Where do stem cells originate for cancer treatment. From all diseases: to whom and why need stem cells

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The future of medicine today is directly associated with the development of cellular technologies. There was a real chance in successful treatment Even the most severe diseases and the processes of the organism aging. These technologies allow, without changing the damaged organ, "update" its cellular composition. A list of diseases, in the treatment of which cellular technologies are already used or their application is planned in the near future, growing rapidly. This, as a rule, diseases of whom are ineffective medical treatment.

In Europe and America, it has long been paid to the creation of specialized agencies on the workpiece, storage, cultivation and the use of human stem cells for the treatment of many diseases. Alone alone, California intends to spend $ 295 million in the next 10 years to spend $ 295 million stem cells. With such budgets, scientific research in this area multiply the year from year. However, public expectations and hopes are growing faster. From cells that can turn into any kind of our fabrics, are waiting for absolutely all ailments.

What is a stem cell?

Term " stem cell"(In English" Stem Cell ") means that each such cell is the beginning of a whole tree of descendants, at the base of the trunk of which it is located. Among the descendants will be like cells identical to the stem and, as it were, the formative trunk of tresh and specialized Cells (muscle, epithelial, nervous, etc.), which form branches.

The stem cell is an immature cell capable of active division and transformation into any specialized cell cells (nervous, muscular, hepatic, etc.), this is a kind of building material from which all other cells are obtained.

The essence of treatment is carried out in the body of stem cells, which are embedded in damaged or aging organs and tissues, where under the influence of microenvironment, begin to multiply and differentiate into cells of this organ and tissue, restoring their structure and function. Currently, it is precisely with cell therapy that associates high hopes for the cure of diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, cardiovascular diseases, as well as the possibility of slowing the processes of the organism aging.

The first in the world science work on stem cells back in 1960-1970. Completed Soviet scientists Chertkov and Frinenestein, but the stem cells purchased wide fame after the "requisition" by their American scientists.

Where do stem cells originate?

The richest source of stem cells (SC) is the fabric of the embryo.

  • When a fertilized egg begins to share, the first are formed totipotent stem cellswhich can turn into any tissue.
  • About four days later, they begin to "specialize" (differentiate) and become pluripotent stem cellswhich can turn into at least two possible tissues (for example, bone and muscle).
  • Over time, they become even more specialized stem cells - multipotentfrom which 2-3 types of cells can be formed (from some - various blood cells, from others - nervous systemss, etc.).

How do stem cells treat?

CK can, if necessary, can transform into any the desired cage. Suppose a person has several diseases. Each organ flags about his unhealthy and sends SOS signals. When the IC fall into the body, they catch these signals and rush to where they need the most. SC is ambulance cells. What are they doing? They create new cells of the authority to which they came to the rescue, or contribute to the restoration of damaged. Finding into the heart-affected heart, they are converted into the cells of the heart muscle, in the affected brain, in the neurons and glial cells. Stem cells can turn into liver cells, bone marrow, etc. With the help of cell therapy, it appeared andhuge amounts of the most various diseases .

Advantages and restrictions on the use of various SC

Best source of stem cells - Embryonic fabric.

  • One problem is ethical. To use the embryonic tissue - it means to inevitably be mired in disputes, to ethically treat with the cells of an unbounded child, indulgence of abortions, etc.
  • The second problem is a potential ability to induce the development of malignant formations, which has been shown in animal studies.

Oncological alertness occurs when using only embryonic cells. Theoretically, if embryonic tissue is introduced into the body, cells with a fairly intensive division appear and it is unsafe. It is for this reason that most researchers in clinics work with their own stem cells of patients or cells from placenta and umbilical cord. Stem cells can also be obtained from the blood, but the concentration of them is very small, from the bone marrow of the sternum, ileum bones, tubular bones.

Advertising rejuvenation and treatment with stem cells is of great interest in humans. What is the truth in her, and what exaggeration?

Real Bum "Revitalization" (or there is still an unsuccessful term "rejuvenation") Began in 1995, when the Americans published information about the results introduction of these cells to the elderly. Patients darkened gray hair, smoothed wrinkles, the men had increased potency, and menopause had ceased to women. Such messages spawned premature optimism in many ways. The fact is that we are now in the hands of a gold key (stem cells), with which we are trying to find the most intimate door leading to us to understand the patterns of vital processes and the preservation of human health.

It is known that in the process of aging the number of stem cells in the tissues is reduced. When we are born, we have in the bone marrow to one hundred thousand hematopoietic cells account for ten stem, by 50 years a million - two-three stem, and by 70 years - at best - one per million. Because of this, the possibility of a person on regeneration is strongly limited. As a result, the ability of tissue to physiological regeneration and to restore after illness or injury. The result of stem cell transplantation is a significant increase in the regenerative and adaptive capabilities of the body. The organism caused by these cells can impede the development of processes leading to aging. Hence the prospects and feasibility of using cellular technologies in the treatment of a number of diseases due to the aging of the body.

Transplanting stem cells to slow down the aging processes has some features. The amount of transplants and their repeatability are selected individually, since it is impossible to determine the level of deficiency of stem cells in the tissues and the degree of their activity before treatment. The introduced stem cells can be used by a different organism, i.e. Differentiate B. different types Cells, and therefore the manifestation of the effect may be different.

  • Patients can feel the increase in life tone, tide of strength.
  • Improves the ability to concentrate attention, sharpness of thinking.
  • The manifestations of depression are significantly reduced, sleep and appetite normalizes.
  • Creative people have inspiration, active creative life extends.
  • There is an increase in sexual entry and potency in men, subject to the absence of organic causes (splerosis of vessels, diabetes, endocrine disorders).
  • There are also unexpected effects, such as improving hearing, color vehicles.

