Russian analogue of noshpa name. No-shpa analogues and prices

Perhaps everyone who has ever experienced pain and spasms is familiar with the drug "No-shpa". Its analogue - "Drotaverin", which completely repeats this medicine in composition and action, is not known to everyone. Most people trust advertising more and the familiar name, which for long years application has already become a symbol of getting rid of pain. Many take "No-shpa" for any spasm, prescribing this medication for themselves without consulting a doctor. But, despite the good reputation of the brand and the high efficiency of the drug, it still has many contraindications and side effects... And in many cases when No-shpa is required, its analog is preferable. To be sure that taking these pills will help with pain and will not lead to new problems, you need to know the features of their action, indications and contraindications for use.

The history of the popularity of the drug

As early as the middle of the 19th century, an effective anesthetic substance was isolated from opium. It was named papaverine. At the beginning of the 20th century, mass production of this drug was launched. This medicine was inexpensive and was used to relieve pain and cramps in many diseases. In the 60s, the drug was improved. On its basis, two similar drugs began to be produced. A Hungarian pharmaceutical company produced the drug No-shpa. Its analogue is produced in Russia and is called "Drotaverina hydrochloride". No-shpa itself is more popular mainly due to the reputation of the Khinoin pharmaceutical company. But in last years medicines have become more expensive, and therefore not everyone has access to No-shpa now. Russian analog "Drotaverina hydrochloride" costs 5 times cheaper, and is not inferior in efficiency to it. Many patients who tried to replace "No-shpa" with "Drotaverin" note that they did not feel any difference.

Drug action

The main active ingredient of "No-shpy" is drotaverin. It belongs to myotropic antispasmodics and is popular due to its ability to quickly relieve spasms of smooth muscles internal organs... This is reflected even in the name of the drug, which with latin translated as "no spasm."

Therefore, all drugs based on drotaverine are very effective against pain in various diseases. In addition to the antispasmodic effect, they are able to dilate blood vessels and reduce muscle tone in all internal organs, for example, in the intestine, thereby reducing its peristalsis. But on activities nervous system taking the drug is not reflected, therefore in many cases it is preferable to other pain relievers. The action of drotaverine and drugs based on it occurs quite quickly, with intravenous administration - after 3-5 minutes. The analgesic effect of the drug remains long time, therefore, 1-2 tablets are enough to stop the attack.

In what cases is the drug used

"No-shpa" is very effective for pains of various origins, especially those caused by or muscles. It is prescribed by doctors for many diseases. And some people, who often experience pain, take the drug even without consulting a doctor, which is undesirable, because you need to know in which cases the No-shpy method is indicated. She is appointed:

With spastic colitis, constipation, gastritis, gastroduodenitis and ulcers;

With painful menstruation;

To prevent premature birth, reduce the tone of the uterus and relieve postpartum contractions;

When renal colic, cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia;

With urolithiasis and gallstone disease;

For headaches caused by vasospasm;

With muscle strains and injuries.

Forms of issue "No-shpy"

1. This drug is best known in the form of small round yellowish tablets.

Each of them must be stamped with the inscription "spa". Branded packaging "No-shpy" is very convenient: a small bottle containing 100 tablets is equipped with a special dosing mechanism. It is very convenient for severe pain. If you press the cap, one tablet falls into the palm of your hand. Each tablet contains 40 mg of drotaverine - this is the average single dose for an adult. There is also "No-shpa Forte", intended for the treatment of severe pain, because each tablet contains 80 mg of drotaverine. In addition, all tablets contain lactose, talc and

2. In medical institutions or for the relief of severe colic and spasms, use a solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration. One ampoule also contains a single dose of drotaverine - 40 milligrams. This form of the drug is available from pharmacies only with a prescription, and is widely used mainly in medical institutions.

Side effects

The drug can cause the following undesirable effects:


Decrease in pressure;

Fever and increased sweating;

Dizziness, insomnia;

Nausea, constipation;

Allergic reactions.

