Mandarin oil - properties and use. Mandarin essential oil: Properties and application for face, hair and body Mandarin essential oil

Hood from tangerines is obtained by cold spin technology, the impact of the press on the peel of the fruits that have reached maturity and are fresh. Since ancient times, this orange-colored liquid with delicate, sweet and citrus ambrus was used in various purposes: in cooking, folk medicine And for beauty. Today, this product does not lose its popularity, and the area of \u200b\u200bits use is only grows.

Properties and oil use in cosmetology

Essential oil Mandarin has properties caused by its composition. He is rich in Limonen, Mircenarm, Karofillen, Kamfen, Pinenami, Linal Tol, Geraniol, Nerzol.

Present in oil vitamins and minerals, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids. This unique remedy with a cosmetic effect is capable of toning well and refresh sluggish, tired skin.

Moreover, there is an opinion that in its power to level the relief of the epidermis. The use of essential oil of mandarin is so wide, how much the spectrum of the rendeked action. With it, it is possible to return the epidermis of the former elasticity and elasticity, to reduce the manifestation of cellulite, make pigmentation less visible.

The hood from Mandarin is struggling with the first harbingers of aging, improving the color and general state Skin. Use this product and when problems with hair. It prevents the loss of moisture and dry hair, while at the same time healing the scalp.

The hair under its exposure becomes stronger, alive, and the number of sequential elements is reduced. Extract from these citrus fruits are used for massage, mixing with vegetable base oils, and this product is one of the main components of aromatherapy aimed at raising immune protection The body, total tone, eliminate the effects of stress.

Hair oil

Mandarine oil is used even in severe cases when there are cardinal damage to the structure and a serious failure in the work of follicles. Ether hood activates the growth function, actively struggling with alopecia.

It is able to eliminate fat and dry seborrhea, dullness of the hair, feed the curls with useful components, so that the effect of "silk" is created. The hood from this citrus is not recommended to mix with shampoo or air conditioning, most benefits can bring masks, aromaacessia and head massage.

  1. Mix in equal shares extract made from mandarin, chamomile, incense and sandal.
  2. Heat, labeled in the roots and wrapped with warm cotton cloth.
  3. After an hour, wash off with a shower water using the usual detergent.

Recipe for strength and silk shine

  1. In 1 tbsp. l. Base - almond or coconut oil Add 5-7 droplets of the essential hood of the mandarin.
  2. To withstand about 30 minutes at strands, and after removing the usual way.

Oil for leather

Thanks to the antiseptic action, tangerine essential oil is widely used to care for overlooking the face of the face for which extended pores are characteristic.
Masks, tonic and emulsions based on it allow you to clearly clean the skin, narrow the expanded pores and eliminate inflammation caused by guncrows.

But the owner of a mature, fading skin of the face can help return to the former beauty, freshness and elasticity, improve the complexion and achieve greater smoothness of the epidermis. Sensitive skin exhaust will calm down, will remove irritation and itching. Well, those who have pigment spots on the face can easily get rid of them due to the use of mandarine oil.

Mask Recipes:

  • lighten the freckles and pigmentation can be wiped sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil with the inclusion of multiple droplets of mandarine hood;
  • to 1 tbsp. l. Avocado oils add 3-4 drops of mandarin extracts and use this composition as a mask, affecting a face for 30-60 minutes and as a night cream.

Recipes with Mandarin Oil

As you know, the fight against excess weight is carried out comprehensively, affecting the body both from the inside and outside. Increase the efficiency of this process, at the same time removing the obvious manifestations of the "orange peel", stretch marks and edema will help aromashed. It is enough to enter 10-15 droplets of the essential oil of mandarin in a bath with hot water and enjoy the smell and active action.

Good day all! Recently recognized an interesting thing. It turns out, before the Chinese were called high ranks called tangerines. Did you know? It is derived from the word "Mandar", which means "command" to our way. And, of course, the fruits of this amazing tree were in the unprecedented employee and were considered best gift To know!

