How to remove acne marks on your face - steps to perfect skin. Effective methods of acne treatment in cosmetology Cosmetological procedures against acne on the face

Facial cleansing is a special procedure, the purpose of which is to cleanse the skin from various purulent formations... The procedure can be performed at home, but for deep cleansing and long-lasting results, you need to contact a beauty salon. There are several ways to cleanse your face, each of which is applied in accordance with the desired result and characteristics. skin.


Cosmetology has made great strides in several years. Today, beauty salons can offer several types of facial cleansing for blackheads, acne and acne. A large selection allows you to deeply cleanse the skin and preserve the result of each patient for a long time.

Effective cleansing methods are:

  1. Mechanical (manual).
  2. Vacuum method.
  3. Ultrasound technology.
  4. "Brossage".
  5. Disincrustation.
  6. Cryopilling.
  7. Dry cleaning.
  8. Laser cleaning.

Each method has its own goals and objectives. The choice of technique depends on individual features of the skin, price category and patient desires. In addition, the methods have a number of contraindications, disadvantages and advantages.

Mechanical (manual) cleansing

This method is used by many, unaware of it. The bottom line is to squeeze out the formation and then disinfect the treated area. But at home, manual removal of acne, blackheads and acne is strictly prohibited.

In addition, an infection gets into the formed wound from the hands. Pathological microorganisms with reduced immunity begin to multiply actively and cause serious consequences.

The procedure for mechanical cleaning carried out in the salon is significantly different from performing it yourself at home.

First of all, the beautician puts on gloves and prepares the entire necessary tool, having previously treated it with disinfectant solutions.

Then the surface of the face is treated antiseptic solution, the pores are steamed for better removal of purulent masses. After that, the specialist proceeds directly to cleaning with a special spoon.

After the procedure, the skin is lubricated with a soothing and nourishing cream.

Mechanical face cleansing helps to cope with difficult cases. The result is a smoother and clearer complexion.

Contraindications to manual cleaning are high blood pressure, the presence of a large number of rashes with bulky purulent discharge and sensitive skin.

Vacuum method

The procedure in the beauty salon is performed using a special vacuum tube. On one side there is a tip, which is used to remove pus from the pores.

The vacuum method is used for wide pores. But not suitable for sensitive skin and in the presence of dilated blood vessels.

Before the procedure, the beautician cleans the skin from surface impurities and applies a mask that has a warming effect. It helps to enlarge pores.

With the help of the apparatus, the specialist processes each part of the skin of the face in stages. During the session, the tip of the device must be cleaned and wiped with a disinfectant to avoid inflammation. You can clear your face from acne in one procedure.

The vacuum technique for acne and pimples also improves the movement of lymph, which allows the skin to better perceive cosmetics.

The advantages of the method include:

  1. Lack of painful sensations.
  2. Non-traumatic.
  3. General improvement the skin of the face.

Among the shortcomings, high cost for procedures. Also, the method is not suitable for everyone and after the procedure it is necessary to carry out mechanical cleaning, since the device is not able to completely get rid of acne.

Ultrasound technology

The method of ultrasonic cleaning is similar to the vacuum method. In this case, a scruber is used as a tip for the apparatus.

The indications for the procedure are:

  • availability black points;
  • a large number of purulent masses.

Method ultrasonic cleaning can be held at dry skin. The cosmetologist preliminarily performs surface cleansing and applies a warming mask. Then he applies a special gel to the skin surface to improve the conductivity of ultrasonic waves. It also helps remove dead cells and improves the process of removing purulent plugs.

After the procedure, a tonic with a calming effect and a cleansing mask are applied to the skin. The advantages of the method include complete cleansing and smoothing of fine wrinkles, improvement of tone and complexion. Activity also decreases sebaceous glands, as a result of which new formations do not appear for a long time.

In some cases, ultrasound technology cannot remove all pimples and acne, which requires a number of other procedures.

Contraindications for cleaning the face with this method include previously transferred plastic surgery, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the presence of gold threads.


A new procedure that has established itself among women. It is carried out using a special device with various attachments. They rotate in a circle, helping to remove not only pimples or blackheads, but also to level tone skin, tighten enlarged pores.

