Retention of fluid before menstruation for how many days. The body swells before menstruation: causes, consequences

Swelling before menstruation is one of a number of signs that occur in the weak half of humanity in the second half menstrual cycle... These signs are combined into a single name "premenstrual syndrome". The changes occurring to a woman during this period are caused by fluctuations in the hormonal background. As a rule, the changes occurring to a woman during this period are far from pleasing to her, but, on the contrary, interfere with the normal course of life and contribute to the deterioration general condition... Almost every woman knows what puffiness is before menstruation. Often, the mammary glands swell. According to statistics, every third woman experiences breast swelling before menstruation. However, this does not mean at all that other parts of the body can also swell.

Causes of puffiness before menstruation

Puffiness is the most common form of premenstrual syndrome. There are a number of assumptions about why this condition develops before the menstrual cycle should begin. However, they are all very approximate.

The most common assumption about the cause of the swelling on the eve of the period when menstruation should begin is that there is an excess of estrogen in female body... After all, it is solely in the imbalance of such hormones that the answer to the question lies: why do I swell before menstruation. As you know, female sex hormones promote sodium retention, as a result of which fluid accumulates in the body.

A significant role of puffiness before menstruation, along with estrogens, is also played by progesterone. As a rule, against the background of excess estrogen, a lack of progesterone develops. As a result, there is also swelling before the woman starts menstruating, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the woman. Experts have proven that prolactin also contributes to sodium retention in the body, as a result of which, as is already known, fluid is retained in the body.

Stress and excessive psycho-emotional stress contribute to the rupture of interconnections at the level of brain activity, as a result of which there is an excessive production of the pituitary hormone ACTH, which, in turn, leads to the reverse process of fluid absorption in the kidneys. Puffiness in a woman on the eve of a new cycle can also be observed due to an imbalance and deficiency of vitamins.

So, determine the true cause of puffiness before menstruation before today failed. However, there are conditions for women that are most conducive to the appearance of puffiness within the so-called premenstrual syndrome:

  1. Overweight, as a result of which adipose tissue promotes greater production of female sex hormones - estrogens.
  2. Existing chronic pathologies of the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system.
  3. Women over the age of 40 or women in menopause.

How to eliminate puffiness before menstruation

Knowing about this manifestation of the properties of the body a few days before the onset of menstruation, you can try to eliminate this form of premenstrual syndrome. Maximum effective scheme therapy can only be determined by a doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of each woman. However, there are a number of recommendations that will help resolve the issue of how to quickly relieve swelling before the onset of menstruation.

To begin with, experts recommend taking non-potent diuretic drugs. An example of the latter is Veroshpiron. The specified drug has an effect on the increased withdrawal of fluid from the woman's body, as a result of which the swelling of the tissues disappears. In addition to taking medications, you can resort to help medicinal herbsthat have diuretic properties, such as lingonberries or cranberries.

Very often, a situation is observed when a woman's legs swell before the start of the menstrual cycle. Swelling of the legs before menstruation is caused by hormonal imbalances and therefore should not bother a woman. However, before taking any action to relieve puffiness, you should consult your doctor. This is necessary in order to identify other possible reasons puffiness, for example, the development of any pathology. In order to reduce swelling, the doctor may recommend increasing the amount of drinking water consumed, which will remove excess salts from the body that contribute to fluid retention in the body. In this case, advice on reducing salt intake both on the eve of a new menstrual cycle and during menstruation is relevant. In the fight against swelling of the legs before menstruation, it also helps compression stockings and foot massage.

As for the mammary glands, oral contraceptives help to relieve breast swelling on the eve of menstruation.

Only a gynecologist can help to choose a drug suitable for a woman. It is this specialist, taking into account all the characteristics of the body, will be able to choose the most suitable oral contraceptives for a woman.

In addition to the use of oral contraceptives, on the eve of menstruation, it is necessary to limit or completely eliminate salty foods and coffee from the diet.

