Indications oncomarcker sa 125 ovarian cancer. Oncomarkers: concept, types, role in diagnostics, analyzes and interpretation

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Characteristics of various oncomarcresses and decoding results of analyzes

Consider diagnostic significance, specificity to the neoplasms of various bodies and indications for the definition oncomarcersused in clinical practice.

Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)

This oncomarker is quantitative, that is, it is normal in a small concentration present in the child's blood and an adult person of any gender, but its level increases sharply in neoplasms, as well as in women during pregnancy. Therefore, the determination of the level of AFP is used within laboratory diagnostics To identify oncological diseases among representatives of both sexes, as well as in pregnant women to determine deviations in the development of the fetus.

The level of AFP in blood is increased with malignant testicular tumors in men, ovaries in women and liver among representatives of both sexes. Also, the concentration of AFP is raised during metastases in the liver. Respectively, indications for the definition of AFP are the following states:

  • Suspicion of primary cancer liver or metastases in the liver (to distinguish between metastases from primary liver cancer, it is recommended to determine the level of REC in the blood simultaneously with AFP);
  • Suspicion of malignant neoplasms in the testicles of men or the ovaries of women (recommended to increase accuracy diagnostics in a complex with AFP to determine the level of hCG);
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of conductive therapy of the hepatocellular carcinoma of the liver and tumors of testicular eggs or ovaries (the simultaneous definition of EFP and HCG levels are carried out);
  • Tracking the state of people suffering from cirrhosis, with the aim of early detection of liver cancer;
  • Monitoring the state of people who have a high risk of developing tumors of the genital organs (in the presence of cryptorchism, benign tumors or ovarian cysts, etc.) with the aim of their early detection.
The following AFP values \u200b\u200bfor children and adults are considered normal (not elevated).

1. Male children:

  • 1 - 30 days of life - less than 16,400 ng / ml;
  • 1 month - 1 year - less than 28 ng / ml;
  • 2 - 3 years - less than 7.9 ng / ml;
  • 4 - 6 years - less than 5.6 ng / ml;
  • 7 - 12 years - less than 3.7 ng / ml;
  • 13 - 18 years - less than 3.9 ng / ml.
2. Female children:
  • 1 - 30 days of life - less than 19,000 ng / ml;
  • 1 month - 1 year - less than 77 ng / ml;
  • 2 - 3 years - less than 11 ng / ml;
  • 4 - 6 years - less than 4.2 ng / ml;
  • 7 - 12 years - less than 5.6 ng / ml;
  • 13 - 18 years less than 4.2 ng / ml.
3. Adults older than 18 years - less than 7.0 ng / ml.

The above values \u200b\u200bof the level of AFP in serum are characteristic of a person in the absence of oncological diseases. If the RFP level increases more than the age norm, this may indicate the presence of the following oncological diseases:

  • Hepatocellular carcinoma;
  • Metastases in the liver;
  • Germinogenic testicular tumors or testicles;
  • Tumors of the large intestine;
  • Pancreatic tumors;
  • Lung tumors.
Moreover, the level of AFP is higher than the age norm may also be detected at the following neonqualistic diseases:
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Blockage of biliary tract;
  • Alcohol liver damage;
  • Teleangectation syndrome;
  • Hereditary tyrosinemia.

Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

As well as AFP, HCG is a quantitative oncomarker, the level of which is significantly increased in malignant neoplasms compared with the concentration observed in the absence of an oncological disease. but elevated level Chorionic gonadotropin can also be the norm - it is characteristic of pregnancy. But in all other periods of life in both men and women, the concentration of this substance remains low, and its increase indicates the presence of a focus of tumor growth.

The level of hCG increases with the carcinomas of the ovary and testicles, the chorionenoma, bubble drift and heroes. Therefore, in practical medicine, determining the concentration of hCG in the blood it is performed at the following states:

  • Suspicion of bubble drift in a pregnant woman;
  • Neoplasms in a small pelvis identified during the ultrasound (the HCG level is determined for the exceptions of a benign tumor from malignant);
  • The presence of a long-term incessant after abortion or generation of bleeding (the level of hCG is determined to identify or eliminate chorioncarcinoma);
  • Neof-formations in the testicles of men (the level of hCG is determined to identify or eliminate germinogenic tumors).
The following values \u200b\u200bof hCG for men and women are considered normal (not elevated).

1. Men: less than 2 me / ml at any age.

2. Women:

  • Non-empty women of reproductive age (before the onset of menopause) - less than 1 me / ml;
  • Unable women in postmenopausal - up to 7.0 me / ml.
Increasing the level of hCG above the age and sex rate is a sign of the presence of the following tumors:
  • Bubble drift or recurrence of bubble drift;
  • Chorioncarcinoma or its relapse;
  • Seminoman;
  • Theratoma of the ovary;
  • Tumors organs digestive tract;
  • Lung tumors;
  • Kidney tumors;
  • Tumors of the uterus.
Moreover, the level of hCG can be elevated in the following states and non-unification diseases:
  • Pregnancy;
  • For less than a week ago, pregnancy was interrupted (miscarriage, abortion, etc.);
  • Reception of drugs hCG.

Beta-2 microoglobulin

The level of beta-2 microglobulin is rising at B-cell lymphoma, non-hydrodic lymphoma and multiple myeloma, and therefore the definition of its concentration is used to predict the course of the disease in oncohematology. Respectively, in practical medicine, determining the level of beta-2 Microbulin is made in the following cases:

  • Prediction of the flow and assessment of the effectiveness of the treatment of myeloma, in lymphoma, non-Hodgkinsky lymphoma, chronic lympholecosis;
  • Forecasting the course and assessment of the effectiveness of therapy during the cancer of the stomach and intestines (in combination with other oncomarcresses);
  • Assessment of the condition and effectiveness of treatment in patients suffering from HIV / AIDS or undergoing organ transplantation.
Normal (not elevated) The level of beta-2 microglobulin for men and women of all age categories 0.8 - 2.2 mg / l. The increase in beta-2 microglobulin is observed in the following oncological and neonocheological diseases:
  • Multiple myeloma;
  • B-cell lymphoma;
  • Valdenstrem's disease;
  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma;
  • Hodgkin's disease;
  • HIV / AIDS has a person;
  • System autoimmune diseases (SHEGREEN syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic red lupus);
  • Hepatitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
In addition, it should be remembered that the reception of vancomycin, cyclosporine, amphotericin B, cisplastine and antibiotics -aminoglycosides (Levomycetin et al.) Also leads to an increase in the level of beta-2 microglobulin in the blood.

Antigen of flat-bell carcinoma (SCC)

It is an oncomarker of flat-stacked cancer of various localization. The level of this oncomarcker is determined to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and detecting of flat-stacked cervical cancer, nasopharynx, ear and lungs. In the absence of oncological diseases, the concentration of the antigen of the flat-cell carcinoma can also be increased in renal failure, bronchial asthma or liver pathology and biliary tract.

Accordingly, the definition of the level of the antigen of the plane carcinoma in practical medicine is carried out for the effectiveness of the treatment of cervical cancer, lungs, esophagus, regions of the head and neck, organs of the urogenital system, as well as their recurrences and metastases.

