Mammography hurt Lee. What is mammography: how to study

Myths who live our women, that the mammogram is terrible, that it hurts it. Indeed, earlier the technique did not allow to get a high-quality snapshot, so it was necessary to compress the milk gland to distribute the ferrous cloth so that it gives less than the summary, it was better viewed. Thus, they could appreciate, there is something or not there. In general, when there were no mammograms, there were small squares on fluorography, a seal was revealed in the field of mammary glands. Now, thanks to modern digital technology, the procedure is completely painless. Mammography allows me to track the process. I give pictures to a woman for storage in a home archive. She comes to me in five years, we have new pictures made in a year, two, and I can compare how the milk iron has changed. If the density appeared somewhere, suddenly appeared the edema of the fabrics, it would be easier for me, because I understand: for the year she should not have given anything. We understand, find the reason, select a certain treatment. For us, for mammologists, the dynamics is very important, so much easier to work and identify some deviations.

The quality of the pictures has also improved significantly. We can make mammography on older apparatus and not to see half, because on the film we are worse visualizing, it is very sensitive from the day of the cycle, the swelling of the fabric. On new, modern devices, the doctor is much easier to work, I'd better see everything, therefore I will not miss anything. Naturally, for the patient, the result is better.

Using deodorants and close bras can exacerbate existing patterns of the mammary glands?

Not a single proven myth. As for deodorants, in principle, they passed some certification, survey. Say that they are so stopped by sweating or are so dangerous -...

Female breasts - symbol of beauty and maternity. It can be the subject of pride and a peculiar pledge of female happiness, and may cause serious problems, the most dangerous of which is. Help timely detect pathology is capable of high-quality qualified diagnostics.

In "Medicality", the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the mammary glands is under the management of highly qualified doctors. Reception in our clinic leads such prominent specialists as M.M.Sonov, Professor, D.N., owner of the title of the best obstetrician-gynecologist in the country in 2017. Diagnostic equipment on which our doctors work, allows you to detect pathological processes in the earliest stages of development.

Mammography - This is the study of the mammary glands using X-rays. Currently, this is one of the most affordable, harmless and accurate diagnostic methods, which gives a specialist the ability to study breast tissues in two projections. The main advantage of the method is the high detail of the data obtained, allowing the doctor to detect the slightest changes in the tissues of the mammary glands. The informativeness of the mammography is approximately 90%. Being a screening examination, mammography helps to identify breast cancer in the early stages of development.

Who needs to make mammography?

Everyone without exception to women who have reached the age of 35, it is recommended to make mammography annually to exclude.

The reason for the immediate mammography of the dairy glands is the following signs:

  • chest pain;
  • deformation external view chest or nipples;
  • selection of nipples.

If closer relatives have a breast cancer or ovaries, then mammography and should be passed since 30 years.

Women over 50 years old should be especially attentive to their health and examine every year.

What could show mammography?

Early diagnosis of breast cancer with mammography is a chance of a woman to defeat the disease, while maintaining the breast!

Diagnosis of changes in the tissues of the mammary glands helps to detect nodes, seals, skin changes and subcutaneous fiber, benign and malignant tumors, analyze their structure, shape, size, location.

With the help of mammography you can reveal cyst which is the cavity with the existing liquid. But since it will not be able to distinguish between the cyst and a similar tumor, then to put an accurate diagnosis, additional surveys are needed.

Radiography of the mammary glands also makes it possible to detect fibroadeno which looks like a tumor, although is a benign education.

Mammography reveals calcinati in breast. The emergence of even small foci may indicate the beginning of the oncological process. To clarify the diagnosis, additional and puncture with cytological or histological research .

If you have previously done a mammography, then the result of the study is necessary to show a doctor - so it will be able to track their dynamics if there are changes.

Preparation before mammography

The duration of the procedure is from 10 minutes before half an hour. In planned cases, the examination is better to spend from the 5th to the 10th day of the menstrual cycle.

During the study, jewelry should be removed. In the presence of breast implants It is necessary to warn the doctor in advance.

Before mammography, it is impossible to use deodorants or talc for the axillary zone (the substances contained in them can distort the picture picture). Enough on the day of study, take a shower and dry out a towel.

If you want to make mammogram quickly, efficiently and without pain, we recommend contacting the Medicality clinic. The study will be held on a modern high-precision apparatus with gentle compression.

