What are the compression stockings for childbirth look like. How to choose elastic compression stockings for childbirth

Varicose - a common problem among women awaiting the appearance of a baby. Forted with this disease, doctors recommend to wear compression stockings for childbirth. In the last trimester, the mother increases the volume of liquids, the baby grows. A woman is actively gaining weight that provokes the occurrence of varicose veins. In the launched form, it leads to the formation of blood clots or breaking the wall of the vessel, which is dangerous for life. Compression lingerie and after them prevents the development of a critical situation.

Therapeutic principle of underwear for childbirth with a compression effect is anatomically correct distribution of pressure on the legs. Most high pressure Fixed in the ICR zone, and towards the thighs it decreases to the minimum. Bloodstock in the lower limbs goes from top to bottom. Thus, a large load is formed on low part Foot where the blood should be pushed back up towards the heart. Thanks to therapeutic compression liny, optimal pressure is formed, which improves blood circulation and relieves the load on the vein.

Therapeutic advantages of compression linen from varicose veins:

  1. Lingerie stimulates uniform circulation of blood flow.
  2. Wearing stocking for labor reduces the risk of blood clots.
  3. Stockings reduce the load on the veins, so that their diameter decreases.
  4. Wearing linen with compression improves vessel's passability.
  5. Giving stockings eliminate swelling.
  6. There is an acceleration of the transfer of nutrient elements to the organs due to proper compression.

Therapeutic effect of stockings excludes the likelihood of the development of hypoxia in the kid due to the rapid transmission of oxygen.

The wearing of compression linen eliminates the feeling of gravity in the legs, fatigue.

Stockings that are worn before and after delivery reduce soreness in the field of swollen vessels.

Women with varicose expansion in history, compression stockings in the maternity hospital are needed. The upcoming labor suggests the strongest load on the vessels. Normalizing blood flow in the legs during generic activity, Congestion linen from varicose veins eliminates the likelihood of thrombosis. When testimonying for Cesarean section, it is worth pre-prepare anti-ricose stockings for wearing before and after childbirth in the bag.

Choose stockings correct

Lingerie with the effect of compression for the treatment of varicose veins is made of an innovative material approved by flashballs: microfiber, lycra, cotton. Their properties allow the tissue to make the limb tightly, with an uneven load on different parts of the leg.

How to choose the right compression stockings for childbirth?

  • We study the composition: the best models of compression linen from varicose veins include genuine cotton thread.
  • A synthetic fiber is allowed as an additional material to natural.
  • High-quality compression stockings from varicose veins are manufactured without seams.
  • Choose underwear from varicose veins strictly according to the compression class.
  • We control the dimensional grid - stockings before and after delivery should be fit to get maximum benefit from compression.

Compression stockings with varicose veins are the first to be treated for the disease. During pregnancy, they are prescribed in preventive purposes, even if there are no symptoms.


Compression lingerie is different: stockings, tights, pants, golf, sleeves, bandages. Consider separately models intended for the treatment of varicose varicose:

  1. Antibaric tights for pregnant women. They are similar to the usual tights, with compression therapy due to the basic material. The pressure on the legs is carried out in the direction of the reduction from the ankle to the thighs, there is at all on the stomach. Despite this to women with an applied tummy, especially in the last trimester, compression tights are not desirable.
  2. Compression golfs. They are prescribed if varicose veins manifests itself only in the area of \u200b\u200bICR. It is convenient to wear in the summer. It is easier to wear them than any other compression lingerie. They do not regulate the burden on the hips, on the contrary, increase. Therefore, golf women can not be worn during childbirth, only in the period of tooling the baby.
  3. Elastic stockings for childbirth. From therapeutic point of view is the best solution for the future mother. They are comfortable, convenient, not hot and not cold. They evenly distribute pressure along the foot, reduce the load on the vessels and do not press on the stomach. Linen put on childbirth and after them.
  4. Elastic bandage. The main difficulty when using it is the correctness of the ribbon. You can take bandages for childbirth, as the medical personnel will help them take advantage. This is the most inexpensive and affordable type of compression linen. Optimal for women who have no problems with varicose veins.

Class compression

To understand what compression stockings are better to purchase for childbirth, the expected effect is determined - prophylactic or therapeutic. Therapeutic knitwear from varicose veins is prescribed by a doctor who himself denotes the class of compression - from I to IV. The degree depends on the stage of the disease: the stronger the varicose extension is manifested, the higher the compression class.

