Pulboid iron third eye. Epiffis or Third Eye

Perhaps no iron internal secretion I did not undergo in the study of so many takeoffs and falls, starting from the complete denial of the endocrine function before recognizing almost the main thing among myself, as it was in the study of the epiphyse for many centuries.

For many years, the epiphysis of the "third eye" of man and other mammals was considered functionally useless phylogenetic remnant. Pineal gland was attributed to a rudimentary complex that does not represent live scientific interest, but recently its multifunctionality has been demonstrated in humans and other mammals.

Epiphiz proved that it is an iron, synchronizing the function of the body with external conditions and therefore was called the "regulator regulator". A new role reminded about the forgotten was "soul place." Meanwhile, the popularity of the epiphysea to this day is so great that his name took one of the Western music groups - "Pineal Gland", along with other creative song samples, there are both songs like "Pineal Gland 1" and "Pineal Gland 2 ", the other group" Fila Brazilla "wrote the song" Extrakt of Pineal Gland "Album" Main That Tune ".

The history of the development of ideas about the meaning and functions of the epiphyse is one of the bright examples of attacks and falls on a difficult path of knowledge. In ancient times, over 2000 BC, there was a flourishing of exercise about the epiphysis. He was given the role of the "Center of the Soul". The Ancient Indian philosophers considered it a clairvoyance authority and the reflection body about the reincarnations of the soul. Ancient Greek natural philosophers assumed that the epiphiz is a valve that regulates the amount of the soul required to establish a mental equilibrium.

The first description of the anatomy of epiphyse was done by Galen. Based on the observation that the epiphysis is located near the big intracerebny vein, Galen suggested that it is a regulator lymphatic glands. The Indian yoga believed that this tiny body was nothing but a clairvoyance body designed to think about the former incarnations of the soul. Interest in this body showed more scientists Ancient GreeceIndia. It was believed that this is a clairvoyance body, a physical equilibrium body, the center of the human soul. He did not bypass the epiphysis and Descartes, which believed that this body distributes the animals of perfume between various body bodies. They were also given attempts to explain the mental pain in connection with the violation of the building of the epiphyse.

In the 17th century, the French scientist Descartes believed that the epiphysis was a body by which in man interacts material with ideal. Knowing that the majority of the brain structures are paired, that is, they are symmetrically located in the right and left hemispheres, he suggested that it was in this authority that a man's soul is. After all, this body is epiphysis - placed in the center of the cranial box. He wrote: "The soul has its own location in a small gland located in the center of the brain." Meanwhile, no many organs were awarded the attention of philosophers.

The interest in the epiphysis also showed the great anatom of the Renaissance of Nezaliy. He gave the first images of this organ, which compared with a pine shaskha; Its comparison in the future was fixed in the name of the epiphyse "Pineal Iron". Regarding the physiological significance of the epiphyse, Kezaly supported Galen. OP based on the data on the peculiar topographic location of the "brain gland" attributed to it the role of the valve regulating the distribution of the liquor in the ventricular system.

Leonardo da Vinci argued that there are special spherical zones in a man's head. He portrayed them on an anatomical outline. According to the scientist, one of the spheres ("Camera common sense") Is the habitat of the soul. Later it was suggested that this is a kind of valve between the ventricle and a silviev brain water supply.

Then, in continuation of many decades, interest in epiphysis UGAS, only individual works on embryology and comparative anatomy of gland appeared. But in detailed and versatile data on the structure of the pineal gland did not comply with the lack of information about its function.

A new wave of recognition of cishekoid iron is undergoing from the end of the 50s of our century, when in 1959, Lerner with employees identified a factor that enlightened pigmental cells of tadpoles, from the extracts of the pineal bull gland, named by melatonin. In these, the same years, another researcher - Farrell proved that the epiphiz distinguishes the factor that stimulates the production of aldosterone in the adrenal glands and, thus affecting the water-salt exchange. Subsequently, this factor was named adrenoglomerulotropin.

Since then, hundreds of scientific works have been emerging on the study of the most diverse aspects of the effect of epiphyse in the body. The 1970s returned interest in the epiphysis, its morphology and functions. Dozens of laboratories in the USA, France, Romania, Yugoslavia. England and other countries included in a peculiar - competition for studying it. Dozens of work, messages, are collected by symposia and conferences, on which attempts are being made to summarize the materials obtained, give at least an exemplary scheme of epiphyse in the body. There is a peculiar race for new active substances from the epiphyse. It becomes clear that the epiphysis is an active neuroendocrine organ with its peculiarities of morphology and functions. Moreover, biologically active substances involved in the regulation of other endocrine organs began to be separated from epiphyse. Its influence on the function of the pituitary gland and germ, the state of homeostasis is studied.

At the same time, the fact that the epiphysis remains the least studied endocrine body remains. Modern stage In the study of the epiphyse, with a complete base, it is possible to name the stage of the first finds, the definition of phenomena and the construction of source concepts. Exact experimental analysis endocrine functions Epiphyse is only at the beginning of its path. In our country, the most intensively issues of study functional value Epiphyse in the body are developing prof. A. M. Helimsky, a group of researchers under the leadership of Academician Academy of Sciences of the USSR E. I. Chazov.


The shape of a pine cone is rarely epiphy. Greek, Epiphysis - Cryer, Narost,. It is more often a rounded (oval) or polygonal, spherical. There are also directions also on the cone-shaped form of this relatively smooth appendage of the brain. In an adult, a mass body is 100-180 mg. (about 0.2g.). However, due to the fact that in different periods mature age And especially in the elderly, cysts and brain sand sediments can appear in the sidberide body, its size and mass can be significantly larger than the specified average digits.

The sizes of the gland also vary greatly: newborns: 2.6 * 2.3 * 1.7, aged 10 years 6.6 * 3.3 * 4. After 20 years, the size reaches 7.3 * 5.8 * 4.4 mm and stabilize. Relative sizes and mass epiphyse in children are more than adults. In adults: length 8-15mm, width 6-10mm, thickness 4-6mm. There are such "relative" indications of the size of both - "size with rice grain", "with a pea". According to the color of iron, usually darker of neighboring brain departments, reddish-grayish color. This "physical center of the brain" refers to the epithalama of the intermediate brain - the protrusion on the rosy dorsal surface, connected by the leg with the rear wall of the third ventricle. Located in a shallow furrow, separating from each other, the upper hills of the roof of the middle brain between the upper hills of the Quarter plate (above the third brain ventricle) and attached to both visual shoots (between the Front Pair of Quadrahmia). From the front end of the sishkovoid body to medial Surface Right and left thalamusov (visual bugs) tensioned leashes. It is also called the "surrounding body", which is included in CVO (Circumventricular) system, which includes: epiphysis, medial elevation, sub-functional organ, subcommissional organ, terminal plate, neural part of the pituitary gland.