Conducting research

If a ultrasound procedure Helps see the condition and structure of soft tissues, then a mammography with high reliability shows tight fabrics. X-rays, passing through the human body, leave its image on a special film.

During the procedure, the patient is in the standing position. Places a lactic gland of a woman on a special platform, then fixes it and produces several pictures. During the procedure, the woman changes the body position at the request of the doctor, in order to obtain images of the mammary glands in two projections.

For more clear pictures, as well as during the study, during the study of the mammary glands, breathing must be delayed and do not move for some time. Each milk gland in mammography is examined separately.

What is the compression of the mammary glands during the mammography?

  • to obtain a clearer image by smoothing breast irregularities;
  • to reduce radiation load, because the tightly tissue, the smaller the dose of X-ray will be needed for a full-fledged image;
  • for the same distribution of soft tissues, which allows you to better visualize tumors and a variety of seals;
  • to eliminate the "lubrication" of the image with the patient involuntary movements.

After the study makes his description for a doctor who sent the patient. The patient's attempt to "decrypt" the picture inherent in the picture: even specialists may need additional research to confirm the diagnosis.

Since the prevalence oncological diseases It increases every day, all women of reproductive age must examine their body annually for the presence of oncoclecks. Milk glands are those organs that are more susceptible to cancer defeats, and that is why the mammography in order to prevent unwanted illness is very an important process. What is a mammographic examination and how to prepare yourself for this procedure?

Mammography is a medical diagnosis of mammary glands, carried out using special equipment (mammograph).

To identify neoplasms of the chest glands of various etiologies, they use both X-ray mammography (traditional) and other types of research:

  • digital mammmography
  • tomosynthesis
  • MRI - Mammography
  • optical type of research
  • examination by ultrasound


The procedure is carried out on a filmmamographer film. The design of the equipment includes 2 holders, where the chest is placed during the survey. Milk iron is fixed and squeezed between 2 plates. With the help of X-ray radiation, calcifications (deposits of calcium salts) can be revealed, tumor-like tumors, fibromu and cystooth tumors. The informativeness of the X-ray survey is 90%. As a rule, such a survey with a prophylactic goal is appointed to women after 40 years.


Check the breasts for the presence of neoplasms using an electrionened mammographer due to the ability of soft tissues to electrical conductivity. The electrodes of the device are superimposed on the studied milk gland, after which the chest passes through itself a current with a frequency of 50 - 10 kHz.

With the help of this type of study, it is possible not only to detect tumor formations, but also to evaluate the anatomical features of the mammary glands, determine the structure of the chest, monitor the long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, to identify the risk factors for the development of oncology.

The advantages of the electrium-deputy mammography include:

  • lack of radiation
  • easy method
  • no contraindication for procedure
  • obtaining 3D Breast Drawing
  • accurate survey result


The essence of digital diagnostics is identical to the x-ray. The only difference between the digital examination from X-ray is that when conducting a digital diagnostics, a snapshot is transferred not to the film, but is displayed on a portable monitor.

TO positive qualities This type of survey includes:

  • safe dose of irradiation
  • ability to use computer programs that improve image quality
  • the ability to save the image in the computer archive or transfer the result on the electronic network to another doctor.


This method is a breast x-ray with three-dimensional scanning of soft tissues. The three-dimensional image allows a mammologist to identify small damage, as well as recognize cancer on initial stage. An important advantages of computer mammography include:

  • The identification of cancer neoplasms is even when the first symptoms of the disease are still absent.
  • The absence of false responses of the device (which is uncharacteristic for the usual mammographer).
  • 100% result.
  • No need to compress the chest glands.

MRI - Mammography

MRI method - Mammography today is the most popular and safe for the patient. In spite of this, this species The surveys have a high cost, and the procedure itself is less effective than standard mammography. In addition, some neoplasms (calcifications) are not detected on the resulting image, and the detection of any other tumors is possible only with the introduction of a contrast agent.


Optical type mammograms are divided into: projection, tomographic and luminescent.

With a projection method of examination on the monitor of the device, projections of soft tissues in several planes are displayed. The tomographic type of optical mammography allows you to get a volumetric image that is located on each other from individual "cuts". The luminescent examination is carried out by introducing a patient to the organism of phosphoric drugs, staining tumor formations and possible metastasis.

