Dreams come true by the number of months. What do dreams mean by the number of month? Interpretation by the clock

The world of man dreams is a variety of unique images and plots, but not all of them can be interpreted and clarified by an ordinary manual. Sometimes dreams are so incomprehensible and confused that it seems to us doubtful any intention to interpret them. The thing is that it is not always a dream and you need to interpret around the dream. This is due to the fact that only on certain days and numbers of the month of the dreams carry a symbolic or literal meaning for a person.

Many scientists were taken for identifying patterns in the process of implementing the plot of sleep. The conclusions that were made were led to the construction of a dream analysis scheme, which should be carried out immediately before the beginning of the interpretation of one or another plot. That is, before interpreting sleep images, it is necessary to shed light on whether this dream is meaningful at all, or it is nothing more than information that is coming from the subconscious. You can do it, considering that the lunar days, the day of the week, the calendar day happened to dream.

Which calendar days are the dreams on the numbers of the month according to dreams?

As for the first two points, these stages of analysis are based on astrologywhereas the latter is more closely connected directly with numerology. Ancient esotericists believed that the calendar date of the day carries special information, positive, negative, or neutral, which can be detected by means of comparing the numbers of the month with numerology data on specific figures. In other words, on the basis of the laws of Numerology, a table was drawn up, which pointed out in which calendar day and the number of the month of the dreams of the Dreams, or in which day the dream is a completely opposite expression of reality.

It is worth noting that such an approach led to what was derived separate classification Dreams depending on how much they are significant and correct according to the analysis of the above method.

The classification of dreams in the numbers of the month looks like this:

1. Dreams that come true soon and carry positive omen.
2. Also prophetic, but warning about significant problems.
3. Visions that are the game of the subconscious and meaningless.
4. Protect dreamswho become a reality under certain conditions and execution of ritual actions.
5. Dreams that deceive us, reflecting the situation in their content at all as actually everything is.

As a result, it should be emphasized that this method of analysis of dreams before direct interpretation should be used exclusively comprehensively, given the influence of both the day of the week and the current lunar days. If there is a responsible attitude to the question under consideration, you can push bad thoughts from yourself and avoid delusions regarding your future.

The interpretation of dreams depend not only on what was seen at night. The value of dreams can be determined by the numbers and days of the week. The information received will tell about some events of the future and present, as well as it will allow you to find solving existing problems.

The value of dreams by day and numbers

To understand whether to perceive the dream seen seriously and what can it mean, you need to consider what day of the week it happened:

  1. Monday. Dreams will talk about psychological and emotional state. Long dreams are thrusty, and short, on the contrary, pleasant events.
  2. Tuesday. Night vision with anxious plot warns about approaching quarrels and troubles. If the dream was calm, then in the near future it will be possible to successfully solve any problems.
  3. Wednesday. The dreams are poorly remembered, but they laid important information about impending changes in life.
  4. Thursday. The night visions seen will be relevant to work and material position. The plot will tell you how to solve complex situations.
  5. Friday. The dreams are prophetic, since it is on this day that human intuition is most exacerbated.
  6. Saturday. Dreams will help choose the right path in life. The plot will make it possible to understand the reasons for problems and will warn about the commission of rapid steps.
  7. Sunday. Good dreams are precursors of positive changes in life. If the dream has a negative burden - this is a warning about impending problems.

Before you use the dream, you need to find out the meaning of dreams in numbers, that is, what day of the month the dream was seen. Thanks to this information, you can understand whether seen and when it happens. Dream values \u200b\u200bin numbers, for convenience are presented in the table.

