In the elderly, the vasserman reaction is false positive. False-positive serological reactions to Syphilisfalse Positive Reaction to Serological Tests for Syphilis

Syphilis is serious disease high degree Infectiousness. To identify the disease, blood tests (venous and capillary) are used, as well as in some cases it is investigated spinal fluid. Deciphering analysis on syphilis is carried out by the attending physician. The patient can independently see and understand some designations in the analysis, but the final conclusion about the presence or absence of the disease should do a qualified doctor. Possible false-positive or false negative analysis on syphilis.

When you need to consult a doctor

For a long time syphilis was dangerous diseasenon-treatable. Modern medicine It has all means to fully heal the disease. The earlier the diagnosis is raised and the disease is detected, the easier it will be treated. Syphilis infection occurs not only during sexual contact, but also when using the same household items with patients ( toothbrush, towel, kitchenware, etc.). Therefore, the periodic holding of the express blood test to syphilis is recommended for each person.

When infected there is an increase lymph nodes In the groin area, the appearance of ulcers and skin rashes in the field of mouth and genital organs. In case of detection of the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. The survey may be anonymous in the direction of the gynecologist, a urologist, a proctologist, a venereologist or a conventional therapist. After passing the test, see the decoding of the analysis on syphilis to the doctor.

Appointment of examination

Often, when conducting medical examinations, the doctor may assign many laboratory tests, including the test for syphilis. Do not take such a direction as suspected illness. Many areas of public life requires a certificate of absence of a disease.

  • Family planning
  • Registration in the hostel
  • Admission to the workplace for health workers, catering staff, etc.
  • Donation of organs or blood
  • Patients leading active sex life
  • Availability clinical symptoms
  • The end of the treatment of syphilisa

As a primary study, one of nonspecific (non-refundable) tests is prescribed. The accuracy of such tests is relatively low and the patient can get false positive result. In this case, a re-study will be prescribed using a specific (treponem) test. Positive or negative analysis should be considered by the attending physician.

Preparation for test

Before passing blood from the finger or vein for laboratory research It is necessary to adhere to some rules so that the analysis is as reliable as possible. 8-12 hours before the blood fence should not eat food, tea or coffee. During the day before visiting the laboratory, it is not recommended to use sharp, oily, fried, salted or smoked products. Antibiotics and other drugs can also distort the test. All accepted substances should be informed of the doctor. Perhaps he will recommend to refrain from passing an analysis for 1 or several weeks. Blood sample can be handed over in a private laboratory, a district clinic or call a health care person.

In any case, sterile equipment and disposable gloves are used.

Express analysis on syphilis can be made independently at home. Pharmacies offer special tests with detailed instructions in Russian. The result of the test is known after 10 minutes. One red strip on the indicator is a negative analysis on syphilis, two strips are positive. The accuracy of such tests is not high enough and cannot serve as a confirmation of the diagnosis.

How to understand the result of nonspecific examination

Patients often feel uncertain after the test. Pass the blood and can not be able to decipher the tests on syphilis on their own, of course, unpleasant. Deciphering blood test requires medical education and the appropriate qualifications of the doctor, as well as the accounting of all factors affecting the result. Can the patient independently read the results of his analysis on syphilis? Seeing the laboratory report, you can make simple conclusions, but a doctor must confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Sample with toluidine red is appointed not for diagnosis, but to verify the effectiveness of the treatment of the disease. The study shows how much the amount of antibodies has changed compared to the previous analysis. If the digit decreased, the treatment is successful. The analysis is carried out in the process of treatment several times as prescribed by the doctor. 3 months after the completion of the procedures, control testing is carried out.

Frameless tests (RSKK, RMP and RPR) are often prescribed during medical examinations and as express diagnostics. There are several options for designations as a result of research. It is enough to decipher them:

  • "-" negative result
  • "+", "1+") or "++", "2+" weakly-bed analysis
  • "+++", "3+" or "++++", "4+" positive analysis on syphilis

Any of the results may be a false positive or false negative reaction to syphilis. In the absence of clinical symptoms and random sexual contacts, a negative result can be accepted by a doctor as faithful. A positive reaction is usually checked using a treponem test.

Results of a specific study

Treplement tests are complex and expensive compared to non-renewable. There are several types of analyzes used to diagnose syphilis: RSKT, Ribt, Reef, RPGA, ELFA and immunoblotting). One of the exact specific studies is Ribt analysis. The result of the test can be represented by the laboratory as a percentage.

  • 20% corresponds to a negative result ("-")
  • 21-30% dubious analysis ("++" or "2+")
  • 31-50% weakly bed ("+++", "3+")
  • 51% and more conforms to a positive result.

Immunoblotting one of the modern and accurate ways to diagnose the disease. Usually assigned to confirm or refute the results of the first study. The detection of the blood antibodies of the IgG and IgM antibodies is marked. The test results are decrypted in comparison with the unreleased test.

