DIFERELIN 0.1 Thrigger ovarian ovarian blockade. DIFERELINE IN ECO: Preparation for welcome pregnancy

Triptorelin is a synthetic decaptide, analogous to the natural gonadotropic WG. After a short initial period of stimulation of the gonadotropic functions of the Triptorelin pituitary function, it causes inhibition of gonadotropin secretion and, accordingly, the hormone-producing function of eggs or ovaries. With constant use, the drug inhibits the secretion of estrogen by the ovaries to the state of menopause, and also suppresses the secretion of testosterone, the concentration of which is reduced to the level of the corresponding state after surgical castration.
Dieferin 0.1 mg
After p / k administration of 0.1 mg, dinhelin is quickly absorbed; The time to achieve the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma is 0.63 ± 0.26 hours; The maximum concentration of the drug in blood plasma is 1.85 ± 0.23 ng / ml. The period of biological semi-anniversary - 7.6 ± 1.6 h after 3-4 h phases of distribution. Common plasma clearance - 161 ± 28 ml / min. Conditional distribution volume - 1562 ± 158 ml / kg.
It is a preparation of prolonged release due to the microphospheric structure of triptoraline deposit, which ensures a clinically effective concentration within 28 days. After the introduction of the prolonged form of the drug is noted initial stage TriPthernel release with a further common release (the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma is 0.32 ± 0.12 ng / ml) with an average rate of the release rate of triptoraline 46.6 ± 7.1 mg / day. Bioavailability: after 1 month - 53%.
After the introduction of the dose dose of dinernelin 11.25 mg, the maximum concentration of triphorelin in the blood plasma is observed in approximately 3 hours after the phase of a decrease in the concentration, which occurs throughout the first month, until the 90s, the level of circulating triporline remains constant (approximately 0, 03 to 0.06 ng / ml).

Indications for the use of drug DIFERELIN

DIFERELIN 3.75 mg - prostate cancer, genital and extragenital endometriosis (I-IV stage), endometrial cysts, endometrial hyperplastic processes, female infertility ( comprehensive treatment In combination with gonadotropins, for artificial creation of conditions for ovulation, in order to fertilize in vitro. and subsequent embryo transplant ) , premature puberty in children, breast cancer, uterine myoma.
DIFERELINE 11.25 mg - prostate adenocarcinoma with metastases, when the oppression of testosterone secretion is shown, premature puberty in children (the beginning of the disease under 8 years old in girls and boys up to 9 years old), genital and extragnenital endometriosis, breast cancer, when shown Hormonal therapy.
DIFERELIN 0.1 mg - female infertility, conducting ovulation stimulation in combination with gonadotropins for the purpose of fertilization in vitro. and embryo transplantation (i.v.f.e.t.), as well as in other auxiliary reproductive technologies.

Application of drug diherlin

The drug is used only in / m.
In the prostate cancer, a 3.75 mg of prolonged action was introduced into / m every 4 weeks.
In endometriosis, endometrium cysts, hypeometrium hyperplastic processes, treatment must be started in the first 5 days of the cycle; One in / m Injection every 4 weeks. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the dynamics of clinical manifestations during the treatment period.
For the treatment of female infertility, they are prescribed along the usual therapeutic scheme - one in / m injection on the 2nd day of the cycle. The parallel use of gonadotropins begin after reaching the pituitary desensitization (the content of estrogen in the blood plasma does not exceed 50 Pkg / ml), usually on the 15th day after the injection of diffelin. It is very important that the injection of the prolonged form is carried out exactly according to the rules specified in the instructions.
With premature sex maturation - one in / m injection at the rate of 50 μg / kg every 4 weeks.
When breast cancer - in / m, injection of diffelin 3.75 mg of prolonged action every 4 weeks.
With the Moma of the uterus, treatment starts in the first 5 days menstrual cycle; Difelin is introduced every 4 weeks. The duration of the course of treatment - 3 months for patients who prepare for surgical treatment, and up to 6 months - for patients who are not shown operational treatment.
With prostate adenocarcinoma - V / m Injection of diffelin 11.25 mg of prolonged action every 3 months.
In case of endometriosis, the treatment starts in the first 5 days of the cycle, one in / m injection every 3 months. The duration of treatment depends on the initial degree of gravity of endometriosis and the dynamics of clinical manifestations during the period of therapy. The course of treatment is not more than 6 months.
When breast cancer - one in / m injection every 3 months.
With premature sex maturation - one in / m injection every 3 months.
Dieferin 0.1 mg
1 ampoule of the solvent (1 ml of sodium sodium chloride 0.9%) is introduced into the vial with a powder for injections, carefully and carefully shack the bottle and immediately make subcutaneous injection.
Short protocol: Difelinine is administered at 0.1 mg P / K, starting from the 2nd day of the cycle (at the same time starting the ovarian stimulation) and ending the treatment per day before the planned introduction of human chorionic gonadotropin. Course treatment - 10-12 days.
Long protocol: Injections are carried out by p / k daily, starting from the 2nd day of the cycle. After the dessensitization of the pituitary gland (E2 50 pg / mg, it is approximately the 15th day of the beginning of treatment) begin to stimulate ovaries and continue the injections of diffelin at a dose of 0.1 mg / day, ending them in the day before the planned introduction of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Contraindications for the use of drug DIFERELIN

