Hormonal pills for uterine fibroids. Treatment with hormonal drugs of uterine fibroids

Myoma of the uterus is a benign hormone-dependent tumor that occurs mainly in women over 35 years of age. The appearance of nodes is accompanied by a characteristic pain in the lower abdomen and disorders menstrual cycle... For the treatment of small tumors, hormonal drugs are used, and combined oral contraceptives deserve special attention among them. The use of contraceptive pills allows you to achieve regression of fibroids and eliminate the main unpleasant symptoms of this disease.

What are COCs and how do they work?

Combined oral contraceptives are used to prevent unwanted pregnancies that contain estrogen and progestogen.

The mechanism of action of drugs:

  • The proliferation of the inner lining of the uterus is maintained, which prevents the implantation of the ovum.
  • Ovulation is suppressed, due to which the mature egg cannot leave the follicle to meet with the sperm.
  • Hormones thicken the cervical mucus, and male gametes are unable to penetrate into the uterine cavity to meet with the egg.

Can COCs be prescribed for uterine fibroids?

Combined oral contraceptives are prescribed as effective remedy protection against unwanted pregnancy. Benign tumor the uterus, reaching certain values, interferes with the normal bearing of the fetus and becomes the cause of miscarriage or premature birth. In this regard, gynecologists recommend getting rid of fibroids before conceiving a child, and often we are talking about surgical intervention. Until the tumor is removed, your doctor may recommend taking oral contraceptives.

It is important to know: before the operation to remove the fibroids, it is recommended to stop taking oral contraceptives, because after the surgery, the risk of thrombosis increases.

Experts say that, in addition to the contraceptive effect, COCs are able, when taken regularly, to reduce the growth rate of fibromatous nodes, and also to a certain extent prevent the formation of new ones. Oral contraceptives are one of the methods of conservative treatment of uterine fibroids and are actively used in modern gynecology.

Gynecologists also prescribe COCs for the treatment of the following concomitant pathology:

  1. Anemia. When using combined oral drugs, the volume of discharge during menstruation decreases.
  2. Related gynecological diseases... Quite often, along with uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, polyps, etc. appear. Hormonal agents are able to treat these ailments.
  3. Mastopathy. Since its development is also associated with a violation of the content of sex hormones, taking COCs is beneficial for a woman.
  4. Menstrual pain. The drugs can reduce discomfort in the lower abdomen and the severity of PMS.

Expected effects: what happens if you drink contraceptive pills for fibroids?

Doctors believe that at an early stage of development, the fibromatous focus is highly sensitive to the effects of sex hormones - estrogen, progesterone and prolactin. There is a change in the number of receptors for these substances, which in the future stimulates the growth of target tissues. Over time, the tumor grows connective tissue, and the assembly is compacted. In the future, the neoplasm is not able to regress even with the normalization of the hormonal background.

The uterine fibroids are sensitive to endogenous hormones only at small sizes. Upon reaching a value of 2.5-3 cm, the tumor acquires the ability to grow autonomously.

Application scheme

Oral contraceptives are taken daily from the first day of the menstrual cycle, 1 tablet per day at the same time of day. There are several dosage regimens:

  1. Classic 21 + 7: you need to drink pills for 21 days, and then take a break for 7 days, or use pacifiers at this time.
  2. Prolonged mode 63 +7: the contraceptive is taken continuously for three months, and then a 7-day break is taken, followed by a repetition of the scheme.

Note: The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of bleeding during menstruation.

Experts say that the classic regime "jerks" the reproductive system and does not allow the body to get used to the new hormonal model of functioning. In contrast, the prolonged circuit turns off and starts the system less often, only once every 3 months. However, the 63 + 7 option has one significant drawback. Long-term use of COCs increases the risk of spotting bleeding in the middle of the cycle and breakthrough bleeding, so this option is not suitable for every woman.

The course of COC treatment is at least 3 months. At the end of this period, a control ultrasound is performed and the size of the myomatous node is assessed. Your doctor may recommend using birth control pills for therapeutic purposes and more long time.