And the benefits of these solaries were already known then. Today everything is much easier. The fruit is also appreciated, but is accessible to everyone without exception. And from it learned to make the essential oil of the property of the property and the use of which I want to reveal. I will tell you how to make this elixir yourself and share proven recipes.

What is this amazing fetus associated with you? Surely, with your favorite holiday of adults and children - New Year! For us, it is more enjoyed taste. But in this small fruit hidden a huge benefit! More precisely, even in his peel. I remember, before the zest was arid, then broke and used as flavoring. Even from such a skirt, an extraordinary fragrance was walking! And the manufacturers have learned how to extract the maslice! And then the maximum of useful properties that are suitable not only for aromatherapy are preserved. This is what this product has:

  • Beautiful laxative.
  • Improves exchange processes, splitting fats.
  • Removes ethnicity.
  • Soothes and raises the mood.
  • Helps in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks.
  • Regenerates skin.
  • Antiseptic functions carries.
  • Removes the soreness of the joints.

And everything in one bottle, as they say! I want to buy and start using. Are there any particular parties to use?

Features of use and contraindications

What are we waiting for from just the acquired tool? Of course, the result! I know a lot of people who, reading the recipe, do not all equalize the proportions. And these are not minor deviations, but essential. And then negative feedback on use appear.

No, the possibility of individual intolerance is not excluded. But only if you are sure that the rules for use and dose really have observed! And this gives a big percentage of success, which is expressed in the visible result!

  1. First, check the presence of allergies. Remember how to do it? It is a bit of the product and wait for the fox. How many? I think if the allergy takes place, in half an hour she will give themselves to know.
  2. Remember that, like this photo substance toxic. What does it mean? What can not be used before exiting the street. Therefore, the events spend better in the evening.
  3. Oddly enough, but use when pregnancy and breastfeeding is allowed. I was a little surprised by this fact. After all, this is one of the few oils that does not cause negative reactions. But, be sure, watch your feelings. I understand it is better than any chemistry, but also on natural ingredients can be allergic.
  4. Previously need to be hypotonized. Therefore, the product has a pressure reduction function.
  5. Do not take sugar diabetes and exacerbation chronic diseases. Especially what is associated with digestion.
  6. It is possible to take inside. Usually do it no more than 3 times a day for 1 droplet, but not in pure form, but with cookies, bread, tea.
  7. It is permissible to add to the stores, mix with other natural components and oils. In its pure form, it is better not to use, except for nails. To displaced them, strengthen and whiten, rub 1 drop in the nail plate once a day. In other cases, component.

With the first 6 points understandable? If so, then on the last, 7 point, I want to stop more.

Useful combinations

Of course, the simplest option is to add to shopping cosmetics. By quantity, such relations are usually held: 5 drops of ether by 15 g of the basic means. Believe me, it will be enough enough to bring themselves benefit. After all, you are dealing with concentrate.

Of the esters are good combinations with citrus. More often than others use orange and grapefruit. Such combinations enhance each other's action. Of course, the effect will be the most impressive! In addition to these components, mint extracts, Bergamot, Patchouli, Gerani use.

Mandarine concentrate, of course, mixed with databases. The most popular are the basics of, avocado, oils. You can also take others, your favorite views.

What ethers and bases do you have at hand now? We will restrain the beauty!

Recipes for face

You know, looking at many feedback and recipes, I learned that the best use would be for fatty and. But with dry type, experiments are undesirable. Can overcover strongly.

  • If you began to appear first wrinkles, use an oil mixture of avocado (7 ml) and miracle ether (4 droplets). According to reviews it is recommended to do the procedure for the night. Or per hour, then flush the napkin.
  • Vs good action Hold a combination of mandarin + lemon, take 6 drops. As a basis, take, diluted with water to the state of porridge. After applying the mask to keep 30 minutes. You can use every day.
  • In its pure form, it is possible to apply externally, from such an attack, like herpes. Just do not forget what to do it is absolutely.
  • And if frequent irritations appear on the skin, take walnutDrink the interior and add a few drops of a miracle ether. Apply to the places of problems for 10 - 15 minutes, and you will be happy!

