Scratches on hand. Scratches on the body for no reason in the morning 3 scratches

I would like to get an explanation of such a phenomenon as stigmatism in your understanding. What is this phenomenon, from God or from other forces? Some time ago, scratching of unknown origin began to appear on my body. There was no opportunity to get such scratches from items, surrounding me. I don't feel the very appearance of scratches, they manifest themselves when popping on the body of water, resemble traces from cat claws, but are located much closer to each other, it first forms some swelling and burning sensation. Soon the scratches dry. Their appearance is seen and close people. It is impossible to apply such scratches itself, especially since I have a short-sized nails. How can this be explained and what to do?


Dear Svetlana, I would divide your question into two parts. About what stigmatism is, you can read in the Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brokhauza and I.A.Fronon. The saint Ignatius Bryanchanins in his writings also writes about the Orthodox Understanding of Stigmatov. You can read a summary of this issue in the article by Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy A.I. Osipova. As for the use of this phenomenon in relation to itself, I would not hurry to explain the appearance of scratches after night sleep on your body such supernatural reasons. Maybe it is necessary to first hold a fundamental medical examination: anything happens to a person, which he does not notice with respect to himself and his behavior in a dream. What may seem to us strips resembling traces from cat claws may be a manifestation of some skin disease Or disruption of metabolism, which would be reasonable to consult with a physician professional.


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Scratches and bruises on the body after sleep

good day. I do not know how to describe what happens to me, I will tell as it is. I have not been engaged in any astraces and axes and was not interested. But somewhere a month ago I started night vibrations. At first it seemed to me that the bed vibrates, but then, listening to the character of the vibrations, I realized that I was vibrating. And the body remains fixed, and vibrates something inside me. I thought the nervous - dug a course of tablets, but it did not change anything. At the moment of vibrations it covers me panic fear And I stop them (I open my eyes, get up). Only 1 time I had enough courage to immediately turn them off, and see what will happen next. At that moment, the vibration was supplemented with a sound effect - I began to hear how my heart beats, and so clearly and loudly, as if ledned the ear to my chest. Heart rhythm accelerated wildly and became so wild that I was frightened and everything broke out again.
But two days ago there was still something. Waking up in the morning I find traces of physical impact on myself. For the day before yesterday I woke up from acute pain On the skin of the legs (the feeling from the cut of a razor), turned on the light and saw on the foot of 8-9 fresh scratches. According to pain, it was clear that I just got them (and you would definitely noticed them before bedtime). About the bed I have no cutting items. And I was scared by the character of scratches - they are thin and deep, as the cat claws. But they are not straight, but some manifest.
And yesterday morning, after sleep, I (more precisely my husband) saw me on my back it is not clear that - bruise, but some strange, like a sacrifice, oval form. pain sensations There is no place in its place. I remember my dreams for these nights (or it only seems to me?), But there was nothing aggressive and injured.
i also began to wake up from the feeling of the presence of someone in the room. I wake up and lying in some incomprehensible fear. what does it all mean? And how to get rid of it? I would be grateful for any comments. It is possible in a personal. Thank you.

Lavazza writes:

i remember my dreams for these nights (or it only seems to me?), But there was nothing aggressive and injured.

I am ready to bet that not all. Two three sleep per night can be remembered by everyone, but they can be overnight for one night. And those who are emotional just still hidden very deeply. And you could not remember them.

Lavazza writes:

i also began to wake up from the feeling of the presence of someone in the room. I wake up and lying in some incomprehensible fear. what does it all mean? And how to get rid of it?

Well, it may be on the nervous soil, from the fact that you yourself could come up with that someone is watching you, or want to bite :)

Lavazza writes:

at that moment, the vibration was supplemented with a sound effect - I began to hear how my heart beats, and so clearly and loudly, as if ledned the ear to my chest. the rhythm of the heart accelerated wildly and became so wild that I was frightened and again cut everything

This one hundred percent looks like an exit to the astral. The feeling of presence can also be like being due to the astral. You think less about him, sleep hard. Since even if you are afraid of this, but still thinking, the chance that you will marry even more.
Well, if you still want to go out - then there is a pile of theme on the forum. Believe me - it is worth it.
One eye is enough to see enough, and you yourself want to overcome your fears. The heart beats quickly from fear, if you stop afraid, after 2-3 times it will fight normally.
Feeling cod in the head, will not harm. Sometimes it seems that the head can explode - but she will not explode)) It's for sure, then you caress even stronger to do them, or rather bring to the end) there like the sea - a tide of the sister - louder / quieter.

about scratches still here. 7 message.

thanks for the answer. I read the topic about the exit to the astral themes, it's interesting to me, although it is still somehow. But I was already tuned to overcome my fear and move on. But after the appearance of scratches and bruises it seemed to me that even if I leave somewhere (although I don't remember this), then there is something very negatively configured against me. And probably this is something else and strong, once affects the physical body.
i talked with one woman on this topic, so she told me that the astral damage was. those. The damage is guided by the astral body. It is created and endowed with the energy of some kind of astral creature, which forcibly pulls me into the astral and tormented me there and sucks energy) it can ridiculously sound, but I actually feel weakly in terms of health, something is not a fountain. I understand that it will not be necessary for this negative now and will be pressed positively, but it is hard. I look at all this with interest and without fear, but at night (I sleep alone in the room) the picture changes

I have a similar story. Somehow started nightmarket dreams With sleepy paralysis, and on the morning scratches appeared on the face. Once, two, week. I didn't get frightened for a joke, but I dreamed that something black flies for me. I run, without disassembled the road, and I get somewhere. Something like network or wool, I can not get out. Moves are skidded, I can not shout. I open my eyes and see the ceiling, but I am lying and sleep already. Paralysis with fear and here is! There is no blood in scratches. I also began to wake up from the night that someone presses me. As if someone was sitting on the chest closer to the neck. I live alone, it was terribly ... What I did to get rid of:

(1) learned the prayer "Our Father" and read before bedtime every time I burn church candles (thin).
(2) sprinkled every day with holy water all the premises and especially the bedroom.
(3) I took the Bible and several icons in the church, placed them on the bed at the bed.
(4) I bought and worn to wear a native cross. I baptized, but somehow did not wear before. Now I wear it helps.

