Fast lifting of the pummest syndrome. How to get rid of hangover: effective means and recipes

In many people, after a stormy party, the next morning begins very hard. It is guilty, the so-called hangover syndrome, which has all sorts of manifestations. Each person hangover is manifested in his own way: someone has a headache with a hangover and dizziness appears, someone torments a strong thirst, some are annoying sounds.

In any case, a strong hangover brings a lot of unpleasant sensations, especially since in this state, you have to deal with some kind of affairs or go to work.

It was then that many people have a question - how to treat a hangover?

The sooner you try to prevent hanging syndrome, the weaker the symptoms will be.

Symptoms of hangover

The main signs of the hangover are quite obvious, and they are difficult to confuse with something else.

The main symptoms of the hangover are:

  • Headache;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Irritability;
  • Trembling in the whole body (tremor);
  • Depression;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Pain in the limbs;
  • Vomiting;
  • Nausea;
  • Increased sensitivity to noise and light;
  • Redness of the eyes;
  • Irritability.

Also, with a hangover syndrome, a person may feel guilty for the events that took place on the eve, while clearly realizing that he did not commit any shameful actions.

No clear alcohol rate that would cause a hangover. It all depends on the mental and physical condition of a person. However, the higher the concentration of alcohol in the blood during intoxication, the subsequent symptoms will be expressed.

Many are asked - how long does the hangover last?

An unambiguous answer to this question simply does not exist. It all depends on the amount of dried alcohol, from the individual characteristics of the body and, finally, from a complex of measures taken by man to cure a hangover. Below we will tell you how to cope with the hangover to lead yourself in just a few hours.

Tablets from hangover

Everything pharmaceutical preparationshelping to remove a hangover can be divided into several groups:

Thipping preparations for intoxication

This group of drugs belong:

  1. Limontar
  2. R-X 1
  3. Zerax

The first drug includes lemon and succinic acids, with the result that the oxidation time of alcohol is reduced to a minimum. In addition, succinic acid with a hangover improves cellular respiration, it helps to increase immunity and derives toxins from the body.

The drug with an unusual name R-XE 1 also has a disintellation action. And the composition includes calcium pantothenate and unitiol, which bind and remove toxic substances.


Drugs included in this group are very similar in their effect on antitoxic drugs, but they act only at the level digestive system. Finding into the body, adsorbents begin to bind and absorb ethanol metabolism products that are in the stomach and in the upper intestinal parts.

At the same time, drugs of this group do not affect biochemical reactions occurring in the body.

Bright representatives of this group are:

  • Activated carbon
  • Enterosgel
  • Smekt
  • Polysorb.


Preparations of this group also allow to overcome a hangover. In the process of taking alcohol in the body, the water-salt balance is broken, as a result of which a person begins to experience severe thirst. Therefore, with a hangover, along with disintellation drugs, a solution should be taken:

  • Citraglukosolan
  • or Hydrovitis Forte.

These drugs contain the required number of potassium salts and sodium, which leads to the norm of the water-salt balance and eliminates many signs of severe hangover.


No matter how cool, according to many people, best tool Aspirin and its derivatives are considered from the hangover.

Aspirin with hangover allows you to remove the strongest headaches and the feeling of breaking. However, it is not necessary to completely discharge such drugs as:

  • Nurofen.
  • Pentalgin
  • Analgin, etc.

All these tools quickly remove pain and do not have a negative action on water-electrolyte balance in organism.

Preparations from hangover with hepatoprotective action

This group of medicines from the hangover includes drugs that contain essential phospholipids in their composition, which protect the liver cells from the toxic effects of alcohol.

These drugs include:

  • Livolin Forte;
  • Brency Forte;
  • Cut pro;
  • Lipostabil;
  • Phosphatidylcholine;
  • Phosphycial;
  • Essliver Forte;
  • Esssential Forte.

What helps from the hangover?

Most of our readers are interested in the question, which better helps from the hangover. Despite the fact that now you can find almost any preparation from the hangover, not all pharmaceutical tools are equally effective. Below we will only give those tools that really help alleviate the hangover.

So, the effective means of hangover themselves are considered:

  • Tablets Zerax;
  • Tablets aspirin;
  • Mineral water;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Cucumber or cabbage brine;
  • Kvass;
  • Chicken bouillon.

