Lazolyvan medicine from cough. Application of Lazolyvan

Cough one of the most frequent symptomswhich accompanies colds and infectious diseases respiratory system. Although cough is considered an unpleasant and painful sign, however, thanks to him, bronchi is cleaned and the wet is cleared, which makes breathing and provokes the growth of the disease. In this regard, with all specified diseases Do not suppress cough reflex, and it is necessary to send the process of treatment on the release of breathing organs from sputum. The most efficient and proven tool that can cope with this task is considered medical preparation Lazolyvan.
Detailed information about Lazolyvan is located

Lazolyvan with cough

Lazolyvan is a high-quality Austrian medication, the basis of which is an ambroxol hydrochloride. The medicine has expectorant effects, increasing and dilonging the contents of mucus in the shells of bronchi, in parallel its normalizing, and quickly deriving. In addition, the medicine exhibits a secreter and secrecytic effect. Many experts claim to start drinking the drug, the more efficient and quickly can be cope with the cough. Lazolyvan is prescribed with such pathologies of the respiratory system:

  • Various forms of bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Chronic lung obstruction
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Bronchoetathic disease.

The drug is widely practiced not only in the treatment of adults, and in pediatrics, thanks to a large number of convenient output forms:

  • Pills
  • Syrup
  • Pastili.
  • Ampoules for in / m and in / in injection
  • Solution for inhalations.

More quickly cough is eliminated when using the drug intramuscular or intravenous methodBecause the medicine affects 7-10 hours. Tablets and syrup their effectiveness retain about 4 hours.

It is worth noting that not all forms of the drug can be taken to children. Therefore, an independent intake is contraindicated, in any case, you need to contact the doctor, which competently selects the shape and dosage of the medication, pushing away from the stage of the disease and the age of the child.

Treatment with Lazolyvan

The most productively manifests itself with a lazolvan with a dry cough, which makes it difficult to breathe and brings a lot of trouble with the patient. The drug dilutes the mucus, contributes to its discharge, increases the secretion of the respiratory tract. This leads to the fact that lungs and bronchi are exempt from the accumulated secret, cough leaves, breathing facilitates and recovery. It is necessary to take into account that during the treatment period, the cough may increase, it is not worth it, it suggests that sputums begin to go out and the couping patient begins to recover.

In the treatment of dry cough, the lazolvan uses:

  • In a tablet form, prescribed adults and children from 12 years to 1 tablet 3 times a day on the first day of treatment. In subsequent days, the dosage decreases and is 1 tablet 2 times a day.
  • Syrup is used for adults and children older than twelve-year-old age on 1 tablespoon in the morning, at lunch and in the evening for 3 days. Then if the cough became wet, the norm is reduced to 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. In the case of a severe or launched form of dose throughout the treatment, it is not reduced. Todders under 6 years old are prescribed syrup strictly individually, depending on age, the flow of illness and general status Child.
  • The drug in ampoules used for intramuscular or intravenous administration is pressed by adults 15 ml 3 times throughout the day, in difficult situations, it is possible to increase to 30 ml. For children, the amount of means is determined depending on body weight, 1 kg of weight - 1.6 mg of Lazolyvan.

Also, with a dry cough, you can combine Lazolyvan with folk remediesThese are various herbal teas, infusions, compresses, etc.

Waste Crash

A wet cough is considered productive, it is when it departs a mucus with bronchi, purification occurs. However, this process can delay, so the body needs help to cope with the ailment. To do this, mulitics are prescribed, among which Lazolyvan occupies one of the leading places. The drug at wet cough helps increase the number of mucus, after which it is quickly output. In this case, it is possible to take syrup, pills, as well as make inhalations that are very effective with this form of cough, like adults, so children. Inhalations help the medicine penetrate deep into the respiratory tract, strengthen the effects of the medication, eliminate spasms, contribute to sprudy wet.

Lazolvan when coughing in children

Treatment with this drug in children with a dry and wet cough is better to start at its first appearances. The most suitable form for children is the syrup, it can be used even to infant children. The main feature of the syrup of Lazolyvan is its safety and high productivity in the treatment of colds and infectious pathologies of the respiratory system. It diligends well and helps to bring it out of the bronchi, the effect of the drug is celebrated after 20-30 minutes and last for 7-12 hours. Syrup has a pleasant berry taste and well tolerated by children. Lazolyvan Syrup is prescribed to children in such a dosage:

  • Children up to 2 years 2.5 ml, 2 times a day
  • 2 to 6 years of 2.5 ml, 3 times a day
  • From 6 to 12 years to 5ml, 3 times a day.

