Guppy reproduction - Flinks of Guppies and care for them. Flinks Guppie in the general aquarium Male Mel Guppie

Guppies are miniature and very beautiful fish, especially males who, thanks to their unpretentiousness and not difficult breeding, were able to conquer the hearts of thousands of aquarists. They are nobbing, and this means that, unlike most fish, the guppies do not postpone the caviar, but give birth to living fry, which almost immediately begin to swim in search ...

Guppy - These are miniature and very beautiful fish, especially males who, thanks to their unpretentiousness and not difficult breeding, were able to conquer the hearts of thousands of aquarists. They are whelled, and this means that, unlike most fish, the guppies do not postpone the caviar, but give birth to living fry, which almost immediately begin to swim in search of food.

The males guppy after puberty are immediately ready for reproduction. At the same time, they appear characteristic behavior. They swim beyond the females, showing all the magnificence of their colorful fins, and also perform the movements of the demise towards females with the purpose of her fertilization. Pregnancy female Guppies lasts four to six weeks. The number of fry is due to many factors, such as: size and age of female, water temperature, variety and food quality. The optimal temperature for them during this period is 25 degrees. Water in the aquarium at this time should well aerate and filtered.

In reproduction, the guppie is a very important factor is the feeding of a pregnant female. Improper nutrition can lead to small or zero quantities of fry.

What is better to feed the guppy to stimulate them to reproduction? Experts recommend to give them black worms (Black Worms), frozen moth, frozen artemia and / or a few pieces of flakes good qualitydesigned specifically for guppy. Also, they can be fed by plankton, krig, cereals from spirulina, liver flakes (sometimes), etc. Try to diversify the diet of your fish, and not feed them with the same thing every day. Thanks to this, they will grow faster, and in the long run - look better and healthier.

It should be remembered that the fish intended for breeding is better not to disturb. Especially it is necessary to avoid any excitements of fertilized females so as not to damage the embryos.

The number of future fry is determined by the age of female Guppies. It is widely known that young female, for whom it is the first or second childbirth give birth to 10 fry. However, over time, the amount of born young is becoming more and more born, and decreases only when the female becomes old.

Birth Guppy last from a few minutes to several hours. It depends on the number of fry. Sometimes fish can be born on one every few minutes, so childbirth can last long enough. Immediately after birth, small fish are very movable. First, they fall on the bottom, but after a few minutes they start slowly and gracefully swim. They swim to the surface of the water to fill their air bubble for the first time. A few hours later, when they end their gusty bag, from which in the first moments of life they consume food, fry begin to look for another food.

The perfect feed for the Malka Guppies are the Pupils of Artemia.

Remember that among the Guppies, there are very often cases of cannibalism, therefore, put a pregnant female in a separate container - the subsidence (the subsidence is located inside her native aquarium), or in a lot of planted aquarium - spawning, where the silver will find themselves.

Guppie reproduction in matters and answers.

1. What to do to make males starting to be interested in females?

You do not need to do absolutely nothing. Guppies will be interested in the opposite sex and without an aquarium intervention. If the aquarium is new for them, then they, naturally, must first get used to the water.

If the situation is such that the male was already in the aquarium, and you purchased females, then he must "explore" new cohabitants. After a while, that is, about 2-3 days, the male will be able to start fertilely female.

2. Differences of the GUPPI floors.

The males have big and colored tails. The bodies have smaller and more elegant than the females, and the anal fins are transformed into hondes with a subtle and pointed end. Gaynotes in males guppies acts as a penis.

Females Guppy, as a rule, gray and look "ugly" males. They have much large body size, as well as "round" and monochrome (most often gray, light blue) tails.

3. How to understand that the female guppy is pregnant?

Initial stage:

  • Small, dark stain in the anus area.
  • Increased, but still flat stomach.
  • Fish makes sharp movements.
  • Slightly rapid breathing.
  • Seeking anus by the male.

Developed stage:

  • Large, dark point on the rectum.
  • Very big belly.
  • Hiding behind various objects, for example, in coconut, at the filter, etc.
  • The males pursue her and eat.

Symptoms of childbirth:

  • Student breathing.
  • Moves out other fish.
  • Hiding.
  • Enlarged eyes.
  • Floats closer to the bottom.
  • Throws about stones, plants and other items.

