What is the risk of prolonged head lice in a child? Pediculosis in children - where does it come from and how to deal with this scourge

Our body is not a completely limited part of the environment. We are in contact with her, we exchange. As an example, a lot of bacteria live on the child's skin, and there are even more of them in the intestines, and at the same time we are in symbiosis with them: the bacteria receive nutrition, and they help the child to digest food and produce vitamins.

Infection among the child population with head lice is striking. At my appointment in the clinic, almost every day there are children who have lice. It is not correct to think that only socially disadvantaged children are ill with head lice. Lice are detected in children from any families, regardless of the wealth of their parents.

Girls with long hair are most susceptible to head lice. This is due to the fact that long hair requires more careful maintenance. Longer hair is also easier for lice to catch. Girls are very fond of arranging games in the "Beauty Salon", while children use common combs and hairpins and thus infect each other with head lice.

Infection occurs from a sick child to a healthy one. Many people think that lice can jump and jump from the head of a sick child to a healthy one. Lice do not jump, they only crawl, so they can only crawl from the head of one child to the head of another. This very often happens in pioneer camps, where the children's beds are close enough to each other.

The transfer of lice from a sick child to a healthy one occurs when using personal hygiene products: combs, towels, hats, hairpins, elastic bands, it is possible to shake a louse on a friend's head during an active outdoor game.

Once on the head, the louse lays eggs (nits), attaching them to the hair shaft with a sticky substance. After 8-10 days, larvae hatch from these eggs, which, after 10 days after several molts, turn into a sexually mature louse, which is able to lay eggs. The louse lives for about 40 days. During this time, she lays 350-400 eggs.

Lice infestation symptoms

Lice feed on blood, causing scalp irritation and itching - these are the first possible symptoms the presence of lice. When combing the head, the child can bring an infection into the wounds, which can be a complication of head lice. At the same time, the skin becomes inflamed, redness appears, and body temperature may rise.

Complications of head lice in children

Among the population there are people with genetic resistance to head lice. Even in the most "lousy" room, these people cannot become infected with head lice. For lice, these people seem to be "tasteless", "inedible."

How does a doctor find lice?

Finding head lice is easy enough. It is necessary to examine the child's head, starting from the temples and the back of the head. First, the head is examined for live lice.

The hair is then examined for nits. Nits are whitish-gray, rounded formations found on the hair. Sometimes nits can be confused with dandruff, but dandruff is easily removed from the hair, and the nits cannot be removed, since it has a capsule that is firmly attached to the hair. When pressed on the nit, it “bursts” with a characteristic sound, which is similar to the sound when frying popcorn.

If lice are found, the doctor must submit an emergency notification to the sanitary station. Specialists from the sanitation station should visit the child's parents at home, inspect all people living in the apartment and, if necessary, sanitize people and premises. This is done in order to prevent the spread of head lice among the population.

How to get rid of lice?

Treat head lice at home. Various shampoos and lotions are used for the treatment of head lice; a huge number of them are now sold in pharmacies. There is no fundamental difference in them. Some manufacturers go for tricks, making their products more attractive to the buyer: they make the drug in the form of a spray that is easy to apply, add a special comb to the package to comb out nits (lice eggs). All this is just a marketing ploy. Even if you get the most cheap product, it will work well on live lice.

It is believed that treating the head with anti-lice shampoo is enough to get rid of head lice. However, it is not. Any drug does not work on lice eggs. Besides chemical treatment shampoo is necessary handmade by sampling nits from the head.

How to get rid of nits?

Nits are attached to the hair with an adhesive that makes it difficult to separate them from the hair. To soften the capsule, it is necessary to treat the head with a weak solution of acetic acid diluted in warm water. The vinegar solution is applied to the head and left for 10-15 minutes, after which the most painstaking work begins - manually sampling each nit from the hair.

In the literature, it is often written that the hair must be combed with a fine comb and thus remove nits from the hair. This is often not enough. Most the best way removing nits is to go through all the hair with your hands and remove the eggs from the hair shaft. The child's hair is combed to one side (right or left), after which they begin to examine the head, starting from the temporal region. After examining one section of hair, take several curls and lower them down. Again, they examine everything and move on to the next curls. Thus, the entire head is examined, cleaning one area after another. This entire procedure is best done in daylight and best on a balcony with very good lighting.