If a woman has to surgical intervention, you must stop taking the drug 4 weeks before the operation. If the operation is urgent, it is imperative to warn the treating doctor about taking combined oral contraceptives. The fact is that COC promotes blood thickening and the formation of blood clots. Knowing that a woman is using such contraceptives, the doctor will prescribe medications to thin the blood. You can resume taking combined oral contraceptives 14 days after the surgery.

The female hormonal background determines her health, overall well-being and even her mood. But there is also a feedback - stress, pathology from the outside various bodies can affect the ratio of hormones.

Interference with the natural fluctuations in their concentration can lead to serious pathology.

A benign mass that forms from the smooth muscle cells of the uterus is called myoma. It develops in women of reproductive age, but most often several years before the onset of menopause.

The nodes can be single and multiple, have different sizes, in advanced cases, reach several kilograms. For convenience, the size of the fibroid is defined as the correspondence between the volume of the uterus and the gestational age.

The tumor can be located in the thickness of the muscles, closer to the inner cavity of the uterus or under serous membrane... This determines the development of symptoms.

Tumor causes

For tumor growth, a combination of two factors is necessary - trauma to the uterus and hormonal imbalance. Trauma can occur regularly - infections, abortions and curettage, childbirth with damage to the walls of the uterus or deep ruptures of the cervix.

In theory during the menstrual cycle, myometrial hyperplasia develops... Cells appear smooth muscles in which the system of apoptosis (programmed death) is impaired. Gradually, their number increases and it is they, like growing cells, that are exposed to damaging factors.

Hyperplasia, or an increase in the myometrium, occurs physiologically under the action of progesterone, the concentration of which in the blood gradually increases after ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum. An increase in estrogen content supports a further increase in pathological foci.

Some of the altered cells are destroyed by the immune system, and the rest form myomatous nodes. Initially, their growth is supported by a periodic increase in estrogen in the blood. With an increase in the size of the tumor, it itself begins to produce a hormone and switches to self-regulation.

Hyperestrogenism can develop in three ways:

  • independent transformation of estradiol by a tumor into estrone, which affects the growth of the uterus;
  • the location in tumor cells of more estrogen receptors than in normal uterine tissue;
  • synthesis of estrogens from androgens in fibroid cells due to the high activity of enzymes of the cytochrome system.

Tumor shrinking therapy

The sensitivity of fibroids to sex hormones directs treatment to eliminate the cause of tumor growth - increased estrogen. Its level can be stabilized or reduced in various ways. But hormones cannot be used for every case, there are certain indications:

  • slow node growth;
  • the uterus is enlarged no more than 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • the size of the foci does not exceed 2 cm;
  • there is no dysfunction of nearby organs;
  • the nodes are located intramural or subsurface;
  • other symptoms are mild;
  • there are no contraindications for drug groups.

In some cases hormonal treatment used before the operation to remove the nodes. With its help, they achieve a reduction in the size of the node, which is less traumatic and reduces blood loss during the operation.

Combined oral contraceptives

The drugs in this group consist of two components - estrogen and gestagen. During admission, ovulation does not occur, which means there is no increase in progesterone. Estrogen levels are also controlled by COCs.

Therefore, tumor growth is inhibited or it regresses back. But this is possible only with small fibroids - up to 1.5 cm in diameter, until the mechanisms of autoregulation are formed. The state of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, ovaries and myometrium is normalized.

  • Lindineth contains ethinyl estradiol and gestodene, appoint one tablet once a day at the same time. Start taking from 1 to 5 days of the menstrual cycle, continue along the arrow to 21 tablets. Then they take a 7-day break and resume the course. Price from 400 rubles.
  • Jess consists of ethinyl estradiol in the form of betadex clathrate and droperinone. It is taken from the first day of menstruation in the direction of the arrow on the package to the last tablet. No break required. After the first one, they immediately move on to the next package. The price is about 1000 rubles.
  • Logest includes ethinylestadiol and gestodene. It is taken from the first day of the cycle on a tablet at the same time for 21 days. Take a break during which menstrual bleeding begins. After 7 days, the reception is resumed. Price from 700 rubles.
  • Regulon made from ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Reception is carried out as well as the previous drug. Price from 350 rubles.

