Xylometazoline nasal. Xylometazoline (xylometazoline hydrochloride) - instructions for use, indications, contraindications, side effects, analogues, reviews, prices

Xylometazoline is a vasoconstrictor drug from the group of alpha-agonists for topical use in otolaryngological practice to facilitate nasal breathing. In people without pathology of the respiratory tract, breathing through the nose is considered the norm. nasal cavity- initial department respiratory tract regulating the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the inhaled air. In fact, this is a highly efficient filter that “rejects” mechanical particles suspended in the air, infectious and allergic agents. Microorganisms not removed mechanically are eliminated by bactericidal nasal mucus lysozyme. Violation of breathing through the nose inhibits its protective, respiratory, olfactory, reflex and resonator function. Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses, allergic processes can greatly hinder air exchange with the environment. The result of inflammation is swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and hypersecretion of mucus - rhinorrhea. Nasal vasoconstrictors or, as they are also called, decongestants, have long been successfully used to stop rhinorrhea and relieve nasal breathing with a runny nose. The mechanism of action of this group of drugs is associated with the excitation of alpha-adrenergic receptors, which helps to reduce the lumen blood vessels nasal mucosa, eliminates the traditional symptoms of inflammation - swelling and hyperemia. Nasal decongestants are effective for the common cold of any etiology: viral, bacterial, and allergic. Reliability and speed of action determines the consistently high popularity of this group of drugs. The imidazoline derivative xylometazoline is one of the most pharmacologically successful representatives of the group of nasal decongestants. It has been used in ENT practice for over 50 years. To date, dozens of clinical trials of the drug have been conducted. Most studies have evaluated the efficacy and safety of xylometazoline in rhinosinusitis. The powerful decongestant effect of the drug compared with saline was demonstrated in a randomized trial involving patients with acute respiratory diseases.

At the same time, the frequency adverse reactions in the control group, which used saline solution, was even higher than in the experimental group. In a number of tests, xylometazoline with honor withstood the competitive "struggle" with other nasal vasoconstrictors. It has been found to be superior in expression to its therapeutic effect pseudoephedrine. With oxymetazoline - its other "brother" in pharmacological group- xylometazoline goes practically "nostril to nostril", providing a decongestive effect similar in strength and speed. Scientists have found that xylometazoline is able to inhibit the synthesis of one of the inflammatory mediators - nitric oxide. Besides experimental studies revealed the presence of antioxidant properties in the drug. The safety of xylometazoline has been studied as thoroughly as its efficacy. So, in the framework of one of these trials, its participants did not "earn" any pronounced violations of the structure and functions of the nasal mucosa, regularly taking the drug for 6 weeks. Summarizing the data available to date, it should be noted that xylometazoline has a favorable safety profile. At the same time, like most drugs, it also has its own "dark side of the moon." So, with the abuse of xylometazoline, as well as any other nasal decongestant, dysregulation of vascular tone and mucous glands can develop, leading to the development of hypersensitivity of the mucous membrane and the formation of the so-called. medicinal rhinitis. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to the therapeutic doses indicated in the instructions and not exceed the maximum allowable duration of the drug - 7-14 days. In rare cases, there may be hypersensitivity to the excipients that make up xylometazoline, manifested by itching and burning in the nasal cavity.


Vasoconstrictor for topical use in ENT practice. Alpha adrenomimetic. When applied to mucous membranes, it causes vasoconstriction, as a result of which local hyperemia and edema decrease. With rhinitis, it facilitates nasal breathing.


When applied topically, it is practically not absorbed, plasma concentrations are so small that they cannot be determined by modern analytical methods.

Release form

10 ml - plastic bottles with a sprayer (1) - packs of cardboard.
15 ml - plastic bottles with a sprayer (1) - packs of cardboard.


Apply topically for 7-14 days. The dose depends on the dosage form used and the age of the patient.


Incompatible with MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants.

Side effects

With frequent and/or long-term use: irritation of the mucous membrane, burning, tingling, sneezing, dryness of the nasal mucosa, hypersecretion.

Rare: swelling of the nasal mucosa (more often with prolonged use), palpitations, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure, headache, vomiting, sleep disorders, visual disturbances.

With prolonged use in high doses: depressive state.


Acute allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, hay fever, otitis media(to reduce swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa), preparing the patient for diagnostic procedures in the nasal passages.


