From all diseases: to whom and why the stem cells are needed. What stem cells can help people and from where they take them? Stem cells where to take them

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The future of medicine today is directly associated with the development of cellular technologies. There was a real chance in successful treatment Even the most severe diseases and the processes of the organism aging. These technologies allow, without changing the damaged organ, "update" its cellular composition. A list of diseases, in the treatment of which cellular technologies are already used or their application is planned in the near future, growing rapidly. This, as a rule, diseases of whom are ineffective medical treatment.

In Europe and America, it has long been paid to the creation of specialized agencies on the workpiece, storage, cultivation and the use of human stem cells for the treatment of many diseases. Alone alone, California intends to spend $ 295 million in the next 10 years to spend $ 295 million stem cells. With such budgets, scientific research in this area multiply the year from year. However, public expectations and hopes are growing faster. From cells that can turn into any kind of our fabrics, are waiting for absolutely all ailments.

What is a stem cell?

The term "stem cell" (in English "Stem Cell") means that each such cell is the beginning of a whole tree of descendants, at the base of the trunk of which it is located. Among the descendance cells will be both cells identical to the stem and as it were forming the trunk of trees and specialized cells (muscle, epithelial, nervous, etc.), which form branches.

The stem cell is an immature cell capable of active division and transformation into any specialized cell cells (nervous, muscular, hepatic, etc.), this is a kind of building material from which all other cells are obtained.

The essence of treatment is carried out in the body of stem cells, which are embedded in damaged or aging organs and tissues, where under the influence of microenvironment, begin to multiply and differentiate into cells of this organ and tissue, restoring their structure and function. Currently, it is precisely with cell therapy that associates high hopes for the cure of diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, cardiovascular diseases, as well as the possibility of slowing the processes of the organism aging.

The first in the world science work on stem cells back in 1960-1970. Completed Soviet scientists Chertkov and Frinenestein, but the stem cells purchased wide fame after the "requisition" by their American scientists.

Where do stem cells originate?

The richest source of stem cells (SC) is the fabric of the embryo.

  • When a fertilized egg begins to share, the first are formed totipotent stem cellswhich can turn into any tissue.
  • About four days later, they begin to "specialize" (differentiate) and become pluripotent stem cellswhich can turn into at least two possible tissues (for example, bone and muscle).
  • Over time, they become even more specialized stem cells - multipotentfrom which 2-3 types of cells can be formed (from some - various blood cells, from others - nervous system etc.).

How do stem cells treat?

SC may if necessary, can be transformed into any desired cell. Suppose a person has several diseases. Each organ flags about his unhealthy and sends SOS signals. When the IC fall into the body, they catch these signals and rush to where they need the most. SC is ambulance cells. What are they doing? They create new cells of the authority to which they came to the rescue, or contribute to the restoration of damaged. Finding into the heart-affected heart, they are converted into the cells of the heart muscle, in the affected brain, in the neurons and glial cells. Stem cells can turn into liver cells, bone marrow, etc. With the help of cell therapy, it appeared andhuge amounts of the most various diseases .

Advantages and restrictions on the use of various SC

Best source of stem cells - Embryonic fabric.

  • One problem is ethical. To use the embryonic tissue - it means to inevitably be mired in disputes, to ethically treat with the cells of an unbounded child, indulgence of abortions, etc.
  • The second problem is a potential ability to induce the development of malignant formations, which has been shown in animal studies.

Oncological alertness occurs when using only embryonic cells. Theoretically, if embryonic tissue is introduced into the body, cells with a fairly intensive division appear and it is unsafe. It is for this reason that most researchers in clinics work with their own stem cells of patients or cells from placenta and umbilical cord. Stem cells can also be obtained from the blood, but the concentration of them is very small, from the bone marrow of the sternum, ileum bones, tubular bones.

Advertising rejuvenation and treatment with stem cells is of great interest in humans. What is the truth in her, and what exaggeration?

Real Bum "Revitalization" (or there is still an unsuccessful term "rejuvenation") Began in 1995, when the Americans published information about the results introduction of these cells to the elderly. Patients darkened gray hair, smoothed wrinkles, the men had increased potency, and menopause had ceased to women. Such messages spawned premature optimism in many ways. The fact is that we are now in the hands of a gold key (stem cells), with which we are trying to find the most intimate door leading to us to understand the patterns of vital processes and the preservation of human health.

It is known that in the process of aging the number of stem cells in the tissues is reduced. When we are born, we have in the bone marrow to one hundred thousand hematopoietic cells account for ten stem, by 50 years a million - two-three stem, and by 70 years - at best - one per million. Because of this, the possibility of a person on regeneration is strongly limited. As a result, the ability of tissue to physiological regeneration and to restore after illness or injury. The result of stem cell transplantation is a significant increase in the regenerative and adaptive capabilities of the body. The organism caused by these cells can impede the development of processes leading to aging. Hence the prospects and feasibility of using cellular technologies in the treatment of a number of diseases due to the aging of the body.

Transplanting stem cells to slow down the aging processes has some features. The amount of transplants and their repeatability are selected individually, since it is impossible to determine the level of deficiency of stem cells in the tissues and the degree of their activity before treatment. The introduced stem cells can be used by a different organism, i.e. Differentiate B. different types Cells, and therefore the manifestation of the effect may be different.

