Concealer well conceals acne. How to cover acne with foundation and achieve an even tone? How to mask acne on your face with makeup

It often happens with you that at the most crucial and important moment an enemy - a pimple - can get out on the skin? There is no time to undergo acne treatment at the moment, because you need to look great already tonight? The fight against acne is in full swing, but you don't want anyone to know about it? Are you familiar with these problems? Then read on. We'll show you how to cover up acne on your face foundation correct and, most importantly, safe.

How to cover up acne on your face

As you know, quite most of cosmetics, especially prohibitively cheap, are unlikely to help in eliminating the problem, so it is worth choosing concealers from natural ingredients. In addition, in the developed 21st century, cosmetics have long been invented that not only will not cause more harm, but also slightly heal problem skin. Yes, such cosmetics will cost a little more, but taking care of yourself and your health is priceless.

So how to cover acne on your face with foundation?

Unfortunately, one foundation will not be enough, which is quite logical. After all, the skin, before properly covering acne with foundation, will need to be prepared and only then resort to inventions of the space industry.

  • Lotion or tonic. These products must be used constantly, they will rid the skin of excess fat and bacteria, remove shine. It will make the application of cosmetics easier and better.
  • Comfortable brushes , sponges or beauty blenders. Of course, you can apply makeup with your finger, but for a better and even application, it is recommended to use a brush or a beauty blender. The sponges, unfortunately, retain too many bacteria and are not recommended for reapplying makeup. Brushes are more hygienic and comfortable, and beauty blenders are the best option only if they are washed after each use.
  • Base cream ... It is necessary for a competent and correct distribution of makeup, besides, with it it will look fresh and will not flow for a long time. In addition, it is the cream-base that is recommended to be selected with the effect of reducing inflammation.
  • Concealer or concealer ... They are found both in a cream base and in the likeness of a pencil. For reddish pimples, a greenish concealer is perfect. Do not be surprised or afraid that later the skin will acquire a "frog" shade, just green perfectly masks the red color, and it will still lie on top tonal basis.
  • Tonal basis for covering acne on the face. Here the choice is simply huge: cream powder, liquid or more creamy, mattifying and with a healthy shine effect. It is recommended, of course, that the tonal base is quite dense in structure, in order to surely hide the flaws.

Attention! You should not constantly use thick foundation! Otherwise, the skin will not breathe, which will lead to a lot of inflammation.

Such make-up should be done in exceptional cases, when it is "very necessary".

Instructions on how to properly mask acne with foundation

Strong recommendation - do not squeeze out pimples yourself right before applying makeup. This will only lead to a worsening of the situation, besides, extremely unpleasant consequences are possible: scars, infection and stains.

  • Wash with soap, preferably tar. It will dry the skin and all pimples well, and remove dirt from the face.
  • Use lotion. The inflamed area is best treated pointwise and with extreme care.
    Applying makeup base. It is better to apply with fingers, massaging movements. Usually the makeup base is applied to the T-zone and inflammations. After application, you need to wait a little so that the cream is absorbed.
  • Concealer. He is the main friend and comrade in disguise. It is applied to the center of the inflammation by a point method, using a special brush. After gently shading, green color concealer visually removes redness, nude, matched to your own skin color, gives the skin smoothness and natural color.
  • Foundation. The main thing is not to rub! Only light patting movements. A beauty blender will perfectly help with this, which, thanks to its shape, will cope with the uniform application of foundation.
  • Powder. In principle, you can ignore this point, but to give the skin a matte and uniform tone, you can wave the brush a couple of times.

Also, if inflammation is not numerous, you can do without foundation at all, stopping only at concealer with powder.

Little tricks for disguising red inflammation

  • If there was no reliable concealer at hand, and the foundation turned out to be too light, then here are a couple of tricks to distract attention from problem areas.
  • Under no circumstances use bright red lipstick. Unfortunately, against its background, the pimple will only become more noticeable and brighter. Better to opt for calm shades or shine.
  • Don't blush your face. Again, as with red lipstick, this will only make matters worse. If you really want to emphasize the cheekbones, then it is possible to use yellowish-brown bronzer.
  • Focus on the eyes, but again without bright and flashy colors, the classic smokey eye will divert all attention to itself.
  • You can also apply eye drops to the pimple before makeup, which constricts blood vessels. This will remove redness at least for a short time.
  • If there is at least a night in stock, then you can apply a little toothpaste to the pimple before going to bed or stick it small piece aloe. The redness will be much less in the morning.

