What is dangerous air in the dropper. What will happen if the air will get into vein

On all drugs intended for intravenous administration, indicate that you need to dial all the contents of the ampoule to the last drop and before the introduction of the syringe it is necessary using the piston to release all air. What is it a banal economy or there is a reasonable medical explanation? We will try to figure out what will happen if the air is in Vienna.

Is it important for the amount of drug in the syringe?

The amount of medicinal product is really of great importance. At low doses, even a few drops can affect therapeutic effect. If we are talking about regular injections, during a week or even a month, the amount of the drug affected by the patient rises sharply.

Do not forget that the density of the contents of the ampoule may differ from the density of waterThis is especially concerned with oil based drugs.

Even a few drops can be a substantial part of the entire dose administered. Without receiving a proper effect because of such an elementary oversight, the doctor can replace the medicine more powerful. Of course, it will be a mistake, pay for it to be patient. Therefore, the prescribed medicine should be received in its body in a clearly indicated dose, nor a milligram is greater or less.

Air in veins - 5 consequences.

Can I get into the vessels something else, the same air? Consider basic consequences, from being in our veins and arteries of air bubbles:

  1. Development of air or gas embolism.
  2. Plugging of a small diameter vessels.
  3. The defeat of the joints and muscles.
  4. Paralysis.
  5. Death.

By and large, the air is a mixture of gases. Finding into a liquid medium in our case in blood, gas turns into bubbles. The larger the volume came, the greater the diameter will be formed air bubbles. A little more anatomy - blood flows on all vessels, delivering to them enriched with oxygen and nutrient substances blood. You may argue, they say, here it is oxygen in the blood. And nothing, no one has died of tens and hundreds of thousands of years.

But there is one important point, in our bloodstream oxygen enters dissolved From lungs. Education No bubbles is even theoretically impossible when it comes to breathing. Actually, the air caught in Vienna represents the same danger as the resulting thrombus.

Real threat to life.

Someone may not believe that dense blood clot and ordinary air can lead to the same effect, but it really is. It does not matter from which the thrombus consists, the main thing is that it is capable of moving along the vessels and clog them. Though sama circulatory system And rather complicated, but specific knowledge for understanding the consequences of the embolism will not need.

As a result of many studies, it was found out that most often the air bubble is found in the right half of the heart - atrium or

Ventricle. Another favorite place of air propagation are vessels of lungs.
In both options, the outcome is only one - sudden death.

It is worth thinking about protection against air penetration into its own body, given the fact that all studies were conducted by pathologists, on the dead people.

Inconsistency of theory and practice

So, it turns out, any incorrectly completed injection can end death? In practice, less tragic and frighteningly than in theory. All health workers on profile departments teach the fact that the air in the syringe can really kill the patient. But it turns out that for many years of practice everything is mistaken, sending a patient and a solid amount of air to the Vienna to Vienna. Scattered, forgetfulness, and sometimes a criminal desire to check. What do we get in the end, the corpse on the hospital bed and complaints in all possible instances? But no, such patients feel great And do not even notice the consequences. In the network you can find a lot of comments from the nurse, that after the accidental introduction of several "cubes" of the air, a person did not experience absolutely no sensations and it did not have the consequences for the body.

Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to try and enter the air, which can be challenged to their nursing duties and not to leave in the syringe only the drug. Remember that the body of each individual and the consequences may seriously differ. Someone may say that such injections are cheerful or provide "charge of cheerfulness." In fact, the body does not receive any significant feed from such a number of air so that it seriously affected nervous system. Therefore, do not perceive seriously this kind of stupid jokes and attempts to take you "on weakly".

Some moments that can lead to an air embolism

But what is the case why such a beautiful theory converges so badly with practice?