After that, everything stopped! Paralysis passed and scratches no longer!

thanks for the advice. Some of these recommendations, I have already done (holy water, candles) and it was after that the scratches and bruises were added. As if something was angry with me for these church actions. The only thing left is to buy a cross. Somehow it happened that I recently broke the chain and I lost it (maybe this is not an accident). Is it possible to change crossbars for your life or you need to walk with one all life? By the way, I heard that the cross over time loses its protective functions and it should be periodically either change or clean

I understand little in these things, but what I know for sure, so this is what the cross is an idol, as well as the icon and the like.
Tell me not?
Not idol, a symbol!
A demons are important as you look like dressed?
It is not, if the heart of the soul has happened?
And who do you believe in Jesus, holy water or cross?
Who exactly will protect you?
Without a cross, Jesus will not protect you? ;)

By the way, for me, while another controversial question is as far as you can believe in the Bible, but if you believe that consider the closer, then what do you believe<<<это просто совет, рассуждать насчёт этой темы пока не хочу! ;)

i even saw a dream on this topic. (By the way, I often see religious dreams). Somewhere a year ago, I broke the cross and I all postponed the purchase of a new one. So, sleep. I go out to the street, no one and only near the sandbox playing a girl 5 years old in a white dress. I go to her. And on the way, the cross is broken from the neck and falls in the sand. I start looking for my cross in the sand and see that there are about hundreds there (cross) there, all different sizes and species. I am not thinking about anyone and dress up. This girl comes up for me and says - "This is not your cross. Looking for your own. I was looking for, but never put, the dream broke off. Then in the church, I immediately bought a new one, I bought without choosing and HN thinks. Apparently he was not mine - because Very quickly I lost it (the chain broke out)

Lavazza writes:

something I did not quite understand what your answer is. You can not believe 9 liters not to believe) In the fact that the helmet gives protection when driving on a motorcycle, or not to believe that the condom protects against unwanted pregnancy, but all these tools give protection you believe or not. I believe that the crossed is also the same. This is not just the attribute of my faith, but a talisman, protection.

Since crosses, "candles", Holy Water Well, say so taken from the "Christian" faith (I will not say about Satanists ...), I understand that you believe in Jesus, well, that is what is written in the Bible. Maybe I was mistaken, as far as I know Jesus only in the Bible, and still in the Quran slipped, I didn't read anywhere else anywhere. Therefore, based on what is written in the Bible, I said Icons, Idols, \u003e\u003e Talismans<<забыл добавить, защиты не дают! Исключение>\u003e\u003e If you believe in their protective effect. But if you believe in their protective action, then you do not believe in God (which in the Bible), because in the Bible it is clear that it is necessary to contact God and hope only for God, not idols ....! You can't choose from the Bible only what you like, of course you can, but is it right? It is necessary or believing (completely) into the Bible or not to believe (completely). Hopefully explained? :);)

now everything is clear) by the way heard the version that it is blasphemy to endow material things (icons, crosses, water) divine power. Power in faith, heart, head, in you, not in things. BUT B. real life So many examples when people healed the icons, defended the talismans, treated water. Or is it all self-sufficiency, but really in these cases worked faith? (the so-called placebo effect)

does the damage help the next method (?) - put yourself for a healthy candle three sundays in different churches? I just do not know where to contact ... This impact will reduce me crazy and no longer affected health

Lavazza writes:

but in real life so many examples when people healed the icons, defended the talismans,

These are their faith healed, more than sure

Lavazza writes:

Here I don't know for sure, you can put any information into the water, and the person consists almost all of the water.

Lavazza writes:

or is it all self-sufficiency, but really in these cases worked faith? (the so-called placebo effect)

100% sure that faith (not necessarily in God, even in itself) works, if it went, you can break the walls of concrete break, tons raise, and so on, the problem is that it is hard to really believe that It is possible. IMO if it does not work, then you don't believe enough. When I tried telekienez)) Here's a name when I started doubt that I did it, here at such a moment I did not work out. And the placebo effect works, it is proven!))

Lavazza writes:

does the definition of the damage the following method

If you are 100% sure that it will help you, then it will help ... if it does not help, then doubt

Lavazza writes:

i just do not know where to contact ... This impact will reduce me crazy and no longer affected health

Surely anyone will advise you. I am with a damage, love spells, we did not come across and I hope I do not encounter. :)

people, I'm worse. They appeared on the morning after sleeping cuts on the skin and sometimes bruises with yellow-lilac suites, and I did not look at it. I thought I hit somewhere. And the day before yesterday I woke up in the morning, and I have a huge cut on my leg! As if someone had a sharp claw on his leg! I'm shocked, still in stress. What to do from where such terrible wounds can appear? Huge red stripe and swollen skin around her! Cats and nails are excluded! And it's strange that hels quickly! Almost and the trace is not left!

she did not receive an answer to this question. Today I was suggested another option - it was the assumption that it was a house. And he is offended that they do not feed)) So scratches. Although this version seems to me delusional, firstly, I never fed it and he sorted him, and secondly, the refrigerator is not empty, take and sing))

Lavazza, do you believe in God? We must sincerely believe! Read prayer sincerely, or speak as a spell ??

Myself here with such faced. Almost every morning I find it unclear from where the manifested cuts on the skin. Places are different, most often on hand and legs. It seems that are thin such lines for a centimeter long. Looks like cuts from a light touch of the razor. Cuts are smooth as a ruler. I told my husband, showed. He laughed, replied that I had a stuffed fool. Said that nothing noticeable. It is strange that a few days ago after these words, he also appeared cuts! Animals do not hold, there is no sharp corners. The bed is always tidy refilled, clean and soft. All this is strange. I did not appeal to the doctor. Can some one allergy?

Lavazza writes:

what is this house. And he is offended, which is not feeding))

I was so girlfriend said. She has no cuts.

Milenka, I believe in God, I do not just believe, but periodically appeal to Him, I go to church. With prayers harder. I am ashamed to confess, but I do not know any prayer, I communicate with God in my words and thoughts, I think it seems to do it sincerely.
Simonova, I was advised to do what to do. Put at the corners of the room in which you sleep black (exactly black, not gray, not light brown) bread (pieces) for the house. I have anything duck with cuts after that


Aron writes:

God lives in each of us. Does God become prayed to himself? Or what to ask for something?

Right .. But a little wrong question. God lives in each of us, but we are part of him, that is, each of us is a part of the whole, but at the same time we ourselves are not gods, we are how it is the component. Therefore, the appeal does not go to himself, but to the creator of our spirit.


But if you say purely about thinking ... that they say "if I think that I am God, I can develop like him" This is another song ..

bliiin, today everything happened again! I woke up from pain and found 6 long scratches on the thigh, 15 each each. I can not understand what it is. For some reason, this happens only on weekends, when I sleep with my husband (we can see only on weekends) And I get all scratches only on the left side (I sleep on the right). I thought for a long time, analyzed, I can not figure it out. As if someone is against that we sleep together. And this is happening in both apartments - in him and in mine. I do not even know where to go to deal with this?

Yes, it was a permanent joking: lol:

thanks for the answer. Straight everything immediately fell into place))

No offense, insults this is an imposed feeling. This is just a joke, just a joke. Your cuts are not from vibrations and not from the astral, you were not there. The house is vryatli. Can the cat made when they slept?

As far as I know, in the astral you can get psychological problems, the more people are not familiar with this phenomenon. If you apply logic, then what happens, consciousness is separated from the body and travels there, the body is here in our reality. How can be through what is there traveling to convey damage to the body? Have you seen who caused it to you, or can you see what?