Compression class I stockings are prescribed to prevent varicose development, as well as with the following symptoms:

  • minor edema on the legs;
  • severity and fatigue in the legs by the end of the day;
  • pastoznost (depressions on the legs of the foot are straightened after pressing).

Class I underwear performs a compression pressure of 18 to 22 mm Hg. Art.

Class II stockings have compression from 23 to 32 mm Hg. Art. The class is shown to women with diagnosed varicose veins:

  • on the legs you can see a mesh from the veins, nodules, asterisks;
  • vividly expressed swelling lower extremitieswhich is not reduced in the morning;
  • anamnesis includes post-loboflebic disease, acute thrombophlebitis.

Compression class stockings III are required to be appointed by phlebologist. Pressure compression linen from 33 to 46 mm RT. Art. shown in the following diseases:

  • venous insufficiency;
  • lymphostasis (primary or newly acquired);
  • congenital circulation defects and vascular system;
  • trophic violations;
  • phlebolymfemed.

Class IV stockings with compression pressure greater than 48 mm RT. Art. Showing to wearing women with serious complications of lymphostasis, as well as in post-terrombotic syndrome.

If a woman has a surgery, after which she has to lie for a long time, the doctor prescribes a special type of compression linen - hospital knitwear.

The size

It is important to correctly determine the size of compression stockings for childbirth. The size of the stocking is chosen on the table, comparing its data with it. Measure the following places:

  1. The hip circle in the region is 5 cm below the berry.
  2. Circle of the knee.
  3. CCR circle in the widest part.
  4. Ankle diameter in the narrow part.
  5. The distance from the floor to the knee (2 cm below the popliteal depression).
  6. The distance from the floor to the crotch.

All manipulations are carried out in the morning, immediately after awakening. It is advisable to seek help from family members to avoid errors. The most optimal option is to consult a phlebologist.

How to wear it right

Generic stockings have a dense structure, they are tight and badly stretch. Before putting out the instructions for the use of stockings. To avoid damage to the compression product, the nails are trimmed, the decorations are removed. Save manicure helps rubber gloves. It is not allowed to pull the linen from varicose veins on the wet body. You need to wear stockings in the morning, the legs are raised to the top for several minutes.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The compression stocking is turned inside out.
  2. Stop insert into a sister. Pour sock so that there are no folds.
  3. Start tensioning a compression product, turning it on the front side. Gently distribute fabric on the leg. You can not pull over the edges, so you can break stockings.
  4. When the stocking goes to the level of hips, eliminate folds and twisting.

If the legs swell the antibarotic stockings for pregnant women, you can stretch using the Butler or a special spray. Spray is applied to the wrong side of the stocking fabric to make it easier for sliding. And the Butler is a design of arcs with the base, to which the stocking stretches, and then insert the leg there.

How long to wear compression stockings

Antibarous gatherings for childbirth is allowed to wear all day. Before bedtime, compression linen is removed to resist the legs, and I remembered the bloodstream, which is how it works without assistance. The vessels that were in a compressed position due to compression quickly straighten and take the natural burden. This may cause blood flow and lead to sharp swells. Therefore, to remove compression stockings before and after delivery is recommended slowly and gradually. It is better to do it in a position lying or half-sidew.

Cost of products

Antibaric lingerie is acquired in a pharmacy or in orthopedic centers. In the latter is observed the best choice stockings with different compression classes and full dimension line. Trademarks of linen from varicose veins are presented as models of European production and domestic. The price range varies in the corridor from 900 to 3,500 rubles. Dear stockings are distinguished by a long service life. When choosing products for medicinal purposes, it is not necessary to save on the quality of linen with compression.

Features of use after delivery

Women who wore antibarouse underwear to childbirth should continue therapy. Postpartum stockings from varicose veins can change the class of compression or size, due to another load on the blood and vascular system. Lingerie from varicose veins is prescribed in the absence of visible health problems in preventive purposes.

It is useful to wear compression stockings after childbirth, which occurred by the cesarean section, because after surgery, the woman moves less. The use of the product contributes to the accelerated restoration of the woman after the birth of the baby due to the additional stimulation of the circulatory system.

Compression underwear during pregnancy: video

Give up stockings is becoming increasingly popular. And we are not talking about the lower seductive underwear into a mesh - neither a doctor nor a child nor even you even before aesthetics. Women are increasingly putting on kindergarten medical compression stockings, which, however, can compete with adequately and appearance.