  1. Number of air.
  2. The location of the veins.
  3. Pressure in them.

The fact is that all listed terrible outcomes are most often found in the defeat of the vein neck and after pregnancy. Separately, you can consider the consequences of operations on open heartBut such mistakes happen extremely rarely. But after the birth of veins of the uterus, its inner surface - they can sive. In this case, the feminine has every chance of sharply increase the air content in his blood, with all the listed sad consequences. But in the veins of the neck and head pressure is negative, they are directly sucking the air.

Considering the close location of the brain and the heart, death can easily instantly.

The place of injection is of great importance if you enter the medicine in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow pummage is one. But if you had to catheterize the cervical or plug-in vessels - the situation is somewhat different. Caution must be observed after administration medicinesAfter all, entering the needle, we violate the integrity of the skin. Even the diameter of the opening is no more than a millimeter, but with a negative pressure, the atmospheric air will be absorbed into the bloodstream at amazing speed. And in some cases too much it will not be required.

What will happen if the air is in Vienna? Yes, nothing terrible, now you know it. Of course, depends on the amount of air. But the reinsurance is never unnecessary. It is better to pay more attention to the health of the one who you will do intravenous injection.

Video on the topic of air in the veins

It is observed in the penetration of a sufficient amount of air (approximately 150 ml).

Etiology of air embolism

  1. Traumatic (According to the ICD-10 - T79.0 - air embolism (traumatic).
  2. Surgical interventions or injuries of internal jugular veins. In case of damage to the inner jugular veins, negative pressure in chest leads to sucking in it. This does not occur during damage to other veins, because they are separated by valves from negative pressure In the chest cavity.
  3. Birth and abortion. (On the ICD-10: ".. Acting embolism complicating :. abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.2). Pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period (O88.0) ... "Very rarely an air embolism may occur during childbirth or abortion, when air can be injected into broken placental venous sinuses when cutting the uterus.
  4. Embolism when blood transfusion, intravenous infusions (droppers), radiotherapy angiographic studies. Air embolism occurs only in violation of the manipulation technique.
  5. With inadequately conducted IVL under conditions of hyperbaric oxygenation.

Mortal air dose with air emblem

"... Even experiments on animals, where the amount of administered air can be accurately measured, did not lead researchers to a single opinion of the deadly dose of air.

N.I. Pies (1852) showed that with the gradual introduction of air in vascular system can be imposed without much harm a large number of his. He introduced into veins of dogs for 3-4 hours. up to ten three-liter air siphons without a deadly outcome. At the same time, small amounts of air introduced suddenly caused rapid death.

Similar observations lead V.V. Pashutin (1881). He demonstrated a dog in a lecture weighing 9 kg, which was introduced into yarem Vienna Continuous jet for 1.5 hours. more than 60 cubic meters. cm air, and the dog did not have any noticeable disorders. In another experience V.V. Pashutin demonstrated the rapid onset of death in a small dog when he introduced into the jugular vein for several seconds of 50 cube. cm air.

F.N. Ilyin (1913) conducted a number of experiments in which air with the help of a special device fell in veins of the pelvis, and it turned out that the animals transfers the introduction of large amounts of air and for a long time. Dogs, which introduced a very large amount of air, even exceeding the double amount of the entire mass of blood, at a speed of up to 60-70 cubic meters. See per minute, with a pressure close to zero, continued to live without visible painful symptoms. The danger increased with the introduction of air under pressure. When the air is administered to the dog in V. Cruralis, S. average speed 44 cube. See 1 min. It took 660 cubic meters. See to kill the animal. In its experiments, F. N. Ilyin introduced dogs for a long time to 1500-2000 cubic meters. cm.

Gazelhorst (1924) indicates that various animals are in different ways tolerate an air embolism. Rabbits he considers very sensitive and unsuitable for experiments on aerial embolism, in connection with what made his experiments on dogs, believing that the deadly dose of air for a person and large dog Approximately the same. If you enter dogs up to 8.5 cube. CM air by 1 kg of weight over a short period of time, then animals are usually experiencing emerging circulation disorders that gradually subscribe. Meanwhile, smaller amounts of air introduced simultaneously cause death.