Angle-closure glaucoma, atrophic rhinitis, arterial hypertension, tachycardia, severe atherosclerosis, hyperthyroidism, surgical interventions on the meninges(in history), hypersensitivity to xylometazoline.

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, it should be used only after a thorough assessment of the risk-benefit ratio for the mother and fetus, it is not allowed to exceed the recommended doses.

Use in children

special instructions

Should not be used for a long time, for example, in chronic rhinitis. In colds, in cases where crusts form in the nose, it is preferable to prescribe in the form of a gel.

Pediatric use

Xylometazoline is prescribed with caution to children under the age of 2 years (gel - up to 7 years).

Photo of the drug

Latin name: Xylometazoline

ATX Code: R01AA07

Active substance: Xylometazoline (Xylometazoline)

Analogues: Evkazolin Aqua, Nosolin, Snul, Rinomaris

Producer: Updating PFC (Russia), Lance-Pharm LLC (Russia), VIPS-MED Firm (Russia), GlaxoWellcomePoznan (Poland); Pharmacies 36.6 (Russia)

The description applies to: 27.09.17

Xylometazoline is a vasoconstrictor drug for the treatment of the common cold and the elimination of nasal congestion.

Active substance

Xylometazoline (Xylometazoline).

Release form and composition

Available as a spray, nasal drops and nasal gel. The packaging is a plastic or glass bottle with a spray (for spray) or without it (for drops).

Indications for use

  • allergic sinusitis and rhinitis;
  • colds of an infectious nature, aggravated by rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • hay fever (seasonal allergy to pollen);
  • eustachitis (inflammation of the middle ear and auditory tube);
  • an auxiliary symptomatic agent in the complex therapy of otitis media.


  • arterial hypertension, palpitations and atherosclerotic vascular changes;
  • endocrine disorders (hyperfunction thyroid gland, diabetes);
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • chronic or dry runny nose;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Instructions for use Xylometazoline (method and dosage)

The amount of the drug taken and its concentration depend on the age of the patients.

  • For children under 6 years of age, drops are prescribed at a concentration of 0.05% according to the scheme 1 - 2 drops once or twice a day, and a spray - at the same concentration, one injection 1 - 2 times a day.
  • In children aged 6-12 years, treatment with the drug is 2-3 drops of a 0.05% solution 3 or 4 times a day, one drop of a 0.1% solution in each nostril 3-4 times a day, or one injection 0 1% solution in the form of a spray two or three times a day.
  • Adults and children over 12 years old are prescribed 2-3 drops (in each nostril) of a 0.1% solution 2-3 times a day, and the regimen for taking the drug in the form of a spray is the same as in the treatment of children over 6 years old.

In severe colds, when crusts form in the nasal passages, it is recommended to treat a runny nose in adults and children over 7 years old with a nasal gel. For this, 3-4 times a day, it is necessary to lay not a large number of gel into each nostril (as deep as possible).

It is extremely important not to exceed the period of taking the drug: no more than 7-10 days for adults and 3-5 days for children.

Side effects

Complaints about "drying" of the nasal mucosa with Xylometazoline are possible. This is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • irritation;
  • burning;
  • tingling in the sinuses.

There may also be an effect opposite to the therapeutic one, when the mucosa swells, mucus begins to secrete from the nose in large quantities and a feeling of congestion appears.

In rare cases, some generalized symptoms also occur:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • blurred vision;
  • arrhythmia.

Prolonged use is fraught with atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and the transition of allergic or infectious rhinitis to a drug form.


Symptoms of an overdose of Xylometazoline: exacerbation of side effects. When ingested, poisoning is possible, accompanied by arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, tachycardia and confusion.

Treatment: symptomatic according to the doctor's prescription.


Complete analogues are: Xilen, Snoop, Suprima-NOZ, Otrivin, Xymelin IVF, Rinonorm, Asterisk NOZ, For the nose, Tizin xylo and others.

In some analogues, eucalyptus and menthol act as excipients.

pharmachologic effect

The vasoconstrictive effect of Xylometazoline is provided by the stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors in the nasal mucosa. Such an effect leads to an increase in the tone of the walls of peripheral blood vessels. As a result, it is docked inflammatory process, swelling is eliminated and breathing is restored.

