Why the cat scraper on the glass. Why the cat scrakes the floor next to the mission

The article makes it possible to better figure out what is a given common expression, and the answers are offered for no less interesting and frequently asked questions.

Cats scraper on the soul why and the value of phraseologism, what to do in this case

When lonely, sad and restless, it seems, and there is no reason to get upset, but some kind of permanent anxiety, They say: "Cats on the soul scraper." The origin of this phraseologist belongs to medieval times when superstitions and signs were strong. Cats personified dark forces, and the expression "cat scraper on the soul" meant the declination of a person to serve Satan.

Another version of the origin of the phraseology is considered the presence of acute claws in animal, which may damage the soul of a person (in figurative terms). Or the sound that makes a cat when scraping with its claws, reminds the feeling of anxiety and anxiety.

What an expression actually actually happened, no one knows, but if the "soul scrape cats", the best option is to take your pet on your arms, feel it affection and tenderness, get a positive energy charge.

Why the cat, cat or kitten scrakes the floor near the bowl with food

This is considered an ancient instinct to create reserves. The kitten was already ate, but wants to hide food for the future.

Cat scrakes the front door sign and how to wean

If the cat unexpectedly took into the entrance door, maybe there is some threat home. Clairvoyants advise to leave the house, since it has a danger.

If the cat does it all the time, she simply does not like closed doors, it limits its space and freedom of movement.

We undress the cat from this classes is not easy, you can cut the nails to him, or attach the oil to the door to change the effect of the grip. Some owners stand out by animals with a whipping on the paws at a time when he scrambles. Each cat owner produces protection measures depending on the nature of its pet.

Why the cat scrape a mirror and paws on the glass

Seeing his reflection in the mirror, the cat takes him for an equivalent animal, trying to play or show it with him who is the owner in the house. Seeing that the response does not occur, the cat becomes not interesting, and it ceases to pay attention to his reflection.

Why a cat scrape claws linoleum near the toilet

The cat is developed a strong natural instinct, he needs to hide his smell from other animals, and does not matter at all, is there any animals in the house. You can try to put the smell absorber near the toilet or use a special deodorant.

Cat scraper wallpaper what to do

A good way is to establish in place selected by a cat, natives. If it is impossible, wallpapers are processed by a special spray, which the animal refuses from this place.

Now there are special antihafts that dress on the claws of the animal, and it cannot scrub. Some owners remove claws with an animal.

Cat owners often notice that their pets love to hide their food. You can see how they scratch the floor around the bowl of the front paw, trying to bury. Sometimes even pushing a bowl of the nose in the direction of a secluded place. Similar actions sometimes seem funny. The most common cause is that animals do so when they do not like their food. To answer the question why cats bury food, you should consider other explanations of what is happening.

The main reasons for pumping food

Act of careful desire to hide food comes from historical features of cats. Feline food may smell for people equally, but cats are perfectly distinguished by their waste from strangers thanks to unique chemical smell markers called Pheromones.

Situation with instillation of delicious for cats is very typical

Lack of food

One of the most common causes is the malnutrition of a pet and a lack of food for him. Survival instinct makes it take stocks. The implementation of instinct by instillation speaks of an animal's desire to ensure its safety in the future.

Especially often such behavior is characteristic of cats that have had a long starvation experience, for example, for those who had previously been homeless.

Important! Floor digging may indicate that the animal is not fought. Attention should be paid when the animal digs the floor near empty bowl.

The reason can be not only a flaw, but also excess food. So pet is trying to hide excessive food about the reserve.

Nasty smell

Another reason is a low-quality food and has nasty smell. With this feed, the pet comes simply, as with waste, recycling - instilled.

So the need for an animal is being implemented to maintain purity, since the feed for it should always be fresh and tasty smelling.

Without liked the smell allows the animal to conclude that it is unsuitable for use. The cat is trying to get rid of evil food.

Important! Smells can be individual characteristics Specific pet. One individuals do not like certain flavors that will be, on the contrary, attractive. It all depends on subjective preferences.

Unpleasant smell can push pet

Bad food

An attempt to bury or hide food - congenital behavior of cats. The most obvious explanation for why the cat bursts a bowl with food that he just does not like food. Each representative cat sniffs, before consulting. The answer is clear: if you wish to lake the floor near the bowl, the pet simply dislike that the owner prepared for him.