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, increased sensitivity To the components of the drug.

Side Effects of Diffelin Preparation

Manifestations are possible allergic reactions, such as urticaria, rash, itching, very rarely - Svet Quincke. Separate cases of nausea, vomiting, increase body weight, increase blood pressure, emotional lability, violations, pain at the injection site, increase body temperature, tides. Long use Analogues of Gonadotropin RG may cause bone demineralization and is a possible risk factor for osteoporosis.
In men, a decrease in potency, swelling and disease soreness (marked very rarely). Patients with adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland at the beginning of treatment can feel the temporary increase in pain in bones affected by metastases (symptomatic treatment). In some cases, the obstruction of the ureter, as well as symptoms associated with the compression of the spinal cord (pass through 1-2 weeks). During this period, the temporary increase in the activity of the Blood Plasma is also possible.
In women - sweating and change of libido, headache, depression, dryness of the mucous membrane, changing the size of the mammary glands. When applying dipferin in combination with gonadotropins, cases of development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome are noted.
In the treatment of premature puberty, there may be bleeding from the vagina.
Long-term use of the drug may cause hypogonadotropic amenorrhea. After the cessation of treatment, the ovarian function is restored and ovulation occurs on average for the 58th day after the last injection of the drug.

Special guidelines for the use of drug DIFERELIN

At the beginning of treatment it is possible to strengthen clinical symptomsIn connection with which it is necessary to carefully prescribe diffeline patients with prostate cancer, which have increased risk of urinary obstruction or spinal cord compression. For such patients, careful monitoring is needed during the first month of treatment.
It is necessary to carefully monitor the level of stimulation of the cycle during vitro insection, to identify patients with increased risk of developing the syndrome of ovaries hyperstimulation, since the degree and frequency of the syndrome severity may depend on the dosing mode of gonadotropin. If it is necessary to introduce chorionic gonadotropin, the use of diffelin must be canceled.
Before the start of treatment, diphelin should confirm the absence of pregnancy.

The interaction of drug diherlin

Diffelin drug interaction is not described.
The possibility of simultaneous use of other drugs is solved by a doctor.

Overdose drug DIFERELIN, symptoms and treatment

When applying drug DIFERELINE Lyophilized powder for the preparation of suspension for injection 0.1 mg It is possible to oppress the release of sex hormones, followed by influence on reproductive feature. Treatment is symptomatic.

Conditions for the storage of drug DIFERELIN

At temperatures up to 25 ° C.

List of pharmacies where you can buy Difelin:

  • St. Petersburg


International non-proprietary title


Dosage form

Lyophilisate for the preparation of the solution for subcutaneous administration 0.1 mg in a set with solvent (0.9% sodium chloride solution)


One bottle contains

active substance:triptoreline acetate in terms of triptonelin 0.1 mg


solvent:sodium chloride, water for injection


The lyophilisate is almost white ones. Solvent - transparent colorless liquid. Reduced solution - colorless transparent solution, practically free of particles

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Antitumor hormonal drugs. Hormones and their derivatives. Gonadotropin-rillation hormone analogues. Triptohelin

ATH code L02ae04.

Pharmacological properties


After subcutaneous administration of diffelin® 0.1 mg, the drug is quickly absorbed (the time to achieve the maximum concentration T max \u003d 0.630.26 h) with the peak of the plasma concentration (maximum concentration - with max \u003d 1,850.23 ng / ml ). The preparation half-life is 7.61.6 hours after 3-4 hours of the distribution phase. Plasma clearance: 16128 ml / min. Distribution volume: 1562158 ml / kg


Triptorelin is a synthetic decapidide, an analogue of the natural GNRG (hormone released gonadotropin). DIFERELIN®, after the initial period of stimulation of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland, with long-term administration at a dose of 0.1 mg, it has an inhibitory effect on the secretion of gonadotropin, followed by suppressing the synthesis of genital steroid hormones.

