Resonant homeopathy. Concept of modern homeopathy and bio-resonant theory

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# study


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Resonant homeopathy is the method of treating various diseases of the organs and systems, in which the correction of energy and information failures in the body, which led to the formation of one or another pathology. Treatment of resonant homeopathy is most effectively with acute and chronic disorders from the nervous, endocrine, immune systems and in chronic inflammatory or infectious diseases.

Resonant homeopathy is well combined with treatment with needleflexotherapy, manual therapy, LFC classes (if the patient's condition requires), any local procedures that are conducting doctors specialists of allopathic medicine. However, it is undesirable to combine resonant homeopathy with treatment pharmaceutical preparations or biologically active additives that carry their own information load, such as antibiotics, or hormones. When conducting surgical treatment Resonant homeopathy is successfully applied at the postoperative rehabilitation phase of patients.

The purpose of drugs of resonant homeopathy is produced on the basis of a survey according to the method of R. Fall, which reveals energy disorders by various organs or systems due to the disease. On similar principles are based traditional methods diagnosis, such as electrocardiography and electroencephalography (ECG and EEG). With such a survey, you can identify the disease in the earliest stages of its development, when morphological (i.e. visible eyes) Changes have not yet been formed. After the detection of energy disorders, it is simply after reading the electromagnetic "portrait" of the disease, the patient is prescribed a homeopathic preparation, on which "Right" information is recorded. As a result of the reception of resonant drugs, the electromagnetic characteristics of the affected body are corrected, and as a result, morphological changes in it are later corrected. That is, when using resonant homeopathic preparations, the process is launched, reverse development of the disease. If the disease flows sufficiently long, then other organs and systems are involved in the pathological process; Therefore, the patient should be prepared for several visits to a homeopathist. At the first visit, a general energy background is corrected, with the result that, with a repeated survey, some other private disorders that require additional correction becomes visible.

Thus, during resonant homeopathic therapy, it is possible, for example, the correction of hormonal disorders without introducing actual hormones or hormone substances into the body. However, if with hormone therapy, the effect is saved only as long as applied hormonal agentsThe resonant homeopathy is able to "reconfigure" the body in such a way that the effect can be saved for a long time and after its cancellation.

In the treatment of infectious processes, resonant homeopathy is often more efficient than treatment with antibiotics. The fact is that antibiotics are effective only against actively multiplying bacteria, however, if the infectious focus exists for a long time, microorganisms are practically ceased to multiply, and simply lose those organelles (for example, a cell wall) that are targets for antibiotics. Homeopathic drugs are capable of changing the electromagnetic field of the body in such a way that for microbes as the habitat, it becomes unsuitable. And vice versa, for its own flora, with such treatment, you can create the most favorable conditions habitat. In this principle built homeopathic treatment Dysbacteriosis of intestines, skin, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, etc.

Milk sugar, alcohol, distilled water, and less often anhydrous lanolin are used as a carrier of information in resonant homeopathy, and there is absolutely harmless substances for the human body. Electromagnetic information is recorded on them immediately after the survey on the fuel, individually for each patient. The method of diagnosis R. Foll allows you to identify the compliance of the energy characteristics of allopathic medicinal preparations, biologically active additives and food is the energy state of the body, which makes it possible, for example, to predict the effect of the use of certain drugs, development allergic reactions on the food products Before the appearance side Effectsthat reduces the risk of their application.

The urgency of the use of achievements of homeopathy, primarily clinical, in practical healthcare increases, despite the periodic activation of opponents of homeopathy.

Unreasonable attacks on homeopathy are associated, first of all, with significant advantages of this medical method compared to allopathy, which are well known as the enlightened part of the medical community and consumers of homeopathic drugs.

The approval of the opponents of homeopathy is true that in homeopathic preparations, primarily in high potencies, there are practically no molecules of the substance, but opponents do not take into account that there are a set of material quantum fields with high electromagnetic energy in the preparations.

The opponents of homeopathy do not take into account the fact that in nature, part of which is also our body, all dualistic (diode), including the substance and its field, namely Hippocrat - "Father" of medicine is the founder of the teachings on the unity of nature and man, practical The successors of his teachings - the Swiss doctor Paracels and "Father" of homeopathy - German Door of Ganeman.

