Terms of use of insuman Basal GT to reduce glucose levels. Insun Basal GT As provided insums Basal GT

Dosage form"Type \u003d" Checkbox "\u003e

Dosage form

Suspension for subcutaneous administration 100 me / ml


1 ml of suspension contains

active substance - Human insulin (HR 1799) [Equimolar 100 ME Insulin] 100 IU (3,571 mg),

auxiliary substances: glycerin 85%, Protamina sulfate, metaaceol, phenol, zinc chloride, sodium dihydrophosphate dihydrate, sodium hydroxide, chloride acid concentrated, water for injection.


Quickly dispersing suspension white or almost white color. The supernatant is a transparent or almost transparent solution.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Tools for treating diabetes. Insulines and their analogues of the average duration of action. Human insulin.

Code ATX A10As01

Pharmacological properties"Type \u003d" Checkbox "\u003e

Pharmacological properties


Insun® Basal GT (Isophan Insulin suspension) is an insulin with gradually developing and prolonged action. After subcutaneous administration, the action occurs within 60 minutes, the maximum action phase is observed by 3-4 hours after injection, the action lasts 11-20 hours.

The semi-expression period from serum is about 4-6 minutes. He is longer with heavy renal failure. It should be noted that the pharmacokinetics of insulin does not reflect its metabolic effect.


Insun® Basal GT contains insulin, identical in its structure insulin of a person obtained using recombinant DNA technology using Escherichia coli.

Insum® Basal GT.

Reduces blood glucose levels and promotes anabolic effects, and also reduces catabolic effects

Enhances the transport of glucose into the cells, as well as the formation of glycogen in muscles and liver, improves the recycling of pyruvate. It suppresses glycogenesis and glyconeogenesis

Enhances lipogenesis in the liver and adipose tissue and suppresses lipolysis

Contributes to the consumption of amino acids by cells and activates protein synthesis

Increases potassium intake by cells.

Indications for use

Sugar diabetes when insulin treatment is necessary

Method of application and dose

The desired levels of glucose in the blood, insulin preparations to be used and the dosing mode (dose, time distribution) are selected individually in accordance with the diet, level of physical activity and the patient's lifestyle.

Daily doses and time of administration

There is no immutable rules for dispensing insulin. The average daily need for insulin is 0.5-1.0 meters per kg of patient body weight. The basic metabolic need for insulin is 40-60% of the total daily need. Insun® Basal GT is administered subcutaneously in 45-60 minutes before meals.

Secondary dose correction

Improving control over metabolism may entail an increase in insulin sensitivity, leading to a decrease in insulin need. The dose correction may be required when weas changes, the lifestyle of the patient and other circumstances that can contribute to an increased tendency to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia (see " special instructions»).

Special groups of patients

The need for insulin may be reduced in violation of the liver or kidney function and in old age (see "Special Instructions").


Intravenous administration is absolutely excluded.

Insun® Basal GT is administered subcutaneously.

Insulin's absorption and, therefore, the sugar-surging effect of injection may vary, depending on the place of administration (for example, the abdominal wall in comparison with the femoral region). The injection site should be changed every time within the same area.

Side effects

The following side effects associated with the use of the drug and observed in clinical studieslisted in order to reduce their frequency: very frequent (≥ 1/10), frequent (≥ 1/100,< 1/10), нечастые (≥ 1/1.000, < 1/100), редкие (≥ 1/10.000, < 1/1.000), очень редкие (< 1/10.000) и частота неизвестна (на основании имеющихся данных не определяется).



Outlet (the result of metabolic disorders)

Reactions at the injection site

Shock (immune genesis)

Urban at the injection site

The presence of antibodies to insulin, which may entail the need for an insulin dose correction in order to eliminate the tendency to hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia

Frequency unknown

Allergic reactions of instant type (hypotension, angioedema edema, bronchospasm, generalized skin reactions) on insulin or excipients may pose a threat to life

The formation of antibodies to insulin

Sodium delay in the body

Proliferative retinopathy, diabetic retinopathy, violation

Lipodystrophy at the injection site, leading to slow insulin suction. The constant change of injection site within this injection area can help reduce or prevent such reactions.

Inflammation, ethnicity, pain, itching, hyperemia at the injection site, passing in a few days or weeks

Description adverse Reactions

Impaired immune system

Allergic reactions of instant type on insulin or excipients can be a threat to life.

Taking insulin can cause the formation of anti-zulin antibodies. In rare cases, the presence of anti-zulin antibodies may cause the need to adjust the insulin dose in order to control the predisposition to the development of hyper-or hypoglycemia.

Violations of the Side of Machine and Nutrition

Heavy hypoglycemic attacks, especially repeated, can lead to neurological damage.

Prolonged or severe hypoglycemic manifestations can be a threat to life.

In many patients, signs of adrenergic antagonism precede the signs and symptoms of neuroglycopenia. As a rule, the more significant and fast decline in blood glucose levels, the greater the manifestation of antagonism and its symptoms.

Insulin may cause sodium delay in the body and swelling, in particular, in cases of increasing insulin therapy intensity and improving metabolism control.


A significant change in blood glucose level may cause a temporary violation of vision due to the time change of elasticity and refractive to the lens of the eye.

Long improved glycemic control reduces the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. However, enhancing insulin therapy with a sharp improvement in glycemic control can be associated with a temporary deterioration of diabetic retinopathy.

Disturbing from the skin and subcutaneous fabrics

Lipodystrophy may manifest itself in the place of administration of the drug and lead to the delay of local insulin suction. To reduce the frequency or preventing data to the adverse reaction, it is necessary to constantly change the place of administration of the drug within a certain field of input.

Complications of a general nature and reaction at the injection site

Most minor reactions to insulin at the injection site are usually passing for several days or weeks.

Message about possible adverse reactions

A message about possible adverse reactions after registering the drug is very important. This allows you to continuously monitor the benefit / risk ratio of the drug. Healthcare employees should report any possible adverse reactions through the national information system.


Increased sensitivity K. active substance or to any of the excipients

Intravenous Introduction Insuman Basal GT

Use in infusion pump, in an external or implanted insulin pump

Medicinal interactions

Row medicines It can influence glucose metabolism and cause the need for a dose of human insulin.

To drugs that can enhance the hypoglycemic effect of insulin and increase the predisposition to the development of hypoglycemia include oral antidiabetic agents, inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), dyspeciramide, fibrates, fluoxetine, monoaminoxidase inhibitors (Mao), pentoxyphyllyn, propoxyphen, salicylates and sulfanimamides.

To preparations that can weaken the hypoglycemic effect of insulin include corticosteroid hormones, danazole, diazoxide, diuretics, glucagon, isoniazide, estrogens and progestogen (for example, in contraceptives for oral application), Derivatives of phenothiazine, somatopine, sympathomimetics [for example, epinephrine (adrenaline), salbutamol, terbutalin], hormones thyroid gland, protease inhibitors and atypical antipsychotic drugs (for example, Olanzapine and Clozapine).

Beta-blockers, clonidine, lithium and alcohol salts can both amplify and weaken the hypoglycemic effect of insulin.

Pentamidine can cause hypoglycemia, which is sometimes replaced by hyperglycemia.

In addition, under the influence of such sympatholic medicinal preparationsAs β-blockers, clonidine, guanethidine and reserpine signs of adrenergic anti-toll can be weakly pronounced or absent.

special instructions

Patients with hypersensitivity to Insun® Basal GT, for the treatment of which other insulin preparations are currently available, which they would have transferred better, the introduction of it must be continued in conditions of strict medical control and, if necessary, in combination with antiallergic measures.

In the case of allergic to animal insulin, before transferring the patient to insums® Basal of GT, an intradermal sample is recommended, since they have repressed immune responses.

Insulin can cause sodium delay in the body and swelling, especially if bad before the metabolic control is improved as a result of enhanced insulin therapy.

In case of impaired renal function, the need for insulin can be reduced due to reduced insulin metabolism. The progressive decrease in the renal function in old age can lead to a steady reduction in insulin need.

In patients with severe hepatic insufficiency The need for insulin can be reduced due to the reduction of gluconeogenesis and insulin metabolism.