You can hear or read that all doctors necessarily recommend pregnant women to wear compression stockings for childbirth or binting legs with elastic bandages. In fact, future mothers learn about such adaptations and their advantages for the most part of the girlfriends.

Compression linen is designed to protect legs from excessive loads, as well as for the prevention and treatment of diseases and complications associated with the state of the veins and vessels. Most often, the indication of such linen is varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Compression socks, stockings and tights are recommended for the prevention of the appearance of vascular mesh, asterisks, edema, feelings of fatigue and tension in the legs, as well as in front and postoperative period. Depending on the indications and expected effect (therapeutic or preventive), a specialist appoints one of four degrees of compression. During pregnancy and childbirth, preventive compression stockings usually use, but if the future mother has a problem with veins, then phlebologist must appoint it compression lingerie individually. Choose the right size to help you will help the consultant in the pharmacy or specialized store.

During pregnancy, the compression knitwear will serve you with a good service: such stockings not only to facilitate the hatching, but also help to avoid many probable problems. But even if during the whole period you cost without stocking, that is, it makes sense to buy them specifically for childbirth.

Compression stockings are specially created and distributed pressure on the leg vessels, weakening to the top. That is, in the ion zone, it is maximally, and the thighs gradually comes down to a minimum. This contributes to better blood flow and prevents stagnation of blood in vessels, stretching their walls and them, which is an excellent prevention of the appearance of venous mesh, tubercles and in the postpartum period.

Compression stockings for childbirth will serve you and after the birth of the child, especially since they look great and worn. During pregnancy, it is better to choose stockings made of genuine cotton thread. All of them are made without seams, a special weaving so that they did not squeeze anywhere, did not cause discomfort and passed the air well. However, high quality stockings with RAL marks are different (such meets the World Standard) - pay attention to it.

Suppressing compression stockings for childbirth is not easy, so it's better to "unwind" at home, before leaving the maternity hospital - then it may not be up to it. Well, if someone from loved ones will help you. If there is no one, then do not despair: the midwives help everyone.

Of course, compression stockings will not give you a 100% guarantee that after childbirth you will not have varicose veins or other complications with veins and legs, but many times will increase your chances of a positive outcome. Nevertheless, do not all see them feasibility. Some believe that if there is a predisposition, then no stockings will help, and vice versa. However, over time, compression lingerie is increasingly applied not only during pregnancy, but also in childbirth, as well as after the birth of a child.

Especially for - Elena Kichak

More women prefer to wear stockings, going to the maternity hospital. And we are not talking about seductive underwear - no, these stockings are designed to prevent problems with leg veins. We are talking about a special compression knitwear.

Compression stockings during childbirth

Compression linen is a special medical underwear that puts pressure on the human body in order to prevent the appearance of eats and improve blood circulation in the veins. It is made of natural and synthetic fibers - cotton, kapron, elastoden. Such underwear is thicker and stronger than ordinary caproic products, it is used in therapeutic and preventive purposes. Compression stockings and tights are designed in such a way that the pressure is reduced from the bottom up, that is, the blood is freer and easier moves from the foot in the direction of the heart. Compression knitwear can be used both in therapeutic and preventive purposes

During childbirth, the blood vessels of the female organism are experiencing a strongest overload. This voltage is particularly dangerous for the foot vessels, and blood bunches can be formed in the deep veins of the lower limbs. The presence of such thrombus provokes the occurrence of thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, dangerous diseases With negative consequences, up to death. Compression stockings are designed to reduce such risks:

  • the same distributed pressure on the entire foot surface helps to establish a uniform blood flow; The constant pressure is positively affected by the state of the vessels;
  • the pressure in the vessels increases, which reduces the chance of blood stagnation;
  • compression lingerie protects vessels from possible overloads during childbirth.

The appearance of a vascular mesh on the legs is one of the symptoms of problems with veins and vessels.

Instead of special stockings, elastic bandages are sometimes used, which wipe foot from the feet to the groin - they perform a similar role. The elastic bandage is cheaper than linen, but during childbirth, he can operate, moreover, it is difficult to choose the right degree of pressure on his feet, so if there is no readings, it is better to purchase stockings.