If both results are negative, the patient is healthy or infection is in the first week of development. Both positive results indicate the presence of syphilis or other, possibly an autoimmune disease.

A positive immunoblotting test after a negative improper study means the presence of syphilis, autoimmune or oncological disease.

There may be a positive reaction in pregnant women. Negative immunoblotting test after a positive improper study means the absence of a disease.

Reliability of analyzes

There is always the likelihood that the test result is erroneous. When deciphering analyzes on syphilis, special attention should be paid external factorsnot dependent on the patient. The laboratory assistant, conducting research or patient, may be mistakenly err, when it was incorrectly prepared for a blood collection or did not provide the doctor to the truthful information about himself. A false positive result is possible in the influence of the following factors:

  • Diabetes of any type
  • The presence in the blood of narcotic substances
  • Alcoholic intoxication
  • Infectious type diseases (measles, hepatitis, mononucleosis, etc.)
  • Benign or malignant neoplasms
  • Heart diseases
  • Reception of antibiotics or recent vaccination
  • Autoimmune diseases (red lupus, rheumatoid arthritis etc.)
  • Pregnancy
  • Eating fatty, acute or salty foods during the day before blood intake

Depending on the disease stage, some tests cannot identify the disease. Thus, the Vasserman reaction (RSKT, and RSKC) is carried out only after 3-4 weeks after possible infection with a probability of 100%, in the presence of tertiary syphilis, accuracy will be only 75%. For the diagnosis of early stages of the disease, it is advisable to use an IFA test. The analysis is an immunoassay study with high sensitivity to antibodies. The accuracy of the result is close to 100%, a false positive result in the presence of other diseases is excluded.

Negative test results for venereal diseases mean that man is healthy. Dubious analysis on syphilis will lead to a re-examination. If there are factors that could affect the final output, for example, the presence of other diseases, the doctor will change the test parameters. The positive result of the analysis on syphilis is not a sentence or a reasons for panic. With the help of drug impact, the disease can be fully cured. However, it should be remembered that diseases at an early stage are much better to treat.

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False-positive serological reactions to syphilis
False Positive Reaction To Serological Tests for Syphilis

What is false positive reactions to syphilis

False-positive (false-positive reactions) Sumoractation on syphilis - positive test results for syphilis tests. In the absence of a disease. The joint-positive reactions should be distinguished from the seropositivity and serororesistance after the treatment of syphilis. In most cases, false-positive reactions are found during the improper tests for syphilis (RPR) - approximately 2-5% of the case from all tests (according to some authors from 5 to 20%), much less often false-positive reactions are found during the carrying tests. Biological false-positive reactions and erroneous false positive reactions associated with violation of testing techniques in the laboratory.

What are the reasons for false positive reactions to syphilis

False-positive unrefined tests

The main causes of biological false-positive reactions are related to the fact that during the carrying tests, antibodies to cardiolipin are determined (the main component of mitochondrial lipids, especially the heart muscle - from here and the name), which appears in the body in the destruction of tissues in some diseases and states. In fact, non-renewable tests The so-called reactive antibodies are determined, which the body did not work against the causative agent of syphilis - pale treponama, but against the consequences of a syphilitic infection. However, the reactive antibodies are produced not only to lipids of destroyed tissues, but also to the lipids of the pale treponam membrane, but more than 200 antigens were identified, similar In its composition on the lipid antigen of pale treponam.

False-positive tronewn tests

The reasons for the appearance of false-positive tronewhen tests are unknown. The progress of their appearance is very low. It is not possible that false-positive tronewn tests are most often found in the system of red lupus and in the Lyme disease (borreliosis).
Since the antibody antibodies are produced by the cells of immunological memory for a fairly long time, there are hypotheses about the short-term contact of the body with a pale troneby, which did not lead to the infection with syphilis, but caused the products of anti-trembling antibodies.

Undoubtedly the appearance of positive non-dedicated and tronewable tests in non-relaxing varieties - this is not considered as a false-positive biological reaction, but also does not confirm the presence of syphilis.

When there are false positive reactions to syphilis

The registered frequency of false positive results of non-refined tests is from data from different authors from 5 to 20%.

The main causes of false positive results of non-refined tests

Most frequent reasonsoh biological false positive unintended tests is antiphospholipid syndrome (Hughes syndrome) - the autoimine process that is most common in collagenisas (diseases connective tissue) - systemic red lupus (2.7% - 3.5%), dermatomyositis, sclerodermia.

Among other reasons are most often found
Oncological diseases (for example, lymphoma up to 10%)
Tuberculosis, especially extrapileous forms (up to 3%)
Enterovirus infections
Infectious mononucleosis
Viral hepatitis
Lyme disease (borreliosis)
Alcoholism and drug addiction
Some skin diseases (for example, psoriasis up to 1.1%)
Recently (up to 2-3 weeks) Vaccination
Infections - Malaria, Wind Spa, Cor
Endo and myocardits
Sugar diabetes (especially against parenteral insulin componence)
Age older than 70 years.

