Why persimmon knits in the mouth: reasons. Metal taste in the mouth reason The taste of almonds in the mouth is a sign of what disease

Strange tasteings are a group of multifactorial anomalous states, the appearance of which is associated with the development of a number of parables in the human body. The reason for the occurrence of an unpleasant liking in the mouth, observing after the awakening or eating, can be dangerous disease, fraught with complications or even a fatal outcome. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore the failures in the work of the receptor apparatus.

List of factors causing strange taste

A strange flavor is a non-specific symptom detected in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity, failure in the work of the liver, violation of the cerebral circulation, localization of infectious agents in the upper respiratory tract.

To additional reasons that contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth include:

  • Reception of medicines, mostly antibiotics. Side effect Most antimicrobial drugs - violation of natural organism microflora, development of dysbacteriosis and mucous membraid candidiasis. The negative effect of drugs is accompanied by the occurrence of a strange lift. Discomfort may also be triggered by the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the tablets, the death of pathogenic microorganisms, the exacerbation of chronic ailments.
  • Dehydration. Periodically, an unpleasant taste appearing in the mouth may be due to a lack of fluid in organ tissues. Water deficit occurs when abuse of carbonated drinks, alcohol, tea, coffee.
  • Metal poisoning: mercury, arsenic.
  • Incorrect cavity care. Improper hygiene refers to the number of reasons causeing an unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning and reinforcing discomfort upon completion of food intake.
  • Tobacco
  • Oncology. Malignant tumorsLocal in various organs can provoke the appearance of an unusual taste, poor smell. Among such neoplasms - lung cancer, liver, soft tissues of the mouth.
  • Features: Permanent overeating, unbalanced menu, eating at night.

A bad taste appearing in the mouth may be accompanied by a number of additional features: the flicker smell, the formation of deposits in the language, dryness of mucous membranes, exhaust, unpleasant sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, flatulence.

Reactions of receptor zones on the development of anomalies in the body differentiate into several types. The most common appearance of sour, sweet, metallic, salt or bitter taste. Sometimes nuclear patients complain about the appearance of the taste of mold, pus or soda, localized in the throat area, in the language and lips.

If a strange taste arising in the mouth is transient, you can easily eliminate the symptom. The development of special physiological conditions accompanied by the emergence of discomfort (climax, abundant menstruation) requires observation of a specialist. In the occurrence of an abnormal lift, which is permanent in nature, should urgently consult a doctor.

Taste of bitterness

Accurate answer to the question why a bitter taste appears in the mouth, only the attending physician may give. Such a distortion of taste perception often signals violations in the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, intestines. Among the diseases - chronic cholecystitis, dyskinesia of biliary tract. Additional reasons for pathology include smoking, long-term drug intake, constant stress, oily food, fried meat.

The manifestation of Gorky Tribus is associated with the penetration of bile (containing its dietary masses) from the gastrointestinal tract in the esophagus. The symptom is manifested mainly in the morning and after eating.

Salt taste in the mouth

Experts allocate 2 main reasons for the formation of the anomaly under consideration - non-compliance with the basic rules of the oral cavity and long-term dehydration, provoking the accumulation of salts. The described change in taste perception may indicate the latent flow of some ailments:

  • sinusitis;
  • failure in the functioning of the kidneys;
  • hymorite;
  • pathology salivary glands.

The secondary cause of the salt lift in the mouth is injury to the nose, gum, tongue, teeth, soft sky, accompanied by bleeding. The composition of the blood plasma includes sodium chloride, so its hitting the microvascular of the taste analyzers causes the appearance of salt tool.

In addition to the listed, a strange taste may occur when using a number of drugs (injections, tablets), used in cancer therapy schemes, as well as with the onset of Klimaks.

Sour taste in mouth

To the most common factors activating the formation unpleasant odor And the occurrence of sour lift in the mouth includes diseases of the biliary system, pathological changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis and ulcers).

Inflammation and formation of defects on the inner shells of gastric walls leads to the development of a large number of gastric juice. Normally, the multicomponent fluid does not penetrate the muscular organ, but with the development of various disorders, the contents of the stomach (food and acid) is thrown into the esophagus, bordering the throat.

In addition to the appearance of an unpleasant taste of the Black Milk in the mouth, with gastritis there are heartholes, belching, pain in the epigastry. At the reception of a doctor, a man and women complain about breathing sulfide, general weakness, deterioration of the state. Symptoms clinical picture Progressive peptic disease Similar to the features described above.

In addition to gastritis and ulcers, the occurrence of sour taste can be caused by oxidation orthodontic structures (prostheses, crowns) made of low-quality materials. Violation of the structure of products, the consequence of which is an acidic taste in the mouth, occurs under the influence of saliva components, with improper operation of devices.

Additional factors causing the formation of an acidic taste - dehydration, launched caries, gum inflammation, intramuscular and intravenous administration nicotinic acid. Find out why in the mornings and after eating food becomes sour in the mouth, after visiting the therapist, a dentist, a gastroenterologist.

Sweet taste in the mouth

Sweet taste, felt in the morning in the field of language, is a symptom that signals the appearance of diabetes mellitus, neurological disorderDiseases digestive system (ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, GERD), thyroid gland or respiratory organs (pneumonia, bronchitis).

In addition, the emergence of an unpleasant feeling may be due to the growth of colonies of microorganisms in the oral cavity. Patients of dentists are often told about the presence of a sweet taste, pain and bleeding.

Sweet taste in the morning, accompanied by a poor smell of mouth, can be due to chemical poisoning, metabolic disorders, smoking failure. In the number of patients attending specialists with complaints about the milky-sweet taste in the oral cavity, persons who use too calorie food, pregnant women.

Metal taste in the mouth

The taste of metal may occur under the action of factors conventionally differentiated by 5 groups. The first includes pathologies localized in various organs. Among them:

  • dental diseases: periodontal disease, gingivitis;
  • pathology of the digestive system: chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • anemia;

The second list of prerequisites includes poisoning with various toxic substances. Among the factors belonging to the third category - the long-term use of statins, antihistamines, contraceptive hormonal meansMade in antibiotics tablets: amoxicillin, metronidazole and its analogue of trichopol. Infusion of antibacterial drugs are distinguished by the presence of a smaller number of side effects.

Changing the sensitivity of receptors is periodically manifested when oxidizing orthodontic devices, constant wearing iron jewelry - lip piercing, language, wide bracelets.

