What is a strain in biology. The meaning of the word strain

Strain (it. Stamm, literally - trunk, basis)

pure culture of a certain type of microorganism, which has studied morphological and physiological features. Can be allocated from various sources (soil, water, food products etc.) or from one source in different time. Therefore, the same type of bacteria, yeast, microscopic mushrooms can have a large number of S., differing in a number of properties, for example, in sensitivity to antibiotics, the ability to form toxins, enzymes, etc. Production sh. Microorganisms used in industry for microbiological synthesis (See microbiological synthesis) proteins (including enzymes), antibiotics, vitamins, organic acids, etc., significantly more productive (in cut ...

Strain (it. Stamm)

the culture of microorganisms of a certain species, isolated from this source, characterized by some signs that distinguish it from other crops of the same species.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First health care. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984

m. Clean culture of microorganisms isolated from some One source is the body of a diseased animal or a person, from soil, water, etc. - and used for the manufacture of vaccines and sera.


-but , m. Microbiol.

Clean culture of microorganisms of one species isolated from some The source (from the body of a diseased animal, a person or out of the surrounding nature) and possessing special physiological biochemical properties.

[Him. STAMM]

Small academic dictionary. - M.: Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences of the USSR Evgenieva A. P. 1957-1984

Strain strain, -a ( biol.)

Russian verbal emphasis. - M.: Enas. M.V. Glow. 2001.

(it. STAMM) - the culture of microorganisms of a certain species, isolated from this source, characterized by some signs that distinguish it from other cultures of the same species.


(it. Stamm), the pure culture of the microorganism allocated from the definition. Source or resulting as a result of mutations. Different sh. One and the same microorganism for a number of properties (eg, sensitivity to antibiotics, virulence) may differ from each other.

Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary


(Theodor Stamm) is a literary pseudonym graph T. Heusenstamm Zu Heissenstein, German writer (1801-1889). In addition to historical and cultural articles, he wrote: "Schattenrisse Aus Giulios Leben" (1832); "EIN WEIBLICHES HERZ" (1842); "Hesperus" (1844); "Gedichte" (1845); "Im Abendstrahl" (1880-84); "Die Wunderlichen Pilger" (1884); "Maske Und Lyra" (1885).

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-PB.: Brockhauses-Efron 1890-1907

Culture of a microorganism of a certain species,
differing in origin from another culture of the same species.

1. Clean culture of microorganisms.
2. Russian sculptor 20 century, monument to Yuri Dolgorukha in Moscow.
3. Microbial standard.

Strain - genetically homogeneous culture within a given type of algae or mushrooms with specific distinctive featuresHowever, not reaching the level of taxonomic differences.

Dictionary of Botanical Terms. - Kiev: Science Dumka. Under the general edition of D. B.N. I.A. Dudes. 1984 .


sUDNumber of synonyms: (1)

Substimm (1)

Dictionary of synonyms asis, Trishin V.N. , 2010.

Isolated at a certain time and in a specific place. Since many microorganisms are multiplied with mitosis (division), without the participation of the sexual process, in essence, the species in such microorganisms consist of clonal lines, genetically and morphologically identical source cells. The strain is not a taxonomy category, the lowest taxon in all organisms is the form, the same strain cannot be allocated for the second time from the same source at another time.

The assignment of the microorganism to a certain type occurs on the basis of sufficiently broad signs, such as the type of nucleic acid and the structure of the capsid in viruses; The ability to grow on certain hydrocarbons and the type of substance allocated metabolic products, as well as conservative sequences of genome in bacteria. Inside the species, there are variations with respect to, size and shape of plaques (negative "colonies" of the virus) or colonies of the microorganism, the level of products of enzymes, the presence of plasmid, virulence, etc.

There is no generally accepted in the world nomenclature The names of the strains, and the names used are quite arbitrary. As a rule, they consist of separate letters and numbers that are recorded after the species name. For example, one of the most famous sishemnel strains - E. coli K-12.

see also

  • Morphower
  • Fagovar



  • Strain - article from the Big Soviet Encyclopedia
  • Modern microbiology. Procarniot. Volume 1. Edited by J. Lengeler, the city of the grace, Schlegel. - M.: Mir., 2005. - 656 p. - ISBN 5-03-003707-1, 5-03-003706-1, 3-13-108411-1

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


Watch what is a "strain" in other dictionaries:

    strain - strain, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    strain - strain/ … Morphemno-spell dictionary