More dangerous intravenous administration "No-shpy". It can cause arrhythmias, a drop in blood pressure, and even respiratory depression. Therefore, more often for use outside medical institution Orally administered No-shpa (tablets).

Instructions for use

No-shpy tablets should be drunk 2-3 times a day. The duration of admission depends on the doctor's recommendation. If you had to take the drug without the appointment of a specialist, then you should not drink it for more than two days. And the point is not even that it can cause No-shpa very effectively relieves pain, which may be a symptom of a serious illness.

This can interfere with timely diagnosis. The dosage of the drug depends on the patient's age, state of health and the nature of the pain. Usually 1-2 tablets of "No-shpy" are prescribed per appointment. Moreover, the daily dose should not exceed 240 mg. active substance, and this is 6 tablets. In case of severe spasms, No-shpa is administered intramuscularly. Injections are given in the same dosage - up to 240 mg per day, and it is permissible to inject no more than 80 mg intravenously. Children from 6 to 12 years old are recommended to give no more than 2 tablets per day, and after 12 years - 4 tablets.

Who should not take the drug

Patients with severe renal and hepatic insufficiency;

Women during breastfeeding;

Children under 6 years old;

Patients with individual intolerance to drotaverine;

With severe heart failure;

With bronchial asthma;

People with low blood pressure;

Those with a history of lactose intolerance.

"No-shpa" during pregnancy

Now, quite often, many doctors use drugs based mainly on obstetric aid to speed up. But at any stage of pregnancy, you can take the drug "No-shpa" (tablets). The instruction recommends doing this only under the supervision of a doctor, although it is believed that the drug does not bring any negative consequences for the development of the child.

Therefore, for any pain in the lower abdomen, pregnant women are advised to take the No-shpy pill. After all, most painkillers at this time are contraindicated, and pain during this period is most often caused by muscle spasms, and it is from this that the drug helps. Relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus can prevent miscarriage or simply alleviate the condition of the expectant mother. Most often, it is "No-shpa" that is appointed. The analogue "Drotaverin" is not so strong and has a not so long-lasting effect. It is also believed to be less well tolerated. But with taking "No-shpy" you should still be careful, as the drug can cause premature dilatation of the cervix.

What can replace "No-shpu"

This medicine is not available to everyone, although it is not very expensive - a pack of pills costs about 200 rubles. But many people use cheaper drugs. Moreover, "No-shpa" helps not everyone and not for any pain. Cheap analogs are sometimes more effective. But in order to choose the right one, you need to know the features of its action, as well as the origin and nature of pain. All drugs based on drotaverine help only with vascular or muscle spasms. They will be useless for headaches of vascular origin and for migraines. In these cases, special drugs are prescribed. It can be “Paracetamol” or “Analgin”. For pain caused by inflammation, it is best to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Pentalgin and others. Ketoprofen relieves toothache better. But the question of what can replace "No-shpu" can only be resolved with a doctor. If the specialist prescribed this particular drug, then it means that the pains are caused by vasospasms or smooth muscles. In this case, it is "No-shpa" that will help best of all. An analog can be taken instead, but these drugs are not always effective, and their effect may not be as long. This can be caused by additional substances in the composition, the dishonesty of the manufacturers, or the dosage of drotaverine.

"No-shpa" - analogues

The price of various drugs ranges from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the popularity of the manufacturer, the number of tablets in the package and the form of release of the drug. The most expensive products from this group are No-shpa Forte and No-shpa itself. Cheap analogues are mainly Russian-made preparations based on drotaverine or papaverine. These include:

- "Drotaverina hydrochloride";

- "Drotaverin Forte";

- "Papaverine";

- "Spazmol";

- "Spazmonet";

- "Nosh-Bra".

In addition, the Indian drug "Spazoverin" and a more powerful anesthetic - "No-shpalgin" are also produced. The latter drug, in addition to drotaverine, contains codeine and paracetamol and is sold only by prescription.

What you need to know when taking pain relievers

1. All such drugs, for example, "No-shpa", "Analgin" and others, do not cure diseases, but only mask the symptoms. This is especially true for drugs based on drotaverine. They relieve spasms and quickly help from severe pain... But it can be evidence of the development of a tumor or the onset of a serious illness. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink "No-shpa" for more than two days without consulting a doctor.