Even small fluctuations in pressure in vessels can cause their weakening and show the vascular mesh on the legs, which not only looks not very beautiful, but also indicates the initial degree of varicose legs. To avoid this, you should not neglect the recommendations of the doctor, if he advises to use compression linen, and if he does not raise this topic - then to ask about the prevention measures with the legs of the legs itself.

Video: Why do you need stockings for childbirth

Do you need to use them

Many women are confident that compression linen during pregnancy and during childbirth is required only by those future mothers who have already diagnosed problems with veins. In fact, Phlebologists are physicians engaged in venous pathologies - recommend using them including as prevention to avoid varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and other veins pathologies. It is especially important to do this if a pregnant woman has the following symptoms:

  • vascular stars whether mesh on legs;
  • the edema of the lower extremities;
  • feeling of fatigue or;
  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • thrombosis;
  • venous eczema and / or dermatitis.

Is it possible to put on those stockings that were worn into pregnancy

Compression linen is divided into 4 classes depending on the pressure rendered. Correctly pick up the class of linen for a pregnant woman should a specialist, depending on severity, has problems with veins. If, by the time of birth, the state of the vascular system of the woman allows the use of the same stockings that she wore during pregnancy, they are fully allowed to wear. But it is worth remembering that one of the main conditions of clothing used during childbirth is sterility, so stockings should be carefully crammed before traveling to the maternity hospital.

To wash the compression knitwear is accurately and carefully using gentle washing powders and necessarily carefully riding linen in clean water. It is not recommended to unscrew or press linen, since this can spoil the thin structure of the fibers, it is better to dry them in the horizontal surface in the horizontal surface.

Do you need stockings with cesarean sections

If the need for stocking during natural childbirth Satisfiedly transparent, the question of the need of linen during the cesarean section puts many in a dead end. The reason why compression stockings are also important in this way of delivery is that the cesarean section is extensive operation, and during her vessels are experiencing an additional burden. When performing such an operation, veins are expanding, and a woman for a long time It is in a horizontal immobile state, which can provoke the beginning of thromboembolism. In addition, narcosis is introduced, the components of which can negatively affect all cardiovascular system Her body.

Views, classes and sizes of compression linen

Compression knitwear for the lower extremities is 3 species:

  • golf - reach only until the middle of the hips, are used only during pregnancy and exclusively in cases where problems with veins and vessels do not affect top legs; when they are wearing, the pressure on the hinder area increases;
  • pantyhose - undesirable to use in large periods of pregnancy, as they put pressure on the abdomen; In addition, for obvious reasons, they cannot be used in childbirth;
  • stockings - the optimal version of compression linen, evenly distribute the load from the feet to the groin, protecting the vessels along the length of the legs.

Photo Gallery: Types of Foot Compression Lingerie

Golfs are allowed to wear only in the absence of problems with veins in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hips, the tights are not recommended for carrying on a large period, as they put pressure on the stomach
Stockings are considered the best option, since evenly distribute pressure along the entire length of the legs

Therapeutic linen is divided into 4 class compression, depending on what pressure it has on his feet:

  • 1 class - compression does not exceed 23 millimeters of mercury pillar; Recommended for early stages veins of veins, characterized by a tendency to form edema, vascular stars, fatigue feet; It can be used as a prophylactic agent against varicose veins during pregnancy;
  • 2 class - pressure is in the boundaries of 24-33 mm; Used by initial stage Varicosis in pregnant women, for the prevention of thrombosis of deep veins of the legs, with acute thrombophlebitis;
  • Grade 3 - compression does not exceed 45 mm mercury pillar; Used in medium and heavy degrees of damage to vessels and veins, with varicoses complicated by trophic disorders, with deep vein thrombosis and lymphovenucleic failure;
  • 4th grade - pressure above 50 mm; It is recommended to wear with congenital anomalies of blood and lymphatic system, with heavy violations of the Lymph current.

Special girth stockings are highlighted in a separate class. Compression in them is distributed evenly along the entire length of the product. Another distinctive feature is an outdoor sock, which allows Akuster during childbirth to the appearance of the fingers to determine the correctness of blood circulation. It is advisable to wear them for childbirth, but if there is no possibility to purchase stockings of this class, you can use therapeutic, pre-consistent with the phlebologist.