4. How to care for pregnant guppy?

Firstly, it needs to be fed much more often than usual. Even up to 6 times a day.

Secondly, it should not be disturbed. Without a reason, do not transplancing it into another container. If at the stage of conception you did not transplanted a female in spawning, then for childbirth it will be enough swell.

Thirdly, on the the last stage Pregnancy, female Guppie should be caught in the exhaustion (preferably, but only if she does not live in a spawning specially prepared for childbirth). It is impossible to transplant into another container, since it does not know another aquarium, and it will feel embarrassed in it. Stress from resetting can suspend childbirth. In the exhaustion, everything is usually different, as it is inside the aquarium well known to her. The jerk must be filled with plants so that after childbirth, the Flocks could hide from the mother who wants to eat them.

5. What to do with the appearance of fry, floating with a fellow in the subsidence?

In this case, the fry should be moved as soon as possible to another aquarium, water in which should have the same parameters as in the aquarium in which they were born. Do not catch the female, as it can still give birth. If for the female is the first birth, then, most likely, she will give birth to 15 fry. If she already gave birth, you can expect over 20 small fish.

6. What and when to start feeding the fry?

Malks must feed 2-3 days after childbirth. Do it when a red spot will disappear from the belly of a young fish.

What to feed? In the pet shop you can buy special food for fry. It is not expensive. Also, they can also give the appeal to Artemia or a pretty cooked ordinary feed (plankton).

How many times a day feed them? Approximately 4 times a day.

7. How to care for fry?

If the female Guppy gave birth in a separate spawning, then after childbirth, return it to the overall aquarium, and leave the fools where they were born. If the female gave birth in an exhaustion (the container placed inside the main aquarium), then follow the actions described further. As soon as you are sure that the female gave birth to all the fry, it must be caught from the subsidence, and move there earlier than the slaughtered fry (those who have won during childbirth). Of course, this swelling should not be solid, that is, made from a bottle or plastic. It is best that it is mesh, since the fox in the plastic jacket is poorly developed. If your plant is plastic, then the young one should transplant to another container, and the next day it is to buy a mesh judgment in the pet store. If you already have an appropriate swelling, then fill it with plants. In it, young fish will feel safe. After that, leave them alone and do not unlous.

8. What time are the fools in the overall aquarium?

You can run fry in a common capacity when they reach about two centimeters, or when they become large than the mouths of the largest fish inhabitants in the aquarium. But it is better to wait a little more than then regret. Remember that adult fish are not the only threat to young. Frys can, for example, be drawn into the filter. But even if you wait a few weeks, the aquarium should still have thick vegetation, in case some fish will occur to chasing young people.

9. When can I start selling fry?

It depends only exclusively from you. You can start selling them within a few days after birth or do this later, that is, after a few months. Experts believe that it is impossible to leave all the fry. Part of them are best exchanging, for example, in the pet store, in other fry. If you leave them all at home, they will grow and start pairing among themselves, which can lead to genetic defects, and new fry will be born sick.

In this section, there are brief answers to frequently asked questions on aquarium fish guppi. The page is constantly complemented and updated.

How quickly grow fools guppie?
For good conditions Contents of motley colored spots begin to appear in a month. Falls of the Guppies become fully adults about the fourth month of life, but the color of the painting is achieved only by the year of life.

How to find out when guppie is going to give birth?

She grows noticeably the belly, it becomes a low-live, near the rear fin is a large black spot.

How to control the amount of guppi born fish in aquarium?

Separate males and females on individual aquariums to achieve a certain number of fish.

At what age does a female guppie can get pregnant?

By two months of life.

After what time after childbirth, Guppi can give birth again?

30-40 days. Moreover, the female can give birth from one and the same fertilization to 3-4 times with the above periodicity.

What does Guppy Albino look like?
For example, like this:
What kind of food can be allergic?
On dry food, especially on dried daphny. But this is found quite rare.

What is the optimal volume of aquarium for guppy?
As mentioned on the site, Guppies can live in a liter bank. But it is better to be so mocked on the fish. Recommended volume - 50-70 liters.

Are there a guppy yellow color?
Yes, see the photo above.

Does the beef's heart, how do the feed for Guppy?
Yes, because in any stern for the guppy there should be a minimum content of animal fats, and the heartjust the authority where they are practically no. Beef heart is fogged down in the form of a pate, cooked by grinding a heart in a meat grinder.