Lavazza, read thoughtfully forum, thoughtfully. And then everything will be in place.

i read everything thoughtfully and thoughtfully analyzing what is happening. That is why (following logic) I excluded the house, cat, myself (your nails), my husband. Astral does not exclude, because First, I read about such damage in other sources, secondly, I have signs of starting astral outlets. Yes, I do not remember that I went there, I do not remember dreams with physical violence, but it does not mean that they were not! Maybe I just do not remember them! The only dream that I remembered (and then through the fog somehow), as if I talk to someone (I don't remember the picture, it was the voice), there were two of them - one who hurts me and the second one on protection. I speak with the first and ask why he does it and why he chose me, he answers something (but I don't remember that), and the second (defense) tells me "Wake up! Don't talk to him, wake up!" And I wake up all in the sweat. Husband says I spoke in a dream at this time time. He said "yep.da."
and if you (someone) have guesses that it may be, could you tell me? Why direct me to read the whole forum (half of which I do not understand due to the virtue of these knowledge and practices? I just ask to help me ((((

There is one sentence, contact the question to the tank, it must, by virtue of my knowledge, destroy this question, he knows more than we are all together, but there is a snag, he left the forum, but I think soon it will appear again. There is another person, it is drone, ask him, I think everything info on the site is collected.

I do not know why this. And I don't really want to write about the incubuses. I can only express my own private opinion about what I personally began to do in the event of a scratch.

i have already settled to whom it is worth contacting. But the problem is that I have no opportunity to write personal messages. And in the publication to contact someone concrete somehow .. necrase. Drone, I read about Sukubov and Incubs (brief). In general, it is terrible to read such things about all sorts of essences, then checked yourself and is even more afraid (and they can eat fear). and it is very interesting to hear your personal opinion about what you can do

To mess around with Astralom - you need to be cold as ice, I'm talking about all sorts of feelings and all that. Immediately do not do it.

After discovering scratches, I would do the way Alagel did when all sorts of scratches arose on the face and the body - that is, in no way. And right, such nonsense bother - well, what is the meaning? To pour to scare your husband and children? Sometimes you will grow up to the blood, spitched - and went. And then scratches, well, think scratches. Nothing falls off, there is no temperature, there is no runny nose, there is nothing - only visual effects and some possible short-term sensations. Smear green and score, that's all. Yes, there is nothing to smear there :) Here I recently posted a photo of such scratches - nothing terrible.

For complacency, you can pass surveys and pass tests, because the same bruises may appear due to problems in the body. Get results - if pathology is detected, then treat them. If nothing is found, or too lazy to go to the doctor - calm down and not pay attention to scratches. All you can do is done.

Lavazza and also beautifully not beautifully apply - these are not the concepts in the universe, they exist in the minds of people no more. Your reasoning is such, someone will jump from the tenth floor, and you are behind him, i.e. You must jump behind him, as it is like that. Perhaps my thoughts do not quite reach, but I try to convey them right.

Lavazza Write another message, and a batch will open in which you can write any brow on this forum.

Drone, yes, I don't really interfere with these scratches (although after the last on the rest, it hurts to sit))), but their appearance is not normal! And still the question arises - where is the limit of physical damage? Each time they are all serious.
and about the incubuses. I read more. There is something in it (there is a reason to think so). But nowhere found a way to get rid of them. Almost everyone who came across it, like it!

another question about the dead in a dream. I sometimes dream one dead man, he was close to my sister, but for some reason I dream. Every time I see him in a dream, I understand perfectly well that he is already dead and dream of me. In a dream, there was a certain short story, then he ended, I wanted to see it once again and entered into a dream to the player with a treadmill, put on the launch from the very beginning, but Lesha (that person) smiled (such as "naive") and the sleep ended . After waking up, I go to my sister and tell my dream (he was for her) and during the story I pay. Then I wake up once again, already in real life and start crying, half an hour probably roared. It always happens when I see him in a dream or my dog. I can not explain why I cry. These are not tears of sadness, not tears of loss, it's like something coming out of me in the form of tears. why is this happening?

What happens? Dead is serious, especially generic.

Emotions - It is clear why, plus the psyche warehouse is so - not the stable and impressionable. Understanding that it is not alive - also understandable. Why dream? There may be a complex of reasons. As a rule, when the dead will take off for something - it is very bright, well cut into the memory of the dreams. But about what they are - only the subject can understand exactly what a dream has seen. Sleep is encoded in a manner, understandable in cash, and if a man is fragmented - a regular man in a manner, who has almost completely replacing awareness, he rarely understand why such a dream dreamed. Outows generally rarely understand when they dream of at least something. In this case, the question came only because the dead was dreamed of - and this type is scary, the dead, death - I don't want to think about it, they involuntarily try on yourself - scares.

Did he died for a long time?

i meant why I pay after the dreams, in which I see the dead?
i do not frighten such dreams. I would even say on the contrary - they always seem to me bright and kind. And for some reason, there is a feeling that such dreams will dream of something good. It turns out such dreams to decipher, they are figurative, but the images are very simple and understandable to me. He died 4 years ago, he was a guy of my sister, but she dreamed only 1 time, and I have been 5-6 times. Why doesn't he come to her sleep, if in my dreams leaves messages for her?

Lavazza writes:

and another question - why are the dead in a dream to give themselves questions? They can not talk to us about many things?

this is also interesting to me, I also often asked my friend and he does not answer, said once that I was still early to know, but I did not explain to know early)).

Well, Valera, as usual, does not catch up, but in general, I said how to get answers in a dream. Even there is an article about this. You ask your dead, contact them, but just do it right, and wait for a response. In the very dream, it's too late to do something. Try to achieve intelligible answers from other sprites by asking them questions in a dream without prior training - see what happens.

Lavazza writes:

i pay after dreams, in which I see the dead?

Well, I already answered.

Drone writes:

Emotions - It is clear why, plus the psyche warehouse is so - not the stable and impressionable.

In this case, the question came only because the dead was dreamed of - and this type is scary, the dead, death - I don't want to think about it, they involuntarily try on yourself - scares.

The question is actually incorrect. Why am I coughing when they call the door to the neighbors? : rolleyes: From this opera.

And some contradiction in all this is:

Lavazza writes:

i will decipher such dreams, they are figurative, but the images are very simple and understandable to me

Lavazza writes:

why doesn't he come to her sleep, if in my dreams leaves messages for her?

For someone decoding, for sister or what?

Four years is a decent period, it is necessary to pick the dreams themselves and watch the details of the plots, their decoding and the real events to which they relate.

yes, my psyche is unstable and I am impressionable. But I always understand why I cry - from rapid, resentment, grief, loss, fear, PMS. But after dreams with some dead, I just have an inexplicable fountain of the tears! I emotionally feel myself normally, but for some reason the tears themselves go and do not stop them. This can be compared with the effects of the grass on the body - throws into an endless dusty rzhach. But here, at least there is an explanation - a chemical impact.
and something is not entirely understood (if it's honestly at all)) Answer about questions to the dead. That is, they need to be asked in real life, and not in a dream to get the answer in a dream?
and what does it mean to see yourself dead in a dream? (or there is no common interpretation here and need to consider a special case?)

Drone writes:

Well, Valera, as usual, does not catch up, but in general, I said how to get answers in a dream.