The food that the owner prepared for his pet may not be sufficiently appetizing for him. Or he just does not like how it smells. In any case, the preassented by his behavior shows that its nutrition is not good enough for him.

Write is a way to express disapproval of a change in diet. This is not surprising, because cats are often picky to their table and are fussing on this issue. Changes in diet and diet can upset their appetite and cause a desire to get rid of the diet not like.

Bad food can cause the desire to get rid of it


We should not forget about such an important reason as pet health. If animal stress bad state of healththen there will be bad appetite. It is possible that this may lead to the fact that the animal will not be interested in food, will try to bury her. If the owner suspects that the cat is sick or he has stress, then it is worth planning a visiting veterinarian.


Instincts are genetically laid forms of animal behavior, which are carried out under the action of biological needs.

One of the popular explanations of the behavior, why the cat bursts food, is that pets instinctively try to strain food for future use. This natural behavior of the animal is also observed from other members of the Feline family, such as lyry and leopards.

For your information! Installing the unstilled feed was first documented by the English writer D. D. Wood, who wrote a book called "Illustrated Natural History" in 1853. In this book, he described the behavior of his cat by name. He wrote that his cat covers the remnants of a piece of paper or tablecloth.

It is believed that this habit of storing food for future use is inherent in even those cats that have grown at home. Although the pets are not rubber workers, such as their big cousins, they still try to hide their feed from others with the intention to return and finish the meal later.

Such behavior is particularly relevant for cats that live in a family with several pets. Experts explain that cats that are part householdwill hide their feed in order to save for future consumption from outside individuals.

The most common cause of this behavior is related to the security instinct in the future.


Another reason can be the desire to avoid attention to its nutrition. In the wild, representatives of feline bury their feed so that predators do not feel the smell. Consequently, they avoid surveys from their enemies. The fragrance can give a larger animal, such as coitot, foxes and mountain lions, the opportunity to find them. Hiding your food, cats are trying to eliminate this probability.

Waste concealment is one of the ways for cats to avoid attracting predators, which also protects kittens from unwanted attention from enemies.

Next reason - do not like the bowl. Cats are clean creatures that do not like to find next to something dirty. They hate dirt when they eat from a bowl, which is poorly cleared or unpleasantly smelling.

If the cat is constantly hiding its food, it can be due to the lack of purity at the place of eating and placement of dishes. Perhaps the animal is disgusting that the bowl is not clean enough. Therefore, it is worth sure that the dish is well washed away, and then the cat calms down and starts himself normally.

Note! If the bowl is never clean, this fact becomes the only reason why the cat bursts a bowl with food.

Options How to wean a cat Put a bowl with food

Options to wean an animal to bury a lot. It should be understood with possible reasons for such behavior, and then follow the main advice:

  • giving food often, but smaller portions, you need to ensure that how much pet is consumed;
  • you can distract the pet game if the owner sees that he begins to hide his delicacy;
  • do not leave a bowl when the animal will take. It is better to remove a cup, clean on the floor and just refresh the bowl with water;
  • it is important to wash regularly and clean the bowl itself to remove the remnants;
  • need to check whether the cat loves the chosen brand feed;
  • do not have the place of meals near the toilet pet.

To wean an animal from harmful habit, should be sorted out for reasons

Set nutrition cats

Cats are very layming up in food intake. To teach the habit of pumping food to establish a diet. Basic tips:

  • choose one good and high-quality brand of feline feed and stick it in the future;
  • food to organize several times a day at the set time in small doses in such a way that there are no waste left;
  • warp if necessary to enhance appetite;
  • you can water the food with chicken broth so that it seems to be a pet attractive;
  • it does not prevent the addition of a small amount of strongly smelling cheese to wake up the interest of the pet.

For your information! If nothing helps, then go to wet food. A sharp change in the diet without warning can cause a stomach disorder.

Washing bowls

Washing a bowl is an important factor in the cleanliness of a pet dining place. Cats are very picky to order around, especially in the process of meals.

Dirty bowl with the remnants of the past lunch can cause disgust. The cat recognizes such food as the garbage that it will not eat. In an attempt to get rid of the garbage, the animal will bury a bowl.

Important! You should not wash the bowl of strongly smelling chemicals (household means), which can also push the pet from feeding feed. It is better for these purposes to apply usual economic soap.

It is preferable to use stainless steel dishes, because from its walls the remnants of food are very simply removed. Plastic dishes absorbs odors, and scratched surfaces can delay food residues.