It must be cleansed from films, blood clots and possible inclusions of fat. Store the pate from the heart follows in the freezer.

And guppies can live in the oceans or in water bodies?
In the oceans - no, for they are freshwater fish. And in freshwater reservoirs - yes. But it is also necessary that the temperature approached them, for example, in Baikal, the guppy live will definitely not be able to :)

Can Guppy Enderra mate with ordinary guppy?
Yes, and they usually do that if they are in one aquarium.

After how many months, the fools of the guppy will be painted?
Subject to good conditions of content, the first color spots appear after 1.5-2 months.

What size are the fry of the guppy?
Approximately 0.5 cm. In a month, if the conditions are suitable, they grow up to 1 cm.

What volume of the aquarium is needed for Guppie Enderra?
The same as for ordinary guppies. The minimum recommended volume is 30 liters.

What fish can be kept in aquarium along with Guppies?
The best neighbors for them are borious fish. Small types of haracin fish (neons, cardinals, pecilix) are suitable. Also normal neighbors are dwarf soma. But these fish can not be kept next to Guppies:

  • Barbus
  • Mesensev
  • Cichlid
  • Skalyari.
  • Mallons
How many fry give birth to Guppies?
Usually 20-30, although there are cases of birth to 100 fry and even 120-150!

Small or large soil should be in aquarium for guppy?
The optimal size of the soil particles is 3-5 mm.

What plant is better suitable for aquarium with guppi fish?
It is better not to dwell on one and use several. The most common - Indian water fern. It also serves as an indicator of the favorable environment for the guppy - if the fern grows normally and the leaves of the normal color is normal - it means the environment is great for growing fish. Other common plants: Nitella, Canadian, Wallisnaria Spiral, Kabomba Carolinskaya, Riccia Floating.

The correct content of the Malks of Guppie makes it possible to get strong and healthy aquarium fish. This species is a vivory. Guppies do not postpone the caviar, and pull out the living, completely formed fry, which look like a reduced copy of the parents. Caring for them is simple. Already immediately after the birth of kids are active and viable. For proper care They will grow very quickly and subsequently show all their decorative and breed qualities. With a bad content, they can become unpainted, small and painful. The principal moment to be solved even before the female will begin to be spawning: where the fry will be contained - in general aquarium or separately from other fish.

    Show all

    Growing in the general aquarium

    Growing fry in the general aquarium, the owner risks to lose the young guppy, as adult fish consider kids as prey. The size of the cub at birth is only 3.5 mm. Even their parents can try to eat them.

    To increase the chances of toddler to survival, a lot of shelters create in the aquarium. Frys can hide in thickets of mellular plants: a rogolistnik, Elodea. Beautiful shelter for kids - moss-riccium on the surface of the water surface.

    Newborn begin to feed on the second day. As the first food, a piece of boiled egg yolk is suitable, on the third day they are translated on dry food. Powder fall asleep closer to the places of cluster of fry. With this content, some part of the fish will live to an adult state, but most will die.

    Separate aquarium

    When the maintenance of the Mankie in a separate aquarium (swelling), their maximum survival is guaranteed. Cubs can be rejected immediately after birth, but it is more convenient to put a pregnant female in the container so that the childbirth happened there. In this case, the vessel needs to put mellite plants or Riccius, which will take newborns. After the end of the spawning, the female is removed.

    The growth rate of frying depends on the intensity of lighting, temperature and richness of feeding.If the temperature is reduced, the fish slow down the development, but in the end they will be larger. When keeping in water with high temperatures Growth is accelerated, but adult guppies will be smaller.

    Newborn guppy

    Capacity and equipment

    Guppies are unpretentious. Frying can even grow in a three-liter bank, but in a separate aquarium they will be much more comfortable.

    When growing fish, not the volume of tank in liters is important, but the presence of a large surface. Young almost does not move vertically, therefore an aquarium is suitable for the content that resembles a low trough. Such vessels perfectly imitate natural shallow water at home, where small guppies live in nature.

    The optimal height of the water column in the subsidence is 35 cm. With this form of the vessel, the water is saturated with oxygen, the kids do not suffocate even with a high landing density. In a 30-liter aquarium, you can keep 100-200 fry, and in the standard container of the same volume - no more than 50.

