Is it possible for children to stand. Syrup Stodal - instructions for use for children

Homeopathy is a branch of naturopathic medicine with a long history of success. Over the past twenty years there has been a significant interest in homeopathy. It is the fastest growing field of integrative medicine in many developed countries, the second most popular form of general medicine worldwide.

Homeopathic medicines are based on microdoses of plant, mineral and other natural substances. They are safe and effective, with no side effects, no unwanted drug interactions, which allows you to take conventional drugs, if necessary, along with homeopathic treatment.

With the advent of winter, many children develop a cough that is extremely disturbing, especially during the night's rest. is an extremely pressing issue for most parents. What is the treatment for cough? Perhaps the answer to the most common pathology is the homeopathic preparation Stodal produced by the Boiron Laboratories. For children (reviews of many parents confirm this), Stodal syrup is one of the most effective drugs, which provides treatment for coughs of various etiologies.

Its action is due to the multicomponent composition. These are active substances - pulsatilla, rumex crispus (curly sorrel), vascular justice, ipecac, spognia toast, pulmonaria stikta, antimonium tartaricum, myocardi, coccus cacti, drozera.

Definitely, it will be useful to know the effect of these components included in the complex formula of the drug "Stodal". For children (reviews of pharmacists confirm this), they are safe and are included in the children's homeopathic first aid kit.

Popular herbal ingredient PULSATILLA. Pulsatilla extract is recommended as a sedative in the treatment of dry cough and cough with copious sputum.

RUSEX CRISPUS is an excellent source of vitamin A and proteins, rich in iron and potassium. The remedy is effective in a teasing cough that disturbs sleep.

JUSTICE VASCULAR - a strong stimulant of respiratory activity. An effective drug in the treatment of acute catarrhal diseases of the respiratory tract - paroxysmal cough with airway obstruction, cough accompanied by sneezing.

ipecacuana (or emetic root). Decoctions, infusion, powders of ipecac are used for shortness of breath, constant squeezing in the chest area. When coughing, it is prescribed in small doses as an expectorant.

SPOGNIA TOAST (dried) is a wonderful remedy for respiratory symptoms with cough and croup.

ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM (or emetic stone) is indicated for a wet "rolling" cough with difficult expectoration.

Expectorant MYOCARDE is used for bronchitis, bronchial catarrhal replenishment.

MEXICAN COCHINEL (Kokkus kakti). In clinical conditions, it is used for spasmodic coughing fits that end in vomiting with thick mucus.

DROSERA is a very important spasmodic remedy.

As an auxiliary in the composition of the formula, TOLU syrup, POLYGALA syrup are used.

Syrup "Stodal" (reviews of experts say this) alleviates the condition for all types of cough - dry, productive, etc. The drug is approved for use in children and adults with colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

Sore throat usually goes away on the second day. It provides 100 percent relief for dry cough.

On the third day, the color of the sputum changes (from greenish to white).

Completely eliminates sneezing with discharge from the nose on the fifth day.

Relief from wheezing associated with cough on the sixth day.

Provides relief from productive cough in 77 percent of cases on the seventh day.

Clinically proven drug "Stodal" for children (reviews of pediatricians based on studies, this is evidenced) turned out to be the best remedy. Curing all types of coughs, it has no contraindications.

Children 1.6 to 15 years of age are recommended to take one teaspoon three to five times daily or as directed by a physician. Adults - one tablespoon three to five times a day. There are also no contraindications during pregnancy and breastfeeding (however, a preliminary medical consultation is necessary).

In accordance with the instructions, Stodal syrup for children under one year old can also be used, one teaspoon three to four times a day. It has no age restrictions. However, it should be borne in mind that the product as a preservative contains a small amount of alcohol, as well as sugar. Therefore, it is better to consult a pediatrician before taking it.

The international scientific community is interested in research in homeopathy, and the described drug "Stodal" is no exception. For children (reviews of Russian pediatricians also confirm this), it can be prescribed as an alternative to allopathic therapy in the treatment of acute respiratory infections.

With inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, pediatricians recommend early age use a potion called Stodal - instructions for use for children are included in each package. This is a bright representative of homeopathy, which has a minimum side effects and contraindications, it is inexpensive in every pharmacy. Before you buy Stodal cough syrup for children, you need to consult with a specialist, pre-negotiate the course of intensive care and daily doses.

Stodal for children

It is a homeopathic remedy for symptomatic treatment cough reflex. It is distinguished by its anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effect, acts gently and locally on the focus of pathology. In addition, it effectively reduces inflammation of the oropharyngeal mucosa, removes irritation and sore throat. Pediatricians prescribe Stodal for all types of cough, but mainly as part of complex treatment with intensive fight against wet cough. The drug is reliable, but before buying it, it will not be superfluous to study the instructions for use.

Composition and form of release

This homeopathic remedy is available in the form of a homogeneous light brown liquid with a specific, but quite tolerable smell and taste. Syrup Stodal does not cause a feeling of acute disgust in the child, it is intended for ingestion only. The liquid is poured into transparent amber-colored glass bottles, each carton package additionally includes instructions for use. This expectorant, well known in modern pediatrics, has the following herbal composition:

Active ingredients Stodal Excipients of the drug
spongy toast sucrose syrup
pulsatilla tolu syrup
droser polygal syrup
stikta pulmonaria benzoic acid
antimonium tartaricum caramel
myocardium ethanol
rumex crispus
coccus kakti

pharmachologic effect

As a result of the manifestation of bronchospasm, doctors recommend taking medical preparation Stodal. Instructions for use informs that the active ingredients in the natural composition reduce the viscosity of sputum, help to thin it and eliminate other symptoms of a cold, and provide complex cough therapy. Stodal has pronounced expectorant, bronchodilator properties, effectively cleanses Airways from the accumulated mucus. The drug turns a dry cough into a wet one, thereby speeding up the healing process.

Indications for use

If the attending physician has prescribed the drug Stodal to the patient, detailed instructions for use for children tell you when such a pharmacological acquisition is appropriate, how to use this sweet syrup correctly and for how long. It is worth starting with medical indications that cover clinical pictures cough of varying intensity and etiology. This medicine is especially effective for dry cough reflex, which often worries when acute bronchitis with suspected pneumonia.

Method of application and dosage

Stodal cough for children is intended for intensive care of cough exclusively for oral use. According to the instructions, it is recommended to drink a single dose between meals, while not drinking water. The recommended single dosage for adult patients is 15 ml, for children - no more than 5 ml. Drinking medicine for a productive separation of viscous sputum is required every 8 hours, but if necessary, you can increase daily dose up to 5 approaches.

Stodal for babies

The natural composition of the drug allows the use of Stodal for the treatment of children in the first year of life. According to the instructions for use, a single dose should not exceed 5 ml, but on the recommendation of a local pediatrician, it can be reduced by 2 times. If in a child's body the symptoms of a cold do not disappear after a week, the remedy will have to be urgently replaced, not to start the pathology.

drug interaction

The presence of natural components in the herbal composition of Stodal excludes drug interaction. This means that the indicated medication can be safely used as an independent remedy or as part of complex therapy with damage to the lower respiratory tract. In general, Stodal is ideal for children even without prior medical prescription. It can be administered together with local and systemic antibiotics without worsening the overall clinical picture.

Side effects

AT detailed instructions according to the application, it is clearly stated that Stodal can provoke an allergic reaction of the body. If the child's body appears small rash, which itches and itches a lot, which means that it predominates hypersensitivity skin to natural ingredients. It is urgently required to replace the main treatment agent, to choose a softer analogue. If side effects are temporary, there is no need to introduce a replacement into the intensive care regimen.


According to the instructions for use, not all children are allowed to treat a wet or dry cough in this way. Available medical contraindications, the violation of which leads to the appearance of side effects, deterioration of general well-being, exacerbation of another internal disease. So, medical restrictions for use are as follows:

  • hypersensitivity to plant components Stodal;
  • sucrose-isomaltase deficiency;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • individual intolerance to fructose.