2. Before taking any preparations based on drotaverine, you need to eat something. This substance is absorbed worse on an empty stomach, and in this case there is more possibility of side effects.

3. If after taking "No-shpy" pain did not decrease after 20-30 minutes or nausea, weakness and dizziness appeared, you should refuse to take the drug.

4. Some drugs, for example "Phenobarbital" and other antispasmodics, can enhance the effect of "No-shpy", but the joint use of different drugs is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

Antispasmodics occupy one of the first places among the drugs sold. These drugs help with muscle pain, headache, toothache, kidney or biliary colic. They provide a great service to women during menstruation and childbirth, and also save them from the threat of termination of pregnancy. Perhaps the most famous drug among all antispasmodics is No-Shpa. Instructions for use, analogues of this tool will be presented for your review in this article.

Characteristics of the original drug

Medication "No-Shpa" is available in two forms: injection and tablets. The latter type is more popular. The medicine belongs to non-prescription drugs, it is available in almost every pharmacy chain. It produces an antispasmodic effect without affecting the functioning of the nervous system. The drug "No-Shpa" is prescribed, analogs of which have similar indications for spasms of smooth muscles different localization (digestive tract, urinary tract, reproductive organs, vessels). It is contraindicated to use the medication for renal and heart failure, children of the first year of life and persons with increased sensitivity to the active substance, which is drotaverine hydrochloride. The cost of ten No-Shpa tablets is about 150 rubles.

Analogue of the drug "No-Shpa"

The medication should be replaced if you have contraindications to its use. Patients with adverse reactions the medicine is changed to an alternative, but with a different composition. Tablets and solution "No-Shpa" analogs have structural and relative. The latter include any pain relievers: "Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol", "Analgin", "Nimesil", "Ketorol". Such medicines must be chosen in conjunction with a doctor. "Papaverine" and "Papazol" will be closer in action.

To absolute structural substitutes the drug "No-Shpa" analogues include the following: "Drotaverin", "Spazmonet", "Spazmol", "NOSH-BRA", "Spazoverin" and so on. Let's consider some of them and find out if there is a significant difference between the drugs.

Inexpensive means "Drotaverin"

The composition of this drug contains the same active ingredient as in a foreign expensive medicine. The tablets and injections "No-Shpa" have a Russian analogue - "Drotaverin". Its cost is approximately 30 rubles for 20 pills. It is much cheaper than the drug originally announced. If you believe the instructions for use, then "Drotaverin" is prescribed to women in labor during labor in order to relieve spasm of the cervix. Use the drug for flatulence. It has much more indications for use than No-Shpa tablets and injections. Analog with trade name "Drotaverin" is not used for children under 12 years of age. This is an important difference from an expensive substitute.

Little-known "Spazmol"

The next substitute for the drug "No-Shpa" (analog) is the Russian "Spazmol". The composition contains all the same drotaverine. Indications for use: treatment and prevention of spasms smooth muscles, cervical spasm during childbirth, painful menstruation, cerebral vasospasm. You can not take this medicine in the same situations as the drug "No-Shpa". Some sources indicate that this medication is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. But these data are being questioned.

"Spazmonet" will eliminate pain

Another analogue of the No-Shpa drug with the same active ingredient is the Spazmonet tablets. Their name speaks for itself. It is used for smooth muscle spasms. digestive tract, constipation, stomach ulcer, arterial spasm, uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy. The manufacturer calls low blood pressure and prostatic hyperplasia as an additional contraindication to treatment. Children under 6 years of age cannot use the drug without a medical recommendation.

What kind of feedback can you hear?

Of all the drugs presented, No-Shpa is the most popular. This medication is prescribed to expectant mothers without much fear. The use of "Drotaverin" among expectant mothers is also practiced. Clinical researches have shown the safety and efficacy of these medicines. While the action of other analogs is questioned. Consumer reviews of medicines are different. Some people praise the drugs, while others scold. Everything is very individual here. If the pain syndrome is caused precisely by a spasm, then any of the listed remedies will help you. With discomfort caused by other reasons, all drugs may be powerless.

