How much should a two-month-old baby sleep during the day and at night. Sleep norms for a child up to a year, from a year to three A child sleeps for 2 months

Any mother needs to know how much a child should sleep at 2 months in order to correctly adjust the sleep and wakefulness regimen for her beloved crumbs.

A two-month-old baby with great curiosity turns his head around, looking and listening to the world around him. Too much information, emotions and physical exercise quickly tire a small organism. And sleep is a wonderful way to relax muscles, rejuvenate and protect nervous system from. Any mother needs to know what is the normal duration of a child’s sleep in order to correctly adjust the rest regimen for her beloved crumbs. After all, oversleeping or lack of sleep is not the best way to affect the health and well-being of the baby.

Some age-related features of sleep

How much does a 2 month old baby sleep? According to average standards, two-month-old babies should rest 15 to 18 hours a day. But this does not mean that the baby will sleep soundly for the allotted time in his crib. Many factors influence the depth and duration of your baby's sleep.

  1. The nature of pregnancy and childbirth - their complicated course is the cause of the stressful state of the child - he experiences high level anxiety and nervous tension that do not allow you to relax and sleep soundly.
  2. Individual characteristics - at this age, the temperament of the crumbs is already manifested. As a rule, active children sleep much less than calm and balanced ones.
  3. Health condition - malaise or pain makes the baby's sleep restless.
  4. Discomfort - too hot or cold air in the room, various noises, annoying insects and wet diapers can cause restless sleep and frequent awakenings of the baby.

What happens when the baby sleeps? In a two-month-old baby, superficial sleep prevails. The child sleeps very sensitively, controlling everything that happens around. At these moments, you can see a smile on the baby's face, he can move his arms and legs, and even open his eyes for a moment.

The reason lies in the active mental activity, which does not stop for a minute. Studies show that brain cells work more actively during light sleep than during wakefulness: the information received during the day is analyzed, the zones responsible for memory, thinking and perception are stimulated.

The deep sleep phase is short-lived and lasts a maximum of half an hour. At these moments, the body completely relaxes, restoring the expended strength, and begins to actively produce growth hormones.

If the baby sleeps a little less than normal, but at the same time he is cheerful, active, then everything is in order, and the time spent on sleep is enough to restore the body's working capacity. A caring mother should be alerted by lethargy, depression, lethargy, or, conversely, hyperactivity and nervousness of the baby, combined with lack of sleep or increased drowsiness.

Features of daytime sleep

Two months is the time to start working with the baby. Educational games, massage and gymnastics will allow the baby to get stronger faster, get to know the world and master basic skills and abilities. But it is strictly forbidden to overload the child - the comfortable period of wakefulness of a two-month-old man does not exceed 60 minutes. He will definitely be replaced by sleep, otherwise the baby will begin to act up from fatigue.

Remember the basic rules for resting during daylight hours for a 2-month-old baby.

  • The norm is 4-time sleep.
  • Two segments must be long (at least 2 hours).
  • The other two are short (about 30-40 minutes).
  • In total, the length of a day's rest can be 6-8 hours.

From the age of 2 months, it is worth establishing a sleep and wakefulness regimen, alternating with the time of feeding the baby. To do this, it is better to adapt to the biological rhythms of the crumbs, and not to adjust them to a schedule that is convenient for you. Watch your child's behavior, and the following signs will tell you it's time for bed:

Long sleep for two-month-old babies is best organized at 11 and 16 hours. And for short sleep periods, the most successful time is at 9 and 20 hours.

Sleeping outdoors is especially beneficial. This great way hardening, it has a beneficial effect on the immune system, calms and relaxes the nerves.

Many babies on the street sleep better than usual. In the summer, you should definitely make sure that the baby does not overheat, sleep in isolation from direct sunlight, wind and drafts, and is also protected by a mosquito net from insects and dust. In winter, it is worth laying the baby in a room with an open window.

Night sleep

21 o'clock - best time for going to sleep. Of course, mom will not be able to get enough sleep yet, because her baby:

  • wakes up for the first time in about an hour;
  • if the mother was nearby, the baby will calm down and, having eaten lightly, will fall asleep for 3-4 hours;
  • he will arrange such “snacks” several more times, as a rule, from 3 to 7 in the morning.

