Cat meals eat little by little. What if the cat has become bad? Feeding from syringe

Castrated and sterilized animals differ from the boring offspring not only the peculiarities of physiology, but also a lifestyle.

The fact is that after the removal of the semennikov, the consequence of which the sharp change in the hormonal background becomes, cats cease to be interested in the opposite sex. They do not shout with the onset of the marriage period, do not make the territory, become calmer. Interest in the individuals of the opposite sex is replaced by close attention to food, which often becomes the cause of strong weight gain.

The first rule feeding the neutered pet is not to overflow it. Otherwise, the cat may begin obesity.

A castrated animal (both the male and sterilized female) requires less meal than cats-manufacturers and capable of confusion cats.

Cat obesity is often a serious problem, because it can lead to pet death

It is not recommended to reduce the number of food meals, because for many castrated cats, food becomes the only entertainment. It is better to reduce portions and feed the animal 2 times a day to at least a little diversify, pet life.

The most acceptable way out in this situation is to take a neutered cat with merry rolling games that will enjoy a pet.

If, despite all the efforts, the pet is gaining a quick pace excess weightshould be transferred to low-calorie feed and increase physical exertion.

Many breeders of purebred cats believe that neutered cats are prone to the development of urolithiasis, and although the results of research do not allow it to assert it with complete confidence, observations show that this disease is usually detected in animals, the mass of which significantly exceeds the norm.

Some breeders believe that castration of cats at an early age becomes the underdevelopment of the urethra, it remains narrow, and therefore any problems with urinary (the appearance of stones, inflammatory process et al.) cause urethra obstruction. There is also the opinion that the cause of the formation of stones in the urinary system becomes rare capping of cats-castrators.

Based on the above data, you can formulate two more rules for feeding castrated animals:

It is necessary to monitor the content of mineral substances;

It should be triggered to limit the content in the feed of magnesium and phosphorus, provoking education in the body of a pet tripelphosphates (the most common type of stones).

Many caring owners monitor their pets to be empty and there was always food in it. But, as a rule, a healthy active cat seeks to eat everything that lies with her in the trough, especially if it is her favorite food. As a result, the risk of obesity will appear.

In detail considering the rules for the nutrition of neutered cats and sterilized cats, first of all it should be noted that, as soon as the animal, the operation will be made, it will be necessary to determine the type of food for it: it can be fed it either by industrial (dry or semi-liquid) feeds or domestic food ( You can use in small quantities cannut food). Mix these types of nutritionally.

If the owner has chosen on feeding homemade food, it is recommended to include in the daily diet of the castrated cats such as meat (beef, bird), offal (heart, lungs, chicken stomachs, liver, etc.), dairy cereals, vegetables (carrots, Cabbage), as well as fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese). because of increased content Phosphorus and magnesium giving pet fish is not recommended.

Deciding to feed his pet with dry foods, the owner must try to choose from a large number of products the most appropriate. Currently, a large amount of dry feed is produced, on the packaging of which is referenced, that they are suitable for food of castrated animals. However, it is not necessary to forget that there are no fundamental differences in industrial feeds for representatives of this category and hawk individuals, therefore, choosing food for pets-castration, you need to pay attention to the ingredients.

It is best to choose the feed of the PREMIUM or SuperPremium class and trust manufacturers to manufacturers where specialized scientific centers are carried out. As mentioned earlier, the leading manufacturers of feline feed are Purina, IAMS, Royal Canin, Hill's. Determination of the class of feed will always help the merchant consultant of the pet store, it is natural that high-quality feed will cost more.

How to determine without weights how much is the cat and does it suffer over weight? It is necessary to spend your hand over her back and thighs and feel the bone: under normal weight, they must be good forgiven, but not to come.