    BUT; m. [Him. STAMM] biol. Clean culture of microorganisms of one species isolated from which l. The source and possessing special properties (used in medicine, biology, food industry, etc.). * * * strain (it. Stamm), pure culture ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - [Him. STAMM] biol. In microbiology: the net culture of microorganisms of this species isolated from a certain source. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. Stammer (Him. Stamm) in microbiology Clean culture of microorganisms or viruses ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Clean culture of microorganism, isolated from a certain source or resulting from mutations. Different sh. The same microorganism may differ near the properties, for example. virulence, sensitivity to antibiotics. Sh. ... ... Dictionary of microbiology

    Strain - strain, (German STAMM), obtained as a result of the reproduction of one cell, the combination of genetically homogeneous cells of microorganisms (or cultured eukaryotes), differing in certain signs from other aggregates (strains) ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (it. Stamm) Clean culture of microorganisms of one species, which has studied morphological and physiological features. Different strains of microorganisms of the same species on a number of properties (for example, sensitivity to antibiotics) differ ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Strain, a (biol.) ... Russian verbal emphasis

    M. Clean culture of microorganisms, isolated from any one source of a disease of a diseased animal or a person, from soil, water, etc. and used for the manufacture of vaccines and sera. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. ... ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

    - (it. Stamm, letters. trunk, base; family, tribe), pure culture of microorganism isolated from the definition. Source or resulting as a result of mutations. Different strains of the same microorganism can differ in a number of properties, for example ... ... ... Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

    SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 subshtam (1) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Dictionary of medical terms

strain (it. Stamm)

the culture of microorganisms of a certain species, isolated from this source, characterized by some signs that distinguish it from other crops of the same species.

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. Clean culture of microorganisms isolated from some One source is the body of a diseased animal or a person, from soil, water, etc. - and used for the manufacture of vaccines and sera.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Strain (it. Stamm) Clean culture of microorganisms of one species, in which morphological and physiological features have been studied. Different strains of microorganisms of the same species on a number of properties (eg, sensitivity to antibiotics) differ from each other.


(it. Stamm, literally ≈ barrel, base), pure culture of a certain type of microorganism, which has studied morphological and physiological features. Can be allocated from various sources (soil, water, food, etc.) or from one source at different times. Therefore, the same type of bacteria, yeast, microscopic mushrooms can have a large number of S., differing in a number of properties, for example, in sensitivity to antibiotics, the ability to form toxins, enzymes, etc. Production sh. Microorganisms used in industry for microbiological synthesis proteins (including enzymes), antibiotics, vitamins, organic acids, etc., significantly more productive (as a result of selection) of wild sh.


Strain (values)


  • Strain is a pure culture of viruses, bacteria, other microorganisms.
  • Strain, Svetlana Ivanovna (1918-after 1996) - scientist in the field of the history of the state and the rights of Russia.
  • Strain, Theodore is a literary pseudonym Count T. Heusenstamm Zu Heissenstein, a German writer (1801-1889).
  • Strain, Felix (1901-1976) - Polish boxing coach.
  • "Stamme" is American horror series, 2014.

Strain (television series)

« Strain"- the American dramatic series, the premiere of which took place on July 13, 2014 on the FX TV channel. The series is based on the trilogy of Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan. Both author wrote a script for a pilot episode, and Del Toro also acted as director. The serial premiere occurred at the ATX television festival in Austin in early June 2014. Carlton Kuiz will also spoke to the television series Showranner. August 19, 2014 the series was officially extended by the second season consisting of 13 episodes. The premiere of the second season took place on July 12, 2015 on the FX television channel. On August 7, 2015, the series was officially extended to the third season consisting of 10 episodes. The premiere of the third season will be held on August 28, 2016 on the FX television channel. On September 27, 2016, the series was extended to the fourth and last season, the premiere of which will be held in the summer of 2017.

The premiere of the first season in Russia took place on the television channel of the NST 2 January 2016 at 20:00. Non-stop was shown all 13 episodes of the first season. The premiere of the second season in Russia took place at NT on June 13, 2016 at 15:40. Non-stop was shown all 13 series of the second season.


Strain - Clean culture of viruses, bacteria, other microorganisms or cell culture, isolated at a certain time and in a certain place. Since many microorganisms multiply by binary division, without the participation of the sexual process, in essence, such microorganisms are consisting of clonal lines, genetically and morphologically identical source cells. The strain is not a taxonomy category, the lowest taxon in all organisms is the form, the same strain cannot be allocated for the second time from the same source at another time.

The assignment of the microorganism to a certain type occurs on the basis of sufficiently broad signs, such as the type of nucleic acid and the structure of the capsid in viruses; The ability to grow on certain hydrocarbons and the type of substance allocated metabolic products, as well as conservative sequences of genome in bacteria. Inside, there are variations on the size and shape of plaques (negative "colonies" of the virus) or colonies of the microorganism, the level of products of enzymes, the presence of plasmid, virulence, etc.

