How often to change breast implants. Do I need to change implants after mammoplasty and how soon it needs to be done

Most women who come to see plastic surgeon and express a desire to enlarge their breasts, they do not even suspect that implants are not placed for life, and over time they will need re-endoprosthetics. Indeed, breast prostheses have their own service life, after which they wear out.

How long can you walk with breast implants, and when can you not refuse to replace them? We will try to answer these and other questions, having the professional opinion of the majority of authoritative experts in the field of breast augmentation.

Do I need to change breast implants

How old are breast implants placed? Fears that after mammoplasty they will have to regularly change implants scare many women. They are mainly associated with information about the likely wear of the prostheses. Indeed, doctors always warn the fair sex about possible complications operation and the need for re- surgical intervention... Implants can wear out for various reasons:

  • internal influence saline, silicone or hydrogel thinning the shell of the prosthesis;
  • influence on the material of the surrounding living tissues and immune cells;
  • the formation of folds on the surface, which increases the likelihood of reducing the thickness of the implant capsule;
  • manufacturing defects and poor material quality.

So is it necessary to change breast implants over time after mammoplasty? The latest technologies make it possible to create endoprostheses of the mammary glands, which are distinguished by the durability and strength of the materials of manufacture. These implants have a long service life and do not need to be replaced frequently. Sometimes women wear prostheses all their lives, without thinking about the need to replace them with new ones.

Shelf life of breast implants

How often do you need to change breast prostheses in order not to face complications? Even a decade ago, doctors recommended replacing them every 10 years. Today the picture has changed. Scientists have succeeded in creating lifelong breast implants, all because the processes and materials for their manufacture have been improved. As positive as it sounds, there are a number of reasons why women go for a second operation.

Indications for replacing implants

Consider the reasons why women are most often prescribed surgery to remove old breast endoprostheses and install new ones.

Aging of implanted materials

All prostheses age over time, and breast implants (such as those with a saline filling) are no exception. The speed of this process depends on several factors, namely: the body's reaction to a foreign body, the location of the prosthesis. Breast implants in old age have more chances of destruction of the membrane, are prone to leakage, change in shape.

Aesthetic preferences

Sometimes patients want to change the shape or size of the prosthesis. In such cases, they talk about the aesthetic reasons for a second mammoplasty. Naturally, such an intervention is possible only after a certain time after the previous procedure, when the edema subsides and postoperative wounds heal.

Age changes

Often the reason for replacing the endoprosthesis is its sagging. And patients mistakenly believe that the implant itself is to blame, but in fact this is due to age-related or hormonal changes in the woman's body. Dentures lose their quality and functional characteristics due to breastfeeding, pregnancy, weight gain or loss, the like.

Development of complications

Another reason why a replacement prosthesis is necessary is complications after surgery. Nobody knows how long the breast implant can be rejected or damaged, but the fact of the likelihood of such processes is present in women operated on.

Does the damaged implant in the breast poison the patient's body? The filling of modern endoprostheses is biocompatible with human tissues. If the hydrogel implant is damaged, it breaks down into glucose, carbon dioxide and water and does not cause any harm to health.

How is the replacement

Knowing how long are breast implants, it becomes obvious that sooner or later there will be a need to change them. The process of carrying out such a procedure consists of two main stages:

  • preparatory period;
  • re-endoprosthetics.

During the preparation phase, the patient visits a plastic surgeon. He conducts a thorough examination of her, evaluates the results of mammography and gives recommendations on her lifestyle before surgery. At this time, reception is prohibited medicines plant-based; and drinking and smoking.

The operation itself lasts from one to two hours, depending on its volume and complexity. Endoprostheses are changed under general anesthesia... It includes several main stages:

  • removal of old implants by dissecting the skin along the line of scar formation from the first operation and removing old prostheses;
  • capsulotomy or incision of the capsule formed around the implant with partial removal of fibrous formations;
  • installation of endoprostheses in an already formed bed or created specially for the size of a new implant.

Women with breast implants need to wear compression underwear for a month after plastic surgery. Also, throughout the entire rehabilitation period, patients are prohibited from visiting the bathhouse and sauna, going to the solarium or sunbathing in direct sunlight, until the tissues heal, engage in sports or physical labor.

Dangers of reoperation

With any surgical intervention, there is a risk of complications, especially when it comes to re-correction. Among the most frequent negative consequences of re-endoprosthetics are:

  • the formation of contractures;
  • the formation of hematomas and seromas;
  • infection of the site of intervention as a result of the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms to the wound;
  • the appearance of keloid and hypertrophic areas of scarring;
  • raising total temperature the body due to the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction;
  • displacement, rupture or leakage of the endoprosthesis;
  • the development of a double fold;
  • allergy to the material from which the implant is made;
  • fusion of the mammary glands.

Even the most modern breast implants are installed under general anesthesia, after which side effects can occur in the form of dysfunction of the head of the central nervous system, thromboembolism, pathological manifestations of the cardiovascular sphere and kidneys.

Prevention of complications

Women who change silicone implants should know how to prevent the likely negative consequences of the operation. To such preventive measures relate:

  • clear implementation in postoperative period all recommendations of a plastic surgeon;
  • obligatory admission antibacterial drugs in the first days after plastic surgery and if elevated temperature body;
  • wearing special compression underwear;
  • the right choice of endoprostheses from well-known manufacturers with a positive reputation.

Factors affecting wear

Among the reasons that determine the service life of breast implants, in the first place in importance are:

  • age features;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • changes in the size of the glands due to weight loss or gain;
  • the reaction of a woman's body to the introduction of a foreign body into it;
  • the location of the endoprostheses.

The term of use of implants largely depends on their quality. Cheap breast prostheses very often begin to leak, change shape or rupture during the process of their wear. Such changes occur, as a rule, after chest trauma, as well as as a result of the surgeon's mistakes.

Studying the question of how many years breast implants can be worn, experts found out that most women after mammoplasty were satisfied with the result and understand the importance of changing endoprostheses. Despite this, there is also a large percentage of the fair sex for whom the operation to enlarge the mammary glands ended not entirely successfully. These clinic patients plastic surgery dissatisfaction is associated with the following postoperative complications:

  • rupture and leakage of the endoprosthesis;
  • inconsistency of the resulting breast shape with the one that was declared by the woman before the surgery;
  • the body's reaction to foreign material;
  • the occurrence of other undesirable consequences of the operation.

Do not forget that after installing breast implants, you need to undergo an annual examination of the mammary glands. This will help prevent the development of pathological conditions and preserve the woman's health.

Many women who have gone through the procedure for breast correction by means of installing implants, or who are just planning to change their appearance with this surgical intervention, ask themselves the question: "Do breast implants need to be changed?" Only the plastic surgeon performing the operation can unequivocally answer, since there are several factors that determine whether there is a need for replacement.

Breast prostheses

Breast implants have been in fashion for a long time and are by far the most popular operation. aesthetic medicine... Surgery to insert breast implants to enlarge it and give it a more beautiful shape is especially popular among women, with oncological disease mammary glands. Also, implantation is carried out for women with first or zero breast size to increase it.

