 19th century were carried out, but such operations did not bring the desired result and resulted in serious complications.

Starting from 1944, the production of a prosthesis in the form of a closed silicone shell filled with sodium chloride or gel began.

And from that moment on, the real evolution of breast prostheses begins and each year their form, structure, fillers and types are improved.

Conditionally types of breast dentures can be divided into several generations:

  • the first generation of prostheses were produced from silicone shell in the form of tears, which is filled with viscous silicone gel. Rear was installed partition that prevents the implant displacement;
  • the second generation of impinuins became softer, and gel is light. Breast deasts of the second generation were also produced in a double-sided form and were a silicone prosthetic inside the saline;
  • the third and fourth generation of implants was covered with elastomer, in order to avoid the healing of the gel through the shell. In the fourth generation, various forms of prostheses with a variety of coating were also produced;
  • the fifth generation prostheses consist of a cohesive gel. This is a soft gel, and it has a property to imitate live breast fabric. Also, this gel is characterized by "memory" and with any deformations returns to the form given in the process.

Silicone or salt

Do I need to change implants after mammoplasty

Prostheses to increase breasts, like any other devices not only a medical nature wear.

The service life of breast endoprostheses depends on many factors such as the body's response on the foreign object, the quality of the implant, the location of its location.

The replacement frequency depends on the material of the implant and the skills of the surgeon.

Round or anatomical

Is it possible to plan a pregnancy after breast an increase

You can plan a pregnancy after increasing mammoplasty. The increase in the chest does not affect the development of the fetus and is safe.

The research conducted in this area has proven that neither silicone nor salt prostheses has a negative impact on the fetus.

The only thing that is waiting for a woman after childbirth is a chest accusation. This is due to the increase in the mammol.

But to make aggregation mammoplasty during pregnancy, it is strictly prohibited, since the operation is carried out under anesthesia, which has a detrimental effect during the development of the fetus.

Whatever way and access to install is whether it is selected this should not affect breast-feeding Child.

The most full-fledged feeding process will be if the implant should be placed in the axillary depression. In this case, the dairy glands are not affected and the lactation process will not be disturbed.

If the surgery is raised during the operation, which is important to know even before the aggregation mammoplasty, how the feeding period will flow and discuss this moment with the plastic surgeon.

In order to avoid complications such as mastitis due to the presence of prostheses, you need to choose the right feeding technique and regularly make a special massage.

Types of lusion

  • Armpit placement;
  • Under the line of the mammary glands.

Indications for changing

Change of implants is called The reendoprosthetics of the mammary glands.

Indications for changing breast implants may be the following:

  • aesthetic dissatisfaction after an increase in breast increase;
  • correction Change external view breast, which is associated with breastfeeding, pregnancy and age-related changes;
  • patient's desire to increase breasts 3-4 size more than the former;

Also, the testimony for redendoprosthetic breast can be complications after the first aggregation mammoplasty include:

Types of cuts

  • Incision in the axillary depression;
  • Incision in the area of \u200b\u200bthe range;
  • Enclosure in the navel area.


Modern breast implants has two types:

  1. silicone;
  2. salt.

Silicone prostheses consist of silicone filler, whose viscosity of different manufacturers may differ. Breast, silicone implants are pleasant to the touch and do not differ from the female chest.

Such prostheses are suitable for women with little breasts they do not frowze and look very natural. But silicone prostheses are very expensive, and in the event of a gap, it is difficult to detect the place of leakage.

Salt endoprostheses consist of a conventional saline or sodium chloride solution. Download such a solution after installing the prosthesis during the operation.

Such prostheses are much cheaper than silicone and much safer. In the case of a brine of the salt prosthesis, it is easy to detect the location of the course and the body will fall into the body that does not harm the organism.

Also in the description of the types of endoprostheses it is worth paying attention to such characteristics:

  • the form;
  • the size;
  • coating.

The form of the prosthesis may be:

  1. round;
  2. anatomical (drop-shaped);
  3. anatomical with a high profile.

The size of the prosthesis happens:

  1. fixed. This size does not have the valve and the volume of the prosthesis is not possible;
  2. adjustable. With this amount on the prosthesis there is a valve through which the saline solution can be administered;

Coating or surface can be:

  1. smooth;
  2. textured. Textured prostheses are uneven and have vintage on their surface;
  3. with spongy surface structure. Connective tissue He grows in the spongy structure of the shell and allow the prosthesis in one place.

Contraindications to the operation

  • Heart disease.
  • Heart failure.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Coronary artery disease.
  • Blood circulation.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.
  • Hepatitis S.
  • Psyche disorder.

Risk of re-operation

With any surgical intervention, there is a risk of developing complications, especially if we are talking about re-correction. Among the most frequent negative consequences of reendoprosthetics are distinguished:

  • formation of contractures;
  • formation of hematomas and sulfur;
  • infection of the place of intervention as a result of attachment to the wound pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the appearance of keloid and hypertrophic scarring zones;
  • raising total temperature bodies due to the occurrence of inflammatory reaction;
  • displacement, gap or flow of endoprosthesis;
  • development of double folds;
  • allergy to the material from which the implant is made;
  • splicing of the mammary glands.

Even the most modern breast implants are installed under general anesthesia, after which there may be side effects in the form of violations of the functioning of the head unit of the CNS, thromboembolism, pathological manifestations from the cardiovascular industry and kidneys.

Indilaments Replacement Indiants

Consider the reasons why women most often assign an operation to remove previous breast endoprostheses and installing new ones.

Aging implanted materials

Over time, any prostheses are aging, and the implants of the mammary glands (for example, with a saline filler) are no exception. The speed of this process depends on several factors, namely: the body's reactions to the alien body, the location of the prosthesis. Breast implants in old age have more chances for the destruction of the shell, prone to leakage, change form.

Aesthetic preferences

Sometimes patients wish to change the shape or size of the prosthesis. In such cases, they are talking about aesthetic causes for re-mammoplasty. Naturally, such intervention is possible only after a certain time after the previous procedure, when swelling will come down and postoperative wounds will be lit.

Age-related changes

Often the reason for replacing the endoprosthesis is its sagging. And the patients mistakenly believe that the implant itself is, but in fact it comes due to age or hormonal changes in the body of a woman. Prostheses lose their high quality and functional characteristics due to breastfeeding, pregnancy, set or weight loss, the like.

The development of complications

Another reason why the replacement of the prosthesis is needed - complications after surgery. No one knows how long the implant of the breast or its damage can occur, but the probability of such processes is present in the operated women.

Is the damaged implant in the chest of the patient? Filling modern endoprostheses is biocompatible with human tissues. In case of damage to the implant consisting of hydrogel, it disintegrates on glucose, carbon dioxide and water and does not harm health.

Prevention of complications

Women who change silicone implants should know how to prevent the probable negative effects of the operation. To such preventive measures relate:

  • a clear execution in the postoperative period of all recommendations of the plastic surgeon;
  • mandatory reception antibacterial drugs in the first days after plastics and in case of appearance increased temperature bodies;
  • wearing special compression linen;
  • the right choice of endoprostheses from well-known manufacturers with a positive reputation.

Implant manufacturers

The modern Endoprostheses market is very diverse. The most famous brands manufacturing implants are:

  1. Mentor (Mentor) is an American company that produces various types of prostheses: silicone, salt, round and anatomical forms, with a textured surface, a solid sheath of SILTEX. Silicone models use the Memory Gel filler.
  2. Motiva (Motiv Ergonomics) is the world's only manufacturer of ergonomic prostheses. The main features are natural, in whatever position the chest is not, harmony, even if the bust originally was quite small. The filler used in these prosthesis is called Progressive Gel Ultima. He is one of the best.
  3. Allergan (Allergan) - reliable, safe products from America. Their shell consists of seven layers. A variety of sizes from this brand is very wide. Models differ in forms, filler. The advantage of this brand is a low level of complications.
  4. Arion (Arion) is a French manufacturer specializing in the manufacture of various types of endoprostheses. It creates implants with silicone and hydrogel filler, round, anatomical, with smooth and textured surfaces. Their shell consists of six layers, which makes products reliable and durable.
  5. Nagor (Highborhood) - High-quality implants are breastless, created in England.
  6. Polytech (Polytech) - German implants with "memory effect", which allows them not to change the shape and look beautiful even after many years. The shell of products consists of eight layers, the top of which can be represented by one of three different species. The most popular is microtextured.

