Tablets for iron in the body. Effective gland preparations with anemia

One of the trace elements necessary for the normal life of the human body is iron. It is available in proteins (myoglobin, hemoglobin, etc.), various enzymes. The functions of iron is the binding of oxygen and transporting it to organs and tissues, the impact on metabolism, participation in blood formation processes.

In the body, this metal falls with food. Absorbed in a duodenalist.

The human body in certain periods is experiencing an increased need of iron - such periods are the period of growth, menstruation, pregnancy.

General information about iron preparations

Ascorbic acid improves iron suction.

So, iron in medicinal preparations is contained in different forms - two- and trivalent. Bivalent iron preparations are absorbed and absorbed by the body much better than their trivalent analogues. Preparations of bivalent iron are used, as a rule, orally, and trivalent - by intravenous injections.

To the iron-containing drug as best as possible in digestive tractIt is necessary that the stomach has some amount of free hydrochloric acid. From this, it follows the need for appointment simultaneously with the preparation of iron of the gastric juice in the event of an insufficient secretory function of the stomach, concomitant anemia.

Some substances falling into the body simultaneously with iron, enhance its suction. Among such substances are ascorbic and amber acid, cysteine \u200b\u200band fructose. A number of other connections when taking them with iron reduces its suction. Among them are salts of calcium, phosphoric acid, tannin and some medicinal products - Almagel, Tetracycline. The use of these substances directly when taking iron preparation should be avoided.

As mentioned above, a direct indication for the appointment of iron preparations is the iron deficiency anemia of any etiology. Of course, the priority point in its treatment is the elimination of the cause that caused a decrease in the level of iron in the body, well, and the subsequent purpose is to restore this level and the creation of the previously estimated depot of the trace element. Iron-containing drugs can be applied and at 12-state anemia in parallel with the reception of cyanocobalamin. One condition: in 12-state anemia should be hypochromic (color indicator in the general blood analysis of less than 0.8).

Iron-containing preparations for oral administration

In the overwhelming majority iron deficiency anemia Iron preparations are recommended to take inside. Therapeutic dose of the drug is prescribed individually at the rate of 2 mg / kg of body weight of the patient. As a rule, it is 100-200, less often - 300 mg per day. To achieve the maximum effect of suction, the drugs of this group are accepted exclusively during food intake.

With a sufficient dose of the drug, a week after the start of treatment in the blood test, changes are observed - the number of reticulocytes is increasing. A month later, in some cases later - after 1.5-2 months, the increase in hemoglobin indicators is noted. The improvement in the state, manifested by the disappearance or decrease in the severity of the unpleasant symptoms of anemia, he notes after a few days of regular reception of the drug.

Patients should be known that it is necessary to take drugs of this group not one or two weeks and not even a month, but much longer. After the normalization of hemoglobin and red blood cell counts, the treatment of the iron-containing drug continues to replenish the stocks of iron in the body - so to speak, fill the depot. This continues for a few - minimum of 2 months, but the dose of the drug at the same time supporting: less treatment 2 times.

Against the background of receiving iron-containing preparations per OS (i.e., inwards, such side effects are possible:

  • metal flavor in the mouth;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • decline in appetite;
  • or (less often) diarrhea.

In some cases, against the background of the reception of iron preparations, it is noted associated with the formation of iron sulfide in the event of an iron interaction with a hydrogen sulfide in the oral cavity (for example, when). To avoid this unpleasant effect, you should carefully rinse your mouth after receiving iron-containing drugs or take them through the tube (if the drug is in a liquid dosage form).

Reception of glands containing iron, contraindicated in the following cases:

  • with hemolytic and;
  • with chronic inflammatory diseases liver and kidneys;
  • with blood tumors - leukose;
  • in parallel with tetracycline or antacids;
  • in combination with products rich in calcium containing caffeine or a large amount of fiber.

Carefully prescribe preparations of this group with ,.

Do not prescribe iron preparations simultaneously with preparations that reduce the acidity of gastric juice, and with antibiotics of tetracycline groups and D-peniciline, since they prevent the absorption of iron in the digestive tract.

Preparations containing iron

  • Hemoofer Prolongamum. The active substance is also iron sulphate. The release form is a tablet covered with a shell, weighing 325 mg, which is equivalent to 105 mg Fe 2+.
  • Tartiferon. Tablets of prolonged action with iron sulfate (II) are based on plus mucoproteoz and ascorbic acid. 1 Tablet contains 80 mg Fe 2+.
  • Ferroglyukonate and Ferrone. The basis of drugs is iron gluconate. The release form is 300 mg tablets, which is equivalent to 35 mg Fe 2+.
  • Ferrogradmet. Iron sulfate plus plastic matrix - calm. Release form - shell tablets. The amount of Fe 2+ in 1 tablet - 105 mg.
  • Heferol. The preparation is based on fumaric acid. Available in a capsule form of 350 mg, which is equivalent to 100 mg Fe 2+.
  • Akiterrin. Combined preparation containing iron sulfate, D, L-serine (capsules and drops oral) and iron sulfate, D, L-serine, glucose, fructose, potassium sorbate (syrup). The amount of FE 2+ in 1 caps. / 1 \u200b\u200bml of drops and 1 ml of syrup is 34.8 and 34.2, respectively.
  • Hamsineral-TD. Microgranules of fumarate iron, folic acid, cyanocobalamin. Capsules containing 67 mg of elementary iron.
  • Gino Tartiferon. Contains iron sulphate, folic and ascorbic acid, mucoproteoz. Available in the form of tablets, the dose of elementary iron in which is equivalent to 80 mg Fe 2+.
  • Globron. In its composition there are iron fumarate, vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, sodium document. Available in the form of gelatin capsules of 300 mg, which is equivalent to 100 mg FE 2+.
  • Ranferon-12. Contains iron fumarate, ascorbic and folic acid, cyanocobalamine, zinc sulfate, ammonium citrate iron. It is produced in the form of a capsule of 300 mg, which is equivalent to 100 mg of elementary iron and elixir, 5 ml of which contains 41 mg of it.
  • Sorbifer Duruless. Iron sulfate plus ascorbic acid plus matrix - fool. Sheath-covered tablets, with a prolonged release of iron ions containing 100 mg Fe 2+.
  • Totema. Iron gluckonate plus trace elements - manganese, copper, as well as benzoate and sodium citrate and sucrose. Dosage form - solution for oral reception In ampoules of 10 ml, which is equivalent to 50 mg Fe 2+.
  • Heferol. The base is fumaric acid. The release form is 350 mg capsules containing 100 mg Fe 2+.
  • Feneuls. Iron sulfate, folic and ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, fructose, cysteine, calcium pantothenate, yeast. The release form is capsules, the iron content in which is equivalent to 45 mg.

Injection administration of iron preparations can lead to serious complications, therefore applied by strict indications.

Iron preparations for parenteral administration apply only in the presence of certain indications, such as:

  • reduced absorption of iron in the digestive tract associated with its chronic pathology (enteritis, mallabsorption syndrome);
  • exacerbation peptic disease stomach or duodenal estate;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • individual hypersensitivity to iron salts;
  • removal of the stomach (gastrectomy) or extensive resection thin gut;
  • the need for a rapid saturation of the body with iron for upcoming operations over, and other pathological conditions.

Injecting, more than 100 mg of iron per day cannot be introduced injecting - this dose provides complete saturation of transferrin.

In parenteral administration of iron-containing drugs, the development of a number of serious complications is possible:

  • allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock (found in 1-2% of patients, as a rule, after intravenous drug administration);
  • DVS syndrome;
  • infiltrates at the injection site;
  • abscesses at the injection site;
  • fleaters;
  • overdose of iron with the subsequent development of hemosiderosis of organs (hemosidery deposit (consisting of iron oxide) in tissues internal organs).

