How many months should be castrated cat. At what age is better to castrate a cat

Castration is a surgical intervention, which is carried out by catams to remove the germ. Castration is not a mandatory procedure, but helps to cope with the behavioral disadvantages of the animal. Sometimes castration is carried out on medical testimony, for example, due to injury, congenital pathology, orchita.

The young age is the key to successful intervention, the optimal age for castration is the period from 8 months to 1.2 years. At this time, the period of puberty is completed, and the animal is breathing with health and strength that helps him transfer anesthesia.

Important! Adult cats, older than 5 years old, are rarely castrated, in most cases on medical testimony. The fact is that the body of an adult animal is difficult to transfers anesthesia, and castration can end with a fatal outcome.

The cat's body, like the human body, is developing in stages. To determine the normal age for castration worth knowing the stages of this development:

  • From birth to 6 months - the body is in the phase of intensive growth. There is a final formation of organs, and if you castrate an animal at this age, you can stop the development and process of forming all systems.

Tip! Castration is carried out at such an early age if the cat managed to get the first experience with a neighbor's cat and it will remain in his memory. In the future, such permerees will be associated with a number of difficulties.

  • From 6 months to a year. In 8-9 months, the formation of the body is completed, and most often the castration operation is carried out at this age.

Important! Castration earlier than 8 months can lead to urethra underdevelopment, which in the future will be the cause urolithiasis.

Pros and Castration Cows

As a rule, castration of a young cat allows the owners of an animal to get rid of such troubles:

  1. Nasty smell, because the neutered cat does not mark the territory.
  2. Animal does not occur spring bursts of hormones: it does not shout, does not ask for a cat, etc.
  3. An animal becomes not aggressive.
  4. Statistics suggests that castrated cats live for 1.2-2 years more than not castrated.

Attention! Castra helps prevent the development of diseases such as prostatitis, tumors from which cats suffer over 5 years old.

Of the minuses of castration, you can allocate a danger that is associated with the introduction of anesthesia. Also the cat is deprived of the main instinct, and postoperative period quite difficult. There may also be inflammation of the seams, bleeding, and the tests have to be given. During anesthesia and surgical intervention The cat must be absolutely healthy.

After castration, having lost male instinct, cats begin to eat a lot and gain weight. The mass of the castrated cat sometimes reaches 12 kg, so the veterinarians recommend feeding a pet with special canned food with the mark "for castrated cats." There should be no restrictions in drinking, otherwise the probability of the development of urolithiasis increases several times.

Where is it better to castrate a cat: clinic or private visit

Castra is always conducted either in the veterinary clinic, or at home, the veterinarian is caused for the latter. Castration at home is preferable, because it allows you to save a cat from contact with other animals. After a common anesthesia, the cat is easier to depart at home than surrounded by the personnel of a veterinary industry.

Care rules

After castration rehabilitation period Lost for 48 hours, and the owners need to follow such advice:

  • During the day after surgery and 12 hours before it, the animal cannot be fed. After anesthesia, the animal may be sick, the cat refuses food or water. In this case, the kitten will have to feed the pipette or syringe, giving it liquid food in small quantities on the second day after castration.

  • In the next 8-10 hours after awakening from anesthesia, the cat may behave strange, try to escape or crawl into a remote corner of the house. The owners must follow the animals, otherwise it can hide and suffer from exhaustion, faded seams, etc.
  • The cat is put on a prominent place, putting an absorbent diaper under it: after surgery, an uncontrolled work is possible. bladder and intestines.

Tip! Do not put the operated cat on high sofas or beds so that it does not fall. The fact is, another 48 hours in the animal badly with the coordination of movements.

Summing up, it is worth saying that veterinarians approve of castration in the early recommended age. Castra helps reduce kitten's aggressiveness, hormonal bursts and a desire to mark everything and everywhere. Also, the cat will live for several years longer, pleaseing its owners. If the animal is young and healthy, there is no contraindications for castration. Castration at the older age is carried out if the importance of such an operation justifies risks.

