Adeline super instructions for use. Adilin - myths and reality

Instructions for use of the drug Adilin-super for bloodless killing of animals
(Organization - developer: Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety", Kazan)

I. General information
Trade name Adilin-super (Adilinum-super).
International non-proprietary name: bisdimethylsulphate bisdimethylaminoethyl ester of succinic acid.

Dosage form: powder for the preparation of a solution for injection, containing at least 95% of the active ingredient - bisdimethylsulfate bisdimethylaminoethyl ether of succinic acid.

In appearance, Adilin-super is a white or light cream powder, readily soluble in water.

Adilin-super is produced in 2 packs; fifty; 100, 500 and 1000 g in glass and polymer bottles of appropriate capacity, sealed with screw caps with rubber or polyethylene gaskets with additional waxing. Each package is supplied with instructions for use.

Store Adilin-super in the manufacturer's closed packaging, in a dry, dark place, out of the reach of unauthorized persons, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 5 ° C to 25 ° C.

The shelf life of Adilina-super, subject to storage conditions, is 1 year from the date of production. It is forbidden to use Adilin-super after the expiration date. Ready-to-use solutions of Adilin-super are stored for 1 day.

Adilin-super should be stored out of the reach of children.

Utilization (inactivation) of a working solution, an expired preparation and its residues after use, as well as a batch of a preparation that has not passed control tests, is carried out by dissolving in a 1% aqueous solution of caustic soda or 5% aqueous soda solution, followed by boiling for 10 minutes.
To inactivate containers containing the remains of the drug and tools (syringes, injectors), use boiling in 1% sodium hydroxide solution or 5% soda solution for 10 minutes, after which they are rinsed with water. Then they are disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.

II. Pharmacological properties
The bisdimethylaminoethyl ether of succinic acid, which is part of Adilin-super bisdimethyl sulfate, is a depolarizing muscle relaxant by the mechanism of action on the animal organism.
In organs and tissues of animals bisdimethylsulfate of bisdimethylaminoethyl ester of succinic acid is metabolized to choline and succinic acid.

Adilin-super, according to the degree of impact on the body, belongs to highly hazardous substances (hazard class 2 according to GOST 12.1.007).

III. Application procedure
Adilin-super is intended for the forced bloodless killing of animals in order to prevent the spread of infections and eliminate foci of infections, including those with especially dangerous diseases, such as rabies, anthrax, African swine fever, bird flu and others, when it is necessary to limit the supply of blood and others biological fluids into the environment.

There are no contraindications for the use of Adilin-super.

Working solutions of the drug are prepared by dissolving the powder in vials with distilled water. In glass vials containing 2 g of the drug, add 2 ml of solvent, in glass or polymer vials containing 50, 100 and 500 g of the drug, add
respectively, 50, 100 and 500 ml of solvent. The vials are shaken until Adilina-super is completely dissolved.
When working at ambient temperatures below 0 ° C, 20% aqueous solutions are used as a solvent for the preparation ethyl alcohol or glycerin.
A solution of the drug is administered to animals once, intramuscularly.

The ready-made solution of Adilin-super for bloodless slaughter of animals is administered in the following doses:

Symptoms of an overdose of Adilina-super have not been established.
The drug is used once.
The features of the action of Adilin-super at the first introduction are not taken into account.
When using Adilin-super side effects not taken into account.
Interaction with other medicinal products and (or) food, no feed.

After the application of Adilin-Super, animal carcasses must be destroyed or disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the law.

IV. Personal prevention measures
When working with Adilin-super, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene and safety measures provided for when working with medications. All persons involved in bloodless killing of animals must be dressed in overalls (rubber boots, dressing gown, trousers, headwear, rubber gloves) and provided with personal protective equipment - goggles. Eating, drinking and smoking is prohibited during work. At the end of the work, face and hands should be washed with warm water and soap.
18. In case of accidental contact medicinal product with skin or mucous membranes of the eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should avoid direct contact with the drug Adilin-super.
In case of occurrence allergic reactions or in case of accidental ingestion of the drug into the human body, you should immediately contact a medical institution (with you have instructions for using the drug and a label).
Empty vials from under Adilin-super are prohibited to use for domestic purposes, they must be disposed of after inactivation of the drug.

Organization - manufacturer: Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety", 420075, Kazan, Scientific town-2. Production site address: 420075, Kazan, Scientific town-2.

1. Filed
The application has been submitted to the department of supervision over the circulation of medicines for veterinary use

2. Sent to FGBU VGNKI
Registration dossier and samples were sent to the Federal State Budgetary Institution for registration tests

3. Registration test agreement
The applicant and the Federal State Budgetary Institution VGNKI signed an agreement for registration tests

4. Payment made
Payment for registration tests in FGBU VGNKI

5. Registration tests
FGBU VGNKI conducts registration tests of samples

6. Preparation of an expert opinion
Based on the registration tests, FGBU VGNKI prepares an expert opinion

The applicant is recommended to provide additional information / make changes to the documentation

8. Conclusion FGBU VGNKI
Based on the test results, FGBU gives an opinion on the possibility of registration of a medicinal product / feed additive

9. The documents were submitted to the Rosselkhoznadzor
After registration tests at the Federal State Budgetary Institution VGNKI, the documents were submitted for consideration to the "Department of Supervision over the Circulation of Medicines for Veterinary Use" of the Rosselkhoznadzor

10. Harmonization of regulatory documents
The head of the veterinary supervision department of the Rosselkhoznadzor is coordinating the regulatory and technical documentation and instructions for use

11. Documents sent for revision
The applicant is recommended to make changes to the normative and technical documentation / instructions for use

12. Document approval
The Deputy Head of the Rosselkhoznadzor approves the regulatory and technical documentation for medicine/ feed additive

13. Registered / Listed
Date of state registration of the medicinal product / feed additive

14. Withdrawn from registration
The application was deregistered at the request of the applicant or by decision of the Rosselkhoznadzor

