Oco driving. Eye Mountain - "Occupy Oco" in modern life

In the old days, when people believed in the existence of gods and actions explained from a mythological point of view, in order to not know the wrath of their patron, they wore amulets, talismans with his image, made a tattoo. It was a symbol of what the chosen God of man protects from evil and unclean power. In order to decide on the choice of the Divine, people paid attention to his actions, actions, strength.

Eye Mountain - Talisman and Shore for Egyptians

With respect and faith, the mountain belonged to God, as he was an unusual deity, but had healing eyes. In many Scriptures of the Egypt, various legends associated with the mountain are described, its feats and the value of the Oka are described. Eye Mountain became a talisman and shore for many Egyptians. They not only wore amulets, but also made a tattoo with the image of an eye.

Legend of Oka Mount

The ancient Scriptures glorify the Egyptian god of the mountain, which was the son of Osiris. Legends are pushing that the mountains had unusual eyes. The left eye meant the moon, and the right eye is the sun. For people's eyes, Mountain had a special meaning, as it gave them to the faith in the fact that the mountains protect them and day and night.

There are several legends, as to how Egyptian God lost his left eye. One hypothesis claims that the eye was crushed with a finger, and made it set. The second legend says that the set has come to the eye and squeezed it. In some scriptures there is an opinion that Seth swallowed the eye.

There are a couple of versions regarding the restoration of an eye. According to one of the versions, the Egyptian God healed the Egyptian God, the second version interprets that Hathor healed the eye, she drove him with milk gazelles. It later appeared an additional hypothesis, respectively, which, the Egyptian God, Anubis, made a rite of burial, and grapes grew up in that place, the eye gave fruit in the form of a vine.

Healing OK

The people of Egypt, they knew about the exploits and actions of the mountain, but the amuleu of the eye Mountain, they did not wear right away. After the battle with the set, the mountains healed by the Okom of his father, his body, which was already decomposed, was collected in one whole. After that, the Eye Sign Mountain began to apply on mummies, precisely in the place where they did a hole for the liberation of the body from organs, internally.

People believed that the amulet was able to protect them

When the eye of God the mountain gained popularity, the Egyptians began to wear amulets with an image of an eye, to make a tattoo. People believed that the amulet was able to protect them at any time of the day, able to heal, give courage and courage, he had for them great importance. The left eye associated with the lunar cycle. For his recovery, the inhabitants of Egypt once a month were collected in the temple and conducted a special rite.

The amulet with the image of the symbol defended people from the evil eye, tattoo did on the body of the body to be healing. Talisman and tattoo could save from any trouble, and people believe in it.

Amulet value today

Belief in the magical and protective impact of the amulet, exists today. People use the eye of the Mountain not only to protect themselves from the impact of unclean power, negative energy or improve health, but also to attract good luck. Today, the Mountain's eye is the talisman attentiveness, the sharpness of thought, mind and look. Eye Mountain will protect you from the negative impact of people who offer:

  • Take part in the project in which you need to invest money.
  • Take part in financial scams and operations.
  • Conduct a deal that may seem beneficial only at first glance.

The mascot will help you see everything that happens not only by eyes, but also to feel, see everything from the inside, and will save from manipulations. It will help protect the house, family, business, and finance. During important negotiations, keep the amulet with you. You can make a tattoo, it also has protective properties. The value of the overag for each person is yours, you can protect health with it, you can increase wealth.

Talisman will save hostile manipulations

Egypt is famous for ships, on the nose of which the sign is shown - the Mountain eye. Holding an amulet in his hands, you can give yourself orders that everything will succeed, everything will be fine, and you can achieve what you want, and the talisman will contribute to this. The talisman will help you see what you can not see with your own eyes. The charm and tattoo have the appearance of the eye under which the spiral is. A tear is displayed in the oce. Passing through this spiral, through obstacles, you can achieve perfection and know the secrets of the universe.

Egyptian amulets, among which the most popular is the most popular OKO, always caused a living interest in humans. Their unusual images, an extraordinary meaning of symbols and, most importantly, the effectiveness due to the veneration of the deities is the subject of a detailed study of not one dozen years. So, for example, a talisman with a symbol of the all-leading eye and its varieties refer to the signs of favorable exposure. His protective and attractive properties will become excellent human satellites in the modern world.