Folk recipes

As well as traditional methods alternative methods, for example, taking medicinal herbs, can also help fight puffiness. However, before you take any action, you must agree with your doctor.

Do not forget that medicinal herbs that have diuretic properties cannot be taken simultaneously with diuretic drugs.

This will greatly enhance healing effect, as a result of which a woman's body can be significantly damaged. The following herbal medicinal herbs can help fight puffiness before menstruation:

  1. Blueberry leaves with excellent anti-toxic and diuretic properties. It must be remembered that the combination of the indicated agent with the use of blood thinning medications should be excluded.
  2. The extract from grape seeds also has excellent decongestant properties.
  3. Dandelion flowers are the most potent diuretic. The specified agent is prohibited to be taken simultaneously with medical diuretics and blood-thinning drugs. The use of this plant is also prohibited for diagnosed diseases of the gallbladder.

Puffiness before the onset of the menstrual cycle is a fairly common and at the same time unpleasant condition, giving a great number of women a feeling of great discomfort. However, in the event of a manifestation of such a state, one should not panic, because this state can be considered the norm with rare exceptions. Yes, and now there are many ways to avoid or at least reduce puffiness on the eve of menstruation. Along with them, a special diet and physical activity will significantly improve well-being and minimize the above form of manifestation of premenstrual syndrome.

The menstrual cycle is an important indicator of a woman's health. As long as menstruation comes on time and is not burdened by excessive soreness, it is believed that serious deviations in women's health not. Sometimes a tipping point comes when health begins to deteriorate. Soreness of the back and abdomen is directly explained by the ongoing natural physiological process, let's find out where the swelling of the legs comes from before menstruation.

Many women do not notice a slight swelling of the legs before menstruation. Symptoms are either imperceptible, or in the hustle and bustle of working days are simply left without proper attention. Edema is localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet, occasionally extending to the ankles and lower legs. It looks like a slight swelling, as if the leg is spreading from the inside. Not painful. Edema before menstruation is short-lived, like menstruation itself.

If the recommendations are followed, the discomfort will pass quickly; after menstruation, a woman is unlikely to remember about edema. If the symptoms are too pronounced, do not subside for a long time even after applying the treatment, you should look for the causes together with your doctor.

How to react

Do not be afraid of a sudden onset of an unpleasant symptom. Puffiness is a completely normal reaction of the body to hormonal changes that occur during preparation for menstruation. The body is undergoing stress, but it will certainly cope with the tasks, as in any cycle before.

Behave as usual, do not be afraid, panic, swallow the first pills that come across. Let's figure out the reasons for the appearance of leg edema in order to make the right decision to eliminate a sudden trouble.

Factors of occurrence

Consider the main options for the development of swelling of the legs before menstruation:

  • tiredness, excessive physical exercise, lack of rest;
  • improper nutrition;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • excessive consumption of salty foods;
  • accumulation of toxins;
  • excess weight;
  • long muscle tension in the legs.

The main reasons for the development of leg edema before menstruation are listed. With the first group of factors, everything is very clear: you cannot overload the body during menstruation. It is necessary to limit hard physical labor, a long stay "on your feet." A full and high-quality rest, 8-hour sleep is required. Avoid unnecessary stress and mental strain. Medicinal valerian, hawthorn or motherwort will help calm down.

We fix food

During menstruation, the body needs support. Eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables. If there is no possibility, connect vitamin and mineral complexes. Do not overload the digestive process with unnecessarily fatty, salty and other specific foods. Allow yourself to eat right.

Drink plenty of fluids. The best source for recovery water balancemineral water, including the necessary ions, improving the processes of intercellular metabolism. The minimum daily dose is 2 liters of water for an adult. During menstruation, the body loses fluid, do not forget to replenish moisture.

Lack of water in the body leads to the deposition of salts - edema. Toxins accumulate in soft tissuesnot excreted by the body. When water enters the cells constantly, in the right amount, salts do not have time to be deposited, and edema does not occur.

