Products that should be excluded cellulite. What products to refuse and what to eat to get rid of cellulite? How to escape from cellulite

8 of the most dangerous products, addiction to which contributes to the appearance of cellulite

The main reason for the appearance of cellulite is constant abuse of harmful products, which, with a lack of movement and other incompatible with healthy way The life of actions leads to the deposition of fats.

"Cellulite" sounds for many women as a sentence. But this is a delusion. First, it can even have slender girls, and secondly, everything can be fixed. First of all, we need to arrange knowledge about those products that contribute to the appearance of cellulite, but not to completely exclude them - some need to simply limit or replace more useful.

What products can cause cellulite

In the first place - products made of white flour, especially shortbread dough. High calorie and low the nutritional value Make them, to put it mildly, not quite safe for the figure. Never replace full meal by buns, sandwiches, cookies, cakes, etc. Alternative - black bread with bran, biscuits of whole cereals, porridge.

In second place - sugar. It must be said separately, because it has already been proven that white sugar is very harmful, and the abuse of this product may cause many health problems. 100 g sugar per day is a maximum that we can afford. But modern man This norm exceeds, because very many products in large quantities contain the same sugar that we add to coffee and tea. There is a way out - buy Dark sugar, eat honey.

On the third place - Sweet soda, including energy drinks. This poison is not different in any way. They poison, whine the body, strengthen thirst, disrupt the digestion and metabolism. It is better to drink a glass of fresh-sached juice or a compote.

In fourth place - Fast food, semi-finished products, sausage. What to say here is very harmful, oily food, with high calorie and harmful additives. Potato fries with an appetizing hamburger for lunch - and cellulite is provided to you.

In fifth place - milk chocolate, candy, fat ice cream. Try to buy bitter chocolate more often, dried fruits, prepare ice cream at home.

In the sixth place - coffee. A cup of fresh-hearted coffee is what you can afford yourself, but in a soluble form, this drink is better to exclude.

At the seventh place - All sorts of sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise. They can be replaced by sour cream, olive oil, mustard.

In the eighth place - alcohol, especially sweet wines, beer, weakly alcoholic beverages. Alcohol in combination with sugar is very "friendly with cellulite." And those who smoke, very little chance of defeating cellulite.

We draw conclusions

If we generalize, it can be concluded that the most dangerous are products that contain white sugar, top grade flour, preservatives, e-additives, alcohol and fats.

Never pounce baking, candy, sandwiches when you are hungry. Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which are contained in these products, are very quickly absorbed, the sugar level decreases sharply after the rapid assimilation of such food, and therefore after one or two hours he want to eat again.

By eliminating the products that we told from your diet, you will not only chance not only cellulite, but by very many diseases.

Good luck to you on the way to harmony and beautiful figure!

Elastic, smooth and smooth skin - the dream of everyone, without exception, girls and women. That is why the question is: "What is afraid of cellulite?", Does not lose its relevance. About which products from cellulite are most effective, as well as a list of prohibited food - further in the article.

Dairy products and cellulite

There is a fairly widespread opinion that all hated cellulite from dairy products arises. And the refusal of milk will help once and forever solve the problem. Is it really?

To find out whether dairy products contribute to the appearance of cellulite, it is necessary to determine the benefits and harm of each product separately:

  • Homemade milk. Is the most useful for the body, has necessary trace elements, well absorbed. The disadvantage of homemade milk for women fighting cellulite is its high fatty.

  • Pasteurized milk. Unlike home, this product may have a different percentage of fatty. Safety milk is the perfect option for losing girls.
  • Kefir. Is an indispensable drink for female organism. Regular consumption of low fat kefir will not provoke the development of "orange peel", but normalizes the intestinal microflora and restore women's health.
  • Cheese. Despite its favor, solid cheeses are rich in fats and salt, which negatively affects skin elasticity. It is not recommended to abuse this product.
  • Cottage cheese. The product is rich in protein even to a greater degree than meat, so he simply must be in the diet of losing weight. Actually consume two or three times a week. You can add berries, dried fruits, nuts.
  • Yogurt. The use of a natural product (without taste additives) will bring exceptional benefits. If you wish in yogurt, you can add berries known for your anti-cellulite properties (black currant, blueberries).
  • Prostokvash. The drink is recommended for obesity, cellulite, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Efficiency products can provoke an "orange crust" only if they are used too often and have a high percentage of fatty.