Washing Bowls - Cat Purity Clean

Comfortable place to eat

If the pet does not like the place where a bowl is located with food, this fact causes discomfort from him when eating. An animal does not feel safe. It is necessary to establish a factor that is negative and eliminate it. Such may be: a stranger or unpleasant smell, uncomfortable temperature. Also, you should make adjustments to the environment, for example, change the location of the bowl.

As a result, why do pets bury their food? This is an instinct survival. Wild animals hunt and kill prey, eat food and hide the remnants. According to the pet, the food, served in a bowl, is no different from the fresh option. If it is not hungry enough to finish meals, hide the evidence and hide it. Hiding food - the usual cat behavior, as a rule, it is harmless. If the owner is interested in learning his pet from a similar habit, it is enough to use tips from this article.

Why can cats bite you for the skin and keep a few seconds?

Some cats, when they feel wonderful, clamp the folds of the skin of a person between the teeth and for a short time. This is a kind of cat kiss.

Why does the cat turn to you back, if you do not pay attention to it or leave?

Cats, like other animals, recognize the visual signals of your body, and in the case when you do not show explicit signs of aggression or calmly leave his field of view, the cat loses interest to you and turns.

Why do cats spend so much time by losing their wool?

For cats, linse, except for the hygiene, is a way to maintain a mental equilibrium. Care for wool soothes, neutralizes the emerging aggressiveness. Lose, the cat is licking from a wool a certain amount of substance containing vitamin B, which is necessary for regulating mental equilibrium. If you deprive the cat of this opportunity, it will become nervous and can even die.

Why is the cat sometimes try to lick your face or hair?

The first impression obtained by the mother's kitten is care in the form of licking and washing. For him, this is an act of caring and care, so if the cat (or a cat) is trying to lick you, perceive it as an attempt in Maternity to take care of you.

Why are cats sometimes lick and bite woolen clothes, tangles, scarves?

There are several theories, but mostly scientists believe that the reason is the same as in the previous question.

Why do some people feel allergic to wool wool?

Strictly speaking, allergies cause no wool, but the protein FEL D1 contained in the feline saliva. When the cat washed and licks, it tolerates saliva to his wool, after which it can fall on the furniture and carpets. In different individuals, a different amount of protein allocated, but in the general case the cat is less than allergenic than cats. There are two ways to prevent such allergies - bathe cats, bleeding substances from wool (which is not recommended to do often), or wipe wool with a special soft cloth.

Why is the cat, lying on your hands, goes through the paws, "whipping" something?

The reason is again in childhood. The kitten, feeding with maternal milk, massaging cat belly legs, stimulates the "feed" of milk. An adult animal uses this technique to show the extreme degree of comfort and satisfaction.

Why cats usually go to hands or fall on the legs of those who dislike them?

When one cat is trying to frighten the other, he wounds his back of the arc, hesitates wool and makes a threatening hiss. If a person dislikes cats, he tries to sit quietly, so as not to attract the attention of the animal. And the cat siches it with the sign of favor. Does not hide, does not move - it means a friend.

Why is the cat trying to hit his head about a person?

It turns out that this is a way to express affection, and such behavior they can express in relation to other representatives of their tribe, and not just people.

Why cats scratch furniture and wallpapers?

It is believed that in this way cats accurate their claws. But even if you offer a cat comfortable nail sharpener, he still will be happy to waste claws about the angle of the wall or sofa (in your absence). This happens, among other things, because there are special glands between the fingers between the cats, which cat marks its territory.

Why do cats rub about furniture, legs of tables, legs?

Cats have special glands on the tail, on the sides of the head, on the lips, in the language, near the genital organs and between the front paws. They use them for marking their territory. When the cat is hitting your foot, he marks you, pointing that you are "His". For the same reason, cats rub about furniture and corners of the rooms.

Why immediately after you stroked the cat, he begins to be lied?

There are two theories, according to one, the cat is trying to get rid of your smell, on the second - on the contrary, tries his tongue to "continue the pleasure."

Why is a cat if you caress for a long time, can you suddenly scratch or bite?

If a person will accidentally touch the area sensitive to the cat - ears, nose, tail, the cat can give a sound to understand that "enough already!", If the person does not cease, the cat can bite or scratch. He is just bored with caress.

Why is the cat passing by another cat, slows speed and moves slowly?

All feline - territorial animals. They distribute the territory among themselves depending on the level of the inner hierarchy. Any encroachment leads to an open conflict. Therefore, the cat, if you just want to pass by, trying to slow down the step and do not look at the owner of the adjacent territory.