The reason for the attacks on homeopathy is, first of all, the increasing popularity of this medical method among doctors and patients, as well as the absence of a generally accepted scientific substantiation of its mechanism.

The International Academy of Integrating Science and Business (Mainb) presents, for discussion by specialists, and primarily by the medical community, basic postulates "On the quantum - resonant nature of homeopathy", which denotes the processes occurring in the implementation of the technology of potentiation and the formation of a homeopathic preparation, as well as the mechanism of action These drugs on the body.

1. Homeopathic preparations are made, as a rule, in decimal or moto scales, the use of the technology of potentation technology - the founder of homeopathy Samuel Ganeman and improved in the subsequent.

2. From classical physics it is known that all physical bodieswhich consist of atoms and molecules have minimal energy and cannot emit it. Any other state of the atom, with an energy other than the minimum, is excited. It is known that the transition of an atom of a substance from an excited state into normal is accompanied by radiation of electromagnetic waves in the form of quanta with a certain energy and wave characteristics.

3. The potentation technology used in the manufacture of a homeopathic preparation is a stepped phased decrease in the concentration of the source substance located in a dissolved state (matrix tincture), with an application of external energy, by intensive multiple shaking, i.e. dynamization of this solution. In this case, the atoms of the matrix tincture, turning to the excited state, the quanta emitting, which formed in this solution quantum - physical fields.

4. In the process of potentiation, the nano crystals of different sizes are "grown" (from 2 to 100 nanometers in the diameter), which in the further potentiation process may vary and emit quanta with longer waves, as well as to have a greater amplitude. Higher energy level, while the frequency parameters of the starting material are saved.

5. Potentization is not a process of dilution or dilution of the matrix tincture to reduce its concentration, but is a dynamic process of phased formation of a homeopathic preparation by successive stepwise extraction and enhancement of the biomolecules and atoms of the matrix tincture.

6. At the same time, figuratively speaking atom - the "big ball", "shoots" from himself "a small ball" - a quantum, which has the same physical characteristics as the "big ball".

Quantum is an elementary particle of electromagnetic radiation, which is a carrier of an electromagnetic field. The energy of the quantum depends on the wavelength and radiation frequency. The energy level of quanta increases in the process of increasing the stage of potentation. Quanta, having an electromagnetic nature, can be reduced and absorb.

7. At each stage of potentiation, two processes occur simultaneously: the concentration of the substance decreases and the energy level of the quantum particles extracted from the atoms increases due to the applied external potentization energy.

When potentiation, due to the ambiguity of the nature of emerging perturbations, the quantum fields with different energy levels and density are in the potentiate solution.

8. Quantum fields, as part of a whole, are often like a whole, i.e. The composition of the matrix tincture, from which they are extracted using the potential technology. Quantum fields are similar to the component of the matrix tincture of both chemically and physical field.

9. As is known from classical physics, during the excitation of the atoms of the substance, the radiation of a quantum occurs, which has field properties and particles and waves, i.e. corpuscular wave properties. It is theoretically and experimentally recognized fact.

10. Modern fundamental science has three types of matter: substance, physical field and physical vacuum.

The substance has a certain mass in rest and consists of particles (protons, electrons, neutrons), atoms, molecules and their compounds that form a physical body.

The physical field is a special material substance that ensures the interaction of the components of the substance.

The physical vacuum is a material environment with the smallest energy level.

11. When implementing potentization technology, an extraction of nano crystals from the matrix tincture of nano crystals, with certain quantum-wave characteristics or otherwise, quantum fields are formed from the aggregate of which and the homeopathic preparation prepared in this way is formed.

12. Quantum fields are formed as a result of explosions of intermolecular and

intramolecular connections, in the process of multiple external energy impact, by energetic multiple

shaking solution of matrix tincture.

At the same time, the higher the level of potentation, the higher the energy level of the homeopathic drug.

13. The mechanism of action of a homeopathic preparation, as a combination of quantum fields, is a physical, not chemical i.e. In the body, which is a dynamic medium, the interaction of physical fields of the body and the drug, which are material, but not real.