The highest dawn epiphis takes place in 5-6 years (according to some data, the involution of the epiphyse begins with the 4 - 5 years of age; 7 years), then it is involved at the same time there is some reduction in the number of pinealocytes that are atrophy, and instead they are formed by connecting tissue. After 8 years of age, sections of the integrated stroma ("brain sand") are found in epiphyshes, but the function of the gland does not stop. With age in a sidhekovoid body, observed concrections accumulate, and a characteristic shadow appears on the radiograph of the skull in this place. A certain amount of pinealocytes undergoes atrophy, and the stroma creates and the deposition of phosphate and carbonate salts increases in the form of layered balls, called brain sand.


Histologically distinguished by parenchyma and connective tissue strom. Histological structure Epiphyse newborns differs from its structure in an adult. Cells of cells are commonly oval, sharply contiguous. Chromatin grains are located mainly along the periphery of the kernel. Stroma consists of colleague, elastic and argirophilic fibers and cellular elements.

Epiphiz is surrounded by a soft cerebral shell, which goes directly. Soft brain shell Forms a capsule. Capsule and traccular derived from her contain trabecular vessels and postganglyonic synaptic fibers. The capsule and layers of the connective tissue are constructed from loose fibrous connective tissue forming stroma gland and divide it to a parenchyma for slices. Researchers indicate several types of stroma structure; Cellular, reticulinary, alveolar. The connecting tissue becomes more developed in senior ageForms a layer for which blood vessels branches.

Parenchima epiphyse is whether it is tightly adjacent one to the other cells. Parenchima epiphyse looks rather homogenized with a small magnification. A small amount of vessels permeate the gland. Histologically parenchyma of the cishekovoid gland has a sanitary structure and consists of pineal and glial cells. In addition, there are prevasional phagocytes.

Two types of cells are found in epiphyshes: pinealocytes (about 95% of cells, large, light cells) and astrocytes (glial cells, dark, oval kernels). There are three types of cores on a large magnification. Little dark kernels belong to astrocytes. Pinealocytes are large, light kernels surrounded by a small amount of light cytoplasm. Most nuclei are the pinealocyte kernels. Endothelial cells are associated with vessels. Pinealocytes and astrocytes have long processes.

Epiphyse cells - Pinealocytes are detected in all slices, are located mainly in the center, these are secreting cells. They have a large oval bubbleness with large nucleus core. Long processes are departed from the body of the pinealocyte, which are intertwined with the process of glial cells. The processes, concatenly expanding, are sent to the capillars and contact them. Numerous long pinealocyte processes end with the expansions on the capillaries and among the ependim cells. In the end departments of the processes, there are incomprehensible design of the structure - dense tubular elements surrounded by ie. synoptic spheroids. In the cytoplasm of these mawed extensions containing osmophilic granules, vacuoles and mitochondria. They contain large vesicles, pricked cores with fusion of cytoplasm. Pinealocytes are best demonstrated when silver impregnation. Among the pinealocytes, light pinealocytes are distinguished (Endochrinocytis Lucidus), characterized by light homogeneous cytoplasm and dark pinealocytes of smaller size with acidophilic (and sometimes basophilic) inclusions in the cytoplasm. Apparently, both named forms are not independent varieties, but are cells that are in various functional states, or cells subjected to increased changes. Numerous mitochondria, well-developed set of golgi, lysosomes, bubbles of agranular endoplasmic steels, ribosomes and polisomas are found in the cytoplasm of pinealocytes. Pineal cells, large, bright with large nuclei, polygonal form. The present and shape of the pineal cells changes with age and partly associated with the floor. By 10-15 years later, pigment appears in them (lipochrom).

- Pinealocytes are placed by groups; Lighten (less active) and dark (more active) pinealocytes. Light and dark pinealocytes seem to represent different functional states of the same cell.

- Pinealocytes form aczo-vasal synapses with vessels, so hormone-released hormone fall into the bloodstream

- Pinealocytes are synthelated serotonin and melatonin, possibly other protein hormones.

- Epiphiz is outside the hematoencephalic barrier, since pinealocyte direct communication with capillaries (ax and vasal synapses)

Morphological manifestations of secretion of the prycoid gland: nuclear pairs of pale-basophilic appeals inside the nuclei of penetal cells, the vacuolization of their cytoplasm, basophilic or oxyphibal drops of a collate in tissue colloid cells) and in TIA vessel vessels (intravascular colloid). Secretorial activity in epiphyshes is stimulated by light and darkness.

Glial cells are located between secretory cells and phenystrated capillaries. Glial cells prevail on periphery of polek. Their processes are heading for interdolt connective tissue partitions, forming a kind of edge kaima slices. Gali - small with compact cytoplasm, hyperchronous kernels, numerous glial cells are asthoglia. They are the interstitial cells - resemble astrocytes (they do not differ from the astrocytes of the nervous tissue, contain the accumulations of glial filaments, are located perivascularly), have numerous branching processes, rounded dense kernel, elements of the granular endoplasmic network and the structure of the cytoskeleton: microtubule, intermediate philamens and multiple microfilament .

Cerebral sand

"... During the search for the biochemical foundation of mental energy crystals, the maintenance of the cisheloid brainstorm. In our opinion, the mineralization of the epiphyse can play big role In the regulation of biological rhythms, in the implementation of the magnetic genetics function and control over the aging of the body. Also, in our opinion, cerebral crystals can be responsible for transformation of the cosmic energies of higher frequencies into lower, which can be perceived by the organism without harm to the latter. "

In a cishekovoid body in adults and especially in older age, often encountered a bizarre form of deposits - sandbody brain sand. Synonyms: Brain Granules, Brain Sand, Sand Taurus, Calcified Granules, Acervuli Cerebri. These sediments often give the sishkovoid body a certain similarity with a taut berry or fir-blindly, which explains the name. These layered can be represented by phosphates or calcium carbonates, magnesium phosphates or ammonium. Calcificents have X-ray content, basophilic and can serve as histological characteristics of epiphyse.