Why is a cat, when he bursts the "results" of his life, digging outside the box, and not inside?

This is from the congenital tendency of cats to clean. The cat is trying not to blur the paws. For this, more often remove the cat's worship.

Why does the cat sometimes scratching the floor or "burns" a bowl with food?

This can happen for two reasons - or the cat is trying to burrow the food "about the supply", or shows such a measure that he doesn't like food.

Why are cats bite and rush to feet?

Games kittens always include the seat of ambush, sudden attacks and throws. Therefore, cats like children's games at any age. Transfer their attention to laces with a bow, balls and more.

Why do cats bring you dead mice?

There are at least 4 theories:
1. The cat gives you a gift, as a sign of your friendship or for feeding it.
2. The cat considers you a talent hunter, and trying to teach you to hunt.
3. The cat carries the victim into a safe warm place where it can later eat it.
4. The cat is trying to save you from hunger.

Why does a cat play with the meal mouse?

Cats attracts movement and if the victim continues to give signs of life and moves, the cat attacks, playing, again and again, until she stops him to interest him.

Why does the cat squeak, freezing the bird?

When a cat catches prey, he squats several times. These movements show that the cat is going to attack. Another point of view is the gesture of discontent. When the cat hunts the bird in nature, Over and Malozameten. In case the mining is unattainable, the cat makes such false movements. This is something like "Well what is it?!" in people.

Why does a cat having prevailing prey, sometimes trembles the jaw and knock your teeth?

This happens only if the extraction is unattainable.

Why are cats often "hide" their toys in a bowl with food or water?

Cats consider the territory on which they feed, their own. Therefore, they are trying to transfer all their toys to safely from their point of view, on their territory. Often it turns out their bowl.

Why cats do not like to swim?

In fact, most cats are quietly relate to water and can be fishing. But when the cat is tightly held by their hands and dip in a basin with water, from his point of view it is not very similar to the voluntary fishing of the fish, which causes a legal outrage.

Why cats love to drink water dripping from the crane?

Cats, like other animals, prefer fresh food and water. From their point of view, current water looks more fresh, so water, pouring from the crane, is more attractive for them than standing in a bowl. For the same reason, cats love to drink from large tanks (my cat loves to drink exclusively from the bucket, and very reluctantly drinks from the bowl).

Why cats lick photos and plastic bags?

Thus, "try" the smell, which does not notice a person, but completely distinguish animals.

Why some cats love Valerianca, and others are not?

Scientists argue that the case is in a special gene. Some cats love to ride Valerian leaves, licking themselves, some quickly eat it, some are absolutely indifferent. One more possible reason - The smell of Valerian is similar to the smell of cats at certain periods.

Why is the cat "wrinkle" when sniffs something particularly interesting?

Cats feel smells 14 times stronger than people! In addition to the nose, cats can catch odors with the help of the so-called "Jacobson tube" located on the top nobe behind the front incisors. The cat enjoys them when completely focused on some particularly interesting smell, pulling into the air, slightly raising the upper lip and nose.

Why is a cat waving a tail?

Cats are mashed with its tails when they face the choice, while one desire blocks the other. For example, if the cat stands in the doorway, and wants to go out, and it rains on the street, the tail will swing due to the internal conflict. The cat wants to go out, but does not want to get wet. As soon as she decides (staying at home, or go under the rain), the tail will immediately stop swaying.
If the cat is near you, and her tail tremble - this is the biggest sense of love that she can express. When the tail begins to descend, it means that the mood has changed - you can move away, it will not be offended.

Why do cats often "get engaged" in talking on the phone?

When the cat hears that you are talking to someone, and does not see the interlocutor, he believes that you are talking to him, so begins to answer you. The more you speak with cats, the more they say with you.

Why cats purr?

Cats make purring sounds for many reasons. Many experts believe that cats purre experiencing intensive emotions (pleasure or pain). Cats are used when communicating more than a hundred different sounds, surpassing in this dog, chimpanzees and gorilla.

Why doesn't the cat love to eat from the bowl, but pulls food to the floor?

Most cats do not like when food is closely in contact with dishes. In addition, in a narrow tank, part of the food may not be available for the language. Therefore, cats love to eat from wide low capacity, and even better - from the floor.

Why do cats do not like sweets?