For the laziest parents there is a very simple way to get rid of nits - to shave the child "baldly". However, no girl (and no boys either) will say "Thank you" to her parents if she has to go to school or kindergartenik with a bald head, where all children will point fingers at her. Therefore, I advise you not to be lazy, but to spend 2-3 hours and pick all the nits with your hands.

Folk remedies for lice

Very often, our parents are too lazy not only to choose nits, but also to go to the pharmacy for a medicine for head lice. In this case, they are very fond of resorting to folk methods treatment. Very often they like to use kerosene and vinegar. These substances are applied to hairy part the child's head is wrapped in a plastic bag and left for 40-50 minutes.

Yes, kerosene and vinegar have a detrimental effect on lice, however, these substances also have a detrimental effect on hair roots. After such treatment, there is a very high chance that your child will go bald and get rid of nits at the same time. Also, kerosene can get into scratching on the scalp and cause irritation and inflammation of the scalp.

Prevention of head lice

Head lice prevention is very simple. It is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene: the child needs to be taught that he should have only his own comb, and for this, everyone should have his own comb in the house. You must teach your child by example. Also, children should understand that they cannot exchange hats.

It is very important after a long absence of the child at home without parental supervision (pioneer camps, sanatoriums), it is necessary to carefully examine the child's head for the detection of live lice and nits. Girls, going outside, should braid their hair, as in public transport, with close contact, it is possible to become infected with head lice.

Some essential oils scare away lice, for example, plants such as anise, basil, geranium, oregano, thyme, sage. These oils are used by adding them to shampoos when shampooing, as well as for aroma combing before the risk of contact with people infected with lice (apply the oil to the comb and distribute through the hair.

Scalp mixtures can be more effective in protecting against lice. They are made on the basis of mustard, rapeseed or camelina oil, corn oil with the addition of mustard oil, at least on any vegetable oil. Adults and children from 10 years old:Tea tree 5 ml,Thyme 5 (thyme),Geranium 4, Rosemary 4. Or mixGeranium 5, Melissa 3-4, Rosemary 5, Tea tree 5. For 50 ml of base oil. Rub into head, hold for 40 minutes-1.5 hours, then rinse.

Children under 10: Melissa 3 ml, Geranium 4, Rosemary 4 or Tea tree 4, Geranium 3, Rosemary 4 for 30-50 ml of base oil.

After using the oil, be sure to wash your hair in the evening.

Pediatrician Letyuk T.Z.

If the child is constantly scratching his head, you need to carefully examine it, perhaps your child has caught head lice

How do you know if a child has lice?

The appearance of lice is called head lice. In any child care institution, when a child is admitted to a group or class, he must be checked for head lice. This check should be repeated annually before starting school year and in kindergarten after summer holidays. Lice infest the hair and scalp. Insects feed on blood. They jump from the clothes of the sick to the healthy and infect him. The appearance of lice in a child is characterized by certain symptoms. These include:

  • constant desire to scratch your head;
  • small wounds from insect bites;
  • the appearance of nits on the hair.

Nits are eggs laid by female lice. They stick to the hair and look like small light dots. They are easier to spot on dark hair. When your toddler complains of permanent itchy scalp, check the hair and skin at the back of his head and behind his ears. In the treatment of head lice, insects and nits are simultaneously destroyed.

If a baby is infected, his parents are also at risk. Lice prevention is carried out for the whole family. In kindergarten and school, children should be taught not to change their hats, not lend each other combs, or use other people's towels.

What do head lice look like?

How do you know if your baby has lice? Pediculosis in children is easy to identify by nits. The lice themselves are insects 2-3 mm long, sometimes up to 4 mm. They are dark orange in color. They have no wings, but they move rapidly over the head. Their torso is divided into 2 parts - the head and the body itself - connected by a narrowed transitional part. In the photo, it is easy to recognize what nits look like, and how lice look.

Lice under magnification

One of the varieties of lice is body lice, which do not grow in hair, but in clothes. They are similar to hair lice, but smaller in size. Such lice lay nits in the folds of dresses, blouses, shirts.