S.S. Sokolov (1930) In the experiments on dogs, determined the deadly dose of air of 10 cu. See 1 kg of weight. J.B. Wolff and GB Robertson (Wolffe and Robertson, 1935) experimentally found that the fatal dose for the rabbit is equal to 0.5, and for a dog 15 cube. See 1 kg of weight. As for man, the authors believed that the amount of air, which could accidentally get during ordinary venous injections, is not dangerous.

F. Yumaguzina (1938) In the experiments, death was observed with the introduction of 1 cu. cm air rabbit weighing 1-1.5 kg. I. Pines (Pines, 1939) introduced a cat to 2 liters of air for a long time and did not observe the death of the animal. E.F. Nikulchenko (1945), in experiments on dogs on an air embolism, was observed with the introduction of 5 ml of air per 1 kg of weight. He considers this dose to be fatal.

N.V. Popov (1950) indicates that the receipt of 5-10 cubic channels in the vascular channel. cm air does not lead to any, severe consequences due to its dissolution in the blood. Several more air in 15-20 cubic meters. cm may entail heavy disorders and even death.

P. Berg (Berg, 1951) leads data on the deadly dose of animals different species and man. While rabbits die from 4 cu. See and even fewer air, dogs tolerate 20-200 cubic meters. cm, and horses 4000-6000. There are observations that a person can transfer air introduction to 20 cubic meters. See S. P. Berg gives data from a number of authors: so deadly dose of air for man According to Volkmann - 40, Anton (Anthon) - 60, on Bergmann (Bergmann) - even 100 cubic meters. cm.

I.P. Davita (1952) also leads literary data on the deadly dose of air for various types of animals. For dogs it is up to 80 cubic meters. See for rabbits 4-5, for horse 4000, for a person from 400 to 6000 cu. See when calculating 1 kg of rabbits weight is 0.8-4, for a cat 5, for a dog from 5 to 7 ml. I.P. Davita reports about the case in 1944 in one of the Berlin clinics. Incurable sick cancer of the stomach in order to "relieve death" "doctor" introduced 300 ml of air into the elbow vein and the patient suffered. The case is an example of "care" about a person in the conditions of capitalist society and a non-aggative role in this "doctors". It is obvious that the deadly dose of air, except for a number of general circumstances and patterns, is also determined by the characteristics of the individual.

I.V. Davydovsky (1954) indicates that for a person a maximum harmless dose should be considered only 15-20 cubic meters. cm air. This calculation follows from the fact that surgeons sometimes observe the suction of air into the cervical veins without any particular consequences. Such suction occurs in a volume of 12-20 cubic meters. See decisive for Embolia, as I.V. Davydovsky, is not only the amount of air and the rate of its entry into veins, but also the distance from the place of injury to the vessel to the heart. Injured in the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper, the field of veins are more dangerous than in the field of the bottom of Vienna, V. Felix (1957) considers with an air emblem mortal dose For a person, the amount of air in the range of 17-100, for dogs up to 370 cubic meters. cm..."