  • Patients can feel the increase in life tone, tide of strength.
  • Improves the ability to concentrate attention, sharpness of thinking.
  • The manifestations of depression are significantly reduced, sleep and appetite normalizes.
  • Creative people have inspiration, active creative life extends.
  • There is an increase in sexual entry and potency in men, subject to the absence of organic causes (splerosis of vessels, diabetes, endocrine disorders).
  • There are also unexpected effects, such as improving hearing, color vehicles.

Clinical manifestations and subjective sensations by the patient's treatment results can be relatively scarce, since changes occur at the cellular level and may not immediately manifest itself. Considate a distinct pattern - the better the patient's health state, the less he feels changes in the body. This is quite explained: it is impossible to give the health of health more than the nature gave him.

What are the prospects for the treatment of various diseases using stem cells?

Today, cell therapy is an alternative to human and human tissue transplantation, as well as a reliable way to extend youth, health and longevity. First of all, it is necessary to say about the transplantation of stem cells when oncohematological diseases. It is often the only way to treat leukemia and other severe blood diseases. In neurology, transplant cellular technology was first applied in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Extreme encouraging results of the use of cellular technology are obtained in the treatment of Hynthone disease. Considerable experience in treatment traumatic lesions head and spinal cord Accumulated in the Novosibirsk Center for Immunotherapy and Cell Transplantation. Leading medical centers Moscow, Novosibirsk and some other cities already successfully uses cell therapy for treatment remote effects of cerebral stroke and sclerosis. It was shown that the transplantation of low-differentiated cells into an adult organism can contribute to the restoration of blood flow due to growth blood vessels in the styled organs and tissues.

In the clinic of the restoration intervention neurology and therapy "Neurovite" stem cells were treated by the participants of the Chechen war, which received the combat injuries of the brain. Soldiers, who, along with other methods, used stem cells were restored by 40% faster. A number of other clinical observations shows that the use of cell therapy is quite acquitted as the main or additional method of treatment with various diseases.

So, Professor Dohman and his colleagues from the Texas Center for Medical Research (Houston) have achieved improved heart function in 14 patients with severe heart failure. Therapy included the injection of the patient's bone marrow stem cells into the left ventricle. One of the hypotheses put forward explains the effectiveness of transplanting stem cells to the formation of new cardiomycitis and blood vessels. Perhaps stem cells launch a chemical response that improves cell operation near the injection site.

In the Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery. Bakulev is active work on the treatment of stem cells ischemia lower extremities . Typically, such a state is treated with a special surgery on the vessels, but for these patients, it was expensive. So far, this meant the inevitable amputation of the legs. But in the center of "inoperable" patients in the affected areas were injected with stem cells and as a result they not only avoided amputation, but also the blood circulation was recovered faster than those patients who were made by traditional operations.

Aesthetic medicine

Another promising area of \u200b\u200bapplication of stem cells is aesthetic medicine. The introduction of stem cells using the method of mesotherapy significantly improves the condition of the skin, enhances its blood circulation, eliminates wrinkles. Finding into stem niches of the skin (at the level of the dermal space), stem cells are capable of delaying the aging processes for a long time. At the same time, these cells will take care not only about your beauty, but also about health, since even when local introduction is observed positive effects. Cosmetology and reconstructive surgery are special scope of stem cells. Cosmetology has long been out of purely aesthetic medicine. And doctors, and patients today are clear what to look good - it means not only not to have wrinkles. This cosmetologist is obliged to combine a universal doctor who can reveal all existing (and starting) disease in a patient, to put the correct diagnosis, assign adequate treatment and only then proceed to rejuvenate and eliminate aesthetic defects. Of course, seriously ill patients are not treated for a beautician, but the specifics of our time are such that the absolute majority of people who consider themselves healthy, have certain ailments. Timely recognition and adjustment underlie modern approach In aesthetic medicine.

When will scientists be able to grow organs?

Today we can only speak that stem cells are able to fill in the defect at the level of tissues, but not vital important organs. You can grow the skin, the wall of the vessel, nervous fiberBut it is impossible to modify and grow an organ that performs thousands of vital functions, for example, the liver. There are still relevant work on the creation of "artificial organs", such as developed by the recently under the guidance of Professor Ryabinin V.E. The device "Bio science liver". Currently, based on cooperation between Chelyabinsk medical AcademyThe South Ural Scientific Center of the RAMS and the Mias Plant of Medical Equipment has created an industrial sample of this device and the clinical studies of its therapeutic efficacy have begun in the treatment liver failure On the basis of the Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital.

Who and what can be done in the field of cellular technology?

Cell culture is a graft, and not medicine. The methodical base for the use of stem cells is not defined on the legislative, but at the departmental level (Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation): There is a temporary instruction on the procedure for studies in the field of cellular technologies and their use in health facilities (2002), the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development "On the development of cellular technologies in Russian Federation"(2003), established provisions on the bank of stem cells. In order to engage in cell therapy, it is necessary to have an appropriate medical license, positive results of preclinical and limited. clinical studies The proposed method of treatment, solutions to scientists and ethical committees, permission of the Federal Health Supervision Service for clinical trials and registration of cellular material.

Ryabinin V.E., Professor

Where do stem cells originate?