15. Registration suspended
The state registration procedure is suspended

16. Application suspended
Application suspended

17. State registration denied
According to the conclusion of the expert commission, state registration was denied

18. Registration canceled
Registration canceled

19. Confirmation of state registration
An application for confirmation of state registration has been submitted

20. Alteration
Application for changes submitted

Case No. 2-250 / 12



Kirovskiy District Court of Saratov, having considered in open court a civil case on the application of Semyk to the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Household Utilities "S."; a third party who does not declare independent claims on the subject of the dispute - the Administration of the Municipal Formation "..." on the prevention of harm,

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Semyk appealed to the Kirovsky District Court with the aforementioned claim, in support of which she indicated that, as she learned from the response of the acting Chairman of the Housing and Utilities Committee of the Administration of the Moscow region, according to the agreement concluded between this committee and the defendant on the execution of a municipal order for the provision of services for the capture, transportation, sterilization, keeping of stray animals (dogs), the defendant during the contract for several months caught stray animals, kept them from 4 to 10 days, sterilized and then released back to the capture site. This information is confirmed by the results of the examination of the defendant by the Saratov Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office, which found that due to the lack of equipped facilities for keeping animals after sterilization, the dogs were released into the external environment on the same day or kept in cages for several days. This is indicated in a letter from the head of the department for supervision over the implementation of laws on the nature of the Volga interregional environmental prosecutor's office. In addition, from the article "Constellation of mythical dogs" in the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets in Saratov" the plaintiff learned that, in parallel with the above actions, MUP "S.", according to the head of the veterinary service of this organization, Lyudmila Aksenevich, was producing and trapping neglected animals on commercial basis. At the same time, all animals are killed without any temporary maintenance, and their corpses are disposed of in the Bekkari pit. Thus, during the year alone MUP "S.", according to Aksenevich, killed at least 1086 stray dogs without keeping them after capture, and without vaccination against rabies. Later, Semyk was convinced that the defendant was indeed killing and disposing of the captured animals when one of the citizens provided her with copies of the agreement between the defendant and the administration of ZATO Svetly and an act on the work performed on the capture and disposal of dogs under this contract, certified by a specialist from the administration of ZATO Svetly. Also from the letter of the head of the department for supervision over the execution of laws on the nature of the Volga interregional environmental prosecutor's office, P.D. S, the plaintiff learned that an inspection carried out by the Saratov interdistrict environmental prosecutor's office established that the defendant provides services for the capture and killing of dogs that do not have an owner, according to applications of citizens and organizations at their expense, using the drugs "Adilin" and "Adilin-super" for killing. The defendant's charter states that this company operates in accordance with applicable law. Federal legislation obliges organizations that capture (arrest) stray animals to keep each of the captured animals for at least 6 months in a specialized nursery, vaccinate all captured animals against rabies (in accordance with the provisions of clauses 1.2 and 9.5 of the sanitary rules of JV 3 ... -10 "Prevention of rabies among people ", approved by the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Russian Federation and articles 230-231 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. When capturing stray animals, the defendant violates the specified norms of federal law: he illegally kills animals before acquiring ownership rights to them, does not ensure that the captured animals are kept in a special nursery for at least 6 months, and they are vaccinated against rabies. The defendant's violation of clause 9.5 of the Sanitary Rules by not vaccinating captured (detained) neglected animals against rabies and not keeping them in a specialized nursery for at least 6 months, and letting them go back to the city streets without vaccination creates a risk of harm to the plaintiff's health by increasing risk of infection with a dangerous zooanthroponotic disease - rabies, creates a threat of violation of the constitutional rights of Semyk to health and a favorable environment. They also pose a threat of harm to the health of the plaintiff and the defendant's illegal actions to kill the captured stray animals, because Semyk can at any time of the day become an accidental witness to the defendant killing stray animals. In her, an impressionable, compassionate person, experiences caused by such a cruel spectacle can provoke stress, severe depression, sleep disturbances, exacerbation of chronic diseases, heart attack, stomach ulcers, stroke and other health disorders of varying severity. It is impossible to predict in advance what exactly these disorders may be. Also, the unlawful actions of the defendant to kill the captured neglected animals pose a threat of harm to the health of the plaintiff also by the fact that the animals are killed with a blow gun firing with “flying syringes” (“darts”) stuffed with the drug “Adilin-super” (aka “Adilin "). According to the attached explanation of the director of LLC "V.", the developer of "Adilina-super" (aka "Adilin"), professor G.R.D., after the injection of "Adilina-super" (aka "Adilin"), in accordance with instructions for this drug, it is imperative to inject the antidote (“Antidote - antidote - a drug for the treatment of poisoning.” Thus, the developer of this drug himself confirms its toxicity, danger to health and even life in the scientific sense. in the drug passport (attached), where it is written that the lethality of the outcome when using "Adilin-super" (aka "Adilin") is from 15-60 seconds. to 5-10 minutes. Although "Adilin-super" was re-registered in Rosselkhoznadzor of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and received a new abbreviated name "Adilin" and a new certificate of state registration, it should be borne in mind that this drug, according to the letter of the Deputy Director of the Department of Sectoral Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia V. A.A. Apalkina is intended for use as a mass bloodless slaughter of animals and poultry in the centers of especially dangerous diseases of animals and birds; for any other purposes this drug is not recommended. According to the attached expert opinion of the Ural State Agricultural Academy, the Adilin-super drug belongs to the group of muscle relaxants. This drug should be administered by a specially trained veterinarian in a specially designated area with limited access for unauthorized persons. In this case, the introduction of adilin without prior anesthesia leads to painful death from suffocation, without loss of consciousness. The action is similar and when the drug enters the human body, urgent medical attention is needed, without the provision of which respiratory arrest and death can occur. Thus, the actions of the defendant to kill neglected animals with the use of “flying syringes” fired from a “blowgun” (hollow tube) and filled with the drug “Adilin-super” (aka “Adilin”), creates a threat of harm to Semyk's health and the threat of her life, with a possible accidental hit of such a "flying syringe" into it. The plaintiff is the owner of the dog, periodically walks it in the territory where the defendant carries out his activities to catch stray animals. A dog walked by Semyk may accidentally get lost and be caught and killed by the defendant earlier than 6 months after its capture, provided by law for the plaintiff, as an owner, to find and return the lost animal, which was detained by a specialized organization. That is, the defendant's failure to comply with the legal deadlines for keeping captured animals creates the danger of causing significant harm to her (death of the dog), the threat of violation of her rights. With reference to the above circumstances, Semyk asked the court to declare illegal the activities of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Household Utilities "S." on killing, during capture or immediately after, stray animals without ensuring their keeping in a specialized nursery for at least six months and without vaccination against rabies. Recognize illegal the use by the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Household Utilities "S." for the capture of stray animals, the preparations "Adilin-super" and "Adilin". Prohibit the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Household Utilities "S. »Activities aimed at capturing stray animals without ensuring the possibility of keeping the captured animals for at least six months in a specialized nursery, as well as vaccination against rabies.