The advantages of optical diagnosis can be considered absolute safety for the body and high performance. Infrared radiation of the device does not bring any harm and the procedure itself is completely painless.


Ultrasound Mammography enters the group of safest surveys. Despite its low performance, this diagnostic method is popular with young women (up to 40 years). Using ultrasound-mammography, you can identify liquid and solid-state neoplasms with a size of less than 5 mm.

In some cases, the holding of ultrasonic mammography is not enough. In case of suspicion of oncological disease, it is additionally appointed: MRI and X-ray - mammography.

The ability to ultrasonic mammography refers to the absence of contraindications. The diagnostic procedure can be performed as pregnant women and during lactation.


Radiothermometry (RTM) is a medical examination aimed at early detection of cancer of the mammary glands. The procedure is based on measuring the temperature of the soft tissues of the human body. Some experts consider such a type of diagnosis to the most perfect and efficient than standard method Mammography or ultrasound.

Diagnosis cancer tumors Temperature changes in the examined tissues may be preceded by the norm, and thus the chance to identify oncology in the early stages of its development increases several times.

Microwave mammography is safe and has no contraindications. Radiothermometry can be carried out an unlimited number of times. Diagnosis allows you to monitor the dynamic changes during the treatment period and observe the organism during the patient's rehabilitation.

Indications for holding

Mammography as an early detection of cancer diseases is assigned to every woman who has reached 40 years. For women, after 50 years, the annual survey of the mammary glands is required.

Indications for the mammography of the chest glands may be as follows:

  • pain in the chest
  • change breast shape and nipples
  • changing the color of Areol
  • selection of nipples
  • presence of seals
  • the presence of benign neoplasms
  • inflammation of the mammary glands
  • early surgical intervention in the chest
  • hormonal disorders
  • the presence of neoplasms in the genitals
  • infertility
  • overweight

Frequently asked Questions

Since the mammographical study is a serious and obligatory procedure, and for some women also intimate, many questions arise about the procedure:

  1. What day of the cycle make a mammography?
  2. How old do mammography?
  3. Is Mammography harmful?
  4. Is it painful during the survey?
  5. What could be contraindications?
  6. How to prepare for the procedure?

Indeed, all questions are relevant and need explanation.

In which phase of the menstrual cycle need to be examined?

The state of the mammary glands and other organs of the reproductive system depends on the state of the hormonal background of the woman. In some days of the menstrual cycle, the level of sex hormones increases, and in some - decreases. To accurately detect neoplasms in lactic glands there must be a certain level of hormones.

Chest examination during menstruation undesirable for the following reasons:

  1. Due to the increase in progesterone (sex hormone), liquid clusters are formed in slices of the chest, thereby preventing the identification of neoplasms.
  2. The chest swells and becomes painful.
  3. Characterized by the increase in the breast.

For accurate results, the timing of the mammography should fall on 5-12 days of the menstrual cycle. It is during this period that the hormonal background of women is most calm and the informativeness of diagnostic indicators becomes accurate.

How often can you make mammography?

How often needs to make mammography, should be asked by a doctor - mammologist, because for each case, the examination is individually. Women who has reached the age of 40 years old is shown to the annual breast survey no more than 1 time. If there are complaints about the condition of the breast and with the diagnostic purpose, the survey should be carried out more than 3-4 times a year. In this case, the dose of irradiation during mammography is not dangerous for the body when observing protective measures.

The presence of implants in the female breast can significantly impede the diagnostic examination. In this case, the diagnosis of X-ray type is contraindicated. In order to obtain reliable diagnostic results, it is more expedient to choose tomosynthesis or optical mammography.

In addition to typical projections, doctors - mammologists apply Eklund projections. Artificial implant shifts into the sore region, and the design holders compress soft fabrics located near the machine. Thus, snapshots of their own breast are performed.