If, as a result of treatment, it is not possible to achieve the desired level of glucose or there is a tendency to the episodes of hypo-or hyperglycemia, before the dose correction must be checked as far as the patient complies with the instructions for the administration and dosage of the drug, the injection technique, the injection site and the availability of other factors affecting Treatment efficiency.

Transition to insuma® Basal GT

The patient's transition to another type or brand of insulin should be carried out under the strict observation of the doctor. Due to a change in concentration, varieties (manufacturer), type (normal, NPH, tape, long action Etc.), origin (animal, human, analogue of human insulin) and / or method of production may need to change the dosage.

The need for a dose correction (for example, a decline) can become apparent immediately after replacing the drug and, on the contrary, can develop gradually, within a few weeks.

After translating from animal insulin on human insulin, the dosage reduction may be required in the following groups of patients:

In whose treatment has previously achieved lower blood glucose levels

Who have a tendency to the development of hypoglycemia

Which previously needed high doses of insulin due to the presence of insulin antibodies.

Careful monitoring of metabolism during translation and in the first week after it are recommended. Patients who need higher insulin doses due to the presence of antibodies during translation from one insulin preparation to another may require medical observation in stationary or in similar conditions.


Hypoglycemia - the most frequent unwanted effect Insulin therapy may develop if the dose of insulin is too high compared with the need for insulin. The frequency changes together with the population and dose regime, so indicate specific frequency It is impossible.

Severe and especially repeated hypoglycemia attacks can cause neurological disorders. Long-term I. heavy attacks Hypoglycemia may pose a threat to the life of the patient.

Many patients with signs and symptoms of neuroglycopenia are preceded by signs of adrenergic anti-toll. The larger and faster the level of glucose in the blood is reduced, the more pronounced the phenomenon of anticipatization and its symptoms.

Should be shown special cautionReinforced monitoring of blood glucose levels in patients whose hypoglycemia attacks may have a special clinical value, for example, in patients with severe stenosis of coronary arteries or brain arteries (risk of cardiac or cerebral complications of hypoglycemia), as well as patients with proliferative retinopathy patients Especially if the treatment with photocoagulation was not conducted (the risk of the development of the transient amavroza after hypoglycemia). A pronounced change in glycemic control can cause a temporary impairment of vision due to a temporary change in the swelling of the lens of the eye and the index of its refraction). The long existence of improved glycemic control reduces the risk of progression of diabetic retinopathy. However, the enhancement of insulin therapy with a sharp improvement in glycemic control can be combined with a temporary deterioration of diabetic retinopathy.

Patients should be familiar with the circumstances in which signs of harbingers of hypoglycemia are weakly expressed. In some risk groups, the symptoms of harbingers of hypoglycemia may vary, be less pronounced or absent. Such patients include:

Patients who have glycemic control significantly improved

Patients who have hypoglycemia develop gradually

Elderly patients

After translating from animal insulin on human

In the presence of autonomous neuropathy

With a long existence of diabetes

In the presence of a psychiatric disease

With simultaneously conducting treatment with some other drugs (see "Medicinal interactions")

In such cases, hypoglycemia can take a hard form (with a possible loss of consciousness) even before the patient will understand that he has hypoglycemia.

In the presence of normal or reduced indicators of glycosylated hemoglobin, it is necessary to assume the likelihood of repeated, unrecognized (especially night) episodes of hypoglycemia.

Compliance with patients with dosing regime and diet, proper introduction of insulin and awareness of signs of hypoglycemia is necessary to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia. Factors that increase the exposure of hypoglycemia require particularly thorough monitoring and may cause a dose correction. These include:

Changing the place of injection

Increase sensitivity to insulin (for example, as a result of the disappearance of stress factors)

Unusual, increased or longer physical exertion

Intercoral disease (for example, vomiting, diarrhea)

Inadequate reception of food

Passing of food techniques

Consumption of alcoholic beverages

Some noncompensated endocrine disorders (for example, with hypothyroidism and insufficiency of the front lobe of the pituitary gland or adrenal bark)

Simultaneous treatment with some other drugs

Intercurrent diseases

Intercurrent diseases require intensive monitoring of metabolism. In many cases, the analysis of urine on ketones is shown, often the need to adjust the insulin dose. Insuline need often increases. In the case of diabetes type 1, the patients should continue regular consumption of carbohydrates, at least in small quantities, even if they are able to consume a small amount of food or to abandon either food or in case of vomiting, etc. These patients should never completely skip insulin injections.

Mixing insulins

It is impossible to mix Insun® Basal GT with Insuls of Animal Origin or with insulin analogues.

Insun® Basal GT can be mixed with all drugs of human insulin firm Sanofi-Aventis, with the exception of insulins intended for use in insulin pumps.

If in one syringe for injection you need to dial two different insulin, it is recommended to first type insulin more short actionTo avoid pollution of the bottle by the drug longer action. It is advisable to enter immediately after mixing. It is impossible to mix insulins of various concentrations (for example, 100 IU / ml and 40 IU / ml).

With any unused drug or waste, please contact in accordance with local requirements.

Instructions for use

Insun® Basal of GT is to be used together with such insulin handles as autophen 24, Oststar and other handles suitable for insuman cartridges.

It should be strictly followed by instructions for the use of the handles relating to the filling of the cartridge, the attachment of the injection needle and the injection of insulin injection.

Until the moment when an Insun® Basal Cartridge is installed in a syringe knob, the drug must be at room temperature for 1-2 hours, after which the suspension must be well mixed to check the contents. It is best to do with the help of easy keying of the cartridge backward (at least ten times). Each cartridge contains three small metal balls in order to promote rapid and thorough mixing of the contents of the cartridge.

After establishing the cartridge in the syringe knob, before each injection, it will be necessary to resuspend insulin again. It is best to do it with a slightly swaying back-forward (at least ten times).

After stirring, the suspension must have a homogeneous consistency and milk-white color. If this does not succeed (the suspension remains transparent, in insulin, or on the walls or the cartridge, there are lumps, weighted particles or flakes (similar changes, sometimes give the cartridge the kind of frozen) use insuman® Basal of GT it is impossible. In such cases, you need to use another Cartridge satisfying the above conditions. Replace the cartridge is new necessary and if the need for insulin has changed significantly.

If the insulin handle is damaged or does not work well (due to a mechanical defect), it should be thrown out and apply a new insulin handle.

If the handle works badly (see the instruction on the use of the handle), the suspension can be taken from the cartridge into an injection syringe (suitable for 100 me / ml insulin) and enter.

Before injection from the cartridge, remove air bubbles (see the instructions for the use of the handle). Empty cartridges are not subject to rewrong.

Insuman® Basal Cartridges are designed to prevent mixing in a cartridge with some other insulin.

After stirring, the suspension must have a homogeneous consistency and milk-white color.

Like all insulin preparations, Insun® Basal GT can not be mixed with solutions containing reducing substances, such as Tiol and sulfites. It must be remembered that prothmind insulin crystals are dissolved during acid pH.

It is unacceptable to enter alcohol and other disinfectants into insulin suspension.

Errors with the use of the drug

Cases of errors were recorded when using the drug, as a result of which other drugs of insulin or other types of insulin were randomly introduced. Before each introduction of insulin, it is always necessary to check its marking in order to prevent errors in the use of human insulin and other types of its species.

Combined Insuman and Pioglitazone

Cases of heart failure were recorded combined application Pioglitazone and insulin, in particular in patients with risk factors for heart failure. This factor must be taken into account when considering the combined application of pioglitazone and insuman. With the combined application of these drugs, the patient should observe the presence of symptoms and signs of heart failure, weight gain or edema. With the appearance of any signs of degradation of cardiac activity, the use of pioglitazone should be discontinued.

Pregnancy and lactation

Data on the action of human insulin during pregnancy is absent. Insulin does not penetrate the placental barrier. Assigning a drug to pregnant women should be careful.