No less effective hair tips. See what you can do with the chapel!

For beautiful curls

And if you need to overcome a strong loss, we will apply a crushing blow to the composition: a tangerine concentrate, rosemary. We need 5 droplets such ether. We will take the tablepath. Such a mixture to apply on the roots, distributing in length. Be sure to wrap the hair under the package and the towel, leaving for 1 hour.

But the advice from fatness. Take the almond masculice, warm on the water bath. When you remove a little warm liquid, drip lemon extracts and mandarin 2 droplets. Apply over the entire length and under the hood. In time, also, 1 hour. Yes, here is also an important moment. After we wash, rinse the decoction of herbs. I remember my friend always said that the brewed pharmacy chamomile is good. So, restore work song gem On health! And I still give a few recipes for the body.

Helloing the body

Remember, I wrote that this citrus ester perfectly regulates metabolic processes and breaks fats? This is the main function that is used.

Good recipe with our miracle ether. Do you have peach oil? Take a tablespoon, warm on a water bath. Add 3 drops of extract and rub the massage movements into problem areas. If you wish, you can enhance the effect of adding salt or. It turns out no longer a massage mixture, but a scrub from cellulite.

Another variant of one scraper. We will need honey 2 spoons of dining rooms, as many olive olives, 5 tablespoons of salt, lemon juice and its zest (you can dried, ground). Finally, add a mixture with 5 drops of tangerine ester. Just consider citrus and honey can provoke allergies. Therefore, first spend the test, the finished mixture. And if everything is fine, massage on health!

In addition, it is very good to make a bath with a citrus miracle. Take the handful of salt, pour into the cup. Cap here Mandarin extracts, fir, lavender. It will be enough for 2 droplets. Stir and pour into the water. In such a composition, it is possible to strengthen the immune system, carry out the prevention of cellulite, soften the skin, lift the mood! In addition, you can add a citrus zest. Dried or fresh, no difference. The benefits will be in all cases!

By the way, about the zest. Let's make a tangerine olive yourself?

Oil do it yourself

Where do you apply a zest when you are taking a cytrus? Do not throw out. At home we will make a wonderful composition! Place the skirt in the glass jar is denser. Fill with olive oil to cover from above. Be sure to cover with a lid and put on a dark point of the day 4. Then send the composition on a water bath, in time this procedure will take half an hour. Lid just cover loosely. Just put up. After 30 minutes, remove the jar. Perfoliate, Pretch Squeeze the skin and use!

Well, if there is no desire to mess with jars, you can buy this miracle tool. Moreover, its price is not too biting. On average, 3 dollars per 10 ml. Agree, for quality is simply wonderful!

I can offer to acquire such oil Either you can try this is.

I wonder, did you already use these means? Perhaps tried to do at home? Has help? Very waiting for your comments. And I invite you to become my subscribers to keep abreast of all interesting. Until!

I offer for viewing video with an overview of the 11 most popular citrus esters.

All the fruit is known from the citrus families - Mandarin. A small tree brings a rich harvest annually. Many take Mandarin for mini orange, fruit similar to taste, color and useful composition. However, the oranges are larger, have a spherical form. Mandarins have a little reddish tint. Fruits are used in purified form, but in the peel contains a lot of useful elements. Mandarine essential oil is famous for its unsurpassed properties. It is also used in cosmetology, and in the treatment of various ailments, and for preventing diseases. Although appearance Mandarins of different varieties are similar to among themselves, according to taste, they may vary by bones. The birthplace of this citrus is China. I received great distribution in Japan.

Festive Mandarin

New Year's Mandarin came to Russia, Canada and America from Eastern countries. Already at the end of the XIX century, Japanese migrants received from relatives as a gift of tangerines in the parcels, so the tradition of packaging gifts in festive boxes appeared, Christmas packages. Mandarin became an unchanged attribute. He was present at the New Year's table in every family. Tradition spread and became popular in many countries.

During the harvest of the citrus harvest, the whole "orange trains" acted. Cars painted in orange walked columns, it meant that the harvest was in full swing, the new year is approaching.