Iron-containing preparations for parenteral administration

  • Woofer It consists of iron (III) - hydroxide of sucrose complexes. Available in the form of a solution for injections in 5 ml ampoules. The path of administration of the drug is intravenous. 1 ampule contains 100 mg Fe 2+ (20 mg / ml).
  • Zhectefer. Contains iron-sorbitol-lemon-acid complex. The output shape is a solution for injection in ampoules of 2 ml. The path of administration is intramuscular. 1 ampule contains 100 mg Fe 2+.
  • Ferbitol. It is based on the iron binding complex. Available in a solution for injections of 1 ml. The path of administration is intramuscular. 1 ml of solution is equivalent to 50 mg Fe 2+.
  • Ferrlecite. The active substance of the drug is an active sodium-iron-breather complex. The injection solution is produced in ampoules 1 (for intramuscular administration) and 5 (for intravenous administration) ml containing 50 and 100 mg Fe 2+, respectively.
  • Fermany. It consists of iron sharat, cobalt gluconate and carbohydrate solution. Available in 1 ml ampoules containing 20 mg Fe 2+. It is used intravenously.
  • Ferrum Lek. Active substances - iron hydroxide with dextran. For intramuscular administration, 2 ml ampoules are produced, where the content of elementary iron is equivalent to 100 mg.

Iron must human body. It is a component of all cells, and also participates in many cellular processes. For example, iron (as part of hemoglobin protein) transports oxygen from the lungs to all organs. Reduced hemoglobin testifies to anemia. Anemia is a state characterized by the absence of a sufficient amount of healthy red blood cells. Erythrocytes transport oxygen to tissues. There are several types of anemia.

Iron deficiency anemia occurs when low iron levels are present in the body.

is the most common type of anemia.

Healthy erythrocytes are produced by the bone marrow. Body organs, such as spleen, remove the "old" blood cells. Iron is a key component of red blood cells. Without it, blood will not be able to effectively carry oxygen. A person usually gets iron through food, and sometimes repeatedly uses iron from "old" erythrocytes.

Iron deficiency anemia develops when iron stocks are dried.
  • You lose more Ironthan the body can reproduce;
  • The body does not absorb iron;
  • The body absorbs iron, but you do not get it in sufficient quantity of food;
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Bleeding can lead to loss of iron. The most frequent causes of bleeding are:

  • Women: Long or frequent menstruation;
  • Esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon;
  • Varicose extension veins of the esophagus, for example, due to the liver cirrhosis;
  • Peptic disease.

Iron is not absorbed due to:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • Celiac disease (intestinal disease);
  • Shunting of the stomach;

Against the background of receiving a large number of antacids that contain calcium.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Concept. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and the residency for clinical and laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

Vegetarians and older people are also are in the risk group.


Most often weakly pronounced, develop slowly. May include:

  • Weakness, fatigue, increased fatigue;
  • Headaches;
  • Problems with concentration of attention.
  • As anemia progresses, symptoms deteriorate:
  • The science of eye proteins;
  • Nail fragility;
  • Light dizziness;
  • Pale skin color;
  • Configuring breathing;
  • Dark chair or blood in feces;
  • Strong menstrual bleeding;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Weight loss.


Medicia treatment It comes down to receiving iron-containing drugs.

Pregnant and nursing women must necessarily take iron-containing drugs and additives.

Hematokritis returns to normal after 2 months of therapy. But, as a rule, hematologists prescribe a little longer courses from 6 to 12 months to compensate for iron deficiency in the bone marrow.


Most economical and effective medical means For the treatment of this type of anemia is the oral administration of iron salts. Iron sulfate got the most frequent use. Drug-based medications based on carbonyl gland are more often used during pregnancy.

Parenteral therapy is used in patients who are not able to take iron orally. And also in patients who have not reacted to oral drugs. This is a rather expensive treatment method with many contraindications.

Video about what kind of drug use in which case is more convenient

Attention! What is the preparation to give preference, and what method of therapy to choose, can only solve your attending physician (therapist, hematologist).

Preparations for oral administration

Sorbifer Duruless (Hungary) The combined drug is an iron-containing additive, used to treat / prevent low iron levels (under anemia, also during pregnancy). Iron sulfate is the most basic, most common and inexpensive drug for the treatment of patients with iron deficiency. These are tablets 50-60 mg based on bivalent iron. Oral sorbitol solutions are available for use in pediatric practice. Iron sulfate is best absorbed by an empty stomach (you should take 1 hour (or half an hour) to or 2 hours after meals). When symptoms of stomach disorder appear, the drug can be started to take with food. Also available in the form of liquid droplets for babies. During its application, it is important to avoid reception of antacids, dairy products, tea or coffee for 2 hours before or after reception, they can reduce its effectiveness. Burner effects are minimal, may include nausea, constipation, diarrhea.

Price on tablet 30 pcs. 320 mg from 300 to 500 rubles.

Totema (Iron Gluconate) (France) Iron-containing drug for the prevention / treatment of iron deficiency anemia (in pregnant women, as well as children, teenagers, women and girls of childbearing age, the elderly). Contraindicated, if there is an allergy to any component in its composition, as well as with hemochromatosis. Iron gluconate is better absorbed on an empty stomach, but, in the event of an unpleasant sensation, it can be accepted with food. Some products (eggs, cereals, dairy products, coffee, tea) can reduce its efficiency. Particular effects often include: black (sometimes green, that rarity) stool. This is normal and is not a reason for concern. It is possible to develop allergic reactions, including itching, rash, urticaria, an anaphylactic response can rarely develop.

The price of a solution of 10 ampoules 10 ml: 300-500 rubles.

Tartiferon (France) The preparation with iron sulfate is shown for: - refund of iron losses (for recovery menstrual cycle, when bleeding as a result of gastrointestinal diseases); - increasing iron levels (for example, during pregnancy, feeding, during the donation period, during puberty). The permanent effects are rarely found, include: allergic, birching, tongue swelling, stomach disorder, dark chair (sometimes black), Temporary coloring of the teeth.

Avoid taking any other multivitamin or mineral product within 2 hours before or after you accepted Tardiferon. This can lead to overdose by minerals and cause serious side effects. Avoid taking antibiotics 2 hours before or after receiving Tartiferon.

Price to tablets 30pcs: 180-230 rubles.

Ferroplex (Hungary) The iron-containing drug based on bivalent iron is used to increase the level of folic acid and iron. Contraindications: If you are pregnant, you are planning a pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, consult with the attending physician before starting the intake of Ferroplex. Contraindicated in intestinal diseases (colitis, Crohn's disease, intestinal obstruction, Diverticulitis, diverticulosis), some blood diseases (skin porphyria, thalassemia). Contacts: constipation, black chair, nausea, diarrhea, stomach disorder.

Tablet price 30 pcs: 200-350 rubles. This drug is difficult to find in pharmacy points, so it is often replaced with sorrifer Duruless.

NOVAERFERM (USA) Iron-containing food additive. NovaFerrum contains an iron polysaccharide complex. The drug effectively fills the lack of iron in the body. Contraindications include age up to 6 years (for such purposes a special type of NovaFerrum Pediatric Drops preparation is released, for infants), and it is also necessary to consult a doctor before using the drug during pregnancy or in breastfeeding. Iron can interfere with the suction of some antibiotics, the drug cannot be combined with the reception of other food additives. Do not exceed the recommended dosage, unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor. Side effects are not detected, they rarely meet such as constipation, nausea.

The price of 50 mg tablets (three-month course) will be about 700-900 rubles.

Feosol (FEOSOL) (USA) The iron-containing drug based on carbonyl iron is used as the replacement of iron sulfate. Suks slower and is a more expensive drug. Slow suction is especially good when children get into the body. Less toxic for the gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications: Allergies to any components, if the patient has problems with the absorption of iron (for example, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis) or high level Iron in the blood.

Price on Tablets 45 mg / 60mg 120 pcs. About 700 rubles.