The amulet depicting an all-seeing Oka among many other magical objects is distinguished its power and the force of impact. Therefore, such a talisman is trying to acquire or give an indifferent person for themselves.

The first mentions of the eye of the eye Mountain as a magic symbol appeared from the moment of the excavation on the Egyptian lands. This sign, referred to as the all-seeing approach, is handed over to the OK, was applied on the walls of one tomb. It, as a rule, was present on the tombstones. It was done with the goal to leave a little light to the deceased soul, and she did not get lost in the darkness of the afterlife. Sometimes an amulet depicting the healed eye Mountain was inserted inside the mummies. According to the convictions of the Egyptians, it was he who became a guide into the world of another, resurrected in the eternity of man.

According to the Legends of the Egyptians, this image symbolized the left eye of the Divine, knocked out during the slaughter. If you go into details, it is necessary to indicate that this "falcon" eye Mountain, whose father was Osiris himself, was subsequently healed by Tote (or Isida - various names are indicated in different sources). Probably why the amulet is attributed magic property And the ability to resurrect the dead.

Mountains in Egyptian scripters and drawings were depicted in the form of a receipt - with a body of a person and a head of falcon.

At the same time, the amulet is handed (all-seeing an eye) looks like a primitive pattern of a human eye, but a more elongated form. Complete the curved eyebrow symbol and decoration in the form of falling tears.

It could create, applying any blowing materials. Amulets made from natural materials in the form of a mystical eye were most effective. This can include talismans from:

  • clay;
  • tree;
  • wax, etc.

What can the faithful to give a modern person?

The Egyptians believed that the mystical amulet, which was depicted by the eye of Mountain, could withstand various misfortunes, wishes of ill-wishers and other external influences. At the same time, it has protective properties. All these features amulet did not lose, despite the fact that the time of reverending the deities has long passed.

Currently, charm with all-seeing eye can radically correct the life and fate of man. In particular, for its owner, it can be useful because:

  • it will heal and take illness;
  • will attract good luck;
  • will help develop internal sensations (intuition, clairvoyance);
  • will make more insightful;
  • will strengthen the power of the will;
  • strengthen the spiritual potential.

In what situations the talisman will be relevant?

With constant contact with the owner, symbolizing the Egyptian deity mountain Amulet, will regularly make its own adjustments. First of all, against the background of a more developed intuition, a person will be able to perceive more the world. This will make it possible to make true solutions.

In addition, a person will push a person to choose the right life position. The right direction and developed spiritual potential will also play a considerable role. Feeling confidence, the owner of Amulta will be able to win the location of colleagues and leadership at work. In addition, he will be able to achieve a higher position in society.

Consequently, the object can apply an amulet if an unresolved situation has developed in his life or necessary:

  • carry out important negotiations;
  • conclude a meaningful financial transaction;
  • take a specific decision regarding long-term contracts;
  • sign important documents that can cause radical changes.

In general, in order to have a positive impact in each of the activities of Human activity, the mountain was able to have a positive effect, it must be periodically charged with its energy. Meditation sessions with amulet, as well as the correct handling of a mystical thing will be the guarantor of success and its effectiveness.

The meaning of the eye symbol (eye Mountain, Isis, RA, Ovsouding OKO)

It is believed that the image of the all-seeing eye (eye in a triangle) symbolizes God. But is it?

Eye (Great Eye) is one of the symbols that is found almost at the very beginning of the oldest of the connected texts that have reached us (the texts of the Pharaoh Unice Pyramid in the middle of the Third Millennium BC).

Fields located in Ahet [Great Flood - Nile Rolls] landscaped. Unice garden grass on both shores Ahet so that he can bring [apparently as a victim] Faience for great Eyeslocated on the field. (Entrance to the front room of the pyramid of unise ยง507a-510d)

Element of water - the overall ancient attribute of female originated. With the rate of flooding Nile (Ahet), the goddess of the creation of peace and fertility is associated, which in the sky is represented by Sirius star and could have identified with Isimiris - sister and his wife Osiris, Mother Mountain. Under the faience, it may be referred to in mind the bowls, jugs, mortar and other round dishes, which in antiquity often served as the attribute of female deities. Egyptian goddesses with jugs and bowls were not depicted, as in Ancient Egypt used as women's symbols anch, snakes, etc. But historically and geographically close antique goddess symbolism of round dishes were used widely.