It turns out that the whole thing in the defective gene of the taste receptor. Cats just do not know what is sweet, they cannot feel this taste. Molecular analysis shows that large cats also have such a defective gene, and most likely, it was he who helped in the formation of the development of their carnivorous behavior.

Why do not bother cats when falling even with a big height?

After studying the circumstances of many successful drops of animals, scientists found that the so-called "Parachute effect" helps: their paws are lengthened, and the body expands, reducing the fall rate. At the minimum altitude, the cat is used, above all, the elasticity of their paws.
Another explanation: When falling from a high height, the cat presses their paws and tail to the body and flies, turning - thereby slows down the fall. And before landing straightens the paws.

Why does the cat shake the paws?

To show a disgust for something, the cat raises the paws and shakes them. Perhaps this is due to the instinctive action of shaking from water, which is unpleasant to most cats.

Why do cats hide when sick?

Instinct tells the cat that when he is weak, it is easy prey for a predator, so in periods of disease cats try to hide from possible dangers.

Facts about feline vision.

Cats to see enough 1 / 6th light, needed person. In the darkness of the cat, even light reflected from the retina uses. Cats, unlike dogs, can not focus on closely located objects, that is, the cats are far-hotbeds, and dogs are mining. Cats can see up to 60 meters away. Their peripheral vision is approximately 285 degrees. In fact, the cat is best seen at a distance of 75 cm to 2-6 meters. If pupils are expanded, despite the bright lighting, the cat is very interested in something or in a playful mood. Cat's eyes are round, diagonal and almond-shaped. The eye color of the kitten can change with age.

Facts about feline hearing.

Cats perceive sound frequencies ranging from 50 to 60 kHz. The dog reacts to a sound with a frequency of about 40 kHz. A person is able to catch the sounds of a frequency of 20 kHz. Cat sensitivity to sound volume is 3 times higher than a person. Koshechye ear turns 180 degrees. In each ear, a cat has 32 muscles to control the ear they use twelve or more muscles.

Facts about feline mustache (Vibrassa).

Vibrisas (Lat. VibraSae, from Vibro - I hesitate, erasing), large, protruding over the surface of the horses, sensitive (tactable) hair in mammals. The cat is an average of 12 moving tsa on each side of the muzzle. At the base of the mustache there are a large number of nerve endings, so the cat with the help of them receives information about everything that surrounds it - about items, about the wind, about temperature, etc. If the cat remove the mustache, it can be badly focused in space, for example, badly hunt and even feel uncertain. The mustache help the cat determine whether it will break into the hole. If the mustache is looking forward - she is something very interested. Or in ships wants to scare an opponent. If the mustache is watching back - the cat is frightened, she avoids touches. When the cat is calm, the mustache is directed to the sides.

How many years your cat is human standards?

If your cat is 3 years, it corresponds to the human 21 year. If 8 years, then by human - 40. If 14, then 70 of human years. Middle life domestic cat - 15 years, while for wild - from 3 to 5 years.

Source: Woman-Dreams.LiveJournal.com

The hosts of domestic pets sometimes hear how the cat creaks his teeth. This sound animal can publish during food, sleep, wakefulness. Causes may be different, but in any case it is a sign of pathology. Exception - breeds of cats that creak due to pronounced snack or direct bite. The wrong arrangement of the teeth makes the teeth to creak, causing abrasion of enamel.

Toothbrush during eating

Most often the cat creaks teeth when eats. At the same time, he may be anxiety: meow. rub the face with paws, spitting food.

Cat creaks while eating (Cat Grinding His Teeth) in the following reasons:

  1. jaw submission;
  2. worms;
  3. periodontalosis;
  4. dention;
  5. cookie problems;
  6. patients kidney;
  7. uremic gastritis;
  8. rabies.

Function of the chewing includes several stages:

  • capture feed fangs, lips and tongue;
  • direction to the surface of the indigenous teeth;
  • side traffic lower jaw.

The degree of compression, the nature of the movement of the lower jaw, the state of the periodontal in their pathology is forced to creak teeth.

Low jaws

When sublifting the jaw, the cat clicks his teeth when eats feed or drinks. Reason: age of animal or unsuccessful landing after jumping. Cats can fall and get strong head bruises. One of the consequences of the impact may be the submission of the lower jaw, which leads to a loose closure of the tooth row. At older cats, sublifting may be due to a strong zovka. Weakened ligaments and jaw muscles are not able to keep the jaw in the same position. The teeth creak when trying to close the jaw.