Swelling and excess weight

Overweight is a problem for many women of different age categories... In obese people, legs swell much more often. It is not difficult to understand the reason for what is happening. Excess weight brings not only moral discomfort. There is a metabolic disorder, a heavy load on the heart. Physical actions are harder, the legs begin to swell.

If the reason lies in weight, it is worth reconsidering your diet and lifestyle. Eat more useful products, walking in the fresh air, exercising the body. With the departure of excess weight will go away most of health problems. It is worth visiting a therapist, cardiologist, nutritionist and urologist. Don't wait for a sign from above, start changing your life at home.

How the pharmacy can help

To cope with the swelling of the legs, it is possible to use medications. Ointments and gels based on heparin and horse chestnut, perfectly cope with edema and eliminate visible signs. The price categories of drugs vary. Pay due attention to the badyag cream. It is permissible to apply as a bandage to the affected area, the edema will gradually subside.

In addition to local exposure, try to cope with the causes of leg swelling. Diuretic fees will help cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, separate medicinal herbs. Good effect differ: sage, chamomile, linden, horsetail, thyme, milk thistle.

How to handle it yourself

Wear comfortable shoes during your period. Try to lie down or sit more, reducing the direct load on your legs. To cope with the swelling of the lower leg, it is recommended to purchase special compression stockings. The product prevents puffiness, fights against varicose veins.

In the evening, take a foot bath, then do a light massage using natural essential oils... The procedure will relax muscles, relieve excessive tension and swelling. Place your legs above the plane of your torso, for example, on a chair. The blood flow will improve, the edema will gradually decrease.

Folk health recipes

Edema appeared in people of different eras and ages. Over the years, an abundance of useful knowledge of his handy treatment has accumulated. Grandmothers will be happy to share the secrets and miraculous powers of medicinal herbs. It will be helpful to follow a diet based on fresh vegetables and fruits. Natural products remove excess water from soft tissues, the swelling will soon subside.

Tincture of calendula is considered a good remedy. Take 40 drops 3 times a day, preferably before a meal.

Flax seeds are a common remedy for leg swelling. Pour 100 g of seeds with 1 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, then place in a warm place for several hours. Take 100 ml every 2 hours. The method is effective: after a week, the puffiness will subside.

If swelling occurs in the summer, it is possible to use a recipe: mince the root and parsley greens or grind with a blender. The outlet mass is a glass. After processing, parsley is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water, insisted for 8 hours in a warm place. Strain the infusion, add lemon juice and take the liquid in 3 doses per day. Take 2 days, repeat if necessary after a few days.

After application folk recipes the condition improves, the edema disappears. Use herbs with proven potency. Do not take herbal teas that will give off a possible allergic reaction.

When to be alert

If the difficult first days of the menstrual cycle are long gone, the swelling of the legs does not subside, it is time to worry. Obviously, menstruation was not the only cause of edema. You should go to the doctor's office, check your health. Do not panic. Recall the main complaints, after which the unpleasant sensations arose. Tell the doctor.

If there is no opportunity to seek help immediately, adhere to the basic rules of behavior when edema occurs:

  • drink more mineral water;
  • limit your intake of salt and salty foods;
  • take natural diuretics
  • massage your feet after physical work.

Simple and clear instructionsthat do not require large funds or special skills. Only by understanding the main cause of leg swelling, it is possible to quickly and efficiently relieve symptoms, forgetting about the deficiency for a long time.

Women's health is highly dependent on hormonal levels. Changes in the level of various hormones associated with completion monthly cycle, affect the organs and tissues of a woman. One of unpleasant manifestations hormonal changes are swelling in the chest, abdomen, legs and face. Fluid retention in the body can cause severe discomfort, therefore, in especially serious cases, women should use the recommendations to reduce unwanted puffiness.

Why does edema appear?