:) So this is not the wasp, I'm talking about when a person dreamed, not with this not with this, I read about the answers in a dream and I read the article, but I don't know, I know what happened, as it was a couple of times But I do not care, not interesting. I'm talking about that, that's how it dreams of a dream not conscious, I see what I am going and I am surprised in a dream, and I tell him the same died (there is no thoughts that it's a dream), but I don't have it, well, and in that spirit. ...

Valere, change the testimony:

Valera writes:

i also often asked my friend and he did not respond, once he said that I was still early to know, but I didn't explain to know early))

Valera writes:

i see the whole goes and I am surprised in a dream and I tell him you died (there is no thoughts that it's a dream), but I don't have I just left, and in that spirit ....

Labuda is :) and the price is zero kopecks.

Valera writes:

i dream of a dream not conscious, I see everything goes and I am surprised in a dream and I tell him you died

but I have it so. I understood in a dream that this man was dead, but at the same time did not understand that it was a dream. What a dream I understood when he ended and I wanted to repeat it.
p / S / Where can I read this article?

Your questions in an unconscious dream is part of the scene of sleep, and in the absence of integrity, you need to think about why You asked or said it.

Lavazza, almost all of the necessary articles on the site's main page are posted. How to get answers in a dream - the fifth or sixth article on top.

maybe this is a kind of "stigmatics"?

You are not the first person with a given pathology caused by most likely violations on a fine plan, most likely resentment or negative, or the bite of someone, may protest, no agreement with something. It is necessary to analyze the memories and understand that for many years it prevents how to live normally. Most likely something one of the above.

Vladoz, analyzed. It came only to two options - the nervous soil can grabbed a disorder (at work recently strained) or an external negative impact (in the form of damage). I tend to the second option. But how to deal with it I do not know. already so calmed down and scored

Weakly for damage.

is weak? But this is not all. All other consequences (diseases without diagnosis, pain in the teeth with good pictures, endless quarrels with her husband and it is not clear from where his drunkenness (he athlete, never drooped)) I didn't voice here, because. Here it was inappropriate and not on the topic. But in fact, the problem is much wider than it seems at first glance. and still need to consider what damage is made, for what purpose

Then it turns out that the problem is complex?

yes, you can and so to speak. Symptoms are enough) and specialists in this area are difficult to find

natalie Barina:

Dron, tell me, please. I wake up, and I have terrible bruises on your leg and on your stomach. What it is?

You hit in a dream, it is Lunatism :) got up - I fell fell, returned woke up :)

i now have to scratchs also bruised after sleep. And at such places and such dimensions that even having having all the night about the wall of such, you will not earn (on Ires, and in the rear thigh). And on the thigh, I got it so much, for the third day, even the muscle hurts. And the most interesting thing is that all injuries on the left side

One of my acquaintances had a similar case, as she woke up from the blow, hematoma appeared on the morning under the eye and she had to go to sunsteps for a week. glasses. And all because the husband, peeling in a dream, turned so that he was on her face with all Mahu. And before that, he managed to hook it and knees and also in a dream. Maybe something like this and could you happen?

ruled out. That night I slept alone

It does not apply to you, but still today for the second time under a number of very strange dreams. Today, this one dreamed very creepy: I stand in the room, suddenly begins to move the cabinet, in the right left, the blood drops begin to appear on it, and they also disappear. I wake up from fear in afica. And yesterday the dream was so. I stand in the house, I look out of the window of the veranda to the house to the place where the antenna stands, it rains on the street, and suddenly the lightning begins to beat it, and it's not once, but as if it clinged and keeps, then again intermittently, and once I hit that the light in the house was cut down, then I woke up again. The most interesting thing is that in front of them I had attempts to exit, which I was very happy, because already half of the year I didn't sleep with a dream. And here you have such a bun again converted. I just want to clarify only one moment, I realized that I had a vibration and a way out, I had already seen the astral eyes, but I didn't seem to be out of my body, because I did not have a coma. I then decided to just get out of bed, as I have already seen the eyes of the astral and did not real, and everything darkened everything, everything just disappeared, as the eye closed the eyes, I tried to go on the mouth but it turned out that it was not blind and just all that was , I became chaos - the world disappeared, and in place of what would go, I flew, in different directions, but not far unfortunately. Since everything was dark. And one more minus - I do not remember how I got back, because after that, the half of the outlet immediately dreamed of a dream with Poltergeeist that Tumba moved. Over the past month, not only bruises appear on the legs in the morning, but also scratches are thin thin.
Recently, told about this acquaintance, she began to interest, I remembered and that's what's the matter.
1. Bruises began to come down a week. ...- day for 4-5 in this apartment we found children's things in the closets, we laid them down in packages and removed! And we were postponed to the children's toys and put on the shelves, we play in general.
Since that time, bruises began. Bruises are pointing from fingers on all legs, and there are big bruises.
2. The child has a child, at that time he was 2 months old. We noticed that he was lying in the cradle in the kitchen, he looked at one point and cheerfully laughed and pulled out with his handles and legs ... "So he behaved, only when he played himself! He is serious and so that you need to go to play with him.
3. At night we drain the roots and some sounds near the refrigerator. There are quiet, but there are also such frightening knocks, as if they kick on the refrigerator.
4. In the morning, we usually do not sleep about 4 ... Yesterday I heard as if someone uttered my name ... So long and whisper. I looked, but I didn't sleep alone, everyone slept. In the morning I told about this girlfriend ... I started telling that I thought I heard my name and her name and she had already started to describe me exactly the sound I heard. And she said that she had repeatedly heard her name, but thought it was through sleep. ..
5. It is still strange that throughout this apartment, every corner hangs a long rectangular thin mirror. And this is in every corner of each room. What are these mirrors for? ??? Can the hosts something scarecrow, what is happening in the apartment ??? The tenants were frightened, ran into the apartment below the floor and it turned out that the same grandfather they saw, no smoke and the balcony had a long time ago, nobody goes there. One of the tenants immediately moved. But the campaign is just so that the tenant will not get rid of the essence.
for this example, it is better to think about several times before removing those mirrors in the corners

So this, Phantom girls can her soul, girl was calm? If not, then it's rather her soul. In general, things should be burned, and indeed everything there is BVLO, when this girl is still alive, all things, the mirrors are like a portal, from there here, they store memories and so on ... And if KZ is all started, it is better to make a major overhaul with the replacement of everything, it is possible to add, firing ash, and holy water from. Carshanki, conducted by water in the church in the church, can be added to the church, the magician can do the same, it's also desirable to raise pumpkin Helouin with a candle in inside. It is possible to drive with the help of a mirror corredor, but it is difficult to do, not experienced.

Is it all about man, afraid ,? Fear, this is a lesson that needs to be mastering, or you have problems in life and your life presented to you a surprise. The main thing is not to be afraid, but in general, if this house is creatures, it is better to easily leave from there and give it a calmly living in his world.

We are looking for a DR apartment, but this is time. And things took things. .. so got up, neatly folded and moved.
Of course, we didn't give any special problems first. But now these blows on the refrigerator. And it is urgent to hear your name ..

Thanks for the concern and for such an example. Neot. We were not going to shoot them, do not even come to them

Let us dwell on the last version of the explanation of the rash on the body in the form of scratches, which in medicine is allergic.