However, despite the many who want to go through this procedure, there are also those who are categorically against these manipulations. They motivate this by the fact that a foreign object should not be introduced into a living organism, as this can cause a number of complications and unpleasant sensations.

Doubting women are especially frightened by various articles that colorfully describe the terrible consequences that happen to the breast after the implant is introduced to increase it. Of course, any surgery has its risks, and this procedure is no exception. However, in our time, the risk is reduced to a minimum, therefore, cases of negative consequences are rare. Most the right way completely protect yourself - choose a quality prosthesis.

Choosing a quality implant

Do not neglect the assessments of other women who have already undergone this procedure and the recommendations of surgeons. It is better to make your choice in favor of one of the popular manufacturers. Such implants must have a special elastic bag with a thin but strong silicone shell.

They are of several types, here it is necessary to decide on the surface of the prosthesis: smooth or voluminous. Any organism rejects a foreign object that has fallen into it, surrounding it with connective tissue. The longer an object is inside the body, the more tissue forms around it, which gives the breast an unnatural firmness. This is the first problem faced by plastic surgeons during surgery. Complications in this matter are caused by implants with a smooth surface of the shell. The volumetric surface has a certain roughness, which contributes to the ingrowth of living tissues into the shell of the prosthesis. This is what makes them safer.

What dentures are made of:

  • More similar in consistency vegetable oil silicone gel.
  • Cohesive gel weakly holds its shape, but almost does not sweat and is almost indistinguishable from mammary glands in density. The consistency is similar to jelly.
  • The highly cohesive gel keeps its shape perfectly, practically does not deform, does not sweat, has the consistency of marmalade. Used as a filler for anatomical prostheses.
  • "Soft touch" -gel keeps its shape well, does not sweat. The consistency resembles jellied meat.
  • Saline solution. Not the best filler, since almost a year after application, the salt dissolved in the composition crystallizes and there is a risk of puncture of the prosthesis shell.
  • Soybean oil. It is strongly discouraged to use implants with this filler, as they are considered one of the worst.

According to their characteristics, prostheses are divided into several types:

  1. Silicone.
  2. Saline.
  3. Round-shaped;
  4. Anatomical.

Silicone or saline

Silicone implants have good adhesion and stable shape, which contributes to less sweating of the cohesive gel. It imitates well the natural softness of the breast; if the shell of the implant is damaged, it does not seep out, keeps its shape well, and does not sweat under the shell.

Saline implants are sacs of silicone polymers characterized by their elasticity. Serve exclusively for breast augmentation. Not the best choice as given view The implants feel different from the natural breast, they are likely to wrinkle or rupture.

Round or anatomical

It is necessary to choose the shape of the prosthesis, as well as the prosthesis itself, in consultation with the leading surgeon in order to choose the exact implant that is suitable for a particular patient. Choosing an implant on your own is fraught with unforeseen consequences or the surgeon's refusal to perform the operation.

  • Round shaped implants are aesthetically pleasing. They look beautiful, emphasize feminine forms better, but they do not always correspond to some of the mandatory points that natural breasts have:

  1. The chest should be larger in height, not in width.
  2. The oval at the lower pole of the chest is well filled.
  3. The nipple should be slightly above the chaotic fold of the breast.
  4. The upper chest should have an almost flat bevel.
  • Anatomical implants are used most often, as they correspond to all of the above points, so they are becoming more popular than round ones.

Types of implantation

As a rule, nowadays there are two widespread methods of implantation of implants:

  • Armpit placement;
  • Under the breast line.

Any method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first method is good in that it reduces the risk of the formation of a capsule consisting of smooth fibrous tissue, which can deform the breast and compress the prosthesis if it increases more than the allowable norm. It is also almost impossible to feel the prosthesis. However, this operation is much more difficult, and the recovery period lasts longer, at times with a feeling of discomfort. In addition, in case a second operation is necessary, it will be rather difficult to get to the implant.

Plastic surgeons prefer the second placement option. If re-enlargement is required, there will be no problem to get to the desired area through the same incision. This operation is relatively short-lived, it is simpler, with virtually no pain during the rehabilitation postoperative period. This method is practiced only if the gland tissue is well developed. Significant disadvantages are the risk of a capsule deforming the prosthesis and breast, and the fact that most often the prosthesis can be found by palpating the breast.

In some cases, it is possible to insert implants in two ways simultaneously.

Section views

Another important point before the operation is a thorough study of the types of incisions through which the prosthesis of the glands will be installed.

There are four main types of incisions:

  • An incision in the armpit;
  • Areola incision;
  • An incision under the retromammary fold of the breast;
  • Belly button incision.

The incision in the armpit is universal, as it allows the implantation of the prosthesis above and below the pectoral muscle. This is not the most widely used incision, despite the fact that the scar is located in the armpit and is less visible to others. However, this is a rather complicated operation, with the longest recovery period, and therefore is considered traumatic for the patient. It will be very difficult, if necessary, to re-operate through this type of incision, if you need to change it.

The next type of incision should be especially carefully reviewed with the lead physician. The areola incision is distinguished by its versatile advantages. This method provides the opportunity to place a prosthesis under the muscle and under the gland or remove the prosthesis. In terms of aesthetic characteristics, it is better than an axillary incision, since the scar is practically invisible. Otherwise, it is possible to carry out the procedure for tattooing the areola under its natural color in order to make the scar invisible. The incision is made at the border of the areola and breast skin.

The third type of incision is used most often. This type, like the previous one, allows you to remove the glandular implant and get rid of the unpleasant consequences of the rehabilitation postoperative period. Instead of one scar, there may be an increase in the number to two, but there will be no complications. The disadvantage is not so significant compared to the advantages - the scars are noticeable, despite their thinness.

The last section is the newest. It does not leave scars on the chest, but only allows the placement of an implant with saline solution.

Contraindications to surgery

Contraindications for this type of surgical intervention are the following diseases:

  • Heart disease.
  • Heart failure.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Coronary artery disease.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.
  • Hepatitis C.
  • Mental disorder.
  • We have been smoking tobacco for over twenty years.

Is there a need to change implants

If you look back a decade, the answer would be obvious. Due to the slow-moving technological progress at that time, implants were not durable and wore out in ten to fifteen years. Therefore, after the expiration date of the prostheses, they had to be replaced with more "fresh" ones. Prostheses from the richest breast implant companies provide a lifetime warranty, which means that they do not require replacement.

You don't need to change breast implants, but you can. Over time, the body ages and fades, the skin becomes flabby and saggy, and the breast, which has undergone correction by plastic surgeons, in this respect does not differ much from natural. The enlargement of the mammary glands can bring some discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bthe implantation; capsular contracture may form; there may be a desire to change the volume to more or less depending on the dictatorship of an ever-changing fashion. All these factors can force a woman to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon again in order to become more perfect and avoid the consequences of age-related changes in the mammary glands.

It may be necessary to reoperate when choosing low-quality implants. They can deform, burst, cause the formation of capsular contracture and its increase. All this requires a secondary intervention of specialists to remove implants and, if desired, establish new ones after a certain period of rehabilitation and in the absence of contraindications.