Significant morphological features indicating a secretory function, no. However, the lucidity and close contacts of parenchymal cells with connective tissue and neuroglial elements make it possible to judge the iron structure of the epiphyse. The study of cell ultrastructure also shows the ability of pinealocytes to the secretion of a secretory product. In addition, dense bubbles (DENS CORE VESICLES) were detected in the cytoplasm of pinealocytes with a diameter of 30-50nm, indicating the secretory process. In the endothelium capillaries of the epiphyse found holes with a diameter of 25 - 4NM. Capillaries with such ultrastructure were found in the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, parachitoid and pancreas, that is, in typical internal secretion bodies. According to Wolfe and A. M. Helimsky, the pores in the endothelium of capillaries are another feature pointing to its secretory function. Research recent years It was established that the epiphysis is a metabolically active organ. In its fabrics, biogenic amines and enzymes, catalyzing synthesis and inactivation processes of these compound are found. It has been established that in the epiphysis there is an intensive exchange of lipids, proteins, phosphorus and nucleic acids. Three physiologically active substances found in epiphysis are studied: serotonin, melatonin, norepinens. There are a lot of data and about the apticspotalamic factor that connects the epithamo-epiphyseal complex with the hypothalamic - pituitary system. For example, arginine-vasotocin is produced in it (stimulates the secretion of prolactin); Epiphiz hormone, or Factor "Milk"; The epithalamine -Summar peptide complex and others. Peptide hormones and biogenic amines were detected in epiphyshes, which makes it possible to attribute its cells (pinealocytes) to the cells of the apo-system. It is possible that other hormonal compounds can also be synthesized in epiphyshes. Epiphis is involved in the regulation of processes in the body cyclically (for example the ovarian menstrual cycle), the operation of the epiphyse is associated with the function of maintaining a biorhythm (sleep and wake-up change). Epiphiz - link realization of biological rhythms of rhythms, incl. Dantry. Rhythmic oscillations of other periodic functions, the intensity of which is naturally changing throughout the day are called circadians (from l a. Circa Diem - about a day). The circadian rhythms are clearly related to the change of day and night (light and dark periods) and their dependence on the epiphyse indicates that the recent hormone activity is determined by its ability to distinguish the change of light irritation obtained by the body. The study of rhythms is engaged in chronobiology - the science of changes in the body associated with the rhythms of nature, which, in ancient times, is growing rapidly today.

Pinealocytes produce melatonin, serotonin derivative, which suppresses gonadotropic secretion and prevents early gender maturation. The destruction of this gland, its underdevelopment or removal of epiphyse in infantile animals in the experiment, have a consequence of the offensive of premature puberty. The inhibitory effect of epiphyse on sexual functions is determined by several factors. First, the pinealocytes produce serotonin, which in them turns into melatonin. This neuroamine, apparently weakens or depresses the secretion of gonadoliberine by the hypothalamus and the gonadotropins of the front lobe of the pituitary gland. At the same time, the pinealocytes produce a number of protein hormones and in their number antigonadotropin, which is wearing the secretion of the lutrophone of the front lobe of the pituitary. Along with antigonadotropin, pinealocytes form another protein hormone, which increases the level of potassium in the blood, therefore, participating in the regulation of mineral exchange. The number of regulatory peeps. Pinealocytes produced by pinealocytes, approaching 40. Of these, arginine - vasotocin, thyrolyiberin, luliberin, and even thyrotropin are most important.

Epiffis simulates the activity of the pituitary, pancreatic islands, parachitoid glands, adrenal glands, gender glands and thyroid gland. The effect of epiphyse on the endocrine system is mainly inhibitory. It has been proven to the action of his hormones on the hypothalamus-pituitary system-gonad. Melatonin inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins both at the level of the secretion of the liberins of the hypothalamus and at the level of adenogipophyse. Melatonin determines the rhythm of gonadotropic effects, including the duration of the menstrual cycle in women.

The oscillations of the melatonin level affect the formation of a hypophysome of a number of hormones regulating sexual activity: a luteening hormone required for ovulation of estrogen secretion; Follicle-stimulating hormone, regulating the formation of sperm in men and the ripening of ovaries in women; Prolactin and oxytocin, stimulating milk formation and manifestation of maternal affection. A number of studies showed that the level of melatonin in women varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. For example, California researchers measured the night melatonin level at forty women for two menstrual cycles. All had a significant reduction in its concentration on the days corresponding to ovulation. And before the start of menstruation, the melatonin level was almost twice as high as in the first part of the cycle. These observations are consistent with the results of research in women athletes conducted in 1991 in San Diego. The fact is that women who expose themselves with excessive training are often disturbed menstrual cycleSometimes menstruation stops at all. It turned out that they have a melatonin level two times higher than those who have no cycle changes occur. Epiphyse hormones depress the bioelectric activity of the brain and neuropsychic activity, having a sleeping pills, analgesic and sedative effect. In the experiment, epiphyse extracts cause insulin-like (hypoglycemic), parathyroid (hypercalcemic) and diuretic effects. There are data on participation in immune protection. Participation in the fine regulation of almost all types of metabolism.

Can you still throw the third eye?

Call it differently:

  • Third Eye
  • ajna Chakra
  • "Especially Eternity" (Ossenf)
  • Shiva's eye
  • Oko wisdom (jnana chakchu)
  • "Holy Soul" (Descartes)
  • "Divine Oko" (Schopenhauer)
  • shishkovoid glage

It is assumed that it is located as follows:

  • the physical organ of vision, thereof, once in some animals in the interbranch - on site Ajna-Chakra.
  • it is located in the center of the brain and is only designed in the inter-block space.

And you can train it:

  • Alternative vision does not appear itself, it must be "enabled" to the effort of will.
  • Press on the tremery at the point Ajan-Chakra is a sharp object. There is a concentration at the place of pain and the "third eye" is felt.
  • An interesting pattern is known: some people who devoted themselves to the spiritual practices and the acquisition of special informational and mental qualities, as a result of the hormonal restructuring of the body, the bone on the temperature is thinned so much that only the leather-like snake eyes remain in this place.
  • today it has been reliably: the sishkovoid gland is directly related to sexual functions, and the sexual abstinence activates the epiphysis.
  • in extreme case: the trepanation of the skull was also fixed in the Stone Age. Such an operation was made by the priests of the healers of the ancient Egyptians and Maya, Sumerov and Inca.
  • In order to open the "third eye", you need (absolutely necessary) to be able to feel the scenery site. At the same time come as follows: Concentrates in the middle of interference, as a result of which a feeling of not this place appears, and (which is noteworthy) just the "third-eye feeling" (center of the head). Therefore, everywhere in yoga is prescribed: concentrate on the spot between the eyebrows, which is often understood incorrectly and as a result, they begin to make eyes.

Many people devote all their lives to return the once lost "Divine" abilities. One of his paramount tasks they put the opening of the third eye. This is the years and years of intense spiritual mobility. And the most amazing thing - these people really seek paranormal mental abilities.

It is also known that due to the special way of life of the body and due to the hormonal restructuring of the body on the parietal part, a small area is thinned to such limits, which is essentially only skin. On the theme (not in the forehead!) A real snake eye is formed. That is why, probably, all the ancient peoples of the Snake was considered an impersonation and a symbol of wisdom. (Yerem P.)