Dream interpretation on the day of month

  • The 1st day of the month - the dreams on this day are performed as accuracy and the good one is commented.
  • The 2nd day of the month - the dreams on this day are empty and not meaningless.
  • The 3rd day of the month is the dreams on this day fair and quickly performed.
  • The 4th day of the month - dreams on this day come true no, and foreshadow are.
  • 5th day of the month - dreams on this day good value, this dream is very accurate.
  • The 6th day of the month - dreams on this day come true in twelve days.
  • The 7th day of the month - the dreams are happy on this day, but you should not talk about them.
  • The 8th day of the month - dreams on this day lead to the execution of desire.
  • 9th day of the month - dreams on this day come true and soon promise success.
  • The 10th day of the month - the dreams on this day are foreshadowed by some difficulties.
  • The 11th day of the month - dreams on this day come true and lead to joy.
  • The 12th day of the month is the dreams on this day quickly and favorably executes.
  • The 13th day of the month - dreams on this day come true and lead to trouble.
  • The 14th day of the month - dreams on this day are unsuccessful, but do not touch personal life.
  • The 15th day of the month - dreams on this day will soon come true and very well.
  • The 16th day of the month - the dreams on this day do not come true and the values \u200b\u200bdo not have.
  • The 17th day of the month - the dreams on this day are promised success and executed within 20 days.
  • The 18th day of the month - dreams on this day lead to profits and new clothes.
  • 19th day of the month - dreams on this day lead to family troubles.
  • The 20th day of the month - dreams on this day come true, but you should not tell them anyone.
  • 21st day of the month - dreams on this day come true and foreshadow the fulfillment of desires.
  • The 22nd day of the month - dreams on this day come true quickly, do not promise trouble.
  • The 23rd day of the month is the dreams on this day in the most accuracy soon come true.
  • The 24th day of the month is the dreams on this day joyful and coming soon.
  • The 25th day of the month - dreams on this day are full of lies and deception, quickly come true.
  • The 26th day of the month - dreams on this day are full of pleasure and fun.
  • The 27th day of the month - the dreams on this day are meaningless and no meaning.
  • The 28th day of the month - dreams on this day come true for 30 days.
  • The 29th day of the month - the dreams are not executed on this day, the dreams are empty and nothing means.
  • The 30th day of the month - dreams on this day are fantastic and not always come true.
  • The 31st day of the month is the dreams of love victories and pleasures, come true within 15 days.

How to interpret sleep values \u200b\u200bby day of the week?

The world of dreams is full of riddles for a person. You will be won by some pictures and scenes from life, but how do they come from in our head? What do they mean? We were always interested to know the meaning of your dreams, for this we read dreams and interpreters. It has already been proven that sleep values \u200b\u200bon the days of the week are very different from each other. If you dreamed of the same subject on different days, then the value will necessarily be different.

Sleep from Sunday for Monday

Be sure to listen to your visions, they will tell you the nearest worries and things. The value of dreams in the numbers and days of the week differ from each other. Now more about dreams from Sunday for Monday. What are you experiencing emotions? Woke with tears in the eyes? Felt offense? Get ready for a difficult day. If we got up with a feeling of lightness and happiness, then this day promises to be fun and joyful. If you have dreamed of ice, it means stagnation in any sphere. Although the dreams are on Monday and carry the meaning of some worries and trouble, you should not wait for something terrible.

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday

Push the correctness of sleep, weekly week. Tuesday is distinguished by the fact that he warns about future conflicts. These days you will observe very vivid pictures that reveal all your essence and potential. it good way See yourself with the right side. If the dream is calm, then you confidently behave confidently, do not wait for conflicts. When you are experiencing a storm of emotions, then this is an explicit signal to act. Do not stand in place, show the initiative and leadership qualities.

Dreams from Tuesday on Wednesday

During this period, we are under the patronage of the Mercury Planet, now it is worth looking into the dream book, the value of dreams by day of the week has a big difference. If you have a bright picture on Wednesday, it talks about new impressions and pleasant meetings. If you have not remembered what you dreamed about this night, then this suggests that you miss something, forget. Pay attention to the fact that dreams are things.

Dreaming from Wednesday to Thursday

What do these signs alone? Be sure to express sleep values \u200b\u200bon the days of the week. Thursday is characterized by the fact that it does not bear information about the person's personal life, but prompts the right direction in life. Thanks to such dreams, a person can take a right decision that will bring considerable profit.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

They are called prophetic. On this day we are under the influence of Venus. Now we think there are beautiful sensual pictures that will help to deal with personal life, we are all perceived at the level of feelings.

Dreams from Friday on Saturday

Listen to your feelings. The correct interpretation of this sleep will help not only to you, but also to close people, relatives. Be careful, be sure to remember the details, look at the dream values \u200b\u200bof the week. Saturday is the predictor of your destiny, the closest future.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

Pay attention to the people you have dreamed and the overall mood. If the dream is easy, pleasant, then all the participants in this picture illuminate your life path, otherwise, it means the opposite. On this day you provide a good opportunity to deal with those people who are in your nearest environment.