It begins to act within a few minutes after administration, while the desired effect can last up to 10 hours.

special instructions

  • With caution, drops and spray are prescribed to children under 2 years of age, and gel to children under 7 years of age.
  • Care should also be taken when prescribing the drug to patients with hypersensitivity to adrenergic drugs.
  • With cardiovascular pathology and diabetes mellitus, reception is possible, but this should be done with the utmost care.
  • Patients with chronic rhinitis should limit the use of the drug due to an increased risk of developing atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use during pregnancy and lactation only if possible benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus or baby.

In childhood

Contraindication: children under 2 years of age for the use of a 0.05% solution and up to 6 years for a 0.1% solution.

Xylometazoline is a drug that belongs to the group of vasoconstrictor drugs intended for use in ENT practice.

What is the composition and form of the drug Xylometazoline?

The active ingredient of the drug is xylometazoline hydrochloride, the amount of which is 500 micrograms or 1 milligram. Auxiliary components of the product: sodium hydrogen phosphate, disodium edetate, benzalkonium chloride, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium chloride and water for injection.

The drug Xylometazoline is available in the form of a clear solution for instillation into the nose with a concentration active substance 0.05 and 0.1 milligrams. A slightly yellowish tint is acceptable. Supplied in plastic bottles of 25, 15, 10 milliliters, equipped with a dispenser nozzle. Included in the list of drugs that can be purchased without a prescription.

What is the effect of Xylometazoline?

Xylometazoline is one of the alpha-adrenergic stimulants, it has a vasoconstrictive effect. It is used only in otorhinolaryngological practice, since it is able to effectively eliminate the manifestations of rhinitis, and also restores nasal breathing.

Xylometazoline, acting on its specific receptors, leads to an increase in the tone of smooth muscle fibers located in the wall of the vessels of the nasal mucosa. This circumstance leads to a decrease in swelling, and the release of the upper respiratory tract, which helps to alleviate the patient's condition.

Besides, topical application the drug helps to suppress the secretory activity of the epithelium of the nasal cavity, and this leads to a decrease in the amount of mucus discharge, which additionally contributes to the release of nasal breathing.

Action medicinal product Xylometazoline starts a few minutes after application. The duration of the therapeutic effect does not exceed several hours.

Despite the ambiguous attitude towards vasoconstrictor drugs, the use of such drugs is nevertheless recommended by most experts. Prolonged congestion of the nasal passages can result in the appearance of complications of the disease in the form of sinusitis and so on.

It is important to note that the use of vasoconstrictor drugs should be strictly limited in time. With prolonged and uncontrolled use, the likelihood of developing atrophic rhinitis sharply increases.

The coefficient of systemic action is extremely small. When used within the recommended dosages, the presence of xylometazoline in plasma is almost impossible to determine. Because of this, the system side effects are very rare.

What are the indications for the use of Xylometazoline?

Application vasoconstrictor Xylometazoline is indicated in the presence of the following conditions:

infectious rhinitis;
allergic rhinitis;
Otitis media.

In addition, the drug is used for hay fever.

What are the contraindications for Xylometazoline?

The use of the drug Xylometazoline instructions for use prohibits in the presence of the conditions listed below:

Individual intolerance;
Arterial hypertension;
Severe atherosclerosis;
Operations on the membranes of the brain in the recent past;
Age less than 6 years;
The need for the use of tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors.

Relative contraindications: angina pectoris, prostate adenoma, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and lactation.

What are the uses and dosages of Xylometazoline?

Duration of use should not exceed 5-7 days. If treatment fails, it is very important to visit a specialist and prescribe complex therapy including medication and physiotherapy.

Overdose from xylometazoline

Overdose symptoms are as follows: dryness and burning in the nose, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, and headache. Treatment: withdrawal of xylometazoline, symptomatic treatment.

What are the side effects of xylometazoline?

With prolonged and uncontrolled use of the drug, the following negative consequences may develop: dryness of the nasal mucosa, cardiac arrhythmias, insomnia, visual disturbances, depression, increased swelling of the nasal mucosa lining, as well as increased blood pressure, in addition, paresthesia in the extremities.

special instructions

It is very important to clear the nasal passages before using the drug. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the drug can be significantly reduced. At chronic rhinitis the use of the drug is not recommended.

How to replace Xylometazoline, what analogs to use?