One of the most famous ancient symbols of the eye is Egyptian handy, left The eye of God is a mountain. This God, by the way, is also one of the main " acting persons"Texts of the pyramid of unise. Right Eye Mountain in Egyptian mythology symbolized the sun, the left - the moon, which in turn was one of the important attributes of Isis.

Thus, comparing the water element, the rite of fertility on the fields, the moon (the symbol of the night and female start) and isoot, we can assume that the eye as an ancient religious symbol can be a symbol of female initial a great mother.

It is interesting that the image of the hieroglyph of the eye, if it is deployed 90 degrees, will turn out to be a clear volvair female symbol, which is similar to vulvar forms of Paleolithic sanctios, the aishesis of sanctuary, ballasts (pair phallic mengiros and cromleham), Yoni and other ancient religious objects of worship of the Great Mother (feminine origin).

Fallic and vulvar ancient artifacts Vulviving and phallic ancient artifacts

The logic of this assumption confirms the symbolism of another important ancient Egyptian deity - God of RA (God of the Sun). The female hat was the goddess that could take the appearance of other female Egyptian goddesses, appearing as a mother, sister, spouse or daughter Ra. The goddess of the OCU is as follows:

The circle is wrapped in snakes with Anchi. This image stores a triple female symbolism:

  1. Circle - Loss and Universal Female Symbol
  2. Snake, Dragon, Reptile - Female attribute in ancient religions
  3. Anh - an ancient symbol of female initial (womb, uterus), pair foolic jad

Whose of the all-seeing eye looks at us?

Now back to the historically closer sign of all-seeing eye (eye in a triangle). In most of the pictures of this symbol, the left eye (moon, night, feminine start) appears, or the symmetric stylization of the eye, where it is not clear, the left is the eye or right. On the dollar, for example, the left eye of female initially, it can be seen on strokes that denote the direction of eyebrows:

The triangle is also an ancient female symbol. The triangle may be a male sign, if there is a triangle with a vertex, which is directed down. In this case, the triangle with the vertex is interpreted as a female, and the triangle with the top is the men's.

The same triangle itself as a symbol in a pure original form is identical to the pyramid, temple, sanctuary, dolmen, cave, who themselves had an obvious female symbolism.

And if we recall that the all-seeing eye is one of the favorite symbols of Masons, which give the part of the female initial and Egyptian ancient religious symbolism, and also lead an uncompromising struggle with the "male" monotheism, then it will become clear to us that the image of all-seeing eye (eyes in The triangle) may well be interpreted as a "modern" symbol of the Great Mother with all the consequences of this:

  • Fighting monotheism (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)
  • Fighting traditional patriarchal family
  • Promotion of feminism and LGBTQ
  • Sexualization of culture (orgiastic culture of fertility)
  • Ecologism (cleansing and liberation of mother earth from worries)
  • Atheistic Motheralism (landiness) against religions (etymologically recovery of lost connection with God)
  • Primat. motheraluminous (maternal, female) over spiritual (male). The cult of money, success and pleasure by any means - oblivion of morality and morality
  • Other "Pleasant" phenomena
Rick Jacobi is a modern artist. Women's symbols (owl, snakes, water, etc.) are encrypted.

"Now intensive study of the epiphyse is already being conducted, although only at the stage of chemicals ...

Everything studied today is just a sarill on the surface of the water ...

People do not even know that this water is the ocean, not to mention the absence of information about the properties of the ocean itself. Although the medicine of the future, if, of course, this future will come, will reveal the secret of epiphyse ... It is enough to learn how to read the information from his holograms. But if human science will have time to get to this, then the world will turn over. "

Epiphiz (Pineal / Pin Iron or "Third Eye") is one of the most mysterious parts. human brain. ABOUT blue-eyed hardware And its meaningful role in the process of human spiritual development, people knew ancient times, as evidenced by numerous archaeological monuments of art and architecture, the work of the ancient philosophers. For example, two thousand years before our era in ancient India There was a flourishing of exercise about epiphysis. In ancient China and Tibet after the ritual of the burning of deceased spiritual persons, the disciples were found for amber pebbles - ringsE. (sand epiphyse, which still remains a mystery for modern scientists). In size, Pebble was judged by the degree of spirituality of the teacher. Also, due to the external similarity, the epiphysis was symbolically depicted as a pine cone. Her image and shape in abundance occurs among the ancient and modern monuments of art.