Buyers are often indignant because of the high cost of No-Shpa tablets. They prefer to choose cheaper alternatives. If an alternative product contains the same active ingredient as the prescribed drug, then you may well give it preference. Compulsory medical consultation is required when the replacement of "No-Shpy" is made in pregnant and lactating women, persons with chronic diseases and small children.


The article introduced you to a well-known myotropic antispasmodic called "No-Shpa". Instructions for use, price, analogs of tablets are described for you. Many consumers are trying to find cheap substitute expensive drug... It is worth approaching this issue with all responsibility. It is better to visit a doctor several times to make sure that the chosen medicine is safe, rather than worry about possible unpleasant consequences. Read the instructions before using any of the described tools.

Antispasmodic drugs are widely used to dilate blood vessels and relieve spasms of smooth muscles of organs. Which is better - Drotaverin or No-shpa? This question is of interest to many patients who want to know why doctors are more likely to prescribe. The action of both drugs is aimed at eliminating spasms and painful sensations. In this case, both medicines have the same dosage of active medicinal substance drotaverine. But these medicines also have some differences that every person needs to know.

Drotaverin and Nosh-pa - comparative characteristics

Spasmolytics eliminate spasms of various internal organs and help quickly eliminate pain. Painful sensations in the abdomen can be caused by a pathological process - inflammation in the biliary tract, cystitis, gastrointestinal infection.

Spasms cause irritable bowel syndrome, enteritis, ulcers, cholecystitis. For many pregnant women, doctors prescribe antispasmodic drugs to restore uterine tone and prevent miscarriage. A table that clearly shows the characteristics of both drugs will help you understand the features of both drugs.

Parameters Drotaverine No-shpa
Drug group


Production form

Capsules, injection solutions.

The main effective substances in the composition Drotaverine (40 mg), lactose, povidone, crospovidone Drotaverine (40 mg), lactose, povidone, starch
Indications for use - vasospasm, - pyelitis,

Intestinal colic

Stomach ulcer




Gallbladder disease


Menstrual pain

Spastic colitis.

- pain relief and relieving spasms, - colitis,

Diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract,



Bladder ailments

Urolithiasis disease,


Colic in liver and stomach.

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Hypotension.
  3. Renal failure
  4. Cardiogenic shock.
  5. Antrioventricular block.
  6. Atherosclerosis of the heart
  1. Lactation.
  2. Children under 3 years old.
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  1. Intolerance to the components of the composition.
  2. Heart diseases.
  3. Low blood pressure.
  4. Lactation.
  5. Children under 5 years of age.
  6. Bronchial asthma.
Side effects in case of errors of use and dosage - digestive disorders, - stool disorders,





- Stool disorders, - Digestive system disorders,



Visual disturbances

Allergic rash.

Safety for the whole body Safely Safely
Prevention of liver disease

As prescribed by a doctor

The course of therapy
An analogue of the drug, with a stronger effect. Biospu, Ple-Spa, Nosh-bra, Nikoverin, Spazoverin, Spazmonet, Spazmol Nosh-bra, Spazmol, Spazoverin, Vero-Drotaverin
Manufacturer Russia Hungary
Average price Tablets 80 mg 20 pieces - 60 rubles, for 10 ampoules of 2 ml - 58 rubles Tablets 40 mg 6 pieces - 69 rubles, for ampoules of 2 ml - 90 - 160 rubles

Antispasmodic drugs are prescribed to eliminate smooth muscle spasms. During pregnancy, it is prescribed to relieve pain and with the threat of miscarriage, but only in special cases to remove high risks. Drotaverine is also shown with severe cough to relieve spasm, headache and menstrual pain. During bronchospasm, the medicine helps relieve a painful attack and restore breathing.

