Changes in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland. What are diffuse changes in the thyroid parenchyma? Diffuse focal changes in the thyroid parenchyma

Such problems can be triggered by a number of diseases. And for the beginning of timely treatment, it is worth finding out the reasons, as well as external signs of changes.

Several factors contribute to disorders in the structure of thyroid tissues:

  1. One of them is associated with iodine deficiency. This occurs in areas where this important component for the organ is not present in sufficient quantities in soil and water. In similar areas of the disease thyroid gland are considered common.
  2. If the body deviates from, it can also significantly affect its structure. In this case, it is observed uniform and in all directions.
  3. The inflammatory process in the tissues of the thyroid gland can be provoked. In a healthy state, human defenses are directed to the production of antibodies capable of destroying pathogenic bacteria and viruses. In autoimmune pathologies, they are aimed at destroying healthy cells of the thyroid gland.
  4. Such changes can be the result of poor nutrition. It includes a flaw. Or eating foods with elements that inhibit the production of thyroid hormones: all varieties of cabbage, corn, soybeans, beans, peanuts and turnips.

Knowing the reasons for the development of the violation will allow you to take a number of actions. If the ecological situation of the area contributes to changes in thyroid tissue, it is worth regularly undergoing appropriate examinations.

In areas where there is no such problem, it is worth paying attention to the signs of iodine deficiency in the body, adjusting the diet if necessary.

The main symptoms of diffuse changes

It is worth paying attention to the condition of the thyroid gland with the following symptoms:

  • fragility of the nail plates;
  • increased frequency of viral or bacterial infections;
  • constant chills;
  • increased fatigue, constant feeling of fatigue;
  • deterioration of intellectual capabilities;
  • problems concentrating, remembering, or perseverance;
  • not dependent on power supply;
  • pathological processes in functioning endocrine system;
  • violation of the genital organs;
  • the appearance of chronic constipation not related to the diet.

The appearance of such formations can be associated with symptoms of mixed goiter, adenoma or oncology that appeared on the thyroid gland.

Methods for examining the state of the organ

To identify problems with the thyroid gland, the doctor will first assess general state neck. Suspicions of pathology may appear if asymmetry is noticed, an unnatural thickening of this part of the body.

« After the first consultation, the doctor said that if I had delayed for another month, irreparable damage could have happened ... "

Palpation follows visual inspection. She allows. The process is carried out in several positions. The front neck area is examined with the thumbs. The back is palpated with the index fingers.

The main method in. It allows you to see the size and location of the gland, its contours, structure, as well as nearby vessels and lymph nodes.

A healthy state is diagnosed with a natural position, correct size and shape, uniformity of the structure, clarity of contours, no changes in adjacent tissues. Any deviation from the norm can be a cause for concern.

If ultrasound revealed a bridle more than a centimeter in diameter, it is required to send it to neoplasms. This will reveal whether it is benign or malignant.

Treatment methods

To cope with the consequences, it is worth trying to eliminate the cause of their occurrence. So, it is worth making the appropriate changes to the diet.

And when living in disadvantaged areas, it is worth taking funds to ensure sufficient iodine levels in the body.

If a change in the work of the thyroid gland had a negative effect on the hormonal balance, it can be restored with the help of medications developed for this purpose: L-thyroxine with a lack of the necessary hormone or Mercazolil with its excess. Before starting such treatment, it is worth consulting a specialist.

If during the examination, minor changes in the tissues of the thyroid gland were found, you should prepare yourself that you will need to visit the doctor more often than usual. Optimal in this case is an ultrasound scan 2-3 times a year. This will allow you to quickly detect signs of growth of the detected foci.

Large formations are subject surgical removal or . State of the art modern medicine allows you to perform the operation with high quality, and, subject to all medical requirements during rehabilitation therapy, achieve a stable remission.

To summarize: diffuse focal changes in the thyroid gland can be triggered by various factors, including the ecological disadvantage of the place of residence or an unhealthy lifestyle.

Pathology can affect the entire organ or manifest itself as foci in the form of benign or malignant formations.