Representatives of the defendant MUP BKO "S." Semyk did not recognize the claim, indicating in their objections that MUP BKO "S." carries out activities in accordance with the Charter of the enterprise, the Federal Law "On State Municipal Unitary Enterprises", the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor "On Strengthening Measures to Prevent the Spread rabies in the region ", Sanitary rules of the joint venture ... -96 and the Veterinary rules of the VP ... -96" Prevention and control of infectious diseases, other regulatory legal acts. In accordance with paragraph 11 and paragraph 32 of Art. 16 of the federal law "On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation ”measures for the capture and maintenance of stray animals are measures to protect the life and health of people, the implementation of which is attributed to the issues of local importance of the urban district. Currently, the procedure for the capture and maintenance of stray pets is not regulated by any regulatory legal act. One of the subjects of the statutory activities of MUP BKO "S." is the right to carry out activities for the capture of stray animals. For the period from May to August 2011 MUP BKO "S." carried out catching, transportation, sterilization, keeping of stray animals (dogs) within the framework of the Decree of the administration of the municipal formation "On the provision of subsidies for reimbursement of costs in connection with the provision of services for the capture, transportation, sterilization and maintenance of stray animals (dogs)." In accordance with the Decree of the administration of the municipal formation, MUP BKO "S." fully fulfilled its obligations on the basis of an agreement concluded between the Committee on Housing and Communal Services of the Administration of the Municipal Formation and the Municipal Unitary Enterprise BKO "S.", providing for reimbursement of the costs of the MUP BKO "S." for the provision of services for the capture, transportation, sterilization, maintenance of stray animals within the funds provided by the budget of the municipal formation "...". Subsequently, the parties signed an additional agreement to the agreement, where the amount of subsidy for MUP BKO "S." was changed and amounted to 998,411.82 rubles. Pursuant to the Resolution of the Administration of the Municipal Formation, MUP BKO "S." concluded an agreement with the Regional State Institution (OSU) "Saratov City Station for Combating Animal Diseases" for the provision of veterinary services to the enterprise related to the provision of sterilization and castration of stray animals (dogs) captured by MUP BKO "S." within the territory of …. The provision of veterinary services related to the provision of sterilization and castration of stray animals (dogs) under the contract is confirmed by bilateral acts of work performed - by the Regional State Institution (OSU) Saratov City Station for Combating Animal Diseases and MUP BKO S. It should be noted that MUP BKO "S." there is a veterinary service, headed by its chief, and there are also workers to catch stray animals. These workers perform the functions assigned to them in accordance with the job descriptions of the MUP BKO “S. "And regulations. People who are not registered in a neuropsychiatric dispensary and vaccinated against rabies are allowed to work on trapping homeless animals. Control over the employees of the veterinary service is carried out by the head of the veterinary service, who maintains the necessary reporting documentation and stores medicinal products in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. The capture of stray animals is carried out using a throwing device from the nets or using a veterinary drug - adilin. The delivery of adilin is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded with LLC "V." A solution of this drug is made in accordance with the instructions for use of the drug. The specified instruction was approved by the Deputy Head of Rosselkhoznadzor Registration No. PVR-2-7.7 / 02169. The concentration of the solution used when trapping stray animals is not dangerous to human life. The storage of the drug is carried out in a strictly inaccessible place (safe) with the appointment of a person responsible for the storage and use of this drug (head of the veterinary service). All work with adilin is carried out using overalls and personal protective equipment. According to the Decree of the administration of the municipality, MUP BKO "S." fulfilled the obligations assigned to him in good faith. All actions were coordinated with the district administration and authorized representatives, and also confirmed by the necessary documents: applications, acts of capture, acts of work performed, acts of return of animals to the habitat, a journal on the maintenance of stray animals. Within the framework of the agreement concluded between the Committee on Housing and Communal Services of the Administration of the Municipal Formation and the Municipal Unitary Enterprise BKO "S." cash due in the amount of RUB 998,411.82, incl. VAT - part of the amount in the amount of RUB 492,147.32, incl. VAT is due to the Regional State Institution (OSU) "Saratov City Station for Combating Animal Diseases" for the rendered veterinary services for neutering and neutering stray dogs. The above activities are carried out exclusively using humane methods in order to protect the life and health of people. Facts of cruelty to animals are not allowed. In addition, MUP BKO "S." believes that the plaintiff's arguments are not supported by proper evidence, are far-fetched, belong to the category of emotions and the situations she describes are virtually simulated for the future or indefinite time. MUP BKO "S." provides the customer with services for catching dogs solely on the basis of written applications from customers in relation to stray animals in the presence of the applicant, about which an act of completion is drawn up. Tariffs for services of MUP BKO "S." approved by local governments. With the provision of MUP BKO "S." services, the defendant is strictly guided by the statutory goals and objectives and the relevant types of economic activity. At the same time, taking into account the explanation of the director of LLC "V." GRD, the drug "Adilin" is the most humane means for bloodless immobilization of dogs, cats and various other species of animals and birds; it does not belong to psychotropic and narcotic substances. According to the director-chief doctor of LLC Pervaya veterinary clinic»Doctor of Biological Sciences T.G.S. this method is not a method of cruelty to them, since under the influence of the drug, pain sensitivity... The defendant did not reveal any facts of cruelty to animals, by the internal affairs bodies in connection with the capture and killing of neglected animals. In this regard, the use of "Adilin" by the employees of MUP BKO "S." carried out on the basis of instructions on labor protection during transportation, storage of a medicinal product, as well job description... MUP BKO "S." carries out activities for the capture of stray animals, sterilization is carried out by the Regional government agency "Saratov city station for the fight against animal diseases" on the basis of an agreement, which is formalized by acts of work performed. Due to the lack of equipped facilities for keeping animals after castration, dogs are released into the external habitat on the same day. After sterilization, dogs are kept in cages for several days. In order to exclude repeated catching, the operated animals are supplied with collars. Payment for the work performed is made in accordance with the resolution of the Administration ... from ... ... only after documentary confirmation. In addition, MUP BKO "S." provides services for catching and killing dogs that do not have an owner at the request of citizens and organizations at their expense. Shooting stray dogs and cats in order to prevent rabies is allowed in clause 4.12 of the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules of the Joint Venture ... -96 VP ... -96 "Prevention and control of infectious diseases common to humans and animals", approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia ... and the Veterinary Department of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and Food ... The corpses of animals are placed at the cattle cemetery of the enterprise in one of 4 biothermal pits that meet the established veterinary and sanitary rules and regulations. Services for the burial of animal bodies, the handling of which requires precautions to avoid infection - are provided by MUP BKO "S." on the basis of a license to carry out activities for the collection, use, disposal, transportation, disposal of hazardous waste. MUP BKO "S." It has land plot, which is a landfill for the disposal of waste, including biological. According to the director - chief physician of LLC "First Veterinary Clinic" ... - Doctor of Biological Sciences TGS, this method is not a method of cruel treatment with them, since pain sensitivity is lost under the influence of the drug. In connection with the provision of MUP BKO "S." in the materials of the civil case of title documents indicating the subject and types of economic activity of the enterprise, we consider the applicant's indication Semyk O.AND. about the allegedly mandatory for MUP BKO "S." performing rabies vaccinations in stray dogs. The charter of MUP BKO "S." such a type of activity as rabies vaccination of stray dogs is not provided, therefore the defendant has no legal basis for the performance or provision of this type of service ... internal affairs on the fact of catching and killing neglected domestic animals in accordance with Art. 144-145 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, checks were made to identify signs of a crime under Art. 254 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - cruel treatment with animals. However, the facts of ill-treatment were not confirmed, in connection with which a criminal case was refused. In connection with the above, there are no grounds for the adoption of acts of the prosecutor's response. There are no actions on the part of the defendant that create the danger of harm and the threat of violation of rights in relation to the plaintiff, the activities of MUP BKO "S." carried out on a legal basis in accordance with the Charter of the enterprise, approved by the Committee for Property Management ... and other legislative and regulatory acts. The applicant's link Semyk Oh.AND. present 230-231 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the maintenance of stray animals for 6 months, should be inextricably linked with Art. 232 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on reimbursement of expenses for the maintenance of stray animals. However, the issue of reimbursing the costs of keeping dogs for the period of stay of neglected animals for 6 months has not yet been resolved and there are no normative legal acts on this issue in ... or the city of Saratov. MUP BKO "S." - is not a charitable organization, no donations for the maintenance of dogs are received by the company. Budget financing for the maintenance of dogs for the period of their stay within 6 months to the address of MUP BKO "S." not carried out.