Gemofer Prolrangatum (Poland) Hemofer - Natural Mineral Additive. It is used for the prevention / treatment of iron deficiency anemia, increases general immunity. It can be used during pregnancy, as well as children under 6 years old, babies. It is shown for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during donation, puberty. Contraindications: hemolytic anemia, thalassemia, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, lead anemia. Burner effects are rare, but they may include nausea, pain in the stomach, the appearance of blood in feces, cough with blood or vomiting, as well as: weak pulse, pale leather, souping lips , cramps.

Produced in the form of a dragee or syrup.

Price on tablet (dragee) 325 mg 10 pcs: 100-200 rubles.

Malto (Switzerland) This is a medicine that is used in the treatment of iron deficiency in patients with intolerance of bivalent iron. It contains trivalent iron (hydroxide polymaltosate). It is used to increase the level of iron and reducing the deficiency of folic acid, shown for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding period. There are practically no contraindications. The drug does not assimilate against the background of the reception of many medicines (antibiotics, other vitamins and food additives). The contact effects are few, as well as very rare, mostly, it is nausea, constipation and diarrhea.

Released in the form of chewing tablets, drops or syrup.


  • tablets 30 pcs: 300-350 rubles;
  • drops 50mg 30ml: 250-300 rubles;
  • syrup 150 ml: 300-350 rubles.
Ferretab (Austria) Fumarate iron is used to treat iron deficiency anemia, also with unbalanced nutrition, strong bleeding. Possible side effects: the darkening of the chair (which is harmless), coloring of the teeth (in this case, it is worth mixing each dose of the drug with water or fruit juice, or add to toothpaste A small amount of food soda), constipation, stomach disorder. Produced in the form of tablets. This drug should be taken on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating. No contraindications. But caution to patients with intestinal inflammation, crown disease, problems with digestion, ulcer, or in the presence of allergies to iron sulfate.

Safe for reception during pregnancy.

Prices for tablets 30 pcs: 300-400 rubles.

Some useful Soviets:

  • Take iron-containing drugs on an empty stomach;
  • Do not take iron preparations along with antacids. Medicines that facilitate the symptoms of heartburn may interfere with the absorption of iron;
  • Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron.

Parenteral therapy

Optic therapy with iron more preferable and safeBut many patients experience serious side effects (for example, by the gastrointestinal tract). In patients with oral treatment, an inadequate response to such therapy often appears. Parenteral treatment gives a quick response and better fills the lack of iron in some clinical conditions. Until recently, its use was limited to a significant risk of severe allergic reactions (especially when using drugs with a large molecular weight of dextran iron). Currently available preparations of a new generation have a very low frequency of serious responses.

General indications for the appointment of parenteral therapy:

  • Iron deficiency anemia against the background of inflammatory bowel diseases when oral therapy showed its ineffectiveness;
  • Showing patients on hemodialysis (with acute renal failure);
  • As an alternative to blood transfusion when a rapid increase in hemoglobin is required (for example, severe anemia in late pregnancy or postpartum anemia).

Preparations of the new generation are quite expensive.

Important! Intravenous iron administration is contraindicated in 1 trimester of pregnancy.

Preparations for injection

Wenior (Switzerland) Trivalent iron, the sucrose complex is used to treat iron deficiency anemia (in combination with erythropoietin) in patients with kidney disease. They have a deficiency of iron caused blood loss during dialysis, as well as insufficient absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract. Venoofer 20 mg / ml is introduced in / in for 2 to 5 minutes (sometimes using a dropper). There are no special contraindications. Side effects include: muscle cramps, a strange taste in the mouth, diarrhea, constipation, headache, cough, joint pain, dizziness or edema / legs, pain, swelling, or redness at the injection site. Painted for use in 1 trimester.

Price 20 mg / ml 5 ml of ampoules: 1500-2500 rubles.

Cosmofer (Denmark) Cosmofer is a combination of dextran and iron. Contraindications include: increased sensitivity to dextre, liver disease, hepatitis, chronic diseases (Introduction through a vein can aggravate bacterial or viral infections), diseases of the kidneys. Cosmofer treatment during pregnancy can be carried out only in 2 or 3 trimester. Contracting effects: nausea, pain in the stomach, heat, fever, cramps, allergic reaction.

Price 50mg / ml 2 ml: 3000-4000 rubles.

Ferineek (France) Ferinject is shown to treat iron deficiency. Contraindications: Increased sensitivity to carboxymaltose of iron, microcolitan anemia. Contraindicated in 1 trimester of pregnancy. Particular effects include vomiting, dizziness, headache.

The price of a solution of V / in 50mg / ml of 5 bottles: 4000-5000 rubles.

Zhectefer, Enter (Turkey) JECTOFER - iron-sorbitol citric acid, is used to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Contraindicated in hemochromatosis, heart disease, hypertensive disease. Side Effects: Allergic reactions, yellowing of the skin (Changing the skin color on brown), dizziness, anti-metal taste in the mouth. Continocated in 1 trimester of pregnancy.

The price of ampoules / 2 ml: 2000-2500 rubles

Ferrum Lek (Slovenia, Switzerland) Trivalent iron. Indications for use: iron deficiency anemia, also during pregnancy. Contraindicated in the following conditions and diseases: Increased sensitivity to any of the ingredients of drugs, hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis, Cideroblastic anemia. Pobed effects include staining of the chair in black color, skin pallor, tachycardia.

It can be used only from the second trimester of pregnancy (from 13-14 weeks).

Also available in the form of syrup and chewing tablets.

The price of ampoules 2ml 100mg 20 pcs: 7000-8000 rubles.

Monofer (Germany) Hydroxide III iron. Showing for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Contraindications: sensitivity to active substance, hypersensitivity to iron products, hemolytic anemia, excess iron, hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Side effects include nausea, rarely: abdominal pain.

The price of a solution for injection 100 mg 2 ml: 15000-16000.

Infide (Canada) Dextran iron (infed) fills the lack of iron in the bone marrow. Parenteral application May cause anaphylactic shock. Side Effects: Loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, urticaria, swelling or cramps, low arterial pressure, dizziness, fever, sweating. A day dose of the drug should not exceed 100 mg (2 ml).

Contraindicated in the treatment of non-iron deficiency anemia, as well as with kidney disease, asthma, cardiovascular diseases.

The price of the drug (50 mg / 2 ml of 2 ampoules) is more than 15,000 rubles per ampoule.

Most often it is replaced by monofer or cosmofer.

The effectiveness of treatment

Against the background of receiving iron-containing drugs and obtain a sufficient amount of iron to food symptoms very soon go. Improvement occurs within a few days (2-3 days). But even if the patient feels better, the course of treatment needs to be fully. Usually the course lasts up to 6 months.

Iron Pregnancy and Preparations

  • Add products rich in iron to the daytime;
  • Add to diet products rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C contributes to the absorption and absorption of iron;
  • Eat lean red meat, bird and fish. Iron from such products is absorbed better than iron from plant products;
  • Before applying any iron-containing drug, it is important to consult with the therapist, hematologist, sometimes a gynecologist. The reception of such medicines is most often not dangerous during pregnancy, while parenteral therapy is worth starting only if the risk is above the risk for the child, and only from the second trimester.

Prevention of low iron levels. Diet

Reduce the risk of anemia is possible, choosing:

  • Red meat;
  • Pork;
  • Domestic bird;
  • Seafood;
  • Green leaf vegetables (spinach);
  • Beans;
  • Dried fruits (raisins, dried, prunes, dates);
  • Gruble cereals, bread and pasta.

Vegetarians will need to increase vegetation consumption, rich iron. It:

  • Oatmeal;
  • Tofu;
  • Lentil;
  • Spinach;
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Peanut butter;
  • Brown rice.