GnRH agonists

This group of drugs affects the pituitary gland, binding to receptors of gonadotropic hormones, do not allow them to stimulate the synthesis of estrogens. Medical castration develops, the size of the tumor decreases.

The danger is that after stopping the drug and restoring the function of its own hormones, the tumor may start growing again. This treatment is used before surgery.

  • Zoladex Is a depot form for subcutaneous injection... The capsule is placed under the skin for 2-3 days of menstruation and left for 28 days. Repeat the introduction for 4-6 months. Price from 8400 rubles for one capsule.
  • Decapeptyl depot ( active substance triptorellin) is applied once every 28 days under the skin of the abdomen, thighs or buttocks. Treatment up to 6 months. The price is about 8000 rubles.
  • Buserelin- nasal spray. Spray into the nose after cleansing. Applied from the second day of the cycle every day for 4-6 months. Price from 600 rubles.


Drugs in this group are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and enter the uterus, where they bind to progesterone receptors in the myometrium. This leads to a decrease in its effect on the uterus. Drugs are contraindicated for fibroids more than 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Mefipristone take 50 mg once a day for 3 months. Price from 1500 rubles.


The action is based on the inhibition of the steroid function of the ovaries. Thus, the synthesis of estrogens is suppressed, myoma regresses.

Danazol- the dosage and frequency of administration are selected individually. The minimum effective dose is chosen, which should not exceed 800 mg / day. The price for 60 capsules of 200 mg from 19,000 rubles.


With conservative treatment using hormones on early stage a complete cure is possible. It often depends on the number of estrogen receptors in the tumor and its individual sensitivity to hormone therapy.

Fibroids of larger sizes, approaching 12 weeks of pregnancy, under the influence of drugs, regress. But if the cause of the increase in estrogen is not eliminated, then after the drug is discontinued, a relapse is possible. Therefore, often conservative treatment used as a preparation for surgery.

The use of oral contraceptives in healthy women reduces the risk of developing uterine fibroids for two reasons:

  1. The hormonal background is normalized, the secretion of hormones by the ovaries is reduced, they are in the resting phase, there is no ovulation.
  2. No risk of getting pregnant and end all with an abortion, which injures the uterus, causes hormonal imbalance and promotes the development of fibroids.


After removal of the uterus, the blood supply to the ovaries is disrupted, their hypofunction and gradual atrophy develop.... Therefore, the concentration of estrogen in the blood decreases. This leads to the appearance of endocrine, metabolic, vegetative and psychological disorders... Replacement helps to eliminate the symptoms of hypoestrogenism. hormone therapy.

In women with a removed uterus, there is no risk of developing tumors of the mucous layer of the uterus, in contrast to the processes occurring during natural menopause. So hormones help to restore pure estrogens, without the addition of progesterone.

This therapy contributes to the following:

  • tides and temperature drops stop;
  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • dyspnea and tachycardia attacks stop;
  • the condition of the skin and hair improves, sweating stops;
  • eliminates vaginal dryness;
  • the risk of developing osteoporosis is reduced;
  • the mental state returns to normal, the mood rises, the woman comes out of depression.

Gradually, their ovaries, which were left after a hysterectomy, begin to function. But with severe manifestations of posthysterectomy syndrome, HRT continues until the age of natural onset of menopause.


To prevent the development of a tumor, a woman must take care of her health. The authority must fulfill its function. In the same way that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer, having babies decreases the likelihood of fibroids.

At a young age, for the purpose of prevention, you need choose the right methods of contraception to prevent abortion. Optimal choice if there are no contraindications - oral contraceptives.