Timely diagnostics in the form of a visual examination and ultrasound will identify diseases, as well as a threat to health and life. Timely treatment will ensure complete recovery or lasting remission.

Often incomprehensible diagnostic terms, for example, "diffusion changes in the thyroid gland" are mistaken for an independent disease. In fact, this is objective data that the ultrasound diagnostician sees on the screen.

Structural changes in the thyroid gland can be observed in the complete absence of any symptoms, but can also be a consequence serious diseases ... In any case, this is a pathological process that requires an accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Changes of a diffuse nature indicate that the structure differs from a healthy organ, abnormal ultrasound echoes are distributed evenly.

Allocate following reasonsleading to diffuse changes in the thyroid gland:

  1. Iodine imbalance. Both the deficiency and the excess of this element in the body play a role. In order to maintain production active substances hypersecretion of the thyroid gland begins, as a result of which it increases in size and grows.
  2. The presence of genetic defects leading to autoimmune reactions. The thyroid tissue becomes inflamed and its structure changes. Pathology develops under the influence of infections and inflammation, trauma, exhaustion, alcohol abuse and smoking.
  3. Complications after a viral infection. Acute or subacute thyroiditis may develop.
  4. Other reasons: climate change; being in a zone of increased radiation activity; improper nutrition; professional intoxication; diseases of the endocrine system.


Symptoms that accompany diffuse changes in the thyroid gland are different in its hypo- or hyperfunction.

Signs of hypothyroidism:

  • apathetic mood;
  • rapid fatigue and decreased performance;
  • deterioration of memorization processes;
  • problems with hair (brittleness, loss) and nails (brittleness);
  • a decrease in body temperature may be accompanied by chills;
  • bowel dysfunction (constipation);
  • increase in body weight.

The signs of thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism) are:

  • increased excitability nervous system, manifested in aggressiveness;
  • tachycardia and arrhythmia;
  • hypertension;
  • tremor of the upper limbs;
  • feeling hot, sweating;
  • bowel disorders (diarrhea);
  • weight loss;
  • ophthalmopathy, eyelid edema, blurred vision.

Common symptoms in hyper- and hypothyroidism are decreased sexual activity, in women - disorders menstrual cycle (amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea).

In cases of a significant increase in organ size, squeezing of closely located blood and lymphatic vessels occurs. Patients complain of pain in the neck and when swallowing, coughing and shortness of breath may appear.

If these symptoms appear, contact an endocrinologist immediately!

Types of changes

Diffuse changes in the structure of the thyroid gland can be of a different nature, depending on which they distinguish:

  • nodal;
  • parenchymal;
  • diffuse focal;
  • cystic;
  • expressed;
  • moderate.

Nodal changes. Epithelial tissue the thyroid gland (parenchyma) has a follicular structure. The follicles are surrounded by blood vessels, lymph vessels and are responsible for the secretion of hormones. The nodular changes in the organ provoke an increase in follicle size, and a parenchymal neoplasm appears inside. Changes can be both benign and transformed into a malignant form. For this reason, it is extremely important to control the endocrinologist already at early stages manifestations of nodules. Diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland in the later stages are noticeable on palpation.

Diffuse focal changes in the thyroid gland are the most insidious. If you "run" this problem, pathology will develop into oncology. Against the background of healthy tissue of the organ, foci are formed - areas with a heterogeneous structure. These can be cysts, tumor formations (lipomas, adenomas, etc.).

Cystic changes are accompanied by an increase in the size of the thyroid gland. They are capsules with. Cysts can grow quantitatively and transform into malignant tumors.

A pronounced form of changes has a strongly enlarged organ with significant deformation of the parenchyma. This is common during the period of Graves' disease. Diffuse changes in the thyroid gland by the type of AIT (autoimmune thyroiditis) are also pronounced and are classified depending on the cause of the appearance.

With moderate changes, the parenchyma increases slightly, and hormonal disturbances are not observed.


An endocrinologist can diagnose these pathological changes during examination and palpation. The size of the gland, the presence of seals, soreness, pulsation are assessed.

Additional diagnostic methods are associated with determining the morphological structure of the thyroid gland and the level of its activity, that is, the production of hormones.

