Hurring the left eye causes. Why the eyelid eyes twitch - causes and treatment

About the prevalence of eye teak, perhaps, we will not: He is familiar with almost every adult person. In principle, unpleasant, but no more. In most cases, the twitching of the upper or lower eyelid is a short-term phenomenon and is not a symptom of any serious diseases. However, there are exceptions.

Why the eye twirls

Twirl eye - what headache: possible reasons The emergence of this symptom cover the full range of "nothing terrible" to "Tomorrow you will die," joke My Eye Won't Stop Twitching-Am I Dying? Journalists of the American Edition The Atlantic. And in general, they are right.

If you delve into the debris Eye Twitching medical information and jungle all kinds clinical manifestations, then the surfing eyelid can signal about anything. Glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, developing Parkinson's disease, turret syndrome, Bella Prally ... but stop.

Cutting the century (it is the eye tick) in itself speaks only one thing: some failure in the work of the central nervous system.

For example, sometimes tick provoke Everything You Need to Know About Eyelid Twitch Random electrical impulses in the brain. They stimulate the eye muscle, causing its abbreviations. Nothing that could cause fears - just "outbreak" in the brain.

Eye Tick is extremely rarely a sign What Are Eyelid Twitches? Any serious problems, so doctors do not even try to comprehensively explore the causes of this phenomenon.

If it still arises and concerns anxiety to man, then, as a rule, dig in one of the three directions, asking the following questions to the patient:

  1. Do you get enough sleep, feel rested in the morning?
  2. Are you experiencing a protracted stress?
  3. Do you drink a lot of coffee?

Fatigue and stress cause the nervous system overvoltage, which is why random tributes from nerve pulses in the brain are more often happening. Coffee is also not the best effect on the nerves: if your hands are trembling your hands from drinking this drink, do not be surprised that it can be entered with eyes.

What else can cause eye tick

Also should not be written off from the accounts of the situation that can become triggers for centuries. As a rule, they are associated with the irritation of the eye nerve. Here is the list What Are Eyelid Twitches? The most common stimuli:

  1. Too bright light or strong wind
  2. Long-term work at a computer or reading in the twilight
  3. Side effects of some drugs. For example, the vigorous eyelid can be an individual reaction to the use of eye or nose, as well as antihistamine drugs and antidepressants.

Among others are relatively common, but in general, no dangerous reasons can be distinguished: alcohol intoxication, smoking, temporary decrease in immunity (let's say, after recently transferred influenza or ac To difficulties with muscle relaxation).

What to do if the eye twitches

Given the above, in the absolute majority of cases calm the trembling eyelid is easy:

  1. Try deeply or otherwise reduce stress. For example, leave an overlooking the nervous office for a walk or just throw back on the chair, cover your eyes and imagine yourself by the Buddha.
  2. Sleep off.
  3. Adjust the amount of caffeine in your life.
  4. Going outside, especially in a windy and sunny day, do not forget to wear.
  5. If possible, limit the time spent before the screens.
  6. Do not read in the dark.
  7. Make sure that you eat fully.
  8. Try to refuse OT. harmful habits Or at least the number of smokers and high-graduate parties.
  9. Re-read the list side Effects From the drugs you take and, if necessary, consult your doctor about the replacement of drugs.

When need to consult a doctor

The eye tick is usually a single phenomenon and rarely lasts longer than a few minutes. Even if the situation is repeated for several days in a row, nothing to worry about. The eyelo simply reminds you of what we should relax and.

Repeat: the risk that pulling the eye is associated with dangerous health impairment, minimal. Nevertheless, let it rarely, but it happens.

Plan a visit to the doctor (therapist, neurologist or ophthalmologist) if you see the following symptoms:

  1. The eye twirls at least two weeks and longer.
  2. During tick you have difficulties in order to open your eyes.
  3. Tick \u200b\u200bis not limited to the eye area, but affects other sections of the face or body.
  4. The eye is not only twitched, but also will get drunk and looks swollen.
  5. The eyelo is omitted, completely covers the eye, and it is difficult for you to raise it in a normal position.

All this can speak either about the injury of the eye, or about the development of sufficiently serious neurological violations. Only a specialist can be installed and prescribed treatment.

Many people experienced at least once an unpleasant feeling when the eyes twitch. Twitching gives discomfort, it seems that others see and pay attention to it. Sometimes this phenomenon can continue from a few minutes to several days.