Obesity, eating foods rich in animal fats, and excess cholesterol all contribute to hyperestrogenism.... In adipose tissue, the transformation of androgens produced in female body, into estrogens, there is an excess of them. Therefore, women with increased body weight, but still not obese, are at risk of developing fibroids.

Chronic stress leads to a tense state of the female reproductive system. Over-stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system leads to stimulation of the adrenal glands. Their area increases, the production of cortisol increases. This hormone can cause the deposition of adipose tissue, the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

Excessive hair growth is possible. It also increases the production of androgens, which are converted into estrogens in adipose tissue. This is how elevated level female sex hormones, which contributes to the development of fibroids.

Therefore, in order to prevent it, it is necessary to avoid nervous overstrain, engage in auto-training in order to reduce the level of anxiety and stress.

Contraceptive pills for uterine fibroids are often prescribed by gynecologists in order to prevent the progression of the pathological process. However, they are not suitable for a complete cure of the disease, just as they cannot provoke resorption of the myomatous node and other medications.

But analogs of female sex hormones that make up such pills significantly improve the functioning of the reproductive system of a patient suffering from uterine fibroids. A correctly developed treatment regimen helps not only to stop the growth of a pathological neoplasm, but also to significantly improve the quality of a woman's life.

Types of RRT

Contraceptives, which are used to stop the growth of a pathological node with uterine fibroids, are divided into 2 groups:

  1. COC, or combined oral contraceptives. Such products contain synthetic estrogen substitutes, as well as a progestogen substance.
  2. Monophasic hormonal drugs. These funds differ from other contraceptives in that each tablet contains an equal amount of all active ingredients.

For the treatment of uterine fibroids, contraceptives of the first group are mainly used. They are highly effective, and not only in the fight against the progression of pathology or in the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. COCs have a beneficial effect on the psychoemotional state of patients with myomatosis, in addition, their positive effect on hormonal levels cannot be denied.

Features of reception

Treatment of fibroids with contraceptive pills must necessarily be carried out under the close supervision of a physician. The dosage and frequency of administrations of the drug are selected for each patient individually, and an overdose can have an extremely negative effect on health.

It is necessary to take such pills for the treatment of uterine fibroids as follows:

  • taking the medication must be started from the first day of menstruation;
  • taking birth control pills for the treatment of fibroids must be strictly within the dosage prescribed by the doctor;
  • you should not interrupt the course of therapy, otherwise you can cause a second outbreak of the disease;
  • it is advisable to take the prescribed medication at the same time.

Sometimes, when taking birth control pills while treating uterine fibroids, you may notice bloody issues from the vagina. There may also be a shift in the menstrual cycle. This is not a reason for panic, but a gynecologist who monitors the dynamics of the treatment of uterine fibroids with contraceptives must be aware of such changes.

The effectiveness of drugs in the treatment of fibroids

Contraceptives are prescribed only if the fibroids are small. In this case, with their help, you can achieve:

  • reducing the intensity of intermenstrual bleeding or their complete cessation;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • stabilization of the psycho-emotional state;
  • normalization of hormonal levels.

The effectiveness of contraceptive drugs in the treatment of uterine fibroids is confirmed not only by doctors - the patients themselves also note a positive trend. But hormone therapy for myomatosis does not give lightning-fast results, so it will have to be continued for several months (as a rule, for six months).

Contraceptives for myomatosis after 40 years

Are birth control pills effective for uterine fibroids after 40 years? This group of drugs is often prescribed by a woman on the eve of menopause in order to prevent further growth of the myomatous node.

In patients after 40, the production of their own sex hormones decreases, which often leads to a regression of the pathological process. But it also happens that myoma, on the contrary, begins to grow actively, and to stop its growth, contraceptive pills are prescribed by the gynecologist.

But, in addition to stopping the progression of pathology, such funds for women after 40 can be taken for:

  • elimination of climacteric manifestations (in particular, hot flashes);
  • restoring the balance of sex hormones;
  • improving reproductive function, etc.

