Pyelonephritis how to determine by ultrasound. Pyelonephritis on ultrasound

Ultrasound procedure kidney is currently the most common for the diagnosis of any form of pyelonephritis. Due to:

low invasiveness; high diagnostic value; absence of contraindications to research.

The evaluation of the results should be carried out by a person skilled in the art.

Ultrasound kidney has a better specificity in detecting pyelonephritis compared to urinalysis, but less resolution (see small details) compared to NMR or CT examination of the kidney.

This aspect is compensated by the relatively lower cost of the ultrasound method and the absence of radiation exposure. As a result, ultrasound is the preferred method for pregnant women and children.

In screening diagnostics of renal diseases or examination of persons from the risk category (arterial hypertension, diabetes) method takes the leading role... In pregnant women, ultrasound is especially useful throughout all trimesters of pregnancy to assess the structure and function of a woman's kidneys and monitor treatment.

Indications for ultrasound

Pain syndrome in the lumbar region or abdomen Detection of prolonged, unexplained, persistent subfebrile condition(increased temperature). Changes in blood tests: in the general analysis of blood - leukocytosis, increased ESR, shift of the leukoformula to the left, anemia; in biochemical analysis - an increase in creatinine, urea, serum potassium. Especially when the origin of the violations is unclear. Impaired urinary function kidneys (nighttime urge, frequent and painful urination, a decrease or increase in the volume of urine excreted per day, the appearance of edema). Increase or decrease in the amount of urine, a decrease in the specific gravity of urine. Changes in urine tests(presence of blood, appearance of protein, detection of bacteria, salts of phosphates and urates, increased number of leukocytes).

Doctors ultrasound diagnostics held in several positions of the sensor and the patient(polypositional). This is due to the anatomical location of the kidneys. The study is carried out at the height of inspiration or with deep breathing. This achieves the most complete picture.

main parameters

The main assessed parameters of the kidneys by ultrasound are:

contour; size; echogenicity of the parenchyma; uniformity; mobility; structure of the calyx-pelvis system; presence of calculi or inclusions.

Have healthy person normal kidney length is 7.5–12 cm, width about 4.5-6.5 cm, thickness 3.5-5 cm, parenchyma from 1.5-2 cm. Kidney ultrasound is used to diagnose any form of pyelonephritis. Expansion of the calyx-pelvis system testifies in favor of the obstructive nature of the disease.

With pyelonephritis:

Irregularity of the contour of the kidneys. Indicates infiltration of the renal tissue. Dimensions. With unilateral lesion, asymmetry in size is noted, due to inflammatory edema. When both organs are involved, they are much larger than normal. Density kidney tissue, uniformity in an acute process, it can be unevenly reduced due to focal or diffuse tissue inflammation, in a chronic process, on the contrary, an increase in echogenicity is observed. Deterioration of kidney mobility, as well as concomitant organ enlargement - a significant sign of acute pyelonephritis according to ultrasound data. Parenchyma condition, the expansion of the calyx-pelvic system or its deformation testifies in favor of the obstructive nature of the disease, but it can also occur in other diseases (hydronephrosis, congenital anomalies). Restriction of respiratory mobility speaks of edema of the perirenal tissue.

Most frequent conclusion on the data of ultrasound of the kidneys: asymmetry of the size of the kidneys, diffuse acoustic heterogeneity of the renal parenchyma, expansion and deformation of the PCS, shadows in the pelvis, compaction of the papillae of the kidneys, irregularities in the contour of the kidneys or an increase in the thickness of the parenchyma.

At acute pyelonephritis the picture of ultrasound changes depending on the stage of development of the pathological process and the degree of obstacles to the outflow of urine.

Acute primary (without obstruction) pyelonephritis, especially at the onset of the disease, in the phase of serous inflammation, can give a normal ultrasound picture on an echogram. As the pathological inflammatory process develops, interstitial edema increases, the echogenicity of the organ tissue increases. Its cortical layer and the structure of the pyramids become better visible. In secondary (complicated or obstructive) forms of the disease, it is possible that only signs of blockage of the urinary tract (such as expansion of the calyx and pelvis, enlargement of the kidney) are detected. In apostematous nephritis, the results of ultrasound may be the same. as in serous inflammation. Other signs: the mobility of the organ is usually reduced or absent, the cortical and medullary layers are less distinguished, the borders of the kidney lose their clarity, sometimes shapeless structures with heterogeneous echogenicity are found.With a carbuncle, there is often a bulging of the outer contour of the organ, lack of differentiation between the cortical and medullary layers, heterogeneous hypoechoic structures .When an abscess forms at the site of destruction, anechoic formations are revealed, sometimes there is a level of fluid and an abscess capsule. When paranephritis forms or an abscess breaks out beyond the boundaries of the fibrous capsule of the organ, a picture of a heterogeneous structure with a predominance of echo-negative structures is observed. The external contours of the kidneys are clear and uneven. With a variety of obstructions (stones, tumors, strictures, congenital obstruction, etc.), in the area of ​​the upper urinary tract, there is an expansion of the cups, pelvis, up to the upper third of the ureter.

Exacerbation of pyelonephritis Diet with pyelonephritis Rules for collecting and evaluating urine analysis for pyelonephritis

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An experienced doctor will immediately notice the signs of pyelonephritis on an ultrasound scan. The disease is common. It occurs due to infection, inflammation in the calyx-pelvic system of the kidneys.