14. Quantum fields are both particles and waves arriving simultaneously in the multiple state and the subject of study by experts in the field of quantum electrodynamics-supplied quantum Physicswhich is not magic, but with science with strictly limited mathematical rules and principles.

15. The body is a holistic biological dynamic system of interdependent, interacting and interdependent components that are in continuous dualistic (dual) chemical and physical processes.

16. When administered to the organism of a homeopathic preparation consisting of a set of quantum fields, there is a complete absorption of quanta or nothing occurs, when the frequency characteristics of the homeopathic preparation and physical - field components occur. Therefore, when taking a homeopathic preparation there is no side effects And no overdose may occur, and a homeopathic exacerbation can occur, which is characterized by a burst of energy. The energy of quantum fields introduced into the organism by a homeopathic preparation, excites atoms with the same frequency response that is characteristic of the body.

17. Vaccular wave (quantum) components of a homeopathic preparation are absorbed by the components of the body due to the resonant effect with similar frequency characteristics of their physical field. In this way, the energy of quantum fields and an increase in the energy of the cells of a certain component of the body is increased.

This process is similar to the principle of "Domino", when, at the expense of an application of not high energy, the extreme "Domino" takes place for this action by the entire chain of Domino, in our case, resonant to all cells of the body with similar frequency parameters.

The corpuscular is a microparticle or nano-crystal, which is a clot of electromagnetic energy.

The wave is the characteristic of the physical field, which can fluctuate in a certain space - corpuscular and (or) in the solution and carry out not only energy transfer, due to the possession of a certain frequency and wavelength, which is determined by the nature of the atom and its energy condition, as well as the amplitude of its own oscillations. As is known, the energy of the wave is proportional to the square of amplitude.

18. Resonance is the frequency-selective response of the body's oscillatory processes on the effect of a homeopathic preparation, which is manifested in a sharp increase in the amplitude of the oscillations of the wave components of the body under the coincidence of the frequency characteristics of the drug and the body.

19. With a resonance of two energy-information processes: a homeopathic preparation and a component of the body with similar frequency parameters, the energy of the quantum field of the homeopathic preparation is transmitted and the absorption of the organism. With resonant effect, even very weak periodic oscillations can be significantly strengthened.

20. The transfer of the energy of the quantum field is discretely, i.e. Jumping: from atoms of contacting to far atoms throughout the "line" atoms.

21. From here, the following statements are reasonable: a homeopathic preparation is an energy-informational drug of quantum - resonant action, which is a combination of quantum-wave characteristics of biomolecules and (or) microelements medicinal substancesgenerated when implementing potentation technology. Homeopathy is medical method Quantum-resonance therapy aimed at restoring and harmonizing the energy potential (vitality) components and the body as a whole. Energy harmonization of bioprocesses of a holistic organism contributes to the elimination of the causes and symptoms of a certain disease,

in view of the selectivity of the range of quantum fields of the homeopathic preparation.

22. Basic constants of the body are:

Acid-alkaline level of the body, which is supported through meals and is adjusted, if necessary, the use of allopathic - chemical preparations.

The energy potential of the components and the body as a whole, the so-called vital force is restored by the reception of the respective homeopathic drugs.

The temperature level of the body is maintained by a harmonious combination of the above constants.

These postulates are based on well-known and well-studied physical phenomena, which we submitted systemically from the position of the explanation of possible processes arising from the implementation of potentia technology.

In the postulates, a possible mechanism of physical quantum - resonant action of a homeopathic drug on the body is presented.

Of course, the system conclusions specified in the postulates require the necessary scientific research at the institutions of quantum physics to clarify

And confirmation, or reasonable deviation.

The president,
Ya.Z. Mesennik

Castle Scientist of the Russian Federation, fell. Engineer of Russia, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Academician of the Russian and International Academies of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Ambassador of Mirasol World

In contact with

Unfortunately, even in large cities (Moscow does not constitute an exception) for the diagnosis of HRD, the so-called "computer diagnostics", which is very far from the true ACT.

Computer diagnostics takes approximately 20-30 minutes, is carried out with the help of "DIOR" or "Aurum" type apparatuses and suggests minimal participation in the diagnostic procedure. The patient holds the electrode in the hands, and the diagnost simply presses the button on the computer. In this case, the program, analyzing the data obtained, will give a ready-made result.