Moderate consumption of low-fat dairy food will only improve the condition of the body and the work of its organs and systems.

Cellulite provoking products

The causes of the "orange crust" are quite varied - it is heredity, and hormonal disorders, and a sedentary lifestyle. However, the main factor that can contribute to the development of a cosmetic defect is not proper nutrition.

The list of product, in cellulite caululite, includes the following:

  • Sugar. The increase in blood sugar leads to the loss of elasticity vessels, deterioration of blood circulation, the accumulation of excess fat.
  • Instant coffee. It is not recommended for use, especially with the addition of cream and sugar. If you wish, you can pamper yourself with natural coffee, no more than two times throughout the day.
  • Salt. It may cause a violation of lymphotok, which leads to swelling and accumulation of toxic substances in the body.
  • Alcohol. The substance activating the synthesis of female hormones and, as a result - the accumulation of fat.
  • Semi-finished products. The abundance of preservatives, fats and other harmful substances is negatively affected by the state of subcutaneous fiber.
  • Chocolate. Milk and white chocolate is especially harmful to female hips. At the same time, a pair of cubes of black bitter chocolate twice a week will only benefit.
  • Sweet carbonated water, energy drinks. Cause the acidification of the body, violation of metabolic processes and digestion.
  • Sauces, marinades, ketchups, mayonnaise, as well as solvents, smoked and canned foods that provoke cellulite due to the content of a huge amount of salt, delaying liquid, and causing congestive processes.
  • Baking. As a result of the use of low nutritional value and high calorie, the "orange peel" will be guaranteed.

Knowing, from which products will appear cellulite, you can, adjusting the power, achieve perfectly even and beautiful skin.

Cellulite warning products

Balanced, proper nutrition - pledge of beautiful, elastic leather. Products against cellulite normalize exchange processes, contribute to the removal of excess fluid, improve the condition of the dermis.

The list of anti-cellulite includes the following:

  • Mineral water, teas, compotes, frills, decoctions, fresh juices (chamomile tea, nettle, dandelions, green tea, decoction of rosehip, berry fruits, compotes from fruits and dried fruits).
  • Meat (beef, bone broth).
  • Bird, eggs (chicken, turkey).
  • Seafood and fish (sea cabbage, salmon, heck, cod, pike, salmon, sardines).
  • Seeds, nuts, dried fruits (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, kuraga).

  • Vegetables (Bulgarian pepper, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels Cabbage, White Cabbage, stroke beans, carrots, cucumbers, beets, garlic).
  • Greens (parsley, green onions, spinach, cress and dill, rosemary).
  • Fruits (orange, avocado, kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple, apricot, banana, apples, lemon).
  • Berries (blueberries, cranberries, black currant, rosehip, watermelon).
  • Spices (ginger, chili, turmeric, Cayenne pepper, fenugreek).
  • Vegetable oil (olive, linen, sunflower, soy).
  • Dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, prokobvash).
  • Crupes, legumes, flour (barley, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, muesli, soy, cinema, rye bread).

It is important not to abuse even useful products, especially if they contain a high percentage of fats, high-calories. It is worth limiting food intake in the evening and especially at night when activity digestive system Reduced.

Particular attention should be paid to sufficient daily volume of the drinking liquid (1.5-2 liters). Better if it is ordinary clean water.

The main means of combating the "orange crust" is a refusal of food that causes a fluid delay in tissues and provokes congestive processes. The replacement of products from which cellulite appears, to high-quality, healthy food helps to quickly and effectively eliminate the lack. The maximum result can be achieved by combining proper nutrition with adequate physical exertion and cosmetic procedures.

Cellulite - serious disease modern peopleIt most often happens in women of all ages and various buildings. It follows to all fronts to deal with the problem. physical exercises, Special procedures. Anti-cellulite diet allows you to cure the disease from the inside - without proper nutrition, all efforts will be in vain.