    Aeration and filtering are needed in the exhaustion.The ordinary homemade filter sponge connected to the compressor is suitable. To observe the water temperature, the thermometer and heater will be required. The power of the equipment must correspond to the volume of the aquarium.

    Content parameters

    In the jackets hold fish of approximately the same size.Little guppies are not engaged in cannibalism, but a big spread by age is undesirable, since the feed will not be enough to become smaller.

    The filter and aeration should work around the clock. Water in the aquarium is replaced daily in the amount of 20%. Simultaneously with the water substitution, the bottom. The filter sponge is washed once a week in the water taken from the aquarium so that useful bacteria are preserved on it.

    The first 3 days will be required backlight. Light day should be at least 16 hours. Then its duration can be gradually reduced. The lover is optional, but allows you to increase the growth rate and the development of fry.

    The optimal temperature in the first 3-4 weeks is +28 degrees.Next, it is gradually reduced to +26 degrees, and when the fish will reach the age of 3 months - up to +24 degrees. Fry at any stage of development withstand the temperature of +22 degrees, but in cold water Their growth slows down.


    In the first week, fed the fry 5 times a day, in the second - 4 times. In the future, go to three meals. So far, the felons will reach 4 months, they can not be fed less than 3 times a day.

    Healthy well-groomed fish should have a slightly rounded belly and not to give up food. If the fry do not eat, it means too hot in the aquarium.

    In the first 2-3 weeks, the optimal feed is freshly composed of Artemy. It has a high nutritional value and allows the felts to quickly increase in size. At the 3-4th week you can pour a moth, not forgetting it to grind it. Fish is allowed to give only dry food, but their development will slow down.

    Branded feed for the Malka Guppies:

    • Tetra Biomin - a dense paste, designed to meet the requests of frying fishes fry;
    • Tetra Mikromin is the most popular branded powder feed, contains everything you need for Malki Malki;
    • Sera Micropan and Sera Micron - powder feed, forms a film saturated with nutritional microorganisms on the surface of the water, which fry in food as needed.

    Gains for Molodi.

    With the first opportunity, the fools need to be painted on the floor. It is impossible to wait long. Already in the very early age The males begins to lengthen and wrap the bottom fin. Gradually, he twists in a honey tube. According to this, males guppy can be distinguished before the fry began to be painted. When the formation of honeyfold will end, the boy will be able to fertilize the female. In order to prevent unplanned crossings, the young people disappear as soon as sexual differences are displayed.

    Separate cultivation of males and females accelerates the growth and development of fry, since in the joint habit of fish spend a lot of energy for pursuit and runaway.

    Paul must determine 2 weeks after birth. At this age, females appear on the trouser the dark spot. This feature may not arise, then you have to wait until one and a half months.


    After determining the floor, fish is transferred to a deeper aquarium, where they will be more convenient for them to care. The increase in depth improves the exterior of males, and females will grow larger.

    Aquarium, where guppy teenagers are called a gaze. The optimal volume of the vessel is 45-80 liters. Landing density per liter:

    • 3-5 males;
    • 1-2 females.

    Girls, from which it is planned to receive the rating, you need to send more spacious than usual.

    Water should be well saturated with oxygenSince growing fish breathes more intense adult. The densely landing, the stronger the aeration is needed. Best satisfy water sprayers, giving a long strip of small bubbles.

    Young eats well and very quickly pollutes the water with an organicaoy, so the soil is often sofifown, replacing the minimum quarter of volume per day. In the events in several places installed simple foam filters.

    The best food for juveniles is a natural plankton (cyclops, daphnia). If there is no live, give dry. Fish contains at a temperature of +18 ... + 24 degrees. Small daily fluctuations are allowed - they contribute to quenching.

    Considering that the guppie day fish and shows activity only in the light, with intensive cultivation of the juvenile, the duration of the daylight is artificially increased to 16 hours. From 3 months it is smoothly reduced to for 4 months to be 10 hours.

Guppy (Lat. Poecilia Reticulata) is aquarium fish that is known to even people, very far from the aquariums, which is to talk about lovers.

Perhaps, each aquarist at least once in his life yes contained a couple of gupeshek, and many of them began their way, and now they contain luxurious, selection species.