The representative of a third party who does not declare independent claims on the subject of the dispute - the Administration of the Municipal Formation "..." at the hearing objected to the satisfaction of the declared Semyk O.AND. claims, supporting the arguments of the defendant in the case.

Having heard the explanations of the persons involved in the case, having examined the written materials of the case, the court came to the following.

According to the Charter of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Household Utilities "S.", the enterprise is included in the system of housing and communal services of the Municipal Formation "...". The enterprise was created with the aim of manufacturing products, performing works, providing services, making a profit and solving social problems. Among other activities, the company carries out trapping of stray dogs and cats, their quarantine (volume ..., ld ...).

By the Decree of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "..." from ... ... (volume ..., ld ... the Regulation on the provision of subsidies for reimbursement of costs in connection with the provision of services for the capture, transportation, sterilization, keeping of neglected animals (dogs) was approved. The purpose of the provision of subsidies was to reimburse costs in connection with the provision of services for the capture, transportation, sterilization, maintenance of stray animals (dogs). The necessary conditions for the provision of the subsidy were: the provision of services for the capture, transportation, sterilization, keeping of stray animals (dogs) or provision of services for the capture, transportation and maintenance of stray animals (dogs) and the presence of a valid contract with a specialized organization for the provision of services for the sterilization of animals (dogs).

It was also found that ... between the Committee on Housing and Communal Services of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "..." and MUP BKO "S.", on the basis of the above Regulation, an agreement was concluded .... (volume ..., ld ...). In accordance with the terms of the contract, the Committee for Housing and Communal Services of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "...", as the main manager, provided the recipient in the person of MUP BKO "S." subsidies for reimbursement of costs in connection with the provision of services for catching, transporting, sterilizing, keeping stray animals (dogs) within the funds provided by the budget of the municipality "..." for ... year.

As it was established in the course of the consideration of the case, the defendant for ... a year, within the framework of the concluded contracts, carried out activities on catching, keeping, killing stray animals (dogs) both on the territory of the municipal formation "..." and on the territory of other municipalities. These circumstances, which were not disputed by the defendant's side, are also confirmed by numerous case materials (copies of applications, copies of contracts, copies of the acceptance certificate for work performed, etc.).

According to Art. 137 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation apply to animals general rules on property, unless otherwise provided by law or other legal acts.

In the exercise of rights, cruelty to animals, contrary to the principles of humanity, is not allowed.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 230 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a person who has detained neglected or wild cattle or other neglected domestic animals is obliged to return them to the owner, and if the owner of the animals or his place of stay is unknown, no later than three days from the moment of detention, declare the discovery of animals to the police or to the local authority. local authorities that take measures to find the owner.

By virtue of Part 1 of Art. 231 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation if, within six months from the date of the application for the detention of neglected pets, their owner is not found or does not declare his right to them, the person with whom the animals were kept and used acquires ownership of them ...