Indications for use

Female infertility: comprehensive treatment, in combination with gonadotropins (xg - chorionic gonadotropin, FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone), for artificially creating conditions for ovulation, in order to conceive iN. vitro. and subsequent embryo transplant

Method of application and dose

    "Short" Protocol:0.1 mg of DIFerelin® is administered subcutaneously, starting from 2 days of the menstrual cycle (at the same time starting the ovarian stimulation), and finish treatment a day before the planned introduction of human chorionic gonadotropin. The course of treatment of diffelin® is 10-12 days.

    "Long" Protocol: Daily subcutaneous injections of DIFerelin® 0.1 mg begin with 2 days of the menstrual cycle. During the desensitization of the pituitary< 50 пг/мл, то есть примерно на 15 день после начала лечения) начинают стимуляцию гонадотропинами и продолжают инъекции Диферелина® в дозе 0,1 мг, заканчивая их за день до запланированного введения человеческого гонадотропина. Продолжительность лечения определяется врачом индивидуально.

Rules of preparation of suspension

Immediately before injection to transfer the solvent into the bottle with a lyophilisate. Shake up to completely dissolve lyophilisate. Injection should be made immediately after dissolving the lyophilisate.

Side effects

At the beginning of treatment

In the treatment of infertility, the combination with gonadotropins can lead to ovarian hyperstimulation (increase in the size of the ovaries, pain in the abdomen).

During treatment

- "stuffs", dryness in the vagina, reduced libido and dispresia (associated with a pituitary-ovarian blockade)


Headache, Arthralgia and Malgia

Allergic reactions (urticaria, rash, itching)

Mood change, sleep disorder, irritability, depression, feeling fatigue

Nausea, vomiting, increase body weight, increase arterial pressure, impairment of view, pain at the injection site, feverish condition.

Very rarely

Sweet Qincke


Increased sensitivity to tripranhelin or other analogs of GNVGs, to other components of the drug

Pregnancy and lactation period

Polycystic ovarian


Medicinal interactions

Do not know

special instructions

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to eliminate the pregnancy. The reaction of the ovaries on the introduction of diffelin® with the same dose of the drug may vary in patients.

Precautions when applied: The induction of the ovaries should be monitored by a thorough medical examination, including biological and clinical control: control of estrogen in blood plasma and ultrasound examination. In the case of suspicion of hyperstimulation, it is recommended to stop gonadotropin injections.

Long-term use of hormone gonadotropin-rillation analogs can lead to bone demineralization and is a possible risk factor for osteoporosis.

Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy and lactation are contraindications for the use of the drug.

Features of the influence of the medicinal product on the ability to control the vehicle or potentially hazardous mechanisms

Since the drug in rare cases can cause impairment of vision, then, in this case, during treatment with DIFherlin® drug is not recommended to manage vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous species Activities requiring increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions


DIFERELIN® Overdose Cases are not described

Release form and packaging

The lyophilisate is placed in vials from a colorless type 1 glass, clapped by corks made of halobutyl, compressed aluminum caps with polypropylene covers of yellow color.

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The drug "DIFERELIN" in Eco is appointed to many women and helps increase the likelihood of pregnancy. Efficiency and action The means depends on dosages and methods of use. Learn the testimony for the application and treatment regimen.

The active substance of the drug is Triptorelin, referring to the category of analogues of gonadotropin-rilizing hormone. The component affects the functioning of the pituitary gland and suppresses the production of follicle-sufficient (FG) and luteinizing (LH) hormones involved in the process of ripening eggs, the formation of the dominant follicle and its break.

Normalization of the LG and FG level allows us to put the general hormonal background, to establish and stabilize the work of the reproductive system, accelerate the recovery in some diseases, to stop pathological processes and increase the chances of successful conception.

"DIFERELIN" is appointed not only to girls and women, but also teenage girls and even men. The drug is recommended in the following cases:

  • mioma and fibromomy of the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • prostate cancer among male representatives (with complex therapy oncological disease);
  • premature puberty in girls;
  • application of auxiliary reproductive techniques - extracorporeal fertilization.

For your information! The drug is produced by B. different dosages, and concentration active substance It is 0.1 mg, 3.75 or 11.25. With ECO, a dosage of 0.1 milligram is usually assigned, but in some cases it is used 3.75. "DIFERELIN", containing 11.25 mg of tripatherelin, is used for serious pathologies.