Normal (not increased) For people of any age and gender, the concentration of the antigen of the plane carcinoma in the blood is considered to be less than 1.5 ng / ml. The level of the monacker above the norm is characteristic of the following oncological pathologies:

  • Cervical cancer;
  • Lungs' cancer;
  • Head and neck cancer;
  • Esophageal carcinoma;
  • Endometrial cancer;
  • Ovarian cancer;
  • Vulva cancer;
  • Cancer Vagina.
Also, the concentration of the antigen of the planellular cancer can be elevated at the following neonqualistic diseases:
  • Inflammatory liver diseases and biliary tract;
  • Renal failure;

Neurospecific ENOLASE (NSE, NSA)

This substance is formed in cells of neuroendocrine origin, and therefore its concentration can increase in various diseases nervous system, including tumors, traumatic and ischemic brain damage, etc.

In particular, high level Nse is characteristic of lung and bronchial cancer, neuroblastoma and leukemia. A moderate increase in the concentration of NSA is characteristic of non-unification diseases of the lungs. Therefore, the determination of the level of this oncomarcker is most often used to assess the effectiveness of lung carcinoma therapy.

Currently determining the level of NSS in practical medicine is carried out in the following cases:

  • To distinguish small-cell and non-cellular lung cancer;
  • To predict the flow, control the effectiveness of therapy and the early detection of relapse or metastases with small-cell lung cancer;
  • If suspected the presence of carcinoma of the thyroid gland, pheochromocytomes, intestinal tumors and pancreas;
  • Suspicion of neuroblast in children;
  • As an additional diagnostic marker, seminine (in combination with hCG).
Normal (not increased) It is the concentration of NSA in the blood less than 16.3 ng / ml for people of any age and gender.

Increased NSE levels are observed at the following oncological diseases:

  • Neuroblastoma;
  • Retinoblastoma;
  • Small flower lung cancer;
  • Medullar Cancer thyroid gland;
  • Feochromocytoma;
  • Glucagon;
  • Semin.
Moreover, nSA level rises more norm With the following neonocheological diseases and conditions:
  • Renal or liver failure;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Chronic diseases of light neucholar nature;
  • Hemolytic disease;
  • Damage to the nervous system of traumatic or ischemic origin (for example, brain injuries, brain circulation disorders, strokes, etc.);
  • Larovoye (dementia).

Oncomarker Cyfra CA 21-1 (fragment of cytokeratina 19)

It is a marker of flat-stacked cancer of various localization - light, bladder, cervix. Determination of the concentration of the concentration of CYFRA CA 21-1 in practical medicine is carried out in the following cases:

  • For excellent malignant tumors from other volume formations in the lungs;
  • To control the effectiveness of therapy and identify the recurrences of lung cancer;
  • To monitor the flow of bladder cancer.
This oncomarker is not applied to the primary detection of lung cancer in people who have a high risk of developing new formation of this localization, for example, in avid smokers, in suffering tuberculosis, etc.

Normal (not increased) The concentration of CYFRA CA 21-1 in the blood in the blood of people of any age and gender is no more than 3.3 ng / ml. The elevated level of this oncomarcker is noted under the following diseases:

1. Malignant tumors:

  • Non-small cell carcinoma of the lungs;
  • Lungs flat carcinoma;
  • Muscular invasive carcinoma of the bladder.
  • Chronic lung diseases (COPD, tuberculosis, etc.);
  • Renal failure;
  • Liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.);
  • Smoking.

Oncomarker HE4.

It is a specific marker of ovarian cancer and endometrial. Ne4 has greater sensitivity regarding ovarian cancer in comparison with CA 125, especially on early stages. In addition, the non-4 concentration does not increase in endometriosis, inflammatory gynecological diseases, as well as benign tumors of the female sexual sphere, as a result of which this oncomarker is highly specific precisely for cancer of the ovarian and endometrial. By virtue of such features, non4 is an important and accurate marker of ovarian cancer, which allows you to reveal a tumor in the early stages in 90% of cases.

Determination of non4 concentration in practical medicine is carried out in the following cases:

  • For the excellent cancer from neonocological nature neoplasms, localized in a small pelvis;
  • Early screening primary diagnostics of ovarian cancer (definition ne4 is produced against the background of a normal or elevated level of Ca 125);
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of therapy epithelial cancer of the ovarian;
  • Early detection of recurrences and metastases of ovarian cancer;
  • Identification of breast cancer;
  • Detection of endometrial cancer.
Normal (not elevated) The following non4 concentrations in the blood in women of different ages are:
  • Women under 40 years old - less than 60.5 pmol / l;
  • Women 40 - 49 years old - less than 76.2 pmol / l;
  • Women 50 - 59 years old - less than 74.3 pmol / l;
  • Women 60 - 69 years old - less than 82.9 pmol / l;
  • Women over 70 years old - less than 104 pmol / l.
Raising non4 levels greater than the age norm develops With endometrial cancer and non-immucoous forms of ovarian cancer.

Given the high specificity and sensitivity of Ne4, the identification of an increased concentration of this marker in the blood in almost 100% of cases indicates the availability of cancer of ovarian or endometriosis in a woman. Therefore, if the concentration of non-4 is increased, then the treatment of an oncological disease should begin as soon as possible.

S-100 protein

This oncomarker is specific for melanoma. And, in addition, the level of S-100 protein in the blood increases with damage to the structures of the brain of any origin. Respectively, determination of the concentration of S-100 protein in practical medicine is carried out in the following cases:

  • Control effectiveness of therapy, identification of recurrences and melanoma metastases;
  • Refinement of the depth of damage to brain tissues on the background various diseases CNS.
Normal (not elevated) The content of S-100 protein in the blood plasma is a concentration of less than 0.105 μg / l.

The increase in the level of this protein is noted under the following diseases:

1. Oncological pathology:

  • Malignant skin melanoma.
2. Neonquacy diseases:
  • Damage to the tissues of the brain of any origin (traumatic, ischemic, after bleeding, strokes, etc.);
  • Inflammatory diseases of any organs;
  • Intensive physical exertion.

Oncomarker sa 72-4

Oncomarker CA 72-4 is also called a stomach oncomarker, since it is precisely the most specific and sensitivity to the malignant tumors of this organ. In general, the monacker Ca 72-4 is characteristic of cancer of the stomach, large intestines, lungs, ovaries, endometrial, pancreas and mammary glands.

The determination of the concentration of the ONCARCERCER CA 72-4 in practical medicine is carried out in the following cases:

  • For early primary detection of ovarian cancer (in combination with the sa 125 marker) and a stomach cancer (in combination with REC and CA markers 19-9);
  • Control of the effectiveness of therapy with a stomach cancer (in combination with REC and CA markers 19-9), ovaries (in combination with the sa 125 marker) and a thick and rectum cancer.
Normal (not increased) It is the concentration of Ca 72-4 less than 6.9 units / ml.

Increased concentration of ONCARCERCER CA 72-4 is detected at the following tumors and neonocheological diseases:

1. Oncological pathology:

  • Stomach cancer;
  • Ovarian cancer;
  • Cancer thick and rectum;
  • Lungs' cancer;
  • Breast cancer;
  • Pancreas cancer.
2. Neonquacy diseases:
  • Endometrioid tumors;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Benign tumors of the digestive tract organs;
  • Lung diseases;
  • Ovarian diseases;
  • Rheumatic diseases (heart defects, joint rheumatism, etc.);
  • Breast diseases.

Oncomarker sa 242.