Interpretation of dreams by day of week



Days of the week and dreams. Monday - will be fulfilled for those born on this day. Tuesday - sleep can turn after 7-10 days. Wednesday - sleep foreshadows. Thursday - sleep will not be fulfilled. Friday - Sleep predicts. Saturday - sleep comes true, but not always. Sunday - Sleep, seen on this day, do not tell anyone. If the child tells you your dream, keep it from everyone in secret. Table of execution of dreams, seen during the day. Days of the month The probability of the performance of dreams 1 will come true until the evening will come true every other day 3 can say - empty 4 sleep warns 5 this day is accurate for sleeping 6 Everything will be the opposite, not as in a dream 7 will come true in six months, it will come true after seven years. 9 will come true through Two weeks 10 He will find you 11 Will you worry and cry 12 Do not tell anyone, but the trouble is already in the house 13 if such a dream was already before, pray and wait for his performance seven weeks 14 will turn out when you forget this dream, but how to go - We will be horribly and remember 15 throw out of my head, 16 will not come true very and very soon turn 17 in twenty days 18 will turn day a day after a year 19 will see, turn in six years 20 Sleep to joy 21 No, do not wait, sleep blank 22 come true - it will come true, but in five years, and already without needing 23 a good sleep will come true in two weeks, bad - in a year 24 perhaps, empty 25 wait after nine days 26 empty, like empty trough 27 you have seen prophetic dream And the 28 will come true to their enemy, but not immediately, yes he is not dangerous 29 from tomorrow will begin 30 sleep fair and accurate, but it will not come true 31 pray, so that the table of execution of dreams seen at night will come true. Days of the month The likelihood of dreams 1 seen sleep carries well-being 2 Soon 3 sleep is empty 4 sleep is accurate, 5 will come true in the most accuracy. 6 sleep doubles. 7 will not come true. It will not come true. It will come true 9 on the third day 12 It will come true on the seventh day 13 in the ninth day will certainly come true 14 in the near hour 15 will come true soon, but not completely 16 has already started to operate 17 will turn across nineteen days 18 in the twentieth day will turn 19 in eight days. 22 Nothing 23 Your sleep will not turn 24 twelve days wait for execution 25 Nothing important will not happen 26 not dangerous 27 Very important 28 for the twentieth fourth day will come true 29 will not turn 30 a month later there are 31 very dangerous sleep

Incredible facts

Humanity has been interested in the future by the future, coming in a dream. Many of us learned to understand and correctly interpret their dreams, thereby getting the necessary prompts.

But why happens so that some dnah come true at once, others - with time, and others never come true? It turns out that the day of the week in which we see sleep, also plays an important role.

Before you proceed to the interpretation of each day of the week, it is important to note that the highest probability of prophetic dreams appears in a period of time between Merry Christmas and the baptism of the Lord. This time, shints, surrounded by numerous signs and signs.

It is said that it was during this period among the living people who souls of the dead, and together with them and different other otherworldly creatures, evil spirits and angels. All these guests come with the aim of telling a person about the future, and in a dream too.

All the dreams during the sick week of prophets, and every night of the week, beginning after Christmas, carries its sleepy prophecies. For example, the night from 7 on January 8 can show you a dream about the plans of competitors or rivals. On the night of the 10th, the dreams are dreaming, telling about the family and the fate of native people.

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Next night will tell you about moral well-being and health. On the night of 11 to 12 dreams, you will show you the possible prospects for the development of your business or promotion in your career. Before lying down to bed the 14th, make any question, should come in a dream.

Sleep on the night of the 15th day can show you the right way to build relationships with a competitor or rival. And from 15 to 16, do not make anything, while sleeping on the night of January 17 will tell you about the difficulties that will have to face in the coming year.

Seen on the eve of January 18 sleep carries a message about love relationship, On the likelihood of marriage and generally about family and children.

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It is important to add that if you are guessing on the shield, then do not forget to repent, because in an attempt to predict the fate of the person or uniloves, it includes the work of different evil spirits and the strength of darkness. And these creatures will definitely be asked to pay for their services.

Also, things often have dreams, dreamed right on the eve of any church holiday, and their peculiarity is a rapid embodiment. It is said that on the night of the 3th day of any month, a person can see a prophetic dream, but the dreams on the night for the 25th number are always empty and unavailable.