The "orange crust" does not always provoke excess weight, often the problem also has slender people. The main reasons for fat accumulation are unbalanced nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, passing fast food and sweets. Coffee, destructive habits slow down the exchange processes, which leads to cellulite on the pope, abdomen and legs.

Frequent diets, constant fluctuations in body weight, lack in the diet of products with fiber, non-compliance with drinking mode, close clothes and bad posture - all causes changes in muscle and adipose tissue, deterioration of blood flow. Sometimes cellulite appearance is hereditary. The high content of estrogen in the blood leads to the accumulation of adipose tissue - it often occurs during pregnancy and menopause.

Cellulite stage:

  1. At the initial stage, it is impossible to see deformations on the skin with a naked eye - the dermis is a smooth, insignificant "orange crust" can be considered only with special lighting. At the same time, pathological processes begin to occur in the tissues - problem areas swell, the lymph movement deteriorates, fat cells begin to accumulate toxic waste.
  2. In the second stage, the change in tissues becomes more noticeable - a lot of fluid accumulates in body tissues, which is poorly output. Edema becomes more noticeable, the accumulation of fat clamp some nerve endings.
  3. For the third stage characteristic strong manifestation "Orange crust", fat deposits are transmitted by artery - tissues suffer from lack of oxygen, nutrients. At this stage, the connecting tissue about the structure becomes similar to the honeycomb.
  4. The fourth stage is called fibrous cellulite. All skin on problem areas consists of irregularities that are visible to the naked eye. The tissue is practically no oxygen, the outflow of lymph occurs very slowly. When the anti-cellulite massage is running, and other cosmetic procedures are ineffective - it is possible to fix the problem only with liposuction.

General principles of diets from cellulite on the legs and pope

Most of the diet of modern people - food with a high salt, fats, fast carbohydrates, taste amplifiers and other harmful components. Selecting the anti-cellulite diet, the amount of calories consumed should be reduced, draw up a menu from products that normalize metabolic processes, shuddered and toxic accumulation. The basis should be food in which a lot of calcium, potassium, ascorbic acid and vitamin E.

What you need to include in a diet against cellulite manifests:

  • seasonal fruits in fresh or baked;
  • bean vegetables;
  • cereals except manna;
  • bran bread;
  • fish low-fat varieties, seafood;
  • efficious medium fatty products - degrees contain little calcium;
  • during the dieting from cellulite, the meat can eat no more than 2 times a day in stewed or boiled form.

To eliminate cellulite, it is necessary every morning to drink 12 g of linen seed or 5 ml of olive oil - it will accelerate metabolism, increase the rate of decay of fatty sediments. It is very useful in the accumulation of fatty sediments on the pope and legs of a white cabbage - 250-350 g of vegetable in the untreated form are used per day. Cellulite diet implies fractional food - It helps to speed up metabolism, prevent cluster of fat. The food is thoroughly chewed, they eat strictly according to the schedule, do not eat in front of a computer or TV, the last meal must be 4 hours before sleep. It is necessary to have breakfast to avoid overeating at lunchtime.

To lose weight in the legs and remove cellulite, it should not only eat correctly, but also to observe the drinking mode - clean water without gas speeds up the exchange processes, makes the skin smooth and elastic. How to calculate the amount of water? Lowering people need 40 ml of fluid per kilogram. In addition to the water, you can drink natural juices from cabbage, citrus fruits, apples, beets, celery.

You must drink water immediately after waking up, for a quarter of an hour before each meal, half an hour before sleep. Strengthening the useful action of water will help lemon and salt - in each glass of water it is necessary to add 1-2 slices of lemon, after using fluid to dissolve 2 g of the usual salt. These little tricks will get rid of slags, fat deposits on the legs and pope will be faster dissolved.

To combat the "orange crust" on the pope and legs of one nutrition not enough. The most effective anti-cellulite exercises are running, jumping on the rope, shallow squats. Clean the fat clusters in problem places long-term hiking, lift down the steps. Massage is needed, with the help of which you can speed up the process of decay of adipose tissue, tighten the skin - on early stages It can be done at home, but it is better to trust a specialist.