Good to know

Drotaverine is used to relieve pain and spasms. He is not involved in the process of eliminating the cause of the disease. In some cases, doctors recommend taking Drotaverin or Noshpa to calm down before bed. The drug can be used in extreme heat. Which is better - Drotaverin or Noshpa? Doctors prefer to prescribe the imported drug Noshpu, relying on its safer effects.

Differences between the two drugs

In terms of their effects and properties, both drugs are almost identical. Despite similar pharmacological properties, the drugs have the following differences:

  1. Manufacturer. No-shpa is produced by a well-known Hungarian company, while Drotaverin is a Russian analogue.
  2. Drotaverin contains crospovidone.
  3. Large doses of Drotaverine can cause cardiac abnormalities and even cardiac arrest. Noshpa is safer to use.
  4. Drotaverin can be taken by children from 3 years old. Noshpa is recommended for use from 5-6 years old.
  5. Drotaverine is cheaper than the imported drug Noshpa.

Important! The use of the substance drotaverine can be dangerous with low blood pressure and hypotension. Both drugs lower blood pressure and have a vasodilating effect. Drotaverine can be taken during the period hypertensive crisis to lower pressure readings. Noshpy and Drotaverine injections are prescribed in extreme cases, when it is impossible to swallow the pill for any reason.

Common features of the two drugs

What is better Drotaverin or Noshpa? Drotaverin is an analogue of the more expensive imported drug No-shpy. Both products contain the same amount of active drug substance. The drugs are almost identical in their pharmacological properties... Their action is aimed at eliminating spasms and pain. Medicines do not interfere with the functions of the central nervous system, relax smooth muscles and soothe. Intravenous or intramuscular injection injections can disrupt the patient's psychomotor skills.

No-shpa is the most famous antispasmodic, the effectiveness of which is highly appreciated by doctors and patients. However, despite everything positive traits, in some cases, its reception is impossible, and therefore it becomes necessary to search for other drugs. Replacing No-shpa with analogs is not difficult, since the modern pharmaceutical market has a large selection of various agents similar in composition or action.

: a brief description of

The antispasmodic effect of the drug is provided by the active ingredient drotaverin. The substance has a powerful inhibitory effect on smooth muscles, since it selectively inhibits the activity of the type 4 phosphodiesterase enzyme, without affecting its other types. As a result, a chain reaction is triggered, the result of which is the relaxation of the smooth muscles of various organs.

The substance well relieves spasms of a neurogenic and muscular nature in the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system and LV pathways. In addition, drotaverine has the ability to constrict blood vessels, due to which, after taking it, the supply of blood to tissues is activated. In the aggregate of all processes triggered by the drug, pain relief is achieved by eliminating spasms.

Drotaverine and its derivatives do not pass through GERD; in small amounts, they overcome the placental defense. Completely excreted from the body 3 days after the first dose.

No-shpa is used for:

  • Spasms of smooth muscles in pathologies of the bile and urinary tract
  • AT complex therapy to relieve gastrointestinal spasms (with peptic ulcer / duodenal ulcer, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome with concomitant bloating, colitis and spastic colitis with constipation, etc.)
  • Eliminate tension headache
  • Painful periods.

The antispasmodic is available in tablets and an injection solution.


  • Individual hypersensitivity to drug components
  • Severe forms of liver, kidney, heart failure
  • Age under 6
  • Lactation (due to lack of safety evidence)
  • Congenital galactose insensitivity, lactase deficiency, GG malabsorption.

Additionally for mortar:

  • Childhood
  • Hypersensitivity to sodium disulfite.

Caution is required when treating patients with hypotension (due to the high risk of collapse) and pregnant women.

Side effects after taking No-shpy are manifested in the disruption of the functioning of some internal systems

  • NS: headaches, insomnia, dizziness
  • CVS: increased heart rate, drop in blood pressure
  • Gastrointestinal tract: nausea, constipation
  • Manifestation of allergies: skin irritation, Quincke's edema, urticaria.

Overdose is manifested by severe cardiac disorders up to cardiac arrest. If you suspect intoxication with an antispasmodic, urgent measures must be taken: cleansing the body of the drug, maintaining the CVS.

