Food rich with iron. Iron in the human body: for which it is needed and how the iron deficiency is dangerous that is the source of iron

Level nutrients in vegetarian diet In general, meets the existing recommendations, but in the diet strict vegetarians (vegans) Relatively low protein content, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamin B12 and folic acid.

Many vegetarianians and people interested in vegetarian nutrition, causing a question of iron - whether the body will receive such an important microelement for hematopopica, as, in the required quantity in the transition to vegetarianism?

Vegetable food contains only chemmable ironThat, in principle, does not mean that it is not absorbed by the body - such iron is more sensitive than the gem, to substances, both preventing and enhanced by its digestibility. However, in accordance with the position of the American Association of Dietologists, iron consumption level of vegetarians Even higher than non-vegetarians, and cases of iron deficiency anemia among vegetarians are no more frequent than among all others.

The daily need of a person in the gland It averages 10-20 mg, and it increases depending on various factors (for example, gender, age, pregnancy, donation, diseases). In women, the need for iron is higher than in men (18 mg), also a high need for hardware during pregnancy - up to 33 mg.

Despite the fact that meat products are richer than iron (mainly by-products), iron is sufficiently contained in many other products as vegetable originAnd the animal, which are vegetarian.

Rich products rich

Among vegetarian products The richest glands buckwheat groats, peas, lentils, beans, eggs, oat groats, pear croups, green apples, pears, kuraga, persimmon, figs, nuts, cheese, rice, potatoes, green onions, grenades, swakes, radishes, plum, pumpkin, green vegetables, parsley greens, bananas, mushrooms (especially dried).

Since the vegetable iron is negmay, and, therefore, it is digested worse than the hemovah, contained in meat, with the use of products rich in iron, should take into account a number of factors affecting the digestibility of iron. In order to enhance the digestibility of iron, iron-containing products need to be used in conjunction with the products that contribute to its best assimilation, for example, with vitamin C containing and separately from competitors.

Products that prevent the absorption of iron (They should be separate):

  • Wheat and wheat products (including bread)
  • Milk and dairy products, Other powered with high calcium
  • Coffee and tea

The latter is best replaced by compotes from dried fruits and freshly squeezed juices.

How to increase iron digestibility

The best way to increase iron digestibility is to include more vitaminC., and use them together with iron-containing, for example, with fruit and vegetable juices.

TO sources of vitaminC. Citrus, rosehip, sea buckthorn, cranberry, sweet pepper, tomatoes, potatoes, apples, brussels, dill, parsley and others. Generally, ascorbic acidHow otherwise called vitamin C, vegetable food is very rich.

Also good way Increase iron digestibility is soaking and germinating legumes - it reduces the content of phytates in them that impede absorption of iron.

Many try to increase iron levels by taking special iron-containing drugs. It is not categorically recommended to engage in self-treatment, since the extreme dose of iron (from 200 mg) can have an organism healthy man Toxic action.

Excessive weight is not always associated with a predominantly seating lifestyle and banal overeating. There are quite a few girls who visit gym And diet stick, but can not lose weight. The reason for this is often the deficiency of iron - a trace element that has a direct impact on metabolism and a function thyroid gland. If a similar problem occurs, the accompanying efforts do not just do not give any results, but, on the contrary, lead to an even greater set of extra kilograms.

Iron is the most important trace element responsible for many human functions for the body. Its excess and disadvantage negatively affect health and well-being. Both states are deviation from the norm, but most often people suffer from the deficit of this trace element.

The microelement under consideration is a substance that is responsible for the level of hemoglobin. Iron is an integral part of a huge amount of enzymes and performs a large number of important functions:

  • transportation of oxygen to tissues, cells, organs;
  • blood formation;
  • dNA production;
  • education nerve fibers and the growth of the human body;
  • maintaining the livelihoods of each individual cell;
  • ensuring energy metabolism;
  • participation in the oxidation reaction.

In addition, the trace element is responsible for the protective functions of the body and other at least important processes. The hardware of the iron plays for a woman during the battery period, since this time is characterized by the maximum need for substance. Its deficiency leads to very serious adverse consequences.