Anti-cellulite diet on 10 days

Adhere to the right nutrition for 10 days is easy, it is enough to master simple recommendationsMake a detailed menu. During the cellulite diet, all products that worsen the work of the liver and kidney deteriorate from the diet, which deteriorates the fluid. You can not use any oily, fried, smoked food, drink drinks with gas, packaged juices. The menu should not be semi-finished products and sausages, caffeine-based beverages, margarine, purchased sauces, sweets, baking.

How to make a menu for 10 days:

  • On odd days, it is allowed to eat vegetables and fruits in untreated. The first meal should consist only of fruit - kiwi, apples, oranges, pears. Lunch - vegetable salad with a small amount of olive oil and flax seeds or sesame. For dinner - vegetable salads with germinated cereals, fruits. It is impossible to use dairy products.
  • On the second day, it is necessary to eat exclusively by fruit. It is impossible to eat bananas and grapes.
  • On the other even days, the basis of the diet is boiled and raw vegetables, you can add not a large number of buckwheat and oatmeal, lentils. For breakfast, you can eat no more than 300 g of fruit, drink a glass of Fresh. Lunch is a portion of vegetable salad, then a few boiled vegetables. Dinner - untreated vegetables, 5-6 porridge spoons without salt. An hour before a dream, you can drink 120 ml of natural savory yogurt.

Reviews of anti-cellulite diet

Women respond about diets to eliminate the "orange peel" in different ways. Many positive feedback on the diet, which lasts 10 days - girls note a noticeable decrease in fat deposits, improving skin condition. Some fine-sex representatives proper nutrition helped get rid of excess weightBut additionally had to do anti-cellulite wraps and massage to get a smooth dermis on the legs and pope.

"I work in the office, I eat irregularly, there is not enough time for training - it began to notice unevenness on the legs and pope. I read a lot of reviews about the anti-cellulite diet - I decided to try, made up the menu with all the recommendations, ordered the waist. In 10 days, it was not possible to remove the "orange crust", but it became less noticeable, the skin pulled up. Big plus - such a nutrition added to me forces and vigorous. Now I go to the massage, make warming wraps of the house. "

Yana, Moscow region.

"I was very disturbed cellulite in the field of buttocks. Began to do special exercises every morning, made a dietary menu. For ten days a special diet I managed to get rid of fifteen kilograms, while I did not feel strong hunger, the orange peel is now almost imperceptible. "

Elena, St. Petersburg.

"Before a trip to the sea decided to seriously do it, I started looking for effective methodsStudy reviews, photos before and after. The result of my ten-day diet - I lost weight by 7 kg, cellulite has practically disappeared. I drank 3 liters of water every day, complied with all the rules, except for one thing - in the morning he drank a cup of unsweetened strong coffee. In the evenings made a honey massage, running in the morning, took a contrasting shower. "

Eugene, Kazan.

"The fight with cellulite on the legs and the priest lead a long time ago, and came to the conclusion - the result can be obtained only at complex approach. I sat on an anti-cellulite diet, every morning I was satisfied, jumping on the rope, I run, stopped using the elevator, regularly make a massage, I go to the sauna. In 2 weeks, I managed to get rid of 5 cm on the hips, 6 extra kilograms, the "orange crust" practically disappeared. "

Margarita, Moscow.

Scientific research has determined the cause of cellulite. Hate "orange crusts" is a consequence of improper nutrition. Harmful fats and slags, accumulating in the subcutaneous layer, form unavigrating depressures and tubercles. To return the skin for the same elasticity, find out which products will appear cellulite, and which dishes help to remove it.

What products to exclude with cellulite?

Power is one of the factors affecting the condition of the skin. However, this does not mean that to get rid of " orange Corki"You need to syntify yourself with starvation and a strict diet.