The quality of sleep at this age largely depends on the type of nutrition received. baby on breastfeeding will sleep better in close proximity to his mother, ready to instantly satisfy his hunger. And these are not just whims, but the psychological and physiological need of a little man who feels himself one with his mother, being in her womb and some time after birth.

Formula-fed babies also wake up at night to feed. They may have some trouble falling asleep as there is no close emotional contact with their mother. But they sleep longer, since the digestion of milk mixtures takes more time than the assimilation of mother's milk.

Mode failure

Sometimes a baby, waking up at night, does not want to go to bed again. And the reason is not in him feeling unwell or discomfort. The child is active and cheerful. He just wants to stay awake.

“I confused day with night,” say experienced parents. And indeed it is. How to return temporary landmarks to their place?

  1. During the rest period, do not darken the room, do not muffle the usual daytime sounds.
  2. Let the waking hours be active - exercises, massage, walks in the fresh air will tire the baby during the day and ensure a sound sleep.
  3. Try to make sure that the baby eats well before bedtime. He will sleep until the feeling of satiety is gone.
  4. If the baby woke up at night, fiddles in the crib, but does not cry, do not approach him. Lay low and wait a few minutes - if you don't get your reaction, the baby will most likely fall asleep again.

Show by your behavior that the night is a time of silence and rest; do not turn on bright lights, do not make sudden movements, speak in a whisper. This information will be recorded at the subconscious level of the baby, and he will instinctively fall asleep.

How to improve children's sleep

The imperfect nervous system of infants is easily excitable. An excess of emotions and daytime impressions can make it difficult to fall asleep. The kid is tired, naughty, rubs his eyes, but he just can’t relax and fall asleep. The task of parents is to calm the baby and create favorable conditions for relaxation.

If your 2's month old baby does not want to fall asleep, is naughty, cries, often wakes up, pay attention to the state of his health. Sleep will definitely improve as soon as you fix the problem.

There will never be such a close connection as in infancy between a child and a mother. Therefore, enjoy tenderness and warmth, despite all the difficulties of this age.

In order for the baby to develop normally, he must sleep not only at night, but also during the day. Daytime sleep for a small child is an ordinary life attribute. The amount of time a baby needs for a given sleep depends on how well or poorly he sleeps at night.

A remarkable fact is that at 2 months of age, a child is not able to stay awake during the day for more than 2 hours in a row. Therefore, each period of his wakefulness should smoothly flow into sleep. There are times when the baby is able to oversleep almost the entire day, waking up only to eat. However, in order for the child not to become ill from an overabundance of daytime sleep, he must be awakened after 3 hours after falling asleep.

It is also necessary to prevent overwork of the child. Parents in the process of playing with the baby should closely monitor his condition. If the baby begins to rub his eyes with his hands, then he must be immediately put to bed and lulled. Usually two-month-old children fall asleep during the day in 10-15 minutes. But in case of emotional overstrain, the period of falling asleep can increase up to 50 minutes. If the child manages to fall asleep in such circumstances, then, as a rule, he still sleeps badly enough.

It is desirable that a 2-month-old baby sleep at least 4 times during the day.

2 times should fall on a long dream (at least two hours), and the other 2 times - on a short dream lasting about 30-40 minutes.

During the daytime, children sleep best in the fresh air. In this regard, pediatricians recommend walking with babies for as long as possible, regardless of the time of year. Sleeping outside is a great way out of a situation when a child does not sleep well.

Night sleep

It is especially important for parents to know how much a child should sleep at 2 months of age at night. Some babies, from the age of 8 weeks, are able to sleep at night without ever waking up. However, most babies wake up every 3-4 hours during the night. Nighttime, occupied directly by sleep, averages 5-6 hours. The duration of a child's sleep can also fluctuate depending on how emotionally overexcited the child is. The more stressed children experience during the day, the shorter their period of direct sleep at night can be.