From the written reply of the Deputy Prosecutor of the Saratov Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office from ... it follows that the Volga Interregional Environmental Prosecutor's Office carried out a second check on the issue of violations of MUP BKO "S." ... veterinary legislation in the implementation of the capture, sterilization and killing of neglected domestic animals. The conducted check showed that on the territory ... the trapping of stray pets is carried out by the MUP BKO "S." ..., for which by the decision of the administration ... from ... ... the tariff is set in the amount of ... ruble ... kopeck. The audit also found that the head of the veterinary service of the MUP BKO "S." … No measures have been taken to fulfill the requirements of the joint venture 3… .-…, approved. by the decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated ... N 54, regarding the keeping of the captured animals in special nurseries and their immunization against rabies. In relation to the head of the veterinary service of the MUP BKO "S." ... the interdistrict environmental prosecutor initiated proceedings on an administrative offense under Art. ... of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. To the director of MUP BKO "S." ... the environmental prosecutor introduced a submission to eliminate violations of federal legislation. In addition, during the audit, it was found that the regional state authorities authorized to carry out veterinary, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, measures to eliminate violations of veterinary legislation, legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, approved by the MUP BKO "S." … Were not accepted.

In accordance with Art. 1 of the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", restrictive measures (quarantine) - administrative, medical, sanitary, veterinary and other measures aimed at preventing the spread of infectious diseases and providing for a special regime of economic and other activities, restriction of movement of the population, vehicle, cargo, goods and animals.

According to clause 1.2 of the Sanitary Rules of the joint venture ... 7-10 "Prevention of rabies among people", approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation ... ..., compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities throughout the Russian Federation, including bodies state power and local government, officials, organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form and form of ownership.

In accordance with clause 9.5 of the same Sanitary Rules, the number of neglected animals is regulated by capturing them and keeping them in special nurseries. All animals must be vaccinated against rabies. In the implementation of regional programs of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, the organization and implementation of these activities falls under the authority of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

By virtue of paragraphs. 4.2, 4.5 of the Sanitary Rules ... -96. “Prevention and control of infectious diseases common to humans and animals. Rabies ", dogs, cats and other animals that have bitten people or animals (except for obviously sick with rabies) are subject to immediate delivery by the owner or a special team for catching stray dogs and cats to the nearest veterinary medical institution for examination and quarantine under the supervision of specialists for 10 days. At the end of the quarantine period, clinically healthy animals after preliminary vaccination can be returned to their owners - provided they are kept in isolation for 30 days. Animals with rabies are destroyed.

Thus, it is possible to diagnose rabies only on the basis of a set of measures and results. laboratory researchwhich the defendant did not hold. Evidence that the dogs killed by the defendant during the controversial period were sick or suspicious of the disease, the court, contrary to the requirements of Art. 56 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, not presented.

The above legal provisions refute the arguments of the defendant's representative that the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Public Utilities "Spetsavtokhozyaystvo for cleaning the city" does not have an obligation to vaccinate captured dogs against rabies before being lowered into their habitats, since one of the types of the defendant's statutory activity is the quarantine of stray dogs and cats.

As it was established during the consideration of the case, the capture of stray dogs is carried out by a special brigade of the MUP BKO "S.", which includes a veterinarian and catchers of animals. Trapping is carried out by persons who do not have veterinary education from pneumatic weapons using the drug for animals "Adilin-super". The presence of these circumstances in the court session was confirmed by the representatives of the defendant, as well as the employees of the MUP BKO "S." interrogated as witnesses at the court session.

According to the letter of the Department of Sectoral Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation from ... (volume ..., ld ...), the drug "Adilin-super" is intended for use as a means of mass bloodless slaughter of animals and poultry in the centers of especially dangerous diseases of animals and birds ...

In accordance with the Instructions for the use of the drug "Adilin-super", approved by the head of the main veterinary department of the State Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for food and procurement ... ..., this drug blocks the conduction of neuromuscular excitation, resulting in relaxation of skeletal muscles and immobilization with subsequent death. Mortality when using the drug in doses intended for trapping stray dogs and cats by public utilities is 15-60 seconds.

As follows from the expert opinion of the Ural State Agricultural Academy (volume 1, case sheets 30-31), the drug "adilin-super" belongs to the group of muscle relaxants, the mechanism of action of the drug: relaxes muscles. When the drug is injected, the muscles relax, including the respiratory muscles, which leads to respiratory arrest, after a while the heart stops. These drugs should be administered by a specially trained veterinarian in a specially designated area. The drug "Adilin-super" causes painful death in animals from suffocation. It is well known from veterinary practice that muscle relaxants of this type are used only under conditions of anesthesia and artificial respiration in surgery for operations. Without a combination with anesthesia, immediately after the introduction of these poisons, the animal begins agony within 4 minutes: respiratory paralysis, convulsions, cardiac arrest and death from suffocation within 15-20 minutes, while the animal is fully conscious.

At the same time, according to the register of the movement of materials for the capture of stray animals, the drug for animals "Adilin-super" is issued by the materially responsible person to the brigades of catchers on receipt.

In fact, as it was established during the consideration of the case by the testimony of numerous witnesses, the defendant, when trapping stray dogs in their habitats on the territory ..., and not in specially designated places, uses a drug for animals, which leads to the death of an animal when it is caught, as a result of which it is not possible to return the captured animal to a shelter for keeping within the six-month period established by civil law, or to return it to the owner.

Thus, the actions of the MUP BKO "S." on the use of the drug "Adilin-super" for the capture of stray animals, as well as the killing of stray animals in violation of the above Rules are illegal and do not meet the principles of humanity.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation from ... ... "On Veterinary Medicine", they regulate relations in the field of keeping pets, trapping, killing and neglected animals, ensuring the safety of people from the adverse physical, sanitary and psychological effects of pets, apply to all animals and are subject to compliance , both by all pet owners in municipalities ... and by organizations entrusted with the functions of trapping
and killing animals. In addition, in the Modular Law on the Treatment of Animals, adopted at the 29th Plenary Session of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States (Resolution ... of ..., it is also stipulated that temporary holding facilities for animals are created by organizations that capture stray animals for temporary keeping confiscated or otherwise the image of alienated animals, stray animals found or captured and the search for their owners or new owners.