When buying in the food store for a neutered cat, the seller can offer dietary feed for the treatment of urolithiasis (for example, "Whiskas Low Phon Control" or "Royal Canin Felistar S10"). However, it is not worth a hurry to buy it: the introduction of dietary feed in the diet of a healthy (and previously not painful) an animal is undesirable. You can supplement the daytime diet of your pet, consisting of dry feeds, semi-liquid canned meals, but it is better to try to acquire products of one company. With a home type, canned food can be any brand.

Everything that has been said about nutritional cats concerns and feeding sterilized cats: they can not be flipped, it is necessary to monitor the content of mineral and organic substances in their food and provide clean water (especially if the animal gets dry industrial feed).

7. Feeding aging and sick cats and cats

Feeding aging and sick cats is not much different from feeding safts. It should be remembered: cats relating to these groups, the metabolism is slowed down due to the amount of food, as a rule, it is recommended to limit.

Feeding aging cats

Unfortunately, the aging process is natural and irreversible: it is impossible to stop the changes occurring in the cellular and biochemical structures of the living organism. However, providing its aging pet (balanced) nutrition, the owner can significantly extend not only the term, but also the active period of his life, as well as prevent the development of many severe diseases (hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, liver disease, kidney and respiratory tract, as well as cancer, etc.).

It is impossible to say for sure when the cat becomes old: some pets remain active and after 10 years, others begin to gain extra mass and lose interest in moving games in the 6-7-year-old age. Determine, reached the cat a fatal line or not, only the owner itself, carefully watching his pet carefully.

Typically, the aging process affects cats aged 12 to 15 years. Animals are changing outwardly (they appear fat deposits, there is a sharp increase in weight), there are also changes in their behavior (they are no longer singing, moving slowly and slightly shaped), in addition, during this period of life, many cats lose their rumor and vision.

Thus, food becomes for the old animal in almost the only joy in life, a kind of ritual, from which it cannot refuse. In addition, aging pets get great pleasure from the attention paid to him during feeding.

Like elderly people, old cats become arrogant in food. The loss of teeth leads to the fact that animals with a larger hunt begins to eat liquid and ground food, but it is not worthwhile to deprive them of their laddies, otherwise the pets are hijacking, feeling themselves unloved and unnecessary.

Aging cats often start to fully

Aging cats do not need a lot of calories, their daily energy consumption is an average of 60-65 kcal per 1 kg of body weight, therefore, in order to avoid development in the pets of obesity, the number of food consumed. It is better to feed the cat several times a day with small portions of delicious and rather calorie food.

You can use dry and semi-liquid food of industrial manufacture, for example "Hill's Feline Maintenance Light" and "Hill's Feline Maintenance Senior" from Hill's, IAMS Cat Food Light and IAMS Cat Food Senior from IAMS, "Purina Pro Plan Adult Formula Light "from" Purina "," Senior 28 "and" Slim 37 "from Royal Canin," Whiskas Advance Senior "from" Mars ".

It is recommended to limit the number of cat fats consumed. Choosing food for pet, you need to pay attention to the content in it of this component, the option is optimal when the food is degreased by 95%.

In old age, cats need proteins, trace elements and vitamins no less than young animals. It is not necessary to change the composition of these components in the food of their fluffy pensioner, its food must continue to contain the optimal amount of vitamins and mineral trace elements. As for the salt, it should be in the stern as little as possible.

Calculate the age of the cat in relation to the human one can be as follows: the first year of the pet is taken in the 15th year of the person, the second - 24 years, and then each cat is equal to 4 human. Some scientists equate one cat year to 7 human, others take the first year of the cat's life for 20 people and add 4 years for every human year.

By drawing up a daily diet of its aging pet, it should be borne in mind that the changes occurring in its cells and organs often become the cause of a violation of normal digestion. As a rule, serious gastrointestinal diseases are developing as a result of frequent constipation, but sometimes the cause of changes in the digestive process can be excessive animals nutrients (vitamins and minerals). The correct diet consisting of an easily digestible, but calorie feed will avoid problems associated with the disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

It happens that aging pets refuse food. Probably, they have problems with teeth or gums, and in this case, without the help of the veterinarian it is not necessary. It is not necessary to worry if the pet will have to remove the sick tooth, the cat will be able to continue to eat familiar food, it will be a firm food, it will grind his strong gums.