Today, the device can be purchased at a pharmacy and you can perform the procedures yourself. But cosmetologists recommend visiting salons for these purposes.

Only an experienced specialist can choose the right attachment, cleanse the face and give recommendations for further skin care.


The technique is based on the effect of a weak electric current, which helps the deep penetration of sodium chloride, sodium salicylate and sodium bicarbonate.

Substances, having reached purulent formations in the pores, begin to dissolve them, as a result, they are split into several components and brought to the surface.

The procedure is performed on patients with oily skin and a large number of lesions.

The disadvantage is the high cost of the procedure.

Cryo peeling

Removal of purulent pore formations occurs with the help of liquid nitrogen. When exposed to cold, narrow blood vessels and pores. Also, after the procedure, there is an improvement in complexion and the disappearance of age spots.

Lightening of the skin and removal of acne occurs within 2-3 sessions. Experts recommend using cryo peeling in winter and avoiding direct sunlight after the procedure.

Dry cleaning

Chemical cleaning has recently gained popularity due to its multifaceted effect on the skin of the face. When acting on the epidermis, special cosmetics based on fruit acids are used.

Chemical cleaning is often used to smooth out minor irregularities. It is for this reason that it is recommended to use it only after mechanical cleaning.

The concentration of acids is selected individually depending on the type of skin. The product is applied to the face, then after 5-7 minutes the cleansing procedure begins.

After the procedure, the skin is wiped with a toner, and a serum is also used to prevent contamination. The skin after chemical cleansing becomes smooth and fresh.

Among the advantages, there are long-lasting results, complete painlessness and affordability. The disadvantages include the risk of burns, since chemicals are used.

Laser cleaning

The method is based on the action of a laser, which removes dead cells. Thanks to the use of new technologies, there is no risk of infection, since the procedure is non-contact.

Laser facial cleansing has gained wide popularity, as it helps not only to get rid of acnebut also stimulates collagen-producing cells.

The skin becomes smooth, taut, fine wrinkles disappear. In addition, the procedure is available to many women, as it does not have a high cost, unlike other methods.

The disadvantage is the impossibility of frequent carrying out of the procedure, since when exposed to a laser, severe irritation of the skin may occur.

Indications and contraindications

The facial cleansing procedure by any method is carried out in the presence of a large number of blackheads, acne or acne. Also, indications for procedures include:

  1. Bold leather.
  2. Inadequate tone the skin.
  3. Unhealthy colour faces.
  4. Skin in mature age.

The procedures help to get rid of not only purulent rashes, but also from fine wrinkles, even out the tone and refresh the face.

  1. The presence of pathologies respiratory ways.
  2. Diseases hearty muscles and blood vessels.
  3. Installed sugar diabetes or epilepsy.
  4. Of the period pregnancy or lactation.
  5. Availability skin diseases.

Facial cleansing is not carried out for children under 1 years of age, since their skin may well cope with this problem on its own. Youthful acne also goes away after a while and does not require treatment.

Preparation and procedure

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist first of all conducts an external examination in order to establish the type of skin, the number of rashes, and identify the cause of their appearance.

In the presence of serious problems, the procedure for cleansing the skin from acne, acne and acne should be carried out in conjunction with drug treatment. Preparation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Disinfection facial skin. For this, special solutions are used.
  2. Expansion since for better removal of purulent discharge. Warming masks are applied.
  3. Cleansing pores from surface contamination.
  4. Preparing the necessary tools.

Then the beautician proceeds to the procedure itself. Instruments or apparatus are used depending on the method. The duration of their exposure also depends on the method.

After cleansing, the skin is treated with an antibacterial solution, soothing and moisturizing creams are applied. After graduation, the beautician gives a number of recommendations for facial skin care after cleansing.

Skin care

When carrying out procedures to get rid of acne, blackheads or acne, various devices or chemical agentswhich can cause irritation or damage. Observance of special rules for skin care will help to avoid negative consequences.

Cosmetologists advise:

  1. To cleanse face in the morning and evening with tonics and gels.
  2. Use moisturizing and tonic creams. This will help prevent overdrying of the upper layer of the epidermis.
  3. Do not attend solariums and swimming pools for several days.
  4. Avoid direct contact with cleansed skin. solar rays. When exposed to the sun, use special protective equipment.