Is it worth castrating cat: video

Mattering a pet, a person takes a certain responsibility. From this point on, the life of the pet is completely dependent. What is castration and why is she a cat?

Causes of castration cats

Opponents of the operation say that this is not a humane and even criminal procedure, which is unnatural interference in natural processes, and leading to disability helpless creature. Some even refer to her explicit manifestation of egoism. Nevertheless, castration is good way Adaptation domestic cat To atypical living conditions at home.

It is interesting!Zoopsychologists consider the Castration procedure not only useful, but also necessary. The case is primarily in the physical and psychological health of a pet.

The process of mating with yard cats is even greater danger than a fight. If the female is sick, it will definitely rewards with this disease and the "groom". And this is nothing, the cat can be cured. But what to do with a huge number of homeless kittens, which in the future also inhabit the same unfortunate, no one for the necessary animals, doomed to die outside of hunger, cold and infectious diseases?

What does the cat after surgery will cease to be considered the "owner of the yard"? Do you think for him it has any meaning? Unlikely. Most likely, the contented kittyra will drive the birds in the yard, it will be absolutely in the sun and he will be absolutely anyway, how much "brides" at the neighbor's Ryzhik. Therefore, making a decision, one should not go on their own beliefs, and act exclusively in the interests of the four-legged friend.

Pros and Castration Cows

Sooner or later, before each owner there is a choice - to castrate a homemade male pet or leave everything as is? In any case, there are a number of advantages and minuses of the operation, only by studying who, a person can take the right decision. Opponents of castration assure that castrates the cat living at home, not only selfish, but also meaningless, because he does not have contact with females.

Indeed, a disrostated cat who lives in the apartment is not able to satisfy its natural needs, so it usually behaves in such a way as the natural instincts dictate him - "Metit" is everything that females have the opportunity to find it, scratches cabinets and sofas, Thus thus taking irritation. At one moment, the kitten is adequate yesterday, the kitten is capable of becoming nervous, evil, as well as an incredulous, scratch, hiss and bite on any occasion. Moreover, the punishment of an animal can only aggravate the situation.

After the operation, the behavior of a beloved cat varies significantly - there is a stabilization of its hormonal background, even recently "loving", it ceases to pay attention to females. There is no trace of aggressiveness, because the feeling of chronic dissatisfaction disappeared. The cat disappears the feeling of fear that arises earlier at the moments of the okhricov and punishment. Yes, and the psychological state of the owner also improves - the disgusting smell disappears, the furniture is again safe, and the cat itself is a solid charm.

It is interesting!The next argument of opponents of castration - she makes an animal with disabilities. As a result, the cat will become unhappy, because now it is a kind of intimate creature that his full-fledged rivals chase, and also ignore yesterday's "brides".

However, it is known that the cat, as a rule, mates with females not for the sake of obtaining some pleasure, but obeying natural instincts, that is, it can be said, its purpose. And from this need to continue the kind, your favorite animal can be released with castration. After the procedure, he can choose a cat to him or not?

And when he does this for the sake of pleasure, it will not cease to pay attention to females, because the adult beast, operated on after some time after receiving the experience of satisfying its natural instincts, remembers the purpose of cats. Such fluffy lifestas live in feline nurseries, pulling females from the critical state, but not fertilizing them.

The opinion of some about the fact that the cat who survived castration will live less, also does not correspond to reality. Castration not only prolongs the life of the animal, but also significantly improves its quality. Stressful situations No more, Drak, too, the risk of infection with all sorts of diseases is minimized, there is no aggression from the owner. The hormonal background is normalized - the body produces so much testosterone as needed for normal life. Not life, but solid pleasure.

However, castration is an operation. Therefore, like any operational intervention, has its own side effects:

  • The use of anesthesia is a health risk, albeit small. By the way than an adult animal, the greater the likelihood of complications after anesthesia.
  • The emergence of complications in the form of bleeding and infection. This may happen as a result of a poor-quality operation. Therefore, trust your favorite only by a qualified specialist.
  • After castration, cats increase the risk of urolithiasis. Therefore, it is recommended to give it a special feed and a large amount of water.