Just eliminate the products provoking cellulite from the menu:

  • hot dogs;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • caloric fast foods;
  • crisps;
  • hamburgers;
  • sausages.
  1. Flour products

It is no secret that wheat products are very calories. In the absence of physical loads of calories, they are not spent, and deposited on the body in the form of fat. Use flour products Slows out the exchange processes, disrupts blood flow and lymph, which leads to the appearance of cellulite. Another reason to exclude baking and flour products from the menu - the presence of lectins in wheat. These toxic substances Become an allergy. If you want to have a beautiful figure, give up the baking, sweet baking and snacks sandwiches. Explore the energy of cereal biscuits, oatmeal or black bread from coarse grinding;

  1. Sugar

This product nutritionists are called the main carbohydrate supplier. Total 4 tablespoons of sugar increase the number of free radicals in the body by 1.5 times. These particles deform the skin and lead to its aging. Excessive carbohydrates slow down cell regeneration, reduce collagen generation and prevent the skin renewal of layers. To limit the consumption of carbohydrate sugar, replace it with brown sugar or honey;

  1. Salt

For the normal functioning of all organs, the sodium is needed in salt. However, the excess of this element delays a liquid in the body, deforming subcutaneous tissues and causes cellulite. Exclude from the dish menu with large content Salt, and when cooking, reduce its quantity. In order not to harm the body, nutritionists recommend to consume no more than 6 g of salt per day. A large amount of this element contain smoked, marinades and various salts;

  1. Fast food products

In addition to large calories, fast food and semi-finished products contain flavors, fats, preservatives, stabilizers. These elements cause malfunctions in metabolic processes, provoking the appearance of fat deposits. Refuse sausages and sausages. These prohibited products contain synthetic additives that prevent the dismissal of toxins and fats. Imposing a veto to snacks in fast food institutions, you will extend the youth and keep health;

  1. Alcohol-containing drinks

Scientifically proven that only 50 ml ethyl alcohol Increase the concentration of fats in the blood, violate the work blood system. Alcohol increases the generation of estrogen, the excess number of which leads to cellulite appearance. Replace alcoholic beverages that contribute to the formation of cellulite, a glass of dry wines;

  1. Mayonnaise, sauce, ketchup

This product is overflowing store shelves, contains a large amount of salt, stabilizers, preservatives and other harmful additives. The result of its consumption is the delay of the withdrawal of fluid, swelling and inflammation of the subcutaneous fiber. In order to get rid of diryabe skin, give preference to homemade home cooking, mustard, natural sour cream and vegetable oil;

  1. Pasta and cereal porridge

These products prohibited with cellulite contain a large number complex carbohydrates. The use of macaronium and croup leads to an increase in blood sugar levels. As a result, insulin cannot normally saturate oxygen cells and nutrient substances. This leads to the appearance of fat deposits on the hips and pope. To preserve a beautiful figure, replace the garnish from porridge or macaroni vegetables;

  1. Black tea and soluble coffee

Many women do not know about the harmful effects of these drinks. They contain flavors, artificial additives and dyes, which cause tissue atrophy and violate the metabolism. Limit the use of caffery beverages up to 200 ml per day. Prefer natural coffee without adding cream and sugar. Better - go to green tea and herbal infusions;

  1. Mineral water with gas

IN useful properties This drink does not have to doubt. However, the gases contained in mineral water delay fluid and provoke swelling. Thus, ideal conditions for filling with fat tissues are created. Therefore, to fill out water reserves in the body better mineral water without gas;

  1. Dairy products with a high fatness percentage

These include butter, fatty grades of cheeses, enhanced fat cream, sterilized milk. Excess animal fats accelerates the appearance " orange Corki" Leave the dairy products in the diet, the fat content of which is close to zero.

Avoiding oily food, remember that only saturated animals fats bring harm to the figure. Do not exclude from the diet vegetable oils and fatty varieties of fish. These products contain the necessary cells of omega-3 acid.

What food helps to remove cellulite?

The list of products against cellulite is extensive, so hunger is not afraid. By adding food from a white list to the diet, you will improve the skin condition and general well-being.

