Lime oil properties. Lime oil: all its beneficial properties and recipes for external use

Good day everyone! Studying essential oils, I am once again amazed at how generous nature is. After all, everything we need lies right under our feet! Sometimes we simply underestimate the benefits of vegetables and fruits, both domestic and foreign.

Fortunately, people have learned to extract the most valuable things from plants; all we have to do is take advantage of these gifts. For example, lime essential oil, the use of which I want to reveal in today’s article. I will also share some beauty recipes.

Far, far away, in warm countries, there will grow a wonderful tree called lime (limmet). Now the main supplier is Mexico. You know, for local residents the plant has become a real find and a means of earning money. People have learned to extract extract from the skin or from the fruit itself. The most valuable is the etherol of young citrus peel. Yes, lime is a citrus fruit.

But the concentrate is obtained not only from the fruiting part of the tree. Young leaves and shoots are used to produce petitgrain oil. Have you heard of this? These are oil derivatives of the same plant, only with completely different properties! But today we will talk about that miracle ether that is obtained from the fruit part (or rather, from the peel). What properties does it have?

  • Antiseptic and antibacterial. This is a wonderful remedy for various colds, skin lesions and other troubles where disinfection is needed.
  • In medicine, it is a way to restore heart rhythm. Suitable for hypertensive patients in the fight against high blood pressure.
  • Analgesic qualities.
  • Effectively plays the role of an antidepressant. Helps you cheer up and look at life more simply. Isn’t this what we sometimes need so much?
  • Stimulates blood flow to the skin.
  • The regenerating and restorative function helps with various skin problems. you have lost beautiful colour faces? Or did the first wrinkles appear? Here is a natural product to combat troubles.
  • Cleanses pores and suppresses inflammation.
  • Let me tell you a secret, this is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs!

How do you like this list? Surely, you have already decided what to use this product for. Right? Just don't rush things. First, look at the features of use.

Features of use

If you are already familiar with essential oils, you have probably noticed the similarity in properties with lemon extract. But limmet is the softest citrus concentrate! By the way, it is obtained in two ways: cold pressing and steam distillation. Of course, option one is the best and most reliable. But there are some other features inherent in lime aroma oil.

  • All citrus essential oils have such a concept as photosensitivity, when immediately after use you should not go out into the bright sun. Pigment spots will appear, at best. At worst - a burn. This also applies to lime, but only to the one obtained by cold pressing.
  • After use, you may experience a slight tingling sensation that goes away within a few minutes.
  • Contraindications apply to those people who are allergic to this product. But such a reaction is not as frequent as, for example, when using a concentrate or. Less often. This is the most gentle citrus!
  • Take with caution if you have low blood pressure. Remember when I wrote that the product is useful for hypertension?
  • Be careful when using it at night. The ether has an invigorating effect.
  • After opening, store the bottle of elixir in a cool place. It might go bad.
  • Reception is allowed inside. Only, like other esters, it must be dissolved in honey (1 drop per teaspoon). And then dilute this mixture in warm tea.

Otherwise special instructions No. Of course, you can also enrich cosmetics (more on this a little later) and use them in other masks. What are the rules for combining the miracle ether with other similar oil products?

What to combine with?

Have you smelled the scent of lime? This is the smell of its oil derivative. Cold, fresh, invigorating. Bringing to life, I would say. And in aromatic combinations it takes on the top notes. But the components are selected not only by aroma, but also by action. And the properties of the miracle ether are best revealed by compositions with citrus fruits, cedar, cloves, sage, etc.

Face no problem

Aroma oil is often used to care for oily faces. Of course, the antiseptic qualities of the drug are extremely effective! It will treat germs, dry, and invigorate. But that's not all! Admit it, who has comedones? These are black dots that especially love to settle on the nose. Everything would be fine, only these points live in groups, spoiling appearance and the mood of any beauty. For all these misfortunes, I have a couple of amazing recipes in my arsenal.