Pregnancy and examination

Mammography and pregnancy are compatible? It should be remembered that X-ray radiation is dangerous both for the mother and for the future kid. If the need for mammography is high, doctors are prescribed as an optical mammography or ultrasound diagnostics as a survey. In the absence of informative data of surveys, the indications of the Mammography of the X-ray can be:

  • severe pain in the chest
  • abundant discharge from nipples
  • significant changes in the configuration of the mammary glands
  • detection of dense protrusions on soft tissues Milk iron

Implementation of mammography breastfeeding It is also undesirable, as at the time of tooling the fetus. If possible, X-ray - research is replaced ultrasonic diagnostic. But if the traditional examination is necessary, it should be carried out in the following cases:

  • in suspected oncological disease
  • with inflammation of the mammary glands (mastitis)
  • stitching milk in dairy ducts
  • purulent discharge from nipple
  • prepare seals

Is there any danger?

Doctors and scientific specialists argue about whether the mammography is dangerous for the human body. The most harmful way of examination is x-ray - mammography. The use of X-rays as a constant diagnosis of tumor-like neoplasms is fraught with the accumulation of a certain dose of radiation in the body of a woman who contributes to the growth of cancer cells. Replace the traditional type of diagnosis by ultrasound or digital mammography. The difference between these research methods is insignificant, and the harmfulness of the procedure is reduced to a minimum.

It should also be remembered that the combination of mammography and fluorography in one day is unacceptable. This is associated with an increased dose of radiation of two devices.

The difference between mammography and ultrasound

Mammography or ultrasound? Some patients are frightened high dose Radiations and choose 2 diagnostic options. But, as already known, not always a mammography is dangerous to health.

Mammographic type of diagnosis is most informative than ultrasound research. Mammograph with ease reveals even minor changes in the gland and dairy ducts. Additionally, a fence of the affected tissue on the biopsy can be appointed.

Ultrasound is not always able to recognize the slightest neoplasm, to identify oncology on early stage Or establish the nature of the tumor-like focus. Despite this, this method is considered one of the safest and lungs in conducting.

To date, more than 70% of women choose a mammographic examination due to its exact result. If you cannot establish the exact diagnosis, doctors prescribe both diagnostic methods at the same time.

Preparation for the examination

If the day of the menstrual cycle is suitable for the survey and the procedure has already been appointed, it is necessary to prepare itself for a diagnostic event.

Mammography preparation is a number of mandatory rules appointed by the attending physician. Before the procedure follows:

  1. Print with me the results of past research, the recommendations of the doctor and the direction of mammography.
  2. Before conducting a procedure for 2-3 days to abandon alcoholic and coffee beverages.
  3. Before a visit to the doctor to wear separate clothes (top and bottom).
  4. Refuse to use deodorants and other cosmetics.
  5. It is necessary to remove all the decorations on the head, the upper body and wrists.

It is not worth worrying before the procedure, because there can be no painful sensations during the survey. It must be remembered that all manipulations conduct an experienced specialist with medical education, and the emergence of unpleasant situations is almost impossible.


Based on the resulting mammogram, the doctor - a mammologist conducts decoding the image, a description of the revealed neoplasms and makes conclusion together with further recommendations.

The result of mammography can be one of the following options:

  1. There are no neoplasms in the breast and its ducts.
  2. Benign formations are detected (their form, size, consistency). The result on cancer processes is negative.
  3. Detected the growth of suspicious character. Fabric fence is required for cytological examination. The consultation of the oncologist is recommended.
  4. A neoplasm of malignant character was found. Recommended further treatment.

Deciphering the results of mammography of the mammography of the mammography is carried out on the basis of the presence of inhomogeneous tissues in the chest, or their absence. The nature of the tumor can be judged by relying on their shape, size, borders and consistency. Also taken into account the history of the patient's life and disease.

To discover pathology chest gland on the early timing And warning themselves from the development of complications, a mammological screening should be carried out every year. In case of unpleasant sensations (chest hurts, a liquid from the nipples is distinguished, the shape of the glands has changed) it is necessary to turn to the mammologist in a quick time. Only timely diagnosis and further treatment will retain life and health for many years.

How and for what do mammogatia do? Reviews of doctors indicate that mammography is an accurate, informative method of study of the mammary glands. Due to such manipulation, it is possible to identify the pathological change in the tissue structure of the chest, to determine the nature and location of the neoplasms. This type of study allows you to identify a tumor at the initial stage of development - until symptoms of the disease. Doctors recommend regularly attending a mammologist and pass all the necessary analyzes - this will help prevent the occurrence of breast cancer. With timely appeal to the doctor, you can cure the pathology of the mammary glands as soon as possible.