As told in folklore, Santa for three poor girls gave three gold coins as the attacked by three gold coins, they will get married faster with them. In some versions of the fairy tale instead of coins were golden mandarins.

This day is considered priceless to this day due to its useful properties. Mandarin essential oil is used in many spheres. Consider its application in more detail.

Powerful properties help in many ways. The benefits of tangerine oil is due to its antiseptic properties, which helps protect against infections. As a spasmolitic, essential oil will save from muscular spasms. You can extract from the tool and other benefits.

Barrier for infections

Mandarin has powerful antifungal and anti-infectious properties. A protective barrier is created around the wound under the influence of the means. It allows you to prevent contamination, toxins. The collection of leukocytes and platelets is activated, which do not give to penetrate microbes and infections into the wound.

Weakens spasms

Spasm may occur anywhere, and it causes very unpleasant painful sensations. This can happen in the respiratory system when it becomes difficult to breathe, the muscles are spashed, causing pain. Can be spasms in the gastrointestinal tract and even in nervous system. A few drops of tangerine oil allow them to stop.

Improves blood circulation

Circulation of blood in the upper layers of the skin, due to the effects of oil, significantly improves. At the same time, the skin looks more healthy, bright and fresh. Proper circulation allows the body to warm up faster, makes it possible to organize a self-description. Mandarin enhances immunity, helps digestion.

Fights with toxins

A citrus helps the body to bring toxins with urine from the body. It protects us from many diseases. Toxins accumulate in the body with different abscesses, when gouging, acne. They need to get rid of them.

Helps digestion and liver work

For digestive tract Mandarine oil is an indispensable assistant. It activates the release of bile and digestive juices, which positively affects the movement of food. Stimulates appetite. Be careful if you do not want to gain weight.

Protects liver from serious infections, supports the normal level of bile emission.


The sedative properties of mandarin slightly underestimated, and in vain. The oil easily copes with any symptoms of the hyperactivity of the nervous system, leading to various nervous manifestations (rashes on the skin, muscle twitching). Soothes attacks of epilepsy, hysteria, convulsions.

Cell regeneration

Essential oil contributes to the growth of new cells. Regeneration occurs much faster, it contributes fast healing RAS and even tightening scars. Children must be included in the tangerine diet. They are not only considered delicious delicacy, but also help development and growth.

As mentioned above, Mandarin oil contributes to improving immunity. The body is easier and faster begins to cope with diseases. All organic functions are configured to the desired way. All systems are starting to function normally: respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, excretory, endocrine.

Essential oil reassuring effectively on nervous disorders and various inflammations.

Protects the stomach

Mandarine oil allows you to maintain the basic level of acid in the stomach. It protects it from ulcers and other diseases. In this case, various infections are excluded.

For other purposes

Essential oil has a wide range of applications. It is able to heal skin disease And even get rid of stress, allows you to maintain the balance of the moisture level in the skin. Saves from diarrhea and meteorism. Promotes the disappearance of stretch marks and scars. Helps in fighting wrinkles.

Excellent compatibility

Mandarine oil is perfectly combined with other essential means. It can be combined with bergamot, carnation, cinnamon, sage, nutmeg, incense. Most often use a mixture of mandarin oil and lavender.


Apply one drop of mandarine oil on a handkerchief or drop into the diffuser. The smell will immediately increase the appetite. Metabolism processes will receive the necessary support.

Add a few drops into a bathing bath. Mandarin will help to relax, cope with the body with meteorism, nausea, indispensable.

Mix two drops of tamper oil with ten drops of wheat germ. Such a means helps to get rid of gastritis, ulcers, esophagus spasms, intestinal infections, colitis, dyspepsia, swollen, Icotes.

Add two drops of oil into the bath that you take before bedtime. This will relax intense muscles, remove psychological stress, convulsions. Such a bath will help to fall asleep faster. In the morning you will feel healthy and cheerful.

Several droplets of essential oil added to the aroma can help get rid of the feeling of anxiety, fear, anxiety, irritability, stress. This perfectly acts on children, soothes their excited nervous system, they fall asleep faster and easier.