The causes of the loss of the cat's cat can be periodontal and dental. In order to prevent these diseases, it should be more common to give a petty feed pet that have a cleansing and grinding effect, and with early age To accustom it to cleaning the teeth.

If, despite all the efforts, the cat still loses his teeth, it is possible to offer her crushed or discharged food and only occasionally pamper solid food. Cats, severely carrying thirst and having problems with thermoregulation, it is necessary to more often give fresh clean water.

The most common disease of aging cats is hyperthyroidism (increase in the number of hormones thyroid gland). Animals eat a lot, but they do not get fat, on the contrary, they have a decrease in body weight, therefore pets suffering from such a notch should be fed with delicious high-calorie foods. A long period of appetite loss can cause liver body infiltration.

Many elderly cats develop chronic kidney diseases. Probably, the reason is the negative impact on these organs of high doses of protein, which are contained in dietary feeds, and microelements such as phosphorus and sodium. In renal failure in the daily diet of pets, the content of phosphorus and salts should be limited, and protein use only in strictly defined doses.

In the stern of an aging cat should be enough taurine, its deficit leads to the development of such a disease as cardiomyopathy (blockage heart valve). Pets with heart failure, it is recommended to translate into a volatile diet.

High-quality full nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining the health of the cat and its attractive external view. But it becomes even more important when the animal has health problems. In periods poor well-being The Pettroy should pay special attention to his diet, to ensure that the amount of vitamins and nutrients receives a weakened organism. And during recovery, animals requires more useful nutritional food than usual.

Causes of food failure

Often food Behavior Pet is a consequence various diseasesEspecially related to the gastrointestinal tract, as well as other health problems:

  1. 1. The foreign object in the throat or esophagus, which the animal cannot remove independently.
  2. 2. Serious body injury.
  3. 3. Poisoning.
  4. 4. Stress.

Cat, if she does not eat anything, you need to show an experienced veterinarian, to pass the examination and pass all the designated tests: blood, urine, ultrasound.

How to feed the sick cat?

If the portions of the animal during the disease decreased, it is not necessary to panic. Important follow for cat saw lot water. This will avoid dangerous dehydration. If the pet categorically refuses any meals, then in this case it will be necessary to be patient and look for ways to help feed the animal and prevent the lack of nutrients in its body. Among them:

  1. 1. Warm food, warm up to about 39 ° C, becomes more fragrant and attractive for the cat.
  2. 2. If an animal has problems with smell for any reason, it's worth putting him on the lips small pieces parish.
  3. 3. Sick cats are much more willingly eating liquid dishes than solid, they should be the basis of the diet.
  4. 4. If the animal is hard to get up to reach the feeding zone, the best solution will give him food with his hands, in parallel stroking and soothing the pet.

Feeding from syringe

Sometimes the animal is so weakening that it is not capable of moving independently and chew food. In this case, the owner must assist him in a meal. It is convenient to use a miniature syringe for this. There will be enough products in 2 ml.

From the syringe a knife is cut off the tip, and the edges are cleaned so that they are not sharp. The tube is filled with liquid food, after which the product is made to the nose of the animal. It is necessary that the homemade favorite felt the smell of treats.

As soon as the cat will open the mouth a little, it is worth slowing to squeeze her a small portion of feed. If the animal does not make it yourself, you will have to be slightly scolding to her with my fingers. It is impossible to press too much so as not to cause a pet pain. Otherwise, the next time the feeding procedure will cause negative emotions from him.

If there is no syringe at hand, and the animal refuses to independently refuse, you can force the cat in another way. To do this, you will need to take small pieces of soft food and lay them on the root of the cat's language. Then it is necessary to close the mouth of a pet and rub it throat with careful tender movements from top to bottom. This will facilitate the process of swallowing. This way you can give a tablet cat during treatment.