  • The composition is suitable for the face against oily shine and acne. Take a tablespoon of powder and dilute with chamomile decoction to the consistency of sour cream. Then add 3 drops of aroma oil. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Finally, rinse with cool water to tighten pores.
  • To give freshness to aging skin, take a teaspoon. Heat in a water bath and add 3 drops of lavender, juniper and our aroma oil. Apply to your face for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse with water or blot with a cotton swab. This is an excellent tone for aging skin with the first wrinkles.
  • An aromatic facial bath will help cleanse the skin and remove comedones. Per liter of hot water, 10 drops of aroma oil. This procedure is carried out after preliminary cleansing. Instead of water, you can use herbal decoctions, such as chamomile. A great combination for oily skin types!
  • And the most favorite option: enrichment of creams in the amount of 7 drops per 15 g of base. Such an event will enhance the effect of your favorite remedy. It will also refresh and give a rested look to a tired face.

Recipes for hair

After reviewing a bunch of recipes, I saw that the reviews on the use of miracle oil are the best. See for yourself: it will help with seborrhea and oiliness, enhance growth, and even strengthen the ends. Here are some hair tips.

Enrichment of shampoo in the amount of 7 drops per single dose. This method will help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate itching.

To grow, you need to add 7 drops of essential oil per glass of kefir. Apply to the roots and distribute along the length. Wrap the strands under a bathing cap and towel and leave for an hour. Then rinse and rinse with burdock infusion. You can grow up to 8 cm in length in a month!

It’s good to make simple oil masks from a base (for example), add 3 drops of lime essential oils and. Massage and leave for an hour. This product will strengthen hair along its entire length and even help against hair loss. In addition, it will reduce fat content. So that!

In addition to these methods, miracle ether is used in cosmetology for the benefit of the body.

In pursuit of a beautiful body

Do you want to get rid of cellulite? This rhetorical question torments many women. How to do it? The benefits of essential oils in the fight against this problem have long been noted. Take some almond oil and add 4 drops of our extract and essential oil. If available, it is good to add a few drops of rose oil. Well, if not, perhaps you can get by with the above components.

So, we smear, wrap ourselves in film and lie under a warm blanket for about 30 minutes. Then you just need to wash it off. If you want to prepare for an important event, do 15 procedures every other day. For prevention purposes, once a week is enough.

How easy is it for you to wake up in the morning? If it’s difficult, then the main task is to get to the shower room. Then we take shower gel, add 3 drops of miracle oil into a single dose and wash! Wake up instantly! A wonderful aroma will fill the entire room and improve your mood.

Shall we strengthen our nails? Pour sea salt into a bowl, add 2 drops of iodine and the same amount of ether. Pour some water and steam your hands for 10 minutes. This procedure will both strengthen and help you grow to the desired length. So get ready for your new nails!

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

Dear readers! Buy only from trusted places. Do you like the pharmacy? Please. Do you prefer online shopping? There is a whole range of these at your service. The main thing is to be sure that this place sells really high-quality goods. I buy oils from iHerbe.

And the price of such a miracle product is about $5 for 30 ml. What is below can hardly be called natural.

How do you like this remedy? Are you impressed? Perhaps you have already had experience using it? Tell us! I'm really looking forward to your comments. And I invite you to become my subscribers! Bye!

We invite you to plunge into the world of health and beauty - learn about healing properties lime essential oil.

Lime is a juicy citrus fruit that emits a pleasant aroma of freshness. Healing essential lime oil is obtained from it, containing healthy vitamins A, E, C, K, B. People have long used it in the fight against infectious diseases, for healing wounds and preparing face masks.

Oil composition

Lime oil is an effective herbal medicine that allows you to get rid of many diseases.

It is rich in natural components limonene, cymene, citral, which have a beneficial effect on lung function and respiratory tract, therefore it deserves to top the list of the most miraculous natural remedies.

Lime oil contains a complex of microelements important for the body - calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium and manganese. Therefore, this citrus essential oil is used both in medicine and cooking, as well as in aromatherapy.

Benefits and uses of lime oil

The benefits of this effective herbal remedy are invaluable. His beneficial features neutralize headache, insomnia, fever, increased body temperature. Just a few drops can relieve colds, sore throat, rhinitis and others infectious diseases. During the season of massive influenza epidemics, it is advisable to disinfect the air in crowded rooms with the help of this healing herbal medicine. In addition, it is an excellent pain reliever that speeds up the healing process of wounds and abrasions.