There is no generally accepted names of strains in the world, and the names used are quite arbitrary. As a rule, they consist of separate letters and numbers that are recorded after the species name. For example, one of the most famous sishemnel strains - E. coli K-12.

Strain (novel)

« Strain. Start"- Roman horrors about vampires, written by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan in 2009. The continuation of the novel is served Strain. Sunset (2010) and Eternal night (2011), together the components of the trilogy Strain.

Del Toro initially conceived his novel "strain" as a television series, but could not find financial support. His agent invited him to create a series of novels. Del Toro offered the co-authorship of Hogan in the Romanov series, explaining that he knows how to write short stories and scenarios, but not novels. Hogan agreed to work on the project, reading only the first one and a half pages. Both author collaborated the first year with only oral agreements, without having a joint contract for the manuscript publishing house.

The series "strain" of the FX channel is the screening of the novel.

Examples of the use of the word strain in the literature.

True, the researchers who devoted life to this, stubbornly searched for such strain Brucella who could serve as a basis for a reliable and safe vaccine to immunize calves in the first months of their lives, and already in 1930 was created strain19, to which high hopes rest.

Yes, strain E, "Alexander nodded and explained that in America more famous strain In, as in Africa.

You really think that the viruses of this stamma Can be transferred by air?

By this time, the detachment has already developed a technology for drying the plague bacteria and the method of storing them in a dry form, has already been produced. strain Plain bacteria, 60 times superior to the virulence is ordinary.

Now the other was heard: genes, alleles, crossfield, strains, clones, clean lines.

The research team, where Dr. Cupin, intended to vaccinate patients at the AIDS stage with blood from the blood of HIV-positive individuals - in the hope of extrusion of lethal stamma harmless.

However, the microbe itself will not sleep, incentively mutates, sends to the sides of the plasmid, which is why even more persistent and harmful appear strains, Sorry for such a word.

Allow, young man, - interrupted his dry Austrian Strain, the only one of all the inhabitants of the flesh with a tie, in a jacket and trousers.

He is a little roblast before StrainSomething Austrian reminded him school teacher geography.

Other of them tried to send a thunderstorm described in their newspapers to their newspapers, but a radio device did not accept information without a visa. StammaAnd Austrian was inexorable.

Norm Chempton drove into the angle Stamma And, shaking the lione mane and notepad, removed some information from Austrian.

Mistaken nonsense - and bacterial strain Maybe through the membrane to penetrate into the upper tank.

Study strains Pathological bacteria - gas gangle, tetanus, diphtheria, scarletins - after formalin processing.

We still discovered his secret laboratory, and there are these pathogens strains Although debut.

Derrick for once again told that not all viruses are the same, about mutagenic factors and about strains, On genetic engineering and wide opportunities of modern, science.

Bacteria - the simplest form of life consisting of one cell. They very quickly multiply by division. Bacteria, ripe, is divided into two cells, resulting in two microorganism. The whole process takes about 20-30 minutes. Then he repeated many times. With such a huge speed, one bacterium under ideal conditions could produce about 33 trillion descendants per day. New bacteria strains are pure cultures, isolated at a certain time and in a certain place, will appear very quickly at such a reproduction rate. But their century is not so much. He is u different species From several minutes to a pair of hours, therefore bacteria even under ideal conditions can not multiply so quickly.

Listeria monocytogenes

These organisms appeared on Earth long before a person, thanks to which the number of their varieties is incredibly great. For simplicity of study, they are divided into strains, combining according to properties and features.

To understand how diverse they are varied, the temperatures can be estimated, comfortable for the existence of various bacteria. There is a temperature at which all the organisms of this species cease to be active and fall into the hibernation. There is also the upper threshold at which they die. In the interval between these temperatures, the bacteria feel very comfortable, they lead active life.

So, for bacteria-saprophytes (feeding by cells of dead plants or animals), the temperature range is very small - from + 25 ° C to + 30 ° C. For pathogenic microorganisms bringing diseases, the optimal temperature is + 38 ° C. There are also bacteria that live well and multiply at a temperature of + 100 ° C. The variety of bacteria on Earth is very large.


In microbiology, science, engaged in the study of microorganisms (invisible to the eye of individuals), there is a concept of bacteria strain. The strain is a pure culture of microorganisms. Since bacteria are multiplied by division, then most often find whole colonies of similar microorganisms. Due to the high speed of reproduction, these creatures are very variable. Therefore, it is impossible to withdraw the same strain of bacteria from one source twice.