Knowledge of the epiphyshes and other ancient structures of the brain were also in ancient Egypt. Moreover, the artifacts of the ancient Egypt do not cease to affect their informativeness in the transfer of spiritual knowledge about the person and about the world. Visual example It is the most common image of the "Mountain's Eyes" or "Oda". The question arises, what knowledge tried to give the ancient Egyptians to future generations?

The eye of the mountain consists of six components, which corresponds to six human senses organs entering signals from which decrypts talamus (from the Greek "Thalamos" - "Witty of, Room") - pupil eye. In Talamus there is a conversion of thin energies to more rude. On the other hand, based on the available knowledge base of the pineal gland, at night (from 24.00 to 3.30), the most intensive production of hormone melatonin, participating in the restoration of the body's life forces, occurs. It is in this watch that various church services are traditionally carried out and meditations are performed.

As you know, the ancient Egyptian god of RA was portrayed as sun discwhich is an associative soul symbol. This suggests that the stimulation of epiphyse occurs due to manifestation "Soul Lights". Other ancient peoples knew about the activation of the sishkovoid gland with the help of inner light, as evidenced by numerous artifacts, as well as the ancient works of art and literature (read more in the book "Allara"). Initially, such practices were carried out for the purpose of spiritual self-improvement, the knowledge of their soul, the disclosure of the inner spiritual potential of a person. In the course of work on itself, a person could reveal the so-called superposses. However, this is not the main goal of a person, because superconduct - this is just one of the possible stages of personality development in a limited three-dimensional world. Only due to the change in the internal frequency of the person towards the creation and good, that is, its internal transformation, the true activation of the epiphyse and the manifestation of its functions occurs.

One of the parts of the engine corresponds to the location oblong brainin which the center is wandering nerve (nervus Vagus.) - Main nerve parasympathetic system, whose branches are involved in the formation of solar plexus (where the human soul is located for the legend).

Ancient way of working with epiphysis

It is worth noting that after all the time immemorial effective ways Stimulation and work with epiphysis was spiritual practices and meditation. For example, the initial spiritual practice of the "lotus flower", which was also known in the ancient Egypt. The work scheme of this practice is the result of any spiritual path(Details about the process of circulating internal energies, figuratively projected into human physiology, read in the book of A. New "Birds and Stone"). IN hypotalamus There are two ancient center - agatem. aboutn. and like aboutn.which together with epiphyse form a triangle. In the process of working out the practice of "lotus flower" occurs active stimulation of the center of positive thoughtswho in the Greek-Egyptian tradition is called Agate Demon (translated from Greek agato - "Good," demon - "Spirit", "Deity").

Permanent stimulation of this center drowshes the work of the center of negative thoughts - like a variable, i.e., a change in the frequency of human perception, internal positive changes occurs. This contributes to the awakening of certain internal energies that actively stimulate the work of the epiphyse. Thus, the person naturally opens the spiritual vision or the "third eye", the colossal forces of the soul are beginning to awaken. In ancient Egypt, a complete or partial braking of negative thoughts (center of Kakodemon) was compared with the passage of the first guard (gates, snake, in other words - hypothalamus) on the spiritual path of the person and further development It was carried out exclusively under observation. IN Ancient Egypt sign associated with the subsequent stage of epiphyse disclosure, called Eye of God Mountain (In the East, the East Oast East, and its ancient name of the Eye of the Goddess Faeton). And looking at the image of the fragment of the pendant of the chestroom decoration, it becomes clear why for the further choice of man was intended. After all, the mountain is located above the eye Allatra! This suggests the quality of the force that the person reveals (in more detail you can find in the book. "Allara").

Walked and Love - Natural Epiphyse Activators

Epiphiz is a kind of control body, the host of the body, which manifests its real opportunities When dominating exclusively positive thoughts and feelings generated by the power of love. Thus, the epiphiz is a kind of guard that records a monthly choice of personality, stores these data in the so-called holograms (including previous reincarnations) and enhances what dominates in man. At the same time, negative emotions and doubts block the work of the epiphyse.