In addition, after the procedure, cosmetics with a neutral pH of 5.5 should be used for 2-3 weeks. Compliance with the recommendations of experts will help to avoid inflammation and irritation, as well as prolong the effect.


Each cleansing technique has its own characteristics and objectives. After the procedures, the skin acquires a natural color, acne and other purulent eruptions disappear, the cells of the epidermis are saturated with oxygen.

To obtain positive results, 2 to 5 procedures are required. For small lesions of the skin positive effect can be seen after the first procedure.

The durability of the result depends on many factors. First of all, the presence of diseases, the symptom of which is acne or acne. If the procedure was carried out with high quality, and the care was correct, repeated cleaning can be carried out after 4-6 months.

You can cleanse your face with acne, blackheads and pimples yourself at home. But it is better for this purpose to contact a specialist who will determine the type of skin, the level of damage and select the best method based on the patient's wishes.

Today in cosmetology, acne is treated with many innovative methods. Laser therapy, mechanical cleaning, microabrasion - there are a great many ways, which is why it is so difficult to understand them. When choosing a procedure, you should take into account the severity of acne, skin features. Let's take a look at the main treatments that the beauty industry offers us.

Before you go to the salon and consult with an aesthetic specialist (beautician), you need to determine the type of acne. The method of acne treatment will depend on this. Cystic acne is a severe form that may require drug therapy... The most common and most mild form acne is acne (a combination of blackheads, whiteheads and papules).

In cosmetology, mild acne can be treated in a salon. If there are several small pimples on the skin, then, for example, mechanical cleaning of the skin in the salon will do.

With acne moderate you need to see a dermatologist. Salon face masks are not enough to deal with more severe facial rashes.

In addition, exfoliating masks and creams, and self-medication in general, can cause additional redness and irritation with severe acne! In this case, you may need drug treatment... Research shows that lasers and other beauty treatments reduce acne. But very rarely, these methods help get rid of acne permanently.

The beautician begins a standard salon procedure for mild acne with a thorough cleansing of the skin. The treatment can include various masks, steam baths and facial massage. The specialist can also use products to reduce sebum production, remove dead cells, soothe or hydrate the epidermis.

Laser and light therapy

In cosmetology, acne is most often treated using this method. Laser treatment involves the use of highly specialized devices to kill bacteria that often cause acne. There are laser treatments that eliminate overactive sebaceous glands (the middle layer of the skin), which contributes to the appearance of acne. Only a dermatologist can conduct laser treatment, so you need to contact a certified specialist.

Light treatment of the skin involves using a lower level of ultraviolet light to kill acne caused by bacteria. Blue light therapy is currently the most popular type of such treatment. The disadvantage of this method is that it is a continuous process that requires multiple treatments to constantly kill bacteria.

Chemical peels can improve appearance skin. This procedure is useful for mild acne. During dry cleaning of the face, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which makes it blistered and eventually the "old" cells flake off. Thanks to the procedure, the skin not only gets rid of acne and blackheads, but also becomes smoother and less wrinkled.

Usually, dry face cleaning is carried out in surgical centers. This is an outpatient procedure, which means it doesn't take long.

The specialist who will perform the chemical facial peel will first thoroughly cleanse the patient's skin. He will then apply one or more chemical solutions such as glycolic, trichloroacetic, salicylic, lactic, or carbolic acids (phenol) to small areas of the skin. This will cause the "old" top layer to flake off.

The chemical solution is either applied lightly or rubbed into the skin with a sponge, cotton swab, brush (avoiding the eyebrows, eyes and lips). During exfoliation of the skin, the patient may experience a slight tingling sensation or a burning sensation (during deep peeling). But such symptoms will cease to bother after 5-10 minutes.

In addition to being effective, chemical peels are quite painful procedure... Pain reliever may be needed during or after this procedure. After this procedure, complications are likely in the form adverse reaction for anesthesia, hematomas, allergic reactions, infections.

Microdermabrasion is very effective method for the treatment of black and white acne. This procedure removes the blockages in the pores that usually cause white and blackheads. Then the beautician deeply cleanses the face with steam, removes dead skin particles using mild water-based moisturizers. They significantly reduce the secretion of sebum.