The normal content of the microelement in the body is from three to four milligrams. The main part of the substance (approximately 2/3) is concentrated in the blood. The rest of the iron concentration is concentrated in the bones, liver, spleen. Reducing the level of the microelement occurs in natural reasons - menstrual cycles, sweating, dermis exfoliation. If there are no products rich in the ration in the diet, it inevitably leads to a deficit of a substance, since the speared reserves are simply not replenished. To maintain a trace element at the required level, about 10-30 milligrams of this compound should be received from the daily diet.

The exact amount depends on age, gender and other concomitant factors:

  • children under 13 years old - from 7 to 10 mg;
  • male adolescents are required 10, and female - 18 mg;
  • men - 8 mg;
  • women - from 18 and to 20, and during the pregnancy - minimum of 60 mg.

Non-compliance daily norm Iron consumption leads to a violation of the work of many functions, which affects even appearance. Not always bad condition skin Pokrov And hair is associated with age or incorrectly selected cosmetics. And, thinking about the purchase of a regular jar of expensive cream, should be closed to your own diet, because the problem can be concluded in the lack of iron. Especially similar situation is relevant for those who often sit on diets, wanting to lose weight, is limited to the use of only some food, paying attention to calorieness, and not on the usefulness of the composition.

The trace element is present in various foods, therefore it happens hem and non-migra. The latter is contained in vegetable products, and the first - animal origin. The difference between them concerns and degree of digestibility. Iron from animal products are absorbed by 15-35, and from vegetable - by 2-20%. Consequently, the hem trace element must prevail in the diet and attend sufficient quantities.

Vegetarians accounted for more difficult than those who daily consume meat products. Correct the situation allows food consumption that improves the degree of absorption of iron. Such products belong to those rich in vitamin C.

The greatest amount of iron is contained in:

  • Meat and sub-products.This is turkey, chicken, beef, low-fat pork pulp, lamb and liver. Most of all iron contains dark meat.
  • Seafood and fish.To fill the deficit of the trace element, it is necessary to give its preference to the use of shrimp, tuna, sardines, oysters, mollusks, mussels, as well as the black and red cache.
  • Eggs.This also applies to chicken, and ostrich, and quail. Along with the hardware, they contain fatty unsaturated acids, vitamins, magnesium.
  • Bread and cereal.Especially useful are such cereals like oatmeal, buckwheat and bunch. Many iron contains wheat bran and rye.
  • Legumes, vegetables, greenery.The largest number of trace element is part of pea, beans, beans, spinach, lentils, cauliflowers and broccoli, beets, asparagus, corn.
  • Berries and fruits.In this category of products, champions on the content of iron are dogwood, persimmon, dogwood, plum, apples and grants.
  • Seeds and nuts.Any types of nuts have a lot of trace element responsible for the level of hemoglobin. They are not inferior and seeds.
  • Dried fruits.A large number of iron is imprisoned in figs, prunes, raism, dried apricots.

On a note! Not all dried fruits are useful. Often, along with valuable iron, they contain harmful substances. Too beautiful and clean appearance The fruit usually suggests that they have been processed, which allows unscrupulous manufacturers to increase the shelf life of the goods.

Table products containing iron

A more specific idea of \u200b\u200bhow many milligrams of iron contains one or another product gives tabular data. If you analyze the information that is listed in them, it becomes clear that the largest concentration of the trace element per 100 grams of the product falls on chicken and pork liver, as well as mollusks. A little inferior bran, soy, as well as lentils, but the amount of substances digestible from them is two below.

The product's name
pig liver20,2
chicken liver17,5
beef liver6,9
heart beef.4,8
child heart4,1
meat beef3,6
meat lamb3,1
meat pork1,8
chicken's meat1,6
meat turkey1,4
chang Black2,4
yolk chicken6,7
ripper yolk3,2
tongue beef4,1
pig Language3,2
tuna (canned)1,4
sardines (Canned)2,9

The product's nameIron content in mg per 100 g
wheat bran11,1
rye bread3,9
dried apricots3,2
truncasses dried3

The view is that the most iron is contained in grants and apples does not correspond to reality. On 100 grams of fruit data accounts for no more than 1 and 2 milligram of the trace element.

The enrichment of the dietary products with high content of the trace element does not always make it possible to fill its disadvantage in the body. There is food that prevents the assimilation of the substance. It includes products with polyphenols, calcium and tannin. This fact should be taken into account those who experience the lack of iron.