"Here is one technique contributing to the opening of the third eye. It is necessary to sit comfortably so that nothing distracts, look at yourself from the side, focus, look inside yourself and without any sense to repeat the phrase of self-alignment: "Open the third eye." Repeat, repeat and repeat. Focus on the way of challenging, on the face, on the figure, clothes. Reset intuition and get in touch with the information field. Select the desired reproach from it. MiG will come - and the unknown nerve highlights in the brain, as on the screen, what you need to see. At the same time, no emotions should not be expressed, observing impassively, without intervention, screams, without boasting, without payments and mathematical calculations ("sit and look"), to watch everything calmly. Often an event seen by the third eye has already happened. It is impossible to cancel it, that is, communicating with the panel of the system, which gives absolutely reliable information, must be remembered: what you saw has already happened to you and with other people whose destinies crossed with yours. If someone hopes to avoid the inevitable, then the others will not allow it. 3rd stage. Going to your back and rotate with your eyes open clockwise. Make a full revolution as if you were covered with a look of huge clocks, but do as quickly as possible. Your mouth must be revealed and relaxed. Thus, concentrated energy is sent to the "third eye".

Divine essence

- IN Ancient Egypt The Oco Oco was a symbol of God's god.

- According to accurate beliefs, the third eye is the mandatory affiliation of the gods.

- He allowed them to see the entire background of the universe, to see the future, to look freely in any corners of the universe.

- Hindu, and then Buddhist deities (paintings and sculptures of Buddhist temples) are customary to depict the third, vertically located above the eyebrow level.

"The" third eye "glows and in the forehead of Kumari - a live goddess of virginity (in the capital of Nepal Kathmandu) - drawn eye, laid in rank.

- With the help of the third eye, God of Cryshnu Cherroving on the waters permeats the veins of times.

- The god of the destruction of Shiva is also capable of towing worlds.

- The symbol of all-seeing Oka always accompanies mythology.

- All-seeming eye gave the unearthly progenitors of humanity (gods) Wonderful abilities - hypnosis and clairvoyance, telepathy and telecision, the ability to draw knowledge directly from the cosmic mind, to know the past and the future.

- The symbol came to us from ancient mythological stories and can be found on a dollar American banknote.

Activities of the third eye

- Sensitivity to the millimeter wave range, as well as to the magnetic field.

- catches not only variations of the geomagnetic field, but also ultra and infrasound.

"The" third eye "is the" Eagle Eye ", thanks to which the dedicated not only remembers its former embodiments, but can also look into the future. (Stef Yu.)

- "Alternative vision": with closed physical eyes read any text freely, distinguish between all signs, orient in an unfamiliar room.

- helps to perceive and emit "fine energy", "see" not only what is happening outside the body, but also inside it.

- By the way, sexual abstinence activates the sishkovoid gland, and if long lasts, it affects the psyche - it can contribute to ecstatic experiences, so well familiar monks.

- Responsible for human intelligence and receiving information about the past and future, can, like eyes, emit thinking.

- The state of epiphyse is directly related to the level of our spiritual development, the evolution of consciousness, with the fact that we are related to God with God. If this is not, then the epiphysis does not receive the net energies of God, changes its function and atrophy, and the melatonin level in the body decreases. Immediately there is a shutdown of pituitary gland, thyroid and forkful glands from hormonal metabolic processes of the body. Pathological processes are avalanche-like - the body includes a self-destruction mechanism!

- The epiphysis in the body is considered the main regulator. It produces a hormone melatonin, providing the protection of the body from free radicals, and, therefore protects it from cancer, AIDS, and other attacks. This hormone is soothing nervous system And contributes to the holding of consciousness on the alpha-level, and also slows the aging.

- The body capable of studying in the thinnergietic range.

- He is endowed not only by the gift of the third eye, but also a spiritual eye, all-seeing eye, is called the extension of the soul, the astral body.

- The ancient Greeks believed that the epiphysis was a compatibility of the soul, the center of thought. The latter consider the epiphysis of the physical center of the brain, the ligament between the physical and figurative world. Give this body to the gift of higher vision.

Phylogenesis of the third eye

For example, in snakes, lizards and funds, cishemoid glands were gradually removed from the roof of the brain's ventricle and rose to the hole in the bones of the skull. Called in the middle of the forehead, just under the skin, which in these creatures is almost transparent, it immediately repeats the structure of the eye: this is a small bubble filled with glassy liquid. Moreover, the upper partition under the skin seems to be reminiscent of the cornea, and the lower structure is similar to the retina. From him even comes the nerve, similar to the auditorium, which forms in the brain the corresponding device. However, everything is arranged and debugged so as to look inside - to see what is happening inside the body, and not ongoing it. Of course, from the snake to a person - a long way. Those. In the serpent, lizards and the mednochoid gland glad was gradually removed from the roof of the brain's ventricle and rose to the hole in the bone partition of the skull. The third eye in reptiles is closed by translucent skin, and it made scientists suggest that it works not only in the light range. Sensitivity to infrasounds and future images This makes reptiles with beautiful predictors of various cataclysms: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and even magnetic storms. However, it expresses the opinion that to anticipate these creatures can due to the special properties of the third eye - to perceive fine information about the future from the information field of the planet.

Epiphiz: Third Eye. Why is the epiphysis? Why the eye?

- Epiffis has amazing mobility. Blue-shaped iron ... can rotate ... Almost like the eyeball in the eye.

- The activity of this gland is largely stimulated by light (and possibly in other ranges) signals from eyes.

- Moreover, they are talking about the direct similarity of the prycoid gland with eye appleSince it also has lens and receptors for the perception of colors.

- Epiphiz is associated with the special information capabilities of a person.

- The version of "Epiffiz - Third Eye" explains to another riddle - why on its sessions of magic predictions and priests with antiquity resorted to the help of children and virgins.

- Blue-shaped iron, as it turned out, receives impulses from ... pupil, and possibly from the eyeball. Simply put, the operation of the epiphyse stimulate light signals coming from the eye!

- In the epiphysis, it is possible to detect a lens, vitreous body, semblance of retina with photosensitive cells, residue vascular shell and eye nerve. In addition, in the third eye there are glazed cells, and in higher animals it was reborn in a real full-fledged gland.

- Located in the geometric center of the brain. Doesn't it correspond to the location of the Great Pyramids in the Physics Center of the Planet?

- Epiphiz has a conical odd \u003d 2 concentric spiral rays from the center of the pyramid.

What will happen to the epiphysis?

They express the opinion that for the millennium inactivity, the epiphysis decreased significantly in size, and that once he was (in the future it will become again) the magnitude with a large cherry.