Microabrasion involves the use of highly refined crystals to remove the top layer of skin with clogged pores and dead debris. This type of treatment is best for mild acne and is not recommended for cystic acne. The reason is that serious skin rashes require more "aggressive" treatment, including medication.

Because microdermabrasion literally absorbs entire layers of the skin, the risk of reactions such as bleeding, sensitivity and infection is very high. Reusing abrasive particles or unsterilized equipment can also increase the risk of contamination. But treatment by a responsible and certified specialist practically excludes such a development of events.

Fight against problem skin - it is not an easy and continuous business. To normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, forget about blackheads and prevent acne, each should have a lot of masks, peels and scrubs in their arsenal. But sometimes this is not enough, especially if we are not talking about ordinary inflammations and comedones, but about acne. So you can't do without the help of professional cosmetologists. Beauty salons offer many treatments for problem skin owners. Find out which ones really work in our review.

No matter how some cosmetologists criticize mechanical cleaning, appealing that it severely injures the skin and can stretch pores, this procedure is number one for owners of problem skin. Why? Yes, because after it, the result is immediately noticeable: the inflammations were destroyed in the most cruel way, there are no black spots.

Mechanical cleaning is carried out in three stages: cleansing, steaming with special meanswhich is applied to the skin, deep cleansing of pores and removal of inflammation with a cosmetic stick and hands. Simply put, blackheads and pimples will be removed the old fashioned way - by squeezing them out.

Of the minuses: trauma and pain.

From the pros: in addition to efficiency, the price is also not very high (on average, from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles).

After mechanical cleansing, the skin is injured, so it will benefit from anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety products such as The Body Shop's Aloe Vera Revitalizing Face Mask. After the first redness subsides, pore-tightening products and white clay masks are used - the Rare Earth Pore Refining Tonic by Kiehl's and the mineral, pore-clearing white clay mask from Vichy are worth a note.

If we are talking not about just enlarged pores and a couple of pimples, but about acne, then one of the most effective ways to combat is phototherapy, which is carried out in a course of at least ten procedures. The result after phototherapy is noticeable and pleasing - acne becomes much less, acne scars are smoothed out, and overall skin condition is improved.

Scientific details aside, phototherapy works by killing acne-causing bacteria with a flash of light.

Phototherapy has other advantages: after the course, freckles and rosacea are reduced, and the procedure is absolutely painless. Of the minuses, there is a high price: on average (it depends, of course, on the salon that you choose), one session costs 5,000 rubles, and sometimes up to ten sessions are required for a course.

After phototherapy, direct exposure to sunlight should be avoided for several weeks, so for your own convenience it is better to take the course in the fall or winter. In the summer, of course, you can also, but then you will have to use a cream with high degree sun protection, such as Anthelios XL La Roche-Posay sunscreen for the face. SPF products, however, will come in handy anyway after phototherapy (even if you spend it on a cloudy winter), so take a look at Yves Rocher SPF25 Moisturizer or Cold Cream Conditions Extremes SPF Moisturizer and Protector with Edelweiss Extract 30 from Payot.

Another procedure that is recommended for owners of oily and problem skin is a chemical peeling based on fruit acids. And you should not immediately dismiss this option, being afraid to become after similar to cancer, since the achievements of modern cosmetology already allow you to undergo a course of such gentle (but effective) peeling that there will not be even slight redness on the skin. In particular, this procedure is carried out with Thalgo cosmetics.

Peeling removes dead cells, renewing the skin, and tidies the sebaceous glands. Since in this case we are talking about light peeling, it can be done at any time of the year, even in summer. But still, at least the first days after the procedure, you should refrain from long exposure to the sun and, again, give preference not to your usual moisturizer, but to a product with SPF - such, for example, is the instant moisturizer Pep-Start HydroRush Moisturizer SPF20 from Clinique ... After the procedure, do not forget about maintaining the elasticity and moisture balance in the renewed skin - here you can come to the rescue with the intensively moisturizing and soothing Hydraphase Intense Masque from La Roche-Posay or the light comfort cream for the face with shea from L "Occitane.

The price for chemical peeling varies from 3000 to 7000 rubles, depending on the salon and the brand of cosmetics used.

This, in fact, is also a peeling, only complex, since both chemical and mechanical effects on the skin are present.