Take the medicine preferably in time of food, drinking water.

If the cough is enhanced, it is possible to increase the dose, this should do this attending physician, to independently increase the dosage of the baby in no way.

In addition to syrup, there is also good efficacy with inhalation with a lazolvan, which is produced in the form of a solution. Ignalious for the treatment of cough drug is prescribed to children:

  • Up to 6 years 2 mg of solution, 1-2 procedures per day
  • From 6 years to 2-3 ml per day, 1-2 inhalations.

With this therapy, special equipment is used, mixing medication with a sodium chloride raster, in equal proportions. The resulting composition is a bit heated in order to reduce the irritation of the respiratory tract of the child.

There are also some contraindications to the reception of the Lazolyvan in children, this is an allergic reaction to the components, in particular fructose, as well as the development of dermatitis and various rashes on the skin of the kid. DANGER AND EXCEPT OF DANGE IN CHILDREN, this can affect the attacks of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The manifestations of urticaries are also possible, in more severe cases, an angioedema shock is fixed.

It should also be remembered that the long-term reception of the medication in the treatment of cough in children can cause addictive and then the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced. Therefore, doctors recommend to carry out the therapy of Lazolyvalon no more than 7 days, and if the cough does not pass, or it is observed to change the cure for other means.

Contraindications for the use of medication

With all its effectiveness, Lazolyvan has contraindications to use. Do not advise to include a medicine when the cough is healing in the first three months of pregnancy, it also concerns the feeding period, since the tool can penetrate into the mother's milk. Even the most minor doses in people with increased susceptibility to the composition of the medication can cause the development of negative symptoms, which is most often manifested by an allergic reaction. In addition, Lazolvan can provoke disorders from the digestive organs, patients complain about the attacks of nausea, vomiting, lowering appetite, chair disorder.

Experts emphasize that side manifestations Most often marked with people with a weak immunity or with improper reception of the drug. It is also worth noting that these signs can more often call tablets than others medicinal forms medication.

In any case, when manifestation adverse ReactionsDuring the treatment of cough with Lazolyvan, you need to cancel the reception of the funds and contact your doctor.

Lazolyvan, instructions for the use of which contains comprehensive information, is a high-quality expectorant. It rarely leads to side effects, effectively and in a short time fights with many diseases of the respiratory system.

It is these qualities that make the drug of choice for many patients.

In contact with


The tool is available in various dosage forms, each of which has certain nuances of application. You can buy a medicine without a recipe in any pharmacy. For which Lazolyvan, how to properly accept it, from what age the drug is recommended, consider further.

Composition and active ingredient

The drug includes:

  1. Active substance. It is whether it determines therapeutic effect funds.
  2. Additional components. Used to obtain the necessary consistency, taste, odor, storage period, etc.

Table 1. The composition of the Lazolyvan and the effect of its components

Active substance

AmbroxolThe substance contributes to the acceleration of the synthesis of tracheobronchial secret (sputum) leads to its discharge due to the violation of the structure of polysaccharides. Stimulates the movement of the cyiliary epithelium and mukiciliary clearance. Improves the selection of surfactant and slows down its disintegration

Additional components

Citric acid monohydrateRegulates acidity, is a preservative
Sodium dihydrophosphateWater-retaining substance
Salt cookStabilizer
Benzalconium chlorideAntifungal agent, struggling with infections and viruses
Benzoic acidAntiseptic, preservative
Acesulphal potassiumSweetener
Glycerol.Dehydrating and dermistant
FlavorsCreamy, vanilla, strawberry


Milk sugarFiller
Corn starchFiller
Stearinic acidPreservative

The active ingredient of the Lazolyvan is absorbed almost completely. The application instruction reports that the effect is observed after 30-60 minutes, lasts 9-12 hours.

What is designed for?

The use of Lazolyvan is advisable for the following diseases:

  1. Diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract with an increased viscosity of the tracheobronchial secret.
  2. Diffuse-inflammatory diseases of the bronchi in acute or chronic form (Lazolyvan is recommended at).
  3. . Focal defeat that caused an investigation of infection or other reasons.
  4. Obstructive chronic illness Breath organs.
  5. complicated by the allocation of the trachestracy of the tracheobronchial secret.
  6. Purulent processes in bronchi.