A kitten appeared in the house - what and how to feed it?

What to feed?

The market shows a huge selection of finished food for cats suffering from one or another ailment. They contribute to the speedy recovery and facilitate the condition of the animal. Among such products there are options intended for pets that refuse food.

The specified feed in liquid form are produced. As a result, the sick animal will be able to lap them without much effort or the owner will be able to independently pour food into the mouth of the animal with the help of a syringe. There are several features from such feed:

  1. 1. They are very tasty and their aroma cause strong appetite from cats. The mixtures have a rich composition, therefore, even the minimum portion of such a treat is capable of providing an animal with all the necessary nutrients.
  2. 2. Products are characterized by high calorie.

Special feed must prescribe exclusively veterinarian. It is impossible noticing that the animal is badly feels, immediately acquire such a product for him. The specialist will indicate exactly what kind of food must be purchased and what dose will have to eat a cat per day. The recommended portion is divided by 5-6 times.

Cats - exceptional predators. The structure of the jaws and teeth of these animals is adapted to the performance of powerful cutting-fat movements to tearing raw meat. They have no chewing indigenous teeth, in contrast to omnivorous animals. Cats are a single-chamber stomach. And they do not like cold food, which naturally for a carnivorous animal that eats their prey immediately after prey. If you want as a cat eats, you can see that it is absolutely non-spill in the process of meals. Even with an almost homogeneous mass of food, there will be relatively small particles that it does not like the taste and smell, because it has important importance for it. Careful, and sometimes selective behavior fastened the reputation of capricious or dismissed eaters behind these animals.

But if the cat refuses there is even a favorite delicacy, then this anxious symptom Unhealthy and your cat require an ambulance veterinary help.

The reasons why the cat does not eat?

  • The cat does not eat due to diseases of the oral cavity and teeth.
  • Cat does not eat with poisoning.
  • Cat does not eat due to urolithiasis.
  • Cat does not eat because foreign languages In the stomach and intestines.

Some physiological systems of the Cat organism regulate the voltage, mainly it is a GPN (hypothalamus - pituitary - adrenal glands) and sympathetic nervous system. Their interaction is arranged so as to deal with "normal" short-term stress associated with the natural style of the body's life. These systems control the emission of hormones, and the reaction that occurs in the body faced with stress, is called an instant / acute response to stress. However, these systems are less adapted to combat chronic or long stress, which plays an important role in the development of behavioral problems and diseases in cats. The reason for stress can be heavy chronic illness.

Be sure to examine the cat for dental diseases and internal organs.

Cat does not eat due to diseases of the oral cavity and teeth

The most popular reasons for the failure of cats from feed are dental problems:

  • Oligotonia (congenital lack of support) is transferred by inheritance. Depending on how much teeth are absent, the cat is experiencing a certain degree of inconvenience when eating food. This may cause violation of the digestion and the occurrence of diseases of the digestive tract. For such cats, the type of feeding is selected individually, after consulting the doctor.
  • Toothstone. If it does not remove the dental flare on time, it solidifies, forming a stone on the surface of the tooth - porous sediments in which bacteria are sissed. Toothstone is clearly visible and looks like a brown-yellow or brown hard thigh on the surface of the tooth. The stone appears at the base of the tooth, and then grow up to the root, penetrate the gum, and up, with the time covering the tooth completely. If you do not remove it, the cat may lose one or more teeth and even get seriously ill because chronic inflammation Gum. Toothstone is also the main cause of the development of caries and inflammatory diseases Dysen: osteomyelitis, periodontitis and gingivitis.
  • Caries teeth in cats. If you leave the caries without attention, rotting will capture the adjacent teeth and spread to the entire oral cavity. The teeth in cats hurt like people, identifying the source of pain and its relief - the only way to solve the problems described above.
  • The location of the teeth in the mouth of the cat, the anomalies of the development of teeth and bite. If an animal has some anomalies in the development of teeth or bite, they can lead to the following problems:
  • Difficult food intake and chewing.
  • Mechanical damage mucous membranes of lips, cheeks, gums, tongue.
  • Diseases of digestive organs.