Oncomarker CA 242 is also called an ONKOMARCERCCC, since it is specific to malignant tumors of the digestive tract organs. Increasing the level of this marker is detected with pancreatic cancer, stomach, thick and rectum. For the maximum accurate detection of malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, the ONCARKERAC CA 242 is recommended to be combined with sa19-9 markers (for pancreatic cancer and colon) and CA 50 (for colon cancer).

Determination of the concentration of ONCARCERCER CA 242 in practical medicine is carried out in the following cases:

  • In the presence of suspicion of pancreatic cancer, stomach, thick or rectum (CA 242 is determined in combination with Ca 19-9 and Ca 50);
  • To assess the effectiveness of the therapy of pancreatic cancer, stomach, thick and rectum;
  • For the forecast and early detection of recurrences and metastases of pancreatic cancer, stomach, colon and rectum.
Normal (not increased) Ca 242 concentration of less than 29 units / ml is considered.

The increase in Ca 242 is observed in the following oncological and neonqualistic pathologies:

1. Oncological pathology:

  • Pancreatic tumor;
  • Stomach cancer;
  • Cancer thick or rectum.
2. Neonquacy diseases:
  • Diseases of the rectum, stomach, liver, pancreas and biliary tract.

Oncomarker sa 15-3.

Oncomarker Ca 15-3 is also called a breast marker, since it has the greatest specificity for cancer of this particular body. Unfortunately, CA 15-3 is specific not only for breast cancer, so its definition is not recommended for early detection of asymptomatic malignant breast tumors in women. But for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of breast cancer therapy, Ca 15-3 is well suited, especially in combination with other oncomarcresses (REA).
The definition of CA 15-3 in practical medicine is carried out in the following cases:

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of breast carcinoma therapy;
  • Early detection of relapses and metastases after the treatment of breast carcinoma;
  • To distinguish between breast cancer and mastopathy.
Normal (not increased) The value of the monomarker Ca 15-3 in the blood plasma is less than 25 units / ml.

The increase in SA 15-3 is detected at the following oncological and neonqualistic pathologies:

1. Oncological diseases:

  • Breast carcinoma;
  • Carcinoma bronchi;
  • Stomach cancer;
  • Liver cancer;
  • Pancreas cancer;
  • Ovarian cancer (only in late stages);
  • Endometrial cancer (only in later stages);
  • Uterine cancer (only in the later stages).
2. Neonquacy diseases:
  • Benign diseases of the dairy glands (mastopathy, etc.);
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Acute or chronic hepatitis;
  • Autoimmune diseases of the pancreas, thyroid gland and other endocrine organs;
  • Third trimester of pregnancy.

Oncomarker sa 50.

Oncomarker CA 50 is also called a pancreatic oncomarker, since it is most informative and specific precisely for malignant tumors of this body. The maximum accuracy in identifying the pancreatic cancer is achieved while simultaneously determining the concentrations of monomarkers Ca 50 and Ca 19-9.

The definition of CA 50 concentration in practical medicine is carried out in the following cases:

  • Suspicion of pancreatic cancer (including on the background of the normal level Ca 19-9);
  • Suspicion of thick or rectum cancer;
  • Control of therapy efficiency and previously detection of metastases or recurrence of pancreatic cancer.
Normal (not increased) It is the concentration of Ca 50 less than 25 units / ml in the blood.

The increase in CA 50 is observed in the following oncological and neonqualistic pathologies:

1. Oncological diseases:

  • Pancreas cancer;
  • Straight or colon cancer;
  • Stomach cancer;
  • Ovarian cancer;
  • Lungs' cancer;
  • Mammary cancer;
  • Prostate cancer;
  • Liver cancer.
2. Neonquacy diseases:
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Ulcery disease of the stomach or duodenum.

Oncomarker Ca 19-9

Oncomarker Ca 19-9 is also called a pancreatic and gallbladder oncomarcarker. However, in practice, this marker is one of the most sensitive and cancer-specific cancer of not all organs of the digestive tract, but only the pancreas. That is why CA 19-9 is a marker for screening surveys in suspected pancreatic cancer. But, unfortunately, about 15- 20% of people, Ca 19-9 remains normal against the background of the active growth of the malignant pancreatic tumor, which is due to the lack of Lewis antigen, as a result of which CA 19-9 is not produced in large quantities. Therefore, for complex and high-precision early diagnosis The pancreatic cancer is used by the definition of two oncomarkers - CA 19-9 and CA 50. After all, if a person does not have an antigen of Lewis and the level of Ca 19-9 does not increase, the CA 50 concentration increases, which allows to identify the pancreatic cancer.

In addition to the pancreatic cancer, the concentration of the monomarker Ca 19-9 increases with the stomach cancer, rectum, biliary tract and liver.

therefore in practical medicine, the definition of the level of the monomarker CA 19-9 is made in the following cases:

  • The distinguishing of pancreatic cancer from other diseases of this organ (in combination with the sa 50 marker);
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment, monitoring the course, early detection of relapses and metastases of pancreas carcinoma;
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment, monitoring the course, early detection of recurrences and metastases of the stomach cancer (in combination with the REA and CA 72-4 marker);
  • Suspicion of cancer direct or colon (in combination with the REA marker);
  • To identify mudsic forms of ovarian cancer in combination with the definition of markers of Ca 125, non4.
Normal (not increased) The concentration of Ca 19-9 in the blood is less than 34 units / ml.

Increasing the concentration of oncomarcker CA 19-9 is noted with the following oncological and neonocheological pathologies:

1. Oncological diseases (the level of CA 19-9 increases significantly):

  • Pancreas cancer;
  • Gallbladder cancer or biliary tract;
  • Liver cancer;
  • Stomach cancer;
  • Straight or colon cancer;
  • Mammary cancer;
  • Uterine cancer;
  • Music ovarian cancer.
2. Neonquacy diseases:
  • Hepatitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • System red lupus;

Oncomarker sa 125.

Oncomarker Ca 125 is also called the ovarian marker, since the definition of its concentration is of the greatest value to identify the tumors of this particular organ. In general, this oncomarker is produced by the epithelium of the ovaries, the pancreas, the gallbladder, the stomach, bronchi and intestines, as a result of which the increase in its concentration may indicate the presence of a focus of tumor growth in any of these organs. Accordingly, such a wide spectrum of tumors, in which the level of the monacler Ca 125 can increase, determines its low specificity and small practical significance. therefore in practical medicine, determining the level of CA 125 is recommended to be carried out in the following cases:

  • As a screening test to identify breast cancer for women in postmenopausal and for women of any age, having blood relatives suffering from breast cancer or ovarian cancer;
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy, previously identifying relapses and metastases during ovarian cancer;
  • Identification of the pancreatic adenocarcinoma (in combination with the monomarker Ca 19-9);
  • Control of the effectiveness of therapy and detection of endometriosis recurrences.
Normal (not increased) It is the concentration of Ca 125 in the blood of less than 25 units / ml.

The increase in SA 125 is observed in the following oncological and neonqualistic pathologies:

1. Oncological diseases:

  • Epithelial forms of ovarian cancer;
  • Uterine cancer;
  • Endometrial cancer;
  • Mammary cancer;
  • Pancreas cancer;
  • Stomach cancer;
  • Liver cancer;
  • Rectal cancer;
  • Lungs' cancer.
2. Neonquacy diseases:
  • Benign tumors and inflammatory diseases of the uterus, ovaries and phallopy pipes;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Third trimester of pregnancy;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Pancreatic diseases;
  • Autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, sclerodermia, systemic red lupus, thyroiditelite Hasimoto et al.).