Use oil in steam therapy. It helps to clean the skin, get rid of acne, acne. The skin after such procedures will shine health.

Mix the mandarine oil (2-3 drops) with jojoba oil (15 drops). Such a tool improves blood circulation, increases the elasticity of the skin, reduces the scars.

You can add oil into your daily cream and apply it to the affected areas.

If mixing the oils of the mandarin and coconut, then the remarkable massage means will be. It will help in the treatment of intestinal spasms, muscles, nervous system.

The mixture with sesame oil improves blood circulation, it is necessary only to apply a means to the skin. It will save from varicose veins, rheumatic pain, arthritis.

Add a few drops to the evaporator, inhale the aroma of the mandarin. This will help improve immunity, protects from infectious diseases. In the morning you will feel cheerfulness and energy.

Mandarine essential oil is an absolutely natural natural product that has been used in many areas. With it, it produces health and strengthening the body. It is also used in preventive purposes. Mandarin's ester in perfumes and pharmaceuticals is equally in demand. And of course, he is highly appreciated in cosmetology for a soft, but highly efficient impact on the skin of the face.

As tangerine oil affects the skin of the face

Mandaris Phytoessential is a product of fruit peel processing. The peel is subjected to a process referred to as a cold spin, and an oily liquid is obtained, which has a pronounced citrus aroma. The list of useful substances that she carries in itself is very impressive. It contains organic acids, vitamins, and minerals. The ester of mandarin is replete with hydrocarbons, aldehydes and phytoncides. All listed components have a positive effect on the state of the epidermis, so the mandarine oil is actively used in skin care. After all, through it you can:

  • Improve skin cell metabolism. Mandarine ether, due to irritant, speeds up the circulation of blood, which is why the epidermis receives an additional feeding with nutrient components and moisture.
  • Get rid of swelling, as the oil of mandarin acts on lymphatic system - It increases the speed of lymphotok. As a result, Limph ceases to be aligned and, accordingly, the face endlessness disappears.
  • Rejuvenate skin. Antioxidant properties of tangerine phytoessentials make it possible to determine the negative impact of free radicals on the tissue. She also pulls up the epidermis and smoothes shallow wrinkles.
  • Clear skin deep. Mandarin ester has the ability to regulate lipid exchange, that is sebaceous glands Begin to produce the required amount of skin saline, and not in excess or disadvantage. In addition, it removes rigorous tubes and reduces extended pores.
  • Regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties of this oil help the epidermis in rapid deliverance From acne, herpes, eczema and mouthpool.
  • Make the skin color of the face lighter, having saved from unwanted pigmentation, - freckles and age spots.

How to use oil mandarin oil

  • Express test is the first action that needs to be done before rehabilitation. skin Pokrov Persons with Mandarin Oil. Drip a little ether to the elbow. An hour after checking the condition of the epidermis. If there are absolutely no negative changes on it, it means that individual intolerance is absent and can be safely included in the skin care. Tested bioproduct. Otherwise, it is necessary to quickly rinse the skin lubricated with oil with a large amount of running water.
  • There are two ways to use tangerine phytoessentials - it can be added to the composition of cosmetics and apply in its pure form. Each of them has its own nuances. In the first case, the oil should be diluted with the base so that 2-3 drops of the ether accounted for at least 1 tablespoon of the base. In the second case, the mandarine oil must be applied point, that is, it is on the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat.
  • Get the habit before each application of any cosmetic tool clean the skin from dust and dirt lotion, preferably imaginary, and unpack her herbal freshly prepared decoction. Also, the skin of the face can be displeps, holding 3-4 minutes by a towel, moistened with hot water on it. Only it should not be burning. Thanks to these manipulations, the mask is much better affected by the epidermis.
  • To preserve the beneficial properties of home care products, always prepare them in glass containers. Also for these purposes is suitable dishes from porcelain and ceramics. It is not recommended to take metal dishes, as it oxidizes masks.
  • In order for the mandarine oil to show itself to the maximum, use mixtures with its content at least 1-2 times a week for 1-1.5 months.
  • Because of the photosensitizing agent, mandarin essential oil can not be used before entering the street into clear weather and in front of the solarium. After its application, the skin must go at least an hour, otherwise you can get the strongest burn.
  • To mandarium oil contraindications include epileptic seizures and hypotension. Pregnant women are allowed to use this product, but still you should first consult with a specialist.