It is highly recommended that before thinking about how to properly mask acne with foundation, it is better to think about their treatment and eliminate the problem altogether. Rememberthat not always external treatment in the form of creams and lotions will help. It might be worth a colon cleanse or. It is best to go to a specialist, and then enjoy clean and healthy skin that does not require tons of cosmetics.

23 Jan 2017 2621

A painfully familiar problem for many, especially disturbing in spring, is acne. They cause a constant feeling of inferiority and embarrassment, less often itching and other unpleasant sensations. What if you can't quickly remove acne on your face? How to cover them up before leaving the house? The question interests many. There are, of course, many ways, you just need to choose the right one for a particular skin type.

The foundation will help

How to cover acne on the face with foundation? This method is the most popular. The cream must meet the requirements stated on the label and have the maximum effect.

By its composition, it should be thick and contain many masking components. To hide redness, you need to choose a greenish tone cream color scheme. Such creams better than others correct the complexion, making it perfect.

Pay attention to the composition

The main rule when choosing a cream is a low fat content and the presence of anti-inflammatory components in the composition.

  • the minimum percentage of fat (or oil free);
  • not comedogenic (no comedones);
  • no chemical based dyes;
  • a small amount of flavors and fragrances.

Saving on cosmetics can trigger new acne on your face. How to cover them up? You should use a special cosmetic line for oily and problem skin... It must be natural and hypoallergenic. And it is advisable to choose cosmetics from well-established firms and brands. It is better to purchase foundation from network representatives, on proven Internet sites or in specialized stores.


The pink foundation will emphasize the presence of acne on the face. Dark shades will only lie on dark, healthy skin. Therefore, it is necessary to select the color of the cream based on the tone of your own skin, in extreme cases, a little lighter.

Inflamed, plentifully scattered acne on the face after covering with a foundation must be sprinkled with powder. It should be light brown.

The best option for not very healthy skin would be mineral-based cosmetics. It contains flickering particles. Choosing a foundation, as you can see, is not easy. Sometimes you can aggravate the situation and give impetus to new rashes.

The disguise must be correct

How can you cover up acne on your face in order to achieve a lasting result? There are several secrets.

The first point involves deep cleaning of pores from excess oil and dirt. The result of applying a matting cream depends on the correct and high-quality cleansing of the skin, which should hide inflammatory process... There are many tools for this today. But they should be as suitable as possible for your skin type. You can buy a facial cleansing lotion, scrub, gel or toner, or special wipes for problem skin. Each of these products should be based on a cucumber, extract from seaweed or aloe. They will not only fulfill their main function, but also restore water balance subcutaneous layer.


What to do next, how to hide acne on your face? How to cover it up correctly? After moisturizing and cleansing the skin, we apply a base - the thinnest layer of cream that will be the base of the makeup. The main purpose of this tool is to "stick" the rest of the makeup layers. In addition, such a base blocks the penetration of various infections onto cleansed skin and accelerates the healing of inflamed areas.

When choosing a tonal base, one must first of all build on the required density, consistency and components. A good base lineup necessarily includes useful acids, soothing oils, antibacterial extracts and herbal extracts.


The next item is work as a proofreader. It is designed to mask individual inflamed areas. If there are acne on the face, how to cover them with a corrector? You need to choose a rather thick product, since just a drop of it can hide even very large acne. If it is customary to apply with a sponge, then for a corrective agent you need to take a special soft brush. With its help, the borders of the concealer are easily shaded with the rest of the makeup. The product blends perfectly with the skin and hides enlarged, inflamed pores.

Branded products contain yeast and beet extract, shea butter, Indian date. These elements control the amount of subcutaneous fat produced. The presence of special pigment components in the concealer gives the make-up a twelve-hour guarantee. In all respects, it is an ideal remedy for inflamed skin.