In the chronic form, there are exacerbations with remissions. The reason for the transition to a chronic form, poor treatment illness on acute stage... Kidney tissues are reborn and do not perform their functions, the kidneys work much worse. This can lead to severe complications.

Acute pyelonephritis. Primary

Doctors often see the disease on ultrasound. Elderly and young people suffer from it. Most of them are women. The kidneys usually get sick immediately, and not through inflammation of the lower or upper tract urinary tract... The disease occurs in 2 types: foci or in a diffuse state.

With focal pyelonephritis in the parenchyma zone, local expansion is anechoic or echo-homogeneous. The contours of the kidney are sometimes bulging. After treatment and recovery, no traces of the disease remain.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys will be difficult if the organ is today or, for example, a three-day hematoma, acute inflammation a cavity (also fresh), a carbuncle in an acute form, other formations that look similar on an echogram in the stage of exacerbation.

"Advice. look for an experienced specialist for diagnosis. Only an uzist who has worked for a sufficient time in the hospital, who has seen many ultrasound screenshots, will correctly decipher the data. "

The foci of inflammation in the kidneys can be diagnosed only with the help of ultrasound; doctors do not use another diagnostic method. This one is safe and informative.

When pyelonephritis is diffuse in the acute stage, the kidney becomes larger, capturing the parenchyma area. It expands and has little echogenicity. If the disease is on initial stage, then the kidney on ultrasound will be with clear contours. And with severe edema of the parenchyma, the specialist will see on the screen that the contours are blurred and the capsule located near the kidneys and consisting of fat has become inflamed.

Emphysematous pyelonephritis is extremely rare. With this disease, bubbles with gas are formed in the area of ​​the cup-pelvis. They are black, rounded and highly echoic. They leave an acoustic shadow.

Ultrasound helps to determine whether the kidneys are asymmetric, and will show their volume. For this, a formula is used to calculate the epilepsoid. You will need given - the largest dimensions: transverse with longitudinal. These data are also used in establishing the diagnosis of an abscess in the lower or upper urinary tract.

What are the symptoms that a woman has chronic pyelonephritis?

The apparent reasons are varied. If you have chronic pyelonephritis, you may not know about it for some time (before diagnosis). Pain is felt in the lumbar region. Aching or dull and weak. When it's cold or damp outside, they get worse. Women experience frequent urination and even urinary incontinence. Arterial pressure in patients increases. When urinating, women feel pain.

How intense will the disease manifest itself? It depends on whether there is 1 kidney or both and how long ago? If a woman has chronic pyelonephritis, then during the period of remission she will not feel any particular pain and will decide that she is healthy. Painful sensations become noticeable during the acute stage of the disease.

What causes an exacerbation? Apparent reasons: people have weak immunity. It happens after eating spicy foods, if you often drink alcohol in any form, somewhere overcooled. Symptoms of the disease:

Your temperature is above +38 ° C; Feel in the lower back pulling pains... There are also pains in the peritoneal region, but less often. If you stand somewhere for a long time or play sports, they will remind you of themselves. You get tired faster than usual and often feel weak; Headache; Muscle pains are felt; You feel sick; The face with the limbs is swollen; Urination becomes more frequent, persistent frequent urge; You feel pain when urinating; Cloudy urine; Blood appeared in the urine.

Who will the doctor prescribe an ultrasound to?

Under what symptoms the doctor will give you a referral for an ultrasound examination:

If you feel pain in the abdomen and lower back. Without apparent reason you have long enough heat body. General analysis blood shows leukocytosis, increased ESR, leukoformula is shifted to the left, anemia is observed; Biochemical analysis suggests that creatinine has become more, like urea, with potassium, blood serum. These indicators are especially important for making a diagnosis if you do not yet know exactly which organ is affected? The kidneys are impaired to remove urine. You have frequent urge to urinate at night. At the same time, you feel pain. During the day, there was less or more urine, edema appeared. The urine has become more or less, but its specific gravity is less than it was before. Blood appeared in the urine with increased content protein, many bacteria, urate salts, with phosphates, many leukocytes.

How is kidney ultrasound done? The patient is asked to take off his clothes. bare your back. At the place where the kidneys are located, they put sensors, guide them and look on the screen in what state the organ is?

"Advice. Take a deep breath and continue breathing deeply. Then the picture of the examination of the kidneys will be the most complete and clear. "

Now you know how the kidneys are examined and that pyelonephritis is visible on ultrasound. It can be acute or chronic. It remains to be examined with ultrasound equipment and treated. How long will the course take? This is individual for everyone.

Click the Make an appointment button and we will find you an ultrasound specialist or another doctor in 10 minutes.

Ultrasound procedure kidney is currently the most common for the diagnosis of any. Due to:

  • low invasiveness;
  • high diagnostic value;
  • the absence of contraindications to the study.

The evaluation of the results should be carried out by a person skilled in the art.

This aspect is compensated by the relatively lower cost of the ultrasound method and the absence of radiation exposure. As a result, ultrasound is the preferred method for pregnant women and children.

In screening diagnostics of renal diseases or examination of persons from the risk category (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus), the method takes the leading role... In pregnant women, ultrasound is especially useful throughout all trimesters of pregnancy to assess the structure and function of a woman's kidneys and control.