The occurrence of edema before the onset of menstruation is influenced by fluctuations in the levels of various female hormones. There are also a number of additional factors that contribute to fluid retention in the body. Most of them are associated with violations of the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Abuse of salty foods, lack of activity, smoking increase the negative manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Excess estrogen

The main cause of edema is a strong increase in the level of estrogen in the blood before menstruation. An excess of this hormone affects water-salt metabolism and promotes sodium retention in tissues. The body's natural reaction to excess salt is the flow of moisture to the mucous membranes in order to dissolve the excess. Excess fluid quickly spreads through the fatty tissue, creating a feeling of swelling and heaviness in the woman.

Lack of progesterone

Before menstruation, the level of progesterone, the hormone responsible for the renewal of the endometrium of the uterus, is significantly reduced. Also, this substance helps to remove sodium from tissues, and its lack contributes to unwanted salt accumulation. Lack of progesterone combined with excess estrogen leads to salt retention and excess fluid accumulation. The woman's body reacts to this phenomenon with swelling of various departments.


Salt metabolism is also influenced by prolactin. It is not necessary to have an excess of this hormone for edema to occur. Moisture retention occurs as a result hypersensitivity adipose tissue to its effects. This reaction is due to the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

Other reasons

The appearance of edema is facilitated by changes in quantitative indicators and other hormones. Secretory activity is an interdependent system, and fluctuations in one group lead to a general imbalance. Besides internal reasons, edema is provoked by the lifestyle that a woman leads, especially just before menstruation. Improper nutrition that does not enrich the body essential vitamins and minerals - one of the significant factors causing swelling. Bad habits and inadequate sleep have a negative impact on the functioning of the organs responsible for the secretion of hormones.

Risk group

Almost every woman has experienced edema before menstruation in different periods of her life. For some, these manifestations are insignificant, while others feel great discomfort. Most often, severe swelling occurs in the following cases:

  • the woman's age is over 40;
  • constant consumption of salty, smoked and spicy foods;
  • living in megacities;
  • renal failure;
  • a large number of pregnancies, childbirth, abortion;
  • overweight;
  • diabetes and obesity associated with hormonal disorders;
  • alcohol consumption and smoking;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • chronic stress;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs, undergone gynecological operations;
  • insufficient water consumption;
  • low physical activity.

Manifestation of puffiness

The manifestation of puffiness is individual. Each woman has physiological characteristics due to which edema appears in certain organs and tissues. The most common are swelling and pain in the area of mammary glands, swelling of the abdomen, hands, legs, feet and face. Excess fluid can add 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof weight. Puffiness is often accompanied by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - constipation, bloating, gas. As a result of changes in body shapes, women face difficulties in choosing a wardrobe: their feet swell so much that it is impossible to put on shoes of their own size, the usual trousers do not converge at the waist. Moisture retention most often begins 3-7 days before the onset of menstruation and goes away in the first days of menstruation.

How to get rid of edema before your period

The manifestation of puffiness can be significantly reduced if you use medical recommendations regarding lifestyle adjustments. In some cases, this is enough to eliminate monthly discomfort. If a simple transition to a healthy lifestyle does not bring the expected effect, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, urologist, endocrinologist and other related specialists. According to the results of the examination, doctors prescribe various medications, softening the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome.


To reduce swelling, it is recommended to revise the usual diet in favor of dietary products. From protein foods, you should give preference to fish and white meat, exclude red meat. Food should be eaten boiled or steamed. Fried and smoked foods during this period can significantly increase the manifestations of puffiness. The menu should be diversified with fresh vegetables and fruits. The most useful will be those that contain a large amount of magnesium and potassium - spinach, broccoli, lettuce, peaches, apricots, bananas. Adequate intake of B vitamins with food, which strengthens the nervous system, is necessary. It is also recommended to eat more diuretic foods - watermelons and cucumbers. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds saturated with zinc are very useful for eliminating edema.


