Viprosal ointment is used for. Detailed instructions for the use of viprosal

The drug is usually produced in capsules.
The composition of this drug is very rich in various immunoactive compounds and other unique components. So, the composition of Colostrum:
- immunoglobulins are proteins that protect our body from very wide range alien elements;
- transfer factors - carriers of immune information;
- lactoferrin - an element with antioxidant properties;
- cytokines - elements. which strengthen the immune system and activate the synthesis of immunoglobulins;
- interleukin - an element that protects the body from various inflammatory processes;
- endorphins - the body's defenders against various stressful situations;
- growth factors and other bioactive compounds ...

Colostrum: properties and functions

As we said, Colostrumhas very strong immunomodulatory properties. It has an immunostimulating effect on the body when immunodeficiency states, in autoimmune conditions, Colostrum manifests itself as an immunoregulator, it also has a rejuvenating and regenerative effect on the body. If we talk in more detail about what Colostrum is useful for us, then we can say that this drug:
- has a general healing effect on our entire immune system;
- restores the work of the intestines and stomach;
- promotes the regeneration and renewal of brain cells;
- restores the nervous system;
- improves the emotional tone of a person;
- normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
- increases the efficiency of the body;
- increases the body's resistance to various kinds of infectious invasions;
- protects the body from diseases of the cardiovascular system, stomach and intestines, diabetes, respiratory tract, allergies, etc.;
- promotes the restoration of liver cells;
- stimulates hair regeneration processes;
- accelerates the healing of burns and various kinds of wounds, stimulates the restoration of the epithelium;
- exhibits antioxidant properties and therefore slows down the aging process;
- helps to cleanse the body of all sorts of toxins and toxins ...

Indications and contraindications for Colostrum

The drugs of this line are recommended for use in complex therapy with the following pathologies:
- at infectious diseases any etiology;
- with inflammatory pathologies (rheumatism, prostatitis, polyarthritis ...);
- with diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- with endocrine diseases;
- with various children's pathologies;
- with autoimmune conditions of the body ( rheumatoid arthritis, lupus ...);
- with ulcers of the stomach and 12-duodenal ulcer;
- with malignant and benign neoplasms;
- with pathologies of the biliary tract;
- with liver diseases;
- with diabetes of both types;
- for any immunodeficiency states;
- for skin problems (including eczema);
- with herpesvirus infections;
- with candidiasis;
- with ARVI and influenza;
- with broncho-pulmonary diseases;
- with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Among other things, Colostrum is effective in various weight loss programs. It promotes regulation metabolic processes and supports the functionality of the immune system, which is very important when getting rid of excess weight... Also, Colostrum preparations show very good results from its use during rehabilitation period after operations, they speed up the regeneration processes.

Contraindications for Colostrum NSP:
- hypersensitivity to the components of this drug;
- periods of pregnancy and lactation.

How to take Colostrum

Instructions for use are included with each drug, but there is general rulesthat you want to know.
It is advisable to take capsules with this drug half an hour before meals. The dosage can be different - from 1 to 6 capsules (depending on the content of the colostrum).
We advise you to drink more water while taking these drugs (up to 2 liters per day). This is necessary because during this period the immune system activates and the number of neutralized foreign agents increases multiple and they must be removed - water is the best tool for this. Among other things, it actively "carries" nutrients throughout the body.

It should also be noted that in order to preserve the beneficial substances contained in Colostrum, it is not necessary to store it in the freezer or dissolve it (if the preparation is in powder form) in hot water.

How to buy from us Colostrum

The drug is quite popular and therefore you can always buy it in our store. We are the official representatives of the companies whose drugs are presented in our catalog, so you are guaranteed to be protected from the purchase of fakes or counterfeit products. You can buy Colostrum in our online store in the following ways:
- self-pickup (you come, pay and pick up);
- you can order the drug by phone to our manager (in this case, get competent advice regarding the use of the drug);
- you can place an order for any drug through "your" shopping cart on the site.
Delivery is carried out quickly and without delay. The form of payment is agreed with you.