Folk remedies

Many ask how to quickly remove the hangover without resorting to industrial preparations?

Sometimes it is enough to use simple recipes folk MedicineTo bring yourself into shape.

Means number 1.

So, so as not to hurt with a hangover:

  • mix a tablespoon of 9% vinegar with one raw egg.
  • add salt, pepper and thoroughly mix everything.
  • Drink the drug by a volley;

If a headache is very bad, drinking with a hangover is better not ordinary water, but brine or bread kvass.

From a long time, the sauerkraut, cucumber brine and kvass were considered the most effective means from the hangover, as they fled the lack of phosphorus electrolytes, sodium, magnesium and potassium.

Means number 2.

From the hangover helps the following tool well:

  • connect 2 tablespoons of cream, 5 g of nutmeg, 150 ml of tomato juice, 200 g of beer.
  • thoroughly mix and drink salvo;

For a few hours after the awakening, the hangover with salt removes the hangover. Only drink this juice should be slow sicks or through the tube;

Means number 3.

Well removes the hangover of herbal decoction based on rosehip.
For its preparation, take:

  • 4 tbsp. Spoons of richness fruit
  • 3 tbsp. Honey spoons
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of dyeing
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon of the Hypericum.

Fill the collection of boiling water and insist within an hour. Then divide the decoction into several parts and consume during the day.

Fucking cocktails

If nothing of the above methods does not help, you can use one of the energy cocktails offered below to put yourself in order.

Banana Anna

For cooking cocktail you will need:

  • polbanana
  • 5 ml of honey
  • 30 g Lyme juice
  • 60 g vodka.

Mix all the ingredients and drink a cocktail by a volley.

Bermuda Triangle

To prepare a restoring cocktail you will need:

  • 60 g of orange juice
  • 60 g cranberry juice
  • 45 g Roma.

Mix all the ingredients in the glass, add several ice cubes and penetrate the volley.

Sea breeze

For the preparation of the energy cocktail you will need:

  • 45 g of a ramberry juice
  • 135 grapefruit juice
  • 45 g vodka.

Mix all the ingredients in a deep glass, add a ice cube and drink salvo.

How to move away from the hangover

Many representatives of the strong half of humanity are interested in how to quickly move away from the hangover?

In addition to use drug addictsYou can use the following tips:

  • Inheriting the morning after a rapid party, get up from bed and running a bathroom to take a cold shower.

    Such a procedure will give the force to the body to combat toxins and will help finally wake up

  • If the head hurts the hangover, cold compress will help you. To do this, place several ice cubes in the package, wrap it with a towel and attach to your head.

    The cold is extended blood vessels And pain subsight

  • Some of the winning bath with essential oils helps some. Fill the bath with hot water, the water temperature should be not lower than 37 degrees, drip the essential oil of lavender and rosemary. Immerse yourself in water for 20 minutes;

    The hot tub helps the kidneys more efficiently withdraw from the body of the poisons and salt, so after the hot bath, the hangover is faster.

  • If you can, visit the sauna. It is enough to go into a steam room 2-3 times for 5-7 minutes so that toxins and alcohol decomposition products left your body;
  • Many helps from the hangover also a contrasting shower. First stand for 30 seconds under the warm shower, and then add hot water and stand for 20 seconds under the hot shower, and then turn off the hot water in general and stand only for 5 seconds cold water.

Speaking about ways that help to cope with the hangover, I want to say a few words about the prevention of this state. In order not to hurt with a hangover the next day after a rapid party, use the following tips:

  • A couple of hours before the alleged feast, take a small dose of a strong alcoholic beverage (50 or 100 g enough). For this, vodka or brandy will fit well. This will increase the production of enzymes in your body, which will contribute to the neutralization of alcohol and will not allow you to quickly intoxicate;
  • Do not lower degrees. Low alcohol drinks, especially carbonated, are easily and quickly absorbed by the body. And whiskey, vodka, brandy go a lot longer, but also hit the head stronger. Imagine, if you add a drink only to half an hour ago, you just drink a man - a man will rule to control his actions, trying to cheer up, but to become only worse;
  • A good snack may well save you from a hangover. However, oily food is not very suitable as a snack alcoholic beverages. Fats envelop the walls of the stomach, and alcohol is not as quickly absorbed. But at the same time, the urges appear to drink again, and everything does not go to the liver and destroys it.

