Staging l Individual occupation. The abstract of individual exercise for the correction of sound suspension with the erased form of dysarthria

Sections: Work with preschoolers


Correctional educational:

  • learning to perform articulation exercises for the sound "l" in full;
  • teach children to give acoustic-articulating characteristic of sound;
  • improve sound analysis and synthesis skills.

Correctional educational:

  • develop phonumatic processes;
  • develop attention, memory, small motorcy;
  • develop the power of voice and intonation expressiveness of speech.


  • to form a friendly relationship.

Equipment: Symbol of sound, pictures, in the name of which there is a "l" sound, sound line, cards on the definition of a sound place in the word, sound signals, SU-JOK Massager, toy Luntik, Mosaic.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment.

Recall our rule:

Every day, always, everywhere
In class, in the game
Loudly, clearly speak,
We never rush.

2. Ladon massageneedle Massager "Su-Jock".

I ride my walnut so that there was a circle of all.

3. Face massage.

  1. On the cheek circle together by time:
    So forgetful targets Memory of the smoke.

    Do not forget massage for cheeks you need to do everything.
  2. On chin Circle Circle:
    Mishutka I want to help
    Clearly, quickly talk, sounds to utters.
    1, 2, 3 - I will say 4, 5 and 6, and 7.
  3. To think better mischievous bear
    We will define Lobika plush flush
    1, 2, 3 - I will say 4, 5 and 6, and 7.
    Do not forget the massage such a need to do everything.


Children find a letter. "I hurry to visit: Unitka."

Speech therapist. I know that you can't utter the sound "l". We will help the Luntik and get together with him.

4. Development of articulation motility.

Articulation of sound "L".

Tongue at the top, the tip pressed to the tubercles (alveolum);

On the sides of the language, the gap is formed, into which air passes;

Lips open, teeth too.

b) give the characteristic of the sound "l"

Consonant, solid, ringing.

c) Sound symbol: a big plane buzzes: L-Ll.

d) articulation gymnastics.

Showing pictures-exercises, children perform at the expense.

The tongue lay down on the bottom of the lip, what is his beautiful, relaxed ("pancake").

The tongue really wants to listen to an interesting story and he looks out of impatience, it hides the teeth again ("delicious jam").

Run runs, looking for a place more comfortable ("turkey").

I saw a steamer in the distance and signed a song ("Steamer buzzing").

(Children rest in the top teeth and buzz as a steamer).

5. Formation of the diaphragm breathing "watch".

Sitting on a chair, legs to dilute on the width of the shoulders, her arms omit. Take the left hand to the side and put on the back: slowly leaning right, it is easy to pat right hand on the left side - inhale. Return to starting position - full exhalation (stomach draw, relax). The same else.

Tick-so, tick-like
There are a watch like this:
Slope to the left, the slope is right,
Tilt to the left, the slope is right.

6. Development of phonderatic hearing.

Sit down if you hear the sound "l".

M, P, L, K, L, La, Pa, Lou, we, Lo, Ol, Paw, Pipe, Piaila, Elk.


loudly auioye,
quiet auyi
whispering iouows.

8. Riddles.

Children guess the riddles and raise pictures. Then they define the sound of the sound in the word using the cards.

Iron sister
Zubasta and Ortre
Her and maple is afraid
And poplar and pine:
And even the oak is afraid
Get under the saddle sister (saw).

When he did not come everywhere
Your long sharp nose
Our garden has long been brought,
And the forest was a goal and Bos (woodpecker).

Two smoky girlfriends
Do not fall behind each other.
Both in the snow run
Both songs sing (skis).

I do not eat, but I feed people (spoon).

Little growth I, thin and acute.
I'm looking for a nose to myself, for my tail Thai (needle).

9. Sound analysis.

Children lay out the schemes of words using sound symbols: table, moon.

10. Development of small motility.

Stay out of mosaic letter L.

11. Outcome classes.

Luntik thanks children and gives a picture with his image.