Colostrum and Transfer Factor

(very important note)

These two drugs are "related". These are two immunomodulators, which include carriers of immune memory - transfer factor peptide molecules. But the effect of Colostrum is incomparably weaker than the healing effect of Transfer Factor (TF). Let us explain why. The fact is that in the production of TF, a unique nanotechnology of ultramembrane filtration is used, which makes it possible to "cut off" "heavy" immunoglobulins, which in high concentrations are dangerous to humans. In Colostrum, these immunoglobulins are present and therefore this drug should be taken in limited quantities. In such small doses, transfer factor molecules have a very weak effect, and if the dose is increased, there is a danger of an overdose with very unpleasant moments ( allergic reactions). The TF drug can be taken in any amount, because "heavy" immunoglobulins, as we have already said, are "cut off" and therefore the effect of the use of this drug is incomparably higher than that of the use of Colostrum.

You can read about the use of TF in the corresponding section of the site.

Viprosal-v ointment is effective for disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system and the peripheral nervous system. The remedy has a strong analgesic effect, thanks to the snake venom, which is part of the composition.

Viprosal ointment, produced in a metal tube, with a volume of 50 g, is used for external use. The product has a dense consistency, white, normally with a yellowish tinge.

The composition of the medication:

  • the main active substance is snake venom;
  • other active ingredients - turpentine, camphor, salicylic acid;
  • medical vaseline;
  • cetylstearyl alcohol;
  • hard paraffins;
  • glycerol;
  • sodium chloride;
  • water.

The ointment has a pungent smell of turpentine, has a warming effect, and causes irritation if it gets on the mucous membrane.

pharmachologic effect

Viprosal medicine actively helps to fight inflammatory processes and reduce pain. When applying the ointment, you can immediately notice the analgesic effect.

The effect of the drug is due to the components that make up it:

  1. viper venom - expands the vascular walls, has an analgesic effect, has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  2. turpentine - produces a warming effect, disinfects and improves metabolism in tissues;
  3. camphor - analgesic;
  4. salicylic acid - acts as an antiseptic.

The ointment has a long-term therapeutic effect, the active ingredients slowly penetrate into the tissue layers.

Viprosal-B is used to relieve pain that occurs during various diseases, the instruction for use states that the medication is intended for use during disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for using the ointment:

  • to eliminate rheumatic pains;
  • for the treatment of neuralgia;
  • with myositis;
  • with radiculitis, bursitis, myalgia, sciatica;
  • for the treatment of lumbago;
  • after injuries or stretch marks.

The drug Viprosal is prescribed for the treatment of symptoms, for which, most often, a doctor's consultation is required.

Method of administration and dosage

Gel Viprosal is used for external application, the instructions for use do not contain information on cases of drug overdose, but, in any case, it is better not to deviate from the appointment.

Mode of application:

  1. used for adults and children over 12 years of age;
  2. can not be applied to open wounds and mucous membranes;
  3. apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected area and rub in carefully in a circular motion until completely absorbed;
  4. you can repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day.

For the elderly, there is no need to reduce the dosage. After applying the product, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with detergents, otherwise the drug may get into the eyes or mucous membranes, which will cause severe irritation.

There are no clear indications for the duration of the course, usually the remedy is used until the pain symptoms disappear. In special cases, the duration of the course should be determined by the doctor if there are any contraindications or severe pathological processes. In case of contact with eyes or mouth, rinse thoroughly with cool water.

The use of this medication does not cause problems with driving.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug has a whole list of contraindications that should be detected on initial admission at the doctor's:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • open wounds;
  • allergic manifestations on the skin;
  • increased body temperature and fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • disorders in cerebral circulation;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • depletion of the body;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Experts do not recommend using Viprosal-V ointment with viper venom for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. The active ingredients of the ointment are able to penetrate the blood and placenta.

Attention! If the use of the drug is extremely necessary for the treatment of the disease, the breastfeeding of the child is interrupted.

Possible side effects of the drug:

  1. redness of the skin;
  2. swelling.

To prevent the manifestation of unpleasant side effects the instructions recommend applying a test dose of the ointment to the wrist to determine the sensitivity of the skin to the components of the drug. If an allergy occurs, you need to consult a doctor to look for an analogue.


The cost of Viprosal in pharmacies in the city varies from 240 to 400 rubles.