Dairy products do not have in their composition of this trace element, rich in calcium, and, therefore, leads to a decrease in the resulting substance from food. Strong tea and coffee are not the best allies of iron. Lovers of these drinks should be taken into habit to postpone the pleasure of a cup of invigorating coffee or tea at a later time after the meal. Coca-Cola is generally better replaced by compotes from dried fruits or a rich blade.

Lack of this trace element makes itself felt total weakness, high fatigue, sharp decrease in performance. The blush is replaced by an excessive paleness. The skin becomes shroud and overhaul. Hair starts to "get out." Nails are loose and broken. Cuts are formed on the heels and corners of the mouth.

The condition in which the iron is constantly lacking is called a small-rod. It has a negative impact not only for appearance, but also on the body. Often, surveys show that even the tissue of the gastrointestinal tract becomes pale. This indicates insufficient blood supply to this body, and this situation is not just a deviation from the norm, but also the indicator that normal nutrition is broken internal organs.

Lack of iron leads to the following problems:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • common fatigue and weakness;
  • rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath even at low loads;
  • numbness of limbs;
  • problems with sleep;
  • frequent colds and vulnerability to infections;
  • violation of the gastrointestinal work;
  • oppressing appetite and difficult food swallowing;
  • wishes to use chalk or raw cereals, as well as "enjoy" the smell of paint and acetone.

In addition, as noted earlier, the state of the nails, leather and hair is spoiled. In other words, the well-being and appearance of a person leaves much to be desired, which negatively affects all aspects. Of course, it is impossible to put myself my diagnosis. To establish that a person suffers from anemia only analyzes. The reduced level of hemoglobin is indicated about the iron deficit. In men, it should not be below 130, and in women - one-time 120 grams per 1 liter of blood.

The natural loss and the replenishment of the trace element is characteristic of a healthy body. Pathological is considered to be the state when there is no source of iron or the assimilation of this substance does not occur. The deficiency of the compounds most often causes incorrect meals if it is overly fond of strict diets or starved, as well as vegetarianism, when there are no concomitant "catalysts" to the absorption of iron, that is, they use little vitamin C. A sharp drop in iron is characteristic of a rich menstrual cycle.

Anemia is medium, easy, severe severity, unfortunately, is quite common. From this ailment suffers about one billion population of the planet, especially teenagers, young and middle-aged women. Given that it is possible to identify anemia only by laboratory tests, you should not pull the hike to a specialist if signs of iron deficit make themselves felt.

Critical is the situation when hemoglobin falls below 100 g / l. If this is not the case, the position can be quickly corrected. It is necessary to adjust your diet, including products rich in iron in the daily menu. Proper nutrition It will help to quickly recover. If the decrease is critical, appropriate treatment is assigned. A man suffering from anemia is not always enough to simply change his diet, it is often necessary to take more and containing iron preparations.

To avoid such health problems, you should not neglect the rules healthy nutrition, get involved in diets and starvation. By putting the external attractiveness to the detriment of health, you can get a completely opposite effect.

Hello everyone! Let's talk about the iron in the products that we need to maintain our livelihoods.

Surely everyone since childhood it is known that iron is the most important element, without which the existence of life is impossible.

It is an essential mineral that forms such a component of blood like hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin is a special protein located in red blood calves. It is thanks to him that blood has a red shade.

Its main function is the transportation of water and oxygen into organs throughout the body. Hemoglobin deficit means that there are not enough assistants in the blood that help to spread oxygen.

That is why people with a lack of iron feel constant fatigue.

To function properly, a healthy iron level must be constantly maintained in the body.

If you have detected his deficit and, you can fix this problem, adjusting the diet.

From this article you will learn:

But it is not necessary to wait for an instant result immediately after you supplemented your ration to iron-containing products.

The blood recovery process takes from four to six weeks. Give your body at least one or two months so that he can replenish the reserves of iron.

Symptoms of iron deficiency

  • chronic fatigue
  • backward physical I. mental development in children
  • low performance in school in children
  • inflammation of the language (Glossite)
  • problems with body temperature regulation
  • low immunity

Who needs hardware?

Iron is necessary for everyone, but there are categories of people who are especially susceptible to reduce hemoglobin levels and have:

  • pregnant women;
  • women in the period of menstruation;
  • children of all ages;
  • elderly people;
  • people recovering after illness.