Vitamin C for iron assimilation. Located in:

  • Broccoli;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Kiwi;
  • Greens;
  • Melons;
  • Oranges;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • Strawberry;
  • Tangerines;
  • Tomatoes.

Helpful advice: For prevention of anemia, it is useful to drink a glass of orange or grapefruit juice per day.

Avoid excessive consumption of such products as:

  • Tea and coffee;
  • Calcium is contained in dairy products;
  • Whole grades - although they are a good source of iron, they also contain aptic acid that can slow down the process of absorbing iron.

Dr. Komarovsky about nutrition restrictions in the treatment

Facts about iron and its shortage

  • Iron deficiency - the main cause of anemia;
  • Iron deficiency is most often associated with an increase in the need of the body in the gland or with a decrease in iron absorption;
  • The diagnosis of "iron deficiency" is based on;
  • With a balanced nutrition, diets using iron additives, as well as correctly selected drugs, iron deficiency can be cured.


Higher education:


Samara State Medical University (Samgm, Kmi)

Education Level - Specialist

Additional education:


Russian Medical Academy Postgraduate Education

Iron - an integral part of hemoglobin, protein that provides human blood oxygen, and respectively the whole body. With a low level of hemoglobin, doctors are diagnosed in the patient the iron deficiency, prescribe preparations with a high content of iron.

What are iron preparations for anemia

  1. Medicines S. active substance - bivalent iron (FE2), contain iron in the form of sulfate, gluconate, chloride, succinate, fumarant, lactate. Fully absorbed into the blood of a person, produced in tablets, dragee, syrup are intended for oral administration (through the mouth).
  2. Medicines with active substance - trivalent iron (FE3), in self-form or in combination with a vitamin complex, have a higher cost, are usually produced in ampoules for injections or intravenous administration, as a syrup, dragee.

Reduce the absorption of drugs can simultaneous reception with drugs from heartburn (Almagel, Renny, Maalox), Levomycetin, Tetracycline, Tea use, Milk. On the contrary, the absorption of iron improves in the use of fish and meat.

Side effects of drugs from anemia:

  • Nausea, less often - vomiting;
  • Bloating, elevated meteorism;
  • Abdominal pain, possibly irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa (stomach or intestines).

Additional concern may cause black colors, this is not a side effect, but the result of the action of iron-containing drugs.
In compliance with the dosages and recommendations of the doctor, hemoglobin will come to a normal level in a month and a half. Complete picture can give a general blood test.

Iron-containing drugs for anemia

The most beloved food additive In the prevention of iron deficiency anemia, hematogen is familiar since childhood. Sold in pharmacies and grocery stores. In industry, hematogen can be manufactured both on the basis of recycled blood and with enrichment of iron salts.

The list of drugs with a high content of iron is great, here you can choose and dear and cheaper option with excellent reviews. In any case, the appointment should make a doctor, self-medication can lead to deposits.

For pregnant women and children

Women and children are the most unprotected category of sick. Preparations are prescribed with great caution, in safe dosages. When diagnosing iron deficiency anemia and Malokrovia in women in any of the trimesters of pregnancy, or in children, the doctor may appoint the admission of the following drugs.

General list of drugs appointed during iron deficiency.

Preparations with bivalent iron (Fe2):

  1. APO Ferroglyukonate, produced in the form of tablets, recommended reception before meals;
  2. Hemoofer, a solution for receiving inside, it is recommended to be taken in a diluted form with water or juice, between meals;
  3. Iron gluckonate 300, in the form of tablets covered with a shell. Take inside, before eating. With caution - with exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, impaired kidney functions and older persons.
  4. Iron Fumarate 200, in the tablets covered with a shell. Not recommended in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  5. Megaferin B. esiphey pills, it is necessary to take before meals, pre-soluble in a glass of water;
  6. Orelon, produced in the form of dragee and drops, contraindicated in the presence of ulcerative disease, liver failure, allergies, bronchial asthma, alcoholism at any stages;
  7. PMS iron sulfate (iron sulphate), tablets, are prescribed by adults before or after meals, with anemia, not related to iron deficiency - contraindicated;
  8. Tartiferon (iron sulphate), produced in tablets. Can be recommended pregnant women and children from 6 years;
  9. FEOOSAP, DRAGE, TAKE UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CHOICE: In the ulcer of the GCT, disorders of the liver functions, anemia that are not associated with the deficiency of iron, allergic reactions;
  10. Ferricitis, ampoules with solution for intravenous injections, contraindicated with simultaneous intake of vitamin C and glucose;
  11. Ferrone, produced in the form of syrup and tablets, take under the control of the doctor: with ulcers, bronchial asthma, liver failure, alcoholism;
  12. Heferol, produced in capsules, allowed to children over 12 years old, take under the control of the doctor: with a gastrointestinal ulcer, hepatitis, elderly patients;
  13. Ecoter, in the form of an injection solution intramuscularly, is used in extensive blood loss, contraindicated in renal failure.

FE2 preparations containing foliic acid:

  1. Falc and FerretAb Comp in capsules are used as prevention of iron deficiency and bleeding, including during pregnancy.

FE2 medications with folic acid and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12):

  1. Hessential-TD, IRovit, Ferro Folgamma - in capsules;
  2. Folinbra, in drops;
  3. Vitaminated complexes that can be applied are used by pregnant women and children.

Preparations with trivalent iron (Fe3):
It is noted that the injections are more likely caused by side effects, to anaphylactic shock, so injections and droppers are prescribed with caution and only in an exceptional case. Preparations for injection intravenously or intramuscularly:

  1. Argeferr
  2. Cosmofer
  3. Licferr
  4. Monofer
  5. Ferbitol.
  6. Ferineek
  7. Ferrlecite
  8. Ferrolec Health
  9. Ferrofortat

Syrups, drops and solutions for internal reception:

  2. Feneuls complex
  3. Ferri
  4. Ferumbo

Means from anemia with FE3, folic acid for internal reception:

  1. Capsules - Orofer and Ferry Foul
  2. Chewable pills Biofer (in contrast to injections, an empty stomach is accepted, contraindicated with frequent blood transfusions)

FE3 capsules, high content of trace elements and vitamins:

  1. Globron-N.
  2. Glorem Tr.
  3. Ranferon-12.
  4. Fenotek
  5. Feneuls.
  6. Feranmin-Vita
  7. Folk Vit.
  8. Hemsi
  9. Esmin.

Iron deficiency anemia is considered a very common disease that violates the quality of human life. Most often, this pathology is diagnosed in women, but can overtake men. At the same time, patients complain of severe weakness, dizziness, headaches.

The following changes are observed from the appearance and overall health status of health:

  1. Dry skin.
  2. Excessive pallor.
  3. Hair loss.
  4. Increased nail fragility.
  5. Tachycardia.
  6. Dyspnea.
  7. Reduced arterial pressure.

A man loses its vital energy, becomes weak, sluggish and misintermetative. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to pass blood tests that show a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and low iron content. When confirming the diagnosis, special iron-containing drugs are required, which are selected by a specialist.

The role of iron in the work of the body

Iron plays an important role in coordinated work. human organism. It takes an active part in the process of blood formation, so under anemia a person is experiencing such strong discomfort. Normally in the body there are no more than 3, 5 mg of iron, most of which is in hemoglobin.

Independently, this substance is not synthesized, but comes with food. The excess is deposited in the liver in the form of hemosiderin, at the expense of which the deficit of this element is then filled. If all reserves are over, oxygen starvation comes with all the ensuing consequences.

Causes of the lack of iron

Iron deficiency anemia can be caused by different reasons, so the treatment must select a specialist. Only he will identify the origins of the disease, will find funds that work faster and safer.

Common causes of anemia:

  1. Internal bleeding.
  2. Pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.
  3. Abundant menstruation.
  4. The presence of chronic inflammatory processes.
  5. Pathology of intestines and digestive system.
  6. Improper nutrition with low iron content.
  7. Increased physical exercise No diet correction.