Physiologically, this is the process of cutting muscle, repeated and unnecessary to control the flashing or spasm of the century, most often the top. In medicine, such twitching is called teak or blefarospasm. In most cases, such a journey of the eye can last about five minutes with the interference of the muscle contraction within a few seconds.

The most likely reason is overvoltage. Fatigue, strong overwork at work, work at a computer without interruptions, lack of sleep. To facilitate the situation, a full-fledged vacation is needed, a normal sleep, getting rid of stressful impact, organized working time. When working at a computer, it is necessary to observe the mode: breaks for 15-20 minutes in the fresh air every two hours. If twitching does not stop within a few days, a neurologist is needed, for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, since the development of facial hemispanis is likely.

Verification of the century is possible as the body's response on spring avitaminosis. This is due to the deterioration of conductivity in nervous cells. overall muscle. It is enough to drink a course of vitamins.

If the eyes worsen when twitching the eye, it is worth a visit to an ophthalmologist. Such a phenomenon can be a harbinger of some eye diseases:

  • Inflammation of the eye century.
  • Dry or light sensitivity of the eye.
  • Acute infectious conjunctivitis.

All these diseases require medical inspection, confirmation of the diagnosis and appointment of appropriate therapy.

Acute or chronic neurosis is often the cause of pulling the eye. The reason is the presence of a psychotrauming situation in which strong nervous overvoltage is experienced. First of all, you need to try to remove the psychotrarming factor, to drink a course of sedatives or collecting herbs, visit a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Hand twitching can provoke the reception of some medicines, in particular these can be preparations from epilepsy and in the treatment of psychosis of various genes.

The therapist should contact if the following happens:

  • The duration of twitching the eye lasts more than one week
  • Twitching increases and muscle spasms occur, practically closing eyelids
  • Together with the top of the eye, other muscles of the face are reduced.
  • Together with the top of the right or left eye blushes and begins to foss

After collecting anamnesis and inspection, the therapist may have suspicion of violations in brain activity or nervous system. Then you need a more thorough inspection of a neurologist or other narrow specialists.

In most cases, the treatment of pulp up the eye is not required. It is enough to organize a full-fledged rest, reduce the use of coffee, alcohol and tobacco, get rid of the psychotrauming situation.

If pulling the eye is caused by its dryness, it is enough to buy an artificial tear at the pharmacy, which is sold without a medical recipe and rinse the eye several times a day.

What can be done if I started to twitch?

If you begin twitching the century, you can take sedative and relax. You can mix your cotton tampon novocainen and attach to the plug. You can also make gymnastics for the eyes, which will allow you to relax the muscle.

  • For a minute blinking without a break.
  • Snacking firmly (inhale), and then open your eyes.

If one eye or both twigs periodically, it is possible that the first bells of the beginning of serious diseases, such as atherosclerosis or turret syndrome, various diseases central nervous system. Big role In the emergence of these diseases there is a hereditary factor. In this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist for deep diagnostics, clarifying the diagnosis and appointment of therapy. Depending on the disease and the degree of its severity, treatment can be sufficiently long, assigned medicia treatment, Perhaps physiotypers, acupuncture, massage, long-lasting walks in the fresh air and a full-fledged vacation.

In any case, twitching the eye is a signal from the body about various kinds of problems, ranging from banal fatigue and ending with serious diseases. It is not necessary to engage in self-medication if at least a slightest suspicion of serious illness occurs, because not knowing accurate diagnosis you can harm the body and worsen the condition.

Surely everyone had to deal with the problem of involuntary abbreviation of the eye muscles - nervous tick.

This is a very unpleasant process, during which the eye eyeway is twitching. Many this is rare, mostly a single phenomenon, but there are cases when it requires the intervention of specialists. Consider the reasons for its appearance and methods of treatment.

So why does the human eye have a property to twitch? The main reason is the wrong functioning of the nervous systems, failures in her workwhich may be caused psychological disorders, experiences, mental loads, lack of sleep, injuries, different types of accompanying diseases, disadvantages of vitamins and similar things.

If you just begins to twitch the eyelid, it will be enough to do light gymnastics for eyes And for a few minutes to frody.

Well, if the nervous tick slowed down for a long time and does not give you peace for several hours in a row, then you should resort to various ways Treatment. And even better, contact a specialist to avoid bad consequences.

For help need to contact a neurologist, Therapist and otolaryngologist. They investigate the reasons for the appearance of nervous tick and prompt what to do next.

Well, if you are very bad and in front of your eyes jump and the non-existent points are merging, then it's time to flee to an ophthalmologist. In any case, it is impossible to delay.