The best source of stem cell is the embryonic tissue. However, its use is unsafe. In addition, stem cells derived from embryos and fruits have many drawbacks. Another problem is ethical. However, stem cells can be allocated from other organs and tissues. The most popular with brain and fat specialists.

In which organs and tissues are stem cells?

Stem cells were found in almost all organs and tissues of the body: in the skin, muscles, fat, intestines, nervous tissue, bone marrow and even retina. There are stem cells and embryos.

All stem cells are divided into embryonic and somatic, i.e. Cells of an adult organism. Embryonic stem cells were used in practice in the treatment of many diseases, but now the whole world goes to the use of somatic stem cells, that is, cells of an adult organism.

What is embryonic stem cells

Embryonic stem cells - stem cells secreted from early embryos (at the block of blastocysts or from sexual focus of 5-week embryos) or teratocarcinoma (tumor line) in vitro. They have a number of unique properties that distinguish them from other organism cells.

All specialized cells of the adult organism occur from embryonic stem cells. Stem cells are a "integrined stock" of embryogenesis information, each stage of development is not automatically programmed, and depends on micro-operation signals. All normal organs and tissues of a person retain the "relics" of the embryonic tissue in the form of bridal cells.

Is the cell donation possible?

Donation is sometimes the only way to help a person, in situations, when, for example, on the cultivation of its cells, there is simply no time. This may be with a heart attack, stroke, various accidents.

Donation is the only yield in the treatment of various genetic defects, for example, for the treatment of diseases with osteogenesis impaired, with damage to certain genes. When transplanting donor cells carrying intact gene, very good results were obtained.

Donor stem cells are shown very elderly and weakened people. But at the same time, donor stem cells must be very well tested.

Cell therapy - the path to the restoration of the spinal cord

Recently, limited clinical trials of the use of embryonic stem cells (ESC) for the treatment of patients with spinal cord injuries were launched. breast Department. In November 2009 in the journal Stem Cells. The results of an experimental study were published, in which it was shown that ESC transplantation leads to restoration of the mobility of the limbs in rats with damage to the neck spinal cord in the cervical. It may lead to the expansion of clinical trials and the inclusion of patients with similar damage.

In January 2009, the US Department of Health (U.S. Food & Drug Administration, FDA) issued permission to conduct clinical trials using ESC Biotechnology Corporation Geron.. It was allowed to include in the test of only patients with damage to the spinal cord below cervical department. However, the data obtained by the Hans Keirstead explorer and his colleagues should convince the FDA to expand the patient group. It should be noted that about 52% of all the damage of the spinal cord fall on its cervical department, and 48% for other departments.

"People with damage to the cervical spinal cord often completely lose the mobility of the limbs, their intestinal function is disturbed, bladder and genital organs. To date effective methods treatment of such patients does not exist, "explains Cairest, - what we manage to achieve with the help of cell therapy is phenomenal. If we see that at least partly it works in humans, it will be a huge step forward ".

In the experiment of rats with a fully lost motor function of the limbs, an ESC transplant was carried out. In animals that transplantation was not carried out, motor functions were practically not restored, while animals from the cell's cell therapy group, the utility limbs recovered by 97%.

Before transplantation of the ESC with the help of specific inductors was differentiated into oligodendrocytes - cells of the nervous system forming the so-called myelion shells around neuron processes. Myelin shells are necessary for normal transmission of the nerve impulse. Destruction or damage to myelin shells as a result of injury or disease can lead to paralymp.

Transplaned cells not only restored myelin, but also prevented the further death of the tissue and activated the growth of new axons. In addition, they raised the concentration of anti-inflammatory factors in the damage zone, reducing the severity of inflammation.

The news constantly flashes: from day to day they will begin to grow organs from their own cells of patients. The British have already promised in five years to grow the teeth for everyone who fell out. In general, no day is a holiday on the street of cellular technologies. Many clinics are offered with their help rejuvenation and treatment of hopeless diseases. About what stem cells is and is it possible to recover with their help, the director of the Republican Center for Reproduction of Man and Planning the Family of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Dr. Honey. Science Andrey Stepanovich Hakobyan:

Stem cells are a kind of building material from which all other cells (bone, nervous, etc.) are obtained. As soon as the body passes the signal, that somewhere there occurred "breakdown", stem cells rushed there to "patch" the affected area. The first in the world science work on stem cells back in 1960-1970. Completed Soviet scientists Chertkov and Freentestein, but the world hype began only in the late 90s, when the stem cells re-opened the Americans. The ideal stock of precious cells is an embryo tissue, in which all stem cells at the moment of origination, and much better than an adult person. When a fertilized egg begins to divide, the first totipotent stem cells are formed, which can turn into any tissue. About four days later, they begin to "specialize" (differentiable) and become pluripotent stem cells that can turn into at least two possible tissues (for example, bone and muscular). Over time, they become even more specialized stem cells - multipotent, from which 2-3 types of cells can be formed (from some of the various blood cells, from the other - nervous system, etc.).

Where do stem cells originate?

The best source of stem cells is embryonic fabric. However, its use is unsafe in terms of infection with various viruses and microbes. In addition, stem cells obtained from embryos and fruits, when attached in the body, often begin to produce their own histocompatibility antigens and are subsequently destroyed by the immune system of the recipient. Another problem is largely contrived, - ethical. To use embryonic tissue - it means to inevitably be mired in disputes, to ethically led by the cells of an unbounded child, indulgently abortion, etc., so the majority works with their own stem cells of patients. In addition to ethical aspects, it removes the problem of immunocomperators, and the risk of incompatibility does not occur during transplantation.