According to the instructions for use, the drug has the following therapeutic effect:

  • dilutes the sputum;
  • accelerates the process of its removal;
  • increases sufractant synthesis.

The form of the release of the Lazolyvan with Ambroxol

The choice of a suitable form of release is better to entrust the specialist. The solution depends on many factors: age, features of reception, individual preferences.

Lazolyvan from cough goes on sale in a bottle made of dark transparent glass. In a bottle of 100 ml drug, complemented by a measuring cup. According to the instructions for use contains 7.5 mg / ml of ambroxol. You can take a solution of Lazolyvan before or after meals, add it to food or drinks. It has a bitter taste, which complicates his reception.

You can conduct procedures in a nebulizer or any other non-aerial inhaler. This form of release Lazolyvan is the same solution. The drug recommendation implies the abolition of the drug in other dosage forms. According to the instructions, the method of use of Lazolyvan as inhalation depends on the age of the patient. Detailed information about this can be found in the instructions for use.

It has a softer and pleasant taste. Contains 30 mg per 5 ml of the drug. It is assigned to the patients who have reached the six-year-old age. It is realized in dark glass bottles of 100 ml.

Each packaging of medication includes a bottle with syrup, instructions for use and a convenient dimensional spoon. It is recommended to patients up to six years, has a nice strawberry taste. It has a smaller dosage active substancethan lazolvan for adults. 5 ml of the drug accounts for 15 mg of ambroxol.

Each tablet contains 30 mg active substance, Pastilka - 15 mg. Lactose is present in pastels, so people having a high sensitivity to it, the consumption of means in such a dosage form is undesirable. According to the instructions for use, the medicine is recommended to be dissolved.

From what cough this drug is dry or wet?

This is a versatile drug. Responding to a question from which cough Lazolvan, we can say that:

  1. Lazolyvan is effective with a dry type. The symptom is accompanied by the difficulty of exit or the complete lack of sputum. Lazolyvan with dry cough leads to its mitigation and gradual purification of respiratory tract from mucus and biological components.
  2. With a wet cough, the drug contributes to the speedy deliverance from sputum and recovery.

Direct information about what cough is a lazolvan - dry or wet, there is no instructions for use. Even with one of these symptoms, the drug should be coordinated with the doctor.

Is it possible to take with dry cough?

Data on whether it is possible to take a remedy for dry cough, missing in instructions for use. In practice, the drug is recommended to be applied if the symptom has arisen as a result:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • lung inflammation;
  • bronchitis, etc.
When Lazolyvan plays an important role in the removal of edema, mitigating cough and the discharge of sputum. Thus, it is not a limitation, but by indication to the use of the means.

Instructions for use

Many patients are interested in how to drink Lazolvan, with what cough take, as often. Virtually all information can be found in the instructions for use.

Mode of application

How to take the Lazolyvan directly depends on the form of its release, diagnosis and age of the patient.

Table 2. Features of application according to the instructions


An important role is played by compliance with the amount of drug therapy. The application instruction contains complete dosage information.

Table 3. Dosage of the Lazolyvan, depending on the form of release

How to use?

It is important to observe not only the dosage, but also some rules of treatment. Only in this case therapy will give the maximum result. How to drink a lazolvan:

  1. Solution. The drug can be breed in any drink or add to food. It has a rather bitter taste, so it is advisable to drink it. Inhalation is recommended to be carried out using a nebulizer. Inhibitions and exhalations should be calm and uniform, body temperature is normal. It is required to dilute the tool 0.9 percent solution of sodium chloride in the ratio of one to one.
  2. Syrup. The tool is not needed to drink water, it has a pleasant smell and taste. Special instructions Instructions for use are not contained.
  3. Pills. The means must be dissolved until complete dissolution.

Before or after eating?

Lazolyvan, indications for use and features of which are prescribed in the instructions, can be taken regardless of the power mode. However, there are a number of features:

  • it is not necessary to consume food or drinks for an hour after the inhalation;
  • it is advisable not to eat 30 minutes after taking a syrup or pill sister;
  • oral reception can be carried out without such restrictions.