The result of such computer diagnostics, unfortunately, is very exemplary and consider it sufficiently reliable, alas, it is simply impossible. Therefore, such a method is used in diagnostics serious diseases Completely incorrect. However, it is often that way happened.

As a result, many patients, having received the results, are clearly distant from the true state of affairs, begin to relate to the lamp and to vegetatively resonant testing, although, in fact, they did not come across themselves. They create a persistent rejection of any techniques that externally resemble the computer diagnostics with which they encountered.

However, most of these patients their doubts are dispelled during the first ten minutes of the present session of vegetual-resonant diagnostics.

The real diagnosis of the ART is an electrical, lasts about 2 hours, it is done with the help of a special certificate, a licensed device, and only a doctor who has passed special training of work can be carried out on such an instrument.

The Diagnostic CRTI properly, in addition to new patient health data, always confirms the results of analyzes and surveys obtained in a regular clinic. Therefore, confidence in the reliability of the survey results becomes indisputable.

How is the VRT?

When conducting the diagnosis of the VDC, the doctor with the help of a special sensor, the hands and legs (sometimes) of the patient, feeding through the instrument, electrical oscillations with specified characteristics (test pointers) through the device).

When touched the sensor to the point on the skin, the body's response is read on the effect of the test pointer. By the way this reaction is manifested, the doctor is able to make certain conclusions about the presence of a patient in a patient of one or another pathology.

Vegetative-resonance testing itself does not produce a finished diagnosis. The diagnosis puts the doctor based on the set of the results of the survey. Therefore, much exactly the accuracy of the diagnostic depends on proper interpretation Data received. This qualifications can only have a doctor who has passed special training on the equipment used by it, and it is on the instruments of the brand that it uses.

What is TRG?

Vegeth-resonant diagnostics is a methodology for assessing the condition of the body and individual human bodies. It was developed in 1978 by the German doctor Shimmelém and was based on the system of electropuncture diagnostics R. Foll.

When conducting an ART, the level of changes in the electrical potentials at the skin projection points of certain organism systems is performed. The device fixes the body's response to the impact at these points with electro-oscillations with certain characteristics (test pointers).

Any pathological process in the body leads to the fact that bioelectric potentials at the study points are changing in a certain way corresponding to the type of pathological process and its intensity. For the aggregate of these changes, the doctor conducting the AGC and makes a diagnosis of the patient.

It is necessary to note the distinctive positive advantages of diagnosis according to the method of the ART:

  • the prequish nature of diagnostics, that is, the identification of pathological changes in the body at the stage of functional disorders;
  • accuracy and confirmed high reliability of the technique;
  • harmlessness and painlessness.

What can IGF?

Vegetative-resonant testing is the most informative diagnosis of currently non-traditional diagnostics.

VG diagnostics determines:


Availability inflammatory processes in organs

General Allergic Load (Allergies) and Allergens

Cystic processes

Preconcomes and oncology

Insufficiency of vitamins, trace elements

Efficiency and portability of medicinesJ

The survey of the ACT allows you to identify the disease on early stage And to establish their reasons, determine the deviations in the work of any organ of all organism systems, as well as its backup capabilities.

During the examination of the AI, causes of diseases the following systems man:

  1. Endocrine
  2. Immune
  3. Nervous, including CNS
  4. Light
  5. Cardiovascular
  6. Digestive
  7. Urogenital
  8. Bone-articular systems

In addition, the ART reveals intoxication as a result of the impact on the body of the geopathogenic load, electromagnetic load, salts of heavy metals, various chemicals

Using the ACT, you can determine the infection of the body with various helminths, bacteria, viruses with the definition of their types

According to the results of the AGC, the doctor produces the correction of these processes with homeopathic drugs, which are chemically not aggressive for the body and have no harmful side effect.

What is external burden on the body?

The first step in the VD diagnosis is to identify the so-called external loads on the body (geopathogenic, radioactive and electromagnetic).

The relevance of their detection is that with their long-term exposure to the sensitive body of a person can lead to the emergence or adverse course of many diseases.

In some cases, the role of not the strength and duration of the human impact on the person external factors, And the individual sensitivity of the body to them.