Prostate-specific antigen overall and free (PSA)

The overall prostate-specific antigen is a substance produced by prostate cells, which circulates in systemic bloodstain in two forms - free and associated plasma proteins. In clinical practice, the total content of the PSA (free + associated with proteins) and the level free PSA.

The total content of the PSA is a marker of any pathological processes in the prostate gland of men, such as inflammation, injuries, states after medical manipulations (for example, massage), malignant and benign tumors etc. The level of free PSA is reduced only with malignant prostate tumors, as a result of which this indicator in combination with common PSA is used for early detection and control over the effectiveness of prostate cancer therapy in men.

Thus, the definition of a general level of PSA and free PSA in practical medicine is used for early detection of prostate cancer, as well as control over the effectiveness of therapy and the emergence of recurrences or metastases after the treatment of prostate cancer. Respectively, in practical medicine, the definition of levels of free and general PSA is shown in the following cases:

  • Early diagnosis of prostate cancer;
  • Risk assessment of the presence of prostate cancer metastases;
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of prostate cancer therapy;
  • Detection of recurrences or metastases of prostate cancer after treatment.
Normal is considered The concentration of common PSA in the blood within the following values \u200b\u200bfor men of different ages:
  • Under 40 years old - less than 1.4 ng / ml;
  • 40 - 49 years - less than 2 ng / ml;
  • 50 - 59 years - less than 3.1 ng / ml;
  • 60 - 69 years - less than 4.1 ng / ml;
  • Older 70 years - less than 4.4 ng / ml.
Increasing the concentration of common PSA is observed With prostate cancer, as well as prostatitis, prostate infarction, prostate hyperplasia and after irritation of the gland (for example, after massage or examination through the rear pass).

The level of free PSA independent diagnostic value does not have, since it is important to identify prostate cancer its number as percentage of total PSA. Therefore, free PSA is additionally determined only when the level of total is more than 4 ng / ml in a man of any age and, accordingly, there is a high probability of prostate cancer. In this case, the amount of free PSA determine and calculate its ratio with the total PSA in percentage of the formula:

Free PSA / general PSA * 100%

Prostatic acidic phosphatase (RAR)

An acidic phosphatase is an enzyme, which is produced in most organs, but the highest concentration of this substance is available in the prostate gland. Also, the high content of acid phosphatase is characteristic of liver, spleen, red blood cells, platelets and bone marrow. Part of the enzyme from the organs goes into the blood and circulates in systemic blood flow. And in the total total amount of acid phosphatase in the blood most of Presented by fraction from prostate. That is why acid phosphatase is an oncomarker for prostate.

In practical medicine, the concentration of acid phosphatase is used Only to control the effectiveness of the therapy, since with successful tumor cure, its level is reduced almost to zero. For early diagnosis of prostate cancer, the determination of the level of acid phosphatase does not apply, since for this purpose, the monacarker has too low sensitivity - no more than 40%. And this means that with the help of acid phosphatase, it is possible to identify only 40% of prostate cancer.

Normal (not increased) It is the concentration of prostatic acid phosphatase less than 3.5 ng / ml.

The increase in the level of prostatic acid phosphatase is observed in the following oncological and neonocheological pathologies:

  • Prostate cancer;
  • Prostate infarction;
  • Acute or chronic prostatitis;
  • Period within 3 - 4 days after prostate irritation during surgical interventions, rectal examination, biopsy, massage or ultrasound;
  • Chronic hepatitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.

Cancer-Embryonic Antigen (REA, SEA)

This oncomarker is produced by carcinomas of various localization - that is, tumors originating from epithelial tissue any organ. Accordingly, the REA level can be increased in the presence of carcinoma in almost any organ. Nevertheless, the most specific REA with respect to carcinoma of the straight and colon, stomach, lung, liver, pancreas and breasts. Also, the level of REA can be elevated in smokers and in people suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases or benign tumors.

Due to the low specificity of the REA, this oncomarker in clinical practice is not applied to early detection of cancer, but is used to assess the effectiveness of therapy and recurrence control, since its level at the death of the tumor is dramatically reduced compared with the values \u200b\u200bthat took place before the start of treatment.

In addition, in some cases, the determination of the concentration of REA is used to detect cancer, but only in combination with other oncomarcresses (with AFP to identify liver cancer, with Ca 125 and Ca 72-4 - ovarian cancer, with Ca 19-9 and Ca 72- 4 - stomach cancer, with Ca 15-3 - breast cancer, with Ca 19-9 - straight or colon). In such situations, the REA is not the main, but an additional oncomarker that allows you to increase the sensitivity and specificity of the main one.

Respectively, the definition of the concentration of REC in clinical practice is shown in the following cases:

  • To control the effectiveness of therapy and identification of intestase cancer metastases, mammary glands, lungs, liver, pancreas and stomach;
  • To identify in the presence of suspicion of intestinal cancer (with marker Ca 19-9), the breast (with a marker of Ca 15-3), liver (with a marker of AFP), a stomach (with markers of Ca 19-9 and Ca 72-4), pancreas (with markers CA 242, CA 50 and CA 19-9) and lungs (with NSA markers, AFP, SCC, CYFRA CA 21-1).
Normal (not elevated) The values \u200b\u200bof the concentration of the REA are the following:
  • Smoking people aged 20 - 69 years - less than 5.5 ng / ml;
  • Non-smoking people aged 20 - 69 years - less than 3.8 ng / ml.
The increase in the level of the REA is noted with the following oncological and neonqualistic diseases:

1. Oncological diseases:

  • Straight and colon cancer;
  • Mammary cancer;
  • Lungs' cancer;
  • Thyroid cancer, pancreas, liver, ovarian and prostate (the increased value of the REA has diagnostic significance only if the levels and other markers of these tumors are elevated).
2. Neonquacy diseases:
  • Hepatitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Ulcerative colitis ;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Prostate hyperplasia;
  • Lung diseases;
  • Chronic renal failure.

Tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA)

This oncomarker is produced by carcinomas - tumors originating from the epithelium cells of any organ. However, the most specific TPA in relation to the carcinoma of the breast, prostate, ovaries, stomach and intestines. Respectively, in clinical practice, the determination of the level of TPA is shown in the following cases:

  • Identification and control over the effectiveness of therapy of the bladder carcinoma (in combination with TPA);
  • Identification and control over the effectiveness of breast cancer therapy (in combination with REC, CA 15-3);
  • Identification and control over the effectiveness of lung cancer therapy (in combination with NSA markers, AFP, SCC, CYFRA CA 21-1);
  • Detection and control over the effectiveness of cervical cancer therapy (in combination with SCC markers, Cyfra CA 21-1).
Normal (not elevated) The level of TPA in serum is less than 75 units.

The increase in the level of TPA is observed in the following oncological diseases:

  • Bladder carcinoma;
  • Mammary cancer;
  • Lungs' cancer.
Since the TPA increases only in cancer, this oncomarker has a very high specificity regarding precisely tumors. That is, the increase in its level has a very important diagnostic value, unambiguously indicating the presence of a focus of tumor growth in the body, since an increase in the concentration of TPA does not happen in neonqualistic diseases.

TUMOR-M2-Piruvatakenase (PC-M2)

This oncomarker is highly specific to malignant tumors, but does not have organic specificity. This means that the appearance of this marker in the blood unequivocally indicates the presence of a focus of tumor growth in the body, but, unfortunately, does not give representations, which body is amazed.