Dislocation of the lower jaw must be corrected by a specialist. The owners of elderly cats have to study this method due to frequent repetitions of subluxy. The control circuit is several manipulations:

  • introduction of the stick between the rootes;
  • rapprochement of upper and lower jaws;
  • ahead of the lower jaw before clicking.

The procedure is painful, the pet needs to be acknowledged submandibular nerves.

Glisters infection

Preparations should be given to an animal for prevention in any case. Cats that are not released outside, can be infected with eggs of worms brought from the street on clothes and shoes. Without sanitary rules, the fight against helminths will be ineffective. It is necessary to wash and disinfect bowls for feed and water, trays. Contacts with street animals are a source of infection.

Dental pathology

In case of periodontal disease, near-block fabrics are inflamed, cervical neck cervous, the tooth mount in the gum weakened. During food, the teeth are loosened, their location changes. The surface of the teeth will be drunk on each other and creak. With a strong damage to periodontality of several teeth, they are removed under general anesthesia. An x-ray and visual examination is carried out to diagnose the disease. Teeth creak on recent stages pathology, when bone Begins to collapse. The compression of the jaws leads to uneven load, as a result of which the cat strongly creaks during chewing.

Toothstone on the border of the gums and the base of the tooth can interfere with the chewing, which is accompanied by a characteristic sound when the teeth creaks. An animal is trying to chew on the side where there is no dental stone. Remove dention at home is impossible: This requires an ultrasonic installation.

Diseases of internal organs

The cat grinds his teeth if the liver and kidneys do not cope with their function. Bile acids and urates (uric acid salts) fall into purph cavity With blood flow. Galley decomposition products cause irritation of soft tissues. They are inflamed and start to get it. The cat is trying to fight the gums, squeezing them, why the teeth begin to creak. In case of liver disease, an additional symptom is vomiting during food intake. Urea salts destroy the tooth enamel. It loses its smoothness, becomes a bug. The deformed surfaces of the teeth during the meal creak.

Similarly, the process of destruction of teeth with uremic gastritis occurs. His reason is chronic renal failure. The mucous membrane of the stomach is inflamed, as a result of which the increased production of hydrochloric acid occurs. Violated valve operation between the stomach and the esophagus. Reflux occurs (inverse movement), as a result of which the contents of the stomach, destroying enamel, fall into the oral cavity.

Treatment of uremic gastritis should be directed to renal therapy. To facilitate the symptoms of a cat, a low-tier diet with a sufficient amount of boiled water is recommended. Medicia treatment A veterinarian is prescribed after the kidney surveys and the cat's stomach.

Additional signs of uremic gastritis on initial stage are:

  • lethargy;
  • reduced appetite;
  • frequent urination;
  • sharp odor from the oral cavity.

Accurately diagnose is possible after biochemical analysis blood, ultrasound kidneys and stomach.


The creaking of the tooth in the cat while eating can be one of the symptoms of rabies. The chewing process becomes painful. An animal eats slowly because of the hoping of the lower jaw. Empty chewing movements are the reason for the appearance of the grinding of the rubbing tooth surfaces (the teeth creak). There is no treatment from rabies. The only way to avoid the disease is a regular vaccination. With suspected rabies, when increasing aggressiveness or apathy are joined to the dental screen, the animal is isolated for 2-3 weeks to observe.

In case of confirmation of the diagnosis, the cat dies within one or two weeks. For a kitten, this period is reduced to 3-5 days. It is necessary to do a survey spinal fluid Animal. The owner has to make 7 injections from rabies within 6 months. Otherwise, he faces an incurable dangerous disease.

Other causes of dental screenshots

The replacement of dairy teeth does not always go smoothly. In cases where the owner notices that the kitten began to creak teeth, it is necessary to look into the mouth. Permanent teeth Can grow next to dairy. Flawing milk teeth are the reason that the teeth creak. A month after the start of changing the teeth, the crushes disappears. The exception is to preserve the dairy tooth (teeth) when the kitten is half a year. Such a tooth is removed in the veterinary clinic.

The cause of dental screens may become neurological violations After anesthesia. Excess anesthetic dose, delay with removal from the body, features nervous system - All this can affect the state of the cat. The teeth will creak in such cases by the cat, regardless of time and meals.

When the teeth creaks in a cat in a dream, this means that the animal suffered a nervous shock. Transferred stress has a deferred reaction in the form of compressing the jaws in a dream.