The healing properties of lime oil have a beneficial effect on work immune system. It is a wonderful prophylactic agent that prevents the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, its use is widespread in dietetics. Since it prevents obesity and the development of atherosclerosis, thanks to its ability to neutralize excess cholesterol that enters the body with abundant consumption of fatty and high-calorie foods.

It is important to use lime oil during the period of recovery of the body after a serious operation and a serious illness dangerous to health. Since its healing vapors, released during an aromatherapy session, enter the body, remove toxins, kill bacteria and harmful microorganisms, restore the functioning of all organs and significantly improve well-being.

Lime oil is an excellent antidepressant

It is an excellent antidepressant that calms nervous system, normalizes the psycho-emotional state, relieves stress, relieves nervous tension. It is advisable for women to use it during PMS time and menopause, when irritability increases due to pain, which can be easily gotten rid of when using this healing natural herbal remedy. It is also recommended that pregnant women during toxicosis have an aromatherapy session using this essential oil. It eliminates the nausea reflex and normalizes work digestive tract. It is worth emphasizing that it is absolutely safe for the baby’s fetus and contributes to its normal development.

In addition to the calming effect, it improves performance, activates brain function, significantly increases concentration, eliminates signs of drowsiness and fights loss of strength.

Lime essential oil is an excellent cosmetic product.

It occupies a separate niche in cosmetology and is part of many medicines, intended for the treatment of psoriasis, allergic and acne, herpes, acne.

Lime contains substances in large quantities that activate collagen production. It is known to be the elixir of youth and beauty of the skin. Thanks to this, the skin gets a “second wind” - collagen prevents the appearance of wrinkles and slows down the aging process. Therefore, with the help of this essential oil, you can improve the health of the body as a whole and arrange useful skin treatments on your own without the help of a cosmetologist.

The rich aroma of the oil perfectly tones the skin and is an excellent alternative to various moisturizing cosmetics.

In order to get rid of skin redness and inflammation of the skin, just add a couple of drops of lime oil to baby cream and within a few hours you can notice significant changes in the affected area of ​​the skin. For adolescents during adolescence, when the skin is prone to acne, it is advisable to add lime oil to a face mask, which, after thoroughly cleansing the skin, should be applied several times a day.

During anti-cellulite and Thai oil massage, lime essential oil is used to activate blood circulation and smooth the skin. Thanks to it, the skin becomes velvety and soft.


Due to the high acid content in lime, it is contraindicated for people suffering from ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the digestive tract. You should not use lime oil if your body has a negative reaction or shows signs of individual intolerance.

Lime is an exotic fruit that can bring great benefits to the body. Essential oil Lime allows you to turn back time and find perfectly smooth, silky skin, like a baby’s. It is quite possible to achieve this effect if you acquire a good habit - once a day, relax and enjoy inhaling the aroma of citrusy freshness of lime oil during an aromatherapy session.

Lime oil goes well with rose, rosemary, and almond oil. This combination will allow you to achieve balance between soul and body, experience bliss, get rid of negativity, recharge yourself with a good mood and improve your body’s health.

INCI: lime oil

Compound: natural lime essential oil. Obtained by steam distillation from the peel of Citrus aurantifolia Swingle.

Lime- a close relative of the lemon, growing in the countries of South Asia, Africa, Central and South America. Healing essential oil is extracted from the peels of the fruits of this tree by two methods - mechanical extraction and steam distillation.

Rich and varied lime oil composition. It contains very valuable biologically active substances- sabinene, limonene, camphine, pinene, cineole, linalool, citral, borneol, various esters, alcohols and acids.

The beneficial properties of lime essential oil are so numerous that it can not only successfully replace famous brands of cosmetics, but also compete on an equal footing with drugs from official medicine.

Lime essential oil properties

This fragrant "home therapist" is great antiseptic And antioxidant, and its smell has a powerful stimulating and tonic effect. The good healing and analgesic properties of lime essential oil are used for headaches, rheumatism and arthritis. It is a basic component of cold mixtures and herbal remedies for treatment of throat infections.

Just a few drops of this essential oil in inhalation reduce fever and reduce temperature, and its use in massage mixtures improves the tone of the veins and stimulates lymph flow. It is difficult to find a more effective and at the same time pleasant remedy for the prevention of influenza, treatment of bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, sore throat and pharyngitis.