The lower the amount of drinking water consumed, the more the body is configured to accumulate moisture. Thus, the body tries to provide itself with a supply of fluid. A sufficient amount of drinking will significantly speed up the process of excretion of salt and, as a result, reduce tissue swelling. Recommended drinks are regular drinking water without gas, herbal and green teas, birch sap, fruit drinks and decoctions of diuretic herbs. The amount of fluid consumed should be about 1.5-2 liters per day. This recommendation should not be used by women suffering from chronic diseases kidneys. In these cases, it is necessary to consult a urologist regarding the amount and nature of the fluids consumed.

Physical Education

A sedentary lifestyle contributes to fluid retention in the body. To reduce swelling, you should do some light exercise every day. In addition to accelerating the removal of moisture, physical education has an additional healing effect on the body. During sports, blood circulation is accelerated and metabolic processes take place faster.

Excessive stress is removed due to dosed loads nervous system, which can also affect hormonal levels. Physical education helps to reduce body weight by burning fatty tissue. Reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat removes a woman from the risk group for edema. To achieve the effect, you do not need to try to load yourself up to exhaustion. For this, hiking, swimming, yoga, Pilates are perfect.

Rest and sleep

Constant stress leads to hormonal imbalance and, as a consequence, an increase in the negative manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. It is possible to reduce puffiness with the help of timely relaxation and putting in order the woman's nervous system. To do this, you need to pay enough attention to rest and especially good sleep. It is in a dream that all body systems are restored and normalized. Sleeping less than 8 hours a day is one of the factors affecting the intensity of puffiness before menstruation.


If lifestyle changes do not bring relief, pharmaceutical agents should be used to stabilize the condition. It is strictly forbidden to independently prescribe and take medications without consulting a doctor. It is necessary to conduct a full examination, pass tests and make sure that there are no pathologies that affect the appearance of edema. Otherwise, the first thing to do is to treat the identified diseases.

The following types of medicines are used as medicines to eliminate puffiness:

  • hormonal contraceptives (Dyufaston, Norkolut);
  • drugs to correct prolactin levels (Dostinex);
  • sedatives ("Glycine");
  • diuretics;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • biologically active additives;
  • homeopathic remedies ("Cyclodinone").

The choice of the type of drug and treatment regimen must be provided to a specialist. Any unexpected changes or adverse reactions should be reported to the attending physician. Perhaps to achieve desired effect you will need to adjust the dosage of the drug and the therapy regimen.

Traditional methods

Some women choose to seek alternative medicine. To relieve puffiness, decoctions of dried herbs are used - lemon balm, mint, acacia, calendula, calamus. To prepare a drink, you need to pour 2-3 tablespoons of herbs with 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew. It is necessary to take this remedy several times a day, 20-30 ml at a time.

A well-proven method of treatment with a decoction of bay leaves. For 3 leaves of laurel, one glass of boiling water is needed. The resulting liquid is infused for several hours and used 3 times a day, 100 ml. If the swelling has already appeared, its intensity on the face can be reduced by using green tea bags moistened with water and cooled. If a woman's legs are swollen, you can prepare ice cubes from coffee and a decoction of chamomile in advance and wipe the skin with them in places of edema. Also, various baths with salt, soda and a few drops of iodine are effective for the feet.


Puffiness is one of the natural manifestations of PMS, which in most cases disappears without a trace in the first days of menstruation. If a woman tries to lead healthy image life with the help of adjusting nutrition and dosed loads, the intensity of edema usually decreases and ceases to tolerate discomfort. Prolonged and severe edema may indicate various pathologies in the body that are not directly related to hormonal changes. This situation requires immediate consultation with a specialized doctor and subsequent treatment.

Why are you getting better before your period? This question is asked by some ladies who are jealous of their weight. This problem exists in almost all women. When you want to lose weight by the beach season, every gram of your own weight counts. And here, literally a few days before menstruation, the scales show completely disappointing figures.Some women even notice bloating before menstruation.

So that weight gain on the "red days of the calendar" does not lead to panic, you need to figure out why you are recovering during this period.