To answer all questions about them, you probably need to write a book, but we will try to consider particularly popular.

The birthplace of the fish is the island of Trinidad and Tobago, and in South America - in Venezuela, Guiana and Brazil.

As a rule, they live in clean, running water, but also love salon coastal waters, but not salty marine.

They feed with worms, larvae, moth and various small insects. Because of this feature, they even became massively settled in areas where many malarious mosquitoes, as they eat his larvae.

Males in nature are much brighter females, but still their painting is far from aquarium selection forms.

She must protect them from predators, as the fish is small and defenseless.

Robert John Lechmere Guppy (Robert John Lechmere Guppy), Robert John Lechmere Founder, found and described this fish on Trinidad Island in 1866.


A small fish, and the males are smaller than females, and usually reach lengths about 5 cm.

Guppies 2-3 years old, as small size and warm water accelerate the metabolism and reduce life.

As for the appearance, it is almost impossible to describe it. Guppies so often and it crosses a lot that even selection forms can be counted dozens, and already ordinary and more.

The male and female are distinguished between themselves, but we will tell about this difference.

Content complexity

Magnificent fish for beginners and pros.

Small, active, beautiful, very simply multiplied, is undemanding for content and feeding, it seems that the list can be continued forever.

However, we warned beginner aquarists from buying bright, breeding forms. How to understand that the form of the selection? If all the fish in the aquarium is strictly the same color, the males are long and uniform fins, then these are demanding views.

If the males are all different, like females, in the color of the riot of paints and colors, then these are those fishes that we need the usual aquarist.

The fact is that as a result of crossing, they become very beautiful, but also very capricious, losing their advantages.

Hybrid forms already have a weak immunity and are very demanding of the content. So if you decide only to try yourself in aquarium, buy the easiest, but multicolored gukemk.

They will delight you at no less than breeding forms, but will live much longer and there will be less problems.

And for the pros will be selection forms - they need to be sorted carefully, even more carefully breed and care.


It is very easy to feed them, they eat very different feed - artificial, frozen, alive, even dry.

Flakes, granules and other artificial feeds are eaten with pleasure, but it is better to choose famous trademarks, such as tetra.

From the living, the best of all eating a moth, a pipe, Artemia, a coretra.

It is important to remember that the guppi small mouth and stomach, the feed should be small, and feed it better two or three times a day, portions that fish will be eaten in 2-3 minutes.

Also, fish love food with a high content of vegetable substances so that their gastrointestinal tract remain healthy, and the immune system is high, buy in addition to ordinary flakes, still with vegetable additives and feed twice a week with them.

Separately, I want to say from dry stern - this is not branded feed, but dried Daphnes, which is often sold on the bird markets. Intruter I do not advise feeding fish with such food, even guvek. He is poor on vitamins, nutrients And in fact, it is just a dried shell. The gastrointestinal tract of fish is inflamed and they are dying.

Like all tropical fish, Guppies love warm water (22-25 ° C), but can live in a wider limit 19.0 - 29.0 ° C.

As for water parameters, it practically does not matter for conventional forms. They are as quickly adapted to the local conditions that moving to a new aquarium is carried out at all without problems.

Ideal if there will be in the aquarium: 7.0 - 8.5, and rigidity 12.0 - 18.0, but the parameters can be completely different, which will not prevent living and multiply.

The aquarium may be small, 20 liters will be enough for 5 fish. But, the more volume, the greater the number of fish you can keep and the more beautiful it will look.

It is best that there were many plants in the aquarium, as it will be similar to the natural habitat and will significantly increase the survival rate of fry in the overall aquarium. Lighting can be any, from bright to twilight.

It is advisable to use the filter, for the guise, it is quite internal, but if there is an external one, then excellent. It is only better to close the holes in it with an additional shallow mesh, since a powerful filter is not only able to suck the fry, but even adult fish.

Guppies can not be called a mustache fish, but it does not make sense to keep it with a pair. It is very small in size and in small quantities is almost invisible in the aquarium.


Very peaceful fish that does not cause any trouble to neighbors. But it can offend, especially large and predatory fish, which gupsek perceive only as food.

Getting better with peaceful and small fish: -,.

Sexual differences

It is very simple to distinguish the female from the male. The males are smaller, slimmer, they have a big tail fin, and the anal has become honeyfields (roughly speaking this tube with which the males of vivigy fish fertilize the female).