Allergies in the form of scratches, which are squeezed, can be caused by contacting skin with certain substances, besides nerves, allergy data can only be enhanced.

In cases where scratches themselves appeared on the skin, as in the photo, it is recommended to abandon woolen things, as well as accessories that are tightly fitting the skin (belts, watches, bracelets, etc.).

Will help get rid of allergies, which is manifested by scratches on the body and the refusal of cook salt, fatty and sharp dishes and harmful habits. To improve the condition, it is recommended to take decoction from a series, infusion of mint and currant.

However, if scratches appear on the skin themselves, itchy and for a long time Do not disappear, it is recommended to refer to the dermatologist.

Comments to "Scratches on the skin of the body appear by themselves without reason"

And what truth demons scratch? Is it dangerous?

scratches for no reason

Why scratches appear on the body without reason

In the section Diseases, medicines for the appearance of scratches without visible reasons The best answer specified by Margo is most likely, you have an immunity, Herpes could appear. And he wanders where he will do. Get off the immunomodulators of natural origin and vitamins. Browse your belongings, especially those that you wear directly on the body, they should not contain synthetics. And so that you had a calm dream, this is the key to your recovery, you need to drink with weakens, sedative teas. Do not screw yourself, everything is formed. Ask a doctor to make a smear with scratches and send it to the definition of the virus, there will definitely tell his variety and how to treat.

vitamins lack. Choose something complex, with minerals and chitosan additives - everything will be done

avitaminosis. Winter because.

If you communicate with a cat or a cat, you may have become infected with the disease - "cat scratch". This disease is very easy to get infected. In our country, there are a lot of patients with this disease.

these are the labels of the devil - you are his chosen.

See or diseases of vessels or about stigmatics are looking for.

Scratches in a dream !! Of course, without reasons, but in a dream !!

Just do not stop on stupidity about stigmatics, but if you are restlessly sleep, you can figure it out in a dream, which is correctly noticed by Mr. A. Weed.

Try to wear clothes from another memerial

Do not get drunk so much to remember anything to remember))

I also somehow woke up with a big scratch on my face face. At night I did not fight with anyone. But the nails shape forgotten. I can't walk with long nails. As soon as the nails are growing, then everything, I start scratching myself and moaned your nails, like a cat. That I am a cat.

Allergic reaction? -Symmetrical should be on hand

Take blood for analysis. Go to the dermatologist necessarily. It may be dangerous.

I advise you to carefully inspect your bed, literally trying every centimeter. Perhaps the needle fell.

On the body (so far only on the hands and legs. God Save.) There are periodically scratches and wounds (skin soda). I see them after sleep. There is no blood, heal, as ordinary wounds (on the legs - - more). What is this horror? Is it mystic or illness? I don't scratch myself at night and do not cut the skin, because Checked (slept in gloves). All legs in scars, Short to wear in the summer I am not destiny. ((

If you are a believer, I suggest such a way: Document God with prayers to open you the cause of what is happening and do not retreat until you get "God, you turn to me what is the reason" and during the day without fanatism pray as much as it is, I am very convinced that he will answer you .

The cause of such phenomena may be a violation of cell immune reactions, sometimes, can manifest allergic reactions. Also, it may be psoriasis (not all of all it looks so terrible as in the pictures from the directory). If, assume that this is a game of loose entities, they are not able to leave scratches (this can only happen if your power shell is very damaged), to a greater extent, they work at the energy level and, more often, affect psycho - emotional condition man. Strongly damaged shells - rarity in physically and mentally healthy people No dependency. Perhaps there are people in your environment (blood or emotionally connected with you), which are engaged in black magic and work out their skills on you, but it looks more like sadism. Usually, magicians have more 'high' goals, unless of course it is not some revenge. If you feel that this is magic, my advice is - read our discharge before bedtime.

Read Psalm 90 "Live in the help of the Vyshnyh." (Better in the old Slavonic language) for the first time - 90 times, then 9 days 40 times and in the future 9 times before bedtime until everything is over, but to warpen yourself from such situations every day Read 3 times, you can in the morning so that the day is able or before bedtime to be cleaned from all sorts of misfortunes.

Before bed, wash the body with holy water. Purchase the palm in the church and place in all rooms on a piece, you can lay down the apartment and also spray with holy water. On February 15, buy in the Church of the Candle "Grand" and coming home to go around all the housing with a swimming candle, moving from the east to the west. Such rites can be done often if some doubts arise.

This can make any otherworldly forces, maybe a house, they thus warn about some kind of event, I had a similar case, he came to me and kissed every night for a year, the mutual state after that, felt terribly, as if all Forces takes away, after another three months, my husband and I were divorced, I advise you to clean the accommodation, take a candle in the church, get along and bypassing all the corners of your house, coming to each of the lit candles, read our Father and sprinkle the corner of holy water, and when you go Sleep to God and ask let him put the guardian angel over you and put the icon of a seven-stroke mother under the pillow.

This is not a mystic .. And a sign of one of the diseases .. I do not see them - we do not see them - I advise you to pass the blood test - including on sugar and go to the therapist and show him your "scratches".

i think he will figure it out.

I think that you should go to the doctor. Perhaps allergic to something, lack of vitamins, etc. And then think about mysticism.

Sorry for my answer, but very similar to the bitles bites. Check your bed. Sometimes bugs appear in the furniture before purchasing it, in warehouses. Normal people buy furniture, and then they all itch.

Due to work, I often communicate with a dermatologist. She told that such cases are very often found and not in villages, but in big cities. People do not even mind such a reason.

Most likely the nails should be cut on hand and legs. Sleep is so strong that you can not even feel how injuries to the skin in the form of scratches independently! For example, when turning onto another side!

Scratches on her arms

Scratch is damage to the surface layer of the skin, which is limited in the area and has a linear form. Samoa frequent cause The appearance of scratches is careless handling of stitching and cutting objects at work or in everyday life. In addition, the appearance of scratches may be associated with manifestations of aggressive behavior or careless communication with pets.

Types of scratch

Small scratches on hand

Small scratches can be obtained in the kitchen. Especially often it happens in women during the preparation of food or home affairs. But even a small microtrauma can deliver trouble if not refer to this with due understanding and during not to process.

So that in the rink did not get infection, the first thing you need to rinse cold water With soap. If there is a hydrogen peroxide, then getting a cotton swab and attach to a damaged area for ten to fifteen minutes. Other disinfectants can be used - iodine, green, chlorhexidine or manganese. If a scratch in a child, then process better aqueous solutions Antiseptics, as alcohol can cause painful sensations and burning sensations. After processing on small scratches, you can not apply a bandage. Slowing scratches regularly lubricate ointments accelerating healing and stimulating tissue regeneration.

Scratches on the hands of a cat

Often, playing with your favorite cat, we get scratches on your hands. Basically, such damage does not pose a danger, but in some cases there may be serious consequences.