According to veterinarians, suitable age for castration - seven-nine months. A pet is already sufficiently adult. He has already begun, but the process of puberty has not yet ended. Kittens not reached the sevenway age should not be operated.

This is capable of developing complications in the field of urethra. Little kittens are too narrow urinary channel, therefore the slightest inflammatory process (and it is almost impossible to avoid when conducting such an operation) can provoke the formation of adhesions and overlap of the ureter.

Preparation, operation

To prepare an animal to surgery, one desire for the owner is not enough. First of all, the cat must be absolutely healthy. In addition, he must have a normal appetite and a chair, the animal must be vaccinated and progressively.

It is interesting!Twelve hours before the procedure it should be stopped feeding. In some cases, the doctor offers to give a laxative. For three hours cease to give water.

An attraction (orchiectomy) is one of the most common "feline" operations, which is the removal of the seeds. This procedure is not unique and especially difficult, but it is necessary in sterile conditions. Castration is usually carried out using general anesthesia and takes about five minutes. Sews that do not require removal are superimposed on the wound. In some cases, the use of local anesthesia is allowed.

Castra Animals implies a sufficiently strict time frame, during which the removal of the genital glands is the most efficient and less traumatic. Present the pet's body as a mechanism whose work can be interfered at any time, erroneously. Physiology of cats involves a fixed age, best suitable for castration. Developing or excessive inuction against this operation can lead to sad consequences, because the answer to the question, at what age they castrate cats, each owner of a fluffy friend should know.

It is very important to cast the castration in a timely manner so that this procedure does not have negative consequences for the health of the cat and at the same time maintained its effectiveness. A pet is considered ready for such a serious operation if it satisfies two main conditions:

  • the cat has reached puberty recently. Veterinarians are advised to castrate those cats that have not yet participated in mating. Otherwise, even the removal of some reproductive organs will not lead to the desired result: the pet will continue to be aimed at searching for female;
  • cat's body completed its physiological development, in other words, your pet finally formed. Since castration changes dramatically exchange processes In the body, it negatively affects young cats that did not have time to grow, even more slowing down the development of the animal.

If we talk about more specific temporary framework, then early agein which castration can already be performed, is six months. The boundaries of the late age are blurred. Some hosts castrate their pets and 2, and 3, and even at 4 years, but the veterinarians advise to carry out this CATAM operation up to the year.

It should also be borne in mind that different breeds suggest different speed of development. Representatives of large breeds are experiencing anesthesia easier due to their greater weight (castration is carried out on pets who have reached the minimum body weight - two kilograms). However, the lower threshold at six months does not mean that as soon as your cat will go half a year, it should be immediately brought to the veterinarian for the operation.

The best solution to the choice of a suitable age for castration will be the preference of the golden middle, which involves the removal of the sex glands with animals aged 8 to 10 months. It is at this time that cats end the formation of all anatomical structures, and their health is sufficiently strengthened in order to move the anesthesia well.

How to determine the readiness of a cat to castration?

To prompt suitable age for castration, the veterinarian itself may be inspected by an animal. The fact is that, in addition to age criteria, there is also anatomical. The signal is that the pet is ready for castration, comes the omission of semennikov, which in different individuals can occur at different times.

Until the commemoration, the semenniks are either in abdominal cavityor in the groin ring. And this means that even with a great desire, the owners of the veterinarian will simply not be able to make surgery. However, the peculiarity of cat physiology is that the sexual ripening in these animals precedes the physiological one actually. This suggests that even after the compensation of the seeds, the owners of the animal are desirable to wait once or two months and only then carry a cat to castration.

Video - When is it better to castrate a cat?

Castration of mature and old cats

It often happens that the owner decides to castrate his pet already in adulthood, and even in old age. Is it possible to implement a similar purpose? Of course. Most veterinary clinics are taken for casting cats by age up to 5-6 years.