Copy inside

Theoretically, stem cells can be obtained from the blood, but the concentration of them is very small there, with age falls, they need to look for a long time and difficult. In the bone marrow, they also do not fall at each step, but are presented in more quantities, therefore, in order to obtain stem cells, make the bone marrow puncture. They are in the chest, the ileum bones, tubular bones, hips, in the bones of the skull. It is more convenient to punish iliac bone. The resulting bone marrow is transmitted to a special laboratory, where stem cells are distinguished from it, usually by ultracentrifugation: in a centrifuge when spinning at a very high speed, the puncture material is divided into layers (fractions), and the basis of which is then obtained from which for two to three weeks The extracted stem cells are grown to the desired amount, although the process of this, of course, is celestial.

What is the difference between the clone and the grown stem cell set?

The clone is a combination of cells, tissues or organisms, identical to the source cell, fabric or body. Theoretically, the genericant can be an absolutely any cell, even a spank skin cell. It is "inserted" into the egg, from which the own kernel was taken out, and then, reducing the level of glucose (dinner medium) and using current blows (electrosalization), forced to share. So Yang Wilmot received a lamb of dolly in 1995. But it must be borne in mind that a thousand attempts were made, from this thousand received only 277 recombinant formations, and of them - only one sheep. But she became a celebrity. This technique was trying to reproduce, but not very successfully. They came to the conclusion that from all adult cells the ability to share inside the egg and give rise to the embryo not all, but only stem cells, predecessor cells. To make stem cell Share, it is not necessary to put it in the egg, but the number of its divisions of course, and it is possible to grow a whole organism only theoretically and only from the totaPatent cell. By the way, it is from the laboratory in Edinburgh, where Dolly was received, heard the most cautious statements in all directions for using these cells.

What are made with grown stem cell culture?

Stem cells are introduced intravenously, subcutaneously, endoomumborally or directly into the sick organ. Another way is to use creams and masks, which contain stem cells. When applied to the surface of the body, the cream gives some effect, perhaps it will be somewhat higher than that of the usual, and maybe the same. Nobody has not been checked. The third path is also in clinical experimental mode: during reconstructive operations when moving skin flaps for better healing, the transplants themselves are impregnated, pierced with stem cells in the hope that they contribute to better healing, the formation of scars will be presented.

If the stem cell is reborn into any, as defined that it will not become cancer?

Oncological alertness occurs when using embryonic cells. Theoretically, if embryonic fabric is introduced into the body, that is, the resource is sufficiently intensive division, which is still talking about, as not about oncology. But it is not necessary to confuse stem and cancer cells, they are similar only to what they are divided. In a cancer cell, the mechanism of apoptosis (programmed cell death) is polnean, it is divided with a mad speed and not going to stop. The number of fission of the embryo cell is limited. It performs a specified program: from the universal turning into a "specialized", speaks into his age and dies. It is said that after the 8th week, the risk of oncogenic effects of embryonic cells is much reduced, but in fact no one has proven that before the 8th week they represent some oncogenic danger. They say about the danger of rebirth in cancer, they write work, but there are no statistically substantiated data on this. In my opinion, serious biological grounds think that the embryonic cell turns into cancer faster than adult, no.

Maximum, which can be afraid when using stem cells, is not to achieve the desired effect. Of course, it is possible to complicate from infection in the introduction (inflammation, suppuration), but it will all pass, and any other method from this is not insured.

There was a table demand for rejuvenation. But the statements that a person, if to introduce stem cells, will die not in 60 years, and in 70, no one is obliged to anything. The cosmetic effect, similar to the removal of the skin, tightening the muscles, when the stem cells are introduced into some media or the cavity of the body, of course, unattainable. The addition of this universal building material in the body can only be activated exchange processes, and that on the fabric, and not an intracellular level.

Dorrent roulette

You can have the key, but the door will be lacking a key well. In the experiment, this key is a virus that transfers nuclear material inside the mature cell. No one has not yet proven that if we enter stem cells into the damaged tissue, they spontaneously replace the nuclear material of their own cell, somehow it is repaired. Sometimes the stem cells are attributed to the characteristics that they do not have and can not be, right up to their own mind, considering that they are so authored and smart that all the questions themselves decide. In a normal situation, they, when "breakdown" arises in the body, rush into the zone of defeat and "latch" to break. In the laboratory conditions, we can already set a trunk cell today, in which it turns, and grow from it, for example, a blood cell, and any to order - red blood cell, monocyte, leukocyte, etc., what happens with stem cells when they entered In the body, no one knows exactly. There are isolated messages that its own stem cells can be converted into sperm after their transfer to the fabric of the sick egg.

It is believed that if placed next to the patient organ stem cells with high energy potential for accelerated regeneration, they will become a building material and may be so smart that they themselves turn into needed cells And replace what died. After all, the huge number of cells are satisfied with the outside, and it is in the lesion zone. Once they "run" in her and "work" on the body signal, maybe, after starting the outside, they are converted to what is needed. But there are big doubts about it, but no evidence has been received. The idea itself is wonderful. If it gives 15-30% of efficiency, it will be a success.