What is false positive serpentation on syphilis in pregnant women

One of the frequent causes of false-positive tests for syphilis is pregnancy. Practice of false positive reactions when carrying out non-replacement tests in pregnant women according to different authors, ranges from 0.72% to 1.5%. The equipment and the mechanism of their occurrence are completely unclear, a number of pregnant women with false-positive unplaced tests is revealed APS Differential diagnostics with biologically positive seroracts in pregnant women are carried out in the following cases:

  • In contradictory, often weakly positive results of serological reactions
  • With an isolated positivity of one test among negative others
  • When fluctuations in the results of tests in repeated studies
  • In the absence of anamnestic instructions on syphilis in pregnant women and any objective signs of syphilis in sexual partners

What is false negative reactions to syphilis

Falsegative (false-negative) results are found at a high concentration of antibodies, which inhibits agglutination (the effect of the transos), which can be avoided with serum serial dilutions. On average, the frequency of false-negative results of non-refined tests (VDRL) with secondary syphilis about 1%.
Falconitive results of non-dedicated tests should be distinguished from negative non-negative tests in various periods of syphilis, when the body has not yet developed the antibodies or when the amount of antibodies is significantly reduced into lipid antigen.

Frequency of negative non-leaf tests in different periods of syphilis

Where you can get more information

Analysis on the definition of syphilis man has to pass hardly more often: acceptance, medical examinations, preventive inspections, pregnancy. The implementation of these studies is necessary - they allow you to identify the disease on early stagesWhen treatment will have the highest efficiency.

The received positive result often puts in a man's dead end, especially in the absence of any reasons. The identification of the syphilis of false-positive is quite frequent phenomenon, and therefore it is not worth a period of time to give in to a panic. According to information from different sources, up to 30% of primary studies may give an incorrect result. There are many reasons for such a phenomenon: a change in the condition of the body, somatic diseases. To better understand why false data appear, it is worth it to carefully understand the study.

Types of tests for syphilis

Methods clinical studies Rapidly improving every year. With the development of new diagnostic methods, a false positive reaction to syphilis occurs more and less. If necessary, diagnostics may include several different techniques - this allows you to get the most reliable result.

Unfinite research methods

These techniques are aimed at identifying proteins that are formed as a result of the activity of pale spirochetes. They are aimed at determining the "traces" of the causative agent. Such methods have a relatively high percentage of error (up to 10%). Such techniques are nonspecific, but allow an antibody to determine the degree of infection by the antibody titer.

Vasserman reaction RW.

The most common analysis, which is carried out to identify pale treponama, is a serological examination of blood. The reaction of Wasserman allows only a few minutes to determine the presence of a disease. Therefore, this technique is used in laboratories most often - it does not require much time and has a relatively low cost.

To perform the analysis uses a spinal fluid or blood. The fence of the material under study can be carried out of the finger (if only one analysis) or from veins (if several studies are required). When analyzing, there may be not only a false positive, but also a false negative result. It is possible under the following circumstances:

  • early stage of infection, when the number of trepan in the body is still low;
  • chronic disease in the stage of sketching, when the number of antibodies is reduced.

Note! The false-negative result occurs extremely rare, and therefore, if there are at least one plus out of four, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination.

Recipient microreaction (MR)

This study technique is based on the antigen antibody reaction. It requires a small amount of material for execution. It is aimed at identifying antilipide antibodies, which are produced in the process of destruction of the cells of the throne. For research is used both the blood of the patient and the spinal fluid.

Since cell destruction can occur not only during syphilis, the analysis is used as a qualifying, and not confirming. There are two analogue of this technique:

  • Microscopic test (VDRL). An inactivated blood serum is used to perform analysis. When suspected defeat nervous system Syphilis, spinal fluid is used as the material under study.
  • Macroscopic test (RPR). It is considered to be the method of express diagnostics. The visual count of plasma reacts is applied.

This reaction in non-compliance with the necessary sterility can show a false positive result. The emergence of such an analysis is also possible with non-specific damage to the tissues, which will attract the destruction of lipids. If there is a positive result, it is recommended to comply with the trepanite test for confirmation.

Treplement research methods

This category of analyzes gives the most accurate data, and there are rarely false positive results. Studies are aimed at identifying specific proteins that are allocated by the body in response to infection. These techniques have a higher cost, and therefore are used as confirming, not qualifying.

Specific antibodies begin to be produced by the body only a few weeks after the infection of the throne. They can be maintained for a long period after the cure of the disease. Therefore, specific tests can show positive results for a long time after remission.

Note! With a positive RW analysis and a negative treponem test, a repeated study is carried out in a few weeks.