These people need to pay special attention to their diet and make sure that they receive a sufficient amount of iron C to enable their body to independently restore the level of hemoglobin.

Iron content in food

Rich fruit

Now let's look at 10 fruits rich in iron:

  • Dried apricots

For prophylaxis, you can take vitamins with iron.

Buy high-quality vitamin complexes with iron in chelated forms, here

In the process of treatment with iron preparations, it is worth remembering that sometimes an increase in the amount of hemoglobin is observed not early than in a month of treatment.

Also, when treating, it is important to take into account not only the normalization of hematological indicators (hemoglobin, red blood cells, color indicator), but also the restoration of iron concentration in serum, adequate stocks in the depot organs (liver, spleen).

Come to your health consciously and be healthy!

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With you was Alain Yasnev, to new meetings and be healthy!

Photo @ zoomteam

Golden middle this is important when it comes to the content of iron in the body of a healthy person. Normally, only 4-5 grams are given to this trace element, but its role is colossal.

Surely you know that iron is simply necessary for a person and it is impossible to replace anything. It participates in the process of blood formation and oxygen transport to all organism cells in the hemoglobin. In addition, iron is involved in the synthesis of cell enzymes, generates a magnetic field and electromagnetic pulses in nerve cells, contributes to the formation of tissues. The normal level of this metal gives the body of the force to resist stress, fatigue, drowsiness, supports immunity, brain and thyroid work. And what is important, and for us with you it is even very important to support the skin tone and muscles.

If the level of hemoglobin is normal, then there is no painful thrust to sweet

The role of iron in the body

Daily rate of iron

The daily rate of iron for each individual and depends on the state of health and human lifestyle. With intense physical Loads The need increases. The table below shows the average indicators for different categories of people.

The average daily norm of iron

(with a maximum of 45 mg)

Age 0-6 months 27
Age 7-12 months 11
Age 1-3 years 7-12
Age 4-8 years old 10-18
Age 9-13 years old 8-14
Boys 14-18 years old 11-19
Girls 14-18 years old 15-27
Nursing women 14-18 years 10-18
Men 19+. 8-14
Women are 19-50 years old 18-32
Nursing women 19-50 years 9-16
Women 50+. 8-14
Pregnancy 27-48

Ideally any healthy organism Must have iron reserves (300-1000 mg for women and 500-1500 mg for men). In reality, most people have a margin of this trace element at the lower limit of the norm, or there is no reason.

P rodes containing iron in large numbers table

The table shows only those products in which the largest amount of iron. The share of iron in grams per 100 grams of the product is given.

Vegetable origin ANIMAL ORIGIN
White dried mushrooms 35,0 Pig liver 19,0
Syrup 19,5 Lungs 10,0
Brewer's yeast 18,1 Beef liver 9,0
Marine cabbage 16,0 Chicken liver 8,5
Pumpkin seeds 14,0 Egg yolk 7,2
Cocoa 12,5 Chicken heart 6,2
Lentil 11,8 Language 5,0
Sesame 11,5 Rabbit meat 4,4
Buckwheat 8,3 Hematogen 4,0
Peas 7,0 Quail eggs 3,2
Blueberry 7,0 Beef 3,1
Halva 6,4 Chang Black 2,5
Beans. 5,9 Hen 2,1
Boby 5,5 Pork 2,0
Fresh mushrooms 5,2 Mutton 2,0
Black currant 5,2
Dried apricots 4,7
Almond 4,4
Peach 4,1
Rye bread 3,9
Raisins 3,8
Spinach 3,5
Walnut 2,9
Corn 2,4
Chocolate 2,3
Apples 2,2

If we are talking about a shortage of anything, then it is already obviously clear that it does not foreshadow anything good. The two stages of iron deficiency are distinguished: latent Stage and stage of anemia.

With latent iron deficiency The level of hemoglobin in the blood is normal and clinical symptoms Iron deficit is not observed, but the tissue stocks of iron are inexorably fall, the activity of iron-containing enzymes is gradually reduced. In addition, adults are characterized by a compensatory increase in iron absorption in the intestine.