Weight gain due to body fluids

Before menstruation, hormonal changes occur in a woman's body. They lead to all the negative consequences, including weight. Women during this period also complain of pain in the lower abdomen, changes in mood, discomfort in the mammary glands, in the lumbar region. This is due to the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The peak of progesterone production occurs just on the 20-24th day of the menstrual cycle. During this period, the body gets rid of the fluid entering it more slowly. It lingers, there is a feeling of heaviness and swelling.

Fluid retention is one of the most common signs of premenstrual syndrome. It affects about 70% of women of childbearing age and almost all pregnant women. There is a medical theory according to which the slow disposal of fluid during these periods is a protective reaction of the body. So he prepares for a possible or already onset pregnancy and protects the body from dehydration.

The retention of fluid in the body is aggravated by the addiction to salty foods. To avoid a double burden on the body during menstruation, it is better to go on a salt-free diet about 10 days before.

Refusal of semi-finished products, sausages, canned food will help to solve the problem. They contain a lot of salt. Alcohol, soda and confectionery also retain water in the body.

Many women prefer not to change their diet, but to use diuretic drugs. It is better not to do this, but to replace the medicines with natural products from the refrigerator. So, tomatoes, cranberries and cranberry juice, lemon, pineapple, pomegranate, beets, parsley, garlic, radish have a diuretic effect. Eating these foods ahead of your period will help flush excess water out of your body and help prevent weight gain.

There may be other reasons why weight grows on the eve of critical days.

Weight gain due to increased appetite

A woman with PMS may not even notice how quickly she sweeps away cookies, sweets, cakes and other goodies. The fault is still the same hormonal changes in the body. Therefore, the lingering fluid can only be blamed for the weight gain if it is completely confident in the invariability of its diet. Increased appetite is another "companion" of premenstrual syndrome. Why it happens?

There is a theory according to which in the premenstrual period in women the metabolism accelerates, the need for calories increases. They subconsciously empty the refrigerator, trying to fill this gap.

A more convincing theory is that increased appetite before menstruation is the preparation of the body for a possible pregnancy. Nature has thought out all the mechanisms very well. Before menstruation, the concentration of certain female hormones increases (they were already mentioned above). They affect the hunger center in the brain, changing how it works. Hence the increased appetite. That is, nature has made sure that before a possible pregnancy, the body does not experience a deficiency in nutrients, ensuring the bearing of the fetus.

Therefore, you should not be surprised at the overestimated readings of the scales: the mechanism of small weight gain in front of critical days thought out by nature.

Poor bowel movement

This can also cause women to gain from 1 to 3 kg on the eve of menstruation. And this is where these notorious hormones work. Under their influence, the intestinal musculature relaxes, its peristalsis is not so effective, the urge to use the toilet becomes more rare. This is also nature's defense mechanism. The body is preparing for a possible pregnancy. For the survival rate of the embryo to be great, the body "turns off" the smooth muscles, since it is she who is in the uterus. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex also note constipation as one of the manifestations of PMS. And since the intestines are cleared less often, weight gain is also possible because of this. For this reason, bloating appears before menstruation.

Delayed bowel movements can be dealt with. Better to start with physical exercise: jumping rope and the well-known exercise "bicycle" will help with constipation. Circular stroking of the lower abdomen with pressure, as well as taking one teaspoon of olive or sunflower oil on an empty stomach, will also have a beneficial effect on intestinal peristalsis. TO medicines constipation should be resorted to only in extreme cases. Firstly, they can be addictive, the intestines will become "lazy" and will no longer work independently. Secondly, laxatives have a very strong effect, which can be found outside the home, causing a lot of inconvenience.

How to avoid extra pounds?

Every woman asks herself this question. Even before menstruation, this trouble can be avoided. Most likely, a minimal increase due to a swollen uterus will still occur, but to avoid "sticking" 2-3 kg of excess weight can be prevented. To do this, it is enough to follow a few simple recommendations.

As mentioned above, you should avoid salty foods. Your diet needs to be enriched with fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, grains. But it is better to refuse coffee in favor of green tea.