Substitutes No-shpa

Instead of No-shpa, another antispasmodic drug should be used after medical advice.

The drug is manufactured by many Russian pharmaceutical companies. Like No-shpa, the substitute is presented in the form of tablets and an injection solution.

There are slight differences only in the composition of the excipients.

A significant advantage of the domestic remedy is that the drug is much cheaper than the original antispasmodic.

Other drugs with drotaverin: Doverin, Droverin, Spazmol, Spazmonet, Spazoverin, Spakovit,

The multicomponent agent differs from No-shpa in a wider spectrum of action. The drug relieves pain, suppresses inflammatory processes, lowers the temperature. It is produced in tablets containing several active ingredients: drotaverine, paracetamol, caffeine, naproxen, pheniramine maleate.

Indicated for use:

  • To eliminate pain of various origins and localization (including muscle, menstrual, dental, neuralgic, headache, etc.)
  • When neutralizing the pain syndrome provoked by spasms of smooth muscles of various organs (gallstone disease, cholecystitis, renal colic, etc.)
  • To suppress pain after injury and surgical operationsthat may be accompanied by inflammatory processes
  • In the treatment of colds with concomitant fever.


  • Individual supersensitivity of the body to the substances contained
  • Aggravation of ulcerative and erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Bleeding from the digestive system
  • Intolerance to ASA and its derivatives
  • Severe hepatic and / or renal failure
  • Spinal cord dysfunctions
  • The period after AK shunting
  • Severe hypertension
  • Severe pathologies of CVS
  • Frequent extrasystole of the ventricles
  • High blood potassium
  • Paroxysmal tachycardia
  • Pregnancy, HB
  • Children and adolescents (up to 18 years old).

Taking the drug usually does not cause a negative reaction in the body, but in some people it can cause disorders in the functioning of internal systems or organs:

  • Allergic reactions, Quincke's edema
  • Hematopoietic disorders
  • Increased anxiety, tremors, dizziness, distraction
  • Increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, heart palpitations
  • Abdominal pain, erosive and ulcerative damage to the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, hepatic dysfunction
  • Kidney dysfunction
  • Hearing impairment, increased GV pressure in patients with glaucoma, buzzing in the ears.

Russian antispasmodic based on papaverine hydrochloride. It is produced in tablets, solution for injections, suppositories.

The active ingredient also suppresses the activity of PDE, reduces the level of calcium concentration in cells, as a result of which relaxation of smooth muscles is achieved. Has a vasodilator and hypotensive effect.

In moderate dosages, it has almost no effect on the central nervous system, in high dosages, it reduces myocardial excitability and slows down AV conduction. In the body, it overcomes internal barriers. It is removed from the blood within 24 hours after the first dose.

  • To relieve spasms of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi, blood vessels and limbs, kidneys
  • Angina therapy
  • When preparing patients for surgical and diagnostic measures.

Possible side effects:

  • Nausea
  • Difficulty defecating
  • Drowsiness
  • Increased sweating
  • Hypotension
  • Liver enzyme activity
  • With a quick introduction: AV block, heart rhythm disorders.


  • Supersensitivity to components
  • AV block
  • Glaucoma
  • Severe liver dysfunction
  • Breast (up to 6 months) and elderly (after 65 years) age.

When using Papaverin instead of No-shpa, it should be borne in mind that the replacement has a weaker effect than the first drug.

Any analogues of No-shpa, cheap or expensive, should be used after consultation with the attending physician. With this approach, you can protect yourself from severe side effects and thereby avoid complications.

Instructions for No-shpe. All About Taking Medication

The basis of this drug is drotaverine - an active substance that helps to effectively relieve spasm, relax the smooth muscles of various organs. In Russian pharmacies, No-shpa can be found in the form of tablets and ampoules. As a rule, these are French products.

The description for the medicine indicates that it is intended to relieve pain in such cases:

  • ailments of the biliary tract (cholecystolithiasis, cholecystitis, etc.);
  • pathology of the urinary system (cystitis, nephrolithiasis, etc.);
  • in the form of ampoules - also to reduce the phase of cervical dilatation and shorten the duration of labor.