For patients with previously existing or gestational diabetes, it is important to maintain a good level of metabolism throughout the pregnancy. The need for insulin may decline in the first trimester of pregnancy and is usually increasing in the second and third trimesters. Immediately after childbirth, the need for insulin quickly falls (increased risk of hypoglycemia). Careful monitoring of blood glucose levels are needed.

Actions on breastfeeding children are not expected. Insun® Basal GT can be used during breastfeeding. However, women, lactating breasts, may require a dose correction of insulin and diet.

Features of the influence of the medicinal product on the ability to control the vehicle or potentially hazardous mechanisms

The ability of a patient to the concentration of attention and responding may decrease as a result of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, or as a result of impairment of vision. It is dangerous in situations where the above-mentioned abilities are of particular importance (for example, during the control of the car or working mechanisms).

Patients should be prevented about the need to take precautions to avoid the development of hypoglycemia during driving. This is especially important for those who have the symptoms of harbingers of hypoglycemia weakly pronounced or absent or frequent episodes of hypoglycemia. The question of the feasibility of driving a car and manage working mechanisms under such circumstances should be issued.

3 ml of suspension in the cartridge (colorless type I glass) with a piston (elastomeric rubber) and a flanged cap (aluminum) with a plug (elastomeric rubber). 5 cartridges are placed in contour cellular packaging. 1 contour cell packaging is placed in a cardboard pack together with the instructions for medical application in state and Russian languages.

Do not use the expiration date specified on the package.

After opening the primary packaging

After the first use of the cartridge introduced into the syringe knob, the product can be used within 4 weeks.

Some facts about the product:

Instructions for use

Price in the Internet pharmacy Site: from 1 255

Description of the drug

Insun Basal GT is a finely crushed suspension for the preparation of a solution. In the instructions for use, the Insun Basal GT says, it is worth introducing strictly to the appointment of a doctor. Analogues Insun Basal GT are generaluline, Protafan Nm and Himulin NPH.

Release form, composition and packaging

Buy Insun Basal GT can be in the form of a suspension for injections under the skin in the dosage 100m / ml. Each glass bottle contains 5 ml Insun Basal GT and closes on an aluminum cap, which is covered with a plastic lid for additional protection. In the package from cardboard 5 bottles. In addition, the medicine is produced in a glass cartridge of 3 ml. From one part it is closed with a plug and covered with aluminum, and with the second - piston. Cartridge has 3 metal bulbs. The package includes 5 such cartridges.

pharmachologic effect

Insulin reduces glucose content, supports the formation of new compounds and reduces catabolic effects. The drug contributes to the movement of glucose by cells and synthesizes glycogen. The effect of administration under the skin occurs after one hour, it becomes maximum in three hours and saved from 11 to 20 hours. The T1 / 2 parameter is 5 minutes, and in the presence of renal failure, it increases significantly.


Insun Basal GT is used in diabetes mellitus, which requires the introduction of additional insulin.


The drug is not used at high susceptibility to insulin or to the ingredients contained in it and with energy starvation. It should be accurately taken to take a medicine during the impaired work of the kidneys, as well as the people of senior and elderly. In addition, it is worth controlling the reception of the drug in the stenosis of the coronary and brain arteries, in the formation of additional blood vessels And with randomly joining diseases.


The dosage of the medication requires an individual approach with regard to a certain diet of the patient, the rhythm of its life and the intensity of sports. The doctor should also issue all the recommendations on the frequency of production of the glucose content. When passing a patient from any insulin on insums, the Basal GT may need a dose adjustment. So when changing an animal-type insulin on the human, a dose reduction is needed, and most of all people with understated glucose content and energy starvation. Under excessive doses of insulin and antibodies, there may be situations that require the production of dose adjustment at the time of the replacement process to another insulin or a couple of weeks after it is replaced. Each transition to other insulin requires careful tracking of glucose content for 20 days. Patients who need to receive a drug in high doses in the presence of antibodies require translation to another insulin only in stationary conditions under the control of the doctor. There are also additional reasons for dose adjustment: reduction or weight gain; significant changes in the usual life mode; other factors that lead to an increase in the risk of developing hypo-or hyperglycemia. It is worth noting that there are dosages for special categories of patients: 1. Elderly people - the need for insulin they have significantly reduced, and therefore it is important to select doses with maximum thoroughness in order to prevent the development of the hypoglycemic effect. 2. Patients violated the work of the liver and kidney - the need for insulin they also decrease that it is worth considering. Insun Basal GT is introduced very deeply under the skin an hour before meals, the place of the injection in the features of a certain part of the body it is important to constantly change. The replacement of the area for the reference is made only in coordination with the doctor, since the absorption of the drug, which means the effect of reducing glucose content, may vary on the basis of the selected portion of the body. The drug does not need to be used in the pumps. It is strictly forbidden to introduce insums Basal GT in Vienna. It is worth noting that the drug cannot be combined with other insuls and other concentrations. The first injection of insulin from the bottle requires the removal of the cap. Before this suspension needs to be carefully stirred, avoiding the formation of foam. After shaking, it must be uniform consistency and the color of milk. It is not necessary to introduce a suspension if its species does not match the instructions required, and, for example, retains transparency or has flakes and lumps. If this happened, then you should take the next bottle and must inform the doctor about what happened. Before the set in the syringe, air is allowed in the same volume as the dose of insulin and produce it into the vial, after which, turning the syringe, type prescribed dose of the drug. Before injection, it is important to remove all the air from the syringe. The injection itself occurs as follows: the skin fold is taken at the specified doctor of the body, after which the needle is introduced under the skin and insulin itself. After graduation, the needle is carefully removed, and the place of administration is causing a cotton wool impregnated in alcohol solution. On the bottle, you must apply the date of the first use of the medicine. The price of insums Basal GT may vary on the basis of the region and category of pharmacies. Open the bottle should be kept at temperatures up to + 25 ° C a maximum of 28 days where sunlight does not penetrate dry warmth. When applying the cartridge, you need to insert it into a syringe knob and leave alone for two hours, because the cooled insulin contributes to the appearance of painful sensations at the time of the injection. For the preparation of a suspension, the cartridge needs to flip at least 8-9 times. The resulting suspension should have a homogeneous structure and color of milk. If she has a different color or traces of flakes or lumps, then the suspension needs to be immediately thrown away. It is necessary to apply an identical cartridge and report an happening doctor. The cartridge cannot be used for mixing insuman Basal GT with other types of insulin. It is impossible to replenish the cartridges again, which have already been used. If a syringe knob is fixed, you can take the necessary dose from the cartridge using a classic syringe. It is important to understand that the insulin content in the cartridge reaches 100 me / ml, and therefore it is worth using only plastic syringes, which are adapted for such a medication. In the syringe, there is no presence of a different medicine or balances of insuma Basal GT. The installed cartridge is required to consume for 28 days. It is necessary to ensure its storage at temperatures up to + 25 ° C where the sunlight and dry heat does not enter.

Side effects

The use of medication can cause the development of hypoglycemia, which is common by-effectWhat is manifested in case the dose overlaps the need. Repetition of the manifestations of energy starvation can provoke symptoms of neurology disorders, including comatous states and convulsive attacks. Long and complex episodes of manifestations can significantly threaten a person, including leading to death. A sharp decrease in glucose content can cause reasons for the development of energy starvation or cause the heapiness of the brain. In addition, other side effects should be noted: 1. Immunology - allergic manifestations of insulin or auxiliary ingredients, negative reactions to skin cover. 2. The metabolism is the delay of salts and swelling, especially in case of late and irregular control over the metabolism with intensive consumption of insulin. 3. Bodies of view - incoming impaired views due to violation of the structure of the turgore of the eye lens. 4. Leather and fabrics under it - the development of fatty tissue pathologies at the injection site and reducing the absorption rate of the drug. In such situations, it is necessary to constantly change the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin for injections to resolve the doctor. 5. Disorders and damage in progress places - redness of the skin, painful sensations, itching, urticaria, swelling and inflammation. The pronounced manifestations of allergies to the drug in the place where the injection was made, as a rule, disappear through a period of time, constituting from 2 days to 2 weeks.