1. Why is the cat sometimes try to lick your face or hair?

The first impression that the kitten gets from the mother is to care in the form of licking and washing. For him, this is an act of caring and care, so if the cat (or a cat) is trying to lick you, perceive it as an attempt in Maternity to take care of you.

2. Why do you have a cat, in your hands, moves his paws, "whipping" something? The reason is again in childhood. The kitten, feeding with maternal milk, massaging cat belly legs, stimulates the "feed" of milk. An adult animal uses this technique to show the extreme degree of comfort and satisfaction.

4. Why is the cat trying to hit his head about a person?

Sometimes homemade cat Suitable and slightly hit your head about the feet of family members. It turns out that this is a way to express affection, and such behavior they can express in relation to other representatives of their tribe, and not just people.

5. Why are cats rub about furniture, legs of tables, legs?

Cats have special glands on the tail, on the sides of the head, on the lips, in the language, near the genital organs and between the front paws. They use them for marking their territory. When the cat is hitting your foot, he marks you, pointing that you are "His". For the same reason, cats rub about furniture and corners of the rooms.

6. Why is the cat passing by another cat, slows speed and moves slowly?

All feline - territorial animals. They distribute the territory among themselves depending on the level of the inner hierarchy. Any encroachment leads to an open conflict. Therefore, the cat, if you just want to pass by, trying to slow down the step and do not look at the owner of the adjacent territory.

7. Why is a cat when he bursts "results" of his life, digging outside the box, and not inside?

8. Why do cats purr?

Cats make purring sounds for many reasons. Mama cat purries her kittens to show that she is near. Kittens meet the same, indicating that everything is in order. Young cats purr to each other, inviting to play. Adult cat purr, showing that he is in good mood And it does not encroach on the territory of another cat. By the way, the method of purring is not studied, that is, how cats make such sounds.

10. Why are cats bite and rush to their feet?

Games kittens always include the seat of ambush, sudden attacks and throws. Therefore, cats like children's games at any age. Transfer their attention to laces with a bow, balls and more.

11. Why are some people experiencing allergies on wool wool?

Strictly speaking, allergies cause no wool, but the protein FEL D1 contained in the feline saliva. When the cat washed and licks, it tolerates saliva to his wool, after which it can fall on the furniture and carpets. In different individuals, a different amount of protein allocated, but in the general case the cat is less than allergenic than cats. There are two ways to prevent such allergies - bathe cats, bleeding substances from wool (which is not recommended to do often), or wipe wool with a special soft cloth.

12. Why does the cat turn to you back if you do not pay attention to it or leave?

Cats, like other animals, recognize the visual signals of your body, and in the case when you do not show explicit signs of aggression or calmly leave his field of view, the cat loses interest to you and turns.

13. Why do cats bring you dead mice?

There are minimum 4 theories:

The cat gives you a gift, as a sign of my friendship or for feeding it.

The cat considers you a talent hunter, and trying to teach you.

The cat carries the victim into a safe warm place where it can later eat it.

The cat is trying to save you from hunger.

14. Why are cats often "hide" their toys in a bowl with food or water? Cats consider the territory on which they feed, their own. Therefore, they are trying to transfer all their toys to safely from their point of view, on their territory. Often it turns out their bowl.

16. Why are cats lick photos and plastic bags?

Thus, "try" the smell, which does not notice a person, but completely distinguish animals.

17. Why will the cat "wrinkle" when she sniffs something particularly interesting?

If the cat raises the upper lip and "wrinkles", it means that he is more deeply trying to breathe his aroma of interest so that he gets on the so-called Jacobson organ located in the cat's mouth.

18. Why do cats scratch window frames?

They check whether there is a barrier in the form of glass, or no longer.

19. Why do cats do not like to swim?

In fact, most cats are quietly relate to water and can be fishing. But when the cat is tightly held by their hands and dip in a basin with water, from his point of view it is not very similar to the voluntary fishing of the fish, which causes a legal outrage.

20. Why do cats like drinking water dripping from the crane?

Cats, like other animals, prefer fresh food and water. With their current views, the current water looks more fresh, so water flowing out of the crane is more attractive for them than that that stands in a bowl. For the same reason, cats love to drink from large tanks.

21. Why are cats hide when sick?

Instinct tells the cat that when he is weak, it is easy prey for a predator, so in periods of disease cats try to hide from possible dangers.

22. Why are cats for so much time spent by losing their wool?

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