Immunoenimen analysis (IFA, EIA)

It is based on the estimation of the level of immunoglobulins of the IGA, IGB and IGM class. The first two types of proteins are produced in the body already from 2 weeks of infection, and IGM - a month after infection.

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Analysis interpretation is carried out on the basis of the ratio of the presence of immunoglobulins:

  • only IGAs were found - from the moment of infection, no more than 14 days passed;
  • iGA and IGB were found - the infection occurred from 14 to 28 days ago;
  • all three types are found - syphilis in the body for more than 28 days;
  • only IGM is discovered - late syphilis.

The presence of IGM may be a sign of already cured syphilis - IGM immunoglobulin synthesis can continue a few months after remission.

Immunofluorescence reaction (Reef, FTA)

Used to confirm infection in the earliest stages. For research, blood is taken from the finger or vein. The result is similar to the RW analysis, where minus is specified, or from 1 to 4 advures. If you have at least one plus, an additional study may be assigned.

Fallenly positive results are extremely rarely found when they are fulfilled - they can be in pregnant women, as well as in patients with diseases of connective tissues.

Passive agglutination reaction (RPGA, TPHA)

An antibody titer allows you to determine the presence of syphilis and its stage. Reliable data this technique is already from 28 days after infection. For evaluation, blood is used from the finger or vein. Increasing the number of antibodies means a later stage of the disease.

The most accurate research techniques

Analyzes of this group are characterized by high sensitivity, and therefore the error in their results is extremely low. They are distinguished by higher cost, in comparison with other methods, and more complex execution technique.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

The PCR analysis is considered one of the most high-precision. It is aimed at determining the areas of pathogenic DNA in the human body. The method requires specialized equipment and reagents, and therefore used in rare cases.


Combined research method. Directed on the definition of immunoglobulins in the patient's blood serum. When analyzing, the presence of an antibody complex is checked for which the diagnosis is established. In this technique, electrophoresis is used, with which the immunosermen are separated, and the response of the ELISA, which exhibits separated points.

Reaction of immobilization of pale treponam (Ribt)

A highly specific analysis, which determines the reaction of the serum on the pale treponus. It is widely used throughout the world, because it has a high probability of the exact result. Special antibodies (immunobilizes) in a patient with syphilis are able to immobilize Treponom. In blood healthy man There are no such antibodies. It is on the presence / absence of this ability and is based on a research methodology.

Ribt is used to identify those species of syphilis in which the Vasserman reaction gives negative results - the defeat of the nervous system, internal organs, hidden form of the disease. False positive result in the CIS countries is extremely rare. The reason for its appearance may be sarcoidosis, lepreing.

Causes of false positive results

The Vasserman reaction can determine the "sharp" and "chronic" false positive result. Its severity depends on the nature of changes in human condition. Showing the stage of aggravation RW may in such cases:

  • infectious diseases in the aggravation stage;
  • traumatic damage;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • introduction of any vaccine a few days before the sample;
  • food poisoning.

These states are characterized by the enhanced work of the immune system, which leads to increased production of antibodies. They are mistakenly recognized in the reaction as antibodies to the treponime, and therefore there is a positive result.

In the presence of chronic pathologies the immune system produces a large number of nonspecific antibodies that can cause a reaction. In RW, this state can show a false positive result. Therefore, it is worth warning a doctor about the following diseases:

  • chronic pathologies of connective tissues;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic diseases of viral etiology: HIV, hepatitis B, C, D;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • autoimmune pathology.

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With age in the patient's body, redox reactions slow down. The aging of the tissues can also show a false positive result, and therefore more accurate research techniques are prescribed for older patients.

Note! With a positive reaction of Vazserman, an additional study is carried out, which allows you to obtain a more accurate picture, for example, an immunode immunode analysis.

Repeated check

The re-test for syphilis is carried out with dubious results of screening research. It is assigned in the presence of one or two crosses - such an analysis requires additional check. The study may give false positive results in several cases:

  • Early stage of the disease. Before the appearance of a solid Shankra, the amount of immunoglobulins in the body is quite low.
  • Late stage of the disease. From the moment of infection, more than 2 years have passed, and the tutor of antibodies gradually began to decline.

Repeated analysis, which is carried out in 2-3 weeks, shows exactly if there is a disease. If there is a positive result, the second time, additional clarifying techniques are used.

Analyzes during pregnancy

One of the most unexpected people can become a positive test result on syphilis in pregnant women, especially if the woman did not change the partner. This situation often leads to the horror of future mothers, since Treplema can negatively influence the intrauterine development of the baby.

Screening research during pregnancy is held several times:

  • when establishing registration, in 12 weeks;
  • start 3 trimester, 30 weeks;
  • before childbirth.