The fifth group of reasons causing metal taste includes special conditions - pregnancy, climax, menstruation. For a number of women, the feeling of metal in the mouth, accompanying the change in the hormonal background, is a physiological norm.

Tasting of mold, soda, pus, drugs in the mouth

The answer to the question why in the oral cavity there is a taste of pus, very simple: this symptomatics is celebrated mainly in dental pathologies (periodontitis, alveolitis) and inflammatory processes in the throat area (laryngitis, pharyngitis, angina).

The cause of the drug in the mouth is a sealing of the teeth.The symptom refers to the number of transient and does not require additional examinations of the doctor.

Find out why there is a feeling of soda in the mouth, the study of the liver, biliary ducts will help - a violation of the work of these regions leads to the development of a specific taste. A symptom accompanied by a heavy, rotten aroma, an increase in temperature and bits of vomiting, testifies to an excess iodine in organ tissues.

When a person notices the appearance of an unpleasant taste of mold in the mouth in the morning and during the day, it is recommended to carefully examine the residential premises - the development of the feature contributes to the presence of elevated concentrations of the ASPERGILLUS NIGER fungus. Black Aspergillus refers to the most dangerous allergens, the contamination of his disputes can end with a fatal outcome.

Briefly about diagnosis and treatment

The detection of most described features requires appeal to medical institution. For exception possible development Dangerous ages the patient will need to visit the therapist, infectiousnessist, a gastroenterologist and a number of narrow specializations doctors.

The diagnosis and treatment assignment is carried out after a survey and examination of the patient, obtaining the results of additional research. Among the latter:

Finding out why discomfort appeared, the doctor develops a disease therapy scheme. The relief of disturbing patients is carried out by using anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, hormonal medicines. Treatment is carried out taking into account the age of the patient, its condition, the presence of chronic agens. The recovery time varies depending on the shape and type of pathology.

The favorable outcome of the detected disease is possible only with the early appeal to the doctor, the absence of self-treatment and compliance with all the recommendations of the clinic officer.

Source: Stomaget.ru.

In the normal state, there are no unnecessary tastes that are not related to consumable food. Nasty smell In the oral cavity in medicine is called. The taste of iodine in the mouth occurs after the use of an unnecessary amount of products or drugs containing an element, and can signal the emergence of indulgent processes in the body. Sometimes without the help of a specialist, it is impossible to determine the cause of the problem. Do not wait for complications - find out the reason for the appearance of a symptom, take urgent measures to eliminate it.

We consider possible reasons

In adults

Iodine for a person is a useful trace element having a multifaceted value. Danger represents iodiism - pathology, testifying to the abrasiveness of the element in the body. The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of iodine, the element has an impact on the process of growth and development of a person, the work of the brain, participates in the metabolism.

The daily norm for an adult is to use in the range of up to 150 μg of iodine. Consumption over the norm is a threat to a person. Moreover, both oversupply and lack of an element in the body are harmful. The appearance of iodide lifting signals about the problems in the body, improper functioning internal organs (thyroid, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys).

Possible causes of the ski of iodine in the mouth can be described as follows:

  1. Stay in zone with an unfavorable environmental situation. The iodine has the property to accumulate in the body, which in the case of its long-term admission to the body, even in small doses, leads to chronic intoxication.
  2. Possible industrial inxication iodom. The safe number of trace element in the workplace is up to 1 mg / m 3.
  3. Allergic reaction to iodine (iodiism). It is possible its sudden manifestation when the daily rate of consumption is exceeded or as a result of admission medical preparationscontaining iodine
  4. Pathology of the thyroid glandexpressed in excessive operation (hyperthyroidism). The iodide taste in this case is actively expressed in the morning.
  5. Hormonal disbalance in organism. It can occur either as a result of consumption hormonal drugsor in the period of tooling the fetus in women.
  6. The emergence of pathologies associated with gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver. Acute iodide flavor can be associated with rotting poorly digested food.
  7. Violated functioning sex system of the organism.
  8. Stressful situations, serious emotional experiences, insomnia They lead to the emergence of an imaginary sensation of the taste in the oral cavity. The long-term state of the nervosa leads to a feeling of unpleasant odor in the oral cavity, while actually the symptom does not exist.
  9. Damage to the surface of the tooth accompanied by a kind of iodide flavor. This is due to the oxidation of the damaged portion of the tooth or rotting residues. Such a pathogenic flora leads to a sharp smell and unpleasant likings.
  10. Preparations of hormonal contraception. There may be caused by the lifting of iodine in women. Such drugs are able to seriously change the hormonal background in the body and lead to violations endocrine system. It is necessary to refuse to receive the means and visit the specialist.
  11. Excessive use of products containing iodine (fish, seafood). In this case, the taste does not indicate danger. During the short period, the body itself will withdraw excess element.

In children

The appearance of the taste of iodine in the mouth of the child is associated with iodysome. The main reason is the kid's diet. A weakened children's body can respond to the use of cranberries or white bread, and in this case it is not worth worrying. However, the iodide taste in a child can serve as a signal of serious problems - thyroid pathologies, liver or gastrointestinal tract.

The peculiarity is that both the oversupports and disadvantage of iodine affect the child's body than an adult. At the same time, the permissible day norm of iodine for children's body Less (up to 90 μg - children under 6 years old, up to 120 μg - from 6 to 12 years) than for an adult. For the occurrence of iodiza, the child's daily element value should be exceeded 4-5 times, and the substance should be done at once or in a short period of time.

If from the mouth baby It smells like iodine - you should immediately seek advice from a specialist. In the infants, the symptom may be associated with a sea walk or be a consequence of a serious disruption of the functions of the thyroid.

The sharp smell of iodine from the oral cavity in the baby is accompanied by strong pain or burning in the throat, stomach disorders, weakness and dizziness, dryness of the oral cavity, a feeling of bitterness. Another sign is the darkening of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. Inxication of the baby occurs also in the inconsistency of the dose of the child's weight of the child.

If the kid randomly accept iodine in his dosage form - The consequences are unpredictable. In addition to the sharp specific smell of the mouth, the following symptoms are observed:

  • intoxication;
  • damage to the mucosa and stomach burns;
  • disruption of the kidneys.

If iodine gets into the gastric cavity is a fatal outcome. It is vital to the child to rinse the stomach urgently, take the sorbent. If not to do it quickly and efficiently, complications are possible: impairment of vision, the failure of the central nervous system, deviations from the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys.

During pregnancy

The tastes of a woman during pregnancy - a completely normal symptom associated with the formation of a new life in the body of a woman.