Causes of head lice and ways of infection

The only way of infection with head lice is contact with the patient, the use of his personal belongings - combs and combs, hairpins and hair ties, hats, underwear (more in the article :). Infection usually occurs in a place of large gathering of people. If the parents find lice in a child, it is necessary to notify the teacher at the school or the teacher in the kindergarten so that all students and pupils can be checked for head lice.

It is very easy to get lice in crowded places if there is a sick person among those present

Child treatment

Since head lice is an old problem, tormenting people even during the years of the Civil War and the First World War, many recipes have accumulated for treating lice with home remedies. The oldest method is bald shaving, because in long hairah it is easier for insects to hide. In this case, lice have nowhere to lay nits, and they themselves are clearly visible on the head.

Mechanical lice removal requires a fine-toothed comb, a bright lamp, and a magnifying glass. It is better to cut the baby shorter - then the process will be easier. The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Wash your baby's head with shampoo. Hair must be kept wet before treatment.
  2. Separate 1 strand, secure the rest with a hair clip or elastic band. Comb out lice and nits from the separated strand.
  3. Fasten the clean strand with another hair clip, preferably a different color. Dirty and clean hairpins or rubber bands should not be confused.
  4. Separate the next section from the untreated part of the hair and repeat combing.
  5. Between combing out two strands, wash the comb under water to avoid nits and lice.

You can try to comb out lice and nits without using pharmaceutical preparations for head lice.

If you have trouble seeing nits and insects, use a magnifying glass to help yourself. After a day or two, repeat the process. With careful treatment of the head of the infected child, the lice will disappear, but for this each hair must be examined and processed, which is difficult to do in children with long hair.

If infected with body lice, it is necessary to treat with a special lice remedy and then boil the infected clothing. If parents find things with lice in their daughter or son, they must be placed in a separate bag before processing so that other clothes do not get infected.


  • Nyx. Contains permethrin. It is a very toxic substance that is harmful to insects. It effectively destroys lice and nits, but due to its toxicity it is rarely used, although it is not poisonous for mammals. It is hardly absorbed through the skin. WHO has included this ointment in the list of especially important drugs.
  • Medifox gel. Based on the same active ingredient as Nyx. Subject to the instructions for use, it is not dangerous to humans. When using these ointments, side effects in the form of rashes, redness and numbness of the skin, itching, swelling, tingling and chills.
  • Nittifor cream. The active substance is the same. It is not absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore it is not dangerous when applied. The cream eliminates nits and prevents lice from multiplying. Its effect is felt for 2 weeks.

For easy removal of nits, the hair must first be washed and rinsed with a vinegar solution. For 1 part 9% vinegar, take 2 parts of water. In order not to infect the child from himself, you need to wash all the items that were used to treat the hair roots under water and treat with the same ointment as the head.


  • A-PAR. It is used to treat infected items. If combing out nits was carried out in a room with a carpet or on a soft sofa, this tool is suitable for treating them, as well as combs, combs, elastic bands, hairpins. A-PAR is also suitable for disinfection of the bed. This is an insecticidal preparation. It is prohibited to use it to treat lice on the head or pubis!

The use of sprays has its own peculiarities. When spraying, adults and children must wear respirators. Inhalation of vapors is harmful to health.


When a child has head lice, many parents prefer to use special shampoos... The reason is their ease of use. Healing shampoos include Veda, Sumitrin, Pedilin, Nok, Paranit, Para plus. These preparations contain insecticides permethrin, phenotrin, or melathion. Insecticides do not have a harmful effect on the human body, but they are deadly for insects. The lice shampoo lasts about 20 minutes. For such a time, you need to leave the shampoo on your hair, then rinse.

Folk remedies

Hydrogen peroxide has proven itself well. It should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3, moisturized hair and left for 20 minutes. This mixture destroys nits, which must then be mechanically removed. All folk remedies have one advantage - they are very cheap, however, it is rather difficult to cure a child in this way - it is better to spend 300-500 rubles to buy an effective medicine.

How to get rid of lice from a baby under 1 year old?

Lice in a child under one year old are rare. Toddlers who do not attend kindergarten usually do not become infected. If the mother found lice, then, most likely, the child was infected from relatives. In this case, the whole family must be treated.

