Codela contains codeine. Composition and features of the use of drugs Codela from dry cough: Overview Instructions, reviews and analogs for children and adults

An unproductive cough of various etiology may occur with a number of diseases. Most often such a kind of cough is observed when viral infections Upper respiratory tract, allergies, side effects of some drugs, such as alpha adrenoblockers. Often an unproductive appearance of cough appears as a result of bronchipolitis. Characteristic feature Such a cough is the lack of sputum, that is, in this case, treatment is aimed at suppressing a cough center. One of the effective means for removing this symptom is the Codelak drug.

Indications for use

Dry cough therapy, symptomatic nature.

Release form, composition and packaging

Preparation Codela for oral application Produced in the following forms:

  • in the form of tablets;
  • in the form of syrup (codec-fito).

Tablets Codelak are available in cardboard packaging containing one or two cellular plates out of ten tablets. Each tablet contains:

  • codeine - 8mg;
  • thermopsis (grass) extract - 20mg;
  • licorice root - 200mg;
  • sodium bicarbonate - 200mg.

Syrup Codelack is available in a bottle containing brown liquid (50, 100, 125ml) with a characteristic pleasant smell. 5 ml Flacon fluid contains:

  • codeina phosphate - 4.5mg;
  • thermopsis extract is 10 mg;
  • licorice root - 200mg;
  • chabret (in the form of extract) - 1000mg.

The drug belongs to the clinical and pharmacological group of antitussive and expectorant effects.

pharmachologic effect

Codela is a means of combined action. The main substance that the cough center oppresses, serves codeine related to opium alkaloids. When a person's appetizer significantly reduces the excitability of a cough center, but at the same time he inhibits the respiratory function, in contrast to morphine. In parallel, Codeine reduces the intestinal peristalsis, suppresses the vomit reflex and nausea.

Thermopsis herb extract on the contrary excites the respiratory center and stimulates a vomiting reflex, contributing to improving the secretion of bronchial glands, which leads to an improvement in the evacuation of the secret.

The licorice root increases the activity of the seating epithelium and also enhances the secretion of the shells in the respiratory tract. Thus, an increase in the amount of mucus and its liquefaction occurs, which contributes to expectoration and lightweight evacuation.

The effect of sodium bicarbonate is based on the oblast of mucus in the respiratory tract, which leads to a decrease in its viscosity. The combinatorial effect with the active substances of the licorice root leads to prevent the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory lumens, in the case of the formation of thick sputums under certain diseases and their complications.

This combination of active substances of the drug Codelak leads to a multi-vector effect: complications are excluded due to the inhibitory action of Codein to the respiratory center in case of incorrect diagnosis, due to the fact that the means include substances stimulating sputum of sputum, while not an excessive increase in its volume As when taking classical expectorant substances. Ultimately, it is possible to achieve a clear reduction in cough and at the same time achieve the death of sputum, in the event of its formation.


Adult codelk in tableted form take one tablet 3 times a day.

  • 5ml - children 2-6 years;
  • 10ml - 5-8 years;
  • 15ml - 8-12 years;
  • 20ml - 12-16 years.

Adults can also receive a syrup in the dosage of 20ml. For children and adults, the reception frequency is 2-3 times a day, depending on the state.


In case of exceeding these doses, the following may be observed. negative effects: drowsiness; nausea, vomiting, headache, pronounced violation of movement coordination. To eliminate these phenomena, receive activated coal, washing the stomach, the introduction of Codein antagonists (Naloxone).

Interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous medication with other means, which depress the central nervous system and the respiratory center can strengthen sedative effect. It is necessary to be careful for antihistamine therapy, antipsychotic and sedatives.

Levomycetin (chloramphenicol) slows down the transformation of Codein, thereby enhances the effect of its reception. On the contrary, codeine can enhance the effect of cardiac glycosides (digoxin), due to the decrease in the peristaltics in intestinal departments and enhance the absorption of glycosides.

Absorbing and enveloping substances reduce the level of suction codeine and reduce the therapeutic effect.