We started working with stem cells in 1994-1995. They tried to treat androgenic failure, transplancing Men to Ledeig's embryonic cells that produce testosterone so that they fit and produced their own hormones. In addition to her, we tried to treat autoimmune forms of infertility, which are dismissed by other methods, hormonally dependent forms of impotence and manifestations of syndromes associated with premature male aging. Someone has helped someone, but it is difficult to talk about the purity of therapeutic effects, because a whole range of methods used, and it is difficult to determine how the contribution of which methods was leading. The treatment was paid, and the result was important.

If the patient wants to apply stem cells, we provide it with such an opportunity. Standardized testimony prescribed in some fundamental documents today is not. In fact, everything is solved by the doctor. Or he actively offers this to the patient, or the patient himself comes to it with the idea to try to use stem cells. Special category - hopeless patients (with cirrhosis of the liver, centers, scarmed sclerosis, spinal patients with brain injury and do not care for them) and their relatives. They are ready to pay for any new methodwhich gives hope. And around stem cells and cloning raised such noise that this theme began, as a chimera, live his own life.

Even in scientific journals, publishing stem cells often leave the canon scientific articleIn which the goals, objectives, methods, research results are clearly described, and approaching popular science, where there is a place for boltology. But now there are more than a hundred magazines dedicated to only stem cells. Experimental works go, and get a lot of interesting, sometimes side, results: according to the general theory of evolution, the relationship of some species among themselves, embryology, fetal gene therapy.

When will scientists be able to grow organs?

Today we can only speak that stem cells can fill in the defect at the level of tissues, but not vital organs. You can grow skin, the wall of the vessel, nervous fiber, but you can not grow a complex organ that performs several vital functions. I think it will never be in the form in which today it seems. Any organ is not the cells of the cells, but in certainly structured cells. It is not enough to know the alphabet to write a "war and peace", not even to have words or entire proposals in order to draw up a book of them. What inducers make the cells develop inside the fetus as it happens, today it is not known in detail. Especially it is unclear how to reproduce this process outside the body.

Why are we then almost every day hearing in the news about one thing, then about another laboratory, it seems to be discontinued this riddle? The British recently promised to grow a tooth.

This is modest. The mass of the laboratories wants to declare about themselves, so they make applications for the future, but they do not oblige anything to anything. How many people were already. And the kidney is "grown", and the liver, although in fact it is not clear that there really was there. As for the tooth, I doubt that this technique will be viable. Tooth is not just boneHe also has a complex organization: there is a pulp, a brainstanty, enamel. If you enter a stem cell set to the zone zone, maybe there will grow some bone stool. But will she become an ideal tooth? Unlikely. In addition, artificial prosthetic materials are already used in dentistry, which have proven themselves quite well.

And where is the sensation?

Are there any real achievements? For what scientists can vouch already now, instead of painting the future?

In medicine, the guarantee is responsible for the proper fulfillment of the service, and not for the result of its application. Talking about the fact that we are at the beginning of the way, there will be a very long time. This does not oblige anything. Today there is not one to the end of the tested method for which effectiveness, reproducibility, testimony, contraindications, forecast and all that is determined. So far everything goes on the clinical experimental stage. If the technology is effective, documented, reproducible, it quickly takes its niche and is used everywhere. People are convinced that for money you can buy health, appearance and life. I would say, this is the last illusion of humanity. Today there are no clear boundaries between medicine and business. People absorb sensations, want to pay for stem cells, and they offer them.

The sectoral program of the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Health includes almost all specialties, but nervous diseases and hematology are best developed. Perspective directions In the use of stem cells, it is the treatment of immunodeficiency in not yet born children, when cells are introduced through the cord blood, which will replace the defective DNA portion responsible for the disease. But the corresponding work was carried out so far only on mice. It can be assumed that the result will be with degenerative neurotrophic diseases of any parenchymal organ - liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen, eggs, pancreas and thyroid gland. If these affected areas add building material in high concentration, then we can expect that it will give the result.

In the clinic of the restoration intervention neurology and therapy of "Neurovite" stem cells were treated by the participants of the Chechen war, which received the combat injuries of the brain. Soldiers, who, along with other methods, used stem cells were restored by 40% faster.

If no one is responsible for the result, why so much does the stem cell suggest that the clinics?

The use of stem cells is liberalized, because the cell culture is a graft, and not a drug, and to grafts the requirements below: Check for a dishoneserness, for contamination, to a high concentration of the desired agent and ensure the safety at the time of delivery. The methodological base for the use of stem cells is not defined on the legislative, but at the departmental level (at the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Health). A sectoral commission for stem cells has been created. Created academy of cellular technologies. Order of the Ministry of Health is a circle of scientific institutions (about 20), which are eligible in their certified laboratories to obtain and use cell cultures. Databases are defined where they can be produced. Provisions were created on the bank of stem cells and the bank of the cord blood. And who bought them and how uses - this is another question.