The disease that occurs from scratches of cats is called benign lymimofaculose. It is caused by Bartonella Henselae bacteria. Infection occurs when the teeth and claws of the animal penetrate under skin Covers. Half of cats is carriers of this bacterium, and look absolutely healthy. She enters the cat through the saliva of blood-sucking insects and fleas. In Russia with a similar problem for medical help About a quarter of a million patients annually appeal every year. Basically, these are children and young people. It happens more often during the cold season.

One day, Pharaoh Ehnaton became interested in a new passion. Then Nefertiti gave her a playful and aggressive kitten. Scratches led to the fact that the concubine died from infection after a long disease. Nowadays, it's not dying from this, but you need to know how to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

The incubation period of the disease is several days or a few weeks. On a damaged place are inflamed the lymph nodesAnd it scatters. Increases temperature. After recovery, it happens that people with reduced immunity can remain a secondary infection, lesions nervous system or meningitis. The person is not a peddler infection. To the doctor must be applied in the following cases:

  1. The wound does not heal for a long time.
  2. Increased body temperature and increased lymph nodes.
  3. Other signs of a painful state.

Concrete medicinal preparations There is no treatment. The physician is prescribed immunomodulators and antibacterial drugs. It is necessary to process fleas long action And bathe the cat using disinfecting detergents. If the cat releases claws during the game, try to wean it from this, stopping communication. If she scratched you, immediately treat the damaged place by the antiseptic.

Deep scratch on hand

Deep scratches on hand may appear as a result of falling on a broken glass or chips of a tree. If the scratch is applied to animals or in the wreck is listed, then you need to consult a doctor for the necessary processing and consultation.

Scratches themselves appear on their hands

Sometimes spontaneously small scratches appear on the hands. One of the reasons may be hypothermia when the hands are weathered. In such cases, fat cream or sea buckthorn oil helps.

The second reason may be allergic urticaria. It arises from each fifth person. One of the types of disease is a demographic urticaria when irritation appears from physical or emotional stress, as well as in contact with substances, causing allergies. Irritation in the form of scratches in the hands arises when friction about clothes or stupid item. Allergy is enhanced with strong emotional stress. As a treatment, doctors recommend taking an antiallergic drug overnight. The most common allergens include:

  • medications;
  • food products (fruits, nuts, eggs, fish);
  • pollen herbs and trees;
  • viral infection;
  • nutritional supplements

To form an accurate diagnosis you need to conduct a survey. Pass general analysis Blood and urine, feces for helminths, liver and serological samples. You also need to make fluorography or x-ray chest. Treatment is carried out with corticosteroid drugs.

How to cure scratches

Due to the gaps of soft tissues, scratches can be walled for a long time. If an infection has appeared, the regeneration process is even slower. To get rid of scratches you need at least three days.

First, rinse the damaged place well, and then process. You can make an iodine mesh. If the scratch does not heal for a long time, use special glue. This is not a means of treatment, but reliably protects from infection. Lubricate the skin with regenerating ointment.

How to remove scratches on your hands

People with good immunity, I survive scratches quickly. If you use a wound healing or colloidal silver, then the process will accelerate.

Among plant preparations Hypericum oil, aloe and plantain juice, helps well. If the damaged area did not infiltrate, treat it with a decoction of oak bark. It has a binding and anti-inflammatory property.

How don't you want to smear scratch tonal cream Before the appearance of a crust, this should not be done. You can apply additional damage and infect the wound.

How to make scratch on hand

In order to make a scratch on his hand yourself. office paper. Such scratches are very long sentenced.

Apply scratches can be glass, it is less painful. If you want to use a sharp metal object, then it is necessary to make a quick movement. Do not forget that in all cases the body can get infection.

How to draw scratch on hand

Sometimes we need to draw a scratch for speaking in a tragic scene or as a makeup.

Take a marker or feltaster. In the right place on the hand draw the required number of lines. They should be uneven and curves. Add darker tones. After applying, cover with glue, and after drying you will have a real effect.

The appearance of scratches without visible reasons

Of course, almost all people in the cold burst leather and small scratches appear on the bare sections. But scratched scratches on the wrists, closer to the shoulder and at the thief I had a scratch on my chest. And each time they increase, if they were small on the wrists, then in the breast a large scratch in the form of a wave. What could it be?

I am very grateful to the rest for the advice. I will try everything to take into account.

Was new clothes? On the chest, from the clashes, on the wrists-from the sleeves.

Nutrition changed? Something unusual ate, drank? Scratch itch?

Are they deep? With a crust of dried or just in the form of redness without damage to the skin? Washing powder, which is erased, did not change the lingerie? The appearance time? In the morning, after sleep, or evening, after removing the clothes? On the abota of noblem, no could be? Repair of Domaili near neighbors - Pastry varnish, paint? Air-in the apartment air conditioning?

Scratch allergies

An allergic skin disease, externally similar to burns from nettle, in which sprinkling scratches, rash, blisters, call, are called sputtering.

Often the disease is manifested as an independent disease, but may be a reaction to any irritant.

The urbin is divided into several types:

Spontaneous. Arises without mechanical influence. It has two categories: acute and chronic

Physical. It provokes physical actions. Includes dermographic (manifest as an allergy in the form of scratches), slow (watery bubbles appear on the body), cold (arises from cold or wind), thermal (heat action), solar (reaction to ultraviolet or visible light), vibrational (as a result of vibration actions, for example, from the work of a jackhammer)

There are also "separate" types of urticaria, appearing during physical or emotional overvoltage, when contacting the skin with a certain substance that causes the strongest allergoresis.

The causes of the occurrence and signs of allergies in the form of scratches

The manifestation of dermographic urticaria on the body in the form of scratches provokes friction of the skin or its other irritation with stupid objects or clothing. It is believed that due to psycho-emotional stress, allergies in the form of scratches is enhanced. Does not bring special discomfort and does not require the weak therapy. Preferably in the evening take the dose of the antiallergic drug (according to age). In addition to scratches, it can manifest themselves with blisters, a rash and a strong itch.

Patients are recommended to eliminate the skin contact with woolen things, do not wear a tightly fitting body clothing, strongly tighten the belts, eliminate skin friction with various objects (bags, watches, bracelets, etc.). It is also recommended during sleep to maintain a cool temperature in the room.

Treatment of dermographic urticaria

The methods of rapid cure still do not exist, therapy is based on the reception of antihistamines and immunomodulators. Healing starvation will help, during which it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of pure water. Recommended daily cleaning belly, easy physical education classes, warm shower.

In the treatment of allergic urticaria, folk remedies will help excellent.

In the mornings, instead of tea, and throughout the day, you can drink a brawl (without restrictions in quantity).

Infusion of raspberry leaves, mint, black currant and yarrow grass will ensure the prevention of recurrence of the disease.

In the diet, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fats, sweets, cook and iodized salt, eggs, various smoked fruits, citrus fruits.

Why are Ranks and scratches appear on the body (see below)?

Why are Ranks and scratches appear on the body (see below)?