With iron deficiency anemia The following clinical symptoms are observed:

  1. depletion of iron reserves in the body;
  2. reducing the saturation of erythrocyte hemoglobin significantly decreases, which leads to their hypochromy, in other words, red blood cells lose color;
  3. occur dystrophic changes in organs and tissues;
  4. in the erythrocytes, an increased amount of protoporphyrin is observed;
  5. reducing the level of hemoglobin in the blood and its production.

Symptoms of anemia

When should you pay attention to your condition and for what hints of the body think about the possible lack of iron? If you are worried about the systematic fatigue without visible to the reasons and at the same rhythm of life, which is always ... there is a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath with a weak load. Muscular weakness, noise in the ears, headaches. Visually surrounding may notice the pallor of the face. Also often increases hair loss, nail fragility, dry skin. More pronounced symptoms are possible as cracks of the mucous membranes in the corners of the mouth, redness of the tongue. It all depends on the severity and duration of the deficit. It should be noted that it is not necessary to engage in self-medication and take drugs yourself without a survey. All because the excess of iron, as well as its lack, is quite realistic to seriously harm, but it is to disrupt the work of the internal organs. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis based on analyzes and assign the desired dosage specifically in your case.

The human body is able to assimilate approximately the tenth of the incoming iron. Some factors should be taken into account that reduce the absorption of iron in the opening of the intestine to which you can influence. This is the deposition by phosphates, fitats and antacids. Soybean proteins, albumin and ethanol (accepted orally or administered in the form of injections) reduce the absorption of iron. As for milk, its proteins also have a detrimental effect on FE suction. Tea and coffee significantly reduce iron absorption due to caffeine content. Fitinic acid contained in seeds of cereal, legumes and oilseeds reduces iron absorption. In order to neutralize the action of a phytate for iron absorption, ascorbic acid or meat or meat should be included in the diet. Other vegetable fibers, in addition to cellulose, are also able to reduce iron absorption.

A positive effects have large oral doses of ascorbic acid, as well as lemon, succinic acid, sugar. The assimilation increases in the presence of poultry or beef meat.

Note that the easiest hardware iron for the human body is in plants!

Video: Iron and body energy


Proper and balanced nutrition is daily work on your health. But only so you can best ensure your body by all necessary vitamins, minerals and microelements. Not best waythan get iron from products. And, of course, do not forget about regular physical activity.

Be sure to read about it

* Iron is available in the presence of ascorbic acid.

Tab and Cax 2.32

code accessible iron studio complex. Thus, most berries, fruits and vegetables containing significant amounts of iron (see Table 2.32) will be a food source of this trace element only under the condition of the simultaneous availability in the product (or diet) of vitamin C. At the same time it must be remembered that ascorbic acid It is collapsed with irrational culinary processing of plant food and in the process of its storage. So, after 3 ... 4 months after harvesting apples (pears), the content of vitamin C is significantly reduced (by 50 ... 70%) even with proper storage, which means that iron bioavailability level decreases. Neghemova iron is also better absorbed in the composition of a mixed diet when using animal food in nutrition.

From a mixed diet, iron is absorbed by an average of 10 ... 15%, and with the facilities, up to 40 ... 50%.

The absorption of non-migrane iron is reduced if there is a small content (5 ... 10 mg) in the product or diet: even a small content (5 ... 10 mg) can reduce iron absorption by 50%. From legumes distinguished by the high chip content, iron digestibility does not exceed 2%. At the same time, soy products, such as tofu, and products containing soybean flour significantly reduce the absorption of iron, regardless of the presence of phytates. Tea tannins also contribute to a decrease in the digestibility of inorganic iron.

The inactive provision of the body is possible only when using a variety of mixed diet with the daily inclusion of hem iron sources in such a way that it amounted to at least 75% of other forms.

The physiological need for hardware for an adult healthy person has sex differentiation and constitutes 10% of the absorption of food for men 10 mg / day, and for women 18 mg / day. Biomarker Providing Iron is the level of ferritin in serum: Normally, it is 58 ... 150 μg / l.

With a long deficiency of iron in nutrition, hidden iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia are developing. The causes of iron deficiency may be: 1) the lack of iron in nutrition; 2) reduction of iron absorption in the gastrointestinal tract; 3) Increased iron consumption in the body or loss.

Alimentary iron deficiency may be observed in children of the first year of life (after the fourth month) without the introduction of appropriate supplies due to the insufficient content of iron in breast milk. The risk group of iron deficiency should also include vegetarians, including lacquer

toovovogetarians, due to the low bioavailability of iron from plant food.