Where to start fighting tick

Why start when there are problems with jerking eyes. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all the reasons that destroy mental health - stress, overwork, insecurity, strong arousal.

In short, you need to pause, take a few days of rest, suspend the daily rhythm of life, relax, sleep over. A good option is a trip for the weekend. Just do not call a noisy company.

Travel alone or with a close man to stay away from the fuss, noise, nervous. Relax, relax. Make such a reboot of the body.

If it is not possible to rest or take a mini-vacation, that is, other relax methods. Cry, for example, a relaxing sport - yoga, Pilates. Also walk in the morning in the park, breathe more breathe fresh air, make a rustic walk on a bike, go to the picnic to the lake.

Everything, What helps to relax, comes to help you. Give your nerves in order, let yourself completely forget about everyday worries. If there is no time for such a time, then sign up for a reception to a psychologist. Conversations with him will help to understand everything, find the reason and eliminate it.

In addition to physical ways to pacification and tranquility, you can resort to help medical preparations. But here you do not need to rush and improving. Sweet down the soothing pills and drink tincture without a prior campaign to the doctor is categorically prohibited.

Everything should occur under his supervision and only after appointment. Maximum that you can do yourself without going to a specialist, it drink chamomile tea and give up coffeeSince it excites the nervous system.

In addition to these two ways to relax, you can go to the spa, to the massage therapist, and you can take a fragrant bath at home, sit with a cup of tea, rereading your favorite book or looking through your favorite movie.

It can fill the lack of vitamins in the body. In this case, it is necessary to include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. But to know for sure, what vitamin is not enough, consult a doctor. After the examination, it will appoint a course of treatment and will write the necessary medicines.

What to do

Taking into account all of the above, you can summarize information and list a number of certain ways to which you can resort when you have an eye:

first of all try to relax as much as possible., distracted for a while, do your favorite thing, spend time with your relatives, make yourself a relaxation evening - a fragrant bath, watching a movie in the arms of your loved one;

Refuse time from taking alcohol, coffee; herbal teas - It is now a casual drink;

strong I. healthy sleep - also the key to success, try to lie down a little earlier, and throughout the day there are small breaks in work, during which you can take a break or, at least, to retire and lie down with your eyes closed;

Smaller eye to the computer monitor and TV, reduce the spending time for them if your work is continuously connected to the computer, then do frequent breaks so that your eyes can relax;

Also worth paying attention to your food diet: eat more beans., Bananas, fish, pumpkin seeds - they contain, whose disadvantage can be the cause of nervous eye teak;

Active blinking, special gymnastics will help from active and direct methods.

There are I. folk Methods Treatment. When the eye twitches, you can do the following:

1. Make infusion from chamomile, mother and chrysanthemum leaves. Take them in equal amounts and pour boiling water. You can use daily instead of tea. Similar tinctures can be made from Valerian root, hop cones, peony flowers. Teas from mint, vocabulary, hormour, rosehip, sea buckthorn, strawberries - all this is only welcome;

2. With nervous teach eye can be done compresses from the plantain. To make it, grind the leaves of the plantain and pour boiling water. The resulting slightly cooled mass lay on the fabric and apply to the eyes;

3. To forget about the journey of the eyes, you need to eat more. The fact is that it contains a lot vitamin B6., whose disadvantage may cause this problem;

4. Some people's healers argue that with the nervous teach of the eye, it will be enough to connect the pads of large and index fingers and the eye will immediately calm down;

5. Reassure nerves, and respectively nervous teak eye, Easy herbs will help, spread them in the room where you sleep. To help here even the usual hay. But do not take too fragrant herbs, otherwise you only transport your nervous system;

6. It is said that copper Also can help. It is enough to attach it to the place where the eyelid is twitching.

Whatever of the methods and methods you have chosen, remember the main thing - self-treatment may have bad consequences. Better to enlist the help of specialists!

The fact that the eye is twitching, many do not see terrible symptoms. However, it should be understood that in some cases this state may be a sign of severe diseases, for example, sclerosis, amiotrophic sclerosis.

Spontaneous twitching

Fortunately, in most cases, the reasons why the left eye is twitching or the right, less threatening:

  • stress;
  • fatigue;
  • tense visual work;
  • a large number of caffeine;
  • lack of magnesium diet, potassium, calcium;
  • alcohol;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • allergy.