Overdose medication, for example, the introduction of an excessive dose in a ratio with eaten food or energy consumption, may cause severe manifestations of hypoglycemia, which can serve as a real threat, up to death. For the treatment of cases of hypoglycemia of minor complexity, when the patient maintains clear consciousness, use relief by consuming carbohydrate food. A dose adjustment may be required, a change in the rules and frequency of meals and adjust the degree of activity in sports. More complex hypoglycemia situations, which can be combined with a comedose state, convulsive spasms or failures in the work of neurology can be stopped by the administration of glucagon intramuscularly or subcutaneously, or the administration of the dextrose solution of high concentration in Vienna. For children, determining the dose of dextrose occurs, taking into account the mass of their body. As soon as the glucose concentration increases, it may be necessary to receive carbohydrate food and control of the attending physician, since after the initial treatment of hypoglycemia symptoms, it may occur. In the treatment of children, it is important to carefully monitor the content of glucose, since it may be the likelihood that severe manifestations of energy starvation will develop. In cases of severe hypoglycemia for a long time after the use of glucagon or dextrose, it is necessary to put a dropper with a high concentration dextrose solution in order to avoid the development of energy starvation again. In addition, it is worth considering that some conditions may require human transportation to the resuscitation separation for strict control over its condition and control over all therapeutic measures.

Medicinal interaction

Insuchant Insuchant Basal of GT with other medications may look as follows: 1. With beta-adrenobloclars, clonidine, lithium salts - reduction in the hypoglycemic drug effect. 2. With ethanol - reducing the hypoglycemic action of the drug, increasing the risk of energy starvation, reduced glucose content to the value threatening and life. 3. With Pentamidine - an increase in the risk of developing energy starvation, which is capable of moving to hyperglycemia. 4. With sympatholic preparations - a decrease or full removal Symptoms of reflexes nervous system.

special instructions

With minor glycemic control or when symptoms of hyper-or hypoglycemia appears, before deciding on a dose adjustment, it is necessary to monitor the execution of the assigned administration mode. In addition, it is important to make sure that the drug will be administered to the doctor, the body, and check the adherence to the proper equipment of the injection, as well as all other factors that can significantly affect the action of the dosage form. Since the simultaneous use of drugs, which are indicated in the instructions can reduce or increase the hypoglycemic effect of insuban Basal GT. Each interaction and combination of any other drugs should be strictly agreed with the doctor. If the dose of insulin exceeds the required, the risk of energy starvation has arisen. The high probability of this is traced in the initial period of treatment with insulin, as well as when translating the patient to another insulin, as well as people with low doses of glucose to support. Insun Basal GT requires compliance with special caution, and therefore it is necessary to intensively monitor the glucose content in people who have cases of manifestation of energy starvation are important in relation to the clinic. For example, in patients with stenosis of coronary or brain arteries, cardiac or cerebral complications as a result of energy starvation can be recorded. It is worth noting those patients who are recorded by proliferative retinopathy, especially if there are no laser therapy. Since it is precisely the risk of the manifestation and progression of transient symptoms of blindness to a complete extent when manifesting energy starvation. Some symptoms are evidenced about the development of energy starvation: excessive sweating; Excessive humidity skin Pokrov; the increase in the heart rate and its failures; increase pressure; Pain for chest; tremor limbs; bouts of concern; constant hungry feeling; attacks sleepy state; sleep rhythm; manifestation of fear and depressive condition; attacks of irritation and manifestations of strange behavior; panic attacks; feeling of burning in the mouth and in the area around him; Changing skin color; headaches; coordination violation; violation of speech and vision; Loss of self-control. That is why the patient must carefully monitor any changes in its condition and control the concentration of glucose to avoid the development of hypoglycemia. In order to reduce the concentration of glucose, you can take some sugar or eating food, which contains a large amount of carbohydrates. That is why the patient is important to always have a minimum of 20 g of glucose at hand. In situations of severe states of energy starvation, subcutaneous glucagon injections were prescribed, which should only be performed by a doctor or medical personnel. As soon as the patient's condition improves, he needs to eat tightly. In the event that it is not possible to get rid of the attack of energy starvation, it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor who needs to report on the development of the symptoms of the power plant. It is he who decides on the importance of conducting corrective dose changes. Violation of power rules, missed injection, increased necessity due to infectious diseases, reducing activity during sports can cause an increase in glucose content, including with an increase in the content of ketone bodies. With the appearance of such symptoms as a feeling of dryness in the mouth, frequent urge to urinate, the loss of appetite, increased fatigue, dryness of the skin, increased breathing and increased content Acetone in the urine is very important to urgently go to the doctor. Any change of a doctor, for example, hospitalization or the need to appeal to a doctor during a trip, a person must be reported on its diabetes mellitus. If the situations of the normal or reduced hemoglobin value are recorded, it is necessary to prepare for the possibility of developing repeated and night cases of energy starvation. To reduce the risk of manifestations of energy starvation, it is important that the patient strictly obsessed the appointed dosage regime and the power rules, followed the injection technologies and had an idea of \u200b\u200ball signs of energy starvation. There are indicated factors that increase the risk of developing energy starvation, and therefore require increased and attentive control and adjustment of the dose. This should include: change the body area for administration of a dose; improving sensitivity to the drug; an increase in activity in the physical plane, which is not familiar; vomit urge and diarrhea; reduced food consumption; missed food intakes; reception alcoholic beverages; Endocrinological type diseases; The interaction of drugs. It is worth noting that with intercurrent type diseases, careful metabolic control is needed. Most of Such situations require regular urine tests for the presence of ketone bodies, which can talk about the need for a dose correction. Often there are situations when the need for insulin increases sharply. Patients who are delivered to the first type diabetes must constantly eat a small portion of carbohydrate food. This is necessary even if the patient can eat a small portion of food or if they have vomiting the urge. The main thing is not to abandon the introduction of insulin. Very often, patients with increased sensitivity to an animal insulin are experiencing difficulties in moving to human, since the cross effect of immunological type takes place. Increased sensitivity of the patient to an animal insulin requires an assessment of the tolerability of insuman Basal GT using intradermal tests. If the results are shown increased sensitivity To human insulin, then subsequent treatment requires strict control from the attending physician. In the manifestation of symptoms of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, disorders may occur in the ability of the patient to concentrate attention and the rate of perception of psychomotor-type reactions is reduced. Reviews about Insun Basal GT says that the drug can lead to visual disorders, which represents a danger when driven by car or other vehicles.

Pregnancy and lactation

In pregnancy, it is important to continue taking insuman Basal GT. It is worth saying that insulin does not have the ability to penetrate through the placenta. It is important to carry out metabolic control throughout the entire period of pregnancy with those whose diabetes It was diagnosed to pregnancy and those whose gestational diabetes is beginning to manifest on the background of pregnancy. In the first trimester, the need for insulin can decrease, but its increase in the second and third is noted. After delivery, the need for insulin is rapidly decreased, which leads to an increase in the likelihood of risk of energy starvation. Attentive control over the content of glucose is required during pregnancy and immediately after the delivery. When planning pregnancy and, if it is imposed, it is important to report this to your attending physician. Before you begin planning, you should consult with your doctor and find out all the features of both pregnancy preparation and at the very first signs of it. It is important to note that in the period of breast feeding to the use of insulin there are no contraindications, but taking into account the adjustment of both an insulin dose and the power mode.

With violations of the kidney function

The need for insulin in patients with a violation of the kidney work can significantly decrease, which should be taken into account for a timely adjustment of the dose.

When violations of the liver function

The need for insulin in a person with impaired liver work can significantly reduce what should be taken into account for a timely adjustment of the dose.

Application in old age

Patients in old age are faced with situations where the need for insulin decreases, and therefore the beginning of therapy, an increase in the dose and its selection to support is especially careful and with maximum accuracy and attention to avoid the development of hypoglycemic reactions.