The procedure is very long and takes place in several stages: cleansing, a light preparatory peeling, which makes the skin more receptive, application of agents that improve blood circulation on the face, “steaming” with a special cream, mechanical peeling (a special paste is applied to the skin that removes toxins and improves microcirculation ) and a soothing mask and cream.

The procedure visibly reduces pores, removes blackheads and helps to normalize the sebaceous glands. Biodermabrasion costs 5,000 - 7,000 rubles per session.

Biodermabrasion is not at all traumatic for the skin, so special care after the procedure is not required. You just need to keep your skin in good condition, without forgetting to cleanse and moisturize daily. For the former, you can use Caudalie's gentle exfoliating cream for sensitive skin, and for the latter, you can use Chanel's Hydra Beauty Micro Serum.

An option for the brave and desperate - those who have already tried a lot in the fight against blackheads, irregularities and inflammations and are ready to take a decisive step. After the hardware procedure with a fractional laser, the skin will be refreshed in the literal sense of the word - no irregularities, traces of acne, comedones and other troubles, including fine facial wrinkles and small scars, only smooth and clean skin. But you will have to “pay” for such a result in full, and not in money.

After the laser, it is better to sit at home for several days, as the upper layers of the skin will peel off intensively - which means tightness, redness, a feeling of "crusting" and the need to smear the face with cream every hour and a half. During the recovery period, you should not take risks and use ordinary cosmetics - the cosmetologist will prescribe a healing cream and a special solution, which should be used. A couple of weeks after the laser, the skin will already recover, but slight peeling may remain - Avene Cold Cream for dry and very dry skin and Payot's super-moisturizing Hydra 24+ Baume-En-Masque mask will help get rid of them.

The fractional laser works as follows: it "burns" many small holes in the skin around which the regeneration process begins. The procedure costs from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Regular acne treatments will help get rid of rashes for a long time. Doctors advise using procedures and ointments. Such complex treatment get rid of acne faster.

Home remedies and lots folk recipes will avoid visiting the salon to cleanse the skin. But you can also visit a special beauty parlor. What treatments for acne help better - salon or home?

Many techniques help get rid of acne quickly. Home cleansing opens the pores of the skin, eliminates the upper dead layer of the epidermis, disinfects and eliminates infection. There are many effective waysthat treat acne.

This cosmetic procedure eliminates the external manifestations of the problem. Cleaning does not remove the cause of pimples, but it helps to remove inflammation from the skin, make the skin clean and smooth, and prevent the appearance of new rashes.

How to cleanse your face of acne at home? You need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile flowers, the same amount of gelatin, 100 ml of milk. The ingredients are mixed until smooth. Then the mixture is placed in the microwave and heated for 40 seconds. After the mask has cooled down, apply to problem skin. Wait until the mixture hardens. After the mask is washed off and a nourishing cream is rubbed into the skin. The cleansing procedure with gelatin is carried out once a week.

Honey-based acne facial treatments can help clear acne in a short time. Honey has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It has a very beneficial effect on the skin.

For the mask you need 100 gr. vegetable oil, egg yolk (1 piece), 100 gr. honey. The components are mixed until smooth and applied to the face. The product must be rubbed into the skin with circular massaging movements. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and rub the skin with a mild tonic. Inflammation after a honey mask is significantly reduced.

  • Oil cleansing for acne

Home acne treatments can include the use of any vegetable oil. To do this, take any oil - sunflower, olive, peach or corn. Oil heated in a water bath is applied to a cotton swab and rubbed over the face.

The loan is taken again with a clean tampon, lubricated with oil and wiped again. The movements are performed along the massage lines. The oil must be removed from the skin after 4 minutes. To do this, use herbal tonics and lotions.

  • Salt cleaning

At home, you can perfectly cleanse your face from acne using ordinary salt. Salt cleaning is carried out after a steam bath or an oil mask. To prepare the desired mixture, take fine salt, camphor oil, soda. The mixture is applied to a cotton swab and rubbed into the skin.

You can add a small amount of shaving cream to the product. Particular attention should be paid to the accumulation of acne on the face. If the skin is too oily, then the funds are left on the face for 15 minutes. Then the salt mixture is washed off with warm water and the skin is wiped with herbal decoction.