Lamp bacteria

Since antiquity, fermented milk products were obtained using strains of lactic acid bacteria. These organisms fermented carbohydrates, forming milk acid. Recently, they are not only used to prepare ferocular products, but also added to food.

The strains of lactic acid bacteria are mainly probiotic and retain viability when passing through the gastrointestinal tract. They have a lot useful properties. For example, they exhibit activity in relation to pathogenic microorganisms, producing various organic acids Bactericidal action. And some strains produce an active hydrogen peroxide, which destroys viruses.

Nijberry bacteria

Also isolated strain of nodule bacteria. They infect only bean plants. Noodle bacteria are very specific. It happens that the bacteria forming the nipper roots are not infected with the roots of pea or clover. But even though they sometimes differ among themselves, all nodule bacteria are well developed at neutral soil acidity. They are used in agriculture to improve the value of soil and obtaining better crop.

Intestinal wand

There are microorganisms living in a completely different environment. This includes the Escherichia coli bacterium strain, which lives in the intestine of a person. The bacteria fall into the body of a newborn baby orally within 40 hours after the appearance of the light.

Intestinal wand, so called it, brings a certain benefit of the human body. It synthesizes vitamins K and B1, and also opposes pathogenic bacteria, which from time to time appear in our gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal wand is used to conduct genetic studies due to what can be highlighted in the laboratory. For a while, the intestinal wand can live outside the human body and animals - it allows you to make tests for the presence of fecal pollution.


In hospitals, pathogenic microorganisms are gradually forming hospital strains. Their main feature is the ability to quickly infect the body. They are also poly-resistant (possess the lightning adaptation to drugs). Hospital infections Able to cause large-scale hospital diseases in a short time.

Among all microorganisms, scientists separately allocate auxotrofs. They differ in that they cannot produce any organic matter necessary for their growth and development. Auxotrofa belong to mutants, as they cannot develop independently if the desired organic matter is not in the environment. These strains are used to conduct various studies. Also auxotrofas are convenient to use for genetic marking in microbiology.

The concept of auxotrophy is inherent not only microbiology. Auxotrophic are many species on Earth. An example of auxotrophic organism can be called a person - he needs indispensable amino acids For normal development.


In Russian, you can often meet the word "bacillos". Under this concept can be implied as a genus bacteria (lat. Bacillus) and bacteria or microorganisms in general. The second option is more often found in simple speech. In fact, bacillos are gram-positive spore-forming bacteria having a kind of curved sticks.

The most famous of them are:

  1. Bacillus Anthracis, which is the causative agent of Siberian ulcers;
  2. Bacillus subtilis, also called a hay stick;
  3. Bacillus Cereus - causes toxic infections in a person, the consequence of vomiting or diarrhea.

The benefits of Bacilli

It is worth noting that among Bacill there are microorganisms that support the optimal microflora in our intestine. Bacill strains are also used as active probiotics. They can be found in various drugs and buds. Thus, in Russia you can find dietary supplies, including Bacillus subtilis. Examples of use of beneficial properties Bacill are bacchistatin preparations and kinder gel. In the US, the company produces a Bacillus Coagulans strain, which is used for the production of Sustenex preparation.

Bacills are used in agriculture, as antibiotics produce and have the ability to scat the soil. They effectively counteract many microorganisms, such as Salmonella, protein, streptococci, and besides, produce amino acids and vitamins that are necessary plants. Such strains such as Bacillus subtilis and Licheniformis are successfully used to obtain α-amylase and proteins (important components of enzymatic drugs)

Cereus IP 5832.

Bacillus Cereus IP 5832 is a non-propogenous live microorganism. It is used as the main thing active substance To obtain preparations that restore the optimal intestinal microflora. Some of its features:

  1. Cereus IP 5832 counteracts pathogenic microorganisms and contributes to the normalization of digestion.
  2. Bacillus Cereus IP 5832 is present in drugs in the form of an argument, which are resistant to the action of acid and pepsin of the stomach.
  3. Already in the intestine, Cereus IP 5832 disputes are converted into full-fledged microorganisms by maturation.
  4. Cereus IP 5832 genetically close to a hay stick.
  5. The Bacillus Cereus IP 5832 strain resists many wide spectrum antibiotics and restores the normal intestinal microflora.

Cereus IP 5832 During normal development, it should not be in the intestine of a person, therefore, after 4 days after the use of drugs containing the spores of the bacterium, it is derived by naturally.

Hay stick

Bacillus subtilis is one of the most studied microorganisms. Basic properties:

  1. Propagated by division or disputes.
  2. SUBTILIS is a colorless straight wand with rounded stupid edges.

Bacillus was first led in 1835 by allocating the hay from the beam, therefore he received its name.