Most effective method - ultrasound diagnostics. Abnormal areas of the organ give darkening ( increased echogenicity), heterogeneous echo structure and blurred (fuzzy) contours. This study determines the exact size of the organ.

In cases of controversial data, ultrasound examinations do magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, x-ray examinations and scintigraphy. If diffuse focal changes in the thyroid gland or nodal changes are diagnosed, the patient is biopsy for histological examination pathological process.

The concentration of hormones in the blood (T3, T4) is determined by testing. With autoimmune thyroiditis in the blood is observed elevated level antibodies.


The treatment strategy is worked out by an endocrinologist after an accurate diagnosis has been made.

When diffuse changes in the thyroid gland are insignificant, then iodine preparations are prescribed. Levothyroxine is prescribed for hypofunction. Hyperthyroidism is treated with drugs that suppress the production of a hormone - thyreostatics. Acute inflammation is treated with antibiotics.

In the case of pronounced diffuse changes of a parenchymal nature, radioactive iodine... Its isotopes destroy overgrown follicles.

If, as a result of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland and a significant increase in the size of the organ, squeezing of adjacent tissues and organs occurs, a partial resection of the gland is performed or it is completely removed. After such an operation is necessary.


Of great importance in prevention is healthy image life: a balanced diet (mandatory inclusion of foods rich in iodine), sports, avoiding alcohol and smoking, good rest.

If you have a family history of thyroid pathologies, you need to pay more attention to your health. Try to avoid stressful situations.

Taking multivitamin iodine-containing complexes is especially important for people living far from the sea or ocean.

All people over 35 need to consult an endocrinologist once a year.

The thyroid gland is an organ of the endocrine system. The gland is located on the front of the neck. It consists of two lobes and an isthmus located in front of the trachea. Often (in 30% of cases) there is a pyramidal lobe extending upward from one of the lateral lobes (usually the left) or isthmus. The mass of the thyroid gland is normally 15-30 g. The structure of a normal thyroid gland is always homogeneous. The entire tissue of the gland is represented by lobules 0.5-1 mm in diameter. The morphological unit of the thyroid gland is the follicle (vesicle). The follicle walls are composed of thyrocytes, and the lumen is filled with colloid. The main function of thyrocytes is the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones into the blood. These hormones include thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Thyroid hormones affect the development and functioning of the central nervous system, they increase the breakdown of protein, fat and glycogen, as well as have several other effects in the body. Also in the thyroid gland are C cells that secrete calciotonin. This hormone influences calcium metabolism by stimulating its transfer to bone. Thus, the functions of thyroid hormones are diverse, and the importance of this gland for the body cannot be overestimated.

Focal and diffuse changes in the thyroid gland

Unfortunately, there are a number of diseases of this endocrine organ. Some of these diseases increase the function of the thyroid gland, causing excessive synthesis of hormones, others reduce the production of hormones, and still others do not affect the hormonal activity of the gland. Morphologically, diseases can be in the form of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland or in the form of focal lesions. Focal changes are a node surrounded by unchanged gland tissue. Pathology of only part of the gland can be in nodular, mixed goiter, adenoma and thyroid cancer.Such changes in the thyroid gland are not an independent disease. The cause of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland is most often endemic goiter, chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, subacute thyroiditis, diffuse toxic goiter, mixed goiter. At the heart of diffuse tissue changes is an insufficient intake of iodine into the body or an inflammatory reaction. Iodine deficiency is most often observed in endemic regions where the soil and water are not rich enough in this trace element. Endemic regions include many areas in Russian Federation... Inflammation in the gland tissue is most often of an autoimmune nature, that is, destruction occurs due to the pathological aggression of a person's own immunity.

Diagnosis of diffuse changes in gland tissue

In order to identify diffuse changes in the thyroid gland or its local lesion, palpation (feeling with the hands) of the organ is performed. Since the gland is located superficially, palpation can provide a lot of valuable information about the state of the organ. This examination is performed with the patient facing the doctor. The patient is sitting, standing or lying. Palpation reveals nodes or diffuse changes in the thyroid gland. The size of the gland, its density, and uniformity of the structure are estimated. Signs of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland are the density and heterogeneity of the surface of the organ without pronounced focal changes, indistinct contours, and often an enlarged gland.