The definition of the concentration of PC-M2 in clinical practice is shown in the following cases:

  • To clarify the presence of a tumor in combination with other organospecific oncomarkers (for example, if any other oncomarker is increased, but it is not clear, this is a consequence of the presence of a tumor or an neonocheological disease. In this case, the definition of PC-M2 will help to distinguish whether the concentration of another oncomarker is caused by a tumor or Neonactic disease. After all, if the PK-M2 level is increased, it clearly indicates the presence of a tumor, and, it means, it is necessary to examine the authorities in respect of which another oncomarker with high concentration is specified);
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy;
  • Control over the appearance of metastases or tumor relapse.
Normal (not increased) It is the concentration of PC-M2 in the blood of less than 15 units / ml.

Increased PK-M2 level in the blood is detected at the following tumors:

  • Cancer organs of the digestive tract (stomach, intestines, esophagus, pancreas, liver);
  • Mammary cancer;
  • Kidney cancer;
  • Lung cancer.

Chromograin A.

It is a sensitive and specific marker of neuroendocrine tumors. therefore in clinical practice, determining the level of chromographer A is shown in the following cases:

  • Identification of neuroendocrine tumors (insulin, gastrices, vipomas, glucagon, somatostatinomes, etc.) and control of the effectiveness of their therapy;
  • To assess the effectiveness of hormone therapy of prostate cancer.
Normal (not increased) The concentration of chromographer A is 27 - 94 ng / ml.

Enhance the concentration of oncomarker It is noted only with neuroendocrine tumors.

Combinations of monacarkers for diagnosing cancer of various organs

Consider the rational combinations of various oncomarckers, the concentrations of which are recommended to be determined for the most accurate and early detection of malignant tumors of different organs and systems. In this case, we give the main and additional oncomarcresses for cancer of each localization. To evaluate the results, it is necessary to know that the main oncomarker has the greatest specificity and sensitivity to the tumors of any organ, and the additional increases the informativeness of the main thing, but it does not have an independent value without it.

Accordingly, the elevated level and main, and additional oncomarkers means very high degree The probability of cancer of the observed organ. For example, on the purpose of detection of breast cancer was determined oncomarkers Ca 15-3 (main) and Raa with Ca 72-4 (optional), and the level of all turned out to be elevated. This means that the probability of the presence of breast cancer is more than 90%. For further confirmation of the diagnosis, breast surveys are required. instrumental methods.

The high level of the main and normal additional markers means that there is a high probability of cancer, but not necessarily in the surveyed body, since the tumor can grow in other tissues in respect of which an oncomarker has specificity. For example, if a breast cancer markers determining the markers of breast, the main CA 15-3 was elevated, and the REA and CA 72-4 is normal, this may indicate the high probability of the presence of a tumor, but not in the breast, but, for example, in the stomach, Since CA 15-3 can also increase with the stomach cancer. In such a situation, an additional inspection of those organs in which the focus of tumor growth can be suspected.

If the normal level of the main oncomarcker was revealed and increased secondary, this indicates a high probability of the presence of a tumor not in the surveyed body, but in other tissues, with respect to which additional markers are specific. For example, when determining the markers of breast cancer, the main CA 15-3 turned out to be within the normal range, and the secondary REC and CA 72-4 were increased. This means that there is a high probability of the presence of a tumor not in the mammary gland, but in the ovaries or in the stomach, since REA markers and Ca 72-4 are specific to these organs.

Oncomarcresters of the breast. Main markers - Ca 15-3 and TPA, additional - REA, PC-M2, NO4, CA 72-4 and beta-2 microoglobulin.

Oncomarcresses of ovaries. The main marker is CA 125, CA 19-9, additional non4, Ca 72-4, HCG.

Oncomarkers in the intestine. The main marker is Ca 242 and Raa, additional Ca 19-9, PC-M2 and Ca 72-4.

Oncomarkers of the uterus. For the body cancer, the main markers - CA 125 and Ca 72-4 and additional - REA, and for cervical cancer, the main markers - SCC, TPA and CA 125 and additional - REA and CA 19-9.

Oncomarkers stomach. The main - Ca 19-9, Ca 72-4, Raa, additional Ca 242, PC-M2.

Oncomarcresses of the pancreas. The main - Ca 19-9 and Ca 242, additional - Ca 72-4, PC-M2 and REA.

Oncomarkers liver. The main - AFP, additional (suitable for identifying metastases) - Ca 19-9, PC-M2 of the REC.

Oncomarkers of the lung. The main - ns (only for fine-cell cancer), Cyfra 21-1 and Raa (for non-cellular forms of cancer), additional - SCC, CA 72-4 and PC-M2.

Oncomarkers gallbladder and biliary tract. The main - Ca 19-9, additional - AFP.

Oncomarcresses of prostate. The main - PSA is general and percentage of free PSA, extra - acid phosphatase.

ONOMARKERS Eggs. Main - AFP, HCG, Additional - NSA.

Oncomarcresses of the bladder. Main - Raa.

Oncomarkers of the thyroid gland. Main - NSA, REA.

Oncomarcans of nasopharynses, ear or brain. Main - NSA and REA.

  • Sa 15-3 - breast marker;
  • Sa 125 - ovarian marker;
  • Raa - carcinoma marker of any localization;
  • Non4 - marker of ovaries and breasts;
  • SCC - cervical cancer marker;
  • Ca 19-9 - pancreas marker and gallbladder.

If an oncomarker is elevated

If the concentration of any oncomarker is increased, this does not mean that this person has 100% accuracy there is a malignant tumor. After all, specificity is not a single monacker reaches 100%, as a result of which the increase in their level may be observed with other, non-cancer diseases.

Therefore, if an increased level of any oncomarcker is revealed, it is necessary, after 3 to 4 weeks to pass the analysis again. And only if the concentration of the marker is in advance, it is necessary to begin an additional examination in order to determine whether the high level of an oncomarcker is connected with a malignant neoplasm or due to an neonqualistic disease. To do this, be examined by those organs, the presence of a tumor in which can lead to an increase in the level of the monacker. If the tumors are not detected, then after 3-6 months, it is necessary to pass the blood again to oncomarkers.

Analysis price

The cost of determining the concentration of various oncomarcresters is currently fluctuating from 200 to 2500 rubles. Prices for various oncomarkers are expedient to learn in specific laboratories, since each institution establishes its own prices for each test depending on the level of the complexity of the analysis, prices for reagents, etc.

Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

In the diagnosis of oncological pathology, a huge variety of examination methods are applied, ranging from inspection by a doctor and completing modern laboratory and instrumental methods. In oncology, as the industry of medicine, the golden rule is valid:

The earlier the oncological disease was diagnosed and treatment began, the more favorable forecast for the patient.

It is for this reason that there are active searches even minimal changes in the body that would indicate the presence of tumor cells. In this regard, excellent results were given specific biochemical studies, allowing to identify the presence of certain oncomarcresters, in particular - CA 125.

According to modern medical views, oncomarkers are a group of protein nature complexes that are direct products of the vital activity of tumor cells or standing out by normal cells during cancer invasion. These substances are found in biological fluids in both cancer and pathologies that are not related to oncology.

We recommend reading:

Remember! The identification of the bio-liquids (blood, urine) of the windowarkers (in particular - CA 125) is not a 100% criterion for the presence in the body of oncological pathology. It allows you to just suspect the possibility of the beginning of the disease and in the future, with the help of other tool and laboratory methods, confirm or refute the oncological diagnosis.