For perfect fixing of previous products and masking unhealthy shine, you need to use a powder that dissipates easily. Microscopic powder particles even out the tone and complexion. The skin takes on a velvety matte finish and acne is hidden. If the powder is ballpoint, you will need a fan brush to apply it evenly. Oily spots around acne will be hidden by loose powder. It is applied with a large bristle natural brush. They literally take powder on the tip of the brush and in a circular motion move from the lower part of the face to the forehead.

If traces of inflammation are visible after the layer of powder, then what to do? How to cover acne on the face with foundation? It is necessary to apply a couple more drops of the cream to problem areas and sprinkle with powder again.

A light sea tan or a youthful, healthy glow can be achieved with a liquid blush. It is worth putting two or three points on the cheekbones and blending with your fingertips.

Finish with a bronzer. Preference is given to a tone that is slightly darker than the natural skin color. It should be applied to the chin, sinuses and the outer corners of the eyelids.

How to cover up red acne on your face? If there are several of them, then each must be masked separately, starting from the center, and shade the foundation further in circular movements. If there are many of them, select any and further process each one.

There are special two-tone pencils on sale for masking individual acne. First, the problem area is covered with a green side. It has anti-inflammatory effects. Then apply the product on the flesh side. The secret here is that the pencil (both sides) should not touch the skin around the pimple.

Secret disguise without makeup

Girls who consider makeup to be an unnecessary waste of money and time are tormented by the question of how to cover up acne on the face without a foundation. Toothpaste will help them.

True, after application, you need to wait at least forty minutes before proceeding further. And it will help if there are one or two acne.

Antibiotics also work well with this. A tablet crushed into gruel ("Naphtizin", "Streptocid" or the like) should be applied to the problem area. Then you need to wait about ten minutes and remove the product with a damp cloth.

There are ways to reduce the size of pimples, to make them invisible. On a small piece of a cotton swab (literally a few millimeters), drop two or three drops of Vizina and apply it to the inflammation. It will narrow blood vessels and dry the skin at the problem area. Or we take a small piece of a cotton pad, moisten it with water and freeze it. Apply an ice disc to the pimple and leave it on for no more than five minutes. These procedures will noticeably reduce the size of the rash.

Makeup features

In the period of exacerbation of acne on the face, makeup should be done, taking into account some subtleties.

We focus on the eyes, in particular on the eyelids. Well-defined arrows are a must. It is better to use bright shadows, if the shape of the face allows, they should be applied in the style of "cat's eye". Contrast will be a distraction. For example, dark skin and light eyes. No need to highlight lips. They can highlight problem areas of the skin. You can afford a light gloss or lipstick in natural tones without a pencil stroke.

Blush also requires caution. It is better to give them up for a while.

And most importantly, all cosmetics must be durable. Otherwise, it can crumble or drain and reveal what has been hidden for so long.


The main thing is to understand that the question should not be how to cover up acne on the face, but that it must be cured!

"I love my acne" - not a single girl on the planet said! We have already told many times, both in the salon and with the help of proper home care. And we still believe that the best way to hide pimples is to get rid of them. But this process (of acne treatment) can take a long time. True, some types of acne are treated for several months, and then scars or dark spots after acne may remain. In general, an acne corrector is a must-have for the period while you are trying to get rid of skin problems.

How to disguise acne if it is quite large or in the form of a rash? And how to cover up pimples, which are already under the skin, do not "shine" red, but spoil the skin relief? For all questions, there is one secret makeup artist technique that allows you to create an effect perfect skin even with the most serious flaws.

This makeup technique is used by all makeup artists to mask acne, rosacea and other skin imperfections - from Charlotte Tilbury and Lisa Eldridge to Peter Phillips. The technique is called "spot camouflage" or "spot concealing".

How to cover up acne and other imperfections

Step 1 - leaving

Before starting makeup, you need to prepare your skin. If you have acne, simple moisturizer and sun protection won't be enough. Before any bases, apply an acne gel on acne (alternatively, acne patches). Wait for the gel to dry on the skin. This will help dry out the pimple and also "seal" it from any makeup infection getting in and out of it.