Ultrasound signs of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland

More information about the structure of the thyroid gland is given by imaging methods of examination. The most common method for imaging thyroid tissue is ultrasound (ultrasound, echography). This research is widely available and safe. It is from the conclusion of ultrasound diagnostics that the patient first learns about the presence of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland. The indication for this study is suspicion of thyroid pathology. The reason may be hormonal disorders, complaints or examination results. In the absence of data in favor of thyroid pathology, ultrasound is not performed, since it is not a screening study. Unfortunately, nowadays many patients make their own decision to undergo thyroid ultrasound. The data obtained about the heterogeneity of the structure, follicular changes or diffuse heterogeneity cause anxiety for the patient and unnecessary interventions.

During ultrasound examination lobes of the thyroid gland determine their size, then the volume of the thyroid gland is calculated using a special formula. Then the echo structure and echogenicity of the thyroid gland are assessed. The echo structure can be homogeneous and heterogeneous. A homogeneous structure is characterized by a uniform distribution of echo signals of the same size and location. An inhomogeneous echo structure is an unevenly spaced alternating echo signals of various intensities and sizes. The echogenicity of the gland is compared with the echogenicity of the surrounding tissues. It can be medium (normal), increased and decreased. An increase in echogenicity can be with an increase in the proportion connective tissue in the thyroid gland. Areas of increased calcium deposition also have increased echogenicity. Increased echogenicity can be with an increase in the fluid content in the gland, excess blood filling, an increase in the proportion of thyrocytes. Local changes are described separately. Thus, according to the results of ultrasound, the doctor makes a conclusion about the presence of diffuse changes in the gland, if a heterogeneous echo structure of the tissue, increased or decreased echogenicity is found. Other imaging techniques - magnetic resonance and computed tomography... They are used much less frequently due to their lower availability and potential danger for the patient. Tomography data can serve as a basis for the diagnosis of diffuse or focal lesions of the gland tissue, since these methods assess the structure and density of the organ.

Treatment of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland

The reasons for diffuse changes in the thyroid gland are different, respectively, and therapy can be different. Treatment of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland with endemic goiter carried out with the help of iodine preparations. If there is no effect, the hormonal preparation L-thyroxine is added to the treatment. For chronic autoimmune thyroiditis conservative treatment prescribed only in the presence of hypothyroidism. Also the treatment of diffuse toxic goiter has the goal of suppressing the excess synthesis of thyroid hormones. Treatment of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland in these diseases is not carried out. In case of significant enlargement of the gland and compression of the surrounding tissues, an operation is used.

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Diffuse changes in the thyroid gland are changes in all thyroid tissues. They can be determined using ultrasound (ultrasound examination). They are not a disease and arise from some biochemical process.


Doctors identify several reasons for diffuse changes in the thyroid gland.

These include:

  • lack of iodine;
  • imbalance of hormones;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • improper and unbalanced food intake;
  • a sharp change in the ecological environment, which occurred due to various factors.

If a person lives in an endemic environment where there is a lack of iodine, then he may develop some diseases associated with its deficiency.

If there is a violation in the work of the gland, then this changes its structure and tissue. It may increase (organ hyperplasia).

Inflammation occurs due to autoimmune disorders. This causes chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (CAIT). With this disease, the production of lymphocytes and antibodies increases. They damage organ tissue.

If the body does not receive a sufficient amount of iodine from the food consumed, then the functioning of the hormone-producing organ malfunctions in it. Also, failures occur with an excess of iodine. Therefore, it is very important to monitor its amount when eating food.

Diffuse changes in the thyroid gland also occur with some ailments.

These include:

  • goiter endemic and mixed;
  • goiter toxic diffuse;
  • subacute thyroiditis;
  • chronic autoimmune thyroiditis.