Diagnosis of an air emblem on the corpse

Macroscopic signs of air emblem

Venous air emblem

  • The expansion of the right half of the heart when it is inspected, which is sometimes coded.
  • Displaying a foam, containing air bubbles, blood through the wall of the right ears
  • Air bubbles are visible through the walls of the lower hollow vein and pulmonary veins in the roots of the lungs (when significant air).
  • The population of the air containing air to the surface of the water when pouring water into the window-shaped bag.
  • Pop-up when immersed in an insulated heart water, i.e. Hearts, which, after the preliminary dressing of vessels of the vessels, along with the lungs, is extracted from the chest cavity or cut off from the organicomplex.
  • The presence of air in the cavities of the heart (see Sunzov's sample).
  • The presence of blood clots containing air bubbles in the cavities of the heart. If you immerse such containing air bubbles, blood clots In the vessel with water, it floats to the surface (M.V. Lisakovich, 1958).
  • The release of frothy blood from the lower hollow vein during its opening under water, poured into the cavity of the peritoneum - the test of Adrianov (A.D. Adrianov, 1955).
  • Flooding of foaming blood from the surface of the cutting of the liver (see the trial of Grigorieva P.V.), kidneys and spleen. (Thus, the flow of foaming blood from the surface of the cutting of the liver, kidney and spleen can be observed not only in the venous air embolism, but also with other causes of death. It shows that this feature It is impossible to be considered specific for venous air emblem; It has only auxiliary meaning.)

"... There are guidance (tenths, 1956, Lisakovich, 1958) that subendocardial hemorrhages are noted at the experimental venous air emblem and that they may be regarded as a sign of the venous air emblem. ... There is a complete reason to believe that hemorrhages under the endocardium are not a diagnostic sign of the venous air emblem. First, they may generally be absent, as it was in our experiments on animals, and secondly, they can be observed in connection with other reasons, in particular, with blood loss, which are often combined with an air embolism ... "

"... It is necessary to assume that the absence of specific macroscopically distinguishable changes in the brain, the absence of specific macroscopically distinguishable changes in the brain serves as one of the reasons for the difficulties with which it is necessary to deal with the diagnosis of this type of death. Macroscopically visible changes in the brain, described by a number of authors, according to their own statement, are nonspecified for arterial an embolism and may occur during other causes of death. These include, first of all, air bubbles in soft vessels brain shell and hemorrhage in the substance of the brain ... "

Histological signs of air emblem

"... microscopic data are scarce, but they should not be neglected. In the vessels of the lungs, cellular structures are detected. Important diagnostic value It has the establishment under the microscope of the aeroderbs, having a type of cavities surrounded by fibrin threads and uniform elements blood. Such blood clots in the heart can be located involvingly, between muscle crossbars and valves.

In the liver, brain and kidneys, full-blood and swelling are found. In the spleen - anemia of red pulp, in light atelectases, swelling, hemorrhage, the sections of emphysema, the gap of the intelvelaolar partitions. If 1-2 hours arrived from the moment of embolism to death, then microscopically in the brain, small hemorrhages and foci of necrosis are detected, in other organs of dystrophic processes. "

Venous air emblem

"..." Funny Blood "in the lung vessels was detected not only when drowning, but also with other causes of death. Detection of a sign of "foamy blood" in the vessels of the lungs in cases of susceptibility of death of diseases of cardio-vascular system and lungs, with different kind of asphyses (including drowning), electric crash and other causes of death gives reason to believe that in the mechanism of air bubbles penetrations in the vessels of the lungs plays a role pulmonary fabric and its vessels, in particular, the permeability of the walls of the vessels of the lungs and intramiliary pressure, which at the specified causes of death can increase ... "

Arterial air embolism

  • Air embilities when considering the brain vascular plexuses under stereomicroscope.
  • Aerial Embols in the eyebound vessels and in the front chamber of the eye under the cornea.

"On the vascular plexus are imposed at the base of ligature from the fine thread and then beyond the limits of these ligats. Then the vascular plexus with the help of tweezers and scissors are carefully released from the cavities of the ventricles. It must be emphasized that on the corpses of people, the seizure of vascular plexuses from the cavities of the ventricles should be carried out only after the preliminary dressing of them at the base. Without this, due to the widespread lumen of the vascular vessels in humans, much greater than in animals, the possibility of air in the vessels of the plexuses during their damage during seizures is not excluded. The imposition of ligatures on them prevents such an opportunity ...

After extracting, vascular plexuses are placed on slide glasses and are considered to be light. At the same time, air bubbles are well distinguishable with the naked eye in the vessels of the plexus. However, it is especially good and clearly these air bubbles are visible in the study of vascular plexuses under a microscope. To study vascular plexuses placed on slide glass, a biological microscope is used in the usual lower illumination of the drug ...