The reduced acidity of the gastric juice will also contribute to a decrease in the absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract. The same result will result in the long-term use of antocidal agents and histamine-receptor blockers.

Increased iron consumption in the body is observed during pregnancy, lactation, growth and development, as well as increased xenobiotic load. Iron losses can be associated with postghemorrhagic states, gliscate invasions, per-compinaceuty of some bacteria (N. pylori, E. coli), oncological pathologies.

The hidden iron deficiency characterized by the depot depletion and the reduced protective adaptation capabilities of the body will have the following clinical manifestations: the pallor of the skin and mucous membranes (especially in children); cyiliary injection; atrophic renith; Feeling difficult to swallow food and water. The last symptom It is called sider-foamy dysfagia (or Welmmer - Winezon syndrome) and is associated with the occurrence of the narrowing of the Crypharingal esophagus zone as a result of focal membrane inflammation in the sublimatist and muscular layers. Flame Syndrome -Vinson in 4 ... 16% of cases ends with the occurrence of esophageal cancer.

The biomarker of the hidden iron deficiency is to reduce the concentration of serum ferritin below 40 μg / l, as well as a decrease in iron concentration of less than 6 mmol / l and an increase in the overall iron binding ability of the blood serum.

Iron deficiency anemia refers to hypochromic micro-cycing anemia and is characterized by a decrease in the number of erythrocytes (below 3.5-10 12 / l) and the hemoglobin concentration (below 110 g / l), as well as compensatory reticulocytosis.

The development of iron deficiency anemia will also contribute to the lack of nutrition of vitamin A and copper.

Iron refers to toxic elements capable of cause severe poisoning with excessive admission to PER OS. The danger of excessive intake of iron is related to its additional admission in the form of additives or pharmacological agents. As a rule, with food products (even enriched) can not receive iron in an amount capable of causing poisoning.

Despite the fact that there are mechanisms that allow the intestinal level to block the receipt of excess iron, some genetic defects will contribute to excessive accumulation in the body. Thus, every 1,000th resident of the Earth is inclined to the development of hemochromatosis, which high level Iron in the diet (especially at the expense of iron-containing additives and

Major food sources zinc

enriched with non-chemistry of products) can lead to the development of the liver cirrhosis, sugar diabetes, arthritis, cardio-myopathy. An alimentary iron load increases with the widespread use of certain types of metal dishes for the preparation of food products. For example, the inhabitants of some African countries have iron intake with food, in particular with beer produced in metal barrels, can reach 100 mg / day. In some areas of Italy, iron content in local wines also exceeds permissible many times. The practice of enriching flour and other products in the salts of inorganic iron (most often FESO 4) requires additional justification and, possibly, more serious regulation. This is due not only to the danger of hemochromatosis development, but also with the pretenuation of the inorganic iron of the prooxidant load leading to the additional costs of vitamins-antioxidant, calcium, selenium and a decrease in chromium bioavailability.

Zinc.This element plays an important role in the growth and development of the body, the immune response, the functioning of the nervous system and the insular apparatus, as well as the reproduction. At the cellular level of the function of zinc can be divided into three types: catalytic, structural and regulatory.

Zinc as a cofactor or structural element included in more than 200 different enzymes at all metabolic levels. In particular, it is part of the main antioxidant enzyme superoxiddismutase, alkaline phosphatase, car-boaarthidases, alkaagoldhydrogenase.

The majority of zinc has in the processes of protein and nucleic acid synthesis, and its finding in reverse transcript-zeh suggests participation in the regulation of carcinogenesis. It is necessary for all phases of cellular division and differentiations. Zinc performs the main problem at the renaturation of DNA molecules and in the process of functioning of cell proteins and biomembranes. The zinc deficiency in the membrane structure increases its sensitivity to oxidative damage and reduces its functionality.

Zinc is part of proteins governing gene expression as transcription factors, and participates in the transmission process as part of aminoacyl-tall synthetases and the elongation factor of the protein chain. Zinc is also involved in the processes of Apot Ptosa.

The main sources of zinc in the diet are seafood, meat, eggs, nuts and beans (Table 2.33).