Cats are well developed center of the brain responsible for the vomiting reflex, so the owners of cats face vomiting from their pets more often than owners of other animals. For predators (to which cats include), tightening semi-earned food from their stomach young during their transition from milk to meat. Therefore, in cats, this universal symptom can mean anything, from a simple "no longer climbs up to a sign of a serious illness.

Salivation with subsequent vomiting (lethargy, weakness, muscular tremble) can mean poisoning of poor-quality products, household chemicals, insecticides, (it is possible to choose when licking the paws after contact with chemicals), dangerous for a cat with plants. But the most dangerous poisoning is poisoning with rat poison. The poisons against rodents prevent blood coagulation and quickly lead to death!

The cat can poison their rat poison in two ways:

  • Evil to the poison (straight). The baits for rodents have a pleasant taste, which makes them attractive not only for direct consumers, but also for dogs and cats.
  • Eviating the poisoned rodent (indirect). Poisoned rat or mouse, weak, becomes easy boiling cat. Modern means It is very effective, therefore the portion of the poison that fell into the organism of the rodent will be sufficient for a larger animal.

Symptoms in poisoning of such rodenticides, like Strichnin, Brometaline, zinc phosphide may appear almost immediately after poisoning, zoocumarine for 4-7 days, diphenacin - 2-4 weeks:

  • Lost.
  • Failure to eat.
  • Heat.
  • Domestic and exterior bleeding: bloody vomiting, bloody diarrhea, hematoma.
  • Anemia mucous shells.
  • Dyspnea, tachycardia, neurological problems, convulsions.

The task of salvation of the pet will greatly facilitate knowledge, which poison he poisoned. If the package is preserved, it should be shown a doctor.

The prognosis of recovery depends on the type of poison and its quantity, on the time of diagnosis and the beginning proper treatment. With favorable circumstances, it is approximately 80%.

Unfortunately, later the manifestation of symptoms and late appeal to the clinic, the absence of an antidote often lead to a fatal outcome.

After incubation period Cat herpes virus and catalcivirus, which ranges from two to ten days and manifests itself a minor decrease in activity, appear clinical signs Diseases and absence of appetite may be a consequence of such symptoms as discharge from the nose, ulcers on the mucous membrane and the language, which make it difficult to smell and absorb food.

Symptoms of viral infection in cats:

  • Nose - sneezing and discharge from the nose.
  • Eyes - selection of eyes (viral conjunctivitis), eyes become red and inflamed, thick sticky discharge, itching, disruption of tear.
  • The absence of appetite as a result of the loss of smell (with nasal congestion) that affects the feeling of hunger.
  • Dehydration is another problem with a sick cat. He feels too weak to drink and, thus, quickly dehydrated.
  • Fever - the body reacts to a viral infection by increasing the temperature. As a rule, cats react to this lethargy, passivity, lack of appetite.
  • Ozzles of the mouth or nose. Painful changes in the form of ulcers manifest themselves in the behavior with refusal to eat.
  • Any combination of listed above symptoms.

Forecasts for viral infections In not graft cats, very careful.

Although herpesvirus, and calciviral infection are viral, diseases are usually accompanied by secondary bacterial infectionswhich can lead to rhinitis (in infections in the nose), conjunctivitis and even pulmonary infections. As a rule, the cat's body gradually copes with the flu, but in some cases the flu may even threaten life.

Cat does not eat due to urolithiasis

Urolithiasis disease (Urolithiasis) is a disease that is characterized by the formation of urinary stones or sand in the kidneys, the bladder or their detention in the lumen of the ureters and the urethra. Urolithiasis in cats is manifested only with the difficulty of urination: the animal is often sitting on a pot or in the wrong place, it is still a little, but the urine stands out weakly, drops, often with blood and fine sand. If the ureas canal is closed with a plug, the bubble is stretched, causing constant urge to urination. At the same time, the condition of the animal worsens noticeably: blood vessels bladder Breakdown, the blood gets into the urine, and on the contrary, the urine enters the blood, poisoning the body. The cat refuses feed and water, moves little, constantly trying to urinate. Over time, vomiting appears, cramps as a sign of severe poisoning with components.