As soon as conception occurs, the hormonal background of the pregnant woman begins to change much, which can be expressed in the occurrence of various taste in the oral cavity and smells. The dangers they do not imagine the dangers for the body, but only indicate a pregnancy. Feelings will be held with the advent of the baby to the light. In order not to taste the iodine in the throat during pregnancy, it is necessary if possible not to use products containing this trace element.

Related symptoms

If the taste is caused by pathologies, other signs are observed. Allergic response to trace element (iodizan):

  • in the morning, before meals, iodide flavor is observed;
  • dynamic change in body temperature;
  • the appearance of a bluish shade on the mucous membrane;
  • feeling of the metal lifting after the use of liquid;
  • muscle spasms of body;
  • the appearance of swelling glands in the oral cavity;
  • reduction of vision;
  • nausea and vomit reflex;
  • increased heartbeat rhythm;
  • the appearance of rash and spots on the skin;
  • inflammatory processes of mucous membranes;
  • an increase in the amount of saliva generated;
  • tumor of the nasal glands;
  • hoarseness;
  • rash in the form of acne in the field of face;
  • involuntary selection of tears;
  • cough;
  • sluggish state, weakness;
  • stool disorder.

Excessive thyroid activity:

  • increased heartbeat;
  • failure in the work of the nervous system, irritability;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • education of the neck on the neck in the field of the thyroid area;
  • high blood pressure;
  • reduced potency in men;
  • disorder menstrual cycle;
  • growth of body weight.

Pathology of the tract, kidney and liver:

  • nausea, turning into vomiting;
  • diarrhea accompanied by a stool violation;
  • feeling of burning in the mouth;
  • severe pains in the field of ribs;
  • bloody inclusions in feces, urine.

Teeth diseases:

  • acute;
  • pain in use;
  • range in the gum area.

To which doctor to handle the diagnosis

If the yode appears in the mouth, the examination will help to understand what it is. Special attention should be paid to the symptom, if it is manifested periodically, lasts for a long time. In this case, without the help of a specialist can not do, it will conduct a diagnosis in order to determine the reason for the appearance of the symptom. It is most advisable to apply for consultation to the endocrinologist, but you can visit the therapist. In any case, the doctor will be sent to another specialist if necessary. Mandatory carry out the following procedures:

  • cathedral of data on the development of the disease;
  • studying conditions professional activity patient;
  • clarification of the history of experienced diseases experienced;
  • clarification of the domestic living conditions of the patient;
  • inspection of skin and mucous patient;
  • deployed clinical analysis blood;
  • analysis of urine;
  • hormonal blood test;
  • NPP helps determine the content of iodine in the nail;
  • spectrometry allows you to establish a microelement content by determining the wavelength;
  • with the help of ultrasound, the diseases of the internal organs determine;
  • to obtain a visual display of tissues and organs, use magnetic tomography, which makes it easy to detect the disease.

How to get rid of smell, skip iodine

Depending on why the yoda taste occurs in the mouth, eliminate the symptom with the following methods:

  1. If the root cause is allergic reaction, stomach is washed with starch. The starch function consists in tightening the substance and deriving it from the body. Next you need to drink antiforms drug Treatment, be alone.
  2. In the pathology of the thyroid gland, treatment holds a specialist, it largely depends on the state of the patient's body, and especially the thyroid glands.
  3. If the violation is caused by the reception of hormonal drugs - it is necessary to refuse from their reception.
  4. In the event of imaginary tastes, contact a psychologist.
  5. Reduce to minimal seafood use, and other products containing a trace element.
  6. If the symptom is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - consultation is needed by a gastroenterologist, strictly fulfilling the treatment and diet assigned to them.

Remember that a healthy body absorbs the required amount of the trace element, and it dismisses unnecessary without difficulty. Extra smells and tastes in the oral cavity - a sign of a health impairment, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the symptom, and eliminate it.

Medical preparations cannot be determined and taking independently, since complications are possible. All drugs appoint an individually attending physician according to the diagnosis. Recommendations issued by a specialist must be strictly observed.

When choosing folk remedies Also, it is impossible to do without consultation at the attending physician, as it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and contraindications. From folk remedies actively use chasters and tinctures from the Zyuzynik and the White Papers, as well as nine, chamomile, dear. These herbs contribute to the elimination of a trace element from the body and stimulate the normalization of the work of the thyroid. Several recipes:

  1. White laptop tincture. Wash thoroughly and finely cut the roots of the laptop. The resulting mass of dilute in alcohol in proportion 1:10, hold a month without access light. Drink 20 drops on 2 tbsp. Water spoons for a quarter of an hour before eating food. Periodicity: 1 month, break, repetition cycle.
  2. Natherilles infusion. Prepare the tool: 20 g of dry grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, insist an hour and passed through the gauze. Use 1 tbsp. Spoon 4 times a day.
  3. Infusion chamomile. 2 tbsp. Chamomile flowers spoons are lowered into a half-liter jar with boiling water. Leave for an hour, after passing through the gauze. Take 100-150 ml. Instead of tea 1-2 times a day.
  4. A tincture of a dispute. 2 tbsp. The spoons of the grass are placed in a half-liter jar with boiling water, 1 hour insists. Next, passed through the gauze and consume 200-250 ml three times a day.

Folk methods can only be an addition to the main treatment.

Sweetness, spilled in the mouth from the newly eaten pastry, is a very pleasant feeling. But, if a person's saliva continues to be sugar at least after the herring, even after the chill with a horseradish, it is worth thinking. The reasons for the appearance of a constant sweet lifting in the mouth can be:

poisoning chemicals (for example, pesticides or phosgene) - If, in addition to the sweet taste, a person feels weakness and deterioration of well-being and understands that he could have had contact with poisons, you need to immediately consult a doctor;

changes in carbohydrate exchange in the body and impairment of insulin - With a lack of insulin in the blood, sugar accumulates in the blood and lymphatic fluid, penetrates into saliva and she becomes sweet. Therefore, the first thing when the resistant sweet lift appears to turn to the endocrinologist and pass blood on sugar. After all, sugar diabetes can be manifested. The sour-sweet taste in the mouth, especially in the morning, besides, complemented by frequent heartburn, often occurs when problems with pancreas, in particular, with pancreatitis;

damage to nerves, including infectious and viral - Pass general analysis blood;

stresses, depression - When a person's life is disadvantaged, the hormones of stress are actively working in his body, which lead to an increase in blood glucose levels. In this case, the taste appears for a while immediately after psycho-emotional shake;

respiratory infections and some dental diseases, provoked by blue chopsticks - these bacteria are able to highlight sweet substances;

smoking - Rather, the recent rejection of this habit.