This is the number of studies that are considered minimal. False-positive analysis on syphilis can manifest itself due to the restructuring of the body occurring during pregnancy. When a woman puts out a child, her immune system produces a large amount of antibodies - this is an evolutionary device to protect the baby in the first year of life.

During pregnancy, an additional clarifying analysis is prescribed, which is characterized by greater accuracy. If the test study shows the presence of a causative agent in the body, treatment is necessarily carried out. The effect of therapy on a growing organism is significantly less than possible harm from the treponam.

How to prepare for analyzes?

One way to prevent misunderstandings is to prepare for testing. Because of the wrong preparation, reactions are possible, which are accompanied by non-specific antibodies, which leads to the appearance of an incorrect result.

  • The analysis must be handed over an empty stomach. You can use only clean water.
  • During the day before the blood fence, it is worth completely excluding alcohol - it creates an additional load on the liver, which can lead to the appearance of a positive result.
  • It is recommended to abandon the use of oily and fried food, sharp dishes and a large number of spices.
  • At least 60 minutes before the analysis, it is recommended to refrain from smoking.
  • Before the blood fence from the veins you need to relax minutes 10-15 in the revenue.
  • Women are not recommended to hand over blood during menstruation.
  • It is impossible to analyze after x-ray research, physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • It is forbidden to donate blood on syphilis during the exacerbation of infectious diseases.

Note! If the patient takes any medicines, he must consult a doctor before conducting a study, a break of several days between the reception of drugs and analysis may be required.

What to do when confirming Syphilis?

Do not worry when receiving primary screening with positive results. False syphilis is easily determined by re-examination. If the diagnosis was confirmed, measures should be taken:

  • survey of sexual partner in a dermatovenenerologist;
  • survey of close relatives;
  • performing preventive treatment to prevent infection in loved ones;
  • registration of the hospital leaf for the period of treatment - sick leave does not contain information about the diagnosis, guaranteeing confidentiality;
  • at the end of the course of treatment, a special certificate is issued - it must be kept with him to avoid issues of false positive results in the future few months.

A positive result on syphilis is not always reliable. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry and it is recommended to wait for additional research. Proper treatmentwhich was started on time, guarantees rapid recovery with a minimum of residual phenomena.

2014-03-06 01:19:41

Asks Maria:

Good day!

Replies Kovalenko Andrei Vitalevich:

Immunological tests may depend on the status of the patient. The classic remains Ribt and Reef. The child must already be removed from the control.

2014-03-06 00:59:58

Asks Maria:

Good day!
During pregnancy (5 times 5 weeks), syphilis analyzes (VDRL ++, TPHA +++) were positive. In the reef dispensary, RIF-200 (positive) ribt is negative, weakly alone. Then positive), RV (negative), microreactivity (positive.) Diagnosis: late latent syphilis (I suspect that I got 9 years before pregnancy, without treatment, RV then was normal). Passed by water-soluble Penicilina (4 million units per day) - 30 days (18-22 weeks pregnant.), Prof. Treatment with the same doses - 15 days (24-26 weeks). After the treatment of RIF-A, RIF-200, Ribt is positive. Before childbirth 2 control RV - negative. After childbirth: My and the child is negative, the micro reaction with me - I will put it. (1: 2), a child - put. (without titer). The child was born a dreamed, there were minor problems on neurology (sat, went on time). The ophthalmologist has no comments, the cardiologist discovered Hordal noises. In 2010, the results of all my analyzes are again positive (Ribt, RIF-A, RIF-200, Imunofer. Analysis with Trepon. Antigen, VDRL will call. 1: 2, antibodies to Lishe IgG - will call.). Recommended plasmophoresis or antibiotic therapy in three different drugs (not passed, because the child was on breastfeeding). In 2011, 2 VDRL analysis is negative, Lesus antibodies (IgG) - positive. In 2012, analyzes are made to the child: VDRL - negative, antibodies to Lesus (IgG) - negative. In 2014, for control passed tests, VDRL is positive 1: 2, LUCA antibodies (IgG) - positive 9.92. I know that treponium tests can remain positive all their lives, in the dispensary make a full package of analyzes, non-paying attention to this (leading control in a private laboratory). My questions: 1. Why became a positive VDRL? 2. Is the false positive result possible against the background of the exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or weakened immunity? 3. What extra. Is the analyzes need to pass and is it currently necessary with existing exacerbations (RPR or other non-refined tests)? 4. Do you need to re-examine the child with negative analyzes in 2012 (6 years old) thank you in advance and hope for the answer.

Replies Kovalenko Andrei Vitalevich:

Good afternoon, there is no need for an additional examination and treatment. The child passed complete closerization. VDRL oscillations are possible.