It is necessary to approach the choice of endoprosthesis. It does not matter whether it is used simply for breast correction, or to restore the lost breast after the mastectomy. After all, every woman wants to have a beautiful, natural chest.

Is there any need to replace implants

Many women who passed through the breast correction procedure for the installation of implants or only planning to change the appearance of this surgical intervention, ask themselves the question: "Do I need to change the implants of the mammary glands?" Only a plastic surgeon can be able to definitely reply, since there are several factors defining whether there is a need to replace.

Prostheses of mammary glands

Breast implants entered the fashion for a long time and today is the most popular operation. aesthetic medicine. Operation on the introduction of mammary implants to increase and give a more beautiful form especially popular among women, with oncological disease Milk glands. Also, implantation is carried out by women having the first or zero breast size, to increase it.

However, despite many people who want to go through this procedure, there are also those who are categorically against these manipulations. They motivate this by the fact that the foreign object should not be implemented in a living organism, as this can cause a number of complications and unpleasant sensations.

Especially frightening the doubting representatives of the beautiful gender various articles, colorfully describing the terrible consequences that occur with the breast, after the introduction of the implant to increase it. Of course, any surgery It has its own risks, and this procedure is no exception. However, in our time, the risk is reduced to a minimum, therefore cases of negative consequences are single. The surest way to fully protect yourself - choose a high-quality prosthesis.

Selection of high-quality implant

You should not neglect the estimates of other women who have already passed this procedure and recommendations of surgeons. It is better to make your choice in favor of one of the popular manufacturers. On such implants there should be a special elastic bag with a thin but sturdy silicone sheath.

They are several species, here it is necessary to decide on the surface of the prosthesis: smooth or volumetric. Any organism rejects an alien object that fell into it, surrounding it with a connective tissue. The longer the object is inside the body, the more fabric around it is formed, which gives the chest unnatural hardness. This is the first problem that plastic surgeons face during the operation. Complications in this issue cause implants with a smooth surface of the shell. The volume surface has a certain roughness, which contributes to the rustling of alive tissues into the shell of the prosthesis. This is exactly what makes them more secure.

Of which the prostheses consist:

  • More by consistency resembling vegetable oil Silicone gel.
  • A cohesive gel is poorly holding a form, but it almost does not heat up and in density is almost no distinction from the mammary glands. As a consistency, it looks like jelly.
  • High-season gel is perfectly holding a form, practically not deformed, does not heal, has a consistency of marmalade. Used as a filler for anatomical prostheses.
  • "Soft Touch" - the gel holds a nice form, does not proceed. The consistency resembles a chill.
  • Saline. Not the best filler, since almost a year after applying, the salt dissolved in the composition is crystallized and there is a risk of a prosthesis shell puncture.
  • Soybean oil. It is strictly recommended to use implants with this filler, as they are considered one of the worst.

In terms of its characteristics, prostheses are divided into several types:

  1. Silicone.
  2. Salt.
  3. Having a round shape;
  4. Anatomical.

Silicone or salt

Silicone implants have good adhesiveness and persistent form, which contributes to a smaller rope of a cohesive gel. It is well imitating the natural soft softness, when damaged the shell of the implant is not seeping outside, it keeps the form well, does not heal under the shell.

The implants consisting of a saline solution are bags with silicone polymers characteristic of its elasticity. Serve exclusively to increase the chest. Not the best choice, since this type of implants differs in sensations from the natural breast, there is a possibility that they will scream or tear.

Round or anatomical

It is necessary to choose the form of a prosthesis, as well as the prosthetic himself, consulting with the leading surgeon, to pick up exactly the implant that is suitable for a particular patient. The selection of the implant is independently fraught with unforeseen consequences or the surgeon refusing from the operation.

  • Having round implants are good from aesthetic point of view. They look beautiful, better emphasize feminine forms, however, it does not always correspond to some obligatory items that natural breasts possess:
  1. The chest should be more in height, and not in width.
  2. Oval, located in the lower pole chest well filled.
  3. The nipple must be slightly higher than the imperial fold of the chest.
  4. At the top of the chest there must be almost flat SCOS.
  • Anatomical implants are most often used, as they correspond to all of the above items, so they become the most popular than round form.

Types of lusion

As a rule, two ways of implants implantation are common in our time:

  • Armpit placement;
  • Under the line of the mammary glands.

Any method has its advantages and disadvantages. The first method is good because the risk of a capsule is reduced, consisting of smooth fibrous tissue, which can deform the chest and squeeze the prosthesis if more permissible norm. It is also almost impossible to feel the prosthetic. However, this operation is much more complicated, and the recovery period lasts longer, sometimes with a feeling of discomfort. In addition, if a re-operation is needed, it will be quite difficult to get to the implant.

Plastic surgeons prefer the second placement option. If you need to re-enlarge problems in order to get to the desired area through the same incision it will not arise. This operation will relatively long lasting, it is simpler, almost without pain during the rehabilitation postoperative period. This method is practiced only if the cloth gland is well developed. Significant disadvantages are the risk of formation of a deforming prosthesis and breasts capsules, and the fact that most often the prosthesis can be detected during the progress of the chest.

In some cases, the introduction of implants simultaneously in two ways is possible.

Types of cuts

Another important point before the operation is a thorough study, which kinds of cuts are through which the prosthesis of glands will be installed.

There are four main types of cuts:

  • Incision in the axillary depression;
  • Incision in the area of \u200b\u200bthe range;
  • Incision under the retro-ammored fold of the chest;
  • Enclosure in the navel area.

The cut in the armpit is universal, as it allows you to imagine the prosthesis above and under the chest muscle. This is not the widest section used, despite the fact that the scar is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpit and less noticeable for others. However, this is a rather complicated operation, with the longest recovery period, and therefore is considered to be attendant for the patient. It will be very difficult if necessary to re-operation through this type of cut if it is necessary to change it.

The following type of cut should be particularly closely considered with the leading doctor. The incision in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Area is distinguished by its universal advantages. This method provides the ability to set the prosthesis under the muscle and under the iron or delete the prosthesis. According to aesthetic characteristics, it is better than the armpit incision, as the scar is practically noticeable. Otherwise, there is an opportunity to carry out the procedure of the Tattoo AREOLA under its natural color to make a scar of invisible. The incision passes on the border of the arole and skin of the chest.

The third type of cut is used most often. This species, as well as the previous, allows you to remove the implant gland and get rid of the unpleasant consequences of the rehabilitation postoperative period. Instead of one scar, there may be an increase in the number up to two, but there will be no complications. The lack is not so significant compared to the benefits - the scars are noticeable, despite their subtlety.

The last type of cut is the newest. It does not leave scars on the chest, but it allows you to install only an implant with a salt solution.

Contraindications to the operation

Contraindications for this kind of surgical intervention are the following diseases:

  • Heart disease.
  • Heart failure.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Coronary artery disease.
  • Blood circulation.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.
  • Hepatitis S.
  • Psyche disorder.
  • Tobacocoine experience in more than twenty years.

In order to avoid various complications during and after surgery, the doctor preliminaries the patient for a full examination, thoroughly examines the history, is individual plan Operations and rehabilitation course.

Is there any need to change implants

If you look at the decade ago, the answer would be obvious. Because of the slowly moving technological progress, the implants were not durable and weathered for ten to fifteen years. Consequently, after the expiration of the shelf life of prostheses, they had to be changed on more "fresh". Prostheses of the richest companies for the production of breast implants provide a lifelong warranty, from which it follows that they do not require replacement.