The court agrees with the arguments of the plaintiff that the actions of the defendant contested by her, not complying with the requirements of the legislation, create a potential threat of violation of her property rights as the owner of the dog; right to a favorable environment and finds claims Semyk O.AND. reasonable and satisfactory.

By virtue of the provisions of Art. 12 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, one of the ways to protect civil rights is to suppress actions that violate the right or create a threat of its violation. Taking this into account, the prevention of the threat of violation of the rights of the plaintiff is possible by suppressing the unlawful actions of the defendant.

In accordance with Art. 98 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, from the defendant in favor of the plaintiff, the state fee paid in the amount of 400 rubles paid when applying to the court with a claim is subject to recovery.

Based on the foregoing, guided by Art. 194-199 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, court

Recognize illegal the activities of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Household Utilities "S." on killing, during capture or immediately after, stray animals without ensuring their keeping in a specialized nursery for at least six months and without vaccination against rabies.

Recognize illegal the use by the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Household Utilities "S." for the capture of stray animals, the preparations "Adilin-super" and "Adilin".

Prohibit the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Household Utilities "S." activities for the capture of stray animals without the possibility of keeping the captured animals for at least six months in a specialized nursery, as well as vaccination against rabies.

Collect from the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Household Utilities "S." in favor of O.I. Semyk on account of reimbursement of court costs in the form of paid when applying to the court with a claim of the state fee ... (...) rubles.

The decision can be appealed on appeal to the Saratov Regional Court through the Kirovsky District Court ... within a month from the date of the final decision by the court.

The Verkh-Isetsky District Court of Yekaterinburg considered the statement of claim of the Verkh-Isetsky District Prosecutor on the recognition of the illegal activity of the EMUP "Spetsavtobaz" on the use of the drug "Adilin-Super" and its analogues for the capture of stray animals.

The grounds for the prosecutor's appeal with this claim to the court were the results of an audit carried out at the request of the management of the Charitable Foundation for Helping Homeless Animals. During the inspection, it was found that the killing of stray animals (in particular, dogs) is carried out by specially created teams (catchers) using the drug "Adilin-super", as a result of which the animal dies an agonizing death from suffocation, which is extremely inhumane.

In addition, when carrying out activities on trapping stray dogs, the EMUP "Spetsavtobaza" enterprise does not comply with the established rules for trapping stray animals, since before destruction the dogs are not placed in a shelter, through which they could subsequently be returned to their owners who have lost them.

Based on the results of the inspection, the prosecutor filed a lawsuit to recognize the illegal activity of EMUP "Spetsavtobaza" on the use of the drug "Adilin-super" and its analogues and on the obligation of the enterprise to create a shelter for captured stray and homeless animals. The claims of the prosecutor were satisfied by the court.

Help Center for the Protection of Animal Rights "VITA"

Adilin-super and its analogues: ditilin, listenone:

  • curare-like substances (curare poison is used by the indigenous tribes of the Indians of Latin America for the brutal killing of animals on the hunt - poisoned arrows are used);
  • widely and widely used local authorities cities in Russia for the capture and killing of homeless animals (catchers use blowpipes or guns that shoot syringes);
  • it is also used in fur farms as the allegedly humane killing of animals doomed to die for fur;
  • it is also widely used in veterinary practice (both public and private clinics) for allegedly humane killing;
  • causes a slow painful death as a result of phased paralysis of the respiratory muscles. those. the animal, being fully conscious, dies for a long time and is extremely painful, but outwardly it looks like falling asleep, which misleads inexperienced eyewitnesses, for example, animal owners, who naively believe that they alleviate the suffering of their terminally ill pet - a dog or a cat;
  • used in medicine and veterinary medicine for a number of diseases, but with mandatory ventilation
  • in civilized countries, the use of curariform drugs for killing animals is prohibited and criminalized;
  • being potent drugs, they are in service with catchers of stray animals - people of a frankly marginal, killing warehouse, which is a mortal danger not only for animals (catchers do not make out who to shoot at), but also for the health and life of people around them (tragic cases are known) ... By a strange logic, the attention of the Drug Control Service (FSKN of Russia), which has been engaged from the beginning of its fruitless hunt for ketamine "witches", depriving the animals of Russia of anesthesia during surgical operations, i.e. doomed animals to torture, and also subjected to absurd reprisals veterinarians who honestly performed their medical duties
  • all over the world for the euthanasia of animals for veterinary reasons, barbiturates are used, which turn off the consciousness of the animal and immerse it in a deep sleep.

ON. Danilov, L.L. Matsevich, S.A. Arestov, E.N. Anashkina, V.A. Rybalko

1. General view on the situation

The most widespread method of regulating the number of homeless animals in Russia in the last 20 years has been their remote killing ("shooting") using "flying syringes" or darts containing muscle relaxants curariform action (ditilin, listenone; in recent years - adilin).

At the same time, as a rule, there is no practice of temporary keeping of captured animals: killing is carried out right on the spot. This method has been harshly criticized by the animal protection community, and in a number of regions it has already come under a formal ban - either by a court decision citing its contradiction to some federal legislative acts (for example, the Civil Code), or during the adoption of regional legislation that explicitly prohibits killing of animals at the place of capture. The effectiveness of this method is also limited - because it is not accompanied by additional measures to prevent homelessness, and also has low popularity among the population: people are often in no hurry to call catchers when they come into contact with stray dogs, pitying animals for which only guaranteed death is prepared.

The reasons for the widespread practice of such shooting in Russia are as follows:

* lack of consistent federal legislation governing the capture, maintenance and euthanasia of stray animals;

* reluctance of municipalities to organize fishing in a truly civilized manner; * economy of manpower and resources by direct performers, including due to the scarcity of funds released (received) for trapping, which is expressed, inter alia, in the absence of equipped premises (temporary holding centers, shelters) for accommodating captured animals;

* the absence in Russia of institutions for the professional training of catchers and, accordingly, requirements from the municipal authorities (as customers) for the obligatory presence of such training;

* the vicious practice of assessing the results of work and calculating the salaries of employees of the catching services by the number of not captured, but destroyed heads.