Twitching, arising in such cases, usually benign and are not serious disease or a sign of a medical problem. When the bottom or upper eyelidBut only on one eye, then this indicates the so-called miocymia - the transient reduction of the bunch of muscle fibers. It comes from the increased excitability of motionrons by various factors. Subjectively, when the eye twitches, it may seem that it is very noticeable, but in fact these trembles are so microscopic that virtually invisible. Twitching usually vehicles.

Muscle responsible for twitching age

Many women notice that the eye twitching during pregnancy. The reason for this is the restructuring of hormonal and nervous systems, changing the rhythm of life, food habits, which can increase the excitability of nerve centers and conductive fibers. The peculiarity of this state in pregnant women is to treat methods. They must be as gentle as possible and not harm the emerging fetus. As a rule, soft sedatives are used - valerian extract or mint, except alcohol dosage forms. It is also recommended to spend time in the fresh air, to engage in light physical education, limit the viewing of aggressive gear and in general to reduce the work with the computer. The main thing about the appearance of nervous ticks is to seek advice on the choring doctor.

Hemifacial spasm

Hemifacial spasm - local twitching muscles that are innervated by the face nerve, whose irritation causes ripple blood vessel. Thus, the causes of the spasm include compressing vessels, facial nerve In tumors and hematomas, the lesion of the brain during atherosclerosis, sclerosis, neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve, spastic curve.

The defeat of the facial nerve causes strong painful sensations

Usually hemifacial spasm arises from the older people age group (after 50 years) and has one-sided localization. It usually begins with short-term clonic abbreviations of the circular muscle of the eye, and then covers other facial muscles. IN anomalous cases Spasm begins at the bottom up - from the cheek to the eye. With sustainable clonic convulsions of the facial muscles, their tonic reduction is gradually occurring. This is noticeable by the fact that the eye stopped twitching, and is constantly in a state of spasm, which makes the vision impossible. A long course of the disease leads to a paresa of the facial muscles.

Nervous tick

You can also often observe that the muscle under the eye is twitching, the so-called nervous tick. In fact, such contractions are due to inadequate nerve impulses, that is, the nerve under the eye is jerking. The cause of such a condition should be sought in the pathology of the nervous system: physical and mental fatigue, lack of sleep, cranial injury. The headache and the eye is usually twitching with the toxic lesions of the nervous system of poisonous substances, medicines, endotoxins of worms or bacteria with severe infectious diseases.

Such twitching can last a few days. With damage to the nervous system, the patient can also feel that the eye flies, with an external examination noticeably like eyeball Makes uncontrollable microdvatsiya, and the eyelids spontaneously closed.

Nervous ticks that continue for a week or month may indicate a systematic disorder of the central nervous system. Such diseases include turret syndrome. This is a genetic violation that manifests itself in young children.

The child twitches eyes, there are other motor, as well as vocal and mechanical ticks. With the gradual development of the muscular and nervous system, the degree of their severity is reduced and practically passes to adolescent age.

A more dangerous state, if the eye twitches, is called blefarospasm. This involuntary and uncontrolled reduction of circular muscles surrounding the eye. The muscle is twitching under the eye and above it, which leads to the spasmodic closure of the eyelids. Bloparospasm is accompanied by an edema, tearing, hypersensitivity to light, dry eye. Blafarospasm attacks end up fairly quickly, but with exacerbation of the underlying disease become longer and in the end they can continue all day.

Bloparospasm occurs in neuropathy and nerupt the facial and triple nerve, hyperkinosis of the face

For each side of the face there are branches of a trigeminal nerve, so when it is inflammation, for example, when the right eye is twitching, it may be a nonsense, trembling and hurting the corresponding cheek.

Setting the cause of the development of blephaline is important to determine how to treat this state. It can cause:

  • blepharitis (eyelinity);
  • scratch and microtraums of the cornea;
  • dryness of the outer shell (reduced products tears);
  • entropyon (inner breakdown);
  • glaucoma (under damage spectator nerve);
  • photosensitivity;
  • trichiasis;
  • uveite.

Inorganic pathology

In addition to organic damage to the nervous system, psychosomatics also pulls the eyes. Experts in this area bind the occurrence of twitching eyes and eyelids with emotional blocking. If everything more often under the eye, it means that a person is at the limit and will soon lose control of the emotions that he managed to hold for several years. Teaks may arise in different muscles, but if a person is afraid of "falling the dirt face" it is expressed in the pulsation of the eyelid. On a different interpretation, in children tick under the left eye or right arises as an answer to the lack of parental love.