Nabilized Oskom

Frequent heartburn and sour belching often accompany pregnancy: the growing uterus presses on the diaphragm, the intra-abdominal pressure increases. Those who eat a lot overnight, in the morning often face an acidic taste in the mouth. But if these reasons are neither at what, then with this symptom it is better to understand specifically. A permanent taste of kislytina may arise:

for diseases digestive tract - Often it is a sign of hyperacid gastritis, which is accompanied by an increase in the acidity of the stomach, or gastroesophageal reflux, as well as the ulcer of the stomach. If, in addition to the specific person's skiing, the pain in the top of the abdomen, nausea after eating, heartburn, the sour belching, frequent diarrhea or constipation, weakness, is worth visiting the gastroenterologist. And in order not to guess, you need to make gastroscopy;

when problems with teeth - during caries, gingivitis, periodontitis besides sour colors in the mouth can be toothache, swelling and bleeding gums. In a hurry to the dentist!

Oh, how bitterly me!

Permanent bitterness in the mouth happens to those who eat too much fat and fried foods or abuses alcohol, as well as those who have long taken antibiotics and allergy medications. But, if the strong bitterness in the mouth worries constantly, it is necessary to hurry to the gastroenterologist and make an ultrasound of the abdominal organs (liver and gallbladder). Causes of the appearance of the taste of bitterness in the mouth:

liver pathology, gallbladder and biliary tract- bitter bile enters the esophagus and in the mouth;

chronic cholecystitis and bile-stone disease - There can also be pain under the right edge, nausea and vomiting.

That's the salt!

Most often saliva becomes salty, if a person neglects the oral hygiene or simply experiences thirst, which, by the way, may not be felt. The hidden deficit of the fluid often occurs due to drug intake, alcohol, coffee, tea, cola, and also because of smoking. Therefore, with such sensations, it is carefully brushing your teeth and drink at least 8 glasses of clean water per day. But, if it does not help, you need to understand. The causes of salt lifting can be:

infectious and fungal diseases of naso-pharyes - For example, sinusitis: the mucus, which accumulates in the sinuses of the nose, can flow into the mouth and cause a salty flavor. In this case, the consultation of Laura is necessary;

salivary diseases of salivary glandswhich are developing due to streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci into salivary ducts. Go to the dentist!

Cyanides, that is, the syntic acid and its salts are far from the strongest poisons in nature. However, they are definitely the most famous and, perhaps, the most frequently used in books and movies.

The history of cyanides is confidently traced almost from the first written sources that have reached us. The ancient Egyptians, for example, used peach bones to obtain a deadly essence, which in the papyrus exposed in the Louvre is called simply "peach."

Fly-peach synthesis

Peach, like two more and a half hundred plants, including almonds, cherry, cherry, plum, belongs to the genus of plum. In the bone of the fruits of these plants, amygdalin substance is a glycoside, a beautifully illustrating the concept of "lethal synthesis". This term is not entirely correct, it would be more correct to call the phenomenon "lethal metabolism": in his course, harmless (and sometimes even useful) connection under the action of enzymes and other substances is split to a potent poison. In the stomach, amygdalin is subjected to hydrolysis, and one molecule of glucose is cleaved from its molecule - it is formed. Pruunazin (some of its number is found in the bones of berries and fruits initially). Further, enzyme systems (prunezin-β-glucosidase) are included in the work, which "bite" the last remaining glucose, after which the mandelion terminal is left from the initial molecule. In fact, it is a metouching that is glued into a single molecule, it will again fall into the components - a benzaldehyde (weak poison with a half-dollar dose, that is, a dose of death of half of the members of the subject group, DL 50 - 1.3 g / kg of the mass of rat 50 ) and sinyl acid (DL 50 - 3.7 mg / kg of the mass of rat). It is these two substances in a pair ensure the characteristic smell of bitter almond.

In medical literature, there is not a single confirmed death case after eating peach or apricot bones, although there are cases of poisoning, demanding hospitalization. And this is a fairly simple explanation: for the formation of poison you need only raw bones, and you do not eat a lot. Why raw? In order for amygdalin to turn into a sinyl acid, enzymes are needed, and under the action of high temperature (solar rays, boiling, frying) they are denatured. So compotes, jam and "rotable" bones are completely safe. Purely theoretically possible poisoning of tincture on fresh cherry or apricots, since there are no denaturing factors in this case. But there is another mechanism for the neutralization of the resulting syntic acid, described at the end of the article.

Sky color blue color

Why is acid called blue? The cyano group in combination with iron gives a saturated bright blue color. The most famous compound is the Berlin azure, a mixture of hexaciano farms with an idealized FE 7 (CN) formula 18. It was from this dye in 1704 a cyanor garden was allocated. It also received pure blue acid and determined its structure in 1782 outstanding Swedish chemist Karl Wilhelm Shelele. As the legend says, four years later, on the day of his wedding, the Shelele died at the desktop. Among his reagents were HCN.

Military past

The effectiveness of cyanides for the point elimination of the enemy at all times of the military manif. But large-scale experiments became possible only at the beginning of the 20th century, when methods were developed for the production of cyanides in industrial quantities.

On July 1, 1916, the French in the battles at the Somma River first applied hydrogen cyanide against the German troops. However, the attack failed: HCN pairs are lighter than air and quickly disappeared at high temperatures, so that the "chlorine" focus with the ominous cloud fluttered on the ground could not be repeated. Attempts to lose cyanogram three-chloride arsenic, chlorine tin and chloroform were not crowned with success, so that the use of cyanids had to be forgotten. More precisely, postpone - until the Second World War.

The German chemical school and the chemical industry at the beginning of the 20th century did not know equal. For the benefit of the country worked outstanding scientists, including the Nobel laureate of 1918, Fritz Gaber. Under his leadership, a group of researchers of the freshly created "German society of pest control" ( Degesch) Modified the syntile acid, which from the end of the XIX century was used as a fumigant. To reduce the volatility of the compounds, German chemists used an adsorbent. Before applying the granule should be immersed in water in order to release the insecticide accumulated in them. The product was called "Cyclone". In 1922. Degesch passed into the sole ownership of the company Degussa.. In 1926, a patent for the second, a very successful version of the insecticide, a "cyclone b", distinguished by a more powerful sorbent, the presence of a stabilizer, as well as an irritant, causing eye irritation was registered for the developer group.