In gastritis, ulcerative disease and erosions, the absorption of iron is disturbed, against the background of which the anemia is developing.

If a woman has a painful and abundant menstruation every month, it loses a huge amount of iron.

If we do not adjust the diet on such days, weakness occurs, up to a fainting state. In the same way, internal bleeding, which accompany many intestinal diseases, misa and hemorrhoids.

During pregnancy, the body requires more iron, as it goes to the development of the embryo. With the lack of this element, the development of the internal bodies of the kid is violated, and the mothers of mothers deteriorates.

Similar changes occur during GW when many are given to the milk kid nutrients. For the prevention of doctors, prescribe drugs with iron with glands. The prescribed medicine from Malokrovia apply several days a month to stabilize health.

Vegetarians often face anemia, as they lack protein food in their diet. To prevent problems, special additives should be taken. Also, special attention should be paid to the nutrition to athletes, since increased physical exertion require a huge amount of oxygen.

If a person does not take into account this feature, fainting, dizziness and problems with work are possible. of cardio-vascular system. With any ailment, you should visit the doctor and go through full examinationTo avoid more serious changes.

Contemporary drugs for the treatment of anemia

With low hemoglobin, experts appoint a survey, after which special drugs are selected for treatment. The doctor takes into account the overall condition of the patient and the availability of related pathologies, and inventory. Some medicines are characterized by too high worth, so the doctor is obliged to consult with the patient. Only due to the collaboration, it is possible to choose such an impact scheme that will give the maximum result and will arrange both sides.

Traditionally, anemia is prescribed two types of iron preparations:

  1. Bivalent.
  2. Trivalent.

Preparations including bivalent iron

The formNameFeatures of reception
PillsSorbifer Duruless, TardiferrontTake 30 minutes before the intended meal twice a day
CapsulesFerroofolgamma, ferretab, phenyulsDrink before meal
SolutionTotemaIntroduced in injections intramuscularly
DrageeGEMOFER PROLONGATUMChewed shortly before meals
BarHematogenAccepted independently of food

The most effective is the iron in tablets, as it is absorbed better. To reduce the influence of iron on the intestines, you can use medicine in capsules.

If the patient has serious problems with the functioning of the intestine, medicinal products Enter intravenously. However, the effectiveness of the impact in such cases is much reduced.

In which drugs contain 3 x valence iron:

In this case, there is a list of drugs that are prescribed most often:

  • Malto,
  • Ferlam
  • Feneuls,
  • Ferro - Folgamma.

Preparations of bivalent iron are gradually displaced by means with a high content of trivalent iron. At the same time, only a specialist can say exactly what better to use medicines and when. And for each category of patients there are medicines from iron deficiency anemia.

The following drugs are provided for pregnant women:

  • Totema
  • Sorbifer durul
  • Malto,
  • Ferrum-Lek.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment in pregnant women, sorbifer and folic acid are often prescribed at the same time. Folic acid improves the absorption of iron and favorably affects the health of the child.

The best medicines for children:

  • Totema
  • Malto,
  • Malto Foul
  • Ferrum-Lek,
  • Voofer
  • Akiterrin.

In order to better understand the possibilities of drugs, it should be carefully examined by their composition and impact on the body.

Drugs with bivalent iron

Feneuls.A polyvitamin remedy containing iron, folic acid and vitamin C. is available in capsules, so it does not cause strong irritation of the stomach and mucous membranes.
FerroofolgammaGelatin Capsules with Vitamin C and Folic Acid
TotemaIron-containing drug with the addition of manganese and copper. Available in ampoules for oral administration.
AkiterrinContains serine that improves iron absorption. It can be used in the treatment of children and pregnant women.

If the patient is limited to the budget, you can try the analogues of famous drugs. Such a drug like Phenyuls, names in Russia - Gemofer Prolrangatum, Sebidine. Ferrofolgamma from the Belarusian manufacturer is called Ferront, which is not inferior to the original, but pleases low.

If the patient is interested in the medicine, which is absorbed in the body better, it is worth a preference to complexes with trivalent iron. Sorbifer is often assigned to patients, which can be taken with children from 12 years old and adults. Because of this, doubts arise, totem or soribifer - what is better and more efficient.

Video: Iron preparations for ironfinder anemia

If you compare these drugs in efficiency, it is similar, but the sorbifer's safety is inferior. It affects the concentration of attention, therefore it is a danger in performing accurate work and management of vehicles.

Trivalent gland preparations

Features of reception

Many experts recommend precisely drugs based on trivalent iron containing vitamins. They quickly find a response in children and adults, cause fewer side effects and are characterized by maximum efficiency.

However, the cost in the pharmacy on such complexes is impressive, so patients are trying to choose a reasonable alternative. Instead of maltofer, with iron deficiency, it takes gem, iron Sakharat or a project, which are analogs of Ukrainian production.

Regardless of whether the drug is prescribed to the patient, it should be remembered about the main features of iron intake.

Features of the reception of iron preparations:

  1. An independent reception of drugs with iron is prohibited.
  2. It is impossible to exceed therapeutic doses.
  3. Liquid drugs cause greater irritation than pills and capsules.
  4. It is impossible to make some antibiotics and iron-containing complexes at the same time.
  5. It is recommended to drink iron before meals.
  6. Iron injeces are less efficient, therefore used last.
  7. You can not independently stop treatment.

If the patient needs to undergo an additional examination, it must prevent the doctor about the reception of iron preparations. They can influence the results of some analyzes, which makes it difficult to diagnose.

It should also be attentive to treat your own well-being, reporting on the presence of any disturbing symptoms.

Side properties

Iron preparations, especially in liquid form, cause negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. They also represent a danger to a person with uncontrolled use. It should be understood that there are no drugs without side effects. They are not always manifest and not always and not in all patients.

Side effects:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Pain in the stomach area.
  3. Vomiting.
  4. Reduced appetite.
  5. Total weakness.
  6. Stool disorder.

Especially strong symptoms becomes if the doctor prescribed a liquid agent. When the patient's condition deteriorated greatly, the drug should be replaced or pick up another form of influence.

If the medicine was introduced in injections, then side effects Next:

  1. Headache.
  2. Weakness.
  3. An unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  4. Muscle pain.
  5. Discomfort in the joints.
  6. Rash.
  7. Tachycardia.
  8. Painful sensations at the injection site.

Negative treatment of treatment is amplified if the daily dose of a woman and a man exceeded. Even more dangerous consequences There are for children, so a specialist picks up a particular means and his dosage.

The side reactions are developing at the iron itself, so the replacement of the analogs often does not result. The only option in such cases is to reduce the dose or replacement on the liquid drug for intramuscular administration.

The effectiveness of treatment

The effectiveness of treatment is determined by the overall condition of the patient and the results of the tests. The first changes appear in the month of the proper use of the selected medication.

When hemoglobin began to rise, the specialist determines the duration of the use of the drug, which is usually half a year. During this period, the iron deficiency depot is possible, after which there is enough preventive reception of the designated complex.

A specific treatment regimen is selected by a specialist, taking into account the state of the patient, as well as on the basis of the action of various drugs.

Video: What you can not eat when we take iron preparations

Sometimes in the survey process it becomes clear that anemia is negligible. In such cases, saying the drug for treatment and how to help the patient can only attending a doctor on the basis of numerous studies.

In a standard situation, under anemia, drug impact turns out to be effective, and a person has been feeling a significant relief in a few weeks. If pathology is provoked by some diseases of the internal organs, a comprehensive impact is necessary. Only so manages to get the most outcome and return health to man.

Thank you

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Ferrum Lek. represents treatment of ironwhich normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and also prevents and eliminates the iron deficiency state of any genesis. The drug is intended to normalize and maintain the level of hemoglobin in children and adults of any sex.