Under certain factors, there are signs of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland:

  • a goiter that increases in size;
  • hyperplasia;
  • on ultrasound, the contour of the organ is blurred;
  • heterogeneity and foci appear;
  • malfunctions of the functioning of the organ.

Failures are of 2 types - hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

The changes can be recognized by the following symptoms.

  • dry hair;
  • fragility of the nail plates;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • anxiety;
  • neurotic condition;
  • depressive state;
  • memory impairment;
  • jumps in body weight that are not associated with food intake;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • problems with sexual function;
  • difficulty stooling not related to food intake

Echoes are manifested by seals and nodes in the tissues of the thyroid gland, as well as the presence of uneven density. There is a stable dynamics of the growth of the size of the node.

Most often, diffuse changes in the thyroid gland are diagnosed by chance during a doctor's examination. He may notice a slight hyperplasia of the thyroid gland and send the patient for an examination.


Parenchyma changes

The parenchyma performs important functions and consists of different tissues (hematopoietic and epithelial, as well as nerve cells and others). The parenchyma can only work properly together with the stroma. They form a kind of duet that allows the organ to function correctly.

The parenchymal tissue consists of follicles of different sizes. They are enveloped in blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries. The main function of the follicles is the production of hormones, which include iodine molecules.

Diffuse changes in the thyroid parenchyma occur in the follicles. They are considered structural and functional parts. In this case, the entire parenchymal tissue changes. This causes hyperplasia of the gland and affects both lobes of the organ.

More often this is found on examination by a doctor and during an ultrasound scan. The diagnosis of "diffuse changes in the thyroid parenchyma" will be made, even when the symptoms are not obvious. At this time, a person is still not worried about anything, but the gland is already hard to work. The patient can accelerate the development of the disease by stress, overstrain, both physical and mental, as well as various infections.

When the functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted, a hormonal imbalance occurs. This negatively affects the health and functioning of the body as a whole. Basically, changes in the parenchyma (diffuse) appear due to hormonal disruption and provoke an increase in the organ (it can manifest itself in adults, children and adolescents).

Diffuse focal changes

Diffuse-focal changes in the thyroid gland are expressed in the form of organ hyperplasia with the manifestation of foci, with altered structures and tissues. Formations can be found on ultrasound, but they can be of different types.

These include:

  • cystic;
  • adenoma;
  • teratomic;
  • hemangioma;
  • paraganglioma;
  • lipoma;
  • oncological tumors (cancerous).

They are not separate diseases and appear with an imbalance of some functions, and can also appear with the following ailments:

  • nodular and mixed goiter;
  • adenoma of the thyroid gland;
  • chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (hait);
  • oncological diseases of the organ.

The manifestation of diffuse focal changes may indicate that tumors of a malignant or benign form are developing in the body.

They can be seen on an ultrasound scan, which is allowed for children and adolescents. During examination, it is important to differentiate HAIT from diseases.

Treatment for HAIT is carried out and prescribed individually.

Diffuse-nodal changes

Nodular diffuse changes in the thyroid gland can be detected by palpation. This is possible due to the fact that the gland is located almost on the surface, and it can be easily felt, especially with hyperplasia.

Most often, the nodes arise due to parenchymal changes with an increase in follicles. Doctors characterize the node as a separate, capsule formation, limited from healthy tissues.

Usually, such changes do not make themselves felt for a long time. When they begin to change in size, usually increasing, then this affects the performance of organs and tissues. The most common complaints from patients are voice changes, a feeling of suffocation and a sense of presence. foreign object in the neck. It is also possible the appearance of painful sensations due to structural changes in the larynx.

It is important to note that often benign education becomes malignant.

Doctors call this process - malignancy. The causes of nodal changes have not yet been fully understood, and are currently continuing. Therefore, patients with such a diagnosis must constantly be under the supervision of a doctor.

It can also be a symptom of diseases such as:

  • fibrocystic adenoma;
  • carcinoma.

Malignant formations are easy to see on ultrasound. Their structure differs in the heterogeneity and echogenicity of tissues.