The time for a 2-month-old baby to go to bed at night depends on a number of circumstances. These include the individual development of the child, as well as the daily routine of his adult environment. In newborn babies night sleep starts around midnight. Closer to six months, its beginning shifts to 21-22 hours. Accordingly, in a child aged 2 months, going to bed at night can range from nine in the evening to midnight.

A two-month-old child is not yet able to distinguish day from night. In this regard, he can easily confuse when he needs to sleep and when he needs to be awake. This situation can be corrected. To do this, the daytime baby needs to be made more active. He must realize that during the day he is allowed to make noise, and at night this is not allowed. At night, it is necessary to talk with the child only in a whisper and try not to play with him, so as not to provoke excessive activity.

The dependence of sleep patterns on nutrition

At the age of two months, a child can receive the microelements necessary for development in two ways - during breastfeeding or artificial feeding. Sleep and food are the main occupations of the little crumbs. Let's try to figure out whether the regimen of children's sleep depends on the method of feeding.


A baby at the age of two months is basically in a state of superficial sleep. This is expressed in the fact that as soon as something seriously bothers him, he immediately wakes up. The most common cause of awakening is hunger. Most effective method to solve this problem - feeding the crumbs with breast milk. After that, the baby falls asleep again.

Pediatricians believe that a breastfed baby is able to sleep longer and sounder when he sleeps next to his mother. If the baby is put to sleep alone, then it is likely that in half an hour he will wake up and start calling his mother.

The sleep period of infants between feedings occurring at night can vary from 3 hours to 1 hour. At the moment of awakening, mother should always be nearby. If for a long time she does not approach the child, then he, in turn, will wake up completely and will frolic, instead of sleeping.

Artificial feeding

A significant proportion of parents naively believe that formula-fed babies sleep longer and sounder. In reality, the sleep and wakefulness patterns of a baby and a baby eating from a bottle are not much different. However, in some cases, formula-fed babies can actually sleep a little longer. But this is due only to the fact that the digestion of the mixture in duration exceeds the process of digestion breast milk. Therefore, the feeling of hunger may less often disturb the baby's sleep.

A calm sleep of a child eating from a bottle cannot also be called. The baby, in this case, tends to wake up often and call his mother to him. It is far from always possible to put him to sleep thanks to a session of artificial feeding. The baby in such a situation requires more attention and falls asleep only after motion sickness.

Some children who wake up at night from hunger may fall asleep again right in the process of eating. In this case, doctors recommend waking them up and feeding them to the end. The reason for the child's sleep in this case is not to satisfy his hunger, but in the usual overwork in the process of eating. If the feeding is not completed, then the child will soon wake up again and a new portion of the mixture will have to be prepared for him.

The main causes of sleep disorders

As already mentioned, the main cause of sleep disturbance is hunger. However, this is far from the only circumstance due to which the baby does not sleep well. Here are some of them:

  • Pain. A crumb at the age of two months is often disturbed by colic. Decide this problem simple enough. To do this, you can resort to using special medicines as well as traditional methods. The latter include the use of dill water, massage of the abdomen in a clockwise direction and carrying the child for some time. vertical position.
  • Discomfort. This circumstance is most often caused by wet diapers or inappropriate temperature conditions. If the child does not change the diaper and diapers in a timely manner, then skin irritation may occur. It is possible to get rid of it by treating the reddened areas with a cream or powder. It is also important that in the room in which the child sleeps, the air temperature is at the level of 18-20 degrees.
  • Imperfection of the nervous system. It often happens that the baby himself seems to be glad to fall asleep faster, but he is not good at it. The baby often does not sleep well due to overwhelming emotions. Blame it on the excitable nervous system. To help in this situation is able to rock the crumbs. It is desirable to accompany the process by singing a lullaby. Bathing can also help relieve stress before bed. It is important to achieve the optimum water temperature. Some children are able to relax in cool water, while others prefer to splash around in water that reaches 37 degrees.

There are also situations when a child does not sleep well for unknown reasons. In this case, you can not do without the qualified help of a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly identify the cause bad sleep and give correct and timely advice. He will be able and accessible to explain to worried parents how much the child should sleep in order to avoid problems during his development.