The best way to avoid complications during the operation and during the rehabilitation postoperative period is to follow the recommendations of your doctor, observe all the specified nuances in preparing for the operation, as well as after the operation. If a woman wants to look beautiful and at the same time stay healthy, you should not choose cheaper implants. They do not save on health, and in order to avoid the need to apply for surgical intervention again to remove the installed prosthesis, you need to opt for a possibly expensive, but better quality product.

Choosing a clinic is also important, because one of the keys to a successful operation is an experienced practicing surgeon. The World Wide Web will return millions of results in the search query " the best clinic plastic surgery ". Forums and catalogs of clinics will allow you to more accurately find out the attitude in the clinic towards patients, the qualifications of plastic surgeons, statistics of repeated visits, positive and negative reviews. In this matter, it is better to be as informed as possible.

Attention! The following video presents video clips of microsurgical operations.
Viewing these videos is strongly discouraged: persons under the age of 16, pregnant women, as well as persons with an unbalanced psyche.

Mammoplasty is the most common plastic surgery procedure. It happens that there is a need for a second operation. Among the reasons for performing corrective mammoplasty, the most common reason is pregnancy and subsequent feeding, or a significant decrease in body weight. Also possible reasons complications may appear in the form of capsular contracture, infectious processes, shift, rupture, prolapse, and much more.

Capsular contracture or mammary fibrosis

This phenomenon is associated with the delimitation of the body foreign bodywhich is the implant. Around him, tissue compaction occurs, the woman feels squeezing and discomfort. Usually this process occurs in the first year after plastic surgery. In subsequent years, mammary fibrosis is rare. Contracture is manifested by the appearance of asymmetry or compaction of the mammary glands. If the seal is not strong, the annulus fibrosus is excised to release the implant and correct the shape of the breast. When the fibrous formation has a pronounced form, complete removal fibrous capsule, removal of the prosthesis and its replacement with a new one.

To avoid the manifestation of capsular contracture, you must follow the recommendations of your plastic surgeon. After mammoplasty, it is required to constantly wear compression underwear, do not lift heavy, do not load the chest muscles for a certain period

If there is a breast seal, painful sensations and a change in shape, you need to immediately contact a surgeon who will examine and, if necessary, do an ultrasound scan and prescribe treatment.

Leakage of gel from the implant

The rupture of the prosthesis and the leakage of the gel from it is another complication that requires an immediate visit to the doctor and correction with the installation of a new one. If damage is identified in time and the surgeon is consulted, serious complications can be avoided. This phenomenon is quite rare and occurs as a result of a strong mechanical effect on the chest, for example, in an accident or as a result of stabbing and cutting wounds of the chest wall.

This damage may not be noticeable and appear later in the form of unpleasant sensations or pain, changes in the shape and density of the breast. Some women expect the discomfort to go away on their own. This cannot be done, since the nuisance in the form of leaked gel will not be eliminated on its own. It is necessary to contact a plastic surgeon to remove the implant and install a new one

Other reasons for secondary surgery

There are many other reasons for removing the old implant and installing a new one:

  • inflammation or infection. These phenomena can be triggered within a month after the operation, so a woman needs to keep in touch with the doctor and, if necessary, visit him for examination;
  • The implants installed two decades ago are made of other materials: heavier, not strong, imperfect shell which requires replacement;
  • physiological changes in the body. With age, a woman's body undergoes natural changes and breast correction may be required. With age, some women decide to improve their breasts: change its shape or size, as well as its location;
  • change in symmetry after lactation. The breasts may become asymmetrical over time. This is a common situation during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Slight asymmetry of the female mammary glands is normal and in most cases does not require surgery or correction.

Contraindications for breast prosthetics

In some situations, mammoplasty is strongly discouraged:

  • oncological formations in the mammary glands. Treatment of the underlying disease is necessary, after which the breast can be restored using implants.
  • pregnancy. Doctors do not recommend during this period to carry out any surgical manipulations with the body, except for those situations when a woman's health or life is in danger;
  • lactation. When feeding a baby, a woman's breasts are modified and surgical intervention is undesirable. Even with the appearance of asymmetry, doctors recommend waiting for the end of the lactation period and only then taking corrective measures;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases and a decrease in immunity. In such situations, there is a high probability of complications, for example, in the form of infections.

Rehabilitation after mammoplasty

After any surgical intervention, a rehabilitation period follows. With primary breast plastic, the process of getting used to it takes enough long time and requires constant medical supervision. With secondary implantation, when prostheses are replaced with new ones, this process is less painful, faster and easier. If the prosthesis is placed in an already formed bed, where the previous one was, then the rehabilitation will be almost imperceptible. Only slight swelling and bruising may occur, which is normal with any surgical procedure. If the location changes, for example, it is placed under the pectoral muscles, and was previously located above it, then the body will take a longer time to adapt.

Before planning breast augmentation surgery, it is worth considering some factors that in the future may lead to the need for a second operation. A woman needs to take into account the possibility of pregnancy and lactation, provide time for rehabilitation after the operation itself. An experienced surgeon will be able to predict the likelihood of complications and suggest options to avoid them.

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Re-correction of the breast (replacement of breast implants)

Breast implant correction surgery, usually involving the displacement and / or replacement of saline or silicone breast implants, is performed to change not only the size of your breasts, but also the appearance that does not match your initial ideas after breast augmentation. The ultimate goal of the surgery is to restore the natural youthful shape of the bust.

The content of the article:

When to re-correct your breasts

If the saline implants have dropped or the silicone implants are damaged by X-ray and MRI examinations.
If you want to change your implant / breast size.
If there is a thickening of the scar tissue around the implant (capsular contracture) or if your breast implants have changed their position.
If your breast tissue has changed as a result of skin stretching during weight loss / gain.

Associated procedures

Many women who have made the decision to re-correct their breasts are also considering additional bust augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and liposuction.


You will be able to return youth to the shape of the bust.
You can increase or decrease your breast size.
You can improve the natural symmetry of your breasts.

Under the influence of gravity and inevitable aging, the shape of the breast and its size may eventually change.
The initial weight of the implants greatly affects its further appearance over time.
Your surgeon will need medical information about previous breast surgery.

So, these are the main pros and cons in deciding on breast re-correction. If you want to know important aspects of the operation regarding your situation, consult your plastic surgeon.

Replacement of implants: photos before and after the procedure

Are you a suitable candidate for breast re-correction?

Even if your first breast plastic surgery was well planned and beautifully performed, changes can occur over time.

Below are some general indications required for breast revision surgery:

You are healthy.
You don't smoke.
You want to increase or decrease your breast size.
You want to correct breast asymmetry.
You want to get rid of problems with your implants and / or the breasts around them.
Pregnancy and / or breastfeeding changed the appearance of the implants.
Weight loss or gain has a negative effect on the appearance of your breast implants.
You should have had a breast lift after your initial augmentation, but you didn't.
You are unhappy with the results of a previous operation due to poor implant placement or other aesthetic problems.
You want to remove your breast implants permanently.

If your general health is good, you are positive and you really look at the future result, then most likely you are suitable for this procedure.