Xylometazoline-Rusfar, For the nose, Sanorin-Xylo, Nosolin balm, Grippostad Rino, Rhinorus, Influrin, Rhinonorm, Otrivin, Olint, Rhinotheiss, Xylen, Xylometazoline bufus, Tizin xylo, Xylometazoline-Betalek, Xymelin Eco, Xylobene, Xymelin, Snoop, Nazolin, Espazolin, Rinomaris, Rinostop, Galazolin, Nosolin, Nosolin-balm, Dlyanos, Xylometazoline hydrochloride, Brizolin, as well as Farmazolin, Suprima-NOZ are analogues.


The duration of treatment, as well as the dosage, should be strictly limited. It is categorically unacceptable to use the drug for more than a week.

The patient should independently study the instructions for the use of the prescribed drug. Be healthy!

Xylometazoline is often used for rhinitis in adults, as it effectively narrows the vessels of the nose and helps to quickly and permanently get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a runny nose. But is it possible to use such a remedy in children and in what dosage this medication is allowed in childhood?

Release form

The drug is produced by several Russian companies in two forms:

  • Nasal drops.
  • Nasal spray.

Both variants of Xylometazoline are represented by a yellowish or colorless liquid that has a peculiar odor. The amount of such a solution in one vial from different manufacturers ranges from 10 to 25 ml. The drug can be called simply Xylometazoline, and have a prefix, for example, Xylometazoline-solofarm, but active substance in such means is the same.


The main component of Xylometazoline, due to which the drug has therapeutic effect, there is a substance with the same name - xylometazoline hydrochloride. Because both dosage forms The drug is presented in two different concentrations, then the content of xylometazoline in 1 milliliter of drops or spray can be 500 mcg in a 0.05% drug and 1 mg in a preparation with a concentration of 0.1%.

Excipients differ depending on the form and manufacturer.

Among them, you can see macrogol, eucalyptus oil, disodium edetate, sorbitol, benzalkonium chloride, sodium hydrogen phosphate and other compounds. If a child has a tendency to allergies, it is important to clarify the list of such ingredients in the purchased Xylometazoline.

Operating principle

The drug after contact with the nasal mucosa after a few minutes causes vasoconstriction due to its effect on alpha-adrenergic receptors. This effect of the drug leads to the restoration of the patency of the nasal passages, the reduction of redness and swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and the relief of breathing through the nose. The action of Xylometazoline lasts up to 10 hours. At the same time, the drug does not penetrate into the general bloodstream, since it is almost not absorbed when used locally.


Xylometazoline is prescribed for children with acute respiratory diseases, one of the manifestations of which is rhinitis. The drug is used for sinusitis, hay fever and acute allergic rhinitis. It is also in demand for otitis media, as one of the means of combined treatment. In addition, it is used in preparing a small patient for rhinoscopy or other manipulations in the nose area.

At what age is it prescribed?

Any form of Xylometazoline is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age. For the treatment of children who are 2 years old, both spray and drops can be used, but only with a 0.05% concentration of the active ingredient. Preparations that contain 0.1% xylometazoline are allowed only from the age of six.


Xylometazoline is not prescribed:

  • Children with hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the medicine.
  • Small patients with tachycardia or arterial hypertension.
  • Patients with atrophic rhinitis.
  • Children who have been diagnosed with glaucoma.
  • Children with thyrotoxicosis.
  • Babies who have previously undergone surgery on the meninges of the brain.

If the child has diabetes, then the medicine should be used very carefully.

Side effects

If you use Xylometazoline for too long or drip or inject the medication very often, this will lead to dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane, sneezing, increased rhinorrhea, burning and other unpleasant local symptoms.

Also, in some children, with very frequent and long-term treatment, tachycardia occurs, the heart rhythm is disturbed, vomiting appears, sleep and vision are disturbed, and blood pressure rises.

Instructions for use and dosage

Any form of Xylometazoline is administered intranasally, but not more than three times a day. Before using the medicine, you need to clear the child's nose of secretions. If the medication is prescribed for acute respiratory infections in order to treat the common cold, then the course of therapy should not be longer than 5-7 days.

A child aged 2-6 years is prescribed 0.05% medicine. If these are drops, then they are injected into each nostril, one or two drops. If a spray is used, then a single dosage is one injection into each nasal passage. Sometimes the medication is enough to enter only 1 time per day, but in most cases, a double application is required.