Indications for ultrasound

  1. Pain syndrome in the lumbar region or abdomen.
  2. Finding a prolonged, unexplained, persistent subfebrile condition(increased temperature).
  3. Changes in blood tests: in the general analysis of blood - leukocytosis, increased ESR, shift of the leukoformula to the left, anemia; in biochemical analysis - an increase in creatinine, urea, serum potassium. Especially when the origin of the violations is unclear.
  4. Impaired urinary function kidneys (nighttime urge, frequent and painful urination, a decrease or increase in the volume of urine excreted per day, the appearance of edema).
  5. Increase or decrease in the amount of urine, a decrease in the specific gravity of urine.
  6. Changes in(presence of blood, appearance of protein, detection of bacteria, salts of phosphates and urates, increased number of leukocytes).

Doctors perform ultrasound diagnostics in several positions of the sensor and the patient(polypositional). This is due to the anatomical location of the kidneys. The study is carried out at the height of inspiration or with deep breathing. This achieves the most complete picture.

main parameters

The main assessed parameters of the kidneys by ultrasound are:

  • circuit;
  • sizes;
  • echogenicity of the parenchyma;
  • uniformity;
  • mobility;
  • the structure of the pelvis-calyx system;
  • the presence of calculi or inclusions.

In a healthy person normal kidney length is 7.5-12 cm, width about 4.5-6.5 cm, thickness 3.5-5 cm, parenchyma from 1.5-2 cm... Kidney ultrasound is used to diagnose any. Expansion of the calyx-pelvis system testifies in favor of the obstructive nature of the disease.

With pyelonephritis:

  1. Irregularity of the contour of the kidneys. Indicates infiltration of the renal tissue.
  2. Dimensions. With unilateral lesion, asymmetry in size is noted, due to inflammatory edema. When both organs are involved, they are much larger than normal.
  3. Density kidney tissue, uniformity in an acute process, it can be unevenly reduced due to focal or diffuse tissue inflammation, in a chronic process, on the contrary, an increase in echogenicity is observed.
  4. Deterioration of kidney mobility, as well as concomitant organ enlargement - a significant sign of acute pyelonephritis according to ultrasound data.
  5. Parenchyma condition, the expansion of the calyx-pelvic system or its deformation testifies in favor of the obstructive nature of the disease, but it can also occur in other diseases (hydronephrosis, congenital anomalies).
  6. Restriction of respiratory mobility speaks of edema of the perirenal tissue.

Most frequent conclusion on the data of ultrasound of the kidneys: asymmetry of the size of the kidneys, diffuse acoustic heterogeneity of the renal parenchyma, expansion and deformation of the PCS, shadows in the pelvis, compaction of the papillae of the kidneys, irregularities in the contour of the kidneys or an increase in the thickness of the parenchyma.

The ultrasound picture changes depending on the stage of development of the pathological process and the degree of obstacles to the outflow of urine.

  • Acute primary (without obstruction) pyelonephritis, especially at the onset of the disease, in the phase of serous inflammation, can give a normal ultrasound picture on an echogram. As the pathological inflammatory process develops, interstitial edema increases, the echogenicity of the organ tissue increases. Its cortical layer and the structure of the pyramids become better visible.
  • With (complicated or obstructive) forms of the disease, it is possible that only signs of blockage of the urinary tract can be detected (such as expansion of the calyx and pelvis, increase in the size of the kidney).
  • With apostematous nephritis, ultrasound results may be the same as with serous inflammation. Other signs: the mobility of the organ is usually reduced or absent, the cortical and medullary layers are less distinguished, the borders of the kidney lose their clarity, sometimes shapeless structures with heterogeneous echogenicity are found.
  • With a carbuncle, there is often a bulging of the outer contour of the organ, the lack of differentiation between the cortical and medullary layers, and heterogeneous hypoechoic structures.
  • When an abscess forms at the site of destruction, anechoic formations are detected, sometimes there is a fluid level and an abscess capsule.
  • With the formation of paranephritis or beyond the boundaries of the fibrous capsule of the organ - a picture of a heterogeneous structure with a predominance of echo-negative structures. The outer contours of the kidneys are clear and uneven.
  • With a variety of obstructions (stones, tumors, strictures, congenital obstructions, etc.), in the upper urinary tract, there is an expansion of the cups, pelvis, up to the upper third of the ureter.

In contact with


An experienced doctor will immediately notice the signs of pyelonephritis on an ultrasound scan. The disease is common. It occurs due to infection, inflammation in the calyx-pelvic system of the kidneys.

In the chronic form, there are exacerbations with remissions. The reason for the transition to a chronic form, poor treatment of the disease in the acute stage. Kidney tissues are reborn and do not perform their functions, the kidneys work much worse. This can lead to severe complications.

Doctors often see the disease on ultrasound. Elderly and young people suffer from it. Most of them are women. The kidneys usually get sick immediately, and not through inflammation of the lower or upper tract of the urinary tract. The disease occurs in 2 types: foci or in a diffuse state.

With focal pyelonephritis in the parenchyma zone, local expansion is anechoic or echo-homogeneous. The contours of the kidney are sometimes bulging. After treatment and recovery, no traces of the disease remain.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys will be difficult if the organ is today or, for example, a three-day hematoma, acute inflammation of the cavity (also fresh), an acute carbuncle, other formations that look similar on the echogram in the stage of exacerbation.