Clinical manifestations and subjective sensations by the patient's treatment results can be relatively scarce, since changes occur at the cellular level and may not immediately manifest itself. Considate a distinct pattern - the better the patient's health state, the less he feels changes in the body. This is quite explained: it is impossible to give the health of health more than the nature gave him.

What are the prospects for the treatment of various diseases using stem cells?

Today, cell therapy is an alternative to human and human tissue transplantation, as well as a reliable way to extend youth, health and longevity. First of all, it is necessary to say about the transplantation of stem cells when oncohematological diseases. It is often the only way to treat leukemia and other severe blood diseases. In neurology, transplant cellular technology was first applied in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Extreme encouraging results of the use of cellular technology are obtained in the treatment of Hynthone disease. Considerable experience in treatment traumatic lesions head and spinal cord Accumulated in the Novosibirsk Center for Immunotherapy and Cell Transplantation. The leading medical centers of Moscow, Novosibirsk and some other cities already successfully uses cell therapy for treatment remote effects of cerebral stroke and sclerosis. It was shown that the transplantation of low-differentiated cells into an adult organism can contribute to the restoration of blood flow due to growth blood vessels in the styled organs and tissues.

In the clinic of the restoration intervention neurology and therapy "Neurovite" stem cells were treated by the participants of the Chechen war, which received the combat injuries of the brain. Soldiers, who, along with other methods, used stem cells were restored by 40% faster. A number of other clinical observations shows that the use of cell therapy is quite acquitted as the main or additional method of treatment with various diseases.

So, Professor Dohman and his colleagues from the Texas Center for Medical Research (Houston) have achieved improved heart function in 14 patients with severe heart failure. Therapy included the injection of the patient's bone marrow stem cells into the left ventricle. One of the hypotheses put forward explains the effectiveness of transplanting stem cells to the formation of new cardiomycitis and blood vessels. Perhaps stem cells launch a chemical response that improves cell operation near the injection site.

In the Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery. Bakulev is active work on the treatment of stem cells ischemia lower extremities . Typically, such a state is treated with a special surgery on the vessels, but for these patients, it was expensive. So far, this meant the inevitable amputation of the legs. But in the center of "inoperable" patients in the affected areas were injected with stem cells and as a result they not only avoided amputation, but also the blood circulation was recovered faster than those patients who were made by traditional operations.

Aesthetic medicine

Another promising area of \u200b\u200bapplication of stem cells is aesthetic medicine. The introduction of stem cells using the method of mesotherapy significantly improves the condition of the skin, enhances its blood circulation, eliminates wrinkles. Finding into stem niches of the skin (at the level of the dermal space), stem cells are capable of delaying the aging processes for a long time. At the same time, these cells will take care not only about your beauty, but also about health, since even when local administration, general positive effects are observed. Cosmetology and reconstructive surgery are special scope of stem cells. Cosmetology has long been out of purely aesthetic medicine. And doctors, and patients today are clear what to look good - it means not only not to have wrinkles. This cosmetologist is obliged to combine a universal doctor who can reveal all existing (and starting) disease in a patient, to put the correct diagnosis, assign adequate treatment and only then proceed to rejuvenate and eliminate aesthetic defects. Of course, seriously ill patients are not treated for a beautician, but the specifics of our time are such that the absolute majority of people who consider themselves healthy, have certain ailments. Timely recognition and adjustment underlie modern approach In aesthetic medicine.

When will scientists be able to grow organs?

Today we can only speak that stem cells are able to fill in the defect at the level of tissues, but not vital important organs. You can grow the skin, the wall of the vessel, nervous fiberBut it is impossible to modify and grow an organ that performs thousands of vital functions, for example, the liver. There are still relevant work on the creation of "artificial organs", such as developed by the recently under the guidance of Professor Ryabinin V.E. The device "Bio science liver". Currently, based on cooperation between Chelyabinsk medical Academy, South Ural Scientific Center of the RAMS and the Mias Plant of Medical Equipment has been created by an industrial sample of this device and began clinical researches its therapeutic effectiveness in the treatment liver failure On the basis of the Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital.

Who and what can be done in the field of cellular technology?

Cell culture is a graft, and not medicine. The methodical base for the use of stem cells is not defined on the legislative, but at the departmental level (Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation): There is a temporary instruction on the procedure for studies in the field of cellular technologies and their use in health facilities (2002), the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development "On the development of cellular technologies in Russian Federation"(2003), established provisions on the bank of stem cells. In order to engage in cell therapy, it is necessary to have an appropriate medical license, positive results of preclinical and limited clinical studies of the proposed method of treatment, decisions of scientific councils and ethical committees, permits of the Federal Service for Supervision. In the field of health care on clinical trials and registration of cellular material.

Ryabinin V.E., Professor

What, in fact, are we talking when we are talking about stem cells? These are the progenitor cells of all cells of the body - it is they transformed into muscle, blood-forming, neuronal, cartilage (and other) tissues form entire organs. In addition, stem cells can be called "smart" - after all, in the body they themselves find damaged cells and restore their functional activity.

What are these "super cells" can help people and from where they take them?

Stem cells are contained in bone marrow, cord blood, placenta, adipose tissue, blood, recently they have learned them even from dairy teeth. But stem cells are different in their structure - therefore, depending on the age of the patient and its disease, a preferred specific source of stem cells is selected.

For example, hematopoietic (hematopoietic) stem cells are used for the treatment of lymph and leukemia, which are allocated from cord and peripheral blood, and earlier this was done only using bone marrow.

At the moment, the richest source of various types of stem cells (homeopoietic, mesenchymal, endothelial progenitor) is the cord blood, which can be obtained during childbirth. That is why, in civilized countries, official state banking of cord blood is introduced - this will make it much easier to search for donors and conduct treatment faster.