It should be known that the simultaneous reception of ethanol-containing liquids and the codeca enhances the psychomotor effect of ethanol.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug Codela at any time of pregnancy has a rigid contraindication.

Side effects

The side effect of this drug is similar to an overdose effect and can be expressed in the form of constipation, drowsiness, skin itching. Sometimes nausea arises with subsequent vomit. Observations are shown in prolonged therapy by the Codelatan, the dependence on this means is developing.


Codelak is contraindicated in the following states:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • confirmed diagnosis of bronchial asthma;
  • age of children up to 2 years;
  • pronounced respiratory failure;
  • sharing with analgesics central action and alcohol;
  • allergic reactions on the drug.


It is allowed to use the means in children over 2 years old, nevertheless, it is recommended to begin the therapy by the Codela in children who have a form of release in the form of a syrup. We begin to treat with minimal doses, gradually raising them before reaching the effect.

Terms and Storage Terms

Store codelk in a dark and dry place at a temperature not higher than 25c. Storage conditions of the syrup suggest its inception in the temperature range 12-15C.

Conditions of vacation in pharmacy networks

Codeine in tablets is released without a recipe. The form of release in the form of a syrup is released by a doctor's prescription.

Existing analogs

Similar antitussive agents used with an unproductive cough:

  • Codterpin;
  • Codipront;
  • CodeLimik;
  • Kofanol;
  • Tedein;

The price of the drug Codela in the form of tablets No. 10 is about 160 rubles, No. 20 - 190 rubles. Syrup has a price - 130 rubles (100ml).

Codelak® Tablets - packaging Contour cell 10, pack cardboard 2- code EAN: 4602196000138- № P N003177 / 01, 2006-12-29 from Farmstandard OJSC (Russia) - manufacturer: Pharmstandart-Tomskhimfarm OJSC [Tomsk, Pr. Lenin] (Russia) - expired 2009-02-18

Latin name


Active substance

Sodium Codeine Hydrocarbonate Lancing Roots Thermopsis Lancing Grass (Codeine Sodium Hydrocarbonate Glycyrrhizae Radiises Thermopsidis Lanceolatae Herba)


R05FA derivatives of opium in combination with expectorant drugs

Pharmacological group

Antitussive tools in combination

Nonological Classification (ICD-10)

R05 Cashel

Composition and form of release

1 tablet contains codeine 0.008 g, grass of thermopsis in powder 0.02 g, sodium bicarbonate 0.2 g, licorice root in powder 0.2 g - in contour cellular packaging 10 pcs. Or in cardboard pack 2 contour cellular packs for 10 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - antitussive, expectorant.

Lowering the excitability of the cough center, facilitates the release of sputum.


Reduces the intensity and frequency of cough (codeine), increases the secretion of bronchial glands (thermopcis) and lowers the viscosity of sputum due to the cropping (sodium bicarbonate) - has anti-inflammatory and anti-violetic effect (licorice root).

Indications of the drug Codelak®

Cough of various etiology.


Hypersensitivity childhood up to 2 years.

Side effects

From the nervous system and sense organs: headache, drowsiness.

From the head of the gastrointestinal bodies: nausea, vomiting, constipation.

Others: Allergic reactions.


Enhances (codeine) effect of analgesics, sleeping pills and sedatives.

Method of application and dose

Inside, 1 table. 2-3 times a day.

Conditions for the storage of the drug Codelak®

In the dry, protected from light, at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of the drug Codelak®

4 years.

Last update of description by the manufacturer


Other preparation options for the drug - Codelak®.