  1. Water

Cellulite appears due to the dehydration of the body. Therefore, the first place in the list of useful food belongs to ordinary water. It improves metabolic processes, withdrawing toxins and slags from the body. Drink about 2 liters of water per day. It may be drinking water, natural juice or non-carbonated mineral water;

  1. Seafood

Seafoods support skin elasticity due to their antioxidants included in their composition. With constant use of seafood in cells, enzymes that prevent fat deposition are produced;

  1. Green tea
  1. Milk products

Information that dairy products provoke the appearance " orange Corki", It is valid only for milk that has passed thermal and mechanical processing at the factory. From such a product you are unlikely to benefit. To eliminate cellulite, turn on the fresh homemade milk and fermented dairy products in the Fresh Menu. High-quality kefir, cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream will be returned to the skin smoothness and maintain health;

  1. Seeds and nuts

Almond, walnuts And sunflower seeds contain vitamins B6, E, zinc and selenium, which retain the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. These products supply vegetable protein to the body, which is necessary for the growth of new cells. However, due to the high caloric content, nutritionists recommend using nuts and seeds with small portions 2 times a week;

  1. Sharp spices

Ginger and chili pepper contain alkaloid capsaicin, which accelerates metabolism and contributes to burning calories. Adding sharp seasonings to dishes will help get rid of extra kilograms;

  1. Rosemary
  1. Cabbage

To avoid cellulite appearance, turn on the cabbage into the diet. This vegetable contains potassium, calcium and vitamin C. Elements are necessary for the normal functioning of the body and skin health. To combat fatty deposits, give preference to Brussels Cabstone. This dietary product stimulates the production of collagen responsible for the elasticity of the skin;

  1. Eggs

With a minimum of calories, this product quickly eliminates hunger. Eggs contain vitamins D, A, E, B12, zinc, iron, iodine, and easily resistant protein. So as not to dial overweight, eat eggs in boiled form;

  1. Avocado

Using this fruit in small quantities, you will improve your appetite and speed up saturation. Autocado glutathione displays toxins and free radicals from the body. It is these harmful substances that cause cellulite appearance;

  1. Yagoda

Useful and delicious delicacy eliminates slags and excess fluid, so suitable for everyone to get rid of cellulite. Especially useful berries of red;

  1. Bananas

Potassium, which is part of this fruit, accelerates blood circulation and derives fluid from the body. However sugar diabetes The use of bananas should be limited;

  1. Pineapples

This product is included in the dietary menu due to fat burning properties.

As you can see, make an anti-cellulite diet simply. Special attention is paid to the products containing fiber. They will get rid of toxins, slags, normalize the work of the stomach and intestines.

Of course, to return the smoothness of the skin with the help of one diet will not work. Proper nutrition will give the result only in a complex with cosmetic procedures and physical exertion.

In excess weight and cellulite, improper nutrition often blame. And when the lady sits on a diet, she counts at once to deal with the disgusting belly, and with the "orange" hips. But it was not here: kilograms will leave, and cellulite will manifest even stronger. And instead of the perfect figure, the felting body will be ashamed to demonstrate on the beach or in the pool. To remove the tubercles and pits under the skin, you need to know which products will appear cellulite, and it is to limit them in the diet.

Cellulite - Caring for the Nature of Children

According to doctors, the most difficult to deal with diseases that are transmitted genetically. That is why before that time did not come up with a perfect medicine that delivering women from cellulite, and almost all women of the world suffer in virtually different degrees. True, many ladies orange crust do not consider the disease, but medicine of other opinions. To formed cellulite, atrophic changes in muscle tissue must occur in the subcutaneous layers, which will replace fat cells.

Even young girls have extra alone, which is not visible under elastic skin. This is the so-called initial stage of the "orange" disease. Such a "gift" awarded a weak floor far-sided nature, which the least worries beauty female body. She is only interested in tooling healthy children. Fat layers under the skin are an airfield of spare energy and nutrition for the baby. And if during pregnancy mom stops normally to eat, the body will begin to spend the accumulated fat reserves so that the child gets everything you need for development.