In the event that Viprosal cannot be bought at the nearest pharmacy, or the drug has caused an allergic reaction, it will be advisable to choose an analogue.

Substitute drugs can be similar in composition and action (generics) or different in components, but prescribed for the treatment of the same diseases (analogs).

A list of generic Viprosal containing snake venom:

  • Vipratox - active substances This gel is identical to the composition of Viprosal, the drug has an analgesic and antiseptic effect, activates tissue metabolism. Additional components include fir and sunflower oil. The cost is lower: 150-180 rubles.
  • Alvipsal - average price this ointment - 140 rubles, which is significantly lower than the price of Viprosal.
  • Salvisar - the composition is identical to the original, the cost varies from 140-190 rubles.

These drugs have the same effect as Viprosal, but are half the price. If the question of price is acute, then you can ask the doctor to write something from this list.

Means that have a similar effect that can be used as analogues of Viprosal:

  1. Capsicam - the ointment contains: Dimexide, turpentine, camphor, vanillilnonamide, benzylnicotinate. Different from Viprosal long-term actionIf this product is applied to the skin, an immediate warming effect will be felt, which can be activated after 5-6 hours if water gets on the skin. You need to use the ointment carefully, avoiding contact with mucous membranes. Price: 300-400 rubles.
  2. Biofreeze is a gel containing menthol and camphor. Acts by improving blood circulation in a painful area. Has a cooling effect, not warming. It has no pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Price: 350-500 rubles.
  3. - a cheap domestic drug, consisting of menthol, procaine. Has a weak anesthetic effect. Price - 30 rubles.
  4. Finalgon - active ingredients in the composition: nonivamide, nicoboxil. After application, the agent expands the walls of blood vessels, accelerates blood flow to tissues, and improves metabolism. Finalgon has a strong warming effect of a prolonged nature. Price: 400 rubles.
  5. Nayser - active ingredients in the composition: methyl salicylate, nimesulide, menthol, capsaicin. Used to treat arthritis, neuralgia, myalgia, sprains. Cannot be applied to open wounds. Price: 350-400 rubles.
  6. Arthrin is used for various disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system, for joint pain. It is recommended to use it 2-3 times a day, with a course of 14-21 days. Use with caution while breastfeeding, consult your doctor before use. Price: 170 rubles.
  7. Pihtanol - gel for external application, active ingredients in the composition: formic acid, salicylic acid, camora, fir oil. It has a strong warming effect. Price: 160 rubles.
  8. Kolkhuri - the ointment has a pronounced antiseptic effect, so it can be used not only for joint pain, arthritis, myositis and neuralgia, but also to fight fungus, trophic ulcers, burns, inflammation skin, prostatitis and others inflammatory processes... Price: 200 rubles.
  9. - a gel that helps with hematomas, bruises, sprains. You can use the ointment 3-4 times a day, applying a thin layer to a sore spot, you can not apply it to open inflammation. Use only as directed by a physician. Price: 250-350 rubles.

Viprosal is a topical ointment with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The ointment has white color, and it contains salicylic acid, snake venom (common viper), turpentine (turpentine) and racemic camphor. The drug has a pronounced healing, irritating, analgesic and resolving effect, dilates blood vessels, which stimulates blood circulation, improves cellular nutrition and increases tissue trophism. Snake venom contains amino acids, fats, enzymes, proteins, minerals, toxins, pigments, histamine, phospholipase, peptides, lecithinase, hyaluronidase, which improve capillary permeability and affect clotting. It inhibits the conduction of nerve impulses and has an analgesic effect on nervous system. Salicylic acid has a keratolytic and disinfectant effect, turpentine has an antiseptic effect, and camphor is an anesthetic. The ointment is rubbed once a day into painful areas for 2-3 minutes. The course of treatment is 5-10 days. The drug is prescribed for neuralgia, radiculitis, myalgia, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatic pain, arthralgia and inflammatory-degenerative diseases of the joints.