In conclusion, I want to note that, on average, the total duration of sleep for a two-month-old baby during the day should be 17-18 hours. Trying to accustom a child to a clear sleep schedule at this age is not worth it. The baby will be completely ready for such adjustments only by 4-5 months of life.

At the age of two months, the child also continues to spend most of his time in a dream.

The duration of night and daytime sleep is slightly reduced.

Show interest in the world around you, becomes more active.

The baby spends on sleep an average of 17-19 hours a day.

The sound sleep of the baby is affected by your attitude towards him. Try to constantly be near him. Confidence in the constant care of parents creates a feeling of protection and security in the baby, the baby feels calmer.

At 2 months, the baby is still dominated by superficial short daytime sleep. With each month, the sleep cycles will become longer.

How much should a two month old baby sleep during the day?

Daytime sleep is 6 - 8 hours. The baby is awake both between feedings and independently of them.

The baby may not sleep for 30 to 60 minutes before or after feedings during the day. This time period can be used for eye contact, joyful communication with the baby. The baby can already focus on the objects that interest him. Some children can even give their mother a smile.

A two-month-old baby quickly gets tired and wakefulness is replaced by a long sleep, which can only disturb the feeling of hunger. The duration of such a dream can be up to 2 hours, as a rule, there are two such dreams per day. The rest of the daytime sleep of a two-month-old baby is short - 30-40 minutes each.

Nighttime sleep for some babies may increase, and nighttime feedings can be reduced (up to two). Do not accustom your baby to motion sickness as a prerequisite for falling asleep. The best time for a night's sleep at two months of age is between 20.00 and 21.30. If the baby is put to bed later, he may overwork and it will be more difficult for him to fall asleep, so it is important to observe.
The duration of a night's sleep without a break for feeding can be from 3 to 5 hours.

How much should a child sleep at 2 months: Table

Child's age Night sleep daytime sleep Total sleep time Total waking time
2 months11-12 o'clock6-8 hours17-19 hours5-7 hours

How to organize daytime and nighttime sleep

  • Temperature. Maintain the necessary microclimate of the room - the optimum air temperature is not lower than 20 and not higher than 24 degrees. Humidity is 50-70 percent.
  • Mode.Set the daily routine for the baby, trying to put to bed at the same time. At 2 months, the regimen does not yet exist for the baby, but gradually you accustom it to it.
  • Bathing.Do gymnastics with your baby in combination with a relaxing massage before an evening swim. Bathing is best done in a large bath, the water temperature should not exceed 36 degrees. It is better if it is 34 degrees, the baby will lose more unused energy, after which he will fall asleep sweetly.
  • Crib. The child should sleep in his own crib. Use an orthopedic mattress. Do not put a pillow under the baby's head. Bedding from natural fabrics.
  • breast sucking. At the age of two months, the baby has a need for constant sucking of his mother's breast, so the baby relaxes and calms down. If the baby has such a need, use nipples for this. With constant breast sucking, the baby’s stomach “does not rest”, the baby overeats, and negative reactions occur ( increased gas formation) - the baby will not be up to sleep.
  • Lullabies. During daytime wakefulness, spend active time - play, walk with the baby, it is better to spend evening time in a quiet environment - singing calm or lullaby songs.
  • Diapers. Use of disposable diapers during a night's sleep (a wet bed will not cause discomfort to a child).
  • Walks in the open air. The strongest and healthy sleep- This is a daytime sleep in the fresh air. Walk more time outside, ventilate the children's room, saturating it with clean and cool air.

Daytime sleep outdoors

Daytime sleep in the fresh air is very useful for the baby. Fresh air is rich in oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the growing body of the crumbs.

Sleeping outdoors has a positive effect on the nervous system - it calms and relaxes the child.

Length of time outdoors different time year varies.

Sleeping outdoors in the summer should be protected with a special children's mosquito net from insect bites (may cause severe allergic reactions).

During exposure to the sun, the baby receives the vitamins A and D necessary for development, but the main thing here is not to harm. During a long daytime sleep on the street, it is necessary to ensure that the sun's rays do not fall on the body.