2012-03-13 10:53:41

Asks Nina:

Hello! In March, I have at 37 weeks of pregnancy Analysis on syphilis showed a positive result of the "amount of MG floor" (it is written in the direction of repeated analysis). Previous analyzes in October and in February were negative. With previous pregnancies (this third) analyzes were also negative. She did not hurt himself, at present there are no signs of the disease, but the husband was treated 15 years ago, in September passed the tests, issued the result "IFA SUMARY antibodies to syphilis positive." They said that this is possible and with a treatment done. Such a question: "Are such results for me are possible because of its long-standing disease, then why did the previous results be negative? How can this affect the child, because the term of pregnancy is big? Or is this infection? Recently happened, I did not have extraneous connections and he says that he also has. Today I passed a repeated detailed analysis in the "AIDS Center", the result is only after 4 days, you can go crazy, or this false positive result was.

Replies Kravchuk Inna Ivanovna:

Dear Nina. If the diagnosis of Syphilis was put before pregnancy and a full-fledged treatment was carried out, the risk of infection with the child, the less, the longer the time passed after treatment before the occurrence of pregnancy. In the event that, in the past, the father's father also had syphilis, a full treatment was carried out, but at the moment there are positive unnecessary tests, and from the end of treatment more than a year has passed, this situation is dangerous primarily for the health of a man who may have , Required additional treatment. For a pregnant woman and child, he is not dangerous. In our presentation, we can talk about the state of serororestuency after treated syphilis or a false positive result of the study.

2010-11-12 09:47:22

Asks Ilya:

Hello. I'm 25. I passed the HIV test (antigen + antibodies) through 3 messes after possible infection-negatively, but also passed the analysis on syphilis. The analysis on Syphilis turned out to be positive, the doctors said that my analysis most likely false positive, since Safilisa did not have identified before and I have not yet been prevented from syphilis after a dangerous situation. And most importantly, two weeks ago I was bitten by the dog and now I make a vaccine from rabies, doctors say that it could affect the wrong result, and they say that the results of HIV tests can also be incorrect ... Tell me please, maybe - Did a negative result on HIV be false because of the rabies vaccine, and if how much else would you wait for the result of HIV test to the maximum possible? Thank you.

Replies Silko Yaroslav Gennadevich:

If you donated a test on HIV method Immunoblot (antigen + antibody) In a certified laboratory, this is the maximum reliable result, and rabies vaccine is unlikely to influence the result of HIV test, this is a highly specific test. Sweep the HIV test by the standard IFA method after 3 months to control.

2010-04-17 11:42:42

Asks Elena:

Hello! I am on the 4-5 week of pregnancy. For tests for all STIs in a paid clinic, and there was a positive analysis on syphilis (total AT to Bl.Temrem-KP 1.3, and RMP, but RMP is negative) I was sent to the venereologist. I have passed blood , But the results will only on Wednesday. Very worried .. I was only one partner-husband. He is sure. Can this be a false positive result against the background of pregnancy?

Replies Consultant of the Sainvo Ukraine Medical Laboratory:

good day, Elena! Yes, indeed, it may well be a false positive result. It occurs quite often during pregnancy. Additional research will help determine the finally if everything is in order with your health. And you do not have reason for panic. Therefore, stop worrying, wait for the results of the tests, and then go to the full-time reception to the venereologist. The doctor will explain everything in detail and give a conclusion for a female consultation (so that you are left alone). Good luck to you!

2014-09-25 20:33:05

Asks Elena:

Hello. Purchased blood from Vienna in the gynecological department. Sent a letter to appear in the KVD. They said that I have syphilis. There were no tests, no additional research on confirmation did not want to hold. I barely insisted on re-commissioning blood. There was no longer able to come there, I have a job. But invitro passed. RPR - positive and memo (in the titer 1: 8
False-positive reactions are possible, incl.
in some diseases, during pregnancy.
When screening a positive RPR result
should be complemented with a treponem test (method.
instructions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation K PR. №87 26.03.2001) - see №70
anti-tr.pallidum IgG + Igm). The young man RPR is negative. What is it like??? I am not pregnant, did not hurt them, he never changed him. together for 4.5 years. And if I have it, why did my boyfriend become infected?

Replies Gathering Vera Yuryevna:

Hello, Elena! After reading your situation, I can give an urgent advice !!! Do not postpone this situation in a long box !!! Work is not a wolf in the forest will not run away. The solution to this situation is the first priority! You urgently need to pass a re-examination, if you wish, and contact the leathernerological dispensary !!!

2009-07-16 12:05:16

Asks Dima:

Recently, the HIV analysis recently made (two strips appeared very dull, but still it is already a strip) The doctor recommended to check even on holiday or three-way. I have almost measured with the idea that I have it, but then I read that this test can show a false positive result if a person was sick or sick "IFA can give false positive results. False-positive results can be obtained by examining patients with chronic infectious, autoimmune oncological diseases And in some other cases. "I just had one autoimmune disease .. With the skin ... I do not remember the exact diagnosis ... something like" ... Bulev "Such a blizzard on the skin with a driver like syphilis (then I was the analysis on the Sif he was a distinth)
Hope is dying the latter. Tell me to Skolko really can be a false positive result at all. Because the doctor said that the test is superfluous.