At the moment, in the world, work on the treatment of more than 100 complex diseases by stem cells is underway. Among those from which are already successfully treated: 2-type sugar diabetes, illness immune system, heart, blood, liver, brain, burns and injuries, oncological diseases, muscle dystrophy, metabolic disorders and syndrome chronic fatigue. But this is not all - from stem cells are already growing vessels and organs (for example, in London, the patient successfully transplanted the trachea grown from its own stem cells), now scientists work on modeling large organs, because the future is for this.

Ukrainian experience

The national mentality makes the majority of Ukrainians believe that abroad is always "grass green" - and medicine, respectively, is better. They say, there are yes - treat from everything, and we can only dream of such a thing. But this is an erroneous opinion. It is worth noting that it was the Russian scientist Alexander Maximov for the first time to prevail the existence of cells - the ancestors of all blood cells and called it "stem". Studies of stem cells were successfully carried out in the Soviet Union. It was in Ukraine that a unique and no analogues in the world was created - the Institute of Cryogenic Biology and Cryomedicine. It is only worth remembering the absentary experience of Soviet scientists and becomes clear - that, with a reasonable continuation of these traditions, Ukraine is capable of discovering in the field of the newest medical technologies.

So, it was Ukraine that became the first country among the former CIS countries, in which the Ministry of Health officially approved the methods of treatment with the use of cellular preparations, two of which (made of cord blood) were developed at the Kiev Institute of Cell therapy. Today, such areas are already approved: the treatment of pancreatic, ischemia of the lower extremities and burns. Naturally, scientists do not stop at what has been achieved - patents for research and other areas are obtained, clinical trials are underway, which means that their approval is only a matter of time.

Why cord blood?

At the moment, as mentioned above, various sources are used to obtain stem cells. But the richest stem cells are cord blood blood. If there is no possibility to distinguish autologous (own) stem cells necessary for treatment, for example, from the patient's blood or adipose tissue - donor applies. But they always require immunological compatibility - it means that it is not so easy to find suitable.

That is why in the USA and other countries the state itself conducts an educational and propaganda campaign aimed at ensuring that parents preserve umbilical blood during childbirth. After all, it guarantees that in the future, children whose blood parents retain will have their own margin of "healing" cells. If we consider how fast modern medicine is being developed, it can be concluded that any human ailments will be subject to cell therapy.

In Ukraine, the state banking is not yet coming. But this does not mean that Ukrainians cannot take advantage of the service of storage of cord blood, if they believe that the health of their children (cord blood is suitable in most cases to all native brothers and sisters) costs small investments. Of course, for similar services it is worth contacting only licensed cryobanks. The first permission for the collection and storage of cord blood was received by the Karobank of the Institute of Cell Therapy.

"Keeping umbilical blood, we not only give people to people in the future, for one reason or another, lost health, but in fact collect the genuophobe of the nation," said the chief physician of the Institute of Cell Therapy, the doctor of medical sciences smooth Yu.V.- " We are on the threshold of global changes in medicine, we are witnessing how it passes from naturopathic and pharmacological in the category of biotechnology and nanotechnology. Moreover, they have been working and directly saved people for over 15 years. And their further development will allow to extend and efficiently improve the lives to all people - and therefore, to remove the social burden with everyone in our society. "

Stem cells: myths and reality

"No area of \u200b\u200bbiology, at their birth, was not surrounded by such a network of prejudices, hostility and curvetrices, like stem cells," said the RAM member, a specialist in the field of medical cell biology Vadim Sergeevich Repin (Moscow Center for Medical and Biological Technologies).

Although the term "stem cell" was introduced into biology in 1908, the status of large science, this area of \u200b\u200bcell biology received in the last decade of the twentieth century. In 1999, Science magazine recognized the opening of stem cells by the third majority in biology after deciphering the DNA double helix and the human genome program. One of the discovers of the DNA structure, James Watson, commenting on the opening of stem cells, noted that the stem cell device is unique, since under the influence of external instructions, it can turn into a germ or in a line of specialized somatic cells.

Indeed, stem cells are the ancestors of all without exception of cell types in the body. They are capable of self-renewering and, most importantly, in the process of division, specialized cells of various tissues are formed. Thus, all cells of our body arise from stem cells.

Stem cells are updated and replace cells lost as a result of any damage in all organs and tissues. They are designed to restore and regenerate the human body from the moment of his birth. The potential of stem cells is just beginning to be used by science. Scientists hope in the near future to create fabrics and entire organs necessary for transplantation patients in return for donor organs. Their advantage is that they can be raised from the patient's cells, and they will not cause rejection.

The needs of medicine in such material are almost unlimited. Only 10-20 percent of people are cured due to a successful transplant of the organ. 70-80 percent of patients dying without treatment on a sheet of expectation of the operation. Thus, stem cells in some sense can really become "spare parts" for our body. But for this, it is not necessary to grow artificial embryos - stem cells are contained in the body of any adult.

Where are stem cells come from

According to its origin, stem cells are separated by embryonic, fetal, stem cells of cord blood and stem cells of an adult.

The source of embryonic stem cells is a blastocyst - a germ that is formed by the fifth day of fertilization. These stem cells are capable of differentiate absolutely into all types of adult cell cells. But this source of stem cells have shortcomings. First, these cells are able to be spontaneously reborn into cancer cells. Secondly, the safe line of truly embryonic stem cells, suitable for clinical application.

Fetal stem cells are obtained from abortive material on the 9-12 week of pregnancy. In addition to ethical and legal friction, the use of unverified abortive material is fraught with complications, such as the patient's infection with herpes virus, viral hepatitis And even AIDS. If the diagnostics of the material for viruses increases the cost of the method, which ultimately leads to an increase in the value of the treatment itself, which in certain cases can be very effective.