Terms and Storage Terms

The medicine must be stored at a temperature of + 2 ° C to + 8 ° C in a place that is closed from sunlight and dry heat. It is forbidden to freeze the medicine. Buy Insun Basal GT in Moscow or in the region, you can only on a doctor's prescription. It is important to avoid direct contact with the freezer or frozen products. It is not necessary to lock the medicine, and if necessary, to defrost the freezer, it is important to consider insulin storage. It is important to carefully track the expiration date of both uncovered medicines and those that are a margin for subsequent use. Each outdoor bottle or cartridge is best signed to sign the same day when it was started. This approach will allow you to track the expiration date and the frequency of use of the drug. The started bottle or cartridge must be stored at temperatures up to + 25 ° C in a cardboard package in a place where there is protection against sunlight and dry heat. Insun Basal GT should also be kept in a place that is not available for children.

Presented information about drug prices is not a proposal for the sale or purchase of goods.
The information is intended solely for comparing prices in pharmacies operating in accordance with Article 55 of the Federal Law "On Creating Drugs" from 12.04.2010 N 61-FZ.
The site does not contain information on retail sale by remote method, proposals for the acquisition by remote method, delivery of remote method and (or) transmission to the physical face with a remote method of drugs, narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs, and only leads information on the presence of medicines in organizations, licensed for pharmaceutical activities.
Prices are given as reference information. Information about the prices and availability of goods with their order must be specified by phone pharmacies.


"Insuman Basal GT", description

Composition and form of release

In 1 ml of suspension for subcutaneous administration, contains:

active substance: man insulin 100 me; Crystal Protamine Insulin 100% -3.571 mg.

auxiliary substances: Protamine sulfate-0.318 mg, M-cresol-1,500 mg, phenol 0,600 mg, zinc-0.047 mg chloride, dihydrofosphate sodium dihydrate-2,100 mg, glycerol (95%) - 18,824 mg, sodium hydroxide (used to bring pH) -0.576 mg, hydrochloric acid (used to bring pH) -0.246 mg, water for injection - up to 1 ml.

In the 1 glass bottle of 5 ml of suspension. Packing 5 bottles.

pharmachologic effect

Hypoglycimizing agent.

Insun Basal GT contains insulin, identical by its human insulin structure and obtained by genetic engineering using the E. coli K12 135 PINT90D strain.

Insulin action mechanism:

  • reduces blood glucose concentration;
  • promotes anabolic effects and reduces catabolic effects;
  • increases the transfer of glucose inside cells and the formation of glycogen in muscles and liver and improves the recycling of pyruvate;
  • inhibits glycogenolysis and glyconeogenesis;
  • increases lipogenesis in the liver and adipose tissue and inhibits lipolysis;
  • contributes to the flow of amino acids into cells and protein synthesis;
  • increases the flow of potassium into the cells.

The sugar-overcoming effect occurs within 1 hour, and reaches a maximum for 3-4 hours after subcutaneous administration of the drug. The effect is maintained for 11-20 hours.

Indications for use

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.


The reaction of hypersensitivity to insulin or to any of the auxiliary components of the drug, except in cases where insulin therapy is vitality.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding


Treatment Insun Basal GT should be continued during pregnancy. During pregnancy, especially after the first trimester, an increase in insulin need should be expected. However, immediately after childbirth, the need for insulin usually falls that entails a significant risk of hypoglycemia.

With the occurrence of pregnancy or when planning pregnancy, it is necessary to inform the doctor.


In the period of breastfeeding, there are no restrictions on insulin therapy. However, a dose and diet can be required.

Side effect

Head brain swelling.

The frequency of adverse reactions below was determined by the following gradations:

Very often (≥1 / 10).
Often (≥1 / 100 and<1/10).
Infrequently (≥1 / 1000 and<1/100).
Rarely (≥1 / 10,000 and<1/1000).
Rarely (<1/10000).

From the cardiovascular system


From the immune system

The frequency is unknown - allergic reactions of an immediate type on insulin or an auxiliary substances of the drug, generalized skin reactions, angioedema edema, bronchospasm, decrease in blood pressure, anaphylactic shock, antibody formation to insulin.

From metabolism and nutrition

The frequency is unknown - sodium delay.

Often - swelling.

From the authority of sight

The frequency is unknown - transient visual disorders, transient to amavrosis.

From the side of the skin and subcutaneous fabrics

The frequency is unknown - lipodystrophy at the injection site, slowing the local insulin absorption.

General disorders and disorders at the injection site

The frequency is unknown - redness at the injection site, pain in the injection site, itching in the area of \u200b\u200binjection, urticaria at the injection site, swelling in the area of \u200b\u200binjection, inflammatory response at the injection site.


Simultaneous reception of a number of drugs can weaken or strengthen the sacharging effect of Insun Basal GT. Therefore, when used insulin, no other drugs cannot be taken without a special permission of the doctor.

Hypoglycemia can be observed if patients simultaneously with insulin are obtained by ACE inhibitors, acetylsalicylic acid and other salicylates, amphetamine, anabolic steroids, and men's sex hormones, cyclophosphamide, fibrathiramine, cyclophosphamide, phenfluramine, fluoxetine, guanethidine, and phosphamide, Mao inhibitors, oral sushairs , pentoxifillalin, phenoxybenzamine, fantolamine, propoxyphen, somatostatin and its analogues, sulfonamides, tetracycles, trutokvalin or trophosfamide.

The weakening of insulin's effect may be observed while simultaneously appointing insulin and corticotropin, corticosteroids, diazoxide, heparin, isoniazide, barbiturates, nicotine acid, phenolphthalene, derivatives of phenothiazine, phenytoin, diuretics, danazole, doxazozin, glucagon, estrogen and progestogennes, somatotropin, sympathomometric agents and thyroid Gomon.

In patients at the same time receiving insulin and clonidine, reserpine or lithium salt, may be observed both attenuating and the potentiation of insulin action.

Pentamidine can cause hypoglycemia with subsequent hyperglycemia.

Alcohol consumption can cause hypoglycemia or reduce the low blood sugar level to a dangerous level. Tolerance of alcohol in patients receiving insulin, reduced. The permissible volumes of alcohol consumed must be determined by the doctor. Chronic alcoholism, as well as chronic excessive use of laxatives, can affect the level of glycemia.

Beta blockers enhance the risk of hypoglycemia and, along with other sympatholytic means (clonidine, guanethidine, reserpine), can weaken or even mask the manifestation of hypoglycemia.

Insun Basal GT can be mixed with all the insuls of the person of the company Hehest Marion Russel, with the exception of insulins intended for pumping.

It is impossible to mix Insun babels of GT with insulins of another concentration (for example, 40 me / ml and 100 me / ml), with insuls of animal origin or other drugs.


Symptoms: an insulin overdose can lead to severe and sometimes lifetime hypoglycemia.

Sudden sweating, heartbeat, tremor, feeling of hunger, drowsiness, sleep disorders, feeling of fear, depression, irritability, unusual behavior, feeling of anxiety, paresthesia in the mouth and around the mouth, pallor, headache, non-appropriate movements, as well as transient neurological disorders (violations Speech and vision, paralytic symptoms) and unusual sensations. With the increasing drop in the level of sugar, the patient may lose self-control and even consciousness. In such cases, cooling and humidity may be observed, and cramps may appear.

In many patients, as a result of the adrenergic feedback mechanism, the following symptoms may develop, indicating a reduction in blood sugar levels: sweating, skin moisture, anxiety, tachycardia (heartbeat), high blood pressure, tremor, styled pain, heart rate disruption.
Treatment: the patient can correctly adjust the sugar level decreased by them by taking sugar or food with a high content of carbohydrates. To this end, the patient should always have 20 g of glucose.

With more severe states of hypoglycemia, the glucagon injection is shown (which the doctor or medium honey can do).

After a sufficient improvement in the state, the patient should eat. If the hypoglycemia cannot be immediately eliminated, then you should urgently call a doctor. It is necessary to immediately inform the doctor about the development of hypoglycemia in order for it to make a decision on the need to correct the dose of insulin.

If the patient is conscious, then it should be immediately taken glucose with the subsequent use of products containing carbohydrates (see precautions).

If the patient is unconscious, it is necessary to introduce 1 mg of glucagon in / m. Alternatively, or if the injection of glucagon was not effective, a 20-30 ml of a 30% -50% glucose solution in / c is injected. If necessary, it is possible to re-introduce the above dose of glucose.