Basic Mammography Methods

What are the main methods of mammography? Reviews of health workers inclined to the fact that there are several methods for carrying out a mammographic study, namely:

  1. With the help of radiographic diagnostics, you can accurately identify the presence of a tumor and other neoplasms. The accuracy of the method is more than 91%.
  2. Magnetic resonance - one of the most modern methodswhich is carried out without X-ray irradiation using a contrast agent.
  3. During pregnancy and feeding, the kid doctors recommend to carry out an ultrasound study, since such a diagnostic method is the safest. In particular cases, it is recommended to pass additional analyzes and carry out other research methods, since the ultrasound has relatively low indicator accuracy.
  4. The digital version of the diagnosis allows accuracy to assess the condition of the mammary glands.

Why do you need to make a timely mammography?

Why do you need to make mammography? Reviews of recovered patients indicate that with timely appeal to the doctor, the treatment of many diseases is much faster and more efficient. Under such conditions, the neoplasm does not acquire a malignant form. In addition, you can achieve the following results:

  • reduce the duration of treatment;
  • to avoid surgical intervention;
  • prevent the development of complications;
  • avoid the need for chemotherapy.

Specialists recommend women after 35 years to carry out mammography once every six months. As shown medical practice, systematic diagnosis of the mammary glands reduces the percentage of breast tumor by 32%.

Indications for the procedure

How often do mammography? Reviews of doctors indicate that such a type of diagnostics must be held regularly. Doctors recommend one or twice a year to carry out mammography, in order to prevent the development of the tumor and other pathologies of the mammary glands. In mandatory, the study is required when:

  • mastopathy;
  • the presence of problems with conception;
  • overweight problems;
  • violations in work thyroid gland;
  • pancreatic pathologies;
  • mastitis;
  • cystic neoplasms;
  • oncological disease;
  • genetic predisposition to the tumor of the mammary glands;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • the inconsistencies towards fibroadenomes and other tumors.

The presence of breast cancer in a close relative should be a reason for passing a regular medical examination, since such patients refer to a group of increased risk of illness. Thanks to the timely appeal to the doctor, you can identify the disease at the initial stage of development.

Signs of breast cancer

How to determine the presence of breast cancer without mammography? Reviews doctors indicate that the symptoms of the disease are sometimes absent. There are several signs based on which one can determine the presence of a malignant process in the breast. The reason for concern should be the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • painfulness in breast;
  • specific discharge from the nipple;
  • chest swells;
  • the breast size has changed;
  • blushed nipples;
  • the contour of the mammary glands has changed;
  • blushed skin covering in the chest;
  • bad chest hurts during critical days;
  • revealed seal in the mammary gland.

If one of the signs of the pathological process appears, it is important to immediately visit the doctor and do not engage in self-treatment, since such a phenomenon may indicate that malignant neoplasm develops. Thanks to timely treatment, it is possible to restore health as soon as possible and prevent surgical manipulation.

Contraindications to conduct

Doctors are not recommended to carry out mammography during the period of tooling and feeding the kid. Pregnant women are recommended to undergo an ultrasonic method of diagnosing breast. It is impossible to explore the breast with the help of such a manipulation of girls who were not 34 years old. Before diagnosing, you need to visit the doctor and inform him of all the unpleasant symptoms that discomfort delivered. Depending on the specific clinical picture Doctor will select the appropriate research method.

Among the main contraindications to mammography:

  • damage to the skin in the field of mammary glands;
  • traumatic nipple damage;
  • the presence of breast implant;
  • artificial interruption of pregnancy.

Preparatory process

This type of study does not require special preparation, but in order to obtain the most accurate information after manipulation, you need to perform the advice of the doctor, namely:

  • remember Date of the last critical days;
  • on the day of the study, do not use deodorant, creams and other cosmetics for the body;
  • it is necessary before the study to remove metal jewelry;
  • a few hours before a visit to the doctor, take the shower without using detergents.

In addition, it is recommended to exclude from its diet, which contain caffeine, because such a substance increases painful sensitivity And causes anxiety and anxiety attack, which is completely undesirable during the diagnosis.


How do missing mammography? Women's reviews confirm the fact that during the implementation of the diagnosis in the patient does not occur strong discomfort and pain. Painful sensations may occur only if the patient did not comply with the basic rules of preparation or there is a contraindication to the procedure.