Based on the presence of one only oncomarckers, the diagnosis of cancer is dissolved.

What does sa 125 mean

Oncomarker SA 125 is a specific marker that helps diagnose the ovarian oncopathology at the earliest stage.

Important! The threshold or discriminatory level of Ca 125 in the plasma of blood in women is up to 35 units / ml. In healthy men (average) - up to 10 units / ml

CA 125 - a complex connection of protein and polysaccharide.

It is an antigen of a certain type of epithelium (fruit tissues), but is present fine:

  • In the tissues of the unchanged endometrial and the uterine cavity in the composition of mucinosna and serous fluids, but it never falls into the blood plasma while maintaining biological barriers.
  • The minimum amounts of CA 125 are produced by the mesothelial lining of the pleura and peritoneum, the epithelium of pericardia, bronchi, seeds, phallopy pipes, gallbladder, intestines, pancreas, stomach, broncho, kidneys.
  • The increase in discriminatory level in women is possible in the first trimester of pregnancy and under menstruation.

Rules for blood delivery on the monacker sa 125

When donated blood on Ca 125, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Between blood fence and the last meal must pass at least 8 hours.
  2. Do not smoke for 30 minutes before the blood fence.
  3. In order to avoid distortion of results, women should take analysis on CA 125 on the II-III day after the end of monthly bleeding.

SA 125 analysis results: decryption

If during your examination, you had an increase in the content of the monasarker Ca 125 over 35 units / ml, then again, it is not necessary to panic and "put a cross on yourself." It is important to undergo an additional examination to identify the causes of the concentration of the marker.

Clinical data show that the excess of the discriminatory level of Ca is associated with the integer side not oncological Diseases, including:

  • – 84%
  • – 82%
  • Inflammation of the appendages of uterus - 80%
  • Dysmenoria - from 72 to 75%
  • A group of predominantly genital infections - 70%
  • Peritonitis, pleurisites, pericardits - 70%
  • Cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis, long-term chronic - from 68 to 70%

All of the above diseases can increase the level of Ca to 100 units / ml, which is a peculiar threshold of the lack of malignant neoplasms in the body.

Results of analyzes marker sa over 100 units / ml . - alarming factor, forcing to suspect the development of malignant neoplasms in the body and resort to additional diagnostic measures.

Remember! In the presence of high marker marker, the analyzes are re-surrendered and often - not alone. As a result, the results obtained precisely in the dynamics are estimated, which allows you to get a more reliable picture.

Oncomarker sa 125 is not a strictly specific marker generated only with ovarian cancer.

It meets with such types of tumors as:

  • malignant ovarian tumors, endometrials, phallopy pipes - 96-98%;
  • malignant breast neoplasms - 92%;
  • pancreatic cancer - 90%;
  • malignant tumors of the stomach and rectum - 88%;
  • and liver - 85%;
  • other types of malignant neoplasms - 65-70%

Note: repeated high values \u200b\u200bof the sa 125 marker with increasing indicators in the dynamics are a focusing factor in relation to wide spectrum malignant tumors. This should send a doctor to the most thorough search in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and use any informative examination methods for this.

AT modern medicine For diagnosis a variety of pathologies Oncological character is used by many examinations techniques.

The main study is probably the study of the patient's blood for the presence of certain components (markers) and the level of their concentration. It is the marker that is CA 125.

It is important to remember that the earlier oncology is detected, the higher the chances of the patient for a successful cure.

What does sa 125 mean

The Case-125 blood element is a specific oncomarker, allowing the doctors to diagnose ovarian cancer with high accuracy. With this study, you can reveal the disease already at an early stage.

Oncomarker CA 125 is a very complex compound of polysaccharide with protein and, although, in fact, it is a special antigen of the epithelium of a certain category (fruit tissues).

Normally onocomarker 125 may be present:

An important point is that women during pregnancy, especially in the first third of the period, is usually a deviation of the CA125 oncomarcker values \u200b\u200bin the most side. The discriminatory level of the substance can be elevated and during the period of menstruation.

It is important that polar blood is delivered to the laboratory for conducting a study no later than 1.5 hours after its fence, while the storage of the tube should be carried out in a special box where the temperature is not above 8 ° C.

Sa 125 in the body playing big roleSince its blood concentration carries a diagnostic character. Next, in the article, you will learn what the blood test indicates the analysis of the CA 125, who needs to pass such a study and how to prepare it correctly, you will find decipher the results of the study on the monacarker and what diseases shows the deviation of the values \u200b\u200breceived from established norms.


To donate blood to the study of CA 125, an element that is one of the monarchors follows all women, since only with regular surrender of this analysis, it is possible not only to determine the disease in the early stages and begin timely treatment, but also to prevent dangerous ailment, to reveal the border value in time.

The effectiveness of the research on CA-125 is so high, which allows you to determine the presence of a tumor in the ovaries on the most initial stage Its formation. Similar antibodies are constantly in the body of any person, but for the diagnosis of the disease, their concentration has importance.

The doctor prescribes a study on the monacker CA 125 if there are suspicions for the presence of a cancer tumor of the ovaries, in order to accurately form a diagnosis or refutation of suspicion. If cancer is detected, then the doctor prescribes specific therapy, while before the treatment began, the study is re-conducted and the results are fixed.

During the period of therapy, the analysis on the monacker is prescribed quite often so that the Doctor is able to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and adjust it if necessary. After finishing comprehensive treatment The CA125 level is also conducted to make sure the disease is successfully cured.

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After a successful treatment, the doctor will periodically assign similar studies to monitor the state of the patient and the timely detection of the recurrence of the disease.

Preparation for analysis

For study, venous blood is necessary, or rather, its plasma, which is pre-purified from other elements of blood. The blood fence procedure is standard and is carried out in the usual way from the elbow vein when it is migrated to the middle part of the shoulder with a special harness.

So that the results of the study on the monacker CA 125 were reliable and most informative, to the blood collection procedure should be properly prepared.

Rules for preparing for analysis:

  • Take blood to the early morning watches, while optimal time is the period from 7th and 11th o'clock in the morning. It is important to come to the procedure with a certain amount of time to be able to sit down a little calmly and take a break from the lift on the stairs, walk and other points, and also lead your emotions to normal.
  • Blood fence must be carried out by an empty stomach, so the latest food intake on the day before the procedure should be no later than 6 pm. It is very important that between the last snack and the time of the procedure passed at least 8 to 10 hours.
  • On the day before the procedure, it is recommended to drink only water, excluding other drinks, especially carbonated lemonades, as well as coffee and tea, as they can affect the results of the study.
  • Smoking, as well as the use of any drinks containing alcohol, should be excluded at least 3 days before the procedure.
  • It is important to remember that part of the products can affect the concentration of CA125, as well as to the level of many other blood elements, therefore, it should be excluded from their diet per day until the analysis of the analysis fried, oily, sharp, salt and sweet food.
  • Influence can also have some medicationsTherefore, in the case of receiving any drugs, you must consult with the doctor about the possibility of their temporary cancellation or continuation of the reception.
  • It should be limited to physical activity a few days before the designated procedure, since the loads are able to change the composition of the blood and the concentration of many of its indicators.
  • It is important to exclude at least a week before the blood fence and various medical procedures, such as X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT and other diagnostic methods, as well as massages.