Sound formulation [l]

The position of the organs of the articulation apparatus
With properly pronounced sound [l]

When pronuncified [l], the lips accept the position of the subsequent vowel. The distance between the upper and lower cutters is 2-4 mm. The tip of the language is raised and pressed to the base of the upper incisors (but it can occupy and the longer position). Between the side edges of the tongue and indigenous teeth there is a gap for passing an air jet. The root part of the tongue is raised and is delayed back, the in the middle is formed a flag-like reversion.

Creating an auditory audio

Gaming techniques

- Listen, how the siren of the fire truck sounds. Militia car gives such a signal.

A multiple sound is pronounced [L].

Formation of the auditorium of sound (l]

Sound articulation show. Show articulation profile. Refinement of the position of lips, teeth and language. Description of the position of the articulation bodies.

Formation of the feeling of the position of the articulation authorities

Formation of a kinesthetic sound

Suggest a child to bring the palm to the mouth of the speech therapy and feel warm air jet On the side of the mouth. Showing the position of the articulation organs with the help of fingers. The fingers of the right hand tightly squeeze and give them the form of "bucket" - this is our tongue. Lightly bend the fingers of the left hand (it seems to be our mouth), then touch the right hand with the fingers (it's as if our tongue) to the place of connection of the fingers with the right palm. Pay attention to the gap between the palms. These slits on both sides are needed to exit the air jet.

Use toys (monkey or any other).

- See how the monkey raises the tongue for the upper teeth.

Sound formulation [l] according to M.E. Griatseva (1959)

Wide open mouth. Install the narrowed tip of the language ("Powered") to the cervix upper teeth, pull the sound [a] loud and rapidly. At the same time on the background [A] rises and the tip of the tutor is rising, touching the upper incisors, and then the upper gum several times for one exhalation.

Sound statement [l] by R.E. Levina (1965)

1. To hold the tip of the tip between the teeth and, without changing the position of the language, to pronounce the sound [a] or [s]. The speech therapist articulates in front of a mirror without voice. At the same time, the position of the richemical authorities can be pulled by the sound [l].

2. The same exercise is useful to do first in a whisper with reinforced exhalation, paying attention to the jet of air, which emerges on the sides of the mouth. In case of difficulty, to suggest the child to push the teeth widely surveyed between them and exhale air in such a way that the cheeks swept. Having achieved a goal, the voice should be included. First, the sound is heard [l] with an admixture of noise, which in the course of further work gradually disappears.

3. The obtained correct articulation of the sound [l] is fixed in syllables with vowels [A], first in the closed syllable ( al.), then between vowels ( alla) and finally, in the open syllable ( la). Next include syllables with vowels [s], [o], [y] ( alla, Alo, Alu, Lians, Lo, Louetc.).

4. In case of difficulty in the formation of side cracks, use a probe or a round plastic wand, which are stacked across the language. The child is proposed to raise the tip of the tip to the upper teeth and pronounce the sound [s]. Thus, there may be extended sound [l]. In this case, the exhaled air rushes into the passages between the side edges of the tongue and the upper root teeth, formed by the probe or stick.

Sound formulation [l] on O.V. Pravdina (1973)

1. pull the sound [A] and at this time to put forward the language between the teeth, and then bite it in the middle.

2. When mitigating sound [l], give the opportunity to feel the stress in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder belt and neck. To do this, you need to hinder your head forward and in this position pull the sound [l] on the possible low tone.

Stopping the sound [l] by A.D. Philippova, N.D. Justice (1967)

1. The child is proposed to push the tip of the tongue between the teeth, slightly biting it. Then saying vowel sounds [y] or [s]. The result is a sound close to the correct sound of the sound [l]. Then vowels will join this sound: l-A, L-setc.

2. With a soft pronunciation of the sound [l] you can use next reception: Put thumb Between the chin and larynx (in the chin soup), make an easy push and say the sound [l].

3. Connect your fingers into the lock and apply them to the chin.

4. If [L] is pronounced with the participation of the lips, the movement of the lips should be delayed with your fingers.