About the progress of your operation

How is the breast re-correction procedure carried out?

What kind of surgery to remove and replace breast implants your surgeon will perform depends on the reasons for the need to re-correct your breast.

Changing the size of the implant: If you decide to resize your implants, then your surgeon will most likely make an incision through the old scar to remove and replace the implants. If you want larger implants, the surgeon must enlarge the “pocket” or breast space to accommodate the larger implant. If you want smaller implants, in this case the doctor can surgically using sutures to reduce the existing pocket to the size required for a smaller implant. A breast lift can also be performed at the same time.

Capsular contracture (tissue and implant hardening): Your doctor will most likely use the old scar to remove hardened tissue and the implant. Then he or she will replace it with a new implant.

Perceptible palpation of the implant: When the edges of the breast saline implants are very visible and palpable, your surgeon will remove or reposition the implants using the original plastic incision. Other methods are also possible when a different type of implant is used or a new implant is placed in another breast pocket having thicker muscle tissue, or additional muscle tissue is used to cover the edges of the implant.

Incorrect implant position: Sometimes the implant pockets are formed too far or too close together, so the breasts look ugly. To correct this, your surgeon, using a primary incision, will reconstruct the pocket by moving the required amount of tissue around the implant to the appropriate position using suturing techniques. Your surgeon may need additional tissue to strengthen the resulting implant pocket, so the Acellular Skin Matrix method is used to provide additional support.

Removal of the implant: If your implants are too large and the skin is stretched because of this, your surgeon may recommend a breast lift along with the removal of the implants, it may be sufficient only to remove the implants. For removal of implants, a primary scar is almost always used for their installation. The lining or "capsule" around the implant is also often removed to fast healing seams.

Changing the position of the nipple and areola: If it is necessary to tighten your nipple and areola (the darker part of the skin around the nipples), additional incisions are made. An annular incision along the contour of the areola is used in cases of slight elevation. If it is necessary to significantly move the nipple and areola up, it is most rational to simultaneously apply two incisions: around the areola and a vertical incision down from the areola to the fold under the breast. In cases where it is necessary to remove a significant part of the breast (for example, in women who have lost a lot of weight), an additional third incision in the horizontal direction along the contour of the natural fold under the breast may be required. If a nipple lift is necessary, then you can leave the nipples and areola themselves attached to the main tissues of the breast, thanks to this, sensitivity and the possibility of further breastfeeding.

The aim of your plastic surgeon and the entire clinic staff is to achieve the most beautiful and natural appearance of your breasts, as well as to maximize the ease of the entire surgical process and, if possible, create optimal comfort.

What are the implant options?

Well-established contact with your plastic surgeon is the key to success in achieving your goal. Your task is to describe your aesthetic preferences as clearly as possible so that the doctor can suggest appropriate options. During the consultation, you and your surgeon should address the following issues:

1. What type of implant will be used?

Saline (sterile salt water) -filled breast implants. They can be pre-filled with the required volume of solution or filled during surgery, thereby allowing for a slight change in the implant size.
Breast implants filled with silicone, soft and elastic gel in various shapes and sizes. All silicone implants are pre-filled with gel, so large incisions may be required to implant them.
Breast implants filled with cross-linked silicone gel, also known as "gummy bear" or "permanent shape" implants. These implants are made from a thick gel made from bonded silicone molecules, which makes the implants slightly thicker and harder than conventional ones. This allows them to keep their shape longer. They are approved by the FDA food products and medicines for use in the United States since 2013; they have been available in most other parts of the world since 1992.

2. Will your implants be placed in front of or behind the pectoralis major muscle?

Positioning the implant behind the pectoral muscle (the muscle behind your breast) makes it less interfering with mammography or breastfeeding. Your surgeon will tell you the pros and cons of both options.
3. What will be the size of your implants?
4. Will you also need a breast lift?
5. Do you need general anesthesia or intravenous sedation?
What will my scars and scars look like after re-breast correction?
The initial incision is almost always used when replacing and removing implants. However, if you need a breast lift by changing the position of the nipple and areola, the scars may be different (see How is the breast re-correction procedure performed?).

Preparation for the procedure

How to prepare for breast revision surgery?

Your surgeon will provide detailed instructions on preoperative preparation, answer all your questions, draw up a complete history and conduct a medical examination to determine your physical readiness for the operation. In some cases, a mammogram may be required prior to surgery.

Before surgery, your surgeon will give the following instructions:

Avoid aspirin, some anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal medications that can cause increased bleeding.
For better scar healing, quit smoking at least six weeks before surgery.
Regardless of the type of surgery, it is very important to hydrate before and after surgery for further safe recovery.
Cut back on alcoholic beverages to 2-3 times a week.
If your operation is planned for outpatient settingRemember to arrange with someone to drive you home after surgery and stay with you for the next two days if you and your surgeon have not decided on other options for postoperative recovery. (see How will the recovery and healing process go after re-correction of the breast?)
Before surgery, fill your refrigerator with high protein, low sodium foods, including prepared meals, fresh fruits and vegetables, and plenty of caffeinated drinks and plain water. During the postoperative period, avoid eating foods and drinks containing salt.
During the rehabilitation period, you will not be able to move your arms freely, so make sure that all the things you need during the recovery are stored in an accessible place without having to reach for them or bend over (high shelves or very low cabinets).
Prepare a large number of different films or pre-recorded programs, as well as novels and magazines. If possible, install a radio link on your bed and put the remote control for the TV.
Ensure the possibility of constant communication during the entire rehabilitation period specified by your surgeon. This is very important for your recovery. If you have children under the age of five, arrange with someone who can take care of them during this period. For the first two weeks, you should not lift, move, wash or clean anything.
Spend time of rest and sleep in the supine position at an incline of 25-45 degrees in the first postoperative days and until the swelling subsides. You can achieve the desired incline by using a reclining pillow or by relaxing in a rocking chair.
Avoid hot showers, hot tubs, and saunas for two to three weeks.
Decide what you will wear for the first few days, pick up a zippered outfit in the front. Wear ballet flats or shoes without laces so you don't have to bend over.
Usually, breast re-correction is performed on an outpatient basis. Make arrangements with someone who can drive you home after surgery and stay for at least the first night.

What to expect on the day of breast revision surgery?

Breast re-correction surgery can be performed in a public hospital, private clinic, or specialized institution. Your surgeon will inform you about the duration of the surgery depending on the details of the surgery plan.

You may be advised to bathe with antibacterial soap before surgery.
Do not use any kind of makeup, including nail polish, lotions, perfume, or other cosmetics.
Dress or bring along soft and comfortable front-opening clothing that you will wear after surgery, including shoes that can be quickly and easily put on.
Take with you only basic necessities (passport, insurance policy, cell phone, etc.), other things should be left at home, such as jewelry.
All medications are administered for your comfort during surgery.
Generally, general anesthesia is used during breast reconstructions, although in some cases a local anesthetic or intravenous administration sedatives.
To ensure safety during the operation, you will be monitored by various devices to monitor your heart, blood pressure, pulse and the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood.
Your plastic surgeon will stick to the surgery plan discussed with you prior to surgery.
After the operation has already begun, the surgeon may decide to use concomitant methods or change the technique to ensure best result... The main thing is that you feel comfortable and trust your doctor so that he can make such decisions.
After the surgery, a long elastic bandage (bandage) will be wrapped around your chest, or a surgical bra is worn. Drainage tubes may also be attached to your breasts.
After the completion of the operation, you will be transferred to the rehabilitation unit, where you will continue to be closely monitored.
When you're ready, you can return home with the help of a friend or family member.