Separately, it is worth noting that it is undesirable to remove sputum in this way for patients with epilepsy and diabetes mellitus, pregnant and lactating mothers. In the latter case conservative treatment should proceed under strict medical supervision, taking into account individual adjustments of daily doses. Restrictions on the age of patients - children before the age of 2 years are better to refrain from such a pharmacological appointment, since the concentration of ethanol is present in the natural composition.

Terms of sale and storage

The indicated medical preparation can be bought at an affordable price and without presenting a prescription at any pharmacy in the city. However, this does not mean at all that the patient is allowed to engage in superficial self-medication, since from such activities the general state of health only worsens. You can store the opened bottle of Stodal only in the refrigerator, avoid contact with small children. Use the syrup according to the instructions for use and the expiration date indicated on the package, lid. Expired medication must be disposed of immediately.

Children's cough is a symptom of a huge number of a wide variety of diseases, but regardless of the reasons for its appearance, it poisons the lives of babies and their parents. Cough syrup Stodal for children is a homeopathic remedy often used in pediatrics.

To this day, the attitude towards homeopathy is ambiguous, and this medicine has managed to win the love of many consumers, but there are still many indifferent to it.

Let's figure out what the features of the tool are and to whom it can help.

Release form, composition and packaging. Description

Stodal cough syrup for children is a pleasant, sweetish tasting, transparent with a yellowish or brown tint, a complex homeopathic remedy, which includes many different natural ingredients in microscopic doses.

Also, sweeteners, preservatives, stabilizers and 96% ethanol.

The drug is produced by the French company "Laboratory Boiron". It is available in dark brown glass bottles of 200 ml, each of which, together with a measuring cap, is packed in cardboard boxes.

Indications for use

Despite the tremendous progress in medicine, the true mechanism, that is, how homeopathic remedies work, has not yet been elucidated.

They are solutions that are prepared by repeated sequential dilution of various substances, and not only of a plant nature.

Homeopathy is based on the principle of treating like with like. In other words, the fight against diseases is carried out with the help of substances capable of provoking the appearance of certain symptoms in high concentrations.

The syrup consists of 10 different active ingredients, each of which has its own pharmacological properties. Due to this, the drug as a whole has:

  • bronchodilator (expanding the lumen of the bronchi by relaxing their smooth muscles);
  • expectorant;
  • improving the rheological properties of sputum;
  • softening action.

Thus, its administration leads to a decrease in the viscosity of sputum, to facilitate its excretion, and to eliminate bronchospasm. This allows you to alleviate the patient's condition, reduce the number of attacks and turn a dry cough into a wet one.
Source: website Therefore, if we talk about what type of cough the medication helps with, then it is worth noting its effectiveness both in dry and productive (wet), including accompanied

At the same time, his hallmark is a mild, sparing effect on the body, so it rarely causes the development of adverse events.

Also, the components of the remedy help to eliminate the symptoms associated with colds:

  1. headache;
  2. tearing;
  3. runny nose;
  4. sneezing
  5. drowsiness;
  6. irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat.

Regardless of which cough the drug was used for, the patient's condition improves already a few days after the start of the intake. Efficiency medicinal product confirmed by many

Thus, the drug is often prescribed for wet and dry cough in a child who is observed:

  • with bronchitis of any kind, including obstructive;
  • with laryngitis;
  • with allergies;
  • at bronchial asthma;
  • with pharyngitis and other colds.

At what age can you give?

The annotation does not clearly indicate how old the drug can be used, although usually the appointment of alcohol-containing drugs is recommended after the child reaches 2 or even 4 years of age.

Many parents try to postpone this moment, as they are afraid of the negative effect of alcohol on a fragile child. children's body although most of these fears are unfounded.

Since 5 ml of the drug (a single children's dose) contains less than a gram of ethanol (only 0.069 g), you should not be afraid of it. Therefore, the medicine is often prescribed to infants, but at a slightly lower dose.