You do not need to keep the baby in the open sun for more than 5 minutes, this time is enough for him to develop a vitamin complex. In hot weather, it is better to walk before 11 am and after 4 pm.

Staying on the street of the child, you need to protect the answer and the draft.

Winter time

IN winter time daytime sleep in the fresh air is no less useful. But you need to make sure that the baby is not cold, dress appropriately for weather conditions. Children of this age are not yet capable of independent thermoregulation.

The air temperature should not exceed minus 10 degrees, provided that you have previously walked and the baby is used to negative temperatures.

Daytime sleep in the fresh air is a good remedy health promotion, but babies of two months can fall asleep soundly, skipping the next feeding. Walks should not exceed the time interval between feedings, otherwise the baby will not receive enough mother's milk.

Properly organized sleep is the key to the health of not only the baby, but the parents.


Today I received an interesting letter from a reader about sleep small child and I will try to answer it in detail.

“Good time, Lyudmila! My name is Natalia, I am the mother of a two-month-old baby.

I recently listened to a free recording of your seminar on baby sleep. This topic is new and unexplored for me. The thing is, I don't quite understand if I'm doing it right. We're trying to fix the rules. My baby falls asleep perfectly right after the bath, it's somewhere around 20.00-20.30, but his sleep can last about an hour, and then he wakes up anyway. Should the child in this interval from 21.00 to 24.00 wake up and stay awake? And what time do you have to get up in the morning? It doesn’t work out early, because I want to sleep, and by 7-8 in the morning I don’t have time. Is the baby suffering from this? If you don't mind, at least briefly answer these questions. Thank you in advance."

So, How much does a 2 month old baby sleep? Are there any rules?

Of course, at any age there are average benchmarks that are worth looking at. But at 2 months, the child is still very much influenced by how he is looked after - is everything soft and careful, is the child enough in the arms of his mother, does he receive the right amount of warmth and affection, how is breastfeeding built?

It may be hard to believe, but if the child feels safe, and this is achieved by the actions of the mother, then his sleep becomes more peaceful.

A two-month-old baby sleeps restlessly and for a short time if he sleeps alone! This is due to the peculiarity of the brain - superficial sleep still prevails over deep sleep and the child during the light phase of sleep very sensitively monitors - is his mother next to him or has she left?

If you put the child in the crib and moved away, then most likely in 30-40 minutes he will definitely wake up and call you. The sleep of a child at this age is short.

Most often, a two-month-old baby combines breast sucking and sleep. So, for example, if you feed the baby, and at the same time he closed his eyes, his body is relaxed, his eyelids are closed, his breathing is even and calm - it is safe to say that the baby is sleeping under the breast. For a small child, such dreams are typical! It does not need to be disturbed and it does not need to be rebuilt!

However, among my clients with two-month-old babies, this situation practically does not happen. Most often, children sleep either in a sling, or the mother lies nearby, and the child sleeps under the breast.

Mothers often complain that 2 month old baby doesn't sleep well.

This means that the child does not want to sleep alone, or his sleep is very short 20-40 minutes.

I don't want to upset you, but that's okay! So the psychological sleeps healthy child on breastfeeding!

And you are confused by the combined hodgepodge of articles by authors who have never communicated with a normal baby and write that at 2 months the child should sleep 15-16 hours, and at the same time, it is postponed in the mind of the reading mother that 15-16 hours SEPARATE from the mother, lying in bed.

It doesn't happen!

How can you help your little one sleep better?

  1. Track your wake time.

At each age it is different: what older child the longer he can go without sleep.

If a child walks too far, stress hormones begin to be produced in his body, the child becomes overexcited, may cry for a long time and have difficulty calming down.

Another sign of overwalking is that the baby takes a long time to fall asleep, even when suckling the breast. Usually the baby goes to sleep in 10-15 minutes. If the baby suckles the breast for 30-40-50 minutes and at the same time you see that he is tense, the eyelids tremble, the arms and legs continue to move or tremble, i.e. the child will not go into deep sleep in any way - know that the child has gone too far. You missed the moment when he should have been put to bed.

At 2 months, the child should NOT be awake for more than 1.5-2 hours.