For example, in some people with normal, or even below permissible meaning Radioactive background, there may be changes from some organs and systems (for example, immune, endocrine or other), and these disorders can be identified by the sensitive method of HRD.

With a long residence of a person in the area of \u200b\u200bdamaging loads, the functional changes in the body are developing at the beginning, which can then grow into organic disorders and lead to the development of the disease.

The ICT method determine the view and degree of external burden; Then the target organ or the body system, which turned out to be sensitive to this damaging factor of the external environment.

This information allows a qualified doctor to choose drugs or other means to protect the body from such loads.

It is the result of the impact on the human radiation arising in certain (geopathogenic) zones of the surface of the Earth and represent a complex complex of electromagnetic, acoustic and radioactive radiation.

Geopathogenic zones are geophysical anomalies, they appear in areas of geological faults, underground water flows and in places of intersection of lines of global energy grids of the Earth - Z. Hartman (2 m by 2.5 m) and M. Carry (5 m per 6 m) . Geopathogenic radiations apply vertically up, have a high penetrating ability and are poorly shielded by conventional means (metals, concrete).

- The result of the impact on the person of radioactive and ionizing radiation, to which the alpha and beta particles include X-ray and gamma radiation.

In addition, the Earth has a natural radioactive background and all people living on it in one degree or another are exposed to its effect. It is also necessary to take into account the influence on the person of cosmic rays, which has more effectively affect the population of mountainous locations and passengers when flying at large altitudes.

At a modern person, not only the natural present in the earth's crust, radionuclides, but also the radionuclides of artificial origin (as a result of the test of nuclear weapons, accidents at nuclear stations) are affected.

Radionuclides can enter the human body when breathing through the air, penetrate the organs with food and water, it leads to the accumulation of radionuclides and long-term irradiation internal organs. Radioactive load of X-ray irradiation is determined in a person after X-ray medical examination.

- This is the result of the impact on the person of electrical and magnetic fields and electromagnetic emissions, detected by the TRG method as electromagnetic burdation.

The source of electrical and magnetic fields is the powerful electrical network of rooms (50 hertz frequency in Russia, European countries and Asia, and a frequency of 60 hertz in the United States and Australia), as well as household appliances (electrical equipment in the kitchen, refrigerators, televisions, computers, hair dryers , lighting lamps, etc.). Sources of electromagnetic radiation are radio and telecast stations, cell phones and cellular systems.

According to the experience of doctors applying the TRG method, thyroid gland suffers from geopathogenic and radioactive load.

In contrast to geopathogenic and radioactive loads, when one - two target organs suffer, the electromagnetic load applies to the body diffusely, causing the defeat of entire organ systems.

At the reception with the diagnosis according to the method of the ICT, after determining the type of external load and identifying an organ or system suffering from her or system, the doctors of the homeopaths of our center are selected to eliminate geopathogenic, radioactive and electromagnetic loads.

Preferential prices and discounts on repeated receptions are valid only when recording on direct phone numbers of the center.

  • Prices for examination according to the method of R. Foll (included in the reception of a homeopathist)

      Reception Service Cost
      Primary reception 4200 rubles.
      Primary reception of preferential categories (pensioners, disabled, children under 18, large families). Consultation of the homeopath doctor, examination on the method of Fall, the appointment of treatment, detailed recommendations, consultation of osteopath. 3800 rub.
      Reception 3800 rub.
      Re-taking preferential categories (pensioners, disabled people, children under 18, large families). Consultation of a homeopath doctor, examination on the method of Fall, appointment of treatment, detailed recommendations. 3100 rub.
      Testing one position Allergens, medicines, DR products. 1500 rub.

Recently, many different methods of hardware computer diagnostics of the body appeared: according to the Fall method, for Nakatani, vegetative-resonance testing, bioresonance diagnostics. Hardware testing of the body is to determine the electrical conductivity of the skin in certain biologically active points that correspond to various organs in human organism. It is believed that the change in electrical conductivity at points corresponding to the authority indicates pathology: inflammation, fibrosis, degeneration. Attracts in this method that without tiring surveys and long-term walks in the cabinets, you can get information about the work of the body, deviations, damage in it, and then purposefully engage in this.