Stodal cough for children instructions: how to take?

Its useful to note

The duration of treatment for each patient is determined individually and is usually 5-9 days.

But if there are no positive changes after 7 days of use, you should always consult with your doctor and consider changing the medication.

Often the question arises, how to give syrup: before meals or after? There is no clear answer in the instructions, but, given the composition and properties this medicine, most doctors advise taking it 30-60 minutes after a meal.

Stodal for babies: is it possible?

Nevertheless, pediatricians often prescribe medication to infants to eliminate a cough that is dangerous for them.

A smaller dose of medication is enough for a baby, and for each baby it is selected individually by a pediatrician.

As a rule, such small children are shown taking ½ teaspoon of the mixture 3 to 5 times a day.


You should not give the drug to a child if he has:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy;
  • fructosuria - a hereditary pathology, accompanied by the release of fructose in the urine;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption - a genetically determined disease associated with impaired absorption of monosaccharides in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sucrose-isomaltase deficiency is a pathology provoked by congenital absence or a sharp decrease in the number of a number of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of sucrose.
With caution, the drug is prescribed to patients with:
  • diabetes mellitus, while it must be taken into account that each tablespoon contains 0.94 XE;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • epilepsy;
  • serious pathologies of the liver.

Side effects

According to the annotation, Stodal's mixture does not cause side effects.

The only possible adverse event after its use may be an allergic reaction, manifested by the appearance of a rash on the skin.

For many years of the existence of the drug on the market, there have been no cases of the appearance of undesirable consequences when it is used against the background of other drugs often used in the treatment of colds.

Therefore, it can be safely taken along with other medicines.


So far, there is no evidence of the development of any disorders when using an excessively large amount of medicine.

What are the analogues for children

The drug has a unique composition, therefore complete analogues he does not have. Nevertheless, there is a huge variety of cough medicines on the market, both homeopathic and conventional, many of which

The first ones include:

  • Barberry Comp JOV-Kid;
  • Suprima-Broncho;
  • Pulsatilla compositum;
  • Spongia tosta;
  • Ipecac;
  • Nux Vomica-Homaccord etc.

Due to their high efficiency and safety, classic drugs such as:

  • Ambroxol (, Ambrobene, Lazolvan);
  • Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC, Fluimucil);
  • vegetable Pectolvan, Gerbion, Prospan, Dr. Thais syrups;
  • Erespal;
  • Bluecode;
  • Bromhexine, etc.

Shelf life after opening

From the date of production, the drug retains its properties for 5 years, provided that the bottle cap is sealed and stored in a place protected from sunlight at a temperature of 15 to 25 ° C. After opening, the solution is suitable for use for 6 months.

Thus, the French syrup Stodal is a drug that promotes the transition of a dry cough to a wet one and the speedy elimination of the latter.

The natural composition has won him many fans among both patients and doctors.

Today it is widely used to treat children and adults, however, a positive effect is not always observed.

Usually, adults complain about the lack of it, while in children, sometimes taking the medicine causes an increase in cough, which in most cases is a normal reaction of the body to taking the medication and serves as an indicator of the beginning of its work.

However, if Stodal does not improve within a few days, it should be abandoned in favor of another remedy.


How many days to take a child?

Regardless of the age of the baby, the drug should be taken until the cough disappears completely. In most cases, this is observed within 7-14 days.

But if taking the drug does not give a positive effect for a week, you should discuss with the pediatrician the need to replace it with another one and exclude the possibility of joining bacterial infection requiring the use of antibiotics.

Askoril or Stodal, which is better?

Ascoril is a fairly strong, reliable drug of synthetic origin, which contains salbutamol, bromhexine and guaifenesin.

By their own pharmacological properties it is close to Stodal, but it is mainly used not for various acute respiratory infections, but for more serious acute and chronic pathologies accompanied by bronchial obstruction, in particular, obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, tuberculosis, etc.

Thus, Stodal is a simpler and more gentle remedy, suitable for treating cough in mild forms of acute respiratory infections, Ascoril is a heavy artillery preparation.