Codelak® Tablets- Packaging Contour Cellular 10, Putting Cardboard 1- Code EAN: 4602196000992- № R N003177 / 01, 2006-12-29 from Farmstandard OJSC (Russia) - Manufacturer: Pharmstandard-Tomskhimfarm OJSC [Tomsk, Lenin] Russia) - expired 2009-02-18Kodelk® Tablets- Packaging Contour cell 10, Package Cardboard 2- Code EAN: 4602196000138- № R N003177 / 01, 2006-12-29 from Farmstandard OJSC (Russia) - Manufacturer: Pharmstandart Tomskhimfarm OJSC [Tomsk, Pr. Lenin] (Russia) - expired 2009-02-18Kodelk® Tablets- Packaging Contour Cellular 10, Package Cardboard 1- Code EAN: 4601669003645 - No. R N003177 / 01, 2008-10-16 from Pharmstandard (Russia) - Manufacturer: Farmstandart-Lexere (Russia)

(MNN - Codeine) - 8 mg, sodium bicarbonate - 200mg, licorice root in the form of powder - 200mg, grass lanceal thermopsis - 20 mg; Additional substances: potato starch, talc, microcrystalline cellulose.

Composition of syrup Codelak Phito: in 5 ml is contained phosphate Codeina. - 4.5 mg, thermopsis extract dry- 0.01 g, licorice root extract thick - 0.2 g, liquid liquid extract - 1 g; Additional substances: sorbitol , nipazole. , nipagin , water.

Form release

As tablet, yellow or brown, in which there can be splashes of white or dark brown colors. 10 pcs. In contour packages, 1 or 2 packages in a cardboard box.

Syrup Codec from cough phyto Brown, with fragrant smell, placed in dark glass vials 50, 100, 125 ml.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine is a combined antitussive drug.

Codeine It has the antitussive effect of central genesis, reducing the excitability of the cough center.

As part herbs thermopsis Alkaloids are contained that increase the bronchial secretion and accelerate its evacuation, thereby having an expectorant effect.

Sodium bicarbonate The bronchial mucus is observed, reduces the viscosity of sputum, activates the motility of the bronchi epithelium.

Liquorice root It has an expectorant effect. Provides the antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles and anti-inflammatory effect.

Herbs extract Chabreca It consists of a mixture of essential oils, which, strengthening the activity of the cereal epithelium of the mucous membrane, increasing the amount of secretion, thinning the sputum and accelerating its evacuation is expectorant, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect. The additional effects of the thyme are also weak antispasmodic and healing.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug stimulates the release of mucus from the respiratory tract, reduces cough.

The occurrence of the maximum effect is for 30-60 minutes, the duration is up to 6 hours.

There is no data on pharmacokinetics.

Indications for use

As symptomatic therapy dry cough for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.


  • and breastfeeding period;
  • children under 2 years old;
  • application of central analgesics;
  • respiratory failure;
  • use;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects

  • Digestive system: Nausea, constipation, vomiting.
  • Nervous system: drowsiness, headache.
  • In the form of allergies: skin itch, rash.

Instructions for applying Codelaka (method and dosage)

Tablets Codelk Take inside, from 2 to 3 times a day 1 tablet, within a few days.

Maximum single dose codeina. for adults - 0.05 g, daily - 0.2 g.

Patients with impaired kidney function The interval between reception of the drug should be increased, since they have a deletion of codewayin slowed down.

Instruction on syrup from cough Codelk phyto Determines the daily dose of syrup according to age:

  • children 2 - 5 years - 5 ml;
  • from 5 to 8 years of 10 ml;
  • 8 - 12 years - 10-15 ml;
  • from 12 years old and adults - 15-20 ml.

Dose must be divided into 3 receptions. Syrup take between meals. Therapy is carried out shortly, within a few days.


Symptoms are: drowsiness, skin itching, resignation of the rhythm of breathing, arrhythmia, slowdown of heartbeat, vomiting, urinary bubble atony.

A stomach washing, symptomatic therapy is used as treatment, introduced Antagonist codeina. . If necessary, measures aimed at restoring the respiration and activities of the cardiovascular system.


Simultaneous use with drugs that oppress nervous system (sedative, antihistamine, sleeping bags, the analgesics of the central action, antipsychotics, anti-tested drugs) is not recommended, since it threatens with the strengthening of the sedative effect and the oppression of the respiratory center.

Enveloping and adsorbing products reduce suction codeina. from the gastrointestinal tract.