However, even before recording, the Cot owner must be aware of possible risksincorporating such complications as:

What studies do you need to go through the old cat?

In order to allow an elderly cat to castration, veterinarians, as a rule, send an animal to a number of specialists of a narrower profile, so that the pets are examined in more detail and made a solution. Among such specialists are usually listed:

  • cardiologist (for ECG);
  • anesthesiologist (to assess the readiness of a cat to anesthesia);
  • x-ray (for X-ray);
  • ultrasound specialist (for evaluation general status internal organs Animal).

Do I need to castrate a cat?

This topic still retains discussion, despite the fact that most veterinarians clearly expresses this operation. Of course, this does not mean that any pet need to ban pairing - this wording sounds simply absurd. However, if you start a pet not for the sake of obtaining purebred offspring and do not plan to use it in mating, castration is the best way out.

Advantages of castration

Among positive Parties Castration list the main:

  • castration significantly reduces the level of aggression in the pet (especially if it comes to males). In periods of sex hunting, cats often become conflict and can exercise physical aggression both towards other animals in the house and to the owners themselves;

  • castration allows you to get rid of specific rituals accompanying the moment of sex excitement. These rituals include the labeling area to attract females, loud and obsessive meowing, designed to attract sexual partner and so on. After removal of the sex glands, your pet will need the need for these actions (if castration is committed in a timely manner);
  • castrated cats are not trying to escape from the house, taking the apiece nearby. It is important to understand that the greatest percentage of shoots is explained not to the desire of the animal "stroll", but quite specific goals;

  • castration is the prevention of many urological and gynecological diseases, as well as diseases associated with the genitourinary system. Sterilized females do not threaten a pyometer, which is inflammation of the uterus. In turn, the castrated males are reliably protected from prostate adenoma, egg cancer and urolithiasis. In addition, both sexes decreases the risk of the appearance of pathologies associated with the mammary gland.

    Sterilized females significantly decreases the likelihood of mastitis

Some owners continue to believe that castration does not allow the cat to become a full-fledged "man", and the cat does not have the "happiness of motherhood." But it is important for such owners to remember that during the sex hunting the animal is initiated, it accumulates excess energy. If a cat or cat cannot satisfy his impulse, they inevitably experience painful frustration again and again. Of course, castration goes against nature, but also against nature there is a domestication of cats that prevent them from unlimited access to females.

However, to the question whether it is worth making a cat every year to tolerate sexual arousal, which will not lead to any productive result or better to save it from this intrusive need for generally, each owner responds in its own way.

Disadvantages of castration

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that castration is not the key to all problems and also assumes the presence of certain difficulties. Among the consequences that castration may result in the following:

Prejudice relative to castration

Unfortunately, many cats for our days remain the echoes of previous prejudices regarding the passage of Castra and her "terrible" consequences. The following myths include such prejudices:

  1. "Castration passes for the animal very painful." During castration, the cat is under general anesthesia and does not feel at all. Of course, the departure from the anesthesia and the further healing of the wounds impose an imprint on the well-being of the animal in the next few days, but no matter what torment does not go. If you correctly care for cats after the operation, they are rapidly restored.

  2. "If you sterilize the cat before she gives birth, it will never be physiologically full." In this statement, two obvious errors are hidden at once. First, the presence or absence in the life of the cat's cat called "Birth" does not affect its development. Moreover, it is possible to give birth and not to the end formed a cat for which it is really harmful and dangerous. Secondly, the sterilization of the cat after childbirth is completely useless, since, as we have already spoken above, it is important to castrate a pet before the first sexual contact.

  3. "Castra will not allow the pet to get joy from life." Partly, we have already considered this argument. It is worth noting that if the owner is ready to give animals the opportunity to regularly mate and able to take responsibility for kittens, it may well refuse to castrate cats. However, since such cases are one, talking about the joy of a cat from life with the inability to ensure the proceedings with the relevant conditions simply meaninglessly.

Types of castration

Among the most common embodiments of castration, three methods are distinguished:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • vasectomy.