Meanwhile, Gearber actively promoted the idea of \u200b\u200bchemical weapons since the first world, and many of his developments had purely military importance. "If the soldiers in the war die, then what difference is exactly what exactly," he said. The scientific and business career of Gaurer confidently went to the mountain, and he naively believed that the merits in front of Germany had long made him a full-fledged German. However, for the Nazis shared by the power, he was primarily a Jew. Gaper began to look for work in other countries, but, despite all his scientific merit, many scientists have not forgiven the development of chemical weapons. Nevertheless, in 1933, Gamer went to France with his family, then to Spain, then in Switzerland, where he died in January 1934, fortunately, for himself, did not have time to see, for what purposes the Nazis used "Cyclone B".

Operandi modus

Caps of blue acid are not too effective as poison when inhalation, but when used inside of its salts DL 50 - only 2.5 mg / kg of body weight (for potassium cyanide). Cyanides block the last stage of transmission of protons and electrons with a chain of respiratory enzymes from oxidized substrates per oxygen, that is, cellular breathing stop. This process is unprecedented - minutes even with ultrahigh doses. But the cinema showing the rapid effect of cyanides is not lying: the first phase of poisoning is the loss of consciousness - it really comes in a few seconds. A few minutes later agony - cramps, rise and fall arterial pressure, and only then there comes a stop of breathing and cardiac activity.

With smaller doses, you can even track several periods of poisoning. First, the bitter taste and burning in the mouth, salivation, nausea, headache, Starting breathing, disruption of coordination of movements, increasing weakness. Later joins the painful shortness of breath, the oxygen fabrics is missing, so the brain gives the team to the increase and deepening breathing (this is very characteristic symptom). Gradually, breathing is depressing, another characteristic symptom appears - a short breath and very long exhalation. The pulse becomes more rare, pressure drops, pupils are expanding, leather and mucous membranes, and do not blue or pale, as in other cases of hypoxia. If the dose is not dimensional, it is all limited, after a few hours the symptoms disappear. Otherwise, there is a turn of the loss of consciousness and cramps, and then arrives at arrhythmia, it is possible to stop the heart. Sometimes paralysis and long-term (up to several days) coma is developing.

Almonds and others

Amygdalin contains in plants of the family of rosetic (Plum - Cherry, Alycha, Sakura, Cherry, Peach, Apricot, Almond, Cherry, Plum), as well as in representatives of families of cereals, legumes, adox (boring elder), flax (Rod Len), Muzhai (genus manic). The content of amygdaline in berries and fruits depends on many different factors. So, in the seeds of apples it can be from 1 to 4 mg / kg. In the freshly squeezed apple juice - 0.01-0.04 mg / ml, and in the packaged juice - 0.001-0.007 ml / ml. For comparison: apricot bones contain 89-2170 mg / kg.

Poisoned - pooled

Cyanides have a very high affinity for trivalent gland, which is why they rush into cells to respiratory enzymes. So the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "messenger duck" for poison Vitala in the air. The first to implemented it in 1929, Romanian researchers Mundahan and Georgiu, who first poisoned the dog mortal dose Cyanide, and then rescued its intravenous administration of sodium nitrite. It is now food additive The E250 belongs to all who are not too lazy, and the animal, by the way, survived: sodium nitrite in a bundle with hemoglobin forms methemoglobin, to which cyanides in the blood "peck" better than the respiratory enzymes that still need to get into the cell.

Nitrites oxidize hemoglobin very quickly, so one of the most effective antidotes (antidotees) is amylnitrite, a nitric acid isoamyl ether - it is enough to simply breathe from the molding like ammonia alcohol. Later it turned out that methemoglobin not only connects cyanide ions circulating in the blood, but also unlocks the "closed" by the respiratory enzymes. The methamoglobinomotor group, however, more slowly, the dye methylene blue (known as "Xinka") is also included.

There is also the reverse side of the medal: with intravenous administration of nitrites and become poisons themselves. So it is possible to saturate the blood of the methemoglobin only with strict control of its content, not more than 25-30% of the total weight of hemoglobin. There is another nuance: the binding reaction is reversible, that is, after a while, the complex the complex is collapsed and cyanide ions will rush inside the cells to their traditional targets. So you need another line of defense, which is used, for example, cobalt compounds (cobalt salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, hydroxycobalamin - one of vitamins in 12), as well as anticoagulant heparin, beta-hydroxyethylmethylene, hydroquinone, sodium thiosulfate.

Casus Rasputin

But the most interesting antidote is much easier and more affordable. Chemists at the end of the XIX century have noticed that cyanides turn into non-toxic compounds when interacting with sugar (it is especially effective in solution). The mechanism of this phenomenon in 1915 was explained by German scientists RUPP and Golz: Cyanides, reacting with substances containing an aldehyde group, form cyanhydrines. Such groups are in glucose, and Amygdalin, mentioned at the beginning of the article, is essentially neutralized with glucose cyanide.

Does not heal, and cripples!

Amygdalin is popular with the okolydiscian charlatans, calling themselves representatives alternative medicine. Since 1961, under the LaHTRIL brand or called "Vitamin B 17", the semi-synthetic analogue of amygdaline is actively moving as "tool for cancer treatment". There is no scientific basis for this. In 2005 in the journal Annals of Pharmacotherapy. The case of severe poisoning with cyanides was described: 68-year-old patient took LaHTRIL, as well as vitamin C hyperdosis, calculating the enhancement of the prophylactic effect. As it turned out, a similar combination leads exactly to the opposite side of the side.

If it was known by the prince of Yusupov or someone who stuck conspirators to him - Purishkevich or the great prince Dmitry Pavlovich, they would not start cakes (where sucrose was already hydrolyzed to glucose) and wine (where glucose is also available) intended for Gregory Rasputin's treats, cyanium cyanis. However, there is an opinion that he was not poisoned at all, and the story of the poison appeared to confuse the effect. The poison in the stomach of the "royal friend" was not discovered, but this is an even account means nothing - no one was looking for cyangidrines.