Terms of sale

Tablets Codelk - without recipe.

Syrup - on prescription.

Storage conditions

In a protected from children and a dry place. Tablets at temperatures up to 25 ° C, syrup - at least 12 and not higher than 15 ° C.

Shelf life

Pills - 4 years.
Syrup - 1 year and 6 months.

special instructions

In persons with elevated intracranial pressure to apply with great caution.

Prolonged use of the drug can lead to development drug addiction .

Do not assign simultaneously with mukolithics and expectorant means.

Before applying antitussive drugs, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the cough and, if necessary, use special treatment.

Since the drug S. codene - It is doping.

The drug can have a sedative effect - driving vehicles is not recommended.


Coincidences on the ATX 4 level code:


Application for children by age up to 2 years is contraindicated.

With alcohol

Codeine enhances with simultaneous acceptance of ethanol to psychomotor reactions, so alcohol use during the reception period is prohibited.

During pregnancy and lactation

Reception is contraindicated.

Reviews about the code model

Numerous Reviews on Codelk Phito It is suggested that the drug is quite effective. Most patients, trifting all sorts of cough tablets, the improvement was obtained only from Codelaka. Many mothers leave feedback on Podield Codela for children as a soft preparation, with good tolerance and fast coughing relief. In some reviews, a plus sedative effect is noted - thanks to this, children are better sleeping at night.

Choosing treatment, you must always remember, from which coughing Codelk is to take only with dry cough.

Price to Codelak where to buy

Price tablets Codelk. Russia is 143 rubles, the price is on Codelk Phyto Syrup - 146 rubles.

  • Internet pharmacies of RussiaRussia
  • Internet pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


    Codelk Neo Syrup 1,5mg / ml 200ml

    Codelk Broncho with a chamber elixir 100mlPharmstandart-Lexers OJSC

    Codelk Neo Syrup 1,5mg / ml 100mlPharmstandart-Lexers OJSC

    Podelk neo-drop for internal. approx. 5mg / ml 20mlOJSC "Pharmstandart-Lexers"

Codela Croncho is complex drug With an expectorant action from a group of mucolithics.

Active substances -, sodium glycyrrizinat, thermopsis dry extract, sodium bicarbonate.

The combined preparation for the treatment of cough has a muscolitic and expectorant effect, has anti-inflammatory activity. Action Codelat Broncho is due pharmacological properties its components.

Sodium bicarbonate - promotes the oblating of bronchial mucus, reducing sputum viscosity, stimulates motor function Bronchiole and fiscal epithelium.

Glycyrrhizinic acid and its salts (glycyrerat) - have an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-allergic effect. The antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing activity of the glycyrrat gives the drug cytoprotective effect.

The pronounced anti-inflammatory activity reduces the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, the effect of endogenous glucocorticosteroids potentiates.

Ambroxol - has a secretomotor, secretolithic and expectorant effect, restores the ratio of the mucous and serous contents of sputum, increases the secretion of the surfactant in the alveoli. Reducing viscosity, contributes to the disheaval of sputum.

Thermopsis extract - has an expectorant effect. Causeing moderate irritation of the gastric mucosa receptors, reflexively increases the secretion of bronchial glands.

Castabre extract - contains essential oilwhich exhibits an expectorant effect and suppresses inflammatory processes. In addition, the extract is to a small extent can reduce muscle spasms.

Composition 1 Tablet Codelak ( active substances):

  • Ambroxol in the form of hydrochloride - 0.02 g;
  • Thermopsis extract dried - 0.01 g;
  • Sodium bicarbonate - 0.2 g

Composition 5 ML Syrope Codelak (active substances):

  • Cabin extract in liquid form - 500 mg;
  • Sodium glycyrrizinate - 0.03 g;
  • Ambroxol hydrochloride - 0.01

Indications for use

What helps Codela Broncho? According to the instructions, the drug in the treatment of respiratory diseases, accompanied by the difficulty of wetting the sputum:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • COPD;
  • bronchiectatic disease.