In the absence of pathologies in women, as a result of blood test, the concentration of the Ca 125 oncomarcker should not exceed the value of the norm from 10-to 15 and units / ml. The important point is that if the value of the Case-125 concentration is located in the range from 15 to 35 and units, it is not worried about what the data of 35 units are the border value of the permissible norm and do not indicate any Problem.

The normal value of the monomarker Ca 125 will be considered any indicator of the element not exceeding the value of 35 units / ml.

Of course, an increase in the monacker does not always indicate precisely for the presence of ovarian cancer. An increase in concentration may be observed in various situations, for example, during the menstruation period or when carrying a kid in the early stages.

The results of the study may be false positive and under other circumstances:

  • With any inflammatory process In the sexual and reproductive system.
  • In the presence of peritonitis, when inflammation is localized in abdominal cavity.
  • In the presence of pleurite, which is a light disease, inflammation of their serous shell.
  • With the disease of the kidneys in a serious form.
  • With endometriosis.
  • In the presence of autoimmune diseases.
  • With infectious lesions of the genital organs.
  • If there are cysts in the cavity of one or both ovaries.

It is impossible to diagnose the diagnosis solely on the basis of the conducted study of the SA 125. When an increase in concentration is detected, an additional detailed examination should be passed to accurately determine the cause of such a violation.

Defense deviations

Increased oncomarcker CA 125 may be observed by various reasonsBut to establish a certain one is possible only after additional studies of the biological fluids of the body, ultrasound, MRI, gastroscopy and laparoscopy procedures.

As a rule, when obtaining an increased result of CA 125, the doctor, given the existing history and complaints of the patient, can designate an approximate cause of such a phenomenon and assign certain additional research. But the situation, when a certain reason is not given a domicile role, is much worse, since in this case there is almost always only one cause of the reason for the presence of a cancer tumor in the reproductive system or in digestion organs.

The ovarian cancer can be assumed if the CA125 value in the analysis results is from 120 to 160 units per milliliter.

For a more accurate determination of ovarian cancer, the Case-125 indicator is decrypted with the obligatory accounting and other elements, first of all these are CA 15-3 oncomarkers, Ca 19-9, Ca 19-4, which are also specific markers.

ONOMARCER CAN COPLE 125 increased with cysts In any ovary or immediately in both. In this case, the marker value can reach 60-and units / ml. Such a state requires not only timely treatment, but also special attention, because there is a very thin face between the cyst and the advent of cancer. The most dangerous such condition is for women of menopausal age, when due to the instability of hormones, the chances of the appearance and rapid development of cancer are significantly increased.

Another reason for the deviation of SA 125 indicators from the norm is endometriosis. Today, this ailment is observed in many women, but most often the disease is celebrated in the age group from 20s to 40 years. The disease is distinguished by the fact that the inner layer of the uterine walls, called endometrial, begins to grow out of the uterine cavity. Such a disease causes a significant increase in the size of the abdominal cavity and constant severe pain in this zone. The danger of the disease is that the cells of the scrapped endometrial can easily turn into cancer.

Oncomarker SA 125 allows you to identify such a disease as endometriosis. The doctor may make this conclusion in the event that in the results of the study, the indicator of this element is 100 units / ml, that is, exceeds the usual norm by almost 10 times.

Under the uterus, the uterus arising from frequent hormonal failures, the CA125 indicator usually reaches a value of 110 units, but it is necessary to carry out an ultrasound or more serious study (MRI) to accurately determine the presence of myoma, its size, location location. Myoma is a benign tumor, but such education is often multiple.

For many women, various analyzes like general blood tests, ultrasound, radiography are simple and understandable. However, not everyone understands when and why women are assigned to the cancer CA 125 analysis. What can show this analysis, what should I do if it is planned?

What is the monacker CA 125?

Oncomarkers are substances produced by the body in response to the development of tumor cells. It should be borne in mind that oncomarkers can be produced not only in response to the development of neoplasms. Often these substances are produced and in the event that there are any active inflammatory processes in the body.

CA 125 detection allows you to determine the presence of a tumor in the body before it can be diagnosed with an ultrasound or other methods. Thanks to the definition of an oncomarcker, it is possible to conduct highly efficient operations that will help prevent the recurrence of pathology.

CA 125 is an oncomarker, which allows in the female body to diagnose the presence of a tumor of the ovary or its cysts. True, it is worth considering that CA 125 does not always increase with tumor diseases. It can also increase with:

  • development of myomatous nodes in the uterus;
  • in endometriosis and cancer deception of endometrial;
  • with cancer breast tumors;
  • with cancer damage bronchi.
It is important to remember what to draw conclusions about the diagnosis is impossible exclusively in terms of CA 125. There are no additional studies that allow you to clarify the diagnosis.

Today, there are still no oncomarriers that allow you to set the presence of cancer in one or another organ with one hundred percent probability. CA 125 also does not testify 100% about the ovarian cancer or his cyst.

When do research?

Analysis on the CA 125 oncomarker is not standard. The representative of the beautiful floor mostly hears the first time from the gynecologist. Analysis is usually assigned to women who come with a specific set of complaints to determine the nature of these complaints.

Basically, if the woman is heading for the analysis on the monacker CA 125, it means that it suspects the presence of a cancer tumor of the ovary. The following symptoms may also be indicated for analysis:

  • severe weight loss for two months without objective reasons;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting, for which there is no objective explanation;
  • an increase in body temperature to subfebrile numbers for two or more months;
  • the emergence of uncomfortable sensations when trying to empty the intestine or bladder, appearance of pain;
  • the emergence of oscillations that tormented a woman to menstruation or after it;
  • the appearance of pain in the field of ovaries (from one or both of both sides) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt;
  • pronounced increase lymph nodes without objective reasons;
  • feeling pain during sexual intercourse.

The listed symptoms are not specific and may appear with various other diseases of the female sexual system. This greatly complicates the diagnostic processes.

One of frequent symptoms Tumor neoplasms performs syndrome chronic fatigue. Many women tend to believe that they have ordinary overwork, and because of this they do not turn to the doctor. Because of this, oncology, which CA 125 may show, can be detected in late development stages when medical events Already represent considerable difficulty.

When can there be deviations and what are they?

Oncomarker CA 125 is a substance that in small quantities may be present in the blood of a woman and at the same time not to testify about pathology. The appearance of this oncomarcker in the blood may be caused by strong stress, adverse effects of ecology. However, it is necessary to understand that there are reference values, the excess of which indicates pathology with 100% probability.

Interpret the results of the analyzes as follows:

  • from 10 to 15 units / ml is a permissible norm;
  • with indicators from 16 to 35 units / ml, they are talking about an unfinished inflammatory process in the body;
  • when the level is detected, more than 35 units / ml is carried out further diagnostic search to clarify the diagnosis;
  • if in the body level Ca 125 more than 100 units / ml, then this with a probability of 100% indicates the presence of oncology.

The diagnostic study suggests the presence of an ovary cyst if a woman has an increase in the indicator to 60 units / ml. After an operational intervention about the cyst of the ovary, it is recommended to re-pass an analysis to oncomarkers in order to determine whether the pathology in malignant has passed.

Additional diagnostic events

Since CA 125 is not a specific oncomarker for any tumor diseases, a woman is necessarily appointed additional diagnostic measures.

One of the main methods additional diagnosis Is ultrasound. Through ultrasonic research You can determine the presence of tumor neoplasm or cysts in the body. Also, with the help of ultrasound, the presence or absence of a mioma of the uterus is established.