Masks with Mandarin Oil

Mask against dry skin

What will take:

  • pumpkin - a small piece;
  • cream - 2 teaspoons;
  • mandarin oil - 3 drops.

How to cook:

  • Vegetable, by placing in the oven, bake up to complete readiness, and then cool and convert into a puree mass.
  • Then add a dairy product and a tangerine essence into the pumpkin puree.

Prepared composition for skin cover. The time of the mask is 30 minutes. After the specified time expires, clean the epidermis from it with a wet sponge. This agent has excellent moisturizers and nutritional actions, thanks to which the epidermis becomes soft, gentle and more resistant to detrimental environmental impacts.

Mask with a rejuvenating effect

What will take:

  • egg yolk, cucumber - 1 pcs;
  • mandarin ether - 6 drops.

How to cook:

  • Cucumber immerse in a blender and grind so that the mass of the puree-shaped consistency is.
  • After a vegetable puree, combine with egg yolk and essential tangerine oil in advance.

The tool impose on the skin of the face in such a way that it covers its uniform layer. After 15 minutes of cutting the mask, wipe the skin with a paper napkin and smell a little warm water. The mixture made according to the described recipe, pulls the contours of the face, increasing the skin turgor. It also maintains the necessary level of moisture and lipids, thereby eliminating the skin of premature wilts.

Skin cleansing mask

What will take:

  • coffee thickness - 2 teaspoons;
  • soda - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • mandarin essential oil - 5-6 drops.

How to cook:

  • Soda and coffee thick mix thoroughly with each other.
  • Then add fragrant essence into the mixture.

Moisturizing the skin, rub in it the resulting arraying movements, moving along massage lines, within a few minutes. After completing rubbing, handle the mask on the face of 4-5 minutes, and then you will be able to. This means is good because it removes dead epidermis cells and increases the speed of cell metabolism and regeneration. It also removes dirt and toxins, provoking the appearance inflammatory processes. This procedure is recommended once every 14 days.

Toning mask

What will take:

  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • mandarine oil - 2 drops.

How to cook:

  • Money and ether are mixed with each other. Note that for the mask you need to take only natural honey, and it should be liquid. Therefore, if honey candied, melt it in a water bath, just do it extremely carefully. After all, it is heated over 80 degrees loses beneficial features.

Medo-oil mixture apply on the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes. When the validity period of the mask will expire, be warm water. Through this cosmetic composition, you can return the skin radiance and tone. In addition, they can be used to remove pollution from epidermis and to extend his youth.

If you trust the health and beauty of the skin of the face with natural natural products, then be sure to note the essential oil of the mandarin. Be sure it will not let you down!

Product matrix: 🥄

These juicy and fragrant fruits are associated with us Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. Perhaps the Mandarin is the most famous and popular citrus worldwide.

Mandarin tree is relatively low. Often thorny and spiny. Evergreen tree has thin twigs and wide lancing leaves. Their color is saturated green, with glossy coating.

White flowers are either single, or in a huge abundance. Round fruits, flashed, small diameter. Color saturated orange, sometimes goes into red-orange when ripening.

Mandarin The plant is gentle, it is easily damaged from the cold. It grows mainly in countries with tropical and subtropical climates.

Oil liquid saturated yellow-orange color. At the same time, a sweet and sharp fragrance, which surprises with its softness.

Shining, warm fragrance acts as peaceful. Quickly removes the negative effects of daily stress, contributes to deep, calm sleep. Supports a sense of contentment and well-being.