    Do not use fatty food as a means of intoxication prevention. A fat snack helps if you plan to drink a little (about 300 g), but you want to preserve the clarity of consciousness.

    In a good snack there must be a minimum of fats. Best of all, cucumbers, white bread, low-fat meat and potatoes are suitable for snacks of strong alcoholic beverages.

  • So that there was no hangover after a rapid feast, drink so much water as it gets, and then feel free to go to bed. If you in the morning you need to go to work - stand apart earlier. User, after awakening, you will feel that there is no headache, and all thanks to the water. Your body has received the required amount of fluid to dissolve all alcohol oxidation products. Drink more water and relax.

But the most effective way from hangover is not to get drunk at all !!!

Aug 13, 2013 Littletoxa.

A hangover is a grave morning payback for a fun time spent on the eve. No man who is familiar with alcohol can avoid this unpleasant condition. If the fun is tightened, the yield from the feed is fraught with the strongest intoxication of the body, and, as a result, weighing unpleasant symptoms. The weight of the hangover depends not only on the amount of drunk, but also from the speed of the measures taken. The stronger to start fighting with a hangover syndrome, the easier and faster it will pass.

Ways to facilitate state

There is no unambiguous method that immediately remove all the manifestations of the hangover in a particular case. There are certain rules acting in case of poisoning by any substances, including alcohol.

In fact, the hangover syndrome is a consequence of body intoxication and is equivalent food poisoning. This means that treatment should consist of certain stages similar to the treatment of poisoning: the purification of the body, the removal of symptoms of the disease and feeding with the useful substances.

Medication tools

You can move away from the hangover at home using the following drugs:

  • Adsorbents.

These drugs operate on the principle of sponge, absorbing toxins and thus cleansing the body. They act within the digestive system and are useful if no more than two hours passed after the last use of alcohol. Adsorbents bind and absorb ethanol decomposition products in the intestine and the sections of the stomach, and after that are derived naturally. The group of these substances belong:

  1. 1. activated carbon - black or white;
  2. 2. Enterosgel;
  3. 3. Polysorb;
  4. 4. Lifener;
  5. 5. Polyfepan, etc.

The suspensions act faster on the body and allow you to qualitatively improve the condition, for their preparation 2 spoons of the powder mixed with a glass of water. Coal is given by one tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

  • Preparations that take intoxicating intoxication.

Specially designed complexes of medical supplements and drugs, facilitating hangover, have a similar effect, but their scope is not limited to the gastrointestinal tract. They include vitamin C and salts that are flushed in the process of drinking alcohol, it allows you to quickly cope with dry mouth. Preparations have a supportive impact on immunity and cerebral bark, activating its activities, contain components that dilute blood and removing the headache.

The list of drugs includes:

  1. 1. Alco-Zeltser - ambulance with hangover, containing alkali, aspirin and vitamin C;
  2. 2. Alka approx - a combined analgesic preparation recommended when hangover;
  3. 3. Antipheline - biologically active additivecapable of not only fighting alcohol intoxication, but also prevent its offensive.
  • Regiprants.

The therapeutic effect of these agents is based on the restoration of the water-salt balance, violating with any poisoning and after the filing. Adding potassium and sodium salts in combination with glucose quickly leads the body in order and removes many manifestations of abstinence syndrome. The drugs of this group include recider.

  • Novocaine.

If nauseous is very much, it is necessary to use a novocainam ampoule. It is broken, pouring the contents into a spoon and sharply, in one sip drink, picking up with a small amount of water. Novocain freezes the work of the muscles - the patient will not experience any unpleasant sensations, but the vomit reflex will stop after 10-15 minutes. This will allow to apply the following rehabilitation measures: drink brine or broth, swallow tablets without reverse reaction.

  • Ammonia.

Well cleanses the body and leads it to the active state of the ammonia. For therapeutic effect 6 drops of ammonic alcohol are diluted in a glass of ice water and give a drink to a person. Such a shock method disappears even very drunk and helps to start the process of exiting feed, it cannot be applied often and can only be used in emergency cases.

  • Analgesics.