Replies Medical consultant portal "Site":

Hello, Dima! Judging by your letter you passed the test is an express test based on immunochromatography method (IHA). The accuracy of this method is compiled 99.5%. Comme listed the causes of false positive results, manufacturers indicate the following reasons erroneous results: liver diseases, vaccination (vaccination, for example, from influenza), violation of storage conditions and testing procedures. Therefore, a positive result obtained during express testing is preliminary. The diagnosis of HIV infection is not exhibited until the express test result is confirmed by re-examining blood using other methods (enzyme immunoassay analysis) or immunoblotting. Be sure to pass a re-examination. It is more correct to do this in the Regional AIDS Combat Center. Be healthy!

2007-10-17 15:39:54

Tatyana asks:

RESAMIY IGOR Semenovich! I am very worried about this question: I am 20 weeks. Pregnancy, while maintaining in the clinic, blood test showed syphilis (+++). The survey in the leather-vendonispere showed the same result (three pluses). I have no signs of this disease and never before. The spouse had a blood test on RV - nothing was revealed. With a spouse, we have regular sex life for a year. One doctor immediately said that this is a false-positive syphilis during pregnancy and that sometimes sometimes happens, but another categorically asked treatment with penicillin antibiotics in the course of 2 months. I have shock, I am very worried about the future kid. Help the plea to take the right decision. Formerly grateful to you.

Syphilis is counted for sexually transmitted diseases, the main "culprit" of which is pale treponema. This bacterium can penetrate the body after sexual contact, or by the household.

Diagnostic measures aimed at identifying this disease are complex. The test results may affect various antibiotics, pregnancy, other factors that will be described in the article.

When the analysis is prescribed on syphilis - indications for the diagnosis

Some patients coming to a survey to a gynecologist or an andrologist do not provide objective information about the quality of their sex life.

Perhaps the reason is in the usual embarrassment, and maybe the lack of information in the field of venereal diseases is.

The doctor can send to the examination even if syphilis does not exhibit itself, and the patient is 100% sure that he could not get infected with this ailion. The fact is that the considered pathology can be transmitted via domestic contactOr leak asymptomatic.

Testing on syphilis is assigned in case:

  • It is necessary to account for pregnancy.
  • The patient wants to pass blood like a donor.
  • There is a prospect of occupying a certain position (a soldier, health worker, cook, etc.), which requires the passage of a special medical commission.
  • A person is in places of imprisonment.
  • There was a sexual intercourse with patients with syphilis.
  • Mom of a newborn baby is sick of syphilis.
  • The patient had signs of this ailment. Often it is rashes in the zone of genital organs.
  • The first analysis confirmed the presence of the disease under consideration.

Regular blood testing is made in the presence of syphilis. This is necessary to control the quality of therapeutic measures.

After therapy, the patient also take blood for research.

How to pass the tests on syphilis -

For research manipulations often use blood from Vienna. With certain situations, the laboratory can take the desired sample to diagnose from the finger, or from the spinal cord.

The gap from the moment of delivery to the result may be different: from one day to two weeks. Everything will be determined by the type of testing.

When preparing for the delivery of blood analysis to identify the considered anointment, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Fatty food per day before passing analyzes it is necessary to exclude from the diet. It will provoke the blood serum opalescence, which will distort the results obtained.
  • From eating it is worth refraining at least for 8 hours Before testing for syphilis.
  • Alcohol, nicotine can interfere with the evaluation of the reaction. Specialists advise not to use drinks containing alcohol 24 hours before surrendering analyzes, and with cigarettes standing at least an hour before the survey.
  • If the patient takes antibioticsThis analysis is worth minimizing a week after the end of treatment.

Methods for passing material for research and decoding indicators

Nowadays, none of the ways of diagnosing this disease can guarantee the accuracy of the information received. In any case, errors are present, and they can reach 10%.

In connection with this apply a complex of research methods.

Serological Analysis - Non-specific and Specific Tests

This type of diagnosis is shown with limited symptoms of the disease or with its complete absence.

Serodiagnostics are two species:

1.Specific tests

Are relevant when you need to check a large group of people on syphilis, however this technique is not suitable when you need to confirm the diagnosis.

Testing is easy, but the final rating should give the doctor.

These diagnostic types include the following tests:

A) microreactment of precipitation (MR)

Such a study is indicative after the expiration of one month after infection. The examination is subject to blood from the finger, but sometimes can use the spinal fluid.

Positive analysis result ( antibodies in the titer vary from 1: 2 to 1: 320 ) Does not mean that the patient is sickly syphilis: finally confirm the diagnosis is possible by putting additional tests.