Essential oil is extracted by the cold presses of fresh crust - it allows you to save all useful properties. Contains Alfa Tuyon, Alpha Pinen, beta-Pinen, camFen, citron, citronellal, gamma Terepinolen, Geranial, Geraniol, Limonen, Linalolol, methyl methlentranilate, Mircene, Norola, Sabinen and Terepineol.

Mandarin essential oil has special properties that are valued in medicine, perfume and food industry, cosmetology. The list of his magic qualities is quite impressive, it is not in vain actively used in Ayurveda and many health practices.

Mandarine oil, like all citrus, contains citric. This is the main component element, which is essentially a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from cancer, heart disease due to arteries and other damage caused by free radicals.

Mandarine oil properties are used to treat some states:

  • Insomnia.
  • Removes stress and tension.
  • Increases blood circulation and lymph on the surface of the skin.
  • Reduces fluid delay.
  • Helps reduce the visibility of stretch marks after pregnancy.
  • It is used externally for the treatment of microbial and fungal infections.
  • Careful acts on restless children and people.

Mandarin essential oil found its use due to its properties.

Removes spasms.

Voltage in musculature internal organs Or spasm in the respiratory system make a person suffer. Grueling cough and difficulty breathing deplets a person, and convulsions can be very painful.

Spasms B. digestive system cause vomiting, pain in the stomach and intestines. The voltage in the nervous system leads to nervous disorders. Mandarin oil successfully corrects such states, without any side Effects. Just a few drops and spasm will be defeated.

Antiseptic application.

Mandarin oil protects from bacterial and viral infections Damage to the skin. The thin protective coating on the wound contributes to the accumulation of platelets and leukocytes in the affected place, thereby creating a barrier for penetration of microbes.

In addition, the ether has bactericidal and fungicidal properties that kill them and thus enhances the protective effect.

Improves blood circulation.

The use of Mandarin ether significantly improves blood circulation and lymph, in particular, under the skin, which looks overwhelming, becomes an elastic and tightened.

Increased blood circulation rate creates heat, gives relief in rheumatism and arthritis. It also helps growth and enhances immunity.

Promotes regeneration.

The oil stimulates the growth of new skin cells and tissues, helps to accelerate wound healing and other damage. Just this property of tangerine oil is used with, scars and scars from acne. Such activation of the growth of cells contributes to the right increase in the body.


The use of oil purifies blood, helping to quickly remove toxic and unwanted substances from the body by excretion with urine, including feces and sweat.

This significantly reduces and prevents diseases resulting from the deposition of toxins, such as abscesses, furuncular, acne, Gong and arthritis.


Mandarine oil is popular when problems occur in the digestive system. A rich, sharp citrus fragrance contributes to the best digestion, stimulates the outflow of bile and other digestive juices.

Such properties of mandarine oil are good in the fight against infections of the stomach, protects it and the intestines from the ulcers, maintains the optimal level of hydrochloric acid and increases appetite. Eliminates diarrhea, constipation, meteorism.

Helps liver.

Mandarine oil is good for the liver, because it helps to maintain the proper production of bile and protects it from infections. Also strengthens the liver itself and optimizes its functions.


Another name is the tangerine oil - "happy." Of all the citrus esters it is the most soothing. If you need to thompose the child and normalize it sleep, use mandarine oil in the bedroom.

Although the oil has a common sedative effectSuch an action is more noticeable with sadness, grief and anxiety. They can calm the attacks of epilepsy, hysteria and convulsions. In addition, relieves stress and anxiety.


Mandarin oil tones, improves the overall health and improves the function of the immune system.

Being a tonic, helps to grow the body and regulates body functions and all organic systems operating in it, including respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, blood circulation, excretory, nervous and endocrine system. Strengthens immune system organism.

Mandarin oil and its use in cosmetology is so multifaceted that it must have every woman on his cherished shelf.

Attention! Avoid direct sunlight for at least 12 hours after local application. Phototoxic mandarine oil.

Ether has unique abilities to prevent the development of skin infections and diseases. It is used for acne, oily skin, pigment spots, scars and wrinkles.

The regenerating capacity of the oil is used in the occurrence of stretch marks. Regular abdomen massage will help not only get close to the child, but also prevent stretching on the skin.