Nowadays, many doctors and neurophysiolers (for example, N.P. Bekhtereva, N.I. Kobzeva, I.M. Sechenova, E. Gelgorn, J. Lufborro, etc.) confirm that with the domination of negative emotions, the person is activated by the work of the so-called center of Organizations (of the same as COTOMON), located in the hypothalamus. With long-term stimulation of this center, a variety of devastating consequences and malfunctions in the work of the body occur. When a person forms a habit of positive thinking, then the work stimulation occurs accordingly center for self-storage (Agateodmone), also located in the hypothalamus, which later positively affects the work of the body.

Famous Russian doctor V.V. Karavaev suggested that the data centers of the hypothalamus "are included" to work on the epiphyse team. Karavaev argued that the evolution of a person was enclosed in its moral cleansing, goodwill, love, implementation of high principles collectivism. All this, in his opinion, also mobilizes the protective forces of the body. And years, the assumption of the scientist begins to be confirmed. Now scientists already know that the vital activity of the sishkovoid gland directly depends on the quality of human thoughts. Many successfully apply these knowledge in practice to help patients, thereby confirming that the external is reflected internal. For example, a very effective method of working with patients and independent work of each person, which is the activation of the Agate -Odmemon Center, in other words, in the skill to think positively, control their thoughts. In practice, it is proved that this stage is very important for each person, especially if the individual is committed to spiritual perfection. As one of the examples of switching attention from activation of the catalog of Agate -Odmemon, you can bring a way that offers your patients Dr. Ranji Singh. It uses the method of activating the epiphyse due to the intonation of religious mantras. Thus, there is an ordinary switching of human attention, as when working with spiritual practices, meditations, prayers.

In ancient Egypt, during the times of the famous architectural imhat, there was a flourishing of universal values \u200b\u200bamong the population thanks the fact that special attention was paid moral education of young generations. From early childhood, the ancient Egyptians received knowledge about the multifaceted nature of man, about the meaning of life, about the instruments of the disclosure of their spiritual potential, and most importantly acquired the experience of their practical application. This allowed to consciously make a choice toward creative development. This is evidenced by Egyptian "Confession of denial", consisting of forty-two provisions covering all human life spheres. At the same time, the laying of spiritual and moral landmarks was of paramount importance. Thus, a person since childhood learned to live, guided by the laws of conscience and good, learned to keep under the control of desire, concentrate his attention in the creative vector of development. All this contributed to the rapid development of the personality, the disclosure of the soul forces! And as a result of such a positive aspiration of most people - the cultural revival and prosperity of society.

Thus, the result of the development of society depends on the daily dominant selection of each person, from the internal work on itself. The greater the world there are people who cultivate positive thoughts and feelings, examples of a real man, the more these changes will be projected onto the world. The uniqueness of each person is the right of its choice, which does not depend on external conditions and circumstances. When a person chooses good, he finds reconciliation with the surrounding people, because he looks at the world from the position of love. It was then that in him and wakes up the real wisdom of life, the soul wakes up.

Arina Kalinina

We also offer to see the informative video about the epiphysis

Ancient Egyptian symbol is also called "Eye Mountain" and "Oko Ra", all this is synonymous, each of which, nevertheless, has its own semantic nearby. But you need to immediately say that the name "Occuping Oco" is in the root of incorrect, since the "all-seeing eye" is a fundamental other, although a similar symbol.

At the same time, the eye of God Mountain is actually one of the most vivid esoteric signs of an ancient Egyptian culture. The eye symbol of the mountain is no less popular than, say, Ankh or Woods. Nevertheless, the Egyptian eye is planted by a multitude of secrets and most modern interpretations of his symbolism (as well as interpretations of the original legend) have nothing to do with the real position of things. So what does the eye do you really? Well, let's start with mythological base.

It is curious that the epic of ancient Egypt retained a lot of texts to this day, in which the symbol of the eye of the Mountain is mentioned. Actually, at the moment there are three archaeological artifact-primary source, of which we can find out what is handy. All three texts say that the eye Mountain is ... really Eye Mountain (!), Which Solar God (Son Ra) lost in a fight with a set. Seth By the time of these legends (no earlier than the XIX dynasty), the mountain antagonist was already demonized and represented. Regarding the fact of losing the mountain of his eye, the search texts differ: one text claims that the eye will handle it is escaped and swallowed by a network in battle. The second text says that the set pulled out the eye of God the mountain and trampled it. Through the third version of Seth, it was simply pushed by a pulling finger. One way or another, but the Egyptian eye of the Mountain in a symbolic plan indicates an element torn away from the Divine start, but still belonging to it. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that we are talking about a fight (and not about the voluntary sacrifice, such as, for example, in the case of the Eye of Odin and Mimir).