Stodal or Erespal?

Erespal differs exclusively in anti-bronchoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is effective only with a dry cough.

The therapeutic effect after taking it develops faster and is more pronounced, since it active substance is a chemically synthesized substance.

At the same time, Stodal is effective at wet cough and with dry, therefore, for most colds, its purchase is more advisable, as this will save money on the purchase of two different medicines.

Stodal or Lazolvan?

The active substance of Lazolvan is ambroxol hydrochloride, which provokes the activation of sputum synthesis processes in the respiratory tract and its excretion.

Therefore, the main area of ​​​​its application is cough, accompanied by the formation of viscous, hard to separate sputum.

At the same time, Stodal helps a dry cough to turn into a wet one, and then completely get rid of it. Due to this, its scope is wider.

How much does a stodal cost in a pharmacy: price

Stodal for children: reviews

I would like to thank the producers. In general, my daughter is strong and rarely gets sick. However, since visiting kindergarten began to cling sometimes all sorts of sores. For example, recently she began to cough. I did not find a runny nose and temperature. Therefore, we did not go to see a therapist, but went to a pharmacy. There we were advised an excellent homeopathic remedy. Take it one teaspoon three times a day for five days. Everything is gone. The child is no longer sick. Elena, 37 years old

My 2 year old son got sick. The doctor prescribed another syrup. But it was not in our pharmacy. The pharmacist offered several options to choose from, we took Stodal. A good tool. It had to be given three times a day, and we gave 2 times mostly. It healed within 4 days. The cough, by the way, was dry. But the preparation is also suitable for wet. My son did not wince when I gave him medicine. Although almost everything makes a displeased grimace. Peter, 31 years old

The attitude towards homeopathic remedies is different for both doctors and patients. Supporters of such treatment are confident in its effectiveness, while opponents, on the contrary, insist on the absence of any positive effect or even call it harmful to the patient's body.

However, many homeopathic recipes are actively used today. For example, a drug called Stodal is often used in the fight against coughing.

Release form

"Stodal" is produced by the famous French company Boiron in only one form, represented by caramel syrup. It has a yellow or yellow-brownish color, as well as a sweet taste and pleasant aroma. By its structure, the drug is slightly viscous, transparent.

One bottle holds 200 milliliters of syrup, and for easier dosing, in addition to the glass bottle, there is also a measuring cap in the box. It is made of translucent plastic and is marked "5 ml" and "15 ml", which corresponds to single dosages for patients of different ages.


The active components of Stodal are 10 substances at once. All of them are contained in syrup in an amount of 0.95 grams per 100 grams of solution, but their homeopathic dilution is different.

  • In ingredients such as Ipeca (an extract from ipecac), Coccus cacti (a substance from an insect called "Mexican cochineal"), Spongia tosta (a substance from a sea sponge), Bryonia (an extract from a plant of the same name, which is also called a footstep) and Sticta pulmonaria (substances from a lichen called Lobaria pulmonaria), there is a centesimal dilution of C3.
  • Ingredients such as Pulsatilla (an extract from the lumbago), Myocarde (a homeopathic remedy used in cardiology), Antimonium tartaricum (a substance called an emetic stone) and Rumex crispus (an extract from curly sorrel) are found in a centesimal dilution of C6.
  • A substance derived from the Drosera plant (it Latin name sundew), is in syrup in breeding MT.

In addition to these components, the preparation contains syrups of miroxylon (it is called tolu syrup) and istoda (this plant is also called polyhala). Each of these syrups in 100 g of the drug is represented by the amount of 19 g. They are supplemented with benzoic acid and caramel. In addition, "Stodal" contains ethyl alcohol 96% (0.34 g per 100 g of the product), and the remainder of the drug is sucrose syrup.

Operating principle

"Stodal" is a symptomatic remedy, since such a homeopathic syrup is used to eliminate one of the symptoms - cough. As you know, this symptom is the body's defense against various harmful substances. It helps to get rid of phlegm and foreign particles that have entered the bronchi. At the same time, cough does not act as a separate disease, although in most cases it indicates the development of an infectious process in one of the sections of the respiratory tract. In addition, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract or an allergic reaction is manifested by coughing.