Open method

An open method is considered the most popular, moreover, most of the owners of the cats consider it the only one, but in practice it is far from the wrong. Open castration implies the following manipulation by the surgeon:

  1. Stretching the scrotum in the field of semennikov, incision.
  2. Removing semennikov.
  3. Pulling the scrotum to the inguinal ring in order to extract the seed rope.
  4. The imposition of the ligature on the rope.
  5. Razing rope and wound sewing.

Video - Open Castion Cat

Closed method

The closed method is considered more gentle, and therefore fits elderly cats or cats having intravaginal hernia or wide inguinal rings (the risk of which after the operation is quite large).

With closed castration, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Stretching the scrotum.
  2. Cutting the skin (while the shell remains untouched).
  3. Disconnecting the shell from the walls of the scrotum.
  4. Rotate 180 degrees shell with a seed.
  5. The imposition of ligature is not far from the inguinal ring.
  6. Removing the seeds with appendages by a centimeter lower.
  7. Wound sewing.


The closed method is bloodless and does not imply autopsy scrotum in the process of surgical intervention. The main focus during vasectomy is made to the destruction of seed-airing channels, which prevents the penetration of spermatozoa to the penis of the cat. The blocking of the seed range is not accompanied by the dissection of vessels or nerves, and therefore the seeds remain in preservation, continuing to function.

One of the positive sides of the vasectomy is the lack of need for general anesthesia: it is enough to make local anesthesia to cats so that they can easily postpone the operation. This greatly facilitates their further recovery and reduces the likelihood of all sorts of complications.

How to prepare your pet to castration implying general anesthesiaYou can read below. Read more about, read in our special article.

Non-surgical castration

In addition to the above-known castration methods listed above, there are alternative methods, for various reasons not received prevalence in Russian veterinary clinics. The main types of castration without scalpel attracting are shown in the table below.

Table. Types of non-surgical castration

Castration with irradiationThis method involves the use of radiation directed to the seeds and pets of the pet. The dose of radiation contributes to a natural decrease in the sexual activity of the cat, but quite often leads to serious negative consequences in the form of egg cancer. Due to the high risks, modern veterinarians prefer to abandon castration by irradiation
Chemical castrationCastration is made using the injections of drug-based drugs (it is also possible to use this substance in the form of tablets). Megestrocetate has an oppressive effect on sex hormones and leads to a decrease in sexual excitement from cats. However, the overall impact of this drug on the body remains in question, as well as the duration of its action. The need to periodically pump the pet injection repels many owners. Concerning chemical castration presented not in all vetliks
Microwave castrationCastration is made using a special microwave emitter, the action of which leads to a resistant result. Once the animal treated with such rays will not need repeated procedures. The method is not enough due to the fact that not all veterinary centers can afford the acquisition of the emitter. There is also no sufficient research base, allowing veterinarians with confidence to say that such radiation will not entail delayed harm to the health of the cat

Complications after castration

Despite the fact that the emergence of complications after castration is not a frequent phenomenon from initially healthy cats, each owner should be ready for such developments. Since recovery after the operation is accompanied by total weakness Cat, it is difficult to determine in time when the situation comes out of control.

It is necessary to understand that the pet is right now you need help from the veterinarian, the owner may in the following painful manifestations:

  • the body temperature fell at the cat below 37 degrees. Low temperature in the first hours after the operation is natural, because during the castration, it should have been such under the influence of anesthesia. However, if in the following days the figure on the thermometer does not grow, and the cat is experiencing severe weakness and can barely walk, you should contact your doctor;

  • the body temperature rose to 39 degrees and higher. If a heat keeps for a few days, then it can be a sign of availability inflammatory processeswho threaten the health and life of the cat. If this symptom is detected, it is not necessary to try to bring down the temperature "home" methods;
  • invertible blood discharge from the seam. Of course, in the first days after the operation, the wound may and, most likely, it will bleed. However, in the normal blood discharge, these blood discharge are minimized and pass for 2-3 days. If there is plentiful bleeding or long-lasting persons, it is necessary to show the animal veterinarian;

  • skin swelling around the seam. Eveniness is the natural consequence of surgical intervention only the first five days after the operation. If the edema does not pass further, you should consult a doctor. However, since the suture method of castration is now rarely enjoyed, this item loses its significance;
  • prolonged violation of the work gastrointestinal tract. The problems with the intestinal peristalsis are observed in many cats after the operation for the first two or three days, this is considered an option for the norm. The protracted constipation or diarrhea is a reason for re-circulating in a vetclinic to diagnose a cat.