For some patients, the drug should be restricted or excluded. Lazolyvan, contraindications to which are listed in the instructions for use, is prohibited at:

  1. Individual intolerance to ambroxol. The prescription of the drug may entail an allergic reaction.
  2. Lactose absorption disorders. This limitation is applicable only for tableted form.
  3. Early gestation. It is prohibited in the first 3 months of tooling the fetus.
The drug has a minimal list of contraindications, which makes it a drug selection for therapy.


Table 4. Sideflines Lazolyvan and consequences of its use

Instructions for use warn that with a malignant exudative eczema, the reception may be accompanied by allergic rhinitis, heat, dry cough, grinding in the throat. Co-use with antitussive drugs can cause difficulty exit of tracheobronchial fluid.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the Lazolyvan is allowed to receive from 4 months. However, it is necessary to do it with caution. The safety of the drug for the child is not scientifically confirmed.

Is it possible to take together with other drugs?

Lazolyvan ( international name Ambroxol) can be assigned together with other drugs. What combinations will benefit - consider further.

With Rimantadin Aktitab

This is an antiviral drug, the instructions for the use of which does not prohibit assigning it with ambroxol-based preparations. It is applied not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of viral diseases. Rimantadine Aktitab and Lazolyvan, whose compatibility will not harm health, are often recommended to patients in combination.

With Erespalom

Erispal is produced in the form of tablets and syrup. The drug removes inflammation, stops spasm and has an antihistamine effect. It is recommended for bronchitis, laryngitis, trachea. It is an antitussive drug.

Many patients are interested in the answer to the question, you can take Eriszol and Lazolvan together together? Instructions for use categorically prohibits do it. The use of the Lazolyvan will lead to a wet wet, and Erispal will suppress cough. As a result, the tracheobronchial secret will remain in the lungs.

Both drugs have the same testimony for use. Many experts recommend to acquire both means and alternate their reception with an unproductive cough.

Is it possible to take together the ACS and Lazolyvan? A similar combination does not have a special meaning.

Compatible with alcohol

Information from the instructions for use states that alcoholic beverages significantly reduce the efficiency of the drug. Sometimes the therapeutic effects are completely leveled. In addition, Lazolyvan and alcohol whose compatibility is doubtful can lead to an increase in adverse reactions. In particular, a patient may develop an allergic reaction.

The active substance of the drug is an ambroxol hydrochloride with a semereter, expectorant and secretolithic effect. "Lazolyvan" has high efficiency in respiratory tract and is used as an antitussive agent. Indications for the drug are:
- bronchiectatic disease, bronchial asthma;
- acute pneumonia;
- chronic rhinitis, sinusitis;
- acute tracheobronchitis; acute bronchitis; obstructive bronchitis; chronical bronchitis;
- laryngitis, nico-pharyngitis;
- lung fibergation.

The action of "Lazolyvan" when taking a syrup or in a tablet form occurs after 30 minutes, when using injections and inhalations - 3-5 minutes. The effect of the medication is saved for about 10 hours. The drug forms a develfranyl acid in the liver and excreted from the body by the kidneys.

"Lazolvan" is produced in the form of tablets, a solution for inhalations, lozenges, syrup. Performed by Beringer Ingenheim.

"Lazolyvan" - instructions for use

The medicine in the form of pills doctors is prescribed by an adult dosage of 30 mg three times a day. If you need to strengthen the therapeutic effect, you can use 60 mg, but twice a day. Pills drink after meals, drinking water.

The preparation in the form of a syrup containing 30 mg of ambroxol in 5 ml, children over 12 years old and adults should drink 5 ml three times a day; Kids from 6 to 12 years old - 2.5 ml two or three times a day.

An expectorant for inhalations is prescribed in this mode: adults - 4 ml, children over 6 years - 2 ml, from 0 to 6 years - 1 ml. The drug should be mixed with saline in proportion 1: 1 in order to achieve optimal humidification of air in the mask. Before use, the solution is recommended to heat to room temperature. If the solution must be taken inside, it should be breeded in milk, fruit juice, tea or water and take during meals.

"Lazolyvan" during long-term reception can cause such side effects as gastralgia, vomiting, heartburn, nausea. Also side effects The drug is allergic reactions: urticaria, skin rash, contact dermatitis, angioedema swelling.