Sound formulation [l] by A.I. Badges (1979)

Lips round down (give an oval shape). Teeth tear at a distance of 1.5 fingers. Set the language in the "cup" position, without changing the position, enter it into the mouth and the curved tip to touch the alveoli.

Sound statement [l] by hp Volkov (1989)

A sample of pronouncing shows a speech therapist. The child is proposed slightly uncover the mouth and say a combination ya.At the same time [s] pronounced briefly with the voltage of the articulation organs. After the child is being established by the desired pronunion, the speech therapist asks to pronounce this combination, but when the tongue is squeezed. At this moment, a combination is heard la.When executing a task to ensure that the tip of the tongue remains between the teeth. Hearing attention should be attracted to the sound, which turned out at the time of its production.

Fixing the auditory image of the sound [l] in the isolated sound

Gaming tasks: "Steamer beep", "Siren of the Militia Machine", "Guil of the Plane".

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Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

kindergarten of the overall view №27 "Vasileuk" Tuapse Municipal Education Tuapse region

Sucmsted speech therapy classes In the senior group

using health-saving technologies

on the topic: "Sound statement [L] "

2014 uch

The abstract of open speech therapy classes in the senior group using health-saving technologies

on the topic: "Sound statement [L] "


Correctional - Educational:

Put the sound [l] by the method of gradual creation of an articulation structure;

Learn accurately and fully respond to questions;

Correctional - educational:

Development logical thinking, attention, memory;

Development of speech motility, shallow motors of finger hands;

3. Educational:

Rail a benevolent attitude towards others, courtesy, culture of behavior.

Equipment. Mirror, pictures for articulation gymnastics, toys: mouse, steamer.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment

Today we will learn to pronounce one very beautiful, magic sound, it will happen a little later, and now answer, do you love fairy tales? Do you want me to tell you a fairy tale about a fun-tongue? Then look and listen.

2. Preparation for sound formulation [l]

He lived in the light of the tongue. Meet him. He lived in his house. Do you know what is the name of the house with the tongue? (Roth) He was very curious and often peeking out in the window. He opened the window, closed, revealed again, looked, looked right, then looked left, is there anyone? Looked up, is the sun shine? Looked down - is there a puddle?

Ran a tongue to the kitchen, and there Mama kneads the dough. "Let me help you," said the tongue. Exercise "MEISE DOOP".

Bend the dough, baked pancakes. Exercise "Pancake"

Tongue thanked mom for tasty breakfast And ran to walk. In the yard near the house there is a high fence. Exercise "Fence"

I wanted to show the tongue on the swing: up-down! Exercise "Swing". Have fun with a tongue on a swing!

Tears tongue with a swing and suddenly saw a formider angry turkey. Turkey stood in the middle of the yard and scaredly swore. Let's show how the turkey was cursed. Exercise "Turkey"

Scared tongue and ran home. Suddenly someone knocked. Who's there? This is my friend, a mouse. Let `s play. Catch up with me. Exercise "Catch the mouse."

Played in catch, and now let's go to another game "Repeat after me."

The speech therapist asks to reproduce the rhythmic pattern.

The little mouse ran into his mink. And the tongue became boring and he went to the clearing.

Then he took his favorite steamer toy and began to play with her.

3. Rewind breathing.

Exercise "Steamboats". (Development of smooth prolonged exhalation.) - And now we will turn into steamers. We go on the road. We give a farewell beep. Smile, tear the nose to the air, and blow on the wide tip of the language - Fff, do not inflate cheeks.

4. Sound statement [l]

Lips in a smile, teeth by a fence, a wide tip of the tongue rests on the top teeth, pronounce loudly sound [s]. It turned out a new sound, say again and listen to myself. You learned today to say a new sound. Tell him again.

5. Fizminutka

Once - a fury, two - jump.

This is a hunger charging.

And lusate how to wake up (to grab your eyes)

Love for a long time to stretch (pull)

Be sure to yawn (yaw, covering your mouth palm)

Well, the tail is wilt. (movement of hips to the parties)

6. Task on logic game "Fourth Excess" (Work on pictures).

Steamer, boat, plane, sailboat.