Before leaving home, you (or your caregiver) need to be sure that you can clean the drain yourself.
You will most likely be allowed to return home after a short follow-up period, unless you and your plastic surgeon decide otherwise about your postoperative recovery.

Aftercare and recovery

You should discuss with your doctor how long it will take to return to your normal lifestyle, activity and work. Also, after the operation, you and your assistant will receive detailed instructions about the period of rehabilitation, including information about:
Drainage tubes, if installed
Symptoms that you will experience
Possible signs of complications

Immediately after re-correction of the breast

Your post-operative discomfort and recovery period will be similar to the recovery period after your first breast augmentation surgery. On the day of your surgery, you will need to get up and walk. You need to do this for several days in a row until you return to more normal activities after surgery. Getting up and moving around is very important to your recovery. The extent and duration of the discomfort is highly dependent on the size and location of the implants, and may include pain, stiffness, swelling, bruising, and itching.

When anesthesia wears off, pain... If the pain is severe or prolonged, see your doctor. There will also be slight redness and swelling after the operation. Check with your doctor if your pain, redness, and swelling are normal or if complications are possible.

Recovery time after re-correction of the breast

It is imperative that you follow all instructions for your care provided by the surgeon. These include: wearing compression garments at all times, caring for your drainage, taking antibiotics if needed, and the degree and type of activity that is safe for you. Your surgeon will also provide detailed instructions on the normal symptoms you should be experiencing and any possible signs complications. It is important to understand that the duration of the recovery period directly depends on the person.

They undergo breast lift procedures in combination with the removal of implants, and the rehabilitation period increases. If your implants have been completely removed, then the recovery period is likely to be short and with minimal discomfort. Avoid strenuous physical activity for at least the first two weeks after surgery. After this period, you should be very careful with your breasts for at least the next month. Your plastic surgeon will give you clear guidelines and restrictions on physical activity.

First week

During this week, you should sleep so that the head and shoulders are higher than the rest of the body, then the swelling in the chest area will go away better. You can use regular pillows, a reclining pillow, or sleep in a large chair.
Your plastic surgeon will most likely allow you to shower 1-3 days after your surgery, but you will have to skip immersion in a tub or jacuzzi for at least 4 weeks after your surgery.
Depending on the decision of your plastic surgeon, your dressings may be removed within a few days after surgery.
If drains are installed, then you cannot take a shower for at least a day after their removal, which usually happens after three days.
You may be instructed to wear a compression bra during the first healing period to prevent fluid buildup, control swelling, and keep implants in position during the initial recovery period.
If non-absorbable sutures were used, they will be removed within a week.
At the initial stage, there may be some discoloration of the skin and the appearance of edema, but this will disappear after your full recovery.

After 2-6 weeks

Any remaining swelling will resolve within a month. It is usually possible to return to work after re-correction in 7-10 days, depending on the type of surgery you have undergone.
If you have chosen large implants, you may feel some tension in the skin around your breasts as your body adjusts to the new size.

Longer period

The final shrinkage of new implants in the breast takes several weeks or months. There may be changes in sensitivity, tingling or numbness around the scar, but this should go away after a few weeks or months.

How long will the results last?

If you do not undergo significant changes in weight or become pregnant, then your new form the breast will remain in its original form after the operation for a long time. However, gravity and the effects of aging will eventually change breast size. The weight of the implant also affects how your breasts will change over time. The results of breast re-correction are long-term. However, you can visit your doctor periodically to make sure that your implants do not pose health risks and to rule out possible complications.

To ensure safety, as well as the most beautiful and healthy result, it is important to visit your plastic surgeon's office in accordance with the recommendations for its assessment, as well as whenever you notice any changes. Do not hesitate to contact your surgeon if you have any questions or concerns.

Among the many questions that patients ask me during breast augmentation consultations, one question is constantly present:

"Will the implants need to be changed?"

The question is quite clear - you are investing in yourself, in your appearance, and the duration of such investments is important to you.

Here's what you should know:

Aging implants

Of course, breast augmentation implants, like any other device, does not matter, medical purpose (for example, a kneecap prosthesis) or non-medical (TV or your car tires) - wear out. Implants produced 10-20 years ago, according to the manufacturers, had a wear rate of up to 5% per year, and if at the initial stage it is very little, then over time the risk of their destruction or rupture was rapidly growing.

The lifespan of implants depends on many reasons, such as the body's response to foreign object, type of implant, its location. Some patients still “wear” implants that were released more than 30 years ago and have absolutely no problems. But in general, previous generation implants required replacement on average within 6-14 years after surgery.

Modern implants have a significantly lower percentage of wear and tear, which allowed leading implant manufacturers to give them a lifetime warranty.

But, despite the practical wear-out of modern implants, according to statistics, about 20% of patients who have had breast augmentation, after a while turn to the surgeon with a request to replace the implant.

What are the reasons for this? Here are some facts:

Aesthetic preferences

Sometimes patients turn to the surgeon with a request to replace the implant solely for aesthetic desires - they want to change their size or shape.

If this is not the first months after the operation, when the swelling has not yet subsided and / or the implants have not yet gone down, have not "fallen into place", most likely the surgeon will refuse you - the breast has not yet taken its final shape and it is too early to draw any conclusions.

Age changes

Another reason that makes women think about replacing implants is age-related changes, breastfeeding, gaining excess weight, or vice versa, losing weight. As a result, the volume of the soft tissues of the breast changes, the skin loses its elasticity, the ligaments (Cooper's ligaments) that support the breast weaken and stretch. All this leads to sagging, or, as surgeons say, "ptosis" of the breast.
These are natural processes and they do not depend on whether or not you have implants.

However, if the implant is placed under a gland rather than under a muscle, and it is large, its weight can accelerate unwanted breast changes. There is no exact information, but it is believed that implants with a volume of more than 400-500 ml contribute to this to one degree or another.

An implant placed under the pectoral muscle, on the contrary, is a kind of support, supports the breast tissue and contributes to their less stretching. But he is not a panacea for natural age-related changes.

With the deterioration of the tissue condition, the shape of the breast also deteriorates. In this case, the shape of the breast can take the form of a "two-story turret", where the first floor formed by the implant has an excellent shape, but above it the "roof" has slid down and "bites its nose". If this aesthetic issue bothers you, it needs to be fixed. In general, clothes hide them beautifully, and if you are satisfied with the appearance of your breasts in a bra, you can do nothing.

Otherwise, a breast lift (mastopexy) is the solution. If by this time enough time has passed after breast augmentation (more than five years), then a reasonable approach is to put new implants at the same time.