You do not need to change breast implants, but you can. Over time, the body ages and fades, the skin becomes a flabby and sagging, and the chest underwent the adjustment of plastic surgeons, in this regard, is not very different from natural. The increase in the mammary glands can bring certain discomfort in the prosthetic zone; Capsular contracture may form; There may be a desire to change the volume for more or smaller depending on the dictatorship of the ever-changing fashion. All these factors can force a woman again under the knife of a plastic surgeon to become more perfect and avoid the consequences of the age-related change of the mammary glands.

There may be a need for a re-operation when choosing low-quality implants. They can deform, burst, cause the formation of capsular contractures and its increase. All this requires the secondary intervention of specialists to remove implants and, if desired, establishing new rehabilitation periods and in the absence of contraindications.

The best way to avoid complications during the operation and during the rehabilitation postoperative period is to follow the recommendations of your doctor, comply with all the specified nuances for the preparation for the operation, as well as after the operation. If a woman wants to look beautiful and while staying healthy, you should not choose implants best. They do not save on health, and in order not to have no need to seek surgery again to remove the established prosthesis, you need to stop your choice on, perhaps expensive, but more than a better product.

The selection of the clinic is also important, because one of the collateral of a successful operation is an experienced practitioner surgeon. World Wide Web will issue millions of results in the search query " best clinic Plastic Surgery. " Forums and catalogs The clinic will allow you to more accurately figure out the attitude in the clinic to patients, the qualifications of plastic surgeons, statistics of repeated appeals, positive and negative feedback. In this question, it is better to be as informed as possible.

Attention! The following video presents video microsurgical operations. It is ultimately not recommended to view these videos: persons under the age of 16 years old, pregnant women, as well as persons with an unbalanced psyche.

Causes of implant replacement

Doctors recommend to remove the old and implant the new implant, not because it can harm, but due to the gradual omission of breast tissues, changes in its shape, the appearance of asymmetry. The product in such cases has the property of shifting.

The reasons for earlier, emergency removal of endoprosthesis can be:

  • the appearance of defects on his shell
  • serious set or, on the contrary, weight relief
  • changing the breast shape after pregnancy, lactation period

When violating the integrity of the product, manufacturers often offer replacement at their own account. Also, if a woman wishes, doctors can remove the prosthesis, restore the former bust size. Either, you can replace it to another, which will choose a patient. After all, sometimes ladies remain unhappy with the result obtained. And to avoid the consequences of the wrong selection of endoprosthesis, girls are advised to make 3D modeling, allowing you to see on the volume image, how the breast will look after implantation. The chest after removing the implant acquires its former shape.

Consequences of unsuccessful installation

It is necessary to change implants after mammoplasty, may depend on well-being. After the operation, there is probably the emergence of complications that will not allow to leave everything as it is. First of all, it is the formation of capsular contracture. The problem is developing during the first year after surgery. Capsule from connective tissue is formed around the implant. It helps keep endoprosthesis, her appearance in this place is the norm. But if the thickness of the capsule is too large, it prevents himself to feel normally. There are pains or at least discomfort in the chest. And externally, the dairy glands do not look as much as I would like. This situation requires the extraction of implants, subsequently a new operation. Sometimes just replacing the endoprosthesis to another look will help solve the problem. Fabrics will not respond so acutely, and the capsule is formed in the right way, without excessive density and thickness, without delivering unpleasant sensations.

Capsular contracture 7 years after retro-ammored endoprosthetics by non-fence biohel implants (A); 5 months after removing implants and redendoprosthetics (b)

Another problem arising as implant entered is asymmetry. A small deviation from ideal lines is not critical. But sometimes the adaptation is completed by the fact that the dairy glands are very different in view and location. Then without a new operation can not do.

A year after subephetoral endoprosthetics: displacement of implants up and asymmetry breasts when cutting muscles

Intervention may be needed and shortly after the first mamoplasty. During the operation or due to non-compliance in the rehabilitation period, the inflammatory process occurs to restore the conditions in glands. If it develops quickly, capturing a significant area of \u200b\u200bfabrics, one cannot exclude that endoprostheses will have to be removed, and not just limited to antibiotic therapy.

How often the silicone implants change depends on the set of factors. Not all of them are negative. According to statistics, most cases of replacement of endoprostheses are associated with the desire of the patient, and not health problems. But this does not cancel the need to control the state of the mammary glands after mammoplasty. Then it will be exactly possible to prevent possible negative moments associated with the presence of implants, and replace them before the occurrence of problems.

Most women who fall to the reception to the plastic surgeon and express a desire to increase the chest, do not even suspect that implants are not put on life, and over time they will need reendoprosthetics. Indeed, in breast prosthesis has its own service life, after which they wear out.

How much can you walk with breast implantsand when you cannot refuse from their replacement? We will try to answer these and other questions, having a professional opinion of the majority of authoritative professionals in the field of breast plastic.

Do I need to change the implants of the mammary glands

How many years are breasting endoprostheses? The concerns that after mammoplasty will have to regularly change implants, scare many women. They are connected mainly with information about the likely wear of prostheses. Indeed, doctors always warn the fair sex representatives about possible complications of the operation and the emergence of the need for re-surgical intervention. Implants can wear out for various reasons:

  • the inner effect of the saline, silicone or hydrogel, which thinning the shell of the prosthesis;
  • influence on the material of its surrounding alive tissues and immune cells;
  • formation on the surface of the folds, which increases the likelihood of reducing the thickness of the implant capsule;
  • production marriage and low quality material.

So, do you need to change breast implants with time after mammoplasty? The latest technologies allow you to create mammary endoprostheses, which differ in durability and strength of manufacturing materials. Such implants have a long service life and do not need a frequent replacement. Sometimes women wear prostheses all their life without thinking about the need to replace them with new ones.

The shelf life of breast implants

How often do you need to change the prostheses of the mammary glands in order not to face complications? Another decade ago, doctors recommended to resort to their replacement every 10 years. Today the picture has changed. Scientists managed to create lifelong breast implants, and all because the processes and materials for their manufacture were improved. No matter how it sounds positively, there are a number of reasons, because of which women go to the re-operation.

Indilaments Replacement Indiants

Consider the reasons why women most often assign an operation to remove previous breast endoprostheses and installing new ones.

Aging implanted materials

Over time, any prostheses are aging, and the implants of the mammary glands (for example, with a saline filler) are no exception. The speed of this process depends on several factors, namely: the body's reactions to the alien body, the location of the prosthesis. Breast implants in old age have more chances for the destruction of the shell, prone to leakage, change form.

Aesthetic preferences

Sometimes patients wish to change the shape or size of the prosthesis. In such cases, they are talking about aesthetic causes for re-mammoplasty. Naturally, such intervention is possible only after a certain time after the previous procedure, when swelling will come down and postoperative wounds will be lit.

Age-related changes

Often the reason for replacing the endoprosthesis is its sagging. And the patients mistakenly believe that the implant itself is, but in fact it comes due to age or hormonal changes in the body of a woman. Prostheses lose their high quality and functional characteristics due to breastfeeding, pregnancy, set or weight loss, the like.

The development of complications

Another reason why the replacement of the prosthesis is needed - complications after surgery. No one knows how long the implant of the breast or its damage can occur, but the probability of such processes is present in the operated women.

Is the damaged implant in the chest of the patient? Filling modern endoprostheses is biocompatible with human tissues. In case of damage to the implant consisting of hydrogel, it disintegrates on glucose, carbon dioxide and water and does not harm health.

How to replacement

Knowing how many chest implants are servedIt becomes obvious that sooner or later there will be a need for their shift. The process of conducting such a procedure consists of two main stages:

  • preparatory period;
  • reendoprosthetics.