"Advice. look for an experienced specialist for diagnosis. Only an uzist who has worked for a sufficient time in the hospital, who has seen many ultrasound screenshots, will correctly decipher the data. "

The foci of inflammation in the kidneys can be diagnosed only with the help of ultrasound; doctors do not use another diagnostic method. This one is safe and informative.

When pyelonephritis is diffuse in the acute stage, the kidney becomes larger, capturing the parenchyma area. It expands and has little echogenicity. If the disease is at an initial stage, then the kidney on ultrasound will be with clear contours. And with severe edema of the parenchyma, the specialist will see on the screen that the contours are blurred and the capsule located near the kidneys and consisting of fat has become inflamed.

Emphysematous pyelonephritis is extremely rare. With this disease, bubbles with gas are formed in the area of ​​the cup-pelvis. They are black, rounded and highly echoic. They leave an acoustic shadow.

Ultrasound helps to determine whether the kidneys are asymmetric, and will show their volume. For this, a formula is used to calculate the epilepsoid. You will need given - the largest dimensions: transverse with longitudinal. These data are also used in establishing the diagnosis of an abscess in the lower or upper urinary tract.

What are the symptoms that a woman has chronic pyelonephritis?

The apparent reasons are varied. If you have chronic pyelonephritis, you may not know about it for some time (before diagnosis). Pain is felt in the lumbar region. Aching or dull and weak. When it's cold or damp outside, they get worse. Women experience frequent urination and even urinary incontinence. Arterial pressure in patients increases. When urinating, women feel pain.

How intense will the disease manifest itself? It depends on whether there is 1 kidney or both and how long ago? If a woman has chronic pyelonephritis, then during the period of remission she will not feel any particular pain and will decide that she is healthy. Painful sensations will become noticeable during the acute stage of the disease.

What causes an exacerbation? Apparent reasons: people have weak immunity. It happens after eating spicy foods, if you often drink alcohol in any form, somewhere overcooled. Symptoms of the disease:

Your temperature is above +38 ° C; Feel pulling pains in the lower back. There are also pains in the peritoneal region, but less often. If you stand somewhere for a long time or play sports, they will remind you of themselves. You get tired faster than usual and often feel weak; Headache; Muscle pains are felt; You feel sick; The face with the limbs is swollen; Urination becomes more frequent, persistent frequent urge; You feel pain when urinating; Cloudy urine; Blood appeared in the urine.

Who will the doctor prescribe an ultrasound to?

Under what symptoms the doctor will give you a referral for an ultrasound examination:

If you feel pain in the abdomen and lower back. For no apparent reason, you have a high body temperature for a long time. A general blood test shows leukocytosis, increased ESR, leukoformula is shifted to the left, anemia is observed; Biochemical analysis suggests that there is more creatinine, like urea, with potassium, blood serum. These indicators are especially important for making a diagnosis if you do not yet know exactly which organ is affected? The kidneys are impaired to remove urine. You have frequent urge to urinate at night. At the same time, you feel pain. During the day, there was less or more urine, edema appeared. The urine has become more or less, but its specific gravity is less than it was before. Blood with a high protein content, a lot of bacteria, urate salts, with phosphates, a lot of leukocytes appeared in the urine.

How is kidney ultrasound done? The patient is asked to take off his clothes. bare your back. At the place where the kidneys are located, they put sensors, guide them and look on the screen in what state the organ is?

"Advice. Take a deep breath and continue breathing deeply. Then the picture of the examination of the kidneys will be the most complete and clear. "

Now you know how the kidneys are examined and that pyelonephritis is visible on ultrasound. It can be acute or chronic. It remains to be examined with ultrasound equipment and treated. How long will the course take? This is individual for everyone.

Click the Make an appointment button and we will find you an ultrasound specialist or another doctor in 10 minutes.

O laboratory methods diagnostics and the most important analysis in the diagnosis of pyelonephritis can be found in the corresponding article on analyzes. In this article we will talk about instrumental methods for diagnosing pyelonephritis.

Instrumental methods for the diagnosis of pyelonephritis.

Instrumental methods of examining a patient with pyelonephritis include X-ray, ultrasound and some other specific techniques that allow you to find the focus of inflammation and impaired development of the kidneys and urinary tract. results instrumental methods studies will differ in chronic and acute pyelonephritis.

X-ray signs of pyelonephritis

In acute pyelonephritis radiographic signs do not exist.

X-ray signs chronic pyelonephritis:

dilated and concave renal cups, asymmetry of the contours of the kidneys, changes in the contour of the kidney

In chronic pyelonephritis in children with urinary incontinence, cystography and cystoscopy are recommended.

When conducting contrast urography, the following signs can be detected:

deformation or expansion of individual (or many) cups, spasm of the renal pelvis or other parts of the urinary tract, flattening of the papillae of the kidney, asymmetry of damage to both renal cavities.

Radioisotope studies in pyelonephritis.

Radioisotope studies in pyelonephritis are used very widely, especially for early diagnosis pyelonephritis. Isotope study reveals the pathology of the excretory function of the kidneys, the asymmetry of kidney damage, and impaired transport of urine in the upper urinary tract.