Instructions for use Codelak Broncho (Tablets \\ Syrup), Dosage

Tablets should be taken inside while eating.

Standard dosage Tablets Codela Croncho for adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tablet \\ 3 times a day.

Instructions for syrup Codela Croncho

Syrup for children should be taken inside while eating, you can drink water.

  • children 2-6 years old - 2.5 ml of syrup \\ 3 times a day;
  • children are 6-12 years old - 5 ml \\ 3 times a day;
  • children over 12 years old and adults - 10 ml \\ 4 times a day.

Do not apply more than 5 days without consulting a doctor.

special instructions

Do not apply in combination with anti-anti-drug drugs.

Side effects

The instruction warns about the possibility of developing the following side effects when appointing Codelk Broncho:

  • The digestive system is diarrhea or constipation, dryness in the mouth, with long-term reception may develop pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, nausea, periodic vomiting.
  • The nervous system is headache, general weakness.
  • The respiratory system is dryness of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, Rinorea (abundant mucous membranes from the nose cavity).
  • Others: rarely - allergic reactions, Dizuriy, Exanthem.

When developing side effects, the reception must stop and consult a doctor.


Contraindicated to appoint Codelak Broncho in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • children's age up to 12 years;
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Caution should be used in patients with hepatic and / or renal failure, ulcerative disease Stomach I. duodenal gut, with bronchial asthma.


Overdose symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspepsia.

Analogs of Codelat Broncho, price in pharmacies

If necessary, replace the codelk broncho can be on analogue medical action - These are drugs:

  1. Bronchofit
  2. Kashnol
  3. Thermopswic.

There is no complete coincidence in the composition.

Choosing analogues It is important to understand that the instructions for use of Codela Croncho, the price and reviews for drugs similar are not applied. It is important to obtain a doctor's advice and not to produce an independent replacement of the drug.

Price in the pharmacies of Russia: Tablets Codela Croncho 10 pieces - from 106 to 153 rubles, 20 tablets - from 163 rubles, Syrup Codelak Broncho with a chamber 100ml - from 118 to 169 rubles, according to 724 pharmacies.

Store at temperatures up to 25 ° C in light-protected place. Shelf life - 2 years. Conditions for leave from pharmacies - without a recipe.

What do feedback say?

Moms leave positive reviews about Syrup Codelk Broncho for children - note that the sputum moves well, the dry cough is quickly moving into wet (however, too much sputum departs).

Of the advantages indicate a fairly fast effect, the possibility of receiving children from 2 years and a pleasant taste of syrup. However, for adults often suffering from allergies, reviews recommend pills Codela Croncho, because after the syrup there is a rash.

Cough - exhausting symptom, for the therapy of which the line of preparations of the Codelak is recommended.

The application instruction contains complete data on the composition, dosage and method of using each product produced under this brand.

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Forms of release Codela and their composition

The name is collective for funds having a different composition, and available in several dosage formsah Codelk. The instruction describes full list Components and their number. The table covers the most important ingredients.

Table 1. Composition Codelat and drug forms of the drug


Codec from dry cough (coder-containing)

Active substances

CodeineOpera alkaloid, which has an anesthetic effect and an oppressive cough center
ThermopsisExpecting agent, accelerating the motion of the cilia of the epithelium of the respiratory system
Drinking sodaDisinfectant and acid-meterailizing agent
Liquorice rootExpectorant, softening, bubble inflammation

Acting component

ButamiratSuppresses a cough center, produces a flipping effect, stopping inflammation, expands bronchi

Additional ingredients

Syrup / drops

SorbitolSweetener recommended with caution when sugar diabetes. It is part of the Cochem Code, but it is able to cause allergies
Ethanol.Alcohol, prohibited in alcoholism, intolerance and in childhood


Lactose monohydrateFiller. Forbidden people with the intolerance to the milk sugar
TalcStabilizer, filler, preservative. In large doses toxic

Active Component

AmbroxolMukolitik, produces a secret engine and secrecy effect. Has an expectorant action
GlycyrrizinIt stands out of the root of licorice. Gives inflammation, removes swelling, has an expectorant effect
Drinking soda-

Recipes in Latin

Preparations of analogs can exist many names. The trademark includes the name of the Codelk. Recipe on Latin will help not get confused in the pharmacy when choosing medicineshaving the same composition of active substances. Consider the names of the active ingredients entered into the prescription form.