Contraceptive pills for uterine fibroids in women over 40 can be taken only if the immune system is strong.

Against the background of a weakened immunity, the assimilation of drugs is significantly reduced. Therefore, this negatively affects their effectiveness in the treatment of myomatosis.

The most effective drugs

You can treat uterine fibroids with the following contraceptive drugs:

  • Janine;
  • Regulon;
  • Silhouette;
  • Microlute;
  • Novineta;
  • Marvelona, ​​etc.

Fibroids can only be treated with the drug prescribed by the gynecologist. In no case should you look for a replacement for contraceptives on your own - this can lead to serious side effects.

The fact is that the selection of a specific drug is carried out taking into account the size and type of the pathological node, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases (for example, endometriosis). In addition, not all women can be treated with fibroids with the help of one or another remedy - sometimes doctors have to select analogues of contraceptive pills, which are little known to patients with myomatosis.


It is prohibited to treat fibroids with contraceptive drugs for women who:

  • have bad habits;
  • suffer from hypertension;
  • have malignant neoplasms different localization;
  • have untreated liver disease.

COCs also cannot be used to treat myomatosis in patients with deep vein thrombosis and uterine bleeding unexplained origin.

Contraceptives for endometriosis

With the help of this group of drugs, it is possible to treat not only fibroids, but also endometriosis. This is a disease that can occur both in young girls and in women over 40. Often, endometriosis is treated with the use of progesterone-containing agents:

  • Janine;
  • Yarins;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Duphaston;
  • Visanne;
  • Danazol;
  • Buserelin;
  • Zoladex and others.

These drugs will be effective only at the first and second stages of the development of endometriosis, when the tissues of the uterine mucosa do not grow beyond the genital organ and do not form adhesions.

At this time, contraceptives stop the progression of the pathological process, eliminate pain, and reduce the intensity of intermenstrual discharge.

Treatment of fibroids and endometriosis with hormonal contraceptives has a lot positive sides... One of these is the absence of the need for additional use of contraceptives.

But if the patient is advised to avoid pregnancy at the initial stage of therapy, a condom should be used during intercourse. It is the only contraceptive that protects against unwanted pregnancies and also prevents infection with sexually transmitted diseases. And they can only aggravate the course of myomatosis or endometriosis!

The risk of developing uterine fibroids increases with age. Often they are detected after forty years. But this does not mean that it cannot develop in young women. Therefore, regular observation by a gynecologist is a very important component of disease prevention. Therapy in the timely detected pathology of the uterus is reduced to the treatment of fibroids with hormonal contraceptives.

A uterine myoma (also known as fibroids or leiomyomas) is called benign neoplasm, which arises inside the muscular layer of the uterus - myometrium. She is considered one of the most common female pathologies. The frequency of occurrence reaches a quarter of all cases of diagnosed gynecological diseases.

The highest risk of developing fibroids is observed in women in the late reproductive and premenopausal period. We can say that this is a group of women over the age of 45.

The myomatous node is an accumulation of smooth muscle fibers that are closely intertwined with each other. It looks like a rounded formation. In most cases, it reaches a size of no more than a couple of centimeters, however, in some cases, it can grow abundantly and weigh more than a kilogram.

Science knows a case when a knot reached sixty kilograms in weight.

Doctors distinguish the following types of uterine fibroids:

  1. Submucous;
  2. Subserous;
  3. Intramural.

Oral contraceptives

This group medical supplies it is also called oral contraceptives, since they are taken by mouth, that is, they must be drunk. They are the most convenient drugs for use.

Today modern medical supplies of this class are presented in the form of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and single-component drugs.

They include certain female sex hormones that can affect a woman's body in different ways.

Mechanism of action

Their action is reduced to inhibition of the secretion of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland, curbing folliculogenesis (the process of follicular formation) and suppressing ovulation. Thus, they prevent the development and release of the egg.