Such children are constantly in a state of emotional tension and expectations. Psychosomatics gives recommendations how to treat such children. Parents need to change their behavior, love the child really, and not just from a sense of duty, and the baby calms down and relaxes, and at the same time the lower eyelid is not twitching.


In case of episodic sensations that the eye twitches, possible irritating factors should be excluded - bright light, dryness of the cornea, stressful situations, lack of sleep. Also pay attention to whether the glasses or contact lenses.

The adjusted rhythm of labor and recreation, reducing caffeine and tobacco use, the use of moisturizing eye drops contributes to the rapid disappearance of the symptom.

Short-term nerve tick, for example, if twitching under the left eye, can calm down, pulling away the lower eyelid or easily massaging it. Also, the muscular voltage can be removed, firmly closed a couple of times.

Massage helps soothe twitching eyes

The positive effect gives the admission of light soothing drugs based on mint, Melissa, Valerians. They can be taken in the form of tablets or brew rags and infusions.

In order to get rid of unpleasant teak, you can make cool decad-minute compresses on the eyes.

In the diet, add products rich in magnesium and potassium, vitamins of group B - beans, cereals, nuts, green leaf vegetables, seeds or take special vitamin and mineral complexes.

If twitching the eye lasts long, it spreads on half of the face or is spasmodically reduced and both eyes do not open, it requires immediate appeal to medical help.

Treatment of spasmodic abbreviations (blephaline, hemifacial spasm) is based on the introduction of botulinum-toxin (Botox, dysport, Hyomin) in the eye muscles, which interrupts nervous innervation Muscular fibers.

Botox injections effect lasts up to month

Very rarely, the eye twitching can be a sign of certain disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems:

  • palsy Bella;
  • cervical dystonia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • turret syndrome;
  • facial dystonia;
  • the side effect of drugs, especially drugs used to treat epilepsy and psychosis.

With such diseases, other symptoms will also be present. general violation.

For the oppression of the nervous system, such drugs such as clonazepams, lorazepam, trihexiphenidyl can be assigned. They provide short-term relief.

Alternative treatments include:

  • acupuncture;
  • treatment with weak currents;
  • hypnosis;
  • manual therapy;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • wearing protective darkened glasses.

If such options do not work, then the eye does not twitch, you can make an operation on myctomy. In its course, part of the fibers of the muscles of the eyes are excised, which are the cause of twitching, and their influence is weakened. Also surgically you can relax the pressure of the vessel on the facial or trigeminal nerveBy stopping the hemifacial spasm.

The diagnosis and choice of the treatment method should be carried out by the joint efforts of the ophthalmologist and the neuropathologist.

A failure in the work of the nervous system explains why the eye began to twitch. Short-term teak eye is not dangerous to health. If the symptom is concerned about several days or accompanied by redness, edema of the organ of vision, then the reason is the disease of the eyes or other organs.

Provocate teak eyes can have different reasons. The most common is the overwork of the body due to lack of sleep, elevated psycho-emotional loads, fatigue.

Overvoltage of the visual analyzer too frequent cause, forcing it to twitch the eyelid right or left eye. Treatment of the organ of vision causes work requiring concentration (at a computer, with minor items), long viewing of the TV, reading during transportation of transport or with weak lighting.

Regarding safe reasons why the left or right eye twitches, are: excessive use of coffee, alcohol, temporary decrease in immunity, lack of vitamins and trace elements.

The symptom can cause antidepressants, antiallergic tools, eye drops or nose. This is the individual reaction of the organism of some people.

What diseases telling the twisting eyelid?

The eye tick may be a symptom of ophthalmic diseases. If the right or left eye twitches, redness is marked, swelling, pathological discharge, Conjunctivitis is possible. The discomfort in the eyes causes a person to squint, rub the eyelids, often blinking, which leads to the twitching age.

An unpleasant symptom can cause any diseases in which the transmission of nerve pulses in the muscles is disturbed.

In the absence of additional manifestations from the body of vision, the cause must be sought in the other. Diseases in which the eyelid can be twisted:

  • Neurosis. Stress and voltage of the nervous system causes a failure in operation and leads to an involuntary reduction in muscles.
  • Brain circulation. The worsening blood flow causes the defeat of the cortex of the brain. This disrupts the transfer of pulses by nervous fibers.
  • Parkinson's disease. Degenerative changes The cells responsible for motor functions lead to the appearance of tremor (twitching) of the muscles of the whole body.
  • Head injuries. Because of the mechanical impact on the brain structures, the process of transferring nerve pulses deteriorates, the bloodstream is disturbed, which leads to the twitching of the century.
  • Oncological neoplasms. The cause of twitching is germination and compression of visual structures of a growing tumor.