Diffuse cystic changes

This kind is cystic formation in the tissues of the thyroid gland with its hyperplasia. They are cavitary and have a limiting capsule separating them from healthy tissue. Their cavities are filled with colloidal liquid. It contains hormones produced by the gland.

They may not appear for a long time or the symptoms may be blurred. Most often they are found at an appointment with an endocrinologist.

Basically, they manifest themselves as an enlarged thyroid gland with suppuration or infection. This is accompanied by signs that are characteristic of inflammatory processes in acute form... Appears heat body and painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cyst.

People with such changes need to regularly visit a doctor and undergo tests.

Moderate diffuse changes

Moderate diffuse changes in the thyroid gland can be determined by ultrasound. In this case, the gland is slightly enlarged. They don't call severe discomfort because their size is small. At the same time, the organ itself works as usual without interruptions.

With such a change, the foci are absent, the parenchyma has an increased size, but without changes in its tissues.

Usually, doctors do not prescribe treatment when the moderate form changes. This only happens when the patient shows symptoms or pain.

It is necessary to regularly visit a doctor and monitor the development of changes.

Diffuse pronounced changes

This form of changes is manifested by a significant increase in the thyroid gland. Can be determined during ultrasound.

Pronounced changes are manifested in some organ diseases.

These include:

  • thyroiditis of an autoimmune nature or aitis;
  • hyperthyroidism that occurs during Graves 'disease (Graves' disease).

Sometimes with such a change, cystic and nodular types of formations are observed.

This is mainly due to disruption of the work and functioning of the gland, which negatively affects the hormonal background of the body. The body begins to vigorously produce hormones, or vice versa. A pronounced diffuse change can disrupt the work of the cardiac, nervous, reproductive systems, as well as the vessels of the body. These failures occur when the thyroid gland is malfunctioning

They can occur in children, adolescents, and women. It is rare in men.

Changes by type of AIT

Autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) appears, as a rule, in people who have reached the age of 39–43 years. Most often women suffer from it, recently children and adolescents are exposed to it. AIT mainly occurs due to hereditary factors, but some pathological changes can also provoke it - overweight, bad habits and malnutrition.

With autoimmune thyroiditis, a person's immunity and performance decrease, problems with stools arise, hair and nails become brittle, and sexual activity is disrupted.

You can identify AIT on ultrasound, CT and MRI. When confirming the presence of changes and different echogenicity in the tissues, the diagnosis of "autoimmune thyroiditis" is made.


In the thyroid gland, diffuse changes can be diagnosed in the following ways:

  • examination by an endocrinologist;

Most often, ultrasound is used, this is the safest way of examination. It gives the most accurate results.

Indications for ultrasound examination may be as follows:

  • a person's complaints about their health;
  • external changes in the gland;
  • clearly expressed violations of the organ;
  • unsatisfactory results of blood and urine tests.

Diffuse changes are detected in the presence of echogenic tissues. There may also be a different echo structure of the organ. This is evidenced by the decreased or increased echogenicity in different parts of the organ.

Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is good at detecting foci and diffuse lesions. Also, with their help, the doctor sees the whole picture, which allows him to accurately determine the diagnosis.


The choice of treatment method depends on the strength of the enlargement and the types of changes in the thyroid gland.

If they are caused by iodine deficiency, then doctors recommend eating foods rich in this substance.

These include:

  • seaweed;
  • buckwheat;
  • sea \u200b\u200bfish;
  • red caviar;
  • feijoa;
  • apple seeds.

Sometimes iodine-containing drugs are prescribed.

During treatment, it is necessary to control the level of iodine in the body and when the norm is reached, it is necessary to stop taking iodine-containing drugs.

When increased content iodine, you need to cut down on foods rich in this substance. Doctor can prescribe special means, to reduce its content.

Treatment is carried out in courses with constant supervision by a doctor; it is also necessary to periodically check the content of hormones in the blood. This is done using special tests in the laboratory.

Some forms of goiter require treatment surgically... IN postoperative period appointment is scheduled hormonal drugsthat provide stable remission and prevent recurrence.

Such treatment is prescribed on an individual basis, based on the symptoms and associated diseases, as well as their strength.

Self-treatment can lead to deterioration and serious consequences.