The presence of "foaming blood" in the brain vessels is found not only when death from the arterial an embolism, but also with other causes of death, and this sign is not specific to air embolism big Circle blood circulation ... "


Publications on the topic of air embolism

  1. Blyakhman S.D. Aerial embolism when damaged stupid and firearms Abstracts of reports to the eleventh expanded conference of the Leningrad branch of the contribution and to and scientific session of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the USSR of the USSR on June 27-30, 1961 // L., 1961, 59-61.
  2. Zharkova E.B. Aerial embolism as a complication when infusing into veins of the head // A collection of works on forensic medicine and judicial chemistry Perm, 1961, 107 - 109.
  3. Monastic V.I., Blyakhman S.D. Air embolism in forensic medical and transactors. Dushanbe, 1963, 133 pp.
  4. Blyakhman S.D. Air embolism during transport injury // Collection of the Republican Bureau of Forensic Expertise and the Department of Judicial Medicine of the Tajik State Docus. Dushanbe, 1963, 8, 121-124.
  5. Blyakhman S.D. Air embolism during transport injury and ways to identify it // Materials of the 5 All-Union Scientific Conference of Judicial Medicines. M.,<Медицина>. L, 1969, 1, 84-86.
  6. Abaev A.A. False air embolism on the corpses after taking fibrinolyscent blood // Forensic-medical examination. M., 1969, 2, 45-46.
  7. Reichman V.I. Aerial embolism with therapeutic pneumoperitoneum // Health care of Belarus. Minsk, 1971, 1, 83.
  8. Figurines V.A., Toyan I.A. Aerial embolism, as a complication of tuberculosis lymphadenitis // Forensic medical examination. 1988. №4. P. 54.

Air bubble, caught in Vienna, can cause her blockage. This condition is called aerial embolism. Under what circumstances it may arise, what danger represents for life and human health?

The air in Vienna is able to penetrate only under the condition of its puncture - puncture. Accordingly, this can happen when performing such manipulations as intravenous administration of drugs with a syringe or dropper. Many patients during such procedures are afraid of air from entering venous vessels and their anxiety has good reasons. This is due to the fact that air bubble overlaps the lumen of the channel, thereby disturbing the process of blood microcirculation. That is, the development of embolism takes place. The high risk of severe complications and even fatal outcome occurs when blocking large arteries.

Possible consequences

It is believed that if the air fell into a vein, it will lead to a fatal outcome. Is it true? Yes, such is quite likely, but only under the condition of penetration of its large volume - at least 20 cubes. Unintentionally, with intravenous administration, medication cannot happen. If even in the syringe with the drug and there were air bubbles, then its quantities are not enough to cause life-threatening consequences. Small plugs are quite quickly dissolved under blood pressure and the process of its circulation immediately

In the event of an air embolism, the risk of death is not high and the forecast will be favorable, subject to the timely provision of medical care.

Such phenomena may become complications:

  • parese - temporary numbness of the body of the body, to which it became bad to flow blood due to blockage of the supply vessel with a bubble of air;
  • formation of sealing and blue in place of puncture;
  • dizziness;
  • general malaise;
  • short-term fainting.

Introduction to Vienna 20 cc. The air can provoke oxygen starvation of the brain or the heart muscle, which in turn will lead to the development of infarction or stroke.

In the absence of timely medical care, the risk of death of the victim is increasing. The danger of fatal outcome increases if the air in Vienna got during heavy surgical intervention, in the process complicated generic activityAs well as in serious injuries and injuries, which are accompanied by damage to large blood vessels.

Air embolism can provoke death in the case when the organism compensatory capabilities are insufficient, and medical Help It was provided untimely.