In this work, we focus on one of the negative aspects of the use of curariform muscle relaxants - the suffering of animals when they are killed.

2. General characteristics of curariform muscle relaxants and their mechanisms of action

For a clear understanding of the mechanism of action of muscle relaxants, let us turn to brief information on neuromuscular physiology.

The neuromuscular synapse is the connection between the nerve fiber and the skeletal muscle fiber. Signal transmission from the nerve to the muscle is carried out by the release of molecules of a special messenger substance, acetylcholine, from the side nerve fiber... Acetylcholine then binds to the n-cholinergic receptor of the muscle cell membrane ("post-synaptic receptor"), causing a change in its state. The distribution of electrical charges outside and inside the membrane of the muscle cell changes (depolarization), generating a short-term drop in electrical potential that triggers the process of muscle contraction. For the next start of the process of muscle fiber contraction, the charge state of the muscle membrane must be reset to its original state (repolarization). After activation of contraction, acetylcholine is very quickly (~ 0.001 s) destroyed by the enzyme cholinesterase, and the membrane repolarizes and becomes capable of receiving a new signal from the nerve fiber.

Muscle relaxants of curariform action affect the process of signal transmission in the neuromuscular synapse. They are subdivided into depolarizing and non-depolarizing.

Non-depolarizing muscle relaxants (for example, tubocurarine) block the effect of acetylcholine on the n-cholinergic receptors of the muscle membrane, thereby preventing the passage of the signal that activates muscle contraction, but the state of the receptor itself does not change. Depolarizing muscle relaxants (ditilin, listenone) are structurally related to acetylcholine and act on receptors like acetylcholine, but they are not cleaved by the cholinesterase enzyme in the synaptic cleft, and therefore cause persistent depolarization of the muscle membrane, making it insensitive to control signals. (The blood enzyme pseudocholinesterase gradually breaks down the depolarizing muscle relaxants, neutralizing their action, but this is a slow process).

After injection, curariform muscle relaxants cause relaxation and paralysis of muscles in the following sequence: facial muscles, muscles of the larynx (vocal cords), neck, muscles of the limbs, trunk, and finally, the muscles of the diaphragm, which are responsible for breathing. With the introduction of critical doses of muscle relaxants, respiratory arrest is possible (in medicine, in this case, the patient is transferred to artificial lung ventilation) and subsequent death. Note that the direct effect of a drug that has entered the bloodstream on other vital organs (for example, the heart) is not a factor that can cause death.

3. Veterinary aspect of the use of muscle relaxants, the opinion of international and foreign organizations.

One of the most authoritative, accurate and comprehensive sources characterizing the various methods of killing animals, suitable and not suitable for euthanizing representatives different types, is a "Guide to Euthanasia" developed by the American Veterinary Association by analyzing and synthesizing existing scientific evidence. The last updated edition of the Guide was published in 2007; thus, these data are also the most relevant.

All substances acting as neuromuscular blockers (magnesium sulfate, nicotine, all curariform muscle relaxants) are classified in this Guide as drugs that can be used only after the animal has been previously immersed in anesthesia. The use of neuromuscular blockers without prior anesthesia is certainly unacceptable.

In scientific laboratory practice, the use of muscle relaxants for the euthanasia of animals, including dogs and cats, without prior anesthesia is also prohibited. Such use of muscle relaxants is in conflict with the recommendations of the Humane Society International (HSI), and with the European Convention for the Protection of Companion Animals (according to which the use of methods of killing based on artificial cessation of respiration is prohibited, unless such methods initiate immediate loss of consciousness, or do not begin with immersion in deep anesthesia).

The reason for this conclusion is that these drugs lead to a painful feeling of suffocation, but at the same time they do not have any narcotic or sedative properties. The use of lethal doses of neuromuscular blockers causes paralysis of skeletal muscles, including respiratory muscles. In a fully conscious animal, acute respiratory failure of the neuromuscular etiology occurs.

At the same time, the use of muscle relaxants is inhumane, even despite the fact that, starting with certain concentrations of carbon dioxide in the blood, the animal develops an unconscious state, and cardiac arrest occurs after the extinction of the electrical activity of the brain - since the increase in carbon dioxide concentration occurs too slowly. The accumulation of carbon dioxide when using muscle relaxants is not due to the chemical decomposition of the administered drug, but only due to the metabolic processes of the body itself (as in any other case, the cessation of air flow into the lungs). Exchange processes flow not fast enough to give a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood for a period of time short enough so that the animal does not have time to feel suffocation.

As a result of loss of consciousness and extinction of the electrical activity of the brain during the use of muscle relaxants, a rather long (up to several minutes) period is preceded when the fully conscious animal experiences painful suffocation. Thus, it can be argued that the killing with the help of muscle relaxants of the cure-like action of conscious animals causes them suffering.

For comparison, we note: during inhalation euthanasia of animals with carbon dioxide, based precisely on the anesthetic effect of high concentrations of carbon dioxide, gas mixtures are used from cylinders with a carbon dioxide concentration of at least 70-80%, so that the required concentration of carbon dioxide in the animal's blood is achieved in the shortest possible time.

The sometimes encountered statement that the moment of death when using muscle relaxants occurs in the absence of sensitivity, imperceptibly for the body, in fact, has nothing to do with the essence of the issue under consideration, since it is not the moment of death itself that is fundamentally important here, but the processes that take place long before it, when the animal is still conscious. Paralysis of the respiratory muscles and suffocation occur before loss of consciousness and extinction of the electrical activity of the brain (and subsequent cessation of cardiac activity).