Thanks to Bacillus subtilis, the mechanisms of sporing Bacilli, the work of the microorganisms flashes, the genetic changes occurring in bacteria in space or conditions close to weightlessness are investigated.

Hay stick

SUBTILIS, like other bacillos, has the ability to suppress pathogenic microorganisms. That is why predatory animals sometimes eat some types of plants in which you can find a hay stick.

Bacillus subtilis is often among the first to appear in the Russian wound. It produces antibiotics, negatively affecting the development of pathogenic microorganisms, and has an anti-allergic effect. Subtilis oppresses most of the pathogens of surgical infections.

Microorganisms are invisible to us, but they play a very important role in the vital activity of all the ecosystems of the planet. Bacteria produce organic substances, vitamins, kill pathogenic microorganisms. We can use their properties to create many useful things. And then the fact that today seems fiction, tomorrow will be applied everywhere.

I work as a doctor of veterinary medicine. I am fond of ballroom dancing, sports and yoga. In priority I put personal development and the development of spiritual practices. Favorite themes: Veterinary, biology, construction, repair, travel. Tabo: jurisprudence, politics, IT technologies and computer games.

The strain is a pure culture of microorganisms or viruses of one well-dedicated and well-studied species, differing from other cultures of the same type of organisms by a number of physiological biochemical properties (for example, sensitivity to antibiotics). Strams are used in biotechnics (industrial use of microbiology), which plays an increasingly important role in agricultural production. Abroad and in Russia, strains of microorganisms were already obtained, allowing to combat some pests of cultivated plants, as well as the increase in soil fertility, etc. [...]

Obtained strains of microorganisms related to the genus Acinetobacter and Mycobacterium, subjected to destruction wide spectrum normal hydrocarbons. In the course of the study of genetic determination, the sign of the degradation of mineral oil in the most active destructor-destructor Destructor ACINETOBACTER CALCOACETICUCETICUS TM-31 was able to detect the presence of two types of plasmid of 9.4 tons in size and. [...]

The study of the strains of microorganisms made it possible to highlight the producers of biopolymers that showed a high FLO. Cooling effect. The obtained biopolymers are attributed to glycoproteins. [...]

The use of active strains of microorganisms-destructors, the release and use of microalga-resistant water resistant, the introduction of higher aqueous plants to the cleansing system led to the creation of a new complex biological technology for cleaning and restoring water bodies contaminated with petroleum products. [...]

The study was carried out under standard conditions: 0.05 m phosphate buffer, pH \u003d 7.0; Substrate - 5 g / l; biomass - 8.5 mg (DC) / ml; Aerobic conditions, reaction temperature 32 ° C, reaction time - 4 h .. [...]

Currently, the types and strains of microorganisms operating at a temperature of B5-75 ° C are developed by which you can get ethanol and other products from almost all types of organic waste agriculture, forest industry, sugar factories. Now work is underway to reduce energy consumption in the preparation of ethanol - the most environmentally friendly type of fuel. [...]

The identification of the prospective strains of microorganisms for the main morphological, physiological and biochemical features was allowed to include strains 77-1 and 79-54 to the Bacillus family, and strain 78-5 to the genus Rhodococcus. As a result of research of pathogenicity in the Ufa Nii of the Medicine of Labor and Ecology, a person has established that all strains are avruilent for mammals, do not show infectiousness, invasiveness and toxigencies. [...]

This statement is allegedly true for many isoshisomers. Therefore, it is obvious that in general, the selection and purification of each individual enzyme is an individual task. However, consideration of literary data allows you to allocate some general methods used for this purpose. [...]

Future technology will be able to widely use strains of microorganisms obtained by methods of genetic engineering. In this regard, the successes of biotechnology, achieved in working with microorganisms involved in the biodegradation of aromatic compounds, and the difficulties caused by poorly sprinkled xenobiotics. The biological struggle with pests and nitrogen biological fixation are also considered. In the latter, the theoretical chapter is estimated to be the possibilities of biotechnology and its role in environmental technologies. [...]

Biological preparations are active strains of microorganisms that feed on petroleum hydrocarbons. [...]

Roberts for the designation of restrictions allocated from the strains of the same species, proposed in the abbreviated name to maintain the first two letters (first letters from the name of the genus and species), and the second letter from the name of the type is replaced by the following. According to this nomenclature, enzymes found in various strains of microorganisms of the Moraxella NonliqueFaciens species should be called MNO I, MNN i, etc. [...]

The volume of research related to the search and the creation of new strains of microorganisms, both aerobes and anaerobov, capable of conducting deep water purification from specific harmful compounds, increased dramatically in the last decade. [...]