In children, the amount of glucose administered is set in proportion to the mass of the child's body.

In cases of severe or long hypoglycemia, following the injection of glucagon or glucose administration, it is recommended to produce an infusion of a less concentrated glucose solution in order to prevent the reduction of hypoglycemia.

Young children need to carefully monitor blood sugar levels due to the possible development of severe hypoglycemia.

Method of application and dose

Selection of insulin dose in a patient is carried out by a doctor individually depending on the diet, the level of physical activity and lifestyle.

The dose of insulin is determined on the basis of blood sugar levels, as well as on the basis of the planned level of physical activity and condition of carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin treatment requires the corresponding patient's self-preparation. The doctor must give the necessary instructions to how often to determine blood sugar levels and, possibly, in the urine, as well as provide relevant recommendations in the event of any changes in the diet or in insulin therapy mode.

The average daily dose of insulin is from 0.5 to 1.0 me per kg of patient body weight, and 40-60% of the dose accounts for insulin of a person prolonged action.

When transition from insulins of animal origin, a person may need a decrease in insulin dose. The transition from other types of insulins to this drug can be carried out only under medical supervision. Especially frequent control over the condition of carbohydrate exchange is necessary in the first week after such a transition.

Insun Basal GT is usually introduced deeply subcutaneously in 45-60 minutes before meals, intramuscular administration is allowed in exceptional cases. The injection site should be changed every time. The change in the injection area (for example, from the belly on the thigh) should be made only after consulting with the doctor. Insun Basal GT is not used in various kinds of insulin pumps (including implanted).

Intravenous administration of the drug is absolutely excluded!

It must be remembered that the insulin concentration in the vial is 100 me / ml, so it is necessary to use only plastic syringes calculated on this insulin concentration. The syringe should not contain any other drug or its residual quantities.

Before the first set of insulin from the bottle, it is necessary to remove the plastic cap (the presence of a cap - evidence of an unbroken vial). Immediately before the set, the suspension must be well mixed, and a foam should not be formed. It is best to do, turning the bottle, holding it under an acute angle between the palms.

After stirring, the suspension must have a homogeneous consistency and milk-white color. Suspension cannot be used if it has any other kind, i.e. If it remains transparent or flakes or lumps in the fluid itself, at the bottom or walls of the bottle. In such cases, another bottle must be used, satisfying the above conditions, and should also be informed by the doctor.

Before a set of insulin from the vial in the syringe, the volume of air equal to the prescribed dose of insulin is suused and introduced it into the vial (not in the liquid). Then the bottle, along with the syringe, turn the book with a syringe and dial the desired amount of insulin. Before injection, you must remove air bubbles from the syringe. At the injection site takes the folds of the skin, the needle is introduced under the skin and insulin is slowly introduced. After injection, the needle is slowly removed and pressing the place of the injection tampon for a few seconds. The date of the first set of insulin from the bottle should be recorded on the bottle label.


Application for renal failure

It is possible to reduce the need for insulin due to a decrease in insulin metabolism.

Application in elderly patients

A gradual decrease in kidney function can lead to an ever-increasing reduction in insulin need.

Hepatic insufficiency

The need for insulin can decrease due to the ability to glukegenesis and reduce insulin metabolism.

Application with a pronounced narrowing of coronary and brain arteries

Hypoglycemic episodes may have a special clinical significance, as there is an increased risk of cardiac or cerebral complications of hypoglycemia.

Application for proliferative retinopathy

In patients who did not receive treatment with photocoagulation (laser therapy), with hypoglycemia there is a risk of transient amabase - full blindness.

Application for intercurrent diseases

Often enhances the need for insulin.

The reaction of hypersensitivity to insulin or to any of the auxiliary components of the drug, except in cases where insulin therapy is vitality. In such cases, the use of insums Basal GT is possible only with careful medical control and, if necessary, combined with antiallergic therapy.

It is possible to cross-immunological insulin reaction of a person with insulins of animal origin. With an increased sensitivity of the patient to an insulin of animal origin, as well as to M-Crezol, the tolerance of insuman Basal GT should be appreciated in the clinic using intradermal tests. If the intradermal test is detected by hypersensitivity to the person's insulin (immediate reaction, such as Artus), then further treatment should be carried out under clinical control. In a fairly large number of patients with hypersensitivity to insuls of animal origin, a transition to insulins of a person is difficult due to cross-immunological reaction of insulin of human insulin and an animal insulin.

Patients, regularly controlling blood sugar and urine, are less likely to risk the development of hypoglycemia. Under certain circumstances, the symptoms of hypoglycemia can be weakly expressed or may be absent. Such situations are found in elderly patients, in the presence of lesions of the nervous system (neuropathy), with concomitant mental diseases, with concomitant therapy with other medicines (see the interaction), with a low supporting level of sugar in the blood, when changing insulins.

The following reasons for a sharp reduction in blood sugar levels are possible: an insulin overdose, incorrect injection of insulin (in elderly patients), transition to another type of insulin, the passage of food intake, vomiting, diarrhea, physical activity, removal of stressful situations, alcohol consumption, diseases that reduce the need In insulin (severe liver or kidney diseases, reducing the function of the adrenal cortex, pituitary gland or thyroid gland), changing the injection site, (for example, skin of the abdomen, shoulder or hips), as well as interaction with other drugs (see interaction).

The risk of the development of hypoglycemia is high at the beginning of insulin treatment, when moving to another insulin preparation, in patients with low supporting blood sugar levels.

Failure to comply with the diet, passing insulin injection, increased need for insulin as a result of infectious or other diseases, a decrease in physical activity can lead to an increase in blood sugar level (hyperglycemia), possibly with an increase in the level of ketone bodies in the blood (ketoacidosis). Ketoacidosis can develop for several hours or days. At the very first symptoms of metabolic acidosis (thirst, frequent urination, loss of appetite, fatigue, dry skin, deep and rapid breathing, high concentrations of acetone and glucose in the urine) need urgent medical intervention.

When changing the doctor (for example, when hospitalized about an accident, disease during vacation), the patient must inform the doctor that he has diabetes mellitus.

Since some side effects can be, under certain conditions, life-ingrading, it is necessary to inform the attending physician when they appear.

If you notice any side effects, please consult a doctor!

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

The tendency to pronounced hypoglycemia can disrupt the ability of a patient to driving a car and managing any technique.

Storage conditions

Store at temperatures from + 2 ° to + 8 ° C (vegetable domestic refrigerator department). Do not allow freezing, avoiding direct contact of the bottle with the walls of the freezer or the cold storage. After opening, the vials can be stored at a temperature not higher than + 25 ° C in heat protected and heat.
Shelf life: 2 years. Opened bottle to store for 4 weeks.
Store in places inaccessible to children.
Do not use after the expiration date.

Latin name:Insuman Basal GT.
ATH code: A10A C01
Active substance: Isophan
Manufacturer:Sanofi-Aventis (FRG)
Vacation from Pharmacy: On prescription
Storage conditions:at t ° 2-8 ° C
Shelf life:24 months

Insun Basal-GT - insulin medication of the average duration of action. Assigned to control glycemia in patients with SD.

Composition and dosage form of the drug

In 1 ml - 100 mg of bio-engineering insulin.

Additional ingredients: Protamine sulfate, M-cresol, phenol, zinc chloride, glycerol, caustic soda, salt to-one, water, etc.

HP in the form of white or whitish, easily dissipating, suspension intended for p / to injections. Silends in glass cartridges placed in one-time syringe knobs or bottles packed in strips. In a pack of tight cardboard: 5 Sh.-R. (3 ml) or 5 bottles (5 ml), abstract.

Medical properties

The hypoglycemic effect of Insuman Basal is achieved due to its component - insulin-isophane. The substance in its structure and properties is similar to the hormone produced in the human body. It is obtained using genetic engineering.

The drug relates to a group of drug duration drugs. After administration, subcutaneously binds to certain cell membrane shell receptors, forming a specific complex activating the intracellular processes occurring. Reduces glucose level by accelerating its transportation, absorption enhancement, braking of synthesizing the liver, activating metabolic processes with its participation.