Willpower has not yet been canceled. If the unexpected readings of the scales before the critical days are very upsetting, then you need to turn on your composure to the fullest and look into the kitchen for tasty things as rarely as possible. During periods of "appetizing aggravation" it is better not to be at home. Walking in the park, city, cycling, rollerblading is a great alternative to gluttony at home. Physical activity works wonders. She is able to help with such a problem as weight gain.

Often, gynecologists at the reception of women are advised to take oral contraceptives. They practically negate all the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. The tablets contain certain doses of sex hormones, which avoids their surges throughout the menstrual cycle. According to statistics, most of the fair half do notice an improvement in their condition: they no longer bother with pain in the lower abdomen, there are no unpredictable changes in weight. Therefore, hormone pills can be a good way to combat this problem. Now the pharmaceutical industry is releasing new generation drugs, from the intake of which weight is not gained, but even, on the contrary, leaves. Before taking hormonal pills a doctor's consultation is required. It is possible that you will have to try several options before you can find the most suitable one.

Many women, even absolutely healthy ones, are tormented by such an unpleasant phenomenon as swelling before menstruation. Some of the fair sex have swollen legs before menstruation, others - their face, others - increase and coarsening of the chest, and some simply add one to three kilograms, which disappear without a trace after menstruation. It is about puffiness on the eve of menstruation, their relationship with such a phenomenon as premenstrual syndrome or PMS - our article today.


Many problems in women are associated with the constantly changing level of sex hormones. The entire menstrual cycle depends on the daily surges and falls of a wide variety of hormones. Thanks to these peaks, ovulation occurs, menstruation begins, pregnancy occurs, and labor begins. All these surges depend on many factors and are regulated by the brain.
A fairly large number of young healthy women experience such a phenomenon as PMS or premenstrual syndrome. This interesting diagnosis hides a lot of female troubles that suddenly arise before menstruation:

  1. Headaches, including migraines.
  2. Irritability and tearfulness.
  3. Enhancement blood pressure and interruptions in the work of the heart.
  4. Edema syndrome, including swelling of the feet, hands, face, and general weight gain.
  5. Enlargement, soreness and tenderness of the mammary glands.
  6. Depression, neurotic conditions.
  7. Depending on the severity of the syndrome, such manifestations begin from several days to two weeks before the expected menstruation and last for different periods of time.

In our today's article we will talk specifically about the edematous form of PMS.

Edematous form

Any form of PMS, including edematous, has its own risk factors. Let's list the main ones:

  1. Age. The older the woman, the more often the phenomena of premenstrual syndrome occur. There are studies that in women over 40, some form of PMS is observed in almost 50% of cases.
  2. Caucasoid race.
  3. In urban areas, PMS is observed almost twice as often.
  4. Women who are engaged in intellectual work have unpleasant phenomena more often.
  5. A large number of pregnancies, including childbirth, abortion, miscarriage and other terminations of pregnancy.
  6. Late first pregnancy and childbirth, no lactation period.
  7. Obesity and other endocrine diseases, including thyroid problems and diabetes.
  8. Taking hormonal contraceptives is one of the most controversial risk factors for PMS. Some patients on the background of admission birth control pills PMS symptoms may indeed appear in different forms... Interestingly, in the second half of women, oral contraceptives are the only treatment for premenstrual syndrome. Here is such a mysterious dissonance.
  9. Chronic stress, lack of sleep.
  10. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, especially various adnexitis and salpingo-oophoritis.
  11. Gynecological operations in violation of the anatomy of the pelvic organs.
  12. Brain trauma and neuroinfection.
  13. Unhealthy diet - a large amount of refined sugars, fats, preservatives, excess salty and spicy foods.
  14. Insufficient or improper drinking regime - often drinking coffee, strong tea, carbonated, sugary drinks, energy drinks, and alcohol.
  15. Smoking.
  16. Lack of sports and lack of physical activity especially strongly affect the occurrence of the edematous form of PMS.