Organic contamination as a result of the life of microorganisms are partially absorbed (converted into a living matter - assimilated), partially decompose as a result of respiration of microorganisms and removed as C02. The prerequisite for self-purification of water bodies is the presence of those species and strains of microorganisms in the water, which are able to participate in the reactions required for this purpose. Self-cleaning ability may increase over time due to the natural process of selection (selection) of microorganisms. [...]

The first restriction endonucleases were allocated in 1968 from E. coli strains and to. It turned out that restriction systems-modification rather CCROCO were distributed in bacteria. From various strains of microorganisms, enzymes of restriction-modification, differing from each other by a structural organization, the needs for the cofactors and the peculiarities of the substrate specificity. [...]

Virulence [from lat. VIRULEN-TUS - poisonous] - 1) The ability of pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate into other organisms and cause their disease; 2) the quantitative expression of the pathogenicity of this strain of the microorganism with respect to a certain type of animal or plants under certain conditions of natural or artificial infection. [...]

The use of antibiotics in animal feed and the formation of stable forms of microorganisms. Due to the many years of massive use of antibiotics to stimulate the growth of farm animals, it turned out that long use In the economy of the same antibiotic, the effect of its action is gradually decreasing. The decrease in the growth of antibiotics correlates with the accumulation of antibiotic resistant strains of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of animals. For example, it was found that the addition of antibiotics in animal feed significantly increases the resistance of the intestinal sticks to the drugs used, along with this, their rustimulating effect is reduced. If we consider that the antibiotic stability factor can be transmitted to other sensitive microorganisms, including pathogen, it becomes clear why it is undesirable this phenomenon. [...]

Thus, on the change in growth rate, you can establish the belonging of this strain of the microorganism to a particular temperature group or subgroup. [...]

The efficacy of biochemical cleaning is noticeably rising using special strains of microorganisms. There are information about the intensification of biochemical wastewater treatment with influence on microorganisms of physical and chemical factors, in particular ultrasound, electromagnetic fields, ozone, enzymes, etc. [...]

One of modern approaches The solution to this problem is the use of individual strains of microorganisms that can dispose of various components of oil. [...]

From the contaminated soils of a chemical plant to create complex drug Bacteria allocated microorganisms capable of destruction of benzene, xylene, toluene. The use of a comprehensive soil cleaning has shown that it has broad adaptive abilities and high destructive activity. Checking the degradation of Romashkinsky oil by these strains showed that in 4 days of fermentation in dynamic conditions, the oil content decreased by 40-60%. Analysis of the Romashkina Oil, carried out by gas chromatographically with the identification of peaks, showed the presence in it large number Aliphatic hydrocarbons from C and to C24, as well as apkylbenzene and naphthaleins. [...]

Calculation of the number of living colonies gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relative number of certain groups of microorganisms, but does not give a "common or absolute number of microorganisms". With this in mind, the calculation of the colonies can be a useful means of microbiological analysis of the ecosystem. Casual methods also allow to allocate individual strains of microorganisms to study in pure cultures. [...]

Inactivation of antibiotics can not be carried out when used for processing milk-resistant antibiotic strains of microorganisms. In the production and storage of cheeses, an antibiotic is used, which suppresses the development of clostridial and other forms of bacteria involved in the process of damage to cheeses. [...]

To expand the taxonomic characteristics of bacteria - alkyl sulfate destructors, we studied 257 collectible strains of microorganisms. Cultures were evoked on Wednesday with DDS crystals and determined their ability to use this substance as the only source of carbon and energy. From table. 4 It can be seen that most often this ability is found in the bacteria of the genus Pseudomo-NAS (20 strains of 88). Also 2 museum coli-like bacteria and 3 strains of nonocardium are also destructive activity. All proven cultures of bacilli, micrococci and other gram-positive bacteria, as well as yeast and yeast, do not destroy dodecyl sulfate. [...]

In our opinion, the so-called biofloculants are promising, obtained by both the directional cultivation of certain strains of microorganisms and physicochemical treatment of microorganisms cells, as well as using microorganisms with well-pronounced adsorption properties. [...]

The method of biological purification was very widespread to remove methanol and glycols from wastewater. Moreover, the strains of microorganisms immobilized on an inert carrier are derived, allowing reliable destruction of DEG under anaerobic conditions. After cleaning from DEG, wastewater can be directed to biological structures. [...]

Scientists of a number of countries are currently working to study the possibilities of decomposition of 2,4,5-t and dioxin. Illinois (USA) was created by a new strain of microorganisms (Rzidosopaea 1eras1a) capable of decomposing 2,4,5-t to water, carbon dioxide and harmless chlorides are much faster than natural microorganisms. The authors of the new method hope that the strain can also be used to decompose other pesticides. In this case, it will be possible to put on the market simultaneously with the drug and its microbial antidot. [...]