Due to the presence of negative feedback from the ingress of progestin into the body, there is a suppression of the frequency of release of such a hormone as gonadoliberin, which is produced by the hypothalamus.

Thus, the use of oral contraceptives leads to a decrease in the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones by the adenohypophysis. In this regard, there is a decrease in the production of estradiol, and this leads to a violation of the formation of follicles.

The presence of progestin-negative feedback and the absence of positive feedback from the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) leads to suppression of the peak production of LH in the middle of the ovulatory cycle. The combination of these components leads to suppression of follicular formation and blocks the ovulation process.

In addition to ensuring the protection of sexual intercourse, these funds are used as emergency postcoital contraceptives and abortive drugs.

What other methods are there to prevent pregnancy

For girls and even for women, it is imperative to bring information about the availability of all possible methods of contraception. Today, these methods of protection are:

  • combined oral contraceptives;
  • contraceptive injections for women;
  • sterilization;
  • intrauterine contraceptives (for example, intrauterine spirals);
  • hormonal patches;
  • barrier means (they are the most famous non-hormonal contraceptives for the population) - condoms, diaphragms, caps, sponges;
  • calendar methods;
  • the method of interrupted intercourse.

Before using contraceptives, you should consult with your gynecologist. An incorrectly selected drug can significantly harm health.

How to protect yourself and which method to choose depends on the woman's desire.

Hormonal birth control pills for uterine fibroids

Hormonal birth control pills not only help prevent unwanted pregnancies, but are also used directly to treat tumors.

The use of drugs in the therapy of fibroids began in the 60s. Contraceptives for women contain hormones identical to natural hormones.

Allocate monophasic and polyphasic agents.

The hormonal substances entering the body lead to the fact that the production of its own hormones becomes unclaimed. When drugs are canceled, a cascade of hormonal reactions starts again and everything falls into place.

Hormonal drugs - good ways normalization of the ovulatory cycle and the effect on a woman's health. In this case, birth control pills for nulliparous are used with the same frequency as for women who have given birth. They are often prescribed to stimulate or restore reproductive function.

The use of drugs from the group of contraceptives for uterine fibroids allows you to stop its growth in the early stages and completely eliminate it. Such drugs are also called drugs that resolve fibroids.

In addition, these drugs are indicated to be taken after removal of fibroids.

What birth control pills are best for uterine fibroids?

The situation with hormonal contraceptives is the same as, for example, with technology: what newer drug, so better effect... If the drugs that existed before were given good effect, but led to specific negative consequences (and this is not only obesity), then new generation drugs do not lead to this. Yes, yes, they do not get fat!

As already mentioned, there are two groups of hormonal contraceptives. The first is drugs from the group of combined oral contraceptives (COCs). The second includes mono-component drugs, also known as "mini pili".

Based on the name, it becomes clear that the first contains two hormones, and the second group contains one.

Here are the most common remedies from each group.

Combined contraceptives include:

  • Janine (combination of Ethinylestradiol and Dienogest);
  • Mediana (Drospirenone and Ethinylestradiol are combined);
  • Novinet (Ethinylestradiol and Desogestrel);
  • Rigevidone (combination of ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel);
  • Silhouette (Dienogest and Ethinyleestradiol are combined) and others.

Monophasic drugs include:

  • Charosetta;
  • Micronor;
  • Continuin and others.

Division of COCs by dosage

This group of drugs, depending on the dose contained in them active substance, divided into three groups:

  • micro-dosed;
  • low-dose;
  • high dose.

But there are times when, depending on the dose, one drug may belong to different groups eg Mifepristone 50 mg, 200 mg, 10 mg. It is the dosage of 50 mg that is used in the treatment of uterine fibroids.

Contraceptive pills for uterine fibroids after 40

At this age, a woman's reproductive function begins to fade away. She has problems with the ovulatory cycle, menstruation becomes irregular, hot flashes, sweating and other symptoms characteristic of menopause occur. This indicates the imminent onset of menopause.