At the stage of preparation, the patient visits a plastic surgeon. He conducts her careful inspection, assesses the results of the mammography and gives recommendations regarding the lifestyle before surgery. At this time, the reception is prohibited. medicines on a vegetable basis, as well as the use of alcoholic beverages and smoking.

Actually, the operation lasts from one to two hours, depending on its volumes and complexity. The change of endoprostheses occurs under general anesthesia. It includes several main stages:

  • removal of the previous implants by dissection of the skin along the formation of the scar from the first operation and the extraction of old prostheses;
  • capsulotomy or carving a capsule formed around the implant with partial removal of fibrous formations;
  • installing endoprostheses in the already formed bed or created specifically for the size of the new implant.

Women with implants in the chest within a month after plastics need to wear compression linen. Also patients throughout rehabilitation period It is forbidden to visit the bath and sauna, walk to the solarium or sunbathing under the right sunlight, to the healing of tissues to play sports or physical labor.

Risk of re-operation

With any surgical intervention, there is a risk of developing complications, especially if we are talking about re-correction. Among the most frequent negative consequences of reendoprosthetics are distinguished:

  • formation of contractures;
  • formation of hematomas and sulfur;
  • infection of the place of intervention as a result of attachment to the wound pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the appearance of keloid and hypertrophic scarring zones;
  • an increase in the total body temperature due to the occurrence of the inflammatory response;
  • displacement, gap or flow of endoprosthesis;
  • development of double folds;
  • allergy to the material from which the implant is made;
  • splicing of the mammary glands.

Even the most modern breast implants are installed under general anesthesia, after which there may be side effects in the form of violations of the functioning of the head unit of the CNS, thromboembolism, pathological manifestations from the cardiovascular industry and kidneys.

Prevention of complications

Women who change silicone implants should know how to prevent the probable negative effects of the operation. These preventive measures include:

  • a clear execution in the postoperative period of all recommendations of the plastic surgeon;
  • mandatory reception of antibacterial drugs in the first days after plastics and in the event of an increased body temperature;
  • wearing special compression linen;
  • the right choice of endoprostheses from well-known manufacturers with a positive reputation.

Wearing factors

Among the reasons determining the service life of the implant of the mammary glands, in the first place in importance are:

  • age features;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • changes in the size of the glands due to reduction or increase weight;
  • the reaction of the body of a woman on the introduction of an alien body into it;
  • endoprostheses location.

The use of implants largely depends on their quality. Cheap milk gland prostheses Very often, in the course of their wear, they begin to flow, change the shape or break. Similar changes occur, as a rule, after breast injury, as well as as a result of surgeon errors.

Studying the question, how many years you can wear breast implants, the specialists found out that most women after mammoplasty were satisfied with the result and understand the importance of changing endoprostheses. Despite this, there is also a large percentage of fair sex representatives, for which the operation to increase the mammary glands has not been completely successful. In such patients, the clinics of plastic surgery disconnects the following postoperative complications:

  • breaking and flowing endoprosthesis;
  • the inconsistency of the obtained shape of the breast of the one that was declared a woman in front of surgery;
  • the reaction of the organism on foreign material;
  • the emergence of other unwanted consequences of the operation.

Do not forget that after the installation of breast implants, the mammary glands should be held annually. This will help prevent the development of pathological conditions and preserve the health of women.

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Repeated breast correction (replacement of breast implants)

Breast implant correction surgery, usually implying displacement and / or replacement of salt or silicone breast implants, is performed in order to change not only the size of your chest, but also the appearance inappropriate to your initial ideas after the breast plastic. The final goal of the operation is the restoration of the natural young form of the bust.

The content of the article:

When it is necessary to conduct breast correction

If the salvation implants are omitted or the damage to silicone implants detected during X-ray and MRI studies.
If you want to change your implant / chest size.
If a sealing of scar tissue occurred around the implant (capsule contract) or, your breast implants changed their position.
If your breast fabric has changed as a result of leather stretching when weight loss / set.

Related procedures

Many women who have decided on re-correction of the breast also consider additionally an increase in bust, breast lift, breast decrease and liposuction.


You can return the youth form of the bust.
You can enlarge or reduce breast size.
You can improve the natural breast symmetry.

Under the influence of the strength of attraction and imminent aging, the shape of the chest and its size can eventually change.
The initial mass of implants strongly affects its further appearance after time expiration.
Your surgeon will need medical information about the earlier operation on the chest.

So, these are the main advantages and minuses in making a decision on re-correction of the chest. If you want to know the important aspects of the operation regarding your situation, consult your plastic surgeon.

Replacing implants: photo before and after the procedure

Are you a suitable candidate for re-correction of the chest?

Even if your first breast plastic was perfectly planned and is beautifully fulfilled, changes can occur with time.

Below are some general testimony required for re-plastic breasts:

You are healthy.
You do not smoke.
You want to increase or decrease your breast size.
You want to correct the asymmetry of the chest.
You want to get rid of the problems that have arisen with your implants and / or milk glands around them.
Pregnancy and / or breastfeeding changed the appearance of implants.
Loss or weight gain has a negative impact on the appearance of your breast implants.
You had to pass the chest suspender after the primary increase, but did not do it.
You are unhappy with the results of the previous operation due to poor installation of implants or other aesthetic problems.
You want to remove your breast implants forever.

If your overall well-being is good, you are positively configured and really look at the future result, most likely you come to carry out this procedure.

About the progress of your operation

How is the procedure for re-correction of the chest?

What kind of operation to remove and replace the breast implants will produce your surgeon, depends on the causes of the need to re-correct your chest.

Changing the implant size: If you decide to change the size of your implants, then your surgeon will most likely make an incision on the old OBSCUE to remove and replace implants. If you want larger implants, for this, the surgeon should increase the "pocket", or place in the chest to accommodate more implant. If you want smaller implants, in this case the doctor can surgically With the help of seams, reduce the existing pocket to the size of the necessary for a smaller implant. At the same time, the chest lift can be done.

The occurrence of capsule contractures (tissue seals and implant): Your doctor is most likely to use the old scar to remove the sealing tissues and the implant. After he or she will replace the new implant.

Feeling implant palpation: When the edges of the chest salt implants are very noticeable and felt during palpation, your surgeon using an initial cut for plastics, removes implants or changes their position. Other ways are also possible when they use a different type of implants or have a new implant in a different breast pocket having thicker muscle tissues, or use additional muscle tissue to cover the edges of the implant.

Improper implant position: Sometimes pockets for implants are formed too far or too close to each other, so the breast looks ugly. To fix this, your surgeon using a primary incision, reconstructs your pocket, moving the required amount of tissues around the implant to the corresponding position by the method of overlaying seams. Your surgeon may need an additional amount of tissue to strengthen the resulting pocket for the implant, therefore the acellular skin matrix method is applied to create additional support.

Deleting implant: If your implants are too big and skin is stretched because of this, your surgeon can recommend a chest suspender along with the removal of implants, it may only be sufficient to remove implants. To remove implants, the primary scar for installation is almost always used. It is also quite common and lining or "capsule" around the implant for rapid healing of seams.

Changing the position of the Nipple and Areola: If you need to tighten your nipple and aralet (dark part of the skin around the nipples), additional cuts are made. The ring incision along the contour of the AREOLA is used in cases of a minor lift. If you need to substantially move the nipple and the range up the most rationally to simultaneously apply two cuts: around the arole and vertical cut down from the arole to the folds under the breast. In cases where it is necessary to remove a significant amount of breast (for example, in women who have lost weight in weight) an additional third section may be required in the horizontal direction along the contour of the natural fold under the breast. If the nipples are needed, then you can leave the nipples and the areal attached to the main tissues of the chest, due to this, the sensitivity and the possibility in further breastfeeding are preserved.

The purpose of your plastic surgeon and the entire clinic personnel is to achieve the most beautiful and natural appearance of your breast, as well as the maximum relief of the entire surgical process and, if possible, creating optimal comfort.