The need for bacteria in manganese naphthenates varies greatly depending on the presence of other growth substances, each of which is specific to a certain type or strain of microorganisms. [...]

For the reclamation of polluted lands and purification of contaminated groundwater, a biological method based on the use of active strains of microorganisms is becoming increasingly used. Pathways of the effects of microorganisms for toxic organic waste, physicochemical conditions that provide normal life and destructive activity of microorganisms (temperature, concentration of mineral components and pollutants, pH, the permeability of the soil, etc.) and possible methods of reclamation of the polluted natural environment - from natural recovery of the medium without human intervention by self-cleaning before the use of combined methods of impact, including physical, chemical and biological methods Processing. [...]

The mineralogical, agrochemical and microbiological composition of overlapping rocks, stroking dumps was studied. As a result, the study establishes that the inoculation of carbon groups with active strains of microorganisms increases the biological activity of fertilizers. The biological activity of the soil loads in which the soil microorganisms are made are characterized by a high content of bio-elements,%: nitrogen - 0.5, phosphorus - 10-12.5, potassium - 20-22.5, humic acids - 25-35, carboxylic acids - 16 , amino acids - 30-40. At the same time, biometric indicators of plants are improved: the coating on experienced sections using microorganisms was 70%, the height of the plants reached 15 cm. [...]

In the case of pollution of sea water with oil and petroleum products with a minor scale of the accident, it is possible to download them into specially aerated tanks, which also introduces special strains of microorganisms and where, with a duration, approximately comparable to the duration of water in the aerotanks, it is possible to quite complete oxidation of oil and petroleum products. When cleaning seawater from oil, the specified method does not require additional administration of mineral salts, since in the sea water it contains almost all the elements necessary for the cultivation of microorganisms. This method allows not only to purify sea water, but also to receive biomass of yeast or bacteria or a mixture thereof. Great importance These are properties of used strains of microorganisms. One of the basic requirements for microorganisms that can be used to clean marine and freshwater from oil and petroleum products are their non-optogenicity, the ability to evolve in non-sterile conditions in a wide pH and temperatures without using biostimulants. [...]

Closely related to the health of public health The problem of residual amounts of antibiotics in animal products. The significance of contamination by antibiotics is due to the possible propagation of antibiotic resistant strains of microorganisms, on the one hand, and possible growth allergic reactions Population by medications, on the other hand. Control over the content of antibiotics of three groups (tetracycline, penicillin and streptomycin) has shown the presence in 1991 of these antibiotics in 11.4% of meat semi-finished products. Currently, 60 names of antibiotics of domestic production are used for the needs of agriculture. In addition, it is known that imported drugs are also widely used for the treatment of mastitis in cows. [...]

Growth substances are necessary for the formation of biosomes of active yals, enhancing the biochemical activity of bacteria that destroys various contaminants, as well as to maintain the optimal conditions affecting the biochemical activity of microorganisms. They are important for the allocation and selection of new strains of microorganisms with high specific activity. Growth substances of active Ilov are studied in environmental, biochemical and genetic aspects, especially when using mutagenesis to obtain highly active cultures of bacteria-destructors. These issues are covered in detail in special studies. [...]

Cyclic hydrocarbons with rich ties are oxidized very difficult, and their biodegradation is hampered due to their small solubility and the absence of functional groups. The biodegradation of polar cycloalkanes is much easier, as many strains of microorganisms grow on hydrocarbons with functional groups. [...]

Selection (from lat. - choice, selection) - a branch of agricultural production engaged in the removal of varieties and hybrids of cultivated plants and rock breeds; Science, exploring the principles and methods of removal of new varieties of plants, rocks of animals, strains of microorganisms. Sometimes this term is used as a synonym "artificial selection", i.e., a system of measures to improve the existing and creating new breeds of animals and varieties of plants with economic attitudes useful signs. [...]

The existing processes of biological wastewater treatment make it possible to destroy only relatively simple organic compounds, the degree of purification from inorganic and complex organic substances is much lower. This leads to the need to obtain new strains of microorganisms suitable for cleaning special industrial effluents. There are already many examples of using selected strains to improve wastewater treatment containing heavy metal ions, phenols, cyanides and other toxic pollutants. [...]

Biological purification in aerotanks occurs much more intense than in biological ponds and in the filtration fields. The improvement of aerotanes is aimed at the intensification of mass transfer processes and the combination of various processes, such as the cultivation of the microorganisms of the active yel and their separation from purified water. The development is obtained by I. microbiological methods Intensification of wastewater treatment, related to the search for effective selective strains of microorganisms capable of disposal of organic pollution related to a certain group of chemical compounds. [...]