Another reason for the need to replace the implant is capsular contracture... This is not a surgeon's mistake and cannot even be considered a complication in the literal sense of the word. The proliferation of connective tissue around a foreign object (fibrous capsule) is a natural reaction of the body.

If the capsule around the implant is soft, elastic and the shape of the breast has not changed, then most likely you are not even aware of its existence. (1st degree of contracture)

The harder capsule shape is slightly sensitive for the patient, but the breast shape has not changed, and you most likely will not want to have surgery in this case. (2nd degree)

But if the contracture progresses, the breast becomes hard and changes shape - reoperation is necessary.

* * *
I understand that it is not very pleasant to know that in the future you may have to undergo breast reoperation. Some patients have tissue that is initially rather weak or prone to loss of elasticity and, most likely, replacement of the implant will be necessary.
During the consultation, I always focus on these facts so that the patients can weigh the pros and cons.

Finally, in order to reassure the patients who read this article, I want to assure that most women are absolutely satisfied with the result of the operation. With the right decision on the size of the implant and the method of its placement, you can get an excellent, maximum long-term result.

Mammoplasty cost

  • In the price list of the clinic's services, you can see the currentcost of breast plastic surgery.
  • View all prices for plastic surgery services.

The best option is selected at a face-to-face consultation,
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Let's be honest. They cannot stay in the body forever. Sooner or later, they burst. This article will focus on silicone implants and the dangers that women around the world are exposed to. Statistics on this score are very eloquent and scary: 50% of implants rupture within 10 years after surgery. Women who wear silicone in their breasts for 15 to 20 years increase the risk of rupture by up to 90%.

What are doctors afraid of?

Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ed Melmed says filler leaks cannot be controlled. Physicians cannot know how the material will behave in the body and where it will spread.

Statistics on the number of transactions

Every year in the United States alone, about 300,000 women and girls get breast implants. When you take into account similar operations around the world, the numbers are even more impressive. It is believed that every year from 5 to 10 million beauties resort to this method of body shaping.

Basically, women are not informed about the danger before the operation. At a plastic surgeon's appointment, they will never be told about a potential health hazard. On the contrary, most doctors in clinics tell patients that this procedure is safe, and if it carries health risks, they are minimal. Therefore, women so easily fall under the knife, because they, in fact, are not aware of anything. However, this is not the case when it is worth keeping silent about the consequences.

Evidence Gathered from True Stories

If you want to know what the real danger posed by breast augmentation surgery is, ask the affected women. There are thousands of real and terrifying stories around the world that have led to debilitating autoimmune disorders and other physical problems. Please take the information below into consideration. If you, your girlfriends or relatives are considering breast augmentation surgery, just share this information with them. Your life, as well as the life of your friends, may depend entirely on this knowledge.

Clients provide the staff of plastic surgery clinics with a comfortable old age. Most often, women about 30 years old apply for breast correction. Many of the patients have already managed to give birth to children, and their mammary glands, after pregnancy and breastfeeding, have lost their former shape and elasticity. Another part of women have complexes about small size... Breast implants seem to be the only salvation.

The first danger at a plastic surgeon's appointment is finding a cheaper alternative. It's no secret that high-quality material is expensive, and many private clinics are fighting for potential clients. That is why advice is emerging about alternative, more affordable options. No doctor will say that there are no permanent implants on the market today. Any option on the market is prone to filler leakage. Some of them include brine valves, which after some time of "operation" can turn black and moldy. Ultimately, a woman's body is doomed to put up with systemic fungal problems.

The beauties are sure that big breasts gives many advantages in the battle for a potential partner, for marital happiness and well-being. They go to the clinic and hope that their dreams will come true. No plastic surgeon will debunk these expectations. He will not talk about severe autoimmune disorders leading to a wheelchair, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and other ailments.

The international organization FDA now openly mentions the problems associated with breast implants... This service has existed on the international plastic surgery market for over 40 years. And all this time, the FDA has not formally granted its approval.

Loudest scandal

At the end of the 90s, perhaps the loudest scandal associated with this area thundered all over the world. The media reported extensive coverage of the lawsuit involving 450,000 women in the United States of America. This famous case was brought against Dow Corning, the world's largest manufacturer of silicone implants.

The firm never acknowledged that its products were hazardous to health. However, the court ordered to pay huge monetary compensation to the victims. It is known that in the 70s of the last century, Dow Corning implants had a very thin outer shell and a high probability of material leakage. Some women dream of possessing beautiful breasts paid with their own lives, while awaiting the verdict of the court.

In the case against the monopoly company, some more gruesome details emerged. It turns out that Dow Corning employees knew that their products were toxic, but they hid this information from the public for as long as they could. Such a scandal is far from an isolated case. In recent lawsuits, one can recall the infamous case against the French manufacturer PIP, whose implants contained toxic chemical substancesprohibited for human use.

Experiments on animals

Scientists are eager to shed light on the behavior of leaked silicone in the body and are doing experiments on animals. So, in 80% of rats, into the body of which silicone was injected, tumors were subsequently found. These numbers were so startling that the international organization FDA was quick to call them wrong.

Silicone implants are back on the market

Some time ago, silicone was no longer used as a filler for breast implants. And now he is conquering the international market again. Several manufacturing companies, which have been sued for a total of $ 3.7 billion, have turned back into business as usual. Moreover, no long-term studies on their products have been produced. It should be noted that the safety data of Dow Corning, Baxter Healthcare Corporation and Bristol-Myers Scribb are not confirmed. This means that women again have no guarantees.

When a woman decides on an operation to enlarge and correct the shape of her breasts, she is concerned about many issues related to implants. After all, they must become part of her body. One of the most common questions is whether it is necessary to change implants after.

Do I need to change implants after mammoplasty: guarantee and durability ...

As the experience of surgeons shows, many women feel great even with old models of implants, which were installed about 30 years ago. However, then technologies had not yet reached modern heights and could not guarantee the full durability of such products. Today, many manufacturers offer implants with a lifetime warranty on them. Such products do not require replacement at all due to wear and tear. Therefore, to the question of patients about whether it is necessary to change implants after mammoplasty, plastic surgeons can confidently answer “no”.

Do I need to change implants after mammoplasty: reasons for replacing implants ...

However, there are exceptional reasons for which it is nevertheless required to install new implants. These reasons include:

  • The patient's desire to again change the shape or size of the breast;
  • Deterioration of the shape of the breast as a result of strong changes in weight and body proportions due to age, fluctuations in hormonal levels, etc. With age, the body of any person changes according to a program that is independent of him. Big role heredity and health state play in this. Therefore, not all women manage to maintain the shape of the breast created by the surgeon in perfect condition throughout their lives. With repeated corrective plastic surgery, the doctor can lift the mammary glands and replace the old implants with new ones. In addition, the new implant will be selected taking into account the changed proportions of the figure, skin tone, etc.
  • Damage to the implant. Modern products for breast augmentation are particularly durable, so violation of their integrity is usually possible only as a result of a puncture.
  • Progressive development of the fibrous capsule around the implant. The problem is associated with the reaction of body tissues to a foreign object, which are breast implants. In some people, such an individual reaction may be too strong and a hard capsule of fibrously altered tissues forms around the implant, which can even deform the breast. This complication is very rare, but the implant will have to be replaced.