The female is larger, they have a big and noticeable stomach and usually they are quite pale painted.

Even young you can distinguish quite early, as a rule, those of the fry, which first began to be painted, will be males.


One of the most simple in reproduction of the fish is ordinary guppies, they are very simply multiplied in home aquariums.

The fact is that they are vivybye, that is, the female hatching the caviar in his stomach, and a fully formed Malek appears on the light.

The first hours he will lie down and hide, but it will very soon start swimming and eat.

You need to breed these fish ... Male and female. Not even so, a single young and active male is enough to take 3-5 females without tired.

That is, for successful breeding it is quite possible to contain one male for 3-5 females. You can and more males, since males do not fight with each other, but only compete. You will see like a male without tired having pursued a female, but this is normal and nothing to do with it.

The fact is that during such persecution he fertilizes the female and will soon have fry.

Female with a dark spot - soon!

What do you need to multiply a couple? Fresh and clean water, good and abundant feeding and a couple of different fish.

As a rule, Guppie is quite successfully multiplied in the overall aquarium without any participation of the owner. But, they also eat their fry, and the neighbors, if they are helpful. So pregnant females are better to be delayed in a separate aquarium.

How to understand what you have a pregnant female? A pregnant female stain near the anal hole begins to darken, it is already visible the eyes of growing fry, and the darker, the soon she will give birth.

Sut the mom in a separate aquarium, with the same water and thickets of plants, where Malek will be able to hide from her (yes, she can eat his children). When the term comes (maybe up to a month, if you hurried to eat it), it is without any problems.

Immediately after childbirth, the female must be deposited. To take care of the fry is quite simple, as well as about parents.

What to feed the fry? You can feed them finely discharged branded flakes (which you are feeding parents), but it is better to dry egg or corporate feeds for fry. Note that there is such a relic of past as dry food.

It is dried daphnia and cyclops, it can still be found on sale. So, it is not recommended to feed this rubbish of the fry. Nutrition is slightly higher than zero, in fact it is an analog of a trank. How much will you grow up if you have one Trank? The same can be said for adult fish.

It is necessary to regularly remove them so that the remnants of feed neither spill water. You can also run into this aquarium of snails, for example or. They do not touch the fry, and the remains of the feed will eat.

How Malek is born:

It is important that the water is clean, but it is impossible to change a lot and cannot be changed, since the firings still weak and large substitution of water are dangerous for them. The easiest way is to change about 10% of the water once every one or two days, or 25% once a week.

The water temperature for the fry is very important, and you need to keep it at the level of 24-26.5 C.

With proper care and feeding, the felts grow quickly and after a month - one and a half begins to paint.

Frequently asked questions about Guppy

What fish can be kept with them?

Some species have already been listed above, but you can still see the article -, all that in this list is good for the content.

How to find out what guppy is pregnant or is going to give birth?

Usually, the female gives birth to fry times a month, but the deadlines may differ depending on the water temperature and conditions of content. Note the time with the last time when it gave birth, and watch. The female ready for new births, the stain becomes darker, these are the eyes of the fry.

How to breathe guppies?

Like all fish-dissolved oxygen dissolved in water, do not forget to include aeration and filtering.

How long do Guppy live?

About two years old, but it all depends on the conditions and temperature. The higher the water temperature, the shorter their life. Some fish live up to 5 years.

How often feeding guppy?

Daily, with small portions two - three times a day. For example, in the morning and evening.

Once a week you can arrange a hungry day, but note that the fish will actively look for food and the first victims will be their own fry.

Why do Guppy tails rush?

There may be a lot of reasons, but the most common is old water that rarely replaced. Ammonia and nitrates accumulate in it, and they poison fish and destroy fins. Regularly replace the water on fresh.

There may also be a sharp substitution of water, injury or poor feedingWhen little vitamins.

If the fish had a tail, then this anxious sign - Or someone tears her, and you need to carefully examine the fish with which it is contained, or she got sick infectious diseaseAnd you need even more carefully to look at the rest of the fish.

Why do guppi slip the tail?

Again, either old and dirty water, or infection, or scarce feeding. Try to change 20% of the water once a week and follow the state of other fish.

Why did the guppy curve spine?