A cough lazolvan is a fairly common preparation that doctors are prescribed to children and adults with a dry cough. This drug has a large number of positive recommendations from specialists and has a different number of forms that are intended for different categories patients.

Forms of release

Lazolyvan from cough has different dosage forms Release intended for children or adults. Depending on the type of cough and the age of the patient, the Lazolyvan is prescribed in such types:

  • syrup;
  • ampoules;
  • pills.

Before proceeding with the treatment of cough with the help of Lazolyvan, it is recommended to obtain a consultation of the doctor and carefully examine the instructions for the drug.

Application of the Lazolyvan when coughing

There are a lot of disputes on the topic of how the cough is better to use the Lazolyvan. Some doctors believe that this remedy can help only from dry species, others are prescribed to it with patients and with wet cough.

This agent is an ambroxol-based musolithic preparation. This substance stimulates the development of mucus in the pulmonary channels, so with a dry cough, the viscosity of sputum and mucus is decreased. For this reason, the Lazolvan is considered an indispensable tool It is from dry cough.

It is recommended to start taking the drug as early as possible to become faster and more efficient to recover from the illness. Syrup, ampoules or tablets with different walled diseaseswhich are characterized by the appearance in respiratory tract Viscous sputum, prescribed very often.

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • bronchiectatic disease;
  • bronchial asthma.

Additionally, this tool can be applied to stimulating the intrauterine ripening of the lungs Child in the threat of early childbirth. When a premature newborn baby has a respiratory syndrome, Lazolyvan is prescribed to it as treatment and prevention of diseases.

Affected action

Lazolyvan begins to act about half an hour after receiving tablets or syrup, you can take it along with a linden color. Cough will be treated more efficiently if the drug is inserted intramuscular or intravenousHe will act in this case up to 10 hours.

Lazolyvan is widely used as a cure for bronchitis. Thanks to the presence in it, the ambroxol is actively produced and sputtered in the lungs. As a result, unnecessary viruses, bacteria and other particles come out of the bronchi, and the breathing channels come to normal and the cough begins to pass.

So, with bronchitis, Lazolyvan has the following action:

When using the Lazolyvan from pneumonia, its action is directed to the resumption of the functions of the bronchi, he liquets and removes unnecessary wet from breathing channels. Action is:

  • cough goes, the side effects of antibiotics are reduced, and their effect is enhanced;
  • helps to work out the pulmonary lubricant, so the drug is used in severe forms of diseases;
  • thanks to the ability to strengthen the effect of antibiotics, you can reduce their dosage.

Dosage rules

If necessary, tablets are prescribed children from 6 yearsThe dosage is half of the pieces up to 3 times a day.

Syrup give children since 6 years Half a teaspoon 3 times a day. From 12 years old and adults should be taken on a tablespoon 3 times a day for 3 days, then the dosage is reduced to a teaspoon. If the disease occurs in severe form, then the dosage during the entire treatment is not reduced.

In the form of ampoules The drug is injected intramuscularly, intravenously or under the skin with a syringe or drip. Adult dosage Makes one ampoule with a capacity of 15 mg three times a day. With severe illness, the dosage increases to 30 mg. Children are injected at the rate of 1.6 mg per kilogram:

  • up to 2 years - half of the ampoules 2 times a day;
  • from 2 to five years - 7.5 mg or half ampoules 3 times a day;
  • from 5 years old - 1 ampoule three times a day during the day.

In the presence of postpartum respiratory syndrome The means is administered intravenously or intramuscularly at the rate of 10 mg per kilogram of weight. The drug is introduced 4 times a day, the dose increases to the appointment of the doctor if it is necessary.

Features of the use of Lazolyvan in children

Children with a dry or wet cough most often doctors prescribe the reception of the Lazolyvan in the form of a syrup with a pleasant sweet taste. It safe and efficient In the treatment, there is no contraindications.

Such syrup for children contributes to wet wet and better excreted from the respiratory tract. The child begins to cough more, but this suggests that the accumulated wet goes, thanks to which the child recovers and get rid of cough.

Lazolyvan's solution is often used for children's inhalations With dry cough. It is bred in water and can be used to treat children even under the year. And injections to children are prescribed with a strong cough.