  1. Help your child relax and fall asleep.

If you see that the time of wakefulness is coming to an end and the child needs to be put to bed soon, take him in your arms, darken the curtains a little, and gently rock the baby in your arms.

At 2 months, it is still quite possible to swaddle a baby for sleep - this helps to restore the sensations of life in the mother's tummy and the baby falls asleep more calmly.

Offer the breast and stay close until the baby lets go.

  1. Behave according to the age of the child.

Children grow rapidly and their rhythms change greatly during the first year of life. You, as a mother, should constantly be on the alert and change the time of wakefulness and bedtime in time. It is also worth creating optimal conditions for the child's development.

Just recently, I took a course My Favorite Baby - about the secrets of developing and raising a child up to a year old, which a caring mother should know. At the first lesson, we examined in detail how the rhythms of sleep, feeding and behavior of the child change during the first year of life. I recommend checking out this course. This will help you understand your baby better!

The sleep of a child at 2 months has the following features:

During the day, there are usually 2 long sleeps - this means that the child sleeps from 1.5 to 2 hours, and 3-4 short sleep when the baby sleeps for 30-40 minutes, most often without releasing the breast from the mouth!

Again, I repeat - this is the norm for a baby! It doesn't need to be fixed! It just needs to be experienced.

Does a child need a routine at this age?

It’s not worth talking about the regime of 2 months, because it doesn’t exist. A more or less pronounced daily regimen may appear in a child older than 3 months, and before this age, the consequences of childbirth are still strong, and how you care for the child during the day is of great importance. The more impressions, stresses, frustrations during the day - the more disturbing sleep at night!

ABOUT other features of a child's sleep watch my little video tutorial:

Nighttime baby sleep at 2 months

Almost any baby wakes up 40-60 minutes after falling asleep to attach to the chest. If the mother was not around, he may wake up completely and will be awake, so we try to be there by the time of this awakening, give the breast, and help the child fall asleep further.

Be sure to wake up at 4, 6, 8 in the morning for feeding. These feedings persist until 2 years of age.

If there is no 4-hour pause at night, and the baby suckles more often, this may be a normal variant in difficult labor or pregnancy with many drugs taken. Here it is better not to change anything and let the child solve his inner difficulties and anxieties next to his mother's breast.

I hope that I was able to help you deal with the question of how much a child sleeps at 2 months, why he can sleep poorly and how to help him sleep better!

I will be glad to your questions on the topic under discussion! Write in the comments!

Sleep is an integral part of human life. The state of rest plays a special role in the development of the baby. The state of both the baby and his parents depends on a calm and sound sleep.

After the first 4 weeks in the life of the baby, there are certain changes in the sleep and wakefulness of the newborn. During this period, parents need to pay special attention to providing conditions for a comfortable sleep for the baby.

Sleep patterns at two months of age

Every age of children has a different sleep pattern. The daily regimen of a child up to 3 months is almost the same. It consists of - feeding, wakefulness, sleep. The difference is only in the duration of sleep. In books about motherhood, you can find an approximate schedule for the daily routine and sleep of a newborn. But each child is individual and the conditions in which he is brought up are different. Most often, the baby himself sets the time for feeding, wakefulness and sleep, and the mother can only adjust to this routine.

For a calm and sound sleep of the baby, you need:

  • adequate nutrition;
  • cozy atmosphere;
  • contact with mother
  • love and attention from parents.

If the child is overworked, it is more difficult to put him to sleep.

Signs of fatigue:

  • when calm emotional state the baby goes to sleep within 10-20 minutes, when overexcited, this process takes a longer time;
  • often wakes up at night, cries, behaves restlessly;
  • there is an involuntary twitching of the arms, legs at the time of sleep;
  • in general, during the day he is often capricious for no reason;
  • often rubs his eyes, while looking lethargic.

Nighttime baby sleep at 2 months

By the age of two months, the baby's sleep pattern is almost debugged. But all babies are different and may want to sleep at different times. On average, a baby's night sleep lasts from 7 to 11 hours. The countdown of the duration of rest at night starts from the time of the last feeding.