When the prophetic dreams are shot

So, we turn to the interpretation of the day of the week.

© Kseniia Perminova.

This is a day to which the moon is patronized, managing the sensual and emotional life of a person. Therefore, everything that dreams of this night is in one way or another associated with experiences and emotions.

Dreams on Monday night reflect inner human dooms and dreams. They are not prophetic, and expect that what he saw repeatedly does not stand, because the moon is very cunning and change.

However, this night is allowed to guess what to dream to man. The moon can help solve important and complex issues that revealed to fall asleep. But still, if seen in a dream is recalling with great difficulty, then sleep is empty.

If, throughout the sleep, the same characters appeared, then it is necessary to decipher them to get important informationwhich can warn about trouble or about the problem.

There is another aspect of dreams on Monday night. The harder the psychological state of a person, the more conflicts with his other people and with himself, the harder and confusing will be his dreams. These dreams do not bring anything important, and if they can predict something, then only minor homemade troubles.

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This day of the week is under the influence of Mars and is managed by courage and power. Mars is a planet of aspirations and ambitions, therefore, that would not foretell the dream book, it will be associated with your spirit. All favorable should come true within 10 days if you show the character, dedication and willpower.

If the dream book tells you about unpleasant events in the future, then you need to intensify all your power to avoid them. If after 10 days nothing comes true, it will never come true.

Also, the dreams on Tuesday reflect the creative potential of a person, they are bright and futuristic. If the dream was bad, then you should not begin a new thing, and on the contrary, if the dream is pleasant and positive, then you must act strongly. Pay attention to the dreams in which you defeat, such dreams in some ways may be prophetic, especially if you dreamed at night for 3 minutes.

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The patron saint of Mercury, it is light, air, calm and changeable. He should not be trusted. On this night, people usually dream of dreams with colorful plot lines, but, as a rule, they are controversial and the opposite meaning. These dreams are just fantasy, hint, there are practically no truth in them, and it is very unlikely that sleep ever come true.

But if the dream book promises a lot of happiness, then be sure to believe in it to attract the desired one. Dreams on the night on Wednesday are almost always positive.

Feathered dreams and days of the week

© Leung Cho Pan

This day of the week is under the control of Jupiter, who manages everything related to activity, affairs and actions. Dreams on this day show possible prospects, the position of affairs, and they often come true.

In the interpretation of dreams on the night of Thursday, it is worth remembering that this day is associated with activities, so even if the dream book prophesies to you romance, love and feelings (which is extremely rarely rare in Jupiter's night), then think twice and translate the interpretation to the business aspect.

In dreams, symbols or predictions of promotion are often coming, and also refers to your role in the team. Also, dreams can show ways to solve disputes, conflicts and important problems. Moreover, the dream on Thursday night can offer a way to solve your financial problems in a short time.

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Mistress Friday - Venus, Sensual and Loving Planet.

It is well known that on the night of Thursday on Friday, people see the prophetic dreams, especially if they concern love issues. Often dreaming events are repeated very precisely in reality.

If the interpretation indicates you for something related to work or finances, then know that it will come true, but will be in a certain way associated with love affairs.

These dreams are of particular importance, including because on the night of Thursday, Jesus was crucified on Friday. It is said that it is better not to plan on this day the beginning of important affairs, because in most cases a person will wait for failure and failure.

Positive emotions and feelings that you experiencing in a dream foreshadow you have a new period in life, full of victories.

However, Friday is also considered a mystical day that activates secret human strength. For example, intuition. The strong energy is carried by Fridays, who predeter some church holidays. Dreams in these Fridays are able to predict fate and other important events.

List of Great Fridays:

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In the first week of the Great Post

Eve of Annunciation

Day of the Verbal Resurrection

Eve of the Ascension of the Lord

Before Trinity

Before Christmas, John the Forerunner

Eve of the Day of the Prophet

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In front of the day Arkhangel Mikhail

Damian and Mosnamy Day

Before baptism

© Gpoint Studio.

Patron Saturday - Saturn, who is associated with rock, trials and fate. Saturn establishes rules and laws, often through signs and characters warns a person. Therefore, on this night, frightening dreams can dream, and something very scary and disturbing. Be sure to take note of the information from the dream, if it gives you a warning.