But evil, creatible by people, chading heat rose up. From this heaven cracked and crumbled. It is very difficult to find the fragments of Heaven now, because each fragment is only one side, and he is invisible from the inside. But occasionally people still find pieces of sky. It turns out that near these fragments, such an incredible force is lurking, which looked into the mirror of a man's eyes, then they already have an inner eyes. Such a person sees unknown land, spirits and human destiny until the end of his days, the last, real and future. It is said that such a clairvoy opens the third eye, and he begins to understand the language of birds and animals.

However, the third eye can be opened in other ways - exercising spiritual practices your mind and focusing it at one point. In the center of the head of each person there is a sishkovoid iron - epiphysis. It is called a third eye. Most people have this iron small, the magnitude of the pea. This is the house of the soul. From here the embodied soul flies away while sleeping at home to learn strength and energy to power the physical body during the day. From here it disposes on earthly clairvoyance, poroscopy, casually drying, telepathy, levitation and many other Siddhami. Epiphiz also regulates and slows down the function of breeding the body, turning the sexual energy into creative spiritual power - Oduge. Thanks to Oppia, the person wakes up inner vision. If a person is engaged in spiritual practices, his third eye has a gradually opens, and he sees the spirits of the elements, elves and dwarves, talks with long-dead people and animals and can predict fate different people and the peoples of the world. Epiphis for such adept can grow to the size of a chicken egg. At the same time, it still increases the number of chromosomes and genetic spirals, and the pendlers on the theme diverges, like a newborn.

But somewhere there, far, far over the time of the matriarchy, all people were such: clairvoyant magicians and wizards. And the auras over the big heads in these ancient people were shifted forward and up, like modern horses. There, in the golden age, a person just was worth thinking about what he flies in a rocket for Sirius - and he became a rocket, and flew to Sirius, and communicated there with crystalline people. He was just worth thinking that there were bush of fruit trees around him, and birds sing on the branches, "and immediately the green garden grown around him, and fruit appeared on the fruit branches, and sang the paradise birds. And if a woman passed past him, then a man just had to think that he loved her, as she immediately prevented from one such thought. However, in the bronze century, the thin twin of the person more and more centered on the sishkovoid gland. Full coincidence of the essential shell with physical body He gave our ancestor to see the objects of the coarse world clearly, with sharply defined contours. But the same drainage of bodies led people to bitter loss of internal vision, giving a divine vision of subtle worlds and spiritual creatures, inhabiting them. By purchasing an increasing intellect, a person loses power over perfumes and a fine matter. No progress in one is never achieved without loss in another. When logical thinking The left hemisphere of the brain began to fully control the work of the right hemisphere, the holistic world of people cracked and split as overpressive watermelon. The world was divided into knowledgeable and knowable, for a person and God, for good and bad. And it led people to suffering, aging and dying.

Our distant ancestors with inhale represented as Prana - primary energy, which is everywhere, is absorbed top Skulls and accumulates in the pattern. Further, when the breath is delayed between inhale and exhale, they represented how breathless prana shines a yellow ball inside the sidewinded gland. Thus, they drank the soul with the necessary energy, similar to the one that she recruits during night sleep. On the exhalation of Prana in the form of a yellow beam, there was a sidhekoid gland on the spine in the tailbone. Due to the conscious inhalation of prana through the dark, the sidewinded iron in the center of the Atlanta's head grown to the size of a 500 watt bulb and covered an impex-bearing earthly darkness from a temperature. W. modern man Epiphiz flashed to the magnitude of the pea. The third eye is this iron of the glands, which iron is clairvoyed, telepathy, telecision, levitation and communication with its supreme, when it is developed. The fourth yoga student does not need warm things and smart cars: he himself is a rocket and a TV, a bird and mountain, river and fire, a plane and a star. No car could never compare with a person. If desired, any real yogi can thicken the material of the mental world so that it becomes a goldstump, a car or some animal. Thinking cars are needed only to mindless people, and the thinking man needs a blank mind.

So, the sishkovoid gland, located in the center of the head, is the physical house of the soul. And while the person is alive, most Daytime soul in a spiritually healthy individual is spent in epiphyshes. Therefore, yoga during meditation is focused on the sishkovoid gland, on the third eye.

If the mental thinking will fall into the fourth chakra, cardiac, then it becomes a multi-colored astral shell. Thus, having acquired the body of desire, the thought form becomes powerful. By increasing the astral substance, it can start acting and independently, without a person who created it, which usually results in some form of its manifestation in the form of a foggy cloud on the physical plan. However, if you constantly think about the same thing, then such a thought form, fueled by our vibrations, can thicken so much that it will become a funny monk, beautiful girl or direct dear to God.

In the East, it is said that when a person opens the third eye, a person does not just change internally, it opens a storehouse of real knowledge, the realities of the highest worlds.

If you look at the third eye from a physiological point of view, then it is a pishowic iron or epiphysis.

From a scientific point of view, still the functional significance of the epiphyse for a person is not sufficiently studied.

Secretor cells of the epiphysea are released into blood hormone melatonin, which participates in the synchronization of circadian rhythms (biorhythms "Sleep - wakefulness").

Scientists suggest that the aging process begins in aceschidoid iron due to the decreasing production of melatonin. This hormone itself has the properties of the antioxidant, helps to struggle with the aging free radicals.

Recently, very often, when they talk about spiritual practices, mention the vibrations of the person who need to be raised.

So, it is a bull-shaped iron and asks these same vibrations. In ordinary person, they are all 7 hertz. When people begin to engage in energy practices, frequency rises. In order for a person's spiritual vision, or the third eye, it is necessary that the prycoid gland should have produced vibrations of 40 hertz and above.

It is in epiphysis that contains informational matrices, peculiar holograms in which information is stored about everything related to this individual, including its previous lives.

As we have already told the work of this gland, provides melatonin. In children it is produced much, adults are smaller, and old people often completely small.

Is it possible not to lose the number of melatonin produced with age and how to do it? And how to increase the vibrations of the sishkovoid gland?

Sure you may!

Observe the daily rhythms

Studies show that those who fall early, about 22 hours and rises with dawn, produce the greatest number Melatonin overnight and feel more energetic and efficient the next day. But to sleep in the dark day - only one half of the task.

The second is to get as much light as possible in a bright time. Arrange yourself workplace Large windows and daily spend a part of the day in the open-air day.

Eat food rich in melatonin

Among the richest sources - Oats, corn cobs, rice, barley, as well as tomatoes and bananas. Carbohydrates help the organism produce melatonin thanks to a special amino acid - tryptophan.

A vegetarian diet should stick, as the protein food, especially meat, saturates the blood with a large number of amino acids that compete with tryptophan for the right to enter the brain.

Highly carbonic food - bread, potatoes, pasta - provokes "injection" insulin, which displaces these competitors.