For the kid there is medicationsthat can be used for babies. There are two conditions here:

  1. There should be no wounds on the scalp. Mom has to control this.
  2. Do not allow the baby to scratch and then pull his pen into his mouth. To do this, the treated hair is tied with a scarf, and the entire time of exposure to the drug, the baby sits in the arms of the mother, so that she watches him.

Medicines for infants include:

  • lauri shampoo, which is also available as a topical cream;
  • shampoo Nit Free, also in the form of a spray and gel;
  • permethrin cream for application to the skin;
  • lotion Ivermectin.

These drugs are intended for children in the first year of life. The specific age from which they can be used is indicated in the instructions.

Are there complications?

  • the constant urge to scratch the hair roots;
  • an allergic reaction;
  • pustular skin diseases;
  • sores on the skin;
  • infection of wounds with infection;
  • poor sleep quality;
  • bad mood;
  • impaired concentration;
  • the most dangerous is typhus.

Prevention of head lice

Lice prevention includes regular examination of the baby's scalp by the mother. Hair should be washed twice a week. Clothes should also be checked for body lice. Hair sometimes needs to be combed along the strands with a fine comb. It is useful to add herbs to shampoo - geranium, bergamot, wormwood, anise. Combs, hairpins, elastic bands must be heat treated, since lice die at high temperatures.

An alarm bell, which may indicate the presence of head lice, may be constant itching of the scalp (especially its occipital region).

The most accurate answer to the question of whether there are lice in the hair can be given by a comb with fine teeth and an ordinary sheet of white paper. You need to bend your head over the paper spread out on the table, and using a comb, carefully, strand by strand, comb your hair.

What remains on paper after the procedure must be carefully considered, preferably with a magnifying glass. This way you can be sure that lice are absent or present.
You should also carefully examine your hair for the presence of nits. Nits are the eggs of lice that females attach to their hair with a special adhesive secreted by them. You cannot shake off nits from your hair, nor can you remove them by regular shampooing.

What to do if a child is sick with head lice?

The question of how to get rid of lice in children is very often asked on parent forums. This interest in the problem is far from accidental, because every year, especially in the period from early August to late September, there is a peak of infestation with head lice, as evidenced by doctors.

If lice were found in a child, then you do not need to blindly follow the advice given in various forums, since this or that remedy (for example, the well-known kerosene) can cause allergies in the child, lead to skin damage and serious health consequences. Don't experiment with folk remedies, many of which are far from being safe for children. They will not always be able to help the child, but harm is quite easy. It is best to consult with a specialist who will help you choose the most effective and at the same time mild remedy for treating a child.

Advice!Sometimes the most effective way getting rid of lice in children is a short haircut, because it is much easier to remove insects from hair of short length.

How to get rid of lice and nits: traditional remedies

Kerosene for lice

Some parents are trying to rid their child of lice using an old grandmother's remedy - kerosene. Experts strongly advise against trying to treat pediculosis with kerosene in children. This remedy can not only cause poisoning in a child, but also lead to burns of the scalp, because it is an oily liquid, which is very difficult to wash off completely from the hair. At the same time, kerosene is a flammable agent, and it should be used with extreme caution.

Benzyl benzoate

This is enough effective remedy, which has long established itself as effective and affordable, however, it cannot be used with a tendency to allergic reactions and in the presence of pustular formations on the scalp.

When using benzyl benzoate, it is applied to the hair, distributing it carefully along the entire length, wrapping the head with a towel and after 30 minutes rinse off with running water. After treatment, the hair must be dried and combed out with a special comb.


Vinegar is a very effective remedy, and can be excellent in the fight against head lice, besides, unlike kerosene, it is not flammable. For the procedure, you need to take in equal proportions 9% table vinegar and water. Treat hair with the resulting solution, wrap it up and rinse with water after an hour. Combing out nits and dead lice after such a procedure is imperative.

Tar soap

This remedy is especially suitable for the treatment of head lice in children, as well as pregnant and lactating women, as it does not contain aggressive chemical substancesthat can harm your health. To achieve maximum results, you need to use tar soap several times, since one treatment of the head is unlikely to lead to the desired effect.