The source of stem cells is also placental and umbilical blood, collected after the child's birth. This blood is very rich in stem cells. Taking this blood and placing stem cells in the cryobank, in the future it can be used to restore almost any tissues and organs, as well as for the treatment of any diseases, including oncological ones. However, the number of stem cells in the cord blood is not large enough, and their effective application is possible only once for the child itself up to 10 years.

The most affordable source of stem cell is the human bone marrow, since the concentration of stem cells in it is maximum. In the bone marrow, two types of stem cells are distinguished: the first is hematopoietic stem cells, of which absolutely all blood cells are formed, the second is mesenchymal stem cells that regenerate almost all organs and tissues.

Why do stem cells need

If a person has its stem cells, then why do the organs themselves do not regenerate after damage? The reason is that in the process of human maturation, a catastrophic decrease in the number of stem cells is observed: at birth - 1 stem cell occurs by 10 thousand, by 20 - 25 years - 1 per 100 thousand, to 30 - 1 to 300 thousand. A total of 1 stem cell per 500 thousand remains in the body of the body in the body, and precisely at this age, as a rule, such diseases as atherosclerosis, angina, hypertension, etc. have already appear. The exhaustion of the reserve of stem cells due to aging or severe diseases, as well as a violation of the mechanism of their emission to the blood, deprives the body of the possibilities of effective regeneration, as a result of which the vital activity of certain organs is depleted.

The increase in the number of stem cells in the body leads to intensive regeneration and restoration of damaged tissues and sick bodies due to the formation of young, healthy cells on the site of lost. Modern medicine already has such technology - it is called cell therapy.

What is cell therapy

The human body is developing up to 25 years, after which the process of aging begins when a person notices not the most pleasant changes to his body. Age-related changes Skin, changes in the activities of endocrine and genital glands, muscle tissues, immune and nervous systems are also associated with the exhaustion of the stock of stem cells. To compensate for this stock and requires cell therapy. Healthy people There is no need to start supporting therapy earlier than 35 years. On the contrary, everyone who has suffered serious diseases, injuries, burns or poisoning procedures are shown at any age.

Domestic science and medicine possess one of the best potentials in the field of research and the use of cell therapy in the world. The first directed searches in the field of bone marrow stem cells began as a result of a methodological breakthrough made by Alexander Yakovlevich Frinenstein in the mid-70s of the twentieth century. In his laboratory, a homogeneous culture of bone marrow stem cells was obtained. After the separation of division, stem cells under the influence of cultivation conditions turned into bone, fat, cartilage, muscular or connect fabric. Pioneer developments A.Ya. Friestein deserved international recognition.

Now, using therapeutic stem cell transplantation, there is an opportunity to treat or use as accompanying therapy. A whole range of diseases - diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, ischemic disease hearts chronic diseases joints, solar injuries, hepatitis and cirrhosis, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson, chronic fatigue syndrome.

With the help of cell therapy, burns, wounds, ulcers and scars of the skin are quickly heal, rehabilitation after strokes and brain injuries, a comprehensive program of regeneration (improving the functional abilities of the body and quality of life) and the mesotherapy of the face, hands, problematic (sluggish) zones and of the whole body. Cell therapy is used as supportive therapy with multiple sclerosis, sexopathologies and infertility in men and women, oncological diseases.

Of course, the use of stem cells is not a panacea. So, their use in oncology does not lead to curable cancer. However, there are a number of unique programs aimed at rehabilitation of patients during remission and interruptions between chemotherapy courses. Patients who receive such a course are significantly better to endure all the procedures, the number of complications decreases, the ability to repeat the procedures earlier. Thus, the chances of success increase significantly. In addition, stem cells have a proven anti-cancer effect: they constrain the tumor development processes and activate the immune system.

How is cell therapy

After the survey and collecting analyzes, the patient suggests blood (bone marrow), in which a certain amount of stem cells is constantly present. Modern technologies Allocate stem cells, and then grow these cells in a special environment in much larger quantities. At the end of the cultivation process, the patient assign an individual course of introducing native cellular material. All treatment proceeds outpatient and does not require changing the usual rhythm of life.

Bone marrow puncture is necessary for collecting its own cellular material. Preparation for the procedure, the bone marrow fence procedure and rest after it lasts 1.5 hours (the procedure itself takes no more than 20 minutes), after which the patient needs to come to the doctor after 7 days for primary introduction and further visit it for subsequent administrations according to the compiled graphics.

The introduction of cellular material is a painless procedure conducted by an outpatient basis under sterile conditions. Cellular material can be administered intravenously, intramuscularly, intravicarly, subcutaneously, as well as in the form of applications - depending on the method of treatment and nature of the disease.

The average duration of the course (depending on the selected program) - 2.5-3 months. In addition to the initial stage, the patient does not need to visit the doctor more than 1-2 times a week throughout the course.

As a rule, half of all patients are interested in a comprehensive program for regenerating the body. Another half of patients are patients of various ages, with different diseases and their complications - after serious injuries, accidents, strokes, burns, after operations, stress, cardiac complications.

Cell therapy is the future of modern medicine, this direction is intensively developing around the world. It's nice that our country in this area is not only not far behind other countries, but something is ahead of them.

What is cell rejuvenation? Now it is fashionable to be beautiful, slim, emit health. Just a few years ago, many made themselves injections of Botox, today a new direction in fashion - stem cells.

Detailed description

The most initial cells of the human body are stem cells. They are formed immediately after conception in a fertilized egg. The ability to become any cell is the basic distinctive quality, the so-called polypotency. Stem cells of the embryo, while he grows, form his brain, liver, stomach, heart. Even after birth in the body of the child, there are still very many of them, but every year they are becoming less, by the age of 20, human stem cells are practically absent. This is a scientifically proven fact. But adult these cells are also needed - they always replace those affected by any organ. Throughout the life of organs with diseases, it becomes much more, but stem cells are reduced, so a person becomes.