The question arises: how accurate information during the examination by the method of Fall? It depends on the characteristics of the apparatus itself and, as always, from the level of a specialist who tests your body. A biologically active point must be properly determined that it is not always possible to even an experienced researcher. And about the apparatus I want to note that skin resistance, and even in a biologically active point is a very variable factor. The electrical conductivity depends on the large number of factors: grounding, humidity of the skin and air indoors, from the force of pressed the electrodes, even from the weather, time of year, psycho-emotional state of the patient and the doctor! The device for a short time can demonstrate both serious pathology, and absolutely healthy fabrics, because the readings are constantly changing. But the reliable connection between the electrical conductivity of the skin and the real state of the organ is still so not established.

Based on the above reasons, the interpretation of the diagnostic results can be distorted, and the prescribed drugs do not correspond to the real state. In addition, it is often not necessary to appoint something that is required, but what brings income: all sorts of dietary supplements, drainage, anti-shine, "restoring" means.

Bioresonance diagnostics is based on the determination of electrical conductivity of acupuncture points on the human body. It is known that acupuncture (effects of needles on biological points) is used in reflexology for the treatment of painful syndromes and neurological conditions. This therapy takes its origins from the ancient China and has good therapeutic results. Another thing is to remove electrical readings from acupuncture points. How much to trust this testimony, if the errors and factors affecting the diagnosis are even more pronounced than in the diagnosis on the Fall apparatus? This question everyone decides for himself.

After diagnosis, patients are often prescribed homeopathic medicineswhich are manufactured using the same devices. Therefore, the diagnosis of foll, the vegetative-resonant method is associated with homeopathy. But these are completely different methods, and according to the method of diagnosis, and according to the method of producing drugs. Using devices printer copies are made homeopathic remedies and recorded on sugar. These drugs are not homeopathic in the true sense. Classic homeopathic preparations are produced in pharmacies from a matrix tincture, the method of consecutive dilutions. And they work otherwise.

How then does the homeopathic diagnostics do?

The doctor - homeopath examines patients and treats, as in the good old days. For a classic homeopath, data surveys for fuel, bioresonance test, and even nosological diagnosis are not fundamental for further drugs. The homeopath perceives a person not as a set of diagnoses or "rejected points on the meridians", but as a holistic system in which there is a failure and it exists at various points, in various tissues and organs. The greatest homeopath of modernity Tatyana Demyanna Popova believes that the human disease is alone, she only changes its bridgeheads. It is better not to say! And therefore, homeopath treats a man as a whole, with all his deviations "by points and meridians"! Gomeopath treats neh thyroid gland, heart, stomach, head, etc. He treats the whole organism in which there is impairment in the thyroid, heart, lungs, etc. Computer diagnostics does not help him assign proper tool, similar to a person with all his problems. The homeopath sees a person in you, with its own features and skills, including the "ability to hurt" defined, only to you inherent sickness that in a medical language sounds like hereditary predisposition. The doctor - homeopath wants to hear your complaints described figuratively, in their own words, and not diagnoses. The doctor will ask a lot of questions, seemingly not related to the case. But the appointed treatment will be selected only for you and improve the health and quality of your life.

And those who consistently and accurately perform appointments get nice results. In St. Petersburg, long-standing homeopathic traditions and every third resident experienced or knows from relatives about successful treatment and healing homeopathy. To analyze, make an idea what is happening with a person, make the right appointment need solid medical and homeopathic knowledge and clinical thinking. This feature is characteristic only human brainwhich is an unsurpassed "computer". Therefore, despite all attempts to upgrade homeopathy, I think true homeopaths, professionals of their case, will always work with a person as individually as possible, with high degree Similarity!

Is the treatment of homeopathy - is it a tedious process?

There is also a myth that treatment of homeopathy is a very tedious process, for those who have nothing to do, and you will have a whole day only to deal with you to dissolve grazing. Indeed, this is observed, but only in acute situations when the medications must be taken several times a day to obtain a rapid relief of the state (for example, with ORVI, bronchitis, diarrhea). However, homeopathy develops, like any science. There are not only the material potency of homeopathic preparations, but also high, which take 2 -3 times a week, 1 time per week and even 1 time per month! I think it is not burdensome!

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