Why did Dinherlin appointed with Eco?

"DIFERELIN" is assigned to prepare for extracorporeural fertilization and performs a number of functions:

  • increasing the activity of ovaries;
  • stimulating the functioning of the pituitary
  • reducing the level of androgens synthesized in the female organism, estrogen (they interfere with the conception and implantation of the fetal egg);
  • blocking the production of follicularity and luteinizing hormones;
  • stimulation of the offensive of ovulation - the ripening of the egg and its exit from the follicle (it is necessary for the fence of the woman's own oocytes);
  • implantation of the embryo after its transfer.

Application "DIFERELINE" in Eco

The preparation "DIFERELIN" can be included in the schemes of short and long eco protocols.

Short or long eco protocol?

Features of use with a short protocol:

  1. Assign minimal dosage The drug is 0.1 mg.
  2. Injections are made from the second day of the menstrual cycle.
  3. One course includes 10-12 injections, injections are usually made daily.
  4. Together with the drug, hCG is prescribed - human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is introduced on the day longer, that is, another injection is needed after the cancellation of "DIFERELINE".

Treatment scheme when passing a long protocol:

  1. Dose 0.1 is introduced on the 21st day of the menstrual cycle, then daily made on one injection.
  2. In parallel, the level of estrogen is monitored: after it is reduced to 50 pg / ml or less, the use of gonadotropin begins. The first injection, as a rule, falls on the third, fourth or fifth day of the new menstrual cycle.
  3. "DIFERELIN" stop entering the day before the abolition of gonadotropin. But the dominant follicle must reach a diameter of 17 to 19 millimeters, and its dimensions are determined by ultrasound.
  4. After therapy, the egg cells are taken through the ovarian puncture.

Another permissible version of the long protocol is the purpose of the average concentration of the active substance - 3.75 mg. The dosage allows you to create a so-called depot in the body: the component is released gradually, penetrating the blood and performing its functions for three weeks. Ovulation is stimulated in the same way as with a long ECO protocol, which involves the daily administration of the minimum dose dixie.

When the embryo is carried out, after 2-3 days "DIFERELIN" is entered once for blocking the activity of the ovaries and increase the chances of implantation of the fetal egg. In this case, depot-dose is assigned (3.75 mg).

Application "DIFERELINE" with ECO, if endometriosis is diagnosed

If ECO is planned for endometriosis, it is assigned either a long or superdiline protocol. First, it is necessary to eliminate the foci of the pathological growth of the endometrium and restore the structure of the lining layer of the uterus so that the embryo can be fixed in it.

With diagnosed endometriosis "DIFERELIN", with ECO, it is assigned in the depot-dose and is entered once every twenty-eight days. The course of therapy may last about three-six months, during which the ovarian activity is suppressed. When endometrium acquires a normal structure, ovulation stimulation begins.

Injections "DIFERELINA" are made in this way:

  1. The ampoule with the solvent is revealed, the syringe opens, the needle is put on it.
  2. The needle is introduced into the ampoule, the solvent is recruited.
  3. From a bottle filled with lyophilisate with active substance, the cover is removed, the plug is pierced with a needle. The solvent is introduced inside.
  4. The needle is lifted, but not removed (it does not concern the solution). The bottle shakes to dissolve the contents. Turn over the container upside down.
  5. From the syringe is produced by the remaining air.
  6. The surface is prepared for injection - processed with an alcohol napkin. The injection is made intramuscularly in the stomach, under the blade, in the shoulder or in the thigh (the zone is selected by a doctor or patient).
  7. The skin plot is captured by the fingers of a free hand.
  8. After the introduction of the needle, the movement of the solution under the skin begins by slow pressing on the piston of the syringe.
  9. The zone is repeatedly processed by an antiseptic.

The drug is contraindicated in the coming pregnancy, in the period breastfeeding, with individual hypersensitivity to components. With caution "DIFERELIN" applies in women and girls suffering from osteoporosis, hypertension and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

To possible by-effects These include:

  • allergic reactions: from urticaria to a quinque sweep;
  • improving blood pressure;
  • tides;
  • reduction of sexual attraction;
  • pain in the head;
  • painfulness in muscles or joints;
  • reduction of bone density, increasing their fragility;
  • violations;
  • increased nervous excitability, mood swings, emotional instability;
  • nausea;
  • changes in body weight;
  • discomfort during sexual contacts;
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • hyperemia and pain syndrome localized at the injection site.