The components in the composition of "Stodal" affect the cough in a complex, which helps to eliminate such a symptom, regardless of the reason that provoked it. In particular, the action of the emetic root is aimed at spasmodic coughs, the substances from cochineal effectively affect coughing fits with very thick sputum, and the step and sorrel help eliminate dry coughs that occur due to inhalation of frosty air or conversation. Substances obtained from the sea sponge act on barking unproductive cough, and pulmonary lichen helps to get rid of dry mucous membranes, inflammation of the trachea and dry cough.

If a patient taking Stodal has a dry cough, the drug:

  • soften the irritated mucous membrane;
  • reduce the manifestation of shortness of breath;
  • reduce the activity of inflammation;
  • accelerate the transition to a wet cough.

The use of such a remedy for a wet cough contributes to:

  • reduce the viscosity of the secret;
  • restoration of the mechanism of self-purification of the bronchial tree;
  • elimination of stagnation of sputum in the lungs;
  • reduce swelling and inflammation activity;
  • faster recovery.


As already noted, the main reason for taking Stodal syrup is a cough, which can be of a different nature. The drug is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, colds, bronchial asthma, allergic cough, reflex cough, SARS, tuberculosis and other pathologies.

It can be given with a spasmodic, dry or unproductive cough, when there is almost no sputum or it is in small quantities and viscous. The drug is also prescribed for productive cough with a large amount of sputum.

What age is allowed?

There are no age restrictions for the use of "Stodal" in children, however, it is not worth giving this remedy to babies in the first years of life without medical supervision. Although it is classified as a harmless drug, and official instruction does not exactly indicate the age at which "Stodal" can be used by children, any medicines for small patients should be given only after examination by a pediatrician. In addition, since the syrup contains ethyl alcohol, it is undesirable for babies under one year of age to prescribe it.


The use of Stodal syrup is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of such a remedy. There are no other contraindications for this drug, but with hereditary pathologies carbohydrate metabolism should not be given such a remedy. In addition, in diabetes, the presence of sucrose syrup in the medicine should be taken into account (a single dose for children contains 0.31 XE).

Side effects

In the annotation to the drug, no side effects are indicated, however, given its herbal composition, an allergic reaction is not excluded in young patients. If, after the first dose of syrup or after several days of treatment, the child feels any discomfort, you should immediately inform the doctor about this. Most often, this is how individual sensitivity to the components of Stodal manifests itself, so the drug is canceled and another therapy is selected.

Instructions for use

The remedy is given to the child from 3 to 5 times a day, dosing the syrup with a measuring cap. Children's dosage is considered to be 5 ml, that is, the liquid is drawn up to the bottom mark on the cap (“5 ml”), after which it is given to a small patient to drink.

The duration of taking "Stodal" should be determined by the doctor, because it is enough for one child to take this remedy for only a few days, while the other requires longer therapy.

If the patient has been receiving syrup for several days, and his condition does not improve, or, on the contrary, it has become worse, a doctor's examination is required.


Until now, there have been no cases when a child took an excessive amount of syrup, and this led to vomiting, abdominal pain or other negative symptoms. If such a situation occurs, you should give the baby a sorbent and monitor his condition. If you feel unwell, a doctor's examination is recommended.

Interaction with other drugs

About the incompatibility of "Stodal" as with others homeopathic remedies, so with medicines from different groups manufacturer does not mention. It is permissible to prescribe it in combination with other medicines, for example, together with antipyretics, if the child has a fever in addition to coughing.

Terms of sale

"Stodal" refers to non-prescription drugs, so it is sold in pharmacies to anyone. However, the purchase of such a drug for a child is recommended only after a medical consultation. The price of one bottle of syrup varies from 250 to 320 rubles.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of "Stodal" is 5 years, and the optimal storage temperature of the drug is the range of 10-25 degrees. The bottle should be placed in a place hidden from small children, where it will not be affected by high humidity or sunlight.