Table 2. Composition Codela in Latin for each type of drug

CodeneCodeini / Natrii HydroCarbonatis / Radicum / Glycyrrhizae / Herbae Thermopsidis Lanceolatae
BronchoAmbroxoli / Natrii Glycyrrhizinatis / Herbae Thermopsidis Lanceolatae

Codene Codec from dry cough

In 2012, a ban on free realization of drugs containing codeine was introduced in Russia. Codelak, as many other means based on opium alkaloid, disappeared from pharmacy shelves.

Codeina consumption in large quantities entails Euphoria and leads to the development of addiction. However, the license for the drug is currently valid.


A tool of integrated action. According to the instructions for use of the tablet have a round shape, painted in yellow or brownish color. The structure allows enclosures.

For children, a codeine containing codeine is prohibited before reaching the kids of age for 2 years.


The drug is recommended for symptomatic treatment Dry cough. It is a thick brownish liquid with a sweet taste. Due to the part of the opium alkaloid, it is capable of strengthening the effect of anesthetic, sedative and sleeping preparations. Children under 3 years forbidden to prescribe. Dosage and duration of treatment are indicated in the instructions for use.

Annotation is called phytoeliksis. Made using the same active ingredients as the above-mentioned Form Codela. The active ingredient, distinguishing the composition of phytoeliksira - vacambum extract. Vegetable exhaust makes an expectorant effect, stops inflammation, is local anesthetic.

Socialist Neo with Butamirate Anti-Kam

The range of preparations is recommended for getting rid of dry cough. Codela for children and adults series neo is produced in various dosage forms. According to the instructions for use, the listed means is forbidden to combine with the mucolyts.

Recommended at, cough, with. Codela in tablets is forbidden to take until the age of 18. The tool is distinguished by an innovative formula that accelerates the release of butamirat. According to the instructions for use for therapeutic effect On the day enough two-time reception.

Comfortable liquid form suitable for children and their parents. It is implemented in bottles of dark glass 100/200 ml. The advantage is the vanilla flavor and aroma of the Syrope Codelak. For children from cough, it is recommended to use this particular form. However, up to 3 years drink tool is prohibited.


Designed for the smallest patients, but are suitable for therapy in adults. According to the instructions for use, are prescribed to children from 2 months. Before use in kids under 2 years old, it is recommended to discuss the Codelak with a pediatrician. Side effects and possible restrictions Do not always allow the drug to choose a choice for babies.

For babies and children, older are recommended both drops and syrup. According to the instructions for use, only a tablet form is prohibited. The tool begins to act 15-30 minutes after the reception. The effect is saved for 12 hours.

Wet, or productive, cough is referred to as a symptom, accompanied by a viscous tracheobronchial branch. Suppression of an antifreeze center under productive form leads to the development of complications.

That is why for the symptomatic therapy has developed a special code model from a wet cough for children and adults. It is necessary to use the tool according to the instructions for use.

Syrup with chabrya

The preparation does not contain ethanol, sugar and artificial dyes. Liquid shape and pleasant taste facilitate the application of Codela in children. For the convenience of portioning the syrup, each bottle is equipped with a special dimensional spoon.

Present flat rounded tablets having a yellowish or brownish shade with dark splashes. Do not recommend a tableted code model for children. Instructions for use permits to receive a tool only from 12 years.

Instructions for receiving medicines

Before the first reception, it is necessary to explore the instruction of the Codela. The use method differs from the type of drug, its dosage form and individual characteristics patient.