Periodically emerging twitching pass after rest. If the eyelids are twitching constantly, the symptom has been concerned about the week or more, the other muscles of the person are pulsing, and other muscles appear, there is a spasmodic abbreviation of muscles, then the help of a specialist is required.
Watch the video about the signs and reasons for the twitching:

How to quickly get rid of nervous teak eyes

Which doctor goes - depends on the symptoms. In pathological manifestations from the body of the vision, contact an ophthalmologist. If the eye is twitching and the head hurts, then the neurologist consultation will be required. If there are no other symptoms, then start with the therapist.

When the eye twitches from the overwork, solve the problem will help a full-fledged rest. Limit your stay B. stressful situations, Try to lead yourself to rest. Effective lungs physical exerciseRelaxing procedures: hot tub, listening to calm music, aromatherapy.

Stop nervous tick will help a relaxing technique - Palming. Sit on the chair, straighten your back. Attach warmed palms to the face. The base of the palms should be placed on the cheekbones, and the fingers are on the forehead. Palm should not sake the eyelids and interfere with the blink. Heat and lack of light helps relieve the tension of the visual organ.

Effective acupressure century. Press the finger pads for 10 seconds on the skin of the eyelid at four points: in the center of the lower eyelid, under the eyebrow, in the corners of the eyes. Complete massage with light circular movements.

Therapy uses drug and folk remedies.

Pharmacy drugs

If the eye twitching for a long time, you will need drug treatment. The choice of group of drugs depends on the cause.

  • "Novopalsit", "Persen", "tenoten" - soothing pills for the treatment of nervous tick in adults.
  • "Magnelis", "Magna B6" - drugs with magnesium to normalize the work of the nervous system.
  • Drops "Tobraks", "Albucid"; Mazi "Tetracycline", "Erythromycin" - local drugs for the treatment of bacterial eye diseases.
  • Drops "Aktipol", "Ophthalmferon" - for the treatment of viral diseases.
  • "SYSTEIN", "VIND" - drops for moistening and removing eye fatigue.

When the eye is very jerking, you need to correctly determine the causes and choose treatment. You can independently take soothing drugs, vitamin complexes. They have a minimum of side effects and contraindications. For the appointment of other drugs it is better to consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

Effective decoctions, infusions, teas on herbs, compresses. We will analyze what can be done at home if the eye twitching.

  • Herbal teas. Herbs have a soothing effect: Marala Root, Melissa, Mint, Chabret, St. John's wort, mother-in-law. You can buy finished herbs in a pharmacy, brew both tea and drink daily 2-3 p / d.
  • Decorations. Berry rose, sea buckthorn, hawthorn berries are suitable for cooking. You can add leaves of soothing herbs. The decoction is boiling at least 10 minutes, then insist for 5 hours. It is recommended to take a daily 2-3 r / d.
  • Compress. Crushed planting leaves are poured with boiling water, give it to spill. The resulting cleaner is laid out on a gauze napkin and applied to closed centuries for 10 minutes.
  • Infusion. 2 tbsp. l. The gold masculine filled 200 ml of boiling water. Leave it all night. Take 50 ml obtained by infusion before taking food.

Folk remedies from nervous tick will help calm the tweaking eye. Substances contained in plants remove the muscle tension, soothe nerves.

Watch the video How to treat nervous tick:


Healthy lifestyle and peace CNS is a security deposit. Perform preventive measuresTo prevent the appearance of teak:

  • Healthy nutrition. Enter in the diet products rich in calcium, magnesium (dairy products, grain crops, nuts). With insufficient nutrition, support the body with vitamin complexes with microelements "complivit", "Vitrum".
  • Full night rest.
  • Restriction of visual load. Make breaks in your work, perform gymnastics for the eyes, relaxing technique Palming.
  • Read only with sufficient lighting. Do not read in moving transport.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Eating herbal teas with a soothing effect (Melissa, mint).

There is a hereditary predisposition to nervous teak. Therefore, if the relatives have twisted the eyelids, then you must comply with prevention measures.

Most often, the symptom of the twigging century quickly passes after normalization of the day mode, receiving soothing funds. Support the calm state of the nervous system, engage in yoga, pilates, please contact a psychologist if necessary.

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