Many are scared off by the specific smell that is inherent in tar soaphowever, it is worth knowing that it wears out quickly and is not absorbed into the hair. To be on the safe side, you can rinse your hair after washing with herbal decoction or lemon juice solution.

Advice!All family members should be treated for head lice at the same time, even if only one of them is infected.

Modern remedies for head lice

In addition to traditional means of dealing with head lice, there are many effective modern drugs that allow you to get rid of lice in the shortest possible time.

Modern means produced on the basis of:

  • permethrin;
  • malathion;
  • piperonyl butoxide;
  • dimethicone.

Advice!It is worth remembering that not a single, even the most effective remedy guarantees 100% getting rid of lice after just one treatment. That is why it is worth checking the hair for the presence of insects some time after the procedure and repeat the treatment again.

What to do after the lice and nits are completely destroyed?

After the treatment for lice has been performed, and there are no living insects and nits in the hair, you should not relax, it's time to take measures that completely exclude re-infection with head lice.

By carrying out these simple measures, you can completely eliminate the risk that insects that survived after treatment will re-attack family members.

IN modern world there are a huge number of pests that can harm our health. They appear in the living quarters from the street. Due to the fact that today there are various means for combating insects, it is quite possible to get rid of them.

Among the most common symptoms of head lice are the following:

  • the appearance of bite marks on the skin (look like small pink or red dots);
  • matted, sticky hair;
  • scratching marks;
  • the appearance of bluish spots and abscesses on the head and neck;
  • anxiety, insomnia;
  • there are whitish spots on the hair roots.

It is worth remembering that these symptoms, as a rule, do not appear at once. Parents may suspect that something is wrong by looking at the child's restless behavior. Obvious signs of bites will appear only after two to three days. If you notice even one of the above symptoms, then the first thing to do is to conduct a thorough examination. In this case, the hair can be both wet and dry. However, in the case of checking wet hair, the probability of finding lice is much higher.

It is most correct to check for lice according to the following algorithm:

  • Wet the strands a little with water and dry.
  • Apply conditioner to curls to reduce the slip of the comb.
  • To get rid of knots, first comb your hair.
  • Spread a light-colored film or paper in front of your head.
  • Run a fine comb downward from the roots.
  • Combing should be carried out sequentially in one direction or the other. The comb should be checked for lice after each pass.
  • The entire head needs to be combed a couple of times.
  • Then inspect a piece of paper or film. If brown-brown and translucent insects remain on it, then you can start fighting head lice.
  • Examine the hair carefully at the roots. Nits usually appear there. They look like small transparent beads pressed against the strands. When crushed, the nit emits a barely audible crack.
  • When examining the head, be sure to use a thick comb. It helps you find lice more easily.

Where can a child get lice?

Let's say you find lice in a child. What's the first thing to do? At home, treatment is carried out in several stages. Let's consider them one by one.

  1. Determination of the degree of the disease. If there are no strong abscesses and scratching on the skin, and there are no neurological symptoms, you can deal with the problem on your own.
  2. Selection of funds. You can use both ready-made formulations and homemade products. The main thing is to be careful. Carefully follow the instructions, correctly calculate the proportions of the medicine and take into account the age restrictions on the use of drugs.
  3. Head treatment. The process itself will take a lot of time. It will be much easier to remove lice from short and liquid strands than from long ones.
  4. Combing. After you have treated the child's head with a special compound, you need to start combing out with a special comb. Usually this comes with a lice remedy. In addition, a special comb can be purchased separately at the pharmacy. Hair before starting the procedure is recommended to be treated with a solution of vinegar and citric acid. This will make it easier to remove the cocoons from the strands. It is better to comb out insects over a piece of light-colored cloth or a sheet of white paper. After that, they can be burned. The procedure is repeated daily until the complete disappearance of nits and lice. The comb is boiled for 10 minutes after each use.
  5. Reprocessing. A week after the start of the procedure, it is necessary to re-process All modern drugs aimed at destroying larvae and adults, while eggs, as a rule, remain intact. Reprocessing will help to destroy the newly hatched individuals. After that, all that remains is to comb out the cocoons.
  6. Disinfection. Let's say you find lice in a child. What's the first thing to do at home? In order to prevent re-infection, all things must be carefully processed: clothes, bedding, blankets, toys. Clothes are washed in hot water and ironed with a hot iron. Moreover, it is necessary to process not only the things of the child, but also the rest of the family. Mattresses, upholstered furniture, blankets and pillows need to be processed. For this, special aerosols are used.