To determine the desired size of the compression linen, it is necessary to make a number of measurements, since the exact size of the size is important for the correct pressure distribution - too small stockings will be overlooking the leg, and the large components will not create the desired compression. You must perform the following measurements:

  • girth of the shin in the narrower place near the ankle;
  • girth of the shin in the widest place of caviar;
  • hip clamp at an altitude of 25-30 cm above the knee;
  • for golf - lower leg length from heel to knee;
  • for stocking - the length of the legs from the heel to the groin;
  • for tights - the waist circle and hollow.

Video: how to remove measurements for compression stockings

Compression linen should be selected clearly in size, so all measurements must be carried out carefully and proper position Body

For each type of compression linen there is its own sizes. We give a table of size for stockings - the most common healing knitwear, which is used during childbirth.

Table: compression stocking dimensions

Girth of the tibia above the ankle, seeGirth of shin under the knee cup, seeGirth of the upper third of the thigh, see
Xs.17 – 19 26 – 36 40 – 50
S.20 – 22 30 – 42 48 – 60
SX.20 - 22 30 – 42 56 – 70
M.23 – 25 34 – 46 56 – 70
MX.23 - 25 34 – 46 64 – 80
L.26 – 28 38 – 51 64 – 80
LX.26 – 28 38 – 51 72 - 90
XL29 – 31 42 - 55 72 - 90
Xlx29 - 31 42 - 55 80 - 100

Video: how to choose compression linen

Terms of Use and Care

Compression knitwear requires careful and neat care, since negligent appeal can spoil its structure, stretch the elastic fibers and destroy therapeutic properties.

Since therapeutic linen must be worn every day, it quickly pollutes and needs daily washing. It is important to observe the washing rules to not spoil it:

  • you can not use too high temperature water;
  • it is necessary to protect the lingerie from strong deformations - friction and spin;
  • before washing, you need to remove any decorations from hand, as they can damage the fabric.

Special means for delicate washing should be selected:

  • liquid soap;
  • powder or gel for children's linen;
  • powder or gel for delicate tissues, without chlorine.

Undesirable to use:

  • washing powder - not soluble powder grains can get between knitwear threads and disrupt its structure;
  • economic soap - fatty acids in its composition aggressively affect knitwear.

Photo Gallery: Means for washing compression linen

Means for washing delicate tissues do not contain chlorine and aggressively affecting
Washing agents for baby clothes act carefully, but carefully
Special tool For washing compression linen, designed to take into account all its features

  • breed detergent in warm water;
  • soak underwear for 10-15 minutes;
  • gently wash it without applying too strong pressure and / or friction;
  • rinse in clean water 2-3 times;
  • it is forbidden to use bleaching, rinsing agents, air conditioners for linen and other additives.

When machine washing, if it is allowed for a specific instance of linen, you should set the "Hand wash" or "delicate wash" mode. With this mode, water does not heat up above the resulting temperature. The spin in this case must be turned off, since when annealing even on small revolutions, the structure of therapeutic knitwear is broken. It is also not recommended to erase compression linen along with another clothing.

Dry stockings follows a well-ventilated room, away from heating devices and from direct sunlight. To dry, they need to be decomposed on the horizontal surface on the fabric well absorbing moisture. In suspended, dry linen is prohibited.
When washing the healing knitwear, chemical and physical impact on it should be minimal

A good compression knitwear is not happy, so women often care if they can buy them from her hands or take from acquaintances. It is important to remember that therapeutic and prophylactic effects of linen depends on its condition, exactly selected size and class of compression. If the last two points observe quite easily, because they are indicated on the packaging, then make sure that the knitwear was courted in compliance with all the rules, it is already more difficult. Compression stockings - a pretty capricious thing and easily coming into disrepair, which is difficult to judge their appearance. Therefore, to buy or take someone used stockings only if you are firmly confident that they carefully cared for them. It also matters the same term of knitwear socks by the previous mistress, because stockings of some firms lose their compression properties after a few months of use.

When can be removed after delivery

The time you want to wear compression stockings after childbirth depends on two factors:

  • method of delivery;
  • women's vein status before and after childbirth.

If the child was born in a natural way, and in the absence of a young mother varicose disease, increased blood intake and cardiovascular problems, then stockings are enough to wear for 3-7 days.

After the cesarean section, this term increases and is 2-3 weeks, while their first days are worn without removing. This is because even after the end of the operation in the blood of the woman in labor remains the components of the anesthesia that have a vasodilant effect.