Missing the host should also be uncompanying blood splashes in feces or in the urine of a cat

In more detail about the health and care features you can read in a separate article on our portal.

Probably there are no such people who would be completely indifferent to the pet. It does not matter at all, than caused by the appearance in the house, say, a British cub or a simple street cat, as a gift to his beloved tea or as a result of his own limitless love for the brothers to our smaller. By taking the kitten, you need to remember that in response for him and when he is a gentle baby, and when an annoying restless cat.

Therefore, upon reaching sexual maturity, the question arises in front of most owners: to castrate a cat or not? And if so, then at what age is it better to do? How many difficulties may occur if the operation is not quite on time? It is worth dealt with this dilemma, considering all the pros and cons of such an operation depending on the age-related indicators of cats.

Often, the kitten, which appeared to the light, immediately makes him think about this of his responsible hosts. However, in order to take the right decision and not harm the favorite of the whole family, it is necessary to know something about the physiological features of the development of cats.

The end of the maturation and formation of the body of cats, as well as their organs and systems, comes to age for 12 months. At the same time, by half a year, the body can be considered physiologically developed. Conducting operations to six months can turn into negative consequences and contribute not only to the delay in the development of the entire body, but also the occurrence of diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, the seeds may not fall by this time or be within the groin ring, which in itself should be perceived as the main contraindication to sterilization.

Castion cats of old age

As for the elderly cats, it is better to say about medical testimony. Their number increases with each year and to the old age of the animal becomes as much as it makes the need for such an undesirable procedure. Most often, this operation resorts due to the development of such diseases and factors:

  • urinary incontinence;
  • prostate hyperplasia;
  • diseases of the semennikov;
  • pronounced aggression.

Make all risks are minimal by passing a comprehensive preliminary examination in which:

  • clinical laboratory tests of urine and blood;
  • x-ray of the chest cavity;
  • Ultrasound of all internal organs;
  • consultation of the cardiologist in the event of the detection of cardiac noise.

With satisfactory concluding results, the cat will be allowed to sterilize, with the participation of anesthesiologist and an experienced surgeon.

The optimal age of the cat for sterilization

Of the foregoing, the simple conclusion is suggested that the optimal period when to castrate a cat is a pioneering British or ordinary courtyard purr - age is considered during its full ripening. Many physician specialists in the field of vehicles adhere to positions that the best sterilization passes when an animal from 7 to 9 months. This is explained by the fact that the cat under the year has already has a sufficient body weight, all organs function as a single mechanism, but the stage of sexual formation has not yet been completed. By 12 months at the time of sexual maturity, hormones responsible for Martam attraction to cats will be produced in the testicles and in the pituitary gland. In time, deleting the testicles, the pituitary gland will not receive a similar hormonal promise, and in the future hormones will be produced in small quantities.

What to do if the most appropriate period for castration is missed?

An adult cat, from 1 year to 7 years, is considered in veterinary clinics, such an operation does not threaten something terrible. However, by moving the extreme line of the seven age, the cat begins to grow old, and castration can turn into death for him.

Referring to this issue with all seriousness, you need not to miss the best moment when you castrate a cat can be quite painless, and then the main negative consequences will not affect it.

Although the reasons why the owners could not do this on time can be a lot. Someone is afraid, surviving for the health of his fluffy pet. Someone was unfamiliar with the specifics of the physiological development of cats. But when the decisive factor appears when the patience comes the end and, it seems, the whole house is impregnated with a caustic unpleasant smell, most of those who loving owners are simply forced to go to such radical measures.