Air in Vienna does not always lead to her blockage. Bubbles can move on the blood flow system, penetrating into smaller vessels and capillaries. At the same time, they either dissolve, or overlap them the lumen, which is practically not reflected on the general well-being of a person. Pronounced symptoms takes place only when large air volume into large significant blood channels.

Shops and droppers

In the process of introducing injections there is a chance to enter air bubbles invienna.

To avoid this nurse before making an injury, the contents of the syringe shake and produce a little medicine from it. Thus, along with the drug it comes out and overlooked air. This is done not only to avoid hazardous consequences, but in order to reduce the pain of the injection itself. After all, when air bubble penetrates into Vienna, it causes a very unpleasant feeling in a patient, as well as the formation of hematoma in the puncture area. When dropping the droppers, the likelihood that the air will fall into the vein, almost zero, as all bubbles are also available from the system.


To prevent unwanted complications after injection, you need to seek help only in specialized medical institutionswhere manipulations are performed by a qualified medical staff. It is not recommended to conduct a procedure to independently or trust it with persons not possess the necessary skills.

When typing medicines in the syringe, some air is falling into it, which then be released. Among the patients there are a lot of momentous people who are very concerned how experienced and conscientious nurse, which makes an injection or a dropping dropper. It is believed that if air falls into Vienna, death will come. How is the case really? Is there such a danger?

The blockage of the blood vessel bubble is called an air embolism. The probability of such a phenomenon has long been considered in medicine, and this is indeed dangerous for life, especially if such a traffic jam fell into a major artery. At the same time, according to doctors, the risk of fatal outcome when entering air bubbles The blood is completely small. To block the vessel and severe consequences developed, you need to enter at least 20 cubic meters. See air, while he must immediately get into large arteries.

The lethal exodus happens rarely if the compensatory capabilities of the body are small and the help was provided in a non-time.

Especially dangerous air from the vessels in the following cases:

  • with severe operations;
  • in pathological fees;
  • with severe injuries and injuries, when large vessels are damaged.

If the bubble completely closes the clearance of the arteries, the air embolism will develop

What happens when air

A bubble can block blood flow by vessels and leave some kind of area without blood supply. If the cork fell into coronary vessels, myocardial infarction develops, if in the vessels supplying blood brain, stroke. Such severe symptoms are observed only in 1% of people who came to the bloodstream.

But the plug does not necessarily close the clearance of the vessel. It can move for a long time along the bloodstream, parts fall into smaller vessels, then in capillaries.

When air intake, the following symptoms may appear in the blood:

  • If these were small bubbles, it will not affect health and health. The only thing that may appear are bruises and seals at the injection site.
  • If the air falls more, a person may feel dizziness, malaise, numbness in places of air bubbles. A short-term loss of consciousness is possible.
  • If you can throw 20 cubic meters. cm air and more, cork can clog vessels and disrupt the blood supply to organs. Rarely may occur death from stroke or infarction.

In case of minor air bubbles in the vein may appear bruises in the injection site.

Is it worth afraid of air from entering the vein in injections? We all saw as a nurse before making an injection, clicks on the syringe with my fingers so that one of the small bubbles is formed alone, and the piston pulls out of it not only the air, but also a small part of the medicine. This is done for complete removal bubbles, although such a quantity that falls into the syringe with a solution for injection solutions, it is not safe for a person, especially since the air in Vienna will disagree before it comes to life an important organ. And rather produce it, rather, in order to make it easier to enter the medicine and the injection was less painful for the patient, because when the air bubble penetrates into a vein, a man is experiencing sensations, and a hematoma may form at the injection site.

Entering small air bubbles in Vienna through a syringe danger to life

If people relate more calmly to injections, then the dropper for some causes panic, since the procedure is quite a long and medical worker can leave the patient one. It is not surprising that the patient is alarming because the solution in the dropper will end earlier than the Medic pulls the needle from Vienna.