Previously, it was believed that the main "culprits" of any form of PMS are estrogens - or rather their excess. Then the versions were put forward about the lack of the hormone of the second phase of the menstrual cycle - progesterone. Numerous studies of women with various types of premenstrual syndrome have found that gross hormonal disorders are quite rare. Therefore, the latest version of scientists about the nature of premenstrual tension syndrome is a certain imbalance of sex hormones, as well as their interaction with receptors in the brain and other target organs.


The edematous form of PMS can bother a woman in different ways:

  1. Swelling of the legs.
  2. Swelling of the hands.
  3. Swelling of the face.
  4. The total weight gain, sometimes reaching 3-5 kg!
  5. Breast enlargement, coarsening and tenderness is also a typical form of edematous PMS.

Puffiness with a mild course of premenstrual syndrome appears 3-7 days before the expected menstruation. As the course worsens, the symptoms begin earlier and earlier, sometimes leaving almost no "bright window". Swelling, as a rule, disappears during menstruation - with mild form - Immediately, with a more severe course, a woman can be disturbed until the very end of menstruation.

With combined forms of PMS, edema can be combined with neuropsychic and cardiovascular manifestations, significantly aggravating the course of the syndrome. The older a woman gets, the more often and more she is worried about premenstrual syndrome.

How to fight

Any form of premenstrual tension syndrome is very disturbing for women, interfering with their usual rhythm of life and disrupting its quality. Of course, PMS is a reason to consult a gynecologist, who, as necessary, will redirect the patient to a consultation with related specialists: an endocrinologist, psychologist or cardiologist.
Here are the basic principles of the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and the fight against edema:

  1. Physical activity and sports
  2. Normalization of the drinking regime
  3. Normalization of the diet.
  4. Restoring normal sleep and rest.

Physical exercises

No matter how trite this recommendation sounds, in the case of an edematous form of PMS, it really works. In fact, there is a very simple explanation for this. When the muscles move, the veins and small vessels are mechanically stimulated, which makes the blood from the venous depots rise to the heart, being involved in metabolic processes. The more active blood flow occurs, the less chance of edema forming. In addition, playing sports slightly changes metabolism, rebuilding metabolism, and improves kidney function. In addition, active sweating during sports also helps to "dump" excess fluid. Sports don't have to be power. Swimming, Pilates, yoga, aqua aerobics, walking and jogging are very helpful for edema.

Water balance

Many doctors recommend significantly limiting the amount of fluid you consume. This recommendation is relevant only for patients with impaired renal function. For healthy young women, the volume of fluid should remain within 1.5-2 liters per day.
However, it is worth reconsidering the nature of drinking. Pure still water, moderately mineralized water, weak green tea, unsweetened birch sap is great for quenching your thirst. You can also use a drink with a slight diuretic effect - decoctions of lingonberry, birch leaf, knotweed, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks.

Proper nutrition

It is necessary to exclude as much as possible simple refined carbohydrates, especially sweets and flour, as well as fats. On the eve of menstruation, you do not need to abuse salty food, smoked meats, spicy foods. The basis of the diet should be proteins - chicken, fish, cottage cheese, dairy products and fiber - fresh vegetables and fruits.

Full rest

It has been scientifically proven that in chronic sleep deprivation syndrome, the adrenal glands, which directly regulate the exchange of salts and water in the body, are disrupted. Women who sleep less than 8 hours a day are more prone to swelling.
Sometimes changing your routine and lifestyle is not enough. In such cases, the help of doctors is required. Perhaps there are gross hormonal disorders, kidney disease, heart disease or thyroid glandrequiring special treatment.
Some patients are shown hormonal contraceptives or progesterone drugs, which must be individually selected by the gynecologist. Sometimes the tablets have to be changed several times to achieve the ideal result and the patient's well-being.
Swelling before menstruation is not a very pleasant symptom, but still not fatal. Only a few days will pass and not a trace will remain of them.

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