In addition to ultrasound, a general blood test and biochemistry is carried out. A number of indicators in these analyzes may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process characteristic of endometriosis or other inflammatory processes.

If a woman on the ovary or the uterus is found any neoplament, biopsy is recommended. With this study, you can determine the nature of the tumor neoplasm and choose further treatment tactics. If the neoplasm has a benign nature, then observation is established and, based on the results, select subsequent tactics. If the disease is malignant, then choose operational tactics and additional treatment Chemotherapy.

If the diagnosis completely causes difficulties from a doctor, it can conduct diagnostic laparoscopy. With this method, you can explore the organs of the small pelvis and estimate their condition.

Additional diagnostic studies are prescribed to patients depending on their general status, availability of certain symptoms and results of analyzes. Mostly for full diagnostics enough ultrasound and, if tumors, biopsy are detected. Diagnostic laparoscopy is carried out relatively rarely, and during it mainly also carry out the necessary operational intervention.

Marker CA 125 is an important indicator that allows us to estimate the pathological processes occurring in the female body and draw conclusions about their activity. If this diagnostic study is appointed according to the testimony, and the doctor is able to fully decipher the results of the tests, it is able to tell about many pathological processes and help in choosing the patient's treatment.

Oncomarker SA 125 is a highly specific protein, located on the membrane of epithelial cells of ovaries affected by oncology. Normally, he can in small levels to be detected in the endometrium tissues and serous shellsBut in the blood of the protein should not be.

The appearance of protein in the blood in normal conditions can only be associated with the menstrual cycle, as well as with pregnancy and that, only in the first trimester.

Increased CA125 indicators in the blood speak about malignant reincarnation of ovarian tissues. Less often, the values \u200b\u200bof the monomarker CA 125 rise in development oncological neoplasms in other organs (endometrials, liver, stomach, etc.). In essence, CA 125 is a glycoprotein, which actively secrete tumor cells.

Please note that if the doctor prescribed you the direction to pass the blood on CA 125, then this does not always mean suspicion of oncology. This protein participates as an additional marker to some other pathologies. Therefore, immediately panicing does not make sense.

Although, of course, the study of CA 125 is most often carried out with the aim of early detection of ovarian oncology, as well as for monitoring in the dynamics of the activity of the established disease, the dissemination of the metastatic process, the quality and effectiveness of the therapy, as well as for the diagnosis of relapses.

What is the blood-based blood

In general, the analysis of levels of monacarkers is carried out in order to:

  • early detection of malignant neoplasms and their relapses after chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgical removal;
  • height control and tumor metastasis;
  • monitoring the quality of treatment;
  • screening oncological pathologies among high-risk groups, in their development (smokers, persons working in harmful production, patients with burded family history, etc.).

However, it is important to understand that there are no absolutely specific oncomarcresters rising only at a certain form of cancer. Also they can increase somewhat with severe inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.

Attention. Answer the question: what does Okomarker show, only oncologist will be able to. You can independently assign this analysis in private laboratories and to interpret it with the help of reference books, colleagues and the Internet is unacceptable. Moreover, when diagnosing a disease such as cancer, where any error can lead to a psychological catastrophe.

It is also important to remember that the study of indicators of oncomarcresers is not included in the mandatory list of tests when conducting a prophylactic inspection in patients who are not included in risk groups for the development of malignant neoplasms and non-symptoms of cancer.

All research of oncomarckers should be carried out strictly according to the indications and interpret in the complex with other analyzes. Only on the basis of an increased oncomarcker is not diagnosed.

Oncomarker sa 125. What shows

Blood analysis on CA 125 is effectively used in primary monitoring of oncological processes in the ovaries, diagnostics
the recurrent oncological process after treatment, as well as to control the distribution of metastases.

Cancer Antigen 125 may also increase if the oncological process (or metastases) amazes:

  • mucous membrane of the uterus,
  • serous shells
  • pulmonary fabric
  • milk gland,
  • pancreas.

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How important is the monacarker sa 15-3 in the diagnosis of breast cancer

CA 125 will be significantly increased in the distribution of metastatic foci from the above organs in the liver.

Attention. Accuracy (otherwise specificity) SA-125 analysis is not very high. It is necessary to take into account only cases of not less than a two-time increase in the level of the CA125 marker in the blood (especially for women aged 55 years and older) for approval of the possibility of cancer of ovarian.

Also, together with the PNP level (atrial sodium peptide), the CA 125 oncomarker can be applied additionally to basic studies to assess the gravity of CH (heart failure).

Additionally, CA125 is investigating for the diagnosis of serous stripes (pleurisites, peritonitis).

In addition to the diagnosis of cancer processes, the blood on Ca 125 is investigated during endometriosis, cysts in the ovaries and tumors of benign etiology, affecting the female reproductive system.

The oncomarker Ca 125 has the greatest importance in the detection of epithelial carcinoma of serous type ovary, as well as endometrial adenocarcin and phallopy pipes.

When to pass the analysis of sa 125 women

Oncomarker 125 is examined in suspected oncological processes in the ovaries (for the purpose of primary diagnostics), as well as
monitoring the quality of treatment and recurrence treatment.

Analysis of CA 125 For the purpose of primary diagnostics, it is necessary to hand over when symptoms of ovarian cancer appear:

  • regular failures in the menstrual cycle (this symptom is not the main one, since some patients may continue regular menstruation even with bilateral ovarian cancer);
  • frequent urination with false urges and feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • permanent mucous drugs with strengths of blood ( nasty smell discharge is rare);
  • constant pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • constipation, meteorism, gravity in the abdomen, feeling of cutting in the abdomen, disruption of digestion;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • weakness, weight loss, emotional lability, depression;
  • increased SEE B. general Analysis blood;
  • an increase in the abdomen due to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites).

The main symptoms are sufficiently nonspecific and are often regarded by women as a manifestation of ovarian inflammation. Many patients first turn to the doctor already when ascites appeared. That is, when the tumor reaches large sizes and metastasizes.

Important! According to statistics, up to 70% of women are first addressed to the doctor in the late stages of the disease. It should be noted that 95% of the cases of ovarian cancer are hereditary.

Specific symptoms give two types of malignant ovarian neoplasms. These are hormone-producing tumors:

  1. granuena cell - causes feminization (may manifest themselves with early sex ripening in girls, as well as renewal uterine bleeding In women in the period of menopause);
  2. adenoblastoma - leads to masculinization (provokes a growth of beard, mustache, reduction of the size of the mammary glands, the flaws of the voice, etc.).

How to donate blood for analysis

In order to determine the level of Ca 125, the venous blood is explored using immunohemyluminescence.

The material fence is made in the morning, on an empty stomach. At least 3 days before the analysis, bold, fried and sharp should be excluded from the diet. It is forbidden to drink strong tea (especially with sugar), coffee, juices and sodes. It is also necessary to eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages. On the day of delivery, smoking is prohibited. The day before the blood fence, physical and emotional loads are excluded.

The doctor and laboratory staff should be notified of the preparations taken. If possible, a week before the study of drugs must be discontinued.

Important. When surrendering blood on CA 125, it is necessary to celebrate the day menstrual cycleto which the analysis is surrendered.

Norma Ca 125.

CA 125 Norm in women - less than thirty-five units / ml. The optimal values \u200b\u200bare below fifteen units / ml.

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