Is it possible to use a lazolvan during pregnancy

During pregnancyWhen a woman is tormented by a dry or wet cough, Lazolvan can be used in the second and third semester of the period and only under the supervision of a doctor in order not to harm the future child.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the bodies of the child and the placenta are formed, so the Lazolyvan during this period is contraindicated in any form. No matter what clinical researches did not reveal harmful influence On the fetus when taking this drug, it is better not to take it, because Ambroxol can easily get into the placenta and harm.

Caution should be taken to the reception of this during breastfeeding because the drug falls into breast milk. There was no harmful effect on the child, but if there is a need to receive, it is better to choose a lazolvan in the form of a syrup.

Is it possible to take a lazolvan when wet cough?

Lazolyvan can be taken with a wet cough or at the stage of the transition of an unproductive spasm to productive, it is often observed when acute bronchitis. At first, the patient suffers from unbearable dry cough, and then the wet begins to dilute. And at this moment it is recommended to take an expectorant drug. Without a mercolytic agent, it is impossible to do during pneumonia.

Lazolyvan must begin to take immediately after confirming its diagnosis when the cough is dry, wet, lightweight or heavy. Sometimes there is no spasm, but Lazolyvan is still better to take.

Ambroxol-based Lazolyvanalogs

So, we considered under what kinds of cough is the effective of Lazolyvan. However, in some cases, this drug can be replaced by others, especially since there is a lot of analogues.

Absolute analogs are those that are also included amboxol. Among them:

  • Flavmed;
  • Bronchoksol;
  • Ambroben;
  • Medox and others.

It is worth remembering that the dosage of each drug is different, carefully learn the instruction In each case, since the active ingredient can be present in each of them in different amounts. It may also be a way to use the means, it also should always be considered.

A cough lazolvan is one of the most common means used in such an age. Many neglect the recommendations of the doctor and dosages, but this is not recommended to do this not to harm yourself and the child if the medicine is intended for him.

The cough lazolvan is effective if the patient in the respiratory tract has accumulated a thick wet, which is not separated independently. To improve bronchi and trachea, the use of musolithic agents is shown. They dilute the sputum, after which it can easily stand out thanks to the cough reflex.

Composition and beneficial properties of Lazolyvan from cough

The active ingredient of the drug is ambroxol. This is a strong musolitic agent that not only decreases the viscosity of sputum, but also helps to increase the production of mucus by the walls of the respiratory tract. Reception of the Lazolyvan can significantly reduce the time of recovery and will help to get rid of cough even in running cases.

The effectiveness of the drug depends on how early its reception was started. It is best to start treatment yet on early stages Diseases when the body's protective forces are still strong enough to cope with the disease with minimal medication support.

Strengthening sputum promotes not only the purification of respiratory tract, but also helps to derive pathogenic microbes and toxic products of their livelihoods. With bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract, Lazolyvan has the following effect:

  • normalizes the composition and viscosity of sputum due to the action of enzymes;
  • enhances the secretion of mucus to increase the flow of separated;
  • due to the increase in the amount of liquid sputum makes it easier to expectoration of accumulated mucus;
  • increases concentration antibacterial agents in respiratory tract;
  • stimulates the production of antibodies and strengthens local protective factors in lungs and bronchi.

Thanks to this action, Lazolyvan is widely used both for the treatment of bronchitis and in the treatment of lung inflammation. It copes well with pronounced cough syndrome, helps with a wet cough, and also helps to reduce the negative effects of antibiotics. The latter is achieved due to the fact that the patient has to take a smaller amount of antibacterial agents in order to achieve concentration in lungs and bronchi.

Important! Treatment inflammatory diseases The respiratory system must be comprehensive. Mulcolics are only auxiliary means that contribute to the acceleration of recovery, but their effect is not aimed at the cause of the disease. Therefore, you always need to additionally use antibiotics or antiviral drugs.

With what kind of cough is used

Lazolyvan is shown to take in the form of tablets or syrup, as well as introduce intramuscularly and intravenously various diseases The respiratory system, which are associated with the formation of thick sputum. Therefore, it is advisable to use it for the treatment of dry cough. But the use of medication in cases where the sputum is highlighted, but it is quite difficult.

  • bronchitis;
  • inflammation of the lungs;
  • chronic pathologies of pulmonary fabric;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchiectase.