  • Honey cleaning

A beekeeping product, honey, is applied to the skin of the face and rubbed with your fingers along the massage lines. Using the fingertips, honey is driven into the skin. The loan is heated with a napkin, and put on the face for a few minutes. Then the honey is carefully removed and washed.

Cosmetic procedures for acne will certainly include preliminary cleaning, and after applying an anti-inflammatory mask. Honey lotion cleanses the skin well. It's very easy to make.

To do this, take glycerin, a teaspoon of honey and borax dissolved in water (2 gr.). The components are thoroughly mixed and regularly wipe the problem skin. To nourish acne skin and quickly eliminate acne, it is recommended to use honey water as often as possible.

Beauty treatments for acne in salons

  • Ozone therapy

This cleaning method is based on the use of ozone in cosmetics. Ozone is an active form of oxygen, it kills bacteria and eliminates inflammation, has anti-inflammatory effects, and quickly relieves acne.

The method heals the epidermis from the inside, the skin acquires a beautiful peach shade, the hypoxia of the skin is completely eliminated. Effective treatments for acne using ozone are completely safe for health and help to quickly eliminate inflammatory process on the skin.

The procedure relieves skin inflammation, destroys fungi and other microbes. It has a powerful effect on skin tightening and dermis regeneration, and improves blood circulation.

  • Laser treatment for acne.

Photo: Laser face cleansing for acne

Laser facial cleansing is a low-traumatic and very effective method of removing blackheads. In fact, this method of skin treatment is based on high-precision removal of the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis using a laser beam. The procedure quickly and painlessly removes enlarged pores, wrinkles, shallow scars, pimples and spots after acne. In the salons, surface and deep cleaning with a laser is performed.

Acne cleansing is a superficial procedure. During the treatment of the epidermis, the basement membrane is not damaged, and under the influence of the laser beam, cell proliferation increases. As a result, skin regeneration occurs quite quickly. The laser beam eliminates not only acne, but also age spots. Treatments for acne blemishes may include laser peels.

There are several methods for laser cleaning:

  • With cold cleaning, the keratinized layers of the skin are removed one by one, while the lower layers of the epidermis do not warm up. This promotes excellent exfoliation and inflammation relief.
  • The hot method is accompanied by intense heating of the lower layers of the dermis. The effect of the procedure does not appear immediately - within two months. The method promotes the natural production of collagen in the skin. As a result, the face rejuvenates, the aging process slows down, the skin is tightened and becomes firm and elastic.

Treatments with a beautician for acne can include both superficial laser cleaning and deep cleaning. Exposure to a laser has many similarities to grinding. It's just that the laser beam penetrates to a different depth. The procedure promotes rejuvenation, tightening of the skin, and elimination of acne.

  • Retinoic peeling

Peeling reduces sebum production and helps eliminate acne. This acne clearing method gives the skin a pleasant look and improves skin health. It exfoliates the upper keratinized cells of the dermis, quickly stops the inflammatory process.

As a result, the skin becomes smooth, pleasant to the touch, velvety, and acne gradually disappears. Retinoids are used to eliminate acne. They whiten stains and reduce oil production. As a result, the appearance of new skin rashes is prevented.

The procedure is especially recommended for anyone who has very serious problems with pimples on the face or body. Retinoid peels also help to get rid of small scars, acne spots that were in adolescence. This procedure makes the skin incredibly smooth and beautiful.

  • Biodermabrasion.

This cosmetic treatment is designed to eliminate acne. This method perfectly narrows the pores of the epidermis and stops excess oil production. For the procedure, special cosmetic products are used - herbal extracts, which effectively cleanse the skin.

The abrasive effect on the skin of these components allows you to get rid of acne. The medicinal components of the composition of the agent used allow you to quickly exfoliate and eliminate acne. The procedure makes the skin clear of acne and healthier.


Whichever procedure you choose to treat acne, you need to understand that problem skin must be constantly looked after. It is very important to regularly wipe problem areas with special drying lotions and constantly apply various anti-inflammatory masks.

After salon procedures, it is necessary to maintain the skin - apply nourishing masks that prevent the appearance of new acne.