Car, tram, trolleybus, metro.

Airplane, helicopter, bike, balloon (as a type of transport).

7. Development of shallow motility fingers

Task: circle on points and paint.

What did you do? Steamer.

How buzzing a steamer? (L-L-L). Repetition of articulation.

8. Outcome classes

Our fairy tale came to an end.

Do you like her?

What do you remember?

What sound did you learn today to pronounce?

Developed a teacher - speech therapist

Ilyukhina Olga Vasilyevna

MBDOU " Kindergarten "Teremok" Combined View "

Goal: automate the sound [l] in syllables, words, sentences.



Fasten the correct pronunciation of the sound [l] in syllables, words, sentences.

Shape the skills of matching numeral with nouns;


Develop a holistic perception, memory, small motoric, attention, phonderatic hearing;

Enrichment and expansion of the vocabulary stock;

Fasten sound analysis and synthesis skills;


Educating independence, interest in the lesson.

Equipment: pictures characters for articulation gymnastics, pictures with image of flowers (lily of the valley, rose, iris, bell, gladiolus, violet, poppy, chamomile, tulip, forget-me-not, phlox); Pictures depicting birds: Nightingale, Ivolga, Woodpecker, Schegol, Nightingale; Curled picture with the image of Stella "; Set of object pictures: lapties, fork, horse, bike, donkey, football, swallow, saw, hammer, wolf, stick, chalk, flippers, bun, violet, table, hanger, onion, boat.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment.

Today we have a new guest in class. Listen to the riddle and try to guess who it is?

She buzzes over the flower

To the hive quickly flies,

Honey presented his honeycomb;

What is her call? ... (bee).

That's right, it is cheerful and good bee. Named Stella. She loves to collect flower pollen and prepare honey from them. She flew to listen to how you pronounce the sound [l] and play with you in different games.

2. Articulating gymnastics.

But first let's do a charging for the tongue. And this will help you "funny pictures". Look at them and do the same.


Language to the shovel

And a little hold.

Language needs to relax

And at the expense of it to keep.


Language with a needle pull.

Do not come! I'm ukol!


Left - right, left - right,

My tongue slides olubo:

Like a pendulum of hours,

Showing it is ready.


I swing on the swing.

Up to fly and go down.

"Steamer buzzing"

Steaming small,

But the brave it is what!

He is not afraid of waves,

He's fun buzzing: "si-s."


Our Tanya - Najern,

Pulls sponges to the ears.

Look at me -

I, now - frog!

"Delicious jam"

Damn we ate with pleasure

Purchased jam.

So that the jam from the lips to remove,

Rotik need to lick.

3. Automation of sound [l] in syllables.

The bee likes to fly on the lawn and sing the songs. And wants you to sing too with her.

la La La Ala Ala Ala

lu-Lu-Lu-Lu Ulu-Ulu-Ulu


lo-Lo Oolo-Oolo-Oolo

4. Automation of sound [l] in words.

The bee offers you to learn to compose poems. Invent the word in rhyme and repeat all the poem. Do not forget clearly and correctly pronounce [L].

La La La, delicious honey carries ... (Bee).

Lou-Lou, we saw ... (Bee).

Ly-lies, we frightened ... (bees).

5. Fingering gymnastics.


Little house on the Christmas tree,

House for bees, and where is the bees?

Need to knock on the house

One, two, three, four, five.

I knock, knock on the Christmas tree,

Where, where are these bees?

Still suddenly fly out:

One, two, three, four, five!

One of the hands is standing on the table, leaning on the elbow, the fingers are spread (tree). On the second hand, the fingers are closed into the ring (hive). "Beehive" pressed to the "Christmas tree", the child looks in the "hive".

Squeezes cams. Knocks his fists on each other, alternating hands. Spreads hands, spreads fingers and moves them (the bees fly.)

6. Formation of sound analysis skill.

How many colors grows on the lawn. Stella flies from one flower in another and does not know what to choose to collect floral juice. Let us help her, choose those flowers, in the title of which there is sound [l].