Another direction of using the Lazolyvan is not associated with the cough. It is used to accelerate the ripening of the lungs among prematurely born children. If the baby is born with signs of postpartum distress syndrome, he is intramuscularly or intravenously introduced medicine. This is necessary so that the walls of the respiratory tract begun to develop all the substances needed for breathing.

How to apply

Lazolyvan in tablet form can be taken to patients older than 12 years. On the first day of treatment, it is recommended to drink one tablet after meals three times a day. In the following days, the dosage decreases to two-time reception on one tablet or three-time at half.

If there is a pronounced cough syndrome, it is allowed to give medicine for children over six years old. So patients can be drunk at half a pill no more than three times a day. Lazolyvan syrup is allowed to use also from six years. Recommended dosage - half a teaspoon three times a day.

People over 12 years old in the first three days of treatment should drink syrup on one tablespoon three times a day. After that, the dosage is reduced to one teaspoon. If in the first three days therapy did not turn out to be quite effective, you can leave the same amount of medication.

A single dosage of the Lazolyvan in the form of a solution for adults is 15 ml. In severe cases, the amount of medication should be increased twice. The drug is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously depending on the severity of the symptoms and severity of the patient's condition. The multiplicity of administration is three times a day.

Children The maximum daily dose for the parenteral form of the Lazolyvan is calculated on the basis of body weight - 1.5 mg of the active substance per kilogram of the child's weight. Usually the medicine is used according to the following scheme:

  • kids up to two years - at half an ampoule (7.5 mg) twice a day;
  • up to five years - the same amount of the drug three times a day;
  • over five years old - three times a day at 15 mg.

Important! When developing postpartum respiratory distress syndrome shown intramuscular administration Lazolyvan in the amount of 10 mg per kilogram of weight. The drug is introduced to four times a day. If the difficult condition of the newborn persists, it is allowed to exceed the recommended dose.

Application of Lazolyvan in children

For the treatment of dry or wet cough In children, the most suitable form of medication will be syrup. Since it has a pleasant taste, children take it well in the recommended quantity. Lazolyvan does not contribute to the development of severe unwanted reactions and is quite effective for cleansing the respiratory tract. It is recommended to give children over six years old.

Lazolyvan with dry cough helps to reduce the viscosity of sputum and improves its exhaustion. Therefore, after receiving the severity of the symptom may increase, but this does not indicate the deterioration of the patient's condition. The abundance of cough indicates that the sputum, which was before in the lower respiratory tract, begins to flick. It helps to achieve speedy recovery and improved kid well-being.

The solution of the drug can be used for inhalation. Before this it must be divorced in water. This method of drug use is allowed to children of any age, even infants. If the child has significantly expressed symptoms, is shown intramuscular or intravenous administration Lazolyvan.

Important! Before starting treatment, it is recommended to consult with a pediatrician. It is necessary so that the doctor can estimate the severity of the patient's condition and picked up an individual dose of medication. It is prohibited to be prohibited independently, since the improper use of the drug can lead to a deterioration of well-being, strengthening the severity of symptoms, the development of unwanted reactions.

Application of the Lazolyvan during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnant patients in the absence of sputum Syrup from cough Lazolyvan can be taken in the second or third trimester. It is not recommended to begin treatment yourself, it is better to carry out therapy under the control of the attending physician. This is due to the fact that uncontrolled medication can lead to the development of unwanted reactions, including leading to the affix of the fetus.

The first trimester of pregnancy occurs the most intensive development of the child's bodies. The effect of Lazolyvan on the fetus during this period is not fully studied. Therefore, take it in any form before the onset of the third trimester is prohibited.

Nursing women are advised to use a lazolvan with caution. This is due to the fact that the medicine easily penetrates into breast milk and can affect the child's body. The most safe is the preparation in the form of syrup.

Is it safe to the tool

If you take a medicine according to the testimony and only those patients who are allowed to use the drug, then the probability of development side Effects It will be minimal. Unwanted reactions are most often associated with allergies and individual intolerance to the active component and auxiliary substances.

They can manifest themselves to redness, itching the skin, disruption of digestion. If after admission there are any unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to stop using the medicine and report on the cultural complication of the doctor.

Knowing, with what cough is used by Lazolyvan, it is possible to use it effectively to get rid of the symptom. It is better to conduct treatment under the control of a specialist - so it will be possible to avoid the occurrence of unwanted reactions and achieve a speedy recovery.

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