It is important to note that the dreams on Saturday's night often carry the symbols not only for the one who sees them, but also for people close to him.

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Sunday is in the power of the Sun. This star gives life, strength, energy and joy. Sunday dreams are wonderful in all respects, because they create a planet of life, happiness and love. Dreams on this day quickly come true, most often on the same day.

These dreams have one interesting feature: if you dreamed something good and positive, then it will certainly come true, and negative dreams can be safely canceled in the case of Sunday night. Dreams on Sunday are not just carrying the truth, they are also very happy and do not stive anything bad.

What to do to make the prophetic dream exactly?

Surprisingly, but for now we sleep, we are clear everything. We are not surprised in the most incredible reincarnations, actions and conversations. And only waking up understand all illogic and absurdity.

For this reason, it is not always possible to describe in detail or tell you and not everyone. In most cases, only fragments are remembered. But it is important to know that only those dreams that deposited in memory come true.

If you are faced with the task of remembering a dream, you can take advantage of the old people's methods:

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Put a small pebble under the pillow;

Try to fall asleep on the right side, not on the stomach;

After waking, do not look out the window and do not look at the flame;

In the morning bite the angle of the pillow.

Most an important rule It is to not tell anyone for three days about what you dreamed. And it is better not to tell at all.

How to protect yourself from fixed trouble?

Here you need to behave on the contrary, that is, as much as possible people to notify that you have dreamed. And do it until noon. In order to forget sleep, look at any source of flame.

Some advise three times to knock on the window. And if after a bad dream you woke up at night and there is still time until the morning, then simply remove the pillowcase and turn the pillow to the other side.

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In some villages, the custom has long lived in front of the house in the entrance. People considered him a thunder from various misfortunes and troubles. For example, it was believed that a person with bad intentions could not get into the house guarded by a stone. The stone also saved from epidemics and different diseases.

Self scary dreams Stone also told a stone with the purpose of protecting a person from a bad prophecy. If such a stone did not turn out, the dream was retended by the usual stone. To drive bad Son. From the house, you need to turn around the entrance door, put the left foot for the threshold and order all bad visions to leave the dwelling.

Among the ways that guarantee the disposal of bad signs is common and efficient conspiracy into water. It is necessary to approach the water source, open the crane and ask the water to carry all the troubles and sorrow.

To protect yourself from the incarnation of bad dreams and increase the likelihood of implementing good omen, you can make a trap of dreams. This is a ring from a curved junk twist, along which the threads are wound.

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Ancient Indians who believed such a trap, who believed that spider was not confused in them. But the network helps catch extraction and protect against the ailments. It is said that such a trap will help protect the good dreams, and the bad will go through the holes on the network.

Dreams and days of the week

Monday. Will be accuracy if born on this day. For others - high degree What will come true.

Tuesday. Complete for 10 days. If it was not fulfilled on the tenth day, never happened.

Wednesday. If the dream is fixed before the start of the new day - it will come true, in the period from the beginning of the new days before the awakening - will be partially.

Thursday. Performed almost any dream!

Friday. Dove dreams come true.

Saturday. Morning dreams are completely happening.

Sunday. The dreams associated with rest, entertainment, positive actions, the rest are partially.

Snanitious connection with lunar days

Of course, giving the characteristics of the lunar days and speaking about how they are associated with dreams, we are planning only common trends, that is, we offer quite approximate information, a kind of average data. The lunar power has it for such dreams into every lunar day, but in each case, depending on the individual characteristics of a person, everything can be completely different! Therefore, referring to this information, nevertheless, first of all, trust yourself and your intuition. If the dream seemed interesting to you, bright, if he remembered and made a strong impression, - pay attention to this dream, even if it is written that it is empty. What if in your case it is not? After all, there are no rules without exception!

What else, besides the characteristics of the lunar days, you need to know to determine whether you have seen a dream or little meaningful. There are still some patterns that allow us to answer this question.