Step 2 - base

The base under the foundation is a necessary step to help even out the skin's texture. This will prevent pimples from sticking out over the skin. In addition, it will be a kind of shield between makeup and skin, which will save you from the appearance of new pimples. Wait until the base is absorbed.

Step 3 - tone

Applying foundation is an optional step. If your skin tone is already good and even, and there are only a couple of pimples on your face, then for a daytime look, you do not need to apply foundation. Just go to the next step.

If your complexion needs correction, use the foundation with the lightest formula - fluid, serum, liquid cream, BB, CC creams. You just need to even out the tone a little, and not create a mask on the face with a "foundation" of dense texture. In addition, creams that are too dense, especially those with a long lusting formula, can clog into the pores and cause irritation and new acne.

Step 4 - concealer

To mask acne, professional makeup artists recommend using highly pigmented concealers with a "stretching" formula. That is, the corrector should not dry the skin, otherwise the pimple will be knocked out of the general picture. Professionals, for example, choose the following correctors and concealers to mask pimples:

  • Laura Mercier's Secret Camouflage Concealer;
  • Vichy Derma Blend SOS Cover Stick;
  • Cover FX Cream Concealer, Benefit Boing concealer;
  • Vichy Dermablend Fluid Corrective Foundation;
  • Tarte Cosmetics Shape Tape Contour Concealer;
  • M.A.C Pro Longwear Concealer.

Apply the product pointwise evenly to the tone of the skin, tap into the pimple with your finger, and brush the borders with a fluffy brush so that the concealer merges with the foundation. Lisa Eldridge, Creative Director of LancĂ´me, recommends using eye makeup brushes (clean, of course) to correct imperfections. They are softer and smaller, which allows you to literally do jewelry work in point disguise of flaws.

Step 5 - pinning

To fix the concealer, you can use 2 types of products - a fixative spray or transparent powder. You just need to cover the whole face with them, in a very thin layer. This will not move the tone, but the skin will have a uniform texture. The spray should be taken only with a matte finish, so as not to highlight the pimple with a glow even more.

That's all, in such a simple way, you can mask a pimple with makeup, without creating a mask effect on your face.

First of all, it must be said, acne on the face needs to be treated. For correct treatment it is extremely important to find out the cause of acne. You may need to consult an endocrinologist who can find out if acne is associated with hormonal changes in the body. In addition, it will significantly improve the condition of the skin, with a limited amount of fats and carbohydrates. And, of course, of cardinal importance is cleansing it of excess fat and dirt that clog pores and cause inflammation.

But all of the above is not a process of that day. But what to do if at a very crucial moment in our life there is an unexpected evil pimple or several? Here the question arises: "How to disguise acne on the face?"

First of all, you need to remember that in no case. By doing this, you will only increase the area of \u200b\u200binflammation, leaving a bloody trail that will subsequently become non-healing.

You can, of course, apply a thick layer on your face in the hope of hiding acne. But in this case, the face will have an unnatural look, and you are unlikely to feel attractive on a date or in a responsible meeting. There are some simple tricks to cover up pimples and make them invisible.

First, we will make the pimple smaller. To do this, we take a very small piece of cotton wool (about 0.5 mm by 0.5 mm) and drip a few drops of Vizin on it. It has vasoconstrictor properties and dries out the skin. Place a wet piece of cotton wool in the freezer for just a few minutes. During this time, it will be covered with ice. Then we apply this frozen cotton swab directly to the pimple and leave it on for about 5 minutes. After such a procedure, it will decrease significantly. If the eel is large enough, the process can be repeated again.

We cover with cosmetics

Now you can start using makeup. Skillful application of decorative cosmetics is an excellent disguise in case of unforeseen skin rashes. You just need to consider a few simple rules in the use of decorative cosmetics..