So it makes no sense for such women to take contraceptives? Not at all. On the contrary, their use is recommended by many doctors. In this way, a woman not only protects herself from pregnancy, but also significantly improves her health.

The use of such drugs allows:

  1. Reduce the likelihood of tumors;
  2. Normalize the menstrual cycle;
  3. Get rid of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome;
  4. Reduce pain during menstruation.

The age of entering menopause is purely individual, but most often it occurs after forty-five years. Smoking, alcohol abuse, the influence of negative environmental factors, improper lifestyle, genetic factors can "rejuvenate" the climacteric age.

Contraceptives for uterine fibroids and endometriosis

Endometriosis is an abnormal proliferation of the endometrium, both in the organs of the reproductive system and beyond.

The main reason for the development of endometriosis, like uterine fibroids, is a violation of the balance of female sex hormones. This suggests that it is not only possible, but necessary to use hormonal contraceptives for these pathologies.

Selection necessary drugs is carried out by a gynecologist individually for each woman. Before this, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination and pass the tests necessary to determine the hormonal status.

Patients who have been prescribed such medications need to take them systematically and be regularly observed by a gynecologist.

Contraindications for use

It is prohibited to take hormonal contraceptives if you have:

  • venous thrombosis or the risk of its development;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • diseases of the blood coagulation system;
  • severe hypertension;
  • pathologies of heart valves;
  • cardiac conduction disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver disease;
  • lactation in the postpartum period.

In fact, the list of contraindications is much wider. The article lists only the main ones. For detailed information on contraindications to the use of oral contraceptives, you should contact your gynecologist.

Important! Alcohol and oral contraceptives are not compatible things. So, as well as smoking when using hormonal methods of contraception.

Hormonal contraceptives have entered human life relatively recently. Despite this, they quickly proved to be effective. Today they are used as one of the main methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies.

However, do not forget that there are contraceptives for men.

Hormonal contraceptives are widely used in the treatment of uterine fibroids. Moreover, they are the main and most secure modern method their treatment.

Every woman, when contacting a specialist, is afraid of side effects if she is offered to undergo treatment with hormonal drugs. Of course, these funds can negatively affect the state of the body, but with correct application you can achieve only the desired effect, without any side effects. This is exactly what happens with fibroids when hormone treatment begins. In order to understand why exactly this approach is used by doctors, you need to understand what education is and how it depends on the level of hormones.

Features pathologists and its causes

Myoma of the uterus is benign education located in the layers of the organ. In this case, both mucous and muscle layer... Depending on where exactly the node is located, this or that form of the disease is detected.

The main cause of pathology is a violation of hormonal levels. The provoking factors may refuse:

  • Genital surgery
  • Abortion
  • Complicated childbirth
  • Menopause and related disruptions in hormonal processes.

In addition, it should be noted that most often this disease is detected in women with increased body weight, with diabetes mellitus, with a low level of estrogen, and so on. Every woman must know that sometimes frequent stresses, a violation of the diet, in particular, an increased intake of fats and carbohydrates, as well as chronic pathologies of the pelvic organs, can cause the growth of fibroids.

Features of the course of the disease

Defining all possible reasons fibroids, it becomes clear why hormones are the first method in treatment. It is important to note that the course of pathology can be latent for a long time. That is why most often the tumor is detected during a routine examination. At the same time, some women experience bleeding, pain lower abdomen, as well as problems with conception. This is where it is necessary to dwell in particular on such drugs as hormonal pills.

If there is a tumor, there may be problems with conceiving a child. This is especially true when the nodes are located in the corners of the uterus and interfere with the advancement of a fertilized egg. Even if pregnancy does occur, there is a risk that the node will interfere with the attachment of the placenta or may cause premature birth. Therefore, in order for a woman to be able to give birth healthy child in and out of pregnancy, every effort should be made to reduce the size of the node. It is for this that hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Is there a need for hormones?