Ultrasound signs of pyelonephritis

Ultrasound examinations of the kidneys and urinary system in acute pyelonephritis help to identify:

vesiculo-urethral reflux and expansion of the calyx-pelvic system, an increase in the size of the kidneys, the degree of mobility of the kidney during breathing

Ultrasound signs in chronic pyelonephritis:

reduction in the size of the kidney, deformation of the kidney contour, fragmentation of the echo signal in the pelvis, sclerotic thinning of the parenchyma, its high echogenicity

CT and MRI for pyelonephritis.

Computed tomography and MRI are performed if ultrasound is not informative, in unclear and difficult situations, if a tumor is suspected.

Biopsy for pyelonephritis.

A kidney biopsy is indicated for diagnostic difficulties, for example, with pyelonephritis, combined with glomerulonephritis. Since pyelonephritis is characterized by focal kidney damage, it is not always possible to obtain a piece of tissue from the pathological focus for research. Therefore, biopsy is used in extreme cases.

Consultation of specialists

In addition to laboratory and instrumental examinations to confirm pyelonephritis, it is necessary to consult with specialists - an otolaryngologist, dentist, neurologist, phthisiatrician, if a girl has pyelonephritis, a gynecologist.

increased body temperature (more often up to 38 ° C); pulling pain in the lumbar region (less often pain occurs in the abdomen), which gain intensity when physical activity or prolonged standing; general weakness, fatigue; headache; muscle pain; nausea; swelling of the face, limbs; frequent urge to urinate; pain when urinating; turbidity of urine; the appearance of blood in the urine.

reduced kidney size; tuberosity of the outlines of the organ; deformation or expansion of the calyx-pelvis system; thinning of the main tissue of the kidneys, its increased echogenicity.

Ultrasound of the kidneys with pyelonephritis is considered secondary method research. He is referred to him if there is a suspicion of a disease caused by the patient's complaints, the results of a general analysis of blood serum and urine, indicating inflammatory process flowing in the urinary system.

Most often, pregnant women and children suffer from pyelonephritis. Ultrasound examination does not give any radiation, therefore it can be used in the diagnosis of patients of any age and condition.

Indications for

Kidney inflammation can be confused with other diseases. Differentiating the disease from others is the primary concern in making a diagnosis. Ultrasound for pyelonephritis is part of the necessary comprehensive examination.

It is assigned:

  • if protein was found in the urine, and the leukocytes are less or more than 3-6 units;
  • if the amount of protein and erythrocytes in the blood serum has decreased, immunoglobulin, potassium has increased;
  • when dumb or worried sharp pain in the lower back, lower abdomen;
  • when the patient at the doctor's appointment describes clinical manifestation diseases - high fever, weakness, nausea, headache, acute or spastic pain syndrome in the lower back, lower abdomen.

Food restrictions must be introduced 3 days before the examination. No spicy, greasy, fried foods. You cannot eat the last 5-8 hours before the ultrasound. You need to drink 500 ml of pure water before diagnosis.

The research method is non-invasive and painless. The patient lies down on the couch. Remove clothing to allow access to the lower back, lower abdomen and sides. A special probe gel is applied to these areas. The device emits ultrasonic waves that are repelled by tissues and organ cells. The image on the monitor is formed based on the speed and strength of the wave. Later it is printed and deciphered by a specialist.

except ultrasound examination, the urologist may prescribe a referral for CT or MRI.

Description of chronic pyelonephritis on ultrasound

This form of the disease develops as a complication of advanced acute inflammation of the kidneys. Signs of chronic pyelonephritis on ultrasound are nonspecific (in remission). Big role in the formulation of the final diagnosis, biochemical analysis of blood and urine, anamnesis of the patient play a role.

As a consequence of severe chronic pyelonephritis, nephrosclerosis may appear.

Based on these data, the doctor writes out a conclusion. Also, during an ultrasound scan, worms, tuberculosis can be detected if the area around the kidney is covered with pseudotumor nodes that do not appear clinically.

Description of acute pyelonephritis on ultrasound

Acute kidney inflammation is diagnosed quickly. Distinguish diffuse form acute pyelonephritis and focal. The second is easier and faster to be treated.

Acute pyelonephritis on ultrasound has the following visible signs:

  1. The surface of the kidney changes. It becomes bumpy. This is caused by a change in the composition of cells and tissues - infiltration. This is typical for the focal form of the disease.
  2. Puffiness. There is a bilateral or unilateral enlargement of the kidneys. You can see such pathological changes more often with focal inflammation.
  3. Another level of echo density. With focal pyelonephritis, it increases, with diffuse pyelonephritis, it falls.
  4. The renal cortical layer is not clearly visible.
  5. The mobility of the kidney is impaired during the respiratory process.

The following conclusions can signal complications:

  1. Stones, neoplasms. The pyelocaliceal system near the upper urinary tract expands.
  2. Discharge of pus outside the fibrous capsule of the organ. An echo-negative trend is observed, the picture is indistinct, the surface of the kidneys is distorted.
  3. Heavy current clinical picture, complications. Revealed only diffuse changes urinary tract - kidney edema, expansion of the PCS.

A minimum of contraindications and an affordable price makes this visual diagnostic method of paramount importance.