Forms of release, titles and composition

Currently, Ferrum Lek is produced in the following dosage forms:
  • Syrup for intake (glass vials 100 ml);
  • Chewable pills (packs of 30 and 50 pieces);
  • Solution for intramuscular administration (2 ml ampoules);
  • Solution for intravenous administration (ampoules of 5 ml).
Solutions for intramuscular and intravenous administration are often called ampurs, and syrup drops.

Forms for intake (syrup and tablets) as an active substance contain iron hydroxide polymaltozat , and solutions for injection introduction - iron hydroxide polyisomaltosate (Ferrisharat) . These active substances are modifications of the same chemical compound - iron saharat. Just for forms for intake, the compound was left in native form, and for injection administration, dextran (high molecular weight polymer) was added to it, which optimizing its properties specifically for hitting the circulation, bypassing the intestine.

In terms of iron, various forms of ferrum lec contain the following amount of active substance:

  • Tablets - 100 mg;
  • Syrup - 10 mg per 1 ml, that is, 50 mg of iron in one dimensional spoon with a volume of 5 ml;
  • The solution for intramuscular administration is 50 mg per 1 ml, that is, 100 mg in one whole ampoule of 2 ml volume;
  • A solution for intravenous administration is 20 mg per 1 ml, that is, 100 mg in one whole ampoule of 5 ml volume.

Ferrum Lek - Mnn, photo and recipe

MNN is an abbreviation, meaning international unpatient namewhich is the generally accepted name of the chemical, which is an active in effect component. In other words, the name of the active substance of any medicine, including Ferrum Leka, is His MNN. MNN Ferrum Leka is iron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate.

The following photos depict the packaging of various dosage forms of Ferrum Lek.

Recipe for chewing tablets Ferrum Lek is written as follows:
RP.: TAB. Ferrum Lek number 30
D.S. 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Recipes for a solution and syrup are discharged in a similar way, only in the first line after the letters "RP" Write "Sol." or "syr." respectively. In the second line after the letters "D.S." Indicate the dosage of the syrup and the multiplicity of reception or the volume of the solution in milliliters, which is intended for one-time administration.

Therapeutic effects of Ferrum Lek

Main therapeutic effect All dosage forms of Ferrum Leka is an increase in blood hemoglobin and the creation of iron depot in the form of ferritin. This effect is provided by the active substance of drugs - the compound of iron, which is well absorbed into the bloodstream, where the atom of iron is slowly released from it, which is included in the hemoglobin or ferritin in the bone marrow or liver, respectively.

Iron polymaltosate enters the bloodstream in the same amount, both with intramuscular injection and when taking inside. Therefore, the advantages concluded in a shorter course of treatment and better iron digestibility, in the solution for intramuscular administration in front of tablets and syrup. Only a solution for intravenous administration has the most complete digestibility, when using a course of treatment slightly shortening. However, intravenous administration of the Ferrum Lek is used only if it is impossible to use other forms of the drug, since in this case the risk of severe allergic reactions, liver damage and other complications.

Indications for use

Tablets and syrup Ferrum Lek Showing for use in the following cases:
  • Latent (hidden) iron deficiency;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia ;
  • Prevention of iron deficiency during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with abundant menstruation, etc.
Solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration of ferrum lec It is shown to use in cases where it is necessary to quickly fill the deficit of iron in the body, such as:
  • Pronounced anemia after a large blood loss;
  • Impairment of iron absorption in the intestines (for example, with inflammatory bowel diseases, stomach, etc.);
  • Ineffectiveness of iron preparations inside;
  • The inability for any reason to take iron preparations inside.

Ferrum Lek - Instructions for use

General provisions

All dosage forms Ferrum Lek are designed for use in various dosages in the following possible cases:
  • Prevention of anemia and iron deficiency;
  • Anemia treatment;
  • Treatment of latent iron deficiency.
The duration of use and dosage of various dosage forms depend only on the severity of the iron deficiency. The duration of the course of treatment does not depend on the shape of the Ferrum Leka. That is, to eliminate any state you will need to take Ferrorum lec in the form of a syrup or tablets, or administered injectable in the same dosage and for the same period of time. Moreover, the digestibility of iron and the speed of normalization of laboratory indicators are the same when using injections, syrup or tablets, so you can choose that type of drug, which is more or more convenient for subjective reasons for use.

However, in the absence of contraindications for taking iron inside, it is necessary to choose Ferrum Lek in the form of a syrup or tablets, since they have the least pronounced allergenic properties, the minimum risk of side effects, ease of use and best tolerance. Intramuscular injections of the Lec Ferrum must be applied only in cases where a person for some reason cannot take the drug inside. And to intravenously enter Ferrorum lec necessary only in cases where it is necessary to quickly fill the iron deficiency.

When choosing between syrup and tablets, you can only be guided by the principle of personal preference and ease of use. For example, it is more convenient to take syrup, it is best to use it. If it is more convenient to chew the pills, it is necessary to take Ferrorum lec in this form. Neither pills nor syrup stain in the teeth in black.

The duration of the drug depends on the severity of the iron deficiency. So, for the prevention of ferrum lec can be used for a long time, while defective nutrition or increased iron spending are preserved, for example, during pregnancy, active growth, sports workouts, etc.

For the treatment of latent iron deficiency, the reception of Ferrum Leka in any dosage form is made within 1 - 3 months. Latent iron deficiency is also called hidden anemia, since at the same time only a decrease in ferritin in the blood is recorded, and hemoglobin remains within the normal range. And since ferritin is a form of iron blasting, the reduction of its concentration in the blood indicates a complete exhaustion of the depot and the imminent development of anemia.

For the treatment of anemia, any dosage form Ferrum Leka should be taken until the normalization of hemoglobin in the blood (approximately 3 to 5 months) in therapeutic dosages, and then for another 2 to 4 months in doses for therapy of the latent iron deficiency. Pregnant women suffering from anemia, after the normalization of the hemoglobin level in the blood should take Ferrorum Lek in dosages for therapy of the latent iron therapy at least before childbirth, and optimally before increasing the concentration of ferritin to normal.

Ferrum Lam Tablets and Syrup - Instructions for use

Syrup and tablets should be taken inside during or immediately after eating, since thus minimizes the risk of developing side effects and irritation of the stomach mucosa with a compound of iron. In principle, syrup or tablets can be taken before meals, but in this case the risk of nausea, pain in the epigastria and other symptoms of irritation of the stomach mucosa are great.

Tablets can be swallowed entirely or chew. Syrup can be taken in pure form or dissolved in the drink. At the same time, for picking a tablet or dissolving syrup, you can take any soft drink with the exception of tea or milk, as they worsen the absorption of iron from the intestine. Syrup can be mixed with children's nutrition or juices.

The daily dosage of tablets or syrup Ferrum Lek can be taken at one time or break into several. Optimally breaking the daily dosage of the Heca Ferrums on as many identical doses, how many times the person takes food to drink the drug after eating.

For children under 12 years old, it is necessary to take the drug exclusively in the form of a syrup, and after achieving full 12 years old can be used and tablets. Dosage syrup and tablets Ferrum Lek are determined by the age of a person and the weight of the iron deficiency.

For the prevention of anemia and iron deficiency, as well as the treatment of latent (hidden) anemia Ferrum lec syrup and tablets should be taken in the following dosages depending on age:

  • Children 1 - 12 years - 25 - 50 mg per day (2.5 - 5 ml of syrup);
  • Children and adults older than 12 years - 50 - 100 mg per day (1 tablet or 5 - 10 ml of syrup);
  • Pregnant women - 100 mg per day (1 tablet or 10 ml of syrup).
Reception of the Ferrum Leka for the prevention continues throughout the entire period of time until the person has insufficient iron intake with food or its increased spending (training, intensive growth, pregnancy, etc.). For the treatment of latent anemia, it is necessary to take farror lec for 1 to 2 months, and ideally - until the normalization of ferritin performance.