If the expiration date marked on the bottle has passed, the medication should be discarded.

Probably, every person at least once in his life faced such a reaction of the body as a cough. This phenomenon can cause discomfort, insomnia and excessive irritability in everyday life. Most often, coughing occurs with the development of colds. As the disease progresses, the cough changes from dry to wet. In this article, we will consider one of the most effective cough medicines - Stodal. Anyone who suffers from a cough and wants to start treatment with this drug should read the reviews, rules of use, indications, composition and analogues. Therefore, carefully read the article before going to the pharmacy and buying syrup.

A few words about the composition and form of release

This drug is a very effective homeopathic preparation, which has a huge list of useful active ingredients. So, the Stodal syrup, reviews of which are mostly positive, consists of drozera, pulsatilla, coccus, cacti, antimonium tartaricum. In addition, auxiliary components such as ethanol, sucrose, caramel flavor, Tolu syrup and benzoic acid can be found in the composition.

As mentioned above, the Stodal cough medicine, reviews of which you can read on this resource, is available in the form of a syrup, which allows you to use this remedy for both adults and kids of any age.

It is worth noting that the syrup has a very pleasant taste and aroma, so taking it is a pleasure. The liquid itself is clear, with a slight yellow-brown tint. The syrup is packaged in bottles made of brownish glass. The capacity of each bottle of syrup is two hundred milliliters. The drug is placed in a cardboard box, which includes instructions for use.


Many people wonder why Stodal syrup is so effective. Reviews of experts assure that the tool has on human body such a beneficial effect is due to the plant components included in the composition - their action allows you to overcome any kind of cough in a fairly short time period. Patients confirm that the remedy is really very effective and safe.

At correct reception of this drug, a dry cough quickly turns into a wet one. The sputum softens and it is easier and easier to leave the body, thanks to which the airways are cleared. The normal functioning of the respiratory organs is restored. In addition, the active ingredients relieve spasms, which reduces a person's desire to start coughing. It also prevents symptoms such as headache, sneezing and some others.

In what cases can you apply

In fact, the drug "Stodal", reviews of which are striking in their quantity, is intended to treat absolutely any kind of cough. The tool can be used by both adults and children of absolutely any age. The drug will perfectly cope with both wet and dry coughs, and will lead to a complete recovery, subject to proper and regular use.

Are there any contraindications

The drug "Stodal" for cough, reviews of which are mostly positive, has some contraindications for use - just like any other medicines. Therefore, take your health with all responsibility: take the medicine only when you are sure of the correct reaction of your body.

So, in no case do not use the syrup if you have a hypersensitivity to any of the components that make up the medicine. In addition, the tool is prohibited for use in the presence of some hereditary forms fructosuria, as well as galactose-glucose malabsorption. Please note that such diseases can only be diagnosed qualified specialist, therefore, in no case do not self-medicate. Be sure to contact the hospital to determine the most appropriate medications.

About side effects

Judging by the instructions for use, there is no danger to the body during treatment with Stodal cough syrup. Reviews of patients and doctors confirm that the remedy practically does not lead to the development of adverse events. Only in some cases, patients complained of an allergic rash. In case of an overdose, abdominal pain and nausea may occur, but this condition is extremely rare with the use of this drug.

Instructions for use for adults

The drug "Stodal" (instructions for use and reviews are described in detail in this article) is very important to take in the right dosage. The best option is to take 15 mg. active substance once every eight hours. However, in case of urgent need, the number of medications can be increased up to five times a day. Usually, doctors recommend using this drug for one to two weeks. Please note: if after the first week the drug did not affect the body positive effect, which means that it should be canceled and another method of treatment should be chosen. Otherwise, treatment can be continued.

Usually cough syrup "Stodal", reviews of which you can read at the end of the article, is prescribed as an auxiliary method of treatment colds. However, there are exceptions.