Glucose has its advantages: for example, it is able to restore hemoglobin. This turns out to be very useful for the "pickup" of disconnecting cyanide ions when using nitrites and other "poisonous antidotes". There is even a finished drug, "chromosmon" - a 1% solution of methylene blue in a 25% glucose solution. But there are annoying disadvantages. First, cyanhydrines are formed slowly, much slower than methemoglobin. Secondly, they are formed only in blood and only before the poison penetrates the cells to the respiratory enzymes. In addition, to eat cyanide potassium bug sugar will not work: sucrose does not react with cyanides directly, it is necessary that at first it broke into glucose with fructose. So if you fear with cyanide poisoning, it is better to carry an ampoule of amylnitrite with you - crush in the scarf and breathe 10-15 p. And then you can call "ambulance" and complain that you were poisoned by cyanides. That doctors will be surprised!

Metal taste in the mouth can appear for various reasons. This may be a consequence of receiving any food, medicines, in some cases it signals the course of the disease. In order to accurately identify the cause of such a taste, it is necessary to determine its associated symptoms, analyze its own diet.

What causes the taste of a metal in the mouth

There are many reasons for the appearance of a metal taste that are not related to any diseases. Most often, it occurs after the use of products with a high content of iron or after drinking crude water. The emergence of such a symptom is not considered dangerous to health - it is easy to get rid of it, having interrupted the taste of other food. Other possible reasons for its appearance:

  • the poor oral hygiene is accompanied by dryness, damage on the mucous membranes of the inner surface of the cheeks and language;
  • dentures - a metal taste is felt after the use of acidic food reacting with the implant;
  • the bleeding of the gums can occur with the wrong selection of a toothbrush or with inaccurative cleaning of the teeth;
  • piercing language;
  • preparation of some products in aluminum and cast iron dishes;
  • frequent sock of metal decorations - bracelets, earrings, hours.

All listed causes briefly cause a change in the taste in the mouth. Most often, this feature is less than an hour after eating or other indicated manipulations. A longer sensation of the symptom can signal the course of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination - to analyze the level of hormonal background, the work of digestive organs, eliminate neurological diseases.

The feeling of metallic taste more often happens in women than in men. This is due to the constant change in the hormonal background during the menstrual cycle. That is why women are more susceptible to diseases of endocrine organs. Often, such a symptom meets in pregnant women, in women during the occurrence of Klimaks or at certain days of the monthly cycle.

Metal taste during pregnancy

Metal flavor can signal the coming pregnancy. This happens far from all women - the sensations during the nesting period of the baby vary greatly depending on the individual characteristics of the body. This feature can manifest itself at various stages of pregnancy, it is not considered pathology.

The main reasons for the appearance of a metal taste for future mothers:

  • changing the hormonal background - during this period, sex hormones are actively growing in quantity, which affects the sensitivity of taste receptors;
  • reception of vitamins - the high content of minerals in them can change the taste in the mouth;
  • the aggravation of the sense of smell is significantly affected by the taste;
  • the last trimester - during this period, women often feel heartburn and an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • toxicosis - with nausea and vomiting the flavor of iron may appear.

In case of such taste, a woman needs to inform the gynecologist, leading pregnancy. It will prescribe analyzes to eliminate possible concomitant diseases, as a result of which a metal taste may appear. If the results are within the normal range, then to eliminate the sensation, the doctor can recommend changing vitamins or adjust the diet.

What diseases can cause a metal taste in the mouth?

Many diseases may be accompanied by a metal taste in the mouth. The latter at the same time is most often one of several symptoms perceived by the patient.

Oral disease - Stomatitis, periodontitis, Glossite.Accompanied by inflammation and bleeding gums. The symptoms are enhanced during food intake or when cleaning the teeth.

The collapse of the metal in the mouth may be the only sign of the emergence of malignant education in this authority. It may also be present in hepatitis, which is characterized by the jaggility of the skin, general weakness.

Is a consequence of the lack of iron, group vitamins in and folic acid. It is manifested by weakness, the perversion of taste, fast fatigue, metal taste in the mouth.

Accompanied by thirst, dry mouth. When the metal taste appears, it is necessary to immediately change the level of glucose and consult a doctor.

The reduced production of hydrochloric acid is accompanied by a deterioration in the process of digestion, belching, nausea, the appearance of various tastes in the mouth.

They are manifested by pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, violation of the chair, metal taste. Sometimes the body temperature rises.

It is characterized by a strong nausea, vomiting, clouding of consciousness, violation of blood pressure. In severe cases, fainting, coma.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx at various infectious diseases May be accompanied by a change in taste.

During their flow, it is possible to change the taste in the mouth due to improper work of taste receptors. This is manifested with Alzheimer's symptom, sclerosis.

List of drugs capable of calling a metal taste

Some medicines can leave an unpleasant metal aftertaste. This may be caused by both the taste of medication itself and its influence on the body and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. In the first case, you can get rid of the taste if you wash the tablet with a large amount of sweetened water or eat immediately after receiving some food, if it is not prohibited by instructions.

Preparations that can change the taste in the mouth:

  • oral contraceptives - adjust the hormonal background, which can entail a change in taste;
  • antibiotics - tetracycline, doxycycline, ornidazole;
  • synthetic analogues of steroid hormones - dexamethasone, prednisone;
  • reduction of the acidity of the stomach - omeprazole, pantoprazole;
  • lowering cholesterol - simvastatin, atorvastatin;
  • preparations from allergies - diazoline, Loratadine;
  • reduced sugar level - mani, metformin, syphorn;
  • lowering blood pressure - captopril, phenihydine;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.
A drug Photo Price

from 60 rubles.
from 27 rubles.
from 122 rubles.
from 67 rubles.
from 40 rubles.

With the appearance of a strong taste of iron in the mouth after receiving drugs, you should contact the doctor. It will replace the medicine or adjusts the scheme of its reception. Nevertheless, many drugs have such a side effect - it is displaced with short-term manifestation.

How to cure a metal taste in the mouth

Home Methods for eliminating metal taste:

  • add to dishes lemon, garlic, cinnamon;
  • do not prepare in aluminum and cast iron dishes;
  • avoid consumption of oily, smoked, acute;
  • drink purified or boiled water;
  • reduce use mineral water;
  • abandon alcohol and smoking;
  • eating as many non-angry vegetables and fruits, meat, bread - they contain many iron, folic acid and vitamin B12;
  • change toothbrush and the care of the oral cavity;
  • use dental thread;
  • replace dentures or adjust the diet.

A woman before an attempt to eliminate a metal taste should be excluded pregnancy. If nothing of the above helps to eliminate an unpleasant feeling, you should pass a medical examination.

To do this, you need to visit the therapist, which will send to the necessary procedures - the ultrasound of digestive organs, blood and urine tests, the study of the hormonal background, checking the state of the teeth and the oral cavity. Further treatment will be assigned depending on the results obtained.