Such fish are found practically from any species, as a rule it is a defect from birth. If this happens in adult fish, then it may be due to the fact that it is contained in a close aquarium, with a large number of fish.

Most often the spine is curved from old age, and this is normal, but the most frequent cause - Tuberculosis of fish or mycobacteriosis.

The disease is complex, and it is not easy to treatment, it does not always bring results. In order to avoid the spread of infection, such fish is better to isolate.

Why do guppi only born females?

No accurate answer to this question is not found. Apparently, in the excess of males, the laws of nature and the population compensates for the females to keep itself.

Is it possible to contain only one guppy in the aquarium?

You can, although it looks like somehow sad ...

All the same, this is a cheerful and brisk fish that loves the company. If you are looking for a fish that would be beautiful, unpretentious and wonderfully lived himself, then look towards the cock.

Do I need oxygen and a filter for guppy?

Not required, but desirable. You can buy an inexpensive, inner filter with a washcloth. It will fully fulfill its functions and will not suck the fish.

Note that if you bought a filter, and it is raised (so that the surface of the water in the aquarium is in motion), then buy an additionally aeration or simply put oxygen to you absolutely no need.

Do you need guppy soil and plants?

This is your choice. An empty aquarium is easier to clean, but it looks worse, Malek does not survive in it, and the Guheaves themselves love to be frozen among the plants. I am for aquarium with soil and plants.

Do you need guppy light?

No, the fish at all do not need light, except that it falls on the aquarium during the day. Light needed plants for growth.

Guppie mouthed caviar?

No, they are nobbing. That is, Malek appears completely ready for life and can immediately swim.

Sometimes it falls in Ikrinka, but it breaks and he floats. Sometimes he has a gusty bag that he quickly assimilates.

Does Guppy sleep?

Yes, but not like people. It is rather an active leisure, when at night the fish reduce activity, but still float.

And the light on the night is better turned off, although some of this do not, but in nature at night dark?

How many fry give birth to Guppies?

Depends on the female, its age and size. Usually about 30-50 pieces, but sometimes 100.

How much does Malek Guppi grow?

Very quickly in good conditions. Male already in two months becomes sexually mature, and females in three.

Is it possible to keep guppie in seawater?

No, they are well tolerated slightly salted water, but in the sea dying, it is freshwater fish.

Why do guppi swim on the surface?

They breathe dissolved in water oxygen, and it is not enough in your aquarium. Because of which? Perhaps too hot, perhaps you have not cleaned the aquarium for a long time and did not change the water, perhaps too closely.

Be sure to include aeration or filtering (place the filter closer to the water surface to enhance gas exchange) and replace part of the water to fresh.

Why do guppi jump from aquarium?

They can do it both randomly and because of bad water - for example, if it did not change it for a long time and the soil did not appeal in the aquarium.

Also, the reason may be a small amount of oxygen in the water, read about it above.

Why did Guppi sleep or glued the tail?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to definitely correct the cause, even if the aquarium next to you. This may be incorrect feeding (monotonous, only dry feeds or abundant), there may be water parameters inappropriate (many ammonia), and maybe the disease.

The minimum that needs to be done is to replace part of the water, receiving the soil and change the type of feed.

What Somov can be kept with guppy?

Any small. More or less large soma, almost virtually predators. Exception only, it can be performed with small fish.

Well, any corridors, perfectly walk with nipients and will be very helpful, reaching the remnants of feed from the bottom.

How to care for the fry of Guppy?

The most unpretentious of the fry, survive in the wild. But, if you regularly change the water, give feed so much so that they eat in a couple of minutes and feed the fir-three times a day, they will grow quickly, paint and delight you.

What to feed the fools of the guppy?

There are no difficulties in feeding, eat crushed flakes, but it is better to give the appeal to Artemia or a cut tuber.

Guppie fish is one of the most popular varieties of aquarium fish, so novice amateurs primarily acquire these inhabitants of the aquarium. At first, naturally, you should familiarize yourself with the necessary conditions for their content and breeding. The process of breeding must have some distinctive featuresBut not considered too complicated.

Guppies are bright fish with very beautiful elegantly looking tails. They helps to create an atmosphere of magic in aquarium. The males are brighter compared to females. They are distinguished by the presence of long unusual tails of various colors, the coloring often becomes the cause of love for the guppy. The male can grow up to 3 cm long, and females are somewhat larger - they can grow up to 6 cm. But the female guppie will be paler than males, and they have no beautiful tail.