Microelements (molybdenum, boron, vanadium, iron, manganese) are needed azotobacter primarily for the implementation of the nitrogen intake. The need for microelements is determined largely by geochemical conditions for the existence of a nitrogen cootoker in the soils. The strains of microorganism isolated from soils with a high natural content of one or another microelement need, as a rule, in higher concentrations of these elements. [...]

In experiments with pure cultures on artificial nutrient media, bacteria, mushrooms and yeast are identified, having a fairly high sensitivity to various pesticides. Table 15 lists some of them. There was an idea of \u200b\u200busing these microorganisms to determine the content of pesticides in various natural environments. Its practical implementation, however, is mainly reduced to screenshots of bactericides, fungicides, protectors using microorganisms that cause biodegradation and plant diseases as test crops. The action is also studied chemicals Plant protection, mainly volators, on production valuable strains of microorganisms used to inoculate seeds (nodule bacteria, azotobacter, diazotroflu). Offers (Bakolovanov, 1972; Mahmud, 1970, etc.) Use microorganisms to quantify the propestation of broad support pesticides did not receive. [...]

The development of biotechnology worldwide occurs with an accelerated pace. This is due, in particular, with the need to obtain various medical preparationsas well as food and feed additives. In addition, biotechnology methods allow solving environmental protection issues. For example, the use of active ral microorganisms is the most common way to clean wastewater. The resulting sewage precipitations can also be effectively disposed of using microorganisms-mov-anaerobes by fermentation of these precipitation and producing gaseous methane and mineralized precipitation. Cleaning air using selective strains of microorganisms is becoming increasingly distribution. [...]

The intensification of biological purification along with an increase in the dose of active yals in the aerodenka and the use of technical oxygen or oxygen-enriched air is achieved by the use of immobilized microflora on a solid support-carrier, which uses active coal, sand, plastics, etc. The efficiency of biochemical cleaning increases significantly increases Using special strains of microorganisms. There are information about the intensification of biochemical sewage treatment with influence on microorganisms of physical and chemical factors, in particular ultrasound, electromagnetic fields, ozone, enzymes, etc. There are quite a lot of work devoted to the influence of electromagnetic fields on microorganisms, including microorganisms of active yals. [...]

It is of interest to clean the wastewater of the pulp and paper industry containing toxic aromatic compounds. Purification is carried out in a biofilter, which is pre-filled with water containing chlorinated and non-chlorinated phenols, aromatic carboxylic acids and clay irium. A shredded pine boron is used as a filter material. In the biofilter, one or more strains of microorganisms resistant to trichlorophenol and tetrachlorophenol are introduced. After the formation of a sufficient amount of biomass in water and on wood chips in the biofilter, unknown wastewater is introduced, for example, cellulose production, which is 2-3 times passed through a biofilter. Best results achieved when alternating aerobic and anaerobic processing. Anaerobic processing is carried out in a separate biofilter filled with wood chips. With a three-step cleaning, wastewater is consistently purified in aerobic, anaerobic and again in aerobic modes. [...]

However, it should be borne in mind that intermediate compounds of microbial degradation of pesticides often have high toxicity and can inhibit or completely block further development cells. As they accumulate in the culture, the decomposition and utilization of the initial compound slows down and its transformation is often in progress. Theoretically, the process of decomposition of the pesticide may resume after the detoxification of the metabolite or adaptation and restructuring of the enzymatic device of microorganisms. For this you need time. In natural conditions, degradation may continue at the expense of other types and strains of microorganisms. [...]

Chemical nature Vitamins and other stimulating growth of organic compounds, as well as the need for people and pets known for a long time; However, the study of these substances at the ecosystem level only began. The content of organic nutrients in water or soil is so little that they should be called "nutritional micro-erenels", in contrast to the "nutrient macroelements", such as nitrogen, and "nutritional trace elements", such as "trace" metals (see . ch. 5). Often, the only way to measure their content is the biological test: special strains of microorganisms are used, the growth intensity of which is proportional to the concentration of organic nutrients. As stressed in the previous section, the role of a substance and the rate of its stream cannot always be judged by its concentration. Now it becomes clear that organic nutrients Play an important role in the metabolism of the community and that they can be a limiting factor. This interesting area of \u200b\u200bresearch in the near future will undoubtedly attract the attention of scientists. The following description of the cycle of vitamin B12 (Kobalamin), taken from the work of the province (1963), shows how little we know about the cycle of organic nutrients.

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