Pyelonephritis is a common disease of the urinary system that occurs in women much more often than in men. It is associated with infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the calyx-pelvic system of the kidneys. The chronic form of the disease is characterized by a prolonged course with periods of exacerbation and remission, and it often develops as a result of inadequate treatment of the acute process. Pyelonephritis leads to changes in renal tissue, impaired renal function and can cause quite severe complications.

Symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis in women

Chronic pyelonephritis can be permanently troublesome in the form of mild pain in the lumbar region, which are dull or aching in nature, aggravated in damp, cold weather. Also, women may complain of frequent urination, urinary incontinence, mild pain when urinating and increased blood pressure... The intensity of these manifestations depends on whether the process is one-sided or affecting both kidneys, whether there are other disorders genitourinary system... In some women, during the period of remission, signs of chronic pyelonephritis are not observed, appearing only with an exacerbation of the process.

Exacerbation of the disease occurs most often due to a decrease immune defense organism, hypothermia, use alcoholic beverages or spicy foods, etc. In this case, the manifestations resemble the symptoms of an acute process and include:

  • increased body temperature (more often up to 38 ° C);
  • pulling pains in the lumbar region (less often, pain occurs in the abdomen), which gain intensity with physical exertion or prolonged standing;
  • general weakness, fatigue;
  • headache;
  • muscle pain;
  • nausea;
  • swelling of the face, limbs;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pain when urinating;
  • turbidity of urine;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine.

Ultrasound signs of chronic pyelonephritis

To detect the focus of kidney inflammation, to determine the disorders of the kidneys and urinary tract, they are prescribed ultrasound procedure... In this case, signs of a disease characterized by a chronic course are:

  • reduced kidney size;
  • tuberosity of the outlines of the organ;
  • deformation or expansion of the calyx-pelvis system;
  • thinning of the main tissue of the kidneys, its increased echogenicity.

In contact with

An experienced doctor will immediately notice the signs of pyelonephritis on an ultrasound scan. The disease is common. It occurs due to infection, inflammation in the calyx-pelvic system of the kidneys.

In the chronic form, there are exacerbations with remissions. The reason for the transition to a chronic form, poor treatment of the disease in the acute stage. Kidney tissues are reborn and do not perform their functions, the kidneys work much worse. This can lead to severe complications.

Acute pyelonephritis. Primary

Doctors often see the disease on ultrasound. Elderly and young people suffer from it. Most of them are women. The kidneys usually get sick immediately, and not through inflammation of the lower or upper tract of the urinary tract. The disease occurs in 2 types: foci or in a diffuse state.

With focal pyelonephritis in the parenchyma zone, local expansion is anechoic or echo-homogeneous. The contours of the kidney are sometimes bulging. After treatment and recovery, no traces of the disease remain.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys will be difficult if the organ is today or, for example, a three-day hematoma, acute inflammation of the cavity (also fresh), an acute carbuncle, other formations that look similar on the echogram in the stage of exacerbation.

"Advice. For diagnostics, look for an experienced specialist. Only an uzist who has worked for a sufficient time in the hospital and who has seen many ultrasound screenshots will correctly decipher the data."

The foci of inflammation in the kidneys can be diagnosed only with the help of ultrasound; doctors do not use another diagnostic method. This one is safe and informative.

When pyelonephritis is diffuse in the acute stage, the kidney becomes larger, capturing the parenchyma area. It expands and has little echogenicity. If the disease is at an initial stage, then the kidney on ultrasound will be with clear contours. And with severe edema of the parenchyma, the specialist will see on the screen that the contours are blurred and the capsule located near the kidneys and consisting of fat has become inflamed.

Emphysematous pyelonephritis is extremely rare. With this disease, bubbles with gas are formed in the area of ​​the cup-pelvis. They are black, rounded and highly echoic. They leave an acoustic shadow.

Ultrasound helps to determine whether the kidneys are asymmetric, and will show their volume. For this, a formula is used to calculate the epilepsoid. You will need given - the largest dimensions: transverse with longitudinal. These data are also used in establishing the diagnosis of an abscess in the lower or upper urinary tract.

What are the symptoms that a woman has chronic pyelonephritis?

The apparent reasons are varied. If you have chronic pyelonephritis, you may not know about it for some time (before diagnosis). Pain is felt in the lumbar region. Aching or dull and weak. When it's cold or damp outside, they get worse. Women experience frequent urination and even urinary incontinence. Arterial pressure in patients increases. When urinating, women feel pain.

How intense will the disease manifest itself? It depends on whether there is 1 kidney or both and how long ago? If a woman has chronic pyelonephritis, then during the period of remission she will not feel any particular pain and will decide that she is healthy. Painful sensations will become noticeable during the acute stage of the disease.

What causes an exacerbation? Apparent reasons: people have weak immunity. It happens after eating spicy foods, if you often drink alcohol in any form, somewhere overcooled. Symptoms of the disease:

  • Your temperature is above +38 ° C;
  • Feel pulling pains in the lower back. There are also pains in the peritoneal region, but less often. If you stand somewhere for a long time or play sports, they will remind you of themselves.
  • You get tired faster than usual and often feel weak;
  • Headache;
  • Muscle pains are felt;
  • You feel sick;
  • The face with the limbs is swollen;
  • Urination becomes more frequent, persistent frequent urge;
  • You feel pain when urinating;
  • Cloudy urine;
  • Blood appeared in the urine.