Here is a rough plan of action to follow if you find lice in your child. What else to do? If it's freezing outside, you can take all the infected things out into the cold. You can also put your items in an airtight bag and put them in the freezer for several hours. If you don't feel like doing this, you can simply throw out all the things that might have lice. All processed clothes should be left to lie down for a couple of days. Even if insects remain in them, they will die without food. Carefully examine all household members who have come into contact with the child.

Means for treatment

Did you find lice on the baby? What to do in this case? You can remove small pests using special means, which include malathion, permethrin and dimethicone. They can come in the form of shampoos, creams, sprays, emulsions and concentrates. Let's consider each of the presented types of funds separately.

Emulsions to combat head lice

The emulsion is a finished product. The principle of action of such a tool is based on thorough impregnation of the hair. It must be applied to the hair for a certain time. The emulsion can be easily washed off with a regular shampoo. No greasy film remains on the hair after using it.

Some names for this type of drug are:

  • "Medifox": a composition for making an emulsion against head lice and scabies. Suitable for children from 1 year old. It is very easy to use.
  • Foxilon: lice lotion. It contains benzyl benzoate and various additional components. Can be used for children over 5 years old.
  • "Pediculen ultra". A lotion containing alcohol and anise oil. Can be used for children over 5 years old. The disadvantages of “this product include a pungent odor and irritation.

Head lice shampoos

What to do if lice are found in a child? At home, the best option would be to use a head lice shampoo. It differs from other drugs in simple use and high efficiency. Shampoos rarely cause allergic reactions and irritation.

Here are just the most effective anti-lice shampoos:

  • Veda-2: shampoo with permethrin and ingredients that soften its effect.
  • "Paranit": highly effective preparation containing clearol. This substance has a dehydrating effect on lice larvae. Thus, the number of surviving individuals can be minimized.
  • "Khigiya": the substance contains two active ingredients. Permethrin is responsible for killing adult lice. Acetic acid softens the cocoon shell and helps peel off nits. This shampoo can cause tingling, itching, and burns. If discomfort occurs, the drug should be washed off immediately.
  • "Tar" shampoo: phenol is the main active ingredient. This remedy is used to reduce the main symptoms of head lice.
  • "Pedilin": one more good remedy from nits and lice. The main active substance - malathion. It is worth using this tool with extreme caution. The use of "Pedelin" can lead to skin problems and disorders of the nervous system.

Lice sprays

Often parents are worried about how to get rid of lice from a child? What's the first thing to do? Special sprays are especially effective today. They bring great results.

Here are just a few examples of drugs:

  • "Nyx": ointment with permethrin and excipients. Has a rather pleasant smell. May cause side effects: redness, itching, rashes and swelling.
  • Gel "Medifox": a popular drug. The main active ingredient is permethrin. Rinses off easily with regular shampoo.
  • "Nittifor": excellent fight against lice breeding. It is safe for the body, since it is not absorbed into the blood at all. Side effects: erythema, itching, burning.

Many people are frightened first of all when they see lice on a child's head. What to do first? Do not delay with treatment and treatment. Most drugs have only one active ingredient in their composition. Therefore, we cannot say that they will be 100% effective. Some products may have no effect on nits, others may not work on resistant lice. An important point: before applying this or that remedy to the head, it is necessary to test the drug on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. If, after a day, the side effects do not show themselves, you can start processing.

How to treat lice in a child? How do they appear and what to do first? Beyond special medicinesthat can be bought at the pharmacy, there are also several folk recipesthat help effectively fight head lice.

We fight lice with folk methods

Pediculosis can be treated using folk remedies.

Best suited for this purpose:

  • weak vinegar solution;
  • dusty soap;
  • cranberry juice;
  • a mixture of kerosene and vegetable oil;
  • oxygen peroxide;
  • decoction of needles, tansy and wormwood;
  • a mixture of kerosene and laundry soap;
  • vodka or alcohol.