Everyone who is now selling stem cells and offers them to get to themselves, the law does not violate. It is enough to get licenses for medical activities and cell therapy, enter into an agreement with suppliers and determine the range of diseases you are going to do. Everything else is informed patient's consent. And if we are talking about the use of own stem cells, it is about the same as the transfusion of its own blood. Essentially now in any institution, if a person wants to apply stem cells (own or embryonic) stem cells and is ready to pay for it, it will be easily and enjoyed him. For a rapid stem cells, no one imposes anyone, people want to experience it on themselves, and they will organize a sentence. A conscious deception is not at all in the existence of a proposal. It began then when the media rushed together to illumine events that did not stand the embodied egg, such as the cloning of Hitler, Pterodactyl, Christ or Nicholas II. The canon was broken at that moment when a person's cloning was adopted by federal and even international laws. There is no cloning, but there is a ban. It already creates the soil for violations. It's like banning to fly to Mars. Even the formulation of a man's cloning itself is incorrect, because a person is called only a born human being, and in the foreseeable future, the appearance of a device or environment that could perform the functions of the uterus are not foreseeable.

In state medical institutions, patients should pay for participation in testing technologies using stem cells?

Maybe somewhere in state institutions Stem cells within tests are used for free. But in most cases this procedure, let's say, compensated. For example, cells can be introduced free of charge, but for the cell culture itself to make an invoice. How to separate the price of cells actually from the cost of storage, standardization, receipt? In any case, floats the market price.

Russia participates in international research programs?

Only at the level of doctors, when the Russian works somewhere abroad. At the state level, there is nothing but a ban on a non-existent phenomenon - human cloning.

The Blood Blood Storage Service is in fashion. Advertising claims that if the child gets sick, parents will always be able to use it frozen stem cells and cure it.

The freezing of cord blood is a storage method. He is beautiful, but whether all utilitarian expectations will justify, it's hard to say. Some people live querily if they have their own stem cells about the supply, and they are ready to pay for it. Certified storage rate of embryonic tissues - 10 years. Under the storage conditions, the cord blood "breaks" and longer.

And suddenly the stem cells of the child take advantage of someone else?

Bars of stem cells are protected job descriptions. The provisions on the banks of stem cells clearly stipulate a list of specialists who are allowed to be allowed, storage conditions, deadlines, a mandatory set of documents, research that must be carried out with each sample, a form of a passport. Fraud on this soil is possible, but if there is complaints from the patient, everyone will check. The main thing is to deal with organizations that will not run away anywhere and which can be checked. Complaints were met, but completely different. There were complaints that became worse; or took money, and did not help; Or one said something else - the second, and I thought the third. Before the trial, no complaint reached. Conflicts are more often resolved at the pre-trial stage.

Is it possible to say how much is the real value of the cell culture, and how much is clean Navar?

It is useless to talk about the cost of one injection, because it is necessary to take into account the cost of advertising, invested funds, the number of consumers, the increase in the number of which reduces the cost. When techniques with an unclear past and a vague future are being worked out, an entourage element also determines the price. In the consciousness of the midster, it works: if expensive means, it acts. Even among specialists there is no consensus on stem cells. Some were included in the process, other indifferent, the third protrude with jerky opponents. And in many methods, the situation is approximately the same. Interest in stem cells will take their peak, and the technology will take their place. Will it be so great as predicted, I personally doubt.

Today, the stem cells were heard, probably all. But there are so many speculations and rumors around this topic, which is very difficult to separate the truth from non-pieces. Let's try to figure out how stem cells can help and why you need to save them.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are predecessors of cells from which all organs and human tissues are formed. When conception occurs, then during the first month of the living lump - the embryo - consists only of stem cells. They are the strongest, but they cannot be used - such a ban is imposed by the governments of all countries of the world.

Stem cells in small quantities are contained in the bone marrow and adipose tissue of a person. Moreover, with age, their number decreases, and the quality deteriorates. Scientists have learned to allocate such cells from the bone marrow and use to treat diseases. But the optimal source of stem cells is blood located in the placenta and cord of the newborn. It is in it that the stem cell concentration is maximum.

How do stem cells get?

Stem cells can be isolated from a bone marrow of a person and increase their quantity - to cry off. And you can get them out of the umbilical blood or the umbilical cord, and this possibility is only available at the moment of birth of the child.

How does this happen? As soon as the baby was born and he was separated from the umbilical cord, the doctor who takes birth into the cord vena of the needle, and from there, the samoter in a package with a special substance against blood coagulation comes from 50 to 250 ml of blood, which consists of 3-5% of powerful and strong stem cells. After the last, the midwife cuts off a 10-20 cm of the umbilical cord and places it in a special laying, which is delivered to the Laboratory of Stem Cells.

As you can see, the procedure for the fence of stem cells of cord blood and the umbilical cord can be completely painless and is absolutely safe for both mom and baby. It can be done like natural Rodahand at the cesarean section.

Then for 4-6 hours, biomaterials are delivered to the laboratory. Here they are processed, frozen and placed on storage. Stem cells of cord blood or umbilical umbilical cords, frozen with compliance with certain conditions, can be stored at extremely low temperatures of decades.

Why do you need to save stem cells?

Today, medicine knows how much, but there are diseases in front of which traditional methods Treatment affects powerless. And then stem cells can help. In many cases, they contribute to blood recovery, bone marrow, tissue regeneration after RAS and burns. And with diseases immune system And blood transplantation of stem cells is the only radical method of therapy.

One of the problems of this method is the selection of stem cells suitable for a specific patient. In the name of the storage, all the prepared stem cells of the cord blood will be relative to your child and ideally it will fit it. And stem cells of the umbilical cord can be used for therapy of the whole family.

What diseases can stem cells help?