To avoid the occurrence of diffuse changes, autoimmune and chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, you can follow simple rules.

These include:

  • control of iodine intake;
  • maximum reduction of stressful situations;
  • taking vitamins;
  • regular visits to the doctor;
  • timely treatment of all diseases.

Such simple rules will help to avoid the unpleasant consequences associated with structural changes in the thyroid gland.


With diffuse changes in the thyroid gland, the prognosis is favorable, in case of timely treatment. This means that you need to closely monitor your health and the health of your child.

Thyroid parenchyma - functional epithelial tissue of an organ containing actively dividing cells. Consists of bubbles of different sizes called follicles, these are structural and functional units. The average size of each follicle is 40-50 microns, they are all braided blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries. Follicle cells produce a hormone involved in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism.

condition of cardio-vascular system directly depend on the health of the thyroid gland. Dysfunction of this important body, the phenomenon of stagnation and accumulation of colloid in its parenchyma leads to heart failure and atherosclerosis. The number of patients who have diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland has been growing lately, this is due to dietary habits and environmental conditions.

Modern equipment ultrasound diagnostics allows you to make a correct diagnosis when scanning the front of the neck (location of the thyroid gland) of patients. Changes in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland can be detected when palpating the larynx region, often an increase in the volume of the organ can be noticed.

This pathology causes an increase or decrease in hormone levels, which can lead to problems in other organs and systems. Because it is precisely three hormones secreted by the gland into the blood that affect the supply of oxygen to tissues and are involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The growth and development of the organism depends on their activity. Diffuse focal changes in the thyroid gland can be a prerequisite for the formation of benign and malignant tumors.

If you feel unreasonable irritation, drowsiness, lethargy, weakness, you must immediately be examined by an endocrinologist. Potassium iodide or the use of iodized foods help with an increase in the size of the gland. Prevention of thyroid diseases is recommended to be carried out constantly, the course and dose of drugs will be prescribed by the attending physician.

Only the fine-meshed structure of the glandular tissue is considered normal or homogeneous, in which the punctate hypoechoic granularity does not exceed 1 mm in diameter. If imaging reveals the heterogeneous nature of the echographic structure and there are areas that differ in echogenicity corresponding to diffuse or focal thyroid pathology, then the doctor may prescribe further more accurate studies.

The detection of nodules in the thyroid gland is a serious reason for a puncture biopsy and the treatment, accordingly, will be completely different. If the nodes of the goiter grow rapidly and become big sizeto avoid crushing other nearby organs, you must surgical intervention... After the operation, the use of thyroid hormones is prescribed. To prevent the recurrence of goiter.

In the case of diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland and the presence of an inhomogeneous structure, signs of inflammatory processes... Inflammation of the perchymis can be normal occurrence for people living in large cities where the state of the environment does not always correspond to the norm. In addition, this change is often triggered by stress, viral infectionsduring which suffers the immune system... The norm for the volume of the thyroid gland in women should be 18 cm 3, in men up to 25 cm 3.

A very important period - bearing a child requires careful, constant monitoring by an endocrinologist. It is necessary to monitor the hormone-producing function of the thyroid gland, donate blood for TSH, free T4 and AT-TPO in order to know how the thyroid gland works and whether it has enough strength to provide mother and child with hormones. Diffuse changes in the mother's thyroid parenchyma do not affect the fetus, the main thing is that its main function is not impaired. During pregnancy and lactation, it is mandatory to take potassium iodide preparations for prophylactic purposes, the amount and timing of admission should be indicated by the doctor under whose supervision the patient is.

Most diseases of the thyroid gland in children are associated with its increase, which is the result of pathological processes of different nature flowing in the parenchyma of the organ. Hyperplasia or hypertrophy of thyrocytes, infiltration of the gland tissue with lymphocytes, the accumulation of cystic fluid and much more is caused by a lack of iodine in food, a defect in hormone genesis, genetic predisposition, radiation damage, viral and infectious diseases, nervous disorders, etc. Examination of children includes: taking anamnesis, hormonal, immunological and cytological research.

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