In these cases, the answer to the question whether it is necessary to change the implants after

For women who have done augmentation mammoplasty at least once in their life, the question arises - how is the wear rate of implants and should they be changed at all?

But there are also statistics in which patients are satisfied with the result and do not resort to repeated mammoplasty, even after a specified period of time.

a brief description of

Endoprostheses that were produced about 10-20 years ago had a 7-8% wear rate, and manufacturers could not give a 100% guarantee that the implant would not rupture or damage its integrity.

At the moment, modern prostheses have a significantly lower wear process, which allows leading manufacturers to give a lifetime warranty on their products.

A breast prosthesis is a medical product made of high quality biocompatible material, to be placed under the skin or breast, in order to model a female bust and increase its size.

The first breast prostheses were filled with fats, liquid paraffin and various other fillers. They were injected into the thickness of the breast.

The first breast augmentation surgeries were performed at the end of the 19th century, but such surgeries did not bring the desired result and led to serious complications.

Since 1944, the production of a prosthesis in the form of a closed shell made of silicone filled with sodium chloride or gel began.

And from that moment on, the real evolution of breast prostheses begins, and every year their shape, structure, fillers and types are improving.

Conventionally, the types of breast prostheses can be divided into several generations:

  • the first generation of prostheses were made from a tear-shaped silicone shell filled with a viscous silicone gel. A septum was installed at the back to prevent the displacement of the implant;
  • the second generation of implants became softer and the gel lighter. Second-generation breast prostheses were also produced in two-sided form and represented a silicone prosthesis inside a saline;
  • the third and fourth generation implants were coated with an elastomer to prevent the gel from dripping through the shell. In the fourth generation, various forms of prostheses with various coatings were already produced;
  • 5th generation dentures consist of a cohesive gel. It is a soft gel and tends to mimic living breast tissue. Also, this gel is characterized by "memory" and in case of any deformations it returns to the form set during the production process.

Video: How is the operation going


Modern breast implants are of two types:

  1. silicone;
  2. saline.

Silicone prostheses are made of silicone filler, the viscosity of which may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Breast, silicone implants are pleasant to the touch and do not differ from the female breast.

Such prostheses are suitable for women with small breasts, they do not wrinkle and look very natural. But silicone prostheses are very expensive, and in the event of a rupture, it is difficult to locate the leak.

Saline endoprostheses consist of normal saline or sodium chloride solution. Such a solution is injected after the installation of the prosthesis, during the operation.

Such prostheses are much cheaper than silicone ones and much safer. In the event of a rupture of the saline prosthesis, it is easy to find the place of leakage and saline solution that does not harm the body gets into the body.

Also, in the description of the types of endoprostheses, one should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • the form;
  • the size;
  • coating.

The shape of the prosthesis can be:

  1. round;
  2. anatomical (teardrop);
  3. anatomical with a high profile.

The size of the prosthesis is:

  1. fixed. This size does not have a valve and the volume of the prosthesis cannot be changed;
  2. adjustable. With this size, the prosthesis has a valve through which saline can be injected;

The coating or surface can be:

  1. smooth;
  2. textured. Textured dentures are uneven and have villi on their surface;
  3. with a spongy surface structure. Connective tissue grows into the spongy structure of the shell and will fix the prosthesis in one place.

Indications for change

The change of implants is called re-endoprosthetics of the mammary glands.

Indications for changing breast implants may be as follows:

  • aesthetic dissatisfaction after breast augmentation surgery;
  • correction of changes in the appearance of the breast, which is associated with breastfeeding, pregnancy and age-related changes;
  • the patient's desire to enlarge her breasts by 3-4 sizes larger than the previous one;

Also, an indication for re-endoprosthetics of the breast may be, complications after the first augmentation mammoplasty include:

Do I need to change implants after mammoplasty

Breast augmentation prostheses, like any other devices not only of a medical nature, wear out.

The service life of breast endoprostheses depends on many factors, such as the body's reaction to a foreign object, the quality of the implant, and its location.

The frequency of replacement depends on the material of the implant and the skill of the surgeon.

Can pregnancy be planned after breast augmentation

It is possible to plan a pregnancy after augmentation mammoplasty. Breast augmentation does not affect fetal development and is safe.

Research carried out in this area has proven that neither silicone nor salt prostheses have a negative effect on the fetus.

The only thing that awaits a woman after childbirth is sagging breasts. This is due to an increase in the mammary glands and to return to its previous shape, mammoplasty in the form of a breast lift will be required.

But it is strictly forbidden to do augmentation mammoplasty during pregnancy, since the operation is carried out under anesthesia, which has a detrimental effect during fetal development.

Whichever method and access for installation is chosen, this should not affect the breastfeeding of the baby.

The most complete feeding process will be if the implant is placed in the armpit during the operation. In this case, the mammary glands are not affected and the lactation process will not be disturbed.

If the areoles are affected during the operation, which is important to know even before the augmentation mammoplasty, how the feeding period will proceed and discuss this point with a plastic surgeon.

In order to avoid complications such as mastitis due to the presence of prostheses, you need to choose the correct feeding technique and regularly do a special massage.

Photo: Before and after surgery

How is the replacement

The process of carrying out the procedure for replacing breast prostheses can be divided into two stages:

  1. preparation for conducting;
  2. implant removal procedure;

Preparation includes:

  • the doctor's consultation;
  • examination of the patient;
  • consultation with a mammologist;
  • mammography.
  • take herbal preparations;
  • drink alcohol and smoke;

During the operation, the doctor makes appropriate incisions, which can be performed:

  • along the edges of the areola of the nipples;
  • in the armpit;
  • under the mammary gland.

The prosthesis replacement surgery is performed under general anesthesia and lasts from one to two hours.

Complete re-endoprosthetics includes three stages:

  1. removal of old implants. The surgeon makes an incision along the scar line and removes the old prosthesis through it;
  2. capsulotomy. A fibrous capsule around the prosthesis is always formed, it always depends on how much it is available. Sometimes in the process of capsulotomy, partial removal of fibrous seals is required, with serious complications, complete removal of the contracture is required;
  3. installation of new prostheses. Basically, implants are installed in an already formed old bed, but if the patient wishes to enlarge her breasts even more, then the surgeon will need to form a new "pocket" for the endoprosthesis.

After removing and installing breast prostheses, the skin pocket should be compacted, and in order to speed up this process and prevent it from filling with physiological fluids, patients should wear compression underwear for a month after the operation.

The final recovery after re-endoprosthetics takes several months during which it is prohibited to visit:

  1. saunas;
  2. solariums;
  3. take hot baths;
  4. sunbathe in the sun.

Active physical activity is prohibited until the tissues are completely healed.

Dangers of reoperation

Of course, there is a risk of complications both with the first and repeated augmentation mammoplasty.

And if during the first operation to enlarge the mammary glands, complications and problems did not arise, then during the second operation the risk of complications doubles.