To the category

Comprehensive Fighting Orange Cork

After childbirth, many women are trying to return to the previous shape, sowing on a tough diet. But it should be borne in mind that during the slimming "orange" fat will not leave, as it is blocked inside the dense cell membranes. Therefore, one restriction of products from cellulite is not to get rid.

Complex "Therapy" requires: exercise, massage, wrapping, recovery of metabolism. All this should increase blood circulation and lymph and eliminate stagnation in tissues. Only preheated fat is able to leak through the cell walls and get off with fluids outward. And the proper nutrition will help to restore the lack of proteins that are building material for muscles, and fill the empty shells of fat cells with a dense muscle tissue.

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Anti-cellulite food without starvation

If you intend to overcome cellulite, you should not eat at all as they advise tough diets. With strong restriction of food, the body loses a high percentage of fluid, due to which the instantaneous effect of weight loss occurs. But the fat is not going anywhere anywhere, tissue atrophy is not restored, and therefore, even on thin legs, cellulite will be clearly visible.

We need to fill the lack of healthy cells and replace loose connect fabric Muscular, which will create a beautiful skin contour. Therefore, anti-cellulite food does not apply to the category of hard and low-calorie.

Its base is the substitution of products from which cellulite appears, on those that help to restore muscles and remove slags from the body that impede the movement of fluids.

To the category

Black list of products

It is easier to warn cellulite by finding it the first manifestations than to deal with the launched form. In the first case, the dietary restrictions will help much stronger, as fat cells are still a little, it is easier to derive them.

  • Fatty food

From explicit products provoking cellulite formation, it is worth named fat high-calorie food. The larger the fats, especially carcinogenic, resulting as a result of frying, the faster there is a museum of muscle tissue "orange" cells. In this list, fast foods are leading, sausage products, smoked. In short, all that nutritionists are recommended to be avoided even with a normal figure.

True, there is a group of fats that should not be excluded from the diet. These are vegetable oils (olive, linen, rapeseed, etc.), as well as fatty varieties of fish. Omega-3 acids contained in them are very necessary to our cells, and in other products these elements simply not to find.

  • Tea and coffee

More cunning are the products that cause cellulite as it were, that is, many women do not even recognize their harmful effects. For example, such a kind of safe product, like coffee or tea. Both drinks are often included in the diet diet for weight loss. And here - absolutely reverse effect.

It turns out that only soluble coffee and black tea have harmful effects, which are often introduced artificial additives, flavors, dyes, etc., they are affected by the exchange processes, having cages and causing tissue atrophy.

Mineral water. Another "Lazistchik" - mineral water. It does not have to doubt it in its beneficial properties, but it turns out, and it is among the products that you can not eat with cellulite. Gases contained in liquid delay water and lead to the formation of edema, and those, in turn, stretch the tissues, creating conditions for filling them with fat. Therefore, if you drink mineral water, then only without gases.

Milk products. About dairy products, too, opinions are different. Some people believe that they aggravate cellulite, the second, on the contrary, relate to them positively. Such a confusion arose due to the fact that whole milk and fermented milk drinks are included in the list of dairy products, and high calorie oil ...

One group works against cellulite: natural yogurts, ryazhenka, kefir, and the second accelerates its development (oil, cheese, etc.). So it is necessary to filter the dairy products themselves, leaving only those in the diet that fatness is approximate to zero.

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Food from the White List

It should be noted that there are fighters against cellulite on the list of products. But they only work on initial stages Diseases. The more important the hill relief is expressed, the more you should add exerciseso that she warmed the body.

So, the first place should be given ordinary water. It accelerates metabolic processes, which means it takes a timely slag and decay products. Drink than more raw water. It is most useful.

Second place - seafood and sea cabbage. Seafood contains a huge amount of antioxidants that support skin elasticity. Orange pits become invisible, and with the constant consumption of this food in cells, enzymes are produced that prevent fat accumulation.

Third place - pineapples and red dry wine. Pineapples have fat burning properties, and wine cleans cells from slags.

Fighting cellulite can not be temporary. If you dream to save an elastic body after 40 years, then proper nutrition should become a system that you will follow strictly.

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Rules of anti-cellulite nutrition

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