A bit of history

A breakthrough in cell biology occurred in 1998, when scientists were able to single out and clone the lines of embryonic stem cells. After that, cell biology began to develop in two ways:

1. Studies in order to treat severe diseases.

2. In clinical practice, the Revitalization procedure, i.e., rejuvenation of the body with stem cell injections in an integrated approach with other cosmetics.

How is the rejuvenation of stem cells?

Stem cells in cosmetic cabinets

There are no restrictions on the use of embryonic stem cells, so cell therapy is everywhere. Any cosmetic salon mentions stem cells in its price list. But in practice, this injection of exhausts from embryos tissues, and they can cause allergic reactions and even rejection. And if the procedure is not carried out in the laboratory, that is, the risk that the cellular material can be infected.

The body after applying the procedure for introducing stem cells

In Russia, the new technology of stem cell injection technology is actively experiencing in humans, in the West, almost all experiments are conducted on animals. Stem cells apply increasingly, but what effect will be in the future, it is not yet known. None of the scientists were able to give a forecast for 10-20 years ahead, because until the end, the scope of application was not studied. While treatment with stem cells consider alternative medicine. What will happen next, let's see.

Where are stem cells from rejuvenation

Now in Russian cosmetic centers use several types of stem cells:

1. Embryonic stem cells. They are obtained from the liver, pancreas, the brain of aborted human embryos, and then cultured in the material, in composition similar to the serum. All the resulting biomaterial after checking for viruses is placed on storage in liquid nitrogen.

2. Cup cells of newborns, bone marrow man. Treatment of cord cells is particularly effectively between members of one family. In Russia, there is a branch of stem cells in which cord blood can be stored. The puncture of the bone marrow takes from the iliac bones of the pelvis of an adult, after which the multimillion colony is grown in the laboratory.

3. Stem cells isolated from adipose tissue.

Delayed reaction

Rejuvenation with stem cells is very popular.

Depending on the selected method, the effect of injections with cellular material begins to appear only after 1-3 months. And for some reason, doctors do not say about the visual effects of rejuvenation, they focus on improving patients' well-being. A person just pays money, he is injected, and he is waiting for changes for three months. In practice, the patient does not see special changes in the body, the face, but it feels that the body behaves differently: they darken the hair, the acuity of sight appears, it hurts for 5-6 hours.

Some patients noted that in a month they began to read without glasses, the overall fatigue of the body disappeared, wrinkles began to disappear. But those who talked about such changes after a month, usually did a comprehensive rejuvenation procedure, which included mesotherapy with smoothing skin injections. In all cases, patients were completely trusted with a clinic and doctors, no consequences in the future did not think. How much is the treatment of stem cells?

Price of youth

All researchers agreed that the effect of cell injection lasts a year, after this period, the procedure is better to repeat. As they say, if once in 1.5 years, contact specialists behind cell injection, then a person will be able to live as much as 150 years. In fairness It is worth saying that the rejuvenation of stem cells is a very expensive procedure, and to make it 1 time in 1.5 years very expensive. It costs minimally in 17 thousand euros, and this is if the patient is young, healthy and wants to just slow down the aging process. The older the person and the more diseases he has, the more expensive there are cell therapy, due to the fact that it will take more stem cells.

As it depends on age

If a young organism needs about 20-35 million cells to maintain a tone, then the lady of prenetscent age with a bouquet of disease may be insufficient and 200 million. According to experts, such a high price is justified, because the cultivation of cells is a process that requires knowledge and high technologies, and therefore very expensive. If you offer such procedures at a lesser price, then most likely these drugs are not related to stem cells.

True, state scientific institutions, there is cheaper injections, but the price still starts from 5 thousand US dollars. They use bone marrow stem cells. Also in scientific institutions use special cell growth factors - peptides. T. K. Stem cells with the introduction cannot find a damaged organ, indicate the path of proteins that include the work of the body's cell, forcing it to work and look for means of independent recovery.


Those patients who passed courses rejuvenation with stem cells in research institutes noted that after three weeks the fatigue disappeared, the tone of the body was increasing, visual acuity appeared, the wrinkles were slightly smoothed, men had an increased libido and improved potency. As can be seen, the results of therapy for the revitalization of the body and in cosmetic clinics, and in research institutes coincide, although they have absolutely different techniques.

A special cell growth protein factor is used in cosmetic cabinets - additional mesotherapy. All these additional injections and procedures that go along with injections of stem cells, according to doctors, are aimed at the clinic's progress from the lack of result treatment with stem cells, since mesotherapy and additional proteins have long been known as excellent and effective method Smoothing wrinkles.

Specialists in cell therapy are silent about whether there were negative results or there was no result at all. And there are such cases, patients did not notice any changes even after 3-6 months, but neither the clinic nor the reimbursment of costs, since they do not guarantee that the body will find strength to recover.

Cellular technology. Their development in modern medicine

Despite the fact that there are positive results, doctors and the scientific community are extremely skeptical about such therapy. Many believe that, yes, the opening of stem cells and the possibility of their cultivation is the largest discovery in genetics since the decryption of the DNA structure, but it does not need to be used for all in a row, and only for treatment is very serious diseases. Stem cells contain encrypted information about the whole body, which means that of them can be raised not only by the colony of cells, but even some organ.

Therefore, it is unacceptable to use this technology to extract profits, since it is not fully studied, clinical research and experiments are being conducted. Currently, in addition to cosmetic procedures, medical clinics The treatment of serious diseases with stem cell injections is also offered. In the pricea it is written that diabetes, oncological diseases may be heal in injections. But there are no confirmed data on such recovery. On the contrary, there are opinions of specialists that the rejuvenation of stem cells causes cancer.