Viprosal B: analogues

Viprosal B can be replaced with Viprosal ointment with the same active ingredients, but instead of the poison of the glands of the viper, it contains the poison of gyurza. Salvisar is an analogue of Viprosal ointment for external use, which contains viper venom, salicylic acid, turpentine and camphor. This drug is produced by a Russian manufacturer. The same composition is also found in the ointment Alvipsal and Nizvisal B, which are used for neuralgia, arthritis, rheumatic pain, myositis. According to the mechanism of action, the analogues of Viprosal B are: Sanitas, Boromentol, Diclogen, Apifor, Artrin, Finalgon, Kapsikam, Nayatox, Karmolis, Mataren plus and others.

Viprosal is an excellent pain relieving ointment that is suitable for symptomatic therapy of joints and muscles. The preparation contains viper venom, so you need to use the product with the utmost care. We will tell you how to use the ointment for therapeutic purposes and describe the main side effects.

Viprosal is available as an ointment in a tube of 50 grams. The preparation contains active active substance in the form of viper venom. It affects blood clotting and penetrates into all capillaries. If applied to the skin, it will relieve pain, inflammation and irritation. Other components in Viprosal have an antiseptic effect. The ointment is quickly absorbed into the skin and begins to act in the first minutes. Initially, there is a slight burning sensation and a warm effect on the body. Severe attacks pains completely disappear in half an hour. The effect of the drug lasts for 2 hours.

Viprosal is prescribed for the relief of severe pain in muscles and joints. Great for sprains, injuries and bruises. The drug is often used by athletes. For each case, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will determine exact dosage for a specific attack of pain and prescribe a course of treatment.

In some situations, the ointment will be dangerous for the patient and will not have therapeutic action... Doctors forbid the use of Viprosal in such cases:

  • If a person is allergic to the ingredients in the composition;
  • Intolerance to any non-steroidal drugs;
  • With severe bronchial asthma;
  • At the moment of whooping cough;
  • If the patient has a tendency to frequent bronchospasm;
  • At the time of severe convulsions;
  • Dangerous for skin ulcers;
  • It is not prescribed at the time of tuberculosis in the lungs;
  • For problems with cerebral bleeding;
  • If the patient has angiospasms;
  • With severe disturbances in the work of the liver or kidneys;
  • Dangerous in fever;
  • Not prescribed for general body fatigue.

Never use Viprosal in such situations, in order to avoid complications and dangerous side effects.

The manufacturers of Viprosal have not conducted detailed studies on the compatibility of this drug with other medicines... However, doctors noted that if you take drugs with acetylsalicylic acid, then Viprosal can negatively affect the body. It is better to refuse such a parallel reception. The patient must tell the doctor what medications he is taking. Then the doctor will see the full picture and be able to adjust the dosage of Viprosal.

Do not use several ointments on one area of \u200b\u200bthe skin at the same time as Viprosal.

So that Viprosal does not harm the body and cope with pain faster, you need to follow some recommendations for use:

  1. Doctors advise first applying a small amount of ointment to the bend of the elbow. Then you can check if the patient is allergic. If unpleasant side effects occur, then this drug is not suitable for therapy;
  2. In no case should the ointment get on an open wound. This can lead to suppuration and severe burns;
  3. Make sure that the composition of Viprosal does not come into contact with the eyes or mucous membranes;
  4. Doctors do not recommend applying bandages or compresses to the site of application of the drug. It can be slightly covered with clothing;
  5. Large amounts of the ointment can cause skin dermatitis.

Observe all of these useful tips and listen to your doctor's recommendations. Then the risk of side effects will be reduced to a minimum.

Doctors forbid the use of Viprosal as a therapy for any period of time. Its composition can easily penetrate the skin into the body and cause dangerous complications. Also, you should not use Viprosal while breastfeeding. If a woman has severe injuries and ointment therapy is necessary, then you need to immediately stop feeding the baby.

The drug does not cause dangerous effects on the nervous system and does not affect the patient's reaction rate. Therefore, doctors are allowed to use Viprosal and simultaneously drive a car and other technical mechanisms.

Viprosal is available only as an ointment for external use. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug internally. When using for the first time, you need to apply a little composition to the skin and look at general reaction... For subsequent use, use 5-10 grams of Viprosal. This is roughly 2 teaspoons of the ointment.

The composition is applied to the painful area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and rubbed in with light movements. You can use the ointment twice a day until the attack of pain completely disappears. The frequency of use depends on the patient's condition and on the general diagnosis. It is better for the dosage to be determined by the attending physician.