"Stodal": instructions for use for children

Reviews of experts confirm that this syrup is suitable for any age categories. Doctors prescribe this remedy even to newborn children. The drug will be effective even if the treatment is carried out with one drug.

Of course, most often such a remedy is prescribed by pediatricians to children who have reached the age of two, but it can also be used to treat infants. In this case, the dosage should be as low as possible.

So, according to the reviews of doctors, children from two to fourteen years old are recommended to take five milliliters of funds every six to eight hours. If there is an urgent need, then the frequency of application can be slightly increased. For adolescents, the same dosage is suitable as for the adult category of patients - it is fifteen milliliters.

But for the smallest patients under the age of one year, doctors recommend giving half a teaspoon of syrup twice a day. For one-year-old children, the dosage can be increased to one teaspoon at a time.

Use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation

This drug can be used by pregnant and lactating women, while observing special care. In no case should the remedy be prescribed to yourself. You can buy medicine only after the recommendation of an experienced specialist. "Stodal" during pregnancy (1 trimester) reviews do not recommend using, as the product contains ethanol, and this can adversely affect the health and general well-being of the unborn baby. However, even in the later stages of pregnancy, syrup should be taken carefully, since its use can lead to the development of allergic reactions.

If the remedy was prescribed to a pregnant woman, then when taking it, you should strictly follow the instructions of a specialist. The dosage in this case will be selected by the attending physician individually, depending on the state of women's health.

Can the medicine harm the unborn baby

Many women are interested in the question of whether this drug can be used during pregnancy. According to experts, Stodal syrup does not affect the fetus in the womb, but only if the woman followed the correct dosage and was treated, following all the doctor's instructions. However, it is worth considering the fact that many children at birth may have an allergic reaction to certain drugs. The main reason for this is overuse certain substances by the expectant mother. Therefore, some plant components that are part of the syrup can lead to allergic reactions in a newborn baby. However, if the expectant mother was treated correctly and followed the dosages prescribed by the doctor, then this will not lead to problems in the future.

Important Notes

"Stodal" is a cough syrup for children, reviews of which are mostly positive, it is very important to take it correctly. Only in this case, you can count on positive results. If within a few days of using this syrup you have not noticed even the slightest positive changes, be sure to tell the specialist about it - you may have to adjust the course of treatment.

Please note that the product contains ethanol, so people suffering from alcoholism, as well as those with liver disease, should take Stodal very carefully. Also, the drug is not recommended for those patients who suffer from frequent epileptic seizures.

The drug does not affect driving and driving serious mechanisms, despite the fact that one of the components of the drug is alcohol.

Are there analogues

The drug "Stodal" (instructions, reviews for children can be read in this article) has a large number of analogues that have the same effect on the human body. However, buying them on your own, without the recommendation of a specialist, is definitely not worth it. It should be understood that self-treatment can lead to undesirable and extremely unpleasant consequences. Always remember this!

So, let's look at the most popular medicines that are most often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of cough. This should include syrups "Doctor MOM" and "Barberry Comp". No less effective are such drugs as "Linkas", "Pektusin", "Mualtin", "Terpinkod" and many others.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug "Stodal", instructions and reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, does not interact with other drugs. Therefore, it can be used in complex therapy with other drugs, without fear that their interaction will lead to the development of side effects.

Syrup "Stodal" for children: reviews

Every parent worries about the health of their baby and tries to do everything possible to ensure that the child is healthy. No baby is immune from the development of such an unpleasant symptom as a cough. Very often, doctors prescribe Stodal syrup for its treatment, as they are confident in the safety and effectiveness of this drug. The drug can be used to treat the smallest patients, which is its undoubted advantage. The drug rarely causes allergic reactions and other side effects, as it has a natural herbal composition.

The syrup is delicious so you don't have to force your baby to take it. Usually children do it with great pleasure, because the liquid has a very pleasant taste of caramel. However, it is important to adhere to the dosage prescribed by the pediatrician. Only in this case, the remedy will be effective and safe. It is best to use Stodal syrup as a drug adjuvant therapy. In this case, the effect of treatment will come much faster.

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