What are the options for implants?

The contacted contact with your plastic surgeon is a key to success in achieving the goal. Your task is to most clearly describe your aesthetic preferences so that the doctor can offer the appropriate options. During consultation, you and your surgeon must solve the following questions:

1. What type of implant will be used?

Breast implantsfilled with saline (sterile salted water). They can be pre-filled with the necessary volume of the solution or fill during the operation, thereby providing a slight change in the size of the implant.
Breast implants filled with silicone, soft and elastic gel of different shapes and sizes. All silicone implants are filled with gel in advance, therefore, the cuts of large sizes may be required for their implantation.
Breast implants filled with cross-linked silicone gel, also known as the "marmalady bear" or the implants of "permanent forms". These implants are made from a thick gel obtained from related silicone molecules, which makes implants a little thicker and harder than ordinary. This allows them to keep the form longer. They are approved by sanitary supervision of food quality and medicines for use in the USA from 2013, in most other countries of the world they have been available since 1992.

2. Will your implants be located before or behind a big breast muscle?

The arrangement of the implant behind the chest muscle (the muscle behind your breasts) contributes to less interference when mailing or feeding a child. Your surgeon will tell you about the pros and cons of both options.
3. What will be the size of your implants?
4. Do you need a breast lift?
5. Do you need a common anesthesia or intravenous sedation?
How will my scars and scars look like after re-correction of the chest?
The initial section is almost always used both when replaced and when removing implants. However, if you need a chest lift, changing the position of the nipple and the arole, the scars can be different (see how the procedure of re-correction of the chest is carried out?).

Preparation for the procedure

How to prepare for re-correction of the breast?

Your surgeon will conduct a detailed instruction on preoperative preparation, will answer all the questions you are interested in will make up a complete history and make a medical examination to determine your physical readiness for the operation. In some cases, the operation may need to pass mammography.

Before the operation, your surgeon will give the following instructions:

Do not take aspirin, some anti-inflammatory and herbal preparations that can cause reinforced bleeding.
For a better healing of scars, throw smoking, at least six weeks before the operation.
Regardless of the type of operation it is very important to hydrate before and after the operation for further safe recovery.
Reduce use alcoholic beverages up to 2-3 times a week.
If your operation is planned to be held in outpatient conditionsDo not forget to negotiate with someone so that you are taken home after surgery and stayed with you for the next two days if you and your surgeon have not decided on other postoperative recovery options. (See How will the process of recovery and healing after re-correction of the chest?)
Before the operation, fill your refrigerator with high protein products, low sodium content, including ready-made dishes, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a large amount of caffeine drinks and conventional water. In the postoperative period, avoid eating products and drinks containing salt.
In the rehabilitation period you will not be able to move freely with your hands, so take care that all things needed during the recovery stored in an affordable place without having to reach it or bend (high shelves or very low cabinets).
Prepare a large number of different films or pre-recorded programs, as well as novels and magazines. If there is such an opportunity to install a radio connection on your bed and put the remote control for the TV.
Ensure the possibility of permanent communication during the entire rehabilitation period specified by your surgeon. It is very important for your recovery. If you have children under five years old, agree with those who could take care of them during this period. During the first two weeks you should not raise anything, move, wash and clean.
Leisure and sleep time spend in a position lying on the back under a slope of 25-45 degrees in the first postoperative days and until the edema is falling. You can achieve the necessary tilt with the help of an inclined pillow or resting in a rocking chair.
Avoid hot soul, hydromassage baths and saunas for two to three weeks.
Decide that you will wear for the first few days, pick up the clothes at the lightning lightning. Wear ballet shoes or shoes without laces so that you do not have to bend.
Usually, the re-correction of the chest is carried out in an outpatient basis. Agree with someone who can take you home after the operation and stay at least for the first night.

What to expect on the day of re-correction of the chest?

The re-correction of the breast can be carried out at the State Hospital, a private clinic or a specialized institution. Your surgeon will inform you about the duration of the operation depending on the details of the operation plan.

You may be recommended to swim with antibacterial soap before the operation.
Do not use no makeup tools, including nail polish, lotions, perfume and other cosmetics.
Dress or bring with you a soft and comfortable clothing, the squinting front, which you dress after surgery, including take care of the shoes that can be easily and quickly apparent.
Take with me only the essentials (passport, insurance policy, cell phone, etc.), the remaining things need to leave at home, for example, jewelry.
All medicines are introduced for your comfort during surgery.
Usually, during re-correction, the chest uses common anesthesia, although in some cases it is possible to use local anesthesia or intravenous administration sedative preparations.
In order to ensure security during the operation, your well-being will be monitored by various devices for controlling the work of the heart, blood pressure, pulse and the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood.
Your plastic surgeon will adhere to the operation plan discussed with you before the operation.
After the operation has already begun, the surgeon may decide to apply related methods or change the technique to provide best result. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and trusted your doctor so that he can make such decisions.
After the operation around your breast, long elastic bandages (bandage) will be wrapped, or a surgical bra is dressed. Also, drainage tubes can also be attached to your chest.
After the operation is completed, you will be transferred to the rehabilitation department where you will continue to watch carefully.
When you are ready, you can return home using a friend or family member.

Before leaving home, you (or the one who cares about you) must be sure that you can clean drainage yourself.
Most likely, you will be allowed to return home after a short period of observation, if you and your plastic surgeon did not make a different decision on the postoperative recovery period.

Subsequent care and restoration

You must discuss in your doctor after what time you can return to a normal lifestyle, activity and work. Also after the operation you and your assistant will receive detailed instructions About the period of rehabilitation, including information about:
Drainage tubes if they were installed
Symptoms that you will experience
Possible signs of complications

Immediately after re-correction of the chest

Your postoperative discomfort and recovery period will be similar to the recovery period after the first breast increase operation. On the day of operation you will need to get up and walk. So you need to do a few days in a row until you return to more normal activity after surgery. What you get up and move very important for your recovery. The degree and duration of discomfort largely depends on the size and arrangement of implants, and may include pain, stiffness, swelling, bruises and itching.

When anesthesia passes, may appear painfulness. If the pain is very strong and continuous, consult a doctor. Also, after the operation, small redness and swelling will be observed. Consult your doctor, whether your pain, redness and swelling are normal, or complications are possible.

Time to restore forms after re-correction of the chest

It is imperative that you follow all instructions for your departure provided by the surgeon. They include: constant wearing compression linen, care for your drainage, taking antibiotics, if necessary, as well as the degree and type of activity that will be safe for you. Your surgeon will also provide detailed instructions on the normal symptoms that you will need to experience, and any possible signs Complications. It is important to understand that the duration of the reducing period directly depends on the person.

Procedures are undergoing breast suspenders in combination with the removal of implants, the rehabilitation period increases. If your implants were completely removed, then, most likely, the recovery period will be short and with minimal discomfort. Avoid heavy physical exertion at least the first two weeks after the operation. After this period, you should be very careful about your chest for at least the next month. Your plastic surgeon will give you clear recommendations and restrictions on physical activity.

First week

During this week, you have to sleep so that the head and shoulders are higher than the level of the rest, then swelling in the chest will go better. You can use ordinary pillows, inclined pillow or sleep in a large chair.
Your plastic surgeon is likely to allow you to take a shower 1-3 days after surgery, but from immersion in a bath or jacuzzi will have to refuse at least 4 weeks after the operation.
Depending on the solution of your plastic surgeon, your dressings can be removed within a few days after the operation.
If drainage is installed, then you can not take the shower at least a day after their removal, which is usually happening in three days.
You may be shown to carry a compression bra during the first healing period to prevent the accumulation of fluid, control edema and save implants in the desired position during the initial recovery period.
If not self-sessive seams were used, they will be deleted during the week.
At the initial stage, there is a certain change in the color of the skin and the appearance of edema, but it will pass after your complete recovery.