According to physicians, the concerns of patients are unreasonable, as it is impossible to put air to Vienna through the dropper. First, before putting it, the doctor makes all the same manipulations to remove air as with a syringe. Secondly, if the medicine is over, he in no way blood vessel It does not fall, since the pressure in the dropper is not enough for this, while blood pressure is quite high and it will not give it to penetrate the vein.

As for even more complex medical equipment, special filtering devices are installed there, and removing bubbles is carried out automatically.

Dropper is a reliable device for intravenous injections of drugs. Air penetration into vein is impossible through it, even if the liquid is over

To avoid unpleasant consequences intravenous administration Medicines, best adhere to some rules:

  • Apply for medical care to institutions with a good reputation.
  • Avoid self-administration of drugs, especially if there are no such skills.
  • Do not give to make injections and put droppers to people who do not have professional training.
  • With forced carrying out procedures at home, carefully remove air from a dropper or a syringe.

It is impossible to definitely say whether air in charge is dangerous. It depends on the specific case, the number of bubbles falling and on how soon was rendered health care. If this happened during medical manipulations, the hospital staff will immediately notice and will take everything necessary measures To prevent danger.

I took blood test from Vienna and got there air. I did not know about it because I do not really understand. But Vienna was very sick and there was a bruise. I was then told me at home that it came to the air. Vienna was sick for a long time and the bruise did not go long. But then somewhere in a month began to raise the pressure much, although I always have low. The hand was very sick, where the analysis was taken and the pain was floating with numbness. Is this connected with air in the blood?

No, not connected. Well, no way can get the air when the blood fence. Takes into a vacuum tube, where the pressure is negative and the blood itself due to blood pressure flows into the test tube.

This is already nonsense. When blood is fence, well, how can it come to air, because they pull the piston and due to pressure, blood flows into the syringe, but they do not push anything to Vienna. And the bruise most often happens if you pull the piston with much effort or if you pull the needle with a vein before remove the harness. So do not invent.

And if the air bubble fell into the dropper tube, and moves in solution, before the solution ended?

It is unlikely that something will be bad, he made so dropper and everything is in order.

And if the medicine falls into the capillaries, what will happen?

I do not know what will happen if the air will get through the injection? But I know one thing for sure, the heroes of the new Narica, and past the veins are let your solution and with air, and at the same time do not clepen the place of the injection, and one syringe is 5 times used, and alive! And probably healthy.

Hello, please tell me. I'm learning to take blood from Vienna. Vienna bad, it did not work from the first time, and during the first injection pulled the piston, it was not in Vienna and returned the piston to its original position, without pulling out the needles. Will there be no consequences?

Two meters will correct underground, nothing will be.))))))

All lies, just introduced 12 cubes and nothing.

In vain introduced. Yesterday made an injection and some air got a bit (0.3 ml). Feelings: noise in the ears, dizziness. In short, you should not risk.

How dangerous air bubbles in a dropper tube? (with intravenous injection)

Several air bubbles calmly dissolve in the blood and several ml of air will not cause embolism. There must be a massive suction of air in the bloodstream.

Even if you enter a large amount of air, but slow, the embolism will not. Air will be dissolved in the blood and is excreted through the lungs.

If the solution is ends in the dropper, then the blood will go from the vein into the system to an altitude equal to venous pressure in mm. water column.

Therefore, dropper and hang to create pressure above intravenous.

The air embolism occurs or then when the air in large quantities sucks into the vessels, it happens when damaged during damage to large, central veins, when a large amount of air is suused or when "blood will boil" with the ceson disease. When in the blood when working under water dissolved a large amount of nitrogen. And with a sharp decrease in pressure, it turns into gas.

I remember, in one of the movies, they looked out to kill the syringe with the air, and as a result, a man died, obviously, from fear. Air bubble will not reach the brain - it will dissolve. Embolia arises not when drug administration, but if the main veins is damaged. This is a fairy tales from the bubble of air.

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