To date, stem cells dozens worldwide are used in complex therapy oncological diseases blood, immunodeficiency in various etiology.

The use of stem cells gave positive results in the treatment of strokes, heart attacks, sugar diabetes 1 type and building cartilage tissue.

The list has more than 80 diseases. To the hardest and common can be attributed:

  • blood diseases (leukemia) and malignant education;
  • diabetes;
  • heart disease;
  • stroke and brain damage;
  • muscle dystrophy;
  • parkinson's disease;
  • alzheimer's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • damage to the spine;
  • lateral amyotrophic sclerosis;
  • systemic red lupus;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

What are the banks of stem cells?

Bars of stem cells are treated and stored samples containing stem cells. Storage of stem cells can be public and registered. Samples from the public register can take advantage of anyone who needs stem cells. In the stem cells, their owners are managed by stem cells. Thus, stem cells isolated from the blood of the umbilical cord or the umbilical cord, belong to the parents of the child. But in this case they pay services for their take, processing and storage.

What should be guided by choosing a stem cell bank:

✓ How old is the bank?

The greater the years, the Bank, the greater guarantee of stability you get, the greater the Bank's employees experience experience, harvesting and storing stem cells.

✓ Does the bank have a license?

The Bank must have a license for fence, transportation and storage of stem cells issued by the Health Committee.

✓ On the basis of which institution is the bank?

The advantage of the bank is its stay on the basis of a medical institution or research institute. First, because in the hospitals there is an autonomous power supply system. Secondly, the conditions necessary to work with biological material have already been created.

Bank, as well as any medical institution, should have round-the-clock protection, because the bank has precious stem cells, many unique medical equipment and databases.

✓ What equipment is equipped with its laboratories and storage?

To date, there are 3 apparatus on which stem cells can be isolated: a double centrifuge (semi-automated machine), SEPAX devices (Switzerland) and Macopress (France).

The presence of these devices is mandatory for the successful work of the bank.

✓ Does the bank exist automatic cryoral control system?

The bank's cryoral must be equipped with a cryoduclear IT monitoring system, in which stem cell samples are stored. At any time, the Bank's staff can check the storage temperature of the sample and the fillerness of the cryoduclear. And also get a report storage report for any time lapse and save on the server for the archive.

✓ Does the Bank have its own courier service?

For the operational fence of cord blood from the maternity hospital and the speedy sample sample of stem cells without losing their viability, the bank must have courier service, whose employees can take a sample of blood from the hospital at any time and deliver to the bank.

✓ Does the Bank conduct scientific research on cellular technology?

It is very important that scientific work be organized on the basis of the bank, and cooperation with leading research and medical institutions cities.

✓ Does this bank have the experience of successful use of cord blood stem cells?

It will not be further requested in the tank statistics of sample demands and the experience of using stem cells for the treatment of patients with various diseases.

What is stem cells, how do they affect human life and what diseases can be cured with their help? In an interview with the project "Social Navigator", a professor of the department of stem cells and regenerative biology of the Harvard Medical School Derrick Rossi told Professoron the eve of an open lecture, organized by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

What are stem cells?

- There are many different stem cells. For example, embryonic: they are responsible for the formation of human body. Such cells are also called pluripotent stem cells - this means that they can turn into any kind of tissue of our body.

This type of cells exists only on very early stages Embryonic development of the body. However, this does not mean that on this history of stem cells ends.

Stem cells are also necessary for the formation of various tissues of the body during the life of a person. For this, there are special stem cells that create a replacement for old or deceased cells in our body.

I work with those stem cells that form blood, or rather, those components that move oxygen on our body are struggling with infections and so on. There are about 200 different blood cells that are responsible for different functions, and all of them appear just from the stem cell - the hemocytoblast, which lives in the bone marrow. They are not so much there, but still they are.

These cells have enormous potential. For example, with their help you can cure leukemia - blood cancer. You may have heard of bone marrow transplantation. However, today it is used as a means of last hope.


- The fact is that this procedure is quite dangerous in itself. In 10% of the bone marrow transplant, it turns out to be lethal for the patient.

After all, the person is first subjected to hard chemotherapy or radiation with radioactive or gamma rays to kill all blood cells, and then introduce new, which can restore the bone marrow and start reproduction of blood reproduction. It should be understood that if at least one cell remains in the human body, the disease will return.

A girl from Kazakhstan found a bone marrow donor in RussiaThe first intergovernmental search of the bone marrow donor in the national register named after Vasi Perezovshikov ended successfully: a donor for a 16-year-old girl from Kazakhstan became a resident of Russian Kirov.

New blood stem cells are taken from the donor. More precisely, part of its bone marrow transplant the patient. Donor is not even necessary to be a close relative: the main thing is that he and the recipient high level compatibility. More precisely, this is: the higher the better.

However, it is worth understanding that high compatibility is not the perfect, so there will be discrepancy elements. Because of this, the donor cells may begin to attack the recipient's body, which will lead to such a disease as the "transplant against the host" reaction. This is a very terrible disease. The worse compatibility, the worse the disease. That is why initially, more than half a century ago, the transplantation was carried out only among single-line twins, which have ideal compatibility.

How to determine the degree of compatibility?

- It is determined by genetic analysis of the tissue compatibility system, which in the body is represented by a set of proteins located on the surface of almost all organism cells. With their help, the latter define their own and strangers.