The duration of the effect rendered to the drug depends on the speed with which the insulin is absorbed in the body, dose, area of \u200b\u200binjection, the method of administration. Therefore, insulin acts specifically not only among different diabetics, but even in one patient.

The average rates of Isophane: the beginning of the action - after an hour and a half after the injection, the highest effect manifests itself on a segment of 4-12 hours, the duration of the hypoglycemic action is up to 1 day.

The drug is distributed over the tissues in different volumes, it is not capable of passing into milk and through the placenta. It is disposed of in a significant amount in the liver and kidneys. Displays with urine.

Mode of application

All features of the use of insuman Basal GT (dosage, time of administration, the target concentration of sugar) should be determined and adjusted solely individually taking into account the diet and physical exertion of the patient. The unified recommended dose of insulin, universal for all patients, does not exist. In the medium, the recommended daily amount of insubaman bases is 1/2-1 IU per 1 kg of mass.

After appointment, the attending endocrinologist must provide recommendations how to enter, at what time and how to react to glycemia jumps.

If Diabetics to Insuman Basal applied another type of insulin

Average price: FL. (5 pcs.) - 1492 rub., Spr.-R. "Solostar" with a cardboard. (5 pcs.) - 1294 rubles.

Translation from another type of hypoglycemic drug should be under the control of the doctor. It may be necessary to change the dosage of injections. If before this diabetics is colole insulin animal origin, then the daily amount of insubaman basal can be reduced, especially in those who have been spelled out low doses, as well as in patients with increased threat of hypoglycemia. The need to change the dosage may occur immediately during the transition or form for several weeks of application.

After the start of the new course, it should be especially carefully tracking the fluctuations in glycemia. Diabetics, which previously applied large doses of insulin due to the presence of antibodies, should be under magnishing under the hospital.

Other correction factors insulin doses

With better control of glycemia, increased sensitivity to the drug may occur, which will cause a decrease in insulin's demand in the body. In addition, the correction must be carried out at:

  • Weight change
  • New lifestyle (including diet, physical activity, etc.)
  • Other states or factors in which the trend towards the emergence of hypo-or hyperglycemia is intensifying.

Features of the use of the drug in some groups of diabetics:

  • Elderly: the need for the body in the hormone can decrease, therefore the beginning of the course, the change in the daily amount of the drug should be carried out with increased caution so as not to provoke glucose drops and subsequent states.
  • Diabetics with renal failure and / or liver: there is a decrease in insulin need.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is known that insulin is not capable of passing through the placental barrier. The use of insuman Basal GT in the occurrence of pregnancy can be continued.

Throughout the hatching is extremely important to carry out competent control of glycemia. If diabetes was diagnosed before pregnancy or evolved during the gestational period, the endocrinologist may prescribe a drug after studying the concomitant factors and glucose indicators.

The need for an body in insulin may decrease first pregnancy and then increase in 2 and 3 periods. During childbirth and immediately after them, the need for insulin falls, which can cause hypoglycemia. Therefore, for the implementation of normal control of glycemia, it is necessary to continuously monitor the indicators of glucose concentration.

If a woman is preparing for motherhood, then she must inform you to inform your doctor.

During lactation there are no obstacles to the appointment of insulin therapy. At the discretion of the physicians of a nursing woman, an insulin and daily diet can be proposed.

Contraindications and precautions

Insun Basal should not be applied if there is a patient:

  • Increased sensitivity or complete intolerance to the components of the LAN
  • Hypoglycemia.

The drug is not provided for use using infusion equipment, insulin pumps.

Relative contraindications in which the appointment should be carried out with caution, and the course of therapy is constantly monitored by doctors, is:

  • Insufficient functioning of the kidneys and / or liver in elderly diabetics
  • Disorders of the SSS.
  • Proliferative retinopathy.

Cross drug interactions

During the insulin rate, insulin Basal GT must be borne in mind that, when combined with some drugs, a change in hypoglycemic action or distortion of therapeutic effects of other drugs is possible:

  • The sugar-imaging effect of insuman is enhanced and lengthened by combining with oral sugarpponent LS, IAPP, IMAO, Dizospimide, Salicylate, Anabolics, LS with men's hormones, fluoxetine, phenfloramine, andphosphamide, sulfonamide, amphetamine, tetracycline, etc., etc.
  • Combination with GKS, diuretic drugs, corticotropine, danasol, glucagon, hormones (estrogens, gestagenami), sympathomimetics, thiraque substances, phenothiazine derivatives, barbiturates and some other LS reduces the hypoglycemic effect of insulin.
  • When combined with women, clonidine, lithium salts, an insuman base Basal is impossible to predict: a hypo-or hyperglycemic effect may develop.
  • Ethanol acts on an insulin drug is also unpredictable: Insuman action may increase or decrease. It should be borne in mind that if the level of glycemia in the patient is lowered, then under the action of alcohol-containing drinks or drugs, its level can decrease to critical, which may pose a threat to the health and life of diabetics.

Side effects

During the use of drugs, it is necessary to take into account that insulin basal is able to provoke disadvantaged states in diabetics.


The most common side effect in insulin therapy. It develops in the case when the dose was applied, multiple times exceeding the body's need for insulin. Repeated severe cases of falling the level of glucose contribute to the development of neurological disorders that may be accompanied by convulsions, a coma. Too long and heavy attacks can provoke the death of the patient.

If the reduction in glucose concentration occurred sharply, it can cause hypokalemia with complications of the SCC and / or the edema of the brain.

In addition to hypoglycemia, diabetic has other undesirable phenomena, manifested in the form of violation of the internal organs and systems:

  • Manifestation of allergy: anaphylaxis, generalized reactions on the skin, swelling of quinque, bronchi spasm, antibody formation (may require insulin dose correction).
  • SCCs: Fall hell.
  • Metabolic processes: swelling, excess sodium in the body.
  • Vision organs: return violations, short-term deterioration of retinopathy, lesion of optic nerve or retina, followed by temporary or constant blindness.
  • Leather and subcutaneous tissue: lipodystrophy (with permanent injections in one place), as a result of which - the deterioration of insulin suction.
  • Other violations: red in the place of injection, itching, soreness, urticaria, subwoile, or swelling, inflammation.


Introduction of too much insubaman Basal disproportionally consumed food volume or spent energy resources leads to the development of hypoglycemia of varying severity.

With a non-expressed pathology, diabetics can eliminate hypoglycemia independently, adopting carbohydrate food.

With severe overdose forms, when hypoglycemia provoked the loss of consciousness to whom, convulsions or neurological disorders, the patient requires medical care. In these cases, it is recommended that the concentrated dextrose is influenced either to a / m or n / m to the glucagon. If hypoglycemia arose in a child, then the number of these solutions is calculated according to body weight.

After rising glycemia, it is possible to re-reduce the glucose content, so the patient is carried out by supporting carbohydrate products.

If a heavy state after an overdose lasts too long time or manifests itself too intensively, then the patient can prescribe a re-administer of dextrose in a smaller concentration to prevent a possible attack. It is especially closely necessary to track the level of glucose in young children, as they are most susceptible to severe hypoglycemia forms.

In some cases, the patient is hospitalized for further observation and control.


The question of replacing the drug with a different type of insulin can solve only the attending endocrinologist.

Marvel L.S. (India)

Average price: 1 FL. 40 me (10 ml) - 535 rubles., 1 FL. 100 me (10 ml) - 536 rubles., Cartr. 100 me (5 pcs.) - 1080 rubles.

LS from diabetes 1 and 2 types. Created on the basis of the human bio-engineering insulin of the average action. Produced with insulin content of 40 or 100 meters.

The diagram of administration and the amount of injection is determined by the type and severity of diabetes concomitant pathologies and other patient features.


  • Well tolerate
  • Price.


  • It is difficult to choose the desired dosage
  • It does not always help to reduce sugar.
**** HOECHST Marion Roussel Aventis Pharma Doychland GmbH Sanofi Aventis Doychland GmbH / Sanofi-Aventis Sutty Hehest Marion Russel GmbH

Country of origin

Germany Germany / Russia

Group of goods

Digestive tract and metabolism

Insulin Human average duration of action

Forms of release

  • 3 ml - colorless glass cartridges, mounted in Solostar® syringe knobs (5) - cardboard packs. 5 ml - colorless glass bottles (5) - packs cardboard.