  1. First of all, the skin needs to be degreased and cleaned. To do this, you can use a gel or toner to tighten the pores.
  2. Use a non-greasy cream as a base. The effect will be better if it also contains anti-inflammatory components.
  3. Now you can apply foundation over the base. Its tone should be slightly lighter than your natural skin color. The tonal color of a dark shade looks good only on healthy skin, and on inflamed skin it will look extremely ridiculous. Avoid shades of pink, as pink highlights all imperfections and imperfections in the skin.
  4. Do not use blush in light pink tones. If you cannot do without them - stop at light brown shades.
  5. We take a camouflage pencil with a green tint (it is he who is great for masking) and put a dot in the very center of the pimple. Then gently blend the product over the surface around the other side of the flesh-colored pencil.
  6. To make the complexion more uniform and have a matte shade, use it lightly.
  7. Refrain from using lipstick in bright shades this time. The bright color makes the acne areas look more inflamed.
  8. Try to shift the focus from the face to the eyes. Make them more expressive, then pimples on the face will remain less noticeable.

This way of disguising hated eels has its drawbacks. Chief among them is fragility. Several hours pass - and the face is again covered with grease, acquiring an oily sheen. At the same time, pimples come out, and general state the skin becomes even worse than before applying makeup.

We select the right cosmetics

Carefully selected cosmetics will slightly facilitate the task and cope with such a problem. It should be specifically for oily problem skin, contain anti-inflammatory components, and antioxidants. It is very important that cosmetics do not include:

  • Saturated fat;
  • Chemical dyes;
  • Flavors;
  • Comedogenic components.

For those who have skin problems, only hypoallergenic cosmetics on a natural basis are suitable. Of course, it is not cheap and not available in all stores. But saving on good cosmetics that do not worsen the condition of the face, we not only will not hide any defects, acne or acne, but we can also aggravate skin disease.

Thus, well-applied cosmetics can act as an "emergency service" in cases where acne needs to be urgently and thoroughly masked.

You shouldn't give up important meetings, dates and going to a party because of the vagaries of your skin. Acne is always possible gloss over foundation, concealer or pencil, but how to hide acne for those who do not use cosmetics?

Improvised means

The best way to disguise acne is to treat it drastically. But it takes from a couple of days to a week, and you have a maximum of night! In addition, even healthy skin can easily become inflamed.

So, if this happened a couple of hours before publication, the terrible inflammation can be soothed with ... toothpaste... The method is proven, but before you cover up acne with this remedy, you can cauterize them with calendula. Of course, there is no guarantee that it will pass at all, but the inflammation will come down and everything will not be so scary. Do not forget to wash off the paste after an hour and use moisturizing cream.

In half an hour, a remedy such as Vizin... Just apply it and wait while it works. And it works thanks to tetrazoline, which narrows blood vessels and relieves inflammation, including on the skin. It does not cure the very reason, but you can quickly mask acne with Vizin.

It is not necessary for them to smear acne. Apply a few drops of the product to a cotton swab and hide it in the freezer for three minutes (it freezes quickly). After taking it out, immediately apply it to the places of the disaster on the skin and wait 5 minutes. By the way, when vizin melts, it sticks to the skin itself.

If there are 12 hours in stock, then the question of how to remove acne quickly is no longer so acute.

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In this case, you can use egg white: beat it up and apply on inflammation. After waiting 20 minutes, rinse. This should take away small rash and minor inflammations.

Another option that may work is instant coffee... Apply the coffee powder to the skin, rub for two minutes and leave for another ten. Then we wash it off.

If everything is more serious, then antibiotics, streptocide, naphthyzin or paracetamol will come in handy, and citramone will also work. Grind the tablets, just apply the powder to the inflammation, use the drops in the same way as vizin. Let it dry and then rinse. This will relieve inflammation and calm the abscess.

If there's a whole night ahead, that's even better. Here is the good old calendula will help, and other remedies for inflammation. Useful here lemon juice and aloe... The juices are applied in several layers to the skin one by one and left overnight. Such a mask will remove inflammation and lighten the skin a little, which means that acne will become almost invisible.

A little makeup

If everything did not work out as well as we would like, and the skin is far from perfect, then it will not hurt to resort to cosmetics.

And pimples so that no one would guess? At first, no need to apply foundation all over your face. Secondly, there are camouflage pencils and concealers. So, an acne pencil will make it less bright due to the fact that at first the pimple turns green. Thirdly, you should not use products with a lavender, yellowish or greenish tint - it is too unnatural.

Only beige and pink natural tones. You can treat the dark area around the inflammation, and the light one - the pimple itself. After shading and brushing with powder.

You can use only one powder, but with reflective particles.

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