Recipe mix against stretch marks:

  • 1 drop of mandarin
  • 1 drop of neroli.
  • 1 drop in Ladan
  • 10 ml of peach oil

Cellulite Mandarin Oil Used in almost all mixtures for massage. Energetic rubbing of the skin and special substances are forced to circulate blood and lymph faster, which means the effect will be noticeable after several sessions.

Body Mandarine Oil Create truly wonders. Updated epidermis, smooth surface texture makes feel confident and more attractive.

  • Add 1 drop of mandarin on the handkerchief or 2 drops of oil on the diffuser. Inhalation of sweet vapors increases appetite, and supports the metabolism process.
  • Adding 2-3 drops of mandarin in warm water for swimming can help free from gases, meteorism, nausea and stomach disorders.
  • Neat abdominal massage with 2 drops of this oil, mixed with 10 wheat germ oils can help in the treatment of ulcers, gastritis, esophageal spasm, intestinal infections, colitis, dyspepsia, abdomen, meteorism, Icotes and stomach disorder.
  • To the water to swim, add 2 drops of mandarin. It will help to relax the tense muscles, facilitate the flow mental violation, epilepsy, cramps and nervous ailments.
  • You can also add 3 drops of Mandarin essential oil to your diffuser, burner or evaporator for treating anxiety, anxiety, fear, fatigue, irritability, stress, hysterics and other negative emotions.
  • Adding 2 drops of mandarin water for steam bath helps in removing skin irregularities, stains, black acne, acne and scars. Enhances the natural beauty and radiance of the skin.
  • Massage with 3 mandarin ether and 15 drops of jojoba oil helps to improve blood circulation, increases skin elasticity and reduces traces from scars.
  • Add 3 drops of mandarine essential oil into your usual skin care cream and apply it to affected areas.
  • Drop 3 drops of mandarin ester in the bath or conduct body massage with 5 drops and 2 ml of coconut oil to get rid of unwanted substances from the body and sad thoughts. This massage will help in the treatment of spasms of the respiratory system, intestines, muscles and nervous system.
  • Skin massage with 5 drops of mandarin and 2 ml of sesame oil improves blood circulation and helps reduce varicose extension veins, remove stagnation of blood, rheumatic pain and arthritis.
  • Improved immunity. You can add 2 drops of oil to the evaporator, burner or diffuser at any time of the day or night to get the charge of youth and energy.
  • Skin update. We prepare a sugar scrub: Mix 2 cups of brown sugar, ¼ cup of coconut oil and 10 drops of mandarin and mint. Store in hermetically glass containers. Apply once a week.
  • Homemade "perfumes" will help improve the mood. To do this, in a bubble (10 ml) pour 3 drops of ylang-ylang, 3 drops of Bergamot, 9 drops of sage, 9 drops of lavender and 12 drops of mandarine essential oil. Complete coconut or other favorite oil. Apply to the skin and inhale the fragrance during the day.
  • Add 10 drops of mandarin and 5 drops of lavender in a spray bottle. Fresh water and use as a spray for face refreshing.
  • Honey with Mandarin Oil I take in food disorders, pain in the stomach. In the teaspoon to dial honey and drop 3 drops of mandarine oil. Respect in the mouth.

  1. Always check the skin sensitivity before use.
  2. Excessive use of oil can lead to skin sensitization.
  3. Bear eye, ears, nose from mandarin oil.
  4. Not all the oils are high quality. Never use oil that does not inspire your trust.

Mixing with other esters

Mandarine oil, being citrus itself, mixes with most other similar oils, such as Naroli, grapefruit, orange, lime, lemon.

Along with this, it is also well combined with basil's essential oils, black pepper, bergamot, cinnamon, sage, carnations, incense, lavender, palmaroz, ylang-yulang, geranium, chamomile and nutmeg.

Mandarin presented the world essential oil, the properties of which are used for a long time and very successfully. Joyful, lifeless and invigorating it will always be in demand not only for the fight against Handrea, but also for health.

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