Important components of growth

Such fish become an ideal option for families with children, because a small volume of an aquarium from 15 to 30 liters accommodates up to 7 individuals, as well as the Guppies are suitable for selection. They can be kept with alive plants, but they require mandatory aeration and constant water filtering.

Care for Guppies and their cultivation involves constant conducting water change. To create full-fledged lighting, we can apply table lamps.

Nutrition Fish Guppies is mostly dry food, but if necessary, they will be perfectly transferred a week without it, but overpricing, on the contrary, it is very dangerous for them. From excess feed water spars. To dilute the guppy does not need large costs in terms of money or time. This explains why many breeders prefer these fish.

If you wish to begin breeding, Guppies, it is important to take care of creating ideal conditions for breeding and subsequent content of fry, and also know how guppy gives birth.

How to reproduction

Guppies crowded fish, which give birth to the light of the already formed fry. Also, the process of fertilization occurs in the usual aquarium, but in order to bring their spontaneous felts to their spawn better, because after the appearance of a young one is in danger due to the fact that in the first moments of the appearance of the Guppies eating their fry.

An ordinary basin can serve as a spawning, a small aquarium or even a large glass jar with perfectly clean water.

The female shelters the fir 5 - 6 weeks, you just need to carefully follow the increase in her abdomen. The one who breed Guppies knows why and when to disembark the fish separately. This is done when the belly will swell. Some experts recommend to transplant and male. By the way, after fertilization once the female of the fish can independently remove the offspring without re-fertilization more than once. Falls grow up quickly, and the sexual ripening of fish occurs in 4 - 5 months.

The scales of little fish will begin to be painted in the final color only a month after birth. Gradually, it will acquire increasingly brighter and intricate shades. The question arises where to give the fry as we grow up. Some breeders transplant the fry in the overall aquarium already a week later, but until the age of 1 month, their needs will be very different from the needs and life of adult fish.

Preparation of spawning

In the capacity of about 5 liters, some thick plants are placed and maintain the temperature of the water plus 27 degrees, not lower - so the female will give birth easier. If we speak in simple language, it is enough to take 5 liters of water from the total aquarium and increase its temperature slightly.

The fever before childbirth is better to feed the moth so that it receives extra energy and power. When answering the question, how many fry give birth to Guppies, it should be considered that it depends on the age of male and females - at a time occasion from 20 to 100 fry. After the birth of the last fry, the female guppie needs to urgently join. It is better to study material in advance on the topic, how to care for the boats.

For the fools, Guppies do not need parental care, they will gather at the surface of the water with a pack and constantly ask for food. So, the care of fry is very simple. Feeding fry does not entail large material costs, as infusories are recommended as feed as feed, and feeding 4 to 5 times a day. The older of the fish - the less they need feedings.

Rough fish are not too fast and uneven. In such a situation, the smallest and weak guppies can die from the lack of nutrition, because more strong fry Do not give them to eat normally. In this regard, they need to be sorted in size and sear in different places.

If there are unforeseen circumstances during childbirth, for example, female becomes difficult to give birth or need to speed up the process, then it can help, increasing the temperature of the water for several degrees.

Differences of a pregnant fema

Snacking from the guppy lasts 28 - 40 days, after which the fry is born. The exact longcy depends on their quantity.

In order not to wonder how to understand what the female is in position, it is necessary to remember that the pregnant female Guppie stands out in its own way appearance And radically different from other fish. At first, her belly is rounded in the department where Ikrinki donted, and then, when the guppie comes soon, in the form of the stomach begins to resend the rectangle with a darkening at the bottom.

During pregnancy, it is forbidden to change the conditions in which the guppy to live, because the female negatively perceives even the slightest changes in the water temperature, its quality and brightness of light. So that San Saint Guppie was good, the breeder should create all the conditions for the calm females.

So, for a successful breeding process, it is recommended to use young males, selecting a couple of common group Fish in a separate aquarium. This will allow them to fruit much more productive.

The process of reproduction is very fascinating and most often ends with success, so subject to the listed rules in the aquarium soon will appear a large number of Young beautiful guppy.

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