If the woman has diagnosed problems with veins, the time of wearing stocking after childbirth increases. Precise time, during which stockings are preferably to wear in the afternoon (since they should be removed for the night) should be said to the doctor phlebologist who observing the patient.

Comparative characteristics of compression stocking after childbirth of different firms

On the compression linen market, it is possible to find products for almost every taste, color and purse thickness. In the choice of firms, it is fairly easy to get confused, so for a visual comparison, we give a table comparing the stocking of the most famous manufacturers of therapeutic knitwear.

Table: Comparing compression stocking of various firms

NameThe countryDistinctive featuresaverage price
USAHave an attractive appearance1300 R.
RelaxanItalyBriefness of products - usually stockings lose their properties in about a month1000-1500 R.
OrthoSpainLow wear resistance. Variety of colors and designs.1500-2000 R.
MedicalGermanyDue to the increased knitwear density stockings are complex in putting on3000 R.
RussiaA variety of colors. Good quality / price ratio800-1300 R.
SwitzerlandHigh-quality lingerie, thoughtful to smaller - special summer knitwear, perforation, reinforced heel4000-5000 R.

Photo Gallery: Compression stockings of various firms

The Swiss company Sigvaris is considered one of the best for the production of compression knitwear Untex underwear in Russia, so it is cheaper than its foreign analogues, not inferior to them as the underwear of the American firm Voteks attractive both in its design and for therapeutic properties

Pregnancy is a time of joyful expectation. So that it is not died of health problems, it is important to prevent unwanted symptoms preventive measures. Among other things, it is worth paying attention to women's stockings. They protect against the development of varicose veins. No longer need to binting legs, because modern products give a greater effect and are convenient to use.

It should be divided:

  • stockings for pregnant women from varicose
  • for childbirth.

The first is used in the prenatal period, the second - during the delivery of it and after it. Both types of stockings are protected from varicose veins, and both those women in whom this disease has already developed and those who have the first signs of its signs. Stockings for pregnant women reduce the load on the lower limbs. This is especially noticeable when walking. They protect the veins from damage during the active phase of the birth of the child.

How do compression stockings work for labor? They create a special pressure on their feet. This allows you to protect the veins from stretching, normalize the blood flow, prevent the formation of nodes and thrombus.

These stockings:

  • comfortable;
  • durable;
  • aesthetic;
  • inexpensive.

Products are well kept on the legs, do not fall. They are easy to wear and fix. This is advantageous features a device from an elastic bandage, the use of which requires effort.

Giving stockings have a considerable life. Their quality allows them to use them for several pregnancies.

Compression stockings for childbirth beautifully tight legs. A pregnant and already born to a woman will not have to complex, putting them on.

The cost of products is higher than elastic bandages, but their acquisition is still profitable. After all, you buy them once, and the bysnization materials will have to update all the time. Thus, the use of the first is cheap.

Where to buy high-quality products?

If you understand the importance of preventing the manifestations of varicose veins and decided to buy stockings for childbirth, then you should make acquisition from a reliable honest supplier. The company "Time in the hospital" carries out the sale of products of verified quality at an affordable price. To order a product, call the specified phones or use the functions of the site. Delivery of products for labor is carried out throughout Russia, including in Moscow.

During the pregnancy, the woman adds in weight, the uterus grows and presses on the lower veins. Because of this, many pregnant women know what hemorrhoids is, varicose veins. Therefore, women who are called compression are recommended for women during the nursing of the child. They are rational and evenly distribute the load.

But even if the future mother for nine months of tooling the baby did not resort to the wearing of such a healing lingerie, it would recommend to buy it before childbirth, and both in front of the physiological and before carrying out the planned caesarean section. In this material we will tell, for what purposes therapeutic stockings are used in childbirth, how to choose such products, and how to use them.

What it is?

Compression is compression. Compression linen is called clothing that fits tightly, compresses and maintains certain parts of the body. First of all it is necessary for those who have problems with blood circulation. Such liners use people who are forced to be in virtue of professional duties for a long time in vertical position, as well as professional athletes experiencing serious physical exertion.

The pregnant and giving birth can be compared with the Olympic athlete, because the loads that its body undergoes, sometimes exceed sports. Special therapeutic laundry for legs (stockings) has a compressive effect, the veins diameter decreases, the blood begins to circulate on the veins of the lower limbs faster. Compression is unevenly distributed - the ankles are always higher than in the hip region. Since the veins that are closest to the surface are squeezed, the bloodstream is rationally distributed to smaller blood rods, they are also involved.