Improper acne and acne treatment invariably leads to deterioration of skin color, blemishes and scars and scars remain. Once the acne wears off, the blemishes can remain for a while or can be lifelong if not removed. Today, cosmetology is able to offer a lot of tools and methods on how to get rid of acne spots. What are the reasons for the appearance of spots after acne, how to build the right tactics to deal with them and which specialist to turn to for help, everything in this article.

What is the cause of acne blemishes and scars?

When a pimple forms on the skin, a large amount of melanin accumulates around it, which stains the edges in a blue, red, crimson or purple hue. And the more significant the inflammatory process in this place, the more melanin accumulates and appears as a spot after the pimple has already passed.

With strong immunity, the spot after the pimple goes away along with the inflammation. If the protective functions of the body are reduced, after the completion of the inflammatory process, the spot or scar will cause inconvenience for a long time.

What aggravates the situation and affects the appearance of a brown or red spot:

  • if pimples are squeezed out, tissues are injured and an infection is introduced;
  • if you do not follow the rules of disinfection, the inflammatory process in the skin area will grow with the accumulation of sweat, dirt, dust from the environment;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun - even greater accumulation of melanin, drying out of the epidermis and irritation of the pimple.

With ultraviolet exposure to the skin with inflammatory areas or when squeezing out a pimple, the structure of the epidermis is damaged - this provokes the appearance of not just a spot, but a scar or scar after the pimple heals. And the more often you succumb to negative effects and irritate the inflamed areas, the darker the stain.

Acne can appear not just as a skin reaction to external irritation or allergies, but also be an independent disease, such as acne. If this disease is not properly treated, spots and scars will cover the entire affected area on the skin.

In addition, a pimple can be a consequence of skin damage by a fungus or a demodex mite, which causes demodectic disease. The rapid spread of inflammatory areas on the skin is caused by improper treatment, the growth of bacteria and viruses under the influence of dirt and sweat. Only after the correct diagnosis is made and the origin of acne is clarified, it will be possible to choose the correct treatment tactics: medications or salon procedures.

Spots and scars after acne from chickenpox

Often spots on the face remain after chickenpox in children. These manifestations worsen in adolescence. Chickenpox usually affects children in kindergarten or school, so it is difficult to keep a child from scratching the pimple. It is combing and improper treatment of the disease that leads to the appearance of scars and spots on the skin.

With chickenpox, pimples appear on the patient's skin that resemble blisters or bubbles. When the ripening stage passes, they burst and a crust forms on the surface. As a result of the healing of these wounds, the crust falls off, the skin becomes smooth, without lesions.

When the growths mature, severe itching appears on the skin, which children cannot bear and scratch the acne to the wounds. The inflammatory reaction in these places deepens and expands, traumatizing the epidermis very deeply. Therefore, even after healing, deep scars - pockmarks - remain on the skin.

It is possible to cure these scars after chickenpox, and a specialist - a cosmetologist or a dermatologist - will help. You should consult a doctor immediately after an illness if unpleasant consequences such as spots, scars, scars appear. If these areas are left untreated, the skin around them coarsens and the spots deepen over the years.

How to get rid of acne blemishes: fight tactics

There are several tactics for getting rid of acne blemishes: pharmaceutical preparations, cosmetics or therapeutic methods. Of course, in this case, you cannot experiment, but it is better to seek advice from a doctor. The choice of tactics and means depends on the severity of the lesion and the depth of the spots.

Cosmetic or pharmaceutical preparations are based on active substances, helping to reduce the level of melanin in the affected area. Also, these agents normalize the production of melanin in melanocytes, preventing the reappearance of spots. A beautician may recommend a gel or ointment, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion and the severity of the scar or blemish.

Whitening products must be applied correctly and followed by your doctor's instructions. This is necessary to preserve healthy skin near the spot.

Specialist recommendations on how to use bleaching agents correctly

  • before applying the drug, you should thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub to remove dead cells;
  • apply the gel or ointment only to specific areas, avoiding healthy skin near the spot or scar;
  • during the period of treatment of spots or scars after acne, you should limit the time spent in the sun and do not use sunscreen.

Cosmetic treatments for blemishes, scars and acne scars

If more conservative methods to get rid of spots after acne did not help, you can use cosmetic procedures in a beauty salon.

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