Before making the manipulation, the mammologist collects history, possible complaints, etc. After that, the girl undressing to the belt and gets up in front of a special device - a mammograph. Next, a medical worker will install dairy glands in the required position. In the process of diagnostics, the breast image will be recorded on X-ray photo in various projections.

Based on the obtained results of diagnosis, the doctor determines the structural state of the chest, the presence of neoplasms and other pathological processes. How long do mammography? Features of women indicate that the duration of the study is 9-35 minutes. To get the most accurate information during the study, it is not recommended to the patient to move, since the snapshot can be blurred. At the request of the doctor, you must temporarily delay your breath.

Mammography- Section of medical diagnostics involved in the study of dairy (breast in men) gland. X-ray mammography allows you to detect pathological changes in the gland and determine their character. Currently, mammography is one of the main techniques for diagnosing fibrous-cystic disease, Fibroaden, malignant neoplasms And is the only way to detect intra-prototype pathology.

X-ray mammography, digital mammography in Moscow, mammography in the pano clinic.

In the Medical Diagnostic Center, the Paterio Clinic uses a unique, produced by a special order, full-size digital Mammographic System Selenia Dimensions last generation with an opportunity 3-dimensional tomosynthesis, with a station for working with SECURE ViewDX images, as well as a horizontal stereotactic system for breast biopsy with aiming digital mammography Lorad Multicare Platinum Production of Hologic Inc. (USA). This equipment allows you to conduct unique research inherently and has an excellent security profile for the patient.

According to experts, the mammographic diagnostic complex used in the medical diagnostic center of the Patero clinic is today the best in Moscow.

The SELENIA Dimensions Mammographic System is a mammmography without pain!

Where to make mammography in Moscow? You can go through mammography in the clinic feather. Medical Diagnostic Center The clinic's patter provides the ability to carry out all methods for diagnosing breast diseases within one clinic.

Digital Mammography with Tomosynthesis

Most informative way of modern x-ray research is an digital Mammography of the Breast with the Tomosynthesis function.

The main advantages of digital mammography with tomosynthesis:

  • tomosynthesis Represents a series of pictures that are processed into a series of sections one millimeter thick . This makes it possible to perform visualization of the structure of breast tissue in three dimensions, which reduces the number of unnecessary biopsies. Also, you can estimate the condition of the breast after installing implants. Rises informativenessresearch When performing dotography. Mammography of the mammary glands is performed by women with anyone breast size, and most importantly passes absolutely painless And at reasonable prices!
  • it is possible to use as a screening method;
  • high sensitivity and informativeness;
  • the possibility of using telecommunication networks to transfer images to remotely consult;
  • reduced examination time.

When to make mammography?What day of the cycle make a mammography?

When to make mammography? What day to do mammography? Complete mammography recommended at the beginning of the menstrual cycle from 5 to 12 days from its start. During this period, the cycle of the dairy glands are not tense, softer, and the study is not only less sensitive, but also more informative for the doctor.

How much is mammography?

Make a mammography in Moscow you can at the table clinic! Cost of the survey - see - Mammography Prices.

What are the indications and contraindications to the fulfillment of mammography?

Mammography of the breast is advisable to all women after 35 - 40 years 1 time in 1-2 years, it is recommended to do even if a woman has no complaints about the state of its mammary glands. Women after 45-50 years old should be mammogram annually. The doctor may assign more frequent research. If there is complaints, you need a consultation of a doctor (gynecologist, mammologist, surgeon or oncologist), which will determine the need for a mammography and prescribe a survey.

The only contraindication is pregnancy and lactation period.

How is the survey?

You will be asked to get up in front of a mammographer. The specialist will put the dairy gland between two plastic plates. At the same time, a woman is experiencing a few seconds lung touch. A snapshot is done for each breast in two projections: straight and oblique.

The resulting mammograms are described x-ray physician.

What is ductography?

This is a contrasting X-ray mammographic study of breast ducts. Dotography must be held in case pathological (most often bleeding) secretion from the nipple for the diagnosis of intraprication formations. In front of the dutographs under the local anesthesia of Areolas in Milky Duchs introduced contrast substance, after which pictures are performed in the upper-lower (straight) and oblique projections. On the captured pictures digitable ducts are clearly visualized together with ramifications., In the presence of a tumor, its location and dimensions are determined.

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