It is necessary to urgently apply for help if the appearance of a metal taste is accompanied by a lack of air, clouding consciousness, vomiting and nausea, high temperatures, coughing with blood. Even one of these symptoms may mean a course of a serious illness requiring intervention. qualified specialist. For bad well-being Patient should be called ambulance. The restoration of the state will be held in hospital conditions under the supervision of the doctor.


Metal taste in the mouth is not always a sign of violations in the body. To eliminate it, you need to adjust the diet, some rules for food and cooking, improve the care of the oral cavity. If these measures do not help, you should contact a specialist for diagnosis possible disease And his further treatment.


Causes of Metal Tribus in the mouth in women

With complaints about an unpleasant feeling of the taste of iron in the mouth, women are more often addressed to the doctor. This is not surprising, as they are, for the most part, carefully follow the health and change of reactions the body, and also have the strongest organoleptic sensitivity.

Typically, the taste of metal in the language appears unexpectedly and also suddenly disappears. This is often associated with unusual and new products. Sometimes an unpleasant taste for a long time after the occurrence does not pass, from which the woman begins anxiety, because it does not understand what it means and testifies to any problems.

On the occurrence of the taste of iron affect various factors:

  • hormonal perestroika - the changes occurring in the feminine organism are obliged to hormones: progesterone and estrogen;
  • diet - the specificity and imbalance of used products can cause taste changes;
  • reception of medicines - drugs entering the body (tetracycline antibiotics, metronidazole, feamide and some dietial) are capable of calling side effectsone of which is a metallic taste in the oral cavity;
  • eating from sacharac substitutes and sweeteners (saccharin), as well as some types of mineral water.

Metal taste during pregnancy

Some women say that suddenly arising metal taste in the mouth is a sign of pregnancy. This statement has no justification, however, during the period of tooling the baby, it is possible to change the taste in the oral cavity, to which there are several reasons.

A couple of days after a woman finds out that she is pregnant, and up to 12-14 weeks of gestation are serious changes in the parent organism.

  1. Hormonal background - the balance of estrogen and progesterone changes, which affects the taste sensations of the future mother.
  2. Enhanced smell - due to the changed hormonal level, there is a clearer and strong perception of smells, and this is known to be directly related to the sensible taste of food.
  3. Vitamin complexes - prenatal vitamins are able to influence the taste of the mouth due to their composition of minerals and other beneficial components.
  4. Gastroesophageal reflux - frequent urge to vomiting, nausea and ventilation gastric content can cause an unpleasant flavor of the metal.

The total reasons for the taste of iron in the mouth of both men and women

Changing language sensations occurs quite often. There is a lot of reasons for it:

  • water water - drink water from under the tap without the use of filters can bring violations into the functioning of the body, because the condition of the pipes leaves much to be desired: they are coated with rust, rarely cleaned, additives used to clean the water are raised on the walls;
  • aluminum dishes - the preparation of products in a frying pan of cast iron or aluminum may affect the fact that after a meal there is a violation of the taste;
  • poisoning - hit by salts of heavy metals, which kind of lead, mercury, arsenic compounds can cause severe disorders. This marks dizziness, general weakness, signs of intoxication, nausea, strong pain in muscles and stomach. This means that you should be sure to visit the doctor, because such poisoning can harm health and life to life;
  • after transferring a cold - ORVI soles, many patients say that when coughing feels the taste of iron in the mouth. You should visit the pulmonologist, because this feature may indicate developing inflammation of the bronchi;
  • chub-substituting structures - if the crowns are from the oral cavity different species Metal, it can cause oxidation of one of them, while the patient feels like he has a little tongue, and also complains about the acid metal taste;
  • bleeding the gums - after cleansing the teeth in the morning, a metal taste in the mouth occurs due to blood is possible, because it has iron ions in its composition;
  • low acidity of the stomach - In addition to the taste of iron, the disorder is evidenced by exhaustion and pain after eating;
  • electronic cigarettes are a popular way in men of nicotine abandoning, when smoking, a pair of smoking (steam release) occurs, and if the device is made ill-quality, then a metal taste in the mouth is possible.


Related Symptoms of Metal Tribus

To determine the causes of the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity, you should pay attention to additional symptoms. The main reason for which the taste of metal may appear in the mouth may appear, are problems with teeth and gums: they are bleeding, from the mouth goes bad smell, you are experiencing dryness or elevated salivation.
Sometimes the reason for the appearance of this problem becomes microbes, because of which the throat and almonds are inflated. Nasal congestion, deterioration of the work of olfactory receptors, bad appetite Or his absence can contribute to the emergence of an unnatural taste. These are the most innocuous causes, why the taste of the metal in the mouth appears. It happens that he testifies to the presence of more serious problems in the estuary.


Short-term taste

Sometimes the reason for the appearance of this problem becomes microbes, because of which the throat and almonds are inflamed. Nasal congestion, deterioration of the work of olfactory receptors, poor appetite or its absence can contribute to the appearance of an unnatural taste. These are the most innocuous causes, why the taste of the metal in the mouth appears. It happens that he testifies to the presence of more serious problems in the estuary.

If you have in parallel with the flavor of iron in the mouth, the following symptoms were manifested, then you should immediately consult a doctor, and it is better to call an ambulance:


Breakfast consciousness, inability to concentrate on the facility;

Half of the face became insensitive;

Elevated body temperature (above 37 ° C);

Your speech has become an unintelligible;

There was a detection of lips, language or oral cavity;

Humped or hoarse, whistling breathing.

Metal taste in the mouth: Causes

A lot of factors affect his appearance, but you need to carefully listen to your body in order to have time to distinguish a simple problem from more serious. If the taste appeared and quickly disappeared, then it may be aftertaste from the eaten product. Either you are hard food or fork scratched the gums, and it bleeds for some time. If it appears regularly or lasts for a long time, then the reasons may be the following:

Medications. Many medicines have peculiar side effects, even such as a metal taste in the mouth. There are a number of drugs that have such a consequence of reception, and it is indicated in the instructions.

Problems associated with oral cavity and nasopharynx: caries, periodontalosis, acute tonsillitis, runny nose, sinusitis.

Periodically renewable diseases that affect the entire organism. Their ability is an impact on taste receptors and even to change the addictions in food. Such diseases include diabetes mellitus, renal failure, zinc deficiency, cancer tumors.

Neurological diseases. If a facial nerves It is incorrectly functioning under the influence of any ailment, it can change the taste.