Almost every patient with fibroids is prescribed hormonal treatment, and this is no coincidence. The main cause of the pathology is a violation of the hormonal level, in order to achieve a reduction in the node, this process should first of all be normalized. In this case, various drugs can be used, for example, Jess, Diana 35, Yarina, Regividon, and so on. But nevertheless, doctors especially often prescribe Regulon for fibroids. This is a monopreparation containing ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. As a result of the effect of active components, the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland is suppressed, the level of FSH and LH decreases, but the most important thing is that when taken, ovulation is excluded, and therefore, conception is impossible, which is very important during fibroid therapy.

At the same time, women do not always understand the need for drugs such as hormonal contraceptives. In addition to preventing pregnancy, Logest, Regividon and other pills are used for disorders associated with premenstrual symptoms. They can also be used for functional disorders associated with the acyclicity of menstruation, which is observed in the presence of fibroids.

Features of taking the drug

In the event that the doctor has prescribed a modern drug treatment uterine fibroids using Regulon, you should ask how exactly it is used. If a different scheme is not selected, the tablets must be started to drink from the first or fifth day of menstruation. Then the drug is drunk for three weeks, after which a seven-day break begins, during which menstrual bleeding appears. In the event that, up to this point, hormone therapy was carried out with the help of another drug, taking the pills begins in the same way as described above.

At the same time, this is exactly what the regimen looks like when oral contraceptives for women are used precisely to prevent pregnancy. When treating education, a different method of use is selected, based on individual characteristics. Nevertheless, even when using the standard scheme, you should ask your doctor if hormone intake can affect the growth of fibroids.

Of course, the elimination of a disease such as fibroids by hormones is the most gentle. It allows you to eliminate the risks associated with complications after other methods of therapy, as well as to normalize reproductive function... But still, it should be remembered that contraceptive pills can be effective only if the size of the fibroids is very small, that is, they were detected at an early stage of development.

Contraindications and side effects

Every woman should know that the use of such funds can cause side effects... First of all, this is nausea, vomiting, as well as pathology from the gallbladder. Some women have an increase in body weight, breast tension, fungal pathologies, headache, increased fatigue, hair loss and skin rashes. When such signs appear, you should consult a gynecologist and choose treatment with other medicines that will have fewer side effects.

It is important to remember that it is possible to treat fibroids with medication, provided that at the moment there is no pregnancy, pathologies from the liver, heart, blood vessels, and so on. Moreover, hormonal agents contraindicated for suspected oncological pathologies, Rotor syndrome, malignant diseases of the uterus, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, bleeding of an unexplained cause, and so on.

After reviewing all the information, you can understand how Regulon and uterine fibroids are related. It is these drugs that allow you to complete the full course of treatment, while simultaneously restoring the hormonal level and preventing the occurrence of pregnancy, since this is undesirable until the end of treatment. At the same time, in no case should such treatment be applied on its own. The fact is that each drug has its own composition. If the methods of therapy listed above allow to normalize the hormonal level and contribute to the reduction of the node, that is, they provoke the growth of fibroids, since they contain completely different hormones.

Thus, taking medications can be carried out only after a full examination with the obligatory exclusion of contraindications, among which there is bleeding of an unexplained etiology, which is observed with fibroids. That is, only the presence of this symptom should force a woman to turn to a specialist for a thorough examination.

More details about hormones are described in the video:

In addition to the above drugs, it is often used non-hormonal treatment... This is the normalization of the blood picture, since prolonged bleeding can provoke the development of anemia. It is very important to undergo an examination of the endocrine organs, which can disrupt the production of hormones responsible for the correct functioning of the female genital organs. Therefore, when such pathologies are detected, appropriate treatment is selected.

In addition, today it is used innovative treatment, allowing you to stop the growth of nodes and help a woman to conceive and bear a baby. But again, it is applied at certain node sizes. In other words, if the nodes in the uterus are large enough, first of all, hormonal treatment should be carried out and the size should be reduced, and only after that one should switch to other methods.

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