For the treatment of anemia Ferrum lec should be taken in the following dosages depending on the age:

  • Children from birth and up to 1 year - 25 - 50 mg per day, which corresponds to 2.5 - 5 ml of syrup (1/2 - 1 dimensional spoon);
  • Children 1 - 12 years - 50 - 100 mg per day (5 - 10 ml of syrup or 1 - 2 dimensional spoons);
  • Children and adults older than 12 years - 100 - 300 mg per day (1 - 3 tablets or 10 - 30 ml of syrup);
  • Pregnant women - 200 - 300 mg per day (2 - 3 tablets or 20 - 30 ml of syrup).
The duration of the taking syrup or tablets Ferrum Lek for the treatment of anemia is 3 - 5 months (up to normalization of blood hemoglobin). However, after that, for another 2 - 3 months, it is necessary to continue the reception of the Lek Ferrum in dosages for the treatment of latent anemia (1 tablet or 10 ml of syrup per day) to fill the depot.

Ferrum Lama Ukoli (Injection) - Instructions for use

Intramuscular and intravenous injections should be performed only if a person for any reason cannot take farror lec in tablets or syrup. Intravenous solution can be used to normalize hemoglobin levels after severe blood loss (more than 400 ml). It should be remembered that the injection of the Leka Ferrum apply only to the treatment of anemia. The introduction of solutions intravenously or intramuscularly in order to prevent or eliminate the latent iron deficiency is not applicable.

The daily dosage of the fluorum lec solution for intramuscular administration under anemia of any degree of severity is the same and amounts to 1 ampoule (100 mg) for adults, 1/4 ampoules for children with a body weight of less than 6 kg and half an ampoule - for children with a weight of 6 - 10 kg. This means that once a day, a person is introduced all daily dosage of the drug. Moreover, the solution is introduced every day.

A solution for intravenous administration is introduced according to the scheme: on the first day - at half the ampoule (2.5 ml), on the second day - a whole ampule (5 ml), in the third - two ampoules (10 ml). Subsequently, a solution of 1 to 2 ampoules (5 - 10 ml) is administered to 1 to 2 times a week, depending on the rate of normalization of hemoglobin, depending on the rate of normalization of hemoglobin.

The maximum daily dosage for intravenous or intramuscular administration is 200 mg of iron, which corresponds to two ampos.

The duration of intravenous or intramuscular administration of the head ferrum depends on the overall iron deficiency in the body, which is calculated by a special formula or is determined by the reference table. Based on the calculated overall iron deficit in the body, the amount of ampoules required for its replenishment is calculated. Then, with intramuscular administration, an injection is made every day, introducing a daily dosage, until the calculated number of ampoules is used. A intravenously solution is entered by the above scheme, but also until all the calculated ampoules are used. For example, by calculations to a person for treating anemia, you need 15 ampoules Malto. This means that within 15 days it must be administered in one ampoule of the solution intramuscularly, after which the course of treatment is considered to be completed. And the intravenously must be administered on one ampoule 1 - 3 times a week, respectively, the course of treatment will be completed when all 15 ampoules will be used.

The amount of ampoules for intramuscular or intravenous introduction to the full course of treatment is calculated by the formula:
Common iron deficiency / 100 mg.

The total deficiency of iron is calculated according to the following formula:
Body mass (kg) * (normal hemoglobin level - current hemoglobin level) * 0.24 + iron stocks.

In this formula, the normal hemoglobin level is considered to be equal to 130 with a body weight of less than 35 kg, and 150 with weight more than 35 kg. Iron stocks are taken equal to 500 when the body weight is more than 35 kg and is calculated on the basis of the ratio of 15 per 1 kg of weight for a person weighing less than 35 kg. That is, for children less than 35 kg weighing iron of stocks is calculated individually by multiplying the mass in kg to 15. These parameters are substituted into formulas and counted.

In addition to accurate counting the number of ampoules, which is necessary for a full course of treatment of anemia, you can use the special table below. It shows the estimated amount of the ampoules of the intravenous or intramuscular administration, which is necessary for the treatment of anemia of various severity, depending on body weight.

Body weight, kg The amount of ampoules with a solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration to the course of treatment
Hemoglobin 60 - 75 g / lHemoglobin 75 - 90 g / lHemoglobin 90 - 105 g / lHemoglobin 105 g / l or higher
5 1.5 ampules1,5 1,5 1
10 3 3 2,5 2
15 5 4,5 3,5 3
20 6,5 5,5 5 4
25 8 7 6 5,5
30 9,5 8,5 7,5 6,5
35 12,5 11,5 10 9
40 13,5 12 11 9,5
45 15 13 11,5 10
50 16 14 12 10,5
55 17 15 13 11
60 18 16 13,5 11,5
65 19 16,5 14,5 12
70 20 17,5 15 12,5
75 21 18,5 16 13
80 22,5 19,5 16,5 13,5
85 23,5 20,5 17 14
90 24,5 21,5 18 14,5

In addition to treating anemia, the intravenous administration of the solution is carried out in order to replenish the amount of iron after a strong blood loss (more than 400 ml). In this case, the required amount of ampoules of the solution is calculated by special formulas.

First formula: Number of ampoules for treatment \u003d number of lost blood units * 2, where
One lost blood unit is 400 ml. For example, a person has lost 500 ml of blood, which corresponds to 1.25 units. It means that it needs 1.25 * 2 \u003d 2.5 ampoules of the solution for intravenous administration to replenish the iron deficiency.

Second formula:
The amount of ampoules \u003d body weight (kg) * (130 is the level of hemoglobin at the moment) * 0.24 / 100.

For example, a man weighing 70 kg lost a lot of blood and the hemoglobin level dropped to 100. In this case, it is necessary to treatment with 70 * (130 - 100) * 0.24 / 100 \u003d 5.04 ampoules.

The calculated amount of ampoules is the necessary amount of solution for a full course of treatment. At the same time, an adult solution is administered intravenously 1 ampoule per day, and for children up to 12 years old with a weighing less than 35 kg, the daily dosage is calculated individually, based on the ratio of 0.06 ml per 1 kg of weight.

Ferrum Lek - how to properly enter intramuscularly

The correct technique of introducing the solution provides the minimum risk of developing allergic reactions and pain sensations, as well as the formation of seals, skin blackening, etc. For intramuscular injections You should take needles with a length of at least 5 - 6 cm with a narrow hole. Moreover, the less man's weight, the more subtle needle you must use.

An ampoule with a solution must be opened immediately before use, and not in advance. After opening the ampoule in the syringe, the required amount of solution is gaining, put it on the sterile pallet and the injection place is found.

To find the exact place of injection, it is necessary to add an iliac crest on the right or left side by the index finger. Then the thumb is removed from this point to the side of the back and the wing of the ileal bone also groped. A large and index finger, as well as a mentally spent line connecting the tips of their nails, form a triangle. Bottom part This triangle, which is before the imaginary line, conducted from the connection of the index finger with the palm and to the intersection with large, is the area where the ferrum solution should be administered.

After determining the injection zone with two fingers, they collect the skin into a small fold in order to eliminate its staining and the solution to the subcutaneous fat tissue.

Then a free working hand take a syringe, already filled with the required amount of solution, and the needle is introduced strictly vertically to the body surface deep into the thickness of the fabrics. Then slowly, for 5 to 7 minutes, a solution of farm leek is injected. After the introduction of the entire volume of the solution, the needle is removed, the skin fold is spread, slightly massaged, and the injection site is wiped with an antiseptic. After the administration of the drug, a person must carry intensive television within 5 to 10 minutes.

Before the first dose of Ferrum Lec, when it is unknown, there is an allergic response to the drug, it is necessary to first introduce 0.5 ml of solution (1/4 of the ampoule). Then wait 15 minutes, and if the signs of an allergic reaction did not appear, then the entire remaining solution is introduced. If a person has an allergic reaction, then farm lec cancel.