The negative reaction may be a consequence of two options:

  • The patient syphilis is not.
  • Syphilis is, but - on initial stage development.

B) the reaction of Wasserman ( PB, RW)

Material for testing here is used as the same as the analysis described.

This method of examination is able to provide objective information to the minimum on the 6th week after infection. It is possible to talk about the presence of specified venereal pathology, if the antibody titers are 1: 2 - 1: 800.

Results of analyzes for RV are evaluated by the following mathematical signs:

  • « "Syphilis is not.
  • « + "Or" ++ "- the weakly-bed reaction is stated.
  • « +++ "- positive reaction.
  • « ++++ "- The patient revealed a sharply positive reaction to syphilis.

2. Specific tests

There are many various analyzes This type of surveys that are oriented towards specific antibodies. They occur in the blood not immediately, but about a month after the contamination and may remain there for several years (in the absence of treatment).

The doctor must necessarily choose one or another type of analysis, to know about each of them in detail, orient the results obtained, and be able to differentiate the diagnosis after receiving the answer.

The most common species of specific tests are:

A) immunofluorescence reaction (reef)

Relevant at the very early stages of syphilis, but the optimal period for testing is 6-8 week after infection.

For research, you need capillary / venous blood.

  • Pregnancy, connecting tissue defects can cause a false reaction, which is assessed by the sign " «.
  • Positive results are expressed by pluses (" + ") From one to four.

B) Passive agglutination reaction (RPGA)

During this analysis, a small amount of blood from the finger / vein is carried out, which is then mixed with ram / rooster erythrocytes. In the presence of a specified agence in the bloodstream, the microthel bonding occurs, followed by their settlement.

This type of testing has a high sensitivity: it can confirm the positive reaction to syphilis for a long time after treatment.

Mononucleosis and errors in the structure of the connective tissue can also cause a false positive reaction.

A maximum of 1 hour leaves for a response, and the patients can test themselves in 4 weeks after infection: for more early timing Antibodies will not be produced in sufficient volume.

To judge how long the blood infection is, it is possible by titles:

  • If their value does not exceed 1: 320, the infection occurred recently.
  • The higher the titles, the longer the Treplema is in the body.

C) immunoassay analysis (ELISA)

One of the most reliable methods for the diagnosis of the specified agence, which began to be used at the end of the last century.

It is very indicative after 21 days after infection, and a positive result of 98-99% will indicate the presence of syphilis.

ELISA is often used after nonspecific tests, or in a complex with some specific analyzes.

IFA test by identifying a particular group of blood antibodies ( IGA, Igm IgG) makes it possible to find out the stage of the disease:

  • If the blood sample is presentIGA, but noIgmIgG.: From the moment of the ingress of pale trepony in the body, no more than 14 days passed.
  • If detectedIGA,Igm, but noIgG.: Infection occurred about 28 days ago.
  • The presence in the blood of all the antibodies listed above indicates that after the infection has passed more than a month.
  • If the reaction of blood for the presenceIga negative, and onIgmIgG positive: From the moment of infection, a huge period of time or treatment was successful.

D) immobilization reaction of pale treponam (Ribt)

One of the most popular syphilis diagnosis methods.

It makes no sense to apply in the early stages of infection, but after the 12th week, the results of the Ribt test by 99% are significant.

This method of diagnostics is used in suspected neurosophilis, syphilis of internal organs, or in a complex with non-specific analyzes.

When taking a daryan antibiotics, the patient needs to wait at least 25 days after the end of therapy. Water soluble antibiotics require less time to remove from the body: 7-8 days.

Blood is taken from Vienna, on an empty stomach, and the results are interpreted as a percentage of immobilization:

  • If the level of immobilization does not exceed 20%, the analysis on syphilis is considered negative.
  • Upon exceeding 50%, the reaction to the specified pathology is positive.

In other cases, a re-study is prescribed.

E) immunoblotting

One of newest methods Studies to which are addressed when other tests give a dubious result.

With the specified diagnostic manipulation, it is possible to detect even the minimum amount of antibodies in the blood: it has almost 100 percent accuracy.

Not all clinics carry out such testing: it is not cheap.

Laboratory analysis

The cost of the considered analysis is very low, and on a result can be found after 30 minutes.

1. For the implementation of such a study in the patient take a sample of ulcerative / erosive defects which are located in the zone of the genital organs. Microscopic study of the painted sample is often carried out in the laboratory.

The affected areas are initially wiped with saline. This will help protect the damaged zone from the hiking microorganisms.

2. Delivered with a special loop irritate the surface A few minutes until a white-transparent liquid appears. With this manipulation should be careful: it is impossible that blood impurities come into a sample taken.

3. The removed liquid is transferred to transparent glass. Sometimes it is mixed with saline.

You can talk about a positive reaction when identifying typical treponam, which will have a minimum of 8 curls. With a negative result, the procedure is reused (sometimes several times).

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