Positive effect

In the treatment of ischemic diseases, hormonal and immune diseases, some violations in development in children are perfectly helped stem cells. At the end of 2015, American scientists were saved by the life of a young man who received myocardial infarction. They took its same mesenchymal stem cells and introduced into the body. There are positive results of cell therapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism. Of course, considering such scientific achievementsThe injection of stem cells just look dimly for rejuvenation.

It is still leaving that the budget does not provide for an article of financing for the development of cell biology and the development of methods for treating severe diseases in leading research and laboratories of Russia. The private clinics are not engaged in developments, they tend to work in order to profit. Therefore, in Russia, cellular technologies are associated only with rejuvenation, in contrast to the West, where the studies of cellular technologies are actively funded in the treatment of severe diseases.

Clinics providing stem cell transplant services

In Russia, there are not many such centers, but the main center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology of the RAMS, and more precisely their laboratory of clinical immunology, head of Gennady Dryym, Commercial Institute of Stem Cell, also the group of the Pyramid Clinic, the leader is Alexander Teplin.

Stem cells together with peptide injections (growth factors) practices the Institute of Biological Medicine. They, according to the specialists of this institute, and activate the effect of stem cells.

Korchak - Cosmetology Clinic and plastic surgery - also has a stem cell therapy as one of the directions. Here is used cellular material of the 3-hinteroid embryo of a pig grown on a nutrient medium. 3 days before administration, the cultivation stop. Thanks to the "living" material, the effect of rejuvenation and rehabilitation is achieved in a couple of months and keeps for 1-2 years.

Injection placenta in the Japanese clinic Rhana is also called cell therapy, although it is completely different. They believe that the placenta is capable of rejuvenating the body, but it has a narrow circle of action: the removal of chronic fatigue syndrome and raising libido and sexual activity.

"Versag" is also a clinic that uses stem cells in its work. But it specializes in anti-aging programs, including comprehensive treatment.

In Russia, cell therapy in the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Clinical Immunology with Rams is actively used. Also for the treatment of diseases of the heart and cardioplasty in Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Tomsk and Novosibirsk, treatment and rehabilitation procedures of human stem cells are used. The use of their rejuvenation and cosmetic procedures in the clinics of St. Petersburg.

Serious clinic selection

In Russia, it is currently quite enough clinics offer rejuvenating procedures with stem cells. But it is necessary to understand whether these are the very cells. Often, simply cell material is used. Therefore, before you decide on the procedure, you need to make information about the clinic, about its specialization, whether she has a laboratory, if not, what they cooperate with how efficient they work, try to find patients with clinics that have already received these procedures .

Next, in the clinic itself, ask to provide a "cell passport", certifying that there are no viruses in stem cells. Before entering the cells, you must suggest a survey. Even if the procedure is successful, you can see the effect only after 1-3 months and not on your face or body, but in general condition organism. Feel cheerfulness, tide of strength. But this may not happen, since the clinics are usually not responsible for the effects of rejuvenation with stem cells. Guarantees neither the clinic nor the Research Institute.

Stem cells - undifferentiated (immature) cells available in many species of multicellular organisms. Stem cells are capable of self-renewal, forming new stem cells, sharing through mitosis and differentiated into specialized cells, that is, to turn into cells of various organs and tissues.

The development of multicellular organisms begins with one stem cell, which is customary called the zygote. As a result of numerous division cycles and differentiation process, all types of cells are formed typical of this biological species. IN human organism Such cell types of more than 220. Stem cells are maintained and operated in an adult body, thanks to them, the tissues and organs can be renewed. However, in the process of aging the body, their number decreases.

IN modern medicine Man's stem cells are transplanted, that is, transplanted on medicinal purposes. For example, the transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells is performed to reduce the process of hematopoies (blood formation) in the treatment of leukemia and lymph.


There are two mechanisms that support the stem cell population in the body:

1. Asymmetric division, at which the same pair of cells is produced (one stem cell and one differentiated cell).

2. Stochastic division: one stem cell is divided into two more specialized.

Where are stem cells come from

UK can be obtained from various sources. Some of them have strictly scientific use, others are used in clinical practice today. According to its origin, they are divided into embryonic, fetal, cord blood cells and an adult cell.

Embryonic stem cells

The first type of stem cells should be called cells, which are formed at the first few divisions of the fertilized egg (zygotes) - from each can develop an independent organism (for example, one-time twins are obtained).

After a few days of embryonic development, in the thread of blastocysts, embryonic stem cells (ESC) can be distinguished from its internal cell mass. They are capable of differentiate absolutely into all types of cells of an adult organism, they are able to unlimitedly divide under certain conditions, forming the so-called "immortal lines". But this source SC has shortcomings. Firstly, in an adult body, these cells can be spontaneously reborn into cancer. Secondly, a safe line of truly embryonic stem cells suitable for clinical use has not yet been allocated in the world. Cells obtained in this way (in most cases using animal cell culturing) are used by world science for research and experiments. The clinical use of such cells is impossible today.

Fetal stem cells

Very often in Russian articles embryonic crypts call cells derived from aborted fruits (fetus). This is not true! In the scientific literature, the cells obtained from the fetus tissues are called fetal.

Fetal UK is obtained from abortive material on the 6-12 week of pregnancy. They do not have the above-described esc properties obtained from blastocysts - that is, the ability to unlimited reproduction and differentiation into any type of specialized cells. Fetal cells have already begun differentiation, and, therefore, each of them, firstly, can pass only a limited number of divisions and, secondly, to give rise to not any, but rather defined species of specialized cells. This fact makes their clinical use more secure. Thus, specialized liver cells and hematopoietic cells can develop from fetal liver cells. Fetal nervous tissue, respectively, develop more specialized nerve cells, etc.