For older people, the dosage will not be reduced. The drug will not cause much harm to them and will not cause complications. Children under 15 years of age are prohibited from using Viprosal as a pain reliever.

If a skin reaction begins at the time of using the drug, you need to immediately wash off the composition and consult a doctor. Perhaps Viprosal is not appropriate for this particular case.

If the drug is often applied to the skin, it leads to severe irritation and an allergic reaction. The same effects occur when Viprosal enters the mucous membranes.

If the ointment is accidentally swallowed, vomiting and severe diarrhea may occur. The doctor should prescribe symptomatic therapy and perform gastric lavage. If the patient has swallowed Viprosal in large quantities, such unpleasant symptoms may begin:

  • Severe headaches;
  • Attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • The patient is dizzy;
  • Feels hot on the skin;
  • Severe redness on the body;
  • Seizures;
  • Respiratory depression may begin;
  • In extreme cases, a coma.

With such poisoning, an urgent need to go to the hospital. The doctor will monitor vital signs and cleanse the body. In case of an overdose, in no case should the patient vomit.

In some cases, Viprosal can cause adverse reactions and unpleasant symptoms. Most often they occur at a high dosage or when the patient is allergic to certain components. The instructions for use describe the following side effects:

  1. Severe itching on the body;
  2. Urticaria occurs;
  3. The skin swells at the site of application;
  4. Allergy to the body;
  5. Contact dermatitis;
  6. Red eruptions;
  7. Burning sensations on the body;
  8. Sharp headaches;
  9. Dizziness attacks;
  10. Convulsions occur.

All these unpleasant symptoms will disappear immediately after stopping therapy. It is necessary at the first side effects to wash off the ointment from the body with cool water. After that, contact your doctor to prescribe a different drug for therapy.

Be sure to store Viprosal at a temperature no higher than + 25 degrees. However, you should not put the ointment in the refrigerator or freezer. Try to keep the drug out of direct sunlight. It is important that children do not have direct access to Viprosal in order to prevent dangerous poisoning. Shelf life of the ointment is 3 years. Do not use the drug if it is already expired.

Drug analogues

The doctor may prescribe another medicine for pain relief, which will be similar to Viprosal in its properties and components. Explore full list all analogues:

  • Alorom ointment;
  • Alflutop drug;
  • Alga Med medicine in the form of a solution;
  • Algasan drug;
  • Ointment Apizartron;
  • Bainvel ointment;
  • Rheum-Ointment preparation.

Do not forget that everyone new drug has its own characteristics and some side effects. Be sure to read this information before use and consult your doctor.

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Viprosal - drug in the form of an ointment... The product has a pronounced aroma of camphor or turpentine, its color is white. Viprosal is used as an anti-inflammatory or analgesic. Viprosal ointment has an analgesic and a pronounced irritating effect. The agent can irritate the most sensitive receptors, promotes vasodilation.

Camphor provides anesthesia, turpentine and acid act as antiseptics.

The composition of the ointment

Snake venom
- the active ingredient contained in Viprosal ointment. It is he who provides the irritating effect, provides pain relief. Mechanism pharmacological action medication with snake venom comes down to the effect on red blood cells, the components contained in the poison, increase blood clotting, improve capillary permeability.
The poison contains a complex complex of substances:

  • Amino acids;
  • Proteins;
  • Pigments;
  • Toxins;
  • Minerals.

Viprosal with viper venom is produced in Estonia at a pharmaceutical plant in Tallinn.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist BUZ VO \\ "Moscow polyclinic \\".

The components of the cream are as follows:

  • Viper venom;
  • Salicylic acid;
  • Camphor;
  • Petrolatum;
  • Turpentine;
  • Alcohol;
  • Hard paraffin;
  • Sodium Cetylsterial Sulfate;
  • Sodium chloride;
  • Glycerol;
  • Purified water.

The type of preparation is an ointment in a tube of 30 or 50 g, packed in cardboard box along with instructions. A tube weighing 30 g costs about 198 rubles, 50 g - 235 rubles. The inside of the tube is covered with varnish; there is an aluminum membrane on its neck. To pierce it, a cone-shaped device is provided, located in a polypropylene bushon.