Lime essential oil speeds up recovery after a serious illness, as it is an excellent herbal immunostimulant.

Beneficial effect on somatic and psycho-emotional area our health allows us to recommend this oil for use in menopause, to take the edge off premenstrual syndrome, eliminating neurocircular dystonia and stress.

In addition to its excellent antidepressant effect, lime essential oil increases performance, improves concentration and successfully fights lethargy, apathy and drowsiness. Therefore, when preparing an aroma lamp, be sure to include it in your favorite aromatic composition!

During the period of mass influenza epidemics, the disease will pass by your home if you use lime oil for air disinfection indoors.

Cosmetic properties Lime essential oil is as valuable as its therapeutic effects.

It is an indispensable component of all natural herbal remedies for the treatment of acne, herpes, papillomas, furunculosis and pustular skin lesions.

Lime essential oil improves the structure and stimulates hair growth. It smoothes the skin and tightens pores. Therefore, it should be used to care for large-pore and comedon-prone skin. The whitening effect of this ester is used to eliminate age-related and post-inflammatory pigmentation skin and also for brightening nails.

Adding lime essential oil to creams normalizes the work sebaceous glands and is recommended for daily care oily facial skin.

Using lime oil you can successfully combat pasty skin- a cosmetic problem, which is expressed in a decrease in its elasticity and the appearance of edema of the subcutaneous fat. In dermatology, it is successfully used to treat scabies and infected wounds.

You can search for a long time good remedy to soften rough skin of the knees, elbows, and feet, but only after applying a cream with lime essential oil you will get the long-awaited effect.

Recipes for using lime essential oil

For cream enrichment, shampoos and conditioners: 5-8 drops of lime oil per 1 teaspoon of base fatty oil (grape seed, jojoba, walnut, pumpkin, etc.)

For disinfection and refreshing aging skin Lime oil is especially effective when combined with lavender and juniper essential oils. To do this, you need to take 3-4 drops of the listed oils and mix them with 1 teaspoon of base fatty oil.

For nail care mix 3 drops of lime and 2 drops of rose oil with 10 ml of macadamia or jojoba oil. The resulting mixture should be stored in a dark glass container. Apply this mixture to your nails with a small brush 2-3 times a week. After such procedures, they become stronger and acquire a healthy shine.

For applications for ulcers, burns, insect bites and cuts, mix 10 drops of lime with 50 ml of avocado oil. This recipe can also be used to combat varicose veins veins and treatment of hemorrhoids.

For healing cracked elbows We prepare the following medicinal mixture: 10 drops of lime oil, 5 drops of sandalwood and 5 drops of rosewood per 50 ml of avocado oil.

curebleeding and inflamed gums a very simple and effective recipe applications: 5 drops of lime essential oil per 10 ml of rosehip oil or wheat germ.

To carry out anti-inflammatory gargling you need to take 2-3 drops of lime oil and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar for 250 ml of warm water.

In aroma lamps Lime essential oil is added at the rate of 4-6 drops per 15 m² of room area. Session duration is 15-20 minutes. And here is our personal “secret recipe” of aromatherapy for relieving sadness and bad mood: 6 drops lime, 3 drops vanilla and 3 drops grapefruit.

For preparing aroma baths you need to take 6-8 drops of lime oil, dissolve them in 100 grams of sea salt or 1 glass of milk, heavy cream or kefir. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, then add it to a warm bath and stir. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes.

For therapeutic massage Just add 5 drops of lime oil to 1 tablespoon of base fatty oil.

After your morning shower, be sure to use a new recipe for a refreshing massage which will add vigor and Have a good mood: 2 drops lime, 1 drop geranium per 1 tablespoon almond oil.

For anti-cellulite massage prepare the following mixture: add 10 drops of lime oil, 10 drops of basil, 5 drops of petitgrain and 5 drops of juniper to 50 ml vegetable oil(olive, corn or sunflower). This procedure should be done after a warming massage.

Darina Kataeva

Lime is a fragrant and at the same time very healthy citrus fruit, which is used in cosmetology, medicine and perfumery. The fruits of the lemon tree are similar in composition to limes, but this fruit has a number of distinctive features in properties and application. lime is valued by women for wide range its use and rapid positive effects on skin, hair and nails.