(Lily of the Lily, Rosa, Iris, Bell, Gladiolus, Violet, Mac, Chamomile, Tulip, Forget-me-not, Flox).

7. Fizminutka.

The bee is a little tired. Let's rest together with her.

Here is the pchelkina charging.

Perform-ka in order.

Quickly stand and smile.

Above, above stretch.

Well, the shoulders straight,

Lift and lower.

Left, turn right,

Hands with knees tire.

8. The game "where the sound hid".

Stella brought a beautiful casket with him. See what lies in it. Yes, there are many pictures, in the title of which each subject hid the sound [L]. The sound place was determined in words: at the beginning, in the middle or end of the word.

(Napti, fork, horse, bike, donkey, football, swallow, saw, hammer, wolf, stick, chalk, flippers, bun, violet, table, hanger, onion, boat).

9. Game "Count".

Look at how many birds flew to the lawn! Let's consider them. And tell me: what birds are more, and what is less.

Competent beautiful speech Without defects, this is the key to socialization and successful development. When communicating, everyone pays attention to how man says. If it is beautiful and "pours as a stream", such a person is pleasant to listen. In childhood it is necessary to correctly decide the child's speech. The main problems and difficulties are the consonants "l" and "r".

The pronunciation of "L" seems to be an adult simple, but it turns out to be put in some cases only by year 6. This article will help you follow the rules when it is required to form a solid and soft sound "L" in a child.

Pre-school age is an important period for everyone. Up to this point, kids learn to walk, speak, understand the world And himself. Some consonants are complex for pronunciation, they are formed over time. Worse, when parents do not pay attention to speech defects in a child. AT adulthood They are already very difficult to eliminate, so in all kindergartens with babies in the group and individually work speech therapists.

The most common difficult pronounced consonants are "L" and "P". Of course, with the moment of adults, problems can pass without assistance, and sometimes not. The work of the speech therapists is to help put the correct pronunciation from the preschooler. The sound of "l" is like soft and solid. Sometimes the baby cannot utter any such kind, but more often the problems of pronunciation of "L" in children occurs in both cases.

Incorrect sound pronunciation

Each period is characterized by the appearance of new sounds. To three years, the kids have already to utter all letters besides difficult hissing and "r" derived from it "ry". At this age, children appear in elevated speech activity.

By five to six years, the kid must pronounce all the sounds and express his thoughts not simple proposals, but use complete revs. This age belongs to the period of growing and transition to school age. If the child is experiencing difficulties in pronunciation, then you should seek help to a doctor or to do at home.

The most common sound errors:

  • hissing are replaced by the sound of "smiling", "zy", (Sorohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Salok-puppy, Yez-hedge);
  • p is replaced by "l", "l" (work-Labota, Rule Lulle, Robility-Lady).

What is lambdzism and paralambdzism

Incorrect pronunciation of "L", "l" or its complete absence is a scientific name-lambdzism. It is divided into 4 types:

  • nasal. The sound leaving the air flow seeks to get through the mouth, but through the nose. This happens when the root part of the tongue rests on the palate, preventing the passage. In such cases, instead of "L", it turns out "NG Lap-Ngap, Lak-Ngak;
  • twistful. The child puts his lips with a tube, in such a way that instead of the laid "L", it turns out "y": a tear-paper, lamp-uamba;
  • interdental. The tip of the language enters the space between the teeth, showing the wrong sound;
  • lack of "l". One of the most frequent options. The kid does not utter a "l" at all, instead, it turns out words without it: Luk-UK, Lens-Inza.

What such lambdzism is now understandable, and what then is paralambdzism. This refers to the replacement of "L" to other sounds. These replacements include:

  • replacing the "L" sound "in" or "b": Lala - Baba, Lava-Vava, Moon-Woman;
  • replacing "L" on "g": goal - Gogh, table stack;
  • replacing "L" on "D": Doshad Horse, Lup Dupa;
  • replacing "L" on "ya", "ё", "yu": lader yahege, spoon-trench, bow-yuk;
  • replacing "L" soft "l": deed business.