In 2-6 weeks

The remaining edema will dissolve within a month. Return to work After re-correction, the chest is usually possible after 7-10 days depending on the type of operation you transferred.
If you have chosen big implants, you can feel some skin tension around the chest, so your body adapts to new sizes.

Longer period

The final shrinkage of new implants in the chest occurs in a few weeks or months. There may be changes in sensitivity, tingling or numbness around the scar, but it should go through a few weeks or months.

How long will the results be saved?

If you do not undergo strong changes in weight or not get pregnant, then yours new form chest for a long time It will remain in the initial after surgery. Nevertheless, gravity and consequences of aging will eventually change the size of the chest. The weight of the implant also affects the emergence of changes in your breast over time. The results of the re-correction of the breast have a long-term character. However, you can periodically visit your doctor to make sure your implants do not create health risks, and eliminate possible complications.

To ensure safety, as well as the most beautiful and healthy result, it is important in accordance with the recommendations to visit the office of your plastic surgeon to evaluate it, as well as whenever you notice any changes. Feel free to contact the surgeon when any questions or concerns arise.

Among the many questions that patients ask me to consult your breast enlargement, one question is constantly being present:

"Do I need to change implants?"

The question is quite clear - you invest in yourself, in our appearance, and the duration of such investments is important for you.

Here is what you need to know:

Aging implants

Of course, implants for breast increases, like any other devices, no matter, medical appointment (for example, a prosthetic of a knee cup) or not a medical (TV or tires of your car) - wearing. The implants manufactured 10-20 years ago, according to manufacturers, had a percentage of wear to 5% per year, and if at the initial stage it is quite a bit, then over time, the risk of their destruction or rupture rapidly increased.

The service life of implants depends on many reasons, such as the body's reaction on the foreign object, the type of implant, its location. Some patients still "wear" implants released more than 30 years ago, and have no problems with a smooth account. But in general, the implants of the past generation demanded a replacement on average within 6-14 years after surgery.

Modern implants have a significantly smaller percentage of wear, which allowed the manufacturers of implants leading firms to give them a lifelong guarantee.

But, despite the practical accidentability of modern implants, according to statistics about 20% of patients who made an increase in breasts, after a while they turn to a surgeon with a request to replace the implant.

What are the reasons for this? Here are some facts:

Aesthetic preferences

Sometimes patients appeal to the surgeon asking for implant exclusively from aesthetic wishes - they want to change their size or shape.

If this is not the first months after the operation, when the edema has not yet descended and / or implants have not yet fallen, they did not "stand up" to the place, most likely, the surgeon will refuse you - the chest has not yet taken the final form and make any conclusions early.

Age-related changes

Another reason forcing women to think about replacing implants - age-related changes, breastfeeding, a set of overweight or vice versa, weight loss. As a result, the volume of soft fabrics of the chest is changing, the skin loses its elasticity, ligaments (cooper bundles), supporting the chest weaken and stretch. All this leads to the accusation, or, as Surgeons say - "Ptoz" chest.
These are natural processes and they do not depend on whether you do not have implants.

However, if the implant is raised under the gland, and not under the muscle, and it is large, its weight can accelerate unwanted breast changes. There is no accurate information, but it is believed that implants with a volume of more than 400-500ml in one degree or another promotes it.

The implant mounted under the chest muscle, on the contrary, is a kind of support, supports breast tissue and contributes to fewer stretching. But he is not a panacea from natural age-related changes.

Breast shape deteriorates with deterioration of fabrics. In this case, the breast shape can take the appearance of a "two-story turret", where the first floor formed by the implant has an excellent form, but over her roof slides and "peeling the nose." If this aesthetic problem worries you, it must be corrected. In general, the clothes hide her perfectly, and if the kind of your chest in the bra satisfies you, you can do anything.

Otherwise, breast lift (mastopexy) is a solution. If this time passed enough time after breast increasing (more than five years), then a reasonable approach - at the same time put new implants.


Another reason for the need to replace the implant - Capsular contracture. This is not a surgeon error and can not even be considered a complication in the literal sense of the word. The growth of the connective tissue around the foreign object (fibrous capsule) is the natural reaction of the body.

If the capsule around the implant is mild, elastic and breast shape has not changed, then most likely you do not even suspect its existence. (1st contract degree)

The harsh shape of the capsule is slightly sensitive for the patient, but the breast shape is not changed, and most likely you do not want to make an operation in this case. (2nd degree)

But if the contracture progresses, the chest becomes solid and changes the form - reoperation is necessary.

* * *
I understand that it is not very pleasant to learn that in the future you may have to make breast reoperation. Some patients are initially rather weak or prone to the loss of fabric elasticity and, most likely, the replacement of the implant will be necessary.
At the consultation, I always focus on these facts so that the patients can weigh everything for and against.

Finally, to reassure the patients who read this article, I want to assure that most women are absolutely satisfied with the result of the operation. With a proper decision on the size of the implant and the method of its production, you can get excellent, the result of a long result.

The cost of mammoplasty

  • In the price list of clinic services, you can see the relevantthe cost of plastic chest.
  • View all prices for plastic surgery services.

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We will be frank. They can not be in the body forever. Sooner or later they burst. Speech in this article will go about silicone implants and on the danger that women around the world are exposed. Statistics on this account are very eloquent and terrible: 50% of implants are broken after 10 years after surgery. Women wearing silicone in the chest for 15 to 20 years, increase the risk of breaking up to 90%.

What do doctors fear?

Certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Ed Melmed, says that the filler leakage cannot be controlled. Doctors cannot know how the material behaves in the body and where it will spread.

Statistics on the number of operations

Every year only in the United States is about 300,000 women and girls insert implants in the chest. If you take into account such operations worldwide, the numbers will be even more impressive. It is believed that every year to this method of correction of the figure resorts from 5 to 10 million beauties.

Basically, women are not informed about the danger. At the reception at the plastic surgeon, they will never be affected by a potential threat to health. On the contrary, the majority of physicians in clinics tell the patients that this procedure is safe, and if the risks for health bears, then they are minimal. Therefore, women are so easy to fall under the knife, because they, in essence, do not suspect anything. However, this is not the case when it is worth silent about the consequences.

Evidence collected on the basis of real stories

If you want to know what is the true danger caused by an increase in breast increasing, ask the victims of women. Around the world there are thousands of real and terrifying stories that led to exhaustive autoimmune disorders and other physical problems. Accept the information that we will later enter into account. If you, your girlfriends or relatives are thinking about breast enlargement operation, just familiarize them with this information. Your life, as well as the life of your acquaintances, can fully depend on this knowledge.

Customers provide employees of a plastic surgery clinic. Sweet old age. Most often, women aged about 30 years are treated for breast correction. Many of the patients have already managed to give birth to children, and their dairy glands after pregnancy and feeding children with breasts lost their former shape and elasticity. Another part of women has complexes little size. Breast implants are seen the only salvation.

The first danger at the reception at the plastic surgeon is to find a cheaper alternative. It is no secret that high-quality material is expensive, and many private clinics are struggled for potential customers. That is why there are advice on alternative, more accessible options. No doctor says that there are no eternal implants in the modern market. Any of the options available in the market is inclined to leakage filler. Some of them include saline valves, which after some time "operation" can be black and covered with mold. Ultimately, the body of women doomed to put up with systemic fungal problems.

The beauties are confident that the big breasts gives many advantages in the battle for a potential partner, for family happiness and well-being. They appeal to the clinic and hope for dreams. No plastic surgeon will volatile these expectations. He will not talk about heavy autoimmune disorders leading to a wheelchair, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and other ailments.

The International FDA Organization is now openly mentioning the problems associated with breast implants. This service on the international market for plastic surgery has existed for more than 40 years. And all this time, the FDA officially did not provide its approval.

The most loud scandal

In the late 90s, the most loud scandal associated with this sphere thundered for the whole world. In the media, the lawsuit in which 450,000 women of the United States of America participated in detail. This famous business was established against Dow Corning, the world's largest manufacturer of silicone implants.