Who will the doctor prescribe an ultrasound to?

Under what symptoms the doctor will give you a referral for an ultrasound examination:

  1. If you feel pain in the abdomen and lower back.
  2. For no apparent reason, you have a high body temperature for a long time.
  3. A general blood test shows leukocytosis, increased ESR, leukoformula is shifted to the left, anemia is observed; Biochemical analysis suggests that there is more creatinine, like urea, with potassium, blood serum. These indicators are especially important for making a diagnosis if you do not yet know exactly which organ is affected?
  4. The kidneys are impaired to remove urine. You have frequent urge to urinate at night. At the same time, you feel pain. During the day, there was less or more urine, edema appeared.
  5. The urine has become more or less, but its specific gravity is less than it was before.
  6. Blood with a high protein content, a lot of bacteria, urate salts, with phosphates, a lot of leukocytes appeared in the urine.

How is kidney ultrasound done? The patient is asked to take off his clothes. bare your back. At the place where the kidneys are located, they put sensors, guide them and look on the screen in what state the organ is?

"Advice. Take a deep breath and continue breathing deeply. Then the picture of the examination of the kidneys will come out most complete and clear."

Now you know how the kidneys are examined and that pyelonephritis is visible on ultrasound. It can be acute or chronic. It remains to be examined with ultrasound equipment and treated. How long will the course take? This is individual for everyone.

An experienced doctor will immediately notice the signs of pyelonephritis on an ultrasound scan. The disease is common. It occurs due to infection, inflammation in the calyx-pelvic system of the kidneys.

In the chronic form, there are exacerbations with remissions. The reason for the transition to a chronic form, poor treatment of the disease in the acute stage. Kidney tissues are reborn and do not perform their functions, the kidneys work much worse. This can lead to severe complications.

Acute pyelonephritis. Primary

Doctors often see the disease on ultrasound. Elderly and young people suffer from it. Most of them are women. The kidneys usually get sick immediately, and not through inflammation of the lower or upper tract of the urinary tract. The disease occurs in 2 types: foci or in a diffuse state.

With focal pyelonephritis in the parenchyma zone, local expansion is anechoic or echo-homogeneous. The contours of the kidney are sometimes bulging. After treatment and recovery, no traces of the disease remain.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys will be difficult if the organ is today or, for example, a three-day hematoma, acute inflammation of the cavity (also fresh), an acute carbuncle, other formations that look similar on the echogram in the stage of exacerbation.

"Advice. look for an experienced specialist for diagnosis. Only an uzist who has worked for a sufficient time in the hospital, who has seen many ultrasound screenshots, will correctly decipher the data. "

The foci of inflammation in the kidneys can be diagnosed only with the help of ultrasound; doctors do not use another diagnostic method. This one is safe and informative.

When pyelonephritis is diffuse in the acute stage, the kidney becomes larger, capturing the parenchyma area. It expands and has little echogenicity. If the disease is at an initial stage, then the kidney on ultrasound will be with clear contours. And with severe edema of the parenchyma, the specialist will see on the screen that the contours are blurred and the capsule located near the kidneys and consisting of fat has become inflamed.

Emphysematous pyelonephritis is extremely rare. With this disease, bubbles with gas are formed in the area of ​​the cup-pelvis. They are black, rounded and highly echoic. They leave an acoustic shadow.

Ultrasound helps to determine whether the kidneys are asymmetric, and will show their volume. For this, a formula is used to calculate the epilepsoid. You will need given - the largest dimensions: transverse with longitudinal. These data are also used in establishing the diagnosis of an abscess in the lower or upper urinary tract.

What are the symptoms that a woman has chronic pyelonephritis?

The apparent reasons are varied. If you have chronic pyelonephritis, you may not know about it for some time (before diagnosis). Pain is felt in the lumbar region. Aching or dull and weak. When it's cold or damp outside, they get worse. Women experience frequent urination and even urinary incontinence. Arterial pressure in patients increases. When urinating, women feel pain.

How intense will the disease manifest itself? It depends on whether there is 1 kidney or both and how long ago? If a woman has chronic pyelonephritis, then during the period of remission she will not feel any particular pain and will decide that she is healthy. Painful sensations will become noticeable during the acute stage of the disease.

What causes an exacerbation? Apparent reasons: people have weak immunity. It happens after eating spicy foods, if you often drink alcohol in any form, somewhere overcooled. Symptoms of the disease:

Your temperature is above +38 ° C; Feel pulling pains in the lower back. There are also pains in the peritoneal region, but less often. If you stand somewhere for a long time or play sports, they will remind you of themselves. You get tired faster than usual and often feel weak; Headache; Muscle pains are felt; You feel sick; The face with the limbs is swollen; Urination becomes more frequent, persistent frequent urge; You feel pain when urinating; Cloudy urine; Blood appeared in the urine.

Who will the doctor prescribe an ultrasound to?

Under what symptoms the doctor will give you a referral for an ultrasound examination:

If you feel pain in the abdomen and lower back. For no apparent reason, you have a high body temperature for a long time. A general blood test shows leukocytosis, increased ESR, leukoformula is shifted to the left, anemia is observed; Biochemical analysis suggests that there is more creatinine, like urea, with potassium, blood serum. These indicators are especially important for making a diagnosis if you do not yet know exactly which organ is affected? The kidneys are impaired to remove urine. You have frequent urge to urinate at night. At the same time, you feel pain. During the day, there was less or more urine, edema appeared. The urine has become more or less, but its specific gravity is less than it was before. Blood with a high protein content, a lot of bacteria, urate salts, with phosphates, a lot of leukocytes appeared in the urine.