As a result, more blood sticks to the heart, the pressure is somewhat rising, blood clots in the lower limbs that are delivered to the pregnant women and women in labor, eliminate. The venous grid comes to normal, the feeling of gravity in the legs decreases.

Such stockings have another name - anti-chiller or hospital. They are different species, sizes, varying degrees of compression. In each particular situation, stockings of a certain category may be required.

Why are you needed?

The general purpose of medical compression stockings can be the most diverse. But women's questions may arise precisely about the use of such linen in childbirth. This underwear is not considered obligatory, but strongly recommended in the following cases:

  • if during pregnancy, legs often elapsed;
  • if there is a clear vascular mesh, the asterisk either developed varicose veins;
  • weight gain for the period of tooling exceeded permissible norms;
  • if the patient suffers from conjugations of the CFR (drives legs);
  • if there is a tendency to thrombosis.

During physiological natural genera, all vessels of the female organism are literally space loads. Medical healing underwear will help equalize blood flow, stabilize arterial pressure, Save the integrity of the vessels. Under the action of intra-abdominal pressure, the development of varicose veins of the lower limbs is not excluded, and this disease is often developing precisely after delivery.

If the physiological genus stockings are recommended according to the testimony, then in front of the cesarean cross section, to purchase such a product of the Ministry of Health strongly recommends that all pregnant women. When surgery and after it, a long time is in a horizontal position, and intra-painted pressure is just as high. Therefore, there is a fairly real and tangible risk of postoperative thromboembolism - a dangerous complication, at which the thrombus is broken and blocks the clearance of the vessel.

An alternative in this case is an elastic bandage, which limb feminine is tightened before the start of the operation, and which remains on the legs within a few days after operational intervention. But with a bandage it is rather difficult to manually control the degree of compression of blood vessels. Binting is trying so that the greatest pressure is in the field of ankle, and gradually from the leg to the knee and from the knee to the thigh decreased. Another minus is the possibility that the bandage will unfold. Stockings are manufactured taking into account the correct pressure distribution, and can not fly or unlease. Therefore, they have a number of significant benefits before binding.

Types and degree of compression

Therapeutic underwear for legs are produced three varieties: golf, tights and stockings. To wear relatively short golfs is allowed during pregnancy, and only when there are no special problems with the state of the veins in the future milf. They are good to eliminate the feeling of fatigue feet, because wearing a big tummy in the late period of gestation very difficult.

Tights for women are not suitable for women, as they demonstrate a squeezing compression effect on the stomach. Nor in kind, nor when conducting surgical delivery, compression tights are also not used. The only convenient and optimal version of the protection of legs and blood vessels is stockings.They evenly distribute the load on the vessels throughout the length of the legs - from the ankles to the groin area.

The underwear is different and the degree of compression. This is a very important indicator that must be taken into account when choosing medical products. There are four degrees of compression.

  • Class 1 products- The squeezing level is at a mark not higher than 23 millimeters of mercury pillar. Such elastic products are perfectly suitable for use during the baby tooling, if the vascular problems are particularly not either minor and limited vascular star and a feeling of gravity in the limbs. For childbirth, it is suitable, but only on condition that women have no problems with blood vesselsAnd she takes the product to the maternity hospital exclusively for prevention.
  • Class 2 products- The level of compression is estimated within 23-33 millimeters of mercury pillar. Such stockings typically use women who have a varicose expansion at the initial stage of development. It is these products that it is better to choose for the planned operation of cesarean sections, as they are a great way to avoid deep veins thrombosis.
  • Class 3 products - The level of squeezing reaches 45 millimeters of mercury pillars. Find their use when varicose expansion Medium and severe degrees, with deep thrombosis, with changes in the trophic property.
  • Products 4 Class - The level of squeezing is above 50 millimeters of mercury pillar. Stockings are used in severe thrombosis, rough congenital anomalies limb vessels, with serious pathologies of the process of outflow of lymph. Like a third-class stockings, in the generic process are used only if the woman has listed problems. In preventive purposes, in the absence of problems with veins and vessels, usually do not apply.

There is another type of stocking - generic, created directly for the feminines, in them pressure is distributed evenly throughout the product area. In addition, they have no sock, and the obstetrician in childbirth can determine in the color of the toes, whether everything is in order with the blood supply to the lower extremities.