How difficult to find a donor with a high level of compatibility?

- Different, for someone it is difficult, for some that is not. Some types are more common, some less often.

When studying the system of tissue compatibility, a person is checked for ten parameters. In general, everything is simple: the more donors, the greater the chance to find a high level of compatibility.

How do bone marrow from the donor and how much need it for a successful operation?

- In this procedure, it is not the amount of bone marrow, but the number of stem cells. In the bone marrow, as I said, they are not so much: about one cell of 20 thousand will be stem. But, for example, in the femoral bone about 10 billion cells, so that stem cells there are enough.

As for the amount necessary for the operation, one true hematopoietic stem cell is sufficient to restore the blood formation process, but so far the stem cell will turn away and give all the predecessors, months can pass months! Therefore, it is necessary to carry not only stem cells, but also differentiating precursors that can restore the blood formation system for a short time, but very quickly. It is like baking: you can buy a finished product, semi-finished product, original product, or build a farm. Hemopoietic cells are a farm, and while she will work in full force, you will die from hunger.

The necessary stem cells also have in cord blood, but there are too little there: it's not enough for a large child, and what to talk about adult.

In Russia, on October 16, the day of the anesthesiologist is celebrated. Anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Valery Kurdyukov told about the difficulties of work, stress and phobias of the Doctors themselves.

Therefore, for this operation, cells are taken from bone marrow. There are two ways to get them. The first - when a person under general anesthesia is using a special huge needle from the iliac bone, more precisely, from its crest, suck part of the bone marrow.

The second - when with the help of certain proteins that give donor, derive stem cells from bones into blood. Next, with the help of a special apparatus, they are taken from there. But in such a way to obtain a sufficient amount of stem cells, it is necessary to carry out a procedure for five days in a row.

Can this somehow harm the donor?

- Not. During the procedure with proteins there is a small short-term bone pain.

If we talk about the procedure with a needle, it will be a little painful and uncomfortable after the procedure. However, what is some discomfort and pain in comparison with what you can give someone life?

- In July, news agencies wrote about the experiment when mice, if not mistaken, was injected into stem cells in the hypothalamus, which increased the regeneration rate of all cells in the body and, accordingly, slowed down the aging. Have you heard about it?

- Honestly, no.

We often see the inscription "not contains GMO" on products in stores. For some, it has become a kind of quality mark. However, what is it - a genetically modified organism - and how do these changes occur?

However, sometimes some kind of science seemingly fantastic things turn out to be true. And in general, science is the discovery of the unknown, and nature surprises us all the time. Never say never. This is especially true for biology and science as a whole. If someone succeeds in someone, someone will definitely try to repeat the experiment. So the science works. In this and consists of her charm: she always checks out.

Here, for example, the Japanese scholar Xinya Yamanak found that you can take any cage in the body and turn it into stem. He took a small piece of mouse skin, received a separate cell from it, fibroblast. Then Yamanaka realized that if we had a number of genetic manipulations, then it could be reprogrammed into a stem cell that could turn into any kind of fabric. In fact, it received pluripotent stem cells, but called them induced stem cells.

Thanks to this discovery, scientists have learned to turn any cell cell into a pluripotent, which in turn can transform into any other.

Prior to this discovery, any scientist would say that the skin cell is a skin cell and will never be anything else. A peculiar dogma. But Yamanak refuted it.

- If you can turn any cell to any, then why this technology is not used in the treatment of the same leukemia?

- We can take any cell and calmly turn into a pluripotent stem cell, yes. However, here to make a stem cell of blood from it - much more difficult task. Many laboratories in the world are now working on how to "persuade" a pluripotent stem cell to turn into the desired one. We just do not know that the rules that will make it do.

What can you say about the use of stem cells in cosmetology?

- The only clinically proven procedure with stem cells is a bone marrow transplant. Everything!

The world has a lot of pseudo-native clinic, which is promised to return youth, beauty and a lot with the help of stem cells. There was no clinically of anything like that. This is a complete nonsense! You just want to dilute money.

The only thing that can be hoped by going on such a procedure is that you will not harm you. Lucky if they give you saline. Believe me, you do not want them to give you stem cells, because these grief doctors do not know what they do.

Do not believe what you are reading on the Internet.

Do you think that prospects exist in stem cells in medicine?

- Who knows him, the present potential? Until 2006, everyone thought that it was impossible from one cell another to receive.

How soon stem cells will begin to apply on a daily basis in medicine? To date, about 40 thousand bone marrow transplant operations are held. We are trying to increase this indicator. If you have a safer operation, then other diseases can be treated in the future, such as HIV.

Have you heard about the "Berlin Patient"? This is the only person on earth who was able to cure from HIV infection. The name is His Timothy Brown. Twice it was very big for him, and once was incredibly lucky. In 1995, men found HIV, in 2006 - leukemia. For him, they found a donor with a mutation of the CCR5 gene, which makes a person unresponsive to HIV. This mutation is found in a small number of Europeans (about 10% there is a version of the Delta32 gene, and only 1% is present in a double set, which makes such people resistant to HIV-1). In 2007, Timothy Brown conducted a bone marrow transplant, thanks to which he defeated leukemia, and then HIV. This fact was repeatedly confirmed.

Conducted Konstantin Ermolaev

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