How is kidney ultrasound done? The patient is asked to take off his clothes. bare your back. At the place where the kidneys are located, they put sensors, guide them and look on the screen in what state the organ is?

"Advice. Take a deep breath and continue breathing deeply. Then the picture of the examination of the kidneys will be the most complete and clear. "

Now you know how the kidneys are examined and that pyelonephritis is visible on ultrasound. It can be acute or chronic. It remains to be examined with ultrasound equipment and treated. How long will the course take? This is individual for everyone.

Click the Make an appointment button and we will find you an ultrasound specialist or another doctor in 10 minutes.

You can read about laboratory diagnostic methods and the most important analysis in the diagnosis of pyelonephritis in the corresponding article on analyzes. In this article we will talk about instrumental methods for diagnosing pyelonephritis.

Instrumental methods for the diagnosis of pyelonephritis.

Instrumental methods of examining a patient with pyelonephritis include X-ray, ultrasound and some other specific techniques that allow you to find the focus of inflammation and impaired development of the kidneys and urinary tract. The results of instrumental research methods will differ in chronic and acute pyelonephritis.

X-ray signs of pyelonephritis

In acute pyelonephritis radiographic signs do not exist.

X-ray signs of chronic pyelonephritis:

dilated and concave renal cups, asymmetry of the contours of the kidneys, changes in the contour of the kidney

In chronic pyelonephritis in children with urinary incontinence, cystography and cystoscopy are recommended.

When conducting contrast urography, the following signs can be detected:

deformation or expansion of individual (or many) cups, spasm of the renal pelvis or other parts of the urinary tract, flattening of the papillae of the kidney, asymmetry of damage to both renal cavities.

Radioisotope studies in pyelonephritis.

Radioisotope studies in pyelonephritis are used very widely, especially for the early diagnosis of pyelonephritis. Isotope study reveals the pathology of the excretory function of the kidneys, the asymmetry of kidney damage, and impaired transport of urine in the upper urinary tract.

Ultrasound signs of pyelonephritis

Ultrasound examinations of the kidneys and urinary system in acute pyelonephritis help to identify:

vesiculo-urethral reflux and expansion of the calyx-pelvic system, an increase in the size of the kidneys, the degree of mobility of the kidney during breathing

Ultrasound signs in chronic pyelonephritis:

reduction in the size of the kidney, deformation of the kidney contour, fragmentation of the echo signal in the pelvis, sclerotic thinning of the parenchyma, its high echogenicity

CT and MRI for pyelonephritis.

Computed tomography and MRI are performed if ultrasound is not informative, in unclear and difficult situations, if a tumor is suspected.

Biopsy for pyelonephritis.

A kidney biopsy is indicated for diagnostic difficulties, for example, with pyelonephritis, combined with glomerulonephritis. Since pyelonephritis is characterized by focal kidney damage, it is not always possible to obtain a piece of tissue from the pathological focus for research. Therefore, biopsy is used in extreme cases.

Consultation of specialists

In addition to laboratory and instrumental examinations to confirm pyelonephritis, it is necessary to consult with specialists - an otolaryngologist, dentist, neurologist, phthisiatrician, if a girl has pyelonephritis, a gynecologist.

Pyelonephritis is a common disease of the urinary system that occurs in women much more often than in men. It is associated with infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the calyx-pelvic system of the kidneys. The chronic form of the disease is characterized by a prolonged course with periods of exacerbation and remission, and it often develops as a result of inadequate treatment of the acute process. Pyelonephritis leads to changes in renal tissue, impaired renal function and can cause quite severe complications.

Symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis in women

Chronic pyelonephritis can be permanently troublesome in the form of mild pain in the lumbar region, which are dull or aching in nature, aggravated in damp, cold weather. Also, women may complain of frequent urination, urinary incontinence, mild pain when urinating, and high blood pressure. The intensity of these manifestations depends on whether the process is unilateral or affecting both kidneys, whether there are other disorders of the genitourinary system. In some women, during the period of remission, signs of chronic pyelonephritis are not noted, appearing only with an exacerbation of the process.

An exacerbation of the disease occurs most often due to a decrease in the body's immune defense, hypothermia, the use of alcoholic beverages or spicy foods, etc. In this case, the manifestations resemble the symptoms of an acute process and include:

increased body temperature (more often up to 38 ° C); pulling pains in the lumbar region (less often, pain occurs in the abdomen), which gain intensity with physical exertion or prolonged standing; general weakness, fatigue; headache; muscle pain; nausea; swelling of the face, limbs; frequent urge to urinate; pain when urinating; turbidity of urine; the appearance of blood in the urine.

Ultrasound signs of chronic pyelonephritis

To detect a focus of kidney inflammation, to determine disorders of the kidneys and urinary tract, an ultrasound examination is prescribed. In this case, signs of a disease characterized by a chronic course are:

reduced kidney size; tuberosity of the outlines of the organ; deformation or expansion of the calyx-pelvis system; thinning of the main tissue of the kidneys, its increased echogenicity.

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