The company did not recognize that its products are dangerous to health. However, the court ordered to pay victims of huge cash compensation. It is known that in the 70s of the last century, Dow Corning implants had a very thin outer sheath and a greater probability of material leakage. Some women beyond the dream to have a beautiful breasts paid out their own life, while the court sentences were waited.

In the case of a monopolist company, some terrible details have revealed. It turns out that Dow Corning employees knew that their products were toxic, but hid this information from the public for so long as they could. A similar scandal is far from a single case. Of the latest trials, it is possible to recall the infamous business, headed against the French producer PIP, which contained toxic chemicals prohibited for human use.

Animal experiments

Scientists are crazy to shed light on the behavior of the emerging silicone in the body and put experiments on animals. So, in 80% of rats, in the body of which silicone was introduced, the tumors were found later. These figures were so staggering that the International FDA organization immediately hurried to call them erroneous.

Silicone implants on the market

Some time ago, Silicon was no longer used as a filler for breast implants. And now he conquers the international market again. At once, several manufacturers companies who have been submitted by claims are a total of 3.7 billion dollars, again curled into the usual scope of activity. Moreover, no long-term research on their products has not been produced. It is worth noting that data on the safety of Dow Corning products, Baxter Healthcare Corporation and Bristol-Myers ScribB have no confirmation. And this means that women have no guarantees again.

When a woman decides on an increase in the increase and correction of the breast shape, it is concerned about many questions related to implants. After all, they must become part of her body. One of the most common questions is whether it is necessary to change implants after.

Do I need to change implants after mammoplasty: warranty and durability ...

As the experience of surgeons shows, many women feel perfectly perfectly with old implant models that have been established for about 30 years ago. However, then technology has not yet reached modern heights and could not guarantee the total wear resistance of such products. Today, very many manufacturers offer implants with a lifelong guarantee on them. Such products do not require replacement due to wear. Therefore, to the question of patients about whether implants need to change after mammoplasty, plastic surgeons can with confidence "no".

Do I need to change implants after mammoplasty: reasons for replacing implants ...

However, there are exceptional reasons for which new implants still need to establish. These reasons include:

  • The desire for the patient itself again change the shape or size of the chest;
  • The deterioration of the breast form as a result of strong changes in the weight and proportions of the body due to age, vibrations of the hormonal background, etc. With age, the body of any person varies on the program independent of it. The heredity and state of health plays a major role. Therefore, not to all women manage to maintain the breast shape created by the surgeon in perfect condition during life. When repeatedly adjusting plastic, the doctor can carry out the tightening of the mammary glands and replace the old implants to new ones. In addition, the new implant will be selected taking into account the changed proportions of the shape, the tone of the skin, etc.
  • Implant damage. Modern products for breast increasing are characterized by special strength, so the violation of their integrity is usually possible only as a result of puncture.
  • The progressive development of the fibrous capsule around the implant. The problem is related to the reaction of the body tissues to the alien item, which are breast implants. In some people, such an individual reaction may be too strong and a solid capsule from fibrous modified tissues is formed around the implant, which is capable of even deforming the chest. This complication occurs very rarely, but with it the implant will have to be replaced.

In these cases, the answer to the question is whether it is necessary to change implants after

In women who, at least once in his life, did an increase in mammoplasty, the question arises - as the degree of wear of the impinuins and should they change them at all?

But statistics are also observed in which the patients are satisfied with the result and do not resort to re-mammoplasty, even after the specified period of time.

a brief description of

Endoprosthesis that have been produced, about 10-20 years ago had 7-8% of the weariness, and the manufacturers could not give 100% guarantees that the implant would not break or disrupt its integrity.

At the moment, modern prostheses have a significantly lower wear process, which allows leading firms to producers to give a lifetime warranty on released products.

The chest prosthesis is a medical product that is produced from a high-quality biocompatible material for installation under the skin or milk gland, in order to simulate the female bust and increase its size.

The first breast prostheses were filled with fats, liquid paraffin and other various fillers. They were injected into the thickness of the breast.

The first operations to increase the breast at the end of the 19th century were carried out, but such operations did not bring the desired result and resulted in serious complications.

Starting from 1944, the production of a prosthesis in the form of a closed silicone shell filled with sodium chloride or gel began.

And from that moment on, the real evolution of breast prostheses begins and each year their form, structure, fillers and types are improved.

Conditionally types of breast dentures can be divided into several generations:

  • the first generation of prostheses were produced from silicone shell in the form of tears, which is filled with viscous silicone gel. Rear was installed partition that prevents the implant displacement;
  • the second generation of impinuins became softer, and gel is light. Breast deasts of the second generation were also produced in a double-sided form and were a silicone prosthetic inside the saline;
  • the third and fourth generation of implants was covered with elastomer, in order to avoid the healing of the gel through the shell. In the fourth generation, various forms of prostheses with a variety of coating were also produced;
  • the fifth generation prostheses consist of a cohesive gel. This is a soft gel, and it has a property to imitate live breast fabric. Also, this gel is characterized by "memory" and with any deformations returns to the form given in the process.

Video: How is the operation


Modern breast implants has two types:

  1. silicone;
  2. salt.

Silicone prostheses consist of silicone filler, whose viscosity of different manufacturers may differ. Breast, silicone implants are pleasant to the touch and do not differ from the female chest.

Such prostheses are suitable for women with little breasts they do not frowze and look very natural. But silicone prostheses are very expensive, and in the event of a gap, it is difficult to detect the place of leakage.

Salt endoprostheses consist of a conventional saline or sodium chloride solution. Download such a solution after installing the prosthesis during the operation.

Such prostheses are much cheaper than silicone and much safer. In the case of a brine of the salt prosthesis, it is easy to detect the location of the course and the body will fall into the body that does not harm the organism.

Also in the description of the types of endoprostheses it is worth paying attention to such characteristics:

  • the form;
  • the size;
  • coating.

The form of the prosthesis may be:

  1. round;
  2. anatomical (drop-shaped);
  3. anatomical with a high profile.

The size of the prosthesis happens:

  1. fixed. This size does not have the valve and the volume of the prosthesis is not possible;
  2. adjustable. With this amount on the prosthesis there is a valve through which the saline solution can be administered;

Coating or surface can be:

  1. smooth;
  2. textured. Textured prostheses are uneven and have vintage on their surface;
  3. with spongy surface structure. The junction tissue grows into the spongy membrane structure and allow fixing the prosthesis in one place.

Indications for changing

Change of implants is called the reendoprosthetics of the mammary glands.

Indications for changing breast implants may be the following:

  • aesthetic dissatisfaction after an increase in breast increase;
  • correction of changes in the appearance of the breast, which is associated with breastfeeding, pregnancy and age-related changes;
  • patient's desire to increase breasts 3-4 size more than the former;

Also, the testimony for redendoprosthetic breast can be complications after the first aggregation mammoplasty include:

Do I need to change implants after mammoplasty

Prostheses to increase breasts, like any other devices not only a medical nature wear.

The service life of breast endoprostheses depends on many factors such as the body's response on the foreign object, the quality of the implant, the location of its location.

The replacement frequency depends on the material of the implant and the skills of the surgeon.

Is it possible to plan a pregnancy after breast an increase

You can plan a pregnancy after increasing mammoplasty. The increase in the chest does not affect the development of the fetus and is safe.

The research conducted in this area has proven that neither silicone nor salt prostheses has a negative impact on the fetus.

The only thing that is waiting for a woman after childbirth is a chest accusation. This is due to the increase in the mammol.

But to make aggregation mammoplasty during pregnancy, it is strictly prohibited, since the operation is carried out under anesthesia, which has a detrimental effect during the development of the fetus.

Whatever way and access to install was not chosen this should not affect the baby breastfeeding.