The effect of the drug Viprosal B

An effective ointment Viprosal B recommended for use if there is pain associated with arthritis... The medication is often prescribed to people suffering from rheumatic pains, they are treated for myalgia, radiculitis of any type or neuralgia. Also, the drug helps patients with lombago and attacks of lumbar pain. Use during pregnancy is not recommended.

For the fastest possible recovery, it is necessary to correctly use Viprosal ointment, the instructions for use establish: it is necessary to apply the ointment every day... The approximate dosage is 5-10 grams, which is about one to two teaspoons. The product should be thoroughly rubbed into the skin, if severe pain it can be used twice a day. Discontinue treatment should after pain relief... The average duration of the course is about 10 days.
Using the ointment, you need to wash your hands to prevent the substance from getting into the eyes, as well as other mucous membranes.
The composition of the ointment implies its storage in a cool place. The expiration date set by the manufacturer is 24 months.

Vacation in pharmacies - without a special doctor's prescription.


Viprosal cannot be prescribed to patients who suffer from skin diseases, including allergic or purulent reactions. It should not be used for fever or tuberculosis.
Ointment based on snake venom is contraindicated for people with impaired liver or kidney function, significant depletion of the body. Use is contraindicated if there is insufficiency of the coronary or cerebral circulation, there is a risk of angiospasm.
Pregnancy or breast-feeding - good reason not to use the ointment. It is undesirable to apply it if there is a susceptibility to the individual components of the drug.

It is undesirable for children under 12 years old to use the drug due to the lack of safety data for this age category.

Overdose, side effects

Among the side effects during use are allergic reactions in the form of itching, urticaria or edema. With the manifestation of these undesirable reactions, the use of the ointment is stopped. When there is this effect immediately after lubricating the skin area, the composition should be removed by simply rinsing it off with water. To avoid manifestation side effects, it is advisable to first apply the product to the skin.
The negative manifestations will disappear immediately after the end of the application.

The consequences of an overdose, interaction with other drugs or alcohol have not been identified.


There are a number of drugs that are being replaced by Viprosal, the manufacturers of analogues are different. The name and cost of ointments are as follows:

  • Alivipsal - 121 rubles;
  • Nizhvisal - 200-250 rubles;
  • Salvisar - 180 rubles

These drugs - good analogues Viprosala and have the same effect.

They help with the same diseases, they are excellent in reducing pain. They all contain the same active ingredient that ensures recovery - viper venom.
The cheapest analogue of Viprosal is menovazine - a combined remedy that does not contain snake venom, but has a similar effect. This drug contains menthol, which has an anesthetic effect that can block nerve impulses.
The composition contains benzocaine - a drug used for pain relief, as well as procaine similar to it. Menthol is irritating to nerve fibers, after application, dilates blood vessels, increasing the analgesic effect.


Numerous reviews make it possible to make sure that the ointment warms up well. Therefore, it is used not only for treatment, but also for rubbing before engaging in active sports. So the blood flow to the muscles will increase significantly, and the effectiveness of the exercises will increase.
Sometimes people experience an excessively tangible burning sensation after getting the drug on the surface of the skin, usually they immediately refuse to use it. Ointment is used to treat bruises, muscles in case of spasm. All results are individual and directly depend on the sensitivity of the skin. The patient may simply feel a pleasant warmth, a slight burning sensation or intense heat.

All patients agree that it is not worth going to self-treatment, but it is better to consult a doctor and do the necessary research.

What is better Apizartron or Viprosal?
An excellent remedy for pain is Apizatron, an ointment containing bee venom. That is why many are wondering which is better: Viprosal or Apizatron. A small amount of this agent is applied to the sore spot, after which you need to wait for the redness of the skin and the appearance of heat. Then a light massage is done for 2-5 minutes. Such a procedure is not necessary when using Viprosal, which is simply enough to rub in.
The skin area treated with Apizatron is wrapped in a warm cloth; you need to use the ointment 2-3 times a day - more often than Viprosal. Unlike the drug with snake venom, Apizatron is not used for pustular skin lesions.

Patients who used Viprosal for treatment claim that the drug is well tolerated, and also does not cause side effects if the doctor's recommendations are followed.

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