The cause of such phenomena may be a violation of cellular immune reactions, sometimes allergic reactions may appear. Also, it may be psoriasis (not all of all it looks so terrible as in the pictures from the directory). If, assuming that this is a game of loose entities, they are not able to leave scratches (this can only happen if your energy shell is damaged), to a greater extent, they work at the energy level and, more often, affect the psycho - emotional state of the person . Strong damaged shells - the rarity of physically and mentally healthy people without dependencies. Perhaps there are people in your environment (blood or emotionally connected with you), which are engaged in black magic and work out their skills on you, but it looks more like sadism. Usually, magicians have higher goals, unless of course it is not some revenge. If you feel that this is magic, my advice is - read our discharge before bedtime.

Put the camera at night and let it remove you all night. At a minimum, you will see how you sleep, what you are in touch at night and how you behave. Scratching is damage, and damage themselves do not arise. You can certainly hope for the unknown strength and remain with this trouble. And you can approach the question with common sense and pay attention to your skin, it is possible that the skin is fine in view of the problems of internal, which is easily damaged and a few crumbs and beds to wake up with scratches.

at first sight. If you look from a mystical point of view. For this, it was paved by Besh Poltergeist, let's say that it is so, although not a fact. It is obviously there are no holes that he received such power-assumption from God. The devil receives power when a person chooses him in something, indulgesed magic, estrosensorica and so on the like, or committing death sins - let's say you sleep with a married man, well, or something like that. Consider yourself impassively critically, maybe or was once as the sinning says. Then the question follows to eliminate some options if you are baptized, do you lead a church lifestyle. If this is all right, then most likely the cause is physiological and not spiritual. Some processes occur, start during deep sleep, as a result of which useful elements in the body of the tissues are exhausted and they begin to ride, disperse. Then it is necessary not to be pushing to make complete analyzes and, according to the results of the tests, to identify the anomalies, and they will certainly have to manifest. However, it is possible to reach an exception to an exception, this is the cause or physiological.

If you are a believer, I suggest such a way: Doc not God's prayers to give you the cause of what is happening and not back up until you get God, open me what is the reason; And during the day without fanaticism, pray how much will have, I am very convinced that he will answer you.

Sorry for my answer, but very similar to the bitles bites. Check your bed. Sometimes bugs appear in the furniture even before purchasing it, in warehouses. Normal people are buying furniture, and then they have access to them.

Due to work, I often communicate with a dermatologist. She told that such cases, very often found and not in the sluffs, but in big cities. People do not even mind such a reason.

With bed linen, everything is normal? Sometimes the pillows can hang on the pillows and scratch, also from the blanket. Mystic is nothing here.

If everything is fine. Perhaps in the body there is a lack of vitamins, the skin becomes dry and cracks from any contact with anything (in this case, with bed linen, once this matter appears). You did not notice from what period did it start? Spring? May vitaminosis.

If everything is in order with vitamins, then the case in the skin (go then to the dermatologist, they will take the epidermis or just look visually what is the reason and prescribe treatment). If you do not want to walk in the doctors, then buy a cream, for example, good baby or fries and lubricate the skin areas where the wounds appear. Let's follow how the skin behaves in these places - it will also continue or the wrecks will disappear.

Read Psalm 90 Live in the help of the post. (Better in the Old Slavonic language) for the first time - 90 times, then 9 days 40 times and in the future 9 times before bedtime until the Sun will not end, and for warning itself from such situations every day, then read 3 times, can be used in the morning Or before bedtime to cleanse against all sorts of misfortunes.

Before bed, wash the body with holy water. Purchase the palm in the church and place in all rooms on a piece, you can lay down the apartment and also spray with holy water. On February 15, buy a cup of graon And come home to go around the sun housing with a swimming candle, moving from the east to the west. Such rites can be done often if some doubts arise.

This is not a mystic .. And a sign of one of the diseases .. I do not see them - we do not see them - I advise you to pass the blood test - including on sugar and go to the therapist and show him your scratch.

i think he will figure it out.

You need a sensible doctor, and not a dermatologist, but an immunologist. In general, when pregnant was, in the ward with a girl got - she had such a complication due to the weakening of the immunity began. Even on AIDS was suspicious. Then they thought that the cat home was to blame - they have such a Bartonella wand. But there seems to be a couple of months, the disease lasts, and the girl in the hospital has appeared on the body when the cat was not there. In general, she is vitamins of Polya, Interferon - and everything went to the third trimester. So come to the doctor, perhaps a certain immunological disorder. By the way, the doctor said something that such scratches are usually among young people, and then, when the hormones calm down and stop influencing immunity, all over the years, everything passes. And even go to church - especially since you are already afraid that the nature of your illness is more comfortable, just calm yourself.

This can make any otherworldly forces, maybe a house, they thus warn about some kind of event, I had a similar case, he came to me and kissed every night for a year, the mutual state after that, felt terribly, as if all the forces takes, after another three months, we launched my husband, I advise you to clean the accommodation, take a candle in the church, get along and bypass all the corners of your house, coming to everyone with lit candles, read our fat and sprinkle the corner of holy water, and when you go Sleep to God and ask let him put the guardian angel over you and put the icon of a seven-stroke mother under the pillow.

In essence, nonsense. For 8 months of pure abstinence, I did not notice any clear anomalies.

I fell asleep without a T-shirt, woke up in a T-shirt, although in this T-shirt at home I never go. "Went to warm up, and then forgot" - excluded. The blanket next to lay.

This accurately smells some kind of garbage at all.

In what sense garbage? I think this lunatism.



  • Maximum period without masturbation: from January 1, 2015 (but at that time I watched porn, and from 11/15/2015 a full refusal of masturbation and porn)
  • Without masturbation: 4 years, 4 months, 7 days



  • I am the main energy of the forum, Tzinc Champion, Niscrom
  • Maximum period without masturbation: 480
  • Without masturbation: 8 days

I had something ... But this is so funny rather)))) ... With the side of the room, the curtains hang (in the sense, I sit in the computer and the lateral vision, these curtains always see). So here .. Recently, it began to seem to me that the curtains hang on the curtains and I look at me in the curtains .. it's terribly sometimes. This is a porst of the end of the curtains bent, forms an image due to distortion of vision (side zone). Nevertheless, before he did not notice this .. and as noticed, although it was frightened. Just once sick strongly and at night Quietly terrible happened, since then I am afraid of unclean.

Well, so, it seems and nothing has happened. On the contrary, I wake up better, I sleep normally and so on

Why you will not see late eyes, especially when a mirror hangs a little bit and side, it even becomes terribly. And at the last work, a girl worked with me and she said that they were sitting with her husband in the room watched TV, and here it was suddenly cries of her moms. They ran there turned on the light and her mother they say that only someone climbed her heavy and lay on her, she already felt the burden of the body on top, but they didn't find anyone around the apartment, they didn't have anyone, thought maybe it was a house.

Incub, infa 100% on Gowststoreis enough such stories. And I have been captured by one case described - I became an incuba to one Devash to pester at night, she first prayed something there - and then he sent an English man on three letters - and he disappeared! But everyone knows that we have Russians (and Slavs in particular) the mat is considered to be a faith from unclean powerwhich it can be completely expelled much more efficiently prayers!

Well, the Tesche has confidence, how much invented!