Ferrum Lek - how to correct intravenously

An ampoule with a solution is opened only immediately before use. Before opening the ampoule, the solution is carefully examined, and if it is visible flakes, torment or inclusion, it is not suitable for use.

Intravenously can be administered both pure mortar and diluted with saline. Moreover, the pure solution is introduced insert (syringe), and the diluted with saline - in the form of infusion (dropper). Preferred is drip administration The solution, since in this case the risk of a sharp decline in pressure is minimal.

Before the first dose of Ferrum Lek, if it is unknown, there is an allergy to the drug, it is necessary to first introduce 1 ml of solution. After that, wait for 15 minutes, and if the allergy did not start developing, then you can continue the introduction of the entire remaining dose of the solution. If there were signs of allergies, it will have to abandon the use of the Ferrum Leka.

Inkjno Ferrum Lek is introduced in the form of an undiluted pure solution scored from an ampoule to a syringe with a thin needle. The solution is introduced at no more than 1 ml per minute. After the introduction of the entire volume of the drug by 5 - 10 minutes, lock the hand in the stretched position.

Drip (infusion) Ferrum Lek is administered using a system (dropper). Pre-breeding the drug in the ratio of 1:20, that is, on 1 ml of the injection solution, 20 ml of saline is taken. That is, one ampoule with a volume of 5 ml is bred in 100 ml of saline. The solution is introduced slowly at the next rate, depending on its volume:

  • 100 ml - to introduce a minimum for 15 minutes;
  • 200 ml - 30 minutes;
  • 300 ml - 1.5 hours;
  • 400 ml - 2.5 hours;
  • 500 ml - 3.5 hours.

special instructions

Ferrum Lek for intravenous and intramuscular administration can not be mixed with other drugs in one syringe. If the Lec Ferrum hit in the area, it is necessary, without removing the needles, introduce a bit of a physiological solution, after which the affected place to treat chondroitin-akos ointment or other containing mucopolisaccharides.

The intramuscular and intravenous administration of the drug is allowed only in the hospital.

Tablets and syrup can cause staining of feces into black, which is normal and does not require any treatment.

All dosage forms of Ferrum Leka do not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, so on the background of the drug intake can be controlled by mechanisms, including led machine.


Overdose when taking tablets or syrup Ferrorum lec is almost impossible, since the excess of iron is not absorbed from the intestine to the blood.

Overdose can develop with intravenous or intramuscular administration of solutions when iron goes directly into the blood, and manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Nausea;
  • Diarrhea with blood;
  • Pallitude of the skin;
  • Sticky and cold sweat;
  • Weak pulse;
  • Depression of the CNS.
To eliminate overdose, it is necessary to intravenously enter deferoxamine and conduct symptomatic treatmentaimed at maintaining the functioning of vital organs and systems.

Interaction with other drugs

Ferrum Lek cannot be used simultaneously in the form of injections and syrup or tablets. Therefore, after the last injection, you can begin to take farm lec or another iron of iron inside the minimum in five days.

Introduction of solutions intravenously or intramuscularly simultaneously with the reception of drugs from the group aPF inhibitors (for example, Enalapril, etc.) enhances the side effects of the Ferrum Leka.

Ferrum Lek Children and Baby

General provisions

Children under 12 years old should be given farrum lec only in the form of syrup, since this dosage form Allows you to accurately measure a small dosage of the drug necessary to the child. Tablets contain a relatively high dosage of iron - 100 mg, which is impossible to precisely divide into parts and give the child only the required amount.

Syrup can be applied to therapy anemia in children from birth, that is, the drug is suitable for both infants, and older kids. Intramuscular and intravenous injections of Ferrum Lek can only be used in children over 4 months and weighing more than 5 kg. Injection administration of iron solutions in children with a body weight of less than 5 kg can lead to severe allergic reactions fatal.

Syrup and pills need to give a child during or immediately after eating. If the child refuses to drink a solution due to subjectively unpleasant taste, the syrup the required number of syrup can be dissolved in water or any other soft drink, except tea and milk. Perfect for dissolving syrup Ferrorum lec compote, fruit, vegetable or fruit juices, etc. It is recommended to choose the drink that the child loves.

If the child calmly drinks syrup without breeding in the drink, then after taking the medication, it is necessary to put it. To do this, you can also use any drink other than milk and tea, as they worsen the absorption of iron into the blood flow in the intestine.

Breasts give syrup, dissolving it in sweet water, juice or mixture for baby food. The medicine is usually given after a child at least a little rose, as the reception of the Heka Ferrum on an empty stomach causes heavy and unpleasant irritation of the stomach mucosa.

Instructions Ferrum Lek for children - how to take

Dosage preparation for children over 12 years old as for adults. And in children under 12 years old, various forms of the drug are used only for the treatment of anemia and latent iron deficit, but not for prevention.

Breasts (children from birth to year) Ferrum Lek give in the form of syrup only for the treatment of anemia of 2.5 - 5 ml per day. The treatment is continued until the hemoglobin level increases to normal values.

Children at the age of 1 - 12 years of Ferrum Syrum lec for the treatment of various iron deficiency states are given in the following dosages:

  • Anemia - 5 - 10 ml per day until the normalization of blood hemoglobin. After increasing the level of hemoglobin to the norm, the leek ferrum is 2.5 - 5 ml in a day for 1 - 2 months;
  • Hidden iron deficiency - 2.5 - 5 ml per day for 1 - 3 months.

Ferrum Lek during pregnancy

Ferrum lec in the form of syrup and tablets is allowed for use by pregnant women on any gestation. And solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration can only be used from a 2nd trimester of pregnancy (from 13 weeks).

Tablets and syrup during pregnancy under different states should be taken in the following dosages:

  • Anemia - 2 - 3 tablets or 20-30 ml of syrup per day until the normalization of the hemoglobin level. After increasing the concentration of hemoglobin to the norm to continue to take the drug to give birth to 1 tablet or 10 ml of syrup per day;
  • General malaise;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • At the injection site - skin staining, the appearance of pain and seal.
Side effects of Ferrum Lek usually quickly pass on their own and do not require special treatment.

Contraindications for use

Syrup, tablets and solutions for injection ferrum lec are contraindicated with the following states:
  • Non-wine-deficient anemia;
  • Impairment of suction and disposal of iron;
  • An excess of iron in the body (hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis);
  • Allergic reactions to the drug.
In addition, the injections of solutions are contraindicated in the following states:
  • Oskera Randu-Weber syndrome;
  • Acute kidney infections;
  • Uncontrollable hyperparathyroidism;
  • Decompensated cirrhosis of the liver
  • Ferlam
  • Ferricitis;
  • Ferretab Comp;
  • Ferrogradmet;
  • Ferrone;
  • Ferronate;
  • Ferroplex;
  • Ferrum Lek;
  • Ferine
  • Fermed;
  • Heferol.

Ferrum Lek (tablets, syrup and injections) - reviews

Most of the reviews (2/3 and more) about the tablets and the syrup of Ferrum lec positive, since they effectively and relatively rapidly increased the level of hemoglobin in the blood, caused the minimally pronounced side effects, were well tolerated and were convenient for use. Negative feedbacks in rare cases are due to the ineffectiveness of syrup and Ferrum Lec pills, and in most situations they are associated with subjectively poor tolerance of the drug. For example, a person bothered a nausea, a metal taste in the mouth, an unpleasant sweet taste of tablets or syrup, constipation or irritation of the gastric mucosa, because of which the drug had to cancel.

Regarding Ferrum Lek, people generally respond positively, noting that the injection of the drug very quickly allowed to increase the level of hemoglobin. However, in addition to fast and people have a good effect of injections, people note the strong painfulness of injection and long-continuous bruises with which you have to put up.

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