As an additional drug No-shpa is used:

  • to relieve spasms in the digestive tract (ulcer, gastritis, colitis, enteritis, etc.);
  • for the treatment of headaches, which a person describes as a "hoop or belt around the head";
  • with dysmenorrhea - painful sensations during;
  • if we are talking about injections, they are also administered with severe contractions during childbirth.

One tablet or ampoule with a volume of 2 ml contains 40 mg of drotaverine. Recommended dosages of No-shpa:

  1. Single for adults - no more than 2 tablets. You can drink a maximum of 6 tablets per day in 3 doses.
  2. The maximum dose for a child from 6 to 12 years old is 2 tablets per day, but not more than 1 pc. for 1 reception.
  3. Children from 12 years old are allowed to take no more than 4 tablets, divided by 2-4 times, within 24 hours.
  4. In the form of injections for adults - up to 240 mg per day, but not once, but in 2-3 doses.

Attention! There is also No-shpa Forte, which contains 2 times more drotaverine - 80 mg in 1 tablet. Accordingly, the manufacturer has provided for other dosages for her.

Some instructions indicate that the medicine should not be taken by a child under 6 years old, while others - under 1 year old. In practice, doctors sometimes prescribe a remedy for children, allowing them to drink half, 1/3 or 1/4 of the tablet at a time. And if about childhood pharmacists have disagreements, then it is absolutely impossible for people with renal, hepatic or heart failure to be treated with No-shpa. The drug is not prescribed for those who are lactose intolerant (it is available in tablets) as well.

If the remedy does not suit you, it will become clear from the side effects:

  • lowering pressure (therefore, with hypotension, No-shpu must be taken with caution);
  • headache, dizziness;
  • constipation, nausea, vomiting;
  • allergic reactions and etc.

If you take No-shpa on your own for 1-2 days, but you do not feel any improvement, consult your doctor. If we are talking about using the drug as an additional therapy, you can delay your visit to the hospital for up to 3 days.

Attention! Unlike tablets, injection is only sold with a prescription.

How to replace no-shpu. Reviews of the medicine and its analogues

No-shpu can be bought in packs of 6, 20, 24, 60 or 100 tablets, in liquid form - in boxes containing 5 or 25 ampoules. When expressing their opinion about this drug, users emphasize:

  • the medicine relieves spasms well in both adults and children (as prescribed by a pediatrician). Many positive reviews from those who suffer from stomach pain;
  • No-shpa, in comparison with analogues, is more gentle;
  • helps to maintain pregnancy if the cause of the threat is uterine hypertonicity;
  • useful before going through some painful procedures - for example, colonoscopy;
  • but it can be harmful for prostate adenoma.

The cost of 24 tablets of No-shpa is about 190 rubles, the larger the pack, the more profitable it is, of course, in terms of price. However, you can buy cheaper drugs in pharmacies:

  1. Drotaverin. The most popular substitute for No-shpa. It is produced in the same dosage: in 1 tablet - 40 mg of active ingredient. Packing cost with 20 pcs. - from about 12 p. There is also Drotaverin Forte. According to reviews, this drug is absolutely comparable to No-shpa, but has a pleasant bonus in the form of a low price. Therefore, many users note that they are switching to cheap analog.
  2. Spasmol. The composition coincides with No-shpa and Drotaverin. According to reviews, it replaces both drugs well. Although there are opinions that Spazmol is more analogous to papaverine, and can also be harmful during menstruation. The average cost is about 30 rubles. for 20 tablets. However, lately, the drug has been difficult to find in pharmacies.
  3. Spazmonet. The price for 20 tablets is about 70 rubles. Considering that there are cheaper antispasmodics with drotaverine, this medication may not be the most popular. However, those who took it note its high efficiency in various painful sensations.

It is worth remembering that all medicines have contraindications and side effects... There is also such a factor as individual intolerance. Therefore, if drugs with drotaverine are not suitable for you, look for another antispasmodic, remembering to consult with your therapist.

No-shpa and its analogues: video

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