Table 3. Types of codec, indications for use

CodenePathologies accompanied by dry cough and caused various reasons. Used for therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases, allergies, etc.
NeoIt is important to understand what cough Cashelk Neo. This form is used for therapy with dry type. The tool is recommended for children and adults with cough, as well as before / after surgery and in front of bronchoscopy
BronchoAccording to the instructions for use, it is prescribed for diseases of various etiology to get rid of the productive cough. Among the probable diagnoses:, ORVI, etc.

Mode of application

Each dosage form implies following certain rules in the treatment process. All of them are indicated in the instructions for use.

Table 4. Use in children and adults

NameForm of preparationMethod
CodenePillsRegardless of meals, drinking water. Any codeine forbidden to combine with the analgesics of the central action
Syrup60 minutes after meals
PhytoeliksisBetween meals
NeoSyrupInside food
PillsAccording to the instructions for use, drinking before eating, not chewing
DropsBefore taking food
BronchoElixirTogether with food, drinking with a small amount of water
PillsDuring meals


Table 5. The amount of the drug necessary for the treatment of children and adults

NameForm of preparationDosage
CodenePills1 * 2-3 times / day.
SyrupFor a day, children are 2-5 years old - 5ml;

From 12 and adults - 15-20.
PhytoeliksisFor a day, children are 2-5 years old - 5ml;
5-8 years - 10; 8-12 - 10-15 ml;
From 12 and adults - 15-20.
The specified amount is divided into 3 reception
NeoSyrup3-6 years - 5 ml * 3 times / day.
6-12 years old - 10 ml * 3 times / day.
For children from 12 years old and adults - 15 ml * 4 times / day.
Pills1 every 8-12 hours
DropsKids 2-12 months. - 10kap. * 4 times / day;
1-3 years - 15kap. * 4 times / day;
Older - 25kap. * 4 times / day.
BronchoElixir2-6 years - 2.5 ml * 3 times / day.
6-12 years old - 5 ml * 3 times / day.
For children from 12 years old and adults - 10 ml * 4 times / day.
Pills1 * 3 times / day.
In the absence of effect, within 3-6 days, it is necessary to stop treating this to the means.

Possible side effects

Despite the fact that the drug is safe, its use can cause negative reactions of the body.

Table 6. Probable side effects Codelat

Probability of overdose

Excessive consumption of the drug negatively affects the body.

Table 7. Overdose of the Codela and its consequences

Review reviews

There are many opinions about the codec. Reviews are described by both the pros and cons of money.

Table 8. Review of opinions on drugs

CodeneFast action, long effect, convenient reception schemeIt is impossible to purchase Codelak - the recipe is required. The composition contains a derivative of opium, may cause side phenomena And has contraindications. He is a narcotic agency
NeoDosage forms, accessibility in pharmacies, high efficiency, long effectLess effective than Codene. An uncomfortable measuring spoon in a syrup, an unpleasant aftertaste, is not always effective, causes allergies
BronchoQuickly facilitates cough, has a pleasant taste, accessible in pharmaciesAddictive
It is not necessary when choosing a means to rely on feedback. Codela for children and adults is effective only if the type of cough is properly determined.


Analogues call drugs having identical active substance As part and rendered effect.

Table 9. Analogs of a codelk of various types

Replays cheaper

Perhaps without spending unnecessary money to the Codela. Analogs are cheaper widely represented in pharmacies.

Table 10. How to replace the drug

To choose the tool should learn the composition on latin. Codela and the substitute must have the same active substances. However, you can purchase a drug-synonym.

What is better - Codelk or Synecode?

Synecode - analogue of only one of the listed means. It can only be compared with Neo-drug. In other cases, to say that it is better - a code model or a sysecode, it is impossible. Synecode can be used for therapy when wet coughBut only when agreeing with the doctor.

Useful video

Useful information about the treatment of bronchitis can be found from this video:


  1. High efficiency of the drug allows you to recommend it for both adults and children.
  2. Codelak, the instructions for use of which is contained in each package, is used for dry and wet cough therapy.
  3. The key point in treatment is the assignment of the means in accordance with the testimony.

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