4. "Adilin" as one of the muscle relaxants

We have at our disposal a number of documents, which contain allegations of the allegedly very rapid onset of death of the animal after the introduction of one of their muscle relaxants - namely, "Adilina" (which is produced by the Kazan association "Vetbioservice"). So, in the conclusion on the use of the drug "Adilin", provided by the employees of the FSBEI HPE "Don State Agrarian University" V.Kh. Fedorov, V.S. Stepanenko and N.V. Sumin in 2012, it is noted that the deadline for death is 15-60 seconds after the administration of the drug. However, such information is not supported by scientific sources; such a period is referred only to the stage of the onset of relaxation of skeletal muscles. Moreover, the manufacturers of the drug themselves indicate the time of death already on the order of 1-3 minutes.

At the same time, we do not have access to any information confirming beyond any doubt that the mechanism of action of the drug "Adilin" is somehow different from the mechanism of action of other muscle relaxants. Moreover, the drug "Adilin" (bis-dimethylaminoethyl succinic acid bis-dimethyl sulfate) is a close chemical analogue of the drugs "Ditylin" (bis-dimethylaminoethyl succinic acid diiodomethylate) and Listenone (bis-dimethylaminoethyl succinic acid dichloromethylate) curariform properties, and inapplicable for humane euthanasia without preliminary immersion of the animal in anesthesia.

Thus, there is every reason to attribute the drug "Adilin" to a group of substances, the use of which for euthanasia is permissible only after the animal is put into a state of anesthesia with the help of certified veterinary drugs intended for this purpose - but in no case as the only agent used.

On the other hand, we recognize the forced necessity of using euthanasia in the course of measures to regulate the number of stray animals. Russia belongs to countries with a "European style" of keeping dogs (most dogs are owned, and stray dogs are their descendants). For such countries, the optimal basic method of working with already existing stray dogs is irrevocable capture followed by placement in a municipal shelter.

From such a shelter, the captured animals can be transferred for further maintenance to the previous owners, or citizens and public organizations who have expressed a desire to become new owners of the animal, and keep it in accordance with the current Rules for keeping pets. However, the period of keeping captured animals in a municipal shelter should be limited to reasonable limits, since the municipal shelter should be able to accept all stray animals subject to capture. Otherwise, the irreversible capture of stray animals in the city will be paralyzed, and measures to regulate the number of stray animals will become ineffective.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, for pet animals, this period should be at least 6 months, since the acquisition of ownership of this type of property occurs precisely after this period has passed - however, for ownerless animals, the period of mandatory maintenance can be reduced, since such animals are caught in order to regulate their number, and not to acquire ownership of them.

Therefore, in case the number of animals returned to the previous owners and transferred to new owners is less than the number of captured animals; or the animals received from the capture, due to the characteristics of their behavior or state of health, cannot be transferred to new owners - it becomes necessary to euthanize unclaimed animals. To eliminate the need for the euthanasia of healthy animals, long-term work is needed to prevent homelessness and neglect within the framework of an integrated approach, including the fight against excessive reproduction of domestic animals.

Although there are no certified veterinary drugs in Russia that can be used for humane euthanasia performed in one step, it remains possible to use euthanasia schemes that provide for two stages:

a) immersion of the animal in a state of anesthesia with the help of veterinary drugs certified for such use (for example, intramuscular injection of the drug "Zoletil" or its mixture with the drug "Xylazine", or intravenous administration the drug "Propofol");

b) after that, the introduction to an anesthetized animal of one of the drugs certified for use for the purpose of killing animals (for example, the drug "Adilin");

6. Temporary immobilization during capture.

The use of the drug "Adilin" not for killing, but for the temporary immobilization of animals also raises questions, since there are no official instructions regarding dosages for the temporary immobilization of animals with this drug. Therefore, first of all, we propose to consider the possibility of using for this purpose the drugs "Xylazine" ("Rometar", "Xyla" and other xylazine-containing) and "Zoletil" (its mixtures with the drug "Xylazine"). This method of temporary immobilization of dogs during capture is already used in a number of Russian cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl).

As for the use of muscle relaxants for temporary immobilization, in this case it is necessary to turn to the use of not "Adilin", but another drug - "Ditilin", for which there are officially approved instructions for its use specifically for temporary immobilization. As for the use of the drug "Adilin" for this purpose, it seems to us that such a possibility can be considered only after the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation or other authorized executive body has developed and approved official instruction with an indication of the exact dosages of the drug, obviously not causing death.

In any case, the use of fast-acting muscle relaxants should only be a last resort when trapping wild animals that cannot be trapped with less dangerous means; In addition, teams of trappers using such muscle relaxants should have injectable drugs that weaken the effect of a muscle relaxant (vitamin B1 - thiamine, as well as 0.1% adrenaline solution in hypertonic sodium chloride solution), and be able to use them under appropriate circumstances.

1. W.F. Ganong. Neuromuscular junction, p. 53-54. In Ganong, W. F., Review of Medical Physiology. Lange Medical Publ., Los Altos, Calif. 577 pp. 1963

2. J. Appiah-Ankam, J. Hunter. Pharmacology of neuromuscular blocking drugs.//Continuing Education in Anesthesia, Critical Care & Pain. Vol.4 (1), p.2-7, 2004

3. Pharmacology // Ed. R.N. Alyautdin. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: GEOTAR-MED, 2004 .-- 592 p.

4. AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia. // American Veterinary Medical Association, June 2007. Available at:

5. Recommendations for euthanasia of experimental animals: Part 1.//Laboratory Animals, Vol.30, p.293-316, 1996

6. Recommendations for euthanasia of experimental animals: Part 2.//Laboratory Animals, Vol.31, p.1-32, 1997

7. European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals // Strasbourg, 13.XI.1987. Document on english language available from the link on the Council of Europe website:

8. General Statement Regarding Euthanasia Methods for Dogs and Cats // Humane Society International Electronic Library, 1999. English document available from the link on the HSI website:

9. Guidance on the use of Ditilin for temporary immobilization of animals // Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation, document No. i3-5-2 / i236, 12.05.1998. The document is available at the link:

10. An official written response from employees of the Federal State Institution FCTRB, prof. Yu.A. Zimakova, prof. R.D. Gareeva No. 678 of 12/17/2006 to a request about the humanity of the use of muscle relaxants for the euthanasia of pets. A scan of the written response is available here:

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