Some of them increase the production of melatonin - for example, vitamins B3 and B6 (older people suffer as short as the latter). Many vitamin B3 is contained in a drill, sunflower seeds, whole wheat beans, barley. B6 can be obtained from carrots, forest nuts, soybeans, lentils.

Guard your melatonin

Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine - each of them is able to undermine the process of normal production of hormone. Some medications give the same effect. If you constantly take some drugs, try to find out if they do not affect the level of melatonin.

Watch out for electromagnetic pollution

Electromagnetic fields Very strongly affect the operation of the sishkovoid gland - up to the suspension of the production of melatonin. Their main sources - computers, copiers, televisions, power lines, as well as bad insolent wiring and even heated floors and unconditionally cell phones. Electromagnetic fields are reduced to no anti-cancer activity of melatonin, so if possible, limit everyday contact with them.

Take care of the prycoidal gland

Over time, this iron is subjected to the so-called calcification process, and its productivity is reduced. To prevent it, stick to the vegetable diet, rich antioxidantsneutralizing free radicals. Avoid fatty food and never smoke.

Shiva clock

The release of melatonin begins with the sunset and reaches his peak at midnight when the body and mind are most introspective. For thousands of years, yoga was taught that best time For meditation - from 12 to 3 am, this time is called Shiva clock. At this time, you can endure the complete immersion of the mind inside, inner peace and deep meditation.

New moon

Once a month, a new molaum is a relatively large amount of melatonin. A person experiences a feeling of bliss and inner joy if he supports the purity and elevation of the mind. At this time, melatonin is washes, all glands and makes mind calm and directed inside.

If the human mind is involved in coarse or aimed at the external objects of thought, melatonin is simply burning and a person cannot survive that thinning effect that he has on all glands endocrine system And to the mind. Therefore, many yoga on this day refrain from food and water and perform many spiritual practices that purify and exaltate their consciousness.

Meditate regularly

It was found that the daily practice of meditation directly affects the sidberry gland, the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, and balances energy flows in the right and left hemisphere of the brain. The production of melatonin, as well as other brain hormones increase, this leads to achieving perfect emotional control.

Practice that most effectively develops the sidhekoid gland and the upper chakra, called Dhyana.

Blue-shaped iron indirectly controls all glands and chakras located below - all 50 human inconsistencies, such, for example, as fear, jealousy greed, love and affection, etc. Therefore, the one who can control the sidberry gland and the upper chakra can be fully controlled both the body and the mind.

In such norms and lifestyle, you prepare your sishkovoid gland to further practical training and, in fact, to the exercises on the opening of the third eye.

By the way, the sishkovoid gland is unusually developed in the so-called indigo children.

Epiphiz or upper cerebral binds to the sixth chakra in esoteric and with supernatural abilities in some scientists.

Since the hormones of joy and relaxation makes it precisely sishkovoid iron, the third eye mention is no coincidence, because it is a source of spiritual calm. The question of whether the peminal iron is the place of the human soul or is represented into the brain all-seeing eye, while open.

The first studies of the sishkovoid gland

The ancient mention of the body in the form of a bump occurs in Egyptian papyrus. With this way, there were the process of staying dead souls Osirisa during the trial. In other words, it can be said that the bump was an archaic symbol of rebirth and endless life.

Epiphism data is also found in ancient China, where he was called the Divine Pearl or Jade Ball, and on Tibet, the inhabitants of which were called the brain component of the RINGSE process. Naturally, the full teaching about the pineal gland was also in Ancient India, For another 2 thousand years before our era. Indians perceived the epiphysis as a mandatory attribute of each God, which can penetrate all the secrets of the universe.

Gradually, the insight into a sishkovoid body began to evolve, and the first thinkers of antiquity began to argue about him, as an organ regulating our thoughts, intellect. Epiphism also attributed the ability to reproduce the experience of the past and carry out telepathy. The exclusiveness of the body was proved through a comparison with a heart, which also has no pair in the human body.

In the XVII century René Descartes argued that the pineal gland is a mediator between our senses and under the influence of blood forms different emotions. Movement of the brain process, he said, sent different spirits from the brain to the muscles.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcommunication of the spirit and epiphyse, by the way, put forward by Plato with Aristotle, who perceived this body as a place for the storage of the human soul.

According to Greek thinkers, the third eye is closely associated with space energy. Even medical descriptions of the era Ancient Russia Describe this gland as spiritual. Leonardo da Vinci in his anatomical works always painted a spherical zone in the brain, where he placed the soul of man.

In the 20s XIX century Most scientists rejected the idea to perceive the epiphysis as an organ, because there were difficulties with the definition of its functionality and growth after the birth of a person. A number of decades the process did not interest the world message, like the third eye itself. It was not possible to even extract an organ for analysis. During this period, only theosophical supporters believed that in the future, the epiphysis will become a tool for telepathy.

By analogy with reptiles

In the second half of the 19th century, the UK and Germany, scientists and Germany began to carefully study Indian legends associated with the activity of all-seeing eye. By the 80th. A new hypothesis appeared: in reptile primitive types of epiphysis - the third eye, and a person can observe the same compliance.

Indeed, the ancient reptiles and many modern lizards have retained in their working parallers. It has an intracerebral channel and a surface part that overgrown with skin, so such an organ is called pair epiphysis. Scientists found that this area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and brain not only improves photosensitivity, but also perceives a wide range of waves, as well as magnetic field fluctuations. There is a chance that the epiphysis is suspended, an analysis of even ultrasound and infrasound, so that natural disasters feel it in advance.

In fact, the perception of the epiphysis of the electromagnetic background is also proved by long-term flights of birds and the correspondence of the production of melatonin in the night magnetic pulses of the Earth. If you continue this idea, it can be assumed that the ancient scientists tried to explain this connection, focusing on the contacts of the epiphyse with space.

Higher vertebral beings possess the unpaired brain process. Today, a number of scientists argue that earlier the epiphysis was also on the surface of a man's head, like reptiles. Evolution forced to immerse the cisheloid body into the deep layers of the skull. Years of inaction weakened the brainless process and made it much smaller, although in the ancient people (and maybe the first races) he was the size of a large cherry.

This iron has both photoreceptor cells, so it is obvious that early period The development of humanity was accompanied by the active activities of the epiphyse. This body in the past time was the system nerve fibers On the surface of the skull, so it was able to capture the slightest light changes.

Modern medical description

Blue-eyed body or brain appendage under the official name "Epiffiz" is a small oval pea in a man's head. This iron is assigned to the intermediate brain, and its exact location is a small groove between the elevation of the mid-brain. This body is slightly ahead of the pituitary and above the Talamus.