Risks complications after castration cat

The disadvantages and risks of surgical intervention also largely depend on the age of the castrated animal. The older it is, the greater the likelihood of complications, the harder to transfer the operation and the rehabilitation stage. Not the most pleasant consequences may appear, as:

  1. The castration procedure is accompanied by general anesthesia. An important fact that anesthesia is a huge risk even for human health, not to mention a small pet. Elderly cats, in case of identifying problems with cardiac activity, Castration is contraindicated. Therefore, it is not necessary to tighten so much with this intervention.
  2. Even if the intervention process itself ended with success, it is too early to draw conclusions, since most often complications occur after surgery. It can be assumed that the bleeding will open, infectious infection or discrepancy between the seams will occur. A guarantee of a safe outcome will be the choice of a highly qualified graduate surgeon, high-quality preparation to castration and correct care After it.
  3. The development of urolithiasis having large chances of appearance can be overcome using the adjusted power and drink mode.

In addition, sexually active animals, especially those who independently go for a walk, have a small lifespan. Street is a source of high risk for cats. They often die under the wheels of cars and from the hands of cruel people, get different injuries, communicate and fighting with homeless animals, are sick of contagious and dangerous, including for people, diseases.

Therefore, the cat is a cat, most of the owners are configured to conduct a sterilization or castration operation. At what age is it is considered to carry out this operation in the period when the pet has already formed gOOD SYSTEM, But he still does not know what a nipper is.

Early castration is not welcome (up to 10 months), as this can lead to problems with the genitourinary system. Also, they are not advisable to reach the time when the cat is already sexually active and has a viscous experience. It is believed that such a cat, although not capable of reproductive activities, the old memory will continue to mark the angles and demand the cat.

Is it worth castrating a cat, whose age is much higher than recommended? Unambiguously say it is impossible. Veterinarians have different opinions about how much to castrate a cat and whether to castrate adult cats with experience in sex life. Of course, each animal is individually, and everyone behave in different ways. Forward, it is impossible to guess how the behavior will change however, many owners who have made operations to cats that have reached 5 years and more claim that castration gave a 100% result, and it doesn't matter at what age the cat is completely. As a rule, most cats in this case are stopped asking the cat, do not rush into the street, become calm, good-natured and very affectionate. Those animals that are not limited to independent walks, more time begin to spend at home and even return to games. As for the labels of the territory, in the first few months, a neutered adult cat continues on the inertia to mark the corners in the house, but the smell of this is not so sharp. Gradually, this habit of the animal disappears. Therefore, to the question, at what age it is to castrate a cat, there is no definite answer.

As a rule, castrated cats live longer. They become cleaner, and there is no longer an unpleasant odor characteristic of cats during the marriage period. All your hunter skills are fully preserved. It does not affect the castration on their intelligence and the main features of the character, except that the aggressiveness is missing inherent in the period of "cat weddings".

The operation is quite simple, since it affects only external genital organs. Caring for the cat after operation is minimal. The main thing is to follow the animals immediately after leaving the anesthesia when the cat is not completely adequate, but is violated due to the relaxation of the muscles.

It is believed that castrated cats are very fat. In fact, completeness is more often associated with the constitution of animal and overgrowth. It is known that non-stirred cats, which are fed to slaughter, are also very thick. However, after castration, food should become somewhat different, since the cats becomes a vulnerable urinary system and a tendency to the development of urolithiasis.

The castrated cat must be fed gradually, but often. Fish from the ration is best to exclude, since trace elements in it can harm the castrated animal. Food should consist of beef, poultry meat, chicken by-products, vegetables, porridge. Be sure to give kefir and cottage cheese. Drink must be present in an unlimited quantity. And, of course, the castrated cat should not be flipped.

So, at what age is castrated cat and is it worth doing at all? Everyone must solve it for himself. If the cat is not a valuable producer of thoroughbred kittens and lives in an urban apartment, then the decision on castration is fully justified.

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