Like the first surgery, the following complications may occur:

  • capsular contracture;
  • hematoma;
  • seroma;
  • wound infection;
  • the formation of keloids and hypertrophic scars;
  • temperature after mammoplasty;
  • rupture of the implant;
  • deformation of the endoprosthesis;
  • displacement of the prosthesis;
  • double fold or "double bubble" effect;
  • calcification;
  • an allergic reaction to the endoprosthesis;
  • symmastia - fusion of two breasts.

It is also worth knowing that augmentation mammoplasty is performed under anesthesia, so not only complications related to the chest area, but also cardiovascular diseases may occur. vascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Prevention of complications

In order to reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to carry out the following preventive measures:

  • choice of a doctor. When choosing a doctor, it is necessary to proceed not from saving methods, but according to the number of operations performed in this area, professionalism and experience;
  • follow all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon;
  • take antibiotics with a wide range of action to prevent infections from entering the postoperative wound and the appearance of fever;
  • choose endoprostheses from well-known manufacturers. When choosing implants, you can consult with a plastic surgeon, as well as pay attention to patient reviews about companies that produce these products;
  • wearing compression garments after surgery. But it is necessary to purchase such underwear even before the operation.

Factors affecting wear

The first factor that affects the aging of implants is:

  • age-related changes;
  • gaining excess weight or losing weight;
  • lactation.

As a result, the volume of the mammary glands changes, the skin loses its elasticity and the ligaments that support the breast stretch.

In many cases, there is a risk of leakage and rupture of the implant, which also applies to the aging factors of the implant. This may be due to some kind of domestic trauma to the chest and a poor-quality choice of endoprosthesis.

Every woman who wants to seek the help of a plastic surgeon should familiarize herself with the following statistics:

  • 30% of patients complain of a rupture and leakage of the prosthesis;
  • 40% of women are unhappy with the results plastic surgery and resort to re-endoprosthetics;
  • 50% of patients go to a plastic surgeon for complications within 3 years;
  • 10% of women who underwent mammoplasty with the use of silicone implants acquire oncological diseases;
  • even if there were no complications, after 5-10 years the dentures need to be changed because they wear out.

Finally, I would like to reassure women and add that most women who have performed augmentation mammoplasty are satisfied with the result.

When the right choice prosthesis and the method of its installation, a good and long-term result can be obtained, in which there is no need to change implants after mammoplaxis.

Replacement of breast implants is not necessary if the woman is satisfied with the aesthetic appearance of the breast and mammography does not reveal any abnormalities. Replacement of implants is carried out for medical reasons as a result of complications after the primary surgery, as well as due to dissatisfaction appearance silicone breast. What are the advantages and disadvantages of re-endoprosthetics? mammary glands, the existing technologies for replacing breast implants, and the features of replacement, as well as the cost of this procedure, you will learn about this today from our article.

Reasons for replacing implants

Aesthetic reasons:

  • Asymmetry of the breast, incorrectly selected implants in primary plastic;
  • Wrinkling, bulging, the appearance of folds under the breasts, the effect of "double breasts";
  • Dissatisfaction with the appearance of the breast as a result of pregnancy and breastfeeding, sudden weight loss or ptosis due to age-related changes in the body;
  • Dissatisfaction with breast size, desire to increase by 1-2 sizes.

Medical reasons:

  • Constrictive fibrosis (capsular contracture). The implant becomes overgrown with scar tissue, as a result of which the breast becomes denser, pain appears when pressed;
  • Endoprosthesis rupture, gel (saline) leakage. As a result, swelling and inflammation of the mammary glands develops, pain;
  • Poorly manufactured endoprostheses. Asymmetry develops, the integrity of the shell is violated;
  • Malformed pocket. When the implant is located under the soft tissues of the mammary glands, the likelihood of developing capsular contracture increases than when located behind the pectoralis major muscle;
  • Sagging breasts;
  • The development of synmastia. As a result of the installation of implants with a wide base for thin women with thin skin, the intercostal space gradually disappears, and the mammary glands grow together;
  • Development inflammatory processes, bleeding, staphylococcus infections, hematoma formation.

Advantages and disadvantages of breast re-endoprosthetics

Replacing breast implants has the following benefits:

  • Aesthetic appearance of the breast;
  • Correction of asymmetry arising over time;
  • Increase or decrease in the size of the breasts.

The disadvantages of repeated mammoplasty include the gradual prolapse of the mammary glands. Ptosis develops under the influence of the gravity of the silicone implants. It is also affected by skin aging, loss of its elasticity and firmness.

Breast implant replacement technology

Re-endoprosthetics surgery is performed in several stages:

  • Removal of existing implants. Removal takes place by an incision along a previously made incision;
  • Removing the capsule that has formed around each implant. The contracture capsule is removed completely when the surrounding tissue is roughly scarred. If there are no complications, it is partially removed;
  • Prosthetics of new implants. New breast implants are placed in the existing pocket;
  • Suturing.

Surgery takes an average of 120 minutes under general anesthesia. If it is necessary to correct asymmetry, increase the size of the breast, etc., then the operation takes longer.

Rehabilitation period lasts longer than with primary plastic, about 3-4 months. For faster healing of implants, it is necessary to wear supportive underwear with fixation.

Features of replacing implants

The operation will differ from the original plastic depending on the reason for the replacement.

  • Features of replacing implants due to changes in the size of the mammary glands:

First, the doctor expands (shrinks) the pocket after removing the old implants. When reducing breast size, it is imperative to tighten the skin. Secondly, in order to enlarge the mammary glands by four sizes or more, it is necessary to carry out re-endoprosthetics in two stages - to increase the size of the implants by no more than two sizes in one operation. Thus, the chest will not be deformed, there will be no stretch marks skin, and the load on the spine will not be too sharp.

  • Features of replacing implants due to their shrinkage:

In this case, only implants with a gel structure and textured surface are installed, since a smooth surface does not guarantee re-wrinkling. Implants are not installed under soft tissue mammary glands, and under a large muscle.

  • Features of replacing implants due to asymmetry (displacement):

One of the prostheses is displaced as a result of excessive growth of fibrous tissue. In this case, after replacement, a breast lift is required.

To prevent the implant from displacing again, a dermal matrix is \u200b\u200binserted to support it. It is composed of a collagen and elastin complex.

  • Features of replacing implants due to synmastia:

After removing the implants, the doctor works to reduce the pockets. In complicated cases, the mesh is sutured and sutures are applied inside the pocket to prevent rupture of the inner part of the interthoracic space. Only after these manipulations are new implants of a smaller size (smaller width and projection) installed so that they do not touch the internal sutures.
In this case, the rehabilitation process lasts at least 6 months.

The cost

The cost of replacing breast implants consists of two components: the cost of removing old implants and the cost of installing new ones. In addition, you need to know whether one or both endoprostheses will be replaced, whether it is necessary to carry out work to remove complications, whether it is necessary to lift the mammary glands, etc.

The average cost is summed up as follows:

  • average price implants are from 40 to 70 thousand rubles;
  • The average price for work on removing old implants is 90 thousand rubles;
  • The average price for work to remove complications is 57 thousand rubles;
  • The average price for a breast lift is 120 thousand rubles;
  • The average price for re-endoprosthetics is 140 thousand rubles.
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