The best approach to the problem of the ICD is its prevention. The most important factor at the same time - proper nutrition.

According to statistics, the cats are much more often susceptible to diseases of the kidneys than other animals, for example, three times more likely dogs. Why? Most likely, again because of its historical origin.

The ability to manage the small amount of water received from the case of the case, domestic cats must be their ancestors - African deserted cats. Hence the violation water balance (Especially with the use of dry feed and insufficient drink).

Renal failure - syndrome of violation of all kidney functions, leading to a disorder of water, electrolyte, nitrogen and other types of metabolism of the body. Since harmful substances are protein decay products (creatinine, urea), nitrogenous exchange products, which are poison for the body, are not derived by patients with kidneys as it should be accumulated in the body, then its poisoning occurs. As a result, the decrease in appetite, weight loss, vomiting, nitrogenous smell of grazing.

Since when kidney disease, the level of urea in the blood increases, it increases in saliva and under the action of microorganisms is decomposed to ammonia, causing damage to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. As a result - ulcers, gingivitis and stomatitis, damage to the dental enamel.

The symptoms of the renal disease are characteristic of other diseases, which makes it difficult to diagnose.


  • Increased thirst.
  • Abundant urination.
  • Dehydration.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Lost.
  • Weight loss.
  • Anemia (pale mucous).
  • Dental problems (ulcers on the gums and language, dental stone, teeth disease).
  • Salivation.
  • The smell of grazing (sometimes ammonium).
  • Worsening wool.
  • Salt of retinal eye.
  • High arterial pressure.
  • With jade can be increased temperature and soreness when feeling.

In the risk group all animals over 7 years old. It should be examined annually from the veterinarian, to take blood tests, urine, do ultrasound and measure blood pressure.

Forecast: All diseases of the kidneys during untimely treatment and relapses over time are transferred to chronic renal failure. Chronic renal failure (CPN) is already a sentence for an animal, but the correct supporting therapy significantly slows down the progression of the disease, provides good quality and life expectancy of the animal.

Cats with overweight, which lose their appetite for an unknown reason, should be considered candidates for the development of liver lipidoza. Feline liver lipidosis, known as the obesity of the liver is a state of cats, in which the liver accumulates a large amount of fat, and it cannot function normally.

Most cats suffering from chronic liver diseases are cats aged and overweight, which have already passed through stress, which caused a decrease or loss of appetite. And that's why.

Usually, when the body is undernumbers or starving, the body automatically moves fat from its reserves to the liver to convert into lipoproteins to produce energy. Feline bodies are not intended to transform large fat stocks, so when the cat is in fasting mode, fat, which is released into the liver, is not processed effectively, which leads to the obesity of the liver and its low functioning ability.

Cats are strictly meaties and have high nutritional needs with animal proteins, so the lack of protein or the inability to process it with the liver, causes them hunger. Most cats with liver lipidosis fall into depression and the decline in appetite they continue for several days to several weeks.

In the event of obstruction, the juices continue to stand out, but now they are not able to move and absorb, accumulate in the stomach and thin intestines, causing vomiting. With vomiting, a large amount of liquid and beneficial substances is lost (especially potassium), there is rapid dehydration and weakening of the body.


  • Growing vomiting.
  • The deterioration of appetite until a complete abandonment of food.
  • Full absence of a chair or a slight chair.
  • Deterioration general status.
  • Painful enlarged belly.