P.S: Thugs broke through the themes of the Tesla research in the field of psychic - never thought (Respect Kulu) that he had such serious research! I thought that he was a talented inventor and only.

By the way, the sake of interest was analyzed by YGS: on 16270 stories only 183 with evidence of the "deputies" of spirits with ceiling actions (part in real life, part in a dream, part in the "borderline").

Of them: With women - 130, with men - 53. So percentage of total: 1.12%, that is, it is extinctingly small.

  • Leska1985 and oliver5678 like it



In principle, I am not surprised that the majority considers everything strange glitches - it's easier to live. The most ridiculous is that on yourGhostStories the same shnyaga, but so the site is more or less serious that in anyone who has unsubscribed about the presence of certain spirits (such as incubuses, etc.) so it immediately navigates the crowd of fanatics offering crosses. crucifixes, put the Bible under the pillow, pepper the holy water I.TP

Although there often women wrote that the buzz from the incubuses was much cooler than the man (in principle, no wonder - the incubator works at once with the energy body, and a man with physical body, Well, the part is transmitted to a thin body, that is, the sensations are strongly "trimmed").

It is easiest to explain all the oddities with glitches and the fact that the witness is allegedly shir.

But since there are witnesses of oddities - it means that it really happens.

i do not think shirik

but when considering any questions, I go the most correct steps, where correctness is determined by the degree of probability.

sAME likely here

Lunatism or other similar phenomenon

then goes

Serious mental diseases which need to be treated

and only then there is an option where you can be right or some other version of which no one suggested

Is the story kept the memories of any case in which the majority turned out to be right?

(c) R.Hailline

Skeptics note))

dich- You think that a demon or other essence will come to you and says: Well, what a skeptic, so I came? Well you did not believe? !!

After all, any photo or video can be refuted!

the trouble is that pictures and videos are just most distorting reality

in addition, I already wrote to you that Tesla spoke the human eye capable of both magic (according to normal telecision) so and complete delusions (see what the other does not see) the difference between nonsense and really otherwise

  • KORTUL like it

Scratch is damage to the surface layer of the skin, which is limited in the area and has a linear form. The most common reason for the appearance of scratches is the careless handling of stitching and cutting objects at work or in everyday life. In addition, the appearance of scratches may be associated with manifestations of aggressive behavior or careless communication with pets.

Types of scratch

Small scratches on hand

Small scratches can be obtained in the kitchen. Especially often it happens in women during the preparation of food or home affairs. But even a small microtrauma can deliver trouble if not refer to this with due understanding and during not to process.

So that the infection does not get into the wound, the first thing you need to rinse with cold water with soap. If there is a hydrogen peroxide, then getting a cotton swab and attach to a damaged area for ten to fifteen minutes. Other disinfectants can be used - iodine, green, chlorhexidine or manganese. If a scratch in a child, then process with water solutions of antiseptics, as alcohol can cause painful sensations and burning sensations. After processing on small scratches, you can not apply a bandage. Slowing scratches regularly lubricate ointments accelerating healing and stimulating tissue regeneration.

Scratches on the hands of a cat

Often, playing with your favorite cat, we get scratches on your hands. Basically, such damage does not pose a danger, but in some cases there may be serious consequences.

The disease that occurs from scratches of cats is called benign lymimofaculose. It is caused by Bartonella Henselae bacteria. Infection occurs when the teeth and claws of the animal penetrate the skin. Half of cats is carriers of this bacterium, and look absolutely healthy. She enters the cat through the saliva of blood-sucking insects and fleas. In Russia, about a quarter of a million patients annually appeal to a similar medical care. Basically, these are children and young people. It happens more often during the cold season.

One day, Pharaoh Ehnaton became interested in a new passion. Then Nefertiti gave her a playful and aggressive kitten. Scratches led to the fact that the concubine died from infection after a long disease. Nowadays, it's not dying from this, but you need to know how to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

The incubation period of the disease is several days or a few weeks. Lymphatic nodes are infected with a damaged place, and it flies. Increases temperature. After recovery, it happens that people with reduced immunity may remain secondary infection, damage to the nervous system or meningitis. The person is not a peddler infection. To the doctor must be applied in the following cases:

  1. The wound does not heal for a long time.
  2. Increased body temperature and increased lymph nodes.
  3. Other signs of a painful state.

Specific drugs for treatment do not exist. The physician is prescribed immunomodulators and antibacterial drugs. It is necessary to conduct processing from fleas lengthy and bathe a cat using disinfecting detergents. If the cat releases claws during the game, try to wean it from this, stopping communication. If she scratched you, immediately treat the damaged place by the antiseptic.

Deep scratch on hand

Deep scratches on hand may appear as a result of falling on a broken glass or chips of a tree. If the scratch is applied to animals or in the wreck is listed, then you need to consult a doctor for the necessary processing and consultation.

Scratches themselves appear on their hands

Sometimes spontaneously small scratches appear on the hands. One of the reasons may be hypothermia when the hands are weathered. In such cases, fat cream or sea buckthorn oil helps.

The second reason may be an allergic urticaria. It arises from each fifth person. One of the types of disease is a demographic urticaria when irritation appears from physical or emotional stress, as well as in contact with substances that cause allergies. Irritation in the form of scratches in the hands arises when friction about clothes or stupid item. Allergy is enhanced with strong emotional stress. As a treatment, doctors recommend taking an antiallergic drug overnight. The most common allergens include:

  • medications;
  • food products (fruits, nuts, eggs, fish);
  • pollen herbs and trees;
  • viral infection;
  • nutritional supplements

To form an accurate diagnosis you need to conduct a survey. Suppose overall analysis of blood and urine, feces for helminths, liver and serological samples. You also need to make a fluorography or an x-ray of the chest. Treatment is carried out with corticosteroid drugs.

How to cure scratches

Due to the gaps of soft tissues, scratches can be walled for a long time. If an infection has appeared, the regeneration process is even slower. To get rid of scratches you need at least three days.

First, rinse the damaged place well, and then process. You can make an iodine mesh. If the scratch does not heal for a long time, use special glue. This is not a means of treatment, but reliably protects from infection. Lubricate the skin with regenerating ointment.

How to remove scratches on your hands

People with good immunity, I survive scratches quickly. If you use a wound healing or colloidal silver, then the process will accelerate.

Among the vegetation preparations helps the oil of the Hypericum, aloe and plantain juice. If the damaged area did not infiltrate, treat it with a decoction of oak bark. It has a binding and anti-inflammatory property.

No matter how you wanted to smear a scratch with a tonal cream before the appearance of a crust, this should not be done. You can apply additional damage and infect the wound.

How to make scratch on hand

In order to make a scratch itself on hand, you can use the office paper. Such scratches are very long sentenced.

Apply scratches can be glass, it is less painful. If you want to use a sharp metal object, then it is necessary to make a quick movement. Do not forget that in all cases the body can get infection.

How to draw scratch on hand

Sometimes we need to draw a scratch for speaking in a tragic scene or as a makeup.

Take a marker or feltaster. In the right place on the hand draw the required number of lines. They should be uneven and curves. Add darker tones. After applying, cover with glue, and after drying you will have a real effect.

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