Pregnancy. If a woman in the period of tooling the child faces such a problem as a taste of a metal in the mouth, the causes of its appearance should be sought in a low level of hemoglobin, due to iron deficiency in the body. Anemia affects the aggravation of odors, changing the addictions in food, as well as on strange lifts in the mouth. By the way, not only the disadvantage, but also the overabundance of metals in the body may cause iron taste;

After meal. If the taste of the metal appeared after the use of seafood, then we are talking about histamine poisoning spoiled fish. The situation is serious if the metal taste appears after you have filed different products. This suggests that the eaten was poisoned by arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, vanadium, zinc. If it is also added to the taste and thirst, abdominal pain, dizziness, then immediate medical intervention is needed, otherwise there may be serious consequences, up to death. People who drink mineral water in large quantities can also complain about the taste of the metal in the mouth.

Short-term taste

If there are no other symptoms, besides an unpleasant sensation in the mouth, it may indicate statiya Development of diabetes, anemia. Perhaps you have sharply jumped the level of hemoglobin, or you are diagnosed with such a diagnosis as hypovitaminosis or a disruption of the function of the thyroid gland. If the taste disappears, it appears, it is not necessary to wait that it will once begone, but you need to go to the doctor. Well, if it is necessary to urgently get rid of the taste, then you can eat the lemon slice, rinse your mouth slightly acidic water or dinner well.

How to get rid of metal liking at home

If you have a taste of a metal in your mouth, the reasons can be not covered in you, but in water, dishes, cooking methods. Especially for such cases there are several ways to get rid of this unpleasant feeling:

Add more spices to meals, they have the ability to clean the taste receptors. True, this Council is useful if you have no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Replace metal dishes on plastic, drinks from iron cans. Pour into glasses and bottles.

Eat cold food.

Eat sour.

Marinate meat in salad sauces, wine, vinegar, it will help to eliminate a metal taste that is present in it.

Eat the protein contained in fish, eggs, dairy products and legumes.

Eat more sweet food.

Why does a metal taste in the mouth sometimes happen?

One of the most simple and underlying causes is the presence of crowns, metal prostheses and braces in the mouth. If they are made of low-quality alloys, it is very quickly beginning to oxidize, which leads to a general change in microflora in the oral cavity. If the reason lies exactly in this, then it is necessary to get rid of a poor-quality prosthesis as soon as possible, otherwise there may be problems and healthy teeth. That is why if you plan to install braces, then carefully choose the clinic and recognize the quality of the materials used in advance.


Why appears a taste?

A specific flavor is usually associated with the presence of copper or iron ions in the oral cavity ("as if the pile under the tongue lies" or "as if the door handle kissed" said before). But these are deceptive impressions, since the nature of the appearance of the taste is completely different. It happens that the taste of metal in the mouth is mixed with a bitter taste. Such signs may be accompanied by dry mouth.

Consider the reasons for this symptom.

Ailments accompanied by iron deficiency anemia. It may be a liver disease, a disruption of the thyroid gland or diabetes. This is the most common reason why a metallic taste appears in the mouth. In addition to this taste, the patient sometimes feels the sour taste. Reveal conductible anemia You can also otherwise on another sign - in the cracks in the language. However, in order to put the final diagnosis, you still need to pass the blood test for hemoglobin. If the analysis confirms the diagnosis, the next stage must begin to seek the causes of anemia.

Very often, this disease is caused not only by iron deficiency, which is often found during pregnancy and in vegetarians. Anemia can also be caused by a lack of vitamin B12, folic acid.

Diseases gasts. With certain problems with the liver, bile-withdrawing paths and with reduced acidity gastritis, the patient can also feel the unpleasant taste of blood. In this case, we also recommend referring to specialists, to survey and take appropriate measures to eliminate the symptom.

Medication treatment. Often a metal taste in the mouth appears during the reception of some antibiotics. Consult your doctor who prescribed you these medicines. Perhaps he will replace them with others.

Poisoning Such substances as vanadium, cadmium, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen sulfide, zinc, arsenic, lead, mercury. Porative metals are often transferred to people whose work is associated with dyes based on metal salts. In this case, it is necessary to immediately consult from a specialist toxicologist.

Sometimes patients feel the taste of metal when coughing. Many complain about cough with a flavor of blood after cold illness. This may be a sign of the appearance of bronchitis. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, we advise you to turn to the pulmonologist. Also, dry cough and hoarseness can cause the appearance of fungal infection in the oral area. When redoing the oral cavity and cough, it is necessary to contact Laura.

The use of low-quality dentures or crownsmade from different species Metal. They catalyze the galvanization process, which, in turn, releases ions from the material. You need to think about changing the crowns to better.

The taste of the metal can be called if you use for cooking cast iron or aluminum dishes. The taste of iron may be stronger if you are preparing acid-containing products in these capacles. Since the acids react to metal, the food is equipped with a specific taste that you subsequently feel.

Frequent use of mineral water from large content Sakharin and iron.

Protection and pregnancy

Many of us know about the first signs of pregnancy - the delay in menstruation, dizziness, nausea in the morning, weakness, etc. This is common symptoms of pregnancy. However, there are a number of strange and little-known signs. These include the taste of iron, which is considered one of early symptoms pregnancy.

This is explained by hormonal changes in the body of a woman. This taste may appear at the end of the first and second trimester of pregnancy. Doctors explain this lack of iron in the body. Do not deal with self-medication and eat kilograms of apples per day. Unfortunately, it will not help. Contact your specialist who observes you during pregnancy, it will write appropriate drugs.

What if the flavor of iron appeared?

It is worth noting that there are no special preparations for the treatment of only this symptom. Direct your efforts to identify and eliminate the very reason that caused a metal taste in the mouth. So, how to get rid of the above-described taste?

As we said, you need to refer to the specialists, after which you will be sent to comprehensive examination. If sugar diabetes, anemia, gastritis, problems with bubble bubble or thyroid glandThe doctor will write appropriate treatment.

At the time to get rid of unpleasant sensations, careful oral hygiene will help you. Regularly rinse the mouth with a solution of food soda or a bit acidified water. Lemon will also help get rid of this task. If the metal taste in the mouth indicates anemia, then you need to try to increase the hemoglobin in the blood.

As can be seen from the foregoing, the causes of the appearance of the Iron Tribus in the mouth can be a different one. Listen to your body, react on time to its signals and then identifying and treating diseases will be much faster and easier. Stay healthy!

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