What to do? With the slightest suspicion of obstruction (especially if you know that the pet had the opportunity to eat something "wrong"):

  • Do not try to feed or steal a cat - it will only provoke vomiting.
  • Watch it for its behavior. In different days, the cats consume an unequal amount of food (this is associated with sex instinct, for example). If your pet has an exit to the street, then it may be feeding it with neighbors or it mines food in an ancient way (hunting small rodents).
  • Urgently contact the veterinarian for laboratory studies and diagnostics of internal organs. Early diagnosis of diseases and timely started treatment - care for a healthy and comfortable life of a pet.
  • Do not self-medicate. A good owner does not treat his animal by telephone or on the Internet.

For some reason, some of the owners think that with the treatment of cats, the situation is very simple - enough to call in some clinic or go to the veterinary forum, report symptoms and get a ready-made recipe. And if in response by phone hears that you need to go to the doctor and take tests, then frankly consider it unnecessary: \u200b\u200b"No, you just tell me that he (her) can be given!" And then it follows the classic: "Well, it is clear, you just would make money!"

Considering possible reasons of this actual symptom Cats and cats, characteristic of many diseases of all animals - a refusal of food, must be remembered that it is these gentle and quiet pet masters masking, when it comes to vulnerability and pain. And this is not just like that. Cats are predators, although small. And they know for sure that only a vulnerable representative of the animal world can be easy prey to predator. Unlike dogs and other representatives who, in case of danger, can provide a single front of opposition to the emerging threat, it is not a story, which can rely on support for conifers, it is in itself. Therefore, it should only rely on their own strength when it is necessary to escape from danger. Therefore, she hides her vulnerability carefully and weakness, so as not to attract the attention of predators of a stronger class, although it has long been domesticated and loved by people.

How to feed the cat / cat in that they don't want to eat, but you need

In his emails, the owners of cats often complain: wake up in the morning, and near the bowl with food, vomit, visible pieces of untapped food, etc. And most often, such collisions happen to a cat at night; In the afternoon, it's all right. Are there any reasons for concern? We appealed for clarification to specialists.

If your cat is sick soon after meals, respectively, this food has not yet managed to digest and seek the body - then it can really point to a serious problem. But do not panic ahead of time! Cats themselves very interesting creatures. In principle, they do not eat what is not suitable in food - pieces of plastic, paper, needles, threads and yarn, but such cases take place. This is also evidenced by my practice, and letters of our readers. Sometimes all these knowingly inedible things get stuck in the esophagus. When the cat starts to the "normal" meal, it can easily jump what is bissing. A different picture is your cat is absolutely healthy, but she suddenly began to eat very quickly or eating food in very large volumes, much more than it can assimilate. In this case, excess foods also come out through vomiting!

So, we are dealing with a problem or false alarm? Here you have several practical advice.

First. See how your pet takes food. It is in a hurry, gives - limit the portions. Let's have a cat little, but more often. By the way, this method of food intake is a good prevention of obesity.

Second. Your cat can tighten the lumps of their own wool during the washing or care. Take the initiative to your hands, help the cat to care for yourself, especially if it is a long-haired breed. Get an effective and comfortable comb comb (in pet stores and online stores a rich choice from well-known manufacturers) and take a rule periodically, as needed to comb your pet. In case you are not sure about your abilities - try talking to the veterinarian, please contact professional grooming salons.

Third. Very often, nausea and vomiting in cats causes a unmotivated and fast change of modes and diet. Some hosts love to experiment with the feeds of various manufacturers or simply arbitrarily, at their discretion, they feed the cat's most diverse food. This is rooted incorrectly.

Of course, there are cases when for medical reasons, the diet needs to be adjusted to appoint a veterinarian. But it is done strictly stepped, new products are introduced in stages, their share increases gradually and only then communicates to the optimum. In general, the process of translation of the cat on a new power regimen takes about a week, sometimes a little more, depending on the characteristics of a particular animal. There is also intolerance to animals of individual products and even delicacies. Introducing a new product or delicacy, always check the pet reaction. Everything went well - you can continue further.