Description of the dosage form

  • Suspension for p / to the introduction of white or almost white, easily dispersible.

pharmachologic effect

Hypoglycemic drug, insulin of average duration of action. Insun® Basal GT contains insulin, identical in its structure of human insulin, obtained by genetic engineering using E.Coli K12 135 PINT90D. The mechanism of action: - reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood, contributes to anabolic effects and reduces catabolic effects; - increases the transport of glucose inside the cells and the synthesis of glycogen in the muscles and the liver, improves the utilization of pyruvate, inhibits glycogenolysis and gluchegenesis; - increases lipogenesis in the liver and adipose tissue and suppresses lipolysis; - contributes to the flow of amino acids in cells and protein synthesis; - Increases potassium intake inside cells. The effect of the drug Insun® Basal GT begins gradually and continues for a long time. After p / k administration, the hypoglycemic effect occurs within 1. h and reaches a maximum after 3-4 hours. The effect is maintained for 11-20 hours.


In healthy patients, T1 / 2 insulin from plasma is approximately 4-6 minutes and is lengthened with renal failure. However, it should be noted that insulin pharmacokinetics does not reflect its metabolic action.

Special conditions

In case of insufficient glycemic control or the appearance of a trend towards the episodes of hyper-or hypoglycemia before making a decision on an insulin dose correction, it is necessary to verify the implementation of the prescribed insulin administration mode, to make sure that insulin is entered into the recommended area, check the correctness of the injection technique and all other factors which may affect the effect of insulin. Since the simultaneous reception of a number of drugs can weaken or increase the hypoglycemic effect of the drug Insun Basal GT, when it cannot be taken any other drugs without a special permission of a doctor. Hypoglycemia hypoglycemia occurs if the dose of insulin exceeds the need for it. The risk of hypoglycemia is high at the beginning of insulin treatment, in the transition to another insulin preparation, in patients with a low supporting blood glucose concentration. As with all insulins, it should be particularly careful and it is recommended to carry out intensive control of blood glucose concentration in patients for whom hypoglycemic episodes may have a special clinical value, such as patients with severe stenosis of coronary or brain arteries (risk of cardiac or cerebral complications of hypoglycemia) , as well as in patients with proliferative retinopathy, especially if they have not been made photocoagulation (laser therapy), since they have the risk of transient amabase (full blindness) in the development of hypoglycemia. There are certain clinical symptoms and signs that should indicate a patient or those surrounding the developing hypoglycemia. These include: increased sweating, humidity of the skin, tachycardia, heart rate disorders, increased blood pressure, stylish pain, tremor, anxiety, feeling of hunger, drowsiness, sleep disorders, feeling of fear, depression, irritability, unusual behavior, feeling of concern, paresthesia mouth and around the mouth, pallor of the skin, headache, disorders coordination of movements, as well as transient neurological disorders (voice and vision violations, paralytic symptoms) and unusual sensations. With increasing decrease in the concentration of glucose, the patient may lose self-control and even consciousness. In such cases, cooling and humidity may be observed, and cramps may appear. Therefore, each patient, with diabetes, receiving insulin, must learn to recognize unusual symptoms that are a sign of developing hypoglycemia. Patients regularly controlling blood glucose concentrations are less likely to risk the development of hypoglycemia. The patient can correctly adjust the decrease in blood glucose concentration by them by taking sugar or food with a high carbohydrate content. To this end, the patient should always have 20 g of glucose. With more severe states of hypoglycemia, the glucagon injection is shown (which the doctor or medium honey can do). After sufficient improvement


  • insulin-Isaofan (human genetically engineering) 3.571 mg (100 me) Auxiliary substances: Protamin sulfate - 318 μg, metacrezol (M-cresol) - 1.5 mg, phenol - 600 μg, zinc chloride - 47 μg, sodium dihydrogenphosphate dihydrate - 2.1 mg, glycerol 85% - 18.824 mg, sodium hydroxide (for bringing pH) - 576 μg, chloride acid (to bring pH) - 246 μg, water d / and - up to 1 ml. Insulin-Isaofan (human genetically engineering) 3.571 mg (100 me) Auxiliary substances: Protamin sulfate - 318 μg, metacrezol (M-cresol) - 1.5 mg, phenol - 600 μg, zinc chloride - 47 μg, sodium dihydrogenphosphate dihydrate - 2.1 mg, glycerol 85% - 18.824 mg, sodium hydroxide (for bringing pH) - 576 μg, chloride acid (to bring pH) - 246 μg, water d / and - up to 1 ml.

Insun Basal GT indications for use

  • - diabetes mellitus, requiring insulin treatment.

Insun Basal GT Contraindication

  • - hypoglycemia; - Increased sensitivity to insulin or to any of the auxiliary components of the drug, except in cases where insulin therapy is vital. With caution - with renal failure (it is possible to reduce the need for insulin due to a decrease in insulin metabolism); - in elderly patients (a gradual decrease in kidney function can lead to an ever-increasing reduction in insulin need); - in patients with hepatic insufficiency (insulin need can decrease due to reduction in glukegenesis and decrease in insulin metabolism); - in patients with severe stenosis of coronary and brain arteries (in these patients, hypoglycemic episodes may have a special clinical importance, since there is an increased risk of cardiac or cerebral complications of hypoglycemia); - in patients with proliferative retinopathy, especially not receiving treatment with photocoagulation (laser therapy)

Insun Basal GT Dosage

  • 100 me / ml

Insun Basal GT Side Action

  • Hypoglycemia hypoglycemia, the most frequent side effect of insulin therapy, can develop if the dose of insulin inserted exceeds the need for it. Heavy repeated episodes of hypoglycemia can lead to the development of neurological symptoms, including who, convulsions. Prolonged or severe hypoglycemia episodes can threaten the lives of patients. In many patients, symptoms and manifestations of neuroglycopenia may precede the symptoms of reflex (in response to developing hypoglycemia) activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Usually, with a more pronounced or more rapid decrease in blood glucose concentration, the phenomenon of reflex activation of the sympathetic nervous system and its symptoms are more pronounced. With a sharp decrease in glucose concentration in the blood, hypokalemia is possible (complications from the cardiovascular system) or the development of brain edema. Below are unwanted phenomena observed in clinical studies, which are classified by system-organ classes and in order to reduce the frequency of occurrence. Violations by the immune system Allergic reactions of an immediate type on insulin or auxiliary substances of the drug (frequency of unknown) can manifest itself in the form of generalized skin reactions (the frequency of unknown), angioedema edema (unknown frequency), bronchospasm (frequency of unknown), reduction of blood pressure (frequency unknown) and anaphylactic shock (infrequent reactions) and can threaten life

Medicinal interaction

Co-use with hypoglycemic agents for oral administration, ACE inhibitors, dyspeciramide, fibrators, fluoxetine, Mao, Pentoxyphylin inhibitors, propoxyphen, salicylate, amphetamine, anabolic steroids, and male gender hormones, cybenzene, cyclophosphamide, phenfloramine, guanethidine, yphosphamide, phenoxybenzamine, fantolamin, Somatostatin and its counterparts, sulfanimides, tetracycles, trutcy-water or trophosphamide can enhance the hypoglycemic effect of insulin and increases the predisposition to the development of hypoglycemia. Co-use with corticotropin, GKS, Danazole, diazoxide, diuretics, glucagon, isoniazide, estrogen and progestogens (for example, present in combination contraceptives), a derivative of phenothiazine, somatotropin, sympathomometric means (for example, epinephrine, salbutul, terbutalin), thyroid hormones, Barbiturats, Nicotine Acid, Phenolphthalene

Storage conditions

  • dry
  • bear from children
  • storing
Information is provided by the state register of medicines.


  • Biogulin tape U40, Isophane Insulin World Cup, Levulin L, Levulin H, Montotard, Humulin L, Humulin N
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