Analgesics help relieve pain in the head, limbs and body, return the clarity of thinking. In addition, drugs do not affect the water-electrolyte balance and do not worsen the provisions. The classic version of the drug of this series is Analgin.

Aspirin belongs to anti-inflammatory drugs, but often used with hangover, especially people with heart disease. The tablet contributes to the discharge of blood, will accelerate the metabolism and prevent the occurrence of thrombus. The additional action of aspirin includes an anesthetic effect.

In no case cannot give medicine drunk: in combination with alcohol, it enhances poisoning.

  • Preparations from hangover with hepatoprotective effect.

The liver suffers the strongest in the abuse of alcohol. To help her cope with overload and protect cells from toxins, use medicinal productscontaining essential phospholipids as components. These include:

  1. 1. Livolin Forte;
  2. 2. Lipostabil;
  3. 3. Essentialy Forte and others with similar effect.

Folk ways to remove the hangover syndrome

Get rid of the symptoms of a hangover can not be accustomed to drug treatment, but by folk remedies. Most of the "craftsmen" believe that the wedge is knocked out by the wedge and drunk 100 grams of vodka will save the situation. In fact, 80% of such treatment ends with a mop, which is removed much more difficult than the consequences of one alcoholic evening.

Sometimes the body has enough methods proven by traditional medicine, especially since some of the products will certainly be found in the refrigerator. When leaving a long-term feed, these methods can be supporting and helping to facilitate severe conditions at home:

  • Cucumber or cabbage brine.

The fact is that this liquid contains a small share ethyl alcohol and copes with many symptoms by the method of wings, but so easy that it does not cause return to the rope. It has vitamins B and C, helping the body that has given a failure. These same substances are used in droppers when medical treatment Alcoholism. The use of fermented fermentation drinks and kvass for the same scheme helps to saturate the body with electrolyte salts and remove the manifestations of dehydration.

  • Chicken bouillon.

Solving the question, how to facilitate a hangover, you can pay attention to a good option to maintain the exhausted organism and the method of removing the hangover syndrome, which is chicken broth. It allows you to normalize the work of the stomach, without overloading it. The slow use of broth literally returns to life and does not cause nausea.

  • Useful drinks.

When alcohol overdose, the body needs vitamins. A special and rapidly reducing agent is a drink consisting of half a glass of fresh orange juice, three teaspoons of honey, lemon juice to taste and egg protein. The whipped or well mixed drug envelops the walls of the stomach and saturates the organism with nutrients.

A good version of antipochemel cocktails are any vegetable juices (the most affordable - tomato), mixed with raw egg, ice, salt and pepper. The mixture is very well shaken and drinks with a volley.

Weak black or green tea, chamomile infusion with the addition of mint and ginger diversify the used liquid and will help you easier to feel easier and cope with the state with IRC.

  • Cardamom seeds.

The effective method of facilitating the hangover is the Cardamon seeds. They must be chewing during the day at 2-3 grains at a time.

  • A oats decoction.

In the first hours of a hangover, a saving agent against him will be a decoction of oats. For the manufacture you will need a glass of cereals and a half liter of water. The ingredients are boiled for an hour, the solution is fastened, salted and is given by the suffering hangover.

  • The ancestors came out from the state of the feeding of a sharply rubbing her ears.

Activating and reducing energy is a walk in the fresh air. Firstly, the action of oxygen affects, and secondly, the attached efforts lead to abundant sweating, and toxins are output faster.

To prevent the onset of the hard stage of the hangover, you can take care of yourself and drink less or immediately after taking alcohol to use the double dose of the adsorbing agent. It will help the body faster cut, will not allow the manifestation of poisoning.

If the intake of alcohol is inevitable, you need to think in advance the saving plan, which will facilitate the condition in the morning. Such a sequence of actions will help relive the hangover and not enter the veil:

  1. 1. The best means of combating the effects of alcohol is a full sleep.
  2. 2. Cleansing the body must begin with a stomach. In the first two hours, you should not stop vomiting, but, on the contrary, provoke it. You should drink non-carbonated mineral water and pure salted water in large quantities. If the stomach refuses to work for a long time, novocaine can be used.
  3. 3. Despite the well-being, immediately after washing the stomach, you need to go to the ice shower. Water will launch the metabolic processes, and the cold will sweep and reduce the manifestations of some symptoms: will leave headache, the tremor will decrease, consciousness will clear up, and from the surface of the skin, the toxins are distinguished from then.
  4. 4. On the bedside table should be left in advance, with a strong headache, you can also make a compress.
  5. 5. Ply strong manifestations Inxication and during the exit of the sampling of the patient can be laid in a warm bath (without canceling the cold soul in the morning, but waiting after it is at least an hour). Add the essential oil of mint or lavender to the water. The temperature of 37-38 degrees accelerates metabolism and helps the kidneys faster to remove toxins. Many come out of the strongest swallows in the sauna or bath, but so heat After alcohol poisoning, he does not benefit the heart, causing it overload.
  6. 6. After the listed procedures are not necessary to neglect the means of traditional medicine and medicinal preparations. Even if the body's condition has improved, it is a temporary phenomenon, and it is better to take care of yourself in advance. Support the result of the selected method, and, if possible, go to bed. Near the bed put a large jug or a bottle of mineral water. During the day you need to drink at least two liters of fluid.

You can not use with a hangover tools that may worsen the condition:

  • strong black tea or coffee accelerate the suction of products into the body and cause fermentation in the stomach, affect pressure and heartbeat;
  • a steam bath or sauna enhance the load on the heart and lead to strokes and infarction;
  • sawmill is the worst solution, as it leads to the rope or continues it, without removing the problems of hangover.

The hangover on average lasts from one to two days. Most often, the peak of his manifestation becomes the first day, and the second organism reacts light weakness.

If the condition does not improve for two or more days, it means that the body is strongly poisoned.In this case, you need to seek medical help. The patient put a dropper, artificially removing toxins from the blood and injecting nutrients into the body.

- Thumping syndrome. Signs and Stages
- Stages of getting rid of hangover
— 7 best ways quickly remove hangover

Pummy syndrome is the consequence of long-term intoxication of the body alcohol. When a person stops drinking, voluntarily or forcibly, it comes the strongest discomfort, called the people on a hangover. A person does not want to perceive the surrounding validity adequately and seeks to soften the hangover with new doses of alcohol, which leads to a closed circle.

In medicine, such a phenomenon is called an abstineent crisis and is considered a serious ailment, burdened by a whole complex of mental and physiological problems.

People suffering from abstineent syndrome, it is difficult to cope with the ailment. Often, it is necessary to remove from the zayny and not without any help. There is also a lot of ways to quickly and effectively treat the hangover by people's ways.

Thumpling syndrome has its own clinical picture. General symptoms Expressed in the following:
1) trembling brushes, knees and head;
2) reluctance to eat;
3) periodic vomiting and nausea;
4) subfebrile temperature.

According to some individual symptoms of the abstinence syndrome, you can also determine the stage of alcoholism:

1) The first degree of chronic intoxication of the body is earned with years (on average about five years). A person regularly takes alcohol, and in the interruptions is experiencing strong emotional discomfort. High irritability, depressed mood, flashes of rapid wrath - bright psychological signs Pummy syndrome at the first stage of alcoholism. But it is still possible to treat it by household agents.

2) The second degree is developing faster and more intense. Emotional disorders During the abstinence periods are acute. Anger on people, uncontrollable aggression and the desire to handle everything around - these are symptoms of firing syndrome during alcoholism middle severity. At this stage, there are also obvious symptoms of physical deterioration in health: very fast fatigue, problems with liver and vegetative disorders (noticeable violations of coordination of movements). In this case, it is necessary to treat himself syndrome and its consequences.

3) The third degree is the most difficult. The concentration of ethyl alcohol in the body is so high that a person practically does not come out of alcohol intoxication, for which he is sufficiently minor doses of alcohol. Some psychological symptoms The opposite of the second degree: the rue is replaced by deep apathy, the outbreak of the malice - tearfulness. The identity of the patient undergoes serious changes. Violations nervous system They lead to deep depression, indifference to all occurring and neurological diseases.

At the first stage of alcoholism, a person can still cope with hanging syndrome on its own. On the second - it will take help with close people to quickly and efficiently get out of the binge without relapses. But at the third stage, the treatment of the abstinence syndrome is a lot of difficulties even in the hospital.