Fourth. In some cases, nausea after meals may be a consequence allergic reaction. Consultation of a specialist may be required here.

If any doubt or call, or show the animal to the veterinarian. He or dispel your fears and anxieties, either prescribe appropriate treatment.


Cats are very selective in food. However, if you adhere to the rules of feeding, an animal will have a ransom appetite.

Suitable for feeding

A special role in the vitality of cats the habit is played. First, it concerns the routine of the day. Secondly, regularity is important. We must try to give food to your pets at the same time. Even if the owner of the pet forgot, then "Tiger" will give anything about himself.

Best of all, if the cat will eat in a little bit throughout the day. But for the owners of animals it may not be quite convenient in time. Adult cats can only eat in the morning and in the evening. In order to avoid begging in the table, the animal is fed in advance before receiving family members of the family. Cats older than a year do not eat everything immediately and often leave food in a bowl. They eat little by little. They can be brewed once three per day.

Place for bowl

The bowl is located in a secluded corner so that nothing prevented the cat.

The bowl is installed on a smooth, but at the same time a little rough surface. So that the animal did not drink the floor or the carpet, under the bowl of the liner or tray, because the cats have the habit of pulling the food and comes with her on the floor.

The number of a bowl is equal to the number of cats in the house.

How to feed?

For a small feline stomach, no hot, nor cold food. Wet food stored in the refrigerator, in front of feeding for a while is in the room, so that it wokes up. Such feed is superimposed as much as a cat can eat for one reception. Unpacked cans with food hold in the refrigerator are hermetically closed with covers. Cats older can come to a bowl during the day 4 or 5 times, depending on weight and lifestyle. Wet food, remaining in the feline dishes after the meal, is thrown in minutes thirty or sixty, but no more. If the feed dries down and will smell badly, the fluffy gourmets have it no longer. That is why the worship of the dishes should always be kept clean. Dry food remains in a plate longer - it does not deteriorate so quickly.

From the lifestyle of the cat and its size depends calorieness. Large breeds of cats and fidget eat more. On the label of jars with wet feed, its calorie is indicated, that is, in 400 g about 1200 kcal. Dry food (100 g) contains in itself somewhere 1500 kcal. How many animal will consume feed, solves the owner. For cats weighing three kilograms of the norm will be 900 kcal. For those who weigh four kilograms and more - 1200-1500 kcal per day.

What vitamins are cats?

Taurinic acid is vital for striped purries. An animal body does not produce it. To the skin, eyes and gastrointestinal cats were normal, in their diet, they will necessarily include dairy products, chicken or pork crackling liver, where Vitamin A.

Ready feed: Yes, or not?

Fresh meat or feed in banks? The question remains relevant in the environment of cat lovers.

Pluses of dry and wet feeds:

  • saves time;
  • part finished feed Optimally includes nutritious, useful substances and vitamins. Biologists, veterinarians and nutritionists check the quality of the product on many cats.
Cons of dry and wet feeds:
  • high-quality varieties of professional feed are expensive, and cheaply replete with flavors, taste additives and produced from meat offal;
  • feline stomach adapts under a specific type of food, whether it is natural food or food. In the process of digestion, it allocates special enzymes that contribute to the best learning consumed. Cat's body does not produce both types of enzymes immediately.
Choose finished feed or natural food - the decision takes the owner of the animal. Be sure to consider that if the pet eats mainly dry food, then absorbs a sufficient amount of water. In the reach zone there must be clean drinking water.

About natural food and delicacies

It is not suitable for a cat raw meat or fish. You can enable them in the menu only in boiled form. And no more than a couple of times a week. Bones are excluded as feed. The fact is that fragments of them can hurt the esophagus of a cat. At the request of the owner, you can offer a favorite boiled egg, a spoonful of cream, cottage cheese or a piece of cheese. Milk is preferable for cubs. But chocolate and alcohol are feline poisons. For a long time feed the animal in the same way that people eat, do not stand: the abundance of sugar and spices will not go animal to benefit.
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