Cellular therapy as a type of treatment with stem cells originates precisely from the use of fetal IC. In the past 50 years in different countries of the world, a series of clinical works with their application were conducted.

In Russia, in addition to ethical and legal friction, the use of unverified abortive material is fraught with complications, such as patient infection with herpes virus, viral hepatitis and even AIDS. The process of allocating and receiving FGC is complex, this requires modern equipment and special knowledge.

However, with professional control, well-trained fetal stem cells have a huge potential in clinical medicine. Work with fetal SC in Russia today is limited by scientific research. Their clinical use has no legal framework. More and officially, such cells are applied today in China and some other Asian countries.

Cord blood cells

The source of stem cells is also placental and umbilical blood, collected after the child's birth. This blood is very rich in stem cells. Taking this blood and placing in the cryobank for storage, in the future it can be used to restore many organs and patient tissues, as well as for the treatment of various diseases, primarily hematologic and oncological.

However, the number of SC in the cord blood at birth is not large enough, and their effective application is usually possible, only once for the child itself under the age of 12-14 years. As matters, the volume of harvested SCs becomes not enough for a full-fledged clinical effect.

About cell therapy

Cell therapy is a new official direction in medicine based on the use of the regenerative potential of the stem cells of the adult organism for the treatment of a number of severe diseases, the rehabilitation of patients after injuries, the fight against premature signs of aging. Stem cells are also considered promising biomaterial to create biological prostheses of heart valves, vessels and tracheas, are used as a unique bioscope to restore bone defects and other plastic and reconstructive surgery purposes.

The mechanism of the rehabilitation effect of stem cells, scientists explain how their ability to transform into blood cells, liver, myocardium, bone, cartilage or nervous tissue and thus restore damaged organs, and through products of various growth factors to restore the functional activity of other cells (for the so-called Paraconne type).

For clinical purposes, stem cells are most often obtained from bone marrow and cord blood, also after pre-stimulation of blood formation, the number of stem cells can be distinguished from peripheral blood adult. In recent years, more and more reports on the clinical use of stem cells isolated from the placenta, adipose tissue, tissue of the umbilical rope, amniotic fluid, and even milk teeth pulps are appeared.

Depending on the disease, age and state of the patient, one or another source of stem cells may be preferable. For more than 50 years, hematopoietic (hematopoietic) stem cells have been used to treat leukemia and lymphoma, and this method of treatment is well known as bone marrow transplantation, although today is increasingly in hematological clinics of the world, hematopoietic stem cells are obtained from cord and peripheral blood. At the same time, for the treatment of injuries of the head and spinal cord, stimulating the healing of fractures and chronic wounds it is more expedient to use mesenchymal stem cells that are precursors of the connective tissue.

Mesenchymal stem cells are rich in adipose tissue, placenta, cord blood, amniotic fluid. Considering the immunosuppressive effect of mesenchymal stem cells, they are also used to treat a number autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, non-specific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, etc.), as well as postwall-splashing complications (to prevent rejection of the transplanted donor organ). For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including the ischemia of the lower extremities, the most promising is the umbilical blood, which contains a special type of so-called endothelial pregnor stem cells, which are no longer in any tissue of the human body.

What diseases can be cured with stem cells?

The treatment method with stem cells is successfully used in the treatment of leukemia, lymphoma and other heavy hereditary diseaseswhere traditional therapy methods are ineffective.

The transplantation of cord blood is successfully used during most types of leukemia, including lymphoma, Hodgkin and Nevhodgkin, also in diseases of plasma cells, innate anemia, severe combined immunodeficiencies, congenital neutropenia, osteoporosis and many other severe diseases.

In the near future, stem cells will be applied to the treatment of stroke, myocardial infarction, alzheimer diseases, Parkinson, diabetes, muscle diseases, liver failure. Stem cells can give positive effect And during a hearing impairment.

This year, the results of the study of scientists who applied stem cells in the treatment of children born with autism syndrome will be known.

"There are examples when the newborn saved his mother. A woman from Canada was diagnosed with leukemia during pregnancy, she could not find a donor, and the doctors were able to save the mother to the cord blood of a 31-week child. She is alive after 15 years and feels great, "he shared.

Today, scientists also work on the reproduction of stem cells in incubators so that their use has become a reusable.

Myths and True, about treatment with stem cells

Myth number 1. The use of cellular technologies is fraught with risk of infection with hazardous infectious diseases

The legislation clearly regulated the rules for the production of biomedical cellular products. In fact, they are very similar to the rules taken for pharmaceuticals and are based on the standard GMP requirements. That is, it is a very careful input control of the cell material - all cell samples are tested on HIV-1, HIV-2, hepatitis B and C. The next stage is the control of production, which must be absolutely clean. Then - control on the release of a battery of the cellular product, during which studies are added to such infections such as mycoplasma, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasm, all sexually transmitted infections. Thus, all risks of infection are reduced to zero.

Myth number 2. For cell cultivation, animal products are used, it means that they can cause allergies. The reaction can cause stem cells of another person (allogeneic)

Indeed, the standard cell culture technology (reproduction) implies the use of animal products (usually they are obtained from cattle organs). These products can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, they are now used only in laboratory conditions, and for cultivation of cells for treatment, reagents produced without animal components are used.

As for allergies on the actual cells, when treatment with its stem cells (autologous), for obvious reasons, can not be allergic reaction. And in order not to have a reaction to alien - allogeneic cells, try to lengthen the intervals between their introduction to 3-4 weeks. With allergic manifestations, the course of treatment is interrupted, but in fact, with the correct introduction of the drug, serious allergic complications are extremely rare.
Our experience suggests that with a properly selected treatment scheme, there are no allergic reactions on cellular components. For the safety net before proceeding with therapy, standard samples can be performed - the introduction of the drug in small doses to check the body's reaction.