A baby at this age still needs night feedings. It is very important to teach the baby during this period to fall asleep after he eats. At this age, there is a risk that the baby's day and night will change places. Some children are awake at night and sleep during the day.

Now young mothers practice night sleep separately from the baby. Although the experience of many mothers indicates that the baby sleeps much stronger and calmer when he feels the presence of the mother next to him. If the baby is breastfeeding, co-sleeping allows mom to sleep when she doesn't have to get up to feed her baby.

For a good night's sleep you need:

  • going to bed should occur every day at the same time;
  • make baths from soothing medicinal herbs;
  • when waking up for feeding, ensure silence, do not play with the baby;
  • do not refuse if the baby falls asleep only with the mother's breast.

daytime sleep

Monthly baby sleeps often during the day, but his sleep is short and sensitive. By two months, the number of hours of wakefulness increases, but sleep is longer. So, the time of daytime rest is divided into three daytime sleep, the duration of each of them on average is from one and a half to 2 hours. The period of wakefulness should not exceed 2-2.5 hours. At this age, the crumbs may have two long sleeps and several short ones.

Again, these figures are approximate. If the baby feels good, is not naughty, and at the same time sleeps for no more than an hour, but several times a day, this is also an indicator of the norm. It all depends on how the baby feels.

Too active babies, as you know, sleep a little less, and calm ones, on the contrary, take a couple of hours longer. The duration of rest is also affected by bloating, spasms that torment many babies. Massage and medication can help.

Important! If the baby rests a little during the day, while being naughty, eating poorly, showing no interest in anything, it is worth reviewing his regimen.

How much sleep should a two month old baby

In total, the baby should be at rest from 15 to 19 hours during the day. Most of this time is at night. Many parents note that the baby, compared to the first month, began to sleep much less. This is a completely normal process. The baby grows, there is an interest in everything around. Parents should still monitor and prevent overwork, lack of sleep. After all, his behavior depends on it.

How to wean a child from motion sickness

One way to quickly calm an infant is to rock it. So the child makes up for the lack of mother's warmth and calms down faster. But this method has its drawbacks. Vo-the first, the kid gets used to motion sickness and refuses to sleep without mum's hands. The second is that the baby grows and over time it is difficult for mom to rock him in her arms. It is not surprising that parents over time begin to look for ways to wean the baby from swinging in their arms.

Before starting weaning by hand, you need to be prepared for the fact that this process will certainly be accompanied by children's tears. The baby will not want to give up the cozy mother's hugs so easily. The best option from birth is not to accustom the baby to motion sickness. Make exceptions only when absolutely necessary.

Another way is to replace the motion sickness process with a different method, for example, putting the baby in the crib:

  • hold your hand or stroke your hair;
  • sing a lullaby, read a children's fairy tale;
  • do a light massage;
  • use a rocking bed, cradle;
  • put your favorite toy in the crib.

Today you can find electric rocking chairs, cribs with a built-in pendulum. You can also use improvised, available methods, for example, set the baby stroller in a prone position and rock it in it, or simply put the baby on a large pillow. However, experts believe that it is not worth completely abandoning motion sickness.

It has been scientifically proven that:

  • bodily contact between mother and baby is necessary to establish a close relationship between them;
  • thanks to swinging in the arms, the baby more easily tolerates the pain associated with spasms and teething;
  • motion sickness is associated with the baby with the time when he was still in the womb, he relaxes faster and falls asleep more easily;
  • there is also an assumption that children deprived of bodily contact become more withdrawn, indecisive over time, as a result, the lack of maternal hugs can result in serious deviations in future.

At 2 months, the baby still continues to form a certain mode of rest and wakefulness, he can sleep either longer than the time indicated in the statistics, or less. With normal health, this is a variant of the individual norm. However, the lack of a specific routine significantly complicates the life of parents. Therefore, moms and dads can contribute on their own sound sleep child, and for this it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

Adhering to the mode of wakefulness and rest is extremely important for the normal development of the crumbs. However, you should not force the child to adjust him to the established sleep standards. After observing the crumbs, you can create your own individual schedule.

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