- Stages of getting rid of hangover

1) Purification of the stomach
To quickly get rid of suffering, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for cleansing the stomach. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a liter of a weak (slightly pink) solution of manganese and drink it. Then cause vomiting. Sometimes it is not required, so the body is trying to treat the alcohol poisoning itself independently causing vomiting. In such cases, the first time it should not be stopped, as it will allow you to clean the stomach. However, do not forget that excessively long vomiting may cause dehydration.

2) removal of toxins.
Deleting the remains of alcohol, should continue the treatment - to derive accumulated toxins. Activated carbon will help. When calculating a dose, it is necessary to take into account the weight - one tablet is taken at 10 kilograms of body weight. Lighting the state will help the ammonia alcohol. A few drops of alcohol on a glass of warm water will also contribute to the removal of toxins.

Treatment of intoxication can be carried out using sorbents. These drugs "bind" the poisoning ingredients and bring them out of the body, cleaning it.

Treatment of light hangover can be continued in a steam room or sauna. Accelerated sweating will contribute to the removal of slags and toxins. In severe cases accompanied by an increase arterial pressure, or in cases of hangover after the feed, this method is not recommended.

Improve well-being and speed up the removal of toxins walk in the fresh air.

3) Water Balance Recovery
Quickly get rid of a hooky flour will help abundant drinking. Symptoms of hangover will help to remove mineral water without gas. In addition to restoring the lost water, it will still fill the lack of minerals in the body. The fact is that due to the admission of alcohol from the body, a number of mineral components are derived, the lack of which is unpleasant.

Treatment of hangover involves regular reception of a small amount of fluid so as not to provoke vomiting. A lemon or orange juice, hot tea, a small portion of a strong chicken or beef broth suitable for drinking.

4) Removal of pain.
In this case, the treatment is associated with the reception of pharmaceutical preparations - paracetamol, aspirin, and andpal or citrate. Special anti-reflective drugs will help to easily alleviate. At home, remove the manifestations of the hangover with the help of the following funds: "Alkozelzer" or "Alco-Prim". Both drugs contain citric acid, aspirin and soda.

The combination of these components restores acid-alkaline balance, allows you to get rid of headaches and quickly displays toxins. In addition, Glycine, which is part of the "Alkozelzer", restores nerve cells.
Preparations "Antiphelin" and "Bison" contribute to the elimination of poisonous products of the decay of alcohol from the body.

"Alco-buffer", which includes a distillation extract, normalizes the work of the liver.

In addition to these drugs, drugs can be used to maintain activities. of cardio-vascular system, sleeping pills, vasodilators and sedatives. The latter will help to get rid of the accompanying eyeshable alarm syndrome, anxiety, feelings of shame, emotional tension.

- 7 best ways to quickly remove the hangover

The main problems of firing syndrome are dehydration and a stimulated vegetative system.

1) You can grab a means based on succinic acid on vacation. But the lack of minerals and acid-alkaline balance problems are filled with hot broth, tea with lemon and honey, acidic soup, hash, apple and tomato juice.

2) British scientists recognized honey with the best tool from the hangover. It is faster than all products with alcohol toxins due to the optimal combination of fructose, potassium and magnesium.

3) another tasty and effective method - Ask you to beat you a banana-milk cocktail in the bar. Milk is a good sorbent, and bananas are rich in polysaccharides and nutritious, they will give energy.

4) If you can eat in the morning, order a salad with fresh spinach. This sheet vegetable It is rich in antioxidants who help you to bring alcohol decay products quickly. By the way, a cup of tea with rosemary will have to essential oils will lead to normal vegetative system And they will help to cope with the approach.

5) French recipe: Cocktail "Wash for a piglet". At the bottom of the glass to squeeze the juice of the rolling of lemon, then pour over half a cup of dry white wine and the carbonated mineral water (by the way, Chinese scientists have established that it is the highest antiplecthelial potential that the harvesting with lemon flavors). Have a volley. Very burtrite.

6) Cold and hot shower. And first under hot water (it will expand the pores and improve sweating, which means that the removal of toxins), then under the cold - for cheerfulness! But it is not worth rushing to the sea with a hangover: a spasm of vessels can happen. First give yourself in order.

7) If there is a feeling that the "storm" (the head is spinning, there is no hardness in the legs), you can use the means from the tech (Aeron, Avia-Sea, etc.).

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