The most full-fledged feeding process will be if the implant should be placed in the axillary depression. In this case, the dairy glands are not affected and the lactation process will not be disturbed.

If the surgery is raised during the operation, which is important to know even before the aggregation mammoplasty, how the feeding period will flow and discuss this moment with the plastic surgeon.

In order to avoid complications such as mastitis due to the presence of prostheses, you need to choose the right feeding technique and regularly make a special massage.

Photo: before and after surgery

How to replacement

The process of conducting the procedure for the replacement of breast prostheses can be divided into two stages:

  1. preparation for conducting;
  2. implant removal procedure;

Preparation include:

  • the doctor's consultation;
  • inspection of the patient;
  • consultation of a Mammologist's doctor;
  • mammography.
  • take preparations produced on herbs;
  • drink alcoholic beverages and smoke;

During the Operation, the doctor makes the appropriate cuts that I can be held:

  • at the edges of Areola Nipples;
  • in the axillary depression;
  • under the mammary gland.

The replacement operation of prostheses is carried out under general anesthesia and lasts from one to two hours.

Full reendoprosthetics includes three stages:

  1. removing old implants. The surgeon makes an incision on the line of the scar and an old prosthetic extracts through it;
  2. capsulotomy. The fibrous capsule around the prosthesis is always formed by everything depends on what volume it is available. Sometimes in the process of capsulotomy requires partial removal of fibrous seals, with serious complications required full removal contractures;
  3. installing new prostheses. Basically, implants are installed in the old bed already formed, but if the patient wants to increase the breast even more of the surgeon, the formation of a new "pocket" is required for the endoprosthesis.

After the removal and installation of breast dentures, the skin pocket must be condensed in order to speed up this process and prevent filling in its physiological fluids, patients need to carry compression underwear for a month after the operation.

Final recovery after reendoprosthetics takes several months during the period of which it is forbidden to visit:

  1. saunas;
  2. solarium;
  3. take hot baths;
  4. sunbathe in the sun.

Active physical exertion is prohibited before full tissue healing.

Risk of re-operation

Of course, both at the first and re-increasing mammoplasty there is a risk of complications.

And if during the first operation to increase the mammary glands of complications and problems did not occur, then in the process of re-operation, the risk of complications increases twice.

As with the first operation, the following complications may occur:

  • capsular contracture;
  • hematoma;
  • seroma;
  • infection of the wound;
  • the formation of keloids and heprotrophic scars;
  • temperature after mammoplasty;
  • implant break;
  • deformation of endoprosthesis;
  • shifting a prosthesis;
  • double fold or double bale effect;
  • calcification;
  • allergic reaction to endoprosthesis;
  • simmism - the splicing of two breasts.

It is also worth aware that the aggregation mammoplasty is carried out under anesthesia, therefore, not only complications relating to the chest area can arise, but also diseases cardiovascular vascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Prevention of complications

In order to reduce the risk of complications, such prevention measures must be carried out:

  • choosing a doctor. Choosing a doctor is necessary to proceed not from the methods of savings, but by the number of operations conducted in this area of \u200b\u200boperations, professionalism and experience;
  • comply with all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon;
  • take antibiotics of a wide range of action to prevent infections in the postoperative wound and the appearance of temperature;
  • choose endoprostheses from well-known manufacturers. When choosing implants can be consulted with a plastic surgeon, as well as pay attention to the reviews of patients about firms producing this product;
  • wear compression underwear after surgery. But it is necessary to purchase such underwear before the operation.

Wearing factors

The first factor that affects the aging implants is:

  • age changes;
  • a set of overweight or weight loss;
  • lactation.

As a result, the volume of the mammary glands is changing, the skin loses, its elasticity and stretch the ligaments that support the chest.

In many cases, there is a risk of leakage and gap of the imject, which also applies to the factors of implant aging. This may be connected with any domestic injury to breast and poor-quality selection of endoprosthesis.

Every woman who wants to contact the help of a plastic surgeon should familiarize themselves with the following statistics:

  • 30% of patients complain about the gap and leakage of the prosthesis;
  • 40% of women are dissatisfied with the results plastic Operations and resort to reendoprosthetics;
  • 50% of patients for 3 years turn to a plastic surgeon over the occurrence of complications;
  • 10% of women who made mammoplasty with the use of Selicon implants acquire onco-scabers;
  • even if no complications arose, after 5-10 years, prostheses need to be changed because they wear out.

Finally, I would like to calm women and add that most women who spent increasing mammoplasty are satisfied with the result.

For proper choice The prosthesis and method of its installation may turn out to be good and long the result, in which the implants after the mammoplast does not arise any need.

The perfect body is a dream of many women, which is capable of plastic surgery. The increase in breasts enjoy special demand and, allowing you to create a pleasant roundness where nature regretted them.

Mammoplasty causes the greatest interest using silicone implants. But, despite the significant improvement in prostheses and, as a result, the results of the operation, women in some cases may need to restore breast contours and replacing old implants with new ones. Most often re-operation is required when:

  • capsular contracture;
  • infectious processes;
  • displacement;
  • implant breaks;
  • oUTHING, etc.

Mammar fibrosis or capsular contracture

A frequent complication leading to the need for surgical correction after, the separation of the foreign body is becoming connected by the formations. When the tissue is sealing, a woman has a feeling of discomfort, pressure, it is also possible to change the shape of the breast, the development of the asymmetry of the mammary glands.

Complication occurs in the first year after the operation and rarely occurs in the future. When forming a small seal, fibrous fabric is excised to release the implant and restore the natural outlines of the bust. If the seal is pronounced, and the woman is experiencing strong discomfortThe fibrous capsule is completely removed with the extraction of the old implant and installing the new one.

The main method of preventing Mammor Fibrosis is a clear fulfillment of all the recommendations of the surgeon during the rehabilitation period. If the seal is detected and the appearance of pain, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor to prevent further complications.

Spread the prosthesis and leakage gel

Modern technologies for the manufacture of silicone inserts have minimized the risk of implant damage and content leakage. But with strong mechanical exposure (for example, knife injury), it is almost impossible to avoid the gel leakage.

If the prosthesis is suspected, it is necessary to immediately appeal to the surgeon to extract and replace the silicone insert. Signs of damage serve pain, change in the shape of the mammary glands.

Other reasons for replacing implants

Other complications leading to the need to re-conduct plastic breasts are presented:

  • the development of an inflammatory or infectious process arising within a month after mammoplasty;
  • lote operational intervention with the installation of fragile, heavy species of prostheses;
  • physiological changes in the body (loss of elasticity of the skin in the process of aging, leading to the accusation, loss of attractive types of breasts);
  • considerable changes in weight;
  • loss of form, volume, appearance of pronounced asymmetry after pregnancy or completion of breastfeeding.

In each of these cases, it is possible to restore the beautiful outlines of the bust by conducting surgical correction With the extraction and replacement of old implants.

When you can't make a breast plastic?

In some cases, surgery can present a danger to women's health. The operation is prohibited in the case of:

  • oncological neoplasm in the chest. After complete cure of the disease, it is possible to restore the normal type of mammary glands with silicone implants;
  • pregnancy. Stress for the body of a woman when carrying out mammoplasty may pose a threat to the health of the child;
  • lactation. The correction of the shape of the informs during this period is not only harmful to the health of a woman, but also leads to the distortion of the results after the completion of the lactation period;
  • exacerbations chronic disease, immunodeficiency statesincreasing the risk of complications.

If there are contraindications, you can refer to the change in the outlines of the body.

Restoration after mammoplasty

After any surgical intervention, the body takes time to restore. After the first operation to increase the chest, rehabilitation occupies a long period, requiring continuous monitoring of the attending physician.

The extraction and replacement of old silicone inserts with new leaks less painfully, but also requires a clear adherence to medical prescriptions during the recovery period. When placing an implant in the formed bed, only short-term swelling and small hematomas arise. But when changing the location of the prosthesis for adaptation, the body needs more time.

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