It should be borne in mind that the prophets and others meaningful dreams It is more often from the growing moon and the closer to the full moon, the more likely to see just such a dream. Also, pay attention, at what time of the night you dreamed of a dream. As a rule, the closer to the morning, the greater the significance of sleep. In addition, keep in mind: the more bright than the more memorable sleep you dreamed, the greater the chance that it will be proper. Such dreams dreamed after 3 am, come true very quickly, as a rule during the day. Dreams, dreamed from 0 to 3 hours, come true on average for three months, and dreams, dreamed to midnight, or do not come true in general, or come true in a very long time. If you have a habit of sleeping in the afternoon, remember that daily dreams, as a rule, do not mean anything at all.

So, come to this information creatively, do not perceive it as a dogma, that is, too literally. After all, the interpretation of dreams is a creative thing, akin to art!

Dreams and lunar days (when dreams for the lunar calendar come true)

1st lunar day: sleep, as a rule, does not come true if something unpleasant is dreaming. Good dreams can be fulfilled.

2nd lunar day: Dreams are empty, not serious, meaningless.

3rd lunar day: dreams special, executed quickly.

4 Lunar day: Sleep meaningful, he carries warnings. Often concerns karmic issues - about the reasons and consequences in our lives.

5th lunar day: the dreams of this day often show the state of health. Good signIf in a dream you cry, it indicates cleansing and recovery.

6th lunar day: dreams come true, but only if on this day you were calm and balanced, did not come out of themselves, did not irritated and did not swear. In this case, the dreams will give important information.

7th Lunar Day: Be careful, the dreams of this day are prophetic, important and prophetic. Very soon come true. Most often, favorable. But it is impossible to tell anyone about them.

8th lunar day: Dreams are prophetic. Often associated with cherished desire, or indicate a true purpose, so be careful to such dreams.

9th lunar day: dreams that are foreshadowed. But serious dreams are often shot, nightmares, you should not believe, bad will not come true.

10th Lunar Day: Full opposite to the previous day. Negative, and a positive dream is not.

11th lunar day: dreams do not come true.

12th Lunar Day: Important - Dreams - with a great degree of probability come true and offered help. Take advantage of this dream.

13th lunar day: dreams are meaningful. Can show new important information about solar problems.

14th Lunar Day: Dreams are heavy, all sorts of attack occur. But most often do not come true, so it is not worth upset.

The 15th lunar day: Dreams are prophetic, especially on a growing and fast moon and pointing to something positive. It is suggested that it is necessary to solve first. You need to be able to solve them.

16th lunar day: dreams often healing, carrying exemption from voltage. Often not having meanings.

17th lunar day: Sleep meaningful. Shows the present position of things. If good - everything is fine, no - it will show our dissatisfaction, lack of inner freedom.

18th Lunar Day: Dreams often show the problem who worries us and how to solve it, or cure, if there is a disease.

19th Lunar Day: Dreams scare, but there are no meaning. Do not pay special attention to them.

20th lunar day: dreams special. You can see sleep on request. Before you fall asleep, ask a question and set to see the answer in a dream. If the question is serious, the likelihood is that the answer will come to you. The dreams of this day are executed quickly.

21st lunar day: dreams are often pleasant, but the reality of the relationship has little, as a rule, do not come true.

22nd lunar day: dreams come true. 22 lunar day - day of wisdom, intuition, tips. In dreams you can see the future or illumination. Highly helpful information can dreamed.

23rd lunar day: Dreams of confused, mess, come true around.

24th Lunar Day: Dreams are often nice, joyful and prophets. Show how much we are implemented. If there is a bad dream - it means that we are not satisfied with our achievements and, especially, sexual realization.

25th lunar day: dreams do not come true, although it is possible that in the near future you will try to deceive. If you dreamed a bad dream, pray in the morning and tell me 3 times: "Where is the night, there and sleep." Until noon, open the crane with cold water, retell her sleep and imagine how it leaves with water in the drain, the water will take it.

26th lunar day: dreams tell us what we really are, or rather, what we see ourselves. Therefore, it is worth listening to them and draw conclusions. Dreams on this day will dream unusual. Often improving the mood.

27th lunar day: dreams come true. Often they are confused, confusing. But carry intuitive insights, open true essence People and situations.

28th lunar day: Dreams are prophets and bear tips. Foreshadow obstacles, difficulty in affairs. It is believed that "cancel" them can be lost, thus bringing the victim in compensation.

29th Lunar Day: Dreams are not executed, they are heavy, bladder, frightening.

30th Lunar Day: Dreams of the 30th Lunar Veus. Fantastic, but truthful in their essence, they have rational meaning.