With long protocols and dosage assignment, 3.75 mg often arises amenorrhea - no menstruation. Monthly begin to go after the normalization of the hormonal background. But even with a short protocol, the delay is likely. critical days For a period of five to ten and fifteen days, and this is considered the norm.


The cost of packing "diffelin" 0.1 mg, including seven ampoules of the drug, is about 2500-2700 rubles. 1 ampoule, containing 3.75 milligrams of the active substance, can cost from 5-6 to 10 thousand rubles and more, depending on the pharmaceutical network, which takes place.


Reviews on the use of the drug "DIFERELIN" when passing the ECO protocol:

  • "My friend with Eco Cololi" DIFERELIN ", while she still had endometriosis. And she became pregnant, so the drug really helps, if applied competently and under the control of the doctor. "
  • "I was prescribed six injections in an endometrioid cyst. Side effects was a bunch, as if climaks are worried ahead of time. Half a year the body was restored, but in the end I was able to get pregnant and give birth. Big minus - high price. "
  • "Applied" DIFERELIN ", side phenomena Almost no. And the drug helped me. "
  • "Beginning treatment, but I had to stop it, as I felt terrible. It's a pity".

Analogs of the drug

The only analogue of "diffelin" with the same active substance is the drug "Depapeptyl". A similar impact on the female organism and the reproductive system are provided by the means "Bususelin", "Zoladex", "Lucner Depot", "Elygardt". But for extracorporeal fertilization, they are appointed less often and have a not such a pronounced effect.

"DIFERELIN" is assigned to Eco, but applies strictly according to the testimony and under the control of the doctor. If you recommended the drug, it remains only to wish positive results and the occurrence of pregnancy.

Many women cannot become pregnant independently, so they resort to reproductive technologies. Dieferin at ECO is prescribed often, so it is important for future mothers to know why the drug is needed, what action it comes from it.

Mechanism of action

The drug is an analogue of GNVG. It is needed to stimulate the production of LH and FG. Monthly after diffelin will begin after a month and a half after the last dose of the medicine. If the drug 11.25 was injected, then after 4.5 months. When using a dose of 3.75 - in 2.5 months. As a rule, they are scarce and painless when they come for the first time. From the second time they become the same as they were before.

For which diffeline is prescribed to Eco:

  1. pituitary stimulation;
  2. suppression of the synthesis of LH and FG;
  3. decrease in androgen and estrogen production;
  4. ovulation stimulation;
  5. transfer of fertilized embryo in protocols.

How to prick diferlin in the stomach:

  • from the syringe produce air;
  • a place for injection is required to wipe with alcohol;
  • make a fold from the skin into which the medicine is injected;
  • at the angle, enter the needle into the skin;
  • slowly empty the syringe;
  • remove the needle and wipe the place of the injection by an antiseptic.

The decision, where to prick Diffelin, the woman accepts independently. You can do it in the shoulder, thigh or under the blade.

If used, the delay of menstruation can be up to 15 days. Experts do not consider this moment by pathology. This refers to side effects. And they pass after the cessation of hormones.

The drug at eco

Use diffelin with eco is necessary in order to suppress our own ovarian function. At this time, you can track the growth of follicles.

Dieferin in the ECO protocol reduces the risk of hyperstimulation, helps the female organism easier to carry the process.

To suppress the peak emissions of the LH, difeline is used before the embryo transfer. Over the course of three weeks, the pituitary was stimulated, then hormonal activity is suppressed. However, it is prescribed it instead of hCG to induce ovulation to reduce the risk of hyperstimulation.

Dieferin in front of the puncture is prescribed on 21 days of the menstrual cycle to coal the spontaneous activity of the ovaries. That is, they must be prepared. Subsequently, it is possible to reduce the cost of treatment by reducing the dose of the drug. For many women, it matters, since therapy passes with the use of expensive hormonal means.

All moms who colole drug respond about the product, as another chance to get pregnant. It was this drug that many women provided good luck in Eco Protocol.


Often, women have a question that choose diferlin or decapeptyl? The first drug is produced in France, the second - in Germany. And their action is absolutely the same. Diffelin Dale can be used for injection for every day. This is the means and necessary at eco.

What is better diffeline or zoladex? The modern pharmaceutical market offers only one drug in which the same substance is decappeptyl. However, Zoladex has the same impact on the body. Experts note the positive and rapid effect of the first medicine.

This is serious medicinewhich is important when conducting the ECO procedure. Thanks to its use, many women were able to become mothers. And this is, as you know, more important than any money.