Next, in one of the texts, it is said that Hathor (the goddess of the sky and the spouse of the mountain), or (according to another version), the God of wisdom has managed to restore the "all-seeing" OKO with the help of Milk Gazelle. But there is another text, it says that he will handle (the significance of which is not considered here from the point of view of symbolism) was buried by Anubis (then he was still, and not Osiris was the domain of duata). According to this legend, the eye of the mountain (photo, images of the symbol are presented below) gave shoots from which the grape vine appeared. In the future, none of the legends contradict the other, "Considering in the opinion" as to the fact that later the Mountain's eye (the importance of the image is here manifests itself clearly) was used by the falconian God (it was sometimes called the mountain) for the resurrection of their father, Osiris (yes, and Ra also accounted for Mount Pope, they are generally difficult for them). The mountains invested in the mouth of Osiris (previously dismembered by the network) and the body of the god of the illuminated world of the VMIG hit, just as previously happened to the eye itself. It is likely that one very important element of the funeral ritual is associated with this legend: the symbol is handy (the value of which for the tradition of ancient Egypt is difficult to overestimate) was applied to the body of the deceased near the opening through which the insides during the mummification was taken. The priests believed that this would contribute to the subsequent resurrection. Moreover, each month a special rite was held, in the process of which the ritual eye Mountain "was restored". Astrologically, the rite was based on the lunar cycles.

So what does the eye of the mountain mean, does this symbol have a specific semantic reservoir? Here you need to take into account that the set in the fight pulled out the left eye of the mountain, which was associated with the moon (at the same time right - with the Sun). Actually, the lunar phases of the ancient Egyptian astronomers explained the damage to Oadzha. Subsequently, he stepped to fully amulet, that is, a sacred object with a completely defined set of unique properties. Amulet Eye Mountain embodied in himself wide spectrum "Divine" principles, in particular, he was a symbol of fertility, heyday, durability, unity, family and power. That is why the emule of the eye Mountain was worn without exception, and pharaohs, and warriors, and simple people. In fact, the eye Mountain (the photo of the modern reconstruction of the amulet is presented below) is the most versatile (unlike the same Anchkha) a sacred sign that wearing concretely coated functions. He hand out of luck in affairs and the blessing of the mountain to everyone who wore it.

Graphically eye Mountain looks like a "mixture" of human eye and falcon. The corresponding hieroglyph has two values \u200b\u200b- "Eye" and "Protect". That is, we again return to the wubble function, which is hidden even in the design of the hieroglyph denoting the desired symbol. Today to buy eye Mountain is not a lot of work. This symbol is used to decorate suspensions, necklaces, rings and many other accessories. But to buy the eye Mountain - does not mean really touching an ancient knowledge. The symbol can really be bought, but for any money it is impossible to purchase its strength, which is based on a greater extent not to the faith of a person, but on the understanding of the sacred processes associated with this symbol hidden in it. That is why if you decide to buy the eye of the mountain and make an amulet from this purchase, do not rush. Read the appropriate literature (desirable - original sources), because by the ancient Egyptian canon, the use of a symbol without taking into account his understanding and awareness entailed anger of Maat (Goddess of Truth).

As for the Tattoo Eye Mountain, here you can say exactly here - there are no historical evidence that the ancient Egyptians did similar tattoos. It was described above that such characters were applied to the bodies of the dead, but, first, paint (that is, it is not at all tattoo). Eye Mountain, the value of which seems to be obvious, painted only on the mustache, and it also needs to be taken into account if we are talking about a tattoo. In other words, the eye is a tattoo, the value of which can have a whole reservoir of specific values. It can be assumed that if there is a man on the body - it means that he is dead. In the end, it was not for nothing that the symbol of the eye of the Mountain was used only as a "real" amulet, and not "stuck" to himself (although in ancient Egypt about tattoos knew and their widespread). In general, making a similar tattoo, you need to clearly realize that it is likely that it can be risky.

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