The absorption of zinc in the intestines occurs with the participation of specific proteins and is regulated by the organism. From animal products zinc absorbs better, including due to the presence in them

serious amino acids. The phytates present in vegetative food reduce zinc absorption. With animal products, more than half of the entire zinc and more than 2/3 of the organism of the element arrive. To ensure the daily need for zinc, it is necessary to include daily in the diet appropriate amount of meat and meat products, milk, cheese, bread and croup, potatoes and vegetables. Also regularly, several times a week, seafood, nuts, seeds, eggs should be used in nutrition.

From the mixed diet, zinc is absorbed by an average of 20 ... 30%, and from food, poor zinc, up to 85%.

Norms of physiological needs and biomarkers of food status.The physiological need for a zinc for an adult healthy person is 15 mg / day. Biomarker Provision This element is the level of zinc in serum and daily urine: its norm is 10.7 ... 22.9 μmol / l in serum and 0.1 ... 0.7 mg in the urine.

Causes and manifestations of insufficiency and excess.With a long deficiency of zinc in the diet, children develop the syndrome called Prasada disease associated with

kim animal food deficiency and a predominance of carbohydrates. Clinically, it is characterized by dwarfship, iron deficiency anemia, hepatosplegegaly, hypogonadism, slowdown in intellectual development.

An alimentary zinc deficiency in adults is accompanied by reversible lesions of the skin (psoriazo-like acro-dermatitis) and violation of taste and smell, as well as a decrease in the density and strength of bones, the development of secondary immunodeficiency, a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the body. With a lack of zinc in the diet, the bioavailability of philiic acid from food is also reduced.

The risk group of the development of zinc-defective states should include: children with a delay in growth and development, adolescents with a delay in puberty, pregnant and nursing fromacro dermatitis and disorders of taste sensitivity and smell, patients with chronic diseases liver and intestines and long parenteral nutritionAs well as strict vegetarians and older faces (over 65 years old).

In addition to the absolute alimentary zinc deficiency, its reduced absorption can lead to the development of a lack of this mineral. Vitamin A induces the synthesis in the mucous membrane of the intestinal of the zinc-binding protein, the formation of which is significantly reduced during the deficiency of retinol. Redundant entry with additives of dietary fibers, iron and, possibly, calcium can reduce zinc absorption level.

Laboratory signs Zinc deficiency is to reduce its blood concentration and urine.

Zinc does not have high toxicity, its excess is not ku-mulled, but is excreted through the intestines. Excessive arrival of zinc with food due to additives in the amount of more than 40 mg can significantly reduce the digestibility of copper.

Copper.This element refers to essential trace elements and participates in key metabolic processes. As a cofactor, copper is part of cytochrome-s-oxidase, which plays an important role in transferring electrons in the chain aTF synthesis. Copper is involved in the anti-voltage cell protection in the composition of the enzyme superoxiddismutase and the glycoproteis of the ceruloplasmin. Copper-containing monoaminoxidase plays a key role in transformation of adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin.

The participation of copper in the composition of lisocidase ensures the strength of intermolecular bonds in collagen and elastin forming the normal structure of the connecting and bone tissues.

Copper metabolism is closely associated with the disposal of iron by the body: several copper-containing enzymes and cerululzmin provide valences in an iron ion that promotes the best binding of iron with transferrin.

Copper regulates the expression of genes responsible for the synthesis of superoxiddismutase, catalases and proteins that provide cellular deposit of copper.

Major food sources, digestibility and opportunity to ensure the body.Copper is contained in many foods, especially a lot of it in offal, seafood, nuts, seeds, croups (Table 2.34),

The digestibility of copper from a mixed diet is about 50%. The digestibility and exchange of copper - the organism highly controlled by the body, which is carried out with the participation of specific proteins and is closely related to other nutrients. The physiological antagonism has been established between copper, on the one hand, and molybdenum, manganese, zinc, calcium and sulfur in the composition of sulfates - on the other.

Norms of physiological needs and biomarkers of food status.A safe level of copper consumption for an adult healthy person is 1.5 ... 3.0 mg / day. Biomarker Provision This element is the level of copper in serum: norm 10.99 ... 23.34 μmol / l.

Causes and manifestations of insufficiency and excess.Alimentary copper deficit as a separate syndrome in an adult healthy person is not described. The lack of copper in the body can develop

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