Causes of incorrect pronunciation of "l"

Incorrect pronunciation of L is due to certain reasons. The category of such reasons include:

  • preschooler, because of his little age, can not yet pronounce this sound. This defect is natural up to 4 years. At the age of 4-5 years, the baby must already know how to learn how to dispense the letter "L", and by 6 years should distinguish between solid and soft "l";
  • weak muscles of the language and lower lips. Language performs the basic function in the work of speech. If the child has problems with weak muscles of the tongue, then instead of "l" will be heard "in";
  • violation of phondematic sound perception in speech stream. Such an effect is characteristic when the kid utters "L", and at this moment puts the language between the teeth. Such an option includes a two-life pronunciation, when the language adjacent to the lower jaw and prevents the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Such reasons are more often associated with any defects in development. The problem occurs due to the wrong position of the language, or the incorrect distribution of the available air.
If the preschooler has difficulties with the pronunciation of sound "l", it is easy to correct. It will take time to produce it. Usually 15-20 minutes a day at home, and after a while the child will succeed. If a long time, the effort was gone after a gift, you need to contact the speech therapist. .

Formation of proper pronunciation of sounds

If the child does not suffer from diseases, pathological development Speech apparatus, then adults can quickly solve the task. To understand how to put the sound "l" at home, follow several simple rules.

  1. Work should be started with strengthening articulation motility. Its strengthening is achieved with the help of exercises and games.
  2. The next stage is the appearance of sound. The techniques are different. For each case there is a method.
  3. Sound statement flows into pronunciation. When the student learned to pronounce the letter, it is necessary to move to the syllables, and after - to simple words, sentences with many repetitive sounds.
  4. Go to a more time-consuming work. We study the rhymes, patter. The preschooler will quickly assimilate sounds, develop memory.
  5. Fasten results should be fixed through the told and repetition of fairy tales, stories, poems, stories, singing songs.

This simple rules should be given to a very little time. Peculiar training program It is easier to convert to the game. The process will not be boring. You and your child will be passionate about the case, not a tedious work.

How to solve the sound "l"

The very first thing, where to start work to tell and show the disciple the correctness of the pronunciation of sound, and how the language and lips behave. For this, there are a lot of free photo and video outdoor online. A variety of methodological works have been developed about how to teach the child to speak the letter "l". To put "l", it is necessary to work on breathing and articulation.

At home you will be able to explain how to correct one or another sound. Just think how you are doing, and then show. Children always better assimilate material on the example of others. Just show the principle, let the baby repeats yours.

The problem of speech formulation in children is the usual thing. Lessons will help the child to develop hearing perception Sound "L".

It is important to breathe correctly and place the language, lips. Breathing exercises are designed as a game.

The most simple exercises will be interesting to the baby. Funny fun on the street can be instructive. Walking, you can play with dandelions, offering to blow all his "feathers", to blow soap bubbles.

At home you can play with burning candles, blowing it, or match, but only under the strict control of adults, and various similar games for blowing air. Such games will be interested in your baby and will simultaneously wear a developing nature.

It is necessary to develop in a child and fine motility hands. It is necessary for speech correction, intellectual and physical development.

Articulation "L"

First you need to work on the articulation of the language. The tip of the language must be pressed to the upper teeth and resemble a hammock in shape. Air seeps along the language. This provision should be shown to the child on your example, so kids are better absorbed. This is the first thing that is required in the initial work.

Errors when trying to pronounce "l"

In work on the formulation of the sound of "L" in a child, some errors can be identified. In this case, training attempts may fail.

The reasons for which "L" cannot be pronounced:

  • incorrect lip location;
  • language is not located near the upper teeth, but goes into the inner part of the mouth;
  • incorrect air exhalation - with cheeks or through the nose.

To obtain the correct pronunciation of "l", you should use the articulation gymnastics.