So that there are no questions like "the child has lice, what to do," preventive actions... First of all, you need to explain the basic rules of personal hygiene. Tell your baby why you shouldn't let others use your comb or wear your hat. Teach your child to avoid contact with unclean people. As much as you want to avoid this, you will have to share your problem with other parents. This will help to quickly identify the infection in the children's team and stop its development. There are also generally accepted preventive measures.

These include:

  • washing your hair twice a week;
  • regular change of bed linen and towels;
  • ironing of things.

Where do lice come from in a child? How do they appear? What to do with head lice? So that these questions do not arise in principle, try using prophylactic agents like Paranitreppelent.

You found lice on the child. What to do, where to run? Here are a few simple tips from Dr. Komarovsky, which will help you quickly and easily identify the problem. Many parents believe that well-groomed children are not afraid of lice. However, in reality, the danger of infection depends more on the child's immunity. All children are at risk of infection. On Internet forums you can often see topics like "Lice in a child: what to do?", A photo of this hard-hitting disease, as well as a description of the symptoms and ways to fight the disease. The most important source of the disease is places of mass gathering of children.


Pediculosis is not a terrible disease, but very unpleasant. If you notice lice in time, you can get rid of them in a few days. As practice shows, children tolerate this ailment much more difficult than adults. This is due to the fact that babies' skin is much more sensitive.

In this review, the main methods of dealing with head lice were considered. Now you know where lice can come from in a child, what to do at the first sign and how to avoid infection. We hope you find our recommendations useful. Always monitor your health. And then there will be no problems.

Lice infestation in a child is common.

Even the most sterile conditions are not able to protect children from this ailment, since there are a lot of various microorganisms around, which impossible to see with the naked eyeincluding lice.

general information

What do lice look like in children - photo:

The lice are small - 0.5 to 6 mm in length... They have a small head and chest, but a large abdomen, wings are completely absent. The oral apparatus is represented by two needle-like pricking processes, with the help of which the process of piercing the skin and sucking blood takes place.

Lice have no eyes. Instead, they use the sense of smell, that is are smell-oriented, which are reinforced with special tendrils.

The life span of lice is approximately 1 month. During this time, the female is able to lay hundreds of eggs - nits.

Nits stick to human skin and hair with sticky saliva. After 4-8 days after deposition, almost adult individuals appear from them, which continue to multiply, so the lice are difficult to destroy.

How can you get infected?

Infection occurs through contact with the environment, especially in public places.

They can't fly however, they move relatively quickly on the surface using the legs. Most often, children become infected in the following places:

  • children's camp;
  • kindergarten;
  • school;
  • pool;
  • locker room.

Lice can be "picked up" by using someone else's clothing, a comb or through bedding.

If a child has lice, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • itching or discomfort in the head area;
  • constant scratching;
  • redness of the scalp;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • the presence of small white "balls" in the hair - nits;
  • bite marks.

How to detect?

First of all, you need to pay attention to how often the child itches - this is the main symptom.

Children tend to be naughty, cry and become restless. In some cases, a decrease in activity or an increase in body temperature is possible, since lice poison a person with the products of their vital activity, as a result of which it develops.

Lice are often confused with dandruff or common specks. When pressed, they emit a weak but characteristic click. It is necessary to examine children in good light, separating strands of hair and combing them.


A number of preventive measures, aimed at preventing the appearance of head lice:

  • it is necessary to monitor personal hygiene and wash your hair at least 2-3 times a week;
  • bed linen should be changed regularly;
  • in no case should you use other people's hats or a comb;
  • any children's clothing must be ironed;
  • it is important to examine the child's head for head lice as often as possible, especially if he often itches or there have been cases of lice in other children at school;
  • owners of long hair need to comb them every day so that they are neat and not matted;
  • preventive conversations should be held with children so that they themselves are responsible for their own hygiene.

Lice are easy to catch, but much more difficult to get rid of them.

If head lice is confirmed, then treatment begins immediately. All doctor's recommendations should be followed to get rid of the disease in a short time.

Dr. Komarovsky about lice in children in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

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