In one bottle contains triptorelin Acetat . The auxiliary acts. The solvent includes sodium chloride and water.

  • Lyophilisate for manufacture subcutaneous - 1 FL. Triptorelin (Triptorelin Acetate) - 0.1 mg. Mannitol - 10 mg. 1 ampoule solvent - water for injection, sodium chloride.
  • Lyophilisate for suspension for per / m administration 3.75 mg. Substances auxiliary: sodium carmellosis, glycolic copolymer and dl-lactic acids, polysorbat-80, mannitol . 1 ampoule solvent - water for injection, mannitol. Given the features of this dosage formIn the preparation, the active component is provided in excess. The goal is to ensure the introduction of an optimal dose.
  • Lyophilisate for cooking suspension for per / m administration Prolonged action - 1 FL. Triptorelin (Triptorelin Acetate) - 11.25 mg. Substances auxiliary: sodium carmellos, copolymer of glycolic and DL-lactic acids, polysorbat-80, mannitol. 1 ampoule solvent - water for injection, mannitol. Given the peculiarities of this dosage form, in the preparation the active component is contained in excess. The goal is to ensure the introduction of an optimal dose.

Form release

DIFERELIN - 0.1 mg

Released in bottles. The kit includes ampoules with solvent. In the cell contour packaging there are 7 sets. In the cardboard pack is one packaging. Entered P / C.

DIFERELIN - 3.75 mg

DIFERELIN - 11.25 mg

Released in bottles. The kit includes ampoules with solvent, syringe, two needles. There is one set in the cardboard pack. Introduced in / m.

pharmachologic effect

Hormone analogue gonadotropin rilizing hormone.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Is an synthetic decaptide , Natural analogue gonadotropin Rilizing Hormone which releases gonadotropin . The drug after administration is quickly absorbed. For intramuscular administration The active ingredient is quickly released.

Indications for use

Dieferin 0.1 mg

Rarely: an increase in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, emotional lability, an increase in body weight, impairment of vision, pain in the field of drug administration.

Very rarely: pain in the joints and muscles, headache.

Additionally, diferlin is 3.75 mg

With prolonged reception, the appearance hypogonadotropic amenorrhea .

After the end of treatment, the ovarian function is restored. Ovulation It comes approximately the 58th day of the last injection. The first menstruation is on the 70th day. It is important for planning contraception.

Additionally, diffelin 11.25 mg

Men: At the beginning of the reception possible dysuric violations , pain in the bones. Symptoms pass within one to two weeks.

Throughout treatment: Reduced libido, impotence , gynecomastia , To face tides blood.

Women: At the beginning of the drug intake are possible, pelvic pains. Disappear within one to two weeks.

May appear metrragia One month from the start of injection.

Men and women: fatigue, , violated mood, irritability, sleep disorder, impairment, presthesia , professional sweat, increase body weight.

Instructions for diffelin (method and dosage)

Instruction on Dieferin 0.1 mg Contains a short and long protocol. The drug is introduced in / k.

Short protocol: Reception of the drug starts from the second day of the cycle. At the same time, the ovarian stimulation is carried out simultaneously. Treatment finish one day before the introduction Gonadotropin . The general course of treatment is 10-12 days.

Long protocol on diffelin: The drug is starting to enter the cycle on the second day. Entered daily. Approximately the 15th day of reception of the drug parallel with gonadotropin stimulation. The duration of treatment is individual and is adjusted by the doctor.

Preparation of solution: Before the introduction of the drug, the solvent is introduced into the bottle with lyophilisate. Fully dissolve.

DIFERELIN 3.75. V / M.. For the disease prostate cancer - It is introduced in a corresponding dose - 3.75 mg for a long time every 4 weeks. For premature fellow ripening - 3.75 mg introduced every 28 days. For the disease endometriosis Diffelin Depot The drug is introduced in the first five days of the cycle every month. For female infertion The drug is introduced on the second day of the cycle.

DIFERELINE 11.25 introduced in the amount of 11.25 mg every three months.

Preparation of solution: Immediately before the introduction of the drug, the solvent is introduced into the bottle with a lyophilisate. Fully dissolve, carefully bumping the contents of the bottle.


Until now, information has not received information about overdose.


Cases of interaction are not described.

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

At temperatures up to 25 ° C in an inaccessible place for children.

Shelf life

Dieferin and alcohol

When taking any drug it is not desirable to use alcohol . When combining, a decrease in the effect of treatment is possible. If we are talking about female infertion In this case, combine the drug with alcohol is prohibited.

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