It is believed that the weight of the epiphyse in adults reaches only 200 grams, despite the fact that the width does not exceed 1 cm, and the length is 1.5 cm. The thickness of the gland and is less than 0.5 cm. The surface of the brain process is connect fabricwhich is written by a network of blood vessels.

Epiphyse cells have two types: Pinealocytes (the cells of the gland itself, similar to the reticent pigment eye shell And with melanocyt skin cover) and glyocytes (auxiliary cells of nerve fabrics).

Epiphiz grows back in the womb (or rather, from a 2-month-old embryo age) and continues to fix until 11-14 years old, i.e. Prior to the launch of hormonal mechanisms of puberty.

Gradually, the weight of the process comes into a stable rate, and the second stage of reducing its activity is conjugate with the age of menopause.

There is a version that enlarged pennital iron in such conditions is possible only from practicing yogis, with a developed third eye. Anyway, medical facts It is evidenced that if the epiphiz is active, unusual mental abilities will be observed.

The main activity of epiphiz

The functions of the sidewood body were unknown for a long time, so scientists attributed epiphysis to rudimias. In the XIX century The situation has changed, and the appendages began to be in the endocrine system, since it produces hormones in the bright and dark time with pinealocytes.

More precisely, this part of the brain is responsible for production:

  • Melatonin. This hormone, open officially in 1958, determines various biological rhythms associated with sexual activity. In particular, it regulates the menstrual cycle and inhibits the work of growth hormones allocated by the pituitary.
    In animals, melatonin causes seasonal reactions like molting, reproduction period or winter hook. The synthesis of this hormone is intensified in the dark, so there is a version that the epiphysis is also a controller of a human biological watches associated with illumination change.
    Man Melatonin provides assistance as a natural antioxidant, substance for rejuvenation and maintaining immunity. It is believed that it is in connection with this person a dream deteriorates, after the third eye opens. Iron is also able to extend the time of wakefulness at the expense of melatonin.
  • Serotonin. This is a multifunctional neurotransmitter of our organism, better known as a hormone of happiness or have a good mood Due to its influence on nervous cells. This component regulates the pressure and temperature of the body, narrows the vessels. The reduced level of serotonin causes depression.
    It is believed that an increase in the volume of hormone in the body strengthens clairvoyance and concentrates the entire internal energy of a person precisely on the sixth chakra, and not on the second, as usual.
    The latter assumption was born out of the idea that the two energy center always struggle for the internal resources of the individual.

Primitive creatures use the pineal gland only as an organ that perceives the level of illumination. This, for example, causes the daily migration of deep-sea fish. We can talk about the production of melatonin already at the level of amphibians, and birds and mammals feel the inhibitory effect of this hormone. They also plays the role of the defendant to nervous impulses.

At the experimental level, it was proved that problems with epiphysis and melatonin production cause premature puberty in birds, and in animals - the growth of body weight and an increase in the uterus / semennikov.

In humans, pineal gland also participates in the creation of norepinephrine, histamine, adrenoglomerulotropine.

In this brain process, it was also possible to detect peptide type hormones and biogenic amines. Based on all sidewood derivatives, it can be concluded that it is concentrated on the regulation of daily rhythms and the functions of the endocrine system.

It is also noted the role of epiphyse in exchange processes. One of the first scientists who paid attention to the importance of this gland, Walter Pierpoli believed that it was the bull-shaped process that controls the hypothalamus and pituitary. The wide functions of the epiphyse allow it to be considered a peculiar control body, which correlates the work of the brain.

In addition, the pineal gland keeps some kind of information matrices of a person who, for example, from the point of view of Freud, protruding our unconscious data.

Unique research

Endogenous features of a sishkovoid process have been installed for many decades ago. Since then, the scientist community has repeatedly convinced that the epiphysis manages hypotolamus and biorhythms, and also provides protection against free radicals. Actual research for the analysis of epiphyse functions continues to this day.

David Klein, for example, put forward the hypothesis that the primitive retina of the sishkovoid gland could earlier to perceive the integer images, but now there is an inexplicable degradation of this part of the epiphyse. Thus, we can talk about the photosensory ability of the brain-shaped process. Many directly declare the similarity of the sishkovoid body with an eyeball, which is further heated by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe third eye. Interestingly, epiphysis in fact has color receptors with a lens, and its work is determined by light signals from the eyes. However, it is more fair to call the structural analogue of the eye this body only in reptiles.

An equally interesting aspect of the study is the release of N, N-dimethyltrattamine or DMT epiphysis. Psychedelic endogenous type, an important head neurotiator, but more importantly - a spiritual molecule. Its release in the period of meditation and sleep, the reception of the appropriate herbs and medicines, as well as at the time clinical death provokes the formation of strong hallucinations.

The relationship between freedom of DMT, the appearance of visual images in epiphyshes and the reversible process of dying is still not explained officially. Rick Strasman in his research indicates that the penetal iron is not only a degraded person's eye, but also the natural window into other dimensions.

Not so long ago in the formed epiphysis of adult individuals, inorganic grain grades of durable salt sediments of calcium and magnesium were discovered. The so-called cerebral sand does not exceed 2 mm in size and has gear edges. The basis of each sand grade is the colloid - the secret of pinealocytes. Polarized light demonstrates that such brain "crumbs" refract the beam twice and form with its help the so-called knightly symbol - Maltese cross. Crystallines do not belong to the cubic type Singonia, the white-blue fluorescence is displayed in the ultraviolet due to calcium phosphate.

Mineral vents of spherical forms are interesting for scientists in that they contain holographic data on the human body. The informational properties of sand make it possible to say that the epiphysis also specifies the rhythms of the temporal-spatial existence of the personality. According to many researchers, luminous grapples on the surface of a sishkovoid process can also be a reflection of mental energy, which is also observed in human nerve channels.

In any case, we can say that the activities of the epiphyse is determined by non-electromagnetic radiation from space objects. A number of supporters of this hypothesis believes that brain crystals are able to launch the reincarnation of the soul and body, as well as consider information from the bodies of our entire galaxy.

Communication with all-seeing ok

The third eye is constantly mentioned in the description of the epiphyse and in scientific, and in the esoteric community. Mystics from ancient times argue that the penetal iron has a connection with the intangible world. Many yoga and spiritual teachers express an opinion about finding in the sidewal body of the sixth chakra Ajna, which allows you to access essential body And work with him for the development of supernatural abilities.

The interaction of the epiphyse with information skills of a person is evidenced by the fact that spiritual practices after many years lead to hormonal restructuring. As a result, the dark bone in man is thinned, and the brain is covered only by a thin layer of skin. But in this place in the forehead is hardly located all-seeing eye. Most of the ancient priests and yogis was sure that the third eye is based on the tremeny. Therefore, many guru made themselves operations on the skull.