Articulating gymnastics

Articulating gymnastics is the main method at "l". The average duration of occupations should be 15-25 minutes, it all depends on the age of the baby. It should be in gradually to enter various elements in order for the child to be interested. It consists of several stages.

  1. Tasks for the development of speech breathing.
  2. Exercises for automation of pronunciation.

Training articulation gymnastics

The most effective and effective speech therapy exercises On the sound "l": "steam", "turkey", "horse", "breeze". Consider in more detail how the mechanical exercise is arranged.

"Variety". It is aimed at learning a student to manage the muscles of the language. The baby should smile a little and open the mouth, to launch the tongue about half, bite it and move the multiple "s-s-s." As a result, a shipping beep is imitation. If you are heard of another sound, check the location of the tongue in the child.

"Turkey". The mouth is ajar, the sweened tongue is placed on the upper lip, moves up and down the lip. I exhale air quickly, it turns out the sound that resembles the "conversation" of turkey.

"Horce". The first is to teach the preschooler to base, like a horse. Lower jaw Must be fixed. The tongue rests in the sky, a light smile, slightly ajar mouth. The next stage is to pronounce the Cocan, but without voice and volume, silently. So the muscles of the jaw are being developed.

"Breeze". Imitate the breeze pegument. It should not go to the central part, but at the edges. For this, the novice student needs to bite the tip of the tongue, and release air. You can check the correctness of the execution using the rolling. Run it to your mouth, and see the direction of the jet.

Solid "l"

If a soft "l" child can pronounce, then solid is given to him a little more difficult due to the fact that the position of the tongue requires to occupy the upper position. Usually in such cases the sound is generally absent or replaced by others.

To raise the tongue, there are several exercises that strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

  1. "Language is sleeping." Language is fixed between the teeth. The child is given a task to repeat the "A" stand and continuously, after a little bit of the baby gives the task to periodically bite the tip of the tongue, it turns out "al".
  2. Another exercise on a solid "l", it is "s", but already bitten a wide language.
    After that, please say words with different arrangements "L" in words. Sound "L" at the beginning of the word: a puddle, skis, fly, flying, bursting, laser, bark, light bulb, lion, fox, pour, burst. In the middle of the word: class, eyes, analysis. In the end of the word: the table, a glass.

The next stage is the pronouncement of the washers, patterings, where solid "l" is often found.


A number of articulation exercises carried out requires consolidation and permanent pronunciation. If the child still does not know how to read, the parents should be pronounced words independently, and then ask to repeat their children. So the preschooler better assisted pronounced sounds.

First, syllables "L" with vowels are pronounced: L-A, L-O, L-and; Then, on the contrary: o-l, ay, and l, ely.
After the full words are pronounced. "L" is at the beginning, middle, end of the word, soften or are made hard, next to other consonants and so on.

We repeat and learn poems and patter. When working, all phrases and suggestions need to be pronounced slowly and clearly so that there is no distortion. If the baby is mistaken, return to the beginning of the sentence and repeat everything again. Praise him, it will help him feel confident. Repeat all a few times.

Such simple rules should be followed in order to teach the child to pronounce the letter "l" on the machine.

Help speech therapist

Do not worry if the child up to 5 years old pronounces one or more sounds. However, if at a late age he is difficult for the letters, to begin with, resort to independent correction. If your attempts were not crowned with success, then you should contact a specialist. A common mistake of parents is the wrong pronunciation of themselves, fuzzy speech, speech defects and so on.

There are other cases when you need to help speech therapist:

  • if the baby has problems with the speech apparatus (ONR, DYERTERI);
  • in neurological diseases;
  • in mental illness.

In these cases, independent help can only harm, and not to benefit.


Speech is an important attribute of each business person. It must be adjusted with children's ageWhen only these problems appear, more often after 5 years. You can resort to independent home fix. Outdoor Internet access will provide you with various graphic pictures, drawings and video tutorials, methodological aids.

If your efforts are in vain, and the baby does not know how to pronounce the letter "l" by 6-7 years, the help of speech therapists, which will be able to quickly put your child a beautiful, proper speech and will give general advice.

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