If on the lunar days who promise highness of dreams, the moon will be in the signs of water elements (cancer, scorpion or fish), the probability of realization of a thing of sleep will increase even more.

Execution of dreams by the number of month

1. Performed in absolute accuracy.

2. Empty and meaningless dreams, but if it's a sleep-hint, sleep-warning, it will come true.

3. Quickly executable dreams (for three days).

4. It will come true within seven months.

5. Sensible dreams of positive value.

6. The second half of the dream will come true.

7. This dream is never told to anyone, then will come true; If you tell me - I'll close the trouble.

8. If it is not a sleep warning, a sleep-tip, prophetic sleep - will not come true!

9. Only the middle part of the dream will come true.

10. Come on for 12 days.

11. Only the beginning of the dream is coming true.

12. As a rule, prosperous dreams come true in accordance with Dream.

13. One, the most unpleasant episode will come true.

14. It will come true in accordance with this "dream book".

15. Only prosperous dreams are come true.

16. Complete in accordance with this Dream ".

17. Complete for 20 days.

18. Only good will come true.

19. It will be happened in accordance with this "dream book".

20. Emergency execution of the seen plot.

21. Performed if the dream in the first half of the night.

22. It will come true if the dream will dreamed before the start of the new day.

23. Events will soon come true, especially if the dream is seen in the morning.

24. Only joyful plots will be performed.

25. It will come true in strict accordance with the present Dream.

26. Dreaming in hand - everything will happen.

27. If the dream is not proper, it will not come true.

28. Performed within a month.

29. Never have ever.

30. Clear 100%, if you had an intimate date on the eve.

From a long time, the interpretation of dreams was the most favorite business of the predictors. Their forecast was based on time and seen the object. The prediction of dreams by day of the week will fully understand its fully and, based on this to lead the upcoming events.

Decoding dreams by day of the week

Every day corresponds to a specific planet, which means it affects what will be seen in a dream.

  1. Sunday Monday. Patron - Moon. Dreams are told about the emotional psychological state, the conflicts are internal and with their surroundings. Short - do not foresee problems, long, on the contrary, talk about the upcoming troubles and large quantities Work.
  2. Monday Tuesday. Patron - Mars. Dreams are connected with their own aspirations, they demonstrate your dreams and desires. If the night was alarming, there is a possibility of a future conflict, calm, on the contrary, speaks of a favorable solution to a complex problem.
  3. Tuesday Wednesday. Patron - Mercury. The dreams of this day are harbingers of major changes in life, they are problematic to be remembered. This planet is responsible for if at night you do not have difficulties, it means that everything will be fine in life.
  4. Wednesday Thursday. Patron - Jupiter. The dreams will be prompted how to fix any situation related to material status and activities.
  5. Thursday Friday. Patron - Venus. At night, almost always prophecies. It is proved that on this day, intuition of each person is very much aggravated. You can even see the ways and the deadlines for the execution of your desires. The acquisition of something says to satisfy your feelings in reality, the loss prevents the restriction of needs.
  6. Friday Saturday. Patron - Saturn. Dreams make the secret causes of life situations that are exactly this night to see the necessary strategy behavior. Today there are probabilities to learn about fate.
  7. Saturday Sunday. Patron - Sun. The dreams will appear people who illuminate your life. You can expect tips to gain happiness in life. Snowy sleep speaks about the nervous tension, which was survived during the day.

Very dreams by day of week

If you analyze what you saw at night, you can learn about the upcoming events.

  1. Monday is the first day of the week, and therefore dreams tell about situations that will occur for a long time.
  2. Tuesday - seen on this night show all your thoughts and experiences, dreams are considered to be prophended and executed within 10 days.
  3. Wednesday - Night at the peak of psychological activity brings information about what will be tomorrow.
  4. Thursday - the dreams are ordinary, can come true within a few days.
  5. Friday - on this night they will definitely come true in the near future.
  6. Saturday - After a difficult week, the brain rests, dreams do not foreshadow anything.
  7. Sunday - day festive, information obtained at night will come true in the morning.

Edition of dreams by day of week

About whether the night vision will come true in time when it was seen:

It is known that he seen at night can be made to make up, now, knowing the decoding, you can easily give a weak dream on the right day of the week.

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