Probably, the first races on the planet, the extra eye was really, and, most likely, this is the epiphysis. He had much from behind more benefitbecause I created a full-fledged circular overview of the medium. Biologists say that evolution forced a sipidate process to penetrate into the head of the head, and when the hemispheres of the brain began to develop from ancient people, the pineal gland was in the center.

Modern esotericans have to spend time on the development of epiphyse and return to him of familiar mobility to absorb maximum information. Of course, it is not about visual data, but about telepathic capabilities.

Since the main part of the signal waves, it takes, as a rule, from the interlocutor of the spiritual guru, its iron directs the lens for transmission and receipt of information only forward.

From here, there was a rash stereotype about finding the third eye on the forehead. And on the fact it is just a starting point for invisible telepathic flows.

Indirect proof of the identity of the epiphyse and all-seeing Oka is the ancient magical practice of using children and the virgin ladies during prediction sessions. And the fact is that outside the sexual maturity of the power of the sishkovoid gland is directed to the spiritual sphere, it means that the probability of the success of esoteric classes is much higher. For the same reason, by the way, many Guru give any abstinence. Epiffisis from this lifestyle begins to work in a special mode, making a person more susceptible to divine voices or visions.

Based on numerous theories, it is possible to conclude that the sishkovoid iron is the third eye of a person who once helped just see the territory, then began to take space signals, and now diligently produces the hormones of the endocrine system. Therefore, everyone who wants to develop clairvoyance or go to the astral, must be able to engage in the activation of epiphyse. It is no coincidence in São Paulo, it was found that the physical activity of the pineal gland is at times increasing after meditation.

Make exercises part of your everyday ritual, and very soon you will notice that reading thoughts or reading visual images will be affordable.

By purchasing an increasing reason and intelligence, a person loses power over perfumes and a fine matter. No progress in one is never achieved without loss in another.

In the old days, the sky was a mirror. The man looked at him and saw huge lands hidden over the hidden horizon, green forests, blue rivers and its transcendental destiny. But evil, creatible by people, chading heat rose up. From this heaven cracked and crumbled. It is very difficult to find the fragments of Heaven now, because each fragment is only one side, and he is invisible from the inside. But occasionally people still find pieces of sky. It turns out that near these fragments, such an incredible force is lurking, which looked into the mirror of a man's eyes, then they already have an inner eyes. Such a person sees unknown land, spirits and human destiny until the end of his days, the last, real and future. It is said that such a clairvoy opens the third eye, and he begins to understand the language of birds and animals.

However, the third eye can be opened in other ways - exercising spiritual practices your mind and focusing it at one point. In the center of the head of each person there is a sishkovoid iron - epiphysis. It is called a third eye. Most people have this iron small, the magnitude of the pea. This is the house of the soul. From here the embodied soul flies away while sleeping at home to learn strength and energy to power the physical body during the day. From here it disposes on earthly clairvoyance, poroscopy, casually drying, telepathy, levitation and many other Siddhami. Epiphiz also regulates and slows down the function of breeding the body, turning the sexual energy into creative spiritual power - Oduge. Thanks to Oppia, the person wakes up inner vision. If a person is engaged in spiritual practices, he gradually opens up the third eye, and he sees the spirits of the elements, elves and dwarves, talks with long-dead people and animals and can predict the fate of different people and peoples of the world. Epiphis for such adept can grow to the size of a chicken egg. At the same time, it still increases the number of chromosomes and genetic spirals, and the pendlers on the theme diverges, like a newborn.

But somewhere there, far, far over the time of the matriarchy, all people were such: clairvoyant magicians and wizards. And the auras over the big heads in these ancient people were shifted forward and up, like modern horses. There, in the golden age, a person just was worth thinking about what he flies in a rocket for Sirius - and he became a rocket, and flew to Sirius, and communicated there with crystalline people. He was just worth thinking that there were bush of fruit trees around him, and birds sing on the branches, "and immediately the green garden grown around him, and fruit appeared on the fruit branches, and sang the paradise birds. And if a woman passed past him, then a man just had to think that he loved her, as she immediately prevented from one such thought. However, in the bronze century, the thin twin of the person more and more centered on the sishkovoid gland. The complete coincidence of the essential shell with a physical body gave our ancestor the opportunity to see the objects of the coarse world clearly, with sharply outlined contours. But the same drainage of bodies led people to bitter loss of internal vision, giving a divine vision of subtle worlds and spiritual creatures, inhabiting them. By purchasing an increasing intellect, a person loses power over perfumes and a fine matter. No progress in one is never achieved without loss in another. When the logical thinking of the left hemisphere of the brain began to fully control the work of the right hemisphere, the holistic world of people cracked and split as overpressive watermelon. The world was divided into knowledgeable and knowable, for a person and God, for good and bad. And it led people to suffering, aging and dying.

Our distant ancestors in inhale represented as Prana - primary energy, which is everywhere, is absorbed by the upper part of the skull and accumulates in the theme. Further, when the breath is delayed between inhale and exhale, they represented how breathless prana shines a yellow ball inside the sidewinded gland. Thus, they drank the soul with the necessary energy, similar to the one that she recruits during night sleep. On the exhalation of Prana in the form of a yellow beam, there was a sidhekoid gland on the spine in the tailbone. Due to the conscious inhalation of prana through the dark, the sidewinded iron in the center of the Atlanta's head grown to the size of a 500 watt bulb and covered an impex-bearing earthly darkness from a temperature. At the modern man, the epiphysis was wrinkled to the magnitude of the skiing. The third eye is this iron of the glands, which iron is clairvoyed, telepathy, telecision, levitation and communication with its supreme, when it is developed. The fourth yoga student does not need warm things and smart cars: he himself is a rocket and a TV, a bird and mountain, river and fire, a plane and a star. No car could never compare with a person. If desired, any real yogi can thicken the material of the mental world so that it becomes a goldstump, a car or some animal. Thinking cars are needed only to mindless people, and the thinking man needs a blank mind.

So, the sishkovoid gland, located in the center of the head, is the physical house of the soul. And while the person is alive, most of the daytime soul in a spiritually healthy individual is spent in epiphyshes. Therefore, yoga during meditation is focused on the sishkovoid gland, on the third eye.

If the mental thinking will fall into the fourth chakra, cardiac, then it becomes a multi-colored astral shell. Thus, having acquired the body of desire, the thought form becomes powerful. By increasing the astral substance, it can start acting and independently, without a person who created it, which usually results in some form of its manifestation in the form of a foggy cloud on the physical plan. However, if you constantly think about the same thing, then such a thought form, fueled by our vibrations, can thicken so much that it will become a funny monk, a beautiful girl or a direct dear to God.

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