Composition and beneficial properties of lime oil

Lime oil is obtained from the tree of the same name, which was originally native to the Indian Himalayas. Over time, this plant became widespread, as it has a large number of useful substances in its composition. Limes are grown throughout the year, but oil is only made from certain varieties. There are several ways to obtain oil: using steam distillation or cold pressing.

The oil contains substances such as limonene, cineole, terpinenes and myrcene and other substances that determine the beneficial properties of lime. In addition, this product contains large amounts of potassium and vitamin C.

Properties of lime oil:

Antiviral effect.
Improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach.
Calms and...
Restores the nervous system.
Strengthens blood vessels and improves blood circulation.
Treats infectious diseases.
Bactericidal properties.
Relieves the skin.
Healing and restorative effect.
Improves hair growth.
Normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and restores the lipid balance of the skin.
Strengthens nails.
Fights hair fragility and split ends.

Medicinal uses of lime oil

Lime oil is used both in pure form and in combination with other carefully selected substances. It can be used to lubricate sore spots to relieve itching and discomfort. For colds, inhalations are done with the addition of lime oil or mixed with honey and dissolved. At nervous breakdowns or heart disease, cold inhalations are performed. Warts are eliminated if the ether is applied to the problem area in its pure form.

IN medicinal purposes women take aroma baths with the addition of lime, the pleasant smell of which relaxes and restores after a hard day. To prevent viral diseases, add lime oil to an aroma lamp, and then the healing notes of this aroma are evenly distributed throughout the room and protect against many diseases.

The use of lime oil in cosmetology

For hair care.

Recipe No. 1.

The easiest method of application is to add lime oil to your hair composition. Two drops per use will be enough. And if you apply 2 drops of ether to a comb, every time you touch your hair you will feel a pleasant sweet and sour aroma.

Recipe No. 2.

A kefir mask, which includes a fermented milk product and only 5 drops of lime oil, helps in a matter of months. The mask is applied along the entire length of the curls, which are covered with cellophane and wrapped in a towel. After 30 minutes, the product is washed off with broth or shampoo.

Recipe No. 3.

To combat dandruff, itchy skin and seborrhea, a mask based on is used. At 2 tbsp. l. This base contains 10 drops of lime essential oil. After the first use, the itching will stop and a gradual recovery from seborrhea will begin.

For skin care.

Recipe No. 1.

To refresh, cleanse and tone the facial skin, add lime oil to regular creams and balms. In this case, everything is saturated with everything necessary to care for delicate facial skin.

Recipe No. 2.

To remove oily shine from the skin of the face, a healing elixir is used, which contains 2 tbsp. l. cosmetic clay, 10 drops and 8 drops of lime essential oil. A little water is added to the resulting mixture to form a homogeneous creamy mass, convenient for use. The resulting composition is applied in a thin layer to the skin of the face and washed off after 20 minutes, when the skin begins to tighten and the clay begins to crack.

Recipe No. 3.

Fermented milk mask is a real elixir of youth, with which you can easily prevent premature aging. At 2 tbsp. l. kefir, yogurt or sour cream, you need 4 drops of geranium oil and 6 drops of lime essential oil. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the delicate skin of the face and neck. After 30 minutes, the mask is washed off with plain warm water without adding chemicals.

Recipe No. 4.

Cosmetic ice is an excellent product for facial skin care. To prepare such an amazing remedy, use plain water and 2 drops of essential oil. We freeze the mixture in a special ice tray and use it as a natural tonic. This mask is especially useful for dry skin.

For nail care

To , is required regular care for the delicate skin of the hands and the structure of the nail. At home, baths are made with the addition of sea salt and 2 drops of lime essential oil. For additional care, this product is rubbed into the cuticle and side ridges, so that the skin does not grow and become rough so quickly.

Recipe No. 1.

To strengthen nails, use a balm prepared at home: mix 2 drops of roses, lime and add 1 tbsp to this elixir. l. . Store the prepared mixture in a cool place and use it to care for a clean nail plate. After several procedures, you can use nail polish again.

Recipe No. 2.

To combat splitting nails and restore their previous structure, use the following mixture: 2 drops of rosewood oil, 3 drops of lime ether and 10 drops of any base, for example. This remedy is used every other day before full recovery nail plate.

13 January 2014, 17:32
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