Myth number 3. Stem cells can turn into tumor and provoke the development of cancer

More than 500 clinical trials have already been held in the world, the first phase of which is performed to verify security, and so far no data has been received on cancer danger, not a single tumor formation was recorded. Although theoretically risk is possible. Therefore, all the produced cells, both for autotransplantation and allogenic transplantation, are necessarily tested for tumor and oncogenicity.

Tumorogenicity assumes that the cells are independently transformed into tumor, and oncogenicity suggests that the cells that we have entered act on the cells of the recipient so that they are reborn. Therefore, they are necessarily checked by the same methods as in the production of pharmaceuticals - some of the drug is administered to a special animal (generous mice - that is not having its immunity) and if some tumor cell falls into them, the tumor is manifested. it standard method Testing and today the most reliable. The law on biomedical products suggests that for any cellular drug it must be carried out.

When it comes to allogeneic transplantation, the risk of tumor development is even theoretically unlikely: the cells transferred from one person to another, although they do not turn back, but they do not live for a long time, they die in about a month. And it levels risks. And the fight bone tissue, the formation of cartilage tissue, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and immunomodulating effects, due to the fact that they stimulate their own patient cells.

Myth number 4. The use of cellular technologies can only be individual, and the cost of such treatment will not allow this method of mass, it means that it has no future

The production of cellular drugs for autotransplantation to a specific person will continue to engage in clinics like the "Pokrovsky Bank", this is indeed, will never be a task of commercial production. For big business, profitably produce only allogeneic drugs. It is convenient - you make the product and certify the whole game. Therefore, manufacturers are trying to solve the problem of producing a large number of stem cells from the so-called utilized tissues. That is, their receipt should not be accompanied by painful sensations and at the same time acceptable from an ethical point of view - we are talking, for example, about navel beams, placenta. Abroad, such enterprises already exist.

Myth number 5. Cellular technologies remain an area of \u200b\u200bexperimental medicine for so long due to the fact that evidence of their effectiveness has not been obtained.

This is not true. Many cellular technologies have already entered clinical practice, and their effectiveness is proved, both in theory and practices. The most clinical trials have been carried out and data on the use of stem cells in traumatology and orthopedics has been accumulated. Depending on the lesion, it leads to a complete or partial restoration of cartilage and bone tissue. Doctors see this effect well. Now in Canada, the third phase of clinical trials on the use of stem cells in a different way is completed - they are entered into the area knee Sustava And as a result, the cartilage cloth is restored. This is partly due to the fact that the cells populate the surface of the joint, in part - due to the fact that they stimulate their own patient cells, due to which the restored cartilage tissue consists not from transplanted alien, but from the patient's own cells. Similar studies were conducted in the Pokrovsk bank. We got very similar results.

The effectiveness of cellular technologies actually has a greater evidence base. But the results of their clinical use are very dependent on the doctor and from the biologist, which are treated - the use of this method of therapy, like any other, you need to learn. It is necessary to prepare correctly cells, very carefully calculate their number, timely defrosting and organize transportation so as to use for 8 hours ...
The Pediatric University has already been developed, and in the SZGMU. Mechnikov is preparing a training course on the use of stem cells. It will be our specialists to read it, we hope that the result for practitioners will be a complete understanding when, under what diseases and how to use cell therapy.

Myth number 6. Cell therapy - despair therapy, but it can be cured by all

It so happened that some doctors do not trust the treatment methods with stem cells, others, on the contrary, are confident in their omnipotence. But you need to understand that regenerative therapy works only as an element. comprehensive treatmenttraditional methods and methods of regenerative therapy itself. We always explain it to your patients.

In addition, regenerative therapy is not always able to fully cure a person, but the fact that it can almost always have to reduce the manifestation of symptoms or slow down the death rate. For many patients, this is very important. For example, for patients with diabetes 1 type. After the course of treatment, remission occurs by 0.5 years - a year, during this time some patients can even abandon insulin, slows down the progress of the disease, improve biochemical indicators blood. But the disease does not disappear by the com. If, in the case of the bone fracture, the effect is visible at once (the man was removed not after 2 months, and after 3 weeks), then there is no explicit result, but the patient becomes easier.
Cellular technologies like any medical method, has its limitations. In addition, many factors become the argument "for" its use or "against" - the age of concomitant pathology, the nature of the disease, etc. And illusions often apply the same harm as despair.

How much is the treatment of stem cells?

At the moment, the cost of treatment with stem cells in Russia fluctuates within 250 - 300 thousand rubles.

Such a high price is justified, because the cultivation of stem cells is a high-tech process, and, accordingly, very expensive. Clinics offering stem cells at a lesser price do not have any relationship to cell biology, they introduce completely unknown drugs to their customers.

Most medical centers For this money, 100 million cells are introduced for the course, but there are also those that are injected for this cost 100 million stem cells per procedure. The number of stem cells on the procedure, as well as the number of procedures, is negotiated with the doctor, as the person older, the greater it is required stem cells. If a young blooming girl for maintaining the tone is sufficiently about 20-30 million cells, then 200 million may not be enough for a premature lady of the retirement age.

As a rule, this amount does not include the value of the procedure for obtaining stem cells, for example, fat fence. Clinics and institutions, practicing treatment with allogeneic (that is, other people's stem cells, argue that treatment with such stem cells will cost percent 10 cheaper than its own. If stem cells are entered by surgical, that is, an operation is carried out, you will have to pay separately for the operation.

Mesotherapy with stem cells will cost much cheaper. The cost of one procedure of mesotherapy in the Moscow clinic - from 18,000 to 30 000 rubles. In total, the course is made from 5 to 10 mezotherapy procedures.

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