If not special indications To the wearing of therapeutic knitwear, you can restrict ourselves to such stockings. In the case of their absence, it is quite possible to apply stockings of any compression that were listed above, more often than 1-2.

How to choose the appropriate size?

If the compression is chosen correctly, and with the size of the woman calculated, then achieve necessary effect From wearing therapeutic medical laundry, there will be problematic: large stockings will not create the desired compression effect, and small things will excessively pull the legs and disrupt blood circulation.

Therefore, before buying, you need to shoot measurements from the legs. To do this, take a soft centimeter tape and secure the following dimensions:

  • minimal shin girth near the ankle;
  • maximum shin girth in its widest place;
  • return from the knee up on 25-27 centimeters, and measure the girth of the thigh;
  • measure the length of the legs from the heels to the groin.

These parameters are enough to choose the product of the desired size. Anti-cholitic stockings have a specific size table with which it is necessary to referred after the dimensions of the above mentioned.

How to wear after childbirth?

In what time frames can be removed anti-cholica stockings after the childbirth remained behind, the question is ambiguous. Much depends on how healthy there were blood vessels and veins of the women in labor before childbirth, as well as how the childbirth themselves was and how they were.

If a cesarean cross section was held, and a healthy woman, it should be borne in mind that some drugs used by anesthesiologists for anesthesia have a property to expand blood vessels. Therefore, in the first days, therapeutic knitwear is constantly carrying, they sleep in it, go. A week later, a woman can start shooting stockings, but only for the night. The total time it is recommended to wear compression linen is about two weeks.

After physiological genera in the absence of problems with blood vessels, in particular, and blood circulation is generally allowed to remove stockings in 4-6 days.

But these deadlines concern only healthy women who put on medical underwear solely for the prevention of unwanted complications.

If the new mom has previously had problems with veins and vessels, then the waiting time of the underwear is individually setting the doctor or specialist-phlebologist.

Best Manufacturers: Review and Cost

Today, numerous manufacturers offer women a variety of medical laundry models. It should be noted that not everything is called compression, such is actually. In this segment of goods there are a lot of fakes. Therefore, when choosing it is better to give preference to proven firms producing anti-varicose stockings. Here are just some of the names, according to the reviews of doctors and patients, you can trust.


The company from Italy, producing its products using a double braid with a double braid. There are three class compression in the line. This brand of products is well acquainted with Russian women, the manufacturer has been presented in the medical knitwear market. Prices are very moderate and attractive - buy stockings for childbirth in just 1400-1600 rubles. But, according to reviews, stockings are not distinguished by wear resistance and durability, they do not worry more than two months.

For childbirth, option is excellent, but during pregnancy it is better to choose a more wear-resistant product to not overpay.


Such products are manufactured in the USA. The uniqueness is that this is perhaps one of the few manufacturers, which takes into account the characteristics of the physique of women with wide hips. In the line of models there are stockings specifically for ladies with a wide thigh. Materials are used only natural and hypoallergenic, models are presented quite a lot. Prices start from 1,700 to 4500 rubles per pair. According to reviews, stockings are fairly well worn for a long time, not stretched, silicone gums are not weakened.

Mediven Medi.

The line of these products is produced in Germany. These are very durable and reliable stockings with an anti-warnic effect. There are practically no shortcomings with them, except for the price is rather small. There are such products within 3000-6500 rubles. But we can wear them not only during pregnancy and childbirth, but then, as necessary, after all, situations in which the vessels of legs suffer, in life there can be a lot. After a long use of stockings do not lose form, no appearance.


Swiss quality and Swiss accuracy - It is these two concepts that can be quite excitation to characterize such medical products. Different colors, different fabric base for silicone rubber band: Atlas, cotton. There is also a rubber model that are needed for a woman with serious vascular problems. The cost is high, the initial price for a low compression stocking is from 2500 rubles, the most expensive high-compression stockings cost about 10 thousand rubles.


This Italian manufacturer has a long history and world name, the company has been operating in the anti-vilicine laundry market since 1936. These women stockings are very popular, since their cost begins only from 850 rubles. Special wear resistance, though stockings do not differ. But in the hospital they can be taken.

Whatever brand of products you choose, remember compression and dimensional row. For some items there is an own dimensional table. Therefore, be sure to read it on the manufacturer's website.

On how to wear compression stockings correctly, see the next video.

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