In the treatment of children older than six years, 0.1% preparations are used. When prescribing a spray, the medication is injected into each nostril, one injection, and when using drops, 2 or 3 drops. Frequency of application - twice or thrice a day.


If the dosage is slightly exceeded, the side effects of the drug will increase. If the dose of Xylometazoline is greatly exceeded, it slows down the heart rate, increases blood pressure and lowers the body temperature of a small patient. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Drug compatibility

Xylometazoline should not be used together with tricyclic antidepressants, as well as drugs that are MAO inhibitors. It is allowed to combine spray or drops with other means.

Terms of sale

Both spray and xylometazoline nasal drops are over-the-counter medicines, so they can be purchased without problems in most pharmacies. The price of a bottle of drops with a volume of 10 ml starts from 30 rubles, and a spray - from 60 rubles.

Storage conditions

It is recommended to keep any form of Xylometazoline at home at a temperature not higher than +25 degrees Celsius. For storage, a dry place where the sun's rays do not fall is best. It is also important that small children do not have access to this place. The shelf life of both drops and spray is 3 years.

Currently, there are a large number of drugs for the common cold. Among them special attention deserves Xylometazoline, as it has a pronounced effect, however, as in the case of other drugs, it is required to study the instructions for use before use. It is also important to consult with your doctor first.

The medication is available in the form of a spray, as well as drops for the nose. Consider the main components that are included:

  1. Xylometazoline hydrochloride (0.5 milligrams).
  2. Benzalkonium chloride (0.15 milligrams).
  3. Disodium edetate (0.47 milligrams).
  4. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (3.63 milligrams).
  5. Sodium dihydrophosphate dihydrate (3.54 milligrams).
  6. Sodium chloride (9 milligrams).

Also in the composition, along with xylometazoline, there is purified water. The spray is available in bottles with dispensers of 10 and 20 milliliters.

The drug may cause human body side effects, which is why, before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

pharmachologic effect

This medicine has a vasoconstrictor effect. Due to the narrowing of large and small vessels, edema and hyperemia are reduced. If the drug is used for rhinitis, then nasal breathing improves significantly.

Indications for use

  • Availability acute form allergic rhinitis;
  • otitis media;
  • hay fever and sinusitis.

Also appointed medicinal composition in the case of preparing the patient for certain diagnostic procedures performed with the sinuses.

With normal nasal congestion, this composition is not prescribed, as other drugs are used.

Contraindications and side effects

  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • pronounced atherosclerosis;
  • there were surgical interventions in the brain tissue;
  • there is hypersensitivity to the components;
  • there is an individual intolerance to the drug;
  • the presence of tachycardia and arterial hypertension.

When treated with this medication side effects rarely appear. Among them, swelling of the mucous membrane, increased blood pressure, interruptions in the heart rate, headaches, dizziness, and also allergic reactions, itching, fever, rash.

If side effects occur, it is necessary to immediately stop using the medication, as well as consult a specialist.

Instructions for use

Instructions for the use of drops in the nose contains the following recommendations:

  • carry out therapy for 7-14 days;
  • the dose is prescribed by the doctor, depending on age;
  • for children aged two to seven years, a gel is prescribed;
  • children during treatment should be observed by a doctor.

When manifested colds if crusts form in the sinuses, a gel formulation should be used.

Xylometazoline during pregnancy

During pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding requires direct medical supervision. Dosage, as well as the frequency of use of the drug, are prescribed by a specialist. During these periods, the effect of the drug is taken into account, as well as the risk of harm to the woman and her child.

In order not to encounter complications during pregnancy, it is recommended to replace Xylometazoline with safer drugs.


Currently, no cases of drug overdose have been identified. In order not to harm the body, it is not recommended to take medicinal product long time(a longer period than the therapeutic course).

drug interaction

Terms of sale

The drug is available for free sale. It can be found at any pharmacy, in addition, the purchase does not require a prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage

The medicinal composition must be stored under the following conditions:

  • at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees;
  • where there is no natural light;
  • no access for children.

The medication can be stored for three years, after which it should be disposed of and a new spray purchased.


If necessary, xylometazoline can be replaced with the following drugs:

  1. Evkabal.
  2. Tizin.
  3. Rinoxil.
  4. Xylomethazole